The Philippine Gazette


The Philippine Gazette
Issue Date
Volume 2 (Issue No. 6) June 1947
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
SPIRITUAL REHABILITATION IN THE PHILIPPINES The Philippines needs spiritual rehabilitation. It is becau;e the FilipinM a-'! alo flesh and blood. They han undergone great suffering as a people. The spiritual leaders of the Philippines and the Republic of the Philippines should join in bringing about the spiritual and moral message of Chirst to the people. For the people are still bewildered and uncenain on what course to rake. whether that of righteousness or that of lawlessness. In this war great masses of people ha,·c lost their moral ,·irtues of Christianity. Instead of Ji,·ing a happy normal honest life they indulge in stealing for a living. That shows that they ha,·e not regained their lost moral standard. It is therefore the duty of the moral leaders and the Philippine's \\'hole population to campaign against this disease of the mind. The homes, the churches, schools and clubs should all join in putting this out. Put all those racketeers in jail. If they are in office see to it that they will never come back:. That is the straight deal with those who will put the country in disgrace. \Vhen the hand grenade was hurled at President Roxas after he delivered his speech on the pla::a, here in America and perhaps throughout the world it was headlined in the newspapers. Thank: God that President Roxas was not hurt. But that is a national shame. Filipinos i~ America and a great portion of the American people were sorry. Here and there Filipinos that have been in the Islands not many months ago testify to the fact that there are grafts and corruptions going on in the Philippines today. There are robbers on the highways, and the lonely places. Government officials put on pressure for red hot tips. These things that has been mentioned are the fruits of corruption. The real sickness is in the soul. It is the duty of the church to preach the Gospel of Christ so that our people will be one of the best and finest people on the face of the earth. Now is the time to combat against this evil an dcorruption in our country. Let us teach our people that it pays to be honest, to be pure, to be kind and to love our fellowmen as we love ourselves. And also share some of what you have to your less fortunate brothers. By this, our country will be in peace and the Philippines would be a little heaven on earth. BIBLE TRANSLATED INTO 1080 LANGUAGES NEW YORK-Translation of the Gospel of St. John into Maguindanao brings to a total of 1,080 languages and dialects in which the Bible, in whole or in part had been translated. The American Bible Society will distribute 500 of the Gospels in Cotabato, Mindanao where the dialect is spoken. The ::ilipino Church Of Christ ~ Six·~1 S:·rco:, Socror:ien:o, Calif. Sunday SchooL _____ .. .10:00 A. M. Morning Servke.---··········---11 :00 A. M. R.-·1. Viconte A. Zombro, Pastor Phone 2-7064
DR. CANI ZARES TO SPEAK IN U. S. Dr. :\Ianuel Canizares is im·ited by the :\merican College oi Chest Physicians to read a paper in a conierence to he held on June 5 to 8th at the Atlantic City. Dr. Canizares is the head director oi the Quezon Institute. MR. AND MRS. ESPANOLA HAVE BABY GIRL Geraldine is another member of the family oi :\Ir. and :.\I rs. Tony Espanola oi Sacramento. The baby \\·as born at :\Iercy Hospital, A.pril 25. The mother and the baby are doing iine. [ll P. 0. BNO~Xyp610;2!·!~~;:'.o c;.nd See u, For Radios and Appliances Guaranteed Radio Repair ISLETON, CALIF. 27 FISHING BOATS WITH SUPPLIES FOR SALE SEE TONY SANCHEZ P. 0. BOX 682 ISLETON, CALIF. EAGLE CLEANERS TAILORING SUITS, WOMEN'S DRESSES PRESSING AND SHOPS FOR ALL KINDS. 1019 3rd St. Sacramento RUMOLO AND GAMBOA U. P. REPRESENTATIVES The hoard of regent oi the University oi the Philippines has authorized Dr. Carlos P. Rumolo and Dr. !Vlelquiades Gamboa. both in the l' nited States, to repre:<ent the Philippines in the Cultural Conference. Dr. Rumolo "-ill atten<I the bicentenial ceremonies at Princeton U niversity. June 16 and I ith and Dr. Gomboa "·ill attend the Social and Political Science Conference at Philadelphia 011 April IS and 19th. FILIPINIO SCHOLARS TO STUDY CHINESE President Roxas will send Filipino scholars to China to study the Chinese language, it was a11nou11cccl from ?11alacanang Palace. · BISHOP LEE PRAYS FOR GOOD FILIPINO LEADERS Bishop Ed\\·in P. Lee, of the Methodist Church of Singapore, breathed a prayer yesterday that the "Philippines be ever successful in choosing both an intelligent and moral leadership." e e MAX'S CLOTHING STORE We Buy and Sell Men's Clothing and furnishings Small Used Radios and Luggage Open Evenings and Sundays DIAL 3-5589 616 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO B•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B -7
"PRESS AS WEAPON," SAYS PAUL SMITH OF S. F. CHRONICLE COLL\IBI:\, :\Io .. :\!:tr 9.-Thr L;nh·ersity of :\lissouri. awardt>d honor to Paul Smith. e,litor and general manager oi the San Francis,·o Chronide, on journalism week. along with a iew other leading newspaper men of the country. Paul Smith said that, " • .\merican journalism must see it:<elf. as a weapon employed on behali of the people throughout the world." He iurther stared that "the press in this country shoulder a hem·r share of responsibility for the fates oi the people of the world. and he said the American pres.• is not now discharging the iull responsibility eiiectiwly. RIZAL'S SISTER ON PILGRIMAGE TO DAPITAN :\liss Trinidad Rizal, si;ter of Dr. Jose Rizal, Philippines greatest patriot, recently arrh-ed in Cebu from :Uanila where she will ,-isit the memorable place where her brother was exiled. This is probably the last for :\I iss Rizal for her health and age is failing her. MANUEL JOSEPH ELECTRIC CENTER DISPLAYS PHONE l-3937 1020 JAY ST. SACRAMENTO BOCOBO HEAD OF CODE BODY Dr. George C. Bocobo, former president oi the Philippine Uni,·ersity, on recommendation o i t h e set·retary o f justice. President Roxas appointed him as chaim1an of the Code Commission. Dr. Bocobo is well-known in the Philippines as an educator. jurist and churchn1an. t CAPITOL CAB CO. DIAL 2-2946 Scfe S ... :-,:·-, 10D% Union STAND-922 5th VEiEf':A!'-1 OWNED ·~ HONG KING LUM AMERICAN and CHINESE DISHES Phone 3-1584 Corner 3rd le Eye Public Phone 2-9797 Sacramento FOTOETTE STUDIOS Established 12 years in some location Hannah Minot,Mgr. 402 K STREET SACRAMENTO I GENE HUGHES DRUGS STH and JAY lSTH and STH AVE. PHONE l-5670 PHONE 5·2694 SACRAMENTO -JO
PHILIPPlNE GAZITTE CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED-One Cll:>errenced hodv ar:d :ender mon ~o wor~ ot OeL .. -e Bod\· on::i Po;-ir St-ioo, Hll 3rd St., Soc•.:ir-ie".~O. 7r:;s ;s ~!->e ce.,•er of O'.ito~o· tive recoMtr..:;:::ion and welding. See Mr. Lir:coln obo1d 1his j::ib. BIG SELECTION ::-~ Clo·:..i,g_ L;.giJoge a:id s~oll radio~. 616 Joy S·!ee·. Pi-o~e 3-SSS9. Open evenings and Sundo\'S. GOOD used do1iiir,g fo~ ':'T"C!'I o.,ci wc~en a: Li.;vino's S;ore at E17 16'.'i S•., S::ic·o~e~.•o. i~is is ~he ~er~~e· c;~ .. se.:i cio·r-ir.g '.o· wo-e'l ar.:::1 child~en 1n .he city. ~~1 Radio Service and Juke Box Repair G;ORGE l. BERNOUOY ii:;._::?HONE 3-SSS~ t~~-_:,~~~ CITY TAXI Phone 2-6955 Tr.e (rcorn or.d Slocl:: Cobs 100"·~ Unicti .. L:.::ii: !or ~he Green light" 1027'/, SIXTH STREET SACRAMENTO e e General Insurance 1 Income Tax Service PHONE 4-3287 NOTARY 1214 THIR') S<REET SACRAMENTO CITY DYE WORKS PRESSING, TAILORING, SUITS AND WOMEN'S DRESSES PHONE 2-4431 1217 5th ST. Sacramento BRITISH CHURCH GROUP LAUNCH ATTACK ON ROMAN CATHOLICISM LO'.'IDO~. :\Iar 10.-The Viiorld Ernngelical Alliance Council oi Protestant Churches stated todar "to avoid alliance oi anr description \\"ith Rome!' The Alliance said in the publication Evangelical Christiandom today: "Let Protestants ben-are of allying themseh·es n-ith Roman Catholics "·ith whom they have no real unity of spirit and of the ialse hope that they can resist the adrnnce of communism." The group declared: "H istorr may n-ell prove Roman Catholicism \\"ith its corruption oi Christianity to be a greater enemy of the Church of Christ than communism.· Residence in Rornan Catholic Italy or Spain \l"Ould con ii rm that opinion. ~ Deluxe Body and Paint Shop ij AUoOMOTIVE RECONSTRUCTION WELDING 1'l ew JI;/ a11agement 1411 3,d STRE~T SACRAMENTO PHONE l-75&8 SIXTH & KAY GROCERY Chorlie Liondokis, Prop. 1024_ 6th STREET SACRAMENTO l ~~;;s=:::;=:::;~~~~~~=:::;=:::;~~====~ -15
ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP BECOMES PROTEST ANT A bishop oi the Roman Catholic Church, Dr. Julio Garrett, \\"aS receiYed in the Episcopal Church, '.\"o,-ember 5, 1930, is now a missionaD· in the little tO\rn oi :\Ianati. Puerto Rico. Dr. Garrett was a former Catholic bishop at Bolivia. CADENA DE AMOR FESTIVAL AT THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES The C ni,·ersity oi the Philippines most coloriul iestirnl. the traditional pre-graduation senior to junior ceremony called cadena de .'\mor will be held April 21st, at the uni,·ersity quad angle on Padre Faura Street, under the auspices of the C. P. ""omen's Club. Ameurfina :I.I elencia. l'. P. \\•omens' Club president will preside over the ceremonies; Pacita Guevara. E,·e Gonzales and Betty Vergara \\·ill deJi,·er the traditional speeches. GRADUATION RECITAL AT VILLAMOR HALL A graduation recital was held last Sunday at Villamor Hall, University of the Philippines, :'.\fanila, by the U. P. Conservatory of lHusic, featured new pianists Misses Luz Quiazon, Honora Gezum-Teves, and Ester Alcid. The music graduates took turns in interpreting popular classics bl' Grieg, SaintSaens, Debussy, Beethoven and Lizst. SANWAL PRINTING CO. THE PHILIPPINE GAZETTE IS A PRODUCT OF OUR PLANT TELEPHONE 2-1949 617 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO (Continued from Page 5) :\Ir. Somera joining with me in extending our regards and best wishes for your success. Please let me hear from you as we shall be veD· glad to be in tourh \\·ith you and communicate with yon about your work from time to time. i Fratet nally yours for a greater Silliman, LORE'.\"ZO B. BER~ARDEZ, Alumni Exec. Seery. and Treas. GARDNER'S SHELL SERVICE OPEN ALL NIGHT 300 CAPITOL AVENUE Sacramento NITZ CUT RATE DRUG STORE New ond Lowest Prices in Town 1230 4th STREET SACRAMENTO l -12
CHURCHILL RECALLS WAR TITLE AYR, Scotland, :\lay 16.-\Vinston Churchill accepting the freedom of the Burgh of Ayr. recalled an address that President Roosewlt made in 19-B, asked him what name should be applied to the global conilict. Churchill suggested. "The l' nnecessary '\9 ar." CADILLAC l THOMPSON'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Motor Tune IJp and General Repairing 7tn and "L" (1214 7th ST.} Sacramento 14 Phone 3-5632 JIM THOMPSON - [ MASTER'S BARBER SHOP and SHOWERS John Hommond J. 0. Wilburn 526-A Capitol Avenue Sacramento COMPLETE HARDWARE SERVICE Tools-Cutlery Household Goods-Sporting Goods Plumbing SuppliH-Painh and Varnishes Phone 3-2371 514 L STREET SACRAMENTO r El TINY'S Cash & Carry Radio Sales & Service Electrical Appliances Public Address Systems For Rent Complete Recordings Service Phone 2-1962 500 S St., Sacramento El PHILIPPINES URGES INTERIM REGIME FOR PALESTINE L\KE SUCCESS. :\lay 10.-The Philippines today suggested the U nitcd Xations establish an interin1 government, ior Palestine pending a final solution of the problem of the Holy Land. Brigadier General Carlos P. Romulo told the general assembly's 55 nation political committee he is proposing an interim ·go,·ernment. possibly under the supen·ision of the United :\ations, may be established to guarantee due obsen·ance of the existing rights of all peoples and go1·ern111ents concerned, including those oi mandatory po1Yer \\·hich may re quire settlement by peaceiul means. ~ N!TZ CUT RATE DRUG STORE 1230 4th Street SACRAME~ITO SAFEWAY TAILORS ALTERATIONS, CLEANING AND PRESSING SU!TS /,IJ.DE TO ORDER F. C. Canson ond Sons We Coll and Deliver Phone '-0852 423 L STREET, SACRAMENTO 14 STAN'S WHOLESALE FERTILIZER For Otchards and Forms 516 P STREET SACRAMENTO -11
DR. CANI ZARES TO SPEAK IN U. S. Dr. :\Ianuel Canizares is im·ited by the :\merican College oi Chest Physicians to read a paper in a conierence to he held on June 5 to 8th at the Atlantic City. Dr. Canizares is the head director oi the Quezon Institute. MR. AND MRS. ESPANOLA HAVE BABY GIRL Geraldine is another member of the family oi :\Ir. and :.\I rs. Tony Espanola oi Sacramento. The baby \\·as born at :\Iercy Hospital, A.pril 25. The mother and the baby are doing iine. [ll P. 0. BNO~Xyp610;2!·!~~;:'.o c;.nd See u, For Radios and Appliances Guaranteed Radio Repair ISLETON, CALIF. 27 FISHING BOATS WITH SUPPLIES FOR SALE SEE TONY SANCHEZ P. 0. BOX 682 ISLETON, CALIF. EAGLE CLEANERS TAILORING SUITS, WOMEN'S DRESSES PRESSING AND SHOPS FOR ALL KINDS. 1019 3rd St. Sacramento RUMOLO AND GAMBOA U. P. REPRESENTATIVES The hoard of regent oi the University oi the Philippines has authorized Dr. Carlos P. Rumolo and Dr. !Vlelquiades Gamboa. both in the l' nited States, to repre:<ent the Philippines in the Cultural Conference. Dr. Rumolo "-ill atten<I the bicentenial ceremonies at Princeton U niversity. June 16 and I ith and Dr. Gomboa "·ill attend the Social and Political Science Conference at Philadelphia 011 April IS and 19th. FILIPINIO SCHOLARS TO STUDY CHINESE President Roxas will send Filipino scholars to China to study the Chinese language, it was a11nou11cccl from ?11alacanang Palace. · BISHOP LEE PRAYS FOR GOOD FILIPINO LEADERS Bishop Ed\\·in P. Lee, of the Methodist Church of Singapore, breathed a prayer yesterday that the "Philippines be ever successful in choosing both an intelligent and moral leadership." e e MAX'S CLOTHING STORE We Buy and Sell Men's Clothing and furnishings Small Used Radios and Luggage Open Evenings and Sundays DIAL 3-5589 616 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO B•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B -7
PHILIPPINE CENTRAL COLLEGE FLOAT IS WINNER In the .-\pril carnirnl of the City of Iloilo the best float in the paraae was the "\Vither Bound in the Atomic Age" oi the Philippine,; Central College oi lloilo. a Prote;tam in,;titution oi higher learning. OSMENA'S SON IS FOUND GUILTY OF TREASON :.\L-\:'\IL-\. P. I.. '.\lay 10.-Sergio Osmena, Jr .. son oi the ionner president of the Philippines. n-as found guilty of treason today. he n-as sentenced to life imprisonment and fined 20.000 pesos. NORTHENIAN CAFE Vicror Regonon, Prop. 310 L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA International Barber Shop Enrico M. Cipriono1 Proprietor It Pays to Look Well 41 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 764, ISLETON, CALIF. l SUN SUN CAFE l CHOW MEIN AND NOODLES Specialty: All Kinds of Chinese Dishes to Take Home l 307 J ST. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. ) ~.,.,::, FATHER· FLANNAGAN VISITS ROXAS The head oi Boy's Town in ~ebraska \\·as a recent visitor in the Philippines, h,· called on President Roxas at :.\lalacanang Palace. Airer the interview, Fa th er Flannagan ,-isited the Bilibid Chapel. WHITE CABIN BAKERY 1210 5th STREET Phone l..&7&& Quality Fishing Tackle 0. K. BAIT SHOP FRESH BAIT DAILY 327 Capitol Avenue Sacramento, Calif. A. B. C. HARDWARE & FURNITURE EXCHANGE H. A. MERZ R. RICE Telephone 2-85~3 524 L STREET SACRAMENTO A-N-C Market GROCERY-FRESH MEAT FISH-SODA FOUNTAIN FREE DELIVERIES TO CAMPS "Most Modern Markel Edward Pocificar, General-Manager Phone 2-431 45 Main St., Isleton, Calif. .J -6-
