Detailed Statement of Expenditures: Bureaus and Offices under the Direct Control of the President of the Philippines


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Detailed Statement of Expenditures: Bureaus and Offices under the Direct Control of the President of the Philippines
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
Appropriations and expenditures
Philippines -- Office of the President
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This shows a more detailed report on the expenses of the Bureaus and Offices under the Direct Control of the President for the year 1937.]
C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT For the ensuing year 1937, the total amount of the appropriation requested for the Bureaus and Offices under the direct control of the President is 1*1,378,530, as com­ pared with the amount of 1*1,403,090 authorized for the current year, or a decrease of 1*24,560. Eight new positions are proposed for the Bureau of Civil Service for next year, namely, seven chiefs of sections and a property officer. These new positions are necessary to enable the Bureau to cope properly with the requirements of the Consti­ tution. A position of an assistant chief of section in the General Auditing Office is also included. The nine new positions, together with urgently needed increases in salaries of a few important positions, involve an additional outlay of 1*27,885. This increase, however, is wholly covered by savings made on account of the suppression of one item for additional salary and the reduction of others due to retirements of their previous incumbents, of the reductions in sundry expenses, and the conversion of the items for the expenses of the Boards of Examiners into expenditure payable directly from the receipts. Para el año venidero, la consignación total de 1*1,378,530 se pide para las Oficinas bajo el control directo del Presidente cuya suma, comparada con la de 1*1,403,090 autorizada para el presetate año, arroja una disminución de 1*24,560. Se propone la creación de ocho nuevos puestos para la Oficina del Servicio Civil para el año entrante, los cuales se destinan para siete jefes de secciones y un encargado de propiedades. Estos nuevos puestos se consideran necesarios para capacitar a la Oficina a cumplir debidamente con los preceptos de la Constitución. Un puesto de jefe auxiliar de sección ha sido también propuesto para la Oficina de la Auditoría General. Estos nueve puestos, juntamente con los aumentos necesarios en sueldos de algunos cargos importantes, envuelven un gasto adicional de 1*27,885. Este aumento, sin embargo, está cubierto en parte por los ahorros obtenidos de la supresión de una partida que cubre un sueldo adicional, la reducción de sueldos para puestos cuyos ocupantes fueron retirados, reducciones en gastos varios, y la conversión de las partidas para los gastos de las Juntas Exa­ minadoras en gastos pagaderos directamente de los ingresos. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES 1937 Budget Item No. 1. President of the Philippines............... 2. Vice-President of the Philippines....... ¥=30,000.00 15,000.00 ¥=30,000.00 15,000.00 1 la 3. SECRETARIES TO THE PRESIDENT Secretary to the President................. 10,200.00 6,375.00 2 [To adjust the difference between the present salary received by the Secretary to the President and that fixed by Act No. 2668] 2,975.00 3 4. ident .. One assistant secretary to the Pres6,120.00 6,120.00 4 5. ident . One assistant secretary to the Pres5,100.00 5,100.00 5 69 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 70 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 6. For per diems of 1*8.50 to the aid-de(1) OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES AIDE-DE-CAMP TO THE PRESIDENT camp to the President..................................... 3,103.00 3,111.00 G CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 7. One chief clerk...................................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 8 8. One cable clerk..................................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 9 9. One caretaker of Malacañang Palace.. 3,400.00 3,400.00 10 10. One chief of division........................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 12 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 11. One assistant chief clerk and law clerk .................................................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 13 12. One assistant chief of division......... 1,800.00 2,720.00 14 13. One assistant chief of division......... 2,040.00 2,040.00 15 CLERKS 14. One clerk ............................................. 2,260.00 3,400.00 1G 15. One clerk .............................................. 1,800.00 2,720.00 17 16. One clerk ............................................. 2,550.00 2,550.00 18 17. Three clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each .................................................................... 4,590.00 4,590.00 20-21 18. One clerk .............................................. 1,360.00 1,360.00 22 19. Two clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each .................................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 23 20. One clerk .............................................. 720.00 1,080.00 23 21. One clerk .............................................. 972.00 972.00 24 22. Two clerks, at ¥=864 per annum each 1,728.00 1,728.00 26 23. Two clerks, at 1*756 per annum each 1,512.00 1,512.00 27 24. One clerk .............................................. 702.00 702.00 28 25. Two clerks, at 1*648 per annum each 1,296.00 1,296.00 29-30 26. One clerk .............................................. 594.00 594.00 31 27. Two clerks, at 1*540 per annum each.. 1,080.00 1,080.00 32 28. One clerk ............................................. 486.00 486.00 33 29. Five clerks, at 1*432 per annum each 2,160.00 2,160.00 34-35 12. Retired position recreated. 14. Retired position recreated. 15. Retired position recreated. 20. Retired position recreated. C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 71 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated MESSENGERS 30. Six messengers, at 1*432 per annum OF THE PHILIPPINES each .................................................................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 36-39 31. Two messengers, at P378 per annum each .................................................................... 756.00 756.00 40-41 32. One messenger...................................... 324.00 324.00 42 CUSTODIAN FORCE OF MALACAÑANG PALACE 33. One steward.......................................... 1,510.00 1,510.00 43 34. One cook................................................ 1,004.00 1,004.00 44 35. One cook................................................ 896.00 896.00 45 36. One cook................................................ 486.00 486.00 46 37. One chauffeur........................................ 1,122.00 1,122.00 47 38. One chauffeur........................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 48 39. One chauffeur........................................ 918.00 918.00 49 40. One chauffeur........................................ 864.00 864.00 50 41. One watchman...................................... 810.00 810.00 51 42. Two telephone operators, at F864 per annum each........................................................ 1,728.00 1,728.00 52 43. One telephone operator........................ 540.00 540.00 53 44. One chief janitor.................................. 648.00 648.00 54 45. Two laborers, at T486 per annum each .................................................................... 972.00 972.00 55 46. Five laborers, at P432 per annum each .................................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 56-57 47. Two servants, at P486 per annum each .................................................................... 972.00 972.00 58-59 48. For temporary and emergency [Mis­ cellaneous] employees, including laborers, as follows: (a) W (c) (d) (e) (f) (¿7) W One clerk ....................................................... One gardener ................................................ Two servants, at F648 per annum each.... One laundrywoman ..................................... One laundryman ........................................... One chauffeur ............................................... One chauffeur ............................................... For skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled laborers ...................................................... Total 3,400.00 3,400.00 60(a) 972.00 972.00 60(6) 1,296.00 1,296.00 60(c) 540.00 540.00 60(d) 540.00 540.00 60(e) 648.00 648.00 60(f) 486.00 486.00 60(p) 846.00 846.00 60(6) 15,888.00 148,386.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT (1) OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 1. President of the Philippines............................. £30,000.00 5. 1 assistant secretary to the President.............. 5,100.00 6. For per diems of £8.50 to the aide-de-camp to the President.................................................. 3,103.00 VICE-PRESIDENT’S OFFICE 2. Vice-President of the Philippines.................... 15,000.00 secretary’s office 3. Secretary to the President................................... 10,200.00 4. 1 assistant secretary to the President.............. 6,120.00 10. 1 chief of division ................................................ 2,720.00 25. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 administrative division 7. 1 chief clerk ........................................................ 4,250.00 11. 1 assistant chief clerk and law clerk..........— 3,825.00 12. 1 assistant chief of division................................. 1,800.00 13. 1 assistant chief of division ................................ 2,040.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,530.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,530.00 18. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,360.00 21. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 972.00 23. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 23. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 27. 2 clerks, at £540 per annum each...................... 1,080.00 29. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 30. 1 messenger ........................................................... 432.00 31. 2 messengers, at £378 per annum each............... 756.00 32. 1 messenger ........................................................... 324.00 Pardon Section 16. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,550.00 22. 1 clerk ........................ 864.00 Cable Clerk’s Office 8. 1 cable clerk ........................................................ 4,250.00 15. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,800.00 PROPERTY division 19. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,080.00 26. 1 clerk ................................................................ 594.00 28. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 486.00 records division 14. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,2-60.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,530.00 19. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 20. 1 clerk .................................................................... 720.00 22, 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 24. 1 clerk .................................................................... 702.00 25. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 29. 4 clerks, at £432 per annum each.......................... 1,728.00 30. 5 messengers, at £432 per annum each............... 2,160.00 Telephone Operators 42. 2 telephone operators, at 1*864 per annum each 1,728.00 43. 1 telephone operator ............................... 540.00 Office Laborers and Janitors 44. 1 chief janitor ..................................................... 648.00 45. 2 laborers, at £486 per annum each.................. 972-00 46. 5 laborers, at £432 per annum each.................. 2,160.00 Custodian Force of Malacañang Palace 9. 1 caretaker of Malacañang Palace....................... 3,400.00 33. 1 steward .............................................................. 1,510.00 34. 1 cook .................................................................... 1,004.00 35. 1 cook ..................................................................... 896.00 36. 1 cook ...................................................................... 486.00 37. 1 chauffeur ........................................................... 1,122.00 38. 1 chauffeur ............................................................ 1,080.00 39. 1 chauffeur ............................................................ 918.00 40. 1 chauffeur ........................................................... 864.00 41. 1 watchman .......................................................... 810.00 47. 2 servants, at £486 per annum each.................... 972.00 48(a). 1 clerk ............................................................ 3,400.00 48(b). 1 gardener ..................................................... 972.00 48(c). 2 servants, at £648 per annum each............ 1,296.00 48(d). 1 laundry woman ............................................ 540.00 48(e). 1 laundryman ................................................. 540.00 48(/). 1 chauffeur ..................................................... 648.00 48 (p). 1 chauffeur ..................................................... 486.00 48 (h). For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers ........................................................ 846.00 Total for salaries and wages.............. £145,888.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1Q37 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested moe Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE DIRECTORS 1. One Auditor General........................... ?12,000.00 P12,000.00 2. One Assistant [Deputy] Auditor Gen­ eral ...................................................................... 1 6,000.00 7,225.00 2 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 73 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE DEPARTMENT MANAGERS 3. Six managers of departments at P4,675 per annum each.................................... 28,050.00 28,050.00 3-4 4. Two assistant managers of departments at P4,250 per annum each................... 8,500.00 8,500.00 5 SUPERVISING AUDITORS 5. Four supervising auditors at “?4,250 per annum each ................................................ 17,000.00 17,000.00 6 SPECIAL AUDITORS 6. One special auditor............................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 7 7. One inspector ...................................... 2,890.00 2,890.00 8 SUPERINTENDENTS OF DIVISIONS 8. One division superintendent............... 3,825.00 3,825.00 9 9. One division superintendent............. 10. Three division superintendents at 3,400.00 3,400.00 11 1*3,060 per annum each.................................... 9,180.00 9,180.00 12 11. Two division superintendents at 1*2,720 per annum each................................... 5,440.00 5,440.00 13-14 12. One assistant division superintendent 2,720.00 2,720.00 15 PROVINCIAL AND CITY AUDITORS One-half of salary only, the other half being payable by the province or city concerned in accordance with Act No. 3457. 13. One city auditor.................................... 14. Twenty-two provincial auditors at 2,125.00 2,125.00 16 Pl,912.50 per annum each............................... 42,075.00 42,075.00 17-18 15. Eight provincial auditors at Pl,700 per annum each ............................................... 13,600.00 13,600.00 19-20 16. Four provincial auditors at Pl,530 per annum each................................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 21 17. One city auditor.................................. 18. Fifteen provincial auditors at Pl,360 1,530.00 1,530.00 22 per annum each................................................ 20,400.00 20,400.00 23 PROVINCIAL AUDITORS-AT-LARGE 19. Four provincial auditors-at-large at P2,720 per annum each................................... 10,880.00 10,880.00 24 FIELD ACCOUNTANTS 20. Three field accountants [who shall be detailed in the Bureau of Lands], at P3,060 per annum each................................... 9,180.00 9,180.00 25-26 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 74 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE 21. Five field accountants at F2,550 per annum each........................................................ 12,750.00 12,750.00 27-28 22. One field accountant............................