Tobacco review, Alhambra Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturing Co.


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Tobacco review, Alhambra Cigar and Cigarette Manufacturing Co.
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20 THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL July, 29 Three More Poems by Gilbert S. Perez Jane Jeanne was the flickering, friendly flame Of a candle light That soothed me and crooned me to sleep in The evening shadows; But Jane is the cold and pitiless Incandescent glare That murders the shadows and tears down My castle of dreams. Bacoor The bamboos sway In the light gray mist Of an early May Typhoon; They creak and they moan As they lean Over the lichen covered Stones Of the crumbling walls That cradle the dead In old Bacoor. And Old Mother Earth Swings her feathery Plumes As she croons Her endless lullaby Of eternal sleep; While under a dark Mimosa Three paces away From the wall, Are the graves of three Who knocked in vain At the heavily padlocked Gate. But what they did And how it was done Is a secret that few can tell; So they sleep—outside— And the wandering goats Graze over the grassy mounds. Two of the graves Are a meter apart, And the other Three meters away. Here lies the lover And beside him Eve, With Adam, outside Eden, Whose stubborn gates are closed. Or it is Menelaus, Paris, and Helen whom they loved. Roads of Old Bohol How glad I was To see once more The coral roads of old Bohol, The white paths by the sea Where, with that witless recklessness Of flaming youth, I threw away A year’s piece of my life; And further on a brief day’s crumb Of languorous existence Beside the bubbling sparkling Icy crystal pool Ten meters from The brackish sea Beyond the Lila fishtraps Beyond the Loay bridge. The coral roads of old Bohol Still wend their way Like gleaming marble rivulets Across the hills And over the cliffs And on to Anda pass. TOBACCO REVIEW Alhambra Cigar and CigaretU Manufacturing Cp. Raw Leaf: — Trading in local grades continued very quiet during June. Most of the 1929 crop in Cagayan province has been bought up at prices averaging higher than obtain in the Manila market for old crops. Exports show a considerable increase over May figures, due exclusively to shipments to the regies of Spain, France and Korea. Comparative figures are as follows: Rawleaf Stripped Tobacco and Scraps Kilos Australia......................................... 1,442 France............................................. 777,161 Hongkong....................................... 33,291 Java................................................ 2,226 Korea............................................. 105,336 North Africa.................................. 15,341 North Atlantic (Europe)............. 58,856 Spain.............................................. 1,461,708 Straits Settlements........................ 1,798 United States................................ 74,758 Uruguay......................................... 9,614 2 541 531 May, 1929.............................. ’344’094 June, 1928.............................. 2,021,131 Cigars:—The business with the United States continues on its downward trend. Comparative figures for shipments to the United States are as follows: June, 1929............... abuut 11,300,000 May, 1929.............................. 11,702,817 June, 1928.............................. 17,908,208 THE RELIABLE LAMP ELMAC INC. P. O. Box 625 MANILA 627 Rizal Ave. T~NQR office and street wear this model is a favorite with most men. Roomy, neat, well designed and made of fine materials throughout. See them at any HIKE store. Wear a pair for comfort. HIKE SHOE FACTORY STYLE CREATORS 286 SAN MARCELINO MANILA, P. I. IN RESPONDING TO ADVERTISEMENTS PLEASE MENTION THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL