The Philippine Gazette


The Philippine Gazette
Issue Date
Volume 1 (Issue No. 4) November 1946
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Place of publication
extracted text
The ghilippine Gazette ?UBLISHED MONTHLY COVERING SACRAMENTO. STOCKTON ·"-~D SAN FRAN~ISCO AREAS 1314 Sixth Street -:- Sacramento, California Sl.00 per Year Vol. 1, No. 4 ::\'IANUEL L. QUEZON THE LATE PRESIDENT MANUEL L. QUEZON STIU SPEAKS . . . It was in 1909, that the militant :Manuel L. Quezon was chosen hr the assembly as one of the two .Resident Commissioners at \Vashinton. During the se,·en years Quezon held post, he waged a vigorous campaign to influence • \merican opinion both in and out oi Congress. Congressman Jones of Virginia introduced in March, 1912. the first Philippine independence bill which bears his name. The bill provide for complete independence in eight years for the PhiliP: pines. 25c por Copv November 1946 On :.\hrd1 24. 1934. the Tyding:<:.\kDuiiie .\ct " ·as appro"cd gi"ing the Philippi1~e; rnmplete ireedom after a ,hon transition oi I 0 year,. Quezon \\'as sick in bed in :.\Ianila but he made 'peeches ior its adoption. In 1935 the Commomnalth oi the Philippines was established through the und) ing work oi :.\lanuel L. Quezon. On July 4, 19~6. the Independence oi the Philippines \\'as gi\'cn \\'ith General Douglas :.\lacArthur, a boso:-n friend ., of Quezon, as guest speaker and :.\Ianuel A. Roxas. traii:ed by Quezon for the \\"ork, succeeded him. Although the late Quezon is no\\· resting in peace .in the gra"e the \\"ork he has done for his cou:itn· remains immortal. If he \\'ere still alive he \\"Ould say - build up the Philippines to he a modern countrv in the \\'Orld . . . make it a rhampifJn for ireedom ... make it the true light of a benighted Asia. ROXAS TO REFUSE FRANCO MEDAL :.\IAN ILA. - President ).Januel A. Roxas said ,·esterda\' he intended to decline a dec~ration ,~·hich he undcrstoo<l the Spanish government \\'as offering him . Roxas said he had no official knmddege of the decoration but had read new' dispatches that Generalissimo Franco had signed degrees awarding him the Gran.I Cross of the Order of Carlos Tercero and awarding the Vice President Elpidio Quirino the Order of Grand Cros.~ · oi Isabela Catolica. REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES 1617 M:i..<sachusctts A,·cnue. X. \V. Washington 6, D. C. The Philippine Government desires to extend to Filipinos now in the r nited States an opportunity to train for the Foreign Sen·icc of the Republic. The Foreign Scn·icc 1•.·ill be a career scn·ice based on merit. It is open onlr to citizeus of the Philippines. Those who arc interested in the training offered for this work should applv to this office. Competiti,·c entrance ·examinations will be gh·cn at a latter date. The following io a summary of the requirements go,·erning Foreign Sen·icc examinations: (A) Theoretical Subjects-weight 60 per cent. I. International Law or International Trade. 2. History of Diplomacy and Political and Eonomic Gcographr or :\Iodcrn Histon• and Political and Economic Conditions. 3. Philippine Economic Conditions. 4. Philippine History and Go,·cmmcnt. 5. Spanish or French 6. English Composition. Applicants may choose which of two subjects in (1), (2) and (5) he wishes to take. Passing general ncragc in theoretical examination is 7 5 per cent provided that candidate gets no lower than 65 per cent in any one subject. ( B) Education, training and experience to be rated on basis of sworn statements in application. Relative weight for this is JO per cent. ( C) Practical examination will consist of an oral interview and actual tests of fitness. Only candidates passing theoretical and oral interview tests will be called for practical examination. Relative weight for this is 30 per cent. Applicant must be; (I) at least 21 not less than 4-0 years of age c.xccpt G~\·ern­ ment employees in whose cases maximum age limit mar be waived; (2) must submit certificates of good moral character from three responsible persons and medical certificate of good health from any reliable physician; ( 3) must not have anv criminal record or been punished ar~1inistrativcl~·; and ( 4) must be holder of either Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service, Bachelor of Laws or anv other four-vear Baccalatireat degree maj-;,ring in political science, economics or historv obtained from school of recoimized standing. This press release is intended to enable those desiring to take the examination to prepare themselves adequately. The places of examinations will be announced later. It is hoped that as many of those who have the qualifications should avail themselves of this opportunity. Application forms may be secured by writing to this Office. LUXOR TAXI COMPANY ~ DIAL 4-1781 100% Uftion-2...,Hour Service-Veteran Owned Out-of-Town Trips Courteous Dtinrs TOMMY SHEA, Owner Office: J1"/, I STREET . Stand: 1601 IC St., Sacramento, Calif. HARRIS JEWELRY CO. Guaranteed Watch Repairing JACK & BILL A&N Used Cars PHONE 3-6043 510 CAPITAL AVE. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. -2JAPANESE SOLDIERS ARE FOUND EATING SLAIN FILIPINO WOMAN . ~fA;>\ILA, Oct. 1.