Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Finance


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Finance
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
Appropriations and expenditures
Philippines -- Department of Finance
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This shows a more detailed report on the expenses of the Department of Finance for the year 1937. The sum of Php 2,987,244 is requested for the bureaus and offices under this Department, as against Php 3,403,660.60 authorized for the current year, making a net decrease of Php 416,416.60. This decrease has been accomplished in spite of the substantial increases that are given in the appropriations for the Bureaus of Internal Revenue, Customs and Treasury by the elimination of the appropriation for the Bureau of Printing, which has been placed on a revolving fund basis, and the reduction of items of appropriations which were found excessive. The increase in the personnel of the Bureaus of Internal Revenue and Customs is expected to result in increased collection of the government revenues.]
E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE For the year 1937, the sum of P2,987,244 is requested for the bureaus and of­ fices under this Department, as against P3,403,660.60 authorized for the current year, making a net decrease of P416,416.60. This decrease has been accomplished in spite of the substantial increases that are given in the appropriations for the Bureaus of Internal Revenue, Customs and Treasury by the elimination of the appropriation for the Bureau of Printing, which has been placed on a revolving fund basis, and the reduction of items of appropriations which were found excessive. The increase in the personnel of the Bureaus of Internal Revenue and Customs is expected to result in increased col­ lection of the government revenues. Para el año 1937, la suma de 4*2,987,244 se pide para las Oficinas bajo este Departamento contra la suma de 1*3,403,660.60 autorizada para el presente año, resultando una disminución neta de 1*416,416.60. Esta disminución se ha obtenido, a pesar de los aumentos que se dieron a las consig­ naciones para las Oficinas de Rentas Internas, Aduanas y Tesorería, por la eliminación de la con­ signación para la Oficina de la Imprenta, que fué colocada sobre la base de fondos reembolsables, y por la reducción de partidas en las consignaciones que se han encontrado excesivas. Se espera que el aumento de personal en las Oficinas de Rentas Internas y Aduanas dará por resultado el aumento en la recaudación de las rentas del Gobierno. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DEPARTMENT HEADS 1. Secretary of the Department............. P10,200.00 P10,200.00 1 2. Undersecretary of the Department.. 7,225.00 7,225.00 2 CHIEF CLERK [OF OFFICE] 3. One chief [Budget Office] clerk......... 3,825.00 3,825.00 4 Technical Assistant 4. One technical assistant [inspector of hulls and boilers]................................................ 3,400.00 3,400.00 H-I-(3)-97 Law Clerk 5. (Im p ln.m clerk. 1,800.00 CLERKS 6. Two clerks, at f*2,550 per annum each 5,100.00 5,100.00 5-6 7. One clerk .............................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 8 8. One clerk .............................................. 540.00 540.00 10 Total .......................................... 33,620.00 31,820.00 140 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 141 (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 1. Secretary of the Department .......................... PIO,200.00 2. Undersecretary of the Department.................... 7,225.00 TECHNICAL DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 3. 1 chief clerk ....................................................... 3,825.00 6. 2 clerks, at P2.550 per annum each................ 5,100.00 7. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 8. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 4. 1 technical assistant .......-................... 3,400.00 5. 1 law clerk .................................................... 1,800.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P33.620.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND SUPPLY CHIEF OF OFFICE 1. One Purchasing Agent....................... P5,100.00 P5,100.00 1 CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 2. One chief of section [division]........... 4,250.00 4,250.00 2b 3. One chief of section [division]......... 2,550.00 2,550.00 5a 4. One chief of section............................. 1,693.00 1,693.00 8 5. One chief of section............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 10 6. Two chiefs of sections, at Pl,530 per annum each........................................................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 9,11 7. One chief of section........................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 12 8. One chief of section........................... 864.00 864.00 13 BUYERS 9. One chief buyer................................... 4,675.00 4,675.00 2 10. One assistant chief buyer................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 5 11. One buyer.............................................. 2,550.00 2,550.00 14 12. Four buyers, at P2,380 per annum each .................................................................... 9,520.00 9,520.00 15-18 13. One buyer.............................................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 19 14. One buyer.............................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 20 15. One buyer.............................................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 21 STENOGRAPHER 16. One stenographer................................ 1,224.00 1,224.00 23 WAREHOUSEMAN 17. One warehouseman............................. 1,224.00 1,224.00 24 CLERKS 18. One clerk .............................................. 1,428.00 1,428.00 26 19. One clerk ..........................................— 1,122.00 1,122.00 27 142 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized (2) DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND SUPPLY 20. One stock clerk..................................... 21. One property clerk ............................. 22. Three clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... [One clerk] ........................................ 23. One clerk .............................................. 24. Six clerks, at P756 per annum each 25. Five clerks, at P648 per annum each.. 26. Twelve clerks, at P540 per annum each .................................................................... 27. Ten clerks, at P432 per annum each 28. Nine clerks, at 5*432 per annum, each 29. Thirteen clerks, at 1*360 per annum each .................................................................... 30. Temporary and emergency employees, including laborers, as follows: 1,080.00 1,080.00 28 1,080.00 1,080.00 29 3,240.00 3,240.00 30,31 1,080.00 31 97'2.00 972.00 33 4,536.00 4,536.00 34,37 3,240.00 3,240.00 38 6,480.00 6,480.00 40, 43 4,320.00 4,320.00 44-45 3,888.00 .. 47(v) 4,680.00 ... 47(v) {Based on 300 working days unless otherwise specified) Inspector (a) One inspector .................................................... Foreman (b) One foreman ................................................... Watchmen (c) One chief watchman........................................ (d) One watchman ................................................. (e) One watchman ................................................. (/) One watchman ................................................. (</) Two watchmen, at P432 per annum each.. Capataces (h) One capataz ..................................................... (i) One capataz ...................................................... Chauffeurs (;) One chauffeur .................................................... (k) One chauffeur .................................................. (Z) One chauffeur ................................................. (?n) One chauffeur ................................................. (n) One chauffeur ................................................... (o) One chauffeur ................................................... Marker (p) One marker 1,350.00 ..................... 47 (V) 1,147.50 (v) 2,448.00 2,448.00 (d) 702.00 702.00 (e) 464.00 464.00 (f) 454.00 454.00 (g) 864.00 864.00 (h)-(i) 660.00 (v) 600.00 ..................... (v) 540.00 ..................... (v) 510.00 (v) 480.00 ..................... (v) 435.00 ..................... (v) 390.00 ..................... (v) 351.00 ..................... <v) 315.00 ..................... (v) Former incumbent of item 31 of Act 4231 retired under Act No. 2589. E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 143 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference t0 *tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND SUPPLY Checkers (q) One checker, at P2.35 per day..................... (r) One checker, at P2.34 per day...................... (s) One checker, at 1*2.15 per day..................... (t) One checker, at 1*1.95 per day...................... (u) Two checkers, at Pl.89 per day each........ (v) One checker, at 1*1.85 per day...................... (w) One checker, at 1*1.65 per day..................... (x) One checker, at 1*1.55 per day..................... (y) One checker, at Pl.lrf per day..................... (z) One checker, at 1*1.20 per day...................... (aa) One checker, at 1*1.15 per day.................. Packers (bb) One packer, at Pl.65 per day..................... (cc) One packer, at Pl.20 per day..................... Carpenters (dd) One carpenter, at Pl.55 per day.............. (ee) One carpenter, at Pl.35 per day.............. (ff) One carpenter, at Pl.26 per day............... (gg) Two carpenters, at Pl.20 per day each.. Janitors (hh) One janitor ................................................ (ii) One janitor, at Pl.60 per day..................... Pump Tender (jj) One pump tender, at PIJrf per day.......... Messengers (kk) One messenger ............................................ (Il) Two messengers, at F394 per annum each .......................................................... (mm) Two messengers, at F366 per annum each .......................................................... (nn) Two messengers, at P338 per annum each .......................................................... (oo) Seven messengers, at P300 per annum each ......................................................... (pp) One messenger ........................................... Coal Agent (qq) One coal agent............................................. 705.00 (v) 702.00 (v) 645.00 (v) 585.00 ... (v) 1,134.00 ... (v) 555.00 (v) 495.00 ... (v) 465.00 ... (v) 435.00 .. (v) 360.00 ... (v) 345.00 (V) 495.00 (v) 360.00 ... (v) 465.00 (V) 405.00 (V) 378.00 .. (v) 720.00 (v) 518.00 518.00 (j) 480.00 .. (v) 435.00 (v) 421.00 421.00 (k) 788.00 788.00 (l)-(m) 732.00 732.00 (n)-(o) 676.00 676.00 (p)-(q) 2,100.00 2,100.00 (r)-(t) 240.00 240.00 (u) 204.00 204.00 (c) 144 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized (2) DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND SUPPLY Laborers (rr) Three laborers, at Fl.62 per day each... 1,458.00 (ss) One laborer, at Fl.56 per day..................... 468.00 (tt) Two laborers, at Fl.55 per day each........ 930.00 (uu) Five laborers, at Fl.lrf per day each..... 2,175.00 (vv) Fifteen laborers, at F1.35 per day each. 6,075.00 (ww) Two laborers, at Fl.30 per day each.... 780.00 (xx) One laborer, at F1.26 per day................... 378.00 (yy) Six laborers, at Fl.20 per day each......... 2,160.00 (zz) One laborer, at Fl.17 per day..................... 351.00 (aaa) One laborer, at Fl.1183 per day............. 335.50 (bbb) Six laborers, at Fl.10 per day each....... 1,980.00 (ccc) Two laborers, at F1.08 per day each.... 648.00 (ddd) Six laborers, at Fl per day each........... 1,800.00 [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] ................................................... ............................ Total................................................ 130,094.00 45,078.00 131,203.00 (v) (v) (v) (v) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (V) (v) INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Purchasing Agent.............................................. P5,100.00 19. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 30 (ww). 1 laborer, at Pl.30 per day...................... 390.00 BUYING DIVISION 9. 1 chief buyer .......................................................... 4,675.00 10. 1 assistant chief buyer........................................ 3,060.00 11. 1 buyer ................................................................... 2,550.00 12. 3 buyers, at P2,380 per annum each.............. 7,140.00 13 1 buyer ..................................................................... 1,700.00 14. 1 buyer ..................................................................... 1,530.00 15. 1 buyer ..................................................................... 1,326.00 4. 1 chief of sect;on .................................................. 1,693.00 16. 1 stenographer ...................................................... 1,224.00 22. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 23. 1 clerk ..................................................... 972.00 24. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each...................... 2,268.00 25. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 1,944.00 26. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each...................... 1,080.00 27. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 2,160.00 29. 3 clerks, at P360 per annum each...................... 1,080.00 30 (ü). 1 janitor, at Pl.60 per day...................... 480.00 30(1/1/). 1 laborer, at Pl.20 per day...................... 360.00 Circular Proposal Section 3. 1 chief of section .................................................... 2,550.00 30(i/i/). 1 laborer, at Pl.20 per day...................... 360.00 Import Section 7. 1 chief of section .................................................... 1,080.00 26. 1 clerk ............ 540.00 30(6). 1 foreman .......... 1,147.50 Billing Section 8. 1 chief of section.................................................... 864.00 22. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 26. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................... 1,080.00 27. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... 864.00 28. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 29. 1 clerk ................. 360.00 Cashier 22. 1 clerk............................... 1,080.00 25. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 28. 1 clerk ............................................. -................. 432.00 Records Section 6. 1 chief of section —............................................ 1,530.00 24. 1 clerk ................... -................. 756.00 ?6. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 28. 1 clerk .................. - 432.00 29. 5 clerks, at P360 per annum each......... ........ 1,800.00 30 (lek) 1 messenger ......................... 421.00 30 (rr) 1 laborer, at Pl.62 per day................ 486.00 30 (yy) 1 laborer, at Pl.20 per day........................ 360.00 30(ddd) 2 laborers, at Pl per day each.—.......... 600.00 30(¿) 1 chauffeur .......—....—......... -........... 480.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 145 (2) DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND SUPPLY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Property Section ........... 1,080.00 ¿1. 1 prupciiy Licin ..................... 540.00 432.00 360.00 30(Zih) 1 janitor .......................... 518.00 Stock Section 6. 1 chief of section ................................................ 26. 2 clerks, at P340 per annum each .................... 27. 1 clerk .................................. -.............. 28. 1 clerk ............. ...........................-.......................... 29. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,530.00 1,080.00 432.00 432.00 360.00 Price Book Section 17. 1 warehouseman ..................................................... 25. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 26. 1 clerk ................................ —................................. 30(g) 1 watchman ...................................................... 30(oo) 1 messenger .............................. -................... 1,224.00 648.00 540.00 432.00 300.00 Supplies Section 2. 1 chief of section ................................................ 4,250.00 12. 1 buyer ................................................................... 2,380.00 5. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,530.00 18. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,428.00 20. 1 stock clerk .................................-....................... 1,080.00 24. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 1,512.00 26. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 27. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 28. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 1,728.00 29. 2 clerks, at P360 per annum each...................... 720.00 30(a). 1 inspector ...................................................... 1,350.00 30(gg). 1 coal agent .................................................. 204.00 30(c). 1 chief watchman .......................................... 2,448.00 30(d). 1 watchman ................................................... 702.00 30(e). 1 watchman ................................................... 464.00 30(f). 1 watchman ..................................................... 454.00 30(g). 1 watchman ...........................-.......~............. 432.00 30(h) 1 capataz ........................................................ 660.00 30(t). 1 capataz ........................................................ 600.00 30 (j). 1 chauffeur ...................................................... 540.00 30(h). 1 chauffeur ...................................... -...... 510.00 30 (m). 1 chauffeur .................................................... 435.00 30 (n). 1 chauffeur ..................................................... 390.00 30(o). 1 chauffeur .................................................... 351.00 30(p). 1 marker ........................................................ 315.00 30(55). 1 packer, at Pl.65 per day...................... 495.00 30 (cc). 1 packer, at Pl.20 uer day.......................... 360.00 30 (jj). 1 pump tender, at (P1.45 per day............ 435.00 30 (dd). 1 carpenter, at Pl.55 per day ................. 465.00 30 (ee). 1 carpenter, at Pl.35 per day.................. 405.00 30(/F). 1 carpenter, at Pl.26 per day................. 878.00 30(gg). 2 carpenters, at Pl.20 per day each___ 720.00 30(g). 1 checker, at P2.35 per day ......................... 705.00 30 (r). 1 checker, at P2.34 per day........... ........ 702.00 30 (s). 1 checker, at P2.15 per day.............. 645.00 30(t). 1 checker, at Pl.95 per day_____________ 585.00 30 (u). 2 checkers, at Pl.89 per day each.............. 1,134.00 30(v). 1 checker, at Pl.85 per day____________ 555.00 30(w). 1 checker, at Pl.65 per day..._............„....... 495.00 30 (x) 1 checker, at Pl.55 per day........................... 465.00 30(y). 1 checker, at Pl.45 per day.......................... 435.00 30 (z). 1 checker, at Pl.20 per day..........„.....-.... ~ 860.00 30 (aa). 1 checker, at Pl.15 per day_________ 845.00 30 (rr). 2 laborers, at Pl.62 per day each.............. 972.00 30 (as). 1 laborer, at Pl.56 per day.........._.............. 468.00 30 (tt). 2 laborers, at Pl.55 per day each.............. 930.00 30 (uu). 5 laborers, at Pl.45 per day each.............. 2,175.00 30 (vv). 15 laborers, at Pl.35 per day each.............. 6,075.00 30 (ww). 1 laborer, at Pl.30 per day...................... 390.00 30(xx). 1 laborer, at Pl.26 per day........................ 378.00 30 (yy). 2 laborers, at Pl.20 per day each............... 720.00 30(1/2/). 1 laborer, at Pl.20 per day........................ 360.00 30 (zz). 1 laborer, at Pl.17 per day............ 851.00 30 (aaa). 1 laborer, at Pl.1183 per day............. ..... 335.50 30(bbb). 6 laborers, at Pl.10 per day each____ 1,980.00 30(ccc). 2 laborers, at Pl.08 per day each........ 648.00 30(ddd). 4 laborers, at Pl per day each. 1,200.00 30 (ZZ). 2 messengers, at P394 per annum each.... 788.00 30 (mm). 2 messengers, at P366 per annum each 732.00 30(nn). 2 messengers, at P338 per annum each 676.00 30(oo). 6 messengers, at P300 per annum each.... 1,800.00 30 (pp). 1 messenger ................................................ 240.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P130,094.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS DIRECTORS 1. One Insular Collector of Customs.... 1*6,120.00 2. One Insular Deputy Collector of Cus­ toms 5,100.00 1*6,120.00 5,100.00 1 2 299089----- 10 146 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. ■la-jc Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested Details (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS 3. Two collectors of customs, at 5*5,100 per annum each ................................................ 4. Four collectors of customs, at 5*4,250 per annum each ................................................ DEPUTY COLLECTORS OF CUSTOMS 5. Two deputy collectors of customs, at P3,400 per annum each.................................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 6. One chief of the customs secret serv­ ice 7. One [special agent] chief, Adminis­ trative Division.................................................. 8. One chief of cash division................... 9. One chief appraiser.............................. 10. One surveyor of the port................... 11. One supervising inspector of hulls and boilers.......................................................... 12. One chief of division........................... 13. One special agent................................. 14. Two chiefs of divisions, at 5*3,825 per annum each ........................................................ 15. Four chiefs of divisions, at 5*3,400 per annum each ................................................ ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 16. One assistant supervising inspector of hulls and boilers............................................ 17. One assistant chief appraiser............. 18. One assistant chief of the customs secret service...................................................... 19. One assistant chief of division........... 20. One assistant chief of division........... 21. One assistant chief of division........... 22. Three assistant chiefs of divisions, at 1*2,040 per annum each..................................... 22a. One assistant chief of division........... CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 23. One property clerk ............................. 24. One chief of section............................. 25. One chief of section............................. 26. One assistant chief of section............. 10,200.00 10,200.00 3 17,000.00 17,000.00 4 6,800.00 6,800.00 5-6 4,675.00 4,675.00 7 4,250.00 4,250.00 8 4,250.00 4,250.00 9 4,250.00 4,250.00 10 4,250.00 4,250.00 11 4,250.00 4,250.00 12 4,250.00 4,250.00 J-I(l)8a 4,000.00 . 7,650.00 7,650.00 13 13,600.00 13,600.00 14-16 3,825.00 3,825.00 17 3,400.00 3,400.00 18 3,060.00 3,060.00 19 3,060.00 3,060.00 J-I(l)20 2,720.00 2,720.00 20 2,380.00 2,380.00 21 6,120.00 6,120.00 22-23 2,040.00 . 1,530.00 1,530.00 25 1,530.00 1,530.00 26 1,224.00 1,224.00 27 972.00 972.00 28 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 147 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS APPRAISERS 27. One appraiser ..................................... 28. One appraiser [senior immigration 3,060.00 3,060.00 29 inspector] ......................................................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 99 29. Three appraisers, at P2,380 per annum each............................................................ 7,140.00 7,140.00 30-31 30. Five appraisers, at 1*2,040 per annum each .................................................................... 10,200.00 10,200.00 32 31. One appraiser ..................................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 33 32> One assistant appraiser....................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 34 EXAMINERS 33. Two examiners, at 1*2,040 per annum each .................................................................... 4,080.00 4,080.00 35-36 34. Four examiners, at Pl,700 per annum each........................................................... 6,800.00 6,800.00 37, 39-40 34a. One examiner ..................................... 1,700.00 35. Seven examiners, at 1*1,530 per an­ num each.............................. ............................. 10,710.00 10,710.00 41-43 36. Two examiners, at Fl,428 per annum each .................................................................... 2,856.00 2,856.00 44-45 37. One examiner....................................... 38. Three examiners, at Pl,224 per an­ 1,326.00 1,326.00 46 num each............................................................ 3,672.00 3,672.00 47 39. Four examiners, at Pl,122 per annum each .................................................................... 4,488.00 4,488.00 48-49 40. Twelve examiners, at Pl,080 per annum each ..................................................... 12,960.00 12,960.00 50-54 41. One examiner....................................... 42. Two examiners, at F972 per annum 1,026.00 1,026.00 55 each .................................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 56 43. Three examiners, at P900 per annum each .................................................................... 2,700.00 2,700.00 57-59 ASSISTANT EXAMINERS 44. Four assistant examiners, at F972 per annum each........................................................ 3,888.00 3,888.00 60-62 45. Three assistant examiners, at F864 per annum each................................................. 2,592.00 2,592.00 63 46. Four assistant examiners, at P756 per annum each....................................................... 3,024.00 3,024.00 64 47. One assistant examiner....................... 648.00 648.00 65 48. One assistant examiner....................... 540.00 540.00 66 49. One assistant examiner....................... 432.00 432.00 67 148 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Former incumbent of item 103 of Act 4231 retired under Act 2589. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 * authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS ASSESSORS 50. Three assessors, at ^1,530 per annum each.... CALCULATORS 4,590.00 4,590.00 68-69 51. One calculator ...................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 70 52. One calculator ...................................... 1,428.00 1,428.00 71 53. Six calculators, at Pl ,080 per annum each............. .............................................. 6,480.00 6,480.00 72-76, 78 53a. One calculator........................................ 1,080.00 54. Two calculators, at P972 per annum each .. 1,944.00 1,944.00 79-80 55. One calculator ...................................... 756.00 756.00 81 56. Two calculators, at P648 per annum each .. 1,296.00 1,296.00 82-83 57. Five calculators, at F540 per annum each.... 2,700.00 SURVEYORS OF CUSTOMS 58. One surveyor of customs..................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 85 59. One surveyor of customs..................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 86 WHARFINGERS 60. One wharfinger .................................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 87 61. Two wharfingers, at P2,O4O per annum each............................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 88-89 62. One wharfinger .................................... 1,693.00 1,693.00 90 63. One wharfinger .................................... 1,500.00 64. One assistant wharfinger................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 91 65. One wharfinger .................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 92 66. Two wharfingers, at P648 per annum each . BOARDING OFFICERS 1,296.00 1,296.00 93 67. Two boarding officers, at Pl,530 per annum each ...................................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 94 68. One boarding officer........................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 95 INSPECTORS 69. Seven inspectors of hulls and boilers, at ^3,400 per annum each.................. ............. 23,800.00 23,800.00 96 70. One customs medical inspector......... 2,550.00 2,550.00 98 71. Two immigration inspectors, at P2,040 per annum each................................... 4,080.00 4,080.00 100-101 72. One immigration inspector................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 102 [One immigration inspector]........... 1,080.00 103 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 149 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS 73. One immigration inspector................. 972.00 972.00 104 74. One immigration inspector................. 864.00 864.00 105 74a. One immigration inspector [clerk].. 864.00 864.00 151 75. Two immigration inspectors, at 1*756 per annum each.................................................. 1,512.00 1,512.00 106 76. One immigration inspector................. 594.00 594.00 107 77. One warehouse inspector................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 108 78. One assistant warehouse inspector.... 1,224.00 1,224.00 109 79. One bay and river chief inspector..... 1,530.00 1,530.00 110 80. One bay and river inspector............... 864.00 864.00 111 81. One customs district inspector with quarters .............................................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 112 82. One inspector ...................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 113 83. One inspector....................................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 114 84. Two inspectors, at 5*1,122 per annum each .................................................................... 2,244.00 2,244.00 115 85. One inspector....................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 116 86. Two inspectors, at 1*972 per annum each .................................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 117 87. Five inspectors, at ¥=864 per annum each .................................................................... 4,320.00 4,320.00 118-119 88. Fourteen inspectors, at 1*756 per an­ num each............................................................ 10,584.00 10,584.00 120 89. One inspector........................................ 745.00 745.00 121 90. Three inspectors, at 1*648 per annum each .................................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 122 91. One inspector....................................... 