Is new sedition law a menace?


Part of The Guard

Is new sedition law a menace?
Stagg, Samuel W.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
10 GUARD I )ecetn be r, 1937 By MAMUEI May I express my amaze- turb,” “tend to instigate.” It ment that a country with our is a well known fact that our democratic ideals should have judiciary is subservient to potho kind of a sedition law litical interests. Those innowhich has just been signed by cent little “tend to’s” can, the President. The law it* when interpreted by a politiself is a throwback to react- cally obligated judiciary, wipe ionary conservatism but what out the last vestige of constistartles me even more is the tutional rights. Let us see utter sile ce of the press. 1 just how these “tend to’s” am intrigued by the question: could work. Have we actually already lost Suppose a group of exonr freedom of the press? ploited tenants on the hacien* [ wish to call attention to da of a merciless cacique the fact that this sedition should wish to hold a meetlaw has enough teeth in it, ing in order to prepare a petiunder “inspired” judicial in- tion asking for better treatterpretation to gag the press, ment. It would be so easy destroy the right of assenbly for the cacique involved, who and the right of free speech,* often is the local political to check effectively any vital boss, to persuade the constamovement of social reform bulaY.v that such a meeting and to make every citizen a might “tend to instigate ” spy upon his neighbor. There would follow a suppresln my humble opinion this sion of the right of assembly, law is not the product of a Suppose an opposition news sane understanding of the paper, (if we had one) might principles o P good govern- wish to criticize the action ment but rather the product of the G-men in suppressing of an undignified hysteria of such an assembly. The editor fear—fear that the masses of the paper, under this law might stage an uprising. might easily be convicto! of Need I call attention to the the crime of, “tend to ” fact that a democracy that Suppose I might wish to ba«es its legislation upon fear make a speech criticizing the of the masses has «1 ready sedition law in defense of the ceased to be a democracy in Constitution. How easy it fact and the question is per- would be to convict me (in tinent — i n whose behalf is the local courts but never such legislation made? in the supreme court of the The law clearly draws the United States) of the crime issue of whether this govern- of “tend to ” ment is now to become Fas- How easy it will be for cist or remain Republican the party in power to get in form rid of effective political opThe law sounds innocent ponents under this law. I t enough uutil we come to should not be too difficult those words “tend to dis- for an “appointed fiscal” to < w. persuade an “appointed judge” 1QQ7 IIPP0Ccfill that the political opponent 1301 was guilty of the crime of {Continued from page 3) “tend to.” Just what kind 75; Joaquin La9am, 76; Jose of a law is it that puts a Lava, 75; Felix Layson, 76; man in jail for “tend to”? Esteban Lazatin, 75; Eulalio I also point out the fact Legaspi, 89; Gregorio Legasthat this law aims at nothing ¿pi, 81; Jose de Leon, 75; less than the making of every Silverio de Leon, 83; Miss citizen a snooping tattletale. Concepcion Leones, 75; Joes Of course it has been said Liboon, 84; Teofilo Libre, 75; on good authority that this Jose Licuanan, 80; Jose Lim, law will not really be en- 78; Baldomero Limbaga, 79; forced but such a statement Jose* Li wag, 82, Emilio Llanes, makes us all the more bu s- 82; Cecilio Lloyd, 81; Aguspicious. What business has a tin Locsin, 88; Julian Lomlegislature in passing laws not boy, 81; ManueJ Lora, 84; intended for enforcement? Mariano Lozada, 79; Catalil cannot escape the grow- no Lozado, 75; Jayme Lucas, ing conviction that some of 79; Amado Lumen, 78; Ceour leaders seem to be more lestino Luna, 77; Hermeneinterested in throttling the gildo Luna, 81. cry of the oppressed than Pedro Mabolo, 79; Artemio they are effective i n al- Macalino, 84; Santiago Macaleviating the suffering of the paga I, Bl; Manuel Maserc, people. 75;. Carlos Magalona, 81; Ore1 also am beginning to sencio Magbag, 82; Benjamin wonder if the jreally subver- Magbanu, 78; Dominador sive elements in our'coun- Magbanua, 76; Alfredo Magtry may not be found in the laya, 79; Fortunato Magsino, Assembly that would stir the 79; Lawalio Malahay, 81; people beyond endurance by Eriberto Manabat, 75; Jose passing measures that seem Manalo, 81; Vitaliano Mananto “tend to” take away the sala, 80; Isidro manaois, 75; constitutional rights of the Dotninador Mangcucang, 83; little man. Eliseo Mangubat, 78; lsaias In order that 1 may not Maniquis, 78; Miss Juliana be accused of sedition I hasten Maniapit, 78; Gabriel Manuel, to urge that all people obey 77; Manuel Manzano, 92; Esthis new law but 1 earnestly tanislao Maralit, 81; MissiFehope that it will quickly be lisa Maramba, 75; Geronmo tested in the proper legal man- Marave. 81; Juanito Maraner provided for in our villa, 75; Fabio Mariano, 75; Constitution. I fear that in Claro Marques, 81; Fermin the long run this law will Martin, 77; Miss Sotqra Meprove to be more subversive jia, 75; Miss Angelica Melento good government than the cio, 83; Federico Melocotón, evil it allegedly seeks to cure. (Continued on page 17) TEL. 386 99-101 Magallanes St. MAIN LINE: Building Material Hardware Forcelainware Glassware Enamelware GENERAL IMPORTERS SOLE DISTRIBUTORS Frimus Incandecent Lanterns Aladdin Mantle Lamps Continental Fishing Lights “Camel” Brand Faint & Oil “F” Brand Ultramarine Blue P. O. 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