Summary of Expenditures Shown by Budget Classification


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Summary of Expenditures Shown by Budget Classification
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
Appropriations and expenditures
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article provides the government’s expenditures (1935-1937) which categorized by budget classification.]
EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATION Details ORDINARY Salaries and wages................................................................ Traveling expenses of personnel........................................ Freight, express and delivery service........................... Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service............ Illumination and power service........... ............................ Rental of buildings and grounds..................................... Consumption of supplies and materials....................... Printing and binding reports, documents and publi­ cations .................................................................................. Contributions and gratuities ............................................ Traveling expenses of persons not government em­ ployees ................................................................................. Maintenance and repair of equipment........................... Aid to local governments.................................................... Purchase of furniture and equipment......................... Purchase and improvement of land............................... Purchase and construction of public works................ Maintenance and repair of public works..................... Retirement gratuities, Act 2589........................................ Retirement gratuities, Act 4051........................................ Retirement gratuities, Act 4151..................................... Public debt............................................................................... Philippine Army .................................................................. Advances to Philippine Railway Co., Act 1730.......... Other services ........................................................................ Total ordinary expenditures ................................ EXTRAORDINARY AND INVESTMENTS Continuing appropriations— Public Works funds....................................................... All others ....................................................... ................. Receipts automatically appropriated............................. Extraordinary losses ............................................................ Election expenses .................................................................. Emergency fund for elementary classes, Act 4201.... Restoration of cadastral survey receipts reverted in previous years, Act 3077............................................. Loan to Manila Railroad Company, Commonwealth Act No. 4............................................................................. Advances to the Manila Railroad Co., Acts 1730 and 3008 ........................................................................................ Subscription of stock of the National Development Co., Act 2849...................................................................... Subscription of Manila Railroad Company stock, Act 3116 as amended ....................................................... Working capital for the purchase of textbooks for rent, Act 4139 .................................................................... Working capital for the Bureau of Prisons—Indus­ trial Division Revolving Fund...................................... Working capital for the Bureau of Printing—Revol­ ving Fund .......................................................................... Total extraordinary expenditures and invest­ ments ................................................................. Total ........................................................................ 1937 1936 1935 estimated estimated actual £19,384,443.00 P19,214,806.85 P22,097,786.99 941,759.00 992^437.00 1,512,069.94 562,940.00 512,888.00 605,619.47 283,476.00 290,072.00 310,835.08 233,056.00 244,061.00 249,767.70 182,323.00 202,697.50 186,760.54 2,886,838.00 3,106,105.10 3,504,637.05 167,740.00 193,362.00 152,508.37 1,529,757.00 1,345,470.65 1,561,706.34 78,010.00 81,905.80 91,638.09 183,511.00 217,660.00 151,850.30 11,048,554.00 11,268,980.00 10,825,229.39 207,701.00 150,985.95 792,533.48 34,938.52 178,836.29 550,000.00 500,000.00 478,596.29 340,000.00 300,000.00 232,523.83 562,000.00 706,000.00 823,744.73 400,000.00 300,000.00 48,887.91 7,953,116.00 7,999,660.00 8,250,011.05 15,955,972.00 15,952,503.00 683,920.00 683,920.00 683,920.00 632,022.00 468,591.65 200,434.19 64,767,138.00 64,732,106.50 52,974,835.55 2,937,233.30 2,333,383.50 4,075,343.17 2,726,175.30 199,604.21 530,816.77 183,724.61 144,846.17 776,120.95 3,181,055.82 9,990,000.00 1,015,800.00 964,650.00 1,748,400.00 1,000,000.00 300,000.00 1,500,000.00 100,000.00 325,000.00 1,440,800.00 19,466,830.68 13,124,523.12 P66,207,938.00 P84,198,937.18 P66,099,358.67 40 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS 41 The amount of 1*19,384,443 for “salaries and wages” will be applied to the following purposes: General purposes ...... ..... 18,312,525.00 Members of the National Assembly .................. 497,000.00 President, Vice-president and Department heads ................................................................... 174,200.00 Justices of the Supreme.Court, justices of the Court of Appeals, judges of the Courts of First Instance and justices of the peace courts ..................................................................... 1,464,798.00 Chiefs and assistant chiefs of bureaus and offices ................................................................... 289,610.00 Attorneys and law clerks..................................... 193,239.00 Engineers, architects and hydrographers ....... 384,242.00 Physicians, surgeons, dentists and pharmacists 315,209.00 Veterinarians, livestock inspectors and hus­ bandmen ............................................................. 140,279.00 Scientists and scientific assistants...................... 156,738.00 Nurses and student nurses..................................... 278,968.00 Agriculturists, agronomists, sugar technologists and plant inspectors ..................................... 141,331.00 Foresters, forest guards, rangers and nursery­ men .........................-............................................ 491,920.00 Private secretaries, technical advisers and spe­ cial agents ........................................................... 168,260.00 Superintendents of schools, instructors, inspec­ tors and teachers................................................ 3,273,437.00 Chiefs and assistant chiefs of divisions........... 846,240.00 Accountants and auditors..................................... 186,418.00 Property inspectors ............................................ 33,880.00 Editors, correctors of style and proof-readers.. 21,970.00 Customs appraisers, assessors, calculators, ex­ aminers, wharfingers and inspectors ........... 214,549.00 Internal revenue examiners, agents and in­ spectors ........................._.................................. 488,935.00 Insurance, bank and other examiners .............. 94,006.00 Public service inspectors ..................................... 13,770.00 Medical, factory and other inspectors .............. 9,902.00 Chiefs and assistant chiefs of sections ........... 247,182.00 Officers and crews of vessels ............................ 303,539.00 Radio engineers and post-office inspectors .... 64,628.00 Sergeants-at-arms and secret service agents.. 73,909.00 Clerks of courts and deputies .......................... 236,921.00 Provincial sheriffs and deputies ...................... 164,784.00 Registers of deeds ................................................ 63,470.00 Surveyors, computers, land inspectors and draftsmen ........................................................... 721,174.00 Postmasters and telegraph and radio operators 949,254.00 Weather observers, forecasters and calculators 73,905.00 Sanitary inspectors, vaccinators and disinfec­ tors ..................................................................... 165,103.00 Commercial, employment and economic agents 149,621.00 Laboratory technicians and assistants ........... 32,265.00 Social workers, matrons and caretakers of children ............. „............ ......._..................... 16,031.00 Librarians, researchers, cataloguers and cura­ tors .......................... «.......... 47,714.00 Lightkeepers .......................................................... 120,873.00 Craftsmen and helpers ......................................... 10,944.00 Cashiers and disbursing officers, tellers and money counters .......-....................................... 63,977.00 Property clerks and buyers ............................. 48,590.00 Translators and interpreters................................. 77,013.00 Stenographers and typists ............................... 331,306.00 Clerks ..................................................................... 2,386,845.00 Messengers ............................................................. 216,985.00 Reenlistment pay .................................................. 1,500.00 Policemen, guards and watchmen ...................... 288,097.00 Storekeepers ......................................................... 89,298.00 Letter-carriers ............................................. 252,318.00 Photographers, artists and lithographers ....... 14,972.00 Mechanics, electricians and plumbers.............. 34,884.00 Telephone, elevator and roneo operators ....... 16,629.00 General purposes—Continued. Musicians ............................................................... 888.0C Attendants ................................................... 36,558.00 Chauffeurs and drivers ....................................... 62,629.00 Janitors and porters ......................................... 66,688.00 Foremen ................................................................. 32,983.00 Linemen and enginemen..................................... 94,984.00 Carpenters ............................................................ 19,000.00 Laborers and domestic serevants ...................... 549,172.00 Fees, per diems and additional salaries ........... 42,684.00 Subsistence ............................................................ 239,356.00 Clothing ................................................................. 12,904.00 Laundry .............. 12,047.00 Specific purposes ...................... 1,071,918.00 Preparation, printing and binding or pub­ lications of reports and other documents of the National Library ..................................... 3,590.00 Resident Commissioner to the United States ... 40,000.00 Accounting Office for the Philippine Army. .. 38,031.00 Trade Commissioner to the U. S....................... 17,100.00 Unpaid salary of the Chief, Records Division, Office of the Secretary of the Interior......... 1,700.00 Eradication of hog cholera, etc......................... 4,430.00 Weather stations ................................................ 4,320.00 National Research Council ............................... 6,300.00 Conservation of fisheries ................................. 13,200.00 Per diems of the members of the* Board of Marine Accidents ............................................. 3,000.00 Suppression of clandestine distillation of spirits ......................... 25,164.00 Salaries of temporary employees appointed under Act 3411 ................................................ 1,728.00 Salaries and wages of additional personnel, purchase of furniture and equipment, etc., Act 3579 ............................................................ 7,190.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office .......................................................... 61,780.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts ...................................................... 28,632.00 Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest ............................................................ 34,000.00 For the classification of public lands.............. 3,564.00 For reforestation, Act 3283 ................................. 14,500.00 Investigation and survey of homesteads............. 37,496.00 Survey and subdivision of public land, Act 4031 ..................................................................... 68,508.00 Licensing of air men and aircrafts, Act 3909 15,619.00 Regulation and safeguarding of traffic on Kennon and Naguilian roads.......................... 5,602.00 Maintenance and repair of KennorA-Naguilian roads ................................................................... 48,302.00 Effective radio control, Act 3486........................... 6,750.00 Investigation of application for the use of water rights ...................................................... 13,113.00 Promotion of agricultural and vocational edu­ cation ................................................................... 11,747.00 Promotion of educational research .................. 7,972.00 Treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion 127,271.00 Maintenance of regional treatment stations.... 49,340.00 School of Nursing in Baguio............................. 4,624.00 Control of beriberi ................... 3,186.00 Control of malaria ............................................. 26,463.00 Public charity and welfare fund...................... 5,256.00 Operation of Maternity and Children's Hos­ pital ..................................................................... 9,330.00 Care of the invalids and aged persons.......... 3,312.00 Establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers............................. 55,538.00 For furthering the agricultural development, etc.......................................................................... 5,586.00 Emergency expenses, etc...................................... 4,416.00 42 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS The amount of 5*19,384,443 for “salaries and wages” purposes—Continued. will be applied to the following purSpecific purposes—Continued. Establishment and maintenance of puericulture centers and public health nursing services ................................................................ 116,760.00 Maintenance and operation of the home for mentally-defective children............................. 16,920.00 Aid to Province of llocos Sur Provincial Hos­ pital ................................................................... 4,980.00 Specific purposes—Continued. Technical and civilian assistants to the Pres­ ident ..................................................................... 84,866.00 Anti-Usury Board ........... „.. 25,287.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry in penal colonies ........... 5,945.00 Total .............. #19,384,443.00 The amount of 1*941,759 for “traveling expenses of personnel” will be applied to the following purposes: General purposes ................................................... 765,862.00 Street car tickets ................................................ 10,699.00 Horse, bull and rig allowances.......................... 5,130.00 Motorcycle allowances ......................................... 240.00 Bicycle allowances ................................................ 846.00 Motorlaunch allowances ..................................... 7,620.00 Employees enroute from United States to Ma­ nila (Acts 2711 and 3186)............................. 57,935.00 Traveling expenses, per diems and subsistence 582,261.00 Calesa, electric car and auto bus zone fares.... 5,271.00 Hire of automobiles ............................................. 6,750.00 Land and water transportation.......................... 127,726.00 Reimbursement for traveling expenses of spe­ cial examiners .................................................. 34.00 Hire of cargadores .............................................. 11,150.00 Airplane fares ...................................................... 200.00 Specific purposes ................. ............-.... -............... 175,897.00 For traveling expenses of the President......... 10,000.00 For the Accounting Office, Philippine Army.. 600.00 Office of the Resident Commissioner in the United States .................................................... 3,000.00 Other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935 ..................................................................... 140.00 Suppression of clandestine distillation of spirits ................................................................. 19,000.00 Traveling expenses of temporary employees appointed under Act No. 3411...................... 144.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office ............................................................... 8,700.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts ...................................................... 2,376.00 Campaign for the control of rinderpest.......... 1,000.00 For the classification of public lands»............... 11,000.00 For reforestation, Act No. 3283.............................. 1,800.00 Specific purposes—Continued. Investigation and survey of homesteads......... 85,800.00 Office of the Trade Commissioner in the United States ................................................................. 600.00 Licensing of airmen and aircrafts.................. 1,929.00 Kennon and Naguilian roads .......................... 150.00 Effective radio control.......................................... 200.00 Investigation of application for the use of water for irrigation water supply etc.......... 5,478.00 Promotion of agricultural and vocational edu­ cation ................................................................. 5,700.00 Promotion of educational research, experimen­ tation and administration ............................. 698.00 Treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion 200.00 Regional treatment stations.................................. 1,100.00 School of Nursing in Baguio............................... 80.00 Control of beriberi................................................ 750.00 Control of malaria................................................ 1,300.00 Operation of the Maternity and Children's Hospital ............................................................. 100.00 Establishment and maintenance of community health social centers ....................................... 2,880.00 Establishment and maintenance of puericultura centers and public nursing services............... 28,172.00 Protection of agricultural industries................... 800.00 Technical and civilian assistants to the Pres­ ident ................................................................... 25,000.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 2,000.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry in penal colonies ............................................................. 500.00 Survey and subdivision of public lands........... 12,000.00 Weather stations .................................................. 250.00 Conservation of fisheries ..................................... 2,500.00 Total ..... -.......... #941,759.00 The amount of 1*562,940 for “freight, express and delivery service” will be applied to the fol­ lowing purposes: General purposes ........................... -........... 548,803.00 Transportation of supplies and materials........ 70,067.00 Transportation of mails .................................. 469,869.00 Transportation of equipment ........................ 7,100.00 Tranportation of leper effects ....... 290.00 Shipment of money ............................................. 300.00 Return of empty containers .........-.................- 100.00 Freight charges .................................................... 577.00 Cargadores hire .................... 500.00 Specific purposes __________ 14,137.00 Office of the Trade Commissioner in the United States .................................................... 50.00 For the Accounting Office, Philippine Army 100.00 Other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935 ................................................-.................. 80.00 Specific purposes—Continued. Suppression of clandestine distillation of spirits ............ ...........................-................ 40.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office ........................... 80.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts. Act No. 8169...... 812.00 Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest and other contagious and in­ fectious animal diseases........................ 700.00 For the classification of public lands.............. 200.00 For resforestation to be expended in accord­ ance with Act No. 3283..... — 600.00 Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the pro­ visions of Act No. 2874 ................................. 4,000.00 Weather stations .............................................. - 100.00 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS 43 The amount of F562,940 for “freight, express and delivery service” will be applied to the followng purposes—Continued. Specific purposes—Continued. Regulation, safeguarding of traffic and collec­ tion of tolls on Kennon and Naguilian roads ................................................................... 4,070.00 For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy.. 1,650.00 Practical control of beriberi............................... 200.00 For the control of malaria ............................. 100.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ..... 25.00 Specific purposes—Continued. Protection of agricultural industries .............. 100.00 Technical and civilian assistants to the Presid­ ent ....................................................................... 1,000.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 80.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry in penal colonies ................................................. 800.00 Conservation of fishery resources....................... 500.00 Total .............. ................................................. ^562,940.00 The amount of F283,476 for “postal, telegraph, the following purposes: General purposes ..... .......................-... 256,392.00 Postage stamps .................................................. 104,850.00 Post Office box rentals ....................................... 1,786.00 Telegrams ............................................................. 33,479.00 Cable charges ........................................................ 10,840.00 Telephone rentals .............................................. 103,346.00 Fees for money orders........................................... 196.00 Radiograms ............................................................ 1,555.00 Telephone tolls ...................................................... 26.00 Telephone installation charges............................ 299.00 Telephone extra listings....................................... 12.00 Sight drafts ............................................................ 3.00 Specific purposes ----------.---- --------------- ------------ 27,084.00 For the Accounting Office, Philippine Army.. 600.00 Office of the Resident Commissioner in the U. S. ?.................................................................. 1,000.00 Other expenses in accordance witth Act No. 2935 ..................................................................... 250.00 Suppression of clandestine distillation of spirit ................................................................... 80.00 For postage stamps for the mailing of notices of land registration cases................................. 5,000.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office ............................................................ 1,600.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, Act No. 3163...................... 130.00 Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest and other contagious and infec­ tious animal diseases......................................... 1,000.00 For the classification of public lands................ 126.00 For reforestation to be expended in accordance with Act No. 3283............................................ 150.00 Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the pro­ visions of Act No. 2874................................... 2,050.00 War Department of the United States, etc.... 850.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspection of the same................ 360.00 telephone and cable service” will be applied to Specific purposes—Continued. Regulation, safeguarding of traffic and collec­ tion of tolls on Kennon and Naguilian roads ................................................................... 895.00 For the temporary administration, operation, maintenance and repair of the radio sta­ tions, etc............................................................... 400.00 For the investigation of application for the use of water for irrigation water supply and water power projects, and for adjudication of water rights.................................................... 182.00 Promotion of agricultural and vocational edu­ cation ................................................................. 125.00 For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion........................ 40.00 For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy.. 454.00 For the School of Nursing in Baguio.............. 9.00 For a general demonstration of the practical control of beriberi........................................ 132.00 Aid to Province of Hocos Sur Hospital........... 400.00 For the control of malaria in the regularly and specially organized provinces and munic­ ipalities .............................................................. 340.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ................................................ 272.00 For the care of the invalids and aged persons 189.00 For the establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers............ 1,200.00 For the maintenance and operation of the home for mentally defective children, Act No. 4158 ............................................................ 150.00 Technical and civilian assistants to the Pres­ ident ................................................................... 2,000.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 1,000.00 W’eather stations .................................................. 7,000.00 Conservation of fisheries..................................... 800.00 Total .............. _............................... ... P283,476.00 The amount of 1*233,056 for “illumination and power service” will be applied to the following purposes: General purposes ________ .... 209,402.00 Specific purposes ....................... 23,654.00 Electric fluid ........................................................ 155,393.00 Gas ...................................... 29,724.00 Steam ...................................................................... 16,060.00 Power in saw mill ............................................... 180.00 Supplies consumed ............................................ 8,750.00 Coal consumption ................................................ 1,900.00 Electrical installation ......................................... 1,095.00 Electrical repairs ................................................ 950.00 Petroleum and candles ..................................... 850.00 For the accounting office, Philippine Army.... 240.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office ........................................................ 820.00 Campaign for the eradication and control of of rinderpest and other contagious and in­ fectious animal diseases ................................. 1,500.00 For the classification of public lands.............. 800.00 For reforestation to be expended in accord­ ance with Act No. 3288 ................................. 90.00 44 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS The amount of F233,056 for “illumination and power service” will be applied to the following purposes—Continued. Specific purposes—Continued. Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the pro­ visions of Act No. 2874 ............................. 224.00 War Department of the United States, etc...... 100.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspection of the same................ 290.00 Regulation, safeguarding of traffic and collec­ tion of tolls on Kennon and Naguilian roads 120.00 Conservation of fisheries ............................... 100.00 Promotion of agricultural and vocational edu­ cation ................................................................. 700.00 For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion..................... 8,400.00 For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy 4,300.00 Specific purposes—Continued. For the control of malaria in the regularly and specially organized provinces and mu­ nicipalities ......................................................... 180.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ................................................ 3,600.00 For the care of the invalids and aged persons 240.00 For the establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers.......... 480.00 Belo Fund ........................................................... 300.00 For the maintenance and operation of the home for mentally defective children, Act No. 4158 ........................................................... 1,000.00 Protection of agricultural industries in penal colonies ...................................................................................... Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 720.00 Total ........................... -........... *233,056.00 The amount of 1*182,323 for “rental of buildings and grounds” will be applied to the follow­ ing purposes: General purposes .................. 113,416.00 Offices and barracks ........................................... 110,186.00 Quarters of personnel.......................................... 2,770.00 Warehouses ............................................................ 120-00 Leper camps .......................................................... 240.00 Others ..................................................................... 100.00 Specific purposes ..................... 68,907.00 Rental of the offices for Executive Depart­ ments and other offices in the Ayunta­ miento ................................................................. 36,000.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, Act No. 3165............................. 120.00 Specific purposes—Continued. For the classification of public lands................ 1,920.00 Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the provisions of Act No. 2874............................. 4,620.00 Resident Commissioner, the Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Department of the United States, etc............................................................ 8,400.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Children’s Hospital ..................................... 3,800.00 For the establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers......... 5,647.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 900.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office ........................................................... 2,400.00 Belo Fund, Act No. 3431................................ 5,000.00 Protection of Agricultural Industries, Act No. 3027 ........................................................... 100.00 Total ...... *182,323.00 The amount of P=2,886,838 for “consumption following purposes: General purposes ....................................-............. 2,612,456.00 Office stationery .................................................. 302,902.00 Foodstuffs and expendable kitchen utensils.... 828,245.00 Ice ......................f.................................................... 26,677.00 Toilet supplies ...................................................... 14,382.00 Motor vehicle supplies........................................ 78,745.00 Water service ..................... 34,332.00 Medical, surgical and chemical supplies............. 267,130.00 Electrical supplies ................................................ 10,036.00 Watercraft supplies ............................................ 209,777.00 Cleaning materials .............................................. .11,237.00 Manufacturing supplies ................................ 119,659.00 Wearing apparel and linen................................. 119,303.00 Ordnance ............................................................... 2,957.00 Tacking supplies .................................................. 5,620.00 Materials and supplies for repairs................... 16,768.00 Photographic supplies ......................................... 3,842.00 Disinfectants ........................................................ 4,400.00 Books, pamphlets and periodicals....................... 13,120.00 Textbooks ............................................................. 138,927.00 Printed forms ........................................................ 22,165.00 Forage ................................................................... 12,150.00 Public works materials......................................... 13,000.00 Drafting, printing and artists’ supplies.............. 20,500.00 of supplies and materials” will be applied to the General purposes—Continued. Fuel and illumination supplies........................... 7,000.00 Laundry supplies .................................................. 3,550.00 Painting supplies and materials........................ 2,510.00 Fumigation supplies .......................................... 2,552.00 Internal-revenue stamps ..................................... 4,500.00 Fertilizers ............................................................. 3,000.00 Tower plant supplies including ammonia....... 21,500.00 Animals for manufacturing vaccines and serums ............................................................... 1,800.00 Meteorological, seismological and magnetic supplies ............................................................... 8,500.00 Telegraph and wireless supplies ...................... 68,600.00 Surveying materials ............................................ 700.00 Assemblymen’s allowance ................................... 9,000.00 Poultry and farming supplies........................... 14,000.00 Hospital supplies ................................................ 4,050.00 Gas ........................................................................ 1,000.00 Cigars and cigarettes............................................ 1,375.00 Printing and binding supplies............................. 1,225.00 Subsistence ........................................................... 165,000.00 Glassware ............................................................. 1,000.00 Miscellaneous ....................................................... 20,720.00 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS 45 The amount of 1*2,886,838 for “consumption following purposes—Continued. Specific purposes ...»..................... 274,382.00 For the Accounting Office, Philippine Army.... 2,000.00 Other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935 ..................................................................... 730.00 Suppression of clandestine distillation of spi­ rits .......................................................... ............ 20.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office .......................................................... 2,700.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, Act Nd. 3163........... 3,900.00 Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest and other contagious and infec­ tious animal diseases......................................... 20,070.00 For the classification of public lands.............. 8,272.00 For reforestation to be expended in accord­ ance with Act No. 3283................................. 7,000.00 Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the provisions of Act No. 2874............................. 2,340.00 Trade Commissioner in United States.............. 400.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspection of the same.............. 700.00 Regulation, safeguarding of traffic and col­ lection of tolls on Kennon and Naguilian roads ................................................................... 27,470.00 Effective radio control ......................................... 972.00 Promotion of agricultural and vocational edu­ cation ................................................................. 107.00 For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion.......................... 22,300.00 of supplies and materials!’ will be applied to the Specific purposes—Continued. For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment on incipient cases of lep­ rosy ..................................................................... 88,696.00 For the School of Nursing in Baguio.............. 1,910.00 For the general demonstration of the practical control of beriberi and for the improvement of the organization and operation of sanita­ tion ..................................................................... 3,050.00 For the control of malaria in the regularly and specially organized provinces and munic­ ipalities .............................................................. 2,452.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ................................................ 24,400.00 For the care of the invalids and aged persons 6,446.00 For the establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers.............. 10,000.00 For the establishment and maintenance of puericulture centers and public health nurs­ ing services ........................................................ 16,928.00 lor the maintenance and operation of the home for mentally defective children, Aot No. 4158 ............................................................ 11,400.00 Protection of agricultural industries................ 4,000.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 1,000.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry in penal colonies ............................................................... 800.00 Aid to the Province of llocos Sur.................... 2,819.00 Weather Stations ................................................ 500.00 Conservation of fishing resources...................... 1,000.00 Total ........... 1*2,886,838.00 The amount of 1*167,740 for “printing and binding reports, documents and publications” applied to the following purposes: General purposes ........................... ..................... — 142,860.00 Printing charges ................................................ 86,237.00 Binding and rebinding charges ...................... 7,655.00 Publication of pamphlets ................................. 9,680.00 Publication of annual reports .......................... 13,718.00 Printing of brief in crimmal cases.................. 5,370.00 Publication of civil service laws, rules and regulations .......................................................... 400.00 Printing of stamps and stamped envelopes.... 19,800.00 Specific purposes .............. . ....... ........... ..... 24,880.00 For the preparation, printing and binding of publications, including the distribution and exchange of reports, etc................................. 1,610.00 For the Accountancy Office, Philippine Army 300.00 Boards of Examiners for Surveyors ..................................... will be Specific purposes—Continued. Other expenses in connection with Act No. 2935 ................................................................... 570 00 For publication of notices of land registration cases in the Official Gazette.......................... 20,000.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office .......................................................... 100.00 Person employed by the President to cooperate with the Resident Commissioners, the Trade Commissioner in U. S..................................... 100.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licencing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspection of the same.............. 400.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3846, regarding effective radio control .................. 200.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 1,600.00 Total ................................................................. 1*167,740.00 The amount of Pl,529,757 for “contribution and gratuities” will be applied to the following pur­ poses : Free distribution of public documents...................... 4,200.00 Contribution to the bulletin of the Medical Associa­ tion of the Philippine Islands for the publication of reports on ¿ases and subjects of scientific importance of the Philippine General Hospital.... 250.00 Support of children under care of bureaus.......... 1,500.00 Samples of products of the Philippine public schools furnished gratis on request of corpora­ tion, individuals or foreign governments.............. 250.00 Gratuities to lepers, including allowances to em­ ployees of the Bureau of Health or to their families in case such employees die or are 46 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS The amount of M ,529,757 for “contribution and gratuities” will be applied to the following pur­ poses—Continued. disabled by diseases contracted or injuries re­ ceived in line of duty............................................ 38,000.00 Gratuities to prisoners ..................................................... 4,000.00 Development of agriculture and industry in penal colonies ............................................................................ 5,000.00 Contributions and gratuities, including the control or eradication of agricultural pests and dis­ eases ; the entertainment of foreign or local scientists, and agriculturists visiting the prop­ agation stations, seed farms and nurseries of the Bureau of Plant Industry; the payment of membership dues in, or contributions to, scien­ tific organizations : and the purchase and dis­ tribution of seeds and plants for propagation..... 40,000.00 Contributions and gratuities, including the manu­ facture of rinderpest serum; the manufacture or purchase of anti-epizootic serum ; the enter­ tainment of foreign or local scientists and agriculturists visiting the stock farms, slaugh­ terhouses and breeding and quarantine stations of the Bureau of Animal Industry ; the payment of membership dues, in or contributions to, scientific organizations; and the distribution of young animals for propagation............................. 80,000.00 Compensation of families of deceased assemblymen, Act 3799 ................................................................... 10,000.00 Medicines and medical and surgical supplies for distribution to public school dispensaries.......... 100,000.00 Aid to puericulture centers organized in ac­ cordance with the provisions of Acts 2633, 2905 and 2988 ................................................................... 92,791.00 Contribution to the Teochers’ Pension and Dis­ ability Fund, pursuant to the provisions of section 8 of Act No. 3050 ..................................... 101,069.00 Scholarships in the United States or in foreign countries ................................................................... 16,000.00 Pensions authorized by Acts 2756 and 2922.......... 18,180.00 Special scholarships for non-Christian inhabitants 11,550.00 Gratuities to the Sultan and advisers, Act No. 1259 ............................................................................ 2,700.00 Contribution to the University of the Philippines 1,048,067.00 Aid for scholarships of students in normal and vocational schools .................................................... 11,200.00 Total .............. -............................................. P1,529,757.00 The amount of 1*78,010 for “traveling expenses of persons not government employees” will be applied to the following purposes: General purposes ........-........................................... 75,784.00 Specific purposes ......... ........... 2,226.00 Transportation of lepers ................................... 3,500.00 Transportation of indigent sufferers ............. 4,079.00 Transportation of municipal teachers on special assignment ........................................... 1,000.00 Charter of boats .................................................... 11,260.00 Transportation furnished to shipwreck crews 1,046.00 Subsistence ............................................................. 140.00 Deportation of Chinese ..................................... 664.00 Transportation of witnesses ................ 1,225.00 Transportation of prisoners ................ 21,000.00 Transportation of colonists’ family ................ 5,000.00 Transportation of homeseekers .......................... 26,870.00 Transportation of persons and traveling ex­ penses not chargeable to other appropria­ tion ..................................................................... 2,000.00 Suppression of clandestine distillation of spirits .................... 46.00 For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy.. 100.00 For the care of the invalids and aged persons 30.00 For the maintenance and operation of the home for mentally defective children, Act 4158 ........................................... -...........-.......... 50.00 Total .............. - 78,010.00 The amount of 1*183,511 for “maintenance following purposes: General purposes .............................................. 157,913.00 Automobile repairs ............................................ 11,493.00 Equipment repairs .............................................. 50,225.00 Bicycle repairs .................................................... Machineries ........................................................... 8,850.00 Watercrafts ....................... 50,658.00 Office and station equipment ............................ 35,187.00 Technical and scientific equipment and power plant ................................................................... 1,500.00 Specific purposes ........................-.... ............-........ 25,598.00 For the Accounting Office, Phil. Army............ 300.00 For reforestation to be expended in accord­ ance with Act No., 3283 ............................... 