Whys & whos 'round the globe


Part of The Guard

Whys & whos 'round the globe
Juan Dela Cruz
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
1 * G () A K D December, 1937 SARI-SARI INTERVIEWS Scribbled -BY STAff HEHI DI --------WHYS & WHDS ’ROUND THE GLOBE ----------- By JUAN OELA CRUZ----------PRINCIPAL & TEACHER Principal: Madam, I would like you to go to the office at 5:50 this afternoon. Teacher: Oh, that’s jtoo late Mr Principal! Principal: Yes, but I am yet busy until that time. Teacher: Why are you keeping me here when all the te.ichers are already away? Principal: 1 am doing this for I cannot tell you the thing 1 would like to reveal to you. Teacher: What do y o u mean ? Principal: Well, madam I cannot help, but tell you the real motive for keeping you here in a latter time. I thought that married man like myself will not care to love another woman besides his wife. But I am sorry to tell you thnt Teacher: 1 am afraid you are driving a wild point. 1 thought you are calling me for conference regarding school work. Principal: Pray, don’t get excited I will promise not to do any harm to you, except by considering you as mv sweetheart Teacher: I see, 1 learn a good lesson. It is never safe for a lady teacher to go to an office alone. Now 1 am helpless so I have got to submit to your foxy idea, else this will get vulgar. LORETO & CECILIA Loreto: I wonder why 1 am always suffering stomach trouble. I think I will better consult this trouble with Dr Felino. Cecilia: Yes, I know that Dr Felino is one of the best practising physicians in the city. But the question is, that he is known to be very cu lining. Loreto: What are you driving at Cecilia? Cecilia: 1 mean that he is one of th j best nalikiros in this place. He loves almost every woman he meets. Loreto: Does he mean to love his patient altho she is married ? Cecilia: Oh, he is a terrible doctor! He takes advantage over his beautiful patients like you. Loreto: Who is the doctor then you can recommend to me in order to remove my stomach trouble? Cecilia: Every doctor has his specialty. Dr. Felino is known to be the best regarding stomach trouble. To me he is the best physician in treating such kind of suffering you have. Loreto: How then will I get his professional service? Cecilia: Loreto, if you realy mean to escape from temptation, then 1 will advise you not to go to his clinic without your husband. For if you will go there alone or with anybody aside your mis ter, for sure he will use every means and ways by which he can be successful in his human desire. GUERERRO & WINGO Guererro: What did you feel upon reading the article of Assemblyman Romero? Wingo: Nothing The article was written superfluously. His arguments donot change the opinion of the readers who have read my write-up which criticizes President Quezon. • Guererro: W h y did Romero write such which does not disprove your arguments? Wingo: Probably he did it just to please Mr. Quezon. Guererro: What do y o u think is the effect of Rome ro’s attack against you? Wingo: With such attack against me, of course Mr. Quezon will reward him some other davs. But to freemen he is likely to be underestimated by them for tye hss not presented his arguments as a good lawyer should. Why was President Manuel Quezon’s three hundred peso wreath dedicated to late Senator Robinson, spelled PhillippineB? Does it mean that the Philippines is very insignificant to the American people so that they donot know how to spell it correctly? Or does it mean that President Quezon and company were very careless in the supervision of the right label in the costly w reath ? -flit w»s said that when President Quezon was in the limited States, he did not care so much to confer with Resident Commissioner Quintin Paredes so that the latter was somewhat slighted Why did not the Commonwealth President give so much importance to our resident commissioner? Why was it that the Commonwealth President did not confer with Resident Commissioner Paredes regarding the PhilipdineAmerican matters? —OWhy are the automobiles allowed to park in Magallanes street in Cebu City? But why are the tartanillas not permitted to stop for some few seconds in this street? Why not regulate all the vehicles which are ridden b.v poor and rich people? Why discriminate the conveyance for the poor or mid die class persons? —OWho are those priests always riding with girls in au{Continaed on page 16) AND Dry Cleaning 66-68 JUAN LUNA St. Cebu City. PHILIPPINES PROMPT, EFFICIENT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE ARE GUARANTEED BY THE MANAGEMENT. TRY AND YOU WILL BELIEVE IT. Antobío K. Ignacio Mgr. Prop. December 1937 GUARD 