America's domination of the Philippines


Part of The Guard

America's domination of the Philippines
A. Zak Dal
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
H) GUARD Decipher, 1937 l<v A. ZAK 1)AI> 1. While America is still a go ven merit controlled and disease and sickness due to the office. sovereign over the Philippines directed by foreigners. luke-worm support of the go- 15. The Filipino people it is but right to blame her 9. Flections in the Philip- vernment—we blame the sove- pays for the upkeep of the for the mistakes and misfor- pines are a good excuse to reign nation. The opportuni- government. We will be gratunes of the Filipinos. put the blame for abuses and am and treacheries of our po- tified to see these pay enve2. There is no alternative, disasters made by officials on liticinns —we also blame the lopes fall in tho hands of Independence or let the Arne- the Filipinos themselves. United States. real Americans, and to see ricans govern their Philippines 10. We do not protest 13. For all the slanders them in the open dedicated possession instead of letting against the tax burdens. What and criticisms against us by to the extinction of our intheir agents, the Filipino po we vehemently deplore are the the foreigners the beggary dustries and occupations liticians, do what they them- machinations of the govern- of many of us, the 16. If the killing of another selves ought to accomplish. ment to annihilate the small ramshackle conditions of our is a criminal act, the anni* 3 We protest in the for- industries and occupations, of homes, the rubbish and dirt hilation of our country by matien of another Hawii out the poor. of our country-side, our farms our own countrymen acting of the Philippines through the 11. The Philippines are A- and shores—we blame Spain as American instruments is abused word of “Indepen- mérica’s spoils of war. She and America. We must now an unpardonable crime, dence.” cannot deny or wash her bands be a rich, healthy and happy 17. Wo dq_not need to be 4. We do not need any of anything that officials in people had the conquerors taught the arts of governproinise of independence. A- the government may do, elec- not enslaved us by crosses ment; we do not need any mericans must manage their tive or appointive. and bayonets. promise of an indenpendence, government there. If they 12. To the success or fail- 14. For there are malver- —after 37 years of experience want to annihilate us, let them ure of the protegee the guard- sations in the government, we already know what this di it themselves and do not inn is praised or blamed. For officials becoming autoernts means. Let real and genuine assign the dirty worg to Fili- the extinction of the industries and politicians, rajahs and Americans hold the Ameripino politicians. of the people and spread of maharajahs—we blame the can government in the Phi5. When the Americans ■■■—............ . ■■■ ruling nation. Filipino offi- lippines—do what they may. held the Philippine govern- Whye ¿ WhOS cials only follow the dictates Those with authority must ment,.its workings were sound IIUO... of American government assume the responsibility. This and good, now that Filipinos (Continued from page 1£) at Washington and there is is what we want. tp direct local autonomy, hea- tomobiles! Why do they go only one path for them to ven became hell. Let the A- together when people are apt follow or be kicked obt of prospective communist leader mericans come into the open, to susppet a romantic relation ■■■ . ................... —■—■■■■■ is an employee known to us. Why use Filipinos as a scare- between the two opposite He is nursing such bitter crows! sexes! And why do girls like WWU lolll.». _ hatred against the moneyed 6. VVe have fbught andaré to go with priests when they (Continued from page o) class, that his ire is up whenstill fighting in the open, will be at a loss for there are laborer are horn demagogues, ever he learns of some wealthy Let the enemies of freedom a lot of people who are sure the batherskites and pink tea persons indulging in extracome into the open also. to talk ill against them! pots, who hanker for poli- vagant expenses to gratify 7. Independence has been —O— tical and social leadership, what he terms their lusts for promised us to cloak the an- Who is that maestra that In their failure to accomp- pleasant mode of living. He nihilation of our industries keeps on going with a gentle- lish the cherished personal keeps tab on social affairs which has been the cause of man to cines in Cebu City? agrandizement, which they that have cost a lot of money thd*economic and social ills of Why do ..they behave like realize will never materialize as, for instance, the folour people couple when in fact they are as long as the present state lowing: 8. We will remember with not! Why do they ride in of things remains as it is, The wedding of Doris Duke, gratitude the American action car like husband and wife! they yearn for political up- heiress to the Woolworth’s of filling all Philippine gov- Do they want to acquaint heaval that would give them millions, in which her father •rnment posts with Americans themselves the behavior of a a chance to climb the top was reported to have spents instead of Filipinos. A Fili- couple prior to the marriage! rung of the social and poli- P560.000 000. pino must only serve a gen- But will not that act eonsti- tical ladder. The party which Mrs. Nora uine Filipino government, not tute an immorality! Typical of this sort of (Continued on page 17} LIM BONFING Y HNOS., INC. Has thousands of customers because of its various kinds of goods, which are sold at reasonable prices. Come and see the things and you will be induced to buy some of them. LIH YOK SV, Gen- Manager Tel. 2 193 Magallanes, Cebu City, Philippines Warehouse Tel. 293 P. O. Box 14