Detailed Statement of Expenditures: Resident Commissioner to the United States


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Detailed Statement of Expenditures: Resident Commissioner to the United States
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
Appropriations and expenditures
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article presents a more detailed report on the appropriations and expenditures of the Resident Commissioner to the United States for the year 1937.]
68 B.—RESIDENT COMMISSIONER TO THE UNITED STATES For the ensuing year 1937, the sum of ¥51,200 is requested. This amount is the same as that authorized for the current year under Commonwealth Act No. 10. Para el año venidero, se pide la suma de 1*51,200. Esta suma es la misma que la autorizada para el presente año bajo la Ley No. 10 del Commonwealth. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual iv.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Compensation and expenses of the Resident Commissioner of the Philippines to the United States: SALARIES AND WAGES Total ................................................... t*51,200.00 ¥=51,200.00 (a) Salary of the Resident Commissioner ............................. 1*20,000.00 (&) Salaries for secretarial and clerical staff ....................... 10,000.00 (c) Allowance in lieu of trans­ portation expenses ............ 4,000.00 (d) Allowance in lieu of rep­ resentation expenses ........ 6,000.00 Total for salaries and wages .............. 40,000.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (e) For actual and necessary traveling expenses of the Resident Commissioner within the United States and of his secretarial and clerical staff to and from the United States.............. 3,000.00 (/) Stationery, postage and tele­ graph service ..................... 1,000.00 (ff) Rental for the official resi­ dence and office of the Resident Commissioner .... 7,200.00 Total for sundry ex­ penses ....................... 11,200.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.................. 40,000.00 Total for sundry expenses......................... 11,200.00 ¥=51,200.00 ¥10,645.16 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Resident Commis­ sioner to the United States......... ¥=51,200.00 ¥=51,200.00 ¥=10,645.16