540.00 540.00 123 91a. Four inspectors, at f*540 per annum each ................................................................. 2,160.00 OVERSEER 92. One overseer ....................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 123(a) DISBURSING OFFICERS 93. One deputy disbursing officer............. 1,530.00 1,530.00 125 94. One assistant disbursing officer......... 1,326.00 1,326.00 126 TELLERS 95. One teller .............................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 127 96. One clerk-receiving teller................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 128 [ASSISTANT CASHIER and] CLERK-CASHIERS 97. One [assistant] clerk-cashier........... 972.00 972.00 129 98. One clerk-cashier ............................... 864.00 864.00 130 99. Two clerk-cashiers, at 1*648 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,296.00 1,296.00 131-132 150 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1QQ7 Reference to item Budget Details numbers of Act Item Nn requested authorized No. 4231, unless liem rM0‘ otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS STENOGRAPHERS 100. One stenographer ............................... 101. Two stenographers, at Fl,224 per annum each ........................................................ INTERPRETERS 102. One Chinese interpreter..................... 103. Two Chinese interpreters, at Fl,080 per annum each.................................................. CLERKS 104. One clerk .............................................. 104a. One clerk [accountant]..................... 104b. One clerk ............................................ 105. Five clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each .................................................................... 105a. One clerk [assistant accountant]..... 106. One clerk ............................................ 106a. One clerk ............................................ 107. Two clerks, at ¥=1,326 per annum each .................................................................... 108. Two clerks, at F 1,224 per annum each .................................................................... 109. Two clerks, at ¥=1,122 per annum each .................................................................... 109a. One clerk [assistant accountant].... 110. Ten clerks, at Fl,080 per annum each 110a. One clerk [assistant accountant].... 111. Seven clerks, at F972 per annum each 112. One clerk ............................................. 113. One clerk ............................................. 114. Ten clerks, at F864 per annnum each 115. One clerk ............................................. 116. Twelve clerks, at F756 per annum each .................................................................... 116a. One clerk............................................. 117. Twenty-six clerks, at F648 per an­ num each ............................................................ 118. One clerk ............................................. 119 Twenty clerks, at F540 per annum each .................................................................... 119a. One clerk ........................................... 119&. One clerk............................................. 120. One clerk ............................................. 1,428.00 1,428.00 133 2,448.00 2,448.00 134-135 1,275.00 1,275.00 136 2,160.00 2,160.00 137 2,040.00 2,040.00 138 2,040.00 2,040.00 J-I(l)80 2,040.00 2,040.00 J-I(1)120 7,650.00 7,650.00 139-140 1,530.00 1,530.00 J-I(1)83 1,428.00 1,428.00 141 1,428.00 2,652.00 2,652.00 142-143 2,448.00 2,448.00 144 2,244.00 2,244.00 145 1,122.00 1,122.00 J-I (1)88 10,800.00 10,800.00 146-147 1,080.00 1,080.00 J-I(1)89 6,804.00 6,804.00 148 961.00 961.00 149 918.00 918.00 150 8,640.00 8,640.00 151,153-154 810.00 810.00 155 9,072.00 9,072.00 156-158 756.00 756.00 J-I(1)137 16,848.00 16,848.00 159-160 594.00 594.00 161 10,800.00 10,800.00 162-163 540.00 540.00 J-I(1)147 540.00 . 529.00 529.00 164 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 151 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS 121. Six clerks, at 1*486 per annum each.. 122. Twenty-eight clerks, at 1*432 per an2,916.00 2,916.00 166-169 num each ............................................................ 12,096.00 12,096.00 170-172 123. Three clerks, at 1*378 per annum each 1,134.00 1,134.00 173-175 124. One clerk .............................................. 125. Temporary employees as follow^: 324.00 324.00 176 (a) Four clerks, at 1*240 per annum each.. 960.00 960.00 177(a) (6) One clerk, at 1*20 per month..................... 40.00 40.00 (M WEIGHERS 126. Four weighers, at 1*648 per annum each .................................................................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 178-179 127. Three weighers, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 180 128. One weigher ....................................... 129. Five weighers, at 1*432 per annum 529.00 529.00 181 each .................................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 182 SEMAPHORE STATION 130. One chief of the semaphore station, ivith quarters in kind....................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 183 131. One assistant chief of the semaphore station, with quarters in kind......................... 864.00 864.00 184 STOREKEEPERS 132. One storekeeper................................... 972.00 972.00 185 133. One storekeeper................................... 648.00 648.00 186 134. One assistant storekeeper................... 648.00 648.00 187 GUARDS 135. Nine guards, at F648 per annum each ................................................................... 5,832.00 5,832.00 188-189 136. Forty-eight guards, at 1*540 per an­ num each............................................................ 25,920.00 25,920.00 190 137. One guard............................................. 138. Ninety-eight guards, at 1*432 per an­ 486.00 486.00 191 num each .......................................................... 42,336.00 42,336.00 192-195 138a. Three guards, at ^^32 per annum each...................................................................... 1,296.00 . 139. One night guard................................... 432.00 432.00 196 140. One guard.............................................. 324.00 324.00 197 BAY AND RIVER GUARDS 141. One bay and river guard..................... 648.00 648.00 198 142. One bay and river guard..................... 637.00 637.00 199 152 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item nAfaile lyoo numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS 143. Nine bay and river guards, at 1*540 per annum each.................................................. 4,860.00 4,860.00 200-201 144. Two bay and river guards, at 1*432 per annum each.................................................. 864.00 864.00 202 TELEPHONE OPERATOR 145. One telephone operator....................... 324.00 324.00 203 MESSENGERS 146. One messenger..................................... 540.00 540.00 204 147. One messenger...................................... 378.00 378.00 205 148. Three messengers, at 1*360 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 206 149. Six messengers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 207-209 150. Three mesengers, at 1*300 per annum each...................................................................... 900.00 900.00 210-211 151. Thirty-one messengers, at T240 per annum each........................................................ 7,440.00 7,440.00 212 SECRET SERVICE AGENTS [Secret agents engaged in the appre­ hension of violators of the customs, immigra­ tion and revenue laws, as follows:] 152. One supervising customs secret serv­ ice agent ...... ..................................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 213(a) 153. One supervising customs secret serv­ ice agent ............................................................ 2,397.00 2,397.00 (&) 154. One supervising customs secret serv­ ice agent.............................................................. 2,295.00 2,295.00 (<0 155. Three supervising customs secret service agents, at 1*2,040 per annum each..... 6,120.00 6,120.00 (d)-(e) 156. One supervising customs secret serv­ ice agent ............................................................ 1,870.00 1,870.00 (/) 157. One supervising customs secret serv­ ice agent.............................................................. 1,785.00 1,785.00 Iff) 158. Two supervising customs secret service agents, at 1*1,700 per annum each..... 3,400.00 3,400.00 W 159. One supervising customs secret serv­ ice agent ............................................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 (0 160. One customs secret service agent..... 1,700.00 1,700.00 (/) 161. One customs secret service agent.... 1,632.00 1,632.00 (fc) 162. Two customs secret service agents, at 1*1,080 per annum each............................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 (D E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 153 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS 163. Two customs secret service agents, at 1*972 per annum each..................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 (m)-(n) 164 One customs secret service agent..... 918.00 918.00 (o) 165. Three customs secret service agents, at 1*864 per annum each ............................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 (p) 166. Six customs secret service agents, at 1*810 per annum each....................................... 4,860.00 4,860.00 (?) 167. Seven customs secret service agents, at 1*756 per annum each............................... 5,292.00 5,292.00 (r)-(s) 168. Four customs secret service agents, at F702 per annum each ............................... 2,808.00 2,808.00 (t) 169. Twenty-four customs secret service agents, at 1*648 per annum each................... 15,552.00 15,552.00 W-(v) 170. One customs secret service agent.... 540.00 540.00 (w) 171. One customs secret service agent.... 432.00 432.00 M 172. One customs secret service agent....... 864.00 864.00 214 173. Two customs secret service agents, at 1*810 per annum each .................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 215 174. One customs secret service agent....... 756.00 756.00 216 175. Four customs secret service agents, at i*648 per annum each ............................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 217 POLICEMEN AND WATCHMEN 176. One chief of police............................... 972.00 972.00 218 177. One sergeant of police....................... 594.00 594.00 219 178. Three policemen, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 220 179. Twenty-three policemen, at 1*432 per annum each........................................................ 9,936.00 9,936.00 221 180. Two policemen, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 648.00 648.00 222 181. One chief watchman........................... 1,530.00. 1,530.00 223 182. Two watchmen, at 1*702 per annum each .................................................................... 1,404.00 1,404.00 22£ 183. Twelve watchmen, at 1*648 per an­ num each............................................................ 7,776.00 7,776.00 225-226 184. Fifteen watchmen, at 1*540 per an­ num each............................................................ 8,100.00 8,100.00 227 185. Three watchmen, at 1*432 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 228 185a. Two watchmen, at per annum each ................................................................... 864.00 186. One watchman .................................... 378.00 378.00 229 154 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS 187. Four watchmen, at F324 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 230 188. One watchman..................................... 300.00 300.00 231 189. Two wharf patrolmen, at 1*432 per annum each........................................................ 864.00 864.00 232 190. Two lookouts, at 1*324 per annum each .. GATEKEEPERS 648.00 648.00 233 191. Two gatekeepers, at 1*486 per annum each .. 972.00 972.00 234 192. Nine gatekeepers, at 1*432 per annum each............................................................ 3,888.00 3,888.00 235 192a. Two gatekeepers, at 1*432 per annum each ................................................. 864.00 .. 193. One gatekeeper ................................... 378.00 378.00 236 194. Five gatekeepers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 237 OPENERS 195. Thirteen openers, at 1*432 per annum each .................................................................... 5,616.00 5,616.00 238-239 196. Four openers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 240 JANITORS 197. One chief janitor......... ........................ 756.00 756.00 241 198. One janitor ......................................... 486.00 486.00 242 199. Nine janitors, at 1*378 per annum each .................................................................... 3,402.00 3,402.00 243 LABORERS 200. Two laborers, at 1*486 per annum each .................................................................... 972.00 972.00 244 201. Two laborers, at 1*378 per annum each .................................................................... 756.00 756.00 247 202. One laborer............................................ 324.00 324.00 248 203. One laborer ......................................... 300.00 300.00 249 204. One laborer [corporal] ..................... 432.00 432.00 253 205. For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: (a) Ten laborers ................................................... 4,500.00 4,500.00 246 (b) Four laborers [For laborers handling cargo in the pier and customs bodega].. 1,784.00 1,784.00 245 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 155 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested (e) Tiventy-five laborers [Laborers for trans­ ferring cargo from foreign vessels to (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS the customhouse bodega]......................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 250 (d) Fifteen laborers [Laborers for transferring cargo from foreign vessels to the customhouse bodega] ............................... 1,000.00 1,000.00 251 (e) Four laborers [Laborers for transferring cargo from foreign vessels to the customhouse bodega] ....................................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 252 (/) For emergency laborers............................... 400.00 . 206. One porter ........................................... 324.00 324.00 254 207. One porter ........................................... 300.00 300.00 255 208. One porter ........................................... 240.00 240.00 256 CHAUFFEURS AND MOTORCYCLIST 209. One chauffeur ..................................... 756.00 756.00 257 210. One chauffeur ......... -.......................... 648.00 648.00 258 211. One motorcyclist................................. 540.00 540.00 259 CRANE OPERATOR [MACHINIST] 212. One crane operator [machinist]....... 648.00 648.00 260 OFFICERS AND CREWS OF STEAMERS, LAUNCHES AND MOTORBOATS [Salaries of captain, officers and crew of the steamer “Arayat”, as follows:] CAPTAINS 213. One captain ......................................... P4.590.00 P4.590.00H-I (3)-261 (a) 214. Three captains, at 1*4,590 per an­ Í J-I-(l)-52 num each............................................................ 13,770.00 13,770.00\ J-I-(l)-53 OFFICERS 215. One first officer ................................. 2,805.00 2,805.00H-I(3)-261(b) 216. Two first officers, at 1*2,805 per an­ Í J-I-(1)-54 num each........................................................... 5,610.00 5,610.00 I J-I-(l)-55 217. One first officer ................................... 2,244.00 2,244.00 J-I-(1)-56 218. One second officer............................... 1,836.00 l,836.00H-I(3)-261(c) 219. Two second officers, at 1*1,836 per annum ................................................................ 3,672.00 3,672.00 J-I-(1)-57 220. One second officer............................... 1,683.00 1,683.00 J—I—(1)—58 221. One third officer ................................. 1,683.00 l,683.00H-I(3)-261(d) 222. Two third officers, at Pl,683 per an­ num each.......................................................... 3,366.00 3,366.00 J-I-(1)-59 223. One third officer................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 J-I-(1)-60 156 H.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item Nc Details L 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 224. (3) BUREAU OF ENGINEERS One chief engineer............................... CUSTOMS 4,590.00 4,590.00 H-I-(3)-261 225. annum Two chief engineers, at 1*4,590 per each ...................................................... 9,180.00 9,180.00 (f) J-I-(l)-37 226. One chief engineer ........................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 J-I-(1)-38 227. One first assistant engineer............... 2,805.00 2,805.00 H-I-(3)-261 228. 1*2,805 Two first assistant engineers, at per annum each ............................... 5,610.00 5,610.00 (g) J-I-(1)-39-40 229. One first assistant engineer............... 2,244.00 2,244.00 J-I-(l)-41 230. One second assistant engineer........... 1,836.00 1,836.00 H-I-(3)-261 231. 1*1,836 Two second asssitant engineers, at per annum each ................................. 3,672.00 3,672.00 (h) J-I-(1)-42232. One second assistant engineer........... 1,683.00 1,683.00 43 J-I-(1)-44 233. One third assistant engineer ........... 1,683.00 1,683.00 H-I-(3)-261 234. Pl,683 Two third assistant engineers, at per annum each ................................. 3,366.00 3,366.00 (i) J-I-(l)-45 235. One third assistant engineer ........... 1,530.00 1,530.00 J-I-(l)-46 236. One launch engineer........................... 918.00 918.00 J-I-(l)-47 237. RADIO OPERATORS One radio operator ........................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 H-I-(3)-261 238. annum Three radio operators, at =P1,53O per each........................................................ 4,590.00 4,590.00 (e) J-I-(l)-227 239. each .. MACHINISTS Three machinists, at 1*756 per annum 2,268.00 2,268.00 (n)-(p) H-I-(3)-261 240. Two motorboat machinists, at 1*648 per anuum each.................................................. 1,296.00 1,296.00 (k) H-I-(3)-261 241. each .. Two machinists, at 1*648 per annum 1,296.00 1,296.00 (j) J-I-(l)-227 242. One machinist ................................... 540.00 (x)-(y) 540.00J-4-(l)-227(z) 243. OILERS Six oilers, at 1*540 per annum each.... 3,240.00 3,240.00 H-I-(3)-261 (1) E— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 157 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF 243a. Eleven oilers, at 1*540 per annum CUSTOMS each .................................................................... 5,940.00 5,940.00 J-I-(l)-227 (a-1) FIREMEN 244. Three firemen, at 1*486 per annum each .................................................................... 244a. Eighteen firemen, at 1*486 per annum 1,458.00 1,458.00 H-I-(3)-261 (m) each .................................................................... 8,748.00 8,748.00 J-I-(l)-227 (b-1) 245. One fireman ....................................... 428.00 428.00 J-I-(1)-227 (c-1) COAL-PASSERS 246. Three coal-passers, at 1*378 per annum each ......................................................... 1,134.00 1,134.00 H-I-(3)-261 (n) 246a. One coal-passer ................................... 378.00 378.00 J-I-(1)-227 (f-1) STOREKEEPERS 247. One storekeeper................................... 486.00 486.00 H-I-(3)-261 (o) 248. One storekeeper................................... 324.00 324.00 H-I-(3)-261 (P) BOATSWAINS 249. One boatswain ................................... 249a. Three boatswains, at 1*648 per annum 648.00 648.00 H-I-(3)-261 (q) each .................................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 J-I-(l)-227 (u) CARPENTERS 250. One carpenter ...................................... 250a. Three carpenters, at 1*648 per an­ 648.00 648.00 H-I-(3)-261 (r) num each.............................................................. 1,944.00 1,944.00 J-I-(1)-227 (v) QUARTERSMASTERS 251. Three quartermasters, at 1*378 per annum each........................................................ 251a.Nine quartermasters, at 1*378 per 1,134.00 1,134.00 H-I-(3)-261 (s) annum each ...................................................... 3,402.00 3,402.00 J-I-(1)-227 (d-1) 158 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized COXSWAINS 252. Two coxswains, at "F378 per annum (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS each .................................................................... 756.00 756.00 H-I-(3)-261 253. Six coxswains, at 1*356 per annum (t) each .................................................................... 2,136.00 2,136.00 J-I-(l)-227 (g-1) SEAMEN 254. Twelve seamen, at 1*378 per annum each .................................................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 H-I-(3)-261 (u) STEWARDS 255. One steward ....................................... 256. Two stewards, at 1*648 per annum 810.00 810.00 J-I-(1)-227 (r) each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 J-I-(l)-227 (s) 256a. One steward ........................................ 648.00 648.00 H-I-(3)-261 (v) SUPERCARGOES 257. Two supercargoes, at ^648 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,296.00 1,296.00 J-I-(l)-227 (t) COOKS 258. One first cook ..................................... 259. Three chief cooks, at 1*648 per an­ 648.00 648.00 H-I-(3)-261 (x) num each .......................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 J-I-(1)-227 (w) 260. One second cook ................................. 260a.Three second cooks, at 1*378 per an­ 378.00 378.00 H-I-(3)-261 (y) num each............................................................ 1,134.00 1,134.00 J-I-(1)-227 (e-1) SAILORS 261. Thirty sailors, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 262. Four sailors, at 1*300 per annum 9,720.00 9,720.00 J-I-(1)-227 (h-1) each .................................................................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 J-I-(1)-227 (i-1) BOATMEN 263. Two boatmen at 1*300 per annum each 600.00 600.00 J-I-(l)-227 (j-D E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 159 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 264. (3) BUREAU OF Twenty-two boatmen, at 1*240 per CUSTOMS annum 265. each....................................................... Five boatmen,. at 1*216 per annum 5,280.00 5,280.00 J-I-(1)-227 (l-l)-(m-l) each .. 266. Five boatmen, at 1*192 per annum 1,080.00 1,080.00 J-I-(l)-227 (n-1) each .. 267. Fifty-five boatmen, at T180 per an960.00 960.00 J-I-(1)-227 (o-l) num each.................................................. -........ 268. Four boatmen, at 4*120 per annum 9,900.00 9,900.00 J-I-(l)-227 (p-l)-(q-l) each .. 269. MESS BOYS Three messboys, at 1*264 per annum 480.00 480.00 J-I-(l)-227 (r-1) each .. 269a. Nine messboys, at 1*264 per annum 792.00 792.00 H-I-(3)-261 (w) each .. CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC 2,376.00 2,376.00 J-I-(l)-227 (k-1) 270. One chauffeur-mechanic..................... LABORERS 714.00 714.00 J-I-(1)-227 (s-1) 271. One laborer........................................... 594.00 594.00 J-I-(l)-227 (t-1) 272. One laborer ......................................... PATRON 405.00 405.00 J-I-(l)-227 (u-1) 273. One patron........................................... LIGHTKEEPERS 918.00 918.00 J-I-(l)-227 (q) 274. 275. One lightkeeper ................................. Two lightkeepers, at 1*972 per annum 1,122.00 1,122.00 J-I-(1)-176 (a) each .. 276. Sixteen lightkeepers, at 1*864 per an1,944.00 1,944.00 J-I-(1)-178 num each............................................................ 13,824.00 13,824.00 J-I-(1)-179182 277. 278. One lightkeeper................................... Six lightkeepers, at ?756 per annum 767.00 767.00 J-I-(l)-183 each .. 4,536.00 4,536.00 J-I-(1)-184186 160 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS 279. One lightkeeper ................................... 280. Thirty lightkeepers, at P648 per an659.00 659.00 J—I—(1)—187 num each .......................................................... 19,440.00 19,440.00 J-I-(l)-188281. Forty-four lightkeepers, at 1*540 per 190 annum each........................................................ 23,760.00 23,760.00 J-I-(l)-191282. Five lightkeepers, at 1*486 per annum 198 each .................................................................... 2,430.00 2,430.00 J—I—(1)—199201 283. One lightkeeper................................... 284. Twenty-three lightkeeprs, at 1*432 443.00 443.00 J-I-(l)-202 per annum each ................................................ 9,936.00 9,936.00 J-I-(1)-203285. Fifty-eight lightkeepers, at 1*378 per 208 annum each........................................................ 21,924.00 21,924.00 J-I-(l)-209286. Twenty-seven lightkeepers, at 1*324 217 per annum each ................................................ 8,748.00 8,748.00 J-I-(1)-218287. Twenty-three lightkeepers, at 1*300 219 per annum each ................................................ 6,900.00 6,900.00 J-I-(1)-220288. Eleven lightkeepers, at 1*240 per 221 annum each ...................................................... 2,640.00 2,640.00 J-I-(1)-222224 289. Ten lightkeepers, at 1*180 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,800.00 1,800.00 J-I-(l)-225290. Subsistence of officers, petty officers, 226 patrons and crews.............................................. 40,056.00 40,056.00 J-I-(1)-228 291. Clothing allowance to crews of ves­ sels ...................................................................... 2,328.00 2,328.00 J-I-(1)-229 292. Rations in kind furnished to light­ keepers and boatmen at light stations........... 13,600.00 13,600.00 J-I-(1)-230 293. Rations in kind furnished to light­ keepers and boatmen at light stations........... 2,880.00 2,880.00 J-I-(l)-231 294. Subsistence of captain, officers and crew of the steamer “Arayat”....................... 16,270.00 16,265.60 262 295. Clothing allowance to crew of the steamer “Arayat” ............................................ 296. Salaries and wages of officers [launch] foremen and crews of launches, 1,200.00 1,218.40 263 boats and motorboats, as follows: E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 161 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1Q,7 1o,e Reference to item RiirfHAt Details *y'50 numbers of Act if m ueians requested authorized No. 4231, unless Item INO. otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS Engineers (a) One engineer ........................................................ (b) One engineer ........................................................ (c) One engineer ........................................................ (d) One engineer ........................................................ (e) Two engineers, at 1*756 per annum each......... (/) One assistant engineer....................................... Foremen (g) One launch foreman............................................ (7?) One assistant foreman....................................... Patrons (i) One patron ............................................................. (;) One patron ............................................................ (k) Two patrons, at 1*972 per annum each........... (l) One patron ............................................................... (???) Three patrons, at 1*864 per annum each......... (n) Five patrons, at 1*648 per annum each........... (o) Two patrons, at 1*540 per annum each........... Machinists (p) Three machinists, at 1*864 per annum each.... (q) Three machinists, at 1*756 per annum each.... (?’) Two machinists, at f*648 per annum each..... (s) One machinist .......... ........................................... (t) Two machinists, at 1*540 per annum each..... (w) One machinist ..................................................... (v) One assistant machinist...................................... Carpenter (w) One carpenter ...................................................... Oiler (x) One oiler ................................................................ Quartermasters (y) One quartermaster .............................................. (z) One quartermaster .............................................. (aa) Four quartermasters, at 1*378 per annum each .................................................................... (bb) Two quartermasters, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 299089------ 11 2,397.00 1,530.00 1,080.00 2,397.00 1,530.00 1,080.00 270(/) 270 (</) 270(A) 972.00 972.00 267(<7) 1,512.00 1,512.00 270 (i) 648.00 648.00 261(h) 2,720.00 2,720.00 267(a) 1,080.00 1,080.00 267(6) 1,530.00 1,530.00 270(a) 1,275.00 1,275.00 270(6) 1,944.00 864 00 1,944.00 267(d), 270(c) 2,592.00 2,592.00 267(e) 273(a) 285(a) 3,240.00 3,240.00 270(d)-(e) 279(a)-279(b) 288(a) 1,080.00 1,080.00 267(7) 2,592.00 2,592.00 276(a) 273(6) 285(6) 2,268.00 2,268.00 270(j)-(/c) 279(c) 1,296.00 1,296.00 279(d),288(6) 570.00 570.00 267(7i) 1,080.00 1,080.00 267(o) 282(a) 432.00 432.00 267(p) 432.00 432.00 276(c) 810.00 810.00 267(c) 540.00 540.00 270(q) 540.00 540.00 276(6) 432.00 432.00 273(c) 1,512.00 1,512.00 270(0 270(771) 648.00 648.00 267(0 162 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS Firemen (cc) Five firemen, at 1*432 per annum each.......... (dd) Two firemen, at 1*378 per annum each.......... (cc) One fireman ............................................................ Seamen (ff) Twelve seamen, at F324 per annum each........ (gg) Eleven seamen, at 1*300 per annum each...... (hh) One seaman ............................................................ (ii) Three seamen, at 1*240 per annum each........ Sailors (jj) Three sailors, at 1*300 per annum each........ Boatmen (kk) One boatman .......................................................... (Il) One boatman .......................................................... (vim) One boatman ........................................................ (nn) Subsistence of officers and crews of launches, boats and motorboats...................................... [Subsistence of launch crews].......................... [Subsistence of officers and crews of launches and motorboats].............................. [Subsistence of crew of launch]..................... [Subsistence of crew of launch]..................... [Subsistence of crew of boat and motor­ boat] .................................................................... [Subsistence of crew of motorboat].............. . [Subsistence of crew of motor launch]...... [Subsistence of crew of launch]..................... (oo) Clothing allowance to crews of launches, boats and motorboats...................................... [Clothing allowance to crews]......................... [Clothing allowance to crews]......................... [Clothing allowance to crew of launch]...... [Clothing allowance to crew of launch]...... 