Detailed Statement of Expenditures: National Assembly


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Detailed Statement of Expenditures: National Assembly
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
Appropriations and expenditures
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article presents a more detailed report on the expenses of the National Assembly for the year 1937.]
A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY For the year 1937, the sum of 1*1,137,894 is requested for the National Assembly as against 1*1, 138,614 authorized for the current year, or a decrease of 1*720. This de­ crease is due to the reduction made from the appropriation for “traveling expenses of personnel, etc.” under sundry expenses in view of the abolition of the automobile allowance. Para el año de 1937, se pide para la Asamblea Nacional la suma de Pl,137,894 la cual, comparada con la de Fl,138,614 autorizada para el presente año, arroja una disminución de 1*720. Esta disminución se debe a la reducción hecha en la consignación para “gastos de viaje del personal, etc.” bajo el encabeza­ miento de “Gastos Varios” por la abolición de las asignaciones para el uso oficial de automóviles parti­ culares. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to Item numbers of Commonwealth Act No. 19, unless otherwise stated SPEAKER 1. Speaker of the National Assembly.... 1*12,000.00 1*12,000.00 1 MEMBERS 2. Ninety-seven Members of the National Assembly, at T=5,000 per annum each.... 485,000.00 485,000.00 2 SECRETARY 3. Secretary of the National Assembly.. 5,000.00 5,000.00 3 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS 4. Sergeant-at-arms of the National Assembly OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER 3,600.00 3,600.00 4 5. One secretary to the Speaker............. 4,000.00 4,000.00 5 6. One private secretary to the Speaker 3,600.00 3,600.00 6 7. One stenographer ............................... 2,800.00 2,800.00 7 8. One stenographer ................................ 1,680.00 1,680.00 8 9. One stenographer ............................... 1,560.00 1,560.00 9 10. One clerk .............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 10 11. Two clerks, at 5*720 per annum each 1,440.00 1,440.00 11 12. Two messengers, at 5*300 per annum each .. 600.00 600.00 12 13. One chauffeur........................................ 840.00 840.00 13 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Chief Clerk and Assistant Secretary 14. One ehief clerk and assistant secretary 4,800.00 4,800.00 14 51 52 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 15. One disbursing officer and cashier..... 16. Two chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,800 per 4,200.00 4,200.00 15 annum each........................................................ 7,600.00 7,600.00 16 17. Three chiefs of divisions, at P3,120 per annum each.................................................. 9,360.00 9,360.00 17 18. One chief of division........................... 2,840.00 2,840.00 18 19. One chief of division........................... 2,580.00 2,580.00 19 ASSISTANT DISBURSING OFFICER AND COLLECTING AGENT 20. One assistant disbursing officer and collecting agent ......................... ...................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 20 STENOGRAPHERS 21. One debate stenographer................... 3,200.00 3,200.00 21 22. One debate stenographer ................... 23. Two debate stenographers, at 1*2,800 2,960.00 2,960.00 22 per annum each ................................................ 5,600.00 5,600.00 23 24. Two debate stenographers, at 1*2,700 per annum each ................................................ 5,400.00 5,400.00 24 25. Two debate stenographers, at 1*2,520 per annum each ................................................ 5,040.00 5,040.00 25-26 26. Two debate stenographers, at 1*2,280 per annum each................................................ 4,560.00 4,560.00 27 27. Four debate stenographers, at 1*2,000 per annum each ................................................ 8,000.00 8,000.00 28 28. One stenographer ................................ 29. Two stenographers, at 1*1,740 per 2,400.00 2,400.00 29 annum each........................................................ 3,480.00 3,480.00 30 30. One stenographer ............................... 31. Two stenographers, at 1*1,620 per an­ 1,680.00 1,680.00 31 num each .......................................................... 3,240.00 3,240.00 32 32. Three stenographers, at Pl,500 per annum each........ ............................................... 4,500.00 4,500.00 33-34 33. One stenographer ............................... 34. Four stenographers, at Pl,080 per 1,380.00 1,380.00 35 annum each........................................................ 4,320.00 4,320.00 36 35. Eight stenographers, at P840 per an­ num each............................................................ 6,720.00 6,720.00 37 TRANSLATORS 36. One translator..................................... 37. Two translators, at Pl,800 per an­ 2,400.00 2,400.00 38 num each ........................................................... 3,600.00 3,600.00 39 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 53 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated PROOF-READERS 38. 39. One One proof-reader ........................... proof-reader ........................... 1,680.00 1,200.00 1,680.00 1,200.00 40 41 Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms 40. One assistant sergeant-at-arms......... 41. One assistant sergeant-at-arms......... 1,200.00 840.00 1,200.00 840.00 42 43 CLERKS 42. One clerk ............................................. 2,000.00 2,000.00 44 43. One clerk .............................................. 1,800.00 1,800.00 45 44. One clerk .............................................. 1,680.00 1,680.00 46 45. Two clerks, at Pl,440 per annum each 2,880.00 2,880.00 47-48 46. Four clerks, at Fl,200 per annum each .................................................................... 