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 29 DISBURSING, COLLECTING AND PROPERTY OFFICER 23. One disbursing, collecting and property officer ............................................................ 2,040.00 2,040.00 30 CHIEFS AND ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 24. Three chiefs of sections at P2,550 per annum each ...................................................... 7,650.00 7,650.00 31-32 25. Five chiefs of sections at 1*2,380 per annum each........................................................ 11,900.00 11,900.00 33-34 26. Nine chiefs of sections at 1*2,040 per annum each........................................................ 18,360.00 18,360.00 35-36 27. One chief of section............................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 37 28. Four chiefs of sections at 1*1,530 per annum each ...................................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 38, 40 29. One assistant chief of section........... 1,700.00 1,700.00 41 30. Three assistant chiefs of sections at Pl,530 per annum each.................................... 4,590.00 4,590.00 42-44 31. One assistant chief of section........... 1,326.00 1,326.00 45 32. One assistant chief of section........... 1,200.00 PROPERTY INSPECTORS 33. Five property inspectors at Pl,700 per annum each ................................................ 8,500.00 8,500.00 46-47 34. Fifteen property inspectors at Pl,530 per annum each.................................................. 22,950.00 22,950.00 48-49 35. One property inspector..................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 50-53 48 STENOGRAPHERS 36. One clerk-stenographer....................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 54 37. One stenographer ............................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 55 38. One stenographer ............................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 56 39. One junior stenographer................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 57 40. One junior stenographer................... 972.00 972.00 58 41. One junior stenographer................... 648.00 648.00 59 EXAMINERS 42. One field examiner............................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 60 43. Five examiners at Pl,530 per an­ num each........................................................... 7,650.00 7,650.00 61-62 44. One examiner ..................................... 1,428.00 1,428.00 63 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 15 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE 45. One examiner ...................................... 46. Three examiners at 1*1,224 per an­ num each............................................................ 47. Three examiners at 1*1,122 per an­ num each............................................................ 48. One examiner........................................ 49. Eight examiners at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 50. Five examiners at P972 per annum each .................................................................... 51. Six examiners at P864 per annum each .................................................................... 52. One examiner ...................................... CLERKS 53. Two clerks at Pl,530 per annum each .................................................................... 54. One clerk .............................................. 55. Three clerks at Pl,326 per annum each .................................................................... 56. One clerk .............................................. 57. Three clerks at Pl,122 per annum each .................................................................... 58. Six clerks at Pl,080 per annum each 59. Five clerks at P972 per annum each 60. Twenty clerks at P864 per annum each .................................................................... 61. One clerk .............................................. 62. One clerk ............................................. 63. Thirteen clerks at P756 per annum each ........................................ ,.......................... 64. One clerk [property inspector]......... 65. One clerk [examiner]....................... 66. Thirty-six clerks at P648 per annum each .................................................................... 67. One clerk .............................................. 68. One clerk .............................................. 69. Thirty-one clerks at P540 per annum each .................................................................... 70. One clerk .............................................. 71. One clerk ............................................. 72. Thirty-two clerks at P432 per annum each ................................................................... 72a. One clerk [property inspector]......... 1,326.00 1,326.00 64 3,672.00 3,672.00 65-66 3,366.00 1,098.00 3,366.00 1,098.00 67-69 61 8,640.00 8,640.00 71-73 4,860.00 4,860.00 74-75 5,184.00 756.00 5,184.00 756.00 76-77 78 112-116 49 3,060.00 3,060.00 79 1,428.00 1,428.00 81 3,978.00 3,978.00 82-83 1,224.00 1,224.00 84 3,366.00 3,366.00 85 6,480.00 6,480.00 86-87 4,860.00 4,860.00 88-89 17,280.00 17,280.00 90-94 780.00 780.00 80 774.00 774.00 52 9,828.00 9,828.00 95-98 756.00 756.00 52 690.00 690.00 70 23,328.00 23,328.00 99-105 648.00 648.00 80 594.00 594.00 106 16,740.00 16,740.00 107,109-111 450.00 450.00 48 438.00 438.00 49 13,824.00 13,824.00 432.00 432.00 76 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE 726. One clerk [examiner] ....................... 432.00 432.00 61 72c. One clerk [examiner] ....................... 432.00 432.00 70 73. One clerk .............................................. 378.00 378.00 117 74. One indexer-searcher ......................... 648.00 648.00 118 75. One typist.............................................. 540.00 540.00 119 76. Nine clerks, at i*240 per annum each 2,160.00 2,160.00 132(a) MESSENGERS 77. One messenger ................................... 432.00 432.00 120 78. Seven messengers at 1*324 per annum each .. 2,268.00 2,268.00 121-124 79. Three messengers at 1*300 per annum each .. LABORERS 900.00 900.00 125 80. One head janitor.................................. 864.00 864.00 132(6) 81. Three janitors, at 5*378 per annum each .. 1,134.00 1,134.00 132(c) 82. One laborer .......................................... 378.00 378.00 127 83. One laborer .......................................... 360.00 360.00 128 84. Two laborers at 1*324 per annum each 648.00 648.00 129 85. One janitor............................................ 324.00 324.00 132(d) 86. Three laborers at 1*300 per annum each .. 900.00 900.00 126,130 87. One laborer ......................................... 200.00 200.00 131 TEMPORARY AND EMERGENCY EMPLOYEES 88. For temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including laborers as follows: (a) Five laborers at F240 per annum each..... 1,200.00 1,200.00 132(e) (6) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers ....................................................... 242.00 242.00 132(f) Total .................................................. 485,738.00 483,313.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Auditor General ................................................ P12,000.00 2. 1 Assistant Auditor General .....................-........ 7,225.00 LAW DEPARTMENT 3. 1 manager ................. —.................................... — 4,675.00 6. 1 special auditor .................................................. 4,250.00 19. 1 provincial auditor-at-large ............................ 2,720.00 25. 1 chief of section ..................................... 2,380.00 26. g chiefs of sections, at P2,040 per annum each.. 4,080.00 53. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 57. 1 clerk .. -...............— 1,122.00 60. 1 clerk ........................................... —.......-..... 864.00 63. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................... 1,512.00 37. 1 stenographer ...................................................... 1,122.00 38. 1 stenographer ........................................ -........... 1,080.00 41. 1 junior stenographer ......................................... 648.00 79. 1 messenger ...................-...................................... 300.00 77 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION ADMINISTRATIVE] DEPARTMENT PROVINCIAL AND CITY AUDITORS 3. 1 manager .........................................................— 4,675.00 CENTRAL OFFICE DIVISION 10. 1 division superintendent ------------------------ 3,060.00 Money and Property Section 23. 1 disbursing, collecting and property officer.... 2,040.00 80. 1 head janitor ...................................................... 864.00 81. 3 janitors, at P378 per annum each.................. 1,134.00 85. 1 janitor ................................ -............................... 324.00 88(a). 5 laborers, at P240 per annum each........... 1,200.00 88(6). For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers .......................................................... 242.00 Personnel Section 43. 1 examiner ............................................................ 1,530.00 63. 1 clerk .................... 756.00 Section of Fiscal Records 12. 1 assistant division superintendent.--------------- 2,720.00 27. 1 chief of section ----------------------------------- 1,700.00 30. 1 assistant chief of section------------------------ 1,530.00 31. 1 assistant chief of section................................. 1,326.00 32. 1 assistant chief of section................................. 1,200.00 43. 1 examiner .................................................... 1,530.00 34. 1 property inspector ........................................— 1,530.00 49. 1 examiner ........................................................ 1,080.00 60. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each...................... 1,728.00 63. 1 clerk ............................................................... 756.00 66. 1 clerk ...........................................................-........ 648.00 69. 1 clerk .—....-.......................................................... 540.00 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 Records Section 11. 1 division superintendent------------------------------ 2,720.00 26. 1 chief of section------------------------------------------ 2,040.00 40. 1 junior stenographer -.... —........... 972.00 60. 8 clerks, at P864 per annum each......... . ........... 2,592.00 63. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 66. 1 clerk _________________________________ 648.00 74. 1 indexer-searcher .......... 648.00 75. 1 typist ........ - 540.00 69. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each...._.... 1,620.00 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. — 864.00 76. 1 clerk __________________________________ 240.00 77. 1 messenger ........................................................— 432.00 78. 2 messengers, at P324 per annum each............ 648.00 82. 1 laborer .................................... 378.00 86. 2 laborers, at P300 per annum each.................. 600.00 84. 1 laborer .................................._............................. 324.00 87. 1 laborer ............................ 200.00 PROVINCIAL DIVISION 4. 1 assistant manager ........................-________ 4,250.00 Clerical Section 55. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,326.00 56. 1 clerk ................. 1,224.00 46. 1 examiner ........................................................... 1,224.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 One-half of salary only, the other half being payable by the province or city concerned in ac­ cordance with Act No. 3457. 13. 1 city auditor ...................................................... 14. 22 provincial auditors, at Pl,912.50 per annum each ................................................................... 15. 8 provincial auditors, at Pl,700 per annum each ................................................................. 16. 4 provincial auditors, at Pl,530 per annum each ................................................................. 17. 1 city auditor ........................................................ 18. 15 provincial auditors, at Pl,360 per annum each ................................................................. Revenue Audit Department 3. 1 manager .............................................................. 10. 1 division superintendent ................................... Central Office Section 42. 1 field examiner .................................................... 33. 1 property inspector ............................................ 55. 2 clerks, at Pl,326 per annum each.................. 58. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 49. 2 examiners, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 59. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 61. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 63. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 65. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 66. 5 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 69. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each...................... 2,125.00 42,075.00 13,600.00 6,120.00 1,530.00 20,400.00 4,675.00 3,060.00 SUPERVISING AUDITORS 5. 4 supervising auditors, at P4,250 per annum each ................................................................. 17,000.00 PROVINCIAL AUDITORS-AT-LARGE 19. 3 provincial auditore-at-large, at P2,720 per annum each ..................................................... 8,160.00 72c. 1 clerk ................................................................. 72. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 72b. 1 clerk ................................................................. 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 73. 1 clerk ......................................... ........................... 76. 8 clerks, at P240 per annum each...................... Customs Section 24. 1 chief of section ................................................ 53. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 58. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 60. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................... 66. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 79. 1 messenger ............................................................ 86. 1 laborer ................................................................. Postal Section 24. 1 chief of section ........................... —................. 29. 1 assistant chief of section................................. 43. 1 examiner ............................................................. 44. 1 examiner .............................................................. 57. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 58. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 59. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 63. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each...................... 66. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 68. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 69. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each....... ........... 70. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 72. 6 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 78. 1 messenger ............................................................ 83. 1 laborer ........................................................... ..... 84. 1 laborer ................................................................. Bureau of Lands Section 20. 2 field accountants, at P3,060 per annum each Disbursement Audit Department 3. 1 manager ............................................................... 2,040.00 1,700.00 2,652.00 1,080.00 2,160.00 972.00 780.00 756.00 690.00 8,240.00 1,080.00 432.00 1,296.00 432.00 864.00 378.00 1,920.00 2,550.00 1,530.00 1,080.00 1,728.00 1,944.00 300.00 300.00 2,550.00 1,700.00 1,530.00 1,428.00 1,122.00 1,080.00 972.00 1,512.00 2,592.00 594.00 1,620.00 450.00 2,592.00 324.00 360.00 824.00 6,120.00 4,675.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION IS DIVISION A 4. 1 assistant manager ............................................ 4,250.00 Section No. 1 26. 1 chief of section ................................................. 2,040.00 49. 1 examiner ............................................................. 1,080.00 50. 2 examiners, at P972 per annum each............ 1,944.00 51. 1 examiner ............................................................. 864.00 66. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 69. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 Section No. 3 28. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,530.00 36. 1 clerk-stenographer ....................................... 1,122.00 52. 1 examiner ............................................................ 756.00 63. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 69. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each...................... 1,080.00 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 Section No. 6 28. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,530.00 51. 2 examiners, at P864 per annum each............... 1,728.00 60. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 63. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 66. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 69. 1 clerk ........................................................................ 540.00 Section No. 7 28. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,530.00 47. 1 examiner ........................................................... 1,122.00 51. 1 examiner ........................................................... 864.00 66. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 69. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 Section No. 8 25. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,380.00 58. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 50. 1 examiner ........................................................... 972.00 59. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 69. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 DIVISION B 8. 1 division superintendent ................................. 3,825.00 Section No. 2 26. 1 chief of section ................................................ 2,040.00 49. 1 examiner ......................................................... 1,080.00 50. 1 examiner ......................................................... 972.00 60. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 66. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 69. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each........................ 1,080.00 72. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each....................... 1,728.00 Section No. 4 21. 1 field accountant .............................................. 2,550.00 46. 1 examiner .......................................................... 1,224.00 47. 1 examiner ......................................................... 1,122.00 51. 1 examiner .......................................................... 864.00 60. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 63. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Section No. 5 26. 1 chief of section .............................................. 2,040.00 54. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,428.00 45. 1 examiner .......................................................... 1,326.00 46. 1 examiner ......................................................... 1,224.00 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 MISCELLANEOUS GROUP 7. 1 inspector ............................................................ 2,890.00 34. 1 property inspector ............................... 1,530.00 60. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 66. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 1,296.00 69. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 1,620.00 72. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each..................... 864.00 78. 3 messengers, at P324 per annum each............. 972.00 79. 1 messenger ........................................................... 800.00 Field Audit Department 3. 1 manager ........... .................................................. 4,675.00 INVENTORY DIVISION 9. 1 division superintendent ................................. 8,400.00 Section No. 1 25. 1 chief of section ................................................ 2,880.00 43. 1 examiner ........................................................ 1,530.00 34. 1 property inspector .............................................. 1,530.00 60. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each....................... 1,728.00 66. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 69. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 Section No. 2 25. 1 chief of section ................................................ 2,880.00 48. 1 examiner ........................................................ 1,098.00 49. 1 examiner ............................................... 1,080.00 58. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 59. 1 clerk .................................................................... 972.00 60. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 66. 1 clerk .................................................... 648.00 69. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 Section No. 8 43. 1 examiner ............................................................ 1,530.00 60. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each...................... 1,728.00 66. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 Section No. 4 25. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,880.00 34. 1 property inspector ......................................... 1,530.00 49. 1 examiner ............................................................ 1,080.00 60. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 66. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 1,296.00 78. 1 messenger .......................................................... 824.00 PROPERTY DIVISION 11. 1 division superintendent ..................................... 2,720.00 Inspection Section 33. 4 property inspectors, at Pl,700 per annum each ................................................................... 6,800.00 34. 11 property inspectors, at Pl,530 per annum each ............................................................... 16,830.00 35. 1 property inspector ....................................... 1,080.00 57. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 50. 1 examiner .............. 972.00 59. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 62. 1 clerk .................................................................. 774.00 64. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 71. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 438.00 72a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Issue Audit Section 26. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,040.00 30. 1 assistant chief of section................................... 1,530.00 49. 1 examiner .............................................................. 1,080.00 51. 1 examiner .............................................................. 864.00 60. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 79 (2) GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 63. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each....................... 1,512.00 67. 1 clerk ............................................................ 648.00 66. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each....................... 1,296.00 69. 5 clerks, at P540 per annum each....................... 2,700.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 Stamp Section 26. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,040.00 47. 1 examiner ............................................................ 1,122.00 66. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 FIELD ACCOUNTING DIVISION 10 1 division superintendent .................................. 3,060.00 FIELD ACCOUNTANTS 20. 1 field accountant .......................................... 3,060.00 21. 4 field accountants, at P2.550 per annum each 10,200.00 22. 1 field accountant .............................................. 2,040.00 24. 1 chief of section .............................................. 2,550.00 28. 1 chief of section ............................................. 1,530.00 Trial Balance Section 26. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,040.00 30. 1 assistant chief of section............................... 1,530.00 58. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 39. 1 junior stenographer ....................................... 1,080.00 60. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 66. 6 clerks, at 1*648 per annum each...................... 3,888.00 69. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each...................... 2,160.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 SPECIAL DETAIL 3. 1 manager ............................................................. 4,675.00 Total for salaries and wages ...................... P485,738.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS 1. One [Director] Commissioner of Civil Service ................................................................ 2. One [Assistant Director] Deputy Commissioner of Civil Service....................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief examiner.............................. 4. One chief of division........................... ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 5. One assistant chief examiner............. 6. One assistant chief of division........... CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 7. One [chief of section] field examiner 8. One service examiner........................... 9. Six chiefs of sections, at F2¿00 per annum each ...................................................... 10. One chief of section............................ 11. One property officer........................... 12. Three [chiefs of sections] clerks, at Pl,700 per annum each................................... 13. One [chief of section] leave clerk..... 14. One [chief of section] clerk.......... P7.225.00 P5,100.00 1 5,100.00 4,080.00 2 4,250.00 3,825.00 3 3,995.00 3,570.00 4 2,720.00 2,720.00 5 2,380.00 2,380.00 6 2,720.00 2,720.00 7 2,550.00 2,550.00 8 14,400.00 1,800.00 1,440.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 9 1,530.00 1,530.00 10 1,088.00 1,088.00 12 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 80 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINERS 15. One examiner ...................................... 16. Two examiners at 1*2,040 per an­ num each............................................................ 17. Two examiners, at 1*1,700 per an­ num each............................................................ 18. One examiner....................................... 19. One examiner....................................... 20. Two examiners, at 1*1,088 per annum each .................................................................... JUNIOR EXAMINERS 21. Four junior examiners, at 1*972 per annum each........................................................ 22. Four junior examiners, at 1*864 per annum each........................................................ 23. Special examiners............................... CLERK-STENOGRAPHERS 24. One clerk-stenographer ..................... 25. Two clerk-junior stenographers, at 1*756 per annum each....................................... 26. One clerk-junior stenographer........... CLERKS 27. One clerk ......................................... 28. Two clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each .................................................................... 29. One clerk ............................................. 30. Two clerks, at 1*864 per annum each 31. Two clerks, at 1*756 per annum each 32. Six clerks, at 1*648 per annum each.... 33. Seven clerks, at 1*540 per annum each 34. One clerk .............................................. 35. Three clerks, at 1*432 per annum each MESSENGERS 36. One messenger ................................... 37. One messenger..................................... 38. Four messengers, at 1*300 per annum each .................................................................... 39. One messenger ................................... MISCELLANEOUS 40. Two watchmen, at ¥=540 per annum each .................................................................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 13 4,080.00 4,080.00 14 3,400.00 3,400.00 15 1,530.00 1,530.00 16 1,326.00 1,326.00 17 2,176.00 2,176.00 18-19 3,888.00 3,888.00 20-22 3,456.00 3,456.00 23-24 300.00 300.00 25 1,326.00 1,326.00 26 1,512.00 1,512.00 27-28 648.00 648.00 29 1,224.00 1,224.00 30 2,160.00 2,160.00 31-32 972.00 972.00 33 1,728.00 1,728.00 34-35 1,512.00 1,512.00 36 3,888.00 3,888.00 38-40, 42-43 3,780.00 3,780.00 44-49 486.00 486.00 50 1,296.00 1,296.00 51 378.00 378.00 52 324.00 324.00 53 1,200.00 1,200.00 54 240.00 240.00 55 1,080.00 1,080.00 56 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 81 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE 41. Three laborers, at F378 per annum each [Fees for the members of the Board of Accountancy: Provided, That in case of deficit in this item, the same may be covered by paying the members thereof from the fees actually collected from, the applicants for the C. P. A. examination or for exemption from such examination] ................................ Total.................................................... 1,134.00 1,134.00 57 1,785.00 58 103,892.00 84,042.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION COMMISSIONERS 1. 1 Commissioner of Civil Service ...................... P7,225.00 2. 1 Deputy Commissioner of Civil Service........... 5,100.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division .............................................. 3,995.00 6. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 2,380.00 8. 1 service examiner ............................................... 2,550.00 Appointment Section 9. 1 chief of section ............. 2,400.00 12. 1 clerk ..........................-.......................................... 1,700.00 29. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 30. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 31. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 32. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 34. 1 clerk .................................................................... 486.00 35. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 38. 1 messenger .................-........................................ 300.00 Leave Section 9. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,400.00 12. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,700.00 13. 1 leave clerk .......................................................... 1,530.00 20. 1 examiner ............................................................ 1,088.00 28. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 25. 1 clerk-junior stenographer ................................. 756.00 31. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 32. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 33. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 35. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each....................... 864.00 Disciplinary Action and Miscellaneous Section 9. 1 chief of section .............................................. 2,400.00 12. 1 clerk . ................................................................. 1,700.00 24. 1 clerk-stenographer .......................................... 1,326.00 25. 1 clerk-junior stenographer ................. 756.00 26. 1 clerk-junior stenographer .............................. 648.00 299089----- 6 Collection, Disbursement and Property Section 11. 1 property officer ................................................ 1,440.00 32. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 Records Section 10. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,800.00 14. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,088.00 32. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 33. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................... 1,080.00 37. 1 messenger ................................. 324.00 38. 2 messengers, at P300 per annum each............. 600.00 Care of Building 40. 2 watchmen, at P540 per annum each.............. 1,080.00 41. 3 laborers, at P378 per annum each.................. 1,134.00 EXAMINING DIVISION 3. 1 chief examiner ................................................ 4,250.00 5. 1 assistant chief examiner ................................. 2,720.00 7. 1 field examiner .................................................... 2,720.00 Civil Service Proper Application Section 9. 1 chief of section ................................................ 2,400.00 20. 1 examiner ........................................................... 1,088.00 32. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 33. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 38. 1 messenger ........................................................... 300.00 Confidential and Examination Records Section 9. 1 chief of section ................................................ 2,400.00 16. 2 examiners, at P2,040 per annum each.......... 4,080.00 17. 1 examiner ............................................................. 1,700.00 19. 1 examiner ............................................................. 1,326.00 21. 1 junior examiner .............................................. 972.00 22. 1 junior examiner ................................................ 864.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 82 (3) BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION General Examining and Research Section 9. 1 chief of section 2,400.00 15. 1 examiner ........................................................... 2,550.00 17. 1 examiner ........................................................... 1,700.00 21. 2 junior examiners, at P972 per annum each 1,944.00 22. 2 junior examiners, at P864 per annum each 1,728.00 30. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 36. 1 messenger ........................................................... 378.00 39. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 23. Special examiners ............................................ 300.00 Boards of Examiners Section IV-5(b). 1 secretary of the Boards of Examiners (Salary of P2.400, payable from receipts) 18. 1 examiner .......................................................... 1,530.00 27. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 28. 1 clerk .......................................................... 1,080.00 21. 1 junior examiner ................................................. 972.00 22. 1 junior examiner ................................................. 864.00 32. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 Total for salaries and wages......................... P103.892.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUDGET COMMISSION By detail 1. One Chairman and Executive Officer (Director of the Budget) 2. One Member (Auditor-General) 3. One Member (Commissioner of Civil Service) 4. One Secretary (Assistant to the Di­ rector of the Budget) BUDGET OFFICE 5. One [Undersecretary of Finance] Director of the Budget, with the rank of Undersecretary of Department....................... 6. One [Chief of division] Assistant to ihe Director of the Budget............................. ¥=7,225.00 ¥=7,225.00 H-I-(l)-3 4,675.00 4,675.00 H-I-(2)-2a CLERKS 7. One [chief of division] clerk........... 8. One [chief of office, non-medical of­ 5,100.00 5,100.00 ficer] clerk ....................................................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 L-I-(3)-5 9. One [division superintendent] clerk 3,825.00 3,825.00 F-I-(2)-10 H-I-(l)-ll 9a. One [superintendent] clerk ............. 3,825.00 3,825.00 K-I-(3)-6 9b. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 3,825.00 3,825.00 L-I-(2)-5 9c. One [chief of division] clerk........... 3,825.00 3,825.00 G-I-(l)-8 10. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 3,400.00 3,400.00 H-I-(5)-9 10a. One [chief of division] clerk........... 3,400.00 3,400.00 F-I-(l)-ll 10b. One [examiner] clerk ....................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 H-I-(5)-10 11. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 3,060.00 3,060.00 K-I-(2)-10 11a. One [chief of division] clerk........... 3,060.00 3,060.00 I-I_(2)-16 12. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 2,890.00 2,890.00 G-I-(2)-6 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 83 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 requested 1936 1 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Budget Details Item No. (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 13. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 2,720.00 2,720.00 I_I_(5)_4 13a. Two [assistant chiefs of divisions] clerks, at 1*2,720 per annum each................... 5,440.00 5,440.00 J_I_(2)-6 J_I_(5)_1O 14. One [accountant] clerk ................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 L-I-(3)-8 14a. One [chief] clerk [and disbursing officer] ................................................................ 2,550.00 2,550.00 H-I-(5)-7 14b. One [assistant superintendent] clerk 2,550.00 2,550.00 K-I-(3)-15 14c. One [special agent] clerk................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 L-I-(4)-7 15. One [chief accountant and assistant chief of division] clerk ................................. 2,380.00 2,380.00 H-I-(7)-6 15a. One [accountant] clerk ..................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 J_I_(1)_79 15b. One [chief of division] clerk........... 2,380.00 2,380.00 I-I-(7)-4 15c. One [chief of section] clerk............... 2,380.00 2,380.00 L-I-(2)-208 15d. One clerk ............................................. 2,380.00 2,380.00 F-I-(l)-19 16. Two [chiefs of sections] clerks, at 1*2,210 per annum each.................................... 4,420.00 4,420.00 L-I-(2)-209 17. Two [accountants] clerks, at 1*2,040 per annum each ................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 J_I_(1)_81 17a. One [assistant accountant] clerk..... 2,040.00 2,040.00 K-I-(2)-13 17b. One [assistant chief of division] clerk .................................................................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 H-I-(3)-22 17c. One [assistant chief] clerk [and chief of provincial section] ........................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 I_I_(5)_6 17d. One [chief of section] clerk............. 2,040.00 2,040.00 H-I-(2)-7 17e. One [agent] clerk............................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 H-I-(4)-98 17f. One [stenographer] clerk ............... 2,040.00 2,040.00 H-I-(2)-22 17g. Two clerks, at P2,O4O per annum each 4,080.00 4,080.00 H-I-(l)-7 17h. One [accountant] clerk ................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 L_I_(4)-31 I-I-(3)-59 18. One [accountant] clerk ................... 1,800.00 1,800.00 Commonwealth 19. One [computer] clerk ....................... 1,734.00 1,734.00 Act No. 3 K-I-(4)-28 20. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 1,700.00 1,700.00 M-I-(2)-g 20a. One [assistant chief of division] clerk ................................................................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 H-I-(3)-24 20b. One [cashier and disbursing officer] clerk ................................................................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 J_I_(1)_91 20c. One clerk ............................................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 H-I-(4)-35 20d. One [examiner] clerk ....................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 H-I-(3)-38 20e. One [general bookkeeper] clerk..-.... 1,700.00 1,700.00 K-I-(2)-20 21. One [chief accountant] clerk........... 1,530.00 1,530.00 E-I-9 21a. One [assistant accountant] clerk..... 1,530.00 1,530.00 H-I-(5)-42 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 84 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 21b. One [assistant chief of division] clerk .................................................................... 21c. One [assistant superintendent and property] clerk ................................................ 21d. One [property record] clerk [and chief of section] .............................................. 21e. Three [chiefs of sections] clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each......... •......................... 21f. One [income tax examiner] clerk.... 21g. Five clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each 21h. One [junior commercial agent] clerk 22. One [assistant chief of section] clerk 23. One clerk .............................................. 24. One [assistant chief accountant] clerk .................................................................... 24a. Two clerks, at 1*1,326 per annum each .................................................................... 25. One clerk .............................................. 26. One [chief accountant] clerk, [with one-third subsistence] ...................................... 26a. One [assistant accountant] clerk....... 26b. Two [chiefs of sections] clerks, at 1*1,224 per annum each................................... 26c. One clerk............................................... 26d. One clerk [or operator]..................... 27. One [chief of section] clerk............. 27a. One [stenographer] clerk ................. 27b. Six clerks, at 1*1,122 per annum each...................................................................... 28. Three [assistant accountants] clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each............................... 28a. Two [chiefs of sections] clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each................................... 28b. One [property] clerk [and typist].. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1,530.00 1,530.00 I-I-(2)-19 1,530.00 1,530.00 L-I-(3)-63 1,530.00 1,530.00 H-I-(7)-12 4,590.00 4,590.00 F-I-(2)-39 K-I-(3)-21 1,530.00 1,530.00 H-I-(4)-167 7,650.00 7,650.00 F-I-(l)-20 L-I-(2)-225 L-I-(3)-78 1,530.00 1,530.00 J-I-(7)-25 1,440.00 1,440.00 L-I-(4)-10 1,428.00 1,428.00 H-I-(3)-141 1,326.00 1,326.00 G-I-(l)-45 2,652.00 2,652.00 K-I-(2)-147 L-I-(3)-81 1,275.00 1,275.00 H-I-(4)-38 1,224.00 1,224.00 L-I-(5)-67 1,224.00 1,224.00 J_I_(1)_87 I-I-(7)-21 2,448.00 2,448.00 F-I-(3)-ll 1,224.00 1,224.00 L-I-(2)-232 1,224.00 1,224.00 K-IV-5(o) 1,122.00 1,122.00 I-I-(6)-2 1,122.00 1,122.00 L-I-(2)-217 6,732.00 6,732.00 H-I-(4)-40 K-I-(2)-152, 153,154 L-I-(2)-240 3,240.00 3,240.00 j_I_(l)_89 2,160.00 2,160.00 I_I_(7)_23 K-I-(3)-27 1,080.00 1,080.00 H-I-(6)-12 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL 85 OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 28c. One clerk[-bookkeeper] ................... 28d. Nine clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each...................................................................... 28e. One [inspector] clerk.......................... 28f. One [calculator] clerk....................... 29. One [stenographer] clerk [with onethird subsistence]............................................. 29a. Seven clerks, at 1*972 per annum each .................................................................... 30. One clerk .............................................. 31. One clerk .............................................. 32. One [disbursing officer] clerk........... 32a. One [bookkeeper] clerk, [with onethird subsistence] ............................................ 32b. Twenty clerks, at 1*864 per annum each .................................................................... 33. Eight clerks, at 1*810 per annum each 1,080.00 1,080.00 I-I-(4)-24 9,720.00 9,720.00 F-I-(l)-23 H-I-(7)-24 I_I_(2)-30 K-I-(2)-155 K-I-(3)-46 L-I-(2)-245 L-I-(3)-84, 86 1,080.00 1,080.00 K-I-(3)-201 1,080.00 1,080.00 H-I-(3)-77 972.00 972.00 L-I-(5)-71 6,804.00 6,804.00 F-I-(l)-25 H-I-(2)-32 j_I_(l)_127, 125 K-I-(2)-156 M-I-(2)-18n 918.00 918.00 L-I-(2)-254 878.00 878.00 H-I-(7)-25 864.00 864.00 K-I-(3)-36 864.00 864.00 L_I_(5)_77 17,280.00 17,280.00 G-I-(l)-28 G-I-(2)-16,17 H-I-(3)-152 H-I-(4)-48 H-I-(7)-26 I-I-(2)-31 I_I_(5)_30 J-I-(l)-129 j_I_(3)_58 K-I-(3)-52 L-I-(2)-259, 260 6,480.00 6,480.00 H-I-(7)-28 I-I-(2)-32 J_I_(1)_134, 135 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 86 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 34. One [chief of section] clerk............... 34a. One clerk [and accountant]............... 34b. One [operator] clerk........................... 34c. One [property] clerk......................... 34d. Twenty-one clerks, at 5*756 per an­ num each ............................................................ G-I-(l)-30 G-I-(2)-18 H-I-(l)-9 756.00 756.00 I_I_(7)_26 756.00 756.00 L-I-(6)-17 756.00 756.00 K-I-(3)-138 756.00 756.00 E-I-10 15,876.00 15,876.00 F—I—(1)—27 H-I-Í2 -34, 37 35. One [property inspector] clerk......... 660.00 36. One [stenographer] clerk................. 648.00 37. One clerk, [with subsistence]........... 648.00 38. One clerk, [with one-third subsistence and with subsistence, furnished quarters and service, whenever on special detail]............... 648.00 39. Thirty-seven clerks, at 5*648 per an­ num each ............................................................ 23,976.00 660.00 648.00 648.00 H-I-(4)-54 I—I—(2)—33 J-I-(l)-137 K-I-(2)-160 K-I-(3)-55 L-I-(2)-273 L-I-(3)-92 F-I-(2)-49 I_I_(5)_37 L-I-(5)-81 648.00 23,976.00 L-I-(5)-82 H-I-(5)-37 E-I-22 F-I-(l)-29 F-I-(3)-38, 41 H-I-(2)-38, 39 H-I-(4)-58 H-I-(7)-29, 31 I_I_(2)-34 I-I-(5)-32 I_I_(7)_65 J_I_(1)_139 J-I-(2)-62 J-I-(4)-94 K-I-(2)-162 K-I-(3)-56 L-I-(2)-278 L-I-(3)-95 L-I-(4)-35 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL 87 OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 39a. One clerk [and assistant cashier]..... 648.00 648.00 I-I-(3)-142 40. One clerk .............................................. 600.00 600.00 M-I-(2)-41 41. Three clerks, at i*594 per annum each 1,782.00 1,782.00 J_I_(1)_145, 146 Lr-I-(2)-286 42. One [chief of section] clerk............... 540.00 540.00 K-I-(3)-34 42a. Two [postmasters or operators] clerks, at P540 per annum each....................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 K-I-(3)-96, 97 42b. One [calculator] clerk....................... 540.00 540.00 H-I-(3)-84 42c. Fifty-five clerks, at P540 per annum each .. 29,700.00 29,700.00 H-I-(3)-162 H-I-(5)-39 H-I-(2)-40 H-I-(4)-65 H-I-(7)-33, 34, 35 I-I-(2)-37 I-I-(6)-14, 15,16 I-I-(7)-70 J-I-(l)-147, 148, 152 J-I-(2)-64, 65 J-I-(5)-155, 157 J-I-(6)-62 K-I-(2)-164, 166 K-I-(3)-59 L-I-(2)-287, 291 L-I-(3)-96, 98,115 M-I-(2)-41a 43. One clerk, with quarters, Baguio..... 44. One clerk, [with one-third subsist­ 540.00 540.00 K-I-(2)-163 ence] .............. ,.................................................. 45. Two [junior computers] clerks, at 540.00- 540.00 L-I-(5)-85 F540 per annum each ................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 J_I_(5)_68, 69 H-I-(3)-165 K-I-(2)-167 46. Two clerks, at F529 per annum each 1,058.00 1,058.00 88 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 1937 1Q,7 1Q,C Reference to item Hlirinnt netailc 3'5' 13,30 numbers of Act .7 a0K. uetans requested authorized No. 4231, unless Item No. otherwise stated 47. Four clerks, at 1*486 per annum each 1,944.00 1,944.00 I-I-(2)-38 K-I-(2)-169 L-I-(3)-101 48. One clerk .............................................. 480.00 480.00 Commonwealth Act No. 3 49. One [junior computer] clerk............. 432.00 432.00 j_I_(5)_70 49a. One clerk [-typist].............................. 432.00 432.00 I_I_(7)_82 49b. Sixty-six clerks, at 1*432 per annum each .. 28,512.00 28,512.00 G-I-(l)-35 G-I-(2)-20 H-I-(2)-44, 45 H-I-(3)-170 I-I-(2)-39, 42, 43 I-I-(7)-72 J-I-(l)-154, 155,156 J-I-(2)-66 J-I-(3)-63 J-I-(5)-161 K-l-(2)-171 K-I-(3)-63, 236 (/), 235 (i), 235 (t) L-I-(3)-102 L-I-(4)-38 j_I_(8)_54 50. 51. Nine clerks, at 1*378 per annum each One clerk ............................................. 3,402.00 342.00 3,402.00 342.00 J-I-(l)-159, 160 163 J-I-( 1)_166 52. 53. Five clerks, at 1*324 per annum each Three clerks, at 1*300 per annum 1,620.00 1,620.00 J-I-(l)_169, 170 K-I- (2) -174 K-I-(3)235(k) each .. 900.00 900.00 K-I-(2)-176, 177,178 54. Ten clerks, at ?240 per annum each.. 2,400.00 2,400.00 I-I-(2)-47 K-I-(2)-179 L-I-(3)256(d) C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 89 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Budget Details Item No. (4) BUDGET COMMISSION 55. One clerk-messenger ......................... 240.00 240.00 I—I—<3>— 179(g) MESSENGERS 56. Two messengers, at P432 per annum each .................................................................... 864.00 864.00 J-I_(l)_172 L-I-(2)-301 57. Three messengers, at 1*324 per annum each ............................................................ 972.00 972.00 J_I_(3)_67 J-l-(l)-175 K-I-(3)-150 58. Two messengers, at 1*300 per annum each .................................................................... 600.00 600.00 G-I-(l)-52 E-I-31 59. Four messengers, at 1*240 per annum each .................................................................... 960.00 960.00 I-I-(2)-49 I_I_(7)_93 M-I-(2)-41Z HELPERS 60. One helper ............................................ 432.00 432.00 L-I-(4)49(e) 61. One helper ............................................ 300.00 300.00 L-I-(4)49(A) 62. One helper ............................................ 240.00 240.00 L-I-(5)-113 (h) 63. One helper ............................................ 192.00 192.00 L-I-(5)~ 113(A) 64. One helper ............................................ 156.00 156.00 L-I-(5)113(A) LABORERS 65. One [janitor and filer] laborer....... 803.00 803.00 K^I-(2)_ 181 (i) 66. One laborer .......................................... 648.00 648.00JfJ-I-d)i 227(s-l) 67. One laborer .......................................... 540.00 540.00 L—I—(3) 256(o) 68. One [janitor] laborer ....................... 567.00 567.00 L-I-(2)307(6) 69. Three laborers, at 1*494 per annum each ................................................................... 