The world's two major headaches


Part of The Guard

The world's two major headaches
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14 GUARD December, 1937 Now with regard to the not to France or to the Soviet Far East, which has been des- Union alone but to the Bricribed as the “new center of tish Empire ns well, gravity of world politic,” the In the Far East, Britain picture seems no less confused, has followed exactly the same Here you have four world technique. Discovering, at powers in contries, namely, the turn of the century, that «Japan, Great Britain, the its imperialist ambitions in United States and the Soviet China were being constrained Union, with France playing and thwarted by other poa secondary role. wers, especially .by Tsarist Largely because of its geo- Russia, Germany and the graphic position and en- United States, did as usual eouraged by an unbroken sue- expedient thing in concluding cession of military triumphs, an alliance with Japan, bringJapan has assumed the atti- it up from the status of a tude that it will ultimately secondary power to a firstbecome, if it has not already rade one become, the undisputed mas- Through war, first with ter of the Far East. As the Chinn and later with Tsarist failure of Great Britain and Russia, Japan secured Korea, France to achieve solidarity the Liaotung Peninsula, and has permitted the growth in South Manchuria. Another power and influence of the pretext for raping China 1 talo-German bloc, so the presenting itself in 19n4, Jafailure of Great Britain and pan took possession of Shanthe United States to stand tung, Fukien, Manchuria Intogether in the Far East has ner Mongolia /and Eastern encouraged Japan to advance Siberia only to give them jump by jump to a dominant up at the Washington Conposition in this region. ference, which also terminated Again it is British diplo- the Anglo-Japanese alliance maqy that is largely respon- Since 1931, Japan has anaibie. In Europe as has oeen nexed portions of Chinese said, Britain has found it territory equal to the area expedient to employ a Janus of Western Europe, faced foreign policy. While Thus, Great Britain nurseemingly attached to France, tured Japanese imperialism it is really secretly egging only to discover later that it on Hitler from excess. Its had become uncontrollable and aim, of course, is by placa- insatiable, threatening British ting Hitler to keep Germany imperialism in China not less out in the event of an Italo- than the imperialism of the British war, forgetting that other powers. Only Amerta fully rearmed and recovered can intervention prevented Germany would be a menace the further partitioning of China, guaranteeing the so panese incursion into the called Open Door, and *ma- mainland. Fifth, the tendency king possible a decade of peace of Great Britain to placate between the three major Japan at the expense of China powers through the prohibí- for its own benefit tion of fortifications within Here, again, British policy specified areas will err, perhaps fatally, if Various developments have, it relies on any agreement however, intervened to destroy with Japan with regard to this brittle pattern of peace, the Chinese situation. Japan A formidable Soviet Russia is out to beat Great Britain has arisen to take the place in the Far East, just as both of the decaying Tsarist Rus Italy and Germany are out sin that Japan defeated in to beat it in Europe Its 1904-1905 The League Cove only genuine ally in the Far nant, Washington, and the East is the United States, Nine Bower Treaty are gone just as its only genuine ally Only vague formal guarantees in Europe is France H ¡is of non aggresion, like the significant that the British Kellogg-Brai d antiwar puct dominions near the Pacific, exist, and no nation seems notably Canada Australia, foolish enough to pay any at and New Zealand are begin tention to them. ning to look to the United What striking diplomatic States for adequate protection moves h^ve recently been against threatened Japanese made in this region? First, encroachment the recognition of the Soviet In the face of these facts, Union by the United States it seems that in the current in order to provide a coun- undeclared war between Jaterpoise for the continuing pan and China, China is fated advances of Japan on the to be left to fight its battle continent. Second, the Ger alore America has declared man Japanese anti communist itself for neutrality (which alliance directed against the means isolation), Great BriSovient Union Third, the tain apparently has given decision of the United States Japan blanket authority to to abandon the Philippines, act so long as it does not thus leaving Great Britain step on British’s toes and practically alone to meet the the Soviet Union is certain menace of Japanese expan- never to fight Japan unless sion. Fourth, Chinese unifi- the Utter deliberately invade cation and armament in- its frontiers. tended to put a stop to Ja■‘City Undertaker” “Private Chappel” Licensed Embalmer & Mortician Tel. 853—R Embalmer For the FUNERARIA LA FE 365 Martiros St. Cebu City Complete Fnneral Services at Reduced Price NUMERIANO ESTENZO ABOGADO-NOTAKIO pu b l ic o Ups La Perla Del Sur (Platería—Agenda) Tel. 642-R P. O. Box 420 476-478 Manalili, Cebu City GftSLAM SUPPLY 171 Piaridel Street Cebu City, Philippine» The Store Sells All Kinds Of Lamps, Steel Beds and Furniture. We Receive Orders From The Provinces