Woman's Home Journal


Woman's Home Journal
The National Federation of the Women's Clubs of the Philippines.
Issue Date
Volume XVII (Issue no. 27) June 30, 1947
National Federation of the Women's Clubs of the Philippines.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
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extracted text
I 0 M A N'S 0 \l E, SubAMubfi Jo Jh& WOMAN'S HOME JOURNAL OUT TWO TIMES A MONTH! Good, Bad, or Indifferent Weather, You Will Receive This Monthly Of Progressive Women & Men As Soon As It Is Off The Press, Anywhere. IF YOU ARE PLEASED WITH THIS ISSUE OF WHICH WE HAVE NO DOUBTS, YOU WILL FIND MORE PLEASURE IN READING THE ISSUES TO COME. OUR EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS, TOP-FLIGHT WRITERS ALL OF THEM, AIRE PREIPARING MATERIALS THAT WILL GIVE YOU THE LATEST IN THOUGHT-PROVOKING ISSUES, THE BEST IN SHORT STORIES, AND UP-TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS AND FASHION PICS. And If You Want Your Friends To Share With You The Joy Of Reading This Magazine And At The Same Time Receive Handsome Dividends For The Little Time You Will Spare, We Are Inviting You To Get In Touch With Our Circulation Manager And Ask For Particulars Concerning Our Subscription Commission Plan. CLIP THIS COUPON TODAY AND MAIL I T TO US TOGETHER WITH THE NECES­ SARY REMITTANCE! The Circulation Dept. WOMEN’S PUBLISHERS, INC., 1055 Soler, Manila Gentlemen: Please send the WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL to ..................... of ............................ for the payment of which I hereby enclose the amount of (money order or check or cash by registered mail). Please start the subscription with the . issue. Name Of Sender Address SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year (24 issues) ....................1’6.00 2 Years (48 issues) ................. P11.00 (Subscription rates for the United States & other countries double these rates.) WOMAN'S HOME JOURNAL (Official Organ of the National Federation of Women’s Clubs) • iiii'iiniiiiiii]iiiiiii]iiiim!iiiHimiinii)iiiiiiiiimilililliiiiiiiiiiiii: VOI, XVII No. 28 JUNE 30, 1947 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllll is Board of Editors Trinidad Fernandez-Legarda Paz Policarpio-Mendez Geronima T. Pecson Enriqueta R. Benavides • Managing Editor Minerva G. Laudico • Associate Editors Paciencia Torre-Guzman Soledad H. Leynes • Advertising Manager F.‘A. 'Fuentecilla Cover Portrait by BOB’S THIS FORTNIGHT’S ISSUE By PACIENCIA TORRE-GUZMAN This Fortnight’s Issue ............................................. 3 Home, School Of Virtue......................................... 4 Luz Alzona-Zafra The Filipino Woman Lawyer ••.................. 5 Cecilia Munoz-Palma The Beggar — (Short Story) .............................. 6 Eleuterio L. Abueg Our Mediocre Movies........................................•••■ 8 Wilfrido Maria Guerrero Rajah Sulayman and The Tarabusao ........ 9 Maximo Ramos THE June Bride on our cover is Emily Cam­ pos of the well-known Campos family of Manila. The lucky fellow is H. L. Lockhart who has now sailed off with his prize acquisition to his homeland. If you are a society-page addict you must have seen the picture of the couple and if you think you never saw a finer pair ‘you have no quarrel with a lot of readers we know. .You must have also made a mental note of the bridal gown very unique with its front peplum flaring out like a huge lily petal. The cover portrait is by Bob’s. HAVE you read the Woman’s Home Journal issue before this? June 15. We took leave to ask because down here at the editorial rooms mo­ mentous things have happened — all on account of that blessed issue. People have been drop­ ping in to let off steam, re Exhibit “A”. Au­ thor Melchor P. Aquino has taken to cover for the nonce, in the interest of the Evening News which is not quite ready to go. fishing for an•tfher city editor should something happen to M.P.A. You see, he has been hurled at with neat little grenades for his “unselfish views” in behalf of the women.■ It is a great comfort to know of men like Struthers Burt who recently wrote: “When I hear a man say they like and admire women, my respect for him increases. I say to myself ‘this fellow has learned some­ thing’.” Wouldn’t the politicians like to learn something? (Continued on page 34) A Fresh Horse (Short Story; .............................. '10 Rachel Aim Fish The Filipinos Are Not Yet Nutrition-Minded 12 Dr. Regino Padua, Dr. Isabelo Concepcion, Dr. Juan Salcedo In What Way Can Women Help ••Pull” Prices Down? .............. • ■................. 14 Nieves Baens-del Rosario What Is Tuberculosis? 15 Dr. Soledad Arciaga-^lorendo U. S. Handcraft .................................................•••• 16 Fashion Tips To Teen-agers...................■ •........... 17 June Brides (Fashions) 18-19 Household Notes ....................................................... 20 Cooking ........ 22 Child Care .................................................................. 24 ’Seems To Me .. • • ..................................................... 30 Pia Mancia Martha Ellen Tinman ................................ 32 (USIS) imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii The “Woman’s Home Journal” is edited and published by the Women’s Publishers, Inc., at 1055 Soler, Ramon Roces Bldg., Manila, Philippines. Telephone: 8-64-23. Entered as second class matter at the Manila Post Office on July 10, 1946. Subscription Rales: 1 year (24 issues) P6.00; 6 months (12 issues) P3.00; 2 years (42 if sues) PH.0^. For .foreign countries double these rates. IT. IS a generally admitted fact that the home plays a vital r<»tc in the development of characterOne writer speaks of the home as the “chief school of all virtues.” Another, F. E. Bolton claims that the home is “the most patent fac­ tor in determining character.” The explanation for this fact is of course quite obvious. It is in the home where the foundations of one’s moral being are laid. Here, the child is exposed to in­ fluences, sustained and pervasive, at a time when he is most impres­ sionable. What he acquires during this stage in the way of traits of character and personality are like­ ly to remain within throughout life. In the words of Bolton, “the kinds of honesty, chivalry, altru­ ism which one possesses are large­ ly the ones gained by the home fireside. The religious beliefs, ideals, attitudes, and largely the reljgious practices which we cling to through life are the ones gain­ ed at mother’s “knee.” The home is, as it were, a workshop Dr. Gabriel R. Mahalac of the national council on education, is sho'.vn delivering, a speech before the Philippine Association of col­ leges and Universities which opened its list educational conference at the Arellano Hall of the Far Eastern University. Others appear­ ing in the picture are (from left to right) Bishop Mariano Madrtaga of Lingayen, who pronounced ‘the invocation, tyr. Leoncio B. Mtmzon, acting president of the FEU, Mayor Valeriano Fugoso, and Director Jose Hernandez of ithe Jose Rizal College. part of a program of character and civic training in the home in­ volves the improvement along cer­ tain lines of the parents them­ selves. First of all, the parents must show decisive improvement in good manners and right con­ duct. Moreover, it is essential that they acquire knowledge of child psychology to enable them to solve properly with understanding and sympathy the many problems affecting their children which constantly arise at home. Apart from this, parents need to know the fundamental laws of learning which govern all habit formation and learning processes. Lastly, it is essential that parents under­ stand and appreciate the influence of home life and home surround­ ings upon the life of the child. Perhaps, it is too much to ex­ pect, that our homes should come up to these conditions. The task of improving the character of par­ ents and broadening their knowl­ edge as a means of insuring wholesome and desirable upHOME, Sch ool of Virtue where the child’s personality takes definite and more or less perma­ nent forin. The home bears much of the re­ sponsibility for the social beha­ vior of its members. Home envi­ ronment is generally reflected in the way an individual acts in the community. One American writer after making a study of honest and dishonest childien, remarked: “The homes from which the worst offenders came might be chAacterized as exhibiting bad parental example, parental dis­ cord, bad d.scipline, unsocial atti­ tudes toward children, impoverish­ ed and changing economic or social situation.” The homes from which the more honest Children came re­ vealed the opposite of these con­ ditions. It may. be. interesting to know, in the light of these facts, the hopie backgrounds of those of our youth who have been involved in juvenile delinquency. I am not sure whether a thorough study has been made of this phase of the problem of juvenile delinquency here. Such.a study, I dare say, may reveal many things about the home life of our juvenile delin­ quents which would substantiate the claim that unwholesome home By LUZ ALZONA-ZAFRA UNDER PROPER DIRECTION AND WITH THE HELP OF OTHER INSTITUTIONS, THE AVER­ AGE FILIPINO HOME, WITH THE OPPORTUNI­ TIES AND MATERIALS IT POSSESSES, CAN CONTRIBUTE . SUBSTANTIALLY TO THE BUILDING UP. OF A GREAT NATION conditions are a patent factor in the driving of many young people to acts of delinquency and crim­ inality. It goes without saying that the primary thing to have in any plan for character and civic education is a wholesome home environment. We must have in our homes those conditions of family life which are highly conducive to the develop­ ment in our youth of good man­ ners and right conduct. We know what these conditions are. Fore­ most and basic among them is the presence of good and loving par­ ents, who know what constitutes good character and who are them­ selves models of virtue. For it is axiomatic that if we wish our children to be honest, orderly, co­ operative, punctual, courteous, tolerant, appreciative and generous in spirit, we must be these things ourselves. For the power of sug­ gestion and imitation with chil- been stated that an dren is well nigh irresistible. As Germane and Germane have well stated, “From the beginning of life, the child is copying the sights and sounds about him. Rudeness begets rudeness, deceit begets de­ ceit just as surely as gentleness begets gent'eness and truthfulness begets truthfulness.” Moreover, it is a fundamental condi­ tion that parents should know how to deal with problems and situa­ tions in the home in a manner most conducive to the formation of good character in their chil­ dren. It is because, in the nature of their position, parents are their children’s first teachers and as such should know not only how to deal with children but also how to create in the home desirable sit­ uations and settings in which to foster the formation of good hab­ its. It follows from what has just important bringing of their children is in­ deed a complicated and quite dif­ ficult undertaking. For it involves instructions on a large scale of adults not only in moral and reli­ gious philosophy but also in child psychology and in principles of educat’on. Considering the fact that facilities for this kind of adult training are very inadequate, and the further fact that adults generally find it hard to learn new things and to break away from established habits and ideals, such a task really presents a problem of great magnitude. Such a task, however, is not an impos­ sible one. Agencies and organiza­ tions exist which can contribute something to its accomplishment — church, parent-teacher associa­ tions, adult education classes, community assemblies, religious, social, business and fraternal or­ ganizations, etc. Parent-teacher association can be made useful centers, for the moral and cultural improvement of parents. In their meetings with teachers, parents can get valua­ ble instruction and training from competent and qualified persons on things th-it are of vital inter­ est to them as parents. Matters (Continued on page 29) PAGE 4 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL The Filipino Woman Lawyer A blind-folded woman with scales on one hand and a sword on the other has been since time immemorial and still is the symbol of Justice in a world of Man. Who conceived this BEAU­ TIFUL idea and how it was con­ ceived, no one knows. But the fact is that no symbol could be more significant and more un­ derstanding, relentless in aveng­ ing a wrong that has been done but equally eager to liberate the innocent so that it be not said that an innocent man was made the victim of justies and the law. Woman, therefore, is akin to the interests of justice and it is but natural that she pursue the path that leads to the altar of law, justice and equity. Hence, it is not extraordinary for a woman to take up the career of law and be invested with author­ ity and be given the noble task to defend rights, redress wrongs, champion the oppressed, and pro­ tect the ignorant, in short, to impart the blessings of law to her fellowman. In the Philippines, the first Filipino woman to pioneer in the field of law and to open to the Filipino women the doors to the beauty and mystery of this noble career was Maria Francisco Villaseran in 1913. Since her time more and more women became in­ terested in the study of law so that at the present time we have actually registered in the Roll of By CECILIA MUnOZ PALMA Local Portia Answers The Tirade ’’HANGGANG BAR LAMANG” With Disarming Candor woman lawyer graces with her presence the halls of our legisla­ tive body, because the highest position in the judiciary achieved by the Filipino woman lawyer is the Judgeship of the Municipal Court of Manila. If by success we mean, if we women lawyers have made a name for ourselves in the legal world through years of practice before our courts, then we are a sore disappointment because there are only a few of us who have struggled and are still struggling to make a name in the practice of the law profession. But before you smile, my dear male col­ leagues, and say “I told you so, these women lawyers are no good”, examine first the root, the cause of all these failures and when you have done that you don’t be able to smile and you would rather say “These women lawyers are admirable taking in­ to consideration that they have held their ground, achieved their present achievements in spite of the handicaps and obstructions that have been thrown in their ■Lawyers of our Supreme Court 291 women attorneys. Of this number 3 have copped the first place in the bar examinations with admirable ratings. And there is still an increasing inter­ est in the , profession of law among our younger women who are eager to pursue higher edu­ cation and intellectual attainment. But now we come face to face with the question: Is the Filipino woman a success in the law ca­ reer? If by success we mean, if we the woman lawyers earn thousands of pesos as attorney’s fees from rich clients and big in­ terests in the business world, then we are not a success for I know of no woman lawyer who has ac­ cumulated wealth from the prac­ tice of her profession. If by success we mean, if we women lawyers occupy high res­ ponsible positions in the govern­ ment, either in the executive, le­ gislative or judicial branch, then we are total sad failures because no woman lawyer heads any Bu­ reau much less any Department of the Executive, because no path by no other than their male colleagues in the profession and by their own Government.” For, if we are failures, in that we do not hold responsible posi­ tions in the Government particu­ larly in the Judiciary, the blame lies on the men at the head of our Government who years ago could have singled out women lawyers of brilliant scholastic re­ cords, and there were not a few, and guided and trained them for a judicial career. The jurists of today started from humble be­ ginnings; but they achieved their present greatness through hard work, study, possessing a natural brilliant mind, but above all through the faith that was re­ posed on them by the Govern' ment and the consequent golden oportunities that were laid on their path. A woman of intellect can stand side by side with a man of equal intelligence; but if the chance to grow, to develop, and to expand that intellect is given only to the man, then the poor woman however brilliant she may be will naturally fade out of the picture and her brilliance will be nipped in the bud before nw as even given a tiny chance to grow. It is true that two or three of our women lawyers have been appointed Justices of the Peace, but to what places have they been appointed ? To places where (Continued on page 17) Three-fourths of the Indies in this croup nre lawyers. Do they look like failures? The photogi* ph was taken at the house of Pacita <le los Reyes on the occasion of the investiture <lt the lady solon Remedies Ozainis-Fortich. JUNE 30, 1917 PAGE 5 His head was bent, his eyes down cast-. . . THE BEGGAR ORNINGS, on my way to work, I saw him, sitting on the sidewalk, his hand outstretched in a monotonous—rather awkward way. Maybe it was on account of his age that he could not reach out his hand the way other beggars could. It was a wrinkled hand, stiff and expressionless, like a dead man’s. It was an old man’s hand—weary and tired—and the very sight of it would suggest a stark resignation to a life that he in his state was living. There was nothing solicituous about him as he sat there quiet­ ly, his frail body leaning against the stone wall, his head bent and his eyes downcast. His left hand hugged a large straw bag inside which was a long cane, towering halfway above his head. I like to think of the simple dignity and abandon that he suggested. Inci­ dentally enough, it was the kind generally uncommon among beg­ gars. Ask yourself, your friend or neighbor what a beggar ought to be if he is to become successful in his trade. More or less, the answer would be that he must be able to put up some kind of show in order to attract people. There was a mendicant I knew with a bad limb who walked with a rather funny drag. The day he came, Jack, my pet dog, happened to be on the loose. Jack went after him, whereupon the poor fellow ran so fast like a normal being. All the while, we were laughing out loud, and the beggar did not bother to come back anymore, obviously for fear that we were going to call him phony. I am no beggar, but I know it is the way a beggar holds out his hand,—how he looks, what he says and how he says them and how he puts little sympathy and pity—that bring in the alms. I said trade because beon some acts intended to arouse By ELEUTERIO L. ABUEG garring also requires skill and technique, like for instance, archi­ tecture, engineering and medicine. The first time I saw this beg­ gar and noted his simple dignity and seeming indifference, thought of my friend Pete. “Beggars are also people,” told Pete once and I. meant very well by that. i We were in a restaurant when a beggar interrupted our coffee­ drinking session. Pete angrily mo­ tioned her away with a violent wave of his arm, and the poor creature, an old woman of about fifty, all but dashed out of the place on all fours. She held a PAGE 6 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL The Poet To His Daughter What can the poet say to this small face That looks up through the twilight at his own And reaches with its dark eyes to erase All he has ever thought or been or known? What can he answer to her dreams, that speak The timid, hopeful questions of the1 young: Why am I here, so little and so meek? Why have I freckles and a wiggly tongue? Why do I laugh when we are having fun? Why do you hug and kiss me when I cry? Why do I rock my dolly in the sun And look up quickly when a boy goes by? What can I say to keep her unafraid, Whom God and the girl I love and I have made? THOMAS SUGRUE trembling hand over her face as if to protect it from an impend­ ing blow. Then she quietly slipped out of Our sight. “These beggars are a pest,” Pete said, his brow forming into a frown. “I guess, that’s cruel of you, Pete,” I said solemnly. ■ "That’s what you think,” he said, his voice reproachful. “Just wait till you encounter one but­ ting into your private moments, shoving his dirty hand under your nose!” I got Pete’s point and the con­ trast occured to me. He was about sixty years old, more or less. His hair was ashgray. He looked well-groomed and neat in spite of his rags and the beard, which obviously had not been shaved for days, but which in its uniform growth, looked trimmed, anyhow. He did not seem to want to say a word at all. Once I saw him open his mouth in a whisper, but the words were out­ done by the noise of passing ve­ hicles and the hubub of the city street. He never seemed to want to look at people passing by, but once I saw him cast his eyes at' a young man. I was following close behind. For a long moment his gaze followed the passing fig­ ure. Then I met his eyes. They were sad, black eyes—round and beautiful—which gave his hard, weather-beaten face a soft lustre. I dropped on his palm a fifty centavo piece—an extravagant de­ parture from the five-centavo fare I had been according him most of the time. His face lit up with gratitude, and his lips trembled as they formed the words, “Thank you, son. God bless you.” I nodded in acknowledgement. Since then, I had seen and met a lot of him. Late afternoons, coming from work after a bpsy day, we took the same bus home. He told .me his name was Alejan­ dro Lontok—Andoy for short. I called him Lolo. He never asked my name. He called me Hijo in a tone so sincere and affection­ ate that anybody within hearing distance would think I was really his son. I liked the way he called me Hijo, and I did not mind be­ ing mistaken for his son. He lived somewhere on the Pasay-Manila border. I specifically never knew where. Every time we parted, he would whisper, “Take care of yourself, Hijo.” Then he would foVow the little street: which he said, led to his shack. Now and then, until I turned to tl.e next corner, he would look back and wave. Once I asked him why he had to go very fat out of l.is place to beg. Pasay is nearrer than Hidalgo, I said, and the forme’* is as good a place to bev: as any in Manila or thereabouts. “I have a reason for choosing that place,’ he said seriously. "My son used to work in that printing press across the street, you know.” His eyebrows lifted in a questioning gesture, as if to ask if I knew the place. I remem­ bered that small printing shop and I nodded. "I know someday Jose will come back to work there.” He added that it was the only way that he could see his son again. Their house was destroyed by fire and Jose did not know where he lived now. “Where is Jose?”’ I asked with no little anxiety. “He joined a merchant ship two years ago,” he said faintly. From inside his bag, he took out a pho­ tograph and handed it to me. "That’s him,” he said, beaming proudly. I looked intently at the frail­ looking, curly-haired young man in the picture. I felt a lump in my throat. “I think I had met him before,” I said, trying to sound casual. The old man’s face brightened. “He was with a friend, when he left—a neighbor of ours, but the friend returned two days after and told me that Jose was already enroute to America as a merchant marine.” Now thdre was a hurt look in his eyes. “Of course, I was glad when I learned that he had gone to America. He had always dreamt of going there. someday.” Then he sighed heavily. “But one thing I regret very much is that he did not even bid me goodbye,” he added, his voice sounding like he was going to cry. “I’m sure I had seen your son somewhere,” I said. “If he has a scar on the right check... and a gold tooth—’’ “That’s right,” he cut in. "That is my son, Jose...” That’s right. He was the curlyhaired chap, sick-Iooking, tired and ready to give up. He kept open­ ing his mouth now, and then in a vain attempt to speak, but he could not say a word. He shook his head and with some effort, he blurted. “It is no use, Sancho. I can’t go any further.” "But you must try, Joe,” said the husky fellow. “It’s no time to give up now.” He looked at, me searchingly and I nodded. There were three of us, lying flat on our bellies under the aban­ doned Jap army truck. I had join­ ed the two at the last minute, at a time when I, myself, was ready to face whatever outcome there was. It <was the time in one’s life when you just don’t care what comes. You know something is going to happen any minute and you just want it to happen right away and get the whole thing over with. The husky fellow had a big kit­ chen knife in his pocket. “It’s going to be fifty-fifty,” he said gritting his teeth. "Either I get one of them or they get me.” Some ten meters ahead of us was a stone wall. “We’ll make it.... we’ll make it,” the husky fellow said. “I’ll- try...” the curly-haired chap said faintly. My ear was pinned to the ground for any approaching foot steps. There was silence all around, save for the dull and distant noise of shelling somewhere in the north. Suddenly, from somewhere behind came shrieks of women and children. A big masculine voice cried, “Run... run...!” And there was a mad rush toward the stone wall. I heard a frantic voice calling close behind, “Come on, Joe... come on...” There was no time to waste. Everyone for his own self was the rule. “Poor Joe...” the husky fel­ low said, as he drove into the dug­ out. We were both badly shaken and panting for breath. “Poor Joe...” I said, handing the picture to the old man. He looked me over critically, but I evaded his eyes. “Did you apply for merchant marine, too?” the old man asked, his voice ringing with expecta­ tion. . "No,” I said, “I did not apply for merchant marine,” my voice sounding uncontrollably sad and weary. JUNE 30. 1947 PAGE 7 Qua THejdiocfn |T IS extremely sad that our lo1 cal movies are so mediocre. Though we can proudly boast that many of our movie actors and actresses, if properly coached and directed, can compare with the majority of Hollywood stars, and though most of our movie studios and companies possess the latest Hollywood cameras and sound equipment,- we haven’t produced yet, let’s be frank about it, a mo­ vie good enough to command the attention and the respect of the outside world. In fact, we haven’t made a mo­ vie that will interest the average high school student in Manila. So far, in the over twenty years that the local movie industry started, we have made only ex­ tremely bad, bad, and mediocre movies. And I don’t mean such dull Hol­ lywood products like None but the Lonely Heart (written and direct­ ed by Clifford Odets, one of Amer­ ica’s best known playrigths), or Enchanted Cottage, or The Red House. No, I mean something simple and human and interesting like The Green Years, or even like Monogram’s Suspense. Somebody will of course tell me that some of our movie products have been shown, with good fi­ nancial returns, in the outside world—some countries in the Far East anyhow, including Hollywood which got interested in Zamboan­ gaZamboanga, they tell me, wa • shown in several parts of the United States. Was the American reception to Zamboanga very warm and enthu­ siastic? I don’t know. Unless somebody corrects me, I don’t re­ member seeing raving press noti­ ces of it in Hollywood magazines, or any American magazine for that matter. The main fault with Zamboan­ ga, and this is the fault of all Filpino pictures, is its mediocre screenplay. A picture is only as good as jts screenplay. Like its theatrical counterpart, “The play’s the thing,” so the same axiom holds true for movies: “The screenplay is the thing.” Even all the Hollywood male and female stars cannot make a bad screenplay come to life on the screen. Least of all in the box­ office. Japanese domination—may be for­ given in the ignorant script writ­ ers whose readings, I’m sure, are confined to certain foreign authors and novelists very few read now, except out of curiosity. But when our socalled intelli­ gent writers, in making movie scripts, also borrow, beg, or steal from foreign sources, then the fault is even greater. While it is true that there are only about 30 situations from which a writer .can conceive a plot, it is also true that all art is an experience seen through a temper­ By WILFRIDO MARIA GUERRERO Filipino plots, so far, have been either the trivial, transparent plot of rich-boy-marries-rich-girl, or vice versa, without any original va­ riations or twists; or blatant imi­ tations from Hollywood pictures or successful Broadway stage plays. This deplorable Filipino habit of lack of of-iginality, of imitating and copying from foreign sources —an aftdrmath of three hundred years of Spanish, American, and ament. Why can’t our screen writers display a little more originality? Why can’t they portray human beings in human situations, de­ picting in thought, word, and feel­ ing, the psychology of our people? While in form and content the screenplay differs, in some re­ spects, from a stage play, the dif­ ference, however, isn’t very far nor wide. But in the majority of cases, a person who writes a good .4 typical scene in a local movie. In this LVN’s “IKAW AY AKIN,” Rebecca Cronzales. Jaime de la Rosa, Binbo Danao and Banahav? Sevilla are definitely at ease. screenplay must p®r se also know how to write a good stage play. For the rules, in both forms, are the same. Exposition, smooth and natural continuity of situation and action, characterization, dialogue, the cru­ cial point, the climax, etc.—all equally true both in playwriting and in screenwriting. I’ve talked with many movie actors and stars, all players who are earnest and sincere in their art, who tell me frankly, “Fred­ die, your criticisms of our local movies, while they have enraged some of our movie producers, are very true. Our stories are posi­ tively silly and childish. We know it ourselves, but we can’t do anything about it, because producers just buy stories from old-fashion­ ed writers.” Our movie actors, unlike Holly­ wood’s, can’t afford to choose their stories. But when they themselves admit that the stories they appear in are nonsensical and unnatural, then producers- and directors should stop pretending to be blind, and wake up! Some of our movie directors, who are more intelligent and edu­ cated than the rest, could, if they had the courage, the patience, and the integrity, produce some pic­ tures that would interest the aver­ age Filipino high school student who,’after all, when you add (hem together, make quite a big num­ ber in our country. But these di­ rectors haven’t done anything to prove that their education, train­ ing, and reading weren’t wastedIn a Filipino movie made in English, shown recently, there was a souvenir program in which was the biographical sketch of its director. The last line said: “To those who understand his art, Di­ rector So-and-So is a genius.” My gawd, one doesn’t talk about being a genius. One proves it. (Continued on page 29) PAGE 8 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL * * * * -k -r ¥*-* * ★ * ** y * ¥ * > A Moro Folktale RAJAH SULAYMAN was only a small boy when his father the Sultan of Agama-Niog, died. Rajah Sulayman went to live with Sultan Sambandar, his father’s brother. There he grew up with his cousin, a boy who differed from him greatly in his ways. Ra­ jah Sulayman won the love of all the children in the neighborhood, but his cousin was liked by none. Sultan Sambandar and his wife saw the difference between their son and their nephew. They feared that when the boys grew up, Ra­ jah Sulayman would be chosen sultan by the people instead of their less popular sen. So they decided to take the life of their nephew. Fortunately, a wise old wom­ an, Ina-a-Kabaian, one of Rajah Sulayman’s faithful slaves, divin­ ed the plot and forewarned her young master. Upon her advice, Rajah Sulayman returned to his late father’s home in secrecy. There he gathered the wise men of his sultanate and desired them to rule his people wisely and well. Suddenly, even while he was talking to the old men, his cousin arrived. He ran to Rajah Sulay­ man, embraced him and said, “Why did you leave without tell­ ing me?” “I am sorry for leaving you as I did, cousin,” said Rajah Sulay­ man. “But if I told you of my plans, I knew you would come with me. Then you would cause your parents much grief, for their love for you is great.” Rajah Sulayman’s cousin saw the chiefs gathered in the palace and inquired what was the occa­ sion for the gathering. “They merely came to report to me about their respective dis­ tricts,” said Rajah Sulayman. But the other saw the men get­ ting a boat ready at the beach and he asked his cousin why he was hiding this sea voyage from him. Rajah Sulayman told him that he was going out to seek his fortune, and his cousin begged so hard to go with him that finally Rajah Sulayman relented and said: “Go and get your men and your boat. We shall start when the sun is directly overhead.” The cousin went home in all haste and readied his boat and his men. But no sooner had he left than Rajah Sulayman set sail. “His parents will hate me all the more if I allow their son to come with me,” he told his men. Against his father’s wishes, the iher sailed to Agama-Niog only to find that Rajah Sulayman had left. At once he set out after his cousin. There was a hot pursuit .nd finally he overtook Rajah Su­ layman. He embraced his cousin and said, “Why did you deceive me ?” “Between deceiving you and displeasing your parents, cousin,” replied Rajah Sulayman, “I could not choose the latter.” The two boats sailed together for many days, and then their Rajah Sulayman and The Tarabusao By MAXIMO RAMOS provisions were used up. Rajah Sulayman ordered one of his men to climb to the top of the mast to look for smoke. "For where there is smoke,” he said, “there is fire. And where there is fire, there is food.” The man climbed, and saw a col­ umn of smoke rising from the sea. Rajah Sulayman, when lie was told about the smoke, ordered the men to steer the boat towards the place; and when they reached the spot, everybody was amazed to find an abyss in the water Ra­ jah Sulayman gatherer a!) the rope they could find lie joined these end to end, tied one end to his waist, and told his men to let him down into the abyss. His cousin said, “Allow me to go down instead of you.” “No, my cousin,” said Rajah Sulayman. “For if you perish, vour parents will break their hearts. I have neither mother nor father to mourn for me io case (Continued on page 26) FACE 9 JUNE 30, 1947 Wedgwood Vases, Stuffed Coyotes—Who Says You Can’t Eat Them, If You’ll Swallow Your Pride As An Appetizer? I HAD just finished setting B Johnny Smith’s arm, sent him on his way, and was cleaning my fingernails with a pocket knife, when Judith, my wife, came into the office. Judith had never before come downtown without cleaning up, but this morning she still wore a house dress. “What the heck is the matter with you?” I asked, closing up the knife. “Sam,” she exclaimed, “I want $100.” "So do 1,” I came back, grin­ ning. "Sam, I’m serious,” she said, as she sat down. “Those Wedgwood vases! The girls have decided to sell them. They’ve given me first chance!” When anyone in Redwater re­ ferred to “the girls” they meant the Porter sisters. Though Abby, Jean and Sue would never see 60 again. Their home stood on a little knoll at the end of Pine Street. That twenty-room house was the reflection of two clashing person­ alities, for amongst his wife’s Chippendale,' Newton Porter, in his day, had interspersed every type of stuffed fauna that ever inhabited the plains. Throughout Newton’s lifetime his wife had fought like a wild­ cat to keep the animals out, with­ out success, but after his death she had forbidden a thing to be touched, and even went so far as to state in her will that none of the trophies of her husband should be disposed of. So the girls lived on, battling 'it out with the moths in the large house at the end of Pine Street. “Well?” Judith demanded. “So you want a hundred dol­ lars to buy some of the Porter junk,” I said. “It isn’t junk,” Judith retorted. “Those vases are valuable. Bessie, Nan and Ruth would give their eye-teeth ,for them.” “That should be a fair ex­ change," I stated blandly. Judith passed her hand over her dark hair. Her grey eyes had a tragic look. “Really,” she sighed, “if anyone else gets‘those vases, I’ll simply die!” This dumbness on my part was giving me a chance to think and often,” Judith said- “I know a hundred dollars sounds like a lot for a pair of vases. But they are Wedgwood. They would look si in­ dy heavenly on the mantel in our iving room.” I put the knife on the end of ,my finger and balanced it there. “Put that knife away!” Judith xclaimed. “Will you give me the money ?” The telephone rang then, and I turned to answer it. The Jensons were about to have their fifth child. "I must go on a confinement to the Jensons’,” I said. “We’ll dis­ cuss this later.” I let Judith off at our house on the way to the Jensons’. I was thinking the girls were harder up than anyone dreamed or they wouldn’t be peddling any of their possessions. I turned the pocket knife around in my palm, feeling a sort of deep resentment inside. The last few months Judith and her friends had been clamoring a lot about the Porter antiques. It irked me to think of Judith, Nan and the rest of them picking the bones of the Porter menaire. "I don’t ask for anything very A Fresh By RACHEL At one time their father’s out­ fit had been the biggest spread in Redwater County; his money, Redwater itself. The girls were proud, and it didn’t seem possible that the Porter money had run out- I felt maybe I was getting worked up over nothing. However, I dropped into the Horse ANN FISH Redwater National Bank. Hugh Fountain was president, and I went to his office. “Hugh,” I said. “I want to know within reason ho\l’ much the g:ris l ave in the bank.” Ill gh looked up. “What's the matter, Doc?” "I asked first,” I reminded him. “The Porters haven’t any mon­ ey in this bank since the old lady pulled out. Money doesn’t last forever. Trips around the world every year can be expensive.” He leaned back in his chair. “What’s up?” he asked. “You never poke your nose into people’s business without reason. Give!” “I’m just curious. It’s nothing “If you’d collect for the other four Jensons,” was her parting •'hrust, "you might not have to hink twice about a hundred dol­ lars.” I chuckled as I drove off. That was Judith for you. Before sun­ down she would be at the Jen­ sons’ with a cartload of stuff. As I brought a nine-pound boy into the Jensons’ poor but clean home, I kept thinking about the girls. really.” I was nearly to the door when Hugh said, “As hellish as the old lady treated me, if the girls need anything, count me in.” As I closed the door to Hugh’s office, I couldn’t help recalling when Newton Porter sat there. A huge man he was, who didn’t al­ ways keep his banking in confi­ dential channels. Not that he blabbed, but when old Newton got mad or excited, he shouted. I re­ membered once long ago when I’d gone in to do some banking, I’d heard him yell, “Done for, man? What you talking about? No cowman’s done for, so long as he can get a fresh horse!” ' I started back to my office. At the corner instead of going on down to my office, I turned and went across the street to the Star Market and Grocery. I cornered George Canter, the owner. “George,” 1 asked, “do the girls still trade with you?”, “I’ve been worried for two months,” he replied. “They paid their bill up two months ago and they haven’t been in the store since. Reckon I could have made them mad?” “They are pretty touchy,” I hedged. George looked up at me. “You’re an awful liar, Doc,” he said, “and so am I. You’re think­ ing the same thing I am. All the money the Porters have spent with me over the years! Why, I’d gladly carry them as long as they live. But Doc, they’re proud! Send them a grubstake and they’d slam the door in yonr face I’ve- been lying awak^ nights trying to fig­ ure an angle1.” I’ll try to figure the angle,” T told him. “You just keep this on the q.t.” “You bet,” George agreed. “I’d do anything for the girls. Their PAGE 10 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL daddy lent me the money to start up in business.” Well, that settled it, I thought. They didn’t even have money to buy groceries. How like them to have paid their bill! I drove slow­ ly up Pine Street toward the Por­ ter house. For Redwater to lose that house and the Porter girls would be like losing the courthouse or the first settler’s cabin. The Porter money had made Redwater what it was. Now, I wondered, how could Red­ water help out? I got out of the car and looked up at the old house. Back in the days before primary elections, more than one man had gos him­ self elected governor at those meetings among the stuffed elk and deer. I squared my shoulders and marched up the walk. I went across the wide veranda and rang the round bell. The frosted pane in the front door depicted a deer drinking from a woodland brook and this pictorial accomplishment was surrounded by a setting of small squares of stained glass. I couldn’t resist peeking through a pane of red glass at the buck mountain sheep that faced you as you came in the hall. I was still engaged in this chil­ dish pastime when Miss Sue op­ ened the door. "Oh, come in, Dr. Evans,” she said. “You’ve, come about the va­ ses.” Sue was the youngest of the sisters. She was the smallest of the girls. She ushered me between two antelope in the large drawing room and raised the blind. I couldn’t help thinking what a wonder this house would be to tourists. They would eat it up. But for tourists to have entered this holy of holies would have turned Mrs. Porter over in her grave. “There are the vases," Sue said. “The ones on the mantel. They be­ longed to Lady Canfield. She gave them to Mamma when we were in England in 1901. They are sail to have been made in 1765.” “I shouldn’t th>nk you’d want to sell them,” I said. “Mrs. Evans has always admir­ ed them so much,” Miss Sue said in an offhand manner, "and with so much stuff we’ll never miss them. Come into Mamma’s sit­ ting room. The girls are around there.” The girls always said “Mam­ ma’s this” and “Mamma’s that” as if Mrs. Porter still lived there with them. The sitting room was pleasant. You could tell this was where they spent most of their leisure time- It was sunny and fairly well cleared of wild life. Miss Abby and Miss Jean greeted me and passed the time of day. I sat down, and I couldn’t find my tongue. Now that I was here I began to feel like seven kinds of fool. I was afraid I could never say what I’d come to say. I felt there was nothing to do but pay for the vases and leave as soon as possible. They were three sweet women, really. I couldn’t hurt them, no matter how good my intentions. A shame there wasn’t more of old Newton in them, I thought. I glanced at the portrait of their mother that hung over the sitting room fireplace. The way those eyes stared down at me gave me the creeps. I'had a feeling that though she had been dead for over ten years she was still there in the room, ruling the house and the people in it, telling me to mind my own business. I took out my checkbook and fountain pen. "A hundred dollars?” I asked. It was then I had my first ink­ ling of the strain they were un­ der. There was something about the look on Miss Jean’s face, the way Miss Abby’s hand trembled, that made me see beneath their outward calm. “Miss Abby,” I said, “I have known you for a long time as your doctor and as your friend. I have an idea \4hy you are selling those vases. Believe me, I have no desire aw faute mete pfajfwufo “TIL never stop kissing you,” he will say, if you’ve J. learned the Cashmere Bouquet way to beauty. Cashmere Bouquet Lipstick will add vibrant color to your face, for there is a shade to match your com* plexion. And Cashmere Bouquet now contains Lano* lin, an ingredient which softens the lips and keeps them smooth and supple. Cashmere Bouquet Lipstick will stay on for hours too. Use a matching shade of Cashmere Bouquet Rouge. It brings out the youthful color in your skin. Then complete your glamour with Cashmere Bouquet’s perfumed toiletries for Omit ’’The Fragrance Men Love.” „ gKiW xw113 to meddle in your personal affairs, but if there is any advice or help I might give you, I’d be glad to.” A silence met my words. “I’m afraid I’m doing this badly,” I apologized, “but I want to help.” Miss Abby stirred uneasily in her chair. Miss Sue cleared her throat. The little French clock on the mantel ticked away the sec­ onds as I waited for Miss Abby’s answer. She looked down, then up at the picture of her mother. “Dr. Evans,” she said in a cold voice, “I’m afraid you have jump­ ed at some rather strange conclu­ sions. I told my sisters we were making a mistake in offering the vases to Mrs. Evans. I’m sorry, Dr. Evans, but the vases are no longer for sale.” My ears were burning. I put my checkbook away, but when I got to my feet, I, too, looked at the picture of Mrs. Newton Porter. “False pride,” I said, “can be­ come a disease just like a cancer and, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s killed more people. With all due respect to your mother don’t for­ get you had a father. A father I once heard say, ‘No cowman’s done for, so long as he can get a fresh horse.’ I wouldn’t be surpris­ ed if what you girls need now is a fresh horse.” My ears still burning, I ieft the room. Wljen I went home a little before noon, Judith sta-ted in about the vases, and I had to tell her what had happened. “Sam Evans!” she cried. “When will you stop trying, single-hand­ ed, to remedy the ills of the world? Don’t you ever give any­ one else credit for having some sense? Of course the girls are hard up. We’ve been working for months to give them a way out. We’ve been talking their things up all over the country until they would have brought fearful pri­ ces. Now you’ve spoiled every­ thing. They won’t sell a thing.” “Well, what difference did it make, then, who bought the va­ ses?” I exploded. “Sam, you’re impossible,” Jud­ ith came back. “I’d have died if the girls had offered those vases to anyone but me. I’ve always wanted them.” “I give up. I don’t get it,” I cried. But, my temper cooled down, I felt pretty low. I could see where I had gummed the works. The girls could have worked on the stuff they had from now until they were well past a hundred and never made a dent in it. I had snatched a fair secondhand busi­ ness right from under their noses. I drove down to the river and sat for awhile watching the water tumbling over the rocky bed. I figured that the Redwater River must have been flowing like that when Newton Porter first came up the Texas trail. I could see old Newton seated in the Elks Club telling of how he got his start. “All a fellow needed in those days,” he’d say, “was a long rope and a red-hot branding iron.’” (Continued on page 28) JUNG 30. 1947 PAGE 11 The Filipinos Are NOT Yet Nutrition - Minded TO BRING up to public notice the importance of nutri­ tion in the creation of a strong and healthy citizenry at the same time that the child feeding program of the Phil­ ippine War Relief (US) got under way, Town Hall Philip­ pines held a meeting last June 11 on the different phases of correct nutrition under the joint sponsorship of the Phil­ ippine Association of Nutrition whose president is Dr. Fran­ cisco Santos of the College of Agriculture of U. P. and the Association of Home Economics Clubs headed by Helen Benitez. All the speakers at that meeting, Dr. Regino Padua, undersecretary of the department of health and public wel­ fare, Dr. Juan Salcedo, Jr., of the U. S. Public Health Serv­ ice, and Dr. Isabelo Concepcion, lecturer on nutrition in the college of medicine, Santo Tomas University, agreed that the mass of Filipino people is not nutrition-conscious and therefore need education on this subject. The Philippine committee on food and agriculture, at its last meeting, decided to recommend to President Roxas the creation of a National Council of Nutrition whose functions will consist of planning, coordinating and directing all nu­ trition work that is being undertaken now by the different units of the government in order to make the nutrition campaign in the Philippines more effective. The rehabilitation of 12,000 undernourished Filipino ba­ bies and as many nursing mothers was started early this month with the distribution of strained baby foods, milk and tikitiki. The program, undertaken with the cooperation of the bureau of health, the U. S. Public Health Service in the P. I., the PRRA and social welfare agencies all over the country, calls for a 6-month intensive scientific feed­ ing through the 125 puericulture centers throughout the Philippines. PWR (U S.) Manager McCall has asked all provincial and municipal officials, local women’s clubs and social and relief agencies all over the country to contribute their ut­ most in assuring the success of this experiment in which the American government and .people are profoundly in­ terested. This feeding prop-am was made possible following the allocation to the Philippines at the close of last year of the amount of P600.000 representing the country’s share of the Emergency Food Collection made in the U.S. in behalf of starving peoples all over the world. The money was turned over to the UNRRA in Washington, which upon rep­ resentations by the Philippine government, diverted the amount into the purchase of 700 tons of strained baby foods, milk and tikitiki. The PWR (U.S.) whose Philippine head­ quarters is in San Lazaro hospital, is a private relief organ­ ization duly incorporated in the US and sponsored by lead­ ing Americans intimately associated and deeply interested in Philippine affars- Chairman of the Washington board of directors is Justice Frank Murphy, while Mission Manager James McCall is a veteran bureau of education official and American oldtimer in the Philippines. NUTRITION: A Public Health Problem By Dr. REGINO PADUA Under Secretary, Dept, of Health and Public Welfare HEALTH is maintained chiefly only physical hardship but also by adequate nutrition. Per- disease processes. If deficient nusons who are not properly nour- trition is generalized and people ished become weak to resist di- become victims of not only nutriseases. Those who are well-fed tional diseases but also other ailare usually strong physically and ments as a result of lowered viconstitutionally to withstand not tality, then a serious public health Dr. Regino Padua. problem is created. In our country, this lack of pro­ per nutrition among the masses is gauged by the existence of beriberi in great proportion. Be­ riberi is a nutritional deficiency disease common among us, ac­ quired thru the 'protracted con­ sumption of polished rice or foods deficient in vitamin B factor. It used to be and still is the 2nd disease that kills a great many people every year, the first be­ ing tuberculosis and the third, malaria. During 10 years, i.e. from 1931 to 1940, an average of 18,140 persons died yearly from beriberi 14,077 among babies and 4,063 among adults. We have ■ been taught that we can avoid beriberi by eating unpolished rice or by eating a well-balanced diet. We know what unpolished rice is, and we also know what a balanced diet consists of. School children are made familiar with these facts. Still the enormous mortality from beriberi is high. Conscious of this pressing public health problem, the Bureau of Health in 1934 created a Section of Nutrition, the function of which was to prepare informa­ tion for the field personnel to lecture to mothers and children in their house-to-house visit or in public meetings. This activity was interrupted by the war. Dur­ ing the Japanese occupation, the activities of this Section became obviously inhibited and, with the scarcity of foods at that time, many had suffered avitaminosis and a consideration number died from starvation. After the liberation, the Section of Nutrition resumed its activities, but due to lack of appropriation, it could not pro­ gress very far. So the problem still exists. The masses are not nutritionminded. They have not yet come to appreciate the value of a ba­ lanced diet and are unconcerned of the evil effects of deficient nutrition. Moreover, they may not have the means with which to buy the foods they need, both in quantity and in quality. So that the problem is not entirely a public health one; it is not en­ tirely educational; it also has an economic aspect. It would be im­ practical, if not impossible, for the State to supply the whole country with the proper foods. It would not be enough for the health and educational workers to teach the masses what to eat in order to avoid beriberi. It is necessary to provide the people with work from which they may earn a de­ cent livelihood. This phase will undoubtedly be solved by the in­ dustrialization program of His Excellency, the President. In the meantime, the solution seems to be to encouraged the people to increase food production consist­ ing not only in raising vegetables but also owning poultry farms or the like, so as to supplement the dietary deficiency. The present nutrition program of the Bureau of Health which is being carried on by its Division of Child and Maternal Health consists of the following1: (a) Establishment of twenty (20) mobile units for the purpose of educating the public on proper educational requirements and distribu­ tion of such needed food ond vitamin materials for that part of the population that require them most; (Continued on page 26J PAGE 12 WOMAN’S BOMS JOURNAL FAULTY FOOD HABITS OF THE FILIPINOS AND HOW TO CORRECT THEM By ISABELO CONCEPCION, M.D. Pro/, of Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, U.S.T. THE eating habits of people are is found principally in those refor the most part traditional, gions where people eat mostly There is always a set of compre- white polished rice and very lithensible causes, among which are tie of the so-called “protective not only the mistaken nation food.” In 1940, our mortality rate about correct diets but also such of beriberi was as follows: 14,factors, as storage, cooking faci- 227 infants died of infantile berilities, income levels, etc. When beri and 4,318 adultd died of the we say an individual has “good same disease. This is the number food habits” we mean that he ha- three death-killing disease in this bitually consumes food in conf or- country. The eradication of berimity with the standards of eating beri among the Philippine Scouts to which we subscribe. This by replacing white polished rice standard is the outcome of several with undermilled rice plus beans factors, such as, traditional usage, and sweet potatoes is a striking current and past nutritional illustration of the relation of knowledge, and differences be- beriberi to white polished rice. As long as white rice is supplement­ ed by other foods rich in vitamin B complex such as green leafy vegetables, fruits and beans—its danger to health is minimized, but the trouble is that our masses do not take sufficient amounts of them with their rice. The second faulty habit of our people is the consumption of small amounts of vegetables and fruits despite the fact that this is a tropical country where vegeta­ bles and fruits abound. With ref­ erence to the eating of vegetables I wish to invite your attention also to the faulty habit of many of our people to throw the leaves which are the most nourishing part of the plant and eat only the stem, This is illustrated in the case of “kangkong” and “kintsay.” The third point I wish to com­ ment on is our faulty methods of cooking our food especially rice tween one school of nutritional and vegetables. It has been shown thought and another, and so on. by experiments that washing of The first and most important rice several times before cooking faulty habit of the Filipinos es- and throwing away the washing pecially those belonging in the leads to great losses of vitamins low income group is the eating of and minerals. Partially polished too much polished rice in their rice loses 20 P®* cent more thia* meals and very little of the so- mine than brown rice as a result called “protective foods”. Studies of washing (Miller). If 25 per on the food consumption habits cent to 30 Per cent of tbe thia’ of the Filipinos showed that rice mine is lost in milling and 20 per constitutes from 85% to 90% of cent’ the remainder, is lost in the total calories consumed daily. C0°kinS’ a total loss’ therefore of. This corresponds to about 400 to about half the original thiamine 450 gm. a day. It has been es- content results- P^tially polishtimated that 300 gm. of rice will ed rice ^definitely to be preferbe sufficient provided other foods red ,to wh\te Pohshed rice wblch such as fish, meat, vegetables and 1S, ^most lf ^mpletely devoid fruits are taken with the rice. ?f thiamme after thorough washmg and cooking because partially Beriberi is caused by a marked polished rice even after being deficiency of thiamine or vitamin washed and cooked will still furB1 in the diet. .Up to 80% of nish about 50 to 60 per cent of this vitamin is removed during its thiamine content. the process of milling “palay” to The latest advances in the sciwhite polished rice. This disease ence of nutrition has demonstratDr. Juan Salcedo, Jr. BERIBERI And Enriched Rice 100,000 people which is roughly twice the number of casualties sus­ tained by the Philippine Army in the Battle of Bataan against the enemy and in the fight against hunger and disease in .the concen­ tration camp in Capas, Tarlac. Statistics from the Bureau of Health show that beriberi today is still the number three cause of death and illness in the Philip­ pines. More people died from beri­ beri in 1946 than in 1940. What is the solution to this health prob­ lem of not only our people but of all rice-eating peoples in the world ? Beriberi is not a contagious dis­ ease and it is an easily preventa­ ble illness. It is now established ■ that beriberi is produced by a de­ ficiency of thiamin, otherwise known as Bitamin Bl in the diet. Among rice-eating populations, _ thiamine deficiency appears rapidBy JUGn Salcedo, JiT. iy if the diet is njade to consist Of the U.S. Public Health Service mainly of white rice without ade­ quate quantities of pork, beef, beans, vegetables and eggs. VitagERIBERI is a disease which is min Bl is present in brown rice responsible, for claiming the or in undermilled white rice, lives of many Filipinos more than Highly milled rice or white rice any other disease except tubercu- is practically devoid of Vitamin losis and malaria. In the five- Bl. Up to 80 per cent of this viyear period from 1936 to 1940, the tamin is removed during the pro­ reported deaths from adult and in- cess of milling brown rice to white fantile beriberi amounted to about (Continued on page 26) Dr. Isabelo Concepcion. ed that the loss of water soluble vitamins and essential minerals in vegetables depends upon the man­ ner of cooking. Oser et al have shown that when potatoes, peas, carrots and broccoli were subject­ ed to two methods of cooking: ((a) a “new improved method” with minimum quantities of water in a tightly covered pan, steaming until the vegetables were cooked, and (b) an “old fashioned” meth­ od in which large quantities of water were used, and the vegeta­ bles were boiled in a loosely cov­ ered pan and simmered until cook­ ed permitting free escape of steam, they observed that in the “old fashioned” method the aver­ age loss of vitamins was 31 per cent while in the “new improved” method was only 10 per cent. The average losses of minerals in ei­ ther case was 12 per cent and 5 per cent respectively. The impor­ tant lesson taught in this exper­ iment is that heat, water, and air are vitamin enemies and that we can minimize the loss of vitamins and minerals by using little or no water, not to boil violently, to cook in covered utensils and not to stir the vegetables while they are cooking.. It has been said with reason that man’s worse enemy is man himself, his nature, his habits, his beliefs and practices. For some psychological reason he may not yield readily to changes especial­ ly to food. Indeed, he may even revolt to the foods that science has demonstrated as necessary for good health. Our people seems to prefer to have beriberi rather than eat brown rice or unpolished rice. Is not that a paradox in this age of science ? If only food habits could be changed readily and all the newer knowledge of nutrition could be applied, the health of the nation would be easily improved. In conclusion, permit me to state that faulty food habits of Filipinos are great obstacles in the paths towards an optimum diet. Since established habits of eating are hard to change, more emphasis should be placed on de­ sirable traits in the early impres­ sionable years. The stress on proper feeding of infants and chil­ dren should be given more em­ phasis. It will soon be paying dividends in better eating habits in the younger generation. Education of the mothers as well as of the chil­ dren in the schools are very es­ sential in this respect if we want to correct these defects I have enumerated. JUNE 30, 104? >AAB 1* IN WHAT WAY CAN WOMEN HELP ‘PULL PRICES DOWN? By NIEVES BAENS del ROSARIO Chief, Woman’s Compensation Division, Department of Labor HIGH prices is also a labor country, find their way in the problem according to Dorothy sidewalks and main thoroughfares Douglas of Smith College, who of the City. said, in her contribution to the It is my personal opinion that, Encyclopedia of Social Science, with the efforts our government that when the cost of living is is exerting and by the natural high “the social classes are upset, law of economics, cost of living commercial groups thrive, while will return by itself to normalcy, creditors, salaried persons and There is little left for women to wage earners, suffer." As .in do in pulling down prices. We every democratic government, our can wage a campaign against Administration is worried about much business advertisement in the present state of thing inas- the air and in the papers because much as its principal concern is it swells production costs, aside to give happiness to the greatest from its huTting effects to our number of its population. When aesthetic sense. We should help we speak of prices, we have in in reducing house rents by setting mind cost of prime commodities, an example if we are house­ foodstuffs, clothing, fuel, light, owners. We should take a deep water and shelter. interest in discouraging a luxuHigh prices of commodities rious life of endless parties, and vital necessities of life was a beautiful clothes and expensive necessary evil since the Eliza- gems. Women should help in bethan times and the wars of Na- fostering food production campoleon and, in our own day, it is paigns by cultivating home garan aftermath of the first and dens. Prices can also be pulled second world wars. Government down by sending back to the institutions have been employing provinces people who have no various methods to fight the evil homes and visible means of supby state intervention in control- port in the City. ling prices, establishing coopera- The writers of the Elizabethan tive buying, encouraging domestic period found their themes on the production, discouraging adver- great prce revolution of the tisements, minimizing middlemen, Sixteenth Century. Perhaps our reducing house rents and adjust- women writers can also do ing wages. much for the country if they Our government is exhausting write on the subject. England all means to bring down prices tried all means to put down prices, thanks to the able leadership of Finally, she adopted the most poour President, the greatest eco- pular remedy of adjusting wages nomist in the Philippines today, to the price of corn. The adjustAlthough the cruel effects of high ment was left to the justices of cost of living cannot be curbed the peace because they were more en toto, we should be grateful to flexible than parliament. This the Administration for its far- was truly in line with Ricardo’s sightedness in tiding us over the theory that “the natural price of crisis to better days. We note labor is the price of food.” Likedecline in prices due to oversup- wise, in the Philippines, the cost ply. No longer do we see people of rice should be the basis of lining up in neighborhood asso- wages, because it is the staple ciations to get their rice rations, food of the Philippines. Everywhere we see apples or In 1941 when price was selling mangoes in the mouth of the most at P0.30 to P0.34 a ganta, a humble citizen, and the balut, our carpenter was receiving an avercountry’s delicacy, is well within age of P2.75 daily; in 1946, with the reach of many. The sight of his wage of P6.37 a day he bought rags is conspicuous for its ab- rice at P2.00 or more a ganta. sence. Goods, overflowing in the In other words, a carpenter with a family of four or five members kill capial by destroying its min 1941 paid one-ninth of his centive of profit. wages for rice, whereas in 1946 There is no need for us to he paid one-third of his salary for stretch our necks longer for our the cereal. backyard is already full of proSome circles may claim that an blems. The social problems of increase in salaries will mean an- our nation are, and should be, in other increase in the cost of pro- the hands of women. We are well duction. Then, why not decrease known for talking much, why the high salaries of the manage- then can we not create a strong ment? The sacrifice of a few public opinion in favor of the will redound to the benefit of forgotten men and women? It is many. Ultimately, increase in a challenge to all of us to work salaries will result in more effi- for a women’s and children’s buciency, more production, more reau, to protect the welfare of consumption and more profits. our woman and child wage If we look ahead, our next earners, and to see to it thtt they worry would be the eventuality of find lucrative employment elseanother war, a labor war. Labor where than in immoral places. In must be appeased within reason, all the states of the American As long as labor is discontent- Urfion, we find women’s bureaus ed, strikes are bound to happen, and children’s bureaus. In 3,313 It is not true that labor unrest is factories and establishments in­ due to outside influences for, in spected in 1946 by the Departmost cases, it is the empty ment of Labor, 12,684 were stomach which dictates. Even be- women and 377, minors. There fore. the war, when the cost of is, however, no labor union of living was low, the chief cause of women registered in said office, strikes and lockouts was due to In the same way that we fight Mrs. Nieves Baens del Rosario was one of the speakers at the 40th Town Hall Philippines meeting when the high cost of living was discussed. economic necessities. In 1937, 34 for our conjugal rights, let us be out of 57 strikes were for increase sympathetic to our less fortunate in wages; in 1937, 91 out of a sisters who have no paraphernal total of 125; and in 1939, 111 out properties. While we government of 222; in 1940, 42 out of 158; employees enjoy maternity leave in 1941, 8 out of 67 (the majority with pay (thanks to our active of strikes in that year was due prexy Mrs. Mendez and our leto demands for overtime work) gislators), let us, by legislation, in 1945, after liberation, 44 out help our child-bearing mothers in of 45; and, in 1946, 66 out of 69. factories enjoy the same privilege. As long as others live in comfort it is always a source of satiswhile the rest of the people sweat faction to know that women play all day, there will be strikes, an important part in lifting the This constitutional prerogative of morals of the nation, in preservthe laborer should not be wrest- ing religion as the basis of the ed from him as it is equivalent to home structure, in protecting the disarming a soldier. But labor rights and alleviating the plight should be cautious before using of the weak and the downtrodden, its last weapon. It should be and in maintaining peace in the reasonable and must be consi- family units which form the naderate so that rehabilitation will tion. not be retarted and it should not * • ♦ page 14 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL Health Page What Is TUBERCULOSIS? By Dr. SOLEDAD ARCIAGA-FLORENDO (Education and Information Section, Philippine Tuberculosis Society) Tuberculosis is a disease caused by the Tubercle bacilli. These germs were discovered by Robert Koch, a German scientist in 1882 The disease is also com­ monly called Consumption because those sick with TB lose weight, strength, and color, and gradual­ ly waste away. a cuspidor with disinfectant or in a tissue paper which can be burned. 5. Do not use other people’s things. 6. Do not Jet other people use your things. 7 Wash your hands often with soap and water. A strict observance of the above rules is easy if one has the will power. Protect those you love and your community from TB and you help build a strong and healthy Philippines. NOTE: The next article will be: “TB Germs Inside the Human Body.” The author will explain what hap­ pens to the germs inside the human body and how the early warning signs and symptoms of tuberculosis may be detected. Tuberculosis is a catching di­ sease. It is caused by a very small germ. People who have the disease cough up and spit out these germs. If the germs get into the nose or mouth of a healthy person, he, too, may get the disease. The germs may be spread from one person to an­ other in several ways, as shown in the accompanying isotype diagram. Outside the human body, these TB germs live and multiply. In the shade, TB germs stay alive at least 6 days. In cool, dark, moist places, TB germs may live for as long as 6 months. Sunlight, out of doors, kills TB germs in about 6 hours. Fire also kills TB germs. Boiling in water for 10 minutes, also kills TB germs. Boiled eggs hatch no chicks. Boiled germs hatch no TB. Disinfectants also kill TB germs, but they often ruin infected articles long before they kill the germs on them. Knowing how TB germs live, multiply, and travel from one person to another, it is easy to understand why the spread of TB can be stopped only if the sick person observes the following rules: Tuberculosis Germs Are Passed From Person To Person In Many Ways: ____________ By Direct Contact_______________________________________ Coughing - sneezing _____________By Indirect Contact 1 Do not kiss. 2. Do not cough or sneeze with­ out using a handkerchief. It is more practical to use a tissue handkerchief (Klee­ nex) which can be burned when soiled. 3 Do not sleep with anyone in the same bed. Sleeping in one bed 4. Do not spit on the ground If you must spit, do so in Anything which touches the lips of a person who has Tuberculosis may cause the germs of another person. JUNE 30, 1947 PAGE 15 Philippines, Please Copy: U. S. Handicraft Thrives On Postwar Travel IN the land of mass, production, their every product. What they handicraft is experiencing a turn out varies from region to billion dollar postwar revival. Up region as widely as local produce and down the United States, and fruit that often share the along highways on the Atlantic roadside counters with carpets and Pacific shore, in the middle- or ceramics. In North Carolina, western flatland, in Montana for example, hooked rugs are a woods, and on the edge of the local specialty, mostly at home western desert land, a sight fa- in the state’s western regions, miliar in prewar days has re- There, in four counties, some appeared: a canvas or board- 3,000 families support themselves covered roadside stand, the trad- entirely or partially from the ing post of the motor age. On proceeds of their rug-making its rough wooden counters there proficiency, with earnings runare on display the products of the ning often to more than $3,000 nation-wide business, patronized a year. North Carolina hooked by millions but little spoken of rugs have become so much in in the reports of economists, vogue that today an estimated Nonetheless, transactions con- four-fifths of such, rugs sold in ducted on the roadside and in the United States stem from that stores selling home-made wares part of the country. Also from are expected to reach a new re- North Carolina come pottery cord this year. vases and hand-carved animals. With war shortages practically Better known for wood carving, gone, the sale of hand-fashioned however, are the New England articles "Made in U. S. A.”, is states. In Georgia, painters are swelling into the big business tracing designs on luncheon table class as far as volume is concern- cloths and breakfast sets. In ed. The United States Depart- Florida, artisans are glueing tiny ment of Commerce estimates that sea shells into brilliantly colored trade in handmade goods will earrings, hair combs, and pins, climb by some $250,000,000 above Missouri’s Ozark mountains are the prewar average; the round the home of cane-woven chair sum of $1,000,000,000 will flow seats and baskets of every size, into the pockets of rural handi- shape and description; sewing craftsmen who are the economic baskets, waste baskets, laundry antipodes of big business. baskets, bushel baskets and so on. During the war, however, Roadstands in the southwestern handicrafts suffered just like states of Oklahoma, Arizona and other business men from short- New Mexico show the handiwork ages of both material and labor, of Indian tribes and the influence Silversmiths could not get enough of their native designs. Navajo silver. Copper went into war rugs and blankets, Sequoia and plants instead of the home shop. Choctaw table scarfs and rugs Indian moccasin makers could not are as well known to the trans­ get the colorful decorative beads continental traveller as bracelets, they needed. Hand crafters went earrings and necklaces hammered into the armed forces, into war from silver and set with blue plants or farm work. But today, turquoise. > according to a report in the Wall a handicraft industry of broad Street Journal, most of the war- SCope is flourishing in California, time troubles are over. Spinners, In Los Angeles, many a SpanishBeavers, metal workers and wood style house hides a kiln in the turners are working full tilt backyard where family artisans again in thousands of little shops. fjre ceramic jewelry, vases and These artisans are not manu- bowls. Hand carvings from redfacturers of mass-produced souve- wood and home-made designs of nirs such as picture postcards, textiles appear as frequently on cast-metal ornaments or machine- roadstands as California fruit. In carved novelties. They are Northwestern Montana, deer hides painstaking workers who put the furnish the raw material for the skill of their hands and taste wide-spread leather goods bandiwhich has become a tradition into craft industry. material and labor shortages, but tourists traffic was also getting under way. During the summer months some 60,000,000 people will pile into the family car for vacation trips. A good part of their expenditures, according to some estimates about 25 per cent, will be on home-made articles. Small home shops on farms, in What has given United States handicraft its postwar impetus was not only the passing of raw villages and in Indian setlements, after a busy winter, again have become part of America’s diversi­ fied industrial life. (USIS). NATIVE PRODUCTS GET A BOOST Denny Sanchez shows off the best of native hand-made prod­ ucts in her travels in the Unit­ ed States. When Denny Sanchez, daughter of Manila businessman H. R. San­ chez, left with her father for the United States last month, she took with her the best that she could find of our beautiful handmnde products, like hand-em­ broidered plfin luncheon and cocktail sets, handkerchiefs and blouses; hand-carved wooden table appointments like salad bowls and spoons and forks, serv­ ing trays and ash trays: wooden and abaca slippers; buntal hats, annhaw fans: buri shopping bags; colorful, hand-woven llocacloth and slnamay. Her plan s to show off these products in her travels from San Fran­ cisco to* New York with the hope of interesting American business firms in them. She was confident that they would find favor among American women of the better class. Her letters to friends in Manila report that all those who have seen her samples were very enthusiastic about them. She hopes that upon her return six months later she will be able to send some of these pro­ ducts in quantity abroad. Hand embroidery and carving in the Philippines are essen­ tially home industries. Before the war, there were several fac­ tories turning out hand-embroidered nightgowns and babV dres­ ses in a large scale for export abroad, but the finer products for the tourist trade were painstakingly made at home or in small shops that abound in Ermita. At present all the handembroidered products that you see are made at home. Miss Sanchez might be interested to know that Malacaitang had asked an expert to make a nation-wide survey of the market possibilities of products of Philippine home industries in the United States, with the view of reviving and developing native home industries on a scale never attempted before. In a Joint survey report submitted to Malacafian, Robert E. Ding­ man, Detroit products designer, and G. Zanetti, US business ex­ ecutive, recommended the commercial development of 8 home in­ dustries in the order of their importance as follows: (1) embroi­ dery; (2) rattan products; (3) abaca rugs; (4) basketware; (5) abaca and palm leaf products; (6) woodworking; (7) metal working; and (8) hand-woven textiles. Mr. Blngman declared that native products have what it takes as far as mass appeal to the Average American consumer is concerned but the exceedingly high prices asked for them now in the local market is beyond the reach of the American consuming public. He said that 4 factors stand in the way of speedy development of native industries—lack of organization; high cost of labor; lack of design directive, essential to enhan­ cing consumer appeal for any commodity; and too many mid­ dlemen. He suggested a nationwide training program in native crafts, with a view to harnessing native gifts and talents to the various industries and urged the creation of a vocational arm in the bureau of education to teach schoolchildren the tech­ niques of home crafts and industries. PAGE 16 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL THE FILIPINO WOMAN LAWYER (Continued from page 5) FASHION TIPS TO TEENAGERS the soil is so barren, so empty of life that the poor Justice of the Peace has even no opportunity to improve on her knowledge of the law, no occasion to write a worth­ while decision, no chance to fight legal battles that will surely train her for a higher judicial career. It is likewise true that one of our women lawyers in the person of Natividad Almeda Lo­ pez is at present Judge of the Municipal Court of Manila. But since when has she been holding that position and still with no promotion in view up to the pres­ ent time. Is it because the Gov­ ernment has no faith in her ability, in our ability? But is it not a fact that not all those ap­ pointed as Judges of Courts of First Instance are men of un­ questioned ability and intelligence ? Is it then because she is a woman, and has no political influence or prestige that she cannot rise above the position she is at pres­ ent holding? At this juncture, I wish to ask our Government to start now to train for the judicial career even a few of our young women law­ yers who are equally as brilliant, as intelligent, as earnest, and as hardworking as some of our men so that years hence the Philip­ pine Republic can boast of the presence of women in our higher courts of justice. The same thing should be true in the Executive branch of our Government. There, women lawyers should also be given an opportunity of training themselves towards filling of res­ ponsible positions such as Direc­ torships in Bureaus in the future. It is with pride that I inform you that we have a woman law­ yer in the person of Mrs. Nieves Baens del Rosario who is a can­ didate for the position of Director of the Bureau of Labor. This is a chance where the Government can manifest its faith in the ability and worth of the Filipino woman. Now, with respect to our failures in the practice of our legal profession, who is to blame for that? Thirty per cent our fault, seventy per cent the fault, of our male colleagues. Why is it so, one may ask. When a young woman has just taken her oath as a member of All along, in this magazine at least, we have taken the teenagers for granted in our fashion presenta­ tions. We prepared groun-up fashions, expecting the teenagers to derive their own young versions from adult vagaries. Beginning with this issue at least, the teenager daughter of the family will have her corner of fashions chi-chat, tips on updated teenager trends. YOUR boys’ shoes can look more spruce than simply mud-free. Try dyeing the shoe laces in crayola colors—today it’s red, tomorrow it’s blue... depending on what color of ribbon you wear on your hair. HOW’S your belt situation? Glum? Try perking up old belts with scrawlings in vari-colored nail polish. Write Latin, write Greek, write “I Love You”... it’s the privilege of the young. RUGGED casualness is a gift teen agers can exploit to alarming heights without dire results. Persuade an affable GI to lend, sell or allow to be filched his battle-scarred army belt. Over your shining new raincoat use this belt in direct contrast, instead of the matching belt that came with the raincoat. SKIRTS have gone down even for teenagers. And these younglings must be reminded that when skirts go down, heels go up. It does not necessarily mean teetering about on spikes, but it does mean that the down-to-earth flats are out of the question when one wears long skirts. Not even youth is an excuse. the Philippine Bar she looks around for a place where she can use the knowledge she has obtained from College. She either looks towards the Govern­ ment or towards an established law firm. This particular young woman wants to try to practice law to disprove the vulgar say­ ing “Hanggang bar lamang.” So she looks for an opening in a law firm of good reputation and stand­ ing and succeeds in getting one. Because she is a novice in the (Continued on page 23J JUNE 30, 1947 PAGE 17 LEFT: The Ortigas “dalaga,” daughter of Dona Julia Vda. de Ortigais, looked like this on her wedding day. Hers is the most fetching, most individualistic bridal attire we have ween in a long while. Fine needlepoint lace and frail cob­ webby tulle conspired to execute a very inspired creation. The square neckline sweetly framed, three-quarter gloves of 6elf-material, shirred bouffant skirt, and a hemline like a sampaguita path abloom . . A tiara to match these trimmings holds an illusion tulle veil in place. She carries a will o’ wisp bridal bouquet. Photograph by Bob’s Ske^ ,hes by Pacita Razon ABOVE: Pacita Razon outdid herself in these three bridal sketches. Left, is a masterpiece of striking simplicity. Heavy crope to achieve that graceful fall, miniature white and silver flowers in delicate hand-painting for the stiff yoke band, a geometric tiara, transparent silk marquissette for long shirred sleeves and yoke, bouquet of white gladiolas . . . these are the details of this simple wedding gown. Middle, a bridal gown to match your bouquet has a lily­ shaped neckline, arm-tight sleeves that open into lily petals at the wrists, and hand-painted lilies in V-shape across the slim bodice. The lily theme is further carried out for back interest in a cascade of bustles resembling falling lilies. This makes the train for this imposing gown. For bouquet, white calla lilies. Right, is a version of the Ortigas wedding dress. The deviation occurs on the sleeves which are butterfly-ish to match the bouffant tiers on the skirt and the tiara of crisp lace that stands out like a Spanish comb. is soaked before cooking, cook it in the water in which it was soak­ ed. Do you know that: The outer, darker-colored leaves of cabbage or lettuce contain more vitamins than the inside, whiter leaves ? Do not throw them away unless they are dirty and cannot be washed, wilted or bad­ ly bruised. Brown eggs have the same food value as the white ones? Canned milk is just as good as fresh milk, sometimes even bet­ ter—more sanitary, more econo­ mical, more convenient? The same may be said of canned, meats and vegetables. Fortified margarine has the same food value as fresh butter, and more economical, too? The less tender cuts of beef or pork have the same food value as the more expensive choice cuts'? a dry skin, a chronic feeling of fatigue. The ability of the body to select substances from the foods we eat to build flesh and blood, bones and teeth, and to regulate the countless processes concerned with respiration, circu­ lation, metabolism and digestion is no less than a miracle. Food For Energy Food is needed first of all to provide energy for our daily acti­ vities. Whereas a machine may burn gasoline or coal for fuel, the human body burns food and con­ verts it into muscular energy. The unit used for measuring the amount of energy in food is called the Calorie. All food’s furnish ca­ lories, but in different amounts. The three chief sources of energy are fats, carbohydrates, and pro­ teins. Foods high in fat, like but­ ter, cream, salad dressings made with oil, contain more calories per Minerals and vitamins may be lost as the result of careless or unintelligent handling during storage, preparation and cookery before foods reach the table. Vitamin B-l and C are destroyed by heat, oxidation, light and alkalies, and are extremely so­ luble in water. Heat affects vitamin B-l less than it doe§ vitamin C. The longer foods containing these vi­ tamins are exposed to room tem­ perature and the longer the cook­ ing period, the greater is the des­ truction. Therefore foods should be cooked as quickly as possible. Ordinary cooking temperatures do not afect vitamins A and G. Cooking water dissolves the minerals and some of the vita­ mins, which only too often never reach a useful destination but go down the drain with the discard­ ed liquid. Use the liquid in which vegetables have been cooked for soups, sauces and gravies, if it is not to be served with the ve­ getables . If the homemaxer wisnes io get, her full money’s worth in terms of family health she must watch every step in the handling of food in order to minimize the losses of valuable vitamins and minerals. By following the recom­ mendations listed below she can check most of the common loop­ holes: Do place fruits, vegetables, meats and other fresh foods im­ mediately in the refrigerator after purchase, first washing the fruits and vegetables and then placing Handling of Food in the Home They need longer cooking, though, and may prove expensive in the long run, especially if fuel, is ex­ pensive . So-called meat sundries, like heart, kidney and sweetbreads, are rich in nutrients? If they are less expensive than regular meat, serve them once or twice a week. Color is a good guide when choosing vegetables? Green and yellow ones are better than the white. Thus, yellow corn or Ge­ mote or squash has more food value than white corn, white camote or upo. The leaves of such vegetables as mustard, kinchay, radish, have more food value them the roots or the sternal PROTECTIVE FOODS THE greatest responsibility that falls upon the homemaker is the health of her family. Although she may not have the time nor the inclination to go deeply into the subject she cannot afford to ignore the basic facts of nutrition. It is not necessary to understand all the intricacies of the vitamins and minerals—that is a subject for the specialist—but it is in­ teresting and illuminating to know a little something about the scientific side of nutrition. It will help us to •understand the "whys” of poor teeth, a fickle appetite, them in a covered pan or hydrator. If another cool dark place is available, it may be utilized for some vegetables and fruits, like potatoes and apples, which keep well and are frequently purchased in large quantities. Do prepare fruit juices and pare, slice, chop or grate raw fruits and vegetables just before they are to be used whenever possible. When it prepare them in them closely and the refrigerator time. The loss of is necessary to advance, cover store them in until serving vitamin C will not be serious unless they are kept standing too long. Do not let the prepared fruit or vegetable or fruit juice stand uncovered at room temperature for any period of time. Do cook foods in a closely co­ vered container whenever feasible. Resist the temptation to stir the vegetables while they are cook­ ing, for stirring incorporates air into them and air is one of the enemies of Vitamin C. If the cooked food is to be put through a sieve, cool it first. Do cook foods, especially ve­ getables, by methods requiring the shortest cooking time; unne­ cessarily long cooking not only means loss of nutrients but re­ sults in inferior flavor, texture, and appearance. / When a dried fruit or vegetable unit of weight than do foods which are largely composed of carbohy­ drates, like sugar, breads, cereals, or proteins, like eggs, cheese, meat. Food For Growth Although protein is one of the three sources of energy it functions primarily as a source of body­ building material. Children need more protein in proportion to their weight than adults because they are growing rapidly; but adults need protein for the maintenance of body tissues. It is only in cases of pregnancy, lactation and in re­ covery from wasting diseases that adults needs protein for growth. There are many kinds of pro­ tein, some of them far superior to others in nutritive value. Milk, cheese, eggs, meat and fish, each contain protein of the best quality. Minerals are also needed for growth, but only a few have to be given special attention by the housewife. Calcium and phos­ phorus are needed in comparative­ ly large amounts because they are necessary to build strong bones and teeth. Iron is needed too by the body but in small amounts. The best sources of calcium are milk, cheese, carrots, oranges, kale, figs, beans, broccoli and clams. Milk and milk products including cheese are the only rePAGE 20 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL liable sources of calcium. While other foods carry some calcium, the amounts are small and the calcium present is not as well assimilated by the body. Good sources of iron: egg yolks, liver, kidney, heart and lean meat, oysters, shrimp and clams, green leafy vegetables, whole-grain cereals, potatoes, molasses, apri­ cots and prunes. You have heard so much about the so-called “protective foods.” What are they? They are the ones which provide the necessary pro­ teins, vitamins and minerals for the maintenance of good health. For convenience, they are divided into 8 groups, and if the house­ wife will include something from each group in her daily meal plans, her menus will measure up to good nutrition standards: Group 1: Milk and cheese. Group 2: Meat, (beef, veal, lamb, pork, and meat sundries' like liver, heart, kidney and sweetbreads); poultry (chicken, turkey, duck, game birds); fish (canned or fresh); dried beans and peas. This group supplies highquality protein, iron and Vitamins B-l and G. Group 3: Eggs—one a day for each person, if possible; at least 3 or 4 times a week. Group 4: Butter and fortified margarine; peanut butter. Group 5: Green, yellow and leafy vegetables — asparagus, string beans, green peppers, okra, beet greens, turnip greens, spinach, cabbage, carrots, yellow corn, sweet potatoes, all raw, salad greens. Group 6: Citrus fruits (oranges and grapefruit), tomatoes, pine­ apple, either fresh or canned. Group 7: All vegetables, includ­ ing potatoes, except those in Group 5; all fruits except those in Group 6. Group 8: Bread and cereal, preferably whole grain or made from enriched or fortified flour. How much to serve of these protective foods? Here are the minimum daily requirements: BREAD and CEREALS Preferably enriched or fortified (or unpolished or hand-pounded rice.) BUTTER or FORTIFIED MARGARINE 2 tablespoons a day Peanut butter may be used instead. KEEPING UP WITH MEDICINE OTHER VEGETABLES and FRUITS 2 or more servings (each serving >/2 cup), one of 'which should be raw MILK and CHEESE 4 cups of milk for every child below 12 years. 2 cups for every adult. 5 ounces of cheese. MEAT, POULTRY and FISH or DRIED BEANS and PEAS 1 or more servings a day Dried beans like mongo may be served occasion­ ally instead of meat or fish. EGGS 1 each day for every child 3 or 4 times a week .for adults. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSO­ CIATION CENTENNIAL BEGINS ATLANTIC CITY—The Amer­ ican Medical Association annual convention opened June 9 after pre-convention meetings had dis­ closed several new medical deve­ lopments. The convention marks the 100th birthday of the associa­ tion. The board of directors of the American Heart Association in a pre-convention meeting unanimous­ ly approved the proposed creation of the National Heart Disease Institute within the United States Public Health Service. The Insti­ tute would do research on means of combatting or preventing di­ seases of the heart and circulatory system. Such diseases now consti­ tute the greatest cause of death in the United States. A bill to create the institute will be intro­ duced in Congress by Represen­ tative Jacob K. Javits of New York. Report on Streptomycin A report on streptomycin was made to the American College of Chest Physicians. Dr. Karl H. Pfuetze of Rochester, New York and Dr. Edwin R. Levene of Chicago told the meeting that streptomycin has “proved itself to be a most valuable adjunct in the treatment of tuberculosis when used in properly selected cases”, but emphasized it is not a cure. The report said the drug may arrest certain types of tu­ berculosis that are resistant to other methods of treatment, but that there is no justification for its use in all cases. Streptomycin was said to be essential in the treatment of tuberculosis, menin­ gitis, tuberculosis of the larynx, trachea and bronchi, draining the sinuses from tuberculosis infection of the bones and glands, and tu­ berculosis of the intestinal tracts. Caution was recommended in the treatment of pulmonary tubercu­ losis. CITRUS FRUITS, TOMA­ TOES and PINEAPPLE 1 orange, 1/2 grapefruit, 1 large raw tomato or several slices of pine­ apple. 3/4 cup of orange juice, more of pineapple or tomato juice. VEGETABLES, gTeen, yel­ low and leafy 1 or more servings a day The report pointed out: “It is necessary to select a period in the course of the disease when strep­ tomycin will be most helpful. This is important because the tubercule bacillus becomes resistant to the drug and the treatment may lose its effectiveness after a time.” Report on Allergy Treatment Dr. Manfred Curry of Chicago announced to the American Col­ lege of Allergists that after ten years of research he had discover­ ed in the air small quantities of a highly active gas which exerts a “marked influence” on human body functions. Dr. Curry has called the gas “aran” and said it is a rare form of oxygen in which four or five oxygen atoms com­ bine to form an isotrope. High concentrations of the gas cause attacks of migraine, asthma, angina pectoris, epilepsy and em­ bolism. He said air that lacks the gas favors the outbreak of in­ fectious diseases such as sinusitis and pneumonia. The concentra­ tion of the gas was said to vary considerably depending on wind direction. Dr. Curry’s reports are being investigated. If the re­ sults are proven, it was said that further development of therapy that controls the amount of “aran” may revolutionize allergy treat­ ment. Other medical developments re­ ported included: Treatment of menstrual distur­ bances in women that prevent pregnancy by small doses of X-rays. Very small doses of X-ray to ovaries and pituitary glands enabled 43 out of 47 women to become pregnant after other methods had failed. Report­ ing the treatment, Dr. Charles Mazer of Philadelphia said • it must be administered with ex­ treme caution and only under the supervision of doctors familiar with radiation procedures. He emphasized the treatment is not a cure-all for female sterility. A new powder for surgeon’s gloves was reported. It is made of com starch and is absorbed into the body. It cannot cause ad­ hesions. A new treatment for asthma was described. Injections of al­ cohol open the circulatory system and relax the patient. The establishment of bone banks was given as a possibility by Dr. Leonard F. Bush of the New York Orthopedic Hospital. Banks would use bones from per­ sons killed in accidents, preserv­ ing them by freezing. (USIS) JJJNJE 30, 1947 PAGE 21 To peel tomatoes, which must be served raw, hold it over a flame until the skin wrinkles or drop in­ to boiling water for a moment, then plunge into cold water. The peel will slip off easily. Sometimes make a salad of to­ matoes, native onions and radish, this last one very thinly sliced, salted, then squeezed to remove some of its tanginess. Do include the young leaves of the radish, chopped fine. Have you tried broiled tomatoes with fried fish or beefsteak? Cut firm ripe tomatoes into halves crosswise, sprinkle cut surfaces EAT MORE OF THESE FOR YOUR HEALTH with salt and pepper and dot with Broil over live coals until the top bubbles. Savory Tomatoes 1|2 cup diced bacon or salted pork 1 cup onion, sliced 4 cups tomatoes, sliced 1 tablespoon cornstarch Cook bacon slightly; add onion and cook until soft and lightly j | |\ browned. Add the tomatoes and simmer for about 10 minutes. Stir in the cornstarch dissolved in a little cold water and cook until thickened, stirring occasionally. TOMATOES Tomatoes are good sources of butter or margarine. Vitamin C which increases the re­ sistance of our body to infection and helps maintain firm gums and sound teeth. Since this vitamin cannot be stored in the body, it must be provided for every day to keep the body healthy, and since cooking partially destroys Vitamin C, it is important to include 2 or more servings of a raw vegetable or fruit which supplies it- Other good sources of Vitamin C are or­ anges, grapefruit, calamansi, pine­ apple, raw vegetables, green pep­ pers, asparagus, bananas, cabbage, peas, watermelon. Of all these, to­ matoes are the least expensive. Whenever you serve fried or broiled fish (fresh or salted), shrimps, fried beef or pork (ado­ bo), make it a point to also serve raw tomatoes with Tomato Fritters Select green or firm ripe to­ matoes and slice 1|2 inch thick. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Dip in beaten egg, then in crumbsFry in shallow fat until browned. Serve at once. GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES Green leafy vegetables, especial­ ly those with thin leaves, are good sources of Vitamins A and G (ri­ boflavin). Vitamin A has often been spoken as our first line of deefnse against infection — al­ though it does not prevent colds, it is important in shortening the duration of them; it helps keep the delicate membranes lining the respiratory tract as well as other pars of the body. Vitamin G pro­ motes growth, general good health and vigor, tones up the digestive system and postpones senility. No “Waterless cooking” of vegetables is recognized as one of the best ways of retaining maximum amount of wonder our vitamins and minerals, also 'the na­ tural fresh flavor, color and shape. The rules are few—use only a little water; use a cooking utensil with a tight cover; start cooking on high heat, then reduce heat <to simmer when the waiter boils; do not over cook; serve at once. Drain Cook Boil greens until tender, and place in a deep plate, vegetable-eating ances- bacon until crisp. Combine dry intors were still young at the age gradients and add to the bacon, of 90! Add vinegar and water and bring Tender leaves of such common mixture to the boiling point. Pour vegetables as camote, kangkong, over the hot cooked greens. Serve spinach, alugbati, boiled, make at once. very nice salads, seasoned with ca- Lettuce and cabage must be lamansi juice and salt and gar- shredded in the above recipe. nished with sliced hard-boiled eggs or salted duck eggs. Wash the leaves in several chan­ ges of water and place in a skil­ let with just the water that clings to the leaves or about 1|4 cup of water. Cover and cook un­ til just tender. Or bring a little water to a boil, then drop the veg­ etables into it, cover and remove from the fire. Set aside to cool, then drain off the water and sea­ son the vegetables. Sweet-Sour Greens 4 cups leafy vegetables (spin­ ach, camote, kangkong, alugbati, lechugas, cabbage) The housewife is responsible for the good health of her family. The kind of food that her husband and her children eat depends upon her knowledge of what constitute a good diet. 8 strips of bacon, diced 1 tablespoon sugar Salt and pepper to taste 3 tablespoons vinegar 1 tablespoon water in greens were boiled which MEALS * Always cook some vegetables with the meat, be it of beef or pork. If you have an oven, whole meals may be cooked, together in it to save fuel, time, and energy. LIVER Liver is tender when cocked until its juice just coagulates; it hardens when cooked beyond this stage and requires further cooking. When braising a large piece of liver, soak in cold salted water for half an hour, then peel off the outside membrane. Scald pork or lamb liver before cooking to im­ prove flavor. This is not neces­ sary in the case of beef or calf liver. To make grinding or chopping easier, drop liver into boiling wa­ ter, reduce heat and simmer gent­ ly for several minutes, then grind or chop. Broiled Liver Have liver sliced 1|2 to 3|4 inch thick or cut into 1-inch cubesBrush with melted butter or lard and broil until the pieces just change color (about 3 minutes on each side). Sauteed Liver This is one of the best ways of cooking liver. Have liver sliced very thin, roll each piece in seasoned flour, then saute in a little fat until browned on each side. Serve at once. Liver ond Bacon en Brochette Do not be impressed by the French term above—it simply means “skewered.” Have liver cut into 1-inch cubes, 1 onion sliced thinly, and bacon cut into 1 inch lengths. Im­ pale, first liver, then onion, then bacon, in metal or bamboo skew­ ers and and broil over live char­ coal until bacon is crisp and liver is browned. Turn to cook uniform­ ly and brush with fat as needed. Season with salt and pepper. Liver Creole 1 lb. liver 1|4 cup seasoned flour 3 tablespoons fat 2-l|2 cups canned or fresh toma­ toes 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons chpped green pepper PjVGE 22 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL COOKING VEGETABLES Boil green leafy vegetables in just enough water to pre­ vent burning or sticking to the pan. When making sinigang, whether of beef or /ish, drop the kangkong leaves into the boiling liquid, cover, and re­ move the pot from the fire. And don’t use too much wa­ ter. Pechay should be cooked until just wilted. Cut off the stems and drop them into the boiling liquid first, then when they are already soft, add the leaves, cover the pot and re­ move from the fire. To hasten the cooking pro­ cess of vegetables, cut them into small pieces and remove lhe pot from the fire while the diced or sliced vegetables still retain their colors and their shapes. Bulanglang of string beans, yellow squash, ampalaya, kangkong and eggplants is an excellent dish but too often the vegetables are cooked to a mush until it is impossi­ ble to distinguished one from the other. When the vegeta­ bles are cooked just until they are tender and still re­ tain their colors, it is a very attractive dish. Add the veg­ etables separately, first the string beans because they take longer to cook, then the ampalaya, the squash, the kangkong tops and the egg­ plants. Resist the temptation to stir them, and thus mush­ ing them, while they are cooking, but cover the pot and cook over a low fire, allow­ ing the hot steam to fall over the top layer of vegetables and cook them. Try cooking shelled peas this way: Cower bottom of a small saucepan with 1]2 inch of water, add the peas and cover with a piece of lettuce or cabbage leaf (or banana leaf), being careful to tuck in the edges of the leaf covver. Adjust tight cover of the saucepan and cook over me­ dium heat for about 15 min­ utes. Lift cover of pan and see if peas are cooked. Toss peas so that bottom layer will come up. Cover and cook for a few minutes more. Sea­ son with salt and butter and serve at onceSmall piece of bay leaf 6 pepercorn Salt to taste Coat liver with seasoned flour and brown in the fat until brown. Add the remaining ingredients, cover and simmer until liver is tender and sauce is thick. If deTHE FILIPINO WOMAN LAWYrR (Continued, from page 17) the Women Lawyers’ Association of the Philippines inspired by three aims: to have an alert and active civic participation with our Government; to be the vanguards of the rights of our women grant­ ed by our laws and to initiate movements for the betterment and uplift of the social, economic and political status of the women; and to take up the cause of the defenseless and the oppressed gratuitously. Yes, it is with distinct pride that we, women attorney’s report to this Nationr.l Convention of Lawyers that in our own humble insignificant way we have . open­ ed the doors of equity and justice to our destitute, less-informed fellow-countrymen who, other­ wise, due to lack of means would not receive the benefits and enjoy the rights given to them by our laws. I speak of the Free Legal Aid Welfare Division of the Bu­ reau of Public Welfare, our onetable Clinic from which we give free legal counsel and legal services to all indigents, war widows and orphans irrespective of nationality or creed. The Clinic handles civil as well as criminal cases. You may be interested to know that eighty per cent of our civil cases are for abandonment and nonsupport... the usual set­ up of the man leaving the con­ jugal dwelling and deserting the wife and his children. In these instances, it is the policy of the Clinic to bring about the recon­ ciliation of the parties, if possi­ ble, or otherwise settle the mat­ ter amicably between the spouses. It is only when all chances and job, the boss assigns her to do some minor research work and principally notarial work. Months elapse and because the woman lawyer has shown ability, she is promoted and assigned to prepare pleading and even briefs. But then she stops there. The elder lawyers of the firm do not give her a chance to go out of the of­ fice and appear in court even if only in minor cases. Because she is a woman she is made to take care of the office when all the male lawyers are out busy in court, so that she is merely an office keeper, or a li­ brarian, or a researcher, but not really and actually a lawyer in practice. This is, ladies and gentlemen, the general rule with very few exceptions. It is again, therefore, a case of not being given the proper chance to train one’s self in the practice of law. A great majority of our wellknown lawyers have come to their present state of experience and enviable reputation after years of apprenticeship in established law firms. If our women lawyers are given only the right appren­ ticeship by you our elder male colleagues, with your guidance and interest, we can surely deve­ lop the art of practice in court as time goes on and the success of the women lawyers then will be' an inspiration to the future crop. But, if by success we mean ser­ vice to our fellow-man through our profession, defending rights, redressing wrongs, championing the oppressed, protecting the ignorant from the malice and greed of some, in short, if by success we mean if we women lawyers bring the benefits and blessings of the law, nearer to the common masses, then, I, we, can say proudly that we women lawyers are successful beyond measure. We have organized ourselves into one body known as sired,' sliced pork may be added to the liver. Liver is one of the ingredients in many dishes known to most Fil­ ipino cooks—as a sauce to adobo; in menudo; afritada; dinuguan. The point to remember is to serve at least two dishes with liver every week, oftener when there are chil­ dren in the family. hopes for an extrajudicial settle­ ment have been exhausted that a suit in the proper court of law is finally brought. It is in these domestic contro­ versies, hopelessly disentangled without any hope of recuperating any semblance of domestic bliss or peace that we have come to realize the hardness of our di­ vorce laws, and hence the conse­ quent stand of the Women Law­ yers’ Association to favor not the liberation but rather the human­ ization of our present Divorce Law. We have not only ten but three times that number, of woman who in the eyes of the law are still married but in actuality are hus­ bandless, and of... husbands without wives! We have cases after cases of women who could prosecute their mates for concu­ binage and forever be free of the marriage bond, long discarded and trampled by the errant part­ ner; but who prefer to play the role of the discarded wife rather than see the father of their children behind prison bars! They go to the Clinic seeking for some, means by which they can dissolve ‘the marriage ties without such drastic affect, only to be answer­ ed that the law as it is, is such and “dura lex sed lex.” A typical example of the cri­ minal cases handled by the Clinic and now pending in court is one for rape in which the victim is a firl of fifteen from Mandaluyong who was forced and abused by four Filipino MPs... another case is one for seduction, in which the agrieved party is another young thing barely fourteen years and the accused is a tra­ veling showman who is old enough to be her own grandfather. In both cases the Clinic through its attorney in charge acts as a (Continued on page 23) You, too, con bariA bnauty mon by clarifying year tkm wM Crema Bella Avrora, as a night cream after cleansing. At the end of six weeks, you will be convinced that your complexion is better, softer, dearer, more finely textured than ever before. You will need no further coaxing to continue using Crema Bella Aurora ... as you see it gradually improving your complexion. More than a freckle remover or skin whitener, Crema Bella Aurora proves beneficial to any skin which is in­ clined to sluggishness, sallowness, large pores, blackheads, or a dry and wrinkled skin ... because it in­ hibits formation of pigment. And it’s so easy to use... just apply CREMA BELLA AURORA JUNE 80. 1947 PAGE S3 CHILD Chocolate Pudding 6 tablespoons cocoa 1|2 cup flour 3|4 cup sugar 1|2 teaspoon fine salt 2-l|2 cups boiling water 2 cups evaporated milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Mix cocoa, flour, sugar and salt. Add boiling water and stir until smooth. Cook slowly until it be­ gins to thicken, then add the milk. Bring slowly to a boil and boil for 3 minutes more, stirring constant­ ly. Add vanilla and chill. ing milk and water, and cooking over a low heat, stirring all the time. Peel eggs under running water, slice and add to hot white sauce. Serve on buttered toast. Garnish with sprigs of parsley or with boiled peas. Scrambled Eggs 6 eggs Salt and pepper to taste 1 cup evaporated milk 2 tablespoons butter Beat eggs until yolks and whites are mixed. Add seasonings and Add milk to cover. When egg whites are set, remove pan from the fire. Serve the eggs with the milk sauce over them. Season with fine salt. Meat Patties 1 pound ground lean beef 1 cup evaporated milk 1-2|3l cups dry bread crumbs 1 «gg 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2|3 tealspoon fine salt 2|3 cup water Combine ingredients and mold Few children receive the quan­ tity of milk daily that would be best for them. Therefore the ex­ tra milk tucked in many foods go a long way toward putting an ade­ quate amount of milk into their diet. Each growing child should have every day the bone, tooth and muscle building materials and vitamins supplied by 4 cups of milk. If he refuses to take this quantity of milk as a beverage, the earnest mother should try to make up the amount in some other ways. One of the ways is in dessert; an­ other is through sauces and cream­ ed soups. Here are a few recipes to help you along. Orange Blanc Mange 1|4 cup cornstarch (plentiful now) 1|2 cup sugar 1 tall can evaporated milk 1 cup orange juice 1 teaspoon grated rind Mix cornstanch, sugar, and a pinch of fine salt. Add the milk slowly, stirring to keep smooth. Cook over boiling water until the mixture begins to thicken, then add the orange juice and rind and continue cooking until thick. Pour into small molds and chill. Serve with orange juice. Soft Custard 2 eggs 1|3 cup fine sugar 2 cups evaporated milk 1 cup boiling water 1 teaspoon vanilla Beat eggs. Add sugar and salt and beat well, then add milk. Stir in the boiling water. Cook over boiling water, -stirring frequently, until the mixture coats the spoon (about 5 minutes) . Add vanilla flavoring. Allow to cool and serve as a sauce for such fruits as ripe bananas and mangoes or for plain cake. Cream of Tomato Soup 1 can tomato soup 1 small can evaporated milk Pour the tomato soup into a saucepan and stir in the milkHeat slowly until hot enough to serve. Do not boil. Serve at once, with crackers or toasted bread. Mashed Potatoes 6. medium size potatoes Salt to taste Butter 1|2 cup evaporated milk Peel potatoes and quarter. Cook in small amount of water until tender. While hot, mash with a fork. Add the salt and milk, then butter. Beat until fluffy. Serve at 'once. Creamed Eggs, 6 hard cooked eggs 1-112 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour Salt and pepper to taste 1 cup bailing water 1 cup evoporated milk Prepare a white sauce by com­ bining flour and butter, then addMost boys hate to drink milk. To enable them to get their full quota of at least 4 cups a day, use milk in cooking other foods, or serve it mal­ ted or with fruit juice once in a while as a treat, __ _____ Putting MORE MILK In A Child’s Diet milk. Pour into buttered hot fry­ ing pan and stir constantly until thickened. Eemove pan from the fire. The eggs should be firm but creamy not hard. Eggs Poached in Milk Grease frying pan with butter. Drop from two to four eggs into it. into patties. Place in greased pan and bake in a hot oven for 20 minutes, or pan broil for about half an hour, turning each patty once. Meat Loaf 1 pound ground lean meat 1 egg 1-1|2 teaspoon salt CHILDREN SHOULD NOT GO TO SCHOOL BREAKFASTLESS Many children do not eat enough breakfast to last them till noon. There are many reasons for this—the children get up late and must hutry; they are too excited, especially if they are new in school; they have been used to eating break­ fast late; they are in poor health and have no appetite. What to do? We know many mothers tear their hair in desperation. No amount of urging, or scolding, will make the children eat their breakfast. We offer these suggestions: Take your child to your doctor for a complete physical check up. If he is below par, the doctor will perhaps prescribe s some tonic to help him. Have your supper earlier so that the children can go to bed earlier, then they can be awakened earlier so that they need not hurry through their breakfast. Eating supper ear­ lier may make them hungry for breakfast. If a child will not eat anything at breakfast, make him take just his milk and wrap up his bread for “baon,” to be eaten at recess time. We think this is much better than giving him money, for he might buy just anything, from candy to santol. Breakfast is a good time to give children all those foods that they must have everyday—milk, egg, orange juice or fruit, butter. A good breakfast should lonsist of al! these items but if -the child cannot eat them all, just combine milk and egg and give him his fruit juice at lunch. Dr. Isabelo Concepcion believes that many children are re­ tarded in school because they do not eat an adequate break­ fast. Children of the poor do not eat any breakfast at all­ Even most grown-ups cannot go breakifastless till noon. Can you blame the poor kids for becoming inattentive, quar­ relsome, listless, pepless, as the morning progresses? They may even have a headache, if they have not had anything be­ fore coming to school. Most children need a mid-morning snack to keep them going. Dr. Concepcion suggests that the serving of a mid­ morning snack, preferably milk or hot soup, be made part of every public school activity in the Philippines. He believes that this is one of the most effective ways of building up the health of our children and of teaching them the value of milk in our daily diet. PAGE 24 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL THE FILIPINO WOMAN LAWYER (Continued from page 23} private prosecutor in close colla- ability and capability of the Fi­ boration with the Fiscals’ Office. Aside from these court actions, the FREE LEGAL AID CLINIC also takes an active part in help­ ing the dependents, orphans and widows of war veterans to file their claims and submit the re­ quired papers and data to the proper army authorities and gov­ ernment entities. It must be stated here that just after the liberation of Manila and when hundreds of claimants were at the mercy of shyster lawyers and unscrupulous agents, it was to the Legal Aid Clinic that the Philip­ pine Red Cross and the Bureau of Public Welfare turned for free legal assistance to these widows, orphans and dependents of war veterans in the presentation of their claims. Even in the Offices of the American Consulate General, the Clinic has treaded its path in more than one time. In conson­ ance with the requirements of the said office and upon the proper endorsement of the Philippine Red Cross, the Clinic has prepa­ red and ratified several affida­ vits of Filipino women married to American soldiers and who seek admission to American soil. All these services given by the Clinic are gratuitous and free. The FREE LEGAL AID CLI­ NIC isi therefore, the contribu­ tion of the women lawyers of the Philippines to a country and a people that is rehabilitating itself from the disastrous effects of, war; it is also our contribution towards the maintenance of the high standards and ethics of our profession, and the realization of one of its noble aims—the defense of the cause of the defenseless and the oppressed without regard to personal pecuniary benefit. In conclusion, in the name of the women lawyers of the Philip­ pines I ask, first, for faith in the lipino Woman lawyer; second, for 1]2 cup finely chopped onion 1 tall can evaporated milk 2 cups bread crumbs Mix meat, egg, salt, onion, milk and bread crumbs. Turn into a well-greased baking loaf pan and bake for 45 minutes in a moderate oven, or cook over charcoal until the sides of the loaf shrinks from tiiie pan, then brown the top by placing charcoal above, as you do when cooking bibingka. a chance and an opportunity for will be the attainment of our goal her to train herself for higher recognition of our abilities and public service; and third, for to- potentialities as members of the lerance, understanding and co- Philippine bar. We hope the day operation from her male colie- will not be far when it can be agues in the profession. We hope said that in the Philippines sex that one. of the effects of this is not a bar nor is it a handicap National Convention of lawyers to intellectual achievements. RICH For your coffee1 - DOUBLY GOOD For your baby'DOUBLY The name LIBBY’S on any canned food product assures you of its superior auality. INSIST ON LIBBY’S natural water contents of whole fresh milk, therefore, you get this milk Doubly Rich. For thaj; reason, it tastes so rich in your coffee! For cooking, simply mix rich Libby’s Evaporated Milk with an equal quantity of water. This makes it very economical and convenient to use. RECOMMENDED FOR BABIES Pasteurized and sterilized—Libby’s Eva­ porated Milk is Doubly Good for your baby. And furthermore, because it is homogenized, it is easier to digest. Many doctors recommend Libby’s Eva­ porated Milk for baby’s bottle as well as for growing children. Libby’s Evaporated Milk is always nutritious and good. When buying Evaporated Milk for your baby, or for other uses, always ask for LIBBY’S. JUNE 30. 1947 PAGE 26 BERIBERI (Continued from page 13) polished rice and the disease is found principally in those regions where people live on diets contain­ ing large amounts of polished rice. There have been several ap­ proaches to the solution of the be­ riberi problem. The first soluitpn is the replacement of white rice with brown rice which was success­ fully introduced with the Philip­ pine Scouts in 1910. However, there is popular preference for white rice. Besides, white rice has better keeping qualities under tro­ pical conditions of storage and shipment. A second approach is undermilling of rice. This proce­ dure met the same difficulties as the substitution of white rice by brown rice. A third approach is by parboiling in which the rice paddy or palay is soaked in wa­ ter, then dried to drive the vita­ mins into the grains of rice be­ fore milling the rice. How­ ever, th? product has not proven popularly acceptable where par­ boiling is not traditional. A mod­ ern version of parboiling is known as rice conversion in which par­ boiling is modernized by the use of machinery and drying in vaccum. A fourth approach is the ar­ tificial enrichment of white rice. White rice kernels are impregnat­ ed with a concentrated solution of vitamins and minerals selected for the enrichment, followed by a coating of the fortified rice grains with film forming edible substan­ ces. This coating protects the vi­ tamins against deterioration and prevents substantial losses of vi­ tamins during the customary washing prior to cooking. This im­ pregnated rice is known as pre­ mix-. The premix is then blended with white rice resulting in the final market form of enriched rice. Neither the premix nor the en­ riched rice differs in appearance from ordinary polished white rice if thiamin, niacin, and iron in the form of pyrophosphate are used for the fortification, whereas ad­ dition of riboflavin of course changes the color of the premix sufficiently to make it visible in the blend. “A fortification of the premix rice with 1 mg. of thiamin and 13 mg. of niacin per gram and the use of 1 part of premix to 200 of white rice yields a final prod­ uct with the vitamin content of high quality brown rice. Enriched rice prepared on this basis con­ tains 5 mg. thiamin and 65 mg. niacin per kg. ((2.27 mg. thiamin, 29.5.mg. niacin per lb.). The cost of the two vitamins, the coating ingredients, the manufacturing of the premix, and the blending for this degree of fortification is es­ timated not to exceed 0.25 cents per kg. or 0.114 cents per lb. en­ riched rice. “It has been determined that the premix is homogeneously dis­ tributed throughout the finished enriched rice. Usual household washing of enriched rice prior to cooking will not remove more than 3 to 5 per cent of the in­ corporated vitamins. Flavor and cooking quality are not affected by this fortification procedure.” It is claimed that storage of premix rice for one year at room temperature did not affect the potency of the thiamin and niacin incorporated. During Lend-Lease tests, storage for 3 weeks at 45 degrees centigrade, a loss of 3 per cent of thiamin and no loss of ni­ acin was found. Enriched rice will soon be in­ troduced in a large scale in Ba­ taan Province after a clinical be­ riberi survey. It is expected that the results of this nutrition exper­ iment will be so encouraging as to warrant its adoption by the na­ tion as the ultimate measure fbr the preveniton and eradication of beriberi. (b) Provision of 100 distribut­ ing centers all over the Philippines for the purpose of handling the P300,000.00 food materials coming from the. United States for distri­ bution to groups of indigent mothers and babies who arc under-nourished; (c) The carrying out of an ex­ tensive health education campaign in puericulture centers, municipal maternity and charity clinics under Act 704 and charity clinics under the Sweepstakes Fund for the purpose of enlight­ ening the people on proper dietary procedures; (d) Studies in the field (now being undertaken) for the purpose of determining the effect of milk- and other pro­ ducts on the growth and de■ velopment of school child­ ren; (e) Preparation of posters and pamphlets and other public­ ity materials to bring home to the people in a graphic and generalized way the ad­ vantages of a balanced diet; (f) The inclusion in the curri­ cula of nursing schools and schools of midwifery, of a broader and more intensive teaching o'f dietetics and nutritional subjects; ((g) Cooperating with the Bu­ reau of Education in its cam­ paign of Nutrition among school children through the home and domestic arts pro­ jects in public schools; and, (h) Cooperating and experi( menting on the nutrition program in connection with the home extension service of the Bureau of Agricul­ ture. In general, therefore, the solu­ tion of the nutrition problem as handled by the Bureau of Health consists mainly in the application in the field of the already known theories of nutrition. In our nu­ tritional publicity, efforts are being exerted to adopt in the dietary of the peasant class com­ mon foods containing the proper amount of calories, vitamins, and other nutritional needs for a ba­ lanced diet. These are obtained from local food products at prices within the reach of the or­ dinary heads of families. Prac­ tically no research work is done due to lack of nutritional labora­ tory facilities. We expect that this phase will be covered by the Bureau of Nutrition and Labora­ tories which is contemplated by the Department of Health and Public Welfare to establish dur­ ing the coming reorganization of the government. I meet bad fortune.” So Rajah Sulayman was lowered into the hole. He went down, and down, and down until he reached the bottom of the pit. There, to his astonishment, he found a beau­ tiful plain. A stream flowed by, and after following it for some time, he came to a large house. Nobody was at the door, and en­ tering, he saw that the hall was inclosed with a curtain. He drew aside the curtain and found a second curtain. He pushed this aside, too, only to find a third curtain. This continued until Ra­ jah Sulayman had drawn aside se­ ven curtains in all. After the se­ ven curtains came seven layers of mosquito nets. These he hung up one after another, and at last he found a beautifully decorated bed. On the bed lay nothing but an orange fruit; and being hungry, he took the fruit and opened it. To his surprise, inside the fruit he d:sccvered a sleeping young woman of exceeding beauty. She wok? up, jumped out of the peel­ ing, and growing up to the full size of a woman, she smiled at Rajah Sulayman, saying: “Who is my deliverer, and how did he come here?” “I am Rajah Sulayman,” he leplied. “I came here looking for food... But why did you hide yourself in an orange fruit?” And the woman told him her “You must know that I am the captive of three giants, known as the Tarabusao. I am Putri (Prin­ cess) Rasagadang, daughter of the Sultan of Bandar-a-Ingud. My father’s beautiful land enjoyed peace and plenty until one day the Tarabusao came to Bandar-a-Ingud and devoured my father and mother and all their people. Me, however, the Tarabusao made their captive and brought here. And the better to keep me in their power, they imprisoned me in an orange fruit. Had you not open­ ed the fruit, I would not have been set free.” Rajah Sulayman wash greatly touched to hear the sad story of Putri Rasagadang and he express­ ed his sympathy for her. He said he was very happy to have set her free. After a while Putri Ras<agadang brought out food and set it before him. *Eat,” said she. “I know you are hungry.” But Rajah Sulayman shook- his head. “I shal not eat,” said he, “unless you eat with me.” She smiled at this and they be­ gan to eat. But just then Rajah Sulayman remembered his com­ panions whom he had left in a state of starvation in the outer PAGE 26 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL world. Tic wanted to go and fetch his cousin ?o that he might par­ take of the food. “I'lease continue eating,” he said to the princess acid rose. “I shal he gone for just a while.” Putri Rasagadang, however, di­ vined his thoughts, and shaking her head, she said, “Just go on eat­ ing. You are famished.” So Rajah Sulayman finished eat­ ing with her, after which she said: "Now, Rajah Sulayman. I en­ treat you to leave this place at once because 1 prize your life above all else. My masters arc *about to return home, and 1 trem­ ble to think of what they will do to you if they find you in this house.” "I shal) not leave this place,” replied Rajah Sulayman, shaking his head calmly, “until I have your captors and set you free." Putri Rasagadang begged him to flee for his life, but Rajah Su­ layman was not to he dissuaded. "Whether I slay them or they slay me,” he said, “1 shall fight the Tarabusao.” Soon, from the distance, Rajah Sulayman heard a strange "loise. This was made by the Tarabusao, extremely voracious nionrters in the form of men, who uprooted trees as they passed through the forest. Putri Rasagadang turned to Ra­ jah Sulayman and said, “Lie down on the floor and I shall cover you with a blanket. If the giants dis­ cover you, pretend to be asleep.” Rajah Sulayman, quickly think­ ing out a plan of his own, lay down on the floor. Putri Rasaga­ dang wrapped him up in a blanket and then went to lie down in her bed. As soon as the Tarabusao en­ tered the house, their keen scent detected the presence of Rajah Sulayman. “There is a man in the house,” their leader said. “There is a man-smell in the house,” said the second. They looked about and found Rajah Sulayman in the blanket where he lay as if asleep. The Tarabusao, very sure of them­ selves because they were so large and not a single man had yet stood up to fight them, left him there and proceeded to boil water. “We shall cook a live man for dinner,” the leader told his com­ panions. When the water was boiling, their leader said, “Now let us pick him up and throw him into the water.” But the third Tarabusao, wiser than the others, stopped his com­ panions. “My friends,” he said, “do not harm this man, for he has great powers.” “Ha, ha!” laughed the others. “So you are afraid of a sleeping man now, aren’t you?” They picked up the blanket on which Rajah Sulayman lay and proceeded to carry him to the ket­ tle. But when they were only a few steps from the fire, Rajah Sulayman sprang out of the blan­ ket, drew his kris, and before the two Tarabusao would recover from their playfulness, he had slain them. Then Putri Rasagadang ran out to Rajah Sulayman. She pointed to the wise young Tarabusao, who had sat sadly against the wall. “Please do not kill him. He is a good Tarabusao,” she said. “If you say so, it shall be so,” replied Rajah Sulayman. "He looks different from his compan“Thank you for sparing my life, good prince,” said the young Ta­ rabusao. rising and bowing before Rajah Sulayman. "To pay for your kindness to me, 'I shall give you all of my property and, since my companions are dead, you may also take their property.” “There is another thing that you must promise,” said Rajah Sulay­ man. "You must from now on stop eating people.” The Tarabusao promised, and on Rajah Sulayman’s request, he took his gifts to the bottom of the abyss and tied them to the rope that still hung there. When this was done, Rajah Sulayman, who had followed with Putri Ra- ! sagadang, shook the rope and it i was pulled up immediately. Rajah Sulayman’s cousin and his .men, having pulled up the rope, marveled at the treasures. They lowered the rope once more, won­ dering what might come up next. 1 When the loose end of the rope ! reached the bottom, Rajah Sulay­ man said to Putri Rasagadang: | “You go up now and I shall fol- | low.” | But Putri Rasagadang hesitated. ' “You better go up first. It is not I wjse that I go ahead of you,” she said. j Rajah Sulayman laughed at her ! fears and said, “You are afraid ' that the rope might be cut when you have been pulled out? My own cousin is in charge of the rope.” | “I see danger,” insisted Putri Rasagadang. “You better go ahead of me.” Rajah Sulayman was not, how­ ever, willing to leave Putri Rasa­ gadang behind. He tied the end of the rope around her waist, and when he shook the rope, she was , instantly pulled up. When Rajah Sulayman’s cousin beheld Putri Rasagadartg, he be­ came blinded with her beauty, and evil took possession of his mind. He knew that Rajah Sulayman had claimed her for his wife, and so, in order that he might have her for himself, he decided to put Rajah Sulayman out of the way. He cut the rope, slew all of Rajah Sulayman’s men, and capsized his cousin’s boat. Then he and his men sailed home with Putri Rasaga­ dang, and when they got there, they told the people that they had failed to find Rajah Sulayman. Meanwhile, when the rope drop­ distinguished hands j Ti^uire CUTEX I This Nail Polish oi fashion flows on the nail smoothly and easily—leaving a jewel-like lustre on eveiy fingertip. It's long-lasting — does not chip— and gives your hands that distinctive appearance. CUTEX is made ' according to a X new formula in five new sensation • | al shades in handI some, novel bottles. | Select your polish | for its wear as well as I its beauty, and buy the I polish that gives you both. CUTEX FOR LOVtlltR NAILS ped loosely at his feet, Rajah Su­ layman knew what his cousin had done. He lamented that he had not heeded Putri Rasagadang’s warn­ ing. Sick at heart, he returned to the house of the Tarabusao and asked him how he could get out of the place. The young giant pointed to a hill and said: “That was formed by the bones of animals and peo­ ple we Tarabusao had eaten. Dig into Tt until you reach another world. I shall start digging for you.” So for seven days the Tarabu­ sao dug the hill. At the end of Ask for Cutex today and follow the Style JUNE 30, 104< PAGE 27 that time he asked Rajah Sulay- Rasagadang. man to continue digging. The lat- “He will wed his son to the ter dug without stopping for se­ ven weeks and seven days until he found himself in a different world. He was greatly moved to see the mutilated forms of the people he saw in this new place. He inquired of a man he met why some of the people had only half a face, and he was told that in the outer world these people were married and had the unpleasant habit of not sharing their joys with their spouses. “And why,” said Rajah Sulay­ man, pointing to another group of people, “are their mouths bub­ bling?” mourn, my beautiful princess Whom he found in the sea,” replied the woman. When he heard this, Rajah Su­ layman walked without stopping until, dripping in the rain, he reached the house of one of his chieftains. He entered the house under a disguise and found the owner in mourning clothes with other chieftains. “Whom do you friends?” he asked. “For our ill-fated sultan, Ra­ jah Sulayman,” was the reply. “Are you sure Rajah Sulayman is dead?” he said. The chieftains felt insulted by the stranger’s question and they approached him menacingly. But Rajah Sulayman smiled and said, “So you do not believe Ra­ jah Sulayman will return to you?” He took off his disguise and con­ tinued: “Look at me. I am Rajah Sulayman.” But because he had been away so long and because his cousin had convinced them that Rajah Su­ layman was dead, they refused to believe him now. They drew their He found many more men and weapons and threatened to slay women with similar afflictions and him as atl impostor. But he dug punishments, and getting weary into a ^cret pocket in his trouof them, Rajah Sulayman resum- sers and produced the inheritance ed his journey. He traveled for ring his father had given him at .seven years, seven nionths, seven his death-bed; and upon seeing clad con“In life,” was the reply, “they used to speak ill of their neigh­ bors behind their backs while pre­ tending to be good to them in their presence.” “Why are many people |n leaves?” Rajah Sulayman tinued. “When they were living,” guide told him, “they used to steal plants whose leaves they now cov­ er themselves with.” his weeks, and seven days until fi- thiSj the chieftains were convinced nally he reached a wide grassy and’ embraced him weeping for plain called Kabasaran. Here i( heavy rain overtook him, and see­ ing a small house not far off, he sought shelter there. An old man and his wife received him kindly, and while waiting for the rajn to stop, he was approached by the woman. “Are you on your way to attend the celebration?” she asked. “What celebration?” asked jah Sulayman. “The one in Agama-Niog, course,” she said. “Haven’t heard ? ” Rajah Sulayman was surprised to hear the name of his own sul­ tanate and eargerly inquired: “Who is the sultan of AgamaNiog?” “Who might this man be?” 11 ~ .............. Newton had got his hands. “I’ve come to see you,” she said. “I’m sure we can gel a small loan from Hugh to get started. And for all the groceries we’ve gotten from George Carte.’ in our day, I’m sure he’ll carry us for a time'.” I waited for her to go on. “We’ve decided to turn the house into an Inn,” she said. “An Inn!” I exclaimed. She loked up at me with a little laugh. “After you left,” she went on, “Jean and I pinned Abby down, things leaving the Porter house. We hauled all the skeletons out I was inwardly fighting the disin- of the closet for a good airing, tegration of something that was Our home has quite a historical old, something of the West that background and a reputation for ■ - ■ - - - ■; * ............................................ “ah It made me want to brace my three of us are good cooks. We shoulder against time. plan to make a drive out over our I fitted a cigarette into my west lawn to the main highway, holder and drove back to town. What do you think of the idea?” I parked in the drive and some­ one hissed at me from the lilac thicket by the garage. It was Miss hands. Sue. “Dr. Evans,” she said in a lo.v voice. “I want to talk to you alone .” good woman asked her husband, ther’s’ tfgnet* ring~ anTafte? “He does not even know the had told his uncle the real story name of the sultan of Agama- of his adventures, his cousin conNiog! Of course it is Samban- fessed his betrayal and implored dar,” she continued, turning to Rajah Sulayman’s foregiveness. Rajah Sulayman. This Rajah Sulayman gave, and Upon mention of his uncle’s his uncle conceded the greatness name, Rajah Sulayman knew that of his nephew. Then Rajah Sulayhe had indeed reached the outer .maci' and Putri Rasagadang were joy. He cautioned them to tell no one that he had comeback. He took with him his most trusty war­ riors and set out for his father’s palace. To his relief he’found on r arriving there that his cousin and stieT and\hreZ „ the princess were not yet mar­ ried. During all this time Putri Rasagadang had refused to speak ^a' to anyone and she had kept mourn­ ing for Rajah Sulayman. And since she would not talk, she could y°u not be married to the sultan’s son by the priests. When she saw Rajah Sulayman j. enter the palace, she ran to him ‘ and wept. At first the sultan and _ his faithless son were very angry should be preserved for posterity, hospitality,” she continued, at the stranger, but when Rajah the Sulayman showed them his far he world at last. “Why doe$ £ultan Sambandar celebrate?” he asked, anxious to know the fate of Putri married and they ruled over the I helped her into the car and happy people of Agama-Niog long closed the door. I noticed she had and wisely.—# two wrapped packages in her BEAUTIES AT THE FLOWER SHOW ADMIRING A BOUQUET of Talisman Roses at the International Flower Show, in New York, is pretty Jo-Anne Whitney, who graces the flowers with an added aura of beauty. Bloom and flower experts from distant parts of the world are attending the show, said to be the finest in many years and certainly since the end of the war. (International) A FRESH HORSE (Continued from, page 11) * I However start, it had grown into sections of land, hundreds of head of cat­ tle. Now it was all gone. All that was left of Newton’s empire was old maid daughters too frighten­ ed and proud to take back some of the bounty their father had so freely given. I found an answer to my bit­ terness in the rushing water. I knew why I didn’t want those "I think it’s great,” I said. She thrust the packages into my “We want you and Mrs. Evans to have the vases,” ' she said.. I began to protest. “Please, Dr. Evans,” she insisted. “If you hadn’t come to us to­ day, we would have sold every­ thing from under us, too cussed PAGE 28 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL OUR MEDIOCRE MOVIES (Continued from page 8) HOME, SCHOOL OF VIRTUE (Continued from page 4] Besides mediocre stories, our lo­ cal movies suffer from mediocre photography, mediocre sound, and mediocre cutting. To save time and money, our producers and directors force the cameraman to use mostly long or medium shots. Why not more close-ups for a change? Subtle shades of feeling and expression are possible only with close-ups. Our sound could also be improv­ ed. Whenever a Filipino picture begins, the orchestral overture breaks through with the deafen­ ing impact of a hand-grenade which leaves the movie-goer al­ ready in a bad mood to enjoy the rest of the picture. Effective cutting could also be improved by both director and editor. This bad habit of overdoing a situation, a joke, or funny seq­ uence, should be stopped. Cut, cut, and cut mercilessly! Never give the audience too much of any­ thing. By withholding any emo­ tion, sad or funny, you make the audience ask for more and by not getting it their pleasure is in­ creased. This is a mere psycho­ logical trick which all earnest and sincere artists know — and prac­ tice. Open City, shown recently, was made in Italy by Italian actors, with inadequate movie equipmentMost of the shots taken were ex­ terior. The interior shots were economically simple. And yet Open City is in its sec­ ond year in New York. Its story is terrific, its acting superb, the sound, cutting, and musical backproud to come right out in the open and saddle a fresh horse.” She started to get out of the car. Then she added, “Dr. Evans, a most peculiar thing happened this afternoon.” “What was that?” “Mamma fell from the wall,” she said. “It must have been talk of the Inn that did not. The andi­ rons went right through the can­ vas. I”m afraid the picture can never be restored-” Miss Sue looked at me aind I swear 1 caught a twinkle m her eyes behind the heavy lenses <»f her glasses. ground just right. Why can’t we do the same? Or don’t we dare? If it’s money only our producers are after, they should have sense enough to know by now that you can’t take it with you! Distributors: American Factors(phil.)Inc. AN END Easily Applied Rapid in Action * Nontoxic * Non-irritating * Non-staining * Pleasantly Scented Non-inflammable Hours uable hours that could have been utilized to advantage are now yours! BORNATE is the effective preven­ tive or curative for lice and nits. It is the ideal prep­ aration for prophylaxis and treatment of infestation by head, body and crab lice. Use it once and you’ll never need it again. wasted in lice-hunting, hours of lost sleep, vallike individual differences, the role of heredity and environment in character development, the fundamental drives and urges in children and their natural expres­ sions, native and acquired traits and their educati-mal implications and many other points in the field of child psychology may be taken up for the benefit of those who have not had framing and instruc­ tion in these matters- Likewise, the parents may learn in parent­ teacher association meetings, the fundamental laws of learning and their significance. These laws are: (1) the law of readiness or in­ terest; (2) the law of exercise or practice; and (3) the law of ef(Continued on page 31) JUNE 30, 1947 PAGE 29 ’Seems to me everywhere one turns one meets up with contra­ dictions. President Truman advo­ cates world peace, and in the same breath waxes eloquent about the necessity of military training for his country’s youth. Russia agrees that world peace depends upon her good relations .with the United States. Yet, she continues with practices which would inevitably endanger these amicable relations. The United States, in turn, re­ sents Russia’s interference in oth­ er countries, yet continues to med­ dle in Chinese affairs. Here with us the contradictions are flagrant too. President Roxas, for instance, would have more march music, even as he urges his people to work for peace in their country, and speaks of the peace in Asia as an important step for world peace. If we edu­ cate our young people—and the old ones too—for peace, why should we stir their hearts with march songs reminiscent of sol­ diers marching — marching to war? We women too are guilty of contradictions, ’seems to me. We are loud in our vociferations against lack of principles, against the opportunism rampant every­ where. Yet, in a women’s meet­ ing, there was talk of tying up with the political party mostly likely to win. Principles, ’seems to me, did not matter then, until someone asked, “Who could safe­ ly predict which was the winning party1?” Who would bell the cat? It will be recalled that one of the charges made by communism against democracy has been the fact that hunger went side by side with plenty—and there was no attempt to make an even distri­ bution of goods because that would keep prices down, and the capitalists did not like that. Does this same contradiction obtain here with us in the case of lum­ ber exportation? ’Seems to me it does. In a country like ours where building materials are badly need­ ed, where we can use all our lum­ ber for construction, there seems to be nd rhyme or reason in ex­ porting. Our lumber is public property. It' seems only logical that the people should get first benefit from it, A few people do get the benefit—the exporters—the ones who can afford not to be too richly benefited because they are rich enough as, it is. Perhaps all these confusions and contradictions are a necessary concomitant of a period of transition which, it is claimed, we are going through. We do not know our minds. Our lone Assem­ bly-woman was guilty of this con­ fused view too—first she was in favor of divorce, then she was no longer in favor of it, and she made public enunciation of these opinions. Only the other day I was talk­ ing with a man very well thought of in the government circles who seems to embody in himself the fine qualities of a high-minded public official. He was thinking of teaching in private institutions. He mentioned one of them—a fla­ grant example of a “diploma ■mill,” as the President described them—and I called his attention By PIA Jo Wlsi MANCIA to the low standards obtaining in that institution, the corrupt offi­ cials, the means they use to “get by.” Our highly principled govern­ ment official answered: “What’s the difference? I deliver the goods, The standards of their school are their own concern.” All this makes one seriously concerned with what is happening with the mental attitude of our people. What is wrong? We can­ not just belly-ache and gripe, gripe and belly-ache. Something must be definitely wrong some place. Could it be lack of integra­ tion in education ? ’Seems to me if we cannot lay the blame wholly at the door of education, at least partly we may. Therefore, it will not be amiss MUSIC HAS CHARMS FOR VETERANS IN THE NAVAL HOSPITAL at St. Albans, L. I., New York, Ray Evans, B. M. 2/CI of Hamilton, O., forgets all about the heavy bandages on his head as he toots a trumpet during a free music lesson sponsored by the Mu­ sicians’ Emergency Fund. The veterans* music program was established 18 months ago and now has more than 1,000 disabled veteran students, 800 of whom are in the hospital at St Albans. (International) Values must be changed. We have exalted the heroes of war, praised their exploits, sung their valor. The children have been thrilled with example of men and women dying in the battlefield. It is time to exalt now heroes of peace, men and women in turn who made of human life some­ thing worthwhile and akin to God. A woman social worker once asked a group of us, friends of hers, how, with one sweep, the women could eradicate the ills of our country. The answer’ given, which did did not satisfy her, was that, each in himself, everyone of us should so think .and live and behave that the unity of us all would speak for true and noble living. The advice was too highfalluting for her. Used to social work, where the workers solve specific problems of want and pri­ vation by specific solutions of gifts and donations, she was ex­ pecting a similar answer to allay her confusion about today’s ills. Yet, it is not a high-falluting answer at all. It is practical, workable. Nietsche had said, so wisely: “Let the future and what it holds in the far distance be your guide today and everyday. My advice to you is to love not just your neighbor today, but those who will come after you." If each of us follows this advice how can the Philippines be other than peaceful, how, indeed, can the world be other than integrat­ ed ? to speak here seriously of ways and means of conditioning the minds and hearts of our youth (and our old people too) to the ways of high-principled living, thinking and feeling,—and of act­ ing in such a manner as to be in consonance with the world ideal of lasting peace. To attain such an end there is need for an integration of our education. From the first grade in the elementary school to the last year in college this integrated purpose should be the warp and woof. It should be there, patent, unmistakable. For this goal, there should be textbooks written, spe­ cially in the grades. The old books are now outmoded, do not express what we wish to in inculcating the one-world idea of peace and un­ derstanding. All the artificial ex­ amples of living with which our children have been regaled in the past many now be substituted with real ones taken from the real life and experiences around us. PAGE 80 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL feet or satisfaction and annoy­ ance. Familiarity with these laws and their operation enables parents to manage and control situations at home in a manner that will insure the formation of good habits and acquisition of de­ sirable attitudes and ideas for right conduct or the correction and elimination of undesirable traits and tendencies. As far as the moral improve­ ment of our adult population is concerned, the main responsibility rests with the church and the var­ ious agencies she has organized for the better carrying out of her mission. It is riot for me in this paper to say what the church should do in this regard or how she should do it. I wish to point out, however, that there are a few things which we should bear in mind in formulating any plan for the improvement of the character and conduct of our adult popula­ tion. In the first place we must recog­ nize the fact that religion is a de­ termining factor in the moral life of an individual. For this reason, moral training must give top priority to religion, that is, to the knowledge of God and His Law and of the meaning and purpose of man’s existence on this earth. Such knowledge is a matter of great significance to the individ­ ual and to the community in which he lives. For one thing, it determines for the individual his HOME, SCHOOL OF VIRTUE (Continued Jrom page 29) bly utilize these activities tv de­ velop in his children desirable traits — helpfulness, cooperation, loyalty, industry, sympathy, thc_ghtfulness, the democratic spirit. leads a man to action impelled primarily by the desire to please God and advance His honor and glory, the spirit which consequent­ ly, urges a person to perform his daily tasks conscientiously and to the best of his ability, and to take things calmly when faced by ad­ versity, bearing cheerfully and courageously the trials, hardships and disappointments of life. These are some of the things we should like our parents to ac­ quire. Then the problem of creat­ ing a wholesome home environ­ ment which is. an important phase of our program of character build­ ing would be infinitely simplified. The average Filipino home like many of its counterparts in other countries is handicapped in its ef­ fort to develop desirable charac­ ter and personality traits in chil­ dren by its inability to provide wholesome home environment. Many of the conditions that ham­ per it in its mission arise from the ignorance of parents as to their obligations and responsibil­ ities. Others exist elsewhere in the community and are much beyond the control of the home. It is a fact, however, that in many of our homes opportunities and materials exist which can well be taken advantage of and utiliz­ ed to good purpse. With many a Filipino family, for example, re­ ligious devotions and practices are traditional. Grace is said at meals, morning prayers are recited toge­ ther by parents and children, par­ ents are greeted affectionately and respectfully by their children in the spirit of filial love and pie­ ty, etc. These traditions create a wholesome atmosphere in the home. Obviously, we should pre­ serve them, for they not only fos­ ter the spirit of reverence, but also tend to strengthen the unity and solidarity of the family. Our parents should be made to under­ stand their value and their influ­ ence for good upon themselves and their children. Opportunities are available also for character and civic training in the many activities, responsibili­ ties and services in the home— cleaning of rooms, fixing of beds, keeping of books and toys in or­ der, looking after younger broth­ ers and sisters, preparing the din­ ing table, washing of dishes, keep­ ing the yard and the home prem­ ises clean and tidy. The wise and understanding parent can profitaThe parents’ greatest opportu­ nity, however, is found in his dai­ ly contacts and dealings with the members of h.s family. It is here where he brings his influence to bear profoundly and decisively for good or bad upon his children. As McKnown has well said, “the par­ ent who respects the rights, feel­ ings and property of other mem­ bers of his family; who is sym­ pathetic, kind, considerate, and interested; who exhibits self-con­ trol, patience, fairness, good na­ ture, and tolence, who evidences genuine dehght in his children’s accomplishments, assists them in their difficulties, and helps them to capitalize their failures — this parent will win and retain the love and esteem of his children and raise them up to bless his memory and improve the commu­ nity.” In many other ways, the ordi­ nary Filipino home can be made to become an effective center for character and civic training. To insure the ultimate success of its mission, however, it must have the cooperation of other character building agencies, particularly the school, the church, the govern(Continued on page 33) way of life, his attitudes, his in­ terests, his sense of values. For another, it makes him a better cit- , izen. Trained to love God for His own sake and to deal justly with his neighbor as he would have his neighbor deal with himself all for the love of God, an individual ac­ quires’a sense of responsibility, a respect for authority, and a due regard for the rights and inter­ ests of others. These are precise­ ly the real foundations of civic virtue. Having accepted Christianity as our faith, I take it that we are interested in seeing the ideas and ideals of Christianity serve as the basis and foundation of our so­ cial and moial structure. We wish our people to acquire a good knowledge of God and His com­ mandments. We want them to be thoroughly impressed with the truth that God has created them and that the most important thing for them to do in this life is to love, honor and serve Him, their Divine Lord and .'faster. We wish to see our people become per­ meated with the spirit of Chris­ tian charity, the spirit which Have you lost ENERGY? ...Then you need the marvelous general tonic wine: VINO TONI-QUINA BOIE. The secret of the wonderful results pro­ duced by VINO TONI-QUINA BOIE is the high quality of its ingredients, carefuly analyzed and graded. VINO TONI-QUINA BOIE is a valuable tonic during con­ valescence from prolonged illness. It is highly recommended after childbirth to restore the natural energies lost by the mother enabling her to feed adequately the baby. Persons who are pale and anemic and are losing weight need VINO TONIQUINA BOIE for its stimulating, blood producing and tonic properties. BOTICA BOIE 95 Escolta Formula: Cinch.. Calisuya Bark 80 Gm; Theobrom. Cacao IbO Gm; Kolanuts 80 Gm; Pyro­ phosphate or Iron 2.40 Gm; Wine & Aromatics to Lit. Alcohol 10.40%. JUNE 30, 1947 PAGE 31 President Truman with his mother. 1USIS1 the family IH cd there that Martha Ellen met handsome young John Anderson Truman from a nearby farm. Growing up together on the farms, they became neighborhood sweethearts. Martha Ellen lived the typical life of a young southern girl in a well-to-do fa­ mily, tending flowers, helping some in the farm home (there were servants for the main tasks), riding houses and attending church and social affairs of the pioneer Missouri community. She also played the piano, and liked dancing. She was educated in the Baptist Girls College at Lexing­ ton, Kentucky. Married in 1881 On December 8, 1881, John An—“d<> your best, be loyal to your friends, never forget your ene­ mies.” Although usually she ruled her children with kindness, she was a strict disciplinarian, according to Harry Truman. He often said after he grew up, “We were taught that punishment always followed transgression, and my mother saw to it that it did.” In 1891 the Truman family moved on to a larger town—Inde­ pendence, Missouri, where John Truman could better conduct his business of buying and selling animals. But ten years later, when 17-year-old Harry met financial reverses which swept away their home in Independence. A white-haired, indomitable 94year-old woman is the “First Mother” of the United States to­ day. She is Mrs. Martha Ellen Truman, the mother of the Pres­ ident of the United States. Time has dimmed her eyes, but hei mind remains keenly attuned to the present, as well as to the past. Mrs. Truman always has had absolute faith in the ability of her son to carry the load shifted to his shoulder's by the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt on April 12, 1945. When Harry S. Truman overnight became the Chief Executive of the United States, his mother received the news calmly, with the confident expression, “Harry will get along all right.” Daughter of Pioneer Parents Martha Ellen Young Truman is of Scottish, Irish and English descent. One of nine children, she was born November 25, 1852, the daughter of pioneer parents who had gone from the still partly wilderness state of Kentucky to the even less settled midwestem state of Missouri. Her parents, Solomon Young and Harriet Louise Gregg Young, had freight­ ed their belongings and traveled by river boat from Shelby County, Kentucky, down the Ohio River, up the Mississippi, then westward up the Missouri to the edge of Kansas, finally establishing them-* selves at old Westport Landing, Missouri, where the wagon freight routes started out to.ward the ro­ mantic West. That was in the early 1840’s. Solomon Young set up an ox­ team wagon freight service from MRS. MARTHA ELLEH TRUMAN Westport Landing to Salt Lake City, thence to San Francisco. The venture prospered, and Young saved sufficient money to purcnase 5,000 acres (2,000 hectares) in Jackson County, 17 miles (27 Kilometers) south of Westport landing. As his wagon freight uusiness grew, Solomon Young Kept investing in land, and soon Became a man of recognized meatis in Missouri. It was in these ■ western Missouri hills near the Kansas border that Martha Ellen was born and that the Young family, fiercely Democratic in politics and staunch Confederates, (people of the southern states which se­ ceded from this union) lived through the Civil War days. While Solomon Young ran his wagon trains often making the long, tortuous journey to Salt Lake City by himself and then on out to §an Francisco, Harriet Young looked after the farms and kept affairs in order. It was during one of these lonely so­ journs, when Martha Ellen was a slender, dark-haired child of nine that Union (Northern) forces raided the Young farm. Although she was only a child at the time, this incident is still vivid 85 years later, in Martha Ellen Tru­ man’s mind. In 1868 Young purchased 600 acres (240 hectares) of farm land near Grandview, in Jackson County, Missouri. It was while derson Truman and Martha Ellen Young were married. Two years later they moved to Lamar, Missouri, 125 miles (200 kilome­ ters) southeast of Kansas City, where John Truman established a fairly successful business of buying horses and mules. The Truman mule and horse barn was a sort of gathering place for farm folk who wanted to gossip, talk Democratic politics, or arrange a horse trade, for John Truman was always ready to “swing a deal.” It was not a flourishing business, but one that sometimes turned a handsome profit and produced a fair living by Missouri standards, but not a great deal more. It was there, in a low, white, four-room frame house which still stands, that Harry Truman was born in 1884. The family then moved to a farm at Harrison­ ville, Missouri, where two years later another son, John Vivian, was born. When Harry was four years old, the Trumans moved into the white, rambling, eight­ room two-story farmhouse at Grandview. Here Mary Jane, the youngest and last child of the Trumans (she is five years younger than the President) was born. Martha Ellen Truman found time to be a good mother during her endless farming tasks. She lived by the Spartan philosophy which she passed on to her sons There was barely enough money left to purchase a less pretentious dwelling in nearby Kansas City. The family remained in Kansas City for three years, then John Truman traded the home there for an equity in 80 acres (32 hectares) of land near Clinton, Missouri, and went there to farm. In 1906 the Trumans moved back to the farm near Grandview which Harry as a boy had loved so well. The President often has referred to the following decade as the happiest years of his life. But they were not to last for either Martha Ellen Truman or her son—in 1915 John Truman died, and two years later Harry Truman went off to fight in France. He lived on the farm only a short time after that, after he returned from the first World War. But Mrs. Truman remained on the family farm until a few years ago, when she moved into Grandview. Makes Home in Grandview She lives today in that village of 800 in an unpretentious five­ room modern bungalow a short distance from the main street. With her lives her daughter Mary Jane, who takes ca.e of hef. A half mile (0.8 k.lometer) out­ side of town is the old Truman farm. Mrs. Truman was a surprising­ ly vigorous woman of 94 (although she had walked with a cane for many years) until she PAGE 32 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL fell in February of 1947 and broke her hip. She remains brisk, sprightly and jolly, and her humor holds—she likes to joke with peo­ ple. Awake at 6:30 in the morn­ ing, she is eager for what the day may bring, and has an out­ standing knowledge of current world affairs. No bit of news, particularly matters in which the President has a hand, escapes her. Follows News Avidly Newspapers are read to her daily, and she also regularly fol­ lows the Congressional Record (which the Presjdent sends her) “to learn what all those Senators and Representatives say.” She likes to clip items from the news­ papers for her memory book, and she also keeps closely posted through radio broadcasts on the news of the world. She hears every speech of the President, and her last act before retiring each night for years has been to tune in on the 9 o’clock news broadcast. Listening to the radio in general is a favorite pastime —“1 like newscasts ani songs Jcowboy songs and ail kinds,” she says. Mrs. Truman declares that she never wished, as most mothers do, that either of her sons might become President of the United States. She says of Harry Tru­ man, “1 nevei- even dreamed that some day he might be Vice Pres­ ident of the country. I just raised all my children to know that they must always aim to do the right thing. They may make mis­ takes, but they’ll be honest mis­ takes, and that’s only human." She hadn’t wanted Harry Tru­ man to be Vice President—shs thought he could do a better job as a Senator, but she prays every night now that he will be the greatest President in history. Not Awed by Son’s High Estate The President refers endear­ ingly to Martha Ellen Truman as "Mummy.” She is not awed by her son’s ascendency to the White House; she writes regularly to give him a “piece of her mind” just as she did when' he was Senator and she once called him to task for not reporting for a roll Call. “You be good,’’ she Medical Notes HOME, SCHOOL FOR VIRTUE (Continued from page 31) PROGRESS MADE IN CANCER DETECTION HARTFOkD, Conn.—The Hart­ ford Courant in a recent editorial commented that there are unmistakeable bits of evidence that ultimately there will be greater progress in the control of cancer. The editorial referred particu­ larly to the report by William L. Laurence in the New York Tim«s of a new test that might make it possible to detect can­ cer in its early stages. The test involves the Injection of fluid from the patient in rats. If can­ cer is present ir. the patients, the rats react to the fluid. In 32 tests where the diagnosis was un­ known, six tests proved positive \while the remainder were nega­ tive. Later examination of the patients showed six to have vary­ ing types' of cancer. The Courant said that the new test, if corroborated by a later experiment, would place cancer in the same category as. tuber­ culosis as a curable disease, add­ ing: “Certainly it is an end to be fervently wished for, but the small number of cases on which it has been tried does not war­ rant its unqualified acceptance as yet.” HOSPITAL HOLDS SYMPOSIUM WASHINGTON—A symposium at an army medical center, Wal­ ter Reed Hospital, has produced several interesting medical re­ ports. Speaking on streptomycin, Major Edwin Pulaski of Texas said the drug effects a rapid and permanent cure for tulaermia and has “proved a life-saver ;n se­ veral mixed infections of the ear, brain and spinal cord” He added some of the most .dramatic re_ suits with streptomycin have been in meningitis cases. When added to the milk formula for babies, the drug also has been effective in the control of infantile diarrhea. In another address, Dr. Alf. S. Alving o/ the University of Chicago reviewed developments in the treatment of malaria. He said the nation’s primary malarial problem affects veterans who suffer frequent relapses. An eventual cure can be accomplish­ ed by the treatment of individual attacks with quinine and such drugs atabrine, chloroquine, paludrine and pentaquine. "MOUSE DAIRY” ESTABLISHED NEW YORK—A “mouse dairy’ has been established by Columbia University in order to continue a phase of cancer research with specific attention on breast can­ cer. Of the 3,000 mice in the Co­ lumbia laboratory, 680 are females of the White Paris strain which almost invariably have breast cancer. The others qre of the black C-57 strain which almost never develops. The young are being fed the milk of white mice mothers. After a year and a half, if the black mice have de­ veloped breast cancer, the labora­ tory will have, proved that the chemical isolated, by a doctor of Columbia University is that which causes breast cancer in mice. DIABETES SOCIETY MEETS NEW YORK—The Lady So­ ciety of New York Diabetes Asso­ ciation a society composed entire­ ly of laymen interested in the promotion knowledge of diabetes, recently held its first meeting. The society plans to hold large open meetings at which specialists will take part in question-answer programs. It will also act as a clearinghouse for a new publica­ tion of interest for diabetics. About 39 other similar organi­ zations are being formed in other parts of the United States and Canada, it was also said. (USIS) incut and above all the commu­ nity. All of these should cooperate and coordinate their efforts and their activities. Under proper di­ rection and with the help and co­ operation of other institutions, the average Filipino home, with the opportunities and materials it BEST/BABYBESTALL possesses can contribute substan­ tially to the building up of a great nation, a nation of men and wom­ en with moral and civic virtues which make for national greatness, and for the ppace, welfare and happiness of the Filipino people. JUNE 30, 1L47 PAGE 33 always admonishes hi'..', when he vlane to pose with him for photo­ conies to see her, "but be game graphs. "Oh, fiddlesticks!” she loo." said. “If I’d known that I wouldn" When Secret Service operatives have come.” wanted to wire Mrs. Truman’s Named Outstanding .Missouri home against intruders shortly Mother in 1946 after Truman became President, On May 29, 1946, Mrs. Truman sne would have none of it. Sne was named the Missouri Mother said it wouldn’t be neighborly, of 1946. She was also nominated and neighborliness is important for the American Mother of 1946, to her. but the President requested the On Mother’s Day in 1945 Mrs. Golden Rule Foundation, which Truman was a guest in the White makes the annual award, not to House—the President had sent his consider his mother for that personal plane to Missouri for her. honor because of her age. He It was a momentous occasion— also asked that the Missouri her first airplane flight, her first award be presented quietly and visit to the national capital, and without advance notice to his the first time to see her son since mother. Successfuly recovered he had been President. But she from a cold which had prevented remained unimpressed. She en- the committee from calling on deared herself to the press when Mother’s Day, Mrs. Truman was President Truman boarded her delighted with, the honor but plane on its arrival and brought somewhat nettled because the his mother to the door of the formalities had been skipped. THIS FORTNIGHT'S ISSUE (Continued, from page 3) FOOD FOR UNDERNOURISHED BABIES.—Above is a typical pile of a considerable windfall of strained baby foods, including milk and tiki-tiki, donated to the Philippines by the emergency food allocation drive in the US for use in the launching of the PWRUS-sponsored P600.000 child feeding program which gets un­ derway Monday. Picture was taken inside the San/ Lazaro hospi­ tal compound where the PI mission headquarters of the PWft (US) is located. ALSO the circulation depart­ ment found itself pleasantly an­ noyed at various times wJien peo­ ple would drop in at ungodly hours and demand to buy—not a copy or a dozen or fifty — but hundreds of copies of the ma­ gazine. Roque Laudico who is proudly not a staffer of the Woman’s Home Journal found himself commandeered one noon time to haul from the bode­ ga some hundred copies to satis­ fy a customer and deserve a much coveted "thank you” from this wo­ man’s magazine. FURTHERMORE, that June 15 issue caused many a photograph­ ic studio to lose business. - To friends in the United States who have been asking Helen Benitez for a photograph,. Helen sent the Woman’s Home Journal instead where she appears on the front cover. She has given that cover portrait a name: “prettier me.” ON the whole, the bulletin on Exhibit “A” (let’s get this over with, once and for all) does read quite well. Here it goes: Soon after the publication of Ex­ hibit “A”, separate women’s groups urged on the majority par­ ty the nomination of Attorney Pacita de los Reyes' for senator on the Liberal ticket. The WILOCI, her principal back­ er, has since redoubled its efforts to galvanize feminist support for Miss Reyes into action. Asked to comment on Exhibit “A”, two of the most prominent majority party leaders said that, while they believed the qualities of Miss de los Reyes could really help in bringing the government back to the people, they found it impossible to work up sufficient enthusiasm over any woman’s en­ try into the senatorial race. They confessed to certain “misgivings” about women’s active participation in politics. As an afterthought, they asked not to be quoted, pre­ sumably out of fear of the wom­ en’s vote. Cesar Azarcon, who was until lately on the staff of the hard­ hitting Philippine Liberty News, said: “The feminist movement is presented forcefully—and for-the first time—in its true light, that of being an integral part of .an over-all movement for a new or­ der. The exposition in Exhibit ‘A* of the plight of the Filipino wom­ en is lucid, timely, and dramatic.” Editor N. V. M. Gonzalez, of the Saturday Evening News Mag­ azine, made some offhand obser­ vations on Exhibit “A” which he withdrew "on second thought.” Besides the WILOCI, members of such younger social welfare groups like the VSAC, JLA, and Kayumanggi, reacted favorably to the idea of launching the senator­ ial candidacy of Exhibit “A”. “HOME, School of Virtue” by Luz Alzona-Zafra is a gem. It would never have been written, we suspect, if there had been no Educational Convention. That confab brought luminaries, who have been hibernating, to the fore and the words that poured out of their mouths are records for the sages. The country’s foremost educators minced no words for the present set-up and defined the function of education in this ato­ mic era. Mrs. Zafra sounds off workable theories which parents would do well to read. “Our Mediore Movies” makes Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero a pleasant mouthpiece for many a play­ wright, movie fan and plain citizen. Mr. Guerrero may sound caustic in parts but one sees he makes sense and han only con­ structiveness at heart. ATTORNEY Cecilia MunozPalma is the President of the Philippine Women Lawyers Asso­ ciation. Like the rest of the women lawyers she can not take the vitriolic “Hanggang Bar Lamang” sitting down. Here she takes apart the rare mechanism called woman lawyer and finds to her satisfaction that her male colleagues . are greatly to blame for what is called her “failure”. Dr. Florendo dropped in by our desk the other day when she brought in her “home work” fol the fortnight. She had very nice words for the magazine—somec thing we suspected she had been wanting to say all along as we gather from the zealousness and gusto with which she tackles her “assignments” in the interest of health. OUR fashion double-spread got all twirled up in the machines. It would take a day of highly tech­ nical explaining to give you a hint of just what happened. Bride Julita Ortigas, daughter of/ Doha Julia, member of the Board of Directors of the'National Fed­ eration of Women’s Clubs, should be on the .left-hand page and Miss Razon’s sketches on the right. But that shouldn’t make much difference, the sketches, and photographs are no less beautiful, aren’t they? WE have a fashion column now for teenagers. We are a little proud of the tip finds, though we are no longer a teenager our­ self. The models are i Hollywood movie gals, one is Virginia Hus­ ton, she with the embroidered bodice; the next is a cute get-up (initials for neckline) in ’Koine­ thing For the Boys” soon to be released at the State Theatre; and the last is a sparkling creat­ ion reminiscent of our panueloless temos in an RKO production. The protographs are from Holly­ wood, but the tips are from yours truly. PAGE 34 WOMAN’S HOME JOURNAL SubAtJi&si Id the Saturday Evening News! JhL& 9a Jh& Spsrial 9aau& fig The EVENING NEWS Which Comes Out Every Saturday Afternoon There are two important reasons why provincial readers find the SATURDAY EVENING NEWS the best newspaper for their money— It Has A Fourteen-Page News Section Which Gives Them The Latest Developments Along The Local And Foreign News Fronts and It Contains A Thirty-Two Page Magazine Section Which Features Four Pages Of Colored Comics, Fascinating Feature Articles, Interesting Short Stories, Fashion Trends, And Pictures and More Pictures. STUDENTS, BUSINESS MEN, FARMERS, PROFESSION­ ALS, AND HOUSEWIVES ARE SUBSCRIBING DAILY TO THE SATURDAY EDITION OF THE “EVENING NEWS.” For the relatively small amount of P9.00 you can receive the SATURDAY EVENING NEWS for one year, fifty-two issues in all, anywhere in the Philippines. SUBSCRIBE NOW! Clip this coupon and mail it together with the necessary remittance. The Circulation Department EVENING NEWS, INC. 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