-The Philippine ~1ilirary Police today on patrol surprised se\•en sran·ing Japanese soldiers ghoulishly ieasring on the flesh of a murdered Filipino woman, at ~lalaybalay, ~Iin­ danao. The ~IPs killed six oi rhe Japanese. The seventh e;caped. The report said that this is the third recent cannabalism found in the Bukidnon plateau. Jr is e<rimar~d that there are I 00 unsurre,1dered Japanese in that area. OCK LEE HAND LAUNDRY ~ 1021 FIFTH mEET Socntmento. California I 5THGonr:d-NJAEY HUGHES DRUGS :l5TH ond STH AVE. PHONE l·5'7D PHONE S.2''4 SACRAMENTO VICTORY FRUIT STORE Geotge Korontoti, Prop. 1103 4th Street Soaomento FRISCO FRUIT MARKET Pete Gionopolis, Prop. 401 L Street Soc,omento. California MACARTHUR ASKED TO LOOK AT PHILIPPINE TROOPS MORALE WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-General Dwight Eisenhower, the army chief oi staff today asked General Douglas ~IacArrhur ro investigate reports of disintegrating morale among United Stares troops in the Pacific area, particularly t1irr of rhe Philippines. The New Times especially expressed concern over the situation in the Philippines yesterday in an editorial commenting on a dispatch from its :Manila correspondent. The dispatch said troops in Manila ha,·e been characterized bv the Filipino l~aders as "brash, ill mannered, slovenly, contemptuous children." Ir said that the m~n have not been indoctrinated by their oiiicers in pride in their units, themselves, the army or the U nired States. ~ ANN'S SERVICE STATION Open 24 Houts lubrico:ion, Car Washing, Greasing Ti1e Repair. Special Rares to Trucb 1215 2nd STREET Sa:ram.nto, Calif. SAFEWAY TAILORS ALTERATIONS, CLEANING AND PRESSING SUITS MADE TO ORDER f. C. Canson and Sons We Coll and Deliver Phone 3.0852 429 L STREET, SACRAMENTO 14 ~ A-1 Poultry & Market EGGS ond GROCERIES Phone 2-0815 1207 4th ST., SACRAMENTO : = = = - -3]. L. CANSECO ---------------- .. Past Comman:ler ]. L. Canseco, founder and first commander. of '.Wagellan Post 60.J America" Legion, organizes another Legion Post for Filipino veterans cf wars in Isleton, California. Com:nander Canseco, suggests that every \" Ctcran of \Vorld \Var I and \\7orld \Var II should take the opportuniti• to become a member of the American Legion for the purpose of contributir:g himself to distinction of honor, bra.very and heroism for which country he was fighting for. \Ve must defenil America! ~. . Chinese Church of Christ~ 1 Sundoy Services 11.or!". ing .11 :00 o'. rr.. S n::lny Sciloe.I ... 2:~0 p. rn , E• <'-;'~ So,.;:c. . . .... 7,,0 • · m. Rev. S. W. KWO.K, Pc~ :cr Si9 l ! S~roet Phone 2·6760 • S"'omonto, Ccllf,,·lo DEGREE FOR NIMITZ DETRO TT, Oct. 2-J.-Flcet Admiral Chest::• \ V. :'\ imitz received honora ry doctor of la\\·s clt•grce toclar from \Va1·ne Lini\'C'rsity for his 11 scn·ic:c.; to the Am~·ri­ C3n people." r>' ' '"C"\' ·ns .,:,. W'-fGlc> .,_., r.. ·o·c· Old Gold IJ011('/it WATCH. RE'A: R:~c PHONE ?-4110 f1?..', .1 !; :·~Pi Sa!:roment~ l l F~;~~;;~" ;;~·~;~;, l Moke Life-Lil'! Photos , Ho""oh M;no1,Mg<. 4,2 I( S7REEI SAcn1,MrnTO rt061NSCN'S s:~oe REPAIR . for Those Who Won! 1hc Bcs1! "Quick Service ond Reosonoble P1ices Hove Your Shoes Hoff Soled lodoy ond Look Like New! So1isfoc1io n Gvoronleed ~2S CAPITOi. AVE. SACRAMENTO SHELBY HARDWARE CO. ~ · 'co:.1PL5TE liARDWARE SERVICE Toc;ls-Cullery H:>u:ehcld Good$-$porling Gocds PIJmbi.lg Suppltos-:>clnts and Varnishe; Phone J-2371 514 L STREET SACRAMENTO . MANlLA s~:oE SHINE DAN CARBONA, Owner -4BODIES OF U. S. 0. TROUPERS ARE FOUND IN THE. PHILIPPINES :\IA:\'ILA, Oct. !.-The Philippine :\Iilitary Police reported today the remains oi I 0 persons he believed killed in the Feb. 5th crash oi a United States arnw transport plane carrying a USO troupe iound in the :\Iandalagan :\'fountains on the island oi :\egros. The :\IPs found United States Arnn· indcntiiication rags bearing the name o.f Lirn tenant F. S. Stevenson and Lieut. Harold R. fohnson. ' J\rn oi those found were women. . . rI . International Barber Shop E~rico M. Cipriano, Proprialot I I PaJ'S la Looi: Well 41 MAIN STREET P. 0. BOX 764, ISLETON, CALIF. KUROKO STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHERS Dial 2-3533 1226 4th Strool Sacramento VICTORY BARBER · SHOP Treat You;siff to .. tlie Best TELEPHONE 3-2487 JULIAN G. GADIA; ProD. 321 !/, L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA WATCH REPAIRING Watchmak•r - Jeweler - Engraver G. E. NESS Sacramonla I 027 6th Strool · Three Doors From K Street . I C:D NIXON ON WAY TO PANAMA Ed Nixon of Sacramento, a 1st class seaman, is on his way to Panama, leaving Sacramento on Oct. 29. Ed will be at Panama under the !II avy Depart~ mcnt. Ed is a Sacramentan, a nephew oi :\I rs. Hannah :\1inot who is the manager oi F otoette Studios, 402 Kay Street. TOWN IN LUZON LOOTED BY HUKS :\IANILA, Oct. 9.-The Manila Evening News said today that the Huie: ~uerrilla invaded Umingan in central Luzon last night. They held the towniolk prisoner for four hours, then they looted houses, stores and homes. The Hulc:s, armed peasants, ·c:Scapcd \\·th cash, rice, jewels and canned goods ,·a!ued at $50,000 . JOHNSTONE'S BOOTERY QUALITY SHOES For rhe Entire Family J. H. JOHNSTONE Dial 2-767 518 K ST., SACRAMENTO ;uL1us GENE CHICKEN SHACK HOME OF SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN Served with Hot Biscuits Lunch from 11 o. I'."· to 2 p. m. 1324 3rd STREET, SACRAMENTO. l'hant 3-43M · -sDOG'S LIFE IN MANILA IS GOOD :MANILA, P. [,Oct. 10.-Thc dogs at Malacanang Palace, official home of President :\'lanucl Roxas, arc the envy of C\'Cry canine in the Philippines-and mavbe of some humans in the United States. The dogs-two Irish Setters and one Doberman Pinschcr-purchascd in the United States arrived in Manila recently. A Filipino veterinarian from the Bureau of Animal Husbandry was called to prescribe a proper diet. Herc it is: Cooked chopped meat six times a week. V cgctables, fish and mill'.. ' DECANA Y ON PLANE TRjP TO L. A. Lazaro Decanay, resident of Del Paso Heights, made a trip by plane October 8, for Los Angeles and Wilmington for a visit to his cou~in, Dr. Primitiva Dcmandantc, who has a medical office at \11/ilmington. Mr. Dacanay was fom1erly of Chicago. METHODIST BISHOP 'SAYS CATHOLICS .HAVE DECLARED WAR ON RUSSIA CLEVELAND, 0., Oct. 28.-Bishop Bromley Oxnam of New York, president of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, says "it would appear the Roman Catholic Church has declared wnr on Russia by announcing a worldwide war on communism." Discussing the Protestant contribution to a World Peace, Bishop Oxnam, declared "Protesants arc as fundamentally opposed to the philosophy of materialism on which communism is based and to its methods, seen in dictatorship -and repression, as in the Roman Catholic Church. "But we believe there is a wav to face and to solve this difficult probl~m without resource to war." NAVLIIT FLOWER SHOP "Say it with flowers" TENTH le L STREETS STORE PHONES: 3-3989-3-3910 DR. JOSE LAUREL WINS POPULARITY BY OPPOSING AMERICANS MANILA, Oct. 10.-Jose P. Laurel, wartime Japanese puppet president, accused of being the arch traitor 'of the Philippines, is regaining public esteem by lambasting a proposal to give Americans equal rights in developing the isl~nd's natural resources: Laurel is still on bail. On his three speeches he was cheered wildlr for his militant stand against the so-called parity amendment to the new republic's constitution. Toda)' he appears to be an infhtenrial public iigure. Minorit)' congressmen opposing President Roxas backed amendment are even reported urging him to lead the fil!ht against it before the March I Ith plebiscite. BRIGHT SPOT MARKETS 230 L STREET, PHONE 3-2688 430 N STREET, PHONE 2-5991 Sacramento, Colilornia LIM'S TAILOR SHOP CLEANING.- PRESSING Ladies' ond Gents'-Suits Mode To· Order Alterations of All Kinds All Work Guotonteed 307 Kay Strool Sacramento SocramHto, Calif. J FILIPINOS DENY BASES AT MANILA MANILA, Oct. 23.-Thc Manila Times said Philippines negotiators were standing pat in their refusal to yield any of Manila Bay shoreline for permanent military · installations, deadlocking the conference with the United States negotiators who arc seeking bases in the Islands. FILIPINO HOME GROCERY Ricardo Gales. Prop. P. 0 . Box 283 FIRST STREET, WALNUT GROVE NORTHENIAN CAFE Victor Regonon, Prop. 310 L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA CLARENCE R. CAMERON"S MELODY RECORD SHOP THE HOUSE OF MUSIC COLLECTOR'S JAZZ · Phone 3-2872 624 J Strool A-N-C Market GROCERY-FRESH MEAT FISH-SODA FOUNTAIN FREE DELIVERIES TO CAMPS "Most Modern Market Edward Pocificor, General.Manager Phone 2-431 45 Main St., Isleton, Calif. -1.EDITORIAL Every Filipino should be in Church on Sunday. There is room for all. Over 30 chairs arc empty on Sunday morning at IO :00 o'clock:. Many members of the church arc not even attending. This is a good example of people that arc Ion. They arc spiritually and morally lost. There is no remedy c.xccpt a return to the Church. The Church is the greatest and the purest institution in the world. It is an honor to belong to a Church. The Church • may· be very small, the :members you can count on your fingers or rou know exactly who will be present at the service, but if it .is preaching the message of Christ-the message of salvation through Christ and preaches of an honorable life here on earth that is Church. . The Filipino churches here in 'California arc poor and all on the upgrade struggle. It is hard to maintain. Only men with true Christian faith can make a go with it. Most of the men that ar~ preaching arc not paid. They are giving their time. They do not even pass a collection. They depend on God's grace .for their living. They still live for they hnc Christ with them. At IO . o'clock in the morning the classes begin in our Church at 1314 6th Street. \Ve have classes for children and for grown people._ .. Then at 11 o'clock we have the sermon and service. The p1inistcr will preach. Readers of this NITZ CUT RATE DRUG STORE 230 4th STREET SACRAMENTO editorial arc urged to come this coming Sunday. By coming and attending we spread the Gospel as Jesus our Lord said we will through out the world -to all nations. REV. VICENTE A. ZAMBR,A. PHILIPPINE FOOD SHORTAGE; FLOUR, MILK, SUGAR ARE COMMANDEERED '.\IA:'-llLA, Oct. 26.-The Philippine Relief and Rehabilitation Adminis· tration was ordered by the Philippine Government today to commandeer all flour, milk and .sugar entering the island. The action was attributed to a severe shortage caused by the shipping strike. The commodities will be rationed. I CAPITAL LUMBER-WRECKING CO. Telephone 2-1525 431 North I 2th STREET SACRAMENTO 15, CALIF. E. Desamito AL FRYE KEN BONNELL TELEPHONE 1·2741 916 SIXTH ST .. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. -·MISS ALICE VILLANUEVA RECENT VISITOR lVIiss Alice \'illanuc.-a oi Ha\l'aii, \l'ith her sister, )frs. Fe Batoon \\'ere recent visitors here in Sacramento. );liss Villanueva together \l'ith her sister, )frs. Batcon, visited their cousin, Jose Rer·· mern. "·ho has a tomato farm at '.\' oMmas. near Sacramento. '.\Iiss Villanueva is on h~r \\"a)· to N e\I' York \\'here she "·ill study at the Fashion School this :\'o,·ember. FILIPINO TEAM IS WINNER OF BOWLING The Filipino team of Sacramento is \\'inner in a bo\l'ling contest against the Chinese Yuen Team of Los Angeles in the game held October 23rd, on the Forum Bo\l'ling Alley. The Sacramento team is headed by E. Flo160, and members arc : Frank Ramos. J. Ragasa, Al Navarro and A. Pascua. P. PANAY IS MAYOR Of' AGOO, La UNION, P. I. Mr. Panay \\'ho has been studying in the local schools of Sacramento and in San Francisco is now a mayor of Agoo. a to\l'n in the province of La Union, Philippines. :'.\fr. Panav is well remcmhered bv his friends here in Sacramento. Mr. and !Vlrs. V. Laroco of Sacramento, arc his nearest relatives. le YOU NEED A NOTARY PUBLIC SEE J. L. CANSECO THE SPIRITUAL ELEMENT Mrs. Roosevelt was presented to the Ne\\' York Democratic Convention as the "First Lady of the World." In her· address she said; "With all our hearts we must no\\' contend \l'ith spiritual progress." Certainly all preachers should not stop \l'Orking to bring abou.t the greatest spiritual progress. Our great encmv is the po\l'cr of materialism. That can lie overcome by spiritual idealism. BABY CHICKS IN FLIGHT OAKLAND.-Another flock of 33,500 chicks was on the \\·ing o,·er the Pacific today, bound for the Philippines. Taloff Electric Company Ready for Christmas Shopping Taloff Electric Company, 1009 5th Street, announces to all its friends, customers, that his store is ready for Christmas shopping. Almost anything needed in the house is found at Taloii. Electrical appliances, radios, lamps, lighting fixtures, Christmas tree set, phonograph, electric toasters. Just see Taloif for \\"hat you need. i AL'S CLOTHIER l Arrow Shirts Stehon Hots Interwoven Sox Corner sih & Koy Streets Sacramento General Mechonicol Service Complete Motor Overhaul Parts Accessories Dov, Night Parking Phone 2.6898 "We Never Close" 516 L STREET SACRAMENTO . NOTARY PUBLIC 1 ·· 301 L STREET Sacraento-Phone 4·0688 V'--"-"-'~~,.._,,._-"-"~-".l ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!i!