Two important dates in December


Part of The Guard

Two important dates in December
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
18 GUARD December, 1937 A. Fo r t u n a , Ed it o r C. Fa z , Ad. Ma n a g e r CEBU CITY'S 1937 XMAS A new order of thing has taken its place in the City of Cebu. About a year ago a keen observer must have noticed the great change of the second city of the Philippines. One of the most striking changes that has taken place in Cebu City is its beautification. The - City Hall seems not to be the City Hall a year ago Roads which were once narrow and rugged are now widened and kept clean by the now administration. The rapid improvement of the City of Cebu is due to the farsightedness of Mayor Alfredo Jacinto' whose motto is always service to the people. So that to the common, tao and as well as to the cultured one, the hard worker mayor ha* given the best •terry Christmas to the City of Cebu, Can the residents of the City of Cebu expect a better Christmas gift next year? ANTI FACTION IN CEBU IS TRIUMPHANT As long as Vice President Sergio Osmeña and Secretary Mariano Cuenco will remain antagonistic to each other, there always remain two distinct political factions in the province of Cebu. There is Osmeña leading the pro wing and Cuenco for the anti. 'fhe two have been noted to be political rival for a long number of years. But their rivalry was only exposed to the public in the 1934 elections when the two leaders have fought fiercely in the political arena. It resulted in that fight that Cuenco was downed from the gubernatorial chair, but was able to get majority of the legislators and the town presidents. Of the seven representatives, Osmeña got two only while Cuenco got five. And of the fifty-two towns, Osmeña got twenty-one and Cuenco had attracted thirty-one municipal presidents. In another word, there were more Cuenkista representatives and municipal executives than the Osmeñistas. In the recent political battle in the province of Cebu, Cuenco has attracted more provincial officials because one of the board members and the governor-elect are said to be Cuenkistas. AmoDg the municipal mayors, Osmeña has six while Cuenco got the rest of the town heads. Cuenco got majority of the municipal mayors due to his sterling personality. His dealing with his admirers is constant so that he is able to hold the sympathy of almost all of them. Cuenco’s tact and amiable character have attracted a lot of friends so that many political observers believe that he will rise to power. Due to the victory of the anti faction in Cebu, it is believed that in 1938 election for the seats of the National Assembly, the Cuenkista candidates are likely to get elected POPULAR FRONT'S DEFEAT When the Popular Front was founded in Manila, many believe that this will become a strong opposition to the party in power. Many believe that the Popular Front candidates in the last municipal and provincial elections will be elected because of the discontent of the mass. But after the election it was found out that the Popular Front candidates for gubernatorial chairs were badly beaten. And not only the provincial candidates suffered defeat, but even .the municipal mayors were licked by the candidates of the Nationalista Party or by the pro and anti factions in some provinces. The defeat as we believe, is due to lack of organization. In many municipalities, there were not even local organizations so that they were unable to get election inspectors. So that if the leaders or founders of the Popular Front will continue to be slow, then we cau never expect such political party to act as a strong minority in the Philippines. TWO IMPORTANT DATES IN DECEMBER For the Filipinas, the month of December is very im portant. On The twenty-fifth of this month great majority of the Filipinos who are Christians will be reminded of the birth of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Hii birth is so important for the greatest of all sacrifices in the world was born with Him. Christ did not value His life for the sake of the people. He volunteered to be tortured and died a great martyr just, tn save us. Another date which will be unforgotten by the present generation to be banded to the future generations, is December thirtieth. The Filipinos can never forget this date for this was the day when all of our brothers and sisters were awaken of the abuses made by the Spaniards. So that due to this awakening, the Filipinos’ aspiration for liberty had become intense by leap and bound. And if we Filipinos crave for independence, this craving for freedom should be remembered as was planted by Dr. Jose Rizal and to be reaped by his fellow countr/men. READ THE GAURD