4,800.00 4,800.00 49 47. Five clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 5,400.00 5,400.00 50-51 48. Three clerks, at P960 per annum each .................................................................... 2,880.00 2,880.00 52-53 49. Seven clerks, at P864 per annum each .................................................................... 6,048.00 6,048.00 54 50. Three clerks, at P840 per annum each .................................................................... 2,520.00 2,520.00 55 51. One clerk .............................................. 780.00 780.00 56 52. One clerk .............................................. 756.00 756.00 57 53. One clerk .............................................. 720.00 720.00 58 54. Seven clerks, at P648 per annum each .................................................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 59 55. Four clerks, at P600 per annum each .................................................................... 2,400.00 2,400.00 60 56. Fifteen clerks, at P540 per annum each .................................................................... 8,100.00 8,100.00 61 57. Two clerks, at P432 per annum each 864.00 864.00 62 MESSENGERS 58. One messenger .................................... 648.00 648.00 63 59. Ten messengers, at P540 per annum each .................................................................... 5,400.00 5,400.00 64 60. One messenger .................................... 497.00 497.00 65 61. One messenger .................................... 435.00 435.00 66 62. One messenger .................................... 432.00 432.00 67 63. Four messengers, at P420 per annum each .................................................................... 1,680.00 1,680.00 68 64. One messenger .................................... 378.00 378.00 69 54 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Commonwealth Act No. 19, unless otherwise stated 65. Three messengers, at 1*360 per annum each ............................................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 70 66. Five messengers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 71 67. Six messengers, at F300 per annum each .................................................................... 1,800.00 1,800.00 72 MISCELLANEOUS 68. One janitor and chief watchman, with quarters .................................................... 960.00 960.00 73 69. One chauffeur ...................................... 70. Four watchmen, at 1*540 per annum 600.00 600.00 81 each .................................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 74 71. Four elevator operators, at 1*540 per annum each........................................................ 2,160.00 2,160.00 75 72. One laborer .......................................... 480.00 480.00 77 73. Six laborers, at 1*432 per annum each 74. Seventeen laborers, at 1*420 per an­ 2,592.00 2,592.00 78 num each............................................................ 7,140.00 7,140.00 79 75. Ten laborers, at 1*360 per annum each 76. Two porters, at 1*324 per annum 3,600.00 3,600.00 80 each .................................................................... 648.00 648.00 76 77. For clerks of the Members of the Na­ tional Assembly: Provided, That the said clerks may be appointed by the Members and the number and salaries of said clerks not exceeding a total of 1*3,000 per annum for each Member shall be fixed and determined by the respective Member, and said clerks shall render either full or part time service in Manila or outside as may be determined by the respective Member who shall fix their time of service: Provided, further, That said clerks shall not be paid per diems or traveling expenses when leaving Manila or rendering service outside of the city............. 294,000.00 294,000.00 82 78. Supplementary force ......................... 8,000.00 8,000.00 83 Total for salaries and wages........... 1,014,614.00 1,014,614.00 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 55 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. Speaker of the National Assembly.................. P12.000.00 2. 97 members of the National Assembly, at P5.000 per annum each......................... 486,000.00 OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER 5. 1 secretary to the Speaker................. 4,000.00 6. 1 private secretary to the Speaker................. 3,600.00 7. 1 stenographer .................. 2,800.00 8. 1 stenographer .............................._...................... 1,680.00 9. 1 stenographer ....................................................... 1,560.00 10. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 11. 2 clerks, at P720 per annum each..................... 1,440.00 12. 2 messengers, at P300 per annum each................ 600.00 13. 1 chauffeur .............................................................. 840.00 OFFICE OF THE FLOOR LEADER AND COMMITTEE ON RULES 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,200.00 66. 1 messenger ......................................................... 324.00 OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPOINTMENTS 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,800.00 55. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 67. 1 messenger ........................................................... 300.00 OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS 29. 1 stenographer ....................................................... 1,740.00 67. 1 messenger ............................................................ 300.00 OFFICE OF THE ELECTORAL COMMISSION 32. 1 stenographer ....................................................... 1,500.00 34. 1 stenographer ....................................................... 1,080.00 35. 1 stenographer ....................................................... 840.00 67. 1 messenger ............................................................ 300.00 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 3. 1 secretary to the National Assembly............. 5,000.00 29. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,740.00 31. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,620.00 54. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 59. 2 messengers, at P540 per annum each............ 1,080.00 67. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CLERK AND ASSISTANT SECRETARY 14. 1 chief clerk and assistant secretary............. 4,800.00 34. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,080.00 49. 1 clerk ...................... 864.00 50. 1 clerk .......................................... 840.00 51. 1 clerk .................................................................. 780.0Q 56. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 1,080.00 59. 1 messenger ............................................... ............ 540.00 63. 1 messenger ......................._................................. 420.00 OFFICE OF THE SERGEANT-AT-ARMS 4. 1 sergeant-at-arms of the National Assembly 3,600.00 40. 1 assistant sergeant-at-arms .............................. 1,200.00 41. 1 assistant sergeant-at-arms .............................. 840.00 61. 1 messenger ............................................................ 435.00 65. 1 messenger ............................................................ 360.00 DISBURSEMENT DIVISION 15. 1 disbursing officer and cashier...................... 4,200.00 20. 1 assistant disbursing officer and collecting agent ....................................... _........«... 2,160.00 46. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,200.00 48. 1 clerk ...........................................................„...... 960.00 49. 3 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 2,592.00 56. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 57. 1 clerk ............................ 432.00 59. 2 messengers, at P540 per annum each........... 1,080.00 62. 1 messenger_______________________ 432.00 JOURNAL DIVISION 16. 1 chief of division ........................................... 8,800.00 21. 1 debate stenographer ....................................... 3,200.00 22. 1 debate stenographer ....................................... 2,960.00 23. 2 debate stenographers, at P2,800 per an­ num each ......................................................... 5,600.00 24. 2 debate stenographers, at P2,700 per an­ num each ......................................................... 5,400.00 25. 2 debate stenographers, at P2,520 per an­ num each ......................................................... 5,040.00 26. 2 debate stenographers, at P2.280 per an­ num each ......................................................... 4,560.00 27. 4 debate stenographers, at P2.000 per an­ num each ........................................................ 8,000.00 45. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,440.00 49. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 50. 1 clerk .................................................................... 840.00 63. 1 messenger .......................................................... 420.00 BILLS AND INDEX DIVISION 16. 1 chief of division ............................................ 3,800.00 44. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,680.00 45. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,440.00 39. 1 proof-reader ......................................... 1,200.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,200.00 47. 3 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... ...... 3,240.00 49. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 52. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 53. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 720.00 54. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 56. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 57. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 59. 1 messenger ................................................................... 540.00 64. 1 messenger .......................................................... 378.00 65. 1 messenger ........................................................... 360.00 TRANSLATING DIVISION 17. 1 chief of division ................................ 3,120.00 36. 1 translator ........................................................... 2,400.00 37. 2 translators, at Pl,800 per annum each......... 3,600.00 56. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 60. 1 messenger ......................................................... 497.00 RECORDS DIVISION 17. 1 chief of division .............................................. 3,120.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,000.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 48. 1 clerk ................................................................... 960.00 64. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 55? 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 56. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each....................... 2,160.00 63. 1 messenger ......................................................... 420.00 67. 1 messenger ......................................................... 300.00 CLIPPING AND PROOF-READING DIVISION 17. 1 chief of division ..... ........................................ 3,120.00 38. 1 proof-reader ...................................................... 1,680.00 48. 1 clerk .................................................................. 960.00 55. 1 clerk .................................................................. 600.00 56. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 66. 1 messenger ................................................. 324.00 PROPERTY DIVISION 18. 1 chief of division ............................................. 2,840.00 46. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,200.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 54. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each..........—......... 1,296.00 55. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 56. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,620.00 63. 1 messenger ............................................................ 420.00 66. 2 messengers, at P324 per annum each.......... 648.00 56 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE STENOGRAPHERS DIVISION 19. 1 chief of division ............................................. 2,580.00 28. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 2,400.00 30. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,680.00 31. 1 stenographer .................................................. 1,620.00 32. 2 stenographers, at Pl,500 per annum each.. 3,000.00 33. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,380.00 34. 2 stenographers, at Pl,080 per annum each.... 2,160.00 35. 7 stenographers, at P840 per annum each.......... 5,880.00 66. 1 messenger ........................................................... 324.00 MAILING DIVISION 47. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 50. 1 clerk .................................................................. 840.00 54. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 56. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 58. 1 messenger .......................................................... 648.00 59. 4 messengers, at P540 per annum each............. 2,160.00 65. 1 messenger .......................................................... 360.00 67. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 PERSONNEL OP THE BUILDING 68. 1 janitor and chief watchman, faith quarters.... 960.00 70. 4 watchmen, at P540 per annum each......... 2,160.00 71. 4 elevator operators, at P540 per annum each 2,160.00 76. 2 porters, at P324 per annum each..... 648.00 72. 1 laborer ............................................................... 480.00 73. 6 laborers, at P432 per annum each. 2,592.00 74. 17 laborers, at P420 per annum each. 7,140.00 75. 10 laborers, at P360 per annum each. 3,600.00 69. 1 chauffeur ............................................................. 600.00 77. For 98 clerks of the Members of the National Assembly at P3,000 each ............................. 294,000.00 78. Supplementary force: 10 stenographers' for six months at P40 per month each ................................. 2,400.00 10 clerks for six months at P30 per month each ......................................... 1,800.00 30 pages for four months at P25 per month each ......................................... 3,000.00 8 laborers for four months at P25 per month each ......................................... 800.00 Total for salaries and wages__ _ Pl,014,614.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual I.—SALARIES AND WAGES Total for salaries and wages......... fl,014,614.00 Pl,014,614.00 Pl,337,751.14 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of Members, in­ cluding prior years expenses: Traveling expenses, including board and lodging, of 98 Members in coming to attend the session at the rate of approximately P51 each..... P5,000.00 Traveling expenses, including board and lodging, of 98 Members in returning after the session, at the rate of approximately P51 each.... 5,000.00 Total ............................................. P10,000.00 2. Traveling expenses of personnel, in­ cluding those of the Constitutional Commis­ sions, Committees, and Members of the Na­ tional Assembly when on journeys of investigation by order of the same: Petty expenses of personnel, includ­ ing those of the Constitutional Commissions, Committees and Mem­ bers of the National Assembly when on journeys of investigations by order of the same ........................ P800.00 Bicycle allowance for five mounted messengers at P96 each per annum 480.00 Total ............................................. Pl.280.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 47,703.73 1,280.00 2,000.00 8,320.08 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 57 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES [Freight, express and delivery serv­ ice] ...................................................................... 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Rental of Post-office boxes.................. P100.00 Telephone rentals ................................. 16,400.00 Cables and telegrams .......................... 1,500.00 Postage stamps ..................................... 2,000.00 Total ............................................. P20.000.00 4. Illumination and power service: Electric current ................................... P15.000.00 Total ............................................ P15,000.00 5. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Office stationery ................................. P10,000.00 Ice service ............................................. 300.00 Water service ..................................... 500.00 Motor vehicle supplies ...................... 4,000.00 Allowance for postage, telegrams and stationery for Members .................. 9,000.00 Toilet supplies ..................................... 300.00 Cleaning materials .............................. 300.00 Electrical supplies .............................. 600.00 Total ........................................... P25,000.00 6. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications, including prior years expenses: Printing of “Diario de Sesiones” and "Aetas” ..................................... P8,000.00 Printing of acts including bills..... 4,000.00 Binding of reports, documents and other publications ............................ 3,000.00 Total ............................................ P15,000.00 7. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Repair of furniture and equipment, including typewriters and Roneo machines ............................................. P5,000.00 Total .................................... P5.000.00 8. For the expenses of the Assembly in connection with official receptions and enter­ tainments ............................................................ 