200.00 and repair of equipment” will be applied to the Specific purposes—Continued. Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the pro­ visions of Act No. 2874 ................................. 70.00 For the maintenance and repair of a radio apparatus installed in the Manila Observa­ tory ..................................................................... 1,000.00 For the maintenance and upkeep of the Cebu typhoon signal ................................................ 50.00 Person employed by the President to cooperate with the Resident Commissioners, the Trade Commissioner in the U. S................... 50.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspection of the same .............. 150.00 For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion ...................... 21,030.00 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS 4-7 The amount of 1*183,511 for “maintenance following purposes—Continued. Specific purposes—Continued. For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy 700.00 For the control of malaria in the regularly and specially organized provinces and mu­ nicipalities ........................................................ 190.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ................................................ 160.00 Conservation of fishing resources .................... 100.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 100.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry ........... 575.00 The amount of Ml,048,554 for “aid to local poses: For educational purposes: Aid for the operation and maintenance of ele­ mentary schools ................................................ 375,000.00 Aid to the schools on the friar lands estates.. 35,610.00 Aid for the maintenance of special schools.... 74,895.00 Aid to elementary schools to be allotted in proportion to the daily average attendance, etc.......................................................................... 165,168.00 Aid to specially organized provinces under the direction of the Director of Education.. 414,273.00 Aid for the maintenance of elementary schools already established ........................................... 1,189,955.00 Aid for gratuitous elementary instruction..... 6,583,371.00 To meet any deficiency in the appropriation for aid for elementary instruction................ 1,200,000.00 Aid to specially organized provinces for edu­ cational purposes under the direction of the Director of Education or of his represent­ atives ................................................................. 313,957.00 Aid for the operation and maintenance of agricultural, farm and trade schools ........... 105,000.00 Aid for the operation and maintenance of nor­ mal schools ...................................................... 9,000.00 To carry out the provisions of Act No. 337 for the promotion of agricultural and vo­ cational education, Act No. 3470.................. 33,500.00 and repair of equipment” will be applied to the Specific purposes—Continued. Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office .......................................................... 250.00 Protection of agricultural industries, Act 3027 50.00 Aid to the Province of llocos Sur Provincial Hospital .............................................................. 100.00 Maintenance and repairs of the KennonNaguilian roads ................................................ 368.00 Scouting of locusts .............................................. 100.00 Classification of public lands..................................... 60.00 Total ........................... ..................................... P183,511.00 governments” will be applied to the following purAid for the payment of the salaries of the teachers of those classes in barrio schools established under Act No. 3628, to be distri­ buted and expended in accordance with the provisions of said Act ................. 67,500.00 For health purposes: For insular aid for the operation and mainte­ nance of hospitals created and established under the provisions of Acts 3114, 3168 and 3284 ............. i...................................................... 72,000.00 For public improvements: Aid for the maintenance of trails, roads and bridges in specially organized provinces, provided they comply with* the provisions of section 2115 of Act No. 2711.......................... 86,000.00 For other purposes: Aid to specially organized provinces.............. 313,325.00 Aid to the City of Baguio ............................. 10,000.00 Total ............................................................. P11,048,554.00 The amount of 1*207,701 for “purchase of furniture and equipment” will be applied to the fol­ lowing purposes: General purposes .............. _ 151,493.00 Additional equipment ......................................... 123,161.70 For replacing unserviceable equipment ............. 28,291.30 Specific purposes __________________ 56,248.00 For the purchase of salable publications of the Bureau of Printing exclusively for reciprocal exchange relations with foreign countries or institutions .................................................... 2,000.00 Other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935 ....................................................................... 400.00 For the purchase of steel filing cabinets and card index files for the Public Service Com­ mission ................................................................. 1,200.00 For salaries and wages of additional person­ nel, purchase of furniture and equipment, etc., Act 3579 .................................................... 480.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office ........................................................... 1,000.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, Act No. 3163 .......................... 400.00 Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest and other contagious and infec­ tious animal diseases ...... 2,000.00 For reforestation to be expended in accordance with Act No. 3283 ......................................... 600.00 Trade Commissioner to U. S............................. 50.00 Specific purposes—Continued. To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspecton of the same .............. 600.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3846, regarding effective radio control .............. 3,500.00 For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion ...................... 100.00 For the control of malaria in the regularly and specially organized provinces and mu­ nicipalities .......................................................... 218.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ................................................ 1,204.00 For the establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers............. 2,500.00 Protection of agricultural industries................ 600.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 2,213.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry............ 9,880.00 Accounting Office, Philippine Army.................. 1,857.00 Aid to the Province of llocos Sur...................... 1,556.00 Purchase of an enlarging camera................... 8,590.00 Maintenance and repair of Kennon-Naguilian roads ................................................................... 400.00 Weather stations ................................................. 8,500.00 Conservation of fishing resources...................... 1,900.00 Construction of a kiln......................................... 4,500.00 Total ........................... -.........—........ -..... F207,701.00 48 EXPENDITURES SHOWN BY BUDGET CLASSIFICATIONS The amount of 1*632,022 for “other services” General purposes ................................................... P174,570.00 Sewer charges ...................................................... 23,151.00 Subscriptions ........................................................ 7,520.00 Bond premiums .................................................... 24,705.00 Laundry service .................................................... 44,635.00 Advertisements .................................................... 991.00 Electrical installation and repairs .................. 19,214.00 Medical attendance ............................................ 4.070.00 Fees for bar examination, court, sheriffs, ac­ tuarial and attorneys’ fees, money order and insurance fees ........................................... 1,840.00 Janitor and messenger service......................... 120.00 Printing of briefs ................................................ 924.00 Horseshoeing, carabaos and cows nose ring . . 38.00 Funeral and burial expenses............................. 4,180.00 Storage service .................................................... 20.00 Exchange of drafts and premiums on exchange 80.00 Translation service ................................................ 2,500.00 Vulcanizing tires and tubes............................. 220.00 Blueprinting and photographic developing services ............................................................... 200.00 Subsistence of employees working overtime ... 6,569.00 Reception and entertainment expenses.............. 3,000.00 Graduation expenses ......................................... 350.00 Rental of sanitary laboratory equipment....... 1,033.00 Towing and arrastre service................................. 830.00 Expenses of disbursing agent; Philippine rev­ enues, Washington, D. C................................. 10.00 Welding, casting, retouching negatives, etc...... 635.00 Payment of colonists’ share as settlers in Iwahig Penal Colony......................................... 5,370.00 Cutting and cleaning of grass.......................... 314.00 Rental of fire hydrants and gas meters.......... 205.00 Contracted services ............................................. 3,167.00 Child health day celebration............................. 200.00 Educational health exhibits and occasional health campaigns ............................................. 600.00 Epidemiological news service............................. 1,640.00 Membership fee to Civil Service Commission.... 600.00 Docket, registration and publication fees.......... 1,443.00 Charges on survey of under water damages.... 157.00 Purchase of checks and register books.......... 170.00 Other purposes and to cover partly any reserve or forced savings that may be required.... 9,702.00 Burglar alarm .................................................... 374.00 Insurance and money orders .......................... 2,568.00 Share in the maintenance of the Oriente Building ............................................................. 425.00 Printing of documents in Official Gazette....... 180.00 Publication of notices of sales and leases of public lands ...................................................... 620.00 Specific purposes ........................... 457,452.00 Bureau of Interparliamentary Union.............. 5,000.00 Discretionary fund of the President................ 30,000.00 Salaries and wages of additional personnel, purchase of furniture and equipment, etc., Act No. 3579 .................................................... 200.Q0 Sundry expenses in connection with secret service ............................................................... 26,320.00 Other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935 ................................................................... 19,789.00 Suppression of clandestine distillation of spirits ................................................................. 650.00 Board of Indeterminate Sentence and Proba­ tion Office .......................................................... 620.00 Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, Act No. 3163. 30.00 will be applied to the following purposes: Specific purposes—Continued. Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest and other contagious and infec­ tious animal diseases ..................................... 300.00 For the classification of public lands.............. 1,450.00 For sundry expenses, including purchase of furniture and equipment in connection with commercial and industrial investigation, de­ monstration and promotion work .................. 2,785.00 For reforestation to be expended in accordance with Act No. 3283 ........................................... 60.00 Investigation and survey of homesteads, free patents and sales and leases under the pro­ visions of Act No. 2874..................................... 3,000.00 Trade Commissioner in United States.............. 400.00 For contracts with interisland steamers.......... 8,000.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and air­ crafts, and inspection of the same.............. 10,200.00 Regulation, safeguarding of traffic and col­ lection of tolls on Kennon and Naguilian roads ................................................................... 7,905.00 Collection, etc. of Filipino folklore, legends, myths, etc............................................................ 5,000.00 To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3846, regarding effective radio control.................. 150.00 Promotion of agricultural and vocational edu­ cation ................................................................. 25.00 For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion .................. 7,930.00 For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy 3,000.00 For a general demonstration of the practical control of beriberi and for the improvement of the organization and operation of sani­ tation ................................................................... 2,058.00 For the control of malaria in the regularly and specially organized provinces and munic­ ipalities ............................................................. 1,270.00 Public charity and welfare fund...................... 4,738.00 For the operation of the Maternity and Chil­ dren’s Hospital ................................................ 4,227.00 For the care of the invalids and aged per­ sons ..................................................................... 1,250.00 For the establishment and maintenance of community health and social centers............. 14,522.00 For the establishment and maintenance of puericulture centers and public health nurs­ ing service ........................................................ 13,140.00 For the maintenance and operation of the home for mentally defective children, Act No. 4158 ........................................................... 480.00 Philippine Exposition in and outside of the Philippines ....................................................... 120,000.00 Furthering the agricultural development, etc. 13,319.00 Technical and civilian assistants to the Pres­ ident .................................................... 132,334.00 Anti-Usury Board ................................................ 150.00 Promotion of agriculture and industry in penal colonies .................................................... 2,000.00 Protection of agricultural industries, Act 3027 350.00 Weather stations .................................................. 400.00 National Research Council ............................. 13,700.00 Conservation of fishery resourses ...................... 500.00 Aid to the Province of Hocos Sur Provincial Hospital ............................................................. 200.00 Total ................................................... . ..... P632,022.00