League of nations, as instrument of peace is dead


Part of The Guard

League of nations, as instrument of peace is dead
Carroll, Wallace
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
December, 1937 GUARD _____ 7 The League of Nationa virtually is dead as an international política' instru ment for the preservation of world peace and the status quo. The great dream of a permanently stable world, as con ceived by President Woodrow Wil?on, has been dessipated by the brutal reilism of world political and territorial developement. The league, is an instrument to prevent war and seizure of territory from weak nations by stronger ones, has failed. Diplomats made these admis* sions as they took stock of the league’s position and the end of a day making final Paraguay’s withdrawal from Geneva’s councils. The little South American republic is one of eight nations to leave the league Optimists, comparing the league’s firm principles with this;? of the Roman Catholic church, predicted that it will live as a potent international factor despite its past failures All agreed that, although the longue has become politi cally impotent, it will survive as a clearing house of economic, cultural and sanitary information. Seven have served official notice of their intention to quit the league during the 17 years of its history Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Japan, -Germany and Paragua. Italy walked out without giving official notice and may return if she wishes. The resignations of Germany, Brazil, Japan, and Paraguay have become effective Paraguay withdrew because the eague applied an arm embargo to it after it refused to accept Geneva’s peace proposal in its dispute with Bolivia over the Chaco question Looking over the league’s record of successes and failures, statesmen counted the following: Four years ago the league assembly condemned Japan’s seizure of Manchuria. But speech making in Geneva did not holt relentless drive of the Nipponese soldiers over the plains of China’s “eastern provinces.” Then in 1932, the disarma:e c a r r o i i ment conference was convoked It failed to satisfy Germany’s claim for rearment and the conflicting ambitions of the “ins” and “outs” in Europe, and so ended in failure Later, Germany rearmed despite the Versailles treaty, of which the league is the official guardian, remilitarized the Rhine and declared sovereignity over internationalized rivers. Geneva passed resolutions but did nothing else. 'fhe league’s next reversal come over the Chaco dispute For the first time, Geneva tried to use strong measures against the little south American countries. It applied an embargo on both nations Then, when Bolivia accepted Geneva’s peace proposal and Paraguay did not, the embargo was left to apply to Paraguay alone which caused its resignation Before the league’s next failure, several minor successes occured, whom King Alexan der of Yugoslavia accused Hungary of inspiring crimes. War became au imminent • • u e possibility. But the Leag quickly settled the dispute* At the same time a dangerous dispute arose between Germany and France over the Saar plebiscite which was to determine to which was determined to which country the rich mining back should belong The league dispelled the danger of war by sending an intarnational army to see, that the vote was just. The territory returned peacefully to Germany. Then came the league’s biggest test—the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. A boycott on war supplies was laid down on Italy, but this did not prevent it from taking Ethiopia. With its prestige at its lowest ebb in history, she refrained from mixing in the Spanish civil war. Despite these failures there are those, especially permanent league officials, who believe that the Geneva body’s present ill health is merely temporary and that it will emerge again as a strong guardian of peace. Visayan Transportation Co., Inc., M- V- “GOVERNMENT TAFT” s a f e —f a s t —c o mf o r t a b l e -------- oOo-------THURSDAY ROUTE T.eaves Cdba Thursday at 5:00 o'clock p. in. and arrives Tacloban Friday at 7:00 o'clock a. m. Lnavrn Tacloban Friday at 11:00 o’clock a. in. and arrives Catbalogan the same day at 4:00 o’clock p. m. SATURDAY ROUTE Leaves Cebu Saturday at 5:00 o’clock p. m. for Catbalogan, Calbayog, Allen and arrives Legaspi Monday at 7:00 o’clock a tn. Leaves Legaspi Monday at 7:00 o’clock p. m for Loang, Catarman. Allen, Calbayog and arrives Catbalogan Wednesday at 2:00 o’clock p. m. Leaves Catbalogan Wednesday at 3:00 o’clock p. m. and arrives Cebu Thursday at 5:00 o’clock a. tn. -------- oOo--------One who detire» to go to Manila may take the M. V. "GOVFRNOR TAFT*’ for Legaspi, then by train to Manila. This will not only coat him leas but will also avoid a long and tiresome tea voyage. This will also afford him a chance to see Legaspi, one of the most picturesque and the most progressive business center of Bicolandia.