1937 successful bar candidates


Part of The Guard

1937 successful bar candidates
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En t e r e d a t t h e Ma n d a w e Po s t Of f ic e a s Se c o n d Cl a ss Ma il Ma t t e r GUARD Su b s c r ipt io n Ra t e s b y ma il Six Mo n t h s .? 60 On e Ye a r .................. P1.00 VOL II | 10j¿ | NO. 4 ll I 4 After correcting the papers Felipe Azcuna, 89. Castellano, 78; Natalio Cas- co, 82; Procopio Flor, 75. of the bar candidates, it came Angel Bacani, 81; Crispin tillo, 91; Nicasio Castillo, 75: Feliciano Gala, 75; Emilio out that out of 631contes- Baizns, 78, Maximino Balazo, Perfecto Castillo, 80; Sergio Galang, 76; Patrocinio Gaputants, 544 of them have shown 77; Felix Baldón. 78; Juan Castillo, 76; Domingo Cas- san, 79; Mauricio Caranchon, their best by getting the re- Ballecer, 78; Ceferino Balta- tillo, 79; Teodoro Castro, 83; 78; Jose Garchitorena, 76; quired mark. Of the sue- zar, 77; Antonio Baloga, 75; Dominador Catalig, 81; Blas Felipe Garduke, 75; Adolfo cessful candidates Miss Ceci- Ernesto Baluyot, 75; Godo- Cavada, 81; Jose Cayanan, 77; Garcia, 82; Gregorio Garcia, lia Muñoz is the top notcher. fredo Bamba, 77; Cesar Bara- Emilio Cecilio, 76; Tranquilino 83; Bienvinido Garrido, 81; Other candidates passing the teta, 81; Miss Liwayway Ba- Cervantes, 78; Benito Chan, Pioquiento Gélido, 78; Lobar with flying honors are rican, 75; Manuel Barot, 75; 81; Liberato Cinco, 82; Be- renzo Gella, 80; Ambrosio Manuel Manzano, Jose Moya, Jose Barrameda, 80; Narciso nito Cinco, 80; Fidel Calme- Go, 81; Alfredo Goingco, 75; Natalio Castillo. Felipe Az- Barrera, 86; Filemon Barria, nar, 84; Marcelo Concepcion, Jabin Gomez, 80; Luis Gocuna, Erasmo Cruz, Miss 78; Antonio Barro, 75: Sil- 86; Jose Conte, 79; Juan Co- mez, 84; Cesar Gonzaga, 78; Julita Sotejo, Eulalio Legas- vino Barro, 84; Fernando rales, 79; Jose Corpus, 84; Carlos Gonzales, 78; Feliciapi and Jose Nuguid. Bartolomé, 79; Galvez Bar- Emilio Cortes, 78; Delfin Cruz, no Gonzales, 87; Inocencio Among the law colleges in tolome, 75; Carmelo Basa, 79; Erasmo Cruz, 89; Gual- Gonzales, 79; Zacarias Gonthe Philippines, only four 75; Estanislao Bayot, 81; berto Cruz, 81; Enrico Cruz, zales, 75; Domingo Gosienfiao, of them got 100% successful Pacifico Bautista, 78; Miss Leonor Cruz, 84; Rufo Cuadra, 79; Eufemio Guarnes, 77; candidates. Namely they are Angelica Belarmino, 83; Cle- 78; Tiburcio Cue, 82; Alfre- Agustin Guaneo, 77; Catalino the University of the Phi- mente' Bella, 77; Maximino do Cuenca, 79; Bonifacio Guecco, 75; Efrain Guerrero, lippines, The Visayan Insti- Bello, 81; Miss Purita Benn- Cuevas, 78; Jose Cusi, 82. 80; Felicísimo Guerrero, 80; tute, The Southern Institute res, 77; Demetrio Benitez, Severino Dagdag, 77; Emig- Serapeon Guerrero, 76; Maand the Academia de Leyes. 78; Pedro Berbernbe, 79; Pe- dio Dakanay, 80; Gonzalo riano Guevarra, 79; Jose H. For the information of the dro Bermejo, 76, Jose Bigor- David, 84; Plnmin Dianco, Guevarra, 77; Jose C. Guepublic, the complete list of nia, 75; A polinario Billostns, 81; Joe Diederich, 77; Gela- varra, 81; Teófilo Guia, 80; the successful bar candidates 79; Iaabelo BinamirH, 87; sio Dimaano, 82; Justo Dios, Nicomedes Gumía, 75; Consfollow: Vicente Birao, 79; Vicente 79; Jose Divinigracia, 78; tancio Gutierrez, 79; Mario Valeriano Abad, 80; Buena- Blanco-, 80; Santos Blaquera, Heraclito Diwa, 83; Domi- Gutierrez, 79. ventura Abad, 79: Cristobal 75; Esperideon Bodino, 81; nador Dizon, 75; Federico Sinai Hamada, 85; Jose Abella, 83; Fermin Abella, 82 Alfredo Bolinas, 80; Juan Dizon, 75; Cerilo Dolar, 76; Hautea, 84; Elias Hermosilla, Domitillo Abordo, 77; Vicen- Bondoc, 78; Graciano Borja, Ambrosio Dollote, 84; Euge- 75; Dionisio Hernandez, 82; te Abrantes, 80; Luciano 86; Justiniano Borja, 81 nio Domingo, 83; Loandro Jose Hernando, 81; Luis HerAdan, 75; Jose Adeva, 82 Remigio Borromeo, 75; Felino Domingo, 83; Sixto Dornin- vas, 79; Felipe Hipólito, 84. Teodorico Advincula, 75; Mag- Bote, 78; Eustaquio Bringas, don, 88; Marcial Dimaual, 80; Melquíades Ibañez, 83; Vidiwang Aguilan, 88; Juan 77; Sofronio Briones, 75; Pri- Fidel Dumlao, 78; Panfilo Dun- venció lbrado, 82; Cirilo IliAguilar, 80; Franciano Aguir- mitivo Buagas, 79; Florencio que, 84; Mrs. Juliana Edralin, gan, 78; Faustino Ines, 75. re, 85; Segundino Aguirre, Buan, 78; Federico Buenafe; 77; Mauro Edrial, 77; Pedro Angel Jamias, 78; Jesus 75; Dominador Agustin, 80; 80; Generoso Buendia, 80; Ella, 77; Jose Encarnacion, 80; Jaramillo, 91; Delfin Jaranilla, Gil Albano, 79; Victorio Jose Buendia, 81; Fernando Artemio Engracia, 78; Sime- Isagani Jayme, 83; Claro, Alcantara, 80; Juan Aldava. Bontua, 83; Jorge Butalid, on Enrique, 75; Mariano Es- Jeciel, 83; Leonardo Jimenez, 81: Jose Alejandro, 82; Fran- 75. cucta, 76; Juan Esguerra, 82; Nozi Jison, 78; Castor cisco Aliño, 76; Estanislao Sofronio Caabay, 86; Cor- 75; Mariano Esleigue, 78; Jongko, 84; Dominador JoAlvarez, 84; Felipe Alvarez, nelio Cabal, 78; Felix Ca- Alfonso Espinosa, 81; Ricar- ver, 76; Apolonio Juat, 81; 75; Ramon Alvarez. 84; Aure- barios, 78; Leonoro Cabasal, do Esquiva), 82; Vitaliano John Jago, 83; Jesus Justalio Alvero, 77; Roman délos 77; Florencio Cabula, 77; Estacio, 77; Bienvinido Es- lero, 79 Julian Justiniano, 78. Ama, 76; Noe Amado, 79; Ra- Perfecto Cagampang, 81; Ni- tuar, 79; Buenaventura Evan- Ladislao Caringal, 77; Almon Amador, 76: Roque canor Caldito, 81; Dionisio gelista, 79; Cleto Evangelis- fredo Catigbak, 78; Fermin Amisola, 82; Luis Anastasio, Calibo, 78; Emiliano Calma, ta, 81. Laborte, 79‘- Arsenio Lacson, 78; Joaquin Andres, 78; Si- 78; Alfonso Calseña, 80; Vi- Jerome Fakat, 82; Apolinar 75: Miss Medina Lacson, 77; meon Andres, 75; Cicerón cente Calvo, 75; Dioscoro Faustino, 76; Luis Feria, 86; Serafin Lacson, 80: Salvador Angeles, 83; Felipe Anievas, Camarista, 75; Vicente Capil- Leandro Fernandez, 78; Gerar- Lacuna, 75; Oscar Lagman, 78; Zacarias Antonio, 75; Inn, 79; Primitivo Carambas, do Fernandez, 84; Hermo- 80; Rufino Lainez, 77; EmiMelchor Aquilizan, 78; Miss 78; Juan Carbonel; 85; Donato genes Fernando, 83; Maximi- lio Langomes, 79; Gregorio Felicidad Arce, 86; Adolfo Cardona, 75; George Carey, no Ferreol, 75; Mrs. Lydia Lantin, 83; Ruperto LanzaArguelles, 77; Eduardo Arieta, 83; Potenciado Carin, 78; Florendo, 81; Alberto Flores, dor, 80; Cresencio Lao ang, 77; Benjamin Arteficio, 84; Conrado (Jarlos, 80; Efrain 76; José Flores, 76; Lucilo 77; Antonio Lapus, 77; Luis José Asprep, 75; Gaudencio Carlos, 82; Felix Caro, 87; Miss Flores, 75; José Fojas, . 82; Lardizabal. 8L’ Vicente LarAtendido, 82; Calub Avenda- Clarita Cartera, 75; Diogra- Antonio Portugalés, 81; An go, 76;* Godofredo Laurel, nio, 75; Antonio Avaay, 75; cias Castageda, 81; Salvador tonio Franco, 79; Felipe Fran- (Continued on page 10} 10 GUARD I )ecetn be r, 1937 By MAMUEI May I express my amaze- turb,” “tend to instigate.” It ment that a country with our is a well known fact that our democratic ideals should have judiciary is subservient to potho kind of a sedition law litical interests. Those innowhich has just been signed by cent little “tend to’s” can, the President. The law it* when interpreted by a politiself is a throwback to react- cally obligated judiciary, wipe ionary conservatism but what out the last vestige of constistartles me even more is the tutional rights. Let us see utter sile ce of the press. 1 just how these “tend to’s” am intrigued by the question: could work. Have we actually already lost Suppose a group of exonr freedom of the press? ploited tenants on the hacien* [ wish to call attention to da of a merciless cacique the fact that this sedition should wish to hold a meetlaw has enough teeth in it, ing in order to prepare a petiunder “inspired” judicial in- tion asking for better treatterpretation to gag the press, ment. It would be so easy destroy the right of assenbly for the cacique involved, who and the right of free speech,* often is the local political to check effectively any vital boss, to persuade the constamovement of social reform bulaY.v that such a meeting and to make every citizen a might “tend to instigate ” spy upon his neighbor. There would follow a suppresln my humble opinion this sion of the right of assembly, law is not the product of a Suppose an opposition news sane understanding of the paper, (if we had one) might principles o P good govern- wish to criticize the action ment but rather the product of the G-men in suppressing of an undignified hysteria of such an assembly. The editor fear—fear that the masses of the paper, under this law might stage an uprising. might easily be convicto! of Need I call attention to the the crime of, “tend to ” fact that a democracy that Suppose I might wish to ba«es its legislation upon fear make a speech criticizing the of the masses has «1 ready sedition law in defense of the ceased to be a democracy in Constitution. How easy it fact and the question is per- would be to convict me (in tinent — i n whose behalf is the local courts but never such legislation made? in the supreme court of the The law clearly draws the United States) of the crime issue of whether this govern- of “tend to ” ment is now to become Fas- How easy it will be for cist or remain Republican the party in power to get in form rid of effective political opThe law sounds innocent ponents under this law. I t enough uutil we come to should not be too difficult those words “tend to dis- for an “appointed fiscal” to < w. persuade an “appointed judge” 1QQ7 IIPP0Ccfill that the political opponent 1301 was guilty of the crime of {Continued from page 3) “tend to.” Just what kind 75; Joaquin La9am, 76; Jose of a law is it that puts a Lava, 75; Felix Layson, 76; man in jail for “tend to”? Esteban Lazatin, 75; Eulalio I also point out the fact Legaspi, 89; Gregorio Legasthat this law aims at nothing ¿pi, 81; Jose de Leon, 75; less than the making of every Silverio de Leon, 83; Miss citizen a snooping tattletale. Concepcion Leones, 75; Joes Of