2,160.00 756.00 276.00 2,160.00 756.00 276.00 267 (i) 267 (j) 213(d) 276(d) 267(k) 216(e) 3,888.00 3,888.00 210(n)-(p) 213(e) 279(e) 3,300.00 3,300.00 267 (m) 278.00 278.00 276 (f) 720.00 720.00 219(f) 900.00 900.00 288(c) 285(c) 300.00 300.00 279(g) 280.00 280.00 282(5) 240.00 240.00 279(A) 17,615.00 .. 5,280.80 268 7,272.00 271 923.20 274 1,188.00 277 1,588.00 280 264.80 283 657.60 286 ..................... 440.00 289 1,607.00 .. 788.80 269 400.00 272 64.00 275 64.00 278 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 163 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS [Clothing allowance to crew of boat and motorboat] ......................................................... [Clothing allowance to crew]............................ [Clothing allowance to crew of motor launch] ................................................................ [Clothing allowance of crew]............................ 136.00 56.00 64.00 34.40 281 284 287 290 Total ................................................... 1,166,191.00 1,145,848.60 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Insular Collector of Customs....................... P6,120.00 2. 1 Insular Deputy Collector of Customs........ 5,100.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 7. 1 chief, administrative division......................... 4,250.00 13. 1 special agent .................................................... 4,000.00 21. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 2,380.00 104. 1 clerk .................................................................. 2,040.00 110. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 111. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 114. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 1,728.00 116. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 1,512.00 117. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 1,296.00 119. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 122. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 123. 1 clerk ................................................................... 378.00 125(a). 1 clerk ............................................................ 240.00 151. 10 messengers, at P240 per annum each....... 2,400.00 CASH DIVISION 8. 1 chief of cash division....................................... 4,250.00 22. 1 assistant chief of division............................... 2,040.00 23. 1 property clerk ................................................ 1,530.00 93. 1 deputy disbursing officer................................. 1,530.00 94. 1 assistant disbursing officer............................. 1,326.00 95. 1 teller ................................................................. 1,530.00 105. 2 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 3,060.00 106a. 1 clerk ............................................ 1,428.00 107. 1 clerk ...........................................-.................... 1,326.00 114. 4 clerks, at P864 per annum each................. 3,456.00 116. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 1,512.00 117. 5 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 3,240.00 119. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 121. 1 clerk ................................................................... 486.00 122. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 125(b). 1 clerk, at P20 per month.......................... 40.00 146. 1 messenger ......................................................... 540.00 149. 2 messengers, at P324 per annum each.......... 648.00 151. 3 messengers, at P240 per annum each........ 720.00 200. 2 laborers, at P486 per annum each.............. 972.00 201. 2 laborers, at P378 per annum each............... 756.00 APPRAISERS DIVISION 9. 1 chief appraiser ............................................... 4,250.00 17. 1 assistant chief appraiser............................... 3,400.00 27. 1 appraiser ......................................................... 3,060.00 28. 1 appraiser ........................................................... 2,550.00 29. 2 appraisers, at P2,380 per annum each...... 4,760.00 30. 4 appraisers, at P2.040 per annum each...... 8,160.00 33. 2 examiners, P2,040 per annum each.............. 4,080.00 34. 3 ex’aminers, at Pl,700 per annum each........ 5,100.00 34a. 1 examiner ........................................................ 1,700.00 35. 5 examiners, at Pl,530 per annum each......... 7,650.00 36. 2 examiners, at Pl,428 per annum each......... 2,856.00 37. 1 examiner .......................................................... 1,326.00 38. 3 examiners, at Pl,224 per annum each........ 3,672.00 39. 4 examiners, at Pl,122 per annum each.......... 4,488.00 40. 11 examiners, at Pl,080 per annum each....... 11,880.00 41. 1 examiner .......................................................... 1,026.00 42. 1 examiner .......................................................... 972.00 44. 4 assistant examiners, at P972 per annum each ............................................................... 3,888.00 45. 3 assistant examiners, at P864 per annum each ............................................................... 2,592.00 46. 4 assistant examiners, at P756 per annum each ............................................................... 3,024.00 47. 1 assistant examiner ....................................... 648.00 48. 1 assistant examiner ....................................... 540.00 49. 1 assistant examiner ....................................... 432.00 108. 2 clerks, at Pl,224 per annum each................ 2,448.00 117. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 2,592.00 164 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 119. 6 clerks, at P540 per annum each................. 3,240.00 120. 1 clerk ................................................................. 529.00 122. 3 clerks, at 1*432 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 126. 4 weighers, at F648 per annum each.............. 2,592.00 127. 3 weighers, at 1*540 per annum each.............. 1,620.00 128. 1 weigher ............................................................. 529.00 129. 5 weighers, at F432 per annum each............ 2,160.00 151. 4 messengers, at 1*240 per annum each.......... 960.00 195. 2 openers, at 1*432 per annum each................ 864.00 196. 2 openers, at 1*324 per annum each.............. 648.00 211. 1 motorcyclist ..................................................... 540.00 OFFICE OF THE SURVEYOR OF THE PORT 10. 1 surveyor of the port...................................... 4,250.00 70. 1 customs medical inspector............................. 2,550.00 77. 1 warehouse inspector ...................................... 1,530.00 78. 1 assistant warehouse inspector....................... 1,224.00 79. 1 bay and river chief inspector....................... 1,530.00 80. 1 bay and river inspector................ 864.00 100. 1 stenographer ................................................... 1,428.00 109. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 116. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 122. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 125(a). 1 clerk ............................................................ 240.00 130. 1 chief of the semaphore station, with quarters in kind............................................ 1,122.00 131. 1 assistant chief of the semaphore station, with quarters, in kind................................. 864.00 133. 1 storekeeper ....................................................... 648.00 141. 1 bay and river guard......................................... 648.00 142. 1 bay and river guard...................................... 637.00 143. 9 bay and river guards, at P540 per annum each ................................................................ 4,860.00 144. 2 bay and river guards, at 1*432 per annum each ................................................................ 864.00 148. 3 messengers, at 1*360 per annum each............. 1,080.00 151. 1 messenger ...................................................... 240.00 195. 1 opener .............................................................. 432.00 197. 1 chief janitor .................................................. 756.00 198. 1 janitor ............................................................. 486.00 199. 9 janitors, at 1*378 per annum each.................. 3,402.00 210. 1 chauffeur .......................................................... 648.00 MARINE DIVISION 14. 1 chief of division.............................................. 3,825.00 22(a). 1 assistant chief of division........................ 2,040.00 51. 1 calculator ....................................................... 1,530.00 105. 2 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each.................... 3,060.00 109. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 110. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................... 2,160.00 111. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 112. 1 clerk ...... 961.00 114. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 116. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 117. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each................... 1,296.00 118. 1 clerk ........................................... 594.00 119. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each...,................. 1.Q80.00 121. 1 clerk ................................................ ...».............. 486.00 122. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 124. 1 clerk ................................................................. 324.00 150. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 151. 3 messengers, at P240 per annum each......... 720.00 LAW DIVISION 125(a). 1 clerk ............................................................ 147. 1 messenger ......................................................... ACCOUNTING DIVISION 15. 1 chief of division.................................................. 22. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 50. 3 assessors, at Pl,530 per annum each............ 53. 5 calculators, at Pl,080 per annum each....... 53a. 1 calculator ........................................................ 54. 2 calculators ........................................................ 55. 1 calculator .......................................................... 56. 2 calculators, at P648 per annum each........... 57. 5 calculators ........................................................ 107. 1 clerk ................................................................... 111. 1 clerk ................................................................... 114. 1 clerk ................................................................... 116. 1 clerk ................................................................... 117. 3 clerks ................................................................... 119. 1 clerk ................................................................... 119b. 1 clerk ............................................................... 121. 1 clerk ................................................................... 122. 6 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 151. 4 messengers ........................................................ PIERS AND INSPECTORS DIVISION 15. 1 chief of division................................................ 22. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 60. 1 wharfinger ........................................................ 61. 1 wharfinger ........................................................ 62. 1 wharfinger ........................................................ 64. 1 assistant wharfinger ........................................ 67. 2 boarding officers ............................................. 82. 1 inspector ............................................................ 83. 1 inspector ............................................................ 84. 2 inspectors .......................................................... 85. 1 inspector ............................................................ 86. 2 inspectors, at P972 per annum each........... 87. 4 inspectors, at P864 per annum each........... 88. 12 inspectors, at P756 per annum each......... 90. 1 inspector ............................................................ 91a. 4 inspectors, at P540 per annum each......... 113. 1 clerk .................................................................. 117. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each............... 135. 6 guards, at P648 per annum each.................. 136. 32 guards, at P540 per annum each.............. 138. 53 guards, at P432 per annum each............. 151. 2 messengers, at P240 per annum each.....a.... 191. 2 gatekeepers, at P486 per annum each......... 192. 7 gatekeepers, at F432 per annum each......... 195. 10 openers, at 1*432 per annum each..... ........ 196. 2 openers, at 1*324 per annum each.............. 205(a). 10 laborers, at 1*450 per annum each___ 204. 1 laborer ............................................................... HULL AND BOILER INSPECTORS DIVISION 11. 1 supervising inspector of hulls and boilers.. 16. 1 assistant supervising inspector of hulls and boilers ............................................................ 69. 5 inspectors of hulls and boilers, at 1*3,400 per annum each ........~........................................ 110. 1 clerk ................................................................. 117. 1 clerk ................................................................... 123. 1 clerk ................................................................. 149. 1 messenger ........................................................ 240.00 378.00 3,400.00 2,040.00 4,590.00 5,400.00 1,080.00 1,944.00 756.00 1,296.00 2,700.00 1,326.00 972.00 864.00 756.00 1,944.00 540.00 540.00 486.00 2,592.00 960.00 3,400.00 2,040.00 2,380.00 2,040.00 1,693.00 1,530.00 3,060.00 1,530.00 1,224.00 2,244.00 1,080.00 1,944.00 3,456.00 9,072.00 648.00 2,160.00 918.00 1,296.00 3,888.00 17,280.00 22,896.00 480.00 972.00 3,024.00 4,320.00 648.00 4,500.00 432.00 4,250.00 3,825.00 17,000.00 1,080.00 648.00 378.00 324.00 lo. 1 chief of division................................................ 110. 1 clerk ................................................................... 117. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 119. 1 clerk ................................................................... 122. 1 clerk ................................................................... 123. 1 clerk ................................................................... 3,400.00 ’.080.00 1,296.00 STEAMSHIP AND LAUNCH SERVICE NAVIGATION division 540.00 12. 1 chief of division ............................................ 432.00 19. 1 assistant chief of division.......................... 378.00 214. 3 captains, at P4,590 per annum each......... 4,250.00 3,060.00 13,770.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 165 (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 225. 2 chief engineers, at F4.590 per annum each ........................................................... 9,180.00 226. 1 chief engineer .............................................. 3,825.00 228. 2 first assistant engineers, at F2.805 per annum each ....................... 5,610.00 229. 1 first assistant engineer .............. 2,244.00 231. 2 second assistant engineers, at Fl,836 per annum each ....................... 3,672.00 232. 1 second assistant engineer .......................... 1,683.00 234. 2 third assistant engineers, at Pl,683 per annum each ...................... 3,366.00 235. 1 third assistant engineer .............. 1,530.00 236. 1 launch engineei* ...................... 918.00 216. 2 first officers, at P2,805 per annum each.... 5,610.00 217. 1 first officer .................................................. 2,244.00 219. 2 second officers, at Pl,836 per annum each 3,672.00 220. 1 second officer ................................................ 1,683.00 222. 2 third officers, at Pl,683 per annum each 3,366.00 223. 1 third officer .................................................... 1,530.00 104a. 1 clerk ............................................................... 2,040.00 105a. 1 clerk ............................................................. 1,530.00 109a. 1 clerk ............................................................... 1,122.00 110a. 1 clerk ............................................................... 1,080.00 104b. 1 clerk ............................................................... 2,040.00 116a. 1 clerk .......................................................... 756.00 119a. 1 clerk ............................................................... 540.00 274. 1 lightkeeper .................................................... 1,122.00 275. 2 lightkeepers, at P972 per annum each.... 1,944.00 276. 16 lightkeepers, at P864 per annum each.... 13,824.00 277. 1 lightkeeper .................................................... 767.00 278. 6 lightkeepers, at P756 per annum each.. 4,536.00 279. 1 lightkeeper ..................................................... 659.00 280. 30 lightkeepers, at P648 per annum each.... 19,440.00 281. 44 lightkeepers, at P540 per annum each.... 23,760.00 282. 5 lightkeepers, at P486 per annum each.. 2,430.00 283. 1 lightkeeper .................................................... 443.00 284. 23 lightkeepers, at P432 per annum each.. 9,936.00 285. 58 lightkeepers, at P378 per annum each.... 21,924.00 286. 27 lightkeepers, at P324 per annum each... 8,748.00 287. 23 lightkeepers, at P300 per annum each... 6,900.00 •288. 11 lightkeepers, at F240 per annum each..... 2,640.00 289. 10 lightkeepers, at F180 per annum each..... 1,800.00 238. 3 radio operators, at Pl,530 per annum each ........................................................... 4,590.00 273. 1 patron .......................................................... 918.00 255. 1 steward ........................................................ 810.00 256. 2 stewards, at P648 per annum each......... 1,296.00 257. 2 supercargoes, at P648 per annum each.... 1,296.00 249a. 3 boatswains, at P648 per annum each..... 1,944.00 250a. 3 carpenters, at P648 per annum each..... 1,944.00 259. 3 chief cooks, at P648 per annum each....... 1,944.00 241. 2 machinists, at P648 per annum each....... 1,296.00 242. 1 machinist .................................................... 540.00 243a. 11 oilers, at P540 per annum each............... 5,940.00 244a. 18 firemen, at P486 per annum each........... 8,748.00 245. 1 fireman ........................................................ 428.00 251a. 9 quartermasters, at P378 per annum each 3,402.00 260a. 3 second cooks, at P378 per annum each... 1,134.00 246a. 1 coalpasser ................................................... 378.00 253. 6 coxswains, at P356 per annum each....... 2,136.00 261. 30 sailors, at P324 per annum each............. 9,720.00 262. 4 sailors, at P300 per annum each............. 1,200.00 263. 2 boatmen, at P300 per annum each........... 600.00 269a. 9 mess boys, at P264 per annum each....... 2,376.00 264. 22 boatmen, at P240 per annum each........... 5,280.00 265. 5 boatmen, at P216 per annum each............ 1,080.00 266. 5 boatmen, at P192 per annum each............ 960.00 267. 55 boatmen, at P180 per annum each............ 9,900.00 268. 4 boatmen, at P120 per annum each........... 480.00 270. 1 chauffeur-mechanic ..................................... 714.00 271. 1 laborer ........................................................... 594.00 272. 1 laborer ............................................................. 290. Subsistence of officers, petty officers, patrons and crews: 24 officers at Fl.60 per day each .............. 3 radio operators at Fl.60 per day each.. 2 supercargoes at F0.88 per day each....... 17 petty officers at F0.88 per day each..... 96 members of the crews at F0.40 per day each ........................................................ For additional personnel of vessels.............. 291. Clothing allowance to crews of vessels: 12 oilers .......................................................... 20 firemen ...................................................... 9 quartermasters ........................................ 3 second cooks ............................................ ' 3 coalpassers -.............................................. 6 coxswains .................................................. 34 sailors ........................................................ 9 mess boys .................................................. For clothing allowance of additional per­ sonnel of vessels ......................... ,.............. 292. Rations in kind furnished to lightkeepers and boatmen at light stations: 2 employees at Ambulong............................. 6 employees at Apo Reef............................. 2 employees at Balabac...^........................... 5 employees at Bojeador Cape.................... 5 employees at Bugui Point........................ 6 employees at Caba....................................... 5 employees at Capitancillo.......................... 5 employees at Capones............................... 4 employees at Capul..................................... 2 employees at Colorado Point.................... 5 employees at Engaño Cape...................... 5 employees at Gigantes ............................. 4 employees at Longoy................................. 4 employees at Manigonigo.......................... 2 employees at Matabao............. .................. 5 employees at Maniguin............................. 2 employees at Mataja................................. 6 employees at Melville Cape...................... 4 employees at Saluag ................................. 3 employees at San Agustin Cape.............. 6 employees at San Bernardino.................. 4 employees at San Miguel.......................... 2 employees at San Vicente.......................... 3 employees at Sialat Point.......................... 4 employees at Subic Bay............................ 5 employees at Suluan ................................. 5 employees at Tanguingui.......................... 6 employees at Tubataha ............................ 3 employees at Ungay Point........................ 293. Rations in kind furnished to lightkeepers and boatmen at light stations: 3 employees at Cabilisan, Samar.............. 3 employees at Apunan Point...................... 3 employees at Calavite Point...................... 4 employees at Pearl Bank.......................... 3 employees at Sibago, Zamboanga........... 4 employees at Tres Reyes, Marinduque.... 4 employees at Dumali Point........................ Salaries of captain, officers and crew of the steamer “Arayat*, as follows: 213. 1 captain ............................................................. 215. 1 first officer ........................................................ 218. 1 second officer .................................................... 221. 1 third officer ...................................................... 237. 1 radio operator .................................................. 224. 1 chief engineer .................................................. 227. 1 first assistant engineer ................................. 230. 1 second assistant engineer ............................. 405.00 14,016.00 1,752.00 642.40 5,460.40 14,016.00 4,169.20 288.00 480.00 216.00 72.00 72.00 144.00 816.00 72.00 168.00 240.00 720.00 240.00 600.00 600.00 720.00 600.00 600.00 189.10 94.56 600.00 236.34 480.00 480.00 240.00 600.00 240.00 720.00 480.00 360.00 720.00 480.00 240.00 360.00 480.00 600.00 600.00 720.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 480.00 360.00 480.00 480.00 4,590.00 2,805.00 1,836.00 1,683.00 1,530.00 4,590.00 2,805.00 1,836.00 166 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 233. 1 thii*d assistant engineer.................................... 1,683.00 240. 2 motorboat machinists, at P648 per annum each ................................................................ 1,296.00 239. 3 machinists, at P756 per annum each............ 2,268.00 243. 6 oilers, at P540 per annum each..................... 3,240.00 244. 3 firemen, at P486 per annum each................ 1,458.00 246. 3 coal-passers, at P378 per annum each........1,134.00 247. 1 storekeeper ......................................................... 486.00 248. 1 storekeeper ......................................................... 324.00 249. 1 boatswain ........................................................... 648.00 250. 1 carpenter ........................................................... 648.00 251. 3 quartermasters, at P378 per annum each.... 1,134.00 252. 2 coxswains, at P378 per annum each........... 756.00 254. 12 seamen, at 1*378 per annum each................ 4,536.00 256a. 1 steward ............................................................ 648.00 269. 3 messboys, at 1*264 per annum each.............. 792.00 258. 1 first cook ............................................................ 648.00 260. 1 second cook ...................................................... 378.00 294. Subsistence of captain, officers and crew of the steamer “Arayat”: 1 captain at. 1*1.80 per day ......................... 657.00 1 first officer at Pl.80 per day .................. 657.00 1 second officer at Pl.80 per day .............. 657.00 1 third officer at Pl.80 per day.................. 657.00 1 radio operator at Pl.80 per day............ 657.00 1 chief engineer at Pl.80 per day.............. 657.00 1 first assistant engineer at Pl.80 per day 657.00 1 second assistant engineer at Pl.80 per day ............................................................ 657.00 1 third assistant engineer at Pl.80 per day ............................................................ 657.00 2 motorboat machinists at P0.96 per day each ......................................................... 700.80 3 machinists at P0.96 per day each.......... 1,051.20 6 oilex-s at P0.96 per day each.................... 2,102.40 3 firemen at P0.40 per day each.............. 438.00 3 coal-passers at P0.40 per day each......... 438.00 2 storekeepers at P0.40 per day each....... 292.00 1 boatswain at P0.96 per day ................... 350.40 1 carpenter at P0.96 per day.................... .350.40 3 quartermasters at P0.96 per day each.... 1,051.20 2 coxswains at P0.96 per day each........... 700.80 12 seamen at P0.40 per day each.................. 1,752.00 1 steward at P0.96 per day...................... 350.40 3 messboys at P0.40 per day each....'........ 438.00 1 first cook at P0.40 per day...................... 146.00 1 second cook at P0.40 per day.................. 146.00 Other expenses not specifically detailed.... 49.40 295. Clothing allowance to crew of the steamer "Arayat”: 160 uniforms white suits at P3.70........... 592.00 140 uniforms black suits at P3.30........... 462.00 Other expenses not especifically detailed.. 146.00 Salaries and wages of launch foremen and crews as follows: Harbor Launch Nt>. 5 (xn) 1 patron .............................................. (d) 1 engineer ............................................ (cc) 1 fireman .............................................. (dd) 1 fireman ............ . .............................. (bb) 1 quartermaster ................................. (ffff) 4 seamen .............................................. Motor boat No. 1 (bb) 1 quartermaster ................................. (u) 1 machinist ........................................... Motorboat No. 2 (o) 1 patron ................................................ (t) 1 machinist ............................................ (ffff) 1 seaman ............................................ Motorboat No. 7 (o) 1 patron ................................................ («) 1 machinist ............................................. (ffff) 1 seaman ............................................ nn. Subsistence of launch crews: 27 members of the crew at P0.40 per day each ........................................................ oo. Clothing allowance to crews: 99 uniform white suits at P3.70.............. 95 uniform black suits at P3.30J............ Other expenses not specifically detailed.... IMMIGRATION DIVISION 14. 1 chief of division ............................................. 20. 1 assistant chief of division .......................... 71. 2 immigration inspectors, at P2.040 per an­ num each ............................ ....................... 72. 1 immigration inspector ................................. 73. 1 immigration inspector ................................... 74a. 1 immigration inspector ................................. 74. 1 immigration inspector ................................. 75. 2 immigration inspectors, at P756 per an­ num each .................................................... 76. 1 immigration inspector ................................. 92. 1 overseer ........................................................... 102. 1 Chinese interpreter ......................................... 103. 2 Chinese interpreters, at Pl,080 per annum each ............................................................... 114. 1 clerk ...................................._............................. 116. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each................ 117. 1 clerk ................................................................... 119. 1 clerk ................................................................... 121. 1 cleric ................................................................... 122. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 135. 3 guards, at P648 per annum each.............. 137. 1 guard ................................................................. 149. 1 messenger .............................. ........................... 151. 2 messengers, at P240 per annum each....... 864.00 972.00 432.00 378.00 324.00 1,200.00 324.00 432.00 540.00 540.00 300.00 540.00 570.00 300.00 5,281.40 366.30 313.50 108.80 3,825.00 2,720.00 4,080.00 1,700.00 972.00 864.00 864.00 1,512.00 594.0Í 1,530.00 1,275.00 2,160.00 864.00 1,512.00 648.00 540.00 486.00 1,296.00 1,944.00 486.00 324.00 480.00 Launch Office 296. (g) 1 launch foreman ............................... (h) 1 assistant foreman ............................ (w) 1 carpenter ........................................... Harbor Launch No. 2 (k) 1 patron .................................................. (e) 1 engineer .............................................. (f) 1 assistant engineer ............................ (cc) 1 fireman ............................................. (dd) 1 fireman ............................................. (go) 5 seamen at P300 per annum each STATISTICAL DIVISION 15. 1 chief of division ............................................. 2,720.00 105. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 106. 1 clerk ................................................................... 810.00 no. 3 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 111. 1 clerk ................................................................... 114. 1 clerk ................................................................... 115. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 116. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 H7. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 119. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each.............. 432.00 122. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each................ 378.00 125(a). 1 clerk ............................................................ 1,500 00 151. 2 messengers, at P240 per annum each____ 3,400.00 1,530.00 1,428.00 3,240.00 972.00 864.00 810.00 756.00 648.00 1,620.00 2,160.00 240.00 480.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 167 (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION SECRET SERVICE DIVISION 6. 1 chief of the customs secret service........... 4,675.00 18. 1 assistant chief of the customs secret service 3,060.00 152. 1 supervising customs secret service agent.... 3,060.00 153. 1 supervising customs secret service agent.... 2,397.00 154. 1 supervising customs secret service agent.... 2,295.00 155. 3 supervising customs secret service agents, at P2.040 per annum each.......................... 6,120.00 156. 1 supervising customs secret service agent.... 1,870.00 157. 1 supervising customs secret service agent.... 1,785.00 158. 2 supervising customs secret service agents, at Pl,700 per annum each................. ~...... 3,400.00 159. 1 supervising customs secret service agent.... 1,080.00 160. 1 customs secret service agent........................... 1,700.00 161. 1 customs secret service agent........................... 1,632.00 162. 2 customs secret service agents, at Pl,080 per annum each............................................ 2,160.00 163. 2 customs secret service agents, at P972 per annum each ..................-............................ 1,944.00 164. 1 customs secret service agent.......................... 918.00 165. 3 customs secret service agents, at P864 per annum each .................................................. 2,592.00 166. 6 customs secret service agents, at P810 per annum each .................................................. 4,860.00 167. 7 customs secret service agents, at P756 per annum each .................................................. 5,292.00 168. 4 customs secret service agents, at P702 per annum each .................................................. 2,808.00 169. 24 customs secret service agents, at P648 per annum each............................................ 15,552.00 170. 1 customs secret service agent.......................... 540.00 171. 1 customs secret service agent ....................... 432.00 172. 1 customs secret service agent............ ....... 864.00 173. 2 customs secret service agents, at P810 per annum each .....................-........................... 1,620.00 174. 1 customs secret service agent_______ ___ 756.00 175. 4 customs secret service agents, at P648 per . annum each ................. _...... 2,592.00 176. 1 chief of police .............. -........—.................... 972.00 177. 1 sergeant of police ............. ~......................... 594.00 178. 3 policemen, at P540 per annum each.......... 1,620.00 179. 20 policemen, at P432 per annum each....... 8,640.00 181. 1 chief watchman ............. —.................. -...... 1,530.00 182. 2 watchmen, at P702 per annum each............ 1,404.00 183. 12 watchmen, at P648 per annum each........... 7,776.00 184. 14 watchmen, at P540 per annum each............ 7,560.00 209. 1 chauffeur ...................... 756.00 296. Salaries and wages of officers and crews of launches and motorboats, as follows: Customs Secret Service Motor No. 2 (i) 1 patron ............. -.................. -.............. 1,530.00 (a) 1 engineer .—............................. 2,397.00 (b) 1 engineer ________________________ 1,580.00 (q) 1 machinist _______________________ 756.00 (aa) 2 quartermasters, at P378 per annum each . ... ................................. 756.00 (//) 3 seamen, at P324 per annum each.. 972.00 Customs Secret Service Motor No. 4 (j) 1 patrqn .......................................... 1,275.00 (fc) 1 patron ................. 972.00 (c) 1 engineer_________________ ________ 1,080.00 (q) 1 machinist ____________________ ___ 756.00 (aa) 2 quartermasters, at P378 per annum each .................................... 756.00 (ff) 4 seamen, at P324 per annum each 1,296.00' (x) 1 oiler_________________ _______ ___ 540.00 Customs Secret Service Motor No. 5 (n) 2 patrons, at P648 per annum each 1,296.00 (e) 1 engineer .............................................. 756.00 (ff) 2 seamen, at P324 per annum each.. 648.00 (nn) Subsistence of officers and crews of launches and motorboats: Customs Secret Service Motor No. 2 1 patron at Pl.80 per day............................ 657.00 2 engineers at P0.80 per day each.............. 584.00 1 machinist at P0.80 per day...................... 292.00 2 quartermasters at P0.40 per day each.... 292.00 3 seamen at P0.40 per day each.................. 438.00 Customs Secret Service Motor No. 4 2 patrons at P0.80 per day each................ 584.00 1 engineer at P0.80 per day........... _.......... 292.00 1 machinist at P0.40 per day...................... 146.00 2 quartermasters at P0.40 per day each..... 292.00 4 seamen at P0.40 per day each.................. 584.00 1 oiler at P0.40 per day............................... 146.00 Customs Secret Service Motor No. 5 2 patrons at P0.36 per day each................ 262.80 1 engineer at P0.80 per day........................ 292.00 2 seamen at P0.40 per day each.................. 292.00 Other expenses not specifically detailed.... 2,118.20 (oo) Clothing allowance to crews: 50 uniform white suits at P3.70.................. 185.00 48 uniform black suits at P3.30.............. 158.40 Other expenses not specifically detailed.... 56.60 CEBU CUSTOMHOUSE 3. 1 collector of customs......................................... 5,100.00 5. 1 deputy collector of customs............................ 3,400.00 25. 1 chief of section............................................... 1,224.00 30. 1 appraiser ......................................................... 2,040.00 40. 1 examiner ........................................................... 1,080.00 43. 2 examiners, at P900 per annum each......... 1,800.00 53. 1 calculator ......................................................... 1,080.00 59. 1 surveyor of customs...................................... 1,530.00 61. 1 wharfinger ............._........................................ 2,040.00 65. 1 wharfinger ............ -........................................ 1,080.00 69. 1 inspector of hulls and boilers........................ 3,400.00 88. 1 inspector ............................................................ 756.00 89. 1 inspector .............. _..............................„........... 745.00 96. 1 clerk-receiving teller ..................................... 1,080.00 101. 1 stenographer .................................................. 1,224.00 110. 1 clerk ....... 1,080.00 116. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 117. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 121. 1 clerk ................................................................... 486.00 136. 6 guards, at P540 per annum each.............. 3,240.00 138. 15 guards, at P432 per annum each............... 6,480.00 139. 1 night guard ............. ;....................................... 432.00 179. 3 policemen, at P432 per annum each........... 1,296.00 180. 2 policemen, at P324 per annum each.......... 648.00 184. 1 watchman .......................................................... 540.00 185. 3 watchmen, at P432 per annum each........... 1,296.00 186. 1 watchman .......................................................... 378.00 187. L watchman .......................................................... 324.00 189. 2 wharf patrolmen, at 'P’432 per annum each 864.00 192. 2 gatekeepers, at P432 per ann^m each....... 864.00 193. 1 gatekeeper ........................................................ 378.00 194. 5 gatekeepers, at P324 per annum each....... 1,620.00 168 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (3) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 205 (6). For laborers handling cargo in the pier and customs bodega: 4 laborers ........................................................ 205(d). Laborers for transferring cargo from for­ eign vessels to the customhouse bodega: 15 laborers ...................................................... 212. 1 crane operator ................................................ 296. Wages of crew of launch as follows: (?n) 1 patron ................................................ (p) 1 machinist ........................................... (?) 1 quartermaster ................................... (cc) 2 firemen, at 1*432 per annum each (ff) 2 seamen, at 1*324 per annum each (????) Subsistence of crew of launch: 7 members of the crew at 1*0.36 per day each .......................................................... (oo) Clothing allowance to crew of launch: 10 uniform white suits at 1*3.70............ 5 uniform black suits at 1*3.30.................. Other expenses not specifically detailed..... ILOILO CUSTOMHOUSE 3. 1 collector of customs......................................... 5. 1 deputy collector of customs............................. 24. 1 chief of section........................................... ... 26. 1 assistant chief of section............................. 29. 1 appraiser ........................................................ 32. 1 assistant appraiser ......_............................. 43. 1 examiner .............................. ......................... 52. 1 calculator ........................................................ 58. 1 surveyor of customs...................................... 68. 1 boarding officer .................................. ............ 69. 1 inspector of hulls and boilers.......... ......... 63. 1 wharfinger ...................................................... 88. 1 inspector ...................................................-.... 90. 2 inspectors, at 1*648 per annum each.......... 97. 1 clerk cashier .................................................... 101. 1 stenographer .................................... .............. 111. 1 clerk ................................................................. 116. 1 clerk ................................................................. 119. 1 clerk ................................................................. 132. 1 storekeeper ...................................................... 134. 1 assistant storekeeper ..................................... 185a. 2 watchmen, at 1*432 per annum each........ 136. 1 guard ............................................................... 138. 21 guards, at 1*432 per annum each....... ...... 140. 1 guard ................................................................. 192a. 2 gatekeepers, at 1*432 per annum each....... 145. 1 telephone operator ......................................... 149. 1 messenger ....„......................................_.......... 150. 1 messenger ........................................................ 190. 2 lookouts, at P324 per annum each.............. 202. 1 laborer .............................................................. 203. 1 laborer ............................................. ................ 206. 1 porter ............................................................... 205(f). For emergency laborers: 3 laborers ...................................................... 296. Wages of crew of launch as follows: 296(I). 1 patron ............................................................ (p) 1 machinist ........................................... (y) 1 quartermaster ...................................(v) 1 assistant machinist .......................... (cc) 1 fireman ..................... —................... (ee) 1 fireman .............................................. (hh) 1 seaman .............................................. (nn) Subsistence of crew of launch: 6 members of the crew, at 1*0.36 per day each ..................................................*.... (oo) Clothing allowance to crew of launch: 10 uniform white suits at P3.70.............. 1,784.00 5 uniform black suits at P3.30................ Other expenses not specifically detailed.... 1,000.00 648.00 864.00 864.00 432.00 864.00 648.00 923.20 37.00 16.50 10.50 5,100.00 3,400.00 1,530.00 972.00 2,380.00 1,080.00 900.00 1,428.00 2,040.00 1,080.00 3,400.00 1,500.00 756.00 1,296.00 972.00 1,224.00 972.00 756.00 540.00 972.00 648.00 864.00 540.00 9,072.00 324.00 864.00 324.00 324.00 300.00 648.00 324.00 300.00 324.00 400.00 864.00 864.00 540.00 432.00 432.00 276.00 278.00 JOLO CUSTOMHOUSE 4. 1 collector of customs....................................... 35. 1 examiner ............. ............................................. 91. 1 inspector ........................................................... 98. 1 clerk-cashier ...................................................... 111. 2 clerks, at 1*972 per annum each.................. 138. 3 guards, at 1*432 per annum each .............. 187. 2 watchmen, at 1*324 per annum each........... 205(c). Laborers for transferring cargo from for­ eign vessels to the customhouse bodega: 25 laborers ...................................................... 208. 1 porter ............................................. 296. Wages of crew of boat and motorboat as follows: (n) 2 patrons ............................................... (q) 1 machinist ................ .......................... (r) 1 machinist ............................................. (ff) 1 seaman .............................. . .............. (ii) 3 seamen .............................................. (kk) 1 boatman ........................................... (mm) 1 boatman ......................................... (nn) Subsistence of crew of boat and motorboat: 1 patron at P0.48 per day.......................... 1 patron at P0.40 per day........................„ 1 machinist at P0.80 per day.................... 1 machinist at P0.40 per day.................. 1 seaman at P0.40 per day.............. ......... 3 seamen at 1*0.36 per day each.............. 2 boatmen at P0.36 per day each.............. Other expenses not specifically detailed.. (oo) Clothing allowance to crew of boat and motorboat: 20 uniform white suits at P3.70._ _ 13 uniform black suits at P3.30.............. Other expenses not specifically detailed.. ZAMBOANGA CUSTOMHOUSE 4. 1 collector of customs........................................ 35. 1 examiner .........................„................................ 66. 1 wharfinger ........................................................ 99. 1 clerk-cashier ...................................................... 117. 1 clerk ...................................................... ............ 119. 1 clerk ................................. ...... ............. 121. 1 clerk ................................................................. 136. 1 guard ................................... ,......—,___ 138. 6 guards, at P432 per annum each.............. 149. 1 messenger ................................... -T, - 205(e). Laborers for transfering cargo from for­ eign vessels to the customhouse bodega: 4 laborers ..........„................... —-----296. Wages of crew of boat and motorboat as follows: (t) 1 machinist .............. — (ll) 1 boatman ............................................ (nn) Subsistence of crew of motorboat: 2 members of the crew at ?0.36 per day each .............................................—.......... (oo) Clothing allowance to crew: 8 uniform white suits at P3.70................ 5 uniform black suits at P3.30................ Other expenses not specifically detailed.. LEGASPI CUSTOMHOUSE 4. 1 collector of customs....................~............... 1,188.00 34. 1 examiner ....... —..................... 37.00 16.50 10.50 4,250.00 1,530.00 540.00 864.00 1,944.00 1,296.00 648.00 1,200.00 240.00 1,296.00 756.00 648.00 324.00 720.00 300.00 240.00 175.20 146.00 292.00 146.00 146.00 394.20 262.80 25.80 74.00 42.90 19.10 4,250.00 1,530.00 648.00 648.00 648.00 540.00 486.00 540.00 2,592.00 824.06 1,200.00 540.00 280.00 264.80 29.60 16.50 9.90 4,250.00 1,700.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 169 (S) BUREAU OF CUSTOMS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 99. 1 clerk-cashier ................................................... 648.00 136. 3 guards, at P540 per annum each.............. 1,620.00 150. 1 messenger ........................................................ 300.00 188. 1 watchman ........................................................ 300.00 296. Wages of crew of motor launch as follows: (m) 1 patron ................................................ 864.00 (p) 1 machinist ........................................... 864.00 (jj) 2 sailors, at P300 per annum each 600.00 (nn) Subsistence of crew of motor launch: 4 members of the crew at P0.40 per day each .......;................................................. 657.60 (oo) Clothing allowance to crew of motor launch: 10 uniform white suits at P3.70................ 37.00 5 uniform black suits at P3.30................ 16.50 Other expenses not specifically detailed.. 10.50 DAVAO CUSTOMHOUSE 4. 1 collector of customs........................................... 4,250.00 31. 1 appraiser ........................................................... 1,700.00 42. 1 examiner ........................................................... 972.00 66. 1 wharfinger ................................................... 648.00 87 1 inspector .........................-............... -............... 864.00 110. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 117. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 136. 3 guards, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,620.00 138a. 3 guards, at P432 per annum each.............. 1,296.00 187. 1 watchman ...................................................... 324.00 207. 1 porter .............................................................. 300.00 296. Wages of crew of launch as follows: (n) 1 patron ................................................ 648.00 (r) 1 machinist ............................................ 648.00 (jj) 1 sailor .................................................. 300.00 (nn) Subsistence of crew of launch: 3 members of the crew at P0.40 per day each .......................................................... 440.00 (oo) Clothing allowance to crew: 5 uniform white suits at P3.70................ 16.50 3 uniform black suits at P3.30.................. 9.90 Other expenses not specifically detailed.. 8.00 APARRI CUSTOMS DISTRICT 81. 1 customs district inspector, with quarters.... 1,530.00 136. 2 guards, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 Total for salaries and wages.................Pl,166,191.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE DIRECTORS 1. One Collector of Internal Revenue.... 2. One Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue ............................................................. CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. Three chiefs of divisions, at 1*4,675 per annum each................................................ 4. One chief of division........................... 5. One special agent................................. 6. One chief of division......... .................. ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 7. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,825 per annum each................................... 8. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at 1*2,720 per annum each ................................. 9. One assistant chief of division........... CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 10. One chief, secret service unit............. 11. One chief, inheritance tax section..... 12. One agent in charge of the secret service section ................................................. 13. One cashier and disbursing officer..... 14. One chief, records section................... 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 14,025.00 14,025.00 3-5 4,250.00 4,250.00 6 4,000.00 . 3,825.00 3,825.00 7 7,650.00 7,650.00 8-9 5,440.00 5,440.00 10-11 2,040.00 2,040.00 12 3,200.00 . 2,550.00 2,550.00 13 2,210.00 2,210.00 14 2,040.00 2,040.00 15 1,700.00 1,700.00 16 170 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1QQ7 moe Reference to item Details 1936 numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE 15. One chief of section 1,530.00 1,530.00 17 16. One bookkeeper .............. 1,530.00 1,530.00 18 17. One chief of section............................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 20 18. One chief of section ........................... 1,200.00 . 19. One chief, audit, index and assessment section ...................................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 21 20. One chief, records and transcripts section ................................................................ 972.00 972.00 23 EXAMINERS 21. One examiner........................................ 2,040.00 2,040.00 24 22. One examiner........................................ 1,700.00 1,700.00 25 23. One examiner....................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 26 TRANSLATOR 24. One translator...................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 27 STENOGRAPHERS 25. One stenographer ............................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 28 26. One stenographer ............................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 29 27. One stenographer ................................ 1,224.00 1,224.00 30 28. Three stenographers, at F81>0 per annum each........................................................ 2,520.00 .. LAW CLERKS 29. Two law clerks, at F2,040 per an­ num each............................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 31-32 30. Tivo law clerks, at Fl,500 per an­ num each ................. .......................................... 3,000.00 .. CLERKS 31. One clerk .............................................. 2,380.00 2,380.00 33 32. One clerk .............................................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 34 33. One personnel clerk............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 19 34. Two clerks, at Fl,530 per annum each .................................................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 36-37 35. One clerk .............................................. 1,224.00 1,224.00 39 36. Three clerks, at Fl,122 per annum each .................................................................... 3,366.00 3,366.00 40 37. One property clerk................................ 1,122.00 1,122.00 22 38. Seven clerks, at Fl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 7,560.00 7,560.00 41-44 39. Seven clerks, at F972 per annum each 6,804.00 6,804.00 45-46 40. Two clerks, at F918 per annum each 1,836.00 1,836.00 47 41. Six clerks, at F864 per annum each 5,184.00 5,184.00 48-52 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 171 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE 42. Three clerks, at F840 per annum each ............. ...................................................... 43. Twelve clerks, at F756 per annum each ................................................................... 44. Two clerks, at F720 per annum each 45. Twenty-seven clerks, at 5*648 per annum each....................................................... 46. Eleven clerks, at F600 per annum each ................................................................... 47. Thirty-four clerks, at 5*540 per an­ num each........................................................... 48. One clerk .............................................. 49. Thirty-four clerks, at F480 per an­ num each........................................................... 50. Sixteen clerks, at 5*432 per annum each ................................................................... 51. One clerk ............................................. 52. Two clerks, at 5*324 per annum each AGENTS 53. Two supervising agents-at-large, at F3,600 per annum each................................... 54. One agent.............................................. 55. One agent............................................. 56. Two agents, at 5*3,315 per annum each .................................................................... 57. Four agents, at F3,000 per annum each ................................................ ................... 58. Two agents, at 5*2,975 per annum each ................................................................... 59. One agent............................................. 60. Eleven agents, at F2,700 per annum each ................................................................... 61. Six agents, at 5*2,550 per annum each ................................................................... 62. Twelve agents, at F2,400 per annum each ................................................................... 63. One agent............................................. 64. Ten agents, at 5*2,040 per annum each ................................................................... 65. Three agents, at Fl,800 per annum each ................................................................... 66. Two agents, at 5*1,700 per annum each ................................................................... 2,520.00 9,072.00 1,440.00 9,072.00 53, 55-57 17,496.00 17,496.00 58-64 6,600.00 18,360.00 18,360.00 65-68 486.00 486.00 69 16,320.00 6,912.00 6,912.00 70-76 378.00 378.00 77 648.00 648.00 78-79 7,200.00 ..................... 3,570.00 3,570.00 80 3,400.00 3,400.00 81 6,630.00 6,630.00 82-83 12,000.00 5,950.00 5,950.00 84-85 2,720.00 2,720.00 86 29,700.00 . 15,300.00 15,300.00 87-89 28,800.00 2,210.00 2,210.00 90 20,400.00 20,400.00 91-97, 99 5,400.00 3,400.00 3,400.00 100-101 172 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE 67. Six agents, at Fl,680 per annum each 68. Four agents, at 5*1,530 per annum each 69. Two agents, at 5*1,275 per annum each .................................................................... 70. One agent .............................................. 71. One agent.............................................. 72. One agent........... .................................. 73. For the employment of six [student] agents to be filled by non-Christian Filipinos [not subject to Civil Service rules], at 5*540 per annum each ............................................... 73 (a). For the employment of four agents to be filled by non-Christian Filipinos, at F540 per annum each........................................ agent’s assistants 74. Ten agent’s assistants, at 5*1,700 per annum each........................................................ 75. Eleven agent’s assistants, at 5*1,530 per annum each ................................................ 76. One agent’s assistant........................... 77. One agent’s assistant........................... 78. Three agent’s assistants, at 5*1,275 per annum each ................................................ 79. Seven agent’s assistants, at 5*1,224 per annum each ................................................ 80. Fifteen agent’s assistants, at 5*1,122 per annum each ................................................ 81. Four agent’s assistants, at 5*1,080 per annum each ................................................ 82. Three agent’s assistants, at 5*972 per annum each ................................................ 83. Six agent's assistants, at F960 per annum each........................................................ 84. One agent’s assistant........................... 85. Thirteen agent’s assistants, at 5*864 per annum each ................................................ 86. One agent’s assistant........................... 87. One agent’s assistant........................... 88. One agent’s assistant........................... 10,080.00 ... 6,120.00 6,120.00 102-105 2,550.00 2,550.00 106-107 1,200.00 .. 1,122.00 1,122.00 108 1,080.00 1,080.00 109 3,240.00 3,240.00 210-212 2,160.00 ..................... 17,000.00 17,000.00 110-113 16,830.00 16,830.00 114-121 1,428.00 1,428.00 122 1,326.00 1,326.00 123 3,825.00 3,825.00 124 8,568.00 8,568.00 125-127 16,830.00 16,830.00 128-135 4,320.00 4,320.00 136-138 2,916.00 2,916.00 139-140 5,760.00 . 918.00 918.00 141 11,232.00 11,232.00 142-151 810.00 810.00 152 756.00 756.00 153 648.00 648.00 154 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 173 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE INHERITANCE TAX EXAMINERS 89. One inheritance tax examiner........... 2,040.00 90. Two inheritance tax examiners, at Fl,530 per annum each................................... 3,060.00 INCOME TAX EXAMINERS 91. Two income tax examiners, at F3,400 per annum each.................................................. 6,800.00 92. One income tax examiner................... 2,550.00 93. One income tax examiner................... 2,210.00 94. Five income tax examiners, at F2,040 per annum each ................................................ 10,200.00 95. Tivo income tax examiners, at F2,000 per annum each................................................. 4,000.00 96. One income tax examiner................... 1,700.00 97. Seventeen income tax examiners, at Fl,530 per annum each................................... 26,010.00 98. Four income tax examiners, at Fl,500 per annum each................................................. 6,000.00 99. One income tax examiner................... 1,428.00 100. One income tax examiner................... 1,326.00 101. One income tax examiner................... 1,224.00 102. Two income tax examiners, at Fl,200 per annum each ................................................ 2,400.00 103. One income tax examiner................... 1,080.00 104. Eighteen income tax examiners, at F960 per annum, each........................................ 17,280.00 ASSISTANT INCOME TAX EXAMINERS 105. One assistant income tax examiner.... 1,800.00 106. Two assistant income tax examiners, at Fl,200 per annum each............................. 2,400.00 107. One assistant income tax examiner.... 1,122.00 108. Twelve assistant income tax exam­ iners, at Fl,080 per annum each..................... 12,960.00 109. Ten assistant income tax examiners, at F972 per annum each.................................. 9,720.00 110. Two assistant income tax examiners, at F864 per annum each................................. 1,728.00 111. One assistant income tax examiner.... 648.00 DRUG INSPECTORS 112. One drug inspector............................... 1,224.00 113. One drug inspector............................. 