13 The Wonders... {Continued from page 8) mark. The nation which has risen into the air en masse* is not afraid to move through the air, and the sociology of the air is no trifling strategical factor. Soviet aviation has also learned to convey heavy artillery and tanks throógh the air, and the French Air Attache in Moscow has seen, according toa statement made in the French Parliament in the winter of 1936, how ninety-seven Soviet airplanes transported within two hours a fiblly equipped brigade, with sixteen guns, machine guns and tanks, into “the enemy hinterland.” The report closed with the comment that “no other air force in the world is capable of such an operation.” If Goring, for his part, is now intervening in alarm and Japan will have great difficulty reaching vital Russian centers by air raid, the distances are so great, and there will be so great, and there will be so many lines of defense to pass through. But on the other hand both Germany and Japan are relatively small, compressed countries, with vital centers closely huddled together. Counter attack against Germany from the air would probably prove deadly for Fascist Germany. Deadly for industry and the technical organization of the war, deadly for national mobilizations, if it has not gone quickly and surely enough, but deadly above all and most certainly for the social and political heart of warring Fascism. Here we come to the final, inevitable act in the tragedy of this war, which has become Hitler’s tragedy. If airplanes of the Socialist and the Pacifist armies of defense arrive over Fascist soil, they will bring with them a more devastating conflagration than that of explosive and incendiary bombs. More important than the goods of the ammunition makers will be the psychological effects. For all thinking people in Germany know that this war is not a war of Germany’s, but a war of the Fascists, of the gangsters and lunatics. And as the planes appear the German opponents of the gangsters and lunatics will for the first time feel themselves not alone with them, not isolated and abandoned, but with mighty allies pressing toward them. The development shifts here into that last of all strategies, which usually concludes all wars and determines their final result: into social strategy. Further and deeper than that there is nothing more in the struggle between human masses. To the figures of the divisions, guns, airplanes, the strength of the positions, it adds the invisible but mighty “figures” of the social temperature, of the fighting country: the tendencies among the population, the mood prevailing in the proletarian districts, the thoughts of the workers’ wives, the intentions of the illegal revolutionaries. And it makes all these factors so powerful that it can thereby alter or even upset the factors of the first order. the purely military and technical quantities. The longer the wjir lasts the more dominating the social strategy becomes, over the material and operative strategy. At the best the Fascist soldier will be an obedient automaton under compulsion. The Socialist soldier will be not only a rifleman, but also revolutionary propagandist and organizer, diminishing the number of enemies on his route and in his rear. No, Hitler will never be “over Russia.” Fascism will lose its crusade. Platería Joyería y Relojería 150 PLARIDEL, CEBU CITY Recibe toda clase de trabajos consernientes al ramo, especialmente en los trabajo* de fantasia. FAUSTINO C. MENDOZA Manager FLORENCIO R. UROT Abogado—Notario Publico Upstairs Jureidini Bldg. Borromeo St. Cebu City FRANCISCO REHOTIQUE Lawyer-*—Notary Public RUFETE JAKO8ALEM Corners Mártires A Manalili Streets Tel. 787 Cebu City CE8U CAFE Pansiteria & Refreshments Near UPS Theatre 250 Colon Street Cebu City FURNITURE & CONTRUCTION Genaro L. Gacasan CONSTRAOTOR & PROPRIETOR House Builders & Furpiture Manufacturers We Make House Plans, Specifications & Estimates. 599-601 Jones Avenue Tel. 489—J Cebu City 14 GUARD December, 1937 Now with regard to the not to France or to the Soviet Far East, which has been des- Union alone but to the Bricribed as the “new center of tish Empire ns well, gravity of world politic,” the In the Far East, Britain picture seems no less confused, has followed exactly the same Here you have four world technique. Discovering, at powers in contries, namely, the turn of the century, that «Japan, Great Britain, the its imperialist ambitions in United States and the Soviet China were being constrained Union, with France playing and thwarted by other poa secondary role. wers, especially .by Tsarist Largely because of its geo- Russia, Germany and the graphic position and