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!! - .9.TRUMAN SEES SPECIAL CONNOTATION IN PART OF LINCOLN ADDRESS WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.-Presidcnt Truman said "a special and solemn connotation in (present) world affairs" is in the closing resolve of Lincoln's Gettysburg address: '"That this nation, under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that ;?o\·crnmcnt of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." In the proclamation dedicating Nov. 19th as the 83 rd anniversary of the delivery of the address, Truman said, "those classic lines arc cnsh rincd forever in the hearts of Americans." FEDERAL COUNCIL WELCOMES UNITED NATIONS DELEGATES ~E\V YORK-A resolution welcoming officers and delegates of the U nitcd :'\'ations General Assembly, scheduled to convene in this country October 2 were adopted here by the executive committee of the Federal Council of Churches. CHINESE TO RULE THEIR OWN CHURCHES EDI:'\TBURGH-Foreign missionaries in China must be prepared in the future to work under Chinese leaders rather than as "bosses" according to Dr. John Stewart, who returned here from a visit in Manchuria and China on bchali of the Foreign Mission Committc:e of the Church of Scotland. COMMERCIAL HOTEl AND RESTAURANT Italian and Steak Dinners Telephone 3-3688 Emmett Regan, Owner Johnny Flynn, Mg'· ?rd and I STS., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. U. S. ARMY IN PHILIPPINES ORDERED TO ALERT ITS LEADERSHIP ~IANILA, Oct. 26.-'.\.Iaj. Gen. G. ]. Christiansen, Western Pacific Commander, today urged his officers to show the utmost possible leadership of U. S. Army troops in the Philippines. Gcn:ral Christiansen issued a memor· andum to all commanders down to ~he rank of captnin dir~cting their best efforts in handling the influx of recruits. "This situation shoulrl challenge ;ou to exercise every ounce oi leaclcrship you have," he said. "\V c have three major jobs in the Philippines," General Christenson said. "First, we must have an Arm)' whirh ronducts itself in such manner th~t the Filipino people will contiPuc to welcome us as guests in their land. This implies th~t our soldiers he disciplined, courteous, rrsnectiul to authority and other people's rie:hts. properl)• dressed and r>roperly b~haved. · "Second, we must retrain our Army. Since our non-coms arc )'Oung and inexperienced and our replacements untrain. ~d. it is obvious that officers must supply the experience necessary to make this new Army. "Third, we 1t111st perform our current mission-a task which cannot be neglected." I SACRAMENTO LOAN and ] Money ~~~!~~'!,.,~~·Jewelry Unr~~:~e~0Pf~d R:~o~~~\ale Wardrobe Trunks ~ur Specialty . 511 Koy Street Sacramento l WILLET & KINTANA UNION .SERVICE lubrlcatfon Washing fire bpa!rlng Retreading 601 L STREET SACRAMENTO ~' -toFORMER PASTOR IS APPOINTED CITY JUDGE IN YOLO COUNTY WOODLAND, Oct. 23.-Rev. Les·. ter R. \Vesterberg, former local pastor was appointed by the city council as a city judge to iill the unexpired term of Percy Napton who resigned October 15. · The new city judge came to WoodlanJ seven rears ago. He was formerly a member of the ministerial union of Yolo county. BRITISH COUPLE PRAYS FOR U. N. LONDON, Oct. 20.-The king and queen today in a service of intercession for the United Nations at St. Paul's Cathedral and heard the Archbishop of Canterbury assert that peace "can be had only at a spiritual price and by spiritual conquest." PHILIPPINE ARMY FIGHTS GUERRILLAS MANILA, Nov. 3.-Philippine Army regulars rushed to Cayupo, 80 milts north of Manila, today to reinforce military police who fought a fierce battle with an estimated 500 H uks guerrillas. A. B. c. I HARDWARE & FURNITURE EXCHANGE H. /\. MERZ R. RICE Telephone 2·85'4l 524 L STREET SACRAMENTO TRUMAN SETS ARMISTICE, THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS WASHINGTON, Oct. 28.-President Truman today called upon the na· tion to renew efforts to obtain lasting peace as he issued proclamations designating November I Ith as Armistice Day and November 28th as Thanksgiving Day .. He asked for the observance of Armistice Day with "appropriate ceremony" and directed that the American Fla& fly from all government buildings. JIM DOMINGO WEDS . MISS C. BROWN Jim Domingo just recently claimed Miss Catherine Brown as his wife. The couple went to Reno, Nevada in September and were married at the Church of Christ with the Rev. C. Crosbv <>fficiating. Mr. and ~Irs. Domingo. arc now back in Sacramento: Both arc active in Salvation Army work. · HONG KING LUM AMERICAN and CHINESE DISHES Phone 3.1514 Publ.ic Phone 2.9797 Corner lrd & Eye Sacramento Moals-Vogetcble~Oriontal Food FRANl('S GROCERY FREE DELIVERIES TO CAMPS FRANK GRANADINO, Ownor 26 MAIN ST. ISLETON, CALIF. -11Get Your Biblu atCAPITAL BOOK & BIBLE HOUSE The Filipino Church Of Christ 1314 Sixth S:root, Sacramento, Calif. SUNDAY SCHOOL AND CHURCH SUPPLIES INVITES YOU TO ATIEND ITS SERVICES EVERY SUNDAY S:RIPTURE TEXT CHRISTMAS CARDS Svndoy SchooL.-·-·-·-·:·-····10:00 A. M. PHONE 3-5836 II 22 8TH STREET SACRAM'ENTO Daggett ~bJ:i"c,a~:.~.~~~=:~-~:-.::.~:-~::::.' ~:~o ~: ~: Afternoon Servic•-··-··-··········· 3:00 P. M. bening Servi:•-----.--··-·-·- 7:10 P. M. Rev. Vicenta A. Zombro, Pastor Phone 2-7064 Funeral Home Modern, .reasonable, funeral service with Courtesy, Sincerity and Trust. MORRIS S. DAGGETI 506 0 STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIF. . DIAL 2-0755 ALEXANDER'S CITY DYE WORKS WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR SHOP lro:~/ry Engraving Sterilizing :~ Mor~ Proofing ·::~ Cleaning and llf anufacturing Up~'cbter~d Furiit:irc, Rugs. Mattresses All '.V~rk Gvoronteed-Reosonoble Rotes I PHONE 2-4431 T elephono 3-5321 5011/2 K STREET (Upstairs) Socramento, California 1217 5th St., Sacramento PHILIPPINE GAZETTE 1314 SIXTH STREET, SACRAMENTO, CALIF. "'1$,~ IPJ.l,• • 41~ u- LA.I .,,~ . ~ .... :1.~ . - > . , 9.lJ.Lff~-· ..... ,,_ .. ..... -.. " ::: ~.
