From Governor Davis's inaugural speech (Manila, July 8, 1929)


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

From Governor Davis's inaugural speech (Manila, July 8, 1929)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY The American Chamber ef Gommerce OF THE Ph il ippin e Is l a n d s (Member Chamber of Commerce of the United States) ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER May 25, 1921, at the POST OFFICE AT MANILA, P. I. Local Subscription: P4.00 per year Foreign Subscription: $3.00 U. S. Currency, per year Single Copies: 35 Centavos WALTER ROBB, Editor and Manager DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS P. A. Meyer, President H. M. Cavender, Vice-President John W. Haussermann, Vice-President B. A. Green, Treasurer H. L. Heath W. L. Applegate J. C. Rockwell Kenneth B. Day Alf Welhaven ALTERNATE DIRECTORS J. L. Headington A. B. Cresap Frank W. Butler Wm. H. Rennolds John R. Wilson, Secretary E. E. Selph, General Counsel EXECUTIVE P. A. Meyer, Chairman H. M. Cavender H. L. Heath COMMITTEES FINANCE J. L. Headington, Chairman Wm. H. Rennolds F. W. Butler RELIEF W. J. Odom, Chairman Carl Hess John Gordon MANUFACTURING P. A. Meyer, Chairman Alf Welhaven E. A. Seidenspinner LEGISLATIVE P. A. Meyer, Chairman Frank B. Ingersoll J. R. Wilson FOREIGN TRADE H. B. Pond, Chairman L. L. Spellman M. M. Saleeby PUBLICATIONS , P. A. Meyer, Chairman Roy C. Bennett BANKING AND CURRENCY Stanley Williams, Chairman W. J. Shaw RECEPTION AND ENTERTAINMENT J. L. Headington, Chairman F. W. Butler J. R. Wilson HOUSE B. A. Green, Chairman J. R. Wilson LIBRARY John Gordon, Chairman SHIPPING H. M. Cavender, Chairman G. P. Bradford L. E. Nantz INVESTMENTS P. A. Meyer, Chairman H. M. Cavender B. A. Green FROM GOVERNOR DAVIS’S INAUGURAL SPEECH {Manila, July 8, 1929) “I regard this warm welcome as a happy augury of that close, cordial and constructive cooperation under the organic law which I hope will be the keynote of my administration, a cooperation with your political, business, journalistic and spiritual leaders for the sole purpose of promoting the welfare of all your people. . . . Were I merely to give expression to my personal gratification at such a cordial reception you might well feel that I had missed the broader significance of this occasion, had failed to sense its unmistakable evidence of the friendship on the part of the people of the Philippine Islands for the people of the United States. “. . . Determination of the political future of the islands does not come within the province of the governor general. However, problems directly affecting the foundations upon which that political future must rest do confront us for solution. If these foundations are not strongly and firmly built, any structure of government, no matter what its character, will inevitably fail. “One of the conerstones of the foundation of any government is the honesty of its officials. Public office, it cannot be repeated too often, is a public trust. Dishonesty among public servants must be fearlessly suppressed. If it is not detected and punished it spreads insidiously throughout the whole service and corrupts those who condone it as well as those who connive at it, and it dissipates the public moneys so seriously needed for essential improvements. The public official who betrays his trust is not only unfaithful to those who honor him by election or appointment to office; he is faithless to the children who must grow up without educational opportunities, due to the lack of revenues, to the sick who cannot get hospital treatment, to the unfortunates in eleemosynary institutions, and to all of the people who benefit by the public improvements vital to their welfare. The responsibility for the elimination of dishonesty from the government rests not only upon your officials but also upon the people who themselves are the principal sufferers. If public opinion demands honesty, it will get honesty. If it condones dishonesty, it will get dishonesty. I confidently rely upon the support of the press and the public in the insistence that public officials be faithful to their trust. “Closely related to this subject is the most effective use of the available revenues. Efficient economy must be exercised in every department of the government. I assume that it is being practised today. I am confident that every administrative official will cooperate to this end. If any official is unable or unwilling to do so he should and promptly will be replaced.” ROYAL CORD The Choice of the Motorists Who Know Tire Values We stand behind every tire sold MANILA TRADING 8s SUPPLY CO. MANILA ILOILO CEBU BACOLOD IN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISEMENTS PLEASE MENTION THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL