Principal exports


Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

Principal exports
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
July, 1929 THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 31 PRINCIPAL EXPORTS Monthly average for 12 months April, 1929 April, 1928 ending April, 1929 V/ommoaities Quantity Value % Quantity Value % Quantity Value % Sugar........................................................................................ ................................. 99,410,153 P15,lll,888 43.1 88,150,478 P15,198,728 52.5 48,478,911 P 7,983,330 30.5 Hemp......................................................................................................................... 19,141,895 5,889,525 16.7 13,653,475 4,136,797 14.3 15,311,936 4,547,667 17.0 Coconut Oil............................................................................ ................................. 19,209,562 6,217,398 17.7 5,598,449 1,911,971 6.7 13,894,644 4,544,005 17.0 Copra........................................................................................ ............................... 8,831,358 1,616,054 4.5 15,597,089 3,105,413 10.8 19,809,787 3,972,824 14.6 Cigars (Number)................................................................... ............................... 12,187,651 527,055 1.5 14,414,953 642,893 2.3 17,910,979 760,789 2.9 Embroidery............................................................................. 790,775 2.3 542,460 2.0 816,594 3.0 Maguey...................................................................................................................... 1,343,559 287,472 0.8 1,917,743 373,589 1.4 1,399,262 289,551 1.0 Leaf Tobacco.................... :.................................................................................... 2,984,260 912,297 2.6 211,439 73,739 0.3 1,600,352 550,432 2.0 Desiccated and Shredded Coconut..................................... ............................... 1,754,115 579,386 1.6 1,477,660 550,359 2.0 1,789,014 656,183 2.4 Hats (Number)...................................................................... ............................... 67,404 279,460 0.8 59,831 256,797 0.9 136,324 676,275 2.4 Lumber (Cubic Meter)........................................................ ............................... 15,253 529,110 1.5 12,437 443,041 1.5 13,893 487,616 1.7 Copra Meal............................................................................. ............................... 7,296,727 502,405 1.4 4,206,827 274,593 0.9 8,108,703 594,309 2.1 Cordage.................................................................................... ............................... 841,313 431,964 1.2 525,488 302,998 1.0 347,200 312,942 1.1 Knotted Abaca...................................................................... ................................. 70,551 214,420 0.6 3,737 10,662 43,041 143,407 0.4 Pearl Buttons (Gross)......................................................... ............................... 47,379 43,442 0.1 64,403 60,521 0.2 63,254 66,733 0.2 Canton (low grade cordage fiber)....................................... ............................... 746,103 149,593 0.4 581,277 117,900 0.4 574,763 102,671 0.3 All Other Products................................................................ 955,704 2.7 688,405 2.4 861,464 2.4 Total Domestic Products...................................................... P34,846,872 99.5 P28,553,366 99.6 P27,198,518 95.4 United States Products........................................................ 104,623 0.3 104,429 0.3 129,284 0.5 Foreign Products.................................................................... 76,453 0.2 33,069 0.1 38,991 0.1 Grand Total........................................................... P35.027.948 100.0 P28,690,864 100.0 P27.366.292 100.0 No t e :—All quantities are in kilos except where otherwise indicated. PRINCIPAL IMPORTS CARRYING TRADE IMPORTS Monthly average for April, 1929 April, 1928 12 months ending April, 1929. Articles Value % Value % Value % Cotton Cloths................... P 4,935,456 16.7 P 3,164,592 15.7 P 3,509,243 16.5 Other Cotton Goods........ Iron and Steel, Except 1,313,246 4.6 998,233 4.9 1,166,016 4.8 Machinery..................... 1,820,842 6.3 1,775,615 8.7 1,892,871 8.4 Rice................................ .... 579,051 2.1 91,099 0.3 618,943 3.0 Wheat Flour..................... 465,302 1.6 788,127 3.8 813,221 4.0 Machinery and Parts of. • 1,087,807 3.8 887,377 4.3 1,410,482 7.0 Dairy Products................ 758,166 2.6 477,034 2.2 589,678 2.9 Gasoline............................. 1,815,210 6.1 400,532 1.9 608,543 3.0 Silk Goods........................ 1,142,859 3.9 628,894 3.0 678,944 3.3 Automobiles...................... 501,676 1.8 544,662 2.6 85,856 0.4 Vegetable Fiber Goods... 470,024 1.7 437,719 2.0 425,005 2.1 Meat Products................. 488,005 1.7 456,507 2.1 492,471 2.4 Illuminating Oil............... 704,768 2.5 438,493 2.0 302,406 1.5 Fish and Fish Products.. 574,744 2.0 218,843 0.9 380,107 1.8 Crude Oil.......................... 144,844 0.6 551,865 2.7 172,569 0.8 Coal.................................... Chemicals, Dyes, Drugs, 717,308 2.5 167,159 8.8 399,184 1.9 Etc.................................. 526,691 1.9 331,439 1.6 393,574 1.9 Fertilizers........................... 420,200 1.5 210,556 1.0 346,040 1.7 Vegetable........................... Paper Goods, Except 490,903 1.8 309,655 1.5 375,742 1.8 Books..................... Tobacco and Manufac506,185 1.8 308,675 1.5 411,251 2.0 tures of.......................... 227,882 0.9 316,146 1.6 551,088 2.7 Electrical Machinery.. .. Books and Other Printed 662,180 2.3 265,417 1.3 376,115 1.8 Matters.......................... Cars and Carriages, Ex493,568 1.8 373,148 1.8 220,282 1.0 cept Autos.................... 157,706 0.6 232,992 1.1 199,909 0.9 Automobile Tires............ 472,551 1.7 159,712 0.7 276,593 1.3 Fruits and Nuts.............. 265,689 1.0 161,456 0.8 284,333 1.4 Woolen Goods.................. 191,742 0.8 155,304 0.7 110,720 0.5 Leather Goods................. 324,499 1.2 212,806 1.0 236,723 1.1 Shoes and Other Foot ware 176,775 0.7 158,147 0.7 128,364 0.6 Coffee....................... Breadstuff, Except 217,308 0.8 97,604 0.4 152,742 0.7 Wheat Flour................. 381,694 1.4 148,270 0.7 179,550 0.8 Eggs.................................... Perfumery and Other 362,022 1.3 191,735 0.9 195,171 0.9 Toilet Goods................ 192,441 0.8 125,977 0.6 138,004 0.6 Lubricating Oil................ Cacao Manufactures, Ex271,302 1.0 124,419 0.6 179,299 0.8 cept Candv................... 237,522 0.9 177,171 0.8 141,848 0.7 Glass and Glassware....... Paints, Pigments, Var188,066 0.7 120,785 0.7 170,162 0.8 nish, Etc. . . 210,147 0.8 173,896 0.8 148,482 0.7 Oils not separately listed. Earthern Stones and 149,889 0.6 126,222 0.3 145,819 0.7 Chinaware..................... 148,540 0.6 79,192 0.4 125,598 0.6 Automobile Accessories.. Diamond and Other Pre317,884 1.2 81,912 0.4 144,218 0.7 cious Stones Unset. . .. Wood, Bamboo, Reed, 107,938 0.5 80,703 0.5 120,899 0.5 Rattan........................... 145,356 0.6 102,755 0.5 115,902 0.5 India Rubber Goods.... 157,245 0.6 120,066 0.6 112,735 0.5 Soap............... 182,990 0.7 178,028 0.8 185,264 0.9 Matches............ 44,502 0.3 66,958 0.3 82,298 0.4 *Cattle..................... 46,048 0.3 49,528 0.2 30,649 0.1 Explosives............... 26,062 0.2 73,389 0.3 33,790 0.1 Cement...................... 115,734 0.5 66,439 0.3 87,025 0.4 Sugar and Molasses....... 59,579 0.3 55,938 0.2 26,748 0.1 Motion Picture Films.. .. 41,815 0.3 31,281 0.1 32,456 0.1 AU Other Imports.......... 2,102,124 7.1 1,698,323 8.4 2,897,120 9.2 Total.................. P28,142,087 100.0 P19,190,695 100.0 P22.552.652 100.0 TRADE WITH THE UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES Monthly average for Nationality of Vessels April, 1929 April, 1928 12 months ending April, 1929. Value % Value % Value % American................... .... P12,003,113 41.0 P 8,192,978 41.5 P 9,773,312 47.9 British........................ .... 7,365,208 25.6 7,045,697 35.6 7,449,436 36.3 Japanese..................... .... 1,943,184 7.5 1,270,538 6.7 959,138 4.7 Dutch......................... .... 714,485 3.4 545,328 3.1 652,197 3.2 German...................... .... 2,093,215 7.0 1,378,402 7.3 1,584,762 7.9 Norwegian................. 2,708,826 9.0 63,158 0.7 894,000 4.4 Philippine.................. .... 79,818 0.3 41,056 0.6 121,300 0.5 Spanish...................... .... 275,191 0.9 56,715 0.7 161,247 0.8 Chinese....................... .... 88,176 0.3 22,199 0.4 63,914 0.3 Swedish...................... .... 21,384 0.1 31,094 0.4 8,680 Dannish..................... .... 136,102 0.5 148,271 0.7 Csechoslovak............ 16,074 1,340 French....................... 56,277 0.2 By Freight................ .... P27.424.702 97.6 P18,663,239 97.0 P21,929,319 96.9 By Mail.................... .... 713,385 2.4 527,456 3.0 623,331 3.1 Total.......... .... P28,142,087 100.0 P19,190,695 100.0 P22.552.650 100.0 EXPORTS Nationality of Vessels April, 1929 April, 1928 Monthly average for 12 months ending April, 1929. Value % Value % Value % American........................... P15.220.499 43.6 P13.784.543 48.9 P12.853.170 41.3 British................................ 8,629,542 24.7 8,110,573 28.6 7,491,045 29.8 Japanese............................. 6,368,923 18.3 2,154,460 7.4 2,822,559 11.1 German.............................. 962,729 2.7 645,176 2.0 921,650 3.5 Norwegian......................... 2,100,407 6.0 1,756,683 6.0 778,917 3.0 Spanish............. >............... 102,896 0.4 Dutch................................. 751,003 2.1 247,324 0.6 571,104 2.3 Philippine.......................... 85,090 0.2 44,835 169,123 0.6 Chinese............................... 49,712 0.1 8,041 Swedish.............................. 167,244 0.4 1,344,998 4.6 350,159 1.4 French................................ 4,880 Dannish............................. 667,272 2.6 By Freight........................ P34.335.149 98.1 P28,088,592 98.1 P26.257.212 95.6 By Mail............................ 692,799 1.9 602,272 1.9 1,109,080 4.4 Total.................. P35.027.948 100.0 P28.690.864 100.0 P27,366,292 100.0 TRADE WITH THE UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN COUNTRIES _ Monthly average for “orts April, 1929 April, 1928 12 months ending April, 1929. Value % Value % Value % Manila.......... .................. P46.707.927 74.0 P28,578,908 59.6 P33,138,140 66.3 . ,1) :•............ 9,226,672 14.5 10,736,289 22.5 6,840,098 13.7 5,175,165 8.2 7,127,688 14.9 6,564,478 13.1 Joie .......... ' 295,750 1 97 A7n 0.5 442,667 0.9 598,731 2.0 • ,4 zy 0.2 154,168 0.3 97,897 0.2 1,358,593 2.2 706,058 1.5 1,338,202 2.7 278,449 0.4 135,781 0.3 1,039.479 2.0 1 ..P63,170,035 100.0 P47.881.559 100.0 P49.919.025 100.0 Monthly average for Countries April, 1929 April, 1928 12 months ending April, 1929. Value % Value % Value % United States............... .. P45.083.190 71.6 P34.557.157 75.1 P34.845.185 69.7 United Kingdom......... 2,366,649 3.7 2,321,192 4.9 2,093,753 4.1 Japan............................. 4,238,640 6.6 3,332,869 7.0 3,325,143 6.5 China............................. 2,488,343. 3.9 1,693,425 3.6 1,718,086 3.3 French East Indies. .. 586,694 0.9 90,806 0.3 622,959 1.1 Germany....................... 1,512,156 2.4 942,787 2.0 1,249,141 2.5 Spain.............................. 806,478 1.3 634,978 1.3 1,071,610 2.1 Australia........................ 511,293 0.8 532,112 1.2 472,772 0.9 British East Indies... 1,042,633 1.7 759,876 1.6 685,135 1.3 Dutch East Indies.... 573,641 0.9 519,001 1.1 541,818 1.1 France............................ 623,747 1.0 400,588. 0.8 781,686 1.5 Netherlands.................. 449,310 0.7 297,672 0.6 355,426 0.7 Italy............................... 569,653 0.9 156,527 0.3 357,384 0.7 Hongkong...................... 402,062 0.6 478,966 1.0 245,603 0.5 Belgium......................... 500,058 0.8 410,815 0.8 464,531 0.9 Switzerland. .'............... 393,269 0.6 294,239 0.6 304,269 0.6 Japanese-China............ 382,347 0.5 57,354 0.1 109,909 0.2 Siam............................... 105,932 0.2 20,191 30,550 Sweden........................... 106,371 0.2 50,068 0.1 102,285 0.2 Canada.......................... 129,836 0.2 51,630 0.1 102,414 0.2 Norway.......................... 21,637 62,910 0.1 89,175 0.2 Austria........................... 8,743 13,064 14,101 Denmark....................... 36,666 0.1 28,022 34,117 0.1 Other Countries........... 230,687 0.4 175,310 0.4 302,000 0.6 Total.............. . . P63,170,035 100.0 P47.881.559 100.0 P49,919,025 100.0