DOG'S LIFE IN MANILA IS GOOD :MANILA, P. [, Oct. 10.-Thc dogs at Malacanang Palace, official home of President :\'lanucl Roxas, arc the envy of C\'Cry canine in the Philippines-and mavbe of some humans in the United States. The dogs-two Irish Setters and one Doberman Pinschcr-purchascd in the United States arrived in Manila recently. A Filipino veterinarian from the Bureau of Animal Husbandry was called to prescribe a proper diet. Herc it is: Cooked chopped meat six times a week. V cgctables, fish and mill'.. ' DECANAY ON PLANE TRIP TO L. A. Lazaro Decanay, resident of Del Paso Heights, made a trip by plane October 8, for Los Angeles and Wilmington for a visit to his cou~in, Dr. Primitiva Dcmandantc, who has a medical office at \Vilmington. Mr. Dacanay was fom1erly of Chicago. LEON'S BARBER SHOP Leon Mercado, P,op. • .LAUNDRY • ALTERATIONS I CHAN'S CLEANERS 1019 4th STREET SACRAMENTO • CLEANING • PRESSING MATHEWS CLOTHES The House of II Thousand Suit, 603 Kay Street (Opposite Breuners) SUITS - OVERCOATS SPORT COATS - SLACKS METHODIST BISHOP 'SAYS CATHOLICS .HAVE DECLARED WAR ON RUSSIA CLEVELAND, 0., Oct. 28.-Bishop Bromley Oxnam of New York, president of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, says "it would appear the Roman Catholic Church has declared wnr on Russia by announcing a worldwide war on communism." Discussing the Protestant contribution to a World Peace, Bishop Oxnam, declared "Protesants arc as fundamentally opposed to the philosophy of materialism on which communism is based and to its methods, seen in dictatorship -and repression, as in the Roman Catholic Church. "But we believe there is a wav to face and to solve this difficult probl~m without resource to war." l NAVLIIT FLOWER SHOP "Say it wit!, flowers" TENTH I L STREETS STORE PHONES: 3-3989-3-3910 MEN'S WEAR STYLE AND QUALITY Phone 2-4251 1209 3rd STREET, SACRAMENTO We specialize in Wedding and Birthday Cakes WHITE CABIN BAKERY PIES-FANCY COOKIES-PASTRY CALL 2-5654 1210 5th-Near L · SACRAMENTO _,_
DR. JOSE LAUREL WINS POPULARITY BY OPPOSING AMERICANS MANILA, Oct. 10.-Jose P. Laurel, wartime Japanese puppet president, accused of being the arch traitor ·of the Philippines, is regaining public esteem by lambasting a proposal to give Americans equal rights in developing the isl~nd's natural resources: Laurel is still on bail. On his three speeches he was cheered wildlr for his militant stand against the so-called parity amendment to the new republic's constitution. Todar he appears to be an influential public iigure. Minorit)' congressmen opposing President Roxas backed amendment are even reported urging him to lead the fil[ht against it bciore the March I Ith plebiscite, BRIGHT SPOT MARKETS 230 L STREET, PHONE 3-2688 430 N STREET, PHONE 2-5991 Sacramento, California LIM'S TAILOR SHOP CLEANING.- PRESSING Ladies' ond Gents•· Suits Mode lo• Order Alterations of All Kinds All Work Guo,anteed 307 Kay Strool Sacramento Socram.nto, Calif. J FILIPINOS DENY BASES AT MANILA MANILA, Oct. 23.-The Manila Times said Philippines negotiators were standing pat in their refusal to yield any of Manila Bay shoreline for permanent military · installations, deadlocking the conference with the United States negotiators who are seeking bases in the Islands. FILIPINO HOME GROCERY Ricardo Gales, Prop. P. 0 . Box 283 FIRST STREET, WALNUT GROVE NORTHENIAN CAFE Victor Regonon, Prop. 310 L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA CLARENCE R. CAMERON'S MELODY RECORD SHOP THE HOUSE OF MUSIC COLLECTOR'S JAZZ • Phone 3-2872 624 J Stroot A-N-C Market GROCER'f-FRESH MEAT FISH-SODA FOUNTAIN FREE DELIVERIES TO CAMPS "Most Modern Market Edward Pocificor, General.Manager Phone 2-431 45 Main St., Isleton, Calif. _, _ _
EDITORIAL Every Filipino should be in Church on Sunday. There is room for all. Over 30 chairs are empty on Sunday morning at IO :00 o'clock. Many members of the church are not even attending. This is a good example of people that are lost. They are spiritually and morally lost. There is no remedy c.'\:cept a return to the Church. The Church is the greatest and the purest institution in the world. It is an honor to belong to a Church. The Church' may' be very small, the :members you can count on your fingers or rou know exactly who will be present at the service, but if it .is preaching the message of Christ-the message of salvation through Christ and preaches cf an honorable life here on earth that is Church. . The Filipino churches here in 'California are poor and all on the upgrade struggle. It is hard to maintain. Only men with true Christian faith can make a go with it. Most of the men that ar~ preaching are not paid. They are giving their time. They do not even pass a collection. They depend on God's grace .for their living. They still live for they ha,·c Christ with them. At IO · o'clock in the morning the classes begin in our Church at 1314 6th Street. \Ve have classes for children and .for grown people._, Then at 11 o'clock we have the sermon and service. The minister will preach. Readers of this NITZ CUT RATE DRUG STORE 230 4th STREET SACRAMENTO editorial arc urged to come this coming Sunday. By coming and attending we spread the Gospel as Jesus our Lord said we will spread. it through out the world -to all nations. REV. VICENTE A. ZAMBR~. PHILIPPINE FOOD SHORTAGE; FLOUR, MILK, SUGAR ARE COMMANDEERED '.\IA'.'rlLA, Oct. 26.-The Philippine Relief and Rehabilitation Administration was ordered by the Philippine Government today to commandeer all flour, milk and .sugar entering the island. The action was attributed to a severe shortage caused by the shipping strike. The commodities will be rationed. I CAPITAL LUMBER-WRECKING CO. T olephone 2-1525 431 North 12th STREET SACRAMENTO 15, CALIF. TELEPHONE 3-2748 916 SIXTH ST., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. -•