en- United States, did as usual eouraged by an unbroken sue- expedient thing in concluding cession of military triumphs, an alliance with Japan, bringJapan has assumed the atti- it up from the status of a tude that it will ultimately secondary power to a firstbecome, if it has not already rade one become, the undisputed mas- Through war, first with ter of the Far East. As the Chinn and later with Tsarist failure of Great Britain and Russia, Japan secured Korea, France to achieve solidarity the Liaotung Peninsula, and has permitted the growth in South Manchuria. Another power and influence of the pretext for raping China 1 talo-German bloc, so the presenting itself in 19n4, Jafailure of Great Britain and pan took possession of Shanthe United States to stand tung, Fukien, Manchuria Intogether in the Far East has ner Mongolia /and Eastern encouraged Japan to advance Siberia only to give them jump by jump to a dominant up at the Washington Conposition in this region. ference, which also terminated Again it is British diplo- the Anglo-Japanese alliance maqy that is largely respon- Since 1931, Japan has anaibie. In Europe as has oeen nexed portions of Chinese said, Britain has found it territory equal to the area expedient to employ a Janus of Western Europe, faced foreign policy. While Thus, Great Britain nurseemingly attached to France, tured Japanese imperialism it is really secretly egging only to discover later that it on Hitler from excess. Its had become uncontrollable and aim, of course, is by placa- insatiable, threatening British ting Hitler to keep Germany imperialism in China not less out in the event of an Italo- than the imperialism of the British war, forgetting that other powers. Only Amerta fully rearmed and recovered can intervention prevented Germany would be a menace the further partitioning of China, guaranteeing the so panese incursion into the called Open Door, and *ma- mainland. Fifth, the tendency king possible a decade of peace of Great Britain to placate between the three major Japan at the expense of China powers through the prohibí- for its own benefit tion of fortifications within Here, again, British policy specified areas will err, perhaps fatally, if Various developments have, it relies on any agreement however, intervened to destroy with Japan with regard to this brittle pattern of peace, the Chinese situation. Japan A formidable Soviet Russia is out to beat Great Britain has arisen to take the place in the Far East, just as both of the decaying Tsarist Rus Italy and Germany are out sin that Japan defeated in to beat it in Europe Its 1904-1905 The League Cove only genuine ally in the Far nant, Washington, and the East is the United States, Nine Bower Treaty are gone just as its only genuine ally Only vague formal guarantees in Europe is France H ¡is of non aggresion, like the significant that the British Kellogg-Brai d antiwar puct dominions near the Pacific, exist, and no nation seems notably Canada Australia, foolish enough to pay any at and New Zealand are begin tention to them. ning to look to the United What striking diplomatic States for adequate protection moves h^ve recently been against threatened Japanese made in this region? First, encroachment the recognition of the Soviet In the face of these facts, Union by the United States it seems that in the current in order to provide a coun- undeclared war between Jaterpoise for the continuing pan and China, China is fated advances of Japan on the to be left to fight its battle continent. Second, the Ger alore America has declared man Japanese anti communist itself for neutrality (which alliance directed against the means isolation), Great BriSovient Union Third, the tain apparently has given decision of the United States Japan blanket authority to to abandon the Philippines, act so long as it does not thus leaving Great Britain step on British’s toes and practically alone to meet the the Soviet Union is certain menace of Japanese expan- never to fight Japan unless sion. Fourth, Chinese unifi- the Utter deliberately invade cation and armament in- its frontiers. tended to put a stop to Ja■‘City Undertaker” “Private Chappel” Licensed Embalmer & Mortician Tel. 853—R Embalmer For the FUNERARIA LA FE 365 Martiros St. Cebu City Complete Fnneral Services at Reduced Price NUMERIANO ESTENZO ABOGADO-NOTAKIO pu b l ic o Ups La Perla Del Sur (Platería—Agenda) Tel. 642-R P. O. Box 420 476-478 Manalili, Cebu City GftSLAM SUPPLY 171 Piaridel Street Cebu City, Philippine» The Store Sells All Kinds Of Lamps, Steel Beds and Furniture. We Receive Orders From The Provinces December, 1937 GUARD 15 Sons of... (Continued from page 6) April 12, last year, he was commissi onecí third lieutenant in the air corps of the Philippine army. He had a few hours training at the Camp Murphy airfield before being sent to Kelly Field in Texas. Following his advance training at Kelly Field Lt. Villamor was assigned to temporary duty at Selfridge Field in Michigan. Standing orders direct him to report early next month to the commanding officer at Chanute Field in Illinois where he is to pursue an officer’s course in aerial photography. Lt, Villamor will be 23 years old this coming November. Lt. Antonio Quirino does not boast of a famous father but his older brother happens to be debonair Secretary of the Interior Elpidio Quirino, who might have helped him to a soft and well-paying job in or outside the government service. But the younger Quirino would not have it that way. Lt. Quirino got his first taste of military life while he was a student in the University of the Philippines, where he became a colonel in the state university’s cadet corps. After passing the bar in ly34, he went into private practice “just for exoftfence” and then was a law* clerk in the bureau of justice. After serving as an assistant technical adviser to the last independence mission, he acted for a time as a provincial fiscal of Bataan and later of Zambales. Then he thought of the army. He figured that with his early training, he would do well in some particular branch of the national defense forces. So he applied for enrolment in the Baguio Reserve Officers school and was admitted. After three months’ training he was commissioned first lieutenant. He is at present assigned to the intelligence division of the army. Last but not least is the case of Lt. Angel M. “Bobby” Tuason, member of Manila’s “400,” sportsman and businessman, born with the proverbial silver spoon in his mouth. Always a natty dresser, Bobby looks nifty and “very fit” in his uniform. But he did not join the army because he likes to wear an officer’s uniform and receive salutes. He joined the army for several reasons, among them his desire to debunk the oft-repeated assertion that “the rich are indifferent to the national defense preg ram”—a thrust which gets under his skin—and that “the rich guys always buy their way out” of certain responsiaibilities. In showing some people where they are wrong, Lt. Tuason is making a great sacrifice considering his extensive interests which demand all his personal attention. Unlike most young men who have lately joined the llrmy Lt. Tuason is not a greenhorn in the ways of military life. From 1918, he was a cadet in the Northwestern military aud naval academy at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. After his graduation he enlisted iq the United States army as a buck private with the intention of eventually going over to France to help “safe for democracy.” But the farthest point he got to was a training camp. He was acting sergeant when the armistice was signed. Lt. Tuason is also a graduate of the Baguio Reserve Officers school where he finished training last March. He was commissioned first lieutenant upon his graduation and detailed at Camp Murphy as adjutnot of the third battalion, First Regular division, assistant mess officer and junior officer of company “1.” He is on an extended tour of duty. EU6ENIAN0 0. PEREZ ATTOKNEY-AT LAW Tel. 787 Corner Mártires & Manalili Streets. CEBU, CEBU, PHILIPPINES Bombay Trading Co. H. HA.SSAMAL WHOLESALE & RETAIL DIRECT IMPORTERS OK INDIAN, CHINESE, JAPANESE, EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN FANCY ART GOODS P. O. Box 476 Telephone 247 TELEGRAM-HASSAMAL 175—181 MAGALLANES Sl'REET CEBU CITY, P. I. H) GUARD Decipher, 1937 l<v A. ZAK 1)AI> 1. While America is still a go ven merit controlled and disease and sickness due to the office. sovereign over the Philippines directed by foreigners. luke-worm support of the go- 15. The Filipino people it is but right to blame her 9. Flections in the Philip- vernment—we blame the sove- pays for the upkeep of the for the mistakes and misfor- pines are a good excuse to reign nation. The opportuni- government. We will be gratunes of the Filipinos. put the blame for abuses and am and treacheries of our po- tified to see these pay enve2. There is no alternative, disasters made by officials on liticinns —we also blame the lopes fall in tho hands of Independence or let the Arne- the Filipinos themselves. United States. real Americans, and to see ricans govern their Philippines 10. We do not protest 13. For all the slanders them in the open dedicated possession instead of letting against the tax burdens. What and criticisms against us by to the extinction of our intheir agents, the Filipino po we vehemently deplore are the the foreigners the beggary dustries and occupations liticians, do what they them- machinations of the govern- of many of us, the 16. If the killing of another selves ought to accomplish. ment to annihilate the small ramshackle conditions of our is a criminal act, the anni* 3 We protest in the for- industries and occupations, of homes, the rubbish and dirt hilation of our country by matien of another Hawii out the poor. of our country-side, our farms our own countrymen acting of the Philippines through the 11. The Philippines are A- and shores—we blame Spain as American instruments is abused word of “Indepen- mérica’s spoils of war. She and America. We must now an unpardonable crime, dence.” cannot deny or wash her bands be a rich, healthy and happy 17. Wo dq_not need to be 4. We do not need any of anything that officials in people had the conquerors taught the arts of governproinise of independence. A- the government may do, elec- not enslaved us by crosses ment; we do not need any mericans must manage their tive or appointive. and bayonets. promise of an indenpendence, government there. If they 12. To the success or fail- 14. For there are malver- —after 37 years of experience want to annihilate us, let them ure of the protegee the guard- sations in the government, we already know what this di it themselves and do not inn is praised or blamed. For officials becoming autoernts means. Let real and genuine assign the dirty worg to Fili- the extinction of the industries and politicians, rajahs and Americans hold the Ameripino politicians. of the people and spread of maharajahs—we blame the can government in the Phi5. When the Americans ■■■—............ . ■■■ ruling nation. Filipino offi- lippines—do what they may. held the Philippine govern- Whye ¿ WhOS cials only follow the dictates Those with authority must ment,.its workings were sound IIUO... of American government assume the responsibility. This and good, now that Filipinos (Continued from page 1£) at Washington and there is is what we want. tp direct local autonomy, hea- tomobiles! Why do they go only one path for them to ven became hell. Let the A- together when people are apt follow or be kicked obt of prospective communist leader mericans come into the open, to susppet a romantic relation ■■■ . ................... —■—■■■■■ is an employee known to us. Why use Filipinos as a scare- between the two opposite He is nursing such bitter crows! sexes! And why do girls like WWU lolll.». _ hatred against the moneyed 6. VVe have fbught andaré to go with priests when they (Continued from page o) class, that his ire is up whenstill fighting in the open, will be at a loss for there are laborer are horn demagogues, ever he learns of some wealthy Let the enemies of freedom a lot of people who are sure the batherskites and pink tea persons indulging in extracome into the open also. to talk ill against them! pots, who hanker for poli- vagant expenses to gratify 7. Independence has been —O— tical and social leadership, what he terms their lusts for promised us to cloak the an- Who is that maestra that In their failure to accomp- pleasant mode of living. He nihilation of our industries keeps on going with a gentle- lish the cherished personal keeps tab on social affairs which has been the cause of man to cines in Cebu City? agrandizement, which they that have cost a lot of money thd*economic and social ills of Why do ..they behave like realize will never materialize as, for instance, the folour people couple when in fact they are as long as the present state lowing: 8. We will remember with not! Why do they ride in of things remains as it is, The wedding of Doris Duke, gratitude the American action car like husband and wife! they yearn for political up- heiress to the Woolworth’s of filling all Philippine gov- Do they want to acquaint heaval that would give them millions, in which her father •rnment posts with Americans themselves the behavior of a a chance to climb the top was reported to have spents instead of Filipinos. A Fili- couple prior to the marriage! rung of the social and poli- P560.000 000. pino must only serve a gen- But will not that act eonsti- tical ladder. The party which Mrs. Nora uine Filipino government, not tute an immorality! Typical of this sort of (Continued on page 17} LIM BONFING Y HNOS., INC. Has thousands of customers because of its various kinds of goods, which are sold at reasonable prices. Come and see the things and you will be induced to buy some of them. LIH YOK SV, Gen- Manager Tel. 2 193 Magallanes, Cebu City, Philippines Warehouse Tel. 293 P. O. Box 14