1,200.00 2,040.00 155 3,060.00 156-157 6,800.00 158 2,550.00 159 2,210.00 160 10,200.00 161-168 1,700.00 164 26,010.00 165-167 1,428.00 168 1,326.00 169 1,224.00 170 1,080.00 171 1,122.00 172 12,960.00 173-175 9,720.00 176-178 1,728.00 648.00 179-180 .181 1,224.00 182 174 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE Reference to item Details iyoo numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 114. One drug inspector........................ 115. Four drug inspectors, at F960 ;per 1,122.00 1,122.00 183 annum each ................................................ 3,840.00 . INSPECTORS OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 116. Five inspectors of weights and measures, at 1*1,224 per annum each.................. 6,120.00 6,120.00 . 184-188 117. Five inspectors of weights and measures, at F960 per annum each.................. 4,800.00 . FOREST INSPECTORS 118. Two forest inspectors, at 1*1,080 per annum each................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 189-190. 119. Tico forest inspectors, at Fl,080 per annum each ................................................ 2,160.00 [CHINESE AND JAPANESE] ACCOUNTANTS IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES 120. One [Chinese] accountant........... 2,720.00 2,720.00 191 121. One [Chinese] accountant........... 2,040.00 2,040.00 192 122. One accountant [in Chinese]....... 2,040.00 2,040.00 193 123. One [Chinese] accountant............ 1,530.00 1,530.00 194 124. Seven accountants [in Chinese], at Pl,530 per annum each.............................. -10,710.00 10,710.00 195-199 125. Three [Chinese] accountants, at 1*1,530 per annum each.............................. 4,590.00 4,590.00 200-201 126. One [Chinese] accountant........... 1,122.00 1,122.00 202 127. Two [Chinese] accountants, at 1*1,080 per annum each.......... _................. 2,160.00 2,160.00 203 128. Four accountants [in Chinese], at 1*1,080 per annum each.............................. 4,320.00 4,320.00 204-206 129. One [Japanese] accountant......... 1,080.00 1,080.00 207 130. Three [Chinese] accountants, at 1*972 per annum each................................. 2,916.00 2,916.00 208-209 MESSENGERS 131. Four messengers, at P378 per annum each .............................................................. 1,512.00 1,512.00 213-214 132. Two messengers, at 1*300 per annum each ............................................................... 600.00 600.00 215-216 LABORERS 133. One mechanic.................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 217 134. One mechanic ............................... 648.00 648.00 218 135. One janitor, with free quarters while required to live in the Bureau of Internal Revenue building ......................................... 756.00 756.00 219 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 175 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE 136. Seven laborers, at 5*432 per annum each ................................................................... 3,024.00 3,024.00 220-222 137. One laborer........................................... 405.00 405.00 223 138. Eight laborers, at 5*324 per annum each .................................................................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 224-226 MISCELLANEOUS 139. For the employment of special inves­ tigators not subject to Civil Service rules, as follows: Investigators (a) Four special investigators, at 1*2,040 per annum each ................................................... 8,160.00 8,160.00 227(a)-(6) (6) One special investigator................................ 1,224.00 1,224.00 (c) (c) Three special investigators, at 1*1,080 per annum each .......................................... 3,240.00 3,240.00 (d) (d) One special investigator............................... 1,008.00 1,008.00 (e) (e) Six special investigators, at 1*756 per annum each ................................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 (f)-(g) 140. Temporary employees and store­ keepers, including laborers, as follows: Secret Service Agents (a) One secret service agent................................. 972.00 972.00 228(a) (&) One secret service agent............................. 864.00 864.00 (&) (c) Two secret service agents, at 1*840 per annum each ................................................... 1,680.00 .. (d) Three secret service agents, at 1*756 per annum each ................................................... 2,268.00 2,268.00 (c) («) Five secret service agents, at F720 per annum each ................................................... 3,600.00 .. (/) Four secret service agents, at 1*648 per annum each ................................................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 (d) (ff) Two secret service agents, at 1*600 per annum each .................................................. 1,200.00 .. (h) Fifteen secret service agents, at 1*540 per annum each .......................................... 8,100.00 8,100.00 <e)-(A) (i) Seventeen secret service agents, at 1*480 per annum each............................................. 8,160.00 .. Head Gaugers (3) One head gauger............................................ 756.00 756.00 (i) (k) Three head gaugers, at 1*648 per annum each ............................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 (3) 176 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 1936 Reference to item Budget Item No. Details numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE Storekeepers (I) Two storekeepers, at P864 per annum each .................................................................. (???) Two storekeepers, at 1*756 per annum each .................................................................. (??) Eight storekeepers, at 1*648 per annum each .................................................................. (o) Twenty-six storekeepers, at ^540 per an­ num each ...................................................... (p) Three storekeepers, at 1*540 per annum each ................................................................. (q) Six storekeepers, at 1*486 per annum each.................................................................... (?•) One hundred twenty-five storekeepers, at 1*432 per annum each................................ (s) One storekeeper ............................................... Clerks (t) Nine clerks, at 1*240 per annum each........ Laborers (u) One chauffeur................................................... (v) One motorcycle-driver.................................... (???) One laborer-shipper ...................................... (.r) Four laborer-stampers, at 1*486 per an­ num each ...................................................... (y) Two laborer-stampers, at 1*432 per an­ num each ........................................................ (z) Ten laborer-stampers, at F360 per an­ num each ............................................... (a-1) One laborer-stamper .................................. (b-1) Two laborer-stampers, at 1*378 per an­ num each ................................................... (c-1) Three laborers, at 1*324 per annum each (d-1) One laborer-mechanic ................................ (e-1) One laborer-sailor ...................................... (f-1) Two laborer-janitors, at 1*324 per an­ num each ................................................... (g-1) Thirty-four laborer-messengers, at F21k0 per annum each.............................. (h-1) One labor er-janitor .................................. (i-1) One laborer-janitor...................................... 1,728.00 1,728.00 (fc)-(D 1,512.00 1,512.00 (m)-(n) 5,184.00 5,184.00 (o)-(p) 14,040.00 14,040.00 (</)-(«) 1,620.00 1,620.00 (t)-(v) 2,916.00 2,916.00 (w) 54,000.00 54,000.00 (x)-(o-l) 378.00 378.00 (b-1) 2,160.00 2,160.00 (c-1) 756.00 756.00 (d-1) 702.00 702.00 (e-1) 594.00 594.00 (f-1) 1,944.00 1,944.00 (g-l)-(hr-l) 864.00 864.00 d-1) 3,600.00 . 432.00 432.00 (i-1) 756.00 756.00 (k-1) 972.00 972.00 (l-l) 378.00 378.00 (m-1) 240.00 240.00 (n-1) 648.00 648.00 (o-l)-(p-l) 8,160.00 . 240.00 240.00 (q-D 120.00 120.00 (r-1) Total .................................................. 818,418.00 603,038.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 177 (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Collector of Internal Revenue...................... P6,120.00 2. 1 Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue....... 5,100.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 6. 1 chief of division............................................... 3,825.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division.............................. 2,720.00 31. 1 clerk ............................................................... 2,380.00 133. 1 mechanic ............................................................. 1,080.00 135. 1 janitor, with free quarters while required to live in the Bureau of Internal Revenue building .......................................................... 756.00 136. 7 laborers ............................................................. 3,024.00 140(u). 1 chauffeur .................................................. - 756.00 140 (v). 1 motorcycle-driver .....-.............................. 702.00 140 (u’). 1 laborer-shipper ......................................... 594.00 140(a-1). 1 laborer-stamper ....................-............... 432.00 Stenographic Section 25. 1 stenographer ................................................. 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................. 972.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 Records and Mailing Section 14. 1 chief, records section ....................................... 1,700.00 38. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................... 2,160.00 43. 1 clerk ................. -............................................... 756.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 47. 6 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 3,240.00 50. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 138. 2 laborers, at P324 per annum each.............. 648.00 140(i-l). 1 laborer-janitor ............. -......................... 120.00 General Service Section 41. 1 clerk ................................................................- 864.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 140(x). 1 laborer-stamper ......................................- 486.00 131. 2 messengers, at P378 per annum each.......... 756.00 132. 2 messengers, at P300 per annum each....... 600.00 Property Section 16. 1 bookkeeper ........................................................ 1,530.00 37. 1 property clerk .................................................. 1,122.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 134. 1 mechanic .........-.....................-......................... 648.00 137. 1 laborer .............................................................- 405.00 138. 1 laborer .................................. 324.00 140(f). 1 clerk ........................................................... 240.00 140(x). 1 laborer-stamper ......................................... 486.00 140(1/). 1 laborer-stamper ......................................... 432.00 140 (b-I). 1 laborer-stamper .................................. _ 378.00 Cash and Disbursement Section 13. 1 cashier and disbursing officer.................... 2,040.00 33. 1 personnel clerk ................................................ 1,530.00 36. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 840.00 43. 1 clerk ............................................................................... 756.00 45. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 50. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 138. 4 laborers, at P324 per annum each.............. 1,296.00 140(f). 1 clerk ........................................................... 240.00 140(x). 2 laborer-stampers, at P486 per annum each ........................................................ 972.00 140(i/). 1 laborer-stamper .....~................................ 432.00 140 (b-1). 1 laborer-stamper ...................................... 378.00 140 (z). 10 laborer-stampers, at P360 per annum each ....................................................... 3,600.00 .140(c-1). 1 laborer-stamper .................................... 324.00 140(d-1). 1 laborer-mechanic .................................... 378.00 LAW DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division......................... 4,675.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division........... ................... 2,720.00 24. 1 translator ............ -......_......... 1,122.00 27. 1 stenographer .................................................... 1,224.00 28. 2 stenographers, at P840 per annum each_ 1,680.00 29. 2 law clerks, at P2.040 per annum each...... 4,080.00 30. 2 law clerks at Pl,500 per annum each........„ 3,000.00 32. 1 clerk ................................................. 1,700.00 34. 1 clerk ......................................................... 1,530.00 38. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,080.00 41. 1 clerk ............ „...................................... 864.00 43. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 1,512.00 45. 1 clerk ............................................ ........_....... 648.00 50. 1 clerk ................................................................. _ 432.00 138. 1 laborer .........—....... 324.00 140(f). 1 clerk .............................................................. 240.00 REVENUE ACCOUNTS AND STATISTICAL DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division ............................................. 4,250.00 9. 1 assistant chief of division ..................... 2,040.00 21. 1 examiner ..................................—..... —..... 2,040.00 22. 1 examiner ...................................„.....~............._ 1,700.00 23. 1 examiner .......................—....................-....... — 1,530.00 35. 1 clerk ................................................... 1,224.00 36. 2 clerks, at Pl,122 per annum each............... 2,244.00 39. 4 clerks, at P972 per annum each.................... 3,888.00 40. 2 clerks, at P918 per annum each.................... 1,836.00 43. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................... 2,268.00 45. 8 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 5,184.00 47. 10 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 5,400.00 50. 7 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 3,024.00 51. 1 clerk .............................................. 378.00 52. 2 clerks, at P324 per annum each................. ..... 648.00 112. 1 drug inspector -................ .........._.... * 1,224.00 113. 1 drug inspector .................................... 1,200.00 114. 1 drug inspector ....... _ 1,122.00 115. 4 drug inspectors, at P960 per annum each 3,840.00 131. 1 messenger ................................._......... 378.00 140(f). 2 clerks, at P240 per annum each.............. 480.00 140(c-1). 1 laborer-stamper ..................................... 824.00 Typewriting Section 15. 1 chief of section -...................................... 1,530.00 38. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................ 2,160.00 39. 1 clerk ......................—..............-.............. 972.00 41. 1 clerk ........................................................... 864.00 Journal Section 17. 1 chief of section _................... ... 1,326.00 39. 1 clerk ............ -.................................... — 972.00 41. 1 clerk .............. —......................................-..... 864.00 43. 1 clerk ........................-......................... 756.00 Statistical Section 42. 1 clerk ..................... ..... 840.00 44. 1 clerk .................................................... 720.00 46. 4 clerks, at P600 per annum each--------------- 2,400.00 49. 2 clerks, at P480 per annum each ...... - 960.00 Checking Section 18. 1 chief of section -..............................................- 1,200.00 42. 1 clerk ....................................................-.............. 840.00 44. 1 clerk .........................................---- --------- ----- 720.00 46. 3 clerks, at P600 per annum each..................... 1,800.00 49. 2 clerks, at P480 per annum each------------29908! ■12 178 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION INCOME TAX DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ............................................. 4,675.00 7. 1 assistant chief of division ............................. 3,825.00 20. 1 chief, records and transcripts section......... 972.00 34. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 38. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 41. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 45. 8 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 5,184.00 47. 8 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 4,320.00 48. 1 clerk ................................................................... 486.00 131. 1 messenger ......................................................... 378.00 Income Tax Examiners 91. 2 income tax examiners, at P3,400 per an­ num each ........................................................ 6,800.00 92. 1 income tax examiner ...................................... 2,550.00 94. 4 income tax examiners, at 1*2,040 per annum each ................................................................. 8,160.00 95. 2 income tax examiners, at P2,000 per an­ num each ........................................................ 4,000.00 96. 1 income tax examiner ...................................... 1,700.00 97. 7 income tax examiners, at Pl,530 per annum each ......................................................... 10,710.00 99. 1 income tax examiner ...................................... 1,428.0.0 100. 1 income tax examiner ...................................... 1,326.00 103. 1 income tax examiner ...................................... 1,080.00 Assistant Income Tax Examiners 105. 1 assistant income tax examiner...................... 1,800.00 106. 2 assistant income tax examiners, at Pl,200 per annum each ............................................. 2,400.00 108. 6 assistant income tax examiners, at Pl,080 per annum each............................................ 6,480.00 109. 7 assistant income tax examiners, at P972 per annum each ................................................ 6,804.00 111. 1 assistant income tax examiner .................. 648.00 123. 1 accountant ........................................................ 1,530.00 124. 1 accountant ........................................................ 1,530.00 127. 2 accountants, at Pl,080 per annum each....... 2,160.00 129. 1 accountant ............................................ —..... - 1,080.00 130. 2 accountants, at P972 per annum each............ 1,944.00 139(a). 4 special investigators................................... 8,160.00 139(d). 1 special investigator..................................... 1,008.00 139(e). 2 special investigators.................................... 1,512.00 Audit, Index and Assessment Section 19. 1 chief, audit, index and assessment section.. 1,122.00 41. 1 clerk ................................................................ 864.00 43. 2 clerks ................................................................ 1,512.00 140 (t). 2 clerks ............................................................ 480.00 Inheritance Tax Section 11. 1 chief, inheritance tax section....................... 2,550.00 89. 1 inheritance tax examiner................................ 2,040.00 90. 1 inheritance tax examiner................................ 1,530.00 45. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 47; 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 50. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 INSPECTION DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division—.............................................. 4,675.00 5. 1 special agent .................................................... 4,000.00 7. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 3,825.00 53. 2 supervising agents-at-large, at P3.600 per annum each ................................................ 7,200.00 56. 2 agents ............................................................... 6,630.00 61. 3 agents ............................................................... 7,650.00 64. 3 agents ............................................................... 6,120.00 68. 3 agents ............................................................... 4,590.00 69. 2 agents ................................................................ 2,550.00 70. 1 agent .................................................................. 1,200.00 71. 1 agent .................................................................. 1,122.00 74. 3 agent’s assistants ........................................... 5,100.00 75. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,530.00 78. 1 agent’s assistant .................. 1,275.00 79. 2 agent’s assistants ............................................. 2,448.00 80. 5 agent’s assistants ........................................... 5,610.00 81. 2 agent’s assistants ........................................... 2,160.00 82. 2 agent’s assistants ............................................. 1,944.00 83. 6 agent’s assistants, at P960 per annum each 5,760.00 85. 4 agent’s assistants ........................................... 3,456.00 88. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 648.00 118. 2 forest inspectors ............................................... 2,160.00 119. 2 forest inspectors, at Pl,080 per annum each 2,160.00 26. 1 stenographer .................................................. 1,530.00 28. 1 stenographer .................................................. 840.00 38. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,080.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................. 756.00 45. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 600.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 120. 1 accountant ........................................................ 2,720.00 124. 2 accountants ....................................................... 3,060.00 125. 1 accountant ........................................................ 1,530.00 128. 2 accountants .................................................... 2,160.00 73. 3 agents .......................,....................................... 1,620.00 73a. 4 agents, at P540 per annum each.............. 2,160.00 140 (Z). 2 storekeepers ................................................ 1,728.00 140(m). 2 storekeepers .............................................. 1,512.00 140(n). 6 storekeepers .............................................. 3,888.00 140 (o). 12 storekeepers ............................................ 6,480.00 140 (p). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 540.00 140 (r). 57 storekeepers ............................................ 24,624.00 140(s). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 378.00 140 (¿). 2 clerks ...................................................... 480.00 140 (g-1). 4 laborer-messengers, at P240 per an­ num each ...................................... 960.00 Secret Service Section 10. 1 chief, secret service unit................................ 3,200.00 12. 1 agent in charge of the secret service section 2,210.00 76 1 agent’s assistant ........................................... 1,428.00 80. 1 agent’s assistant ........................................... 1,122.00 116. 3 inspectors of weights and measures.............. 3,672.00 117. 5 inspectors of weights and measures, at P960 per annum each .......................................... 4,800.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 121. 1 accountant ...................................................... 2,040.00 140(a). 1 secret service agent.................................... 972.00 140(b). 1 secret service agent.................................... 864.00 140(c). 2 secret service agents, at P840 per an­ num each ................................................ 1,680.00 140(d). 2 secret service agents.................................. 1,512.00 140(f). 4 secret service agents........ ......................... 2,592.00 140 (h). 1 secret service agent................................. 540.00 Assignment of the Field Personnel of the Bureau of Internal Revenue in thf. Provinces district no. 1 Cagayan 60. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,700.00 64. 1 agent ................................................................ 2,040.00 84. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 918.00 85. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 864.00 108. 1 assistant income tax examiner........................ 1,080.00 116. 1 inspector of weights and measures................ 1,224.00 50. 1 clerk .......................................................... 432.00 124. 1 accountant ....................................................... 1,530.00 139(e). 1 special investigator ................................... 756.00 140(h). 1 secret service agent................................... 540,00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 179 (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 140(Ac). 1 head gauger ............................................... 648.00 140 (o). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 540.00 140 (r). 3 storekeepers ................................................ 1,296.00 140 (í7—1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Isabela 62. 1 agent ................................................................ 2,400.00 72. 1 agent .................................................................. 1,080.00 104. 1 income tax examiner......................................... 960.00 109. 1 assistant income tax examiner......................... 972.00 140 (t). 1 secret service agent................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(g-1). 2 laborer-messengers, at P240 per an­ num each ............................................ 480.00 DISTRICT NO. 2 Hocos Sur 61. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,550.00 75. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,530.00 87. 1 agent’s assistant ................. -—.... -............... 756.00 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 960.00 50. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 140(7t). 1 secret service agent................. -................ 540.00 140(p). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 540.00 140(g). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 486.00 140(i). 1 secret service agent................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk ............. -................................................... 480.00 140 (g-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Hocos Norte 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,400.00 79. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,224.00 104. 1 income tax examiner............. _....................... 960.00 140(h). 1 secret service agent..................... 540.00 140(i). 1 secret service agent................................... 480.00 140 (r). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 432.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................... _............ 480.00 140(g-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 La Union 62. 1 agent .... -................ — 2,400.00 97. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 1,530.00 80. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,122.00 Mountain Province 104. 1 income tax examiner __________________ 960.00 140 (t). 1 secret service agent... .............. 480.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................. 480.00 73. 1 agent .............. 540.00 DISTRICT NO. 3 Pangasinan 57. 1 agent ...... 3,000.00 61. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,550.00 74. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,700.00 98. 1 income tart examiner....................................... 1,500.00 79. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 1,224.00 45. 1 clerk ........ 648.00 139(c). 1 special investigator .................................. 1,080.00 140(e). 1 secret service agent.................................. 720.00 140(h). 1 secret service agent.................................. 540.00 140 (j). 1 head gauger .................................. 756.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................. 480.00 140(g). 3 storekeepers .............................................. 1,458.00 140 (r\. 3 storekeepers .............................................. >296.00 140 (c-1). 1 laborer-stamper ..................................... 324.00 City of Baguio 66. 1 agent ......... ............................................ „........ 1,700.00 93. 1 income tax examiner .......... 2,210.00 Pampanga 60. 1 agent ................................................................ 2,700.00 67. 1 agent ................................................................. 1,680.00 80. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,122.00 97. 1 income tax examiner.......................................... 1,530.00 140(h). 1 secret service agent.................................... 540.00 140 (o). 1 storekeeper .................................................. 540.00 140(g). 1 storekeeper ................................................. 486.00 49. 1 clerk .................................................................. 480.00 140 (r). 1 storekeeper ................................................. 432.00 140(g-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Nueva Eci ja 60. 1 agent ................................................................ 2,700.00 74. 1 agent’s assistant ......... 1,700.00 67. 1 agent ................................................................. 1,680.00 97. 1 income tax examiner.......................................... 1,530.00 124. 1 accountant ................................................... 1,530.00 139(b). 1 special investigator ........ 1,224.00 140(h). 1 secret service agent.................................... 540.00 140(g). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 486.00 140 (r). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 432.00 140(g-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Tarlac 62. 1 agent .................................................... 2,400.00 78. 1 agent’s assistant .......... 1,275.00 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 960.00 110. 1 assistant income tax examiner....................... 864.00 140 (i). 1 secret service agent................................... 480.00 140 (r). 3 storekeepers _____________ 1,296.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(g-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 DISTRICT NO. 4 Bui a can 60. 1 agent .............................~................................... 2,700.00 67. 1 agent .................................................................. 1,680.00 79. 1 agent’s assistant .............................. 1,224.00 107. 1 assistant income tax examiner.................... 1,122.00 140(o). 1 storekeeper ................................................. 540.00 140 (r). 1 storekeeper ..... 432.00 49. 1 clerk .................................................................... 480.00 140(g-1). 1 laborer-messenger .................................. 240.00 DISTRICT NO. 5 Rizal 65. 1 agent ....................................................... 1,800.00 74. 1 agent’s assistant ..... 1,700.00 46. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(g-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 DISTRICT NO. 6 Batangas 60. 1 agent ............................................................... 2,700.00 63. 1 agent ................................................................ 2,210.00 66. 1 agent ................................................................ 1,700.00 75. 1 agent’s assistant ............................._.............. 1,530.00 81. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 1,080.00 109. 1 assistant income tax examiner....................... 972.00 45. 1 clerk ...........................-...................................... 648.00 139(c). 1 special investigator ................................. 1,080.00 140(o). 1 storekeeper ................................................. 540.00 140 (r). 2 storekeepers .................................... 864.00 140 (g-1). 1 laborer-messenger .................. 240.00 180 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Cavite 60. 1 agent ................................................................. 80. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 97. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. Mindoro 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 140(r). 2 storekeepers ................................................ 140 (?). 1 secret service agent..................................... 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. Bataan 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 80. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 140 (?"). 1 secret service agent................................... 49. 1 clerk ................................. —.............................. 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. Zambales 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 140 (?*) - 1 secret service agent..................................... 49 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. DISTRICT NO. 7 Laguna 55. 1 agent ................................................................. 60. 1 agent ................................................................. 64. 1 agent ................................................................. 78. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 85. 2 agent’s assistants ............................................. 97. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 101. 1 income tax examiner......................................... 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 126. 1 accountant ........................................................ 139(e). 2 special investigators ............................... 140(h). 4 secret service agents................................. 140(b). 1 head gauger .............................................. 140 (o). 4 storekeepers .............................................. 140 (r). 17 storekeepers .............................................. 140 1 laborer-janitor ....................................... Tayabas 57. 1 agent ................................................................. 65. 1 agent ................................................................. 75. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 98. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 80. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 108. 1 assistant income tax examiner...................... 140(e). 1 secret service agent................................... 140(h). 1 secret service agent................................. 140(o). 2 storekeepers .............................................. 140(r). 9 storekeepers ................................................ 46. 1 clerk ................................................................. 49. 1 clerk ................................................................. 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. Marinduque 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 140 (i). 1 secret service agent ................................. 2,700.00 1,122.00 1,530.00 480.00 240.00 2,400.00 960.00 864.00 480.00 480.00 240.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. DISTRICT NO. 8 Albay 59. 1 agent ................................................................. 64. 1 agent ................................................................. 85. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 97. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 125. 1 accountant ........................................................ 140(h). 2 secret service agents............................... 140(n). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 140 (r). 2 storekeepers .............................................. Camarines Sur 2,400.00 1,122.00 60- 1 a£ent ............................................................ .... 960.00 67- 1 a£en* ..........................-..................................... 480.00 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 480.00 $7' * income tax examiner....................................... 240 00 140 (r). 3 storekeepers ................................................ 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 2,400.00 960.00 480.00 480.00 240.00 3,400.00 2,700.00 2,040.00 1,275.00 1,728.00 1,530.00 1,224.00 540.00 1,122.00 1,512.00 2,160.00 648.00 2,160.00 7,344.00 324.00 3,000.00 1,800.00 1,530.00 1.500.00 1,122.00 1,080.00 720.00 540.00 1,080.00 3,888.00 600.00 480.00 240.00 2,400.00 960.00 480.00 480.00 240.00 2,720.00 2,040.00 864.00 1,530.00 540.00 1,530.00 1,080.00 648.00 864.00 2,700.00 1,680.00 1,530.00 1,530.00 1,296.00 480.00 240.00 Sorsogon 60. 1 agent ................................................................. 74. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 67. 1 agent ......... -................ . .................................. 102. 1 income tax examiner........................................ 140(0). 1 secret service agent................................. 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. Masbate 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 140(i). 1 secret service agent..................................... 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. DISTRICT NO. 9 Iloilo 2,700.00 1,700.00 1,680.00 1,200.00 600.00 480.00 240.00 960.00 480.00 480.00 240.00 57. 1 agent ................................................................. 61. 1 agent ................................................................. 64. 1 agent ................................................................. 65. 1 agent ................................................................. 74. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 75. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 79. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 80. 1 agent’s assistant ................................<........... 81. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 85. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 90. 1 inheritance tax examiner ............................. 98. 1 income tax examiner ..................................... 108. 2 assistant income tax examiners, at Pl,080 per annum each ........................................ 109. 1 assistant income tax examiner ...................... 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 124. 1 accountant ....................................................... 130. 1 accountant ....................................................... 140(e).*! secret service agent ................................. 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 140(o). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 140 (r). 6 storekeeper, at P432 per annum each.... 140(0-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 140 (e-1). 1 laborer-sailor ............................. ........... 3,000.00 2,550.00 2,040.00 1,800.00 1,700.00 1,530.00 1,224.00 1,122.00 1,080.00 864.00 1,530.00 1,500.00 2,160.00 972.00 1,080.00 1,530.00 972.00 720.00 480.00 540.00 2,592.00 240.00 240.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 181 (4) BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Occidental Negros 60. 1 agent ............................................................ —- 2,700.00 74. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 1,700.00 85. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 864.00 139(c). 1 special investigator ................................. 1,080.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(h). 1 head gauger ................................................ 648.00 140(n). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 648.00 140 (o). 3 storekeepers, at P540 per annum each.... 1,620.00 140(r). 7 storekeepers, at P432 per annum each.... 3,024.00 140 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Capiz 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 960.00 140(t). 1 secret service agent..................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 DISTRICT NO. 10 Cebu 54. 1 agent ................................................................. 3,570.00 57. 1 agent ................................................................. 3,000.00 64. 1 agent ..................................................................... 2,040.00 74. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................... 1,700.00 75. 2 agent’s assistant, at Pl,530 per annum each 3,060.00 79. 1 agent’s assistant .................................. -.......... 1,224.00 85. 2 agent’s assistants, at P864 per annum each 1,728.00 86. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 810.00 94. 1 income tax examiner .................................... 2,040.00 97. 1 income tax examiner ........................... 1,530.00 98. 1 income tax examiner...................................... 1,500.00 108. 1 assistant income tax examiner».................... 1,080.00 110. 1 assistant income tax examiner..................... 864.00 45. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 49. 1 clerk .................................................................. 480.00 116. 1 inspector of weights and measures ............ 1,224.00 122. 1 accountant .......................... -.............-.............. 2,040.00 124. 1 accountant ....................................................... 1,530.00 128. 1 accountant ....................................................... 1,080.00 140(e). 1 secret service agent................................... 720.00 140(h). 1 secret service agent.............................. 540.00 140 (r). 4 storekeepers, at P432 per annum each.. 1,728.00 140(7-1). 1 laborer-janitor ....................................... 324.00 Oriental Negros 104. 1 income tax examiner................ 960.00 140(d). 1 secret service agent................................... 756.00 140(f). 1 secret service agent..................................... 480.00 140(p). 1 storekeeper ................................................ 540.00 140 (r). 2 storekeepers, at P432 per annum each.... 864.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Bohol 60. J. agent ................................................................. 2,700.00 67. 1 agent ................................................................. 1,680.00 102. 1 income tax examiner ..................................... 1,200.00 140(p). 1 secret service agent.................................. 600.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Surigao 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 960.00 140(f). 1 secret service agent ................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk .............. 480.00 Occidental Misamis 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,400.00 75. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................ 1,530.00 104. 1 income tax examiner ..................................... 960.00 140(f). 1 secret service agent ................................. 480.00 49. 1 clerk .................................................................. 480.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Oriental Misamis 62. 1 agent ........................................................ 2,400.00 80. 1 agent’s assistant ................................................ 1,122.00 104. 1 income tax examiner ..................................... 960.00 140 (í). 1 secret service agent................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 DISTRICT NO. 11 Zamboanga 58. 1 agent .............................................................. 2,975.00 64. 1 agent .............................................................. 2,040.00 97. 1 income tax examiner......................................... 1,530.00 104. 1 income tax examiner ....................................... 960.00 50. 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 128. 1 accountant ................................................. 1,080.00 73. 1 agent .............................................................. 540.00 139(e). 1 special investigator .................................. 756.00 49. 1 clerk ..................................................... *480.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Davao 68. 1 agent .................................................................. 1,530.00 97. 1 income tax examiner ..................................... 1,530.00 Cotabato 62. 1 agent .................................................................. 2,400.00 104. 1 income tax examiner....................................... 960.00 73. 1 agent .................................................................. 540.00 140(f). 1 secret service agent.................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk .................................................................. 480.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 DISTRICT NO. 12 Leyte 58. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,975.00 64. 1 agent ................................................ 2,040.00 75. 1 agent’s assistant ................................................ 1,530.00 80. 1 agent’s assistant ................................................ 1,122.00 82. 1 agent’s assistant ................................................ 972.00 85. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................... 864.00 108. 1 assistant income tax examiner...................... 1,080.00 46. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 49. 1 clerk .....................................................-............ 480.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................ 540.00 125. 1 accountant ........................................................ 1,530.00 140(e). 1 secret service agent................................. 720.00 140 (r). 1 storekeeper ....................-.......................... 432.00 140 (h^-1). 1 laborer-janitor ..................................... 240.00 140(p-1), laborer-messenger .... ................................. 240.00 Samar 62. 1 agent ................................................................. 2,400.00 75. 1 agent’s assistant ............................................. 1,530.00 77. 1 agent’s assistant .............................................. 1,326.00 80. 1 agent’s assistant ................................................ 1,122.00 104. 1 income tax examiner............................ 960.00 140(f). 1 secret service agent................................... 480.00 49. 1 clerk ................................................................... 480.00 140(p-1). 1 laborer-messenger ................................. 240.00 Total for salaries and wages.................. P818,418.00 182 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF THE TREASURY DIRECTORS 1. One [Insular] Treasurer of the Phil­ ippines ................................................................ 2. One Assistant [Insular] Treasurer of the Philippines ........................................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief of division and cashier....... 4. One chief of division and currency and bond register ............................................ 5. One chief of division and second deputy insurance commissioner....................... 6. One superintendent [of the mint] and cashier of the mint............................................ PUBLIC DEBT RECORDER 7. One public debt recorder..................... ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 8. One assistant chief of division........... 9. One assistant cashier........................... 10. One [examiner] assistant chief of division......................................................,......... EXAMINERS 11. Three examiners, at 1*2,550 per an­ num each............................................................ 12. Six examiners, at 1*2,040 per annum each .................................................................... 13. Three assistant examiners, at Fl,530 per. annum each.................................................. 14. One bond clerk and assistant ex­ aminer ................................................................ TELLERS 15. One paying and receiving teller......... 16. One paying and receiving teller......... 17. One. paying and receiving teller......... CLERKS AND STENOGRAPHERS 18. One property clerk............................... 19. One clerk-stenographer....................... 20. One clerk .............................................. 21. One clerk ............................................. 22. One clerk-stenographer ..................... 23. One record clerk................................... 4*6,120.00 4*6,120.00 1 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 4,675.00 4,675.00 3 4,250.00 4,250.00 4 4,250.00 4,250.00 5 3,400.00 3,400.00 6 2,550.00 . 3,825.00 . 3,400.00 3,400.00 8 3,400.00 3,400.00 11 7,650.00 7,650.00 12-14 12,240.00 12,240.00 15-18 4,590.00 4,590.00 19-21 1,530.00 1,530.00 22 3,060.00 3,060.00 23 2,040.00 2,040.00 24 1,785.00 1,785.00 25 1,530.00 1,530.00 26 1,530.00 1,530.00 28 1,530.00 1,530.00 27 1,080.00 1,080.00 . 1,080.00 1,080.00 29 1,080.00 30 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 183 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 ' authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF THE TREASURY 24. Two clerks, at ^972 per annum each 1,944.00 1,944.00 31-32 25. One clerk-stenographer....................... 864.00 864.00 33 26. Two clerks, at 5*810 per annum each 1,620.00 1,620.00 34 27. One clerk .............................................. 756.00 756.00 35 28. One clerk .............................................. 702.00 702.00 36 29. Two clerks, at 5*540 per annum each.. 1,080.00 1,080.00 38, 40 30. One clerk .............................................. 432.00 432.00 41 [bookkeepers] clerks 31. One [bookkeeper] clerk..................... 864.00 864.00 43 32. One clerk [bookkeeper] ................... 864.00 864.00 44 MONEY-COUNTERS 33. One chief money-counter...................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 45 34. Four money-counters, at 5*756 per annum each........................................................ 3,024.00 3,024.00 46-47 35. One money-counter and chief janitor.. 756.00 756.00 48 36. Five money-counters, at 1*648 per annum each........................................................ 3,240.00 3,240.00 49-51 37. One money-counter.............................. 540.00 540.00 52 GUARDS 38. One chief guard...................................... 2,125.00 2,125.00 53 39. One assistant chief guard................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 54 40. Four guards, at ?=810 per annum each 3,240.00 3,240.00 55 41. Four guards, at 5*756 per annum each 3,024.00 3,024.00 56-57 42. Seven guards, at 5*540 per annum each .. MECHANIC 3,780.00 3,780.00 58-60 43. One foreman and mechanic................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 61 MESSENGERS 44. One messenger...................................... 324.00 324.00 62 45. One messenger..................................... 240.00 240.00 63 MISCELLANEOUS 46. Temporary employees, including laborers, as follows: (a) Two messengers, at P24G per annum each ........................................................ 480.00 480.00 64 (a) (6) One janitor ................................................ (c) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled 486.00 486.00 64(d) laborers .................................................. 566.00 566.00 64(c) 47. Clothing and shoes for guards........... 461.00 461.00 65 Total................................................... 117,553.00 110,098.00 184 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (5) BUREAU OF THE TREASURY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Treasurer of the Philippines .......................... P6.120.00 2. 1 Assistant Treasurer of the Philippines ....... 5,100.00 DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION, CURRENCY AND PUBLIC DEBT 4. 1 chief of division and currency and bond reg­ ister ............................................................... 4,250.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division................................ 3,825.00 7. 1 public debt recorder........................................ 2,550.00 20. 1 clerk .............................................. 1,530.00 19. 1 clerk-stenographer ........................................... 1,530.00 18. 1 property clerk ................................................. 1,530.00 21. 1 clerk ............................................ 1,080.00 23. 1 record clerk . ...... 1,080.00 22. 1 clerk-stenographer .............................. ~............ 1,080.00 24. 2 clerks, at P972 per annum each.................... 1,944.00 25. 1 clerk-stenographer ....—................................ 864.00 31. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 26. 2 clerks, at P81Q per annum each..................... 1,620.00 27. 1 clerk ......... - 756.00 29. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 1,080.00 44. 1 messenger ............................................................ 324.00 45. 1 messenger ............................................................ 240.00 46(a). 2 messengers, at P240 per annum each---- 480.00 46 (c). 1 janitor ...................„....... 486.00 Guard service 38. 1 chief guard ........................................................ 2,125.00 39. 1 assistant chief guard......................................... 2,040.00 40. 4 guards, at P810 per annum each-------------- 3,240.00 41. 4 guards, at P756 per annum each................... 3,024.00 42. 7 guards, at P540 per annum each................... 3,780.00 47. Clothing and shoes for guards: Uniforms for 15 guards, twice a year.......... 267.20 Shoes for 15 guards, once a year.......... ....... 112.50 Uniforms and shoes for new appointees.......... 81.30 INSURANCE DIVISION 5. 1 chief of division and second deputy insur­ ance commissioner ...................................... 4,250.00 10. 1 assistant chief of division............................... 3,400.00 11. 3 examiners, at F2,550 per annum each.......... 7,650.00 12. 6 examiners, at P2.040 per annum each........... 12,240.00 13. 3 assistant examiners, at Pl,530 per annum each ................................................................. 4,590.00 14. 1 bond clerk and assistant examiner................. 1,530.00 28. 1 clerk ................................................................... 702.00 CASH DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division and cashier............ ..... 4,675.00 9. 1 assistant cashier ............................................... 3,400.00 15. 1 paying and receiving teller............................ 3,060.00 16. 1 paying and receiving teller............................ 2,040.00 17. 1 paying and receiving teller............................ 1,785.00 30. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 32. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 33. 1 chief money-counter ....................................... 1,080.00 34. 4 money-counters, at P756 per annum each.... 3,024.00 35. 1 money-counter and chief janitor................... 756.00 36. 5 money-counters, at P648 per annum each.... 3,240.00 37. 1 money-counter .................................................. 540.00 46(6). 1 janitor ........................................................... 486.00 46(c). 2 laborers, at Pl.35 per day each................ 80.00 MNT DIVISION 6. 1 superintendent and cashier of the mint....... 3,400.00 43. 1 foreman and mechanic ...................................... 1,326.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P117.553.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (6) BUREAU OF BANKING COMMISSIONERS 1. One Bank Commissioner.................... ¥6,120.00 ¥6,120.00 1 2. One Assistant Bank Commissioner.... 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 EXAMINERS 3. One chief examiner............................. 4,250.00 4,250.00 3 4. Two examiners, at ¥3,400 per annum each .... 6,800.00 6,800.00 5 5. Five examiners, at ¥2,550 per annum each .... 12,750.00 12,750.00 6-8 6. One [accountant and assistant] examiner .... CLERKS 2,550.00 2,550.00 9 7. One chief clerk and [stenographer] collecting and disbursing officer................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 10 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 185 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (6) BUREAU OF BANKING 8. One record clerk and typist.... ........... 1,080.00 1,080.00 11 9. One clerk-typist................................... 432.00 432.00 13 MISCELLANEOUS 10. Temporary employees, including la­ borers, as follows: (a) One clerk-hiessenger .................................... 486.00 486.00 14(a) (6) One messenger-janitor ............................... 378.00 378.00 (6) (c) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled la­ borers ........................................................... 120.00 120.00 (c) Total.................................................... 42,106.00 42,106.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION COMMISSIONERS 1. 1 Bank Commissioner.............. P6,120.00 2. 1 Assistant Bank Commissioner.......—...........- 5,100.00 EXAMINERS DIVISION 3. 1 chief examiner ................. 4,250.00 4. 2 examiners, at P3,400 per annum each___ 6,800.00 5. 5 examiners, at P2.550 per annum each....... 12,750.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 6. 1 examiner .............................................................. 2,550.09 7. 1 chief clerk and collecting and disbursing officer ......................................................_....... 2,040.00 8. 1 record clerk and typist........... ................._...... i 080.00 9. 1 clerk-typist ........................................................ 432.00 10(a). 1 clerk-messenger ......................................... 486.00 10(6). 1 messenger-janitor ................................... 378.00 10(c). 1 laborer, at Pl a day................................. 120.00 Total for salaries and wages.................... P42.106.00 [BUREAU OF [directors] [One Director of Printing]............... [One Assistant Director of Printing] [CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS] [One superintendent of work and chief of division]................................................ [One chief clerk]............................... [Six chiefs of divisions, at F2,550 per annum each]................................................ [assistant chiefs of divisions] [Seven assistant chiefs of divisions, at Fl,870 per annum each]........................... [CHIEFS OF SECTIONS] [One supervising editor of publica­ tions and chief of section]............................... [One employee in charge of buildings, bodegas and transportation and chief of section] ............................................................. PRINTING] F5,100.00 1 4,080.00 2 3,230.00 3 2,720.00 4 15,300.00 5 13,090.00 7 2,380.00 8 2,210.00 9 186 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item *1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated [BUREAU OF PRINTING] [One employee in charge of proofs and chief of section].................................................................. 1,700.00 10 [One cashier and disbursing officer] .................... 1,700.00 11 [One property clerk (storekeeper) and chief of section].................................................................... 1,080.00 13 Ework-order writers, estimators and computers] [Two work-order writers and com­ puters, at 1*1,530 per annum each]......................................... 3,060.00 14-15 [One computer and assistant esti­ mator] .......................................................................................... 1,301.00 16 [One assistant work-order writer and computer] .................................................................................... 1,122.00 17 Etechnical employees] [One employee in charge of the Of­ ficial Gazette] .............................................................................. 2,040.00 18 [One press proof-reader]............................................. 1,530.00 19 [One artist-engraver] .................................................. 1,530.00 20 [One Diesel engine operator]..................................... 1,530.00 21 [One copy editor].......................................................... 1,377.00 22 Eclerks] i[One clerk] .................................................................. 1,080.00 23 [One clerk]...................................................................... 864.00 26 [One clerk]..................................................................... 864.00 27 [One clerk]...................................................................... 648.00 30 [One clerk]..................................................................... 594.00 32 Emiscellaneous] [Craftsmen, junior craftsmen, ap­ prentices, watchmen, chauffeurs, messengers, helpers, press feeders, mechanics, carpen­ ters, painters and laborers]........................... [Night and overtime work]............... [Extra compensation in accordance with section 1657 of the Administrative Code, as amended].............................................. 249,129.00 38 26,135.00 39 30,912.00 40 [Total]............................................... 376,306.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 187 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual I.—SALARIES AND WAGES (1) Office of the Secretary......................... 1*33,620.00 (2) Office of the Secretary—'Division of Purchase and Supply................. 130,094.00 (3) Bureau of Customs................................ 1,166,191.00 (4) Bureau of Internal Revenue.... ........... 818,418.00 (5) Bureau of the Treasury....................... 117,553.00(6) Bureau of Banking............................... 42,106.00 [Bureau of Printing]...................................................... 1*31,820.00 131,203.00 1,145,848.60 603,038.00 110,098.00 42,106.00 376,306.00 ¥=31,820.00 129,513.59 1,098,416.81 559,514.73 104,701.21 39,792.00 374,481.24 Total for salaries and wages........... 2,307,982.00 2,440,419.60 2,338,239.58 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Hire of automobiles............................. P2,4 8 0.00 Street car, taxi and carromata fares 776.00 Transportation ..................................... 74,221.00 Fer diems .............................................. 12,833.00 Subsistence and lodging....................... 8,415.00 Total _________________________ P98,725.00 98,725.00 74,985.00 68,724.72 2. Freight, express and delivery service: Transportation of supplies and mate­ rials ................................. P8.645.00 Total ................................................ P8.645.00 8,645.00 8,457.00 5,839.49 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and ca­ ble service: Rental of Post Office boxes .............. P254.00 Telephone rentals ____ ______ __ _ 14,789.00 Telephone tolls .......... 26.00 Telephone installation charges.......... 22.00 Telephone extra listings .... 12.00 Telegrams ........... 3,166.00 Radiograms and cablegrams ............... 2,555.00 Postage stamps ......................... 15,284.00 Money order fees ________ 35.00 Sight drafts -..... 3.00 Total ----- ---------------------------------- P36,146.00 36,146.00 37,948.00 28,189.63 4. Illumination and power service: Electric current ......... ......................... P14,820.00 Power in Saw Mill ..... 180.00 Gas consumption ..................._............ 1,730.00 Total .................................................... P16,730.00 16,730.00 20,140.00 18,991.41 5. Rental of buildings and grounds: Rental of offices..................................... P16,750.00 Total ......................................... .......... P16,750.00 16,750.00 9,730.00 8,540.20 188 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1935 actual 1936 authorized Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 6. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials [, including overalls for employees and oil cloth for use by said employees on tables in the premises of the Bureau of Printing during meal time]: Office stationery ................................... P29,105.00 Ice and drinking water ...................... 5,091.00 Water service ..................................... 3,801.00 Motor vehicle supplies ...................... 4,305.00 Watercraft supplies ............................. 218,811.00 Ordnance supplies .............................. 530.00 Official label, tax-receipts, metal tags, lead seal, copper wire..................... 8,000.00 Forage .................................................. 150.00 Toilet supplies ......................-............. 2,640.00 Packing supplies ................................. 1,170.00 Cleaning materials ......_..................... 1,131.00 Disinfectants ......................................... 10.00 Electrical supplies .............................. 1,166.00 Repair supplies ........................-........... 1,360.00 Printed forms ....................................... 20,005.00 Internal Revenue stamps ..................... 4,500.00 Tiki-tiki ................................................ 10.00 Raw sugar ............................................. 25.00 Total .................................................... P301,810.00 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Printing and publication of annual reports .............................................. P4,595.00 Printing of briefs................................. 1,408.00 Binding ................................................ 217.00 Total .................-................................. P6.220.00 8. Free distribution of public documents in accordance with section 1653 of the Ad­ ministrative Code: Official Gazette (English and Spanish) ............................................... P700.00 Executive orders and proclamations 395.00 Public Laws, Philippine Reports and Administrative Code ........................ 2,508.00 Opinions of Attorney-General............ 210.00 Official rosters and Internal Revenue laws and regulations ...................... 187.00 Total ................................................ P4,000.00 301,810.00 631,477.00 440,343.20 6,220.00 11,372.00 9,589.59 4,000.00 8,202.00 3,526.69 E— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 189 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 9. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees: Transportation furnished to ship­ wreck crew .......................................... Pl,0-16.00 Subsistence ............................................. 140.00 Deportation expenses .......................... 664.00 Government witnesses in Internal Revenue cases ................................... 75.00 Total ................................................ Pl,925.00 1,925.00 2,811.00 1,601.11 10. Maintenance, reconstruction and repair of equipment: Automobiles and trucks ...................... P12,022.80 Typewriters ............................................ 3,996.20 Adding machines ................................. 5,870.00 Tables and chairs .............................. 346.00 Clocks and water coolers.................. 349.00 Watercrafts ........................................... 46,530.00 Miscellaneous furniture and equip­ ment .................................................... 5,233.00 Total .............................................. P74,347.00 74,347.00 82,931.00 78,828.28 11. Other services: Subscriptions ......................................... Pl,331.00 Laundry service ................................. 1,222.00 Sewer charges ..................................... 1,385.00 Meals furnished to employees ....... 218.50 Horseshoeing ......................................... 18.00 Bond premiums ..................................... 3,479.50 Insurance, money order and sheriff’s fees ...................................................... 2,098.00 Vulcanizing ............................................ 220.00 Charges on survey of under water damage ................. ............................ 157.00 Advertisements ..................................... 723.00 Rental of fire hydrants..................... 96.00 Expenses of disbursing agent, Wash­ ington, D. C........................................ 10.00 Meter rentals ....................................... 12.00 Pierage .................................................... 91.00 Arrastre service ................................... 260.00 Cleaning, service ................................. 450.00 Sundry petty repairs ........................ 205.00 Photographs ............................ . ............ 200.00 Purchase of checks and register books 170.00 Docket fees .......................................... 813.00 Burglar alarm ..................................... 374.00 Printing of briefs ............................. 500.00 Repair of electrical installation....... 608.00 Retainer’s fee of consulting actuary 2,000.00 Total .................................................... P16,641.00 16,641.00 16,641.00 44,526.91 190 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 12. Sundry expenses in connection with secret service: Salaries of secret service agents......... P16.335.00 Compensation of spies ......................... 8,855.00 Telephone ................................................ 220.00 Traveling ................................................ 610.00 Subsistence .......................................... 134.00 Per diems ................................................ 160.00 Telegrams .............................................. 6.00 Total .................................................... P26,32o.oo 26,320.00 17,500.00 18,174.79 Total for sundry expenses 608,259.00 922,194.00 726,876.02 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment, including one jitney: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Additional equipment: 3 copies, Public Laws, Vol. 31, English ...... F34.50 3 copies. Public Laws, Vol. 31, Spanish ............................... 11.50 1 copy, Executive Orders and Proclamations, 1935 ............ 4.00 1 copy, Philippine Reports, Vol. 57 7.00 1 copy, Official Roster............... 6.00 1 stand, dictionary, all steel......... 17.00 1 water cooler ............................ 30.00 DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND SUPPLY Additional equipment: 6 flags, U. S. 5' X 9' 6", wool.. 84.00 6 flags, P. I. 5' X 9' 6", wool.. 84.00 BUREAU OF CUSTOMS For replacing unserviceable equip­ ment : 6 chairs, narra .......................... 27.00 4 flags, American ...................... 40.00 4 flags, Filipino .......................... 40.00 6 chairs, plain, narra................ 27.00 2 numbering machines .............. 36.00 3 glasses, desk ............................ 7.50 1 water cooler ............................ 25.00 5 benches, wooden ...................... 20,00 4 lengths, hose, canvas IB"....... 126.00 2 lengths, hose, canvas, 2B"....... 206.00 10 blocks, wood, assorted............ 120.00 1 grinder, meat .......................... 6.00 1 grinder, coffee ........................ 6.00 12 blankets, white woolen........... 90.00 6 flags, American, assorted....... 50.00 6 flags, Filipino, assorted........... 50.00 6 flags, Customs, assorted......... 50.00 2 frigidaires ................................. 2,000.00 6 lengths, hose, canvas.............. 670.00 E— DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 191 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 6 chairs, steamer ...................... 36.00 8 flags, American, large............ 48.00 8 flags, Filipino, large.............. 48.00 6 flags, American, small............ 24.00 6 flags, Filipino, small.............. 24.00 6 flags, Customs .......................... 24.00 20 life-belts ................................... 80.00 6 life-buoys, round .................... 24.00 1 chair, revolving ...................... 21.00 1 dictionary ................................. 32.00 BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE Additional equipment: Law books ..................................... 2,000.09 Bookcases ....................................... 499.90 20 revolvers, colt, calibre 32........ 840.00 Miscellaneous equipment ........... 14,516.10 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 10 machines, numbering, “Bates” 7 wheels ................................. 570.00 5 office desks, 3' x 5' with 5 drawers ................................. 200.00 5 office chairs, revolving .......... 100.00 2 U. S. flags, 5' x 9' 6" wool.... 28.00 2 P. I. flags, 5' x 9' 6” wool 28.00 8 card index files, 4 drawers with steel lock, 5” x 8” .... 640.00 30 dispatch bags .......................... 300.00 4 office desks, 3' X5' with 5 drawers ................................... 160.00 4 typewriters, Underwood No. 5 700.00 Additional equipment: BUREAU OF THE TREASURY 3 copies, Public Laws, (2 English and 1 Spanish), Vol. 29 ...»............ . ............ 34.50 1 copy, Philippine Reports, Vol. 57 ............................... 7.00 1 copy, book, “Financial Exam­ ination by Thornton”....... 4.00 For replacing unserviceable equip­ ment : 2 flags, American ...................... 25.00 2 flags, Filipino ........................ 25.00 Total ....... ............................. P24,803.00 24,803.00 7,303.00 30,187.51 Total for furniture and equipment 24,803.00 7,303.00 30,187.51 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. For per diems of the members of the Board of Marine Accidents: 2 members, non-government employ­ ees at P20 per day each for . 90 days ........................................... P3.000.00 Total ............................................ P3.000.00 3,000.00 3,'000.00 2,864.89 192 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 2. For the landing and transportation of immigrants’ baggage from ships to the Customs office, including salaries and wages, equipment and other expenses: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One foreman .................................. Pl,275.00 (б) One assistant foreman................ 648.00 OTHER EXPENSES (c) Transportation of packages..... 4,577.00 Total available appropriation.. P6,500.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts ............................. (P6,500.00) 6,500.00 3,869.01 3. Suppression of clandestine distilla­ tion of spirits: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Two secret service agents ........ Pl,512.00 (b) Nine secret service agents, at P648 per annum each ............ 5,832.00 (c) Twenty-two secret service agents, at P540 per annum each ........ 11,880.00 (d) Eleven secret service agents, at F5JfO per annum each ............ 5,940.00 OTHER EXPENSES (e) Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel ................ P19,000.00 Freight, express and delivery service....... 40.00 Postal, telegraph, tel­ ephone and cable service ...................... 80.00 For cutting nipa fruits’ stalks ....... 650.00 Consumption of sup­ plies and materials 20.00 Traveling expenses of persons not govern­ ment employees....... 46.00 Total P19.836.00 19,836.00 Total ............................................... 1*45,000.00 45,000.00 24,244.00 29,771.01 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 193 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1936 authorized 1937 requested 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 4. For the necessary expenses of the Na­ tional Loan and Investment Board in carry­ ing out the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 7: Salaries and Wages Manager (a) One Chairman and Man­ ager ......................... [PIO,000] P12,000.00 Chiefs of Departments (b) One secretary and attorney........ 6,000.00 (c) One comptroller .............................. 6,000.00 (d) One chief appraiser and prop­ erty custodian ............ [P6,000] 5,100.00 (e) One actuary and statistician ..................................... [P6,000] 5,100.00 (/) One cashier and disbursing of­ ficer ................................................. 4,800.00 (g) One chief administrative of­ ficer ................................................. 4,000.00 (h) One special agent........................... 3,400.00 Assistant Chiefs of Departments (i) One assistant chief appraiser.... 4,500.00 (j) One assistant cashier and teller ................................... [P2,550] 3,000.00 Assistant Attorneys and Law Clerks (k) One assistant attorney [P2,040] (l) One assistant attorney [Pl,800] (m) One assistant attorney [Pl,320] 2,400.00 2,400.00 1,800.00 1,500.00 1,200.00 (n) One law clerk ................[Pl,200] (o) One law clerk ................ [P648] Examiners (p) One chief examiner ....................... 2,400.00 (g) One assistant examiner ................................... [Pl,800] 2,000.00 (r) One assistant examiner................ 2,000.00 (8) One examiner.................................... 1,800.00 Computers and Assistants (t) One chief computer .... [Pl,200] (u) One computer ................ [P960] Assistants 1,800.00 1,200.00 (v) Thirty-six assistants, at P0.20 each per hour for 300 days of 4 hours a day ........ [P8,440] 8,640.00 Inspectors (w) One insurance inspector ............ (x) One property inspector .............. 29908 18 2,400.00 1,800.00 194 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1935 actual 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Clerks and Stenographers (?/) One property clerk ........ 1,800.00 (z) One record clerk ........ [Pl,200] 1,800.00 (a-1) One clerk ..................... 1,260.00 (b-1) One clerk ....................... 1,200.00 (c-T One clerk-stenographer 1,200.00 (d^l) Two clerks, at Fl,080 per annum each.................. 2,160.00 (e-1 One clerk........................... 1,080.00 (f-1) One clerk ....................... 1,080.00 (g-1) One clerk....................... 1,080.00 (h-1) One clerk ..................... [1*960] 1,080.00 (i-1) One clerk ..................... 1,020.00 (j-1) One clerk ....................... 960.00 (k-1) One clerk-stenographer .......... 96Q.00 (l-l) One clerk-stenographer [P840] 960.00 (m^l) One clerk .................... [1*720] 840.00 (n-1) One clerk ..................... p*600] 840.00 (o-l) One clerk ..................... [1*756] 840.00 (p-1) One clerk ...................... 840.00 (q-1) One clerk ..................... [1*600] 720.00 (r-1) One clerk ...................... 720.00 (s-1) One clerk ....................... 660.00 (t-1) One clerk ..................... [1*540] 600.00 (u-1) One clerk....................... [1*480] 600.00 (v-1) One clerk..........................[4*540] 600.00 (w-1) One clerk ..................... [1*480] 600.00 (x-1) One clerk ..................... [1*540] 600.00 (y-1) One clerk ..................... [1*540] 600.00 (z-1) One clerk ..................... [1*432] 540.00 (a-2) One clerk ..................... [1*432] 540.00 (b-2) One clerk ...................... 480.00 (c-2) One clerk .................... 432.00 (d-2) One clerk-laborer........ t>324] 360.00 Teller and Collectors (e-2) One teller......... ......... 1^1,2243 1,320.00 (f-2) One collector ................ [F3603 480.00 (g-2) One collector .............. [f*.36O] 480.00 (h-2) One collector .............. [P560] 480.00 (i-2) One collector .............. [P240] 360.00 Messengers (j-2) One messenger ........... [f*500] 360.00 (k-2) One messenger ......... [7*300] 360.00 Miscellaneous (1—2) Temporary and emergency employees, including skilled semi-skilled and unskilled laborers: .... .......... [7*000] 1,500.00 Total for salaries and wages ............................... 121,632.00 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 195 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUNDRY EXPENSES (1-2) Traveling expenses of per­ sonnel ..................... [><?,£ 70] (m-2) Freight, express and delivery service ........................................ (n-2) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service..................... (o-2) Illumination and power serv­ ice .............................................. (p-2) Rental of buildings and grounds ................... [>100] (q-2) Consumption of supplies and materials................ ^f*3,527'1 (r-2) Printing and binding reports, documents and publica­ tions ......................... \Pl,1001 (s-2) Maintenance and repair of equipment ................ [P220] (t-2) Premium on bonds, etc. .................................. [F12,000j (u-2) {,Reserve for administrative burden! ..................... [F000] (v-2) Expenses on foreclosed mort­ gages ..................... [F20,000j (iv-2) Other services ........................... 6,150.00 150.00 2,650.00 700.00 1,800.00 4,500.00 1,400.00 350.00 20,000.00 50,000.00 5,050.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 92,750.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (x-2) For the purchase of furniture and equipment: 10 ceiling fans ......... P600.00 10 typewriter^ ......... 1,800.00 2 typewriters, long carriage ........... 630.00 10 desks, narra ..... 270.00 10 chairs, narra........ 53.00 40 chairs, ordinary.... 160.00 10 filing cases......... 1,000.00 2 filing index cards, all steel.............. 44.00 1 adding machine.... 500.00 2 water coolers......... 60.00 6 desk fans.............. 180.00 2 American flags..... 30.00 2 Filipino flags....... 30.00 2 sets public laws, English ............ 400.00 2 sets public laws, Spanish ............. 200.00 1 dictionary ............ 60.00 1 dictionary, stand.. 25.00 1 dictionary, En­ gl i s h and ^Spanish ........... 10.00 1 set, Executive Orders .............. 40.00 196 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS eluding engi­ neer’s equip ment, drawing and drafting inst rume n t s, etc....................... 207.00 1 Official Roster..... 6.00 1 s e t, Philippine Report .............. 500.00 1 set, ”C o r p u s Juris” .............. 900.00 1 Bouvier’s law dic­ tionary ............ 45.00 1 book, Legal Forms ------------ 25.00 3 book cases............ 75.00 16 glasses, desk......... 100.00 1 bicycle .................. Miscellaneous, in50.00 Total ............ P8.000.00 8,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment.. [1*8,010.00] 8,000.00 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (y-2) Corporate counsel .... [^0,000] 12,000.00 (z-2) Repair and remodeling of building and site including electrical and plumbing installations ........ [7*5,000] 2,000.00 [C onstruction of vaultj ................................. [7*2,000] ................... (a-3) For the administration of the Rice and Corn Fund, Act No. 2818, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (1) One supervising rural credit agent .............. P2.380.00 (2) Two supervising rural credit agents, at 1*2,0^0 per annum each ........ 4,080.00 (5) One supervising rural credit agent ............. 1,700.00 (4) Three rural credit agents, at 1*1,224 per annum each 8,672.00 (5) Seven rural credit agents, at Pl,080 per annum each 7,560.00 (6) One rural credit agent .............. 864.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 197 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1935 actual 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (7) Two rural credit agents, at P768 per annum each 1,536.00 (8) Two rural credit agents, at ?672 per annum each 1,344.00 (9) One rural credit agent .............. 648,00 (10) Two laborer-filers, P321 per annum each ................ 648.00 Total for sa­ laries and wages ........ 24,432.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (11) Traveling ex­ penses of per­ sonnel ................ 5,000.00 (if) Freigh t, express and delivery service ............. 26.00 (13) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... 260.00 (14) Rental of buildin g s and grounds ........... 264.00 (15) Consumption of sup plies and materials ...... 200.00 (16) Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment ................ 100.00 (17) Other services...... 50.00 Total for sun­ dry expenses.. 5,900.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (18) Purchase of fur­ niture and equipment ...... 618.00 Total for fur­ niture and equipment.... 618.00 SUMMARY Total for sala r i e s and wages 24,432.00 Total for sundry ex­ penses ...... 5,900.00 198 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Total for f u rniture and equip­ ment .... 618.00 Total avail­ able for the a dm i nistration of the Rice and Corn Fund ..... P30.950.00 30,950.00 Total for special appropriations 44,950.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages................ 121,632.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 92,750.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 8,000.00 Total for special appropriations 44,950.00 Total available for the Na­ tional Loan and Invest­ ment Board in carrying out the provisions of Common­ wealth Act No. 7..................... 1*267,332.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts from the various loanable funds under its jurisdiction and control, S e ct i o n 4, Common wealth Act No. 7.................................. (^267,332.00) 0.00 .......................... [For the necessary expenses of the Loan Board in carrying out the provisions of Acts 3335, 3420, 3532, 3838 and 4169: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One loan inspector......................... 1*3,825.00 (б) One clerk-stenographer............... 1,080.00 (c) One bookkeeper............................. 1,080.00 Total for salaries and wages.. 5,985.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (d) Traveling expenses of personnel 500.00 (e) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 500.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 199 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (/) Consumption of supplies and materials ................................... 327.00 (p) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications...... 100.00 (h) Other services.............................. 50.00 Total for sundry expenses....... 1,477.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (i) Purchase of furniture and equip­ ment ....................................... 100.00 Total for furniture and equipment ....................... 100.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............. 5,985.00 Total for sundry expenses................... 1,477.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 100.00 Total available for the Loan Board in carrying out the provisions of Acts 3335, 3420, 3532, 3838 and 4169.... F7,562.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts from investments of the Loan Fund under Acts 3335, 3420, 3532, 3838 and 4169 ................................. (F7,562.00) 0.00] 5. For the permanent personnel of the Bureau of Printing Revolving Fund: Directors (а) One Director of Printing............ P5,100.00 (б) One Assistant Director of Print­ ing ................................................. 4,080.00 Chiefs of Divisions (c) One superintendent of work and chief of division........................... 3,230.00 (d) One chief clerk ............................. 2,720.00 (e) Six chiefs of divisions, at P2f550 per annum each ......................... 15,300.00 200 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Assistant Chiefs of Divisions (/) Seven assistant chiefs of divi­ sions, at Pl,870 per annum each ................................................. 13,090.00 Chiefs of Sections (g) One supervising editor of publi­ cations and chief of section.... 2,380.00 (h) One employee in charge of build­ ings, bodegas and transporta­ tion and chief of section............ 2,210.00 (i) One employee in charge of proofs and chief of section................... 1,700.00 (;) One cashier and disbursing of­ ficer ................................................. 1,700.00 (k) One property clerk (store­ keeper) a,nd chief of section.... 1,080.00 Work-order Writers, Estimators and Computers (l) One work-order writer and com­ puter ............................................... 1,530.00 (m) One work-order writer and com­ puter ........................................ 1,530.00 (n) One computer and assistant es­ timator .......................................... 1,301.00 (o) One assistant work-order writer and computer................................ 1,122.00 Technical Employees (p) One employee in charge of the Official Gazette ........................... 2,040.00 (q) One press proof-reader................ 1,530.00 (r) One artist-engraver....................... 1,530.00 (s) One Diesel engine operator.......... 1,530.00 (t) One copy editor ............................. 1,377.00 Clerks (u) One cleric .......................................... 1,080.00 (v) One clerk .......................................... 864.00 (w) One clerk.......................................... 864.00 (a) One clerk ........................................... 648.00 (y) One clerk........................................... 594.00 Total available for the per­ manent personnel of the Bureau of Printing............ F70,130.00 Amount to be paid from the Bureau of Printing Re­ volving Fund....................... (F70,130.00) 0.00 .......................... E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 201 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 6. For salaries and wages of the perma­ nent personnel of the Manila Harbor Board, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One electrical and mechanical in­ spector .......................................... F3,060.00 (ó) One clerk .......................................... 1,080.00 (c) One first assistant mechanic........ 713.00 (d) One second assistant mechanic.... Total available for salaries and wages of the permanent per­ sonnel of the Manila Harbor 594.00 Board .......................................... Amount to be paid from the Manila Harbor Board Fund, F5,447.00 Act 3002 .................................... (F5,447.00) o.oo ................... 7. For salaries and wages of the perma­ nent personnel of the Fidelity Fund, any pro­ vision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One clerk .......................................... Fl,530.00 (b) One clerk .......................................... 702.00 (c) One clerk ....................................... 540.00 Total available for salaries and wages of the permanent per­ sonnel of the Fidelity Fund.. F2,772.00 Amount to be paid from the Fidelity Fund, Section 325 of Act 2711 ............................. (F2,772.00) 0.00 .......................... 8. For the necessary expenses of the To­ bacco Board in carrying out the provisions of Act No. 2613, as amended by Act 3179 202 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS the provisions of any existing law to the contrary notwithstanding: SALARIES AND WAGES Project No. 1 (Bureare of Internal Revenue) Agents (a) One special agent........................... P4,675.00 (b) One special agent........................... 3,060.00 (c) One assistant agent......................... 1,224.00 Inspectors (d) One supervising tobacco in­ spector .......................................... 4,250.00 (e) One tobacco inspector..................... 2,160.00 (/) One tobacco inspector..................... 1,820.00 (g) One tobacco inspector................... 1,700.00 (h) One tobacco inspector..................... 1,530.00 (i) One tobacco inspector.................. 1,446.00 (j) One tobacco inspector..................... 1,242.00 (7c) Two tobacco inspectors, at Pl,200 per annum each............ 2,400.00 (l) One tobacco inspector................... 1,092.00 (m) Three tobacco inspectors, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 3,240.00 (n) Tivo tobacco inspectors, at P876 per annum each ......................... 1,752.00 (o) Three tobacco inspectors, at P840 per annum each................ 2,520.00 (p) One tobacco inspector.................... 768.00 (q) One tobacco inspector.................... 756.00 (r) One tobacco inspector.................... 648.00 Clerks (s) One clerk ......................................... 1,080.00 (t) One clerk ......................................... 540.00 Laborer (u) One laborer ..................................... 360.00 Project No. 2 Philippine Tobacco Agents in the United States (v) One Philippine tobacco agent..... 7,140.00 (w) One Philippine tobacco agent 5,100.00 (a;) One clerk (stenographer)............ 2,400.00 Project No. 3 (Bureau of Plant Industry) Chief of Section (y) One chief of tobacco research section ............................................ 4,250.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 203 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Agronomists (z) One agronomist............................... 