Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Agriculture and Commerce


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Agriculture and Commerce
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
Appropriations and expenditures
Philippines -- Department of Agriculture
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This shows a more detailed report on the expenses of the Department of Agriculture and Commerce for 1936 (authorized) and 1937 (requested).]
G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE For next year, F3,955,925 is requested as against 5*3,722,716 authorized for this year, or an increase of 5*233,209. The total amount of the increases reach 5*316,154 consisting of (1) the creation of 116 new positions for rangers and forest guards, (2) reforestation expenses in accordanee with Act No. 3283, (3) expenses for the control or eradication of agricultural and animal pests and diseases, (4) expenses of the National Research Council in accordance with Act No. 4120, (5) construction and equipment of a dry-kiln and wood-treating plant, (6) expenses in connection with the conservation of the fishery resources and the promotion and development of the fishing industry, (7) a new item for expenses of pub­ licity of the Philippines and (8) expenses of establishing, operating and maintaining ten new weather forecasting stations. These increases, however, are partly offset by reductions of other items of appropriations amounting to a total of 5*82,945. Para el año próximo, la suma de 5*3,955,925 se pide para este Departamento contra 5*3,722,716 autorizada para el año en curso, o sea, un aumento de 5*233,209. La cantidad total de aumentos alcanza a 5*316,154 consistentes en (1) la creación de 116 nuevos puestos de monteros y guardias forestales; (2) gastos de replantación de bosques de conformidad con la Ley No. 3283; (3) gastos para la prevención o extirpación de las plagas y enfermedades de animales y agrícolas; (4) gastos del Consejo Nacional de Investigación de acuerdo con la Ley No. 4120; (5) construcción y equipo de un horno de desecación y planta para el tratamiento de madera; (6) gastos relacionados con la conservación de los recursos piscatorios y el fomento y desarrollo de la industria pesquera; (7) una nueva partida para gastos de publicidad de Filipinas y (8) gastos para esta­ blecer, funcionar y mantener diez nuevas estaciones de previsión del tiempo. Estos aumentos, sin embargo, están en parte compensados por las reducciones de otras partidas en las consignaciones que montan a un total de 5*82,945. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DEPARTMENT HEADS 1. Secretary of the Department............. 2. Undersecretary of the Department.. CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief of division........................... 4. One chief of division........................... 5. One chief of division........................... [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on January 1, 1932, of the position of chief of division, item 5] .............................................................. 6. One chief of division [and special agent] ................................................................ P10,200.00 7,225.00 P10,200.00 7,225.00 1 2 5,100.00 5,100.00 8 4,250.00 4,250.00 4 4,250.00 4,250.00 6 1,700.00 7 4,080.00 4,080.00 10 263 264 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 1 authorized Reference lo item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 7. Two chiefs of divisions, at ¥=3,825 per annum each........................................................ 7,650.00 7,650.00 11-12 8. One chief of division........................... 3,570.00 3,570.00 13 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 9. One assistant chief of division........... 4,080.00 4,080.00 14 10. One assistant chief of division........... 11. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at 3,825.00 3,825.00 15 ¥=3,400 per annum each................................... 6,800.00 6,800.00 16-17 12. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at ¥3,230 per annum each................................... 6,460.00 6,460.00 18-19 13. One assistant chief of division........... 3,060.00 3,060.00 21 14. One assistant chief of division........... 2,040.00 2,040.00 22 SCIENTISTS 15. One scientist.......................................... 3,655.00 3,655.00 23 16. One assistant scientist....................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 24 17. One assistant scientist....................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 25 18. One assistant scientist....................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 26 19. One junior scientist............................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 27 20. One junior scientist.............. ............... 1,700.00 1,700.00 28 21. One junior scientist............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 29 22. One scientific assistant....................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 30 GEOLOGISTS 23. One geologist....................................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 31 24. One assistant geologist....................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 32 MINING ENGINEERS 25. One mining engineer........................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 33 26. One assistant mining engineer......... 27. Two assistant mining engineers, at 2,380.00 2,380.00 34 ¥1,080 per annum each.................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 35-36 MINERAL LANDS SURVEYORS 28. One assistant mineral lands surveyor 1,224.00 1,224.00 48 29. One assistant mineral lands surveyor 30. Two assistant mineral lands survey­ 1,122.00 1,122.00 49 ors, at ¥1,080 per annum each......................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 50-51 LAND ATTORNEYS 31. One land attorney ............................. 3,060.00 3,060.00 61 32. One land attorney ;............................... 33. Two land attorneys, at ¥2,040 per an­ 2,210.00 2,210.00 62 num each.............................................. -............ 4,080.00 4,080.00 63-64 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 265 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested Reference t0 'tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY STATISTICIANS 34. One assistant statistician ................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 65 35. One assistant statistician ................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 66 36. One assistant statistician................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 67 37. One assistant statistician ................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 68 LIBRARIANS 38. One assistant librarian ..................... 39. Two assistant librarians, at 1*1,530 2,040.00 2,040.00 69 per annum each ................................................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 70 40. One assistant librarian....................... 1,428.00 1,428.00 71 41. One assistant librarian ..................... 1,148.00 1,148.00 72 42. One assistant librarian ..................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 73 43. One junior librarian............................ 44. Three junior librarians, at 1*756 per 810.00 810.00 74 annum each........................................................ 2,268.00 2,268.00 75 45. One junior librarian........................... 648.00 648.00 76 46. One junior librarian........................... 486.00 486.00 77 CASHIERS AND DISBURSING OFFICERS 47. Two cashiers and disbursing officers, at f*l,700 per annum each............................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 91-92 COPY EDITORS 48. One copy editor................................... 49. Two copy editors, at 1*2,720 per an­ 3,060.00 3,060.00 93 num each............................................................ 5,440.00 5,440.00 94 50. One copy editor................................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 95 51. One copy editor.................................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 96 PHOTOGRAPHERS 52. One photographer................................ 53. Two photographers, at 1*765 per an­ 864.00 864.00 97 num each............................................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 98-99 GAME WARDENS 54. Eight game wardens, at 1*810 per an­ num each............................................................ 6,480.00 6,480.00 100-101 ASSAYERS 55. One assayer ......................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 102 56. One assistant assayer......................... 648.00 648.00 103 HOME ECONOMICS AGENTS 57. One home economics agent ............. 1,530.00 1,530.00 104 58. One home economics agent ............. 1,080.00 1,080.00 105 266 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Reference to item Budget Details 1937 1936 numbers of Act Item No. requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 59. Seven home economics agents, at 1*864 per annum each ..................................... 6,048.00 6,048.00 106-108 60. Six home economics agents, at 1*648 per annum each ................................................ 3,888.00 3,888.00 109-110 61. One home economics agent................. 594.00 594.00 111 62. One home economics agent ............... 540.00 540.00 112 DEMONSTRATORS 63. One demonstrator ............................... 1,591.00 1,591.00 113 64. One demonstrator ............................... 810.00 810.00 114 65. Two demonstrators, at 1*486 per annum each............................................................ 972.00 972.00 115 66. Two demonstrators, at 5*421 per annum each............................................................ 842.00 842.00 116 CLERKS 67. One clerk .............................................. 3,060.00 3,060.00 117 68. One clerk .............................................. 2,550.00 2,550.00 118 69. One [accountant] clerk....................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 78 70. One clerk .............................................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 119 71. One [accountant] clerk....................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 82 72. Two clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each 3,060.00 3,060.00 121-122 73. Five [assistant accountants,] clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each............................... 7,650.00 7,650.00 83-84 74. One [assistant accountant] clerk....... 1,428.00 1,428.00 85 75. One [assistant accountant] clerk..... 1,326.00 1,326.00 86 76. One clerk ............................................. 1,275.00 1,275.00 123 77. One [assistant accountant] clerk..... 1,224.00 1,224.00 87 78. One clerk ............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 124 79. Two [assistant accountants,] clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each............................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 89-90 80. Four clerks, at 1*972 per annum each 3,888.00 3,888.00 125-126,128 81. Seven clerks, at 1*864 per annum each .................................................................... 6,048.00 6,048.00 129-133 82. Three clerks, at 1*810 per annum each 2,430.00 2,430.00 134-136 83. One clerk ............................................. 702.00 702.00 138 84. Fourteen clerks, at ¥=648 per annum each .................................................................... 9,072.00 9,072.00 139-143 85. One clerk .............................................. 594.00 594.00 144 86. Fifteen clerks, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 8,100.00 8,100.00 147-151 87. One clerk ............................................. 486.00 486.00 153 88. Eight clerks, at ¥=432 per annum each 3,456.00 3,456.00 154,157-158 89. Eight clerks, at 1*378 per annum each 3,024.00 3,024.00 159,165 90. Two clerks, at 1*324 per annum each 648.00 648.00 167,168 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 267 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DRAFTSMAN 91. One assistant topographical draftsman ...................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 171 MESSENGERS 92. One messenger 432.00 432.00 173 93. One messenger ................................... 324.00 324.00 174 94. Two messengers, at 1*240 per annum each .................................................................... 480.00 480.00 176 MISCELLANEOUS 95. For temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: Chauffeur, motorcycle driver and mechanic (a) One chauffeur ................................................... 756.00 .. 227 (s-1) (6) One [chauffeur] motorcycle driver............ 702.00 702.00 227(a) (c) One mechanic..................................................... 600.00 .. 227 (s-1) Clerks (d) Twelve clerk-typists, at F432 per annum each .............................................................. 5,184.00 5,184.00 227(6)-(d) (e) Two clerks, at 1*342 per annum each...... 684.00 684.00 227(e)-(/) (/) Five copyists, at 1*240 per annum each... 1,200.00 1,200.00 227(p)-(A) Messenger (g) One messenger............................................... 240.00 240.00 227 (i) Laboratory Helpers (h) Six laboratory helpers, at 1*300 per an­ num each .................................................... 1,800.00 1,800.00 227 U) (i) Two laboratory helpers, at 1*486 per an­ num each .................................................... 972.00 972.00 227(1) Preparator (j) One preparator.............................................. 540.00 540.00 227 (m) Livestock inspector (k) One livestock inspector............................... 432.00 432.00 227(fc) Carpenter (I) One carpenter................................................... 540.00 ... 227 (s-1) Laborers (m) One laborer.................................................... 594.00 .. 227 (s-1) (n) One lab or er-filer ............................................. 360.00 .. 227(s-1) (o) Two laborer-filers, at F300 per annum each.................................................................. 600.00 .. 227(s-1) 268 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to ‘tem •936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) (p) Eight lab or er-filers, at P21>0 per annum each.................................................................. (q) One lab or er-janitor at Pl per day, for 182 days ....................................................... (r) One laborer ...................................................... (s) Two laborers, at P360 per annum each.. (t) Two laborers, at P300 per annum each... Janitor (u) One janitor ...................................................... Multigraph operators (v) One multigraph operator (chief)............ (w) One multigraph operator (assistant chief) .............................................................. (x) One multigraph operator ........................... (y) Ten multigraph operators, at P240 per annum each .................................................. Mimeograph operators (z) One mimeograph operator........................... (aa) One mimeograph operator....................... Bookrepairers (bb) One bookrepairer.......................................... (cc) Seven bookrepairers, at P2JÍ0 per an­ num each ..................................................... Artists (dd) One artist ..................................................... (ee) One artist ....................................................... (ff) One artisan ................................................... CF^r skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] ................................................ Total................................................ OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 1,920.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 182.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 405.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 720.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 600.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 300.00 ..................... 227(s-1) 972.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 648.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 486.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 2,400.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 648.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 324.00 ..................... 227(s-1) 300.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 1,680.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 480.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 432.00 ..................... 227 (s-1) 540.00 ..................... 227(s-1) .............. 16,487.00 227 (s-1) 282,268.00 283,968.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. Secretary of the Department.......................... PIO,200.00 2. Undersecretary of the Department................ 7,225.00 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 3. 1 chief of division.................................................. 5,100.00 4. 1 chief of division ............................................... 4,250.00 12. 1 assistant chief of division............................... 3,230.00 8. 1 chief of division.................................................. 3,570.00 31. 1 land attorney ..................................................... 3,060.00 32. 1 land attorney ................................................... 2,210.00 33. 2 land attorneys, at P2,040 per annum each.... 4,080.00 67. 1 clerk ............................................... 3,060.00 68. 1 clerk ................................................................. 2,550.00 70. 1 clerk ................................................................. 2,040.00 72. 2 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each.................. 3,060i00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 82. 1 clerk ...................................................-............... 810.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................... 702.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 269 (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 86. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 88. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 81. 1 clerk .............................................................. 864.00 84. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 95(b). 1 motorcycle driver ....................................... 702.00 95 (Z). 1 carpenter ....................................................... 540.00 95(a). 1 chauffeur ....................................................... 756.00 95 (m). 1 laborer ............ 594.00 95(c). mechanic .......................................................... 600.00 95(r). 1 laborer ............................................................ 405.00 95(0- 2 laborers .......................................................... 600.00 95 (s). 2 laborers ........................................................ 720.00 STATISTICS DIVISION 7. 1 chief of division.............................................. 3,825.00 12. 1 assistant chief of division... .......................... 3,230.00 34. 1 assistant statistician .......................................... 2,040.00 35. 1 assistant statistician ......................................... 1,700.00 36. 1 assistant statistician .......................................... 1,530.00 37. 1 assistant statistician .......................................... 1,080.00 84. 2 clerks ...........................-.......................... 1,296.00 86. 4 clerks ............................... 2,160.00 88. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 95(d). 8 clerk-typists .................................................. 3,456.00 95 (f). 5 copyists .......................................................... 1,200.00 95(o). 2 laborer-filers ............................... ................. 600.00 95 (p). 8 laborer-filers ................................................ 1,920.00 95 (u). 1 janitor ............................................................ 300.00 Bureau of Forestry 73. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 74. 1 clerk ................................................................... 82. 2 clerks ................................................................... 86. 4 clerks ................................................................... 89. 2 clerks ................................................................... 94. 1 messenger ............................................................ Bureau of Lands 13. 1 assistant chief of division.—......................... 69. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 77. 1 clerk ..:.................................................................. 47. 1 cashier and disbursing officer.......................... 76. 1 clerk ................................................................... 80. 1 clerk ...................-...........-.................................. 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 84. 3 clerks —................................................................ 86. 1 clerk .................................................... -............... 88. 2 clerks ............................ -.................................... 89. 3 clerks ................................................................... 92. 1 messenger ............................................................ 94. 1 messenger ............................................................ Bureau of Science 1,530.00 1,428.00 1,728.00 2,160.00 756.00 240.00 3,060.00 2,380.00 1,224.00 1,700.00 1,275.00 972.00 810.00 1,944.00 540.00 864.00 1,134.00 432.00 240.00 DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS 5. 1 chief of division.............. 4,250.00 11. 1 assistant chief of division......... . .................... 3,400.00 40. 1 assistant librarian -------- 1,428.00 49. 2 copy editors -.................................................... 5,440.00 50. 1 copy editor ........................................................ 2,550.00 51. 1 copy editor ......................................................... 2,040.00 53. 2 photographers ................................................... 1,530.00 80. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 972.00 81. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 864.00 84. 1 clerk ......... 648.00 86. 1 clerk ...................................................... 540.00 88. 1 clerk ..................................... 432.00 95(v). 1 multigraph operator [chief]...................... 972.00 95(w).l multigraph operator [assistant chief].... 648.00 95 (íe). 1 multigraph operator ..........-..... .. 486.00 95(i/). 10 multigraph operators ............. 2,400.00 95 (z). 1 mimeograph operator ................. ................ 648.00 95(aa). 1 mimeograph operator___ ______ ..____ 824.00 95 (bb). 1 bookrepairer .............................................. 300.00 95 (cc). 7 bookrepairers ............................................ 1,680.00 95(dd). 1 artist ........................... 480.00 95 (ee). 1 artist ............................................................ 432.00 95 (ff). 1 artisan ...................................................~.... 540.00 95 (q). 1 laborer-janitor, at Pl per day for 182 days ........ 182.00 71. 1 clerk ................................................................... 73. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 86. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 88. 1 clerk ...................................... .-.............................. 52. 1 photographer ..................................................... Fish and Game Administration 15. 1 scientist ................................................................ 16. 1 assistant scientist ............................................. 17. 1 assistant scientist ............................................. 18. 1 assistant scientist ............................................. 19. 1 junior scientist ................................................. 20. 1 junior scientist ................................................. 21. 1 junior scientist ................................................ 22. 1 scientific assistant ............................................ 54. 8 game wardens .................................................... 87. 1 clerk .............................................................-...... 89. 1 clerk ................................................... —.............. 95(d). 4 clerk-typists .................................................. 95(c). 2 clerks .............................................................. 95 (7t). 6 laboratory helpers ....................................... 95 (i). 2 laboratory helpers ....................................... 95O’). 1 preparator .................................................... Division of Mines PERSONNEL ASSIGNED TO BUREAUS Plant Industry 73. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,530.00 82. 1 clerk _______________ ________ _________ 810.00 84. 1 clerk .................................... 648.00 90. 2 clerks ................................................................... 648.00 Animal Industry 73. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,530.00 75. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,326.00 81. 1 clerk .......................................... „........................ 864.00 84. 4 clerks ....................... 2,592.00 85. 1 clerk .........................«.....w.....„........ „................. 594.00 95(A). 1 livestock inspector ..................................... 432.00 9. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 10. 1 assistant chief of division.............................. 23. 1 geologist .............................................................. 24. 1 assistant geologist ............................................. 25. 1 mining engineer .........................~...................... 26. 1 assistant mining engineer .............................. 27. 2 assistant mining engineers ......................... 28. 1 assistant mineral lands surveyor.................. 29. 1 assistant mineral lands surveyor.................. 30. 2 assistant mineral lands surveyors ............... 55. 1 assayer ................................................................. 56. 1 assistant assayer ................................................ 78. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 84. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 86. 1 clerk .................................................................... 89. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 91. 1 assistant topographical draftsman............... — 2,040.00 1,530.00 1,080.00 972.00 540.00 432.00 864.00 3,655.00 3,400.00 3,060.00 2,550.00 2,040.00 1,700.00 1,530.00 1,224.00 6,480.00 486.00 378.00 1,728.00 684.00 1,800.00 972.00 540.00 4,080.00 3,825.00 3,400.00 1,080.00 3,060.00 2,380.00 2,160.00 1,224.00 1,122.00 2,160.00 1,080.00 648.00 1,080.00 648.00 540.00 378.00 1,080.00 270 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Scientific Library Division 6. 1 chief of division ........................................... 4,080.00 11. 1 assistant chief of division............................ 3,400.00 38. 1 assistant librarian .......................................... 2,040.00 39. 2 assistant librarians ....................................... 3,060.00 41. 1 assistant librarian .......................................... 1,148.00 42. 1 assistant librarian ......................................... 1,080.00 43. 1 junior librarian .............................................. 810.00 44. 3 junior librarians ............................................ 2.268.00 45. 1 junior librarian .............................................. 648.00 46. 1 junior librarian .............................................. 486.00 86. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 89. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 378.00 95 (</). 1 messenger .................................................... 240.00 Home Economics Division 7. 1 chief of division................................................ 3,825.00 14. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 2,040.00 57. 1 home economics agent ..................................... 1,530.00 58. 1 home economics agent......................................... 1,080.00 59. 7 home economics agents ................................... 6,048.00 60. 6 home economics agents ................................. 3,888.00 61. 1 home economics agent .................................... 594.00 62. 1 home economics agent...................................... 540.00 63. 1 demonstrator ..................................................... 1,591.00 64. 1 demonstrator ..................................................... 810.00 65. 2 demonstrators .................................................... 972.00 66. 2 demonstrators ..................................................... 842.00 84. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 88. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 95 (n). 1 laborer-filer ................................ 360.00 bureau of Commerce 73. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,080.00 47. 1 cashier and disbursing officer........................ 1,700.00 48. 1 copy editor ........................................................ 3,060.00 80. 1 clerk ................................. 972.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 88. 1 clerk ................................................................. 482.00 93. 1 messenger ......................................................... 824.00 Total for salaries and wages......................... P282,268.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1930 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY DIRECTORS 1. One Director, with quarters at the Central [Propagation] Experiment Station, as may be determined by the Secretary....... 2. One Assistant Director....................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. Three chiefs of divisions, at ?4,675 per annum each................................................ 4. One chief of division........................... ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 5. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,825 per annum each..................................... PLANT PATHOLOGISTS 6. One plant pathologist........................... 7. One plant pathologist........................... 8. One plant pathologist........................... 9. One plant pathologist........................... AGRONOMISTS 10. One agronomist................................... 11. Eight agronomists, at 1*3,060 per an­ num each............................................................ 12. Two agronomists, at T2,720 per an­ num each........................................................... 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 14,025.00 14,025.00 3 3,400.00 3,400.00 4 7,650.00 7,650.00 5 2,550.00 2,550.00 7 2,380.00 2,380.00 8 2,040.00 2,040.00 9 1,530.00 1,530.00 10 3,825.00 3,825.00 11 24,480.00 24,480.00 12-16 5,440.00 5,440.00 17-18 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 271 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY 13. One assistant agronomist................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 20 14. Five assistant agronomists, at ¥*2,040 per annum each ................................................ 10,200.00 10,200.00 18a,21-22 15. One assistant agronomist................... 1,836.00 1,836.00 23 16. Three assistant agronomists, at Pl,700 per annum each..................................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 24-25 17. Seven assistant agronomists, at Pl,530 per annum each................................... 10,710.00 10,710.00 26-27 18. Two assistant agronomists, at Pl,428 per annum each................................................ 2,856.00 2,856.00 28-29 19. Eight assistant agronomists, at Pl,326 per annum each................................... 10,608.00 10,608.00 30-32 20. Three assistant agronomists, at Pl,224 per annum each...................................... 3,672.00 3,672.00 33-34 [One assistant agronomist].................. 1,224.00 33 21. Fourteen assistant agronomists, at Pl,122 per annum each................................... 15,708.00 15,708.00 35-38 22. Sixteen assistant agronomists, at Pl,080 per annum each................................... 17,280.00 17,280.00 39-43 23. Three junior agronomists, at P972 per annum each.................................................. 2,916.00 2,916.00 44-45 24. Three junior agronomists, at P864 per annum each.................................................. 2,592.00 2,592.00 46-48 25. Six junior agronomists, at P756 per annum each........................................................ 4,536.00 4,536.00 49-50 26. Four junior agronomists, at P648 per annum each........................................................ 2,592.00 2,592.00 51 27. Three junior agronomists, at P540 per annum each.................................................. 1,620.00 1,620.00 52 CLERKS 28. One clerk .............................................. 2,720.00 2,720.00 53 29. One clerk............................................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 54 30. Two clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each 3,060.00 3,060.00 55-56 31. One clerk .............................................. 918.00 918.00 57 32. One clerk ............................................ 864.00 864.00 58 33. Three clerks, at P756 per annum each 2,268.00 2,268.00 59-61 34. Six clerks, at P648 per annum each.. 3,888.00 3,888.00 62 35. Three clerks, at P540 per annum each 1,620.00 1,620.00 63-65 36. Two clerks, at P432 per annum each.... 864.00 864.00 66-67 [draftsman] [One junior topographical drafts­ man! ................................................ 972.00 68 Former incumbents of Items Nos. 33 and 68 of Act 4231 retired under Act 2589. 272 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Q Reference to item Details numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) MESSENGERS 37. Five messengers, at P324 per annum each .................................................................... 38. One messenger .................................... MISCELLANEOUS 39. Temporary and emergency employees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: (a) Three plant sanitation foremen, at 1*972 per annum each............................. (b) One plant sanitation foreman................ (c) One plant sanitation foreman................ (d) Two plant sanitation foremen, at 1*648 per annum each....................................... (c) Two plant sanitation foremen, at F540 per annum each......................................... [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] ................................................... (/) One foreman ................................................. (¿7) One foreman, at Fl.80 per day for 300 days ............................................................. (h) One foreman, at Fl.50 per day for 300 days ............................................................. Copyists (i) Two copyists, at 1*240 per annum each. Chauffeurs (j) One chauffeur ............................................... (k) One chauffeur............................................... (l) Two chauffeurs, at FJ+32 per annum each ............................................................. Motorcycle Drivers (m) One motorcycle driver................................ (n) One motorcycle driver................................ (0) Four motorcycle drivers, at F402 per annum each ............................................... (p) One motorcycle driver................................ Mechanic Helper (q) One mechanic helper........................-......... BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY 1,620.00 240.00 1,620.00 240.00 69-72 73 2,916.00 2,916.00 74(a) 864.00 864.00 (&) 756.00 756.00 (c) 1,296.00 1,296.00 (d)-(e) 1,080.00 1,080.00 (/) 65,210.00(1) -227 (s-1), (2)-74 (h) 540.00 . 540.00 . 450.00 . 480.00 480.00 74(h) 756.00 . 540.00 . 864.00 . 648.00 . 540.00 . 1,608.00 . 378.00 . 648.00 . G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 273 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Details Item No. (2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY Carpenters (r) Two carpenters, at F648 per annum each ............................................................. (s) Two carpenters, at F540 per annum each ............................................................. Laborers (i) One skilled laborer........................................ (u) One skilled laborer....................................... (v) One skilled laborer....................................... (w) One skilled laborer...................................... (x) One skilled laborer....................................... (y) Two skilled laborers, at F432 per an­ num each .................................................... (z) One skilled laborer....................................... (aa) One skilled laborer, at Fl.62 per day for 300 days............................................. (bb) One skilled laborer, at F1.50 per day for 300 days.......................................... (co) One semi-skilled laborer.......................... (dd) Three laborers, at F51f0 per annum each ........................................................... (ee) Nine laborers, at FJ>32 per annum each (ff) Two laborers, at FJtf)2 per annum each (gg) Two laborers, at F378 per annum each ............................................................ (hh) One laborer ............................................... (ii) Five laborers, at F324 per annum each (jj) Nine laborers, at F300 per annum each ........................................................... (kk) One laborer ............................................... (Il) One laborer, at F2.40 per day for 300 days .......................................................... (mm) One laborer, at F1.80 per day for 300 days .......................................................... (nn) One laborer, at Fl.62 per day for 300 days ........................................................... (oo) One laborer, at Fl.50 per day for 300 days ........................................................... (pp) Six laborers, at Fl.35 per day each for 300 days .................................................... (qq) One laborer, at Fl.35 per day for 250 days ........................................................... 1,296.00 ..................... 1,080.00 ..................... 918.00 ..................... 864.00 ..................... 810.00 ..................... 486.00 ..................... 480.00 ..................... 864.00 ..................... 420.00 ..................... 486.00 ..................... 450.00 ..................... 594.00 ..................... 1,620.00 ..................... 3,888.00 ..................... 804.00 ..................... 756.00 ..................... 365.00 ..................... 1,620.00 ..................... 2,700.00 ..................... 240.00 ..................... 720.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 486.00 ..................... 450.00 ..................... 2,430.00 ..................... 338.00 ..................... 299089------18 274 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Reference to item lydo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Details (2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY (rr) One laborer, at Fl.SO per day for 365 days ...................................... 475.00 (ss) Tivo laborers, at F1.30 per day each for 300 days............................................. 780.00 (tt) One laborer, at Fl.26 per day for 350 days ........................................................... 441.00 (uu) Two laborers, at Fl.25 per day each for 300 days............................................. 750.00 (vv) Four laborers, at Fl.17 per day each for 300 days............................................. 1,404.00 (ww) One laborer, at Fl.17 per day for 150 days ........................................................... 176.00 (a,\r) One laborer, at Fl.10 per day for 300 days ........................................................... 330.00 (yy) Two laborers, at Fl.08 per day each for 300 days............................................. 648.00 (zz) One laborer, at F1.035 per day for 300 days ..................................... 311.00 (aaa) One laborer, at Fl per day for 365 days ............................................... 365.00 (bbb) Twenty-six laborers, at Fl per day each for 300 days.............................. 7,800.00 (ccc) Three laborers, at F.99 per day each for 300 days.......................................... 891.00 (ddd) One laborer, at F.95 per day for 131 days ...................................................... 125.00 (eee) Seven laborers, at F.90 per day each for 300 days......................................... 1,890.00 (fff) One laborer, at F.85 per day for 365 days ....................................................... 311.00 (ggg) One laborer, at F.85 per day for 300 days ....................................................... 255.00 (hhh) Nine laborers, at F.80 per day each for 300 days.......................................... 2,160.00 (m) One laborer, at F.80 per day for 250 days ....................................................... 200.00 (jjj) One laborer, at F.80 per day for 200 days ....................................................... 160.00 (kkk) One laborer, at F.75 per day for 365 days ...................................................... 274.00 (III) One laborer, at F.75 per day for 300 days....................................................... 225.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 275 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Details (2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY (nwnw) Two laborers, at P.70 per day each for 300 days......................................... (nnn) One laborer, at P.68 per day for 300 days ...................................................... (ooo) One laborer, at P.65 per day for 300 days ...................................................... (PPP) Three laborers, at P.JÍO per day each for 300 days......................................... . (qqq) For seasonal emergency laborers needed at the various experiment and .propagation stations, etc......... 420.00 ..................... 204.00 ..................... 195.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 10,843.00 ..................... Total .................................................... 265,850.00 268,046.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director, with quarters at the Central Ex­ periment Station, as may be determined by the Secretary .................................................. P6.120.00 2. 1 Assistant Director.............................................. 5,100.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division ............................................... 3,400.00 29. 1 clerk ............................................-..................... 2,040.00 21. 1 assistant argronomist ...................................... 1,122.00 General Service Section 30. 1 clerk .............................................................. 1,530.00 33. 1 clerk .........................................................-.......... 756.00 34. 1 clerk —............................................................... 648.00 63. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 35. 1 clerk —........................................................... 540.00 36. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 39 (i). 2 copyists ........................................................ 480.00 39 (ii). 2 laborers .—.............-.............-.............-...... 648.00 39 (v). 1 skilled laborer ............................................. 810.00 39(ii). 1 laborer .......................................................... 300.00 39(dd). 2 laborers .........................-........................... 1,080.00 39(dd). 1 laborer ....................................................... 540.00 39(cc). 1 semi-skilled laborer ................................ 594.00 39(ee). 1 laborer ....................................................... 432.00 39(ii)- 1 laborer ........................................................ 300.00 39(ee). 6 laborers ...................................................... 2,592.00 Records Section 28. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,720.00 31. 1 clerk .................................................................... 918.00 33. 1 clerk ................................... 756.00 34. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,944.00 34. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 37. 3 messengers ......................................................... 972.00 37. 1 messenger ........................................................... 324.00 37. 1 messenger ........................................................... 324.00 38. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 89 (jj). 1 laborer .......................................................... 300.00 89 (m). 1 motorcycle driver ...........................w........ 648.00 Reference Library and Publication Section 19. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,326.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,122.00 30. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,530.00 39(í). 1 skilled laborer ............................................. 918.00 AGRONOMY DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ............................................. 4,675.00 11. 1 agronomist .......................................................... 3,060.00 14. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 2,040.00 20. 1 assistant agronomist ....................................... 1,224.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ..................................... 1,122.00 25. 1 junior agronomist ............................................. 756.00 34. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 39(u). 1 skilled laborer ............................................. 864.00 39(f). 1 foreman ........................................................ 540.00 HORTICULTURE DIVISION 10. 1 agronomist ........................................................ 3,825.00 17. 2 assistant agronomists ....................... 3,060.00 19. 1 assistant agronomist ...................................... 1,326.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ...................................... 1,080.00 26. 1 junior agronomist ......................................... 648.00 39(z). 1 skilled laborer ............................................. 420.00 39(ee). 1 laborer ........................................................ 432.00 PLANT BREEDING DIVISION 11. 1 agronomist .......................................................... 3,060.00 16. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,700.00 AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY AND SOIL TECHNOLOGY DIVISION 18. 1 assistant agronomist ....................................... 1,428.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,122.00 35. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 39 (jj). 1 laborer .......................................................... 300.00 DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION 3. 1 chief of division.................................................. 4,675.00 5. 1 assistant chief of division................................. 3,825.00 276 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 13. 1 assistant agronomist ....................................... 2,380.00 32. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 864.00 33. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 756.00 39 (ee). 1 laborer .............................. ......................... 432.00 39(jj). 2 laborers ........................................................ 600.00 Farmers' Meetings and Agricultural Fairs Section 14. 1 plant pathologist ................................................ 2,040.00 Annual Crops Section 17. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,530.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,080.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,080.00 26. 1 junior agronomist ...................................... 864.00 Perennial Crops Section 11. 1 agronomist ......................................................... 3,060.00 14. 1 assistant agronomist ..................................... 2,040.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,122.00 23. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 972.00 Rural Improvement Section 25. 1 junior agronomist ............................................. 756.00 ENTOMOLOGY DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ................................................ 4,675.00 5. 1 assistant chief of division ............................. 3,825.00 17. 1 assistant agronomist ..................................... 1,530.00 39(d). 1 plant sanitation foreman ...................... 648.00 39 (w). 1 skilled laborer ................................... 486.00 Field Control Section 20. 1 assistant agronomist ................ 1,224.00 39(a). 1 plant sanitation foreman ...................... 972.00 39 (//). 1 laborer ........................................................ 402.00 39(<jp). 1 laborer ...................................................... 378.00 Plant Quarantine Section 16. 1 assistant agronomist .......................................... 1,700.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,122.00 39(a). 1 plant sanitation foreman ................. «... 972.00 39(c). 1 plant sanitation foreman ...................... 540.00 39(aaa). 1 laborer ..................................................... 365.00 39 (íi). 1 laborer .......................................................... 324.00 PLANT PATHOLOGY DIVISION 11. 1 agronomist ........................................................ 3,060.00 12. 1 agronomist ......................................................... 2,720.00 7. 1 plant pathologist ............................................ 2,380.00 9. 1 plant pathologist ............................................ 1,530.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,080.00 27. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 540.00 39(1/). 2 skilled laborers ............................................ 864.00 39 (bb). 1 skilled laborer, at Pl.50 per day for 300 days ........................................................ 450.00 39(//). 1 laborer ......................................................... 402.00 39 (jj). 1 laborer .......................................................... 300.00 DIVISION OF PLANT PROPAGATION Seed and Plant Distribution Section 19. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................ 1,326.00 24. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 864.00 36. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 432.00 Novaliches Mango Station (Caloocan, Rizal) 23. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 972.00 39(bbb). 1 skilled laborer, at Pl per day for 300 days.......... ................ — 300.00 Los Baños Economic Garden 11. 1 plant pathologist ............................................ 3,060.00 39 (aa). 1 skilled laborer, at Pl.62 per day for 300 days ......................................................... 486.00 39 (pp). 1 skilled laborer, at Pl.35 per day for 300 days ................................................ 405.00 39(bbb). 3 skilled laborers, at Pl per day each for 300 days ..................................... 900.00 39 (bbb). 1 laborer, at Pl per day for 300 days.... 300.00 39 (hh). 1 laborer ........................................................ 365.00 Central Experiment Station, Manila 14. 1 assistant agronomist ....................................... 2,040.00 39 (ll). 1 laborer, at P2.40 per day for 300 days.. 720.00 39(mm). 1 laborer, at Pl.80 per day for 300 days 540.00 39 (nn). 1 laborer, at Pl.62 per day for 300 days.. 486.00 39(pp). 5 laborers, at Pl.35 per day each for 300 days .......................................................... 2,025.00 39(qq). 1 laborer, at Pl.35 per day for 250 days 338.00 39(ss). 1 laborer, at Pl.30 per day for 300 days 390.00 39 (vv). 3 laborers, at Pl.17 per day each for 300 days .......................................................... 1,053.00 39 (ww). 1 laborer, at Pl.17 per day for 150 days 176.00 39(zz). 1 laborer, at Pl.35 per day for 300 days 311.00 39(bbb). 17 laborers, at Pl per day each for 300 days ................................................ 5,100.00 39 (2/2/). 1 laborer, at Pl.08 per day for 300 days 324.00 39(2/2/). 1 laborer, at Pl.08 per day for 300 days 324.00 39(ccc). 2 laborers, at P0.99 per day each for 300 days ........................................................ 594.00 39(ccc). 1 laborer, at P0.99 per day for 300 days 297.00 39(eee). 5 laborers, at P0.90 per day each for 300 days ........................................................ 1,350.00 39 (Wi). 3 laborers, at P0.80 per day each for 300 days .............................................. 720.00 39(jjj). 1 laborer, at P0.80 per day for 200 days 160.00 39 (g). 1 foreman, at Pl.80 per day for 300 days 540.00 39(lek). 1 laborer ....... l...................... 240.00 39(eee). 1 motorcycle driver, at P0.90 per day for 300 days .................................................... 270.00 DIVISION OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING AND INDUSTRIES 11. 1 agronomist ........................................................ 3,060.00 14. 1 assistant agronomist ..................................... 2,040.00 27. 1 junior agronomist ........................................... 540.00 39 (q). 1 mechanic helper ......................................... 648.00 39(I). 2 chauffeurs ...................................................... 864.00 39 (o). 1 motorcycle driver ..................................... 402.00 39(o). 1 motorcycle driver .................................... 402.00 39 (o). 1 motorcycle driver ..................................... 402.00 39 (a;). 1 skilled laborer ............................................ 480.00 39(jj). 2 laborers ........................................................ 600.00 39(ii). 2 laborers, at P324 per month each.......... 648.00 39 (j). 1 chauffeur ...................................................... 756.00 39 (7c). 1 chauffeur ........................................w............ 540.00 39 (n). 1 motorcycle driver ...».................................. 540.00 39 (p). 1 motorcycle driver ....................................... 378.00 39 (r). 2 carpenters .................................................... 1,296.00 39 (s). 2 carpenters .................................................... 1,080.00 39(á/p). 1 laborer ........................................................ 878.00 FIELD SERVICE Agronomical District No. 1 19. 2 assistant agronomists ....................................... 2,652.00 26. 1 junior agronomist ........................................... 648.00 39(7i7i7i). 1 laborer, at P0.80 per day for 300 days 240.00 Agronomical District No. 2 14. 1 assistant agronomist ..................................... 2,040.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ....................................... 1,080.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 277 (2) BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 39(h). 1 foreman, at Pl.50 per day for 300 days.. 450.00 39 (vnmni). 1 laborer, at P0.70 per day for 300 days .................................................. 210.00 Agronomical District No. 3 19. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,326.00 39(eee). 1 animal caretaker, at P0.90 per day for 300 days ...................................................... 270.00 39(nnn). 1 laborer, at P0.68 per day for 300 days 204.00 39(ppp). 3 laborers, at P0.40 per day each for 300 days ............................................................ 360.00 Agronomical District No. 4 6. 1 plant pathologist .............................................. 2,550.00 17. 1 assistant agronomist . ........................................ 1,530.00 21. 2 assistant agronomists ........................................ 2,244.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist .......................................... 1,080.00 39(bbb). 1 semi-skilled laborer, at Pl per day for 300 days ...................................................... 300.00 39 (vv). 1 laborer, at Pl.17 per day for 300 days 351.00 ' Agronomical District No. 5 18. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,428.00 22. 3 assistant agronomists ........................................ 3,240.00 27. 1 junior agronomist ............................................. 540.00 39(d). 1 plant sanitation foreman........................... 648.00 39(o). 1 motorcycle driver ......................................... 402.00 Agronomical District No. 6 17. 1 assistant agronomist ............................... -........ 1,530.00 20. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,224.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,080.00 25. 1 junior agronomist ............................................. 756.00 39(e). 1 plant sanitation foreman............................ 540.00 39 (oo). 1 laborer, at Pl.50 per day for 300 days.... 450.00 39 (uu). 1 laborer, at Pl.25 per day for 300 days.... 375.00 39(xx). 1 laborer, at Pl.10 per day for 300 days.... 330.00 39 (bbb). 1 laborer, at Pl per day for 300 days.... 300.00 Agronomical District No. 7 11. 1 agronomist ........................................................... 3,060.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,122.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,080.00 26. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 648.00 39 (bbb). 1 laborer, at Pl per day for 300 days.... 300.00 39(hhh). 3 laborers, at P0.80 per day for 300 days 720.00 39 (u). 1 laborer, at Pl.26 per day for 350 days.... 441.00 39(uu). 1 laborer, at Pl.25 per day for 300 days.... 375.00 39(ddd). 1 laborer, at P0.95 per day for 131 days 125.00 39(í7pp). 1 laborer, at P0.85 per day for 300 days.. 255.00 39 (iii) - 1 laborer, at P0.80 per day for 250 days.... 200.00 Agronomical District No. 8 15. 1 assistant agronomist .......................................... 1,836.00 Agronomical District No. 9 19. 1 assistant agronomist .......................................... 1,326.00 25. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 756.00 26. 1 junior agronomist ............................................. 648.00 Agronomical District No. 10 22. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,080.00 39(b). 1 plant sanitation foreman........................... 864.00 Agronomical District No. 11 17. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,530.00 19. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,326.00 39(bbb). 1 laborer, at Pl per day for 300 days.... 300.00 Agronomical District No. 12 12. 1 agronomist ........................................................ 2,720.00 22. 3 assistant agronomists .................................... 3,240.00 25. 1 junior agronomist ........................................... 756.00 25. 1 junior agronomist ............................................ 756.00 39 (ss). 1 laborer, at Pl.30 per day for 300 days.... 390.00 39 (rr). 1 laborer, at Pl.30 per night for 365 days ............................................................ 475.00 39 (///). 1 laborer, at P0.85 per day for 365 days 311.00 39 (kkk). 1 laborer, at P0.75 per day for 365 days ...................................................... 274.00 39 (III). 1 laborer, at P0.75 per day for 300 days.. 225.00 39 (hhh). 2 laborers, at P0.80 per day each for 300 days ............................................................ 480.00 39(mmm). 1 laborer, at P0.70 per day for 300 days ............................................... 210.00 39(ooo). 1 laborer, at P0.65 per day for 300 days.. 195.00 Agronomical District No. 13 16. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................... 1,700.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,122.00 22. 1 assistant agronomist ....................................... 1,080.00 24. 1 junior agronomist .............................................. 864.00 39(c). 1 plant sanitation foreman............................ 756.00 Agronomical District No. 14 14. 1 assistant agronomist ........................................... 1,122.00 23. 1 junior agronomist ............................................. 972.00 Agronomical District No. 15 11. 1 agronomist .......................................................... 3,060.00 21. 1 assistant agronomist ......................................... 1,122.00 21. 2 assistant agronomists ....................................... 2,244.00 39(a). 1 plant sanitation foreman.......................... 972.00 Other Stations 39(qqq). For emergency laborers.............................. 10,843.00 Total for salaries and wages........................ P265,850.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY DIRECTORS 1. One Director ....................................... T6,120.00 T6,120.00 1 2. One Assistant Director....................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 278 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested ■kmc Reference to item lyoo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. Two chiefs of divisions, at F5,100 per annum each........................................................ 4. Two chiefs of divisions, at 5*4,250 per annum each ........................... .......................... 5. One chief of division........................... ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 6. One assistant chief of division......... 7. One assistant chief of division......... 8. Three assistant chiefs of divisions, at F3,060 per annum each................................... VETERINARIANS 9. One veterinarian ................................. 10. Three veterinarians, at 5*3,060 per annum each........................................................ 11. One veterinarian ............................... 12. Two veterinarians, at 5*2,550 per an­ num each............................................................ ASSISTANT VETERINARIANS 13. Three assistant veterinarians, at 5*2,380 per annum each................................... 14. One assistant veterinarian................. 15. Ten assistant veterinarians, at 5*2,040 per annum each................................... 16. One assistant veterinarian................. 17. Fifteen assistant veterinarians, at Fl,530 per annum each ............................. ANIMAL HUSBANDMEN 18. One aiiimal husbandman..................... 19. One assistant animal husbandman.... 20. One assistant animal husbandman.... 21. One assistant animal husbandman.... 22. Two assistant animal husbandmen, at Fl,080 per annum each................................... LIVESTOCK INSPECTORS 23. One livestock inspector....................... 24. One livestock inspector....................... 25. One livestock inspector........... ............ 26. Two livestock inspectors, at 5*972 per annum each....................................................... 10,200.00 3-4 10,200.00 8,500.00 8,500.00 5-6 3,400.00 3,400.00 7 3,825.00 3,825.00 8 3,400.00 3,400.00 9 9,180.00 9,180.00 10-11 3,825.00 3,825.00 12 9,180.00 9,180.00 13-14 2,720.00 2,720.00 15 5,100.00 5,100.00 16 7,140.00 7,140.00 17-18 2,142.00 2,142.00 19 20,400.00 20,400.00 20-21 1,700.00 1,700.00 22 22,950.00 22,950.00 23-25 2,720.00 2,720.00 26 2,176.00 2,176.00 27 2,040.00 2,040.00 28 1,122.00 1,122.00 29 2,160.00 2,160.00 30-31 2,380.00 2,380.00 32 1,224.00 1,224.00 33 1,080.00 1,080.00 34 1,944.00 1,944.00 35 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 279 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized (3) BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY 27. Two livestock inspectors, at 1*864 per annum each........................................................ 28. Eight livestock inspectors, at 1*756 per annum each................................................ 29. Two livestock inspectors, at ¥702 per annum each........................................................ 30. Eighteen livestock inspectors, at T648 per annum each...................................... 31. Twenty-two livestock inspectors, at 1*540 per annum each .................................... 32. Thirty-five livestock inspectors, at P432 per annum each...................................... CLERKS 33. One clerk .............................................. 34. One clerk .............................................. 35. Two clerks, at 1*1,326 per annum each 36. One clerk .............................................. 37. Three clerks, at 1*756 per annum each .................................................................... 38. Four clerks, at 1*648 per annum each MES SEN GER S 39. One messenger .................................... 40. Two messengers, at t*324 per annum each .................................................................... MISCELLANEOUS 41. For temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including laborers, as follows: FOREMEN (a) One breeding station foreman........... [For skilled, semi-skilled and un­ skilled laborers]................................................ Blacksmith (6) One blacksmith ............................................... Mechanics (c) One mechanic ................................................... (d) One assistant mechanic ............................. Saddler (e) One saddler ..................................................... 37,000.00 (l)-227(s-I), (3)-68(6) 1,728.00 1,728.00 36 6,048.00 6,048.00 37-41 1,404.00 1,404.00 42-43 11,664.00 11,664.00 44-46 11,880.00 11,880.00 47-48 15,120.00 15,120.00 49-52 1,700.00 1,700.00 53 1,428.00 1,428.00 54 2,652.00 2,652.00 55-56 1,122.00 1,122.00 57 2,268.00 2,268.00 59 2,592.00 2,592.00 60-62 432.00 432.00 64 648.00 648.00 65-67 1,122.00 1,122.00 68(a) 1,080.00 ..................... 768.00 ..................... 648.00 ..................... 648.00 280 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized (3) BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY Chauffeurs (/) Two chauffeurs, at 1*648- per annum each (g) One chauffeur ............................................... (h) One chauffeur ................................................. Motor Drivers (i) One motor driver ............................................. (j) Tivo motor drivers, at 1*51*0 per annum each .................................................................. (k) One motor driver .......................................... Carpenters (l) One carpenter ................................................... (m) Two carpenters, at 1*61*8 per annum each ................................................................ (n) Two carpenters, at 1*51*0 per annum each (o) One carpenter ................................................. Foremen 1, 296.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 594.00 ..................... 1, 080.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 864.00 ..................... 1, 296.00 ..................... 1, 080.00 ..................... 486.00 ..................... (p) Three foremen, at 1*756 per annum each ................................................................ (q) One foreman ................................................... 2,268.00 ..................... 486.00 ..................... Laborers (>■) One skilled laborer ...................................... (s) Three laborers, at 1*648 per annum each.. (i) Two laborers, at 1*594 per annum each.. (u) Three laborers, at 1*540 per annum each.. (v) Four laborers, at 1*486 per annum each.. (w) Seven laborers, at 1*432 per annum each (x) Three laborers, at 1*420 per annum each (y) Three laborers, at 1*378 per annum each (z) One laborer ...................................................... (aa) Four laborers, at 1*360 per annum each (bb) Twenty laborers, at 1*324 per annum each .............................................................. (cc) Two laborers, at 1*300 per annum eacch.. (dd) One laborer ................................................... 730.00 ..................... 1, 944.00 ............... ..... 1, 188.00 ..................... 1, 620.00 ..................... 1,944.00 ..................... 3,024.00 ..................... 1,260.00 ..................... 1,134.00 ..................... 372.00 ..................... 1,440.00 ..................... 6,480.00 ..................... 600.00 ................... 240.00 ..................... Watchman (ee) One watchman ............................................... Janitor (ff) One janitor ...................................... ............ 486.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... Total.................................................... 240,536.00 240,536.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 281 (3) BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director ............................................................... >>6-2C M 2. 1 Assistant Director ........................................... 5,100.00 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 5. 1 chief of division .....................-....................... 8. 1 assistant chief of division............................... 34. 1 clerk ................................................................... 35. 2 clerks, at Pl,326 per annum each .............. 36. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 37. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 38. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each .................. 39. 1 messenger ........................................................... 40. 2 messengers, at P324 per annum each.......... 41(b). 1 blacksmith .................................................... 41(c). 1 mechanic ........................................................ 41(d). 1 assistant mechanic ..................................... 41 (c). 1 saddler .......................................................... 41(f). 2 chauffeurs, at P648 per annum each....... 41 (g). 1 chauffeur ..................................................... 41 (h). 1 chauffeur ........................................................ 41 (i). 1 motor driver ................................................ 41(f). 2 motor drivers, at P540 per annum each.. 41 (/;). 1 motor driver ................................................ 41(Z). 1 carpenter ........................................................ 41 (m). 2 carpenters, at P648 per annum each.... 41 (n). 2 carpenters, at P540 per annum each.... 4L(o). 1 carpenter ...................................................... 41 (r). 1 skilled laborer ......-.........-.................-....... 41 (t). 1 laborer ................................ -......................... 41 (u). 3 laborers, at P540 per annum each......... 41 (aa). 4 laborers, at P360 per annum each....... 41(cc). 1 laborer ........................................-............... 41 (dd). 1 laborer ........................................... . .......... 41 (ee). 1 watchman .................................................... 41(ID. 1 janitor ........................................-.................. 41(z). 1 laborer ..................................—..... -...... 3,400.00 3,060.00 1,428.00 2,652.00 1,122.00 2,268.00 2,592.00 432.00 648.00 1,080.00 768.00 648.00 648.00 1,296.00 540.00 432.00 594.00 1,080.00 432.00 864.00 1,296.00 1,080.00 486.00 730.00 594.00 1,620.00 1,440.00 300.00 240.00 486.00 540.00 372.00 13. 3 assistant veterinarians, at P2.380 per an­ num each ...................................................... 7,140.00 14. 1 assistant veterinarian ..................................... 2,142.00 15. 9 assistant veterinarians, at P2,040 per an­ num each ...................................................... 18,360.00 16. 1 assistant veterinarian .................................... 1,700.00 17. 15 assistant veterinarians, at Pl,530 per an­ num each .................................................... 22,950.00 19. 1 assistant animal husbandman......................... 2,176.00 25. 1 livestock inspector .......................................... 1,080.00 26. 2 livestock inspectors, at P972 per annum each 1,944.00 27. 2 livestock inspectors, at P864 per annum each 1,728.00 28. 8 livestock inspectors, at P756 per annum each 6,048.00 29. 2 livestock inspectors, at P702 per annum each 1,404.00 30. 18 livestock inspectors, at P648 per annum each ................................................................. 11,664.00 31. 22 livestock inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................................. 11,880.00 32. 35 livestock inspectors, at P432 per annum each .................................................................. 15,120.00 VETERINARY RESEARCH DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division................................................ 5,100.00 6. 1 assistant chief of division. ......................... 3,825.00 11. 1 veterinarian ............-.......................................... 2,720.00 24. 1 livestock inspector ............................................. 1,224.00 ANIMAL DISEASE CONTROL DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division............................................... 5,100.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division....... . .................. 3,060.00 9. 1 veterinarian _............................ ....................... 3,825.00 10. 3 veterinarians, at P3,060 per annum each.... 9,180.00 12. 2 veterinarians, at P2,5Í0 per annum each.... 5,100.00 ANIMAL HUSBANDRY DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division.................................................. 4,250.00 7. 1 assistant chief of division................................ 3,400.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division................................. 3,060.00 15. 1 assistant veterinarian ....................................... 2,040.00 18. 1 animal husbandman ........................................ 2,720.00 20. 1 assistant animal husbandman.......................... 2,040.00 21. 1 assistant animal husbandman.......................... 1,122.00 22. 2 assistant animal husbandmen, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................... 2,160.00 23. 1 livestock inspector ............................................. 2,380.00 33. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,700.00 41(a). 1 breeding station foreman .......................... 1,122.00 41(p). 3 foremen, at P756 per annum each........... 2,268.00 41(g). 1 foreman .............................. 486.00 41 (s). 3 laborers, at P648 per annum each........... 1,944.00 41 (v). 4 laborers, at P486 per annum each........... 1,944.00 41 (w). 7 laborers, at P432 per annum each........... 3,024.00 41(x). 3 laborers, at P420 per annum each............ 1,260.00 41(i/). 3 laborers, at P378 per annum each........... 1,134.00 41 (bb). 20 laborers, at P324 per annum each ....... 6,480.00 41 (cc). 1 laborer .......................................................... 300.00 ANIMAL PRODUCTS DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division................................................ 4,250.00 41(¿). 1 laborer .................. 594.00 Total for salaries and wages. P240.536.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY DIRECTORS 1. One Director ....................................... 2=6,120.00 2=6,120.00 1 2. Additional salary for the incumbent on January 1, 1932, of the position of Di­ rector, item 1.................................................... 4,080.00 4,080.00 2 3. One Assistant Director....................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 3 282 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 4. Two chiefs of divisions, at 9*4,675 per annum each ............................................... 9,350.00 9,350.00 4-5 5. One chief of division........................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 6 6. Two chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,825 per annum each ............................................... 7,650.00 7,650.00 7 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 7. One assistant chief of division........... 3,825.00 3,825.00 8 8. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,400 per annum each................................... 6,800.00 6,800.00 9-10 9. One assistant chief of division........... 3,060.00 3,060.00 11 10. One assistant chief of division........... 2,720.00 2,720.00 12 FORESTERS 11. Six foresters, at 1*2,720 per annum each .. 16,320.00 16,320.00 13-16 12. One forester ........................................ 2,550.00 2,550.00 17 ASSISTANT FORESTERS 13. Nine assistant foresters, at F2,380 per annum each................................................ 21,420.00 21,420.00 18-19 FOREST SUPERVISORS 14. Two forest supervisors, at 1*2,040 per annum each........................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 20-21 15. Five forest supervisors, at Fl,700 per annum each........................................................ 8,500.00 8,500.00 22-23 16. Four forest supervisors, at Fl,530 per annum each............................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 24-25 RANGERS 17. One ranger........................................... 1,326.00 1,326.00 26 18. Two rangers, at 1*1,275 per annum each .. 2,550.00 2,550.00 27 19. Four rangers, at Fl,224 per annum each .. 4,896.00 4,896.00 28-29 20. Eight rangers, at Fl,122 per annum each .. 8,976.00 8,976.00 30-31 21. Twenty rangers, at Fl,080 per annum each............................................... ............ 21,600.00 21,600.00 32-36 22. Twelve rangers, at Fl,026 per annum each ......................................................... 12,312.00 12,312.00 37-39 [One ranger]............................................ 1,026.00 37 Former incumbent of item 37 of Act 4231, retired under Act 2589. G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 283 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY 23. Seventeen rangers, at ¥972 pei- annum each ......................................................... 16,524.00 16,524.00 40-43 24. Three rangers, at 5*918 per annum each ................................................................... 2,754.00 2,754.00 44 25. Twenty-nine rangers, at 5*864 per annum each ...................................................... 25,056.00 25,056.00 45-47 26. Two hundred twenty-one rangers, at P810 per annum each..................................... 179,010.00 179,010.00 48-53 26a. Ninety-six rangers, at F810 per annum each ............................................................ 77,760.00 . FOREST GUARDS 27. Twenty-nine forest guards, at 1*810 per annum each ................................................ 23,490.00 23,490.00 54-63 28. Four forest guards, at 5*648 per annum each............................................................ 2,592.00 2,592.00 64-66 29. Three forest guards, at 5*540 per annum each ...................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 67-68 30. Twenty-one forest guards, at 1*486 per annum each........................................ ....... 10,206.00 10,206.00 69-73 31. Forty-six forest guards, at 5*432 per annum each ...................................................... 19,872.00 19,872.00 74-78 32. Three forest guards, at ¥=378 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,134.00 1,134.00 79 33. Thirty-seven forest guards, at ¥=324 per annum each................................................ 11,988.00 11,988.00 80-82 33a. Twenty forest guards, at ¥324 per annum each........................................................ 6,480.00 . 34. One forest guard................................. 300.00 300.00 83 CLERKS 35. One clerk .............................................. 1,870.00 1,870.00 84 36. One clerk .............................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 85 37. One clerk ............................................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 86 38. One clerk .............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 87 39. Two clerks, at 1*864 per annum each 1,728.00 1,728.00 88 40. Seven clerks, at ¥810 per annum each 5,670.00 5,670.00 89-91 41. One clerk .............................................. 756.00 756.00 92 42. One clerk ........................................... 702.00 702.00 93 43. Five clerks, at 1*648 per annum each 3,240.00 3,240.00 94-97 44. One clerk ....................................... 594.00 594.00 98 45. One clerk ........................ 540.00 540.00 99 46. Two clerks, at ¥=486 per annum each 972.00 972.00 100 47. Twenty-two clerks, at ¥=432 per an­ num each ............................ 9,504.00 9,504.00 101-105 48. Six clerks, at F324 per annum each.... 1,944.00 1,944.00 106 284 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY MESSENGERS 49. Four messengers, at 5*300 per annum each .................................................................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 107 DRAFTSMEN 50. One assistant topographical draftsman .................................................................... 1,428.00 1,428.00 108 51. One assistant topographical draftsman .................................................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 109 52. One junior topographical draftsman.. 53. Four junior topographical draftsmen, 864.00 864.00 110 at 1*810 per annum each................................. 3,240.00 3,240.00 111-112 54. Two junior topographical draftsmen, at 1*648 per annum each................................. 1,296.00 1,296.00 113-114 55. Three junior topographical drafts­ men, at 5*540 per annum each....................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 115-116 56. Ten junior topographical draftsmen, at 5*432 per annum each................................. 4,320.00 4,320.00 117 57. One junior topographical draftsman 58. Two junior topographical draftsmen, 324.00 324.00 118 at 5*300 per annum each................................. 600.00 600.00 119 COMPUTERS 59. Two junior computers, at 1*432 per annum each ...................................................... 864.00 864.00 120 MISCELLANEOUS 60. For temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including laborers, as follows: (а) One nurseryman............................................ (б) Two nurserymen, at F432 per annum 540.00 540.00 121(a) each .............................. -........................... 864.00 864.00 121(c)-(d) (c) Two nurserymen, at P378 per annum each 756.00 756.00 121(e) (d) One nurseryman............................................ 324.00 324.00 121(f) (e) One janitor...................................................... 378.00 378.00 121(0) (/) Two watchmen, at 1*378 per annum each.. 756.00 756.00 121 (i) (g) One blue-printer............................................ (h) Two blue-printers, at F324 per annum 432.00 432.00 121 (» each .............................................................. 648.00 648.00 121(&) (i) Five preparators, at 1*540 per annum each (j) Six laboratory helpers, at 1*300 per an­ 2,700.00 2,700.00 121 (Z) num each ................................................... 1,800.00 1,800.00 121 (th) [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labor­ ers] 10,048.00 121 (n) G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 285 Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 1936 requested authorized (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY Draftsmen (k) Two junior topographical draftsmen, at 1*360 per annum each.................................. 720.00 (Z) Two junior topographical draftsmen, at 1*324 per annum each.................................. 648.00 Laborers (m) One laborer ................................................... 756.00 (?i) Three laborers, at 1*540 per annum each.. 1,620.00 (o) One laborer ........................................................ 450.00 (p) One laborer......................................................... 432.00 (q) One laborer ........................................................ 390.00 (r) One laborer ....................................................... 378.00 (s) Three laborers, at 1*360 per annum each.. 1,080.00 (i) Seven laborers, at P300 per annum ecali.. 2,100.00 (u) One laborer ........................................................ 271.00 (v) Two laborers, at 1*240 per annum each.. 480.00 (w) Three laborers, at 1*225 per annum each.. 675.00 [For additional compensation of for­ est officers and guards at the rate of from T3.50 to T10 per month each while detailed to scaling lumber, survey and land classification work, or assigned to remote places when in the judgment of the Department Head such additional compensation may be necessary]........................... 61. For compensation of fire-wardens throughout the Mountain Province at the rate of from T2 to T15 per month each for six months during the hot season, January to 5,000.00 122 June, 1937 [1936] ........................................... 3,000.00 Total................................................... 612,881.00 3,000.00 534,715.00 123 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1-2. 1 Director (under contract)............................. 3. 1 Assistant Director P10,200.00 5,100.00 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 6. 1 chief of division..-.....-...... „ 3,825.00 10. 1 assistant chief of division.......... ......._......... 2,720.00 11. 1 forester ................. —...................... 2,720.00 26. 5 rangers ............................ 4,050.00 26(a). 6 rangers ......................................................... 4,860.00 31. 2 forest guards ........................ 864.00 33. 1 forest guard .....-.............................. .............. 324.00 33(a). 3 forest guards ................................................ 972.00 36. 1 clerk ....................... ....... —.............. 1,530.00 37. 1 clerk —...................—...... —.....—..... 1,326.00 38. 1 clerk ....................—------------------------------ 1,080.00 40. 1 clerk —..... —----------------------------- 810.00 41. 1 clerk —______ _ ______ ________________ 756.00 42. 1 clerk ........ -.............. 702.00 47. 4 clerks .................. —.......... 1,728.00 48. 4 clerks ................................-...... ........... . ........ 1,296.00 49. 4 messengers ............ —.......—......... 1,200.00 60(e). 1 janitor -............ .......... — - ........... 378.00 60(f). 2 watchmen -------------- -----------------........ 756.00 60 (i). 5 preparators ................................................ 2,700.00 286 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 60 (j). 6 laboratory helpers ....... 1,800.00 60(p). 1 laborer ....................................................... 432.00 60 (r). 1 laborer ...................................................... 378.00 60 (s). 2 laborers ....................................................... 720.00 60(0. 6 laborers ..................................................... 1,800.00 60 (v). 1 laborer ....................................................... 240.00 60(v). 1 laborer ...................................................... 240.00 DIVISION OF FOREST CONCESSIONS DIVISION OF FOREST STUDIES AND RESEARCH 4. 1 chief of division....................................... 4,675.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 3,400.00 11. 2 foresters ............................................-............. 5,440.00 13. 2 assistant foresters ............................................ 4,760.00 15. 2 forest supervisors ...........-.....................-....... 3,400.00 16. 1 forest supervisor ............... 1,530.00 18. 1 ranger ..............................—................ 1,275.00 20. 2 rangers .........—................................................ 2,244.00 21. 9 rangers ............................................................ 9,720.00 22. 4 rangers ............................................................. 4,104.00 23. 1 ranger .............................................................. 972.00 25. 3 rangers ...................................-........-..........— 2,592.00 26. 10 rangers ..................................-....................... 8,100.00 26(a). 10 rangers ...................................................... 8,100.00 27. 4 forest guards ........................................... 3,240.00 30. 1 forest guard ..................... —............................. 486.00 31. 1 forest guard .................................................... 432.00 32. 1 forest guard ........................................ -.......... 378.00 33. 3 forest guards —..............................................- 972.00 40. 1 clerk ............................... -................................ 810.00 47. 2 clerks ................................................... -........... 864.00 56. 1 junior topographical draftsman.................... 432.00 60(a). 1 nurseryman ................................................. 540.00 60(6). 2 nurserymen -................—.................... — 864.00 60(c). 2 nurserymen ................................................. 756.00 60(d). 1 nurseryman ................................................ 324.00 GO (???). 1 laborer ...................................................... 756.00 60 (??). 3 laborers ...................................................... 1,620.00 60(o). 1 laborer ........................................................ 450.00 60 (q). 1 laborer ........................................................ 390.00 60(O. 1 laborer ........................................................ 300.00 60 (w). 1 laborer ...................................................... 225.00 4. 1 chief of division ............................ 4,675.00 7. 1 assistant chief of division ......... 3,825.00 16. 1 forest supervisor ........._........ ........ ... ....._.... 1,530.00 19. 2 rangers ............................................. 2,448.00 22. 1 ranger ............ _............................ 1,026.00 23. 1 ranger ........................................................... 972.00 25. 1 ranger ....................................................... :___ 864.00 26. 16 rangers ........................................................... 12,960.00 26(a). 50 rangers ...................................................... 40,500.00 27. 2 forest guards ......................._......... 1,620.00 30. 2 forest guards ............... 972.00 31. 3 forest guards ....................... 1,296.00 33. 2 forest guards .................. _......... 648.00 33(a). 12 forest guards .......................................... 3,888.00 34. 1 forest guard ......................................... 300.00 35. 1 clerk ......................................._.......... 1,870.00 39. 2 clerks ............ „.........-.......... 1,728.00 40. 2 clerks ................................................................. 1,620.00 43. 2 clerks —................... „..... 1,296.00 47. 2 clerks ........................................... 864.00 DIVISION OF FOREST DELIMITATION AND IMPROVEMENT DIVISION OF FOREST AND RANGE MANAGEMENT 5. 1 chief of division............................................ 4,250.00 9. 1 assistant chief of division........................„.... 3,060.00 11. 1 forester _.......................................................— 2,720.00 13. 1 assistant forester ......... —...............— 2,380.00 20. 2 rangers .................................... -.......................- 2,244.00 23. 4 rangers ............................................................. 3,888.00 24. 1 ranger ....................................................—...... 918.00 25. 4 rangers ............................................................. 3,456.00 26. 10 rangers .......................................-................ - 8,100.00 26(a). 15 rangers ...................................................... 12,150.00 30. 1 forest guard ................................. 486.00 31. 8 forest guards ................. 3,456.00 33. 1 forest guard .................................................... 324.00 33(a). 5 forest guards ............................................. 1,620.00 40. 2 clerks ............ -................................................ 1,620.00 43. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 44. 1 clerk ................................................................. 594.00 45. 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 48. 1 clerk ..... -............... 324.00 6. 1 chief of division ........................................ 3,825.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division..............................„ 3,400.00 17. 1 ranger .............................................................. 1,326.00 23. 1 ranger .................................................. „ 972.00 25. 2 rangers ........................................................... 1,728.00 26. 15 rangers .......... ~..............................................- 12,150.00 26(a). 15 rangers ...................................................... 12,150.00 31. 3 forest guards ................................................. 1,296.00 33. 1 forest guard ................................. 324.00 43. 1 clerk .......................................... .... 648.00 46. 2 clerks ................... — 972.00 47. 1 clerk ....................................................... 432.00 47. 3 clerks ...................................... — 1,296.00 50. 1 assistant topographical draftsman ............... 1,428.00 51. 1 assistant topographical draftsman ............... 1,080.00 52. 1 junior topographical draftsman ................... 864.00 53. 4 junior topographical draftsmen............. 3,240.00 54. 2 junior topographical draftsmen ----- 1,296.00 55. 3 junior topographical draftsmen ~................. 1,620.00 56. 9 junior topographical draftsmen .................... 3,888.00 57. 1 junior topographical draftsman .................... 324.00 58. 2 junior topographical draftsmen .................... 600.00 59. 2 junior computers ............................................ 864.00 60 (q). 1 blueprinter ............................................... 432.00 60(A). 2 blueprinters ................................................ 648.00 60 (7c). 3 junior topographical draftsmen... ......... 720.00 60(1). 2 junior topographical draftsmen............... 648.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 1 16. 1 forest supervisor ............................................ 1,530.00 21. 1 rapger .............................................................. 1,080.00 22. 2 rangers ............................................................ 2,052.00 25. 2 rangers .............. -............................................ 1,728.00 26. 8 rangers ............................................................ 6,480.00 27. 1 forest guard ................................................... 810.00 30. 2 forest guards .................................................. 972.00 31. 2 forest guards ................................................... 864.00 33. 3 forest guards .................................................. 972.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 287 (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION FOREST DISTRICT NO. 2 15. 1 forest supervisor ............................................. 1,700.00 20. 1 ranger .................................................................. 1,122.00 25. 1 ranger .................................................................. 864-00 26. 6 rangers —.....---- ----- ------—----- ------------ 4,860.00 29. 1 forest guard ........................... -...................... 540.00 30. 1 forest guard ...................................—............... 486.00 31. 3 forest guards . ................................................. 1,296.00 33. 1 forest guard .................................................... 324.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432-00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 3 11. 1 forester .............................................................. 2,720.00 15. 1 forest supervisor ............................................. 1,700.00 21. 1 ranger ..................-........................................... 1,080.00 25. 1 ranger .............................................................. 864-00 26. 16 rangers ........................................................... 12,960.00 27. 2 forest guards ................................................... 1,620.00 28. 1 forest guard .................................-.................. 648.00 30. 2 forest guards--------------------------------------- 972.00 31. 2 forest guards ............................. -.................... 864.00 33. 1 forest guard .................................................... 324.00 47. 1 clerk .......:....................................................-.... 432.00 60 (s). 1 laborer .......................................................... 360.00 60 (u). 1 laborer .......................................................... 271.00 60 (w). 2 laborers ........................................................ 450.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 4 13. 1 assistant forester ............................................ 2,380.00 16. 1 forest supervisor ............................................ 1,530.00 21. 1 ranger ............................................................... 1,080.00 22. 1 ranger ............................................................... 1,026.00 25. 3 rangers ............................................................. 2,592.00 26. 9 rangers -..........—.........------ --------------------- 7,290.00 27. 2 forest guards —.....-.............. 1,620.00 30. 1 forest guard ..................................................... 486.00 31. 2 forest guards —.......—----- ------------------— 864.00 33. 2 forest guards .................................................... 648.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 5 12. 1 forester .........................-.................................... 2,550.00 21. 1 ranger ............................................................... 1,080.00 23. 3 rangers ............................................................... 2,916.00 25. 1 ranger .........................................-...................... 864.00 26. 12 rangers .........-..............-..............—............... 9,720.00 27. 3 forest guards ..... -........-................. 2,430.00 29. 1 forest guard .................................................... 540.00 30. 1 forest guard ............................ -..................... 486.00 31. 5 forest guards ................... 2,160.00 33. 1 forest guard .................................................... 324.00 47. 1 clerk ..................................................................- 432.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 6 13. 1 assistant forester ............................................ 2,380.00 18. 1 ranger -.................................. 1,275.00 21. 1 ranger ............................................................... 1,080.00 23. 2 rangers ............................................................... 1,944.00 25. 2 rangers ................................................................ 1,728.00 26. 12 rangers ........................................................... 9,720.00 27. 2 forest guards ......................... 1,620.00 28. 1 forest guard ..................................................... 648.00 29. 1 forest guard ...................................................... 540.00 30. 1 forest guard ...................................................... 486.00 31. 3 forest guards ............. „.................. 1,296.00 82. 2 forest guards .................................................... 756.00 47. 1 clerk ........................................................... 432.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 7 14. 1 forest supervisor ...................... 2,040.00 19. 1 ranger ............................................................... 1,224.00 20. 1 rangei' ............................................................... 1,122.00 21. 2 rangers ............................................................... 2,160.00 22. 2 rangers ............................................................. 2,052.00 25. 1 ranger ............................................................... 864.00 26. 17 rangers ............................................................ 13,770.00 27. 3 forest guards .................................................. 2,430.00 30. 2 forest guards ..... —.......—....... _..... 972.00 31. 3 forest guards ---------------- ----- —.................. 1,296.00 33. 5 forest guards ..... 1,620.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 8 15. 1 forest supervisor ........................................... 1,700.00 21. 1 ranger .............................................................. 1,080.00 25. 2 rangers .............................................................. 1,728.00 26. 13 rangers ....................-........—................ _......... 10,530.00 27. 1 forest guard.......................................................... 810.00 28. 1 forest guard......................................................... 648.00 30. 1 forest guard.......................................................... 486.00 31. 1 forest guard......................................................... 432.00 33. 1 forest guard.......................................................... 324.00 47. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 9 13. 1 assistant forester............................................... 2,380.00 23. 1 ranger .................................................................. 972.00 24. 1 ranger .................................................................. 918.00 25. 3 rangers ................................................................. 2,592.00 26. 12 rangers ................ -.................... -.................... 9,720.00 27. 4 forest guards ............ _ 3,240.00 28. 1 forest guard .............................................. _..... 648.00 30. 1 forest guard.......................................................... 486.00 31. 2 forest guards......................................................... 864.00 33. 3 forest guards ...................................................... 972.00 43. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 10 26. 5 rangers ............................................................... 4,050.00 31. 1 forest guard....................................................... 432.00 48. 1 clerk ................................................................... 324.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 11 13. 1 assistant forester................................................... 2,380.00 21. 2 rangers ............................................................... 2,160.00 24. 1 ranger ................................................................. 918.00 25. 1 ranger ................................................................. 864.00 26. 13 rangers .............................................................. 10,530.00 31. 1 forest guard......................................................... 432.00 33. 4 forest guards ..................................................... 1,296.00 47. 1 clerk ....................................................... 432.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO 12 13. 1 assistant forester................................................ 2,380.00 14. 1 forest supervisor................................................. 2,040.00 20. 2 rangers ................................................................ 2,244.00 21. 1 ranger .............................. 1,080.00 22. 2 rangers .............................................................— 2,052.00 23. 1 ranger ................................................................. 972.00 25. 1 ranger ...........................-.................................... 864.00 26. 16 rangers .............................................................. 12,960.00 27. 1 forest guard.......................................................... 810.00 30. 4 forest guards ........................... -...................... - 1,944.00 31. 2 forest guards .....-........ 864.00 33. 6 forest guards ..... „...........— 1,944.00 47. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 432.00 288 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (4) BUREAU OF FORESTRY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION FOREST DISTRICT NO. 13 MISCELLANEOUS 13. 1 assistant forester ............................................... 2,380.00 23. 1 ranger ................................................................. 972.00 26. 7 rangers ............................................................... 5,670.00 26. 1 ranger ................................................................. 810.00 26. 2 rangers ............................................................... 1,620.00 31. 1 forest guard .................................................... 432.00 33. 1 forest guard ..................................................... 324.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 FOREST DISTRICT NO. 14 11. 1 forester ............................................................... 2,720.00 19. 1 ranger ................................................................. 1,224.00 23. 2 rangers ............................................................... 1,944.00 25. 1 ranger ................................................................ 864.00 26. 16 rangers .............................................................. 12,960.00 27. 4 forest guards ...................................................... 3,240.00 30. 1 forest guard ......................................................... 486.00 31. 1 forest guard ....................................................... 432.00 33. 1 forest guard ..................... 324.00 40. 1 clerk ..........»............................................ 810.00 62. For compensation of fire wardens throughout the Mountain Province at the rate of from P2 to P15 per month each for six months during the hot season, January to June, 1937: 2 fire wardens at P12 per month each.... P144.00 6 fire wardens at P10 per month each.... 360.00 2 fire wardens at P8 per month each.... 96.00 38 fire wardens at P5 per month each..» 1,140.00 4 fire wardens at P4 per month each.... 96.00 38 fire wardens at P3 per month each— 684.00 27 fire wardens at P2 per month é'ach.... 324.00 1 fire warden at P2 per month, from February to June ............................. 10.00 1 fire warden at P2 per month from April to May ..................................... 4.00 11 fire wardens at P2 per month each.... 142.00 Total for salaries and wages........ P612.881.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF BANDS DIRECTORS 1. One Director ........................................ 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 2. One Assistant Director ..................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One special agent............................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 3 4. One chief of division ......................... 4,675.00 4,675.00 4 5. One chief of division ......................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 5 6. One chief of division ....................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 6 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 7. One assistant chief of division........... 4,250.00 4,250.00 7 8. One assistant chief of division........... 3,825.00 3,825.00 8 9. One assistant chief of division........... 3,400.00 3,400.00 9 INSPECTORS 10. One inspector....................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 11 11. Two inspectors, at ?3,400 per annum each .. SURVEYORS 6,800.00 6,800.00 12 12. Two surveyors, at 1*3,400 per annum each .. 6,800.00 6,800.00 13 13. Three surveyors, at 1*3,060 per annum each........................................................... 9,180.00 9,180.00 14 14. One surveyor ....................................... 2,890.00 2,890.00 15 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 289 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF LANDS 15. Four surveyors, at ¥2,720 per annum each ................................................................... 10,880.00 10,880.00 16 16. Four surveyors, at ¥2,380 per annum each ................................................................... 9,520.00 9,520.00 17 17. Six surveyors, at ¥2,040 per annum each ................................................................... 12,240.00 12,240.00 18 18. Nine surveyors, at 1*1,700 per annum each .................................................................... 15,300.00 15,300.00 19-20 19. Three surveyors, at 1*1,530 per annum each........................................................... 4,590.00 4,590.00 21 20. One assistant surveyor-instructor..... 21. Eight assistant surveyors, at 1*1,428 2,040.00 2,040.00 22 per annum each ................................................ 11,424.00 11,424.00 23-26 22. One assistant surveyor....................... 23. Seven assistant surveyors, at ¥=1,224 1,326.00 1,326.00 27 pei' annum each ............................................. . 8,568.00 8,568.00 28-30 24. Twenty assistant surveyors, at ¥=1,122 per annum each ............................................... 22,440.00 22,440.00 31-32 25. Sixty-one assistant surveyors, at ¥=1,080 per annum each................................... 65,880.00 65,880.00 33-38 26. Twelve junior surveyors, at ¥=756 per annum each........................................................ 9,072.00 9,072.00 39-42 27. Eighty-five junior surveyors, at ¥540 per annum each ............................................... 45,900.00 45,900.00 44-48 28. Fifteen apprentice surveyors, at ¥=378 per annum each ................................................ 5,670.00 5,670.00 49 29. Thirty-three apprentice surveyors, at ¥300 per annum each ..................................... 9,900.00 9,900.00 52-53 COMPUTERS 30. One assistant computer....................... 31. Ten assistant computers, at ¥1,080 1,275.00 1,275.00 56 per annum each ............................................... 10,800.00 10,800.00 57-59 32. One junior computer........................... 33. Five junior computers, at ¥864 per 972.00 972.00 60 annum each....................................................... 4,320.00 4,320.00 61-62 34. Eight junior computers, at ¥756 per annum each....................................................... 6,048.00 6,048.00 63-64 35, Eight junior computers, at ¥648 per annum each....................................................... 5,184.00 5,184.00 65-67 36. Sixty-six junior computers, at ¥540 per annum each ............................................... 35,640.00 35,640.00 68-69 37. One hundred fifty-six junior com­ puters, at ¥432 per annum each................... 67,392.00 67,392.00 70-81 299089------ 19 290 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. ( 5 ) BUREAU OF LANDS DRAFTSMEN 38. One topographical draftsman........... 1,870.00 1,870.00 82 39. One topographical draftsman............. 40. One assistant topographical drafts1,700.00 1,700.00 83 man .................................................................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 84 41. One assistant topographical draftsman .................................................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 85 42. Sixteen assistant topographical draftsmen, at 5*1,080 per annum each........... 17,280.00 17,280.00 86 43. Three junior topographical drafts­ men, at ?972 per annum each......................... 2,916.00 2,916.00 87 44. Five junior topographical draftsmen, at 1*864 per annum each................................. 4,320.00 4,320.00 88-90 45. Five junior topographical draftsmen, at 1*756 per annum each................................... 3,780.00 3,780.00 91-93 46. Three junior topographical drafts­ men, at 5*648 per annum each....................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 94-95 47. Twelve junior topographical drafts­ men, at 1*540 per annum each....................... 6,480.00 6,480.00 96-98 48. Eighty-seven junior topographical draftsmen, at 5*432 per annum each............. 37,584.00 37,584.00 99-105 PUBLIC LANDS INSPECTORS 49. Three assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,530 per annum each............... 4,590.00 4,590.00 106-107 50. Eight assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,275 per annum each............... 10,200.00 10,200.00 108-110 51. Forty-six assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 49,680.00 49,680.00 111-115 52. Forty-eight junior public lands in­ spectors, at P540 per annum each................. 25,920.00 25,920.00 116-118 LAND ATTORNEYS 53. Three land attorneys, at 1*4,080 per annnum each .................................................... 12,240.00 12,240.00 119-121 54. One land attorney................................. 2,720.00 2,720.00 122 55. One land attorney................................. 56. Five land attorneys, at P2,040 per 2,380.00 2,380.00 123 annum each........................................................ 10,200.00 10,200.00 124-126 57. Four land attorneys, at Pl,530 per annum each........................................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 127-128 58. One land attorney................................. 1,428.00 1,428.00 129 59. One land attorney................................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 130 60. One land attorney............................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 131 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 291 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF LANDS 61. Four land attorneys, at Fl,080 per annum each......................................... 4,320.00 4,320.00 132-133 CLERKS 62. Two clerks, at Pl,700 per annum each ...................................................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 184 63. Four clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each ...................................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 135-136 64. One clerk ............................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 137 65. One clerk ............................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 138 66. Ten clerks, at Fl,080 per annum each ...................................................... 10,800.00 10,800.00 139-142 67. Three clerks, at P972 per annum each ...................................................... 2,916.00 2,916.00 143-144 68. Nine clerks, at P864 per annum each 7,776.00 7,776.00 145-148 69. Seven clerks, at P756 per annum each 5,292.00 5,292.00 149-151 70. Twenty-two clerks, at P648 per annum each............................................. 14,256.00 14,256.00 152-154 71. Eighteen clerks, at P540 per annum each ........................................... 9,720.00 9,720.00 155-160 72. Fifty-one clerks, at P432 per annum each..................................... ....... 22,032.00 22,032.00 161-169 73. Nineteen clerks, at P378 per annum each.............................................. 7,182.00 7,182.00 170-173 74. One clerk ............................... 342.00 342.00 174 75. Sixteen clerks, at P324 per annum each ..................................................... 5,184.00 5,184.00 175-178 76. One clerk ............................... 300.00 300.00 179 77. One clerk ............................... 240.00 240.00 180 MESSENGERS 78. One messenger ..................... 432.00 432.00 181 79. Eleven messengers, at P240 per annum each............................................. 2,640.00 2,640.00 182-183 MISCELLANEOUS 80. For skilled semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: ......................... 76y376.00 184 Chauffeur (a) One chauffeur ................................ 432.00 (b) One chauffeur................................ 378.00 Mechanic (e) One typewriter-mechanic .......... 486.00 292 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated ( 5 ) BUREAU OF LANDS Blueprinters (d) One blueprinter ............................................... (e) One blueprinter.................................................. Vaultkeepers (/) One vaultkeeper ............................................ (g) Two vaultkeepers, at 1*300 per annum each.................................................................... (h) Two vaultkeepers, at 1*240 per annum each.................................................................... Laborer-Filers (i) One laborer-filer................................................ (;) One laborer-filer ............................................... (k) Three lab or er-filers, at 1*324 per annum each.................................................................... (l) Twenty-two lab or er-filers, at 1*300 per annum each ................................................. (m) Fifteen lab or er-filers, at 1*240 per annum each.................................................................... Janitors (n) Two janitors, at 1*420 per annum each.... (o) One janitor........................................................ (p) One janitor........................................................ (q) Four janitors, at 1*300 per annum each (r) One janitor......................................................... Surveymen (s) One survey man ................................................ (t) One survey man ................................................. (u) One survey man ................................................ (v) Two surveymen, at 1*486 per annum each (w) One surveyman ............................................. (x) Six survey men, at 1*432 per annum each (y) One surveyman................................................. (z) One survey man ................................................. (a-1) Three surveymen, at 1*324 per annum each................................................................ (a-2) Two surveymen, at F240 per annum each................................................................ Sketchmen (a-3) Two sketchmen, at 1*432 per annum each................................................................ (a-4) One sketchman............................................. . 540.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 324.00 600.00 ..................... 480.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 972.00 ..................... 6,600.00 3,600.00 ..................... 840.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 1,200.00 ..................... 240.00 ..................... 810.00 ..................... 702.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 972.00 ..................... 480.00 ..................... 2,592.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 972.00 ...................... 480.00 ..................... 864.00 ..................... 240.00 ..................... G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 293 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference t0 *tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) BUREAU OF LANDS Chainmen (a-5) Three chainmen, at F378 per annum each...................................................... -....... (a-6) Twenty-two chainmen, at 1*324 per an­ num each .................................................... (a—7) Seventeen chainmen, at 1*300 per an­ num each ................................................... (a-8) One chainman ............................................. (a-9) Seven chainmen, at 1*240 per annum each................................................................ 1,134.00 ..................... 7,128.00 ..................... 5,100.00 ..................... 270.00 ..................... 1,680.00 ..................... Rodmen (a-10) One rodman ................................................. (a-11) One rodman ................................................ (a-12) Twenty-nine rodmen, at 1*300 per an­ num each.................................................... (a-13) Sixteen rodmen, at 1*240 per annum each ........................................................... Instrument Caretakers (a-14) Five instrument caretakers, at F360 per annum each..................................... (a-15) One instrument caretaker........................ (a-16) Twenty-three instrument caretakers, at 1*240 per annum each...................... (a-17) One instrument caretaker....................... Office Caretakers (a-18) Fourteen office caretakers, at 1*300 per annum each....................................... (a-19) One office caretaker.................................... (a-20) Seventeen office caretakers, at 1*240 per annum each...................................... (cl—21) One caretaker.............................................. Foremen (a-22) Two foremen, at 1*180 per annum each (a-23) For emergency laborers........................... 432.00 ..................... 324.00 ..................... 8,700.00 ...................... 3,840.00 ..................... 1,800.00 ..................... 300.00 ..................... 5,520.00 ..................... 210.00 ..................... 4,200.00 ..................... 264.00 ..................... 4,080.00 ..................... 216.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 2,528.00 ..................... Total......................................................... 826,043.00 826,343.00 294 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (5) BUREAU OF LANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 1. 1 Director ............................................................. P6.120.00 2. 1 Assistant Director ......................................... 5,100.00 6. 1 chief of division ............................................ 3,825.00 54. 1 land attorney ................................................... 2,720.00 11. 2 inspectors, at P3.400 per annum each.............. 6,800.00 13. 1 surveyor .............................................................. 3,060.00 62. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,700.00 66. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................... 2,160.00 67. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 78. 1 messenger ......................................................... 432.00 General Service Section 66. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 68. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 71. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 1,080.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................ 540.00 37. 2 junior computers, at P432 per annum each 864.00 80 (tj). 2 janitors, at P420 per annum each.......... 840.00 80(a). 1 chauffeur ..................................................... 432.00 80(b). 1 chauffeur ...................................................... 378.00 80(c). 1 typewriter mechanic .................................... 486.00 80 (o). 1 janitor ......................................................... 878.00 80(;>). 1 janitor ......................... 360.00 80(q). 4 janitors, at P300 per annum each............. 1,200.00 80 (r). 1 janitor ......................................................... 240.00 80 (fc). 1 laborer-filer ............................................... 324.00 80 (Z). 1 laborer-filer ............................................... 300.00 80 (m). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 240.00 S0(a-23). 1 laborer ...................................................... 260.00 Records Section 62. 1 clerk ............................................................... 1,700.00 63. 2 clerks ............................................................... 3,060.00 66. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................... 2,160.00 65. 1 clerk ............................................................... 1,122.00 67. 1 clerk ............................................................... 972.00 68. 1 clerk ............................................................... 864.00 69. 4 clerks, at P756 per annum each..................... 3,024.00 70. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 1,944.00 71. 6 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 3,240.00 72. 15 clerks, at P432 per annum each....................... 6,480.00 73. 3 clerks, at P378 per annum each....................... 1,134.00 74. 1 clerk .................................................................. 342.00 75. 8 clerks, at P324 per annum each....................... 2,592.00 79. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 80 (i). 1 laborer-filer ............................................. 378.00 80 (j). 1 laborer-filer ............................................. 360.00 80 (k). 1 laborer-filer ............................................. 324.00 80 (Z). 6 laborer-filers, at P300 per annum each.... 1,800.00 80 (Z). 2 laborer-filers*, at P300 per annum each.... 600.00 80 (m). 4 laborer-filers, at P240 per annum each.... 960.00 Cash and Property Section 72. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 75. 4 clerks, at P324 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 73. 2 clerks, at P378 per annum each................. , 756.00 79. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 80 (7c). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 324.00 80(7). 2 laborer-filers, at P300 per annum each.... 600.00 80 (m). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 240.00 public lands division 5. 1 chief of division ............................................ 4,250.00 9. 1 assistant chief of division .......................... 3,400.00 66. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 79. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 Sales, Leases and Miscellaneous Section 56. 1 land attorney .................................................. 2,040.00 58. 1 land attorney .................................................. 1,428.00 51. 5 assistant public lands inspectors, at Pl,080 per annum each............................................ 5,400.00 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors, at P540 per annum each.................................................... 1,080.00 66. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each.................... 2,160.00 73. 2 clerks, at P378 per annum each........................ 756.00 Homesteads and Free Patents Section 56. 2 land attorneys .................................................... 4,080.00 50. 2 assistant public lands inspectors.................... 2,550.00 64. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 51. 10 assistant public lands inspectors.............. 10,800.00 52. 4 junior public lands inspectors......................... 2,160.00 70. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 73. 1 clerk ................................................................... 378.00 80 (o-5). 2 sketchmen ................................................ 864.00 80(a-4). 1 sketchman ................................................ 240.00 80 (?n). 1 laborer ........................................................ 240.00 Fees and Rent Section 63. 1 clerk ..................................................... 1,530.00 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector........................ 1,080.00 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors........................... 1,080.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 72. 2 clerks .................................................................. 864.00 73. 1 clerk .................................................................... 378.00 Steno-Typb Subsection 68. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 68. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,728.00 69. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 70. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,296.00 71. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,080.00 72. 8 clerks .................................................................. 3,456.00 73. 8 clerks .................................................................. 3,024.00 77. 1 clerk .................................................................... 240.00 79. 3 messengers ......................................................... 720.00 FIELD SERVICE Land District No. 1—Ilagan, Isabela 49. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................... 1,530.00 51. 2 assistant public lands inspectors...................... 2,160.00 52. 4 junior public lands inspectors......................... 2,160.00 70. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Tuguegarao, Cagayan 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector...................... 1,080.00 52. 1 junior public lands inspector......................... 540.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 Land District No. 2—Vigan, Hocos Sur 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector..,................. 1,080.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 295 ( 5) BUREAU OF BANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Public Lands Inspection Office—Baguio, Mountain Province Public Lands Inspection Office—Tagbilaran, Bohol 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................. 1,080.00 52. 1 junior public lands inspector......................... 540.00 Land District No. 3—Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija 57. 1 land attorney ................................................... 1,530.00 51. 3 assistant public lands inspectors.................. 3,240.00 52. 2 junioi- public lands inspectors......................... 1,080.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya 49. 1 assistant public lands inspector...................... 1,580.00 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector...................... 1,080.00 52. 1 junior public lands inspector......................... 540.00 Land District No. 4—Manila 51. 4 assistant public lands inspectors...................... 4,320.00 52. 4 junior public lands inspectors......................... 2,160.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Puerto Princesa, Palawan 52. 1 junior public lands inspector........................ 540.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Dagupan, Pangasinan 56. 1 land attorney........................................................ 2,040.00 51. 2 assistant public lands inspectors.................. 2,160.00 52. 1 junior public lands inspector.......................... 540.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Tarlac, Tarlac 52. 1 junior public lands inspector.......................... 540.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—San Fernando, Pampanga 52. 1 junior public lands inspector.......................... 540.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Calapan, Mindoro 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector .................. 1,080.00 Land District No. 5—Lucena, Tayabas 50. 2 assistant public lands inspectors...................... 2,550.00 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................. 1,080.00 52. 8 junior public lands inspectors........................ 1,620.00 Land District No. 6—Naga, Camarines Sur 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................. 1,080.00 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors.......................... 1,080.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Legaspi, Albay 50. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................... 1,275.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Sorsogon, Sorsogon 52. 1 junior public lands inspector........................ 540.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—San Jose, Antique 52. 1 junior public lands inspector.......................... 540.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Capiz, Capiz 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector...................... 1,080.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Bacolod, Occidental Negros 50. 1 assistant public lands inspector...................... 1,275.00 51. 2 assistant public lands inspectors...................... 2,160.00 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors....................... 1,080.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Dumaguete, Oriental Negros 50. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................. 1,275,00 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors.................... 1,080.00 Land District No. 9—Tacloban, Leyte 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................. 1,080.00 Land District No. 10—Butuan, Agusan 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors...................... 1,080.00 Land District No. 12—Zamboanga, Zamboanga 51. 2 assistant public lands inspectors.............. 2,160.00 52. 1 junior public lands inspector...................... 540.00 Land District No. 13—Cotabato, Cotabato 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector.................. 1,080.00 52. 3 junior public lands inspectors.................... 1,620.00 Land District No. 14—Davao, Davao 56. 1 land attorney .................................................. 2,040.00 52. 3 junior public lands inspectors.................. 1,620.00 70. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 Land District No. 15—Lanao and Occidental Misamis 51. 2 assistant public lands inspectors................ 2,160.00 52. 2 junior public lands inspectors...................... 1,080.00 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF SURVEYOR 4. 1 chief of division ............................................. 4,675.00 7. 1 assistant chief of division ......................... 4,250.00 12. 2 surveyors ........................................................... 6,800.00 17. 1 surveyor ........................................................... 2,040.00 23. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,224.00 24. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................ 2,244.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................ 2,160.00 35. 1 junior computer ............................................ 648.00 37. 1 junior computer ............................................. 432.00 66. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,080.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 71. 2 clerks ................................................................. 1,080.00 75. 1 clerk .................................................................. 324.00 79. 1 messenger ......................................................... 240.00 CADASTRAL SURVEY COMPUTATIONS SECTION 13. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 3,060.00 16. 1 surveyor ........................................................... 2,380.00 26. 1 junior surveyor .............................................. 756.00 27. 11 junior surveyors ............................................ 5,940.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ........................................ 300.00 31. 3 assistant computers ....................................... 3,240.00 32. 1 junior computer ............................................. 972.00 34. 1 junior computer ............................................. 756.00 35. 2 junior computers ............................................ 1,296.00 36. 22 junior computers ......................................... 11,880.00 37. 46 junior computers ......................................... 19,872.00 CADASTRAL SURVEY MAPS SECTION 14. 1 surveyor ......................................................,.... 2,890.00 38. 1 topographical draftsman ............................. 1,870.00 40. 1 assistant topographical draftsman.............. 1,224.00 41. 1 assistant topographical draftsman................ 1,122.00 42. 6 assistant topographical draftsmen .............. 6,480.00 43. 2 junior topographical draftsmen .................. 1,944.00 44. 1 junior topographical draftsman ................. 864.00 45. 2 junior topographical draftsmen................... 1,512.00 46. 1 junior topographical draftsmán................... 648.00 48. 34 junior topographical draftsmen ................ 14,688.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 37. 1 junior computer .............................................. 482.00 296 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (5) BUREAU OF BANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION ISOLATED SURVEY COMPUTATIONS SECTION 15. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 2,720.00 21. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,428.00 25. 3 assistant surveyors .......................................... 3,240.00 31. 5 assistant computers .......................................... 5,400.00 33. 3 junior computers ............................................. 2,592.00 34. 3 junior computers ............................................. 2,268.00 35. 3 junior computers ............................................. 1,944.00 36. 18 junior computers ........................................... 9,720.00 37. 20 junior computers ........................................... 8,640.00 ISOLATED SURVEY PLANS SECTION 13. 1 surveyor .............................................................. 3,060.00 17. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 2,040.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,080.00 39. 1 topographical draftsman ................................ 1,700.00 42. 9 assistant topographical draftsmen............... 9,720.00 43. 1 junior topographical draftsman................... 972.00 44. 3 junior topographical draftsmen ................... 2,592.00 45. 2 junior topographical draftsmen ................... 1,512.00 46. 2 junior topographical draftsmen ................... 1,296.00 47. 11 junior topographical draftsmen .............. 5,940.00 48. 26 junior topographical draftsmen .................. 11,232.00 SURVEY INFORMATION SECTION 15. 1 surveyor .......................................................... 2,720.00 23. 1 assistant surveyor ....................................... 1,224.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ......................................... 1,080.00 29. 2 apprentice surveyors ..................................... 600.00 34. 1 junior computer .............................................. 756.00 35. 1 junior computer ............................................ 648.00 36. 2 junior computers ............................................ 1,080.00 37. 20 junior computers 8,640.00 67. 1 clerk ................................................................ 972.00 68. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 69. 2 clerks ................................................................ 1,512.00 70. 4 clerks ................................................................ 2,592.00 71. 3 clerks ................................................................ 1,620.00 72. 4 clerks ................................................................ 1,728.00 75. 2 clerks ................................................................ 648.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................. 300.00 79. 1 messenger ....................................................... 240.00 80(d). 1 blueprinter ............................................... 540.00 80(e). 1 blueprinter ................................................. 432.00 80(f). 1 vaultkeeper ............................................... 324.00 80(g). 2 vaultkeepers ............................................... 600.00 80(h). 2 vaultkeepers .............................................. 480.00 CADASTRAL ACCOUNTS SUB-SECTION 63. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 66. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................ 540.00 37. 18 junior computers .......................................... 7,776.00 72. 2 clerks ................................................................ 864.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................. 324.00 SURVEYING SCHOOL 17. 1 surveyor ........................................................... 2,040.00 20. 1 assistant surveyor-instructor ....................... 2,040.00 28. 10 apprentice surveyors ................................... 3,780.00 29. 9 apprentice surveyors ..................................... 2,700.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyoi* ......................................... 300.00 FIELD SERVICE Land District No. 1—llagan, Isabela 18. 1 surveyor ........................................................... 1,700.00 25. 3 assistant surveyors ....................................... 3,240.00 27. 2 junior surveyors ............................................ 1,080.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................ 540.00 80 (w). 1 laborer-filer .............................................. 240.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ................................. 240.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Tuguegarao, Cagayan 21. 1 assistant surveyor ....................................... 1,428.00 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,122.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................ 2,160.00 27. 3 junior surveyors ............................................ 1,620.00 37. 1 junior computer .............................................. 432.00 80(1). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 800.00 80(a-18). 1 office caretaker 300.00 80(a-5). 1 chainman ................................................ 378.00 80(a-7). 1 chainman .............................................. 300.00 80 (y). 1 surveyman ................................................ 378.00 80(a-12). 1 rodman ............................................... 300.00 80(a-13). 1 rodman ................................................. 240.00 80(a-16). 1 instrument caretaker ........................... 240.00 80 (a-20). 1 office caretaker .................................... 240.00 80(a-22). 2 foremen ............................................... 360.00 Land District No. 2—Vigan, llocos Sur 16. 1 surveyor ............................;............................. 2,380.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,080.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 756.00 27. 1 junior surveyor................................................... 540.00 37. 1 junior computer .............................................. 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman.................... 432.00 29. 2 apprentice surveyors ..................................... 600.00 80(1). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 300.00 80(a-19). 1 office caretaker ................................... 264.00 80(t). 1 surveyman .................................................. 702.00 80(a-6). 1 chainman ................................................ 324.00 80(a-7). 1 chainman .............................................. 300.00 80(a-12). 2 rodmen, at P300 per annum each....... 600.00 80(a-ll). 1 rodman ................................................ 324.00 80(a-14). 1 instrument caretaker ......................... 360.00 80(a-16). 1 instrument caretaker ......................... 240.00 Public Lands Inspection Office—Baguio, Mountain Province 23. 1 assistant surveyor ......................................... 1,224.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................ 2,160.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 756.00 27. 3 junior surveyors ............................................ 1,620.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ....................................... 300.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................ 540.00 37. 3 junior computers ............................................ 1,296.00 80(1). 1 laborer-filer .............................................. 800.00 80(a-18). 1 office caretaker .............................. ..... 300.00 80 (x). 1 surveyman ............................................... 432.00 80 (a-1). 1 surveyman ........................................... 324.00 80(a-6). 4 chainmen .............................................. 1,296.00 80(a-7). 1 chainman ............................................... 300.00 80(a-10). 1 rodman ................................................. 432.00 80(a-12). 4 rodmen ............................................ 1,200.00 80(a-13). 1 rodman ................................................ 240.00 80(a-16). 3 instrument caretakers ........................ 720.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker .................................... 240.00 Land District No. 3—Cabanatuan, Nueva Ecija 21. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,428.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................ 1,080.00 27. 3 junior surveyors .............................................. 1,620.00 29. 3 apprentice surveyors ....................................... 900.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker .................................... 240.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 297 (5 ) BUREAU OF BANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 36. 1 junior computer ................................................ 37. 2 junior computers .............................................. 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 80(f). 1 laborer-filer .................................................... 80(a-18). 1 office caretaker ..................................... Public Land Inspection Office—Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya 864.00 432.00 432.00 300.00 300.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .............................................. 1,080.00 37. 2 junior computers ................................................ 864.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 80 (m). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 240.00 80 (a-20). 1 office caretaker ....................................... 240.00 Land District No. 4—Manila 24. 2 assistant surveyors ............................................ 2,244.00 25. 4 assistant surveyors ............................................ 4,320.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 756.00 27. 5 junior surveyors ............................................... 2,700.00 29. 2 apprentice surveyors ........................................ 600.00 30. 1 assistant computer ............................................ 1,275.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................... 540.00 37. 1 junior computer ............................................... 432.00 48. 3 junior topographical draftsmen..................... 1,296.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 80 (m). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 240.00 80 (x). 1 surveyman .................................................... 432.00 80 (a-2). 2 surveymen ................................................ 480.00 80 (ar-5). 3 chainmen ................. -............................... 972.00 80(o-7). 5 chainmen .................................................. 1,500.00 80(a-15). 7 rodmen .................................................... 2,100.00 80 (o-9). 4 chainmen .................................................. 960.00 80(a-15). 2 rodmen ....................._............................. 480.00 80(a-14). 1 instrument caretaker ........................... 360.00 8Q(a-16). 4 instrument caretakers .......................... 960-00 80 (?n). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 240.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Dagupan, Pangasinan 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ........................................... 300.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 80(a-9). 2 chainmen, at P240 per annum each.... 480.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Calapan, Mindoro 24. 2 assistant surveyors ............................................ 2,244.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor .......................................... 300.00 33. 1 junior computer ................................................ 864.00 36. 1 junior computer ................................................ 540.00 37. 2 junior computers ................................................ 864.00 80(¿). 1 laborer-filer .................................................. 300.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker ....................................... 300.00 30 (v). 1 surveyman .................................................... 486.00 80(a—5). 2 chainmen .................................................. 648.00 80(a^l2). 2 rodmen .................................................... 600.00 80(a-14). 1 instrument caretaker ........................... 360.00 80(a-15). 1 instrument caretaker ............................ 240.00 80 (a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Puerto Princesa, Palawan 25. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,080.00 27. 2 junior surveyors .................................................. 1,080.00 37. 1 junior computer .................................................. 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman........................ 432.00 80 (Z). 1 laborer-filer .................................................... 300.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 Land District No. 5—Lucena, Tayabas 15. 1 surveyor ............................................................. 2,720.00 21. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,428.00 25. 3 assistant surveyors ............................................ 3,240.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ........................................ 300.00 36. 1 junior computer ................................................ 540.00 37. 1 junior computer ................................................ 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 80(f). 1 laborer-filer .................................................... 300.00 80(a-14). 1 instrument caretaker ........................... 360.00 21. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,428.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,080.00 26. 2 junior surveyors ............................................... 1,512.00 27. 3 junior surveyors ................................................ 1,620.00 33. 1 junior computer .............................................. 864.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 80(1). 1 laborer-filer .................................................. 300.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 300.00 80 (v). 1 surveyman .................................................... 486.00 80(a-5). 2 chainmen .................................................. 648.00 80(a-15). 2 rodmen .................................................... 480.00 80 (a-12). 1 rodman .................................................... 300.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Tarlac, Tarlac 17. 1 surveyor ........................................................... 2,040.00 21. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,428.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .............................................. 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 36. 1 junior computer .... 540.00 37. 3 junior computers ............................................. 1,296.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker ................................... 300.00 80 (a-5). 1 chainman .................................................. 324.00 80(a-12). 1 rodman ........................... -.......... 300.00 80 (a-15). 1 instrument caretaker ........................... 300.00 80 (a-18). 1 instrument caretaker ............................ 300.00 Public Land Inspection Office—San Fernando, Pampanga 24. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,122.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ........................... 540.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ........... -..................... 300.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Batangas, Batangas 18. 1 surveyor ............................................................... 1,700.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ................ 1,080.00 Land District No. 6—Naga, Camarines Sur 16. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 2,380.00 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................. 1,122.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................... 2,160.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................... 540.00 37. 1 junior computer ............................................... 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 80 (f). 1 laborer-filer .................................................. 300.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 300.00 80(x). 1 surveyman ............................. 432.00 80(a-1). 1 surveyman ................................................ 324.00 80(a-5). 3 chainmen .................................................. 972.00 80 (a-7). 1 chainman .................................................. 300.00 80(a-12). 4 rodmen ................................................... 1,200.00 80(a-15). 2 rodmen ................................................... 480.00 80(a-15). 2 instrument caretakers ............................ 480.00 8Q(a-23). 2 laborers ................................................... 600.00 80(o-20). 1 office caretaker .................................... 240.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Legaspi, Albay 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 540.00 80(f). 1 laborer-filer .................................................... 300.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker .... ................................ 300.00 80 (x). 1 surveyman .................................................... 432.00 80(a-5). 1 chainman .................................................. 824.00 80(a-7). 1 chainman .....................-........................... 300.00 80(a-15). 1 rodman ....... 240.00 80(a-15). 1 instrument caretaker ............................ 240.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Sorsogon, Sorsogon 25. 3 assistant surveyors .............................................. 8,240.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ........................ —................. 756.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ............................. —.......... 800.00 298 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (5) BUREAU OF BANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 34. 1 junior computer ............................................... 756.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................... 540.00 37. 1 junior computer ............................................... 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 80 (m). 1 laborer-filer ................................................ 240.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 300.00 Land District No. 7—Iloilo, Iloilo 26. 1 junior surveyor .................................................. 756.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................... 540.00 37. 2 junior computers ............................................... 864.00 80 (s). 1 surveyman .................................................... 810.00 80 (a-5). 2 chainmen .................................................. 756.00 80 (a-12). 1 rodman .................................................... 300.00 80(a-16). 1 instrument caretaker .......................... 240.00 Public Land Inspection Office—San Jose, Antique 25. 1 assistant surveyoi* ............................................ 1,080.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Capiz, Capiz 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,122.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ........................................ 300.00 37. 1 junior computer ............................................... 432.00 44. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 864.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 80 (a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 80(u). 1 surveyman .................................................... 540.00 80 (a-7). 1 chainman .................................................. 300.00 80(a-9). 1 chainman .................................................. 240.00 80(a-12). 1 rodman .................................................... 300.00 80 (a-15). 1 rodman .................................................... 240.00 80(a-16). 2 instrument caretaker ........................... 480.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Bacolod, Occidental Negros 25. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor .................................................. 540.00 80(a-18). 1 office caretaker ....................................... 300.00 80 (x). 1 surveyman .................................................... 482.00 80 (a-5). 1 chainman .................................................. 324.00 80 (a-8). 1 chainman .................................................. 270.00 80 (a-12). 1 rodman .................................................... 300.00 80(a-15). 1 rodman .................................................... 240.00 80 (a-14). 1 instrument caretaker .......................... 360.00 Land District No. 8—Cebu, Cebu 25. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 37. 1 junior computer ............................................... 432.00 80 (a—23). 1 laborer-filer ......................................... 300.00 80(a-21). 1 caretaker .............................................. 216.00 80 (x). 1 surveyman<.................................................... 432.00 80 (a-1). 1 survey man .............................. 324.00 80 (a-6). 2 chainmen .................................................. 648.00 80(a-7). 2 chainmen .................................................. 600.00 80(a-12). 2 rodmen .................................................... 600.00 80(a-15). 2 rodmen .................................................... 480.00 80 (a-16). 3 instrument caretakers .......................... 720.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Tagbilaran, Bohol 18. 1 surveyor ......................................................... 1,700.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .............................................. 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 80(a-20). 2 office caretakers ..................................... 480.00 Public Land Inspection Office—Dumaguete, Oriental Negros 24. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,122.00 27. 1 junior surveyor .................................................. 540.00 87. 1 junior computer ................................................ 482.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 80 (a—23). 1 laborer-filer ............................................ 300.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 80 (z). 1 surveyman .................................................... 360.00 80(a-6). 1 chainman .................................................. 324.00 80(a-7). 1 chainman .................................................. 300.00 80(a-12). 2 rodmen .................................................... 600.00 80(a-16). 1 instrument caretaker ......................... 240.00 Land District No. 9—Tacloban, Leyte 16. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 2,380.00 23. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,224.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................... 540.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 80 (I). 1 laborer-filer .................................................. 800.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 80 (w). 1 surveyman .................................................. 480.00 80 (a-7). 2 chainmen .................................................. 600.00 80 (a-15). 2 rodmen .................................................... 480.00 80(a-16) 2 instrument caretakers ......................... 480.00 Land District No. 10—Butuan, Agusan 18. 1 surveyor ............................................................. 1,700.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,080.00 37. 2 junior computers .............................................. 864.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 80 (a-23). 1 surveyman .............................................. 240.00 80(a-6). 1 chainman .................................................. 324.00 80 (a-7). 1 chainman ................................................ 300.00 80(a-15). 1 rodman .................................................... 240.00 80(a-16). 1 instrument caretaker ........................... 240.00 80 (a-17). 1 instrument caretaker .......................... 210.00 Land District No. 11—Cagayan, Oriental Misamis 15. 1 surveyor ......................................................... 2,720.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .............................................. 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ............................................... 540.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 80 (m). 2 laborer-filers ................................................ 480.00 80(a-20). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 240.00 Land District No. 12—Zamboanga, Zamboanga 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,122.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 756.00 27. 4 junior surveyors ............................................ 2,160.00 31. 1 assistant computer ........................................ 1,080.00 37. 2 junior computers .............................................. 864.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 80(a-23). 1 laborer-filer ............................................ 320.00 80(a-15). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 300.00 Land District No. 13—Cotabato, Cotabato 27. 2 junior surveyors ................................................ 1,080.00 37. 1 junior computer .............................................. 432.00 45. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 756.00 80(a-23). 1 laborer-filer ............................................ 320.00 80 (a-15). 1 office caretaker .... .............................. 800.00 80 (a—23). 1 laborer .................................................. 188.00 Land District No. 14—Davao, Davao 24. 1 assistant surveyor ...................................._...... 1,122.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................ 2,160.00 27. 3 junior surveyors ................................................ 1,620.00 37. 3 junior computers ............................................ 1,296.00 80(a-i5). 1 office caretaker ..................................... 800.00 80 (m). 1 laborer-filer ......................—..................... 240.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 299 (5) BUREAU OF BANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Land District No. 15—Dansalan, Lanao 17. 1 surveyor .........................................-................ 2,040.00 24. 1 assistant surveyor ....—.......... 1,122.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 540.00 34. 1 junior computer .......................-..................... 756.00 36. 1 junior computer ................................................ 540.00 37. 2 junior computers ....................................-........ 864.00 CADASTRAL SURVEY PARTIES Survey Party No. 1-A, Gattaran, Cagayan 24. 2 assistant surveyors ............... -..................... 2,244.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 540.00 28. 2 apprentice surveyors ...................................... 756.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ........................................ 300.00 36. 2 junior computers .............................................. 1,080.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 Survey Party No. 1-B, San Juan, Gamu, Isabela 19. 1 surveyor .................................. -..................... 1,530.00 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............. -............................. 1,122.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................. 1,080.00 27. 2 junior surveyors ............. ..............-................. 1,080.00 28. 1 apprentice surveyor ......................................... 378.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ......................................... 800.00 31. 1 assistant computer ............_.......-................... 1,080.00 36. 2 junior computers .............................................. 1,080.00 37. 2 junior computers ............................................. 864.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman------- --------- 432.00 Survey Party No. 4-E, Famy, Laguna 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,122.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .......... —...... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ..................... -.............. 540.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ......................................... 300.00 36. 1 junior computer ............................................. 540.00 Survey Party No. 4-F; Castillejos, Zambajes 23. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,224.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ............................................... 540.00 36. 1 junior computer ....................... 540.00 Survey Party No. 4-G, Tanay, Rizal 19. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 1,580.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ............................................... 540.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman............... „.... 482.00 Survey Party No. 4-H, San Jose, Mindoro 21. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,428.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor .......................................... 1,080.00 27. 2 junior surveyors .... ......................................... 1,080.00 37. 1 junior computer...... _...................................... 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman........................ 412.00 Survey Party No. 3-A, Pinapaggan, N. Vizcaya 21. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................. 1,428.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 756.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................. -...................... 540.00 Survey Party No. 3-B, Sta. Rosa, Nueva Ecija 23. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,224.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ..... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ..................... 540.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ......................................... 800.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 Survey Party No. 4-A, Malasiqui, Pangasinan 18. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,700.00 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................. 1,122.00 28. 1 apprentice surveyor ....................................... 878.00 37. 2 junior computers ....................... 864.00 Survey Party No. 5-A, Calauag, Tayabas 18. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 1,700.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ............................................. 2,160.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 Survey Party No. 4-B, Tarlac, Tarlac 25. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 34. 1 junior computer ................................................ 756.00 36. 1 junior computer ................................................. 540.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman....................... 432.00 72. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Survey Party No. 4-D, Batangas, Batangas 25. 2 assistant surveyors ........................................... 2,160.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 540.00 42. 1 assistant topographical draftsman................ 1,080.00 Survey Party No. 5-B, Lopez, Tayabas 22. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,826.00 25. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,080.00 27. 2 junior surveyors ............................................... 1,080.00 37. 2 junior computers ............................................... 864.00 47. 1 junior topographical draftsman.................... 540.00 Survey Party No. 8-B, Tagbilaran, Bohol 24. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,122.00 27. 2 junior surveyors ................................................ 1,080.00 37. 1 junior computer ................................................. 482.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman........................ 482.00 Survey Party No. 10-A, Butuan, Agusan 25. 1 assistant surveyor ......................................... 1,080.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ........................................ 540.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman.................... 482.00 Survey Party No. 11-A, Lala, Kolambugan, Lanao 17. 1 surveyor ............................................................ 2,040.0(1 27. 2 junior surveyors ............................................. 1,080.00 Survey Party No. 13-A, Cotabato, Cotabato 18. 1 surveyor .............................................. 1,700.00 Survey Party No. 14-A, Sta. Cruz, Davao 18. 1 surveyor ............................................................. 1,700.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ................................... _.... 2,160.00 27. 3 junior surveyors ................................................ 1,620.00 35. 1 junior computer ................. _................. 648.00 Survey Party No. 14-B, Tagum, Davao 18. 1 surveyor ............................................................. 1,700.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors ....................................... 2,160.00 300 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (5) BUREAU OF LANDS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 756.00 27. 1 junior surveyor ................................................ 540.00 28. 1 apprentice surveyor ........................................ 878.00 36. 1 junior computer ................................................ 540.00 37. 1 junior computer ................................................ 432.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman..................... 432.00 Survey Party No. 14-C, Pantukan, Davao 19. 1 surveyor ............................................................. 1,530.00 25. 2 assistant surveyors .......................................... 2,160.00 26. 1 junior surveyor ................................................. 756.00 27. 2 junior surveyors .................... 1,080.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ....................................... 300.00 36. 2 junior computers ............................................ 1,080.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 Special Survey Party No. 1, Naga, Camarines Sur 23. 1 assistant surveyor ........................................... 1,224.00 27. 3 junior surveyors .............................................. 1,620.00 29. 1 apprentice surveyor ....................................... 300.00 Special Survey Party No. 2, Baguio, Mountain Province 25. 1 assistant surveyor ............................................ 1,080.00 27. 3 junior surveyors ................................................ 1,620.00 LAW DIVISION 3. 1 special agent .................................................... 5,100.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division............................... 3,825.00 CLAIMS AND CONFLICTS SECTION 57. 1 land attorney .................................................. 1,530.00 50. 1 assistant public lands inspector....................... 1,275.00 60. 1 land attorney .................................................. 1,224.00 59. 1 land Attorney .................................................. 1.326.00 49. 1 assistant public lands inspector..................... 1,530.00 61. 4 land attorneys .................................................. 4,320.00 51. 2 assistant public lands inspectors.................... 2,160.00 52. 1 junior public lands inspector....................... 540.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 36. 1 junior computer .......................................... 540.00 37. 1 junior computer .......................................... 432.00 LAND REGISTRATION SECTION 53. 3 land attorneys ................................................... 12,240.00 55. 1 land attorney ................................................... 2,380.00 10. 1 inspector .......................................................... 8,825.00 57. 2 land attorneys ................................................... 3,060.00 51. 1 assistant public lands inspector..................... 1,080.00 68. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 68. 2 clerks ................................................................. 1,728.00 70. 4 clerks .................................................................. 2,592.00 71. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,620.00 72. 4 clerks ................................................................. 1,728.00 73. 2 clerks ..............................................„.................. 756.00 79. 3 messengers .......................................................... 720.00 37. 4 junior computers ............................................ 1,728.00 48. 1 junior topographical draftsman...................... 432.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P826.043.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item lyoo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE DIRECTORS 1. One Director ....................................... 2. One Assistant Director ..................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief of division........................... 4. Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of chief of organic chemistry division, item 3................. 5. Four chiefs of divisions, at ?5,100 per annum each................................................ 6. One chief of division ......................... SCIENTISTS 7. One scientist ....................................... 8. Eight scientists, at 1*4,250 per an­ num each............................................................. T6,120.00 ^6,120.00 1 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 5,100.00 5,100.00 3 1,700.00 1,700.00 4 20,400.00 20,400.00 5-8 2,380.00 2,380.00 9 5,100.00 5,100.00 10 34,000.00 34,000.00 11-13 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 301 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details requested 1933 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE 9. One scientist ....................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 14 10. One scientist ........................................ 3,400.00 3,400.00 15 ASSISTANT SCIENTISTS 11. One assistant scientist....................... 12. Two assistant scientists, at 1*2,890 3,060.00 3,060.00 16 per annum each ............................................... 5,780.00 5,780.00 17-18 13. Five assistant scientists, at T=2,720 per annum each ............................................... 13,600.00 13,600.00 19-21 14. One assistant scientist ....................... 15. Six assistant scientists, at 1*2,380 per 2,550.00 2,550.00 22 annum each....................................................... 14,280.00 14,280.00 23-26 16. One assistant scientist ....................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 27 JUNIOR SCIENTISTS 17. Five junior scientists, at T2,040 per annum each....................................................... 10,200.00 10,200.00 28-30 18. Three junior scientists, at Pl,700 per annum each....................................................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 31-32 19. Nine junior scientists, at Pl,530 per annum each....................................................... 13,770.00 13,770.00 33-37 ENGINEERS 20. One engineer ....................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 38 21. One assistant engineer......................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 39 22. One assistant engineer....................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 40 23. One assistant engineer......................... 24. Two assistant engineers, at Pl,080 1,326.00 1,326.00 41 per annum each ............................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 42 25. One assistant engineer......................... 810.00 810.00 43 26. One assistant engineer....................... 756.00 756.00 44 SCIENTIFIC ASSISTANTS 27. One scientific assistant......................... 28. Two scientific assistants, at Pl,224 1,428.00 1,428.00 45 per annum each ............................................... 2,448.00 2,448.00 46-47 29. Four scientific assistants, at Pl,080 per annum each ............................................... 4,320.00 4,320.00 48 30. One scientific assistant......................... 31. Two scientific assistants, at P864 per 972.00 972.00 49 annum each ..................................................... 1,728.00 1,728.00 50 302 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE Reference to 'tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE 32. Four scientific assistants, at 1*756 per annum each ....................................................... 3,024.00 3,024.00 33. Eight scientific assistants, at F648 per annum each ....................................................... 5,184.00 5,184.00 CLERKS 34. One clerk............................................... 1,700.00 35. One clerk ............................................. 1,530.00 36. One clerk............................................... 1,122.00 37. One clerk ............................................ 972.00 38. One clerk................................................ 810.00 39. Two clerks, at 1*756 per annum each 1,512.00 40. One clerk............................................... 432.00 1,700.00 1,530.00 1,122.00 972.00 810.00 1,512.00 432.00 51-52 53-55 56 57 58 59 60 61 63 MISCELLANEOUS 41. Temporary and emergency employees and laborers, as follows: (а) One foreman....................................................... 1,080.00 (б) One oiler............................................................. 756.00 1,080.00 756.00 64(a) (6) Oilers (c) One oiler ........................................................... (d) Two oilers, at P540 per annum each........ (e) One oiler ........................................................... (/) One oiler.............................................................. (g) One oiler ............................................................ 648.00 ..................... 1,080.00 ..................... 432.00 432.00 378.00 ..................... 324.00 324.00 (c) (d) Scientific Illustrators (h) One scientific illustrator.................................. (i) One scientific illustrator................................. (j) One scientific illustrator.................................. (k) Two scientific illustrators, at F32If per annum each ............................................ (l) Two scientific illustrators, at P300 per annum each ............................................ 600.00 ..................... 378.00 ............. ........ 360.00 ..................... 648.00 ..................... 600.00 ..................... Laboratory Assistants (m) One laboratory assistant............................. (n) One laboratory assistant............................. (o) Two laboratory assistants, at ^^20 per annum each ................................................... 756.00 ..................... (p) One laboratory assistant.............................. 755.00 ..................... 840.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... Laboratory Helpers (q) One laboratory helper.................................. (r) One laboratory helper.................................... 574.00 ..................... 486.00 ..................... G— DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 303 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE (s) Four laboratory helpers, at 1*486 per annum each ....................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 (c) -(g) (t) One laboratory helper...................................... 432.00 432.00 (h) (m) Two laboratory helpers, at 1*432 per annum each ................................................... 864.00 (v) Four laboratory helpers, at 1*420 per annum each ................................................... 1,680.00 (w) Two laboratory helpers, at 1*378 per annum each ................................................... 756.00 (X) Seventeen laboratory helpers, at 1*360 per annum each............................................ 6,120.00 (2/) Thirteen laboratory helpers, at 1*324 per annum each .......................................... 4,212.00 (*) Fourteen laboratory helpers, at 1*300 per annum each .................................................... 4,200.00 (aa) Two laboratory helpers, at P300 per an­ num each ................................................... 600.00 600.00 (i) Preparator (bb) One preparator............................................... 648.00 Museum Guards (cc) One museum guard........................................ 378.00 (dd) Three museum guards, at 1*300 per annum each .................................................... 900.00 (ee) One museum guard........................................ 240.00 Watchmen (ff) Three watchmen, at 1*648 per annum each ................................................................ 1,944.00 (gg) One watchman ............................................ 486.00 (hh) One watchman ............................................... 486.00 486.00 (j) (ii) One watchman ................................................. 432.00 432.00 (k) Electrician (jj) One electrician.......................... Mechanic (kk) One mechanic ........................ Chauffeurs (ll) One chauffeur............................ (mm) One chauffeur ........................ Plumber (nn) One plumber .......................... 648.00 648.00 600.00 378.00 453.00 304 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES dMii Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE Carpenters (oo) Two carpenters, at f*648 per annum each ................................................................ (pp) One carpenter .............................................. (qq) One carpenter ................................................. (rr) One carpenter ................................................. Janitor (ss) One janitor....................................................... Laborers (tt) Six laborers, at F432 per annum each.... (uu) Two laborers, at per annum each... (vv) Three laborers, at F378 per annum each ............................................................... (ww) Five laborers, at F360 per annum each ............................................................... (xx) Five laborers, at t*324 per annum each... (yy) Thirty-eight laborers, at PSOO per an­ num each ................................................... (zz) One laborer ..................................................... [(;) For skilled, semi-skilled and un­ skilled laborers] ............................... (aaa) Deductions for vacancies and absences.. 1,296.00 ............................ 540.00 ............................ 432.00 ............................ 378.00 ............................ 594.00 ............................ 2,592.00 840.00 ............................ 1,134.00 ............................ 1,800.00 ............................ 1,620.00 ............................ 11,400.00 ............................ 240.00 ............................ (1) -227 (s-1), ..................... 52,000.00 (5)-184, (4/502.00) ............................ (6)-64(o) Total 254,804.00 254,804.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director ............................................................... P6,120.00 2. 1 Assistant Director ............................................. 5,100.00 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 6. 1 chief of division .............................................. 2,880.00 13. 1 assistant scientist .............................................. 2,720.00 34. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,700.00 35. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 36. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 37. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 38. 1 clerk .................................................................. 810.00 39. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,512.00 40. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 41 (s). 2 laboratory helpers ....................................... 972.00 41 (//). 3 watchmen .................................................... 1,944.00 41 (8S). 1 janitor ......................................................... 594.00 41 (ll). 1 chauffeur .................................................... 600.00 41 (as). 1 laboratory helper .................................... 360.00 41(2). 1 laboratory helper ....................................... 300.00 41(y). 2 laboratory helpers ..................................... 648.00 41 (<7). 1 laboratory helper .....................-.............. 574.00 41 (tt). 2 laborers ....................................................... 864.00 41 (uu). 2 laborers ...................................................... 840.00 41 (vv). 3 laborers ....................................................... 1,134.00 41(iv?v). 2 laborers .................................................... 720.00 41 (xx). 2 laborers ........... 648.00 41 (yy). 6 laborers ...................................................... 1,800.00 41 (zz). 1 laborer ......................................................... 240.00 DIVISION OF TESTS AND STANDARDS 5. 1 chief of division ............................................... 5,100.00 8. 3 scientists ........................................................... 12,750.00 10. 1 scientist ............................................................. 3,400.00 13. 1 assistant scientist ............................................ 2,720.00 15. 1 assistant scientist ........................................... 2,380.00 17. 1 junior scientist ................................................. 2,040.00 18. 2 junior scientists ............................................... 3,400.00 19. 1 junior scientist ................................................. 1,530.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 305 (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 27. 1 scientific assistant ............................................ 1,428.00 28. 1 scientific assistant ............................................ 1,224.00 28. 1 scientific assistant ........................................... 1,224.00 29. 2 scientific assistants ........................................... 2,160.00 31. 1 scientific assistant ............................................ 864.00 32. 2 scientific assistants ........................................... 1,512.00 33. 4 scientific assistants ........................................... 2,592.00 41(i). 1 laboratory helper ....................................... 432.00 41(x). 1 laboratory helper ....................................... 360.00 41(i/). 3 laboratory helpers ................................... 972.00 41(z). 2 laboratory helpers ................................... 600.00 41(i/i/). 9 laborers ....................................................... 2,700.00 CHEMICAL RESEARCH DIVISION 3-4. 1 chief of division (under contract)........... 6,800.00 8. 2 scientists ............................................................... 8,500.00 8. 1 scientist ............................................................... 4,250.00 9. 1 scientist ............................................................... 3,825.00 13. 1 assistant scientist .............................................. 2,720.00 15. 1 assistant scientist .............................................. 2,380.00 19. 3 junior scientists ................................................ 4,590.00 30. 1 scientific assistant ............................................. 972.00 32. 1 scientific assistant ............................................. 756.00 33. 2 scientific assistants ........................................... 1,296.00 41 (m). 1 laboratory assistant ................................. 756.00 41(z). 1 laboratory helper ........................................ 300.00 41(x). 1 laboratory helper ...................................... 360.00 41 (v). 1 laboratory helper ...................................... 420.00 41(i/). 1 laboratory helper ...................................... 324.00 42(i/i/)« 3 laborers ..................................................... 900.00 DIVISION OF BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS 5. 1 chief of division ............................................. 5,100.00 8. 1 scientist .............................................................. 4,250.00 13. 1 assistant scientist ............................................ 2,720.00 15. 2 assistant scientists .......................................... 4,760.00 16. 1 assistant scientist ............................................ 1,224.00 17. 2 junior scientists ................................................ 4,080.00 19. 3 junior scientists ................................................ 4,590.00 32. 1 scientific assistant ............................................ 756.00 41(i/). 3 laboratory helpers ..................................... 972.00 41 (ww). 1 laborer ...................................................... 360.00 41 (xx). 1 laborer ........................................................ 324.00 ALABANG SERUM LABORATORY 8. 1 scientist .............................................................. 4,250.00 11. 1 assistant scientist .............................................. 3,060.00 15. 2 assistant scientists ................. 4,760.00 17. 1 junior scientist .................................................. 2,040.00 41 (aa). 1 laboratory helper ..................................... 300.00 41 (n). 1 laboratory assistant ................................. 755.00 41 (rr). 1 carpenter .................................................... 378.00 41 (z). 2 laboratory helpers ...................................... 600.00 41(i/). 2 laboratory helpers ...................................... 648.00 41 (v). 1 laboratory helper ...................................... 420.00 41 (r). 1 laboratory helper ........................................ 486.00 41 (ww). 1 laborer ..................................................... 360.00 41 (xx). 1 laborer ........................................................ 324.00 41 (3/1/). J.7 laborers ...................................................... 5,100.00 ILOILO BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY 14. 1 assistant scientist ............................................ 2,550.00 41 (aa). 1 laboratory helper ..................................... 300.00 CEBU BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY 13. 1 assistant scientist .............................................. 2,720.00 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING DIVISION 20. 1 engineer .............................................................. 21. 1 assistant engineer ............................................ 22. 1 assistant engineer ............................................. 23. 1 assistant engineer ............................................. 24. 2 assistant engineers ........................................... 25. 1 assistant engineer ............................................. 26. 1 assistant engineer ............................ .............. 41(a). 1 foreman ........................................................ 41 (nn). 1 plumber ............................. ...................... 41(b). 1 oiler .............................................................. 41(e). 1 oiler ................................................................ 41 (g). 1 oiler .............................................................. 41 (s). 2 laboratory helpers ..................................... 41 (hh). 1 watchman .................................................. 41 ( ii). 1 watchman .................................................... 41(c). 1 oiler ...................... ........................................ 41 (d). 2 oilers ............................................................ 41 (f). 1 oiler ................................................................ 41 (jj). 1 electrician .................................................... 41 (kk). 1 mechanic .................................................... 41 (oo). 2 carpenters ................................................... 41 (pp). 1 carpenter .................................................. 41(qq) 1 carpenter ...................................................... 41 (tt). 1 laborer .......................................................... 41(2/1/). 2 laborers ...................................................... NATIONAL MUSEUM 5. 1 chief of division ............................................ 12. 2 assistant scientists ............................................. 17. 1 junior scientist ................................................. 18. 1 junior scientist .................................................. 19. 2 junior scientists ................................................ 29. 2 scientific assistants ......................................... 31. 1 scientific assistant ............................................. 33. 1 scientific assistant ............................................. 41(z). 1 laboratory hleper ......................................... 41 (tí). 3 laborers ........................................................ 41 (xx). 1 laborer ........................................................ 41 (cc). 1 museum guard ........................................... 41 (dd). 3 museum guards ....................................... 41 (ce). 1 museum guard ......................................... 41 (h). 1 scientific illustrator ................................... 41(0. 1 scientific illustrator ..................................... 41 (j). 1 scientific illustrator ................................. 41 (k). 2 scientific illustrators ................................. 41 (I). 2 scientific illustrators ................................. DIVISION OF MINES 5. 1 chief of division ............................................. 41 (o). 1 laboratory assistant ................................. 41 (p). 1 laboratory assistant ..................... 41 (w). 2 laboratory helpers, at P378 per annum each ............................................................ 41(2/). 2 laboratory helpers, at P324 per annum each .......................................................... 41 (z). 4 laboratory helpers, at P300 per annum each .......................................................... FISH AND GAME ADMINISTRATION DIVISION 7. 1 scientist .......„.................................................... HOME ECONOMICS DIVISION 41 (bb). 1 preparator ..................... _......... 41 (mm). 1 chauffeur .................................................. 41 (o).. 1 laboratory assistant ................................... 41 (v). 1 laboratory helper ......................................... 41 (z). 2 laboratory helpers, at P300 per annum each .......................................................... 41 (pp). 1 watchman .................................................. 3,825.00 2,040.00 1,530.00 1,326.00 2,160.00 810.00 756.00 1,080.00 453.(10 756.00 432.00 324.00 972.00 486.00 432.00 648.00 1,080.00 378.00 648.00 648.00 1,296.00 540.00 432.00 432.00 600.00 5,100.00 5,780.00 2,040.00 1,700.00 3,060.00 2,160.00 864.00 648.00 300.00 1,296.00 324.00 378.00 900.00 240.00 600.00 878.00 360.00 648.00 600.00 5,100.00 420.00 878.00 756.00 648.00 1,200.00 5,100.00 648.00 378.00 420.00 420.00 600.00 486.00 299089------20 306 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (6) BUREAU OF SCIENCE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION SCIENTIFIC LIBRARY DIVISION 33. 1 scientific assistant ............................................ 648.00 41 (m). 2 laboratory helpers, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................................... 864.00 41 (v. 1 laboratory helper .......................................... 420.00 41 (x). 14 laboratory helpers, at 1*360 per annum each ............................................................... 5,040.00 41 (z). 1 laboratory helper ....................................... 300.00 41 (ww). 1 laborer ....................................................... 360.00 41(1///). 1 laborer ....................................................... 300.00 41(ao«). Deduction for vacancies and absences.. (4,502.00) Total for salaries and wages.......... P2541804.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (7) BUREAU OF COMMERCE DIRECTORS 1. One Director ........................................ 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 2. One Assistant Director....................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief of division........................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 3 4. One chief of division........................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 4 5. One chief of division........................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 5 6. One chief of division........................... 3,570.00 3,570.00 6 7. One chief of division........................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 7 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 8. One assistant chief of division........ . 3,060.00 3,060.00 8 9. One assistant chief of division........... 2,890.00 2,890.00 9 10. Two assistant chiefs of divisions, at 1*2,550 per annum each................................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 10 11. One assistant chief of division........... 2,380.00 2,380.00 11 COMMERCIAL AGENTS 12. One commercial agent......................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 12 13. One commercial agent......................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 13 14. One commercial agent......................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 14 15. One commercial agent ....................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 15 16. Five commercial agents, at ^2,040 per annum each................................................. 10,200.00 10,200.00 16-19 17. One commercial agent......................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 20 18. One commercial agent......................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 21 19. One commercial agent......................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 22 20. One junior commercial agent............. 2,040.00 2,040.00 23 21. Two junior commercial agents, at 1*1,530 per annum each................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 24, 26 22. One junior commercial agent............. 1,275.00 1,275.00 27 23. One junior commercial agent............. 1,122.00 1,122.00 28 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 307 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to *tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated ( 7 ) BUREAU OF COMMERCE 24. Eight junior commercial agents, at ■Pl,080 per month each.................................. 25. One junior commercial agent............. 26. Three junior commercial agents, at 1*864 per annum each ................................... 27. Six junior commercial agents, at 1*756 per annum each.................................................. 28. Six junior commercial agents, at 1*648 per annum each........................................ 29. Two junior commercial agents, at 1*540 per annum each...................................... CLERKS 30. One clerk................................................ 31. One clerk................................................ 32. One clerk .............................................. 33. Four clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each 34. Five clerks, at 1*864 per annum each 35. Two clerks, at per annum each.. 36. Five clerks, at 1*648 per annum each 37. Four clerks, at 1*540 per annum each.. 38. Six clerks, at 1*432 per annum each.. MESSENGERS 39. One messenger...................................... 40. One messenger..................................... 41. Two messengers, at 1*240 per annum each .................................................................... MISCELLANEOUS 42. For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: Demonstrators (a) Two demonstrators, at per annum each .................................................................. Chauffeur (b) One chauffeur ................................................. Driver (c) One motorcycle driver.................................... Carpenter (d) One carpenter ................................................ 8,640.00 972.00 8,640.00 972.00 29-33 34 2,592.00 2,592.00 35-36 4,536.00 4,536.00 37-39 3,888.00 3,888.00 40-41 1,080.00 1,080.00 42 2,040.00 2,040.00 48 1,700.00 1,700.00 44 1,224.00 1,224.00 45 4,320.00 4,320.00 46-49 4,320.00 4,320.00 50-51 1,512.00 1,512.00 52 3,240.00 3,240.00 53 2,160.00 2,160.00 54-55 2,592.00 2,592.00 56-57 432.00 432.00 58 324.00 324.00 59 480.00 480.00 60 1,080.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 308 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized ( 7 ) BUREAU OF COMMERCE Laborers (e) Two watchmen, at F324 per annum each.. (/) Tivo laborers, at P432 per annum each.... (g) Two laborers, at i*410 per annum each.... (h) Three laborers, at ^08 per annum each.. (i) Five laborers, at F324. per annum each.... [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] ....................................................... [Allowance for caps and badges for tourist guides] ............................................... Total.................................................... 648.00 648.00 61(6) 864.00 ... 820.00 ... 1,224.00 ... 1,620.00 1,620.00 61(a) 5,500.00 (l)-227(s-l) 40.00 62 131,672.00 131,712.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director ............................................................... P6.120.00 2. 1 Assistant Director ............................................. 5,100.00 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 5. 1 chief of division ................................................ 3,825.00 9. 1 assistant chief of division................................. 2,890.00 Cash Section 35. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 Records Section 24. 1 junior commercial agent ................................ 1,080.00 33. 1 clerk .......................................................-............ 1,080.00 37. 1 clerk ................................................................ 540.00 39. 1 messenger ........................................................... 432.00 General Service Section 30. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 2,040.00 24. 1 junior commercial agent..................................... 1,080.00 34. 1 clerk .............................. -........ 864.00 41. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 42 (t). 5 laborers .......................................................... 1,620.00 42(e). 2 watchmen ..................................................... 648.00 42(a). 2 Demonstrators ............................................ 1,080.00 42(5). 1 chauffeur ..................................................... 540.00 42(c). 1 motorcycle driver ......................................... 540.00 42(d). 1 carpenter ...................................................... 432.00 42(f). 2 laborers ....................................................... 864.00 42(p). 2 laborers ....................................................... 820.00 42(h). 3 laborers ....................................................... 1,224.00 TRADE INFORMATION DIVISION 6. 1 chief of division ................................................ 3,570.00 11. 1 assistant chief of division ............................... 2,380.00 35. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 41. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 Research Section 16. 2 commercial agents ........................................ 4,080.00 17. 1 commercial agent ............................................ 1,700.00 22. 1 junior commercial agent .........................-...... 1,275.00 24. 2 junior commercial agents ................................. 2,160.00 26. 1 junior commercial agent .................................... 864.00 27. 2 junior commercial agents .............................. 1,512.00 Publicity Section 27. 1 junior commercial agent ................................ 756.00 28. 2 junior commercial agents .............................. 1,296.00 38. 1 clerk ................ .................................................... 432.00 40. 1 messenger ............................................................ 824.00 Trade Connection Section 13. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 2,720.00 18. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 1,530.00 21. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 1,530.00 24. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 1,080.00 26. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 864.00 28. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 648.00 MARKETS AND CREDITS DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division .............................................. 4,250.00 8. 1 assistant chief of division............................. 3,060.00 12. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 3,400.00 Sales Section 16. commercial agent ............................................... 2,040.00 19. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 1,080.00 26. 1 junior commercial agent .................................. 864.00 28. 1 junior commercial agent .................................. 648.00 Retail Trade Section 16. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 2,040.00 23. 1 junior commercial agent .............................. 1,122.00 27. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 756.00 29. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 540.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 309 (7) BUREAU OF COMMERCE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Market Reports Section 24. 1 junior commercial agent ............................. 1,080.00 27. 1 junior commercial agent................................... 756.00 28. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 648.00 38. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 432.00 Rural Credits Section 24. 1 junior commercial agent ................... 1,080.00 34. 1 clerk ...... ............................................................. 864.00 33. 1 clerk ...7............................................................... 1,080.00 Cooperative Marketing Section 15. 1 commercial agent ........................................ 2,380.00 20. 1 junior commercial agent ................................... 2,040.00 21. 1 junior commercial agent.................................... 1,530.00 28. 1 junior commercial agent .................................. 648.00 37. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 38. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS DIVISION 7. 1 chief of division ............................................. 3,400.00 10. 1 assistant chief of division.................................. 2,550.00 84. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 Manila Trading Center and Exchange 24. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 1,080.00 36. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 29. 1 junior commercial agent ................................. 540.00 37. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 38. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Fairs and Expositions Section 16. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 2,040.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 COMMERCIAL LAWS DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ................................................. 5,100.00 10. 1 assistant chief of division ................................ 2,550.00 32. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 Mercantile Registry Section 31. 1 clerk ................................................................ 1,700.00 33. 1 clerk ................................................................ 1,080.00 36. 2 clerks ................................................................ 1,296.00 37. 1 clerk ................................................................ 540.00 38. 1 clerk ................................................................ 432.00 Trade Regulation Section 14. 1 commercial agent .............................................. 2,550.00 25. 1 junior commercial agent .................................. 972.00 34. 1 clerk ................................................................ 864.00 27. 1 junior commercial agent .................................. 756.00 36. 2 clerks ................................................................ 1,296.00 38. 1 clerk ................................................................ 