Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Justice


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Justice
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
Appropriations and expenditures
Philippines -- Department of Justice
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article presents a more detailed report on the appropriations and expenditures of the Department of Justice for the year 1937.]
F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE A total appropriation of 1*3,355,718 is requested for the year 1937 for the bureaus and offices under this Department, as compared with 1*3,466,640.90 authorized for the current year, or a decrease of 1*110,922.90. This decrease is due to the elimination of the appropriation for the Industrial Division of the Bureau of Prisons, which has been placed on a revolving fund basis, and to reductions in items for salaries due to retirements and for sundry expenses. Of the total savings, the amount of 1*13,185.10 is offset by the proposed increase of the salary of the Solicitor-General, which is considered in­ commensurate with the importance of the position; new positions for stenographers and other personnel for the Courts of First Instance; and for a private secretary of the Sec­ retary of Justice. Una consignación total de 5*3,355,718 se pide para las Oficinas bajo este Departamento para 1937. Comparada esta suma con 5*3,466,640.90 autorizada para el presente año, resulta una dismi­ nución de 5*110,922.90. Esta disminución se debe a la eliminación de la consignación para la División Industrial de la Oficina de Prisiones, la cual fue colocada sobre la base de fondos reembolsables, y a las reducciones de las partidas para sueldos por causa de retiros, y para gastos varios. Del total de ahorros, la suma de 5*13,185.10 está compensada por el propuesto aumento del sueldo del Procurador General, lo cual se considera inadecuado para la importancia de su cargo; por nuevos puestos de taquígrafos y otros empleados para los Juzgados de Primera Instancia, y de un secretario privado del Secretario de Justicia. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DEPARTMENT HEADS 1. Secretary of the Department............ P10,200.00 P10,200.00 1 2. Undersecretary of the Department... 7,225.00 7,225.00 2 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief clerk.................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 3 4. One chief of division.......................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 4 LAW CLERK 5. One law clerk .................................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 5 PRIVATE SECRETARY 6. One private secretary....................... 2,400.00 CLERKS 7. One clerk ............................................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 6 8. One clerk ............................................ 2,550.00 2,550.00 7 9. One clerk ........... ................................ 2,040.00 2,040.00 8 10. One clerk ............................................ 1,224.00 1,224.00 9 11. One clerk .................. ......................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 10 MESSENGER 12. One messenger .................................. 540.00 540.00 11 Total.................................................. 40,094.00 37,694.00 212 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 213 (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. Secretary of the Department----------------------- P10.200.00 2. Undersecretary of the Department---------------- 7,225.00 3. 1 chief clerk ......................—----- ------------ 3,825.00 4. 1 chief of division ...............-............................ 3,400.00 5. 1 law clerk ....... -................ 2,550.00 6. 1 private secretary .............................................. 2,400.00 7. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 3,060.00 8. 1 clerk .........................-.......................................... 2,550.00 9. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 2,040.00 10. 1 clerk ...................... 1,224.00 11. 1 clerk ......................... 1,080.00 12. 1 messenger ..........—...........-.......... 540.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P40,094.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details Reference to item numbers cf Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1937 Budget Item No. (2) BUREAU OF JUSTICE DIRECTORS 1. One Solicitor-General, with the rank of Undersecretary of. Department ............... 5*7,225.00 F6,800.00 1 2. One Assistant Solicitor-General......... 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS 3. Two assistant attorneys, at 5*5,100 per annum each.................................................. 10,200.00 10,200.00 3 4. Three assistant attorneys, at P4,250 per annum each................................................ 12,750.00 12,750.00 4-6 5. One assistant attorney......................... 3,655.00 3,655.00 7 6. Three assistant attorneys, at 5*3,400 per annum each................................................ 10,200.00 10,200.00 8 7. Five assistant attorneys, at 5*3,060 per annum each ................................................ 15,300.00 15,300.00 9 8. One assistant attorney........................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 10 9. Three assistant attorneys, at 1*2,550 per annum each................................................ 7,650.00 7,650.00 11-12 10- Four assistant attorneys, at 5*2,295 per annum each ................................................ 9,180.00 9,180.00 13 11. Two assistant attorneys, at 5*2,040 per annum each................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 14 12. Three assistant attorneys, at 5*1,700 per annum each................................................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 15 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 13. Two chiefs of divisions, at Fl,530 per annum each..................................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 17 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 14. One assistant chief of division and librarian ........................................................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 18 15. One assistant chief of division and stenographer ..................................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 20 16. One assistant chief of division........... 972.00 972.00 21 214 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 ’ authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF JUSTICE CASHIER AND DISBURSING OFFICER 17. One cashier and disbursing officer.... 1,530.00 1,530.00 22 STENOGRAPHERS 18. One stenographer ............................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 23 19. Three stenographers, at 1*1,530 per annum each ...................................................... 4,590.00 4,590.00 24 20. Three stenographers, at 1*1,080 per annum each ...................................................... 3,240.00 3,240.00 25-27 21. One junior stenographer................... 648.00 648.00 28 CLERKS 22. One clerk .............................................. 1,224.00 1,224.00 29 23. One clerk .............................................. 810.00 810.00 32 24. One clerk................................................ 756.00 756.00 33 25. Three clerks, at 1*648 per annum each 1,944.00 1,944.00 34-35 26. Four clerks, at 1*540 per annum each 2,160.00 2,160.00 36-37 27. Six clerks, at f*432 per annum each.. 2,592.00 2,592.00 39-41, 43-44 28. One clerk .............................................. 324.00 324.00 45 MESSENGERS 29. One messenger...................................... 324.00 324.00 48 30. Two messengers, at 1*240 per annum each .. 480.00 480.00 49 JANITOR 31. One janitor............................................ 324.00 324.00 50 MISCELLANEOUS 32. Deductions for vacancies, absences, etc...... (2,550.00) (2,550.00) 51 Total.................................................... 121,198.00 120,773.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Solicitor-General .............................................. P7,225.00 2. 1 Assistant Solicitor-General................... 5,100.00 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL CASES 3. 1 assistant attorney ..........-................................ 5,100.00 4. 1 assistant attorney ............................................ 4,250.00 5. 1 assistant attorney ............. -............................. 3,655.00 6. 2 assistant attorneys, at P3,400 per annum each ................................................................. 6,800.00 9. 1 assistant attorney ............................................. 2,550.00 10. 1 assistant attorney ............................................. 2,295.00 11. 2 assistant attorneys, at P2.040 per annum each ................................................................. 4,080.00 12. 2 assistant attorneys, at Pl,700 per annum each ................................................................. 3,400.00 DIVISION OF CIVIL CASES 3. 1 assistant attorney ............................................ 5,100.00 4. 1 assistant attorney .............-............................. 4,250.00 6. 1 assistant attorney ............................................. 3,400.00 7. 2 assistant attorneys, at P3.060 per annum each ................................................................. 6,120.00 8. 1 assistant attorney ............................................. 2,720.00 10. 1 assistant attorney ..................................... 2,295.00 12. 1 assistant attorney .......................................— 1,700.00 DIVISION OF LAND, FORESTRY, EMINENT DOMAIN, IRRIGATION, MINING AND OTHER CASES 4. 1 assistant attorney ....................................-...... 4,250.00 9. 1 assistant attorney ..................-........................ 2,550.00 10. 2 assistant attorneys, at P2.295 per annum each 4,590.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 215 (2) BUREAU OF JUSTICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS DETAILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF JUSTICE 7. 3 assistant attorneys, at P3.060 per annum each ................................................................. 9,180.00 9. 1 assistant attorney .............................. -............ 2,550.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 14. 1 assistant chief of division and librarian----- 2,380.00 26. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 1,620.00 30. 1 messenger ..............-............................................. 240.00 CASH AND PROPERTY DIVISION 17. 1 cashier and disbursing officer.......... ......... — 1,530.00 22. 1 clerk............... _......... 1,224.00 STENOGRAPHERS DIVISION 15. 1 assistant chief of division and stenographer 1,530.00 18. 1 stenographer ........ 1,700.00 19. 3 stenographers, at Pl,530 per annum each.... 4,590.00 20. 3 stenographers, at Pl,080 per annum each.... 3,240.00 21. 1 junior stenographer ............ .................. . .... — 648.00 RECORDS DIVISION 13. 1 chief of division........................................-....... 1,530.00 23. 1 clerk ........................................... -..... 810.00 24. 1 clerk .............................. 756.00 25. 1 clerk ........ 648.00 27. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each....................... 1,728.00 29. 1 messenger ............................................. „........ 324.00 30. 1 messenger ....... „... 240.00 31. 1 janitor ........... _.................„ 324.00 DOCKET DIVISION 13. 1 chief of division............................... 1,530.00 16. 1 assistant chief of division „...... 972.00 25. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 26. 1 clerk ..... 540.00 27. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 28. 1 clerk ............. 324.00 32. Deductions for vacancies, absences, etc.............. (2,550.00) Total for salaries and wages_________ P121,198.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested moc Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS DISTRICT JUDGES 1. Thirty-five judges, at P8,500 per an­ num each ........................................................... 2. Seven judges, at P7,650 per annum each .................................................................... 3. Five judges, at f>=6,800 per annum each .................................................................... JUDGES-AT-LARGE 4. One judge-at-large................................ 5. One judge-at-large............................... 6. One judge-at-large............................... 7. Five judges-at-large, at 5*6,800 per annum each........................................................ SUPERINTENDENT OF CLERKS OF COURTS 8. One superintendent of clerks of courts .................................................................. CLERKS OF COURTS 9. One clerk of court............................... 10. Four clerks of courts, at P2,975 per annum each....................................................... 11. Eleven clerks of courts, at P2,720 per annum each............................................... F297,500.00 5*297,500.00 1-3 53,550.00 53,550.00 4-5 34,000.00 34,000.00 6-7 9,000.00 9,000.00 8 8,000.00 8,000.00 9 7,000.00 7,000.00 10 34,000.00 34,000.00 11 3,060.00 3,060.00 12 4,250.00 4,250.00 13 11,900.00 11,900.00 14-16 29,920.00 29,920.00 17-20 216 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS 12. Nine clerks of courts, at 1*2,040 per annum each ...................................................... 13. Four clerks of courts, at 1*1,700 per annum each........................................................ 14. Five clerks of courts, at 1*1,530 per annum each........................................................ 15. Eleven clerks of courts, at 1*1,275 per annum each........................................................ 16. Three clerks of courts, at Pl,080 per annum each ...................................................... 17. One clerk of court............................... DEPUTY CLERKS OF COURTS 18. One assistant clerk of court and exofficio chief of probate division....................... 19. Fifteen deputy clerks of courts, at 1*1,530 per annum each ................................ 20. Twelve deputy clerks of courts, at Pl ,275 per annum each................................... 21. Nine deputy clerks of courts, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................... 22. One deputy clerk of court................... 23. Four deputy clerks of courts, at P810 per annum each................................................ 24. Five deputy clerks of courts, at P648 per annum each................................................ 25. ’Eighteen deputy clerks of courts, at P540 per annum each ................................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 26. One chief of statistical and docket division .............................................................. 27. One chief of civil division................... 28. One chief of criminal division........... 29. One archive clerk and chief of divi­ sion ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 30. One cashier and disbursing officer..... 31. One assistant chief clerk..................... STENOGRAPHERS 32. Eight stenographers, at P2,720 per annum each....................................................... 18,360.00 18,360.00 21-23 6,800.00 6,800.00 24-27 7,650.00 7,650.00 28 14,025.00 14,025.00 29-32 3,240.00 3,240.00 32(a), (6) 540.00 540.00 35 3,400.00 3,400.00 36 22,950.00 22,950.00 37-38 15,300.00 15,300.00 39-46 9,720.00 1,080.00 . 9,720.00 47-50 3,240.00 3,240.00 51 3,240.00 3,240.00 52-54 9,720.00 9,720.00 55-58 1,530.00 1,530.00 60 972.00 972.00 61 745.00 745.00 62 745.00 745.00 63 1,530.00 1,530.00 64 1,080.00 1,080.00 65 21,760.00 21,760.00 66-68 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 217 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 33. Three stenographers, at F2,550 per (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS annum each....................................................... 7,650.00 7,650.00 69-70 34. Thirteen stenographers, at F2,040 per annum each ................................................ 26,520.00 26,520.00 71, 76 35. Five [junior] stenographers, at F2,040 per annum each.................................... 10,200.00 10,200.00 72-73 [One junior stenographer].................... 2,040.00 74 36. One stenographer in English........... 2,040.00 2,040.00 75 37. One stenographer ............................... 1,360.00 1,360.00 ' 77 38. Fourteen stenographers, at 1*1,700 per annum each................................................ 23,800.00 23,800.00 78-81 39. Thirty-one stenographers, at Fl,530 per annum each................................................ 47,430.00 47,430.00 82-90 40. Five stenographers, at Fl,200 per annum each........................................................ 6,000.00 41. One stenographer ............................... 972.00 972.00 91 42. One clerk-stenographer ..................... 864.00 864.00 92 INTERPRETERS 43. Three interpreters, at 1*2,040 per annum each........................................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 93-95 44. Two Chinese interpreters, at F2,040 per annum each.................. ;............................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 96 45. Three interpreters, at Fl,700 per an­ num each............................................................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 97 46. Three interpreters, at Fl,530 per an­ num each............................................................ 4,590.00 4,590.00 98 47. Eight interpreters, at Fl,275 per an­ num each............................................................ 10,200.00 10,200.00 99-102 48. Ten interpreters, at Fl,080 per an­ num each........................................................... 10,800.00 10,800.00 103-105 49. One interpreter................................... 1,020.00 1,020.00 98(a) 50. Ten interpreters, at F864 per an­ num each .......................................................... 8,640.00 8,640.00 106 51. Seven interpreters, at F648 per an­ num each........................................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 107 DOCKET CLERKS 52. One docket clerk................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 108 53. One docket clerk................................. 972.00 972.00 109 54. Four docket clerks, at F864 per an­ num each........................................................... 3,456.00 3,456.00 110-112 55. Six docket clerks, at F756 per an­ num each ......................................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 113-116,118 218 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 requested 1936 ' authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Budget Details Item No. (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL 56. One civil docket clerk......................... SHERIFFS 756.00 756.00 117 57. One docket clerk................................. 684.00 684.00 119 58. Two [criminal] docket clerks, at ^648 per annum each ................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 121 59. Nineteen docket clerks, at 1*648 per annum each ...................................................... 12,312.00 12,312.00 122-125 60. One docket clerk.................................. 576.00 576.00 112(a) 61. Three docket clerks, at 5*540 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,620.00 1,620.00 127-129 62. Tiuo docket clerks, at F480 per an­ num each............................................................ 960.00 .. 63. One docket clerk ................................. 432.00 432.00 130 64. One docket clerk ................................. 324.00 324.00 131 65. Two docket clerks, at i*240 per an­ num each ......... ................................................ 480.00 480.00 132 ASSISTANT DOCKET CLERKS 66. One assistant docket clerk ............... 972.00 972.00 133 67. One assistant docket clerk ............... 756.00 756.00 134 - 68. Three assistant docket clerks, at 5*648 per annum each .................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 135 69. Three assistant docket clerks, at i*540 per annum each ................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 136-137 CLERKS 70. One clerk................................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 138 71. Two clerks, at ¥=918 per annum each 1,836.00 1,836.00 139 72. Two clerks, at 5*864 per annum each 1,728.00 1,728.00 140 73. Three clerks, at 1*756 per annum each 2,268.00 2,268.00 141 74. Five clerks, at 5*648 per annum each 3,240.00 3,240.00 143 75. Sixteen clerks, at 5*540 per annum each .................................................................... 8,640.00 8,640.00 145-146 76. One clerk .............................................. 497.00 497.00 147 77. Four clerks, at ¥=486 per annum each 1,944.00 1,944.00 148 78. Sixty-four clerks, at 1*432 per annum each .................................................................... 27,648.00 27,648.00 144,149-154, 79. One clerk ............................................. 421.00 421.00 156-160 161 80. Twelve clerks, at 1*324 per annum each ................................................................... 3,888.00 3,888.00 162-166 81. Five clerks, at 5*300 per annum each 1,500.00 1,500.00 167-168,170 82. Forty clerks, at 15240 per annum each 9,600.00 9,600.00 172,174 TYPISTS 83. Two typists, at 1*432 per annum each 864.00 864.00 175 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 219 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS MESSENGERS 84. One messenger [clerk]....................... 85. Three messengers [clerks], at 1*432 per annum each................................................ 86. One messenger...................................... 87. One messenger .................................... 88. Five messengers, at 1*240 per annum each .................................................................... 89. One messenger-janitor [clerk]........... MISCELLANEOUS 90. For compensation of bailiffs and emergency employees, including laborers as follows: INTERPRETER (а) One interpreter ............................................ CLERKS (б) Two clerks, at Fl,080 per annum each.... (c) One clerk ................ ....................................... (d) One clerk ...................................................... (e) Three clerks, at F432 per annum each.... (/) Two clerks, at F378 per annum each.... (g) Eight clerks, at F324 per annum each... (h) Sixteen clerks, at P240 per annum each.... BAILIFFS (0 Seven bailiffs, at F300 per annum each... MESSENGERS (;) One janitor-messenger ............................... (k) Three janitor-messengers, at P324 per annum each .......................................... EMERGENCY EMPLOYEES (Z) For emergency employees........................... JUSTICES OF THE PEACE 91. Salaries of justices of the peace and auxiliary justices of the peace outside of the City of Manila: Provided, That no appoint­ ment of a justice of the peace involving pay­ ment of any amount shall be made, unless there is a sufficient appropriation therefor.... 540.00 540.00 145 1,296.00 1,296.00 149,152,159 378.00 378.00 176 324.00 324.00 177 1,200.00 1,200.00 178 432.00 432.00 149 972.00 972.00 179(a) 2,160.00 2,160.00 179(6)-(c) 864.00 864.00 179(d) 648.00 648.00 179(e) 1,296.00 1,296.00 179(/)-(^) 756.00 756.00 179 (i) 2,592.00 2,592.00 179(»-(A:) 3,840.00 3,840.00 179(Z)-(th) 2,100.00 2,100.00 179(h) 432.00 432.00 179(o) 972.00 972.00 179(p) 3,623.00 3,623.00 179(g) 793,748.00 793,748.00 180 220 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OF PROVINCIAL COURTS AND OFFICES SHERIFFS PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS 92. Seventeen provincial sheriffs, at 1*2,040 per annum each................................... 34,680.00 34,680.00 182-185 93. Twelve provincial sheriffs, at 1*1,530 per annum each................................................ 18,360.00 18,360.00 186-193 94. Four provincial sheriffs, at 1*1,275 per annum each................................................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 194-197 95. Fourteen provincial sheriffs, at 1*1,080 per annum each ................................. 15,120.00 15,120.00 198-199 DEPUTY SHERIFFS 96. One hundred seventeen deputy sheriffs, at T756 per annum each................... 88,452.00 88,452.00 200-208 Total.................................................... 1,901,544.00 1,895,544.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE District I 2. 1 judge ................................................................... P7,650.00 CAGAYAN 12. 1 clerk of court .................................................. 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court........................... -..... — 1,080.00 58. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 648.00 78. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each..................... 864.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................... 300.00 BATANES 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ................................... 540.00 District II 3. 1 judge ................................................................... 6,800.00 ISABELA 14. 1 clerk of court ..... -..... - 1,530.00 24. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 648.00 58. 1 docket clerk ........................................... 648.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 NUEVA VIZCAYA 15. 1 clerk of court...................................................... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 82. 1 clerk ................................................................... 240.00 District III 2. 2 judges, at P7,560 per annum each.................. 15,300.00 ILOCOS NORTE 12. 1 clerk of court ......................... —.........._..... 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court.......... .... _............ 1,080.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 78. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 82. 1 clerk ............................... 240.00 ILOCOS SUB 12. 1 clerk of court ..... 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court................ —;------ 1,080.00 61. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 540.00 85. 1 messenger ........................................................... 432.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................... 300.00 ABRA 15. 1 clerk of court.. ..... ..........................._..........— 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240 00 District IV 2. 1 judge _________________________________ 7,650.00 LA UNION 13. 1 clerk of court ..............--------------------------- 1,700.00 23. 1 deputy clerk of court ................................... 810.00 61. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 540.00 78. 1 clerk ..... 432.00 81. 1 clerk ................................... 300.00 MOUNTAIN PROVINCE (BENGUET) 15. J clerk of court ................................. —....... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 63. 1 docket clerk .. ......... 432.00 MOUNTAIN PROVINCE (BONTOC) 15. 1 clerk of court___________ _________ ___ _ 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 221 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION District V 1. 3 judges, at P8,500 per annum each................ 25,500.00 PANGASINAN 10. 1 clerk of court ........................ - 2,975.00 19. 2 deputy clerks of courts, at Pl,530 per annum each ................................................................. 3,060.00 52. 1 docket clerk ...................................................... 1,080.00 53. 1 docket clerk ...................................................... 972.00 66. 1 assistant docket clerk ...............-.......-............ 972.00 54. 1 docket clerk .....................................-................. 864.00 74. 1 clerk .......... 648.00 75. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 1,080.00 78. 7 clerks, at P432 per annum each..... . .............. 3,024.00 82. 2 clerks, at P240 per annum each..................... 480.00 ZAMBALES 15. 1 clerk of court----------------------------------------- 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court......................................... 540.00 65. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 240.00 82. 1 clerk .......................... -........................................ 240.00 District VI 1. 3 judges ....... —_______________ 25,500.00 TARLAC 12. 1 clerk of court —.........—.... -..................... 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court—.... —............. 1,080.00 59. 1 docket clerk ......................................................... 648.00 77. 1 clerk .................................................................... 486.00 78. 2 clerks, at p432 per annum each....................... 864.00 82. 1 clerk .....-............................................................. 240.00 NUEVA ECIJA 11. 1 clerk of court ------------- — 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court------------------------- - 1,275.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court.------------------------- - 1,080.00 55. 2 docket clerks, at P756 per annum each......... 1,512.00 59. 1 docket clerk ............—........-..... 648.00 75. 1 clerk ..... 540.00 78. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 1,728.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 District VII I. 2 judges ....—.......-.......... —.................... 17,000.00 PAMPANGA 11. 1 clerk of court ....... —................... - 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court ____________ 1,275.00 55. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 756.00 59. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 648.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 85. 1 messenger .......................................................... 432.00 80. 1 clerk ................................................................... 324.00 82. 1 clerk ................................................................... 240.00 BULACAN II. 1 clerk of court .......................... 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court........................... ............ 1,275.00 54. 1 docket clerk ........................................ 864.00 55. 1 docket clerk ........................ „............................. 756.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 421.00 80. 1 clerk ........... 824.0p 82. 1 clerk ________ 240.00 District VIII , I. 1 judge ____________ _______ ____________ 8,500.00 CAVITE 13. 1 clerk of court ................................................... 1,700.00 23. 1 deputy clerk of court.......................................... 810.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................... 497.00 78. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each....................... 864.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 District IX I. 5 judges .....................-............................................ 42,500.00 MANILA 9. 1 clerk of court ................................................... 4,250.00 18. 1 assistant clerk of court and ex officio chief of probate division ......................................... 3,400.00 19. 7 deputy clerks of courts, at Pl,530 per annum each...............................................................10,710.0ft 26. 1 chief of statistical and docket division........ 1,530.00 27. 1 chief of civil division........................................ 972.00 28. 1 chief of criminal division.................................. 745.00 29. 1 archive clerk and chief of division............... 745.00 30. 1 cashier and disbursing officer....................... 1,530.00 31. 1 assistant chief clerk ........................................ 1,080.00 55. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 756.00 59. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 648.00 59. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 648.00 62. 2 docket clerks, at P480 per annum each........ 960.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 73. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each..................... 2,268.00 84. 1 messenger ........................................................... 540.00 77. 1 clerk .................................................................... 486.00 78. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 83. 2 typists, at P432 per annum each................... 864.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 86. 1 messenger .......................................................... 378.00 87. 1 messenger ........................................................... 324.00 88. 54 messengers, at P240 per annum each........... 1,200.00 District X 1. 2 judges, at P8,500 per annum each .............. 17,000.00 RIZAL II. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 1,275.00 59. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 648.00 69. 1 assistant docket clerk ..................................... 540.00 75. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 78. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 BATAAN 15. 1 clerk of court ................................................... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court........................................ 540.00 69. 1 assistant docket clerk ........................................ 540.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 District XI 1. 1 judge .................................................................. 8,500.00 LAGUNA 11. 1 clerk of court .....................-.................... 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court ............................—.... 1,275.00 59. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 648.00 78. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... 864.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 222 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION District XII 1. 1 judge ................................................................... 8,500.00 BATANGAS 11. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court ....................................... 1,275.00 59. 2 docket clerks ....................................................... 1,296.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 84. 1 messenger ........................................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 MINDORO 15. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ......................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 District XIII 1. 2 judges ................................................................. 17,000.00 TAYABAS 10. 1 clerk of court ................................................... 2,975.00 19. 2 deputy clerks of courts ..................................... 3,060.00 71. 1 clerk ................................................................... 918.00 54. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 864.00 59. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 648.00 78. 5 clerks ............................................................. 2,160.00 82. 2 clerks ............................................................. 480.00 MARINDUQUE 74. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 78. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 District XIV 1. 1 judge ................................................................... 8,500.00 CAMARINES NORTE 15. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ................................... 540.00 59. 1 docket clerk ...................................................... 648.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 CAMARINES SUR 12. 1 clerk of court .................................................. 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court ................................... 1,080.00 59. 1 docket clerk . of court ...................................... 648.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 78. 2 clerks ................................................................ 864.00 85. 1 messenger .......................................................... 432.00 District XV 1. 2 judges ................................................................. 17,000.00 ALBAY 11. 1 clerk of court ............................................ 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court ...................................... 1,275.00 56. 1 civil docket clerk ............................................ 756.00 59. 1 assistant docket clerk ....................................... 648.00 75. 1 clerk ........................ 540.00 77. 1 clerk .................................................................... 486.00 78. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 SORSOGON 13. 1 clerk of court .................................................. 1,700.00 23. 1 deputy clerk of court ................................. 810.00 59. 1 docket clerk .................................................... 648.00 78. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 82. 2 clerks ................................................................. 480.00 MASBATE 15. 1 clerk of court .................................................. 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court......................................... 540.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 District XVI 1. 1 judge .................................................................. 8,500.00 CAPIZ 11. 1 clerk of court ............................................ 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court ...................................... 1,275.00 59. 1 docket clerk ................................................... 648.00 69. 1 assistant docket clerk ...................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 80. 2 clerks .................................................................. 648.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 ROMBLON 15. 1 clerk of court ............................... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court............................................. 540.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................... 300.90 District XVII 1. 3 judges ................................................................. 25,500.00 ILOILO 10. 1 clerk of court ................................................ 2,975.00 19. 2 deputy clerks of courts .............................. „. 3,060.00 54. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 864.00 60. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 576.00 67. 1 assistant docket clerk .................................... 756.00 78. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 80. 2 clerks .................................................................. 648.00 82. 1 clerk ............ ........................................................ 240.00 District XVIII 1. 2 judges ................................................................. 17,000.00 NEGROS OCCIDENTAL 11. 1 clerk of court ................................................ 2,720.00 20. 2 deputy clerks of courts .................................. 2,550.00 59. 2 docket clerks .................................................... 1,296.00 68. 1 assistant docket clerk ..................................... 648.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 78. 2 clerks .................................................-............... 864.00 82. 1 clerk ................................................................... 240.00 District XIX 2. 1 judge .............................................................. 7,650.00 NEGROS ORIENTAL AND SIQUIJOR 12. 1 clerk of court ................................ 2,040.00 22. 1 deputy clerk of court ........................................ 1,080.00 59. 1 docket clerk ......................................... 648.00 78. 1 clerk ............................ -...................................... 432.00 82. 2 clerks ................................................................... 480.00 District XX 2. 1 judge ..............-... .....-............... -.........—...... 7,650.00 SAMAR 11. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court.................... 1,275.00 59. 1 docket clerk ............................ *....................... 648.00 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 223 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 78. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 BUKIDNON 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 District XXI 1. 2 judges ........................................-.....-................. 17,000.00 LEYTE (TACLOBAN) 11. 1 clerk of court —................................................ 2,720.00 20. 1 deputy clerk of court....................................... 1,2(5.00 59. 1 docket clerk ...................................................... 648.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 LEYTE (MAASIN) 14. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 1,530.00 24. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 648.00 77. 1 clerk .................................................................... 486.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 District XXII 1. 3 judges ................................................................. 25,500.00 CEBU 10. 1 clerk of court .........-.................. -.....-............. 2,975.00 19. 2 deputy clerks of courts ................................ 3,060.00 71. 1 clerk ... ................................................................ 918.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 74. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,944.00 78. 6 clerks ..........................................-....................... 2,592.00 78. 2 clerks .................-.........-.................................... 480.00 District XXIII 2. 1 judge ...... ..................... -..........-........................ 7,650.00 BOHOL 12. 1 clerk of court ............ —.... 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court —..... — 1,080.00 57. -1 docket clerk .................................................... 684.00 85. 1 messenger .......................................................... 432.00 78. 1 clerk ......................................-................... -....... 432.00 OCCIDENTAL MISAMIS 13. 1 clerk of court ----------------------- 1,700.00 23. 1 deputy clerk .................................................... 810.00 75. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 District XXIV 3. 2 judges ............... -.... —----------............................ 13,600.00 AGUSAN 17. 1 clerk of court ............... 540.00 SURIGAO 14. 1 clerk of court -.................. 1,530.00 24. 1 deputy clerk of court ......................................... 648.00 80. 1 clerk ........... 324.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 ORIENTAL MISAMIS 12. 1 clerk of court .......................... 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court .................................... 1,080.00' 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk -......................... ........................................ 432.00 82. 1 clerk .....................-............................................. 240.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ................................... 540.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 LANAO 16. 1 clerk of court ............................................... 1,080.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ......................................... 540.00 65. 1 docket clerk ................................................... 240.00 District XXV 1. 1 judge ................................................................... 8,500.00 ZAMBOANGA 12. 1 clerk of court ................~................................. 2,040.00 21. 1 deputy clerk of court ........................................ 1,080.00 55. 1 docket clerk ..................................................... 756.00 68. 1 assistant docket clerk..................................... 648.00 75. 1 clerk .............................................................. 540.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 DIPOLOG, ZAMBOANGA 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 SULU 15. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 1,275.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 78. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 District XXVI 3. 1 judge .............-................. 6,800.00 DAVAO 14. 1 clerk of court ....................................................... 1,530.00 24. 1 deputy clerk of court .......................................... 648.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 78. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 240.00 COTABATO 16. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 1,080.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 81. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 300.00 District XXVII 3. 1 judge ................................................................... 6,800.00 ANTIQUE 14. 1 clerk of court ................................................... 1,530.00 24. 1 deputy clerk of court ....................................... 648.00 61. 1 docket clerk ....................................................... 540.00 80. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 324.00 PALAWAN 16. 1 clerk of court ...................................... 1,080.00 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 64. 1 docket clerk ........................................................ 324.00 CUYO 25. 1 deputy clerk of court ..................................... 540.00 JUDGES-AT-LARGE 4. 1 judge-at-large ..... _................... — 9,000.00 5. 1 judge-at-large ......................................... 8,000.00 224 F — DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 6. 1 judge-at-large .................................................... 7,000.00 7. 5 judges-at-large, at P6,800 per annum each.. 34,000.00 SUPERINTENDENT OF CLERKS OF COURTS 8. 1 superintendent of clerks of courts.............. 3,060.00 STENOGRAPHERS 32. 8 stenographers, at P2,720 per annum each.... 21,760.00 33. 3 stenographers, at P2,550 per annum each.... 7,650.00 34. 13 stenographers, at P2,040 per annum each.... 26,520.00 35. 5 stenographers, at P2.040 per annum each..... , 10,200.00 36. 1 stenographer in English .......................... 2,040.00 37. 1 stenographer ...................................................... 1,360.00 38. 14 stenographers, at Pl,700 per annum each.. 23,800.00 39. 31 stenographers, at Pl,530 per annum each.... 47,430.00 40. 5 stenographers, at Pl,200 per annum each 6,000.00 41. 1 stenographer ...................................................... 972.00 42. 1 clerk-stenographer ............................................. 864.00 INTERPRETERS 43. 3 interpreters, at P2.040 per annum each....... 6,120.00 44. 2 chínese interpreters, at P2,040 per annum each ................................................................. 4,080.00 45. 3 interpreters ......................................................... 5,100.00 46. 3 interpreters, at Pl,530 per annum each.......... 4,590.00 47. 8 interpreters, at Pl,275 per annum each.......... 10,200.00 48. 10 interpreters, at Pl,080 per annum each....... 10,800.00 49. 1 interpreter .......................................................... 1,020.00 50. 10 interpreters, at P864 per annum each......... 8,640.00 51. 7 interpreters, at P648 per annum each........... 4,536.00 MISCELLANEOUS 90. For compensation of bailiffs and emergency employees, including laborers, as follows: INTERPRETER (а) 1 interpreter ......................................... 972.00 CLERKS (б) 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each.... 2,160.00 (c) 1 clerk .................................................... 864.00 (d) 1 clerk .................................................... 648.00 (e) 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.... 1,296.00 (/) 2 clerks, at P378 per annum each.... 756.00 (p) 8 clerks, at P324 per annum each.... 2,592.00 (/i) 16 clerks, at P240 per annum each.... 3,840.00 BAILIFFS (?) 7 bailiffs, at P300 per annum each.... 2,100.00 MESSENGERS (j) 1 janitor-messenger ............................. 432.00 (k) 3 janitor-messengers, at P324 per an­ num each ......................................... 972.00 EMERGENCY EMPLOYEES (Z) 2 clerk-stenographers .......................... 864.00 (Z) 1 clerk-stenographer .............................. 216.00 (Z) 1 janitor-messenger ............................. 432.00 (Z) 1 janitor-messenger ............................. 324.00 (Z) 1 janitor ................................................ 300.00 (Z) 1 clerk-messenger ................................. 80.00 (l) 8 clerk-messengers ......... 720.00 (Z) 2 janitor-messeiigers ............................. 480.00 (Z) 1 janitor-messenger ............................. 207.00 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS 91. Salaries of justices of the peace and auxiliary justices of the peace outside of the City of Manila; Provided, That no appointment of a justice of the peace involving payment of any amount shall be made, unless there is a sufficient appropriation therefor, as fol­ lows : ABRA 1 justice of the peace for Bangued (capital) 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Bucay.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Danglas and La Paz ............................................................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Dolores and mu­ nicipal district of Lacub, Buneg, Dangilo and Mataragan (combined)....... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Langangilan and municipal districts of Basy, Licoan and Malibcong (combined) .................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Lagayan, Caganayan, Alava, Lanec, Naglibacan, and Anayan, Abra ........................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Langiden, and San Quintin ............................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Luba, Manabo, and municipal districts of Tiempo and Tubo ........................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Peñarubia and Tayum ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Pidiggan.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pilar and Villaviciosa ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Salapadan and municipal districts of Bucloc, Daguiman, Danae and Bolinay, (combined).. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for San Juan.......... 648.00 AGUSAN 1 justice of the peace for Butuan (capital) 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabadbaran........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Jabonga.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Nasipit............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Talacogon.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Bunawan, Mambaliti, Trento, Sta. Josefa, Veruela, Cuevas, Basa, Patrocinio, Tudela, San Isidro and Li­ bertad (combined) ................................. 1,275.00 1 justice of the peace for sub-provincial division of Wawa-Ojot and municipal districts of Las Nieves, Esperanza, Guadalupe, Sta. Ines, San Luis, Re­ medios, Milagros, Bakingking, Maasin, Bunaguit, Maygatawan, Verdu, Nuevo Sibagat, Concordia, Nuevo Trabajo and Baylo (combined) ..................................... 1 justice of the peeace for sub-provincial division of Gibung and municipal dis­ tricts of Ebro, Borbon, Prosperidad, Baba, Aspitia, Los Arcos, Novels and Rosario (combined) ................................. 1 justice of the peace for sub-provincial division of Umayan and municipal dis­ tricts of La Paz, Sagunto, Halapitan, Langasian, Loreto, Violanta, Santo Tomas, Waloe, Nueva Garcia and John­ son (combined) ..................................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 1,275.00 F — DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 225 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION ALBAY 1 justice of the peace for Bacacay............