Our Readers' comment


Part of National Weekly

Our Readers' comment
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Page ~G NATIONAL WEEl<L Y · October 8, 1949 D. L. FRANCISCO Editor R. M. MAIPID General Manager MARTY V. CHAVES INOCENCIO TAN A. DE LEON Advertising Editori:ll & Businesi Office: 1430 Governor Forbe11 Subscription Rates Payable in Advance Philippines: P9.00 a year; P5.00 six months. United States: $10.00 a year; $6.00 six months PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING Entered as second class mail matter in the Manila Post-Offic-~ on September 24. 1946 P. 0. Box 266, Te.lephone 2-85-45. BLOODBATH? God, pity the Philippinies if the general apprehen~ior. felt by the public during the coming November elections should come to pass. Apart from the fear that the Hules would enter Manila and cl"leate here a tumultuous affray, a <iress rehearsal of what is bound tv happen has already tai~en ·place in many localities of the islands. ALP and NP inspectors being forcibly and at the point ot guns being tole! to register new voters by partisan police, or thrown out of polling places. In some places truckloads of new registrants were reported kept away from election precincts. 'T'he three major parties, each desperately fighting to win, are mutually accusing each other of preparing the coun· try in a bloodbath which ·may plunge this ·country into a revolution, or something like it. Eulogio Rodriguez, general campaign manager of the Nacionalista Party, has expressed his fear of what to expect in November, with the manner the Liberal •Party, Quirino Wing, has been carrying on iri many places, with ·the police and the constabulary being uti ~ lized to cow the electorate · Speaker E;ugenio Perez, general campaign manager of t:he Liberal Party, has thrown back the NP charge stati.ng that it should be the minority group who should be held responsible for any untoward incident, adding that NP Canclidate Jose P. Laurel's speeches in the past have incited the people to ''revolution." :Should the situation go beyond mutual accusations ;md recriminations, the people, the Filipino people should hold the guilty responsible and let them suffer the oonsequences, whate\'er they might be. "ZONA" •The police early Sunday morning swooped down on the Palomar district of Tondo, in an e:pcircling operation reminiscent of th~ days of the Japanese occupation. It is an unpleasant thought. The police justified the operati0n with the rounding: up of 60 Huk suspects, the seizure of two unlicensed firearms and the arrest of their posse~sors Justified or not, we still want to think and belkve that this is a democratic oountry. Or have we alreadv becomi:c> ~ dictatorship overniight? · POLITICAL STANDINGS - For the information of the Capicenos in Manila and o lhe.r places. couldn't you spare enough space in your magazine for news and views of the political stan.dings in the provinces, especially in the province of Capiz? Finding out that your paper has a general circulation in :he province of Capiz, Capicenos away from their home provinces will be very much pleased to know the political movements in their beloved province thru the pwges of your magazine. - Eugenio c. Salcedo, San J UJ.ln, Rizal. (Ed's note: We have been studying such a project and have already taken steps to make a general canvas of provinces. At any rate it is still toa early to start hat Perhaps one month befor1! the elections wi l be more appropriate.) PHILIPPINE OPERA - Mr. Raymundo Banas' article which appeared in your Sept. 10 issue of the NATIONAL WEEKLY is an €ye-opener for the opera-loving peopJ.E1 of the Philippines. Opera should really be revived here. I remember the old Teatro de Bilibid Mr. Banas spoke about, and I do miss them. This is one form of ent:rtoainment that will improve proper cultural tastes for out youth.-(Mrs.) Josefina L. Castro, Cebu City. NENITAS AGAIN: ...... I am and continuous service to ou:r people. The NATIONAL WEEKLY is also .growing thicker an,d as such, mallly more articles of in - terest are being accommodated. I pray far its success. More power to you.-Manuel M. Pastores. Gat· taran, Cagayan. TERRIFIC SURPRISE You cannot imagine my astonish_ ment when the new NATIONAL WEEKLY hit foe stands last "eek. 'l'his is actually now the only Philippine magazine that uses book paper comparable to Amer~· can magazines such as Colliers, J .. iberty and Saturday Evening Post. Congratu1ations and I hope you'll keep up this new standard.-Manuel Navarro, San J,•Joall, Rizal. WOMAN SUFFRAGE.... Thi! article by Miss Lakambini S. Gar_ cia w'hlQh appeared in the Sept. 24 issue of the NATIONAL WEEKLY is commendable. It is rarely one finds a woman who is frank enough to come_ out and admit their shortcomings. Women should avoid trying to do men's work and confine themselves in a very important factor in the future of the country.. For Is lt not the women who mold the kind of men who will run our government? And if they fail in this duty, what kind of men will we have?-Rustico Ortiz, Capiz. PARTIDA MAYOR: ..... D.L. glad l/lr. Martelino who is doing Fraincisco's expose on "Partida a series of articles on Col. Vale- Mayor" last week was most re_ riano•s "Skuli" commandos has pie- vealing: Here i11 the provinces tured the rough sides too.. l was stories like that are read greedily afraid at first that the eerial a8 our focal polit:liiC{Cfl are would be partial to the comman- most ca.reful in seeing to it that dos; But last week's "The Huks none of suCh scandals reach the Strike Back;" showed that the au- majority <>f the public. It is really thor is giVing us the right low very demoralizing to have men down on the Huk campagns:-V. like those mentioned in the arti_ Reyes, Ermita Manila. cle who pretend to be angels but i11 fact have dirty faces. I am NATIONAL WEEKLY PRESS looking forwa.rd t.o read!ing ·-I congratulate you for the acqui- more of the anomalies in our sition of your own printing press government: - Mauro Malvar, which is an evidence of assured Agoo, La Union: