Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Philippine Army


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Philippine Army
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
Appropriations and expenditures
Philippine Army
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This contains the detailed report of Philippine Army on their expenses for the year 1937. The appropriation requested is Php 15,955,972, excluding the amount of Php 44,028 set aside for the expenses of the accounting office for the Philippine Army, as against Php 15,952,503 authorized for the current year, or an increase of Php 3, 469.]
CC—PHILIPPINE ARMY The appropriation requested for the year 1937 is 1*15,955,972, excluding the amount of 1*44,028 set aside for the expenses of the accounting office for the Philippine Army, as against 1*15,952,503 authorized for the current year, or an increase of 1*3,469. Increases aggregating 1*5,495,837 have been made in the appropriations for (1) pay, clothing allowance and commutation of quarters of the enlisted men, commissioned officers, cadets and trainees of the regular and reserve forces and the clothing allow­ ance of persons undergoing preparatory military training, (2) subsistence of the regular force and trainees, (3) hospitalization, training and education of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, (4) transportation of trainees and upkeep and operation of watercraft, (5) quartermaster and air corps equipment and supplies, and (6) construction of mobi­ lization and training centers. This increase, however, is partly offset by the reductions and suppressions of appropriations for (1) base pay of the commissioned officers of the regular force, pay and allowance of the cadets at the Philippine Military Academy and other expenses of the Academy, (2) reenlistment bonus, (3) supplies for upkeep and operation of motor vehicles, (4) purchase of armament, medical equipment and supplies, (5) expense for the construction of land and sea defenses, barracks quarters and ordnance and engineer establishments, (6) continuing expenses of the National Defense Mission, (7) subsistence of reservists on annual active duty, (8) field exercises and active duty training of the regular and reserve forces, and (9) transportation of reservists in connection with regular annual active duty training and purchase of animals for the regular and reserve forces. Para el año de 1937, se pide la consignación de 1*15,955,972, excluyendo la cantidad de 1*44,028 apropiada para los gastos de la oficina de cuentas para el Ejército de Filipinas, contra 1*15,952,503 autorizada para el presente año, o un aumento de 1*3,469. Los aumentos que suman 1*5,495,837 se han hecho en las consignaciones para (1) paga, gra­ tificación de vestuario y conmutación de alojamiento de los individuos de tropa, oficiales, cadetes e indi­ viduos de fuerzas regulares y de reserva que reciben instrucción de primera situación de servicio activo, y gratificación de vestuario de las personas que están recibiendo instrucción militar preparatoria, (2) subsistencia de la Fuerza Regular y de individuos que reciben instrucción de primera situación de ser­ vicio activo, (3) hospitalización, instrucción y educación del Cuerpo de Adiestramiento de Oficiales de Reserva, (4) transporte de individuos que reciben instrucción de primera situación de servicio activo, y manutención y funcionamiento de medios de transporte marítimo, (5) suministros y equipos de ad­ ministración militar y del Cuerpo de Aviación, y (6) construcción de centros de mobilización y centros de instrucción. Este aumento, sin embargo, queda en parte compensado por la reducción y supresión de las consignaciones para (1) paga básica de Oficiales de la Fuerza Regular, paga y gratificaciones de cadetes en la Academia Militar de Filipinas y otros gastos de la Academia, (2) bonificación de reengan­ che, (3) suministros para la manutención y funcionamiento de vehículos de motor, (4) compra de armamento,* suministros y equipos médicos, (5) gastos para la construcción de defensa terrestre y ma­ rítima, cuarteles y alojamientos, y para establecimientos de ingenieros y de maestranza, (6) gastos continuos de la Misión de Defensa Nacional, (7) subsistencia de reservistas en servicio activo anual, (8) ejercicios de campaña e instrucción de servicio activo de las Fuerzas Regulares y de Reserva, y (9) transporte de reservistas en relación con su instrucción reglamentaria anual de servicio activo, y compra de ganado de las Fuerzas Regulares y de Reserva. 118 CC.—PHILIPPINE ARMY 119COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details PURPOSE I.—PERSONNEL A. REGULAR FORCE—COMMISSIONED OFFICERS AND CADETS 1. Base pay.................................................. 2. Longevity pay........................................ 3. Commutation of quarters..................... 4. Pay and allowances of cadets, Phil­ ippine Military Academy.................................. [For continuing expenses of the Na­ tional Defense Mission for a period of six (6) years] .................................................................. B. REGULAR FORCE—ENLISTED MEN 5. Base pay................................................ 6. Reenlistment bonus.............................. 7. Clothing allowance .............................. C. REGULAR FORCE—TRAINEES 8. Pay.......................................................... 9. Clothing allowance............................... Pl,622,038.00 P2,181,850.00 ..................... 191,437.00 80,000.00 ..................... 173,000.00 150,500.00 ..................... 93,220.00 177,000.00 ...................... 600,000.00 1,857,200.00 1,620,204.00 ..................... 30,000.00 45,000.00 ..................... 500,600.00 453,100.00 ..................... 336,000.00 330,000.00 ..................... 1,256,000.00 200,000.00 ..................... D. REGULAR FORCE—RETIREMENT COMPENSATION 10. Contribution to Retirement and Pen­ sion Fund, in accordance with Section 3, Act No. 3205, as amended........................................ 11. Additional contribution to [Constab­ ulary] Army Pension and Retirement Fund to cover any deficit in said fund in the year 1937 [1936]: Provided, That pensions paid under Act No. 3205, as amended, shall be subject to the reductions prescribed under section 6 [15] of this Act [No. 4187, as au­ thorized and amended by Act No. 4231]....... E. RESERVE FORCE—COMMISSIONED OFFICERS 12. Base pay................................................ 13. Longevity pay ...................................... 14. Commutation of quarters................... F. CIVIL EMPLOYEES 15. Salaries and wages, civil employees, General Staff.................................................... 16. Salaries and wages, civil employees, Adjutant-General’s Service............................. 17. Salaries and wages, civil employees, unskilled labor*—Quartermaster Service...... 18. Salaries and wages, civil employees, unskilled labor—Ordnance Service................. 100,000.00 100,000.00 ....... 200,000.00 200,000.00 ....... 213,180.00 20,000.00 51,840.00 213,180.00 ....... 5,500.00 ........ 4,200.00 ........ ........................... 17,986.00 17,986.00 ........ 22,678.00 22,678.00 ........ 56,591.00 56,591.00 ........ 145,452.00 145,452.00 ........ 120 CC.—PHILIPPINE ARMY COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual Details 19. Salaries and wages, civil employees, Medical Service.................................................. 21,896.00 20. Salaries and wages, civil employees, Judge Advocate General’s Service................... 4,692.00 21. Salaries and wages, civil employees, Chaplain’s Service ................ 1,364.00 22. Salaries and wages, employees of mo­ bilization centers .............................................. 22,000.00 23. Salaries and wages, civil employees, agents, Provost Marshal General Service .... 60,000.00 24. Salaries and wages, civil employees, Military Academy.............................................. 18,000.00 G. PERSONS UNDERGOING PREPARATORY MILITARY TRAINING 25. Clothing allowance, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.................................................. 44,000.00 7,059,174.00 25a. Expected savings in 1936 under Pur­ pose I to be carried over to 1937, any provi­ sion of existing law to the contrary notwith­ 21,896.00 ..................... 4,692.00 ..................... 1,364.00 ..................... 22,000.00 ..................... 49,266.00 .................... 18,000.00 .................... 17,500.00 ..................... 6,737,959.00 6,737,959.00 standing .............................................................. 544,815.00 Total for Purpose I.—Personnel..... 6,514,359.00 Provided, That the number of posi­ tions and rates of pay for civilian personnel shall be fixed by Executive Order: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That the President shall have au­ thority to transfer and expend not to ex­ ceed twenty-five per cent (25%) of the sum appropriated for any item in tPurpose I to any other item or items included in the same Purpose: [Provided, finally, That the total amount, appropriated under item 5, Purpose I, shall be expended at the discretion of the President] Provided, further, That bonuses or retirement pay not exceeding 1*50,000 that may be paid to officers ivho may be retired under Executive Order N<o. 10, series 1936, shall be charged against the amount appro­ priated in item 1: Provided, finally, That until otherwise prescribed by Executive Order in accordance with section 90 of Commonwealth Act No. 1, no appropriation prbvided in this Act shall be used for the CC.—PHILIPPINE ARMY 121 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details payment [the granting] of automatic promo­ tions to medical officers and dental surgeons and of additional pay due to length of service to all officers of the Philippine Army [Con­ stabulary shall be suspended for the year 1936], the provisions of Acts 3400 and 2936, as amended by Act No. 3620, to the con­ trary notwithstanding. -This proviso shall not affect automatic promotions and addi­ tional pay already granted before January 1, 1933. PURPOSE II.—MAINTENANCE OF PERSONNEL A. SUBSISTENCE 26. Subsistence of the Regular Force..... 27. Subsistence of trainees....................... 28. Subsistence of probationary third lieutenants .......................................................... [Subsistence of reservists on annual active duty] ...................................................... B. SANITATION 29. Hospitalization .................................... 30. Constabulary medical and sanitary service ................................................................ C. QUARTERING 31. Maintenance, operation and rentals of posts, stations, hospitals and buildings......... D. TRAINING AND EDUCATION [Field exercises—Regular Force].... 32. Instruction of officers—Regular Force [Active duty training—R e s e r v e Force] ................................................................ 33. Expenses of Military Academy ....... 34. Training cost of Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.............. .................................. 35. Preparatory Military Training ....... 36. Military libraries................................. E. WELFARE 37. Recreation of the Army..................... F. BURIAL 38. Burial of officers, enlisted men and trainees who die while in active serv­ ice ........................................................................ Total for Purpose II.—Maintenance of Personnel................................... 3,569,230.00 3,646,700.00 812,820.00 722,700.00 2,016,000.00 1,930,500.00 54,000.00 54,000.00 ..................... 189,000.00 50,000.00 36,000.00 ..................... 4,000.00 4,000.00 ..................... 150,000.00 150,000.00 .................. 150,000.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 ..................... 140,000.00 27,000.00 40,000.00 ..................... 245,910.00 137,000.00 ..................... 176,000.00 64,000.00 ..................... 7,000.00 3,000.00 ..................... 3,000.00 3,000.00 ..................... 3,500.00 3,500.00 ..................... 122 CC.—PHILIPPINE ARMY COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details Provided, That the President shall have authority to transfer and expend not to ex­ ceed twenty-five per cent (25 %>) of the sum appropriated for any item included in this purpose to any other item or items. 39. Transportation expenses of military PURPOSE III.—TRANSPORTATION and civil personnel............................................ 269,400.00 269,400.00 40. Transportation of trainees............... 140,000.00 60,000.00 [Transportation of reservists in con­ nection with regular annual active duty training] ............................................................... 150,000.00 41. Transportation and packing of sup­ plies, equipment and armament..................... 199,900.00 199,900.00 [Purchase of animals]....................... 40,000.00 [Forage for animals of the Regular Force] ................................................................ 240,000.00 [Forage for animals of the Reserve Force] ................................................................ 67,000.00 42. Supplies for upkeep and operation of motor vehicles .................................................. 99,700.00 149,700.00 43. Upkeep and operation of watercraft.. 25,000.00 15,000.00 Total for Purpose III.—Transporta­ tion .................................................. 734,000.00 1,191,000.00 Provided, That the President shall have authority to transfer and expend not to ex­ ceed twenty-five per cent (25 %) of the sum appropriated for any item included in this Purpose to any other item or items. PURPOSE IV.—ARMAMENT, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES A. ARMAMENT 44. Ordnance, signal, engineer and chem­ ical defense armament ................................... 45. Ammunition of all calibers and types B. EQUIPMENT 46. Quartermaster equipment ................. 47. Medical equipment ............................. 48. Air Corps equipment ......................... 326,000.00 2,605,741.00 324,000.00 463,900.00 688,143.00 26,487.00 255,500.00 148,143.00 100,000.00 69,000.00 CC.—PHILIPPINE ARMY 123 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details C. SUPPLIES 49. Quartermaster supplies ..................... 50. Mobilization center supplies ............. 51. Medical supplies ................................. 52. Air Corps supplies .............................. 167,760.00 24,000.00 42,393.00 83,000.00 167,760.00 24,000.00 59,200.00 25,000.00 Total for Purpose IV.—Armament, Equipment, and Supplies............. 1,937,283.00 3,662,744.00 Provided, That the President shall have authority to transfer and expend not to ex­ ceed fifty per cent (50%) of the amount ap­ propriated for any item in this Purpose to any other item or items. PURPOSE V.—CONSTRUCTION 53. Land and sea defenses......................... 54. Barracks and quarters....................... 55. Mobilization centers ........................... 56. Training centers .................................. 57. Ordnance establishments................... 58. Quartermaster establishments ......... 59. Engineer establishments ................... 60. Air Corps establishments................... 10,000.00 70,000.00 60 75,000.00 85,000.00 61 261,000.00 100,000.00 62 2,541,000.00 75,000.00 63 20,000.00 80,000.00 64 30,000.00 30,000.00 65 10,000.00 20,000.00 66 75,000.00 75,000.00 67 Total for Purpose V.—Construction 3,022,000.00 535,000.00 Provided, [further] That the President shall have authority to transfer any part of the funds appropriated under any item of this Purpose to any other item or items: Provided, further, That all constructions re­ quired for the National Defense [except land and sea defenses,] shall be accomplished under the direction of the [Department of Public Works:] Chief of Staff of the Philip­ pine Army, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided, fur­ thermore, That funds appropriated under item 63 may be made available for expend­ iture upon the approval of this Act. 124 CC.—PHILIPPINE ARMY COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual PURPOSE VI.—MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES 61. Contingencies of the Army............... 62. Incidental expenses—Quartermaster 25,000.00 25,000.00 68 Service ................................................................ 49,700.00 49,700.00 69 63. Incidental and sundry expenses, Constabulary...................................................... 40,000.00 40,000.00 70 64. Incidental expenses—Adjutant General’s Service...................................................... 29,400.00 29,400.00 71 65. Incidental expense s—Recruiting Service ................................................................ 10,000.00 10,000.00 72 66. Incidental expenses—Judge Advo­ cate Service........................................................ 10,000.00 10,000.00 73 67. Incidental expenses—Chief of Staff.... 15,000.00 15,000.00 74 Total for Purpose VI.—Miscel­ laneous Expenditures ................. 179,100.00 179,100.00 Provided, That funds appropriated under item 74 shall include contingent expenses of the Chief of Staff which may be authorized by the President. SUMMARY Purpose I.—Personnel ............................... 6,514,359.00 6,737,959.00 Purpose II.—Maintenance of Personnel- 3,569,230.00 3,646,700.00 Purpose III.—Transportation ................... Purpose IV.—Armament, Equipment and 734,000.00 1,191,000.00 Supplies .............................................................. 1,937,283.00 3,662,744.00 Purpose V.—Construction ......................... 3,022,000.00 535,000.00 Purpose VI.—Miscellaneous Expenditures .179,100.00 179,100.00 >=15,955,972.00 >=15,952,503.00 Total X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Purchases of equipment and supplies chargeable against the appropriations for the Philippine Army may be made without the intervention of the Division of Pur­ chase and Supply of the Department of Finance, the provi­ sions of any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding: PROVIDED, That when expressly authorized by the Pres­ ident, the appropriations herein made may be used for the purchase of automobiles, auto jitneys, station wagons, trucks or other military motor vehicles.