JAPANESE SOLDIERS ARE FOUND EA TING SLAIN FILIPINO WOMAN · M ANILA, Oct. !.-The Philippine Military Police today on patrol surprised seven stan·ing Japanese soldiers ghoulishly ieasting on the flesh oi a murdered Filipino woman, at Malaybalay, Mindanao. The MPs killed six oi the Japanese. The seventh escaped.The report said that this is the third recent cannabalism found in the Bukidnon plateau. It is estimated that there arc I 00 unsurrendered Japanese in that area. OCK LEE HAND LAUNDRY ] 1021 FIFTH STREET Sacramento, California I 5TH GonEd·N,AEY HUGHES DRUGS J5TH ond 5TH AYE. PHONE 3-5670 PHONE 5-2694 SACRAMENTO VICTORY FRUIT STORE George Koronton# Prop. Soaomento I FRISCO FRUIT MARKET Pete Gionopolis, Prop. 401 L Street Sacramento, California MACARTHUR ASKED TO LOOK AT PHILIPPINE TROOPS MORALE WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. -General Dwight Eisenhower, the army chief oi staff today asked General Douglas :\lacArthur to investigate reports of disintegrating morale among United States troops in the Pacific area, particularly that of the Philippines. The New Times especially expressed concern over the situation in the Philippines yesterday in an editorial commenting on a dispatch from its :Manila correspondent. The dispatch said troops in Manila have been characterized bv the Filipino leaders as "brash, ill mannered, slovenly, contemptuous children." It said that the men have not been indoctrinated by their officers in pride in their units, thcmscl\'ci;, the army or the U nitcd States. ANN'S SERVICE STATION Open 24 Hours lubrication, Car Washing, Greasing Tire Repair. Special Rates to Trucks 1215 2nd STREET Sacramento, Calif. •l A-1 Poultry & Marlcet EGGS ond GROCERIES ,hone 2-0815 '===1=20=7=4=th=ST= •• =SA=C=R=A=M=E=N=T0==:0:
JAPANESE SOLDIERS ARE FOUND EA TING SLAIN FILIPINO WOMAN · '.'H AXILA, Oct. !.-The Philippine :\Iilitary Police today on patrol surprised :,even stan·ing Japanese soldiers ghoulishly ieasting on the flesh oi a murdered Filipino woman, at :\lalaybalay, :\Iindanao. The :\lPs killed six oi the Japanese. The sn•enth ~aped. The ~port said that this is the third recent cannabalism found in the Bukidnon plateau. Jr is C'timnr~d that there arc I 00 unsurre,idcrcd Japanese in that area. OCK LEE HAND LAUNDRY ] 1021 FIFTH mEEr Socromento, California I 5TH GonEd·N,AEY HUGHES DRUGS J5TH ond 5TH AYE. PHONE l-5'71 PHONE 5-2''4 SACRAMENTO VICTORY FRUIT STORE George Koronton# Prop. Soaomento I FRISCO FRUIT MARKET Pete Gionopolis, Prop. 401 L Street Sacramento, California MACARTHUR ASKED TO LOOK AT PHILIPPINE TROOPS MORALE WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. -Gen· era) Dwight Eisenhower, the army chief oi staff today asked General Douglas :\lacArthur to investigate reports of disintegrating morale among United States troops in the Pacific area, particularly th~t of the Philippines. The New Times especially expressed concern over the situation in the Philippinl5 yesterday in an editorial commenting on a dispatch from its :Manila correspondent. The dispatch said troops in Manila have been characterized bv the Filipino leaders as "brash, ill mannered, slovenly, contemptuous children." It said that the men have not been indoctrinated by their officers in pride in their units, themsch•ci;, the army or the United States. ANN'S SERVICE STATION Open 24 Hours lubrico:ion, Car Washing, Greasing Tire Repair. Special Rares to Truch 1215 2nd STREET Sa:rom.nto, Calif. l • A-1 Poultry & Marlcet EGGS ond GROCERIES ,hone 2-0815 '===1=20=7=4=th=ST= •• =SA=C=R=A=M=E=N=TO===.:
DOG'S LIFE IN MANILA IS GOOD :MANILA, P. [, Oct. 10.-Thc dogs at Malacanang Palace, official home of President :\'lanucl Roxas, arc the envy of C\'Cry canine in the Philippines-and mavbe of some humans in the United States. The dogs-two Irish Setters and one Doberman Pinschcr-purchascd in the United States arrived in Manila recently. A Filipino veterinarian from the Bureau of Animal Husbandry was called to prescribe a proper diet. Herc it is: Cooked chopped meat six times a week. V cgctables, fish and mill'.. ' DECANAY ON PLANE TRIP TO L. A. Lazaro Decanay, resident of Del Paso Heights, made a trip by plane October 8, for Los Angeles and Wilmington for a visit to his cou~in, Dr. Primitiva Dcmandantc, who has a medical office at \Vilmington. Mr. Dacanay was fom1erly of Chicago. LEON'S BARBER SHOP Leon Mercado, P,op. • .LAUNDRY • ALTERATIONS I CHAN'S CLEANERS 1019 4th STREET SACRAMENTO • CLEANING • PRESSING MATHEWS CLOTHES The House of II Thousand Suit, 603 Kay Street (Opposite Breuners) SUITS - OVERCOATS SPORT COATS - SLACKS METHODIST BISHOP 'SAYS CATHOLICS .HAVE DECLARED WAR ON RUSSIA CLEVELAND, 0., Oct. 28.-Bishop Bromley Oxnam of New York, president of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, says "it would appear the Roman Catholic Church has declared wnr on Russia by announcing a worldwide war on communism." Discussing the Protestant contribution to a World Peace, Bishop Oxnam, declared "Protesants arc as fundamentally opposed to the philosophy of materialism on which communism is based and to its methods, seen in dictatorship -and repression, as in the Roman Catholic Church. "But we believe there is a wav to face and to solve this difficult probl~m without resource to war." l NAVLIIT FLOWER SHOP "Say it wit!, flowers" TENTH I L STREETS STORE PHONES: 3-3989-3-3910 MEN'S WEAR STYLE AND QUALITY Phone 2-4251 1209 3rd STREET, SACRAMENTO We specialize in Wedding and Birthday Cakes WHITE CABIN BAKERY PIES-FANCY COOKIES-PASTRY CALL 2-5654 1210 5th-Near L · SACRAMENTO _,_
REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES 1617 Massachusetts Avenue. N. W. Washington 6, D. C. The Philippine Government desires to extend to Filipinos now in the U nited States an opportunity to train for the Foreign Sen·ice of the Republic. The Foreign Sen·ice 1•.·ill be a career service based on merit. It is open onlyto citizeus of the Philippines. Those who are interested in the training offered for this work should applv to this office. Competiti,·e entrance · examinations will be gh·en at a latter date. The following i. a summary of the requirements go,·erning Foreign Sen·ice examinations: (A) Th~retical Subjects-weight 60 per cent. I. International Law or International Trade. 2. History of Diplomacy and Political and Eonomic Geographr or '.\Iodern Histon• and Political and Economic Conditions. 3. Philippine Economic Conditions. 4. Philippine History and Go,·emment. 5. Spanish or French 6. English Composition. Applicants may choose which of two subjects in (1), (2) and (5) he wishes to take. Passing general 8\"erage in theoretical examination is 7 5 per cent provided that candidate gets no lower than 65 per cent in any one subject. ( B) Education, training and experience to be rated on basis of sworn statements in application. Relative weight for this is 10 per cent ( C) Practical examination will consist of an oral interview and actual tests of fitness. Only candidates passing theoretical and oral interview tests will be called for practical examination. Relative weight for this is 30 per cent. Applicant must be; (I) at least 21 not Jess than 4-0 years of age c.xcept G~\·ernment employees in whose cases maximum age limit may be waived; (2) must submit certificates of good moral character from three responsible persons and medical certificate of good health from any rdiable physician; ( 3) must not have anv criminal record or been punished ar~1inistrativel~·; and ( 4) must be holder of either Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service, Bachelor of Laws or anv other four-vear Baccalatireat degree maj-;,ring in political science, economics or historv obtained from school of recoimized standing. This press release is intended to enable those desiring to take the examination to prepare themselves adequately. The places of examinations will be announced later. It is hoped that as many of those who have the qualifications should avail themselves of this opportunity. Application forms may be secured by writing to this Office. LUXOR TAXI COMPANY I DIAL 4-1781 100% Uftion--2...,Hour Service-Veteran Owned Out-of-Town Trips Courteous O,i.,•rs TOMMY SHEA, Owner Office: J1"/, I STREET . Stand: 1601 IC St., Sacramento, Calif. HARRIS JEWELRY CO. Guaranteed Watch Repairing JACK & BILL A&N Used Cars PHONE 3-6043 510 CAPITAL AVE. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. -2
The Philippine Gazette PUBLISHED MONTHLY COVERING SACRAMENT0. STOCKTON AND SAN FRANCISCO AREAS 1314 Sixth Street •:· Sacramento, California $3.00 per Year Vol. 1, No. 4 MANUEL L. QUEZON THE LATE PRESIDENT MANUEL L. QUEZON STILL SPEAKS . . . It was in 1909, that the militant Manuel L. Quezon was chosen by the assemblv as one of the two Resident Commissioners at ,vashinton. During the se,·en years Quezon held post, he waged a vigorous campaign to influence American opinion both in and out oi Congress. Congressman Jones of Virginia introduced in March. 1912. the first Philippine independence bill which bears his name. The bill provide for complete independence in eight years for the Philippines. 25c per Copv November 1946 On March 24, 1934. the TydingsMcDuffieAct was approved giving the Philippines complete freedom after a short transition of IO years. Quezon Was sick in bed in Manila but he made speeches for its adoption. In I 935 the Commonwealth oi the Philippines was established through the undy ing work of Manuel L. Quezon. On July ~. I 946, the Independence oi the Philippines was given with General Douglas MacArthur, a bosom friend of Quezon. as guest speaker and Manuel A. Roxas. trained by Quezon for the work, succeeded him. Although the late Quezon is now resting in peace .in the grave the \\·ork he has done for his countrv remains immortal. If he were still alive he would say - build up the Philippines to be a modern countrv in the world ... make it a champion for ireedom ... make it the true light of a benighted Asia. ROXAS TO REFUSE FRANCO MEDAL MAN ILA. - President Manuel A. Roxas said vesterday he intended to decline a decoration which he understood the Spanish government was offering him. Roxas said he had no official knowldege of the decoration but had read news dispatches that Generalissimo Franco had signed degrees awarding him the Grand Cross of the Order of Carlos Tercero and awarding the Vice President Elpidio Quirino the Order of Grand ·Cross · of Isabela Catolica.
The Philippine Gazette PUBLISHED MONTHLY COVERING SACRAMENT0. STOCKTON AND SAN FRANCISCO AREAS 1314 Sixth Street •:· Sacramento, California $3.00 per Year Vol. 1, No. 4 MANUEL L. QUEZON THE LATE PRESIDENT MANUEL L. QUEZON STILL SPEAKS . . . It was in 1909, that the militant Manuel L. Quezon was chosen by the assemblv as one of the two Resident Commissioners at ,vashinton. During the se,·en years Quezon held post, he waged a vigorous campaign to influence American opinion both in and out oi Congress. Congressman Jones of Virginia introduced in March. 1912. the first Philippine independence bill which bears his name. The bill provide for complete independence in eight years for the Philippines. 25c per Copv November 1946 On March 24 1934, the TydingsMcDuffieAct was approved giving the Philippines complete freedom after a short transition of IO years. Quezon was sick in bed in Manila but he made speeches for its adoption. In I 935 the Commonwealth oi the Philippines was established through the undy ing work of Manuel L. Quezon. On July 4, I 946, the Independence oi the Philippines was given with General Douglas MacArthur, a bosom friend ,of Quezon. as guest speaker and Manuel A. Roxas. trained by Quezon for the work, succeeded him. Although the late Quezon is now resting in peace .in the grave the work he has done for his country remains immortal. If he were still alive he would say - build up the Philippines to be a modern country in the world ... make it a champion for ireedom ... make it the true light of a benighted Asia. ROXAS TO REFUSE FRANCO MEDAL MAN ILA. - President Manuel A. Roxas said yesterday he intended to decline a decoration which he understood the Spanish government was offering him. Roxas said he had no official knowldege of the decoration but had read news dispatches that Generalissimo Franco had signed degrees awarding him the Grand Cross of the Order of Carlos Tercero and awarding the Vice President Elpidio Quirino the Order of Grand Cross of Isabela Catolica.
