Beware of racketeering agents


Part of The Guard

Beware of racketeering agents
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
4 GUARD December, 1937 BEWARE OF RACKETEERING AGENTS for many aplinot qualified revolvers or People who are interested shotguns. Their disqualify in possessing firearms were approached by the agents and were assured that they would be granted the permit to own revolvers or shotguns. It is reported that there the permit aresune agents who chea- cants were ted several prospects. to possess cations were known by the racketeers. But because they wanted money either by hook or by crook,they just pretended to the ignorant people that their craving for the firearms would be satisfied. When the prospects were convinced that they could possess firearms thru the help of these ageats who pretended to be very close to the provincial governor, to the provincial commander and to the big their friends regarding the dishonesty of the agents they were dealing with, were advised of the rackeets so that they just learn to forget the inequities of the agents. Hence, they stopped expecting the possibility of getting the permit to possess firearms. The were agents against who were poor vtctims bluffed by kept on hope. But some informed by who the hoping shots in Manila who could help get the approval of the chief of the Philippine Army,—these people were asked by the dishonest agents to give certain amount of money as advanced payment to be spent for the work and the expenses of the necessary papers. And because they are really interested in having firearms, they of some agents, the wouldjust submit to of some agents. Many of them gave ten pesos or more as advanced payment. But pshaw, the money they gave to some agents were not spent in securing discouraged. Due to the dishonesty the bluff be-possessors of firearms are advised or warned not to give any advanced money to fake and racketeering agents so that the bad practice be KEEP IT UNDER YOUR HAT __ r UCA-l i TTA. JR___________ We came across the other day with the 1938 budget of the City of Cebu. As was previo isly out in this column the budget for the year 1937 carried with it the item as follows: “For representation purpose o f the Mayor’ or something like thit When that very budget was brought to the board for discission, Member Cañizares opposed the item as it was vague and so on and so on. The 1938 budget rather specifies the allowances discretionary t o the Mayor’s. The point at issue is not the vagueness of the 1938 budget but the city administration has learned something that a budget should be prepared in a manner that the items for the fiscal year should be specific and should state the nature of the expenditure. Well, we have something to to be thankful for Member D. Cañizares for imparting into the coco of the city administration something about budget preparation. WE REMEMBER HIM BY Communism... (Continued from page Reynolds Albertini of don, gave and P 10,000 00. The elaborate in Paris by M. automobile manufacturer, and which was served to two thousand guests. In order to stem this tendency to social unrest which pave the way for the advent of Communism, the enforcement of Social Justice is which 16) Doncost given dinner Peugeot, the Moreover, remedy and that hob nob and lead there is not less efis the rich with the lathem to the their religious Now that the administra¡ tion of Governor Cabahug is drawing to a close, we can not help but regret the passing of the most honest executive the empire province hus ever had. While we are looking forward to the chance of administration under the leadership of Hon. B. Rodríguez for the province of Cebu, we can not help but wished that Governor Caoahug will have many days of prosperity and good health. FOR THE CITV BACHELOR’S CLUB The new innovations as sponsored by the newly re-organized Bachelor’s Club of the City of Cebu for staging a Nepa social function this coming Dec. 28, 1937 deserves all the whole-hearted coopera tion of each member and public in general. Once for all the town spirit of a fiesta is enacted in the swankiest place Cebu City - the Club Filipino. This attitude of the bachelors has brought about the rebirth of wholesome tradition of the Filipino people of the now fading picturesque town fiesta Guys, we congratulate you for the novel ideas SOCIAL NOTE To Dr. Montesclaros goes the honor of the most successful celebration of the Pili-Kanipaan patron saint. • In the dance which was held in Acme Theater, millionaires and laborers rubbed elbows just to see the coronation of the Queen of the Roses. My poor self was there just to see a good look of the queen and you believe me I exclaimed in my most unsuppreBsed moments: “What a rose”. Dr. Montesclaros, now talking about the whole affair has something to tap his own back. CHRISTMAS EVE ALWAVS A JINX 1 have a friend who said that Xmas eve is always a jinx for him. We don’t wonder considering of the many girlfrien>s he has and how! We wont venture to suggest that he stepped out with a certain Betty Co-ed the last Xmas Eve just for a change I’ll be Adam for that, kind of an Eve. Uhum. timely, another ficient should borers practice of creed as it has been done in the City of Cebu the initiative and efforts of Mr. Jose President of the Knights of Columbus, which borne the splendid results which we have witnessed in the last celebration of the feast to Christ the King. The GUARD thunks to untirring Martinez, Chapter, e x t e n d s KERRY XHflS TO ALL ITS Subscribers & Advertisers i