course it has been said Liboon, 84; Teofilo Libre, 75; on good authority that this Jose Licuanan, 80; Jose Lim, law will not really be en- 78; Baldomero Limbaga, 79; forced but such a statement Jose* Li wag, 82, Emilio Llanes, makes us all the more bu s- 82; Cecilio Lloyd, 81; Aguspicious. What business has a tin Locsin, 88; Julian Lomlegislature in passing laws not boy, 81; ManueJ Lora, 84; intended for enforcement? Mariano Lozada, 79; Catalil cannot escape the grow- no Lozado, 75; Jayme Lucas, ing conviction that some of 79; Amado Lumen, 78; Ceour leaders seem to be more lestino Luna, 77; Hermeneinterested in throttling the gildo Luna, 81. cry of the oppressed than Pedro Mabolo, 79; Artemio they are effective i n al- Macalino, 84; Santiago Macaleviating the suffering of the paga I, Bl; Manuel Maserc, people. 75;. Carlos Magalona, 81; Ore1 also am beginning to sencio Magbag, 82; Benjamin wonder if the jreally subver- Magbanu, 78; Dominador sive elements in our'coun- Magbanua, 76; Alfredo Magtry may not be found in the laya, 79; Fortunato Magsino, Assembly that would stir the 79; Lawalio Malahay, 81; people beyond endurance by Eriberto Manabat, 75; Jose passing measures that seem Manalo, 81; Vitaliano Mananto “tend to” take away the sala, 80; Isidro manaois, 75; constitutional rights of the Dotninador Mangcucang, 83; little man. Eliseo Mangubat, 78; lsaias In order that 1 may not Maniquis, 78; Miss Juliana be accused of sedition I hasten Maniapit, 78; Gabriel Manuel, to urge that all people obey 77; Manuel Manzano, 92; Esthis new law but 1 earnestly tanislao Maralit, 81; MissiFehope that it will quickly be lisa Maramba, 75; Geronmo tested in the proper legal man- Marave. 81; Juanito Maraner provided for in our villa, 75; Fabio Mariano, 75; Constitution. I fear that in Claro Marques, 81; Fermin the long run this law will Martin, 77; Miss Sotqra Meprove to be more subversive jia, 75; Miss Angelica Melento good government than the cio, 83; Federico Melocotón, evil it allegedly seeks to cure. (Continued on page 17) TEL. 386 99-101 Magallanes St. MAIN LINE: Building Material Hardware Forcelainware Glassware Enamelware GENERAL IMPORTERS SOLE DISTRIBUTORS Frimus Incandecent Lanterns Aladdin Mantle Lamps Continental Fishing Lights “Camel” Brand Faint & Oil “F” Brand Ultramarine Blue P. O. BOX 18 Cebu, Cebu, Philippines SCHOOL SUPPLIES Cocoa Coffee Cornstarch Sugar Etc. Etc. December, 1937 GUARD 17 1937 Successful... (Continued from page 10) Eduardo 'Eagle, 87; Jesus Tajonera, 79; Emigdio Tanjuatco, 84; Hablo Tecson, 77; Luis Tejada, 77; Jose Tenazas, 78; Nicanor Tesorero, 77; Angel Tesoro, 80; Pedro Tesoro, 75; Tomas Testa, 84; JoseTianco, 81; Ramon Tiongco, 75; Victoriano Tirol, 86; Manuel Tiuseco, 76; Froilan Tolentino, 75: Abelardo Topacio, 75; Tomas Torneros, 77; Emilio Torres, 78; Simplicio Trocio, 75; Andres (Jmali, 77; Ramon Umali, 85; Jesus (Jrgelio, 75; Ángeles Valdellon 78; Benito Valdez, 78; Ignacio Valera, 76; Miss Liza Vnlino, 77; Anunciación Valle, 75; José Valmonte, 80; Antonio Vamenta, 79; Conrado Vasquez, 88; Hospicio Velarde, 81; Emilio Velasquez, 79; Panteleon Velasquez, 78; Is mael Veloso, 75; Arsenio Veneración, 78; Teodoro Vera, 84; Eliseo Vibar, 86; Pedro Vilar, 78; Manuel Villa, 84; Fundador Villafuerte, 76; Godofredo Villalon, 79; Domiciano Villamor, 81; Gregorio Villanueva, 