The American Chamber of Commerce Journal
- Title
- The American Chamber of Commerce Journal
- Issue Date
- Volume 9 (Issue No. 8) August 1929
- Year
- 1929
- Language
- English
- Item sets
- The American Chamber of Commerce Journal
- Media
American Chamber of Commerce Journal Vol. 9, No.8 (August 1929)
Governor Davis's Manila introduction
The official raising of the American flag over Manila--August 13, 1898
Philippine raw products for America's factories
Weather you like it or not!
The prodigal
Americans occupy Manila: August 13, 1898
Free trade--conditionally
Resocialization of cured lepers
Wrightly speaking
Understanding our age
Babe and the moon
Dalagang bundok
Message of The Governor-General to the Eight Philippine Legislature
The black beauty
Origins of the Roman Catholic church
Haphazard studies in the English language
Philippine National Bank's present position
A pair of Land Act secrets
Shipping review
Copra and its products