DR. CANI ZARES TO SPEAK IN U. S. Dr. :\Ianuel Canizares is im·ited by the :\merican College oi Chest Physicians to read a paper in a conierence to he held on June 5 to 8th at the Atlantic City. Dr. Canizares is the head director oi the Quezon Institute. MR. AND MRS. ESPANOLA HAVE BABY GIRL Geraldine is another member of the family oi :\Ir. and :.\I rs. Tony Espanola oi Sacramento. The baby \\·as born at :\Iercy Hospital, A.pril 25. The mother and the baby are doing iine. [ll P. 0. BNO~Xyp610;2!·!~~;:'.o c;.nd See u, For Radios and Appliances Guaranteed Radio Repair ISLETON, CALIF. 27 FISHING BOATS WITH SUPPLIES FOR SALE SEE TONY SANCHEZ P. 0. BOX 682 ISLETON, CALIF. EAGLE CLEANERS TAILORING SUITS, WOMEN'S DRESSES PRESSING AND SHOPS FOR ALL KINDS. 1019 3rd St. Sacramento RUMOLO AND GAMBOA U. P. REPRESENTATIVES The hoard of regent oi the University oi the Philippines has authorized Dr. Carlos P. Rumolo and Dr. !Vlelquiades Gamboa. both in the l' nited States, to repre:<ent the Philippines in the Cultural Conference. Dr. Rumolo "-ill atten<I the bicentenial ceremonies at Princeton U niversity. June 16 and I ith and Dr. Gomboa "·ill attend the Social and Political Science Conference at Philadelphia 011 April IS and 19th. FILIPINIO SCHOLARS TO STUDY CHINESE President Roxas will send Filipino scholars to China to study the Chinese language, it was a11nou11cccl from ?11alacanang Palace. · BISHOP LEE PRAYS FOR GOOD FILIPINO LEADERS Bishop Ed\\·in P. Lee, of the Methodist Church of Singapore, breathed a prayer yesterday that the "Philippines be ever successful in choosing both an intelligent and moral leadership." e e MAX'S CLOTHING STORE We Buy and Sell Men's Clothing and furnishings Small Used Radios and Luggage Open Evenings and Sundays DIAL 3-5589 616 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO B•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B -7
FIRST BABY GIRL FOR MR. AND MRS. MAZO OF ISLETON :\Ir. and :\Irs. Olimpio :\Iazo were the proud parents of their first baby girl, born at Lodi Hospital, :\larch 31st. The mother, :\frs. :\Iarie :\Iazo, and the baby arc doing fine. !I! (I I ... LUVINA'S USED CLOTHING "For the Family" 817 16th STREET SACRAMENTO KUROKO STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHERS Diel 2-3533 1226 4th Street Sacramento i;; !I! m m DE LUXE CLEANERS Garments Pressed While U Wait We Do All Kinds of Alterations We Specialize in Men's Clothes ••• Backed By 20 Years Experience George White, Manager Dial 4--0816 601 P STREET SACRAMENTO SAN DIEGO HOTEL RAY ALI, Mgr. PHONE 3.9997 1222\/2 3rd STREET SACRAMENTO LEE'S Fifth St. Used Clothing Store Wt buy and sell GOOD used clothing Phone 2-4490 Residence 3-2473 Entrance In Alley 1 I I 4A 5th St. (Basement), Sacramento PROTESTANTISM IS A POSITIVE CHRISTIANITY Protestantism \\"ere-and are-Christians who assert that each man is the custodian of his own soul in the sight of God. But this assertion embodies world· shaking results. It contains the further truth that each man is the custodian of his own righteousness among his fellowmen. Democracy is in that word, and social justice--independence an d integrityequal fellowship of free citizens, each sharing the sovereignty which comes from God. MILLION DOLLAR SAWMILL TO ARRIVE IN THE PHILIPPINES A sawmill valued at $1,~00,000 and materials and equipment worrh 180,000 pesos are due to arrive in the Philippines in a couple of weeks, according to E. Beyester of Detroit, who has a contract with the Philippine government for the reconstruction of the Philippines and ar~ived in Manila, April 9. FILIPINO HOME GROCERY Ricardo Gales. Prop. P. 0. Box 283 FIRST STREET, WALNUT GROVE MEN'S WEAR STYLE AND QUALITY Phone 2.0251 1209 3rd STREET, SACRAMENTO -3
THREE FAITHS JOIN IN GROUND BREAKING ATLAXTA. - Protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish representati\"es took part here in the ground breaking ceremonies for the :\" ew East Atlantic Chrsian Church. which ,\·ill be known as the "House oi Prayer for All People." ~ L~~:~!~:l~O!E~~: Lao;es" a'd Gents' 5,;,. Mode To o,der Al:e·o•ions of Al~ Kir:ds All Worl: G::o:o:1:eeo 307 Koy Street Sacramento TORTILLERIA ENCHILADAS-TAMALES Phone 2-174:5 Julian Son;hH, Prop. 1406 5th STREET SACRAMENTO FIRST LADY, TO GRACE GRAND OPERA HOUSE GALA INAUGURAL The presidents lady, ::\Irs. Trinidad de Leon Roxas will be sponsor Saturday e,·ening, April 13, on the ceremonies inaugurating the neu· :Uanila Opera House, to which more than a thousand prominent guests ha,·e been im·ited. The gala e\·ening u-ill be strictly formal. Orchestral accompaniments will be rendered by the ::\Ianila Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Prof. Bernardo Custodio. 509 L STREET SACRAMENTO I I KAUFMAN BROS. ~i ~L ; = = : : : ; ! ' ! PARAMONT GIFT SHOP OIAM:?i~~:~~;~:;~:~ELRY ! TOM YEE LAUNDRY 429 K ST. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. "A Friend of Filipillor" r.==.,·~ SUE'S CAFE CHINESE-AMERICAN DISHES FILIPINOS ALWAYS WELCOME 51 Main Street Isleton, California ~ JOHNSTONE'S BOOTERY QUALITY SHOES For 1he Entire Family J. H. JOHNSTONE Dial 2-7457 518 K ST., SACRAMENTO ;~ WATCH REPAIRING Watchmaker - Jeweler - Engraver G. E. NESS Sacramento 1027 6th Street Three Doors Ftom K Street -13
ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP BECOMES PROTEST ANT A bishop oi the Roman Catholic Church, Dr. Julio Garrett, \\"aS receiYed in the Episcopal Church, '.\"o,-ember 5, 1930, is now a missionaD· in the little tO\rn oi :\Ianati. Puerto Rico. Dr. Garrett was a former Catholic bishop at Bolivia. CADENA DE AMOR FESTIVAL AT THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES The C ni,·ersity oi the Philippines most coloriul iestirnl. the traditional pre-graduation senior to junior ceremony called cadena de .'\mor will be held April 21st, at the uni,·ersity quad angle on Padre Faura Street, under the auspices of the C. P. ""omen's Club. Ameurfina :I.I elencia. l'. P. \\•omens' Club president will preside over the ceremonies; Pacita Guevara. E,·e Gonzales and Betty Vergara \\·ill deJi,·er the traditional speeches. GRADUATION RECITAL AT VILLAMOR HALL A graduation recital was held last Sunday at Villamor Hall, University of the Philippines, :'.\fanila, by the U. P. Conservatory of lHusic, featured new pianists Misses Luz Quiazon, Honora Gezum-Teves, and Ester Alcid. The music graduates took turns in interpreting popular classics bl' Grieg, SaintSaens, Debussy, Beethoven and Lizst. SANWAL PRINTING CO. THE PHILIPPINE GAZETTE IS A PRODUCT OF OUR PLANT TELEPHONE 2-1949 617 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO (Continued from Page 5) :\Ir. Somera joining with me in extending our regards and best wishes for your success. Please let me hear from you as we shall be veD· glad to be in tourh \\·ith you and communicate with yon about your work from time to time. i Fratet nally yours for a greater Silliman, LORE'.\"ZO B. BER~ARDEZ, Alumni Exec. Seery. and Treas. GARDNER'S SHELL SERVICE OPEN ALL NIGHT 300 CAPITOL AVENUE Sacramento NITZ CUT RATE DRUG STORE New ond Lowest Prices in Town 1230 4th STREET SACRAMENTO l -12
JUDGE REGALA'S MESSAGE ON FIRST PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE FellO'I\" Countrymen. I am happy to greet all Filipinos in the \Vestern States and Alaska on this, the first Anniversary oi the inauguration oi the Republic oi the Philippin?s. \\~ e can be justly proud oi the record of our people upon our completion oi one year of membership in rhe cm:cert oi natins. \\lien our Independence was proclaimed on July .J.. 19.J.6. rhe Philippines "·as still suiie:ing fro·-, the \·.·::-c:r destruction experienced by zny ccunrry oi comparatiw size in the last \Vorld \Var. Bur thanks to the prog:essi,·e leadership oi President Roxas a-,d the resourcefulness and industry of our people. the Philippines stands out as among the most stable countries in the Orient today. • ..:\.s \\-e observe this anni,·ersa!"y of cur day of freedom. it is timely to note that we Filipinos abroad a"e muc'i 1!1or~ fortunate in many \l"ays than our folk.; back home. They carriec! the b:u:'t of the enemy inrnsion and occupation. They put up the kind of resistance to enemies of democracy which \\"On the admiration of the \\"hole world. By their and gallantry, they \rnn recognition as a people who desen·ed to be free. :\fost of us abroad can never comprehend the hardships they had been through. But those of us, who, being abroad, had suffered less, non· reap the most of the blessings of freedom for \l"hich our folks back home had fought and died. I say those of us abroad are more fortunate because the essence of Independence consists in recognition by foreign powers of our sovereignty. Independence is more real to us \vho are in foreign lands. ~ o longe~ are ,~·e nationals of dependency. \Ve are a sowrign people no\L At e\·ery i"tematioPal gathering, our Flag proudly flies, a symbol indeed that the Philippines has come of age. Let us therefore make this a day of d~dication. Let us pay tribute to the g:eat people of the l' nited States ior making our country what President Roxas described as "the sho11·. windo\I" of democracy in the Far East". Let us sho\I" our appreciation of the great work done by our p~ople back ho:ne by giving them material and moral support at every possible opportunity. \Ve can best carry on the great tradition of our people by re:nembering that \\'e are all unofi.ici~I ambassadors of goodn·ill of our land and that it is our · duty to so conduct ourselves as to add honor and dignity to the people we represent. :'\-lay the Lord bless our country no"· and forever more. ROBERTQ REGAL!\, Consul General, ~ Lung-Chong-Fong Cafe ] 323 KAY STREET SACRAMENTO . = = = = = . ! NAX CUT RATE DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS 301 "L" STREET SACRAMENTO -4