77; Mariano B. Villanueva, 75; Mariano Baluyot Villanueva, 82; Miss Vivincia Villapando, 89; Jose Villareal, 75; Rosendo Villegas, 77; Cipriano Vilorla, 75; Fidel Vinluan, 75; Juan Wahing, 77; German Wambtngco, 89; Arturo Xavier, 80. Jose Ylanan, 75; Jose Yaptangco, 79; Amado Yatco, 81. Anastasio Zamaco, 82 and Isaac Zoleta, 75. Antonio Quezada, 88; Francisco Quezon, 82; Vicente Quisumbing, 78; Antonio Rabago, 82; Angel Racuma, 79; Amado Rafael, 79; Leandro Rafael, 80; Uldarico Ramirez, 78; Enrique Ramirez, 79; Felixberto Ramos, 82; Gregorio Ramos, 78; Lorenzo Ramos, 76; Celestino Ramoso, 82; Andres Rangil, 82; Jose Raval, 79; Servillano Raza, 82; Arsenio Recio. 79; Alejandro Recto, 79; Felipe Relucio, 79; Eriberto Remigio, 82; Ramon Resurrección, 77; Antonio Ricablanca, 79; Felix Rivera, 82; Juap Rivera, 82; Manuel Rivera, 79; James Robb, 80; Simon Robles, 79; Vicente Roco, 79; Noracio Rodríguez, 81; Jose Rodríguez, 79; Ernesto Rodríguez, 79; Guillermo Romero, 75; Victor Roque, 76; Eugeniano Rosa, 75; Eduardo Rosal, 84; Jose Royales, 81. Vicente Sabelina, 77; Diosdado Salamanca, 80; Angelino Salanga, 81; Augusto Salas75; Rafael Salcedo, 84; Benig, no Sales, 75; Delfin Salonga, 75; Celedonio Salvador, 81; Juan Samonti, 75; Sinforoso Sanchez, 76; Benigno Santiago 82; Roque Santiago, 75; Rodolfo Santillan, 75; Claro Santos, 79; Jose. Santos, 75; Regaldo Santos, 75; Enrique Santos, 84; Cresenciano Saquing, 75; Primitivo Sato, 76; Frederick Seman, 88; Eulogio Serrano, 81; Norberto Sese, 78; Duma Sinsuat, 79; Juan Solijon, 75; Francisco Solis. 75¡ Manuel Soriano, 81; Mrs. Julita V. Sotejo, 89. Bernado Mendoza, 77; Jesus Mendoza, 82; Vicente Mendoza, 77; Amado Mercado, 79; Cristino Mesa; 79; Vicente Millan, 75; Eulogio Millare, 75; Alejandro Mina, 86; David Mirando, 75; Luis Mojica 76; Pablo Mondok, 81; Eustaquio Montealto, 75; Jose Monteclaro, 77; Maximino Montenegro, 87; Rafael Montery, 79; Higinio Montilla, 75; Luis Montinola, 76; Epifanio Montoro, 75; Eusebio Morales, 77; Jose Moya, 92; Miss Cecilia Muñoz, 92. Pedro Nacu, 75; Enrique Nalus, 82; Jose Navarro, 83; Lorenzo Navarro, 79; Olimpio Navarro, 81; Agustin Navarro, 77; Jose Nepumuceno 82; Gilberto Neri, 84; Feljx Nolasco, 75; Antonio Nosce, 75; Jose Nuguid, 89. Miss Amparo Ocampo, 79; Anastasio Alaes, 78; Osmundo Oppus, 75; Epifanio Orias, 75; Conciso Osorio, 79; Miss Fortunata Pudlan, 77, Apolonio Padua, 79; Francisco Pajao, 81; Consolador Palad, 81; Enrique Palma, 75; Pedro Halting, 76; Numeriano Pa nganiban, 80; Tomas Panganiban, 76; Carlos Pangilinan, 78; Miguel Papa, 78; Francisco Paradela, 81; Juan Paraíso, 75; Modesto Paras, 75; Poten ciano Paredes, 79; Cirilo Paredes, 78; Antonio Partoza, 80; Mrs. Paulina Pascual, 75; Juan Pasión, 75; Sofronio pasóla, 75; Virgilio Patricio, 80; Martin Paulate, 76; Jose Pnyawal, 75; Silvestre Payoyo, 75; Rizal Penson, 82; Agusto Peña, 75; Narciso Peña, 81; Nicomedes Peña, 83; Pantaleon Peña, 79; Vicente Peñaranda, 80; Elviro Peralta, (87; Toribio Peralta, 77; Daniel Pernia, 82: Naoimi Phodaca, 80; Filomeno Piezas, 75; Moeses Pilar, 86; Geroncio Pinili, 84; Saturnino Pio, 79; Zacarias Pizarro, 75; Felino Polintan, 76; Venancio Prietoziga, 76; Melchor Prodigalidad, 80; Pedro Puga, 79; Filomeno Fumaren, 84; Arcadio Punzalan, 85; Ciríaco Punzalan, 81. 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