3,060.00 (a-1) One assistant agronomist....... 2,040.00 (b-1) Tivo assistant agronomists, at 1*1,700 per annum each..... 3,400.00 (c-1) One assistant agronomist....... 1,530.00 (d-1) One assistant agronomist........ 1,224.00 (e-1) Three assistant agronomists, at 1*1,122 per annum each.. 3,366.00 (f-1) One assistant agronomist........ 1,020.00 (g-1) Five junior agronomists, at 1*5JtO per annum each............ 2,700.00 Clerks (h-1) One clerk ........................................ 280.00 (i-1) For temporary and emergency employees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers .................................... 7,836.00 Total for salaries and wages ................................ 83,609.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (j-1) Traveling expenses of per­ sonnel ........................................ 15,100.00 (k-1) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 1,200.00 (l-l) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.................... 1,490.00 (m-1) Illumination and power service 360.00 (n-1) Rental of buildings and grounds ...................................... 1,650.00 (o-l) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 4,544.00 (p-1) Cash contributions and gra­ tuities ..................................... ..... 10.00 (q-1) Reconditioning of cigars.......... 5,000.00 (r-1) U. S. Internal Revenue stamps destroyed..................... 2,000.00 (s-1) Advertising in U. S. tobacco trade journals........................... 5,000.00 (t-1) Advertising in local publica­ tions ............................................ 500.00 (u-1) Tobacco pamphlets in U. S... 1,000.00 (v-1) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................. 160.00 (w-1) Constructions and repairs...... 2,000.00 (x-1) Other services .......................... 800.00 (y-1) Prosecution of cases in China 2,400.00 Total for sundry ex­ penses ................................ 43,214.00 204 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (z-1) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 750.00 Total for furniture and equipment ......................... 750.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages................ 83,609.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 43,214.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 750.00 Total available in carrying out the provisions of Act No, 2613, as amended by Act No. 3179 ................................................. F127,573.00 Amount to be paid from its receipts.......................................... (^127,573.00) 0.00 Total for special appropriations.... 48,000.00 33,744.00 36,504.91 V.—FIXED EXPENDITURES a. Public debt: 1. Contributions to sinking funds (1)..... 2. Interests on purely insular bonds (2).... 2,355,366.00 5,597,750.00 2,381,910.00 5,617,750.00 2,515,316.75 5,734,694.30 Total public debt (3)......................... 7,953,116.00 7,999,660.00 8,250,011.05 ft. Advance for the payment of Interest on Philippine Railway Company bonds, Act No. 1730 .............................................................. 683,920.00 683,920.00 683,920.00 Total for fixed expenditures............. P8,637,036.00 P8,683,580.00 ?8,933,931.05 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 205 (1) and (2) SUBSIDIARY STATEMENT OF THE PUBLIC DEBT Details 1937 1936 1935 requested authorized actual Expense: Contributions to the following sinking funds: Public Improvement bonds of 1905............................................................ Public Improvement bonds of 1906............................................................ Public Improvement bonds of 1909............................................................ Manila Railroad Company Purchase bonds.............................................. Public Improvement bonds of 1921............................................................ Financial Interests Protection bonds.......................................................... Irrigation and Permanent Public Works (Sundry Purposes) bonds. Currency bonds ............................................................................................. Cebu Portworks bonds, first series.............................................................. Cebu Portworks bonds, second series......................................................... Cebu Portworks bonds, third series........................................................... lolilo Portworks bonds, first series............................................................ Iloilo Portworks bonds, second series....................................................... Iloilo Portworks bonds, third series.......................................................... Total contributions to sinking funds..........._............................. Income: Earnings from Investments of the following sinking funds: Public Improvement bonds of 1905........................................................... Public Improvement bonds of 1906.......................................................... Public Improvement bonds of 1909............................................................ Manila Railroad Company Purchase bonds............................................. Public Improvement bonds of 1921........................................................... Financial Interests Protection bonds......................................................... Irrigation and Permanent Public Works (Sundry Purposes) bonds. Currency bonds ............................................................................................ Cebu Portworks bonds, first series............................................................ Cebu Portworks bonds, second series....................................................... Cebu Portworks bonds, third series......................................................... Iloilo Portworks bonds, first series.......................................................... Iloilo Portworks bonds, second series....................................................... Iloilo Portworks, third series........................................................................ Total income ..............-..............-................-........ —..............-........ - Net contributions to sinking funds............-.... —....... .................. -... AddInterest on purely Insular bonds (2)..................—................................. Public Improvement bonds of 1905........................................................... Public Improvement bonds of 1906........................................................... Public Improvement bonds of 1909........................................................... Manila Railroad Company Purchase bonds........................................... Public Improvement bonds of 1921.......................................................... Financial Interests Protection bonds........................................................ Irrigation and Permanent Public Works (Sundry Purposes) bonds. Currency bonds .......................................................................................... Cebu Portworks bonds, first series.......................................................... Cebu Portworks bonds, second series...................................................... Cebu Portworks bonds, third series........................................................ Iloilo Portworks bonds, first series.......................................................... Iloilo Portworks bonds, second series....................................................... Iloilo Portworks bonds, third series......................................................... Exchange premium at on active bonds and other expenses........ Total public debt ........................................................................... ...................... P124.491.53 P44.270.00 104,769.28 P149,265.00 144,217.00 139,340.44 309,258.00 298,800.00 288,695.87 1,202,122.00 1,161,471.00 1,122,194.24 323,623.00 312,679.00 302,105.34 752,956.00 727,496.00 702,894.32 1,465,526.00 1,420,551.00 1,363,501.37 39,378.00 38,047.00 36,760.25 37,346.00 36,083.00 34,862.89 24,472.00 23,645.00 22,844.97 39,267.00 37,939.00 36,656.08 24,825.00 23,986.00 23,174.83 45,145.00 43,618.00 42,143.26 4,413,183.00 4,312,802.00 4,344,434.67 23,026.51 16,250.00 73,145.28 97,135.00 89,675.00 85,470.34 171,260.00 163,155.00 147,571.80 571,487.00 520.8Q7.00 477,038.23 160,840.00 150,290.00 132,769.33 351,055.00 330,855.00 295,971^25 650,965.00 611,545.00 553,331.22 12,115.00 10,935.00 9,482.62 9,670.00 8,470.00 6,954.88 5,755.00 4,975.00 4,207.23 11,675.00 10,435.00 9,327.58 6,085.00 5,265.00 4,192.19 9,775.00 8,235.00 6,629.46 2,057,817.00 1,930,892.00 1,829,117.92 2,355,366.00 2,381,910.00 2,515,316.75 5,597,750.00 5,617,750.00 5,734,694.30 50,000.00 20,000.00 80,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 320,000.00 320,000.00 320,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,100,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 l;062,000.00 1,062,000.00 1,062,000.00 2,070,000.00 2,070,000.00 2,070,000.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 83,250.00 83,250.00 83,250.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 56,944.30 ^7,953,116.00 P7,999,660.00 F8,250,011.05 206 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (3) SUBSIDIARY STATEMENT OF THE PUBLIC DEBT the Metropolitan Water District, the City of Manila, and the various Details . Act No. Maturity Amount Total sinking fund required in 1937 Total sinking fund required in 1936 Amount of contribution to sinking fund for 1937 Interest due in 1937 Purely Insular Bonds Public Improvement (Public Works): Second issue (1906), 10-30 years, 4%.............................. Third issue (1909), 10-30 1444 1936 Pesos (a) Pesos Pesos 2,000,000.00 Pesos Pesos years, 4%.. ........................... 1954 1939 3,000,000.00 2,729,364.00 2,580,099.00 149,265.00 120,000.00 Manila Railroad Company Purf 2615'j chase, 10-30 years, 4%............... X 2624 L 1 2625 1946 8,000,000.00 4,704,561.00 4,395,303.00 309,258.00 820,000.00 Public Improvement of 1921, 20 J years, 5 J%.................................... 2940 1941 20,000,000.00 15,047,461.00 13,845,339.00 1,202,122.00 1,100,000.00 Financial Interest Protection, 30 years, 5%...................................... Irrigation and Permanent Public 2999 1952 10,000,000.00 3,857,752.00 3,534,129.00 323,623.00 500,000.00 Works (Sundry): First sale, 30 years, 4 J% .. . . 3013 1952 10,000,000.00 3,803,242.00 3,484,192.00 319,050.00' Second sale, 30 years, 4j%. . 3013 1952 4,500,000.00 1,711,459.00 1,567,887.00 143,572.00 Third sale, 30 years, 4i%. . . . 3013 1952 1,500,000.00 570,486.00 522,629.00 47,857.00 Fourth sale, 30 years, 4$%.. 8013 1952 3,000,000.00 1,140,972.00 1,045,257.00 95,715.00 - 1,062,000.00 Fifth sale, 30 years, 4J%. . . . 3013 1952 1,500,000.00 570,486.00 522,629.00 47,857.00 Sixth sale, 30 years, 44%.... 3013 1952 2,000,000.00 760,648.00 696,838.00 63,810.00 Seventh sale, 30 years, 4J%. . 3013 1952 1,100,000.00 418,356.00 383,261.00 35,095.00, Currency: First sale, 30 years, 44%.... 3058 1952 20,000,000.00^ 17,469,838.00 16,004,312.00 1,465,526.00 2,070,000.00 Second sale, 30 years, 44%.. 3058 1952 26,000,000.00J Cebu Port Works: First issue, 30 years, 44% .... 3413 1958 1,500,000.00 310,064.00 270,686.00 39,378.00 67,500.00 Second issue, 30 years, 4J% ... 8413 1959 1,500,000.00 265,700.00 228,354.00 37,346.00 67,500.00 Third issue, 30 years, 4 J%.... 3413 1960 1,000,000.00 154,873.00 130,401.00 24,472.00 45,000.00 Iloilo Port Works: First issue, 30 years, 4J% .. . . 3417 1958 1,500,000.00 309,186.00 269,919.00 39,267.00 67,500.00 Second issue, 30 years, 4J% . 3417 1959 1,000,000.00 176,621.00 151,796.00 24,825.00 45,000.00 Third issue, 30 years, 4J% .. .. Metropolitan Water District Pur­ 3417 1960 1,850,000.00 285,702.00 240,557.00 45,145.00 83,250.00 chase: First sale, 10-30 years, 5%... 3204 1955 2,000,000.00 580,569.00 522,521.00 58,048.00 ] Second sale, 10-30 years, 5% . . 3204 1955 500,000.00 145,142.00 130,630.00 14,512.00 r 300,000.00 Third 9ale, 10-30 years, 5%. . 3204 1955 3,000,000.001 1,015,996.00 914,412.00 101,584.00. Fou rth sale, 10 -30 years, 5% .. 3204 1955 500,000.001 Metropolitan Water District Pur­ chase: First issue, 30 years, 4J%.. . . 3255 1959 3,000,000.00 530,632.00 456,048.00 74,584.00 135,000.00 Second issue, 10-80 years, 4J% 3255 1961 500,000.00 65,108.00 53,302.00 11,806.00 22,500.00 Third issue, 10-30 years, 5%. . 3255 1965 500,000.00 20,261.00 9,956.00 10,305.00 25,000.00 Fourth issue, 10-30 years, 5%, 3255 1965 500,000.00 19,823.00 9,741.00 10,082.00 25,000.00 Collateral Bends (b) City of Manila Public Improvement Collateral, 30 years, 44%........... City of Manila Lowland Imprové3051 1950 5,500,000.00 2,426,100.00 2,240,819.00 185,281.00 247,500.00 ment Collateral, 30years, 44%.. Province and 9 municipalities of 3352 1958 1,000,000.00 205,538.00 179,435.00 26,103.00 45,000.00 Iloilo Permanent Improvement Collateral, 10-30 years, 44% .. 3222 1956 1,953,000.00 514,586.00 459,353.00 55,233.00 87,885.00 Province of Pangasinan Permanent Improvement Collateral, 30 years, 44%.................................... 3228 1956 857,000.00 224,537.00 200,436.00 24,101.00 38,565.00 Province of Occidental Negros Permanent Improvement Collat­ eral, 30 years, 44%...................... 3229 1956 800,000.00 209,008.00 186,574.00 22,434.00 36,000.00 Province of Occidental Negros Permanent Improvement Collat­ eral: First issue, 30 years, 5%........ 3987 1963 1,277,700.00 106,149.00 78,227.00 27,922.00 63,885.00 Second issue, 30 years, 5% .. . 3987 1965 222,300.00 4,407.00 4,407.00 11,115.00 Province and 3 municipalities of IlocosNortePermanent Improve­ ment Collateral, 30 years, 44%.. 3266 1956 548,000.00 142,357.00 127,077.00 15,280.00 24,660.00 (a) P2,000,000 redeemed on February 1, 1936. (b) Interest and. sinking funds are reimbursable by municipal and provincial governments. E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 207 (3) SUBSIDIARY STATEMENT OF THE PUBLIC DEBT 59,435.00 Details Act No. Maturity Amount Total sinking ' fund required 1 in 1937 Total sinking 'und required . in 1936 r' Amount ot contribution □ sinking fund for 1937 Interest due in 1937 Collateral Bondi (b) Province of Marinduque Perma­ nent Improvement Collateral, Pesos Pesos Pesos Pesos Pesos 30 years, 4J%.............................. Province of Laguna Permanent Improvement Collateral, 80 3268 1956 111,000.00 28,917.00 25,814.00 3,103.00 4,995.00 years, 4j%................................... Province of Hocos Sur and munic­ ipality of Vigan Permanent Im­ provement Collateral, 30 years, 3265 1957 196,000.00 45,580.00 40,285.00 5,295.00 8,820.00 41%............................................. Province of Tarlac Permanent Improvement Collateral, 30 3278 1957 350,000.00 80,929.00 71,527.00 9,402.00 15,750.00 years, 4j%.................................. Province of Pampanga Permanent Improvement Collateral, 30 3279 1957 342,000.00 79,080.00 69,893.00 9,187.00 15,390.00 years, 4j%.................................. Province of Nueva Ecija Perma­ nent Improvement Collateral, 3282 1957 954,000.00 220,592.00 194,965.00 25,627.00 42,930.00 80 years, 4J%............................... Province of Bulacan Permanent Improvement Collateral, 30 3329 1957 690,000.00 159,548.00 141,013.00 18,535.00 31,050.00 years, 41%................................... Province and 4 municipalities of Camarines Sur Permanent Im­ provement Collateral, 80 3331 1957 474,000.00 109,567.00 96,838.00 12,729.00 21,330.00 years, 41%.................................. Province of La Union Permanent Improvement Collateral, 80 3280 1957 222,000.00 51,186.00 45,239.00 5,947.00 9,990.00 years, 4}%................................... Plus—Exchange premium at ¡% 3281 1958 220,000.00 45,734.00 39,926.00 5,808.00 9,900.00 on live bonds............................... Less— Income of sinking funds and repayment of sink­ ing fund advances.......... Repayment of interest ad­ vances and 1% exchange premiums thereon........... (c) (2,795,132.00) Total. 145,167,000.00 ..................... ..................... ................... (d)(1,231,700.00) 61,318,117.00 58,167,619.00 2,355,366.00 5,597775(7.00 (b) Interest and sinking funds are reimbursable by the Metropolitan Water District, the City of Manila, and the various municipal and provincial governments. (c) and (d) DEDUCTIONS Details Earnings and sinking fund advances (c) Interest advances (d) Earnings from investments of sinking funds of purely Insular bonds............................. .................. Other Insular bonds— Metropolitan Water District, Act 3204 ............................................................................................. Metropolitan Water District, Act 3255: First issue .............. ............................................................................................................................ Second issue .....~.................................... ................ ................................... —.______ _ .... ____ Third issue ........................................................................................-..... -..................................... Fourth issue ................................................................................ -.................................................... Collateral bonds— City of Manila Public Improvement, Act 3051.................................................................................. City of Manila Lowland Improvement, Act 3352........................................... .................................. Province and 9 municipalities of Iloilo Permanent Improvement, Act 3222............................. Province of Pangasinan Permanent Improvement, Act 3228............................................................ Province of Occidental Negros Permanent Improvement, Act 3229............................................. Province of Occidental Negros Permanent Improvement, Act 3987: First issue ............ ............................................................................................................................. Second issue .............................................................................................. . ...................................... Province and 3 municipalities of Hocos Norte Permanent Improvement, Act 3266..................... Province of Marinduque Permanent Improvement, Act 3268............ _............................................. Province of Laguna Permanent Improvement, Act 3265................................................................. Province of llocos Sur and Municipality of Vigan Permanent Improvement, Act 3278.......... Province of Tarlac Permanent Improvement, Act 3279................................................................... Province of Pampanga Permanent Improvement, Act 3282........................................................... Province of Nueva Ecija Permanent Improvement, Act 3329........................................................ Province of Bulacan Permanent Improvement, Act 3331............................................................... Province and 4 municipalities of Camarines Sur Permanent Improvement, Act 3280.............. Province of La, Union Permanent Improvement, Act 3281............................................................ Exchange premium at 8% on active bonds and other expenses.................................................... P2,057,817.00 .......... 174,144.00 74,584.00 11,806.00 10,305.00 10,082.00 185,281.00 26,103.00 55,233.00 24,101.00 22,434.00 27,922.00 4,407.00 15,280.00 3,103.00 5,295.00 9,402.00 9,187.00 25,627.00 18,535.00 12,729.00 5,947.00 5,808.00 Total P2,795,132.00 P300,000.00 135,000.00 22,500.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 247,500.00 45,000.00 87,885.00 38,565.00 36,000.00 63,885.00 11,115.00 24,660.00 4,995.00 8,820.00 15,750.00 15,390.00 42,930.00 31,050.00 21,330.00 9,990.00 9,900.00 9,435.00 Pl,231,700.00 208 E — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. Purchase of private shares held by the Philippine National Bank, Act No. 3174........................... b. Refund to the branch of the National City Bank in Manila for capital and deposit taxes collected, Act No. 357....................................................... c. National Economic Council, Common­ wealth Act No. 2.......................................................................... Total for continuing appropriations ..................... VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Interest on City of Manila Collateral Bonds, Act 3051............................................................................ b. Receipts automatically appropriated.. 401,405.00 c. Expenses payable from special funds.. 78,349.00 Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ..................................... 479,754.00 114,090.00 500,000.00 150,000.00 764,090.00 7,562.00 7,562.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 249,243.92 249,243.92 VIII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE a. Investments: Advance for the payment of interest on Manila Railroad Company Southern Lines bonds, Act No. 1730....................... Advance for the payment of interest on 8,170 Manila Railroad Company Southern Lines bonds redeemed, Act No. 1730 ................................................... Advance for the payment of interest on Manila Railroad Company Seven Per Cent Sinking Fund bonds, Act No. 3008 Advance for exchange charges............... Advance for the payment of interest on Manila Railroad Company bonds held by the Philippine National Bank......... Advance for the payment of interest on the loan to the Manila Railroad Com­ pany from the Government for the re­ demption of its bonds............................... Advance for the annual amortization on the said loan ............................................ Loan to the Manila Railroad Company for the redemption of the Southern Lines bonds, Commonwealth Act No. 4 Purchase of National Development Com­ pany stock, Act No. 2849....................... Subscription to the capital stock of the Manila Railroad Company ................... Working capital for the Bureau of Printing Revolving Fund ..................... Total investments..................... EXPENDITURES 278,400.00 278,400.00 1,483,252.94 105,000.00 165,600.00 159,800.00 ..................... 210,000.00 265,147.06 165,600.00 ..................... 67,200.00 50,950.00 ..................... 199,800.00 199,800.00 99,900.00 ..................... 9,990,000.00 ..................... 1,000,000.00 ..................... 300,000.00 ..................... 325,000.00 ............................................... Pl,340,800.00 P12,254,650.00 Pl,748,400.00 E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 209 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual VIII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES b. Deterioration and extraordinary losses: Losses incident to uncollectible loans from Agricultural Bank......................... 84.10 Deterioration of supplies and sales stock ........................................................... 22,497.10 Extraordinary losses................................... 988.42 Losses from uncollectible debts................. 76.69 Total deterioration and extraordin­ ary losses ............................................................................................ 23,646.31 Total for investments and indefinite expenditures ................................. 1,340,800.00 12,254,650.00 1,772,046.31 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... 2,307,982.00 2,440,419.60 2,338,239.58 Total for sundry expenses........................... 608,259.00 922,194.00 726,876.02 Total for furniture and equipment............. 24,803.00 7,303.00 30,187.51 Total for special appropriations................. 48,000.00 33,744.00 36,504.91 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Department of Fi­ nance .............................................. 2,989,044.00 3,403,660.60 3,131,808.02 Total for fixed expenditures............. 8,637,036.00 8,683,580.00 8,933,931.05 Total for ordinary expenditures for the Department of Finance......... 11,626,080.00 12,087,240.60 12,065,739.07 EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for continuing appropriations.... 764,090.00 2,200.00 Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ......................................... 479,754.00 7,562.00 249,243.92 Total for investments and indefinite expenditures ..................................... 1,340,800.00 12,254,650.00 1,772,046.31 Grand total available for the De­ partment of Finance............... 13,446,634.00 25,113,542.60 14,089,229.30 Deduct— Receipts automatically appropriated.. 479,754.00 7,562.00 249,243.92 Net amount available for the De­ partment of Finance...............?=12,966,880.00T25,105,980.60 F13,839,985.38 29908! ■14 210 H — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. The charges for service rendered in connection with the landing and transportation of immigrants’ baggage from ships to the Customs office shall be fixed by the Insular Collector of Customs with the approval of the Secretary of Finance. 2. Any saving of the appropriations for the Bureau of Internal Revenue for 1937 [1936] may be used for the payment during the said year of additional compensation of ten per centum of the salary of officers and employees of the Bureau of Internal Revenue who have- demonstrated proficiency in the examination of books of accounts in a lan­ guage other than English, Spanish or Philippine dialects for internal-revenue tax purposes, of merchants engaged in business in the Philippines [Philippine Islands]: Pro­ vided, That the granting of the said additional compensa­ tion shall be made by the Secretary of Finance upon the recommendation of the Collector of Internal Revenue. [3. The Secretary of Finance is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with a private corporation, in behalf of the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philip­ pines, for the furnishing of electric fluid to the Common­ wealth Government and its dependencies, and to the Government of the City of Manila and its dependencies, the latter by special contract with the Commonwealth Government, with the following conditions: First. That the said private corporation shall install and establish a hydroelectric plant producing twice as much electric fluid as that consumed at present by both govern­ ments and their dependencies; Second. That the price of the electric fluid supplied by the said corporation shall not exceed that paid at present by the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines and the Government of the City of Manila to the Manila Electric Company and that the conditions of the new con­ tract shall be at least as favorable to the Government as those contained in the present contracts between the said government and the Manila Electric Company; Third. That upon the expiration of 25 years from the date on which the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines will begin using the electric fluid furnished by the said private corporation, the hydroelectric plant there­ of with all its dependencies, machineries, fixtures, appara­ tus, equipment, supplies and other properties shall become the exclusive property of the Government of the Common­ wealth of the Philippines without consideration or payment of any kind to the private company owning the same: Pro­ vided, That the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, during the existence of the contract with the said private corporation, binds itself to use a quantity of electric fluid not less than that consumed at present by the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines and the Government of the City of Manila: Provided, further, That if for the purpose of economy or on account of the re­ organization of the Commonwealth Government the quanE.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 211 X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS tity of electric fluid used annually by the Commonwealth Government and the Government of the City of Manila becomes less than that used by said Governments during the year 1931, the time for the final transfer of ownership over the private hydroelectric plant supplying the same shall be extended proportionately, based upon the difference between the electric fluid consumption in the future and the consumption in 1931: And provided, further, That the said private corporation reserves the right to dispose of the excess electric fluid by separate contracts with persons residing outside of the City of Manila.] 3. [4] Subject to the approval of the Secretary of Finance, the Insular Collector of Customs may authorize the janitor assigned in the detention station at Engineer Island to lodge free of charge in said station while required to live therein. 4. [5] In the appointment of the employees receiving salaries from items 120 to 130, inclusive, of the Bureau of Internal Revenue, preference shall be given to duly qualified natives, if any. 5. A reimbursable fund which shall be known as “Bu­ reau of Printing Revolving Fund” is hereby created for the operation and maintenance of the Bureau of Printing. Upon the taking effect of this Act, all the assets and liabil­ ities of the Bureau of Printing and the sum of 1*325,000, as working capital, which is hereby appropriated out of the ac­ cumulated surplus of the General Fund, shall be transferred to this fund. The ivorking capital herein provided, together with all its future accretions from the operating income of the Bureau of Printing, shall be disbursed by the Director of Printing with the approval of the Secretary of Finance for the operation and maintenance of said Bureau, including the purchase of the necessary equipment when authorized by the Secretary of Finance: P ROVIDED, That, as soon as possible, after the close of each fiscal year, the Director of Printing shall render a detailed financial report of the operation of this fund during said year to the President of the Philip­ pines and the National Assembly, through the Secretary of Finance: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That any surplus fund ivhich, in the opinion of the Budget Commission, is not necessary for the operation of said service shall revert to the general fund in the Insular Treasury, and: PROVIDED, FINALLY, That all permanent positions of personnel shall be shown in detail in the annual Appropriation Acts. 6. With the approval of the Secretary of Finance, the National Loan and Investment Board may change the designation of any position authorized for the same in Commonwealth Act No. 7 and in this Act, and consolidate two or more of said positions: Provided, That the salary for each consolidated position shall not exceed five thousand pesos per annum: Provided, further, That this author­ ity shall only be in force until June 30, 1937.