Detailed Statement of Extraordinary Income


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Detailed Statement of Extraordinary Income
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article illustrates a more detailed report of extraordinary income wherein under “receipts automatically appropriated”, there are no amount was estimated for the years 1937 and 1936 as these collections are spent without further appropriation. The amounts collected during the year 1935 are shown to give an idea of the extent of the automatic appropriations already authorized.]
DETAILED STATEMENT OF INCOME .29 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual EXTRAORDINARY Payment from the Philippine National Bank on ac­ count of assets written off, Commonwealth Act No. 6 .............................................................................................. Transfer of surplus from Exchange Standard Fund, Sec. 1624, Act No. 2711........ .. ........................................ Receipts automatically appropriated— Interest on City of Manila Collateral bonds, Act No. 3051 (Treasury)...........................-....... Fiber Inspection Service, Act No. 3263 (Plant Industry) ................................................................ Operation of Central Luzon Agricultural School, Act No. 4032 (Education) .................................. Medical fees, Act No. 3319 (Health).................... Tolls on Kennon Road, Act No. 4059 (Public Works) .................................................................... Air mail service, Act No. 3869 (Posts)........... Fishing industry, Act No. 4003 (Science)........... National Parks, Act No. 3915 (Forestry)......... Rice Emergency Administration (Commerce).... Total extraordinary income................................ Total income ............................................... 3,940,000.00 ............................ 6,050,000.00 ............................ ..................... 249,243.92 72,000.00 ..................... 29,785.20 1,122.90 62,141.25 84,137.09 27,863.84 2,992.19 205,577.04 9,990,000.00 734,863.43 P65,817,400.00 P76,123,900.00 f>68,764,362.07 Note.—Under “receipts automatically appropriated” no amount was estimated for the years 1937 and 1936 as these collections are spent without further appropriation. The amounts collected during the year 1935 are shown to give an idea of the extent of the automatic appropriations already authorized.