1,482.00 1,482.00 H-l-(2)47 (v) 70. One [janitor and filer] laborer......... 474.00 474.00 K-I-(2)181(0 90 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 1936 requested authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 4) BUDGET COMMISSION 71. Two laborers, at 1*432 per annum each .................................................................... 72. One laborer............................................ 72a. One laborer............................................ 73. One laborer .......................................... 73a. Two [janitor-porters] laborers, at ■P378 per annum each ..................................... 74. One laborer ......................................... 75. Two laborers, at 1*360 per annum each .................................................................... 76. One laborer ......................................... 77. Three [linemen or] laborers, at 5*324 per annum each ................................................ 77a. One laborer ......................................... 77b. One [janitor-messenger] laborer..... 77c. One [vault-keeper] laborer ............. 78. One laborer .......................................... 79. One laborer .................. ....................... 80. Five laborers, at 1*300 per annum each .............. .................................................... 81. Three laborers, at 1*240 per annum each 82. Subsistence of personnel.................. Total for salaries and wages........... 864.00 402.00 402.00 378.00 864.00 402.00 402.00 378.00 K—I—(2)— 181 (i) H-I-(2)47-(v) J—I—(2)— 74(A) G-IV-5-(/i) 756.00 756.00 K-I-(3)160,161 365.00 365.00 K-I-(3)235(z) 720.00 720.00 H-I-(2)47 (v) 346.00 346.00 G-I-(2)-24 972.00 972.00 K-I-(3)235(7/) 324.00 324.00 K-I-(3)-233 324.00 324.00 I-I-(3)179(p) 324.00 324.00 J—I—(5)—184 322.00 322.00 K-I-(3)235(z) 315.00 315.00 H-I-(2)47(v) 1,500.00 1,500.00 H-I-(2)47(f) J-I-(l)227(s-1) J-I-(5)-184 L—I—(3)—256(o) 720.00 720.00 74(A) L-I-(3)256(o) 1,000.00 1,000.00 L-I-(5)-115 372,061.00 372,061.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 91 (4) BUDGET COMMISSION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION By detail 1. 1 Chairman and Executive Officer (Director of the Budget) 2. 1 Member (Auditor General) 3. 1 Member (Commissioner of Civil Service) 4. 1 Secretary (Assistant to the BUDGET 5. 1 Director of the Budget..................................... P7.225.00 6. 1 Assistant to the Director of the Budget.... 4,675.00 17b. 1 clerk ................................................................. 2,040.00 9. 1 "clerk ................................................................. 3,825.00 14a. 1 clerk .......... 2,550.00 17e. 1 clerk ................................................................. 2,040.00 17g. 1 clerk ................................................................ 2,040.00 20d. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,700.00 21f. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,530.00 23. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,428.00 28f. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,080.00 34d. 1 clerk ................................................................. 756.00 42c. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................... 1,080.00 49b. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 69. 3 laborers, at P494 per annum each................ 1,482.00 72. 1 laborer ............................................................... 402.00 ACCOUNTING OFFICES Supreme Court 21. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 34c. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 58. 1 messenger ......................................................... 300.00 Court of Appeals 18. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,800.00 48. 1 clerk ................................................................. 480.00 Office of the President 10a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 3,400.00 15d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,380.00 21g. 1 clerk ................................................................ 1,530.00 28d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 29a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 34d. 1 clerk ..... 756.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 General Auditing Office 21e. 1 clerk ...........:....................................................... 1,530.00 35. 1 clerk ................................................................... 660.00 Bureau of Civil Service 26b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,224.00 39. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 Department of the Interior, Office of the Secretary 9c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 3,825.00 24. 1 clerk ........ -....................................................... 1,326.00 32b. 1 clerk .. ............................................................... 864.00 34d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 49b. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 58. 1 messenger ......................................................... 300.00 Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes 12. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,890.00 32b. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each................... 1,728.00 34d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 49b. 1 clerk .................................... 432.00 76. 1 laborer ............................................................ 346.00 73. 1 laborer .............................................................. 378.00 Director of the Budget) OFFICE Division of Purchase and Supply 10b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 3,400.00 17d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 17f. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 29a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 34d. 5 clerks, at P756 per annum each....................... 3,780.00 39. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 2,592.00 42c. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 49b. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 75. 2 laborers, at P360 per annum each.............. 720.00 79. 1 laborer ................................................................ 315.00 80. 1 laborer ............................................................... 300.00 Bureau of Customs 20a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,700.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 42b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 42c. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 1,080.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................. 529.00 49b. 1 clerk ............ 432.00 Bureau of Internal Revenue 20c. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,700.00 25. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,275.00 27b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 32b. 3 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 2,592.00 34d. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 42c. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 1,080.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 Bureau of the Treasury 10. 1 clerk .................................................................. 3,400.00 21a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 Bureau of Banking 28b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 Bureau of Printing 15c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 2,380.00 21d. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 28d. 1 clerk .................................. 1,080.00 31. 1 clerk ................................................................... 878.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 33. 1 clerk ........................................................... 810.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 42c. 6 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 3,240.00 Department of Justice, Office of the Secretary, Bureau of Justice and Inferior Courts 11a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 3,060.00 17h. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 21b. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 28d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 32b. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................................. 810.00 34d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 39a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 92 (4) BUDGET COMMISSION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION BUDGET OFFICE 42c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 48. 1 clerk ................................................................... 486.00 49b. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 49a. 1 clerk ................................................................. ,. 482.00 54. 1 clerk ................................................................... 240.00 55. 1 clerk-messenger ................................................ 240.00 59. 2 messengers, at P240 per annum each ....... 480.00 77b. 1 laborer ............................................................... 324.00 Public Service Commission 28c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 Bureau of Prisons—Prisons Division and Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division 13. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,720.00 17c. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 27. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 32b. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each..................... 1,728.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 36. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 42c. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 1,620.00 General Land Registration Office 15b. 1 clerk ................................................................ 2,380.00 26b. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 28a. 1 clerk ................................................................ 1,080.00 34. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 42c. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 49b. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 59. 1 messenger ......................................................... 240.00 Department of Agriculture and Commerce Office of the Secretary 7. 1 clerk .................................................................. 5,100.00 29a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 41. 1 clerk .................................................................. 594.00 49b. 1 clerk ................................................... 432.00 50. 1 clerk ......................................................... 378.00 80. 1 laborer ..................................................._..... ..... 300.00 Bureau of Plant Industry 13a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 2,720.00 28. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 33. 1 clerk ................................................................... 810.00 39.’ 3 clerks, at P64£ per annum each.................... 1,944.00 42c. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 2,160.00 49b. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each .................... 864.00 50. 2 clerks, at P378 per annum each..................... 756.00 51. 1 clerk ................................................................... 342.00 66. 1 laborer ............................................................... 648.00 72a. 1 laborer ............................................................... 402.00 Bureau of Animal Industry 17. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 29a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 39. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 1,296.00 49b. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 56. 1 messenger ......................................................... 432.00 57. 1 messenger ...........................-........................... 324.00 Bureau of Forestry 15a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 2,380.00 29a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 33. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 810.00 39. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 41. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 594.00 42c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 50. 1 clerk .................................................................... 378.00 Bureau of Lands 13a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 2,720.00 17. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 2,040.00 26a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,224.00 28. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 33. 2 clerks, at P810 per annum each...................... 1,620.00 39. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each................... 1,944.00 42c. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................... 2,160.00 45. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each...................... 1,080.00 49b. 9 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 3,888.00 49. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 50. 3 clerks, at P378 per annum each...................... 1,134.00 52. 2 clerks, at P324 per annum each........................ 648.00 57. 1 messenger ......................................................... 324.00 77c. 1 laborer ............................................................... 324.00 80. 2 laborers, at P300 per annum each.................. 600.00 Bureau of Science 28. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,080.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 33. 1 clerk ................................................. 810.00 34d. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 39. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 42c. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 50. 2 clerks, at P378 per annum each...................... 756.00 Bureau of Commerce 20b. 1 clerk ...................................................~.............. 1,700.00 32b. 1 clerk .............................................................. 864.00 33. 1 clerk .................................... 810.00 42c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 Weather Bureau 49b. 1 clerk ........................................ 432.00 Manila Trading Center and Exchange 21h. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 Bureau of Public Works 11. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 3,060.00 17a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 20e. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,700.00 24a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,326.00 27b. 4 clerks, at Pl,122 per annum each............... 4,488.00 28d. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 2,160.00 29a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 34d. 4 clerks, at P756 per annum each................... 3,024.00 39. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 2,592.00 42c. 9 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 4,860.00 43. 1 clerk, with quarters, Baguio........................... 540.00 46. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 529.00 47. 2 clerks, at P486 per annum each__________ ’. 972.00 49b. 9 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 3,888.00 52. 1 clerk ...................................................... 324.00 53. 3 clerks, at P300 per annum each....................... 900.00 54. 5 clerks, at P240 per annum each..................... 1,200.00 65. 1 laborer ............................................................... 803.00 70. 1 laborer ............................................................... 474.00 71. 2 laborers, at P432 per annum each................ 864.00 Bureau of Postb 9a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 3,825.00 14b. 1 clerk ............................................................... 2,550.00 21e. 2 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 3,060.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 93 (4) BUDGET COALMISSION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION BUDGET 26c. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 28a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 28d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 28d. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 32. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 32b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 34d. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each................... 1,512.00 34b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 30. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 42c. 8 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 4,320.00 42a. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 1,080.00 49b. 30 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 12,960.00 52. 2 clerks, at P324 per annum each.—...... .......... 648.00 74. 1 laborer ................................................................. 365.00 77. 3 laborers, at P324 per annum each.................. 972.00 77a. 1 laborer ....................................................... 324.00 73a. 2 laborers, at P378 per annum each................ 756.00 78. 1 laborer ...................................................-.........— 822.00 57. 1 messenger ...................................................-...... 324.00 Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey 19. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,734.00 Bureau of Education 9b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 3,825.00 15. 1 clerk ................................................................—. 2,380.00 16. 2 clerks, at P2.210 per annum each.............. 4,420.00 21g. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,530.00 26b. 1 clerk ............. ..........................-......................... 1,224.00 27a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 27b. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 28d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 30. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 918.00 32b. 3 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 2,592.00 84d. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 41. 1 clerk .................................................................... 594.00 42c. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 56. 1 messenger ........................................................... 432.00 68. 1 laborer ................................................................. 567.00 Bureau op Health 8. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 4,250.00 14. 1 clerk .......................................... -......................... 2,550.00 21f. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 21g. 3 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 4,590.00 OFFICE 24a. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,326.00 28d. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 28e. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,0S0.00 34d. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each................... 1,512.00 39. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each.............. 1,944.00 42c. 5 clerks, at P540 per annum each.............. 2,700.00 47. 1 clerk ........................................................ 486.00 49b. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... 864.00 54. 4 clerks, at P240 per annum each.................. 960.00 67. 1 laborer .................................................................. 540.00 80. 1 laborer .................................................................. 300.00 81. 3 laborers, at P240 per annum each................ 720.00 Bureau of Public Welfare 14c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 2,550.00 17g. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,040.00 22. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 1,440.00 39. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 49b. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 60. 1 helper ................................................................. 432.00 61. 1 helper ....................................................... 300.00 Philippine General Hospital 26. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,224.00 29. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 972.00 32a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 38. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 37. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 44. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 540.00 62. 1 helper .................. 240.00 63. 1 helper ................................ _................................. 192.00 64. 1 helper ................................................................... 156.00 82. Subsistence of personnel........... ........................... 1,000.00 Bureau of Quarantine Service 34a. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 Bureau of Labor 20. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 1,700.00 29a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 40. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 600.00 42c. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 59. 1 messenger ............................................................ 240.00 Total for salaries and wages.............. P372.061.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to *tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. .4231, unless otherwise stated (5) GENERAL PURPOSES 1. One law officer of the Bureau of In­ sular Affairs, for legal services rendered the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines [Philippine Islands]................... P=2,550.00 2. One disbursing officer in Washington, D. C...................................................................... 3,400.00 P2,550.00 3,400.00 1 2 Total.................................................... 5,950.00 5,950.00 94 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item Nc Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual 1.—SALARIES AND WAGES (1) Office of the President....................... ¥145,888.00 ¥=148,386.00 ¥=136,734.63 (2) General Auditing Office....................... 485,738.00 483,313.00 458,119.60 (3) Bureau of Civil Service....................... 103,892.00 84,042.00 86,071.43 (4) Budget Commission ............................. 372,061.00 372,061.00 (5) General Purposes................................. 5,950.00 5,950.00 3,400.00 Total for salaries and wages........... 1,113,529.00 1,093,752.00 684,325.66 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Street car tickets ................................. P2.000.00 Bicycle allowance ................................. 600.00 Traveling expenses and per diems..... 22,612.00 Subsistence ............................................ 2,000.00 Hire of automobiles and calesas....... 1,050.00 Reimbursement for traveling ex­ penses of special examiners.......... 34.00 Total ................... ........................... P28.296.00 28,296.00 30,096.00 18,950.11 2. Freight, express and delivery service: Transportation of supplies and materials ..................................................... P420.00 Transportation of furniture and equipment ............. ............................ 500.00 Freight charges ........ ............................ 77.00 Total ................................................ P997.00 997.00 1,057.00 372.21 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service Postage stamps .......................... Telegrams ..................................... Cablegrams ................................... Telephone rentals ...................... Rental of Post Office boxes.... ......... P10,752.80 ......... 2,236.00 ......... 5,610.00 ......... 10,026.20 ......... 96.00 Total .................................................... P28,721.00 28,721.00 28,721.00 28,786.03 4. Illumination and power service: Electric current and gas.......... Electrical installation ............... Electrical repairs ....................... ......... P12,239.00 ......... 1,095.00 ......... 950.00 Total ......................................... .......... P14.284.00 14,284.00 14,311.00 9,523.30 5. Rental of buildings and grounds: Rental of Recoletos building.... .......... P6,000.00 Total ......................................... .......... P6,000.00 6,000.00 6,900.00 6,000.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 95 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 6. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Kitchen utensils ..................................... P3.500.00 Office stationery .................... _............. 15,177.00 Ice ............................................................ 3,000.00 Gasoline, oil and automobile spare parts .................................................... 15,000.00 Printing materials ............................... 6,500.00 Water service ......................................... 550.00 Toilet supplies ....................................... 330.00 Cleaning supplies ................................. 169.00 Manual of information and official roster ............................................... 120.00 Total .....................................-......... P44,346.00 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Printing and binding charges.............. P3.644.00 Publication of annual reports............ 8,150.00 Publication of Civil Service laws, rules and regulations ...................... 200.00 Binding and rebinding of old records and books ........................................... 1,000.00 Total ................................................ P12,994.00 [Free distribution of public docu­ ments] ................................................................ 8. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees: Transportation of witnesses................ P200.00 Total .................................................... P200.00 9. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Repair of furniture and equipment.... P7,600.00 Total ............... .................-................. P7,600.00 10. Other services: Subscriptions ......................................... Pl,000.00 Sewer service ......................................... 2,227.00 Electric repairs ..................................... 4,063.00 Laundry service ................................... 440.00 Bond premiums ..................................... 935.00 Membership fee ................................... 600.00 Total .................................................... P9,265.00 Total for sundry expenses 44,346.00 44,346.00 33,443.14 12,994.00 12,966.00 11,373.01 48.00 10.00 200.00 250.00 20.00 7,600.00 7,600.00 5,851.12 9,265.00 9,265.00 11,102.38 152,703.00 155,560.00 125,431.30 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 96 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment, including one automobile: OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT For replacing unserviceable equip­ ment : 4 typewriters ............................... P750.00 24 chairs and other furniture for Malacañang Palace ............. 279.00 Additional equipment: 10 volumes of public laws.......... 105.00 GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE Additional equipment: Public Laws (29 volumes)........... 200.00 4 copies, official roster, 193G (1935) paper bound.............. 12.00 For replacing unserviceable equip­ ment : Stands for water coolers.............. 30.00 4 water coolers .............................. 90.00 BUREAU OF CIVIL SERVICE Additional equipment: 1 copy, Public Laws .................. 12.00 1 file card index, “Allsteel”....... 22.00 BUDGET COMMISSION Miscellaneous equipment ............. 4,861.00 Total ....................................... 5*6,361.00 6,361.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 6,361.00 6,361.00 6,361.00 19,779.27 19,779.27 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. For traveling expenses of the Pres­ ident with personnel in his office for official trips to and from the United States, includ­ ing expenses in 1936 [1935]: Transportation from Manila to Seattle and return ....................................... P5,000.00 Railroad fares, per diems and sub­ sistence, including tips .................. 5,000.00 Total ................................................ P10,000.00 10,000.00 2. For a fund to be expended in the dis­ cretion of the President.................................... 30,000.00 [Boards of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Dental, Optical and Nurse Examiners: Pro­ vided, That in case of deficit in this item, the same may be covered by paying the chairmen and members thereof from fees actually collected from each examination held during the year: 10,000.00 30,000.00 26,954.94 51,313.43 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 97 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Fees for the chairmen and mem­ bers of the Boards of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Dental, Opti­ cal, and Nurse Examiners, including emergency and tem­ porary employees ...................... ^23,000.00 Total for salaries and wages 23,000.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (b) Traveling expenses of personnel 1,500.00 (c) Freight, express and delivery service ........................................ 50.00 (d) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 300.00 (e) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 600.00 (/) Printing and binding reports, do­ cuments and publications......... 50.00 (g) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................. 100.00 (h) Other services .............................. 150.00 Total for sundry expenses...... 2,750.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (i) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 250.00 Total for furniture and equipment .......................... 250.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............. 23,000.00 Total for sundry expenses.................... 2,750.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 250.00 Total available for the Boards of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Den­ tal, Optical and Nurse Exam­ iners ............................................. P26,000.00] .......................... 26,000.00 9,006.52 [Boards of Marine Examiners: Pro­ vided, That in case of deficit in this item the same may be covered by paying the chair­ men and members thereof from fees actually collected from each examination held during the year: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Marine Officers....... 1*3,750.00 299089------7 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 98 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (b) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Marine Engineers.... 3,600.00 Total for salaries and wages 7,350.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (c) Traveling expenses of personnel 2,200.00 (d) Freight, express and delivery service ........................................ 25.00 (e) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 100.00 (/) Consumption of supplies and ma­ terials ........................................ 225.00 (g) Other services ............................. 100.00 Total for sundry expenses....... 2,650.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............... 7,350.00 Total for sundry expenses................... 2,650.00 Total available for the Boards of Marine Examiners........... M0,000.00] 10,000.00 6,262.54 [Board of Examiners for Surveyors, Acts 3626 and 3889: Provided, That in case of deficit in this item the same may be cov­ ered by paying the chairmen and members thereof from fees actually collected from each examination held during the year: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of lhe Board..................... M,050.00 Total for salaries and wages 1,050.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (6) Traveling expenses of personnel 300.00 (c) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 60.00 (d) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 100.00 (e) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.... 100.00 (/) Other services................................ 40.00 Total for sundry expenses....... 600.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 90 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (g) For the purchase of furniture and equipment: For surveying books, not other­ wise available at the Scien­ tific Library Division........... 50.00 Total for furniture and equip­ ment ............................................ 50.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............. 1,050.00 Total for sundry expenses.................... 600.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 50.00 Total available for the Board of Examiners for Surveyors.. M,700.00] .......................... 1,700.00 356.88 [Boards of Examiners for Engineers and Architects, Act No. 2985: Provided, That in case of deficit in this item the same may be covered by paying the chairmen and members thereof from fees actually collected from each examination held during the year: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Civil Engineers....... ?2,625.00 (б) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Mechanical Engi­ neers ............. 75.00 (c) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Electrical Engineers 75.00 (d) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Mining Engineers.... 75.00 (e) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board of Exam­ iners for Architects................. 150.00 Total for salaries and wages 3,000.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (f) Traveling expenses of personnel 30.00 (g) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 30.00 (h) Consumption of supplies and materials ................................... 150.00 (i) Other services............................... 20.00 Total for sundry expenses..... 230.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 100 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages........... 3,000.00 Total for sundry expenses ................. 230.00 Total available for the Boards of Examiners for Engineers and Architects ..................... 1*3,230.00] 3,230.00 1,856.09 [Veterinary Examining Board: PRO­ VIDED, That in case of deficit in this item the same may be covered by paying the chair­ man and members thereof from fees actually collected from each examination held during the year: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Fees for the chairman and mem­ bers of the Board........................ P375.00 Total for salaries and wages.. 375.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (&) Traveling expenses of personnel 50.00 (c) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 35.00 (d) Consumption of supplies and materials ................................... 90.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 175.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............. 375.00 Total for sundry expenses................... 175.00 Total Available for the Vete­ rinary Examining Board.... P550.00] .......................... 550.00 85.07 3. Other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935, including expenses of extradi­ tion cases, special investigations and other general purposes: Expenses of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, Washington, D. C.: Traveling expenses of personnel P140.00 Freight, express and delivery serv­ ice ................ 30.00 Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ..................... 250.00 Consumption of supplies and ma­ terials ....................... 730.00 Printing and binding reports, documents and publications__ 570.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 101 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Other expenses (exchange on ex­ penses in the United States, subscription to periodicals, pre­ mium on bond of Disbursing Agent of Philippine Revenues, etc.) ...........................................- 380.00 Purchase of furniture and equip­ ment ............................................. 400.00 Miscellaneous expenses that may be approved by His Excellency, the President ............................. 19,409.00 Total ....................................... P21.909.00 5. For the necessary expenses of the Boards of Examiners, as follows: SALARIES AND WAGES Fees for Members (a) Fees for the chairmen and mem­ bers of the Boards of Medical, Pharmaceutical, Dental, Opti­ cal and Nurse Examiners; Boards of Marine Exam­ iners; Board of Examiners for Surveyors; Board of Examiners for Civil Engineers; Board of Ex­ aminers for Chemical En­ gineers; Board of Ex­ aminers for Mechanical En­ gineers; Board of Examiners for Electrical Engineers; Board of Examiners for Min­ ing Engineers; Board of 21,909.00 21,909.00 7,540.63 Examiners for Architects; Veterinary Examining Board; and Board of Accountancy........ ^36,560.00 (6) One Secretary of the Boards of Examiners .................................... 2,400.00 Total for salaries and wages 38,960.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (c) Traveling expenses of personnel 4,080.00 (d) Freight, express and delivery service ........................................... 75.00 (e) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 525.00 (/) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 1,165.00 (g) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.... 150.00 102 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (h) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................... 100.00 (t) Other services ................................ 310.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 6,405.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (j) For the purchase of furniture and equipment.............................. 300.00 Total for furniture and equipment.............................. 300.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and ivages.............. 38,960.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 6,405.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 300.00 Total available for the Ex­ amining Boards ................ 1*45,665.00 To be paid out of the re­ ceipts of the Boards.......... (P45,665.00) 0.00 .......................... 6. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Manila Harbor Board, Act No. 3002, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One clerk .......................................... P3,825.00 (б) One clerk ........................................ 1,080.00 Total available appropria­ tion .......................................... P4,905.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts of the Manila Harbor Board ....................... (1*4,905.00) 0.00 .......................... 7. For the expenses of the Accounting Office in connection with the establishment of new prisons and penal farms, Act No. 3732: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk .......................................... P 1,530.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ 'Pl,530.00 Amount to be paid from the continuing appropriation provided in Act No. S7S2 (Pl,530.00) 0.00 .......................... C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL 103 OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 8. For the expenses of the Accounting Office of the National Research Council, Act No. 4190: SUNDRY EXPENSES (а) Traveling expenses of personnel 1*48.00 (б) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 2.00 (c) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 30.00 Total available appropria­ tion ......................................... ^80.00 Amount to be paid out of the appropriation for the National Research Council (1*80.00) 0.00 .......................... 9. For the operating expenses of the Accounting Office for the University of the Philippines: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk ........................................... F2,440.00 (b) One clerk .......................................... 1,098.00 (c) One clerk .......................................... 840.00 (d) One clerk .......................................... 594.00 (e) One clerk.......................................... 432.00 Total for salaries and wages 5,404.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (/) Traveling expenses of personnel 40.00 (g) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 200.00 (h) Miscellaneous service .................... 30.00 (i) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 1,500.00 (j) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................... 30.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 1,800.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (k) For the purchase of furniture equipment .................................... 200.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 200.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 104 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............ 5,404.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 1,800.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 200.00 Total available appropriation.... 1*7,404.00 Amount to be paid out of the funds of the University of the Philippines .................................. (P7,404.00) 0.00 .......................... 10. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Philippine Charity Sweep­ stakes, Act No. 4130: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One cleric .......................................... 1*3,000.00 (b) One cleric ................... 1,200.00 (c) One cleric .......................................... 1,200.00 (ci) One clerk .......................................... 1,200.00 (e) One cleric .......................................... 840.00 (/) One cleric .......................................... 720.00 (g) One clerk ...................................... 720.00 (h) Four clerks, at 1*600 per annum each................................................. 2,400.00 (i) One clerk .......................................... 480.00 (;) Ten clerks, at PJ^.80 per annum each................................................. 4,800.00 (k) One clerk ...................................... 420.00 (l) Four clerks, at 1*360 per annum each................................................. 1,440.00 (m) One clerk ...................................... 300.00 (n) One messenger .............................. 240.00 Total for salaries and wages 18,960.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (o) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 1,000.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 1,000.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (p) For the purchase of furniture and equipment............................. 51.50 Total for furniture and equipment............................. 51.50 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 105COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages................ 18,960.00 Total for sundry expenses ............... 1,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 51.50 Total available appropriation 1*20,011.50 Amount to be paid out of the funds of the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes, Act 4130............................................. (1*20,011.50) 0.00 11. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Bureau of Plant Industry in connection with the establishment, mainte­ nance, equipment, and operation of seed farms, Act No. 3443, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk .......................................... 1*648.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ ^648.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts from the es­ tablishment, maintenance, equipment, and operation of seed farms, Act 3443.. (1*648.00) 0.00 ........................... 12. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Fiber Inspection Service, Act No. 3263: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk.......................................... F2,380.00 (b) One clerk .......................................... 756.00 Total for salaries and wages 3,136.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (c) Traveling expenses of personnel 24.00 (d) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 15.00 (e) Illumination and power service.. 36.00 (/) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 500.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 106 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (g) Rental of buildings and grounds 120.00 (h) Maintenance and repair of equipment...................................... 50.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 745.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.............. 3,136.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 745.00 Total available appropriation.... 881.00 Amount to be paid out of the Fiber Inspection Service, Act No. 3263 ...................................... (1*3,881.00) 0.00 ........................... 13. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Rice and Corn Fund, Act No. 2818, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One clerk ........................................... ^3,230.00 (б) One laborer...................................... 324.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ 1*3,554.00 Amount to be paid out of the Rice and Corn Fund.. (F3,554.00) 0.00 ........................... 14. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Manila Trading Center and Ex­ change, Act NO. 4069: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One clerk ........................................... P984.00 (б) One clerk.......................................... 432.00 (c) Tzvo clerks, at F360 per annum each................................................. 720.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 107 1937 1936 requested authorized COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ 1*2,136.00 Amount to be paid out of the fzinds of the Manila Trading Center and Ex­ change, Act No. ^069........ (1*2,136.00) 0.00 ........................... 15. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops, Act No. SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One clerk........................................... 1*2,040.00 (б) One clerk.......................................... 1,080.00 (c) One clerk........................................... 800.00 (d) One clerk.......................................... 720.00 (e) Two clerks, at P720 per annum each ............................................... 1,440.00 (/) One clerk .......................................... 720.00 (g) One clerk.......................................... 720.00 (h) One messenger................................ 720.00 Total for salaries and wages 8,240.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (i) Traveling expenses of personnel 100.00 O’) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.................................. 300.00 (k) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 2,000.00 (0 Maintenance and repair of equip! ment ............................................... 200.00 (m) Other services .............................. 60.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 2,660.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (n) For the purchase of furniture and equipment............................. 500.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 500.00 108 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............ 8,240.00 Total for sundry expenses ................ 2,660.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 500.00 Total available appropria-. tion ........................................ Pll,400.00 Amount to be paid out of the funds of the Govern­ ment Marine Railway and Repair Shops, Act No. 4111 ...................................... (Ml,400.00) 0.00 16. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Division of Motor Vehicles of the Bureau of Public Works, Act No. 3992: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk ........................................ ^=1,080.00 (b) One clerk................. 648.00 (c) One clerk ........................................ 432.00 Total for salaries and wages 2,160.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (d) Traveling expenses of personnel 50.00 (e) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 30.00 (/) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 120.00 (g) Maintenance and repair of equipment...................................... 70.00 (h) Other services ................................ 30.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 300.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages ............ 2,160.00 Total for sundry expenses................ 300.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ 1*2,460.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts of the Divi­ sion of Motor Vehicles, Act No. 3992 ..................... (1*2,460.00) 0.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 109 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 17. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Postal Savings Bank, Act No. 4093: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk ......................................... M,080.00 (&) Tivo clerks, at P432 per annum each................................................. 864.00 Total for salaries and wages .................................... 1,944.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (c) Traveling expenses of personnel 100.00 (d) Freight, express and delivery service.................... 20.00 (e) PostaJ, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 100.00 (/) Illumination and power service 50.00 (g) Rentals of buildings and grounds ........................................ 50.00 (A) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 340.00 (i) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.... 200.00 (;) Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment ..................................—......... 40.00 (k) Other services.................................. 100.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 1,000.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (I) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ........................... 