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Baras .................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bato ................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calolbon.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Camalig ........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Daraga .............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Guinobatan....... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Jovellar ........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Legaspi (capital) 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Libog................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Libón................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ligao................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Malilipot........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Malinao.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Manito............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Oas..................................756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pandan.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pañganiban....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Polangui........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tabaco.............. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Tiwi.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Viga...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Virac.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Rapu-rapu........... 648.00 ANTIQUE 1 justice of the peace for Barbaza............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bugasong............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Caluya.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Culasi.................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dao............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lauaan.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pandan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Patnongon....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jose de Buenavista (capital) ............................. 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for San Remigio 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sibalom.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tibiao.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Valderrama....... 648.00 BATAAN 1 justice of the peace for Abucay and Samal 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Orani.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bagac.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Balanga (capital) 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Dinalupihan....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hermosa........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Limay.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mariveles........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Moron................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Orion.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pilar................... 648.00 BATANES 1 justice of the peace for Basco (capital).... 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Itbayat.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Uyugan, Ivanna and Mahatao (combined)........................ 1,200.00 BATANGAS 1 justice of the peace for Alitagtag and Cuenca ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Balayan and Tuy 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Batangas (capi­ tal) ........................ 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Bauan.................. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Bolbok. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Calaca. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calatagan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ibaan and Rosario 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Lemery and Taal 1,836.00 1 justice of the peace for Lian and Nasugbu .......................................................... 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Lipa.................... 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Lobo.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mabini................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Malvar................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jose............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Luis......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santo Tomas.... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Talisay............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tanauan............. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Taysan......... . 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mataasnakahoy.... 648.00 BOHOL 1 justice of the peace for Albuquerque and Loay ............................................................ 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Anda.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Antequera........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Baclayon and Dauis ............................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Balilihan............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Batuan................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bilar.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calapé.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Candijay and Guindulman ................................................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Carmen................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Clarín................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Corella.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cortes................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dimiao and Va­ lencia ............................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Duero.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Garcia-Hernan­ dez ............................................................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Inabanga........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Jagna.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Jetafe................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lila...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Loboc................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Mabini............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Maribojoc............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Panglao................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sevilla.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sierra-Bullones.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sikatuna............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tagbilaran (cap­ ital) ............................................................. 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Talibon.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tubigon................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Ubay...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Loon...................... 756.00 BUKIDNON 1 justice of tfie peace for Malaybalay and municipal district of Imposugon, Maramag, Sumilao and Maluko (combined).... .7,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Tancula............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Talacag and mu­ nicipal district of Bauñgon, Guiñaba» luron and Libuna (combined).................. 1,836.00 299089----- 15 226 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION BULACAN 1 justice of the peace for Angat............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Baliuag............. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Bigaa............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bocaue................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bulacan................ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Bustos.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calumpit............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Guiguinto............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hagonoy............... 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Malolos (capital) 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Marilao................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Meycauayan........ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Norzagaray.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Obando............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Paombong......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Polo...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pulilan............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Quingua............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Ildefonso.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Miguel......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for San Rafael......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sta. Maria and San Jose del Monte................................. 1,326.00 CAGAYAN 1 justice of the peace for Abulug.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Alcala.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Al-lacapan.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Amulung and Iguig ............................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Aparri.............. 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Bagao................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ballesteros.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Buguey.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Camalaniugan.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Claveria and mu­ nicipal district of Lagangan (combined) 810.00 1 justice of the peace for Calayan................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Enrile.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Faire.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Gattaran.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Gonzaga.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lal-loc.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pamplona............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Peñablanca.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Piat....................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Rizal...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sanchez-Mira....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Solana................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tuao.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tuguegarao (cap­ ital) ............................................................ 2,550.00 CAMARINES NORTE 1 justice of the peace for Basud................... 648.00 1 justicé of the peace for Capalonga........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Daet (capital).. 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Indan................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Labo.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mambulao.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Paracale.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace foi San Vicente...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Talisay............... 648.00 CAMARINES SUR 1 justice of the peace for Baao................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bato..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Buhi.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bula................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabusao............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calabanga........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Camaligan and Gainza ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Caramoan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Goa....................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Iriga.................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Lagonoy............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Libmanan............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Lupi....................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Magarao................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Milaor.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Minalabac.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Nabua.................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Naga (capital) and Canaman ............................................ 3,162.00 1 justice of the peace for Pamplona and San Fernando ......................................... 972.00 1 justice of the peace for Pasacao............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pili....................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ragay.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sagnay................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jose............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sipocot................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Siruma.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tigaon.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tinambac.......... 648.00 CAPIZ 1 justice of the peace for Altavas................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Balete................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Banga................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Batan................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Buruanga............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Capiz (capital) .. 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Dao................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dumalag...... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dumarao......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ibajay............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Iuisan.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Jamindan...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Kalibo................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Libacao................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Makato................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Malinao............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Navas.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for New Washington 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Numancia.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Panay.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Panitan............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pilar...................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pontevedra....... 75G.00 1 justice of the peace for Sapian.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tapaz.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sigma................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mambusao............ 756.00 CAVITE 1 justice of the peace for Alfonso.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Amadeo.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bacoor and Kawit 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Bailen and Ma­ gallanes ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Carmona.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cavite (capital) 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Corregidor............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dasmariñas......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for General Trias...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Imus..................... 756.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 227 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for Indang................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Maragondong and Ternate ................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Mendéz-Nuñez.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Naic..................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Noveleta.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Rosario................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Silang................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tanza................... 648.00 CEBU 1 justice of the peace for Alcantara............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Alcoy................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Alegria................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Argao................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Asturias............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Badian................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Balamban............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bantayan, Madridejos and Santa Fe............................... 1,938.00 1 justice of the peace for Barili................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Bogo..................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Boljo-on.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Borbon.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Carcar................. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Carmen................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Catmon................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cebu (capital)..... 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Compostela.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Consolación......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cordova............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Daanbantayan.... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dalaguete............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Danao.................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dumanjug............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Ginatilan.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Liloan.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Malabuyoc............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for. Mandaue.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Medellin................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Minglanilla.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Moalboal.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Naga.................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Opon.................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Oslob....-................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pilar.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pinamuñgajan..... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Poro...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ronda................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Samboan.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Fernando.... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Francisco.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Remigio....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santender............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sibonga................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Sogod..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tabogon............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Talisay................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Toledo.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tuburan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tudela.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Aloguinsan.......... 648.00 COTABATO 1 justice of the peace for Cotabato and municipal district of Sub-pañgan, Libungan, Kalañganan, Dulauan, Nuling and Reina Regente (combined).................... 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Buayan and Gian (combined).... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Parang, Bugasan, Buldon, Barira and Balut (combined).................... 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Kling and Kiamba (combined) 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Lebac and Salaman (com­ bined) ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Pikit, Pagalugan and Silik (combined) ................................................ 1,200.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Kabadon, Kidapuan, Carmen, Balatican, Binasalan and Kilubud (combined) ........... .,................................. 960.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Awang, Dinaig, and Tumbao (combined) ............................................... 960.00 DAVAO 1 justice of the peace for Baganga............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Caraga and Manay ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Cateel.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Davao (Capital) and municipal district of Guianga (combined) ............................................... 2,142.00 1 justice of the peace for Mati.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sta. Cruz........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Batulaki, Caburan, Malita and Samal (combined) ................................. 2,448.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Pantukan, Lupon, Sigaboy and Surop (combined) ................................. 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Tagum, Saug, Kapalong, Camansa, Mankayo and Compostela (combined) 2,040.00 ILOCOS NORTE 1 justice of the peace for Bacarra ......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Badoc................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bangui ............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Banna and Nueva Era ................................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Burgos.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Currimao ........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dingras................ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Batac .................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Laoag (capital).. 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Paoay.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pasuquin ........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Piddig and mu­ nicipal district of Carasi (combined).... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pinili ............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Nicolas .... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Sarrat ............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Solsona ............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Vintar ............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Adams and Dumalneg (combined).... 1,224.00 ILOCOS SUR 1 justice of the peace for Bantay, Caoayan, San Vicente and Santa Catalina.......... 2,448.00 1 justice of the peace for Bauguen and mu­ nicipal district of Concepcion (com­ bined) ......................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Burgos and Santa Maria .............................................. 1,326.00 228 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL/ SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for Cabugao and set­ tlements of Nagsincaoan and Daligan.... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Candon .............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Cervantes and municipal district of Angaki (com­ bined) ........................................................ 2,652.00 1 justice of the peace for Galimuyod ........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lapog and settle­ ment of Aislang ..................................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lidlidda and mu­ nicipal district of San Emilio (com­ bined) ......................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Magsingal ......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Nagbukel........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Narvacan ......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Esteban ..... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Ildefonso .... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa ................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Cruz and settlement of Pidpid ...... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Lucia ....... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Santiago and Banayoyo ....................................-................ 972.00 1 justice of the peace for Santo Domingo .... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Sinait ................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tagudin ............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Vigan (capital) 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ tricts of Suyo, Sigay, Sugpon and Alilim (combined) ................................................ 2,448.00 ILOILO 1 justice of the peace for Ajuy .................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Alimodian and Leon ............................................................ 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Arevalo............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Balasan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Banate............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Barotac Nuevo and Dumangas .................................................... 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Barotac Viejo .... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Buenavista ........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabatuan ........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Calinog .............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Carlos.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Concepcion ----- 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dingle............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dueñas and Passi .......... .................................... -.................. 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Estancia ................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Guimbal ............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Igbaras ............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Iloilo (capital) 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Janiuay ............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Jaro and La Paz 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Jordan................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Lambunao ........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Maasin ............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Miagao ............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Oton ................. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Pavia and Santa Barbara ................................................... 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Pototan ............ 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for San Dionisio ..... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Joaquin ......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Miguel ...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sara ..................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tigbauan .......... 756.00 ISABELA 1 justice of the peace for Angadanan......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal district of Antatet.................................................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Bannagao, Dalig and Sili .................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabagan and Santa Maria ............................................. 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Cauayan .............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Echague ........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Gamu................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for llagan (capital) 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Jones ................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Naguilian ........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Palanan ...»........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Reina Mercedes— 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Pablo ........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santiago .............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Mariano.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tumauini.......... 648.00 LANAO 1 justice of the peace for Dansalan (capi­ tal) ............................................................... 1,580.01 1 justice of the peace for Iligan and mu­ nicipal districts of Mumungan and Mandulug ........................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Mabalang ......—. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Tamparan, Gata, Masitu, Lumbatan, Maging, Malundu, Taraka and Buting 1,200.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Bakulod, Binidayan, Ganassi, Madalum, Madamba, Bayan, Nunuñgan, Pau­ las, Tugaya, Uatu, Tubaran and Tatarikan ................. 1,500.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Balut, Bubong, Ditsaan, Tantar, Marantao, Pantao-Ragat, Susuguiran, Kapai and Sangud ....... ............._................. 1,500.00 LAGUNA 1 justice of the peace for Alaminos.......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bay and Calauan 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Biñan................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabuyao........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Calamba and Los Baños .............................................. 1,632.00 1 justice of the peace for Cavinti.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Famy................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lilio and Mag­ dalena ........................................................ 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Loñgos............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Luisiana............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lumban............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mabitac................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Majayjay............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Nagcarlan............ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Paete.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pagsanjan........ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Pakil................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pañgil................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pila........................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Rizal.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Pablo............ 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for San Pedro............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Cruz (capital) .................................................... 3,060.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 229 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for Santa Maria..... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Rosa..... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Siniloan............ 648.00 LA UNION 1 justice of the peace for Agoo and Santo Tomas ........................................................ 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Aringay and Caba 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Bacnotan and municipal district of San Gabriel (com­ bined) ........................................................ 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Balaoan and municipal district of Santol (combined) 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Bangar and mu­ nicipal district of Sudipen (combined).. 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Bauang, Naguilian and municipal district of Bagulin (combined) ................................................ 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Rosario.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Fernando (capital) .................................................... 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for San Juan........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tubao and munic­ ipal district of Pugo (combined)........... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal district of Burgos .................................................. 648.00 LEYTE 1 justice of the peace for Abuyog and La Paz .............................................................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Alangalang........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Albuera................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Anahawan........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Babatñgon......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Barugo.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bato...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Baybay.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Biliran.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Burauen............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabalian............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calubian............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Caibiran............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Capoocan and Carigara .................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Dagami............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dulag.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hilongos............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hindang............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hinunangan........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hinundayan........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Inopacan............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Jaro...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Kawayan.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Leyte................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Libagon............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Liloan........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Maasin.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Macrohon......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Malitbog............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Maripipi.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Matalom............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Merida.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Naval................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ormoc............ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Palo.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Palompon........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pastrana............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pintuyan............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Isidro.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Miguel........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sogod.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tacloban (cap­ ital) ............................................................ 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Tanauan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tolosa................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Villaba................. 648.00 MARINDUQUE 1 justice of the peace for Boac (capital) and Mogpog ............................................... 2,142.00 1 justice of the peace for Buenavista and Gasan .......................................................... 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Cruz......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Torrijos.............. 648.00 MAS BATE 1 justice of the peace for Aroroy................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cataiñgan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dimasalang......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Masbate (capital) 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace fbr Milagros.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Fernando.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jacinto........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Pascual....... 648.00 MINDORO 1 justice of the peace for Abra de Ilog....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bongabong and Pinamalayan ............................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Bulalacao............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calapan (cap­ ital) .............................................................. 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Looc...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lubang.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mamburao........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mansalay............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Naujan................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Paluan................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pola...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Puerto Galera and municipal districts of Baco and San Teodoro (combined) ............................... 1,836.00 1 justice of the peace for Sablayan.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jose............. 756.00 MOUNTAIN PROVINCE 1 justice of the peace for Bon toe (capital) and municipal districts of Sadaga, Tinglayan, Sagada, Besao, Natunin, Talubin and Barlig (combined).................... 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of La Trinidad, Tublay, Kapangan, Sabían and Tuba (combined)................ 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Tawit and Allacapan. Subprovince of Apayao (com­ bined) ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Labuagan, Taboc, Subprovince of Kalinga, B alb alan, Pinuepue and Tanodan (combined)........... 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Kiangan, Hunduan, Bumay, Banaue and Mayayao (combined) ................................................ 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Bokod, Buguias, Atok and Kabayan (combined) .........................................,...... 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Ampasugong, Bucan, Kibungan and Manicayan, Sub­ province of Bontoc (combined)........... 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Conner and Cabugao (combined).... 1,080.00 230 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ tricts of Namaltugan and Bayag (com­ bined) ........................ 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Bauki, Kayan, Banao, Sabangan (combined) ................................................ 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Baguio and Itogon (combined) ....................................... 2,040.00 NUEVA ECIJA 1 justice of the peace for Aliaga.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bongabon............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabanatuan (cap­ ital) .............................................................. 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Cabiao................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Carranglan....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cuyapo............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Gapan.............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Guimba.............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace *for Jaen.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Laur................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Licab.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lupao................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Muñoz................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Nampicuan...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pantabangan...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Papaya.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Peñaranda........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Quezon.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Rizal.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Antonio.... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Isidro........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jose.......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for San Leonardo.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Rosa...... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Santo Domingo.. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Talavera...... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Zaragoza...... 648.00 NUEVA VIZCAYA 1 justice of the peace for Aritao and Bang­ bang ............................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Bayombong (ca­ pital), Solano and Bagabag.................. 2,856.00 1 justice of the peace for Dupax and settle­ ment of Macabanga (combined)........... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Imugan, Kayapa and Pingkian (Santa Cjuz), (combined)...................... 1,836.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ trict of Pinapagan with territorial jurisdiction limited by the Eastern Watershed of the Magat River on the west, and by Eastern Watershed of the Cagayan River on the east.................... 648.00 OCCIDENTAL MISAMIS 1 justice of the peace for Aloran.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Baliangao........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Clarín.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Jimenez.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Lopez-Jaena....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Misamis.............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Oroquieta (cap­ ital) ............................................................ 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Plaridel............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Tangub............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tudela.................. 648.00 ORIENTAL MISAMIS 1 justice of the peace for Balingasag....... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Cagayan (capital) 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Catarman........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Gingoog.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Initao.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mambajao........... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Sagay.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Salay................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Quinoguitan....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tagoloan............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Talisayan........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ tricts of Claveria, Lourdes and Lumbia (combined) ................................................ 648.00 OCCIDENTAL NEGROS 1 justice of the peace for Bacolod (capital) 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Bago.................. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Binalbagan.......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Cadiz and Sagay 1,734.00 1 justice of the peace for Calatrava............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace fjr Cauayan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Escalante............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Himamaylan........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Hinigaran............ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Ylog...................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Isabela.............. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Kabankalan......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for La Carlota........... 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for La Castellana.... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Manapla............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Murcia................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pontevedra.......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pulupandan......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for San Carlos........... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for San Enrique....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Saravia................ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Silay and Talisay 1,860.00 1 justice of the peace for Villadolid............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Victorias.............. 756.00 ORIENTAL NEGROS 1 justice of the peace for Ayuquitan and Tanjay ........................................................ 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Bacon and Dauin 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Bais and Manjuyod ........................................................... 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Dumaguete (cap­ ital) ........................................................... 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Guijulñgan, Vallehermoso and La Libertad........................ 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Jimalalud, Taysan and Ayangon.................................... 1,836.00 1 justice of the peace for Larena............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lasi and Maria.. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Luzuriaga.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Juan and Siquijor ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Siaton.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sibulan................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Enrique Villa­ nueva ........................................................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tolong................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Zamboanguita.... 648.00 PALAWAN 1 justice of the peace for Bacuit, Dumaran and Taytay .............................................. 1,836.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 231 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL/ SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for Coron.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cuyo and Agutaya 972.00 1 justice of the peace for Puerto Princesa (capital) and Cagayancillo...................... 1,887.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Aborlan and Brooks Point and Balabac (combined) ..................................... 1,710.00 PAMPANGA 1 justice of the peace for Angeles and Mabalacat ........................................................ 1,734.00 1 justice of the peace for Apalit................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Arayat and Sta. Ana ............................................................. 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Bacolor and Minalin ............................................................ 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Candaba............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Floridablanca...... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Guagua................. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Lubao................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Macabebe and Masantol .....................—.............................. 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Magalan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Fernando (capital) and Mexico............................... 3,774.00 1 justice of the peace for San Luis.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Simon.— 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Rita and Porac ............................................................ 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Sexmoan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Camp Stotsenburg ........-............................... _.................. 648.00 PANGASINAN 1 justice of the peace for Agno............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Aguilar.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Alaminos............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Alcala............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Anda................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Asingan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Balungao______ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bant..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bautista............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bayambang......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Binalonan........... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Binmaley............ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bolinao.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bugallon............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Burgos............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calasiao.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Dagupan............. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for DasoL............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Infanta.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Labrador............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lingayen (capital) 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Mabini.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Malasiqui........... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Manaoag and Pozorrubio .................................................. 1,440.00 1 justice of the peace for Mangaldan.......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Mangatarem........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Mapandan........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Natividad............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Rosales................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Carlos............ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for San Fabian........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Jacinto........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Manuel........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Nicolas....... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Quintin....... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Barbara.... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Maria....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santo Tomas...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sisón..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sual....................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tayug.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Umingan.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Urbiztondo....... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Urdaneta and Villasis ........................................................ 1,440.00 RIZAL 1 justice of the peace for Antipolo and Teresa .......................................................... 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Baras.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Binangonan......... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Cainta.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Caloocan............... 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Cardona................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Jalajala................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Las Pinas............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Makati and Fort McKinley (combined) ........ 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Malabon and Navotas ............................................................ 1,836.00 1 justice of the peace for Marikina.............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Montalban............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Morong............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Muntinlupa.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Parañaque............ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Pasig (capital).. 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Pililla................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Felipe Neri (Mandaluyong) ......................................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for San Juan........ 864.00 1 justice of the peace for San Mateo........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Taguig and Pa­ teros ................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Tanay................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Taytay.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Pasay....................... 1,080.00 ROMBLON 1 justice of the peace for Despojol and Odiongan .................................................... 1,200.00 1 justice of the peace for Badajos.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cajidiogan and San Fernando ........................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Jones................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Concepcion.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Looc..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Romblon (capital) 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Corcuera.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Magdiwang......... 648.00 SAMAR 1 justice of the peace for Allen..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Almagro.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Balangiga........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Basey................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bobon................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Borongan and San Julian ................................................. 1,326.00 1 justice of the peace for Calbayog.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Calbiga................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Capul................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Catarman and Mondragon .................................................. 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Catbalogan (cap­ ital) ............................................................. 2,550.00 232 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS (CITY OF MANILA NOT INCLUDED) INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for Catubig............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dolores.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Gandara............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Guiuan............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Laoang.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Hernani............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lavezares........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Llórente................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Oquendo................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Oras...................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Palapag................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pambujan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Salcedo............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Antonio..... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Margarita.. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Rita......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santo Niño......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sulat.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Taft....................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tarangnan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tinambacan.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Villareal................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Wright.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Zumarraga........... 648.00 SORSOGON 1 justice of the peace for Bacon.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Barcelona.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bulan................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bulusan............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Casiguran........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Castilla................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Donsol.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Gubat...................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Irosin.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Juban..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Magallanes........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Matnog................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pilar...................... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Prieto Diaz........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Magdalena 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sorsogon (ca­ pital) .......................................................... 2,040.00 SULU 1 justice of the peace for Jolo (capital).... 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal dis­ tricts of Panamao, Lu-uk, Pata and Tonkil 'combined) ................................. 1,275.00 1 justice of the peace for Pangutaran, Marangas, Patikul, Parang, Mainbang and Talipao (combined) ................................. 1,632.00 SURIGAO 1 justice of the peace for Bacuag and Gi­ gaquit ......................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Bislig.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Cantilan.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Carrascal......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dapa and Numancia ........................................................ 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Dinagat................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for General Luna...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Hinatuan............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lanuza................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lianga.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lingig................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Loreto................ - 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mainit................ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Placer. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Surigao (capital) 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for Tandag and Tago 1,224.00 TAR LAO 1 justice of the peace for Anao. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Bamban. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Camiling and San Clemente............................................ 1,632.00 1 justice of the peace for Capaz.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Concepcion.......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Gerona.................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for La Paz................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Mayantoc.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Moncada.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Panique........ ..... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Pura..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Ramos.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Manuel.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Santa Ignacia.... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Tarlac (capital).... 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Victoria............... 864.00 TAYABAS 1 justice of the peace for Alabat.... ............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Atimonan........... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Baler..................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Calauag............... 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Candelaria.......... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Casiguran........... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Catanauan_........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Dolores.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for General Luna...... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Guinayangan........ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Gumaca................. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Infanta................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Lopez.................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Luchan.................. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Lucena (capital) 3,060.00 1 justice of the peace for Macalelon............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Mauban.............. 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Mulanay.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Padre Burgos........ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pagbilao.............. 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Perez.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Pitogo.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Polillo.................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Quezon................... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sampaloc............... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Narciso....... _ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Sariaya.................. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Tayabas................. 1,080.00 1 justice of the peace for Tiaong................... 864.00 1 justice of the peace for Unisan................ 756.00 ZAMBA LES 1 justice of the peace for Botolan.................. 648.00 1 justice óf the peace for Cabangan............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Candaleria............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Castillejos............ 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Iba (capital)....... 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for Masinloc..............- 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Olongapo.............- 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Palauig.............. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Antonio..............— 648.00 1 justice oí the peace for San Felipe..........- 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Marcelino— 648.00 1 justice of the peace for San Narciso 648.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 233 (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 justice of the peace for Santa Cruz.......... 648.00 1 justice of the peace for' Subic.................. 756.00 ZAMBOANGA 1 justice of the peace for D api tan................ 756.00 1 justice of the peace for Bulong.................. 648.00 1 justice of the peace for Lubungan and Dipolog ........................................................ 1,428.00 1 justice of the peace for Isabela de Basilan and municipal districts of Maluso, Lamitan and Taluksañgay (combined).. 2,040.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Margosatubig, Kumalarang, Dinas and Labangan (combined)...................... 1,530.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Sibuko and Sirawi (combined).......... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for municipal districts of Sindangan and Pangamuran (com­ bined) ......................................................... 1,224.00 1 justice of the peace for Zamboanga (ca­ pital) ............................................................ 2,550.00 1 justice of the peace for Kabasalan and Bangaan (combined) .................. 1,224.00 Salaries to be paid to auxiliary justices of the peace acting as justices of the peace when the regular incumbents are absent on official busi­ ness and to justices of the peace to be ap­ pointed by His Excellency, the President of the Philippines for municipal districts to be or­ ganized ....................................................................... 7,316.00 PROVINCIAL SHERIFFS ABBA 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 2 deputy " sheriffs ................................................ 1,512.00 AGUSAN 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff ................. 756.00 ALBAY 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ANTIQUE 92. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,275.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs ................................................ 1,512.00 BATAAN 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs ................................................ 1,512.00 BATANES 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 BATANGAS 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 BOHOL 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 BUKIDNON 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 BULACAN 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 CAGAYAN 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 CAMARINES NORTE 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 CAMARINES SUR 91. 1 provincial sheriff ........................................... 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 CAPIZ 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 CAVITE 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs ..................................... 2,268.00 CEBU 90. 1 provincial sheriff ........................................... 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 COTABATO 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 1,512.00 DAVAO 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ILOCOS NORTE 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ILOCOS SUR 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ILOILO 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................ 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ISABELA 92. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,275.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs ................................................. 1,512.00 LAGUNA 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 LANAO 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 LA UNION 91. 1 provincial sheriff .... ........................................ 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs ................................................ 2,268.00 234 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (3) COURTS OF FIRST INSTANCE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE COURTS AND OFFICES OF PROVINCIAL/ SHERIFFS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION LEYTE PAMPANGA 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs ................................................ 2,268.00 MARINDUQUE 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 MASBATE 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 MINDORO 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................. 756.00 MISAMIS OCCIDENTAL 93. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 1,080.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 1,512.00 MISAMIS ORIENTAL 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 MOUNTAIN PROVINCE 91. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 NEGROS OCCIDENTAL 90. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................... 2,268.00 NEGROS ORIENTAL 91. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs ................................................ 2,268.00 NUEVA ECIJA 90. 1 provincial sheriff ........................................... 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 NUEVA VIZCAYA 93. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff ................................................. 756.00 PALAWAN 93. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,080.00 94. 1 deputy sheriff .................................................... 756.00 90. 1 provincial sheriff ........................................... 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 PANGASINAN 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 RIZAL 90. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ROMBLON 93. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,080.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 1,512.00 SAMAR 90. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 SORSOGON 91. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 SULU 92. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,275.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 1,512.00 SURIGAO 92. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 1,275.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 1,512.00 TARLAC 90. 1 provincial sheriff ............................................ 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs ........... :................................... 2,268.00 TAYABAS 90. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 2,040.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 ZAMBALES 93. 1 provincial sheriff................................................ 1,080.00 94. 2 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 1,512.00 ZAMBOANGA 91. 1 provincial sheriff .............................................. 1,530.00 94. 3 deputy sheriffs .................................................. 2,268.00 Total for salaries and wages......................Pl,901,544.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested tow Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMMISSIONERS By detail in accordance with Act No. 4042 1. One Public Service Commissioner 1 2. One Senior Associate Commissioner 2 3. One Junior Associate Commissioner 3 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 235 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item Nc Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 4. One secretary ........................................ 1*3,825.00 1*3,825.00 4 5. One supervising engineer................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 5 6. One electrical engineer....................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 6 7. One auditor ......................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 7 8. One chief of division........................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 8 CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 9. One attorney for the Commission..... 2,550.00 2,550.00 9 10. One assistant electrical engineer....... 2,550.00 2,550.00 10 INSPECTORS 11. Three inspectors, at 1*2,040 per annum each ............................................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 11-12 12. Five inspectors, at f*l,530 per annum each .. STENOGRAPHERS 7,650.00 7,650.00 13-15 13. One stenographer ............................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 16 14. Three stenographers, at 1*1,700 per annum each........................................................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 17-18 15. One stenographer ............................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 19 16. One stenographer ............................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 20 CASHIER AND DISBURSING OFFICER 17. One cashier and disbursing officer.... 1,530.00 1,530.00 21 ASSISTANT SECRETARIES 18. One assistant secretary ..................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 22 19. Three interpreters and deputy secretaries, at 1*1,080 per annum each................... 3,240.00 3,240.00 23 CLERKS 20. One clerk ............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 25 21. One clerk ............................................. 864.00 864.00 26 22. One clerk ............................................. 756.00 756.00 27 23. Four clerks, at 1*648 per annum each 2,592.00 2,592.00 28 24. Two clerks, at 1*540 per annum each 1,080.00 1,080.00 29 25. Two clerks, at 1*432 per annum each 864.00 864.00 30 26. Two clerks, at 1*240 per annum each 480.00 480.00 31 EMPLOYEES 27. [Technical assistants and] Temporary employees, as follows: (a) One [employee] clerk..................................... 324.00 324.00 32(a) (b) One [employee] clerk ................................. 240.00 240.00 32(6) 236 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1D37 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION (c) One [employee] clerk, at T*20 per month.. 180.00 180.00 32(c) (d) One [employee] clerk, at P20 per month 120.00 120.00 32(d) (e) One [employee] clerk, at P=20 per month 100.00 100.00 32(c) MESSENGERS AND LABORERS 28. Two messengers, at 5*324 per annum each .................................................................... 648.00 648.00 33-34 29. One janitor-watchman, with quarters 540.00 540.00 35 30. Two laborers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 648.00 648.00 36 Total.................................................... 64,340.00 64,340.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS 1. 1 Public Service Commissioner, by detail in accordance with Act No. 4042. 2. 1 Senior Associate Commissioner, by detail in accordance with Act No. 4042. 3. 1 Junior Associate Commissioner, by detail in accordance with Act No. 4042. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 4. 1 secretary ............................................................ P3.825.00 18. 1 assistant secretary ........................................ 1,700.00 16. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,080.00 23. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 26. 1 cleric ................................................................... 240.00 28. 2 messengers, at P324 per annum each............ 648.00 27(a). 1 clerk .......................................-...................- 324.00 27(b). 1 clerk ................................ -........................... 240.00 30. 2 laborers, at P324 per annum each.............. 648.00 29. 1 janitor-watchman, with quarters .................. 540.00 Legal Section 9. 1 attorney for the Commission ........................... 2,550.00 22. 1 clerk ................................... 756.00 23. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 Stenographers and Deputy Secretaries Section 13. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 2,040.00 14. 3 stenographers, at Pl,700 per annum each.... 5,100.00 19. 3 interpreters and deputy secretaries, at P1.080 per annum each ............................................. 3,240.00 TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 5. 1 supervising engineer ......................................... 5,100.00 11. 1 inspector ..............................................................- 2,040.00 12. 4 inspectors, at Pl,530 per annum each ............ 6,120.00 21. 1 clerk .................-................................................. 864.00 INDUSTRIAL DIVISION 6. 1 electrical engineer .............................................. 4,250.00 10. 1 assistant electrical engineer ........................... 2,550.00 11. 1 inspector ............................................................. 2,040.00 12. 1 inspector ............................................................ 1,530.00 15. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,224.00 AUDITING DIVISION 7. 1 auditor ................................................................ 3,825.00 11. 1 inspector ............................................................ 2,040.00 17. 1 cashier and disbursing officer......................... 1,530.00 23. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 24. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 RECORDS DIVISION 8. 1 chief of division.................................................. 2,040.00 20. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 23. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 24. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 25. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 26. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES 27(c). 1 clerk, at P20 per month............................. 180.00 27(d). 1 clerk, at P20 per month............................ 120.00 27(c). 1 clerk, at P20 per month............................ 100.00 Total for salaries and wages .................... P64.340.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 237 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 1 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF PRISONS DIRECTORS 1. One Director of Prisons, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry and service ................................................................ ¥=4,250.00 ¥=4,250.00 1 2. One Assistant Director of Prisons, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laun­ dry and service ................................................ 3,400.00 3,400.00 2 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief clerk and executive inspector ................................................................ 2,975.00 2,975.00 8 4. One [intern] medical officer and chief of division, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .............................................................. 3,060.00 3,060.00 5 SUPERINTENDENTS All with quarters in kind 5. Two superintendents, with furnished quarters, at 1*3,400 per annum each............... 6,800.00 6,800.00 8-9 6. One superintendent for Bilibid Pris­ ons, with furnished quarters........................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 10 7. Two assistant superintendents, with furnished quarters, at 5*2,890 per annum each .................................................................... 5,780.00 5,780.00 11 physicians 8. Three [interns] medical officers, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at 1*2,040 per annum each................................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 12-14 9. One [intern] medical officer, with subsistence, quarters and laundry................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 15 CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 10. One chief of section............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 16 11. One chief of section............................. 1,428.00 1,428.00 17 12. One chief of section............................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 18 13. One chief of section............................. 1,275.00 1,275.00 19 CASHIERS 14. One cashier and disbursing officer..... 15. One chief clerk and cashier, with 1,530.00 1,530.00 20 quarters in kind................................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 21 PROPERTY CLERKS 16. One property clerk, with quarters in kind................................................................ 1,275.00 1,275.00 22 238 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized inference to item humbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF 17. One property clerk, with quarters in kind................................................................ PRISONS 864.00 864.00 23 CLERKS 18. One clerk .............................................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 25 19. One clerk ............................................. 1,224.00 1,224.00 26 20. Two clerks, at 1*1,122 per annum each .................................................................... 2,244.00 2,244.00 27 21. One [assistant chief accountant] clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 7 22. One clerk ............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 28 23. Two clerks, at 5*864 per annum each.. 1,728.00 1,728.00 29 24. One [bookkeeper] clerk..................... 756.00 756.00 24 25. One clerk ............................................. 756.00 756.00 31 26. Three clerks, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 33-35 STENOGRAPHER 27. One stenographer ............................... 972.00 972.00 36 TEACHERS AND INSTRUCTORS 28. One band leader................................... 864.00 864.00 38 29. One band leader, with quarters in kind .................................................................... 756.00 756.00 39 30. Two chaplains, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 40 31. Two chaplains, with quarters in kind, at Pl,080 per annum each............................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 41 32. One principal teacher........................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 42 33. Two teachers, at P648 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 43-44 34. One farming instructor, with quar­ ters in kind........................................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 45 NURSES AND ATTENDANTS All with subsistence, quarters and laundry 35. One nurse............................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 46 36. One nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry in kind........................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 47 37. One nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry in kind........................................... 648.00 648.00 48 38. One hospital attendant....................... 648.00 648.00 49 39. Three hospital attendants, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 50 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 239 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU PHARMACIST 40. One pharmacist, with subsistence, quarters and laundry....................................... DENTIST 41. One dentist............................................ INSPECTORS AND OVERSEER 42. Two guard inspectors, at 5=2,125 per annum each ...................................................... 43. One guard inspector........................... 44. One sanitary inspector, with subsist­ ence, quarters and laundry.............................. 45. One general overseer, with quarters in kind ................................................................ FOREMEN AND MATRON 46. One matron ......................................... 47. One ranch foreman, with quarters in kind .................................................................... 48. One kitchen and bakery foreman..... 49. One foreman, mechanical engineer, with quarters in kind........................................ 50. One agricultural foreman, with quar­ ters in kind ........................................................ 51. One agricultural foreman, with quar­ ters in kind........................................................ 52. One foreman, building construction, with quarters in kind....................................... 53. One road and bridge foreman, with quarters in kind................................................ 54. One copra foreman, with quarters in kind .................................................................... 55. One supply and equipment foreman, with quarters in kind........................................ 56. One cattle foreman, with quarters in kind .............................................. ,.................... 57. One fisher foreman, with quarters in kind .................................................................... SERGEANTS OF THE GUARDS 58. Three sergeants of the guards, at 5=864 per annum each....................................... OF PRISONS 1,700.00 1,700.00 51 1,080.00 1,080.00 52 4,250.00 4,250.00 54-55 1,938.00 1,938.00 56 432.00 432.00 57 1,530.00 1,530.00 58 1,080.00 1,080.00 59 2,040.00 2,040.00 60 1,080.00 1,080.00 61 1,080.00 1,080.00 62 972.00 972.00 63 648.00 648.00 64 864.00 864.00 65 810.00 810.00 66 648.00 648.00 67 540.00 540.00 68 432.00 432.00 69 324.00 324.00 70 2,592.00 2,592.00 71 240 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF PRISONS 59. One first sergeant, with quarters in kind .................................................................... 648.00 648.00 72 60. One provost sergeant, with quarters in kind ................................................................ 432.00 432.00 73 61. Three duty sergeants, with quarters in kind, at P360 per annum each................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 74 KEEPERS 62. Sixteen keepers, at P810 per annum each ................. .................................................. 12,960.00 12,960.00 75-77 GUARDS 63. Two first-class guards, at Pl,700 per annum each........................................................ 3,400.00 3,400.00 78-79 64. Two first-class guards, at Pl,530 per annum each........................................................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 80-81 65. Three first-class guards, at 1*1,080 per annum each........................................................ 3,240.00 3,240.00 82-83 66. Twenty-one second-class guards, at F648 per annum each....................................... 13,608.00 13,608.00 84-88 67. Four third-class guards, at 1*540 per annum each........................................................ 2,160.00 2,160.00 89-90 68. Fifty third-class guards, at P486 per annum each ................................................ ....... 24,300.00 24,300.00 91 69. Six corporals, with quarters in kind, at P300 per annum each................................... 1,800.00 1,800.00 92 70. Sixty-nine privates, with quarters in kind, at P240 per annum each....................... 16,560.00 16,560.00 93 MESSENGER 71. One messenger..................................... 324.00 324.00 94 MISCELLANEOUS 72. Subsistence, quarters and laundry for the employees of the sanitary division.... 6,240.00 6,240.00 95 73. Reenlistment pay (for San Ramon guards) .............................................................. 1,500.00 1,500.00 96 74. Subsistence of eighty prison guards at P0.24 per diem each..................................... 7,008.00 7,008.00 97 75. Subsistence of the Director and As­ sistant Director, at P768 per annum each.... 1,536.00 1,536.00 98 Total ................................................. 199,123.00 199,123.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 241 (5) BUREAU OF PRISONS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director of Prisons, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry and service....... P4.250.00 2. 1 Assistant Director of Prisons, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry and service ............................................................. 3,400.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 3. 1 chief clerk and executive inspector.............. 2,975.00 27. 1 stenographer ..............................................,...... 972.00 20. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 23. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 21. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 26. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 25. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 71. 1 messenger .................................... -..................... 324.00 Records Seption 13. 1 chief of section.................................................... 1,275.00 23. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 26. 1 clerk ....... 540.00 Documents Section 12. 1 chief of section..................................................... 1,326.00 19. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,224.00 24. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 756.00 Identification Section 11. 1 chief of section...................................................... 1,428.00 20. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 Miscellaneous Section 18. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,326.00 46. 1 matron ................................................................ 1,080.00 22. 1 clerk ........ 1,080.00 28. 1 band leader ......................................................_ 864.00 48. 1 kitchen and bakery foreman.......................... 1,080.00. Educational Section 30. 2 chaplains, at Pl,080 per annum each............„ 2,160.00 32. 1 principal teacher ............................................ 1,080.00 33. 2 teachers, at P648 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 Property Section 10. 1 chief of section.................................................. 1,530.00 Cash and Disbursing Section 14. 1 cashier and disbursing officer.......................... 1,530.00 26. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 GUARD DIVISION 6. 1 sueprintendent for Bilibid Prisons, with furnished quarters ...................................... 2,720.00 42. 2 guard inspectors, at P2,125 per annum each 4,250.00 43. 1 guard inspector ............. „........................... 1,938.00 63. 2 first-class guards, at Pl,700 per annum each ............................................................. 3,400.00 64. 2 first-class guards, at Pl,530 per annum each ............................................................... .. 3,060.00 65. 3 first-class guards, at Pl,080 per annum each ............................................... 3,240.00 58. 3 sergeants of the guards, at P864 per annum each ................................................................. 2,592.00 62. 16 keepers, at P810 per annum each................. 12,960.00 66. 21 second-class guards, at P648 per annum each ..................................................................... 13,608.00 67. 4 third-class guards, at P540 per annum each 2,160.00 68. 50 third-class guards, at P486 per annum each ................................................................... 24,300.00 SANITARY DIVISION All with subsistence, quarters and laundry 4. 1 medical officer and chief of sanitary division 3,060.00 8. 2 medical officers, at P2,040 per annum each.. 4,080.00 40. 1 pharmacist ........................................................ 1,700.00 35. 1 nurse ................-................................................. 1,530.00 41. 1 dentist ................................................................. 1,080.00 38. 1 hospital attendant ............................................. 648.00 39. 3 hospital attendants, at P432 per annum each ................................................................. 1,296.00 44. 1 sanitary inspector .............................................. 432.00 72. Subsistence, quarters and laundry for the em­ ployees of the sanitary division: 1 medical officer and chief of sanitary di­ vision ......................................................... 1,056.00 2 medical officers ....... 1,728.00 1 pharmacist ................................................ 576.00 1 nurse .............................................. 480.00 4 hospital attendants .................................... 1,920.00 1 sanitary inspector.................................... 480.00 IWAHIG PENAL COLONY DIVISION All with quarters in kind 5. 1 superintendent, with furnished quarters....... 3,400.00 7. 1 assistant superintendent, with furnished quarters .......................................................... 2,890.00 8. 1 medical officer, with subsistence, quarters and laundry ................................................... 2,040.00 36. 1 nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laun­ dry in kind .................................................. 1,080.00 47. 1 ranch foreman ................................................... 2,040.00 45. 1 general overseer .................................... „........ 1,530.00 34. 1 farming instructor ............................................. 1,530.00 15. 1 chief clerk and cashier..................................... 1,530.00 50. 1 agricultural foreman ....................................... 972.00 29. 1 band leader ......................................................... 756.00 51. 1 agricultural foreman ....................................... 648.00 31. 2 chaplains, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 2,160.00 52. 1 foreman, building construction...................... 864.00 17. 1 property clerk .................................................... 864.00 49. 1 foreman, mechanical engineer..........-............... 1,080.00 53. 1 road and bridge foreman................................. 810.00 55. 1 supply and equipment foreman...................... 540.00 56. 1 cattle foreman ........... 432.00 57. 1 fisher foreman .................................................. 324.00 SAN RAMON PENAL FARM DIVISION All with quarters in kind 5. 1 superintendent, with furnished quarters....... 3,400.00 7. 1 assistant superintendent, with furnished quarters ............................................................ 2,890.00 9. 1 medical officer, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................-......................... 1,530.00 16. 1 property clerk .................................................... 1,275.00 37. 1 nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laun­ dry in kind .................................................... 648.00 54. 1 copra foreman .................................................. 648.00 59* 1 first sergeant .................................................... 648.00 60. 1 provost sergeant .............................................. 432.00 61. 3 duty sergeants, at P360.00 per annum each 1,080.00 69. 6 corporals, at P300 per annum each........— 1,800.00 299081 -16 242 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (5) BUREAU OF PRISONS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 70. 69 privates, at P240 per annum each............... 16,560.00 73. Reenlistment pay: 1 first sergeant at Pl per month............ 12.00 2 duty sergeants at P6 per month each.. 144.00 1 duty sergeant at P2 per month............ 24.00 2 corporals at P6 per month each......... 144.00 1 corporal at P3 per month..................... 36.00 1 corporal at P2 per month..................... 24.00 1 corporal at Pl per month..................... 12.00 2 privates at P6 per month each........... 144.00 3 privates at P5 per month each............ 180.00 1 private at P4 per month...................... 48.00 4 privates at P3 per month each............ 144.00 4 privates at P2 per month each............ 96.00 41 privates at Pl per month each............ 492.00 74. Subsistence of eighty prison guards at P0.24 per diem each: 1 first sergeant .......................................... 87.60 1 provost sergeant ................................... 87.60 3 duty sergeants ....................................... 262.80 6 corporals .................................................. 525.60 69 privates ...................................................... 6,044.40 MISCELLANEOUS 75. Subsistence of the Director and Assistant Director at P768 per annum each................ 1,536.00 Total for salaries and wages.—.................. P199,123.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested iQOft Reference to item lydo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated [BUREAU OF PRISONS---- INDUSTRIAL DIVISION] [chiefs of sections] [One chief of section].......................... [One chief of section].......................... [superintendents of shops] [One superintendent of machine and vehicle shop, Section “A”]............................... [One superintendent of hardwood furniture shop, Section “B”]......................... [One superintendent of building con­ struction and repair shop, Section “C”]....... [One superintendent of rattan and bamboo furniture shop, Section “D”]........... [One superintendent of tailor shop, Section “F”]...................................................... [One superintendent of laundry shop, Section “G”]...................................................... [clerks] [One clerk] ......................................... [Two clerks, at ¥=810 per annum each] .................................................................. [One clerk] .......................................... [One clerk] .......................................... [One clerk] ......................................... [One clerk] ......................................... [mechanic] [One automobile mechanic] ............. ¥=1,530.00 1 1,080.00 3 2,550.00 4 2,040.00 5 1,530.00 6 2,040.00 7 1,026.00 8 1,122.00 9 1,080.00 10 1,620.00 11 756.00 12 648.00 13 432.00 17 240.00 18 2,040.00 19 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 243 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 1936 Reference to item rWailc Iyó° numbers of Act Budget requested authorized No. 4231. unless Item No. otherwise stated [(G) BUREAU OF PRISONS---- INDUSTRIAL DIVISION] [chauffeur] [One chauffeur] ............................................................ 648.00 20 [laborers] [One wood-carver]........................................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 810.00 21 [One blacksmith] ...................................................... 22 [One foreman] ...................................................... 23 [For skilled, semi-skilled and un­ skilled laborers] ....................................................................... 8,411.50 24 [miscellaneous] [For payment to the Bureau of Pris­ ons for services rendered by prisoners for the benefit of the Industrial Division, and paid for from Prison Fund]...................................................... 14,036.50 25 Total .......................................................................... 46,700.00 ( 7) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE 1. One Chief of the Office........................ CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 2. One chief of division ......................... 3. Two chiefs of divisions, at P3,400 per annum each ................................................ 4. Two chiefs of divisions, at Fl,530 per annum each................................................ REGISTERS OF DEEDS 5. One superintendent of registers of deeds [clerk] .................................................... 6. One register of deeds......................... 7. Four registers of deeds, at P2,550 per annum each........................................................ 8. One [deputy] register of deeds......... 9. Ten registers of deeds, at P2,040 per annum each........................................................ 10. Fifteen registers of deeds, at Pl,530 per annum each ................................................ [One register of deeds]..................... 11. One deputy register of deeds............... P6,120.00 P6,120.00 1 4,080.00 4,080.00 2 6,800.00 6,800.00 3 3,060.00 3,060.00 5 2,040.00 2,040.00 44 4,250.00 4,250.00 7 10,200.00 10,200.00 8-9 2,550.00 2,550.00 6 20,400.00 20,400.00 10-11 22,950.00 22,950.00 12,14 1,530.00 13 1,080.00 1,080.00 15 244 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized (7) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 12. One chief of section............................. 13. One chief of section [clerk]............... 14. One chief of section........................... 15. One cashier and disbursing officer.... 16. One chief of section........................... 17. One chief of section............................. 18. One chief of section........................... 19. One chief of section............................. 20. One chief of section [clerk]............... 21. Two chiefs of sections, at 1*864 per annum each........................................................ 22. One chief of section [clerk]............... 23. One chief of section........................... SURVEYORS 24. Two surveyors, at P2,550 per annum each .................................................................... 25. One assistant surveyor....................... 26. One assistant surveyor...................... . STENOGRAPHERS 27. One clerk-stenographer....................... 28. Six stenographers, at 1*2,040 per an­ num each............................................................ 29. Two stenographers, at 1*1,700 per annum each........................................................ INTERPRETERS 30. Three interpreters, at 1*1,080 per annum each........................................................ DEPUTY CLERKS 31. Ten deputy clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each........................................................ CLERKS 32. Two clerks, at 1*2,040 per annum each .................................................................... 33. One clerk ............................................. 34. One clerk................................................ 35. Five clerks, at Pl,224 per annum each .................................................................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 16 2,040.00 2,040.00 42 1,700.00 1,700.00 17 1,530.00 1,530.00 18 1,530.00 1,530.00 19 1,224.00 1,224.00 20 1,122.00 1,122.00 22 1,080.00 1,080.00 23 972.00 972.00 53 1,728.00 1,728.00 24 864.00 864.00 57 756.00 756.00 25 5,100.00 5,100.00 28 1,326.00 1,326.00 29 1,224.00 1,224.00 30 2,040.00 2,040.00 31 12,240.00 12,240.00 32-35 3,400.00 3,400.00 36 3,240.00 3,240.00 37 10,800.00 10,800.00 38-40 4,080.00 4,080.00 41, 43 1,530.00 1,530.00 45 1,326.00 1,326.00 46 6,120.00 6,120.00 47-49 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 245 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized (7) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE 36. One clerk ............................................ 37. Eight clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum 1,122.00 1,122.00 50 each .................................................................... 8,640.00 8,640.00 51-52 38. Two clerks, at 1*972 per annum each.. 1,944.00 1,944.00 53 39. Twenty clerks, at 1*864 per annum each .................................................................... 17,280.00 17,280.00 54-56 40. Twenty-two clerks, at 1*756 per an­ num each............................................................ 16,632.00 16,632.00 58-62,64 41. One clerk [chief of section]............... 648.00 648.00 27 42. Forty-three clerks, at 1*648 per an­ num each ............................................................ 27,864.00 27,864.00 65-66 43. Forty-five clerks, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 24,300.00 24,300.00 68-70 44. One clerk .............................................. 529.00 529.00 71 45. Forty-seven clerks, at 1*432 per an­ num each............................................................ 20,304.00 20,304.00 72-75 46. Sixteen clerks, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 5,184.00 5,184.00 76-78 47. Four clerks, at 1*240 per annum each 960.00 960.00 79 TYPISTS 48. One clerk-typist................................... 648.00 648.00 80 49. One clerk-typist.................................... 540.00 540.00 81 50. One clerk-typist.................................... 432.00 432.00 82 51. Five typists, at 1*540 per annum each 2,700.00 2,700.00 83 52. Ten typists, at 1*432 per annum each 4,320.00 4,320.00 84 53. Three typists, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 972.00 972.00 85 DRAFTSMEN 54. One draftsman ................................... 648.00 648.00 87 55. Three draftsmen, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 88 56. Three draftsmen, at 1*432 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 89 COMPUTERS 57. One computer ...................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 90 58. Two computers, at 1*756 per annum each .................................................................... 1,512.00 1,512.00 91 MESSENGERS 59. Ten messengers, at 1*432 per annum each ................................................................... 4,320.00 4,320.00 92 246 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 60. Seven messengers, at 5*240 per annum (7) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE each .................................................................... 1,680.00 1,680.00 93 61. One messenger-porter ....................... 240.00 240.00 94 MISCELLANEOUS 62. One mimeograph operator................... 324.00 324.00 95 63. One blueprinter ................................... 432.00 432.00 96 64. One head janitor.................................... 65. One janitor-messenger [vault648.00 648.00 98 keeper] .............................................................. 66. Two vault-keepers, at ¥=432 per an432.00 432.00 108 num each ............................................................ 67. Seven janitors, at '¥324 per annum 864.00 864.00 107 each .................................................................... 2,268.00 2,268.00 99,101, 102,104 68. One watchman...................................... 324.00 324.00 109 69. One watchman [janitor]................... 324.00 324.00 100 70. One janitor-porter ............................. 71. Two laborers, at ¥324 per annum 324.00 324.00 103 each ...... :............................................................ 648.00 648.00 110 72. One laborer-stitcher ........................... 324.00 324.00 97 73. One laborer-porter .............................. 74. Twenty-five janitors, at ¥240 per an­ 324.00 324.00 111 num each .......................................................... 75. Temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including laborers, as follows : 6,000.00 6,000.00 105,106 CLERKS (a) Eleven clerks, at 1*432 per annum each.. 4,752.00 4,752.00 112(a)-(e) (b) One clerk ....................................................... 378.00 378.00 (/) (c) One clerk ........................................................ 324.00 324.00 (iZ) (d) One cclerk ..................................................... 300.00 300.00 W (e) Thirty-six clerks, at F240 per annum each 8,640.00 8,640.00 (0 TYPISTS (/) Fourteen typists, at 1*432 per annum each 6,048.00 6,048.00 O')-(w) (p) One typist ...................................................... 324.00 324.00 M (/i) Three typists, at 1*240 per annum each.... MISCELLANEOUS (i) Seven draftsmen, at 1*432 per annum 720.00 720.00 (o) each ............................................................. 3,024.00 3,024.00 (p)-(q) (j) One messenger ............................................. 240.00 240.00 (t) (A;) One janitor-messenger ............................... 432.00 432.00 (r) (0 One janitor-messenger ............................... 378.00 378.00 (s) F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 247 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference t0 'tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (7) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE (m) One janitor-messenger [laborer-vaultkeeper] ............................................................ (n) Three messenger-janitors, at F240 per annum each ................................................... (o) One janitor-messenger [laborer-assistant blueprinter] ................................................. (p) Four laborer-vault-keepers, at 1*324 per annum each ................................................... (q) Less—savings from item 75(a)' to item 75(p) .............................................................. Total.................................................... 324.00 324.00 (w) 720.00 720.00 M 324.00 324.00 (v) 1,296.00 1,296.00 (w) (1,740.00) (l,740.00>) M 340,357.00 341,887.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Chief of the Office ......................................... P6,120.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ..............-......................... 3,400.00 5. 1 superintendent of registers of deeds.......... ..... 2,040.00 27. 1 clerk-stenographer ......................................... 2,040.00 15. 1 cashier and disbursing officer............................ 1,530.00 37. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 Personnel Section 13. 1 chief of section .................................................. 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 43. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,080.00 60. 1 messenger ......................................................... 240.00 Records Section 21. 1 chief of section .................................................. 86Í.00 89. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 40. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 59. 1 messenger .......................................................... 432.00 75 (m). 1 janitor-messenger ..................................... 324.00 Typewriting Section 20. 1 chief of section ................................................. 972.00 45. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 75(a). 1 clerk ............................................................. 432.00 75(e). 6 clerks ............................................................ 1,440.00 51. 5 typists ................................................................. 2,700.00 52. 10 typists ............................................................... 4,320.00 53. 1 typist ................................................................... 324.00 75(f). 12 typists .......................................................... 5,184.00 75(h). 3 typists .......................................................... 720.00 61. 1 messenger-porter ............................................ 240.00 62. 1 mimeograph operator ..................................... 324.00 Titles Checking and Mailing Section 22. 1 chief of section .............................................. 864.00 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 43. 3 clerks ................................................................. 1,620.00 45. 4 clerks ................................................................. 1,728.00 Detailed in the Office of the Secretary of Justice 49. 1 clerk-typist .......................................................... 540.00 50. 1 clerk-typist .......................................................... 432.00 75 (j). 1 messenger ...................................................... 240.00 75(h). 1 janitor-messenger ....................................... 432.00 LAND TITLES DIVISION 2. 1 chief of division ............................................... 4,080.00 57. 1 computer ............................................................. 1,080.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 48. 1 clerk-typist ......................................................... 648.00 60. 1 messenger ............................................................. 240.00 75 (Z). 1 janitor-messenger ......................................... 378.00 Section of Examination of Surveys and Plans 24. 2 surveyors ............................................................ 5,100.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,326.00 Drafting Section 16. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,530.00 26. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................. 1,224.00 58. 1 computer .......................................................... 756.00 54. 1 draftsman .......................................................... 648.00 55. 3 draftsmen .......................................................... 1,620.00 56. 3 draftsmen ............................................................ 1,296.00 75 (i). 7 draftsmen ...................................................... 3,024.00 75(e). 1 clerk ............................................................... 240.00 63. 1 blueprinter ......................................................... 432.00 60. 1 messenger .......................................................... 240.00 Section of Land Subdivision 17. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,224.00 58. 1 computer ............................................................ 756.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 45. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 Publication Section 19. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,080.00 40. 1 clerk ..................................................... 756.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................. 640.00 248 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ( 7 ) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 45. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,296.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 75(e). 1 clerk ........................................................... 240.00 Ordinary Decree Section 18. 1 chief of section ................................................... 1,122.00 31. 1 deputy clerk .................................................... 1,080.00 37. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 Cadastral Decree Section 12. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,720.00 31. 1 deputy clerk .................................................... 1,080.00 37. 1 clerk ............ 1,080.00 38. 1 clerk .................................................................... 972.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 40. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,512.00 42. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,944.00 43. 3 clerks .... 1,620.00 45. 5 clerks .................................................................. 2,160.00 75(a). 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 47. 3 clerks ................................................................... 720.00 75(c). 7 clerks .............................................................. 1,680.00 75(f). 2 typists ............................................................ 864.00 JUDICIAL DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ............................................. 3,400.00 32. 2 clerks ...............................................................«... 4,080.00 42. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 648.00 60. 1 messenger ............................................................ 240.00 DOCKET DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division ......... 1,530.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 60. 1 messenger .......................................................... 240.00 Document Section 21. 1 chief of section ............................................... 864.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 40. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 42. 4 clerks ................................................................. 2,592.00 43. 1 clerk ............ 540.00 45. 3 clerks ................................................................. 1,296.00 75(c). 2 clerks ................. 480.00 72. 1 laborer-stitcher .................................................. 324.00 73. 1 laborer-porter ................................................... 324.00 Miscellaneous - Section 41. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 43. 3 clerks ................................................................ 1,620.00 44. 1 clerk ................................................................... 529.00 45. 3 clerks .......................v.......................................... 1,296.00 75(a). 2 clerks ............................................................ 480.00 60. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 Auditing Section 23. 1 chief of section ................................................ 756.00 PROPERTY DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division .................................................... 1,530.00 42. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 43. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 540.00 64. 1 head janitor ........................................................ 648.00 67. 2 janitors ............................................................... 648.00 74. 1 janitor ............................................................... 240.00 65. 1 janitor-messenger ............................................... 432.00 70. 1 janitor-porter .................................................. 324.00 75 (?n). 1 janitor-messenger ..................................... 324.00 66. 1 vault-keeper ........................................................ 432.00 75 (p). 3 laborer-vault-keepers ................................. 972.00 75(o). 1 janitor-messenger ....................................... 324.00 68. 1 watchman .......................................................... 324.00 69. 1 watchman ........................................................... 324.00 OFFICES OF THE REGISTERS OF DEEDS ABBA 45. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 AGUSAN 45. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 ALBAY 9. 1 register of deeds ................................................ 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 45.. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 75(a). 1 clerk ........ 432.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ............................................. 240.00 ANTIQUE 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 46. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 324.00 75 (n). 1 janitor-messenger ....................................... 240.00 BATAAN 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 45. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ............................................ 240.00 BATANES 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 BATANGAS 10. 1 register of deeds .............................................. 1,530.00 40. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger .............................................. 240.00 BENGUET AND BAGUIO 10. 1 register of deeds................................................. 1,530.00 40. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger .............................................. 240.00 BOHOL 10. 1 register of deeds ................................................ 1,530.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ........................................... 240.00 BUKIDNON 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 BULACAN 9. 1 register of deeds ................................................ 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk ..................................................................-- 864.00 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 75(a). 1 clerk ............................................................. 432.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ..................... 240.00 249 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ( 7 ) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION ISABELA CAGAYAN 1,530.00 IV. X rufcioiur ui UUUU3 ........................................ 432.00 324.00 1 cliirlr ................................ 240.00 CAMARINES NORTE 540.00 Ad’ 1 ........... ...................................... 324.00 74. 1 janitor ............................................................ 240.00 CAMARINES SUR 10. 1 register of deeds ................................................ 40. 46. 1 clerk ................. 756.00 1 clerk ....................................... ............. 324.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger CAPIZ 10. ' 1 register of deeds ................................................ 1,530.00 42. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648 00 43. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ...................... 240.00 CAVITE 10. 1 register of deeds ................................................ 1,530.00 42. 1 clerk ..................-.............-.................................. 648.00 45. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ......................-...................... 240.00 CEBU 7. 1 register of deeds................................................ 2,550.00 35. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,224.00 37. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 39. 1 clerk ....................................................................- 864.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 43. 1 clerk ............. -..................................................... 540.00 46. 1 clerk ................................................................... 324.00 67. 1 janitor ............................................................... 324.00 COTABATO ^2. 1 clerk ..................................... ........... 648.00 DAVAO 10. 1 register of deeds ............................ ............. 1,530.00 40 1 clprlf ..... ................. ............ 756.00 45 1 cipria .............. ............... 432.00 74. 1 janitor ................. -......................... 240.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 75(a). 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 74. 1 janitor ................................................................. 240.00 LAGUNA 9. 1 register of deeds .............................................. 2,040.00 35. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 40. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 42. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 42. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 75(e). 1 clerk .............................................................. 240.00 74. 1 janitor ................................................................. 240.00 LANAO 75(a). 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 LA UNION 10. 1 register of deeds ................................................. 1,530.00 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 45. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 74. 1 janitor ............................................................... 240.00 LEYTE 9. 1 register of deeds ................................................. 2,040.00 11. 1 deputy register of deeds................................... 1,080.00 39. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 43. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 74. 1 janitor ............................................................... 240.00 MANILA. 6. 1 register of deeds................................................ 4,250.00 8. 1 register of deeds ............................................. 2,550.00 14. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,700.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,530.00 34. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,326.00 35. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 37. 3 clerks .................................................................. 3,240.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 40. 4 clerks ................................................................... 3,024.00 42. 2 clerks ................................................................... 1,296.00 43. 2 clerks ................................................................... 1,080.00 75(a). 2 clerks ............................................................ 864.00 75(e). 1 clerk .............................................................. 240.00 60. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 70. 1 janitor-porter ...................................................... 324.00 71. 1 vault-keeper ........................................................ 432.00 74. 2 laborers ............................................................... 648.00 ILOCOS NORTE 10. 1 register of deeds .................................................. 1,530.00 42. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 46. 1 clerk ............................ -........................................ 324.00 75(e). 1 clerk ............................................................. 240.00 75 (n). 1 messenger-janitor ......................................... 240.00 ILOCOS SUR 10. 1 register of deeds ................ 1,530.00 42. 1 clerk -............................................................... 648.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 74. 1 janitor-messenger ......—......_.......................... 240.00 ILOILO 7. 1 register of deeds................................................. 2,550.00 35. 1 clerk .................................... 1,224.00 89. 1 clerk .............................. 864.00 42. 1 clerk ...»................................................................. 648.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 75(c). 3 clerks ............ Í.... 720.00 67. 1 janitor ............................. 324.00 MARINDUQUE 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 MASBATE 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 MINDORO 42. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 46. 1 clerk .................. 324.00 75(e). 1 clerk ............................................................. 240.00 MOUNTAIN PROVINCE 42. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 NUEVA ECIJA 9. 1 register of deeds .............................................. 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648-00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432-00 75(a). 1 clerk ............................................................. 432 00 250 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE (7) GENERAL LAND REGISTRATION OFFICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 75(c). 2 clerks ............................................................. 480.00 samar 74. 1 janitor ................................................................. 240.00 NUEVA VIZCAYA 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 75(a). 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 OCCIDENTAL MISAMIS 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 OCCIDENTAL NEGROS 7. 1 register of deeds................................................... 2,550.00 35. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 40. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,512.00 42. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,296.00 43. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,620.00 45. 4 clerks .................................................................. 1,728.00 72. 1 laborer-slitcher ..... 324.00 ORIENTAL MISAMIS 10. 1 register of deeds .................................................. 1,530.00 75(a). 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 75(d). 1 clerk ............................................................... 300.00 ORIENTAL NEGROS 10. 1 register of deeds............................................... 1,530.00 40. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 75(e). 1 clerk ................................................................ 240.00 74. 1 janitor ................................................................ 240.00 PALAWAN 75(e). 1 clerk ................................................................ 240.00 PAMPANGA 9. 1 register of deeds................................................. 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 864.00 42. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 43. 2 clerks .................................................................... 1,080.00 74. 1 janitor .............................................................. 240.00 PANGASINAN 7. 1 register of deeds................................................ 2,550.00 40. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 756.00 43. 2 clerks ................................................................... 1,080.00 46. 2 clerks ................................................................... 648.00 75(e). 1 clerk ............................................................... 240.00 53. 1 typist ................................................................... 324.00 68. 1 laborer-porter .................................................... 324.00 RIZAL 9. 1 register of deeds................................................... 2,040.00 36. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,122.00 39. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 864.00 40. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 756.00 42. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 43. 3 clerks .................................................................... 1,620.00 75(e). 3 clerks ............................................................. 720.00 75 (p). 1 typist ............................................... ,...... 324.00 74. 1 janitor ................................................................. 240.00 ROMBLON 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 10. 1 register of deeds.................................................. 1,530.00 43. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 540.00 SORSOGON 10. 1 register of deeds............................................... 1,530.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 74. 1 janitor ................................................................ 240.00 SULU 43. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 SURIGAO 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 53. 1 typist .................................................................. 324.00 TARLAC 9. 1 register of deeds............................................... 2,040.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 45. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 75(e). 1 clerk ............................................................... 240.00 74. 1 janitor ................................................................. 240.00 TAYABAS 9. 1 register of deeds............................................... 2,040.00 37. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 45. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 75(c). 1 clerk ............................................................... 324.00 74. 1 janitor ........................................................... 240.00 ZAMBALES 45. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 324.00 74. 1 janitor ..................... 240.00 ZAMBOANGA 9. 1 register of deeds................................................ 2,040.00 38. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 75(b). 1 clerk ................................. 378.00 74. 1 janitor ............................................................... 240.00 CADASTRAL PERSONNEL 28. 6 stenographers .................................................. 12,240.00 29. 2 stenographers .................................................. 3,400.00 30. 3 interpreters ...................................................... 3,240.00 31. 8 deputy clerks .................................................. 8,640.00 39. 3 clerks ................................................................. 2,592.00 40. 3 clerks ................................................................. 2,268.00 42. 7 clerks ................................................................. 4,536.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 59. 9 messengers ........................................................ 3,888.00 77(q). Less—savings from item 79(a) to item 79 (p) (1,740.00) Total for salaries and wages.......................... P340,357.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 251 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget' Item No. Details I.—SALARIES AND WAGES (1) Office of the Secretary........................... (2) Bureau of Justice................................... (3) Courts of First Instance, Justice of the Peace Courts and Offices of Provincial Sheriffs............................................................... (4) (5) sion] (6) Public Service Commission................. Bureau of Prisons................................ [Bureau of Prisons—Industrial DiviGeneral Land Registration Office Total for salaries and wages 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual ¥=40,094.00 ¥=37,694.00 ¥=36,353.50 121,198.00 120,773.00 130,055.02 1,901,544.00 1,895,544.00 1,830,794.01 64,340.00 64,340.00 62,871.13 199,123.00 199,123.00 194,686.03 46,700.00 34,109.66 340,357.00 341,887.00 324,375.29 2,666,656.00 2,706,061.00 2,613,244.64 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Transportation, per diems and sub­ sistence .......... Street car fares Bicycle allowance P64,912.00 674.00 144.00 Total P65.730.00 65,730.00 76,080.00 67,900.86 2. ice: Freight, express and delivery serv­ Transportation of supplies, furniture and equipment ............................... P10,836.00 Total P10,836.00 io,836.00 10,836.00 13,959.42 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Telephone rentals ................................. Messages transmitted thru long dis­ tance telephone ............................... Insertion of names in the telephone directory ............................................ Telegrams ............................................ Cablegrams and radiograms................ Postage stamps ................................... Rental of Post Office boxes................ Money order fees ................................. P8,547.00 100.00 20.00 2,055.00 100.00 11,151.00 272.00 15.00 Total P22,260.00 22,260.00 27,080.00 23,129.65 252 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 4. Illumination and power service: Electric fluid ......................................... P9.866.00 Supplies consumed for illumination and power service........................... 3,750.00 Total ................................................ P13.616.00 13,616.00 22,576.00 14,003.44 5. Rental of buildings and grounds: Rental of offices..................................... P16,500.00 Total .................................................. P16,500.00 16,500.00 17,715.00 16,480.00 6. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Stationery supplies ............................. P33,000.00 Ice and drinking water........................ 4,200.00 Toilet supplies ....................................... 4,100.00 Subsistence ............................................ 183,450.00 Wearing apparel including bedding.. 30,000.00 Medical and chemical supplies........... 18,000.00 Machinery and motor vehicle supplies 20,840.00 Watercraft supplies .................................. 3,500.00 Poultry and farming supplies.......... 6,800.00 Manufacturing supplies ...................... 700.00 Ordnance supplies ................................... 1,500.00 Supplies for maintenance and repair 14,500.00 Water service ............................................ 7,500.00 Firewood ..................................................... 3,500.00 Total .................................................... P331,590.00 331,590.00 353,819.00 370,782.83 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Binding reports and documents......... P10.00 Printing of brief in criminal cases.... 5,170.00 Printing of annual reports, documents and publications .............................. 1,300.00 Binding of official gazette, collections of briefs, bill of exceptions and opinions, public documents, law journals and citations .................. 200.00 Rebinding of books ............................ 200.00 Binding of public utility reports and official gazette ................................. 100.00 Total ................................................ P6,980.00 6,980.00 10,790.00 6,549.46 8. Contributions and gratuities: Gratuities to prisoners ...................... P4,000.00 Total .................................................... P4,000.00 4,000.00 6,000.00 3,257.77 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 253 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 9. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees: Transportation of prisoners due to expiration of sentence and transfer of stations ......................................... P21,000.00 Transportation of colonists’ family.... 5,000.00 Total .................................................... P26.000.00 10. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Repairs of furniture and equipment.. P3.020.00 Total .................................................... P3,020.00 11. Other services: Subscriptions ......................................... P610.00 Laundry ................. -............................. 200.00 Sewer service —....—......... —..... 1,650.00 Plumbing, installation of electric lights and telephones ............. 1,000.00 Advertisements .... 200.00 Bond premiums ..................................... 1,560.00 Publication of public auction sale.... 300.00 Registration fees of deeds of sale, writ of execution and attachments 230.00 Settlers’ share ..................................... 5,370.00 Rental of gas meter -------------- 12.00 Burial service ....................................... 130.00 Sheriff fees ........................................... 1,840.00 Wages of temporary messengers....... 120.00 Total ........................... -........ ........... P13,222.00 [Special compensation to prisoners, as provided for in Act No. 2489]....................... Total for sundry expenses 26,000.00 26,000.00 29,079.27 3,020.00 4,045.00 3,420.83 13,222.00 14,017.00 14,082.69 5,950.00 5,309.14 513,754.00 574,908.00 ----------------» — 567,955.36 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Additional equipment: 1 typewriter ......................................... P178.50 2 glasses, desk ................................... 5.00 For law books ................................. 56.50 BUREAU OF JUSTICE Additional equipment: 12 copies, Philippine Reports, Vol. 57 .................................................... 102.(10 3 copies. Jurisprudencia Filipina, Tomo 57 ....................................... 25.50 5 copies, Public Laws, Vol. 29........ 55.00 254 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 3 copies, Leyes Públicas, Tomo 29.. 33.00 5 copies, Public Laws, Vol. 30......... 55.00 3 copies, Leyes Públicas, Tomo 30.. 33.00 20 books, Philippine Reports, An­ notated “Francisco” Vol. 13 to 22 (2 copies each).................... 200.00 Other law books ............................ 1,643.50 For replacing unserviceable equipment: For replacing unserviceable equipment: 2 flags, American ............................ 30.00 2 flags, Filipino ................................ 30.00 12 chairs ................... 1............................ 24.00 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Additional equipment: 1 voltmeter, for AC and DC............. 200.Ofl For replacing unserviceable equipment: 2 flags, American ........................................ 37.00 2 flags, Filipino ....................................... 37.00 12 chairs ........................................ 21.00 BUREAU OF PRISONS For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 Huller, rice “Bandera” 70 to 100 cavanes capacity ........................ 225.00 1 Lathe, 14" X 10" engine complete rests and taper attachment....... 1,000.00 3 harrows, “La Crosse” single disc.. 375.00 Total ............................................. P4.366.00 4,366.00 4,366.00 7,217.25 Total for furniture and equipment.. 4,366.00 4,366.00 7,217.25 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Salaries and traveling expenses of temporary employees appointed under Act No. 3411 to assist the judges of Courts of First Instance designated to try and decide registration and cadastral cases: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Two clerks, at F864 per annum each ............................................. Fl,728.00 OTHER EXPENSES (6) Traveling expenses of personnel 144.00 Total ............................................ Fl,872.00 2. For postage stamps for the mailing of notices of land registration cases: Pro­ vided, That this appropriation shall not be used for the purchase of postage stamps for the routine office mail of the General Land Registration Office........................................... 1,872.00 1,872.00 1,721.08 5,000.00 7,000.00 3,068.61 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 255 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 3. For publication of notices of land registration cases in the Official Gazette..... 20,000.00 4. For the purchase of steel filing cab­ inets and card index files for the Public Service Commission.......................................... 1,200.00 30,684.00 1,200.00 11,460.62 1,133.73 5. For salaries and wages of additional personnel, purchase of furniture and equip­ ment and other necessary sundry expenses to carry out the purposes of Act No. 3579, transferring all female prisoners confined in Bilibid Prisons to Welfareville: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Twelve foremen at M.50 per day each ............................ -.............. M,570.00 (b) One chauffeur at M.70 per day 620.50 OTHER EXPENSES (c) Sundry expenses, including purequipchase of furniture and ment: Electrical installation.... 2 incubators, local make ...................... 1 brooder, Buckeys....... 8 plows, complete, NeP200.00 200.00 100.00 179.50 679.50 Total ............................................ ?7,870.00 7,870.00 7,870.00 6,533.34 6. For the necessary expenses to carry out the purposes of Acts Nos. 4103 and 4221, creating the Board of Indeterminate Sentence and the Probation Office, respectively, any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, as follows: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) For compensation of the mem­ bers of the Board of Indeter­ minate Sentence, including the Chairman, at F10 per meet­ ing attended ........VFlh800.00'l ^3,000.00 Chiefs of Office (b) One Chief.................................. (c) One Assistant Chief ............. 6,800.00 3,180.00 256 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1935 actual 1937 1936 requested authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Chiefs of Divisions (d) One chief clerk ............................. 2,800.00 (e) Tivo supervisors, at P2,400 per annum each ............................. 4,800.00 (/) Two supervisors, at Pl,800 per annum each.................................. 3,600.00 Probation Officers (g) Ten probation officers, at Pl,200 per annum each........................... 12,000.00 (h) Five probation officers, at 1*960 per annum each........................... 4,800.00 Technical Assistants (i) One psychiatrist ........................... 2,800.00 (;) Tzvo psychiatrists, at Pl,200 per annum each .................................. 2,400.00 (k) One psychologist ......................... 1,200.00 (Z) One psychologist ............................. 960.00 Stenographers (m) One stenographer ......................... 960.00 (n) One stenographer ......................... 720.00 Clerks (o) One record and property clerk.... 1,200.00 (p) Three clerks, at P720 per an­ num each ...................................... 2,160.00 (q) Four clerks, at P600 per an­ num each ...................................... 2,400.00 (r) Three clerks, at P360 per an­ num each ...................................... 1,080.00 Secret Service Agents (s) Eight secret service agents, at PJf80 per annum each.............. 3,840.00 Janitor-Messengers (t) Three janitor-messengers, at P360 per annum each................ 1,080.00 Total for salaries and 'wages - .....020,727.00] 61,780.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (u) Traveling expenses of personnel 3,700.00 (v) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 30.00 (w) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................... 1,600.00 (x) Illumination and power service.. 820.00 F— DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 257 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (y) Rental of buildings and grounds 2,400-00 (z) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 2,700.00 (aa) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 100.00 (bb) Maintenance and repair of equipment ................................. 250.00 (cc) Other services................................ 620.00 Total for sundry ex­ penses ........... .13*3,273,00] 12,220.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (dd) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 1,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment ............................. 1,000.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............ 61,780.00 Total for sundry expenses................... 12,220.00 Total for furniture and equipment 1,000.00 Total available for the Board of Indeterminate Sentence and the Probation Office P75,000.00 75,000.00 72,679.90 25,202.07 7. For the necessary expenses to carry out the purposes of Act No. 4109, as amended by Act No. 4168, creating the Anti-Usury Board, any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding : SALARIES AND WAGES Executive Officers (a) W (c) (d) (e) (e) (/) i One executive officer..................... 1*6,000.00 i One assistant executive officer.... 4,000.00 Chiefs of Divisions Two chiefs of divisions, at 1*2,840 per annum each ........ 5,680.00 Assistant Chiefs of Divisions I One assistant chief of division.. i One assistant chief of division.. One assistant chief of division.. Chief of section One docket and record clerk...... 299089------ 17 1,740.00 1,460.00 1,460.00 960.00 258 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1936 authorized 1937 requested 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Attorneys (g) One attorney ................................ 1,638.00 (h) Two attorneys, at 1*1,320 per annum each ...................................... 2,640.00 (t) One attorney ................................... 720.00 Secret Service Agents (j) One secret service agent............ 1,500.00 (k) Ttvo secret service agents, at 5*1,020 per annum each.............. 2,040.00 (Z) One secret service agent............. 984.00 (m) Three secret service agents, at 5*81>0 per annum each................ 2,520.00 (n) One secret service agent............ 785.00 Stenographers (o) One junior stenographer ............ 660.00 (p) One junior stenographer ............ 564.00 (q) Two junior stenographers, at 5*^80 per annum each.............. 960.00 Clerks (r) One clerk.......................................... 780.00 (s) One clerk ........................................ 720.00 (t) One clerk .......................................... 480.00 (u) One typist-clerk ............................. 552.00 (v) One typist-clerk ........................... 324.00 Miscellaneous (w) One researcher ............................. 840.00 (x) One messenger ............................. 420.00 (y) One janitor .................................... 480.00 (z) One chauffeur .................................. 540.00 (aa) One laborer .................................. 300.00 Totalffor salaries and wages 40,287.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (bb) Traveling expenses of personnel 3,000.00 (cc) Freight, express and delivery service................. 30.00 (dd) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 1,500.00 (ee) Illumination and power service 720.00 (ff) Rental of buildings and grounds 900.00 (gg) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 2,000.00 (hh) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.. 3,600.00 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 259 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (ii) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................. 100.00 (;;) Other services ............................... 150.00 Total for sundry expenses 12,000.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (kk) For the purchase of furniture and equipment......................... 2,713.00 Total for furniture and equipment ............................. 2,713.00 SUMMARY Total for salames and wages ............ 40,287.00 Total for sundry expenses ................ 12,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment .... 2,713.00 Deductions for forced savings........ (20,000.00) Total available for the AnbiUsury Board ............................... ?35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 34,999.21 8. For the promotion and development of agricul­ ture and industry in penal colonies and for en­ couraging and promoting vocational training among the colonists, Act No. 4012, any provision of exist­ ing law to the contrary notwithstanding: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Two industrial supervisors, at Fl,200 per annum each ......... ^2,400.00 (6) Five industrial foremen ............ 3,545.00 Total for salaries and wages .... 5,945.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (c) Sundry expenses including pur­ chase of furniture and equip­ ment, and expenses in connection with agricultural and industrial research work, and payment of gratuities to skilled colonists engaged in agricultural and industrial ac­ tivities ............................................ 19,055.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 19,055.00 Total available for promotion and development of agricul­ ture and industry in penal colonies ...................................... 1*25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 260 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT —- -------------------------------------------------1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 9. For salaries and wages of the per­ manent personnel of the Bureau of Prisons— Industrial Division: CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 1. One chief of section. Fl,530.00 2. One chief of section. 1,080.00 SUPERINTENDENTS OF SHOPS 3. One superintendent of machine and vehicle shop, Section “A” 2,550.00 4. One superintendent of hardwood furniture shop, Section 2,040.00 5. One superintendent of building construction and repair shop, Section “C” .................................. 1,530.00 6. One superintendent of rattan and bamboo furniture shop, Sec­ tion “D” ........................................ 2,040.00 7. One superintendent of tailor shop, Section “F” ............................. 1,026.00 8. One superintendent of laundry shop, Section ilG” ..................... 1,122.00 CLERKS 9. One clerk ........................................... 1,080.00 10. Two clerks, at P810 per annum each ................................................. 1,620.00 11. One clerk ......................... 756.00 12. One clerk ........................................... 648.00 13. One clerk............................................: 432.00 14- One clerk .......................................... 240.00 MECHANIC 15. One automobile mechanic............ 2,040.00 CHAUFFEUR 16. One chauffeur................................... 648.00 LABORERS 17. One wood-carver ............................. 1,530.00 18. One blacksmith ............................... 1,530.00 19. One foreman..................................... 810.00 Total available for salaries and wages of the perma­ nent personnel of the Bu­ reau of Prisons—Industrial Division .................................... F24,252.00 Amount to be paid from the Bureau of Prisons—Indus­ trial Division Revolving Fund .......................................... (F24,252.00) 0.00 Total for special appropriations.... 170,942.00 181,305.90 109,118.66 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 261 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. Establishment of new prisons and penal farms in public lands reserved by the President of the Philippines, Act 3732..................................... Total for continuing appropriations ..................... 233,283.77 65,045.44 233,283.77 65,045.44 VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Expenses payable from special funds 24,252.00 VIII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES Investments— a. Working capital for the Bureau of Prisons Industrial Division Revolving Fund........ 100,000.00 Indefinite expenditures— a. Deterioration of supplies and sales stock.... b. Extraordinary losses ........................................ c. Losses from uncollectible debts.......................................................... 1,423.18 90.88 3,362.80 Total for investment and indefinite expenditures .................................. 100,000.00 4,876.86 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... 2,666,656.00 Total for sundry expenses............................ 513,754.00 Total for furniture and equipment............. 4,366.00 Total for special appropriations................. 170,942.00 2,706,061.00 574,908.00 4,366.00 181,305.90 2,613,244.64 567,955.36 7,217.25 109,118.66 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Department of Justice ............................................ 3,355,718.00 EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for receipts automatically ap­ propriated .............. 24,252.00 Total for continuing appropriations ..................... Total for investments and indefinite expenditures .................................. 100,000.00 3,466,640.9(7 3,297,535.91 233,283.77 65,045.44 4,876.86 Grand total available for the Department of Justice......... 3,479,970.00 Deduct— Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ..................................... 24,252.00 3,699,924.67 3,367,458.21 Net amount available for the Department of Justice......... 5*3,455,718.00 5*3,699,924.67 5*3,367,458.21 262 F.—DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. With the approval of the [proper Head of Depart­ ment] Secretary of Justice, any unexpended balances of the appropriations of the Department of Justice may be used to cover deficits in the special appropriations for postage stamps for the mailing of notices of land registration cases (item IV-2) and for publication of notices of land registra­ tion cases in the Official Gazette (item IV-3). 2. The item “consumption of supplies and materials” shall include clothing and shoes for prisoners members of the Bilibid band and scouts, meals for prisoners, families of penal colonists and guards of the Prison rendering not less than 12 hours service daily: Provided, That the amount for subsistence shall not exceed the rates fixed in section 12 of this Act. 3. The item “other services” shall include laundry for the employees, guards and foremen and the cost of mate­ rials used for laundry, as fixed by the Director of Prisons, with the approval of the Department Head, to be charged against them. 4. A reimbursable fund, which shall be known as “Bu­ reau, of Prisons—Industrial Division Revolving Fund” is hereby created for the operation and maintenance of the Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division. Upon the taking effect of this Act, all the assets and liabilities of the Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division and the sum of 1*100,000, as working capital, which is hereby appropriated from the accumidated surplus of the general fund in the National Treasury, shall be transferred to this fund. The working capital herein provided, together with all its future accretions from the operating income of the Bureau of Prisons—Industrial Division, shall be disbursed by the Director of Prisons with the approval of the Secretary of Justice for the operation and mainten­ ance of said division, including the purchase of necessary equipment in an amount not to exceed 1*50,000 when au­ thorized by tfie Secretary of Justice: PROVIDED, That, a» soon as possible, after the close of each fiscal year, the Director of Prisons shall render a detailed financial report of the operation of this fund during said year to the Pres­ ident of the Philippines and the National Assembly, through the Secretary of Justice: PROVIDED, FURTHER, That any surplus fund, tvhich, in the opinion of the Budget Commis­ sion, is not necessary for the operation of said service shall revert to the general fund in the National Treasury and: Provided, finally, That all permanent positions of per­ sonnel shall be shown in detail in the annual Appropriation Acts.