296.67 20,000.00 20,000.00 31,028.29 15,000.00 15,000.00 14,283.57 25,000.00 25,000.00 57,891.02 15,000.00 15,000.00 13,636.67 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,632.44 3,000.00 3,000.00 500.00 58 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 9. Other services, including prior years expenses: Laundry service .................................... P600.00 Electrical repairs ................................. 1,000.00 Sewer charges ..................................... 50.00 Subscriptions ......................................... 200.00 Translation service ............................. 2,500.00 Bond premiums ................................... 150.00 Funeral service ..................................... 4,000.00 Meals ...................................................... 3,500.00 Total 12,000.00 Total for sundry expenses 106,280.00 12,000.00 31,528.86 107,000.00 210,821.33 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: 2 typewriters ......................................... P360.00 2 Gestetner duplicator.......................... 970.00 6 filing cases ......................................... 670.00 Total ................................................ 2,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment.. 2,000.00 2,000.00 9,985.72 2,000.00 9,985.72 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Compensation of families of deceased Members of the National Assembly, Act No. 3799 .................................................................... 10,000.00 2. For the contribution of the Philip­ pines toward the maintenance of the Bureau of Inter-parliamentary Union......................... 5,000.00 10,000.00 6,120.00 5,000.00 11,169.16 [For the compensation, per diems and other expenses for the years 1935 and 1936 of the presiding officer of the National Assembly, of the committees designated by the National Assembly or by the presiding officer of the National Assembly, and such subordinate personnel as the said presiding officer may authorize and approve, in their trips to and from the United States and other countries to submit petitions and to confer with the Congress or Government of the United States, with proper authorities of said other countries or with representatives, deleA.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 59 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS gates, oi* agents of the Philippines abroad. The per diems of the presiding officer of the National Assembly or of the chairmen and members of the committees hereinabove re­ ferred to shall be fixed at the rate of thirtythree dollars, United States currency, per day each, from the date of their arrival in the United States or in said other countries to the date of their departure therefrom. This item shall become available for expend­ iture upon the approval of this Act]................................................................ 75,541.58 [For the necessary expenses to carry out the purposes of Act No. 3690, re­ garding the Legislative Service Office]............................................................ 36,363.07 Total for special appropriations.... 15,000.00 15,000.00 129,193.81 VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS 1. Committee on Taxation, Act No. 3718 ........................................................................... 69,812.55 2. Committee on National Economy, Act No. 3875 .................................................... 24,653.35 3. Election and holding of the Constitu­ tional Convention, Acts 4125 and 4226......... 4. For the printing of the “Diario de 179,499.37 61,733.71 Sesiones” of the Philippine Legislature, Act No. 4156 ............................................................ 20,948.88 4,051.12 Total for continuing appropriations 177,148.49 183,550.49 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... 1,014,614.00 1,014,614.00 1,337,751.14 Total for sundry expenses......................... 106,280.00 107,000.00 210,821.33 Total for furniture and equipment........... 2,000.00 2,000.00 9,985.72 Total for special appropriations................. 15,000.00 15,000.00 129,193.81 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the National Assembly.. 1,137,894.00 1,138,614.00 1,687,752.00 EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for continuing appropriations 177,148.49 183,550.49 Grand total available for the National Assembly ..................... Fl,137,894.00 Fl,315,762.49 Fl,871,302.49 60 A.—NATIONAL ASSEMBLY X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Any unexpended balance of the funds appropriated for the National Assembly may be used to cover deficit in any item of the appropriation for the said Assembly. 2. Any Member of the National Assembly may assign his yearly salary or any part thereof to any banking in­ stitution doing business in the Philippines, including the compensation to his family in the event of death, and upon such assignment being registered with the disbursing of­ ficer of the National Assembly, such officer shall issue warrants from time to time as the salary or death compen­ sation falls due, directly in favor of the creditor banking institution. 3. The Secretary of the National Assembly shall re­ ceive the compensation herein fixed from the date of his election, the provisions of any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding. 4. Any part of the appropriation for supplementary force may be expended for the payment of salaries of em­ ployees who may serve during any period in the office of the Secretary. 5. A part of the item for other services not exceeding two thousand pesos may be spent for subsistence of Mem­ bers and officers and clerks working overtime. 6. The appropriations in items 3 and 5 under Sundry Expenses may be spent for the postage and fees of official correspondence and telegrams of the Members, and for sup­ plies and materials that may be officially used by them, the total amount not to exceed two hundred pesos per annum for each Member.