STALIN WON'T LIVE LONG LONDO:'.\, Uarch 31.-A Swedish heart specialist reportedly said today that Stalin nearly died from a heart attack last October. PACITA DE LOS REYES TO FETE WOMEN LAWYERS :Hiss Pacita delos Reyes one of the council of 12 oi the C. P. \\'omen Lawyer's Circle has im·ited members on April 13 for a garden party in her residence at Caloocan. Rizal. P. I., at 3 p. m. One of the informal discussions and a short talk is on the "\\'omen's Rights." I ~ ROBINSON'S SHOE REPAIR For Hiose Wr.o Wan: the Bes:! Quick Sc•vice on:::l Re:aonob!e Prices Hove Your si..o~s Holi Soled To:::iav on-:i Look Like New! Sotis!o,·ion Guoronteed 525 CAPITOL AVE. SACRAMENTO Ed. E. Noakes Typewriter Co. 719 J STREET DIAL 3-2448 SACRAMENTO, CALIF. FRANK'S SIGNAL SERVICE Complete Automotive Service PARTS AND ACCESSORIES IJtAKE RELINING SEAT COVERS WASHING AND POLISHING DIAL 3-9535 501 L S.TREET SACRAMENTO BRIGHT SPOT MARKETS 230 L STREET, PHONE 3-2688 430 N STREET, PHONE 2-5991 Sacramento, California 1 .:i ~ THE PHILIPPINE COPRA \VASHI~GTOX, :\lay 18.-The International Emergency Food Council announced today that a tentath·e allocation oi 205.000 metric tons oi Philippine copra and cocoanut oil from 19+7 production has been made to the l' nited States. KEY MANILA ZONE PLANNED President :\Ianuel de la Fuente, announced that city. urban and :X ational Planning Commissions are to study ne\\· zonification in the city of :\Ianila. There will be a clear definition of the commercial, industrial and r.esidential areas. U. N. POLICE FORCE LAKE Sl'CCESS. - The United States delegates to the l'. ?\. Council plans for a global police force. The international army is needed. The only country dissenting is Russia. MATMi:WS CLOTHES The House of a Thousand Suits 603 Kay Street (Opposite Brcuner's) SUITS - OVERCOATS u SPORT COATS - SLACKS ~ Dial 3-7941 l UNION TAXI SAFE SERVICE HEATERS AND RADIOS Affiliated with American Federation of Labor [!I SOUTH SIDE MOTOR CO. General Mechanical Service Complete Motor Overhaul Ports, Accessories Doy, Night Parking Phone 2-6898 "We Never Close" 516 L STREET SACRAMENTO [!I -9
FIRST BABY GIRL FOR MR. AND MRS. MAZO OF ISLETON :\Ir. and :\Irs. Olimpio :\Iazo were the proud parents of their first baby girl, born at Lodi Hospital, :\larch 31st. The mother, :\frs. :\Iarie :\Iazo, and the baby arc doing fine. !I! (I I ... LUVINA'S USED CLOTHING "For the Family" 817 16th STREET SACRAMENTO KUROKO STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHERS Diel 2-3533 1226 4th Street Sacramento i;; !I! m m DE LUXE CLEANERS Garments Pressed While U Wait We Do All Kinds of Alterations We Specialize in Men's Clothes ••• Backed By 20 Years Experience George White, Manager Dial 4--0816 601 P STREET SACRAMENTO SAN DIEGO HOTEL RAY ALI, Mgr. PHONE 3.9997 1222\/2 3rd STREET SACRAMENTO LEE'S Fifth St. Used Clothing Store Wt buy and sell GOOD used clothing Phone 2-4490 Residence 3-2473 Entrance In Alley 1 I I 4A 5th St. (Basement), Sacramento PROTESTANTISM IS A POSITIVE CHRISTIANITY Protestantism \\"ere-and are-Christians who assert that each man is the custodian of his own soul in the sight of God. But this assertion embodies world· shaking results. It contains the further truth that each man is the custodian of his own righteousness among his fellowmen. Democracy is in that word, and social justice--independence an d integrityequal fellowship of free citizens, each sharing the sovereignty which comes from God. MILLION DOLLAR SAWMILL TO ARRIVE IN THE PHILIPPINES A sawmill valued at $1,~00,000 and materials and equipment worrh 180,000 pesos are due to arrive in the Philippines in a couple of weeks, according to E. Beyester of Detroit, who has a contract with the Philippine government for the reconstruction of the Philippines and ar~ived in Manila, April 9. FILIPINO HOME GROCERY Ricardo Gales. Prop. P. 0. Box 283 FIRST STREET, WALNUT GROVE MEN'S WEAR STYLE AND QUALITY Phone 2.0251 1209 3rd STREET, SACRAMENTO -3
DR. CANI ZARES TO SPEAK IN U. S. Dr. :\Ianuel Canizares is im·ited by the :\merican College oi Chest Physicians to read a paper in a conierence to he held on June 5 to 8th at the Atlantic City. Dr. Canizares is the head director oi the Quezon Institute. MR. AND MRS. ESPANOLA HAVE BABY GIRL Geraldine is another member of the family oi :\Ir. and :.\I rs. Tony Espanola oi Sacramento. The baby \\·as born at :\Iercy Hospital, A.pril 25. The mother and the baby are doing iine. [ll P. 0. BNO~Xyp610;2!·!~~;:'.o c;.nd See u, For Radios and Appliances Guaranteed Radio Repair ISLETON, CALIF. 27 FISHING BOATS WITH SUPPLIES FOR SALE SEE TONY SANCHEZ P. 0. BOX 682 ISLETON, CALIF. EAGLE CLEANERS TAILORING SUITS, WOMEN'S DRESSES PRESSING AND SHOPS FOR ALL KINDS. 1019 3rd St. Sacramento RUMOLO AND GAMBOA U. P. REPRESENTATIVES The hoard of regent oi the University oi the Philippines has authorized Dr. Carlos P. Rumolo and Dr. !Vlelquiades Gamboa. both in the l' nited States, to repre:<ent the Philippines in the Cultural Conference. Dr. Rumolo "-ill atten<I the bicentenial ceremonies at Princeton U niversity. June 16 and I ith and Dr. Gomboa "·ill attend the Social and Political Science Conference at Philadelphia 011 April IS and 19th. FILIPINIO SCHOLARS TO STUDY CHINESE President Roxas will send Filipino scholars to China to study the Chinese language, it was a11nou11cccl from ?11alacanang Palace. · BISHOP LEE PRAYS FOR GOOD FILIPINO LEADERS Bishop Ed\\·in P. Lee, of the Methodist Church of Singapore, breathed a prayer yesterday that the "Philippines be ever successful in choosing both an intelligent and moral leadership." e e MAX'S CLOTHING STORE We Buy and Sell Men's Clothing and furnishings Small Used Radios and Luggage Open Evenings and Sundays DIAL 3-5589 616 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO B•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B -7
PHILIPPINE CENTRAL COLLEGE FLOAT IS WINNER In the .-\pril carnirnl of the City of Iloilo the best float in the paraae was the "\Vither Bound in the Atomic Age" oi the Philippine,; Central College oi lloilo. a Prote;tam in,;titution oi higher learning. OSMENA'S SON IS FOUND GUILTY OF TREASON :.\L-\:'\IL-\. P. I.. '.\lay 10.-Sergio Osmena, Jr .. son oi the ionner president of the Philippines. n-as found guilty of treason today. he n-as sentenced to life imprisonment and fined 20.000 pesos. NORTHENIAN CAFE Vicror Regonon, Prop. 310 L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA International Barber Shop Enrico M. Cipriono1 Proprietor It Pays to Look Well 41 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 764, ISLETON, CALIF. l SUN SUN CAFE l CHOW MEIN AND NOODLES Specialty: All Kinds of Chinese Dishes to Take Home l 307 J ST. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. ) ~.,.,::, FATHER· FLANNAGAN VISITS ROXAS The head oi Boy's Town in ~ebraska \\·as a recent visitor in the Philippines, h,· called on President Roxas at :.\lalacanang Palace. Airer the interview, Fa th er Flannagan ,-isited the Bilibid Chapel. WHITE CABIN BAKERY 1210 5th STREET Phone l..&7&& Quality Fishing Tackle 0. K. BAIT SHOP FRESH BAIT DAILY 327 Capitol Avenue Sacramento, Calif. A. B. C. HARDWARE & FURNITURE EXCHANGE H. A. MERZ R. RICE Telephone 2-85~3 524 L STREET SACRAMENTO A-N-C Market GROCERY-FRESH MEAT FISH-SODA FOUNTAIN FREE DELIVERIES TO CAMPS "Most Modern Markel Edward Pocificar, General-Manager Phone 2-431 45 Main St., Isleton, Calif. .J -6-
STALIN WON'T LIVE LONG LONDO:'.\, Uarch 31.-A Swedish heart specialist reportedly said today that Stalin nearly died from a heart attack last October. PACITA DE LOS REYES TO FETE WOMEN LAWYERS :Hiss Pacita delos Reyes one of the council of 12 oi the C. P. \\'omen Lawyer's Circle has im·ited members on April 13 for a garden party in her residence at Caloocan. Rizal. P. I., at 3 p. m. One of the informal discussions and a short talk is on the "\\'omen's Rights." I ~ ROBINSON'S SHOE REPAIR For Hiose Wr.o Wan: the Bes:! Quick Sc•vice on:::l Re:aonob!e Prices Hove Your si..o~s Holi Soled To:::iav on-:i Look Like New! Sotis!o,·ion Guoronteed 525 CAPITOL AVE. SACRAMENTO Ed. E. Noakes Typewriter Co. 719 J STREET DIAL 3-2448 SACRAMENTO, CALIF. FRANK'S SIGNAL SERVICE Complete Automotive Service PARTS AND ACCESSORIES IJtAKE RELINING SEAT COVERS WASHING AND POLISHING DIAL 3-9535 501 L S.TREET SACRAMENTO BRIGHT SPOT MARKETS 230 L STREET, PHONE 3-2688 430 N STREET, PHONE 2-5991 Sacramento, California 1 .:i ~ THE PHILIPPINE COPRA \VASHI~GTOX, :\lay 18.-The International Emergency Food Council announced today that a tentath·e allocation oi 205.000 metric tons oi Philippine copra and cocoanut oil from 19+7 production has been made to the l' nited States. KEY MANILA ZONE PLANNED President :\Ianuel de la Fuente, announced that city. urban and :X ational Planning Commissions are to study ne\\· zonification in the city of :\Ianila. There will be a clear definition of the commercial, industrial and r.esidential areas. U. N. POLICE FORCE LAKE Sl'CCESS. - The United States delegates to the l'. ?\. Council plans for a global police force. The international army is needed. The only country dissenting is Russia. MATMi:WS CLOTHES The House of a Thousand Suits 603 Kay Street (Opposite Brcuner's) SUITS - OVERCOATS u SPORT COATS - SLACKS ~ Dial 3-7941 l UNION TAXI SAFE SERVICE HEATERS AND RADIOS Affiliated with American Federation of Labor [!I SOUTH SIDE MOTOR CO. General Mechanical Service Complete Motor Overhaul Ports, Accessories Doy, Night Parking Phone 2-6898 "We Never Close" 516 L STREET SACRAMENTO [!I -9
PHILIPPINE CENTRAL COLLEGE FLOAT IS WINNER In the .-\pril carnirnl of the City of Iloilo the best float in the paraae was the "\Vither Bound in the Atomic Age" oi the Philippine,; Central College oi lloilo. a Prote;tam in,;titution oi higher learning. OSMENA'S SON IS FOUND GUILTY OF TREASON :.\L-\:'\IL-\. P. I.. '.\lay 10.-Sergio Osmena, Jr .. son oi the ionner president of the Philippines. n-as found guilty of treason today. he n-as sentenced to life imprisonment and fined 20.000 pesos. NORTHENIAN CAFE Vicror Regonon, Prop. 310 L STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA International Barber Shop Enrico M. Cipriono1 Proprietor It Pays to Look Well 41 MAIN STREET P. O. BOX 764, ISLETON, CALIF. l SUN SUN CAFE l CHOW MEIN AND NOODLES Specialty: All Kinds of Chinese Dishes to Take Home l 307 J ST. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. ) ~.,.,::, FATHER· FLANNAGAN VISITS ROXAS The head oi Boy's Town in ~ebraska \\·as a recent visitor in the Philippines, h,· called on President Roxas at :.\lalacanang Palace. Airer the interview, Fa th er Flannagan ,-isited the Bilibid Chapel. WHITE CABIN BAKERY 1210 5th STREET Phone l..&7&& Quality Fishing Tackle 0. K. BAIT SHOP FRESH BAIT DAILY 327 Capitol Avenue Sacramento, Calif. A. B. C. HARDWARE & FURNITURE EXCHANGE H. A. MERZ R. RICE Telephone 2-85~3 524 L STREET SACRAMENTO A-N-C Market GROCERY-FRESH MEAT FISH-SODA FOUNTAIN FREE DELIVERIES TO CAMPS "Most Modern Markel Edward Pocificar, General-Manager Phone 2-431 45 Main St., Isleton, Calif. .J -6-
CHURCHILL RECALLS WAR TITLE AYR, Scotland, :\lay 16.-\Vinston Churchill accepting the freedom of the Burgh of Ayr. recalled an address that President Roosewlt made in 19-B, asked him what name should be applied to the global conilict. Churchill suggested. "The l' nnecessary '\9 ar." CADILLAC l THOMPSON'S AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Motor Tune IJp and General Repairing 7tn and "L" (1214 7th ST.} Sacramento 14 Phone 3-5632 JIM THOMPSON - [ MASTER'S BARBER SHOP and SHOWERS John Hommond J. 0. Wilburn 526-A Capitol Avenue Sacramento COMPLETE HARDWARE SERVICE Tools-Cutlery Household Goods-Sporting Goods Plumbing SuppliH-Painh and Varnishes Phone 3-2371 514 L STREET SACRAMENTO r El TINY'S Cash & Carry Radio Sales & Service Electrical Appliances Public Address Systems For Rent Complete Recordings Service Phone 2-1962 500 S St., Sacramento El PHILIPPINES URGES INTERIM REGIME FOR PALESTINE L\KE SUCCESS. :\lay 10.-The Philippines today suggested the U nitcd Xations establish an interin1 government, ior Palestine pending a final solution of the problem of the Holy Land. Brigadier General Carlos P. Romulo told the general assembly's 55 nation political committee he is proposing an interim ·go,·ernment. possibly under the supen·ision of the United :\ations, may be established to guarantee due obsen·ance of the existing rights of all peoples and go1·ern111ents concerned, including those oi mandatory po1Yer \\·hich may re quire settlement by peaceiul means. ~ N!TZ CUT RATE DRUG STORE 1230 4th Street SACRAME~ITO SAFEWAY TAILORS ALTERATIONS, CLEANING AND PRESSING SU!TS /,IJ.DE TO ORDER F. C. Canson ond Sons We Coll and Deliver Phone '-0852 423 L STREET, SACRAMENTO 14 STAN'S WHOLESALE FERTILIZER For Otchards and Forms 516 P STREET SACRAMENTO -11
"PRESS AS WEAPON," SAYS PAUL SMITH OF S. F. CHRONICLE COLL\IBI:\, :\Io .. :\!:tr 9.-Thr L;nh·ersity of :\lissouri. awardt>d honor to Paul Smith. e,litor and general manager oi the San Francis,·o Chronide, on journalism week. along with a iew other leading newspaper men of the country. Paul Smith said that, " • .\merican journalism must see it:<elf. as a weapon employed on behali of the people throughout the world." He iurther stared that "the press in this country shoulder a hem·r share of responsibility for the fates oi the people of the world. and he said the American pres.• is not now discharging the iull responsibility eiiectiwly. RIZAL'S SISTER ON PILGRIMAGE TO DAPITAN :\liss Trinidad Rizal, si;ter of Dr. Jose Rizal, Philippines greatest patriot, recently arrh-ed in Cebu from :Uanila where she will ,-isit the memorable place where her brother was exiled. This is probably the last for :\I iss Rizal for her health and age is failing her. MANUEL JOSEPH ELECTRIC CENTER DISPLAYS PHONE l-3937 1020 JAY ST. SACRAMENTO BOCOBO HEAD OF CODE BODY Dr. George C. Bocobo, former president oi the Philippine Uni,·ersity, on recommendation o i t h e set·retary o f justice. President Roxas appointed him as chaim1an of the Code Commission. Dr. Bocobo is well-known in the Philippines as an educator. jurist and churchn1an. t CAPITOL CAB CO. DIAL 2-2946 Scfe S ... :-,:·-, 10D% Union STAND-922 5th VEiEf':A!'-1 OWNED ·~ HONG KING LUM AMERICAN and CHINESE DISHES Phone 3-1584 Corner 3rd le Eye Public Phone 2-9797 Sacramento FOTOETTE STUDIOS Established 12 years in some location Hannah Minot,Mgr. 402 K STREET SACRAMENTO I GENE HUGHES DRUGS STH and JAY lSTH and STH AVE. PHONE l-5670 PHONE 5·2694 SACRAMENTO -JO
FIRST BABY GIRL FOR MR. AND MRS. MAZO OF ISLETON :\Ir. and :\Irs. Olimpio :\Iazo were the proud parents of their first baby girl, born at Lodi Hospital, :\larch 31st. The mother, :\frs. :\Iarie :\Iazo, and the baby arc doing fine. !I! (I I ... LUVINA'S USED CLOTHING "For the Family" 817 16th STREET SACRAMENTO KUROKO STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHERS Diel 2-3533 1226 4th Street Sacramento i;; !I! m m DE LUXE CLEANERS Garments Pressed While U Wait We Do All Kinds of Alterations We Specialize in Men's Clothes ••• Backed By 20 Years Experience George White, Manager Dial 4--0816 601 P STREET SACRAMENTO SAN DIEGO HOTEL RAY ALI, Mgr. PHONE 3.9997 1222\/2 3rd STREET SACRAMENTO LEE'S Fifth St. Used Clothing Store Wt buy and sell GOOD used clothing Phone 2-4490 Residence 3-2473 Entrance In Alley 1 I I 4A 5th St. (Basement), Sacramento PROTESTANTISM IS A POSITIVE CHRISTIANITY Protestantism \\"ere-and are-Christians who assert that each man is the custodian of his own soul in the sight of God. But this assertion embodies world· shaking results. It contains the further truth that each man is the custodian of his own righteousness among his fellowmen. Democracy is in that word, and social justice--independence an d integrityequal fellowship of free citizens, each sharing the sovereignty which comes from God. MILLION DOLLAR SAWMILL TO ARRIVE IN THE PHILIPPINES A sawmill valued at $1,~00,000 and materials and equipment worrh 180,000 pesos are due to arrive in the Philippines in a couple of weeks, according to E. Beyester of Detroit, who has a contract with the Philippine government for the reconstruction of the Philippines and ar~ived in Manila, April 9. FILIPINO HOME GROCERY Ricardo Gales. Prop. P. 0. Box 283 FIRST STREET, WALNUT GROVE MEN'S WEAR STYLE AND QUALITY Phone 2.0251 1209 3rd STREET, SACRAMENTO -3
"PRESS AS WEAPON," SAYS PAUL SMITH OF S. F. CHRONICLE COLL\IBI:\, :\Io .. :\!:tr 9.-Thr L;nh·ersity of :\lissouri. awardt>d honor to Paul Smith. e,litor and general manager oi the San Francis,·o Chronide, on journalism week. along with a iew other leading newspaper men of the country. Paul Smith said that, " • .\merican journalism must see it:<elf. as a weapon employed on behali of the people throughout the world." He iurther stared that "the press in this country shoulder a hem·r share of responsibility for the fates oi the people of the world. and he said the American pres.• is not now discharging the iull responsibility eiiectiwly. RIZAL'S SISTER ON PILGRIMAGE TO DAPITAN :\liss Trinidad Rizal, si;ter of Dr. Jose Rizal, Philippines greatest patriot, recently arrh-ed in Cebu from :Uanila where she will ,-isit the memorable place where her brother was exiled. This is probably the last for :\I iss Rizal for her health and age is failing her. MANUEL JOSEPH ELECTRIC CENTER DISPLAYS PHONE l-3937 1020 JAY ST. SACRAMENTO BOCOBO HEAD OF CODE BODY Dr. George C. Bocobo, former president oi the Philippine Uni,·ersity, on recommendation o i t h e set·retary o f justice. President Roxas appointed him as chaim1an of the Code Commission. Dr. Bocobo is well-known in the Philippines as an educator. jurist and churchn1an. t CAPITOL CAB CO. DIAL 2-2946 Scfe S ... :-,:·-, 10D% Union STAND-922 5th VEiEf':A!'-1 OWNED ·~ HONG KING LUM AMERICAN and CHINESE DISHES Phone 3-1584 Corner 3rd le Eye Public Phone 2-9797 Sacramento FOTOETTE STUDIOS Established 12 years in some location Hannah Minot,Mgr. 402 K STREET SACRAMENTO I GENE HUGHES DRUGS STH and JAY lSTH and STH AVE. PHONE l-5670 PHONE 5·2694 SACRAMENTO -JO
ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP BECOMES PROTEST ANT A bishop oi the Roman Catholic Church, Dr. Julio Garrett, \\"aS receiYed in the Episcopal Church, '.\"o,-ember 5, 1930, is now a missionaD· in the little tO\rn oi :\Ianati. Puerto Rico. Dr. Garrett was a former Catholic bishop at Bolivia. CADENA DE AMOR FESTIVAL AT THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES The C ni,·ersity oi the Philippines most coloriul iestirnl. the traditional pre-graduation senior to junior ceremony called cadena de .'\mor will be held April 21st, at the uni,·ersity quad angle on Padre Faura Street, under the auspices of the C. P. ""omen's Club. Ameurfina :I.I elencia. l'. P. \\•omens' Club president will preside over the ceremonies; Pacita Guevara. E,·e Gonzales and Betty Vergara \\·ill deJi,·er the traditional speeches. GRADUATION RECITAL AT VILLAMOR HALL A graduation recital was held last Sunday at Villamor Hall, University of the Philippines, :'.\fanila, by the U. P. Conservatory of lHusic, featured new pianists Misses Luz Quiazon, Honora Gezum-Teves, and Ester Alcid. The music graduates took turns in interpreting popular classics bl' Grieg, SaintSaens, Debussy, Beethoven and Lizst. SANWAL PRINTING CO. THE PHILIPPINE GAZETTE IS A PRODUCT OF OUR PLANT TELEPHONE 2-1949 617 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO (Continued from Page 5) :\Ir. Somera joining with me in extending our regards and best wishes for your success. Please let me hear from you as we shall be veD· glad to be in tourh \\·ith you and communicate with yon about your work from time to time. i Fratet nally yours for a greater Silliman, LORE'.\"ZO B. BER~ARDEZ, Alumni Exec. Seery. and Treas. GARDNER'S SHELL SERVICE OPEN ALL NIGHT 300 CAPITOL AVENUE Sacramento NITZ CUT RATE DRUG STORE New ond Lowest Prices in Town 1230 4th STREET SACRAMENTO l -12
DR. CANI ZARES TO SPEAK IN U. S. Dr. :\Ianuel Canizares is im·ited by the :\merican College oi Chest Physicians to read a paper in a conierence to he held on June 5 to 8th at the Atlantic City. Dr. Canizares is the head director oi the Quezon Institute. MR. AND MRS. ESPANOLA HAVE BABY GIRL Geraldine is another member of the family oi :\Ir. and :.\I rs. Tony Espanola oi Sacramento. The baby \\·as born at :\Iercy Hospital, A.pril 25. The mother and the baby are doing iine. [ll P. 0. BNO~Xyp610;2!·!~~;:'.o c;.nd See u, For Radios and Appliances Guaranteed Radio Repair ISLETON, CALIF. 27 FISHING BOATS WITH SUPPLIES FOR SALE SEE TONY SANCHEZ P. 0. BOX 682 ISLETON, CALIF. EAGLE CLEANERS TAILORING SUITS, WOMEN'S DRESSES PRESSING AND SHOPS FOR ALL KINDS. 1019 3rd St. Sacramento RUMOLO AND GAMBOA U. P. REPRESENTATIVES The hoard of regent oi the University oi the Philippines has authorized Dr. Carlos P. Rumolo and Dr. !Vlelquiades Gamboa. both in the l' nited States, to repre:<ent the Philippines in the Cultural Conference. Dr. Rumolo "-ill atten<I the bicentenial ceremonies at Princeton U niversity. June 16 and I ith and Dr. Gomboa "·ill attend the Social and Political Science Conference at Philadelphia 011 April IS and 19th. FILIPINIO SCHOLARS TO STUDY CHINESE President Roxas will send Filipino scholars to China to study the Chinese language, it was a11nou11cccl from ?11alacanang Palace. · BISHOP LEE PRAYS FOR GOOD FILIPINO LEADERS Bishop Ed\\·in P. Lee, of the Methodist Church of Singapore, breathed a prayer yesterday that the "Philippines be ever successful in choosing both an intelligent and moral leadership." e e MAX'S CLOTHING STORE We Buy and Sell Men's Clothing and furnishings Small Used Radios and Luggage Open Evenings and Sundays DIAL 3-5589 616 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO B•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~B -7
SILLIMAN ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Dear Re\·. Zambra: "' e ha\·e just received the latest issue oi the Philippine Gazette edited by you and I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate you for the good publication you have. I ha\·e looked it o\·er \·ery throroughly from co\·er to cover and found it to be very interesting. full of news and articles. \Ve have lost contact with ~·ou due to the "" ar and we are \·cry happy to ha\·e your address again so that we could mail to you our Silliman Alumni Bulletin. a special issue of the Sillimanian. l.' nder separate co\·er. we are mailing you past issues of the· Sillimanian. By the wa\". I recall that you finished your High School Course at Sillim::n, But I do not recall just now the year you graduated. I would greatly appreciate it; if you could furnish us the data about the years you spent at Silliman, the course you took and what you have done since you left Silliman as well as what you are doing now. I note that you are Minister of the Philippine Protestant Church at Sacramento and I'm sure you must have a thriving and a deeply spiritual church. I am veri• happy that you are in the active ministry helping our people in the United States to be closer . to God. Please note that the Alumni Constitution makes High School graduates as full pledged members of the Alumni Association upon payment of the Alumni fee of P5. I hope that you can help the Silliman Alumni and former students in the United States, especially on the Pacific Coast, to organize yourselves into a Chapter of the Silliman Alumni Association and thus promote the comm'?n interests of our Alma '.\later. I shall write to Dr. Primith·a Demondante also in California about this same matter. Smee liberation, the Silliman Alumni Association assumed the responsibility to raise Pso·.ooo to finish the '.\:Iemorial Building in honor of Dr. Hibbard. \Ve are appealing to all Alumni and former students to help us raise this fund by asking them to contribute and share with us honoring Dr. Hibbard this way and also to solicit iunds irom friends. Our old man at 2889 San Pascual, Pasadena, California, will be 80 years old next Octover 31, 19+7. Their Gold-. en \Vedding Jubilee was last April 28, 1947. \Ve, Alumni, have pledged to raise the P50,000 during the year 1947 and make it a double gift for the Hibbard's on the occasion of their Golden \Vedding Jubilee and the old man's 80th birthday. May we ask i•ou to share in this privilege of honoring Dr. Hibbard by contributing to the Hibbard Hall :Ylemorial Building? The little we can do for the Hibbards fades into insignificance as compared with what they have done for our people in founding Silliman. We, therefore, appeal to you to help us express our gratitude to them by helping us finish the :Memorial Building in honor of Dr. Hibbard. Your church must be ·in need of financial help, as most churches are, and yet at the same time it must have projects of benevolences to which it gives and contributes. Will you not include Silliman, particularly the Hibbard Hall, as one of the objects of your benevolences? I close with your friends of the faculty, Dr. Chapman, Mr. Magdamo, Mr. Utzurrum, Rev. Rodriguez and (Continued on Page 12 -!!-· ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOP BECOMES PROTEST ANT A bishop oi the Roman Catholic Church, Dr. Julio Garrett, \\"aS receiYed in the Episcopal Church, '.\"o,-ember 5, 1930, is now a missionaD· in the little tO\rn oi :\Ianati. Puerto Rico. Dr. Garrett was a former Catholic bishop at Bolivia. CADENA DE AMOR FESTIVAL AT THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES The C ni,·ersity oi the Philippines most coloriul iestirnl. the traditional pre-graduation senior to junior ceremony called cadena de .'\mor will be held April 21st, at the uni,·ersity quad angle on Padre Faura Street, under the auspices of the C. P. ""omen's Club. Ameurfina :I.I elencia. l'. P. \\•omens' Club president will preside over the ceremonies; Pacita Guevara. E,·e Gonzales and Betty Vergara \\·ill deJi,·er the traditional speeches. GRADUATION RECITAL AT VILLAMOR HALL A graduation recital was held last Sunday at Villamor Hall, University of the Philippines, :'.\fanila, by the U. P. Conservatory of lHusic, featured new pianists Misses Luz Quiazon, Honora Gezum-Teves, and Ester Alcid. The music graduates took turns in interpreting popular classics bl' Grieg, SaintSaens, Debussy, Beethoven and Lizst. SANWAL PRINTING CO. THE PHILIPPINE GAZETTE IS A PRODUCT OF OUR PLANT TELEPHONE 2-1949 617 JAY STREET SACRAMENTO (Continued from Page 5) :\Ir. Somera joining with me in extending our regards and best wishes for your success. Please let me hear from you as we shall be veD· glad to be in tourh \\·ith you and communicate with yon about your work from time to time. i Fratet nally yours for a greater Silliman, LORE'.\"ZO B. BER~ARDEZ, Alumni Exec. Seery. and Treas. GARDNER'S SHELL SERVICE OPEN ALL NIGHT 300 CAPITOL AVENUE Sacramento NITZ CUT RATE DRUG STORE New ond Lowest Prices in Town 1230 4th STREET SACRAMENTO l -12
SPIRITUAL REHABILITATION IN THE PHILIPPINES The Philippines needs spiritual rehabilitation. It is becau;e the FilipinM a-'! alo flesh and blood. They han undergone great suffering as a people. The spiritual leaders of the Philippines and the Republic of the Philippines should join in bringing about the spiritual and moral message of Chirst to the people. For the people are still bewildered and uncenain on what course to rake. whether that of righteousness or that of lawlessness. In this war great masses of people ha,·c lost their moral ,·irtues of Christianity. Instead of Ji,·ing a happy normal honest life they indulge in stealing for a living. That shows that they ha,·e not regained their lost moral standard. It is therefore the duty of the moral leaders and the Philippine's \\'hole population to campaign against this disease of the mind. The homes, the churches, schools and clubs should all join in putting this out. Put all those racketeers in jail. If they are in office see to it that they will never come back:. That is the straight deal with those who will put the country in disgrace. \Vhen the hand grenade was hurled at President Roxas after he delivered his speech on the pla::a, here in America and perhaps throughout the world it was headlined in the newspapers. Thank: God that President Roxas was not hurt. But that is a national shame. Filipinos i~ America and a great portion of the American people were sorry. Here and there Filipinos that have been in the Islands not many months ago testify to the fact that there are grafts and corruptions going on in the Philippines today. There are robbers on the highways, and the lonely places. Government officials put on pressure for red hot tips. These things that has been mentioned are the fruits of corruption. The real sickness is in the soul. It is the duty of the church to preach the Gospel of Christ so that our people will be one of the best and finest people on the face of the earth. Now is the time to combat against this evil an dcorruption in our country. Let us teach our people that it pays to be honest, to be pure, to be kind and to love our fellowmen as we love ourselves. And also share some of what you have to your less fortunate brothers. By this, our country will be in peace and the Philippines would be a little heaven on earth. BIBLE TRANSLATED INTO 1080 LANGUAGES NEW YORK-Translation of the Gospel of St. John into Maguindanao brings to a total of 1,080 languages and dialects in which the Bible, in whole or in part had been translated. The American Bible Society will distribute 500 of the Gospels in Cotabato, Mindanao where the dialect is spoken. The ::ilipino Church Of Christ ~ Six·~1 S:·rco:, Socror:ien:o, Calif. Sunday SchooL _____ .. .10:00 A. M. Morning Servke.---··········---11 :00 A. M. R.-·1. Viconte A. Zombro, Pastor Phone 2-7064
STALIN WON'T LIVE LONG LONDO:'.\, Uarch 31.-A Swedish heart specialist reportedly said today that Stalin nearly died from a heart attack last October. PACITA DE LOS REYES TO FETE WOMEN LAWYERS :Hiss Pacita delos Reyes one of the council of 12 oi the C. P. \\'omen Lawyer's Circle has im·ited members on April 13 for a garden party in her residence at Caloocan. Rizal. P. I., at 3 p. m. One of the informal discussions and a short talk is on the "\\'omen's Rights." I ~ ROBINSON'S SHOE REPAIR For Hiose Wr.o Wan: the Bes:! Quick Sc•vice on:::l Re:aonob!e Prices Hove Your si..o~s Holi Soled To:::iav on-:i Look Like New! Sotis!o,·ion Guoronteed 525 CAPITOL AVE. SACRAMENTO Ed. E. Noakes Typewriter Co. 719 J STREET DIAL 3-2448 SACRAMENTO, CALIF. FRANK'S SIGNAL SERVICE Complete Automotive Service PARTS AND ACCESSORIES IJtAKE RELINING SEAT COVERS WASHING AND POLISHING DIAL 3-9535 501 L S.TREET SACRAMENTO BRIGHT SPOT MARKETS 230 L STREET, PHONE 3-2688 430 N STREET, PHONE 2-5991 Sacramento, California 1 .:i ~ THE PHILIPPINE COPRA \VASHI~GTOX, :\lay 18.-The International Emergency Food Council announced today that a tentath·e allocation oi 205.000 metric tons oi Philippine copra and cocoanut oil from 19+7 production has been made to the l' nited States. KEY MANILA ZONE PLANNED President :\Ianuel de la Fuente, announced that city. urban and :X ational Planning Commissions are to study ne\\· zonification in the city of :\Ianila. There will be a clear definition of the commercial, industrial and r.esidential areas. U. N. POLICE FORCE LAKE Sl'CCESS. - The United States delegates to the l'. ?\. Council plans for a global police force. The international army is needed. The only country dissenting is Russia. MATMi:WS CLOTHES The House of a Thousand Suits 603 Kay Street (Opposite Brcuner's) SUITS - OVERCOATS u SPORT COATS - SLACKS ~ Dial 3-7941 l UNION TAXI SAFE SERVICE HEATERS AND RADIOS Affiliated with American Federation of Labor [!I SOUTH SIDE MOTOR CO. General Mechanical Service Complete Motor Overhaul Ports, Accessories Doy, Night Parking Phone 2-6898 "We Never Close" 516 L STREET SACRAMENTO [!I -9
STALIN WON'T LIVE LONG LONDO:'.\, Uarch 31.-A Swedish heart specialist reportedly said today that Stalin nearly died from a heart attack last October. PACITA DE LOS REYES TO FETE WOMEN LAWYERS :Hiss Pacita delos Reyes one of the council of 12 oi the C. P. \\'omen Lawyer's Circle has im·ited members on April 13 for a garden party in her residence at Caloocan. Rizal. P. I., at 3 p. m. One of the informal discussions and a short talk is on the "\\'omen's Rights." I ~ ROBINSON'S SHOE REPAIR For Hiose Wr.o Wan: the Bes:! Quick Sc•vice on:::l Re:aonob!e Prices Hove Your si..o~s Holi Soled To:::iav on-:i Look Like New! Sotis!o,·ion Guoronteed 525 CAPITOL AVE. SACRAMENTO Ed. E. Noakes Typewriter Co. 719 J STREET DIAL 3-2448 SACRAMENTO, CALIF. FRANK'S SIGNAL SERVICE Complete Automotive Service PARTS AND ACCESSORIES IJtAKE RELINING SEAT COVERS WASHING AND POLISHING DIAL 3-9535 501 L S.TREET SACRAMENTO BRIGHT SPOT MARKETS 230 L STREET, PHONE 3-2688 430 N STREET, PHONE 2-5991 Sacramento, California 1 .:i ~ THE PHILIPPINE COPRA \VASHI~GTOX, :\lay 18.-The International Emergency Food Council announced today that a tentath·e allocation oi 205.000 metric tons oi Philippine copra and cocoanut oil from 19+7 production has been made to the l' nited States. KEY MANILA ZONE PLANNED President :\Ianuel de la Fuente, announced that city. urban and :X ational Planning Commissions are to study ne\\· zonification in the city of :\Ianila. There will be a clear definition of the commercial, industrial and r.esidential areas. U. N. POLICE FORCE LAKE Sl'CCESS. - The United States delegates to the l'. ?\. Council plans for a global police force. The international army is needed. The only country dissenting is Russia. MATMi:WS CLOTHES The House of a Thousand Suits 603 Kay Street (Opposite Brcuner's) SUITS - OVERCOATS u SPORT COATS - SLACKS ~ Dial 3-7941 l UNION TAXI SAFE SERVICE HEATERS AND RADIOS Affiliated with American Federation of Labor [!I SOUTH SIDE MOTOR CO. General Mechanical Service Complete Motor Overhaul Ports, Accessories Doy, Night Parking Phone 2-6898 "We Never Close" 516 L STREET SACRAMENTO [!I -9
1· i President :\lanuel Roxas who " ·as i:iaugurated as the first Presid ent of the Republ ic of the Philippines oh the Fourth of Juli· a year ago. Despite handicaps brought about by the 1rnr he has succeeded in making the Philippines one of the most stable cou ntries in the Far E ast today. He will lead the nation in observing the first anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence 011 July 4th. (Continued on Page 2) THE PHILIPPINE GAZITTE VOL 2, No. 6 JUNE, 1947 VINCENTE A. ZAMBRA. Edao, and Pcb!;she· 1314 Sidh Street, Sacramento, California Sl.00 Der Year 2Sc per Copy (Continued from Page I) All Philippine consular oiiicials in San Francisco will participate in Philippine Independence Day celebration:< in diiierent cmnmunitie;; oi California. Judge Roberto Regala will be the principal :<peaker at the Filipino Community celebration the night oi July 3rd at Sacramento. From there. he n·ill proceed to San Francisco to speak at a similar celebration at the Y:\ICA auditorium the iollm,·ing night. \"ice Comul J. C. Dioni:<io n·ill accompany Judge Regala to Sacramento. Consul Tiburcio C. Baja n·ill represent the corl>ulate general at the celebration in Imperial \-alley. C aliiornia. Consul J osr F. Imperial n·ill be the principal speaker at the celebration in Stockton. while \"ice Consul A.urelio Ramon i,- scheduled to speak in AIYarado. :\I arnr Roger Lapham oi San Francisco ;nd Cor;:<ul General Roberto Regala n·ill be the principal speakers at the Philippine Independence Day celebration to be held the e,·ening oi the Fourth of July at the Y:\ICA auditorium, 220 Golden Gate .'\ ,·enue. Judge Regala announced that :'.\Iayor Lapham has accepted the invitation to address the ci,·ic-musical program marking the first anniwrsary of the establishment of the Republic of the Philippines. :'.\-fayor Lapham's address will be of special interest because br that time he will have returned from a round-then·orld aerial trip which will take him to :\Ianila. Judge Regala said he has wired the Home Ofiice regarding :\Iayor Lapham's ,·isit here and has requested that a royal welcome -be accorded the mayor n·hom the consul general described in his "·ire as "'n1ost cooperati,·e and a good friend of Filipinos enrywhere". The program, n·hich will start at 7 :30 p. m .. n·ill feature seYeral Filipino folk dances and songs. Official obsen·ance oi the Philippine Independence Day in San Francisco will begin at 10 a. m. on the Fourth of July n·hen Consul General and :\Irs. Regala will hold an Open House up to noon during which they n·ill receive Filipino residents in the city. In the afternoon. the Consul General and :\lrs. Regala will gi,·e a cocktail party to foreign consuls in San Francisco and to city and state officials. ! E. Desamito 1 LIC::!~SED AND BONDED rARM LASOP. CONTRACTOR 9-3679 License No. L-28 . RT. 3, BOX 250, SACRAMENTO, CALIF. LEON'S BARBER SHOP Alterations 1204 l•d STREET SACRAMENTO Will Coll ond Oelive1 SIERRA CLEANERS Pressing While You Weit Sehcblo Espanol end ,Jose E. Zendijos, Props. 1107 5th STREET SACRAMENTO -2 -
THREE FAITHS JOIN IN GROUND BREAKING ATLAXTA. - Protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish representati\"es took part here in the ground breaking ceremonies for the :\" ew East Atlantic Chrsian Church. which ,\·ill be known as the "House oi Prayer for All People." ~ L~~:~!~:l~O!E~~: Lao;es" a'd Gents' 5,;,. Mode To o,der Al:e·o•ions of Al~ Kir:ds All Worl: G::o:o:1:eeo 307 Koy Street Sacramento TORTILLERIA ENCHILADAS-TAMALES Phone 2-174:5 Julian Son;hH, Prop. 1406 5th STREET SACRAMENTO FIRST LADY, TO GRACE GRAND OPERA HOUSE GALA INAUGURAL The presidents lady, ::\Irs. Trinidad de Leon Roxas will be sponsor Saturday e,·ening, April 13, on the ceremonies inaugurating the neu· :Uanila Opera House, to which more than a thousand prominent guests ha,·e been im·ited. The gala e\·ening u-ill be strictly formal. Orchestral accompaniments will be rendered by the ::\Ianila Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Prof. Bernardo Custodio. 509 L STREET SACRAMENTO I I KAUFMAN BROS. ~i ~L ; = = : : : ; ! ' ! PARAMONT GIFT SHOP OIAM:?i~~:~~;~:;~:~ELRY ! TOM YEE LAUNDRY 429 K ST. SACRAMENTO, CALIF. "A Friend of Filipillor" r.==.,·~ SUE'S CAFE CHINESE-AMERICAN DISHES FILIPINOS ALWAYS WELCOME 51 Main Street Isleton, California ~ JOHNSTONE'S BOOTERY QUALITY SHOES For 1he Entire Family J. H. JOHNSTONE Dial 2-7457 518 K ST., SACRAMENTO ;~ WATCH REPAIRING Watchmaker - Jeweler - Engraver G. E. NESS Sacramento 1027 6th Street Three Doors Ftom K Street -13
STALIN WON'T LIVE LONG LONDO:'.\, Uarch 31.-A Swedish heart specialist reportedly said today that Stalin nearly died from a heart attack last October. PACITA DE LOS REYES TO FETE WOMEN LAWYERS :Hiss Pacita delos Reyes one of the council of 12 oi the C. P. \\'omen Lawyer's Circle has im·ited members on April 13 for a garden party in her residence at Caloocan. Rizal. P. I., at 3 p. m. One of the informal discussions and a short talk is on the "\\'omen's Rights." I ~ ROBINSON'S SHOE REPAIR For Hiose Wr.o Wan: the Bes:! Quick Sc•vice on:::l Re:aonob!e Prices Hove Your si..o~s Holi Soled To:::iav on-:i Look Like New! Sotis!o,·ion Guoronteed 525 CAPITOL AVE. SACRAMENTO Ed. E. Noakes Typewriter Co. 719 J STREET DIAL 3-2448 SACRAMENTO, CALIF. FRANK'S SIGNAL SERVICE Complete Automotive Service PARTS AND ACCESSORIES IJtAKE RELINING SEAT COVERS WASHING AND POLISHING DIAL 3-9535 501 L S.TREET SACRAMENTO BRIGHT SPOT MARKETS 230 L STREET, PHONE 3-2688 430 N STREET, PHONE 2-5991 Sacramento, California 1 .:i ~ THE PHILIPPINE COPRA \VASHI~GTOX, :\lay 18.-The International Emergency Food Council announced today that a tentath·e allocation oi 205.000 metric tons oi Philippine copra and cocoanut oil from 19+7 production has been made to the l' nited States. KEY MANILA ZONE PLANNED President :\Ianuel de la Fuente, announced that city. urban and :X ational Planning Commissions are to study ne\\· zonification in the city of :\Ianila. There will be a clear definition of the commercial, industrial and r.esidential areas. U. N. POLICE FORCE LAKE Sl'CCESS. - The United States delegates to the l'. ?\. Council plans for a global police force. The international army is needed. The only country dissenting is Russia. MATMi:WS CLOTHES The House of a Thousand Suits 603 Kay Street (Opposite Brcuner's) SUITS - OVERCOATS u SPORT COATS - SLACKS ~ Dial 3-7941 l UNION TAXI SAFE SERVICE HEATERS AND RADIOS Affiliated with American Federation of Labor [!I SOUTH SIDE MOTOR CO. General Mechanical Service Complete Motor Overhaul Ports, Accessories Doy, Night Parking Phone 2-6898 "We Never Close" 516 L STREET SACRAMENTO [!I -9