56.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 56.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............ 1,944.00 Total for sundry expenses ................ 1,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 56.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ F3,000.00 Amount to be paid out of the funds of the Postal Savings Bank .................... (F3,000.00) 0.00 110 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 1936 requested authorized 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 18. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the National Radio Broadcasting Committee, Act No. 3997: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk .......................................... 1*756.00 Total for salaries and wages 756.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (6) Traveling expenses of personnel 15.00 (c) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 60.00 (d) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.... 10.00 (e) Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment ............................................... 15.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 100.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages................ 756.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 100.00 Total available appropriation...... 1*856.00 Amount to be paid out of the funds of the National Radio Broadcasting Committee.......... (P856.00) 0.00 .......................... 19. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Teachers' Pension Fund, Act No. 3050, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One clerk ......................................... P2,000.00 (б) One clerk ........................................ 1,040.00 (c) One clerk .......................................... 1,040.00 (d) One clerk ........................................ 1,020.00 (e) One clerk ........................................ 900.00 (/) One clerk ....................................... 720.00 (g) One clerk ........................................ 600.00 (h) Five clerk, at ?480 per annum each ............................................... 2,400.00 (i) One clerk .......................................... 660.00 Total for salaries and wages 10,380.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT HICOMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUNDRY EXPENSES (j) Traveling expenses of personnel.. 10.00 (k) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.................................. 1,200.00 (Z) Illumination and power service.. 500.00 (m) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.... 100.00 (n) Consumption of supplies and materials ........................................ 300.00 (o) Other services.................................. 500.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 2,610.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.............. 10,380.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 2,610.00 Total available appropriation...... F12,990.00 Amount to be paid out of the Teachers' Pension Fund............ (M2,990.00) 0.00 .......................... 20. For the Expenses of the Accounting Office for the Irrigation Fund, Bureau of Public Works: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk ........................................ F432.00 (b) One clerk.......................................... 432.00 (c) Two clerks, at P2I>0 per annum each ................................................. 480.00 Total available appropriation Fl,344.00 Amount to be paid from the Irrigation Fund, Bureau of Public Works................ (Fl,344.00) 0.00 21. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Bureau of Public Welfare in connection with the care, maintenance, in­ struction, reformation and custody, of negC.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT '112 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS lected and delinquent children, Act No. 3203, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk .......................................... 1*540.00 Total available appropria­ tion .......................................... 1*540.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts under Act No. 3203 ........................................ (f=540.00) 22. For the expenses of the Accounting Office of the Bureau of Printing in accordanee ivith the provisions of Section 164^ of Act No. 2711, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One clerk .......................................... 1*2,380.00 (б) One clerk .......................................... 1,530.00 (c) One clerk .......................................... 1,080.00 (d) One clerk .......................................... 878.00 (e) One clerk .......................................... 864.00 (/) One clerk .......................................... 810.00 (g) Two clerks, at PG 48 per annum each................................................. 1,296.00 (h) Six clerks, at P540 per annum each ................................................. 3,240.00 Total for salaries and wages 12,078.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (i) Traveling expenses of personnel 15.00 (j) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 250.00 (7i) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 800.00 (l) Maintenance and repair of equipment...................................... 25.00 (m) Other services ............................. 10.00 Total for sundry expenses........ 1,100.00 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL H3 OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages................ 12,078.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 1,100.00 Total available appropria­ tion .......................................... M3,178.00 Amount to be paid out of the revolving fund of the Bureau of Printing............ (M3,178.00) 0.00 23. For the expenses of the Accounting Office for the Industrial Division of the Bu­ reau of Prisons: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk .......................................... M,122.00 (b) Three clerks, at P5J>0 per annum each ................................................. 1,620.00 Total available appropria­ tion .......................................... M,742.00 Amount to be paid out of the Bureau of Prisons— Industrial Division revolv­ ing fund ................................ (1*2,742.00) 0.00 ............................ 24. For the operating expenses of the Accounting Office of the Philippine Army: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk ........................................... M,500.00 (b) One clerk ............................................ 2,400.00 (c) Three clerks, at P2,000 per an­ num each ...................................... 6,000.00 (d) One clerk ........................................... 1,800.00 (e) Two clerks, at Pl,200 per an­ num each ...................................... 2,400.00 (/) One clerk........................................... 960.00 (g) Two clerks, at P81>0 per an­ num ................................................. 1,680.00 (h) Three clerks, at P801> per an­ num each........................................ 2,412.00 (t) Two clerks, at P768 per annum each ................................................. 1,536.00 (j) Three clerks, at P720 per annum each ................................................. 2,160.00 (/c) Three clerks, at P660 per annum each................................................. 1,980.00 (Z) One clerk ......................................... 660.00 299089------ 8 114 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (m) One clerk ........................................ 498.00 (n) One laborer ...................................... 444.00 (o) One messenger ................................ 300.00 (p) One laborer,...................................... 300.00 (o) Two clerks, at P552 per annum each ................................................. 1,104.00 (p) Five clerks, at P600 per annum each ................................................. 3,000.00 (g) Two laborers, at P388.50 per annum each .................................. 777.00 (r) One typist ........................................ 480.00 (s) One clerk .......................................... 720.00 (O Four clerks, at P%80 per annum each ................................................. 1,920.00 Total for salaries and wages .................................. 38,031.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (u) Traveling expenses of personnel 600.00 (v) Freight, express, and delivery service .................... 100.00 (w) Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service .............................. 600.00 (a;) Illumination and power serv­ ice ................................................. 240.00 (i/) Consumption of supplies and materials .............................. 2,000.00 (z) Printing and binding reports, documents, and publications 300.00 (aa) Maintenance and repair of equipment .............................. 300.00 Total for sundry expenses 4,140.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (bb) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 1,857.00 Total for furniture and equipment ......................... 1,857.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.............. 38,031.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 4,140.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 1,857.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ F44,028.00 44,028.00 Total for special appropriations..... 105,937.00 44,028.00 147,417.00 103,376.10 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 115' COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual V.—FIXED EXPENDITURES a. Retirement gratuities: Act No. 2589(D............................. Act No. 4051................................... Act No. 4151 ................................ b. For technical personnel and civilian assistants in the Office of the President, and for other purposes (Act No. 3431, as amend­ ed by Act No. 4006)....................................... 340,000.00 562,000.00 400,000.00 300,000.00 706,000.00 300,000.00 232,523.83 823,744.73 48,887.91 250,000.00 250,000.00 173,216.33 Total for fixed expenditures............. 1,552,000.00 1,556,000.00 1,278,372.80 (1) RETIREMENT GRATUITIES, ACT No. 2589, AS AMENDED DETAILED STATEMENT Tear No. of retire* meat 1916 to 1919 paid Pesos 1,204,955.31 730,280.05 327,975.23 12,536.92 Total.. 2,545 [2.275,747.511 1920 to 1923 paid Pesos 1924 and 1925 paid Pesos 11926 and 1927 paid Pesos 125,555.60 ..................................... 326.291.70 ..................................... 544.873.36..................................... 589,628.52 ..................................... 137,301.98J 31,056.01 ................. 102.371.02' 91.806.95 ................. ...........75.897.49 19.230.43 93,683.13 82.747.02 39,049. 46 133,552.04 ................. 102.306.98 ................. 39.836.18 19,062.22 1928 paid Pesos 29.781.44 63,061.12 49,000.61 49,702.91 1929 paid Pesos 1,844.974. 40 331,493.04|377.672.6S191,546.08|204.925.41 1930 paid Pesos 1931 paid Pesos 29,472.72 ......... . 82.235.70 41,572.73 83,291.68 72.714.24 51,124 63 80.713.03 1246,124.63 282.719.41 1932 paid Pesos 1933 paid Pesos 1934 paid Pesos 275,299.51 252,544.55 256,298.49 1935 paid Pesos 50.34 4,000.08 12,666.72 37,032.26 57,493.27 66.206.15 55.075.01 1936 payable Pesos 1937 payable 1300.000.001 Pesos 340,000.00 Total a To April 30, 1936. One hundred and thirty (130) employees estimated to be retired in 1936. VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. Committee and financial experts to conduct hearings in the Philippine Islands in connection with the Tydings-McDuffie Law, Act No. 4126........................................................ b. Purchase of the land on which Dr. Jose Rizal was born, Act No. 3483................. c. Transportation and other incidental expenses of the guests invited to attend the inauguration of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, Acts 4227 and 4248, and Com­ monwealth Act No. 9....................................... d. Expenses for the holding of the first election for President and Vice-President of 3,962.95 6,497.34 4,013.44 ..................... 40,002.64 249,997.36 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 116 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS the Philippines and Members of the National Assembly, Act No. 4203............................................................. e. Expenses incident to the inaugura­ tion of the Government of the Common­ wealth of the Philippines, Act No. 4257................................. f. Government Survey Board, Common­ wealth Act No. 5.......................................................................... g. Aid to the Philippine Amateur Ath­ letic Federation for expenses to the Eleventh Olympiad at Berlin, Commonwealth Act No. 16 .................................................................................................. h. For the acquisition of the Govern­ ment buildings and land in Mindoro to be converted into barracks and reservation of the Philippine Army, Act No. 4189......................................... i. Election expenses............................................................ Total for continuing appropriations ..................... 387,993.84 12,468.06 50,000.00 60,000.00 25,000.00 583,440.93 412,006.16 12,531.94 144,846.17 825,878.97 VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Receipts automatically appropriated........... 120,925.50 b. Expenditures payable from special funds.. 24,059.00 Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ..................................... 144,984.50 VIII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES a. Losses from uncollectible debts..................... Total for Investments and indefinite expenditures ................................. IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... 1,113,529.00 Total for sundry expenses........................... 152,703.00 Total for furniture and equipment........... 6,361.00 Total for special appropriations................. 105,937.00 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Offices under the direct control of the President.... 1,378,530.00 Total for fixed expenditures........... 1,552,000.00 80.60 80.60 1,093,752.00 155,560.00 6,361.00 147,417.00 684,325.66 125,431.30 19,779.27 103,376.10 1,403,090.00 1,556,000.00 932,912.33 1,278,372.80 Total for ordinary expenditures for the Offices under the direct con­ trol of the President..................... 2,930,530.00 2,959,090.00 2,211,285.13 C.—BUREAUS AND OFFICES UNDER THE DIRECT CONTROL OF THE PRESIDENT 117 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IX.—SUMMARY EXTRAORDINARY Add— Total for continuing appropriations.... Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ......................................... Total for investments and indefinite expenditures ..................................... 144,984.50 583,440.93 825,878.97 80.60 Grand total available for the Bu­ reaus and Offices under the direct control of the President Deduct— Receipts automatically appropriated.... 3,075,514.50 144,984.50 3,542,530.93 3,037,244.70 Net amount available for the Bu­ reaus and Offices under the direct control of the President ^2,930,530.00 1*3,542,530.93 1*3,037,244.70 X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Any deficit in the appropriation for the purchase of furniture and equipment may be covered from any unex­ pended balance of any other appropriation provided in this Act [the funds appropriated for the Office of the President in Act No. 4187 may be used to purchase an automobile.] 2. Any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, the unexpended balance of the funds appro­ priated in Act No. 3431 may be used to cover deficits in the appropriations for the Office of the President. 3. With the approval of the President, the Budget Com­ mission may change the designation of any position author­ ized for the Budget Office in this Act, and consolidate two or more of said positions: PROVIDED, That the salary for each consolidated position shall not exceed five thousand pesos per annum: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That this au­ thority shall only be in force until June 30, 1937. [3 Any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, the President may authorize the payment as additional compensation to government employees who are chairmen or members of the Board of Examiners for Surveyors, the Veterinary Examining Board or the Boards of Marine Examiners, a fee for each person examined.] C4 The appropriation for “other expenses in accordance with Act No. 2935,” item IV-8, shall also include expenses of extradition cases, special investigations and other gen­ eral purposes.]