TRUMAN SEES SPECIAL CONNOTATION IN PART OF LINCOLN ADDRESS WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.—Presi­ dent Truman said “a special and solemn connotation in (present) world affairs” is in the closing resolve of Lincoln’s Get­ tysburg address: “That this nation, under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.” In the proclamation dedicating Nov. 19th as the 83rd anniversary of the de­ livery of the address, Truman said, “those classic lines are enshrined forever in the hearts of Americans.” FEDERAL COUNCIL WELCOMES UNITED NATIONS DELEGATES NEW YORK—A resolution welcom­ ing officers and delegates of the United Nations General Assembly, scheduled to convene in this country October 2 were adopted here by the executive committee of the Federal Council of Churches. CHINESE TO RULE THEIR OWN CHURCHES EDINBURGH—Foreign missionaries in China must be prepared in the future to work under Chinese leaders rather than as “bosses” according to Dr. John Stewart, who returned here from a visit in Manchuria and China on behalf of the Foreign Mission Committee of the Church of Scotland. U. S. ARMY IN PHILIPPINES ORDERED TO ALERT ITS LEADERSHIP MANILA, Oct. 26.—Maj. Gen. G. J. Christiansen, Western Pacific Com­ mander, today urged his officers to show the utmost possible leadership of U. S. Army troops in the Philippines. General Christiansen issued a memor­ andum to all commanders down to the rank of captain directing their best efforts in handling the influx of recruits. “This situation should challenge you to exercise every ounce of leadership you have,” he said. “We have three major jobs in the Philippines,” General Christenson said. “First, we must have an Army which ronducts itself in such manner that the Filipino people will continue to welcome us as guests in their land. This implies that our soldiers be disciplined, courteous, rrsnectful to authority and other people’s rights, properly dressed and properly be­ haved. “Second, we must retrain our Army. Since our non-coms are young and inex­ perienced and our replacements untrain­ ed, it is obvious that officers must supply the experience necessary to make this new Army. “Third, we must perform our current mission—a task which cannot be neglect­ ed.” SACRAMENTO LOAN and JEWELRY CO. Money Io Loan on Watches, Jewelry Expert Watch Repairing Unredeemed Pledges For Sale Wardrobe Trunks Our Specialty 511 Kay Street Sacramento COMMERCIAL HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Italian and Steak Dinners Telephone 3-3688 Emmett Regan, Owner Johnny Flynn, Mgr. 3rd and I STS., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. Lubrication Tire Repairing 601 L STREET WILLET & KINTANA UNION .SERVICE Washing Retreading SACRAMENTO
BODIES OF U. S. O. TROUPERS ARE FOUND IN THE PHILIPPINES MANILA, Oct. 1.—The Philippine Military Police reported today the re­ mains of 10 persons he believed killed in the Feb. 5th crash of a United States army transport plane carrying a USO troupe found in the Mandalagan Moun­ tains on the island of Negros. I'hc MPs found United States Army indentification tags bearing the name of Lieutenant F. S. Stevenson and Lieut. Harold R. Johnson. Two of those found were women. KUROKO STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHERS Diol 2-3533 1226 4th Street Sacramento International Barber Shop Enrico M. Cipriano, Proprietor It Pays to Look Well 41 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 764, ISLETON, CALIF. VICTORY BARBER SHOP Treat Yourself to the Best TELEPHONE 3-2487 JULIAN G. GADIA, Prop. 3211/2 L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA ED NIXON ON WAY TO PANAMA Ed Nixon of Sacramento, a 1st class seaman, is on his way to Panama, leav­ ing Sacramento on Oct. 29. Ed will be at Panama under the Navy Depart­ ment. Ed is a Sacramentan, a nephew oi Mrs. Hannah Minot who is the manager of Fotoette Studios, 402 Kay Street. TOWN IN LUZON LOOTED BY HUKS MANILA, Oct. 9.—The Manila Evening News said today that the Huk guerrilla invaded Umingan in central Luzon last night. They held the town­ folk prisoner for four hours, then they looted houses, stores and homes. The Huks, armed peasants, escaped wth cash, rice, jewels and canned goods valued at $50,000. JOHNSTONE’S BOOTERY QUALITY SHOES For the Entire Family J. H. JOHNSTONE Dial 2-7457 518 K ST., SACRAMENTO LEON’S BARBER SHOP Catering to Ladies and Gentlemen Quick Service Good Work LEON MERCADO 1204 THIRD ST., SACRAMENTO, CALIF. JULIUS . GENE CHICKEN SHACK HOME OF SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN Served with Hot Biscuits Lunch from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. 1324 3rd STREET, SACRAMENTO Phone 3-4368 — 5 —
J. L. CANSECO Past Commander J. L. Canseco, foun­ der and first commander of Magellan Post 604 American Legion, organizes another Legion Post for Filipino veterans of wars in Isleton, California. Commander Canseco, suggests that every veteran of World War I and World War II should take the oppor­ tunity to become a member of the Amer­ ican Legion for the purpose of contribut­ ing himself to distinction of honor, bravery and heroism for which country he was fighting for. We must defend America! DEGREE FOR NIMITZ DET ROIT , Oct. 24.—Fleet Admiral Chester \V. Nimitz received honorary doctor of laws degree today from Wayne Lnivcrsity for his “service to the Ameri­ can people.” CAPITAL JEWERLY n^rn' DS + W'TCHES R' D'O' ! Old Gold Bought watch re°a:ring i PHONE 3-4330 G9.G .J Sacramento ; □— -------------— -i/71 3 Photcs; 3 Peso;; 3 Minutes—25: FOTQE7TE STUDIOS Male Life-Like Photos Hannah Minot.Mgr. 402 K STREET SACRAMENTO ROBINSON'S SHOE REPAIR 525 CAPITOL AVE. SACRAMENTO For Those Who Wont the Best! Quick Service and Reasonable Prices Hove Your Shoes Half Soled Today and Look Like New! Satisfaction Guaranteed SHELBY HARDWARE CO. • COMPLETE HARDWARE SERVICE Toe Is—Cutlery Household Goods—Sporting Goods Plumbiig Supplies—Points and Varnishes Phone 3-2371 514 L STREET SACRAMENTO Chinese Church of Chrisf Sunday Services Mor.-inq Service........................................11 ;00 °'. m. S ndny School....... -................. 2:30 p. rn. Sc:*«;c...................-.............-- p. m. Rev. S. W. KWOK. Pester 519 J! S/roet Phone 2-6760 Secramonto, Cclifafia MANILA SHOE SHINE DAN CARBONA, Owner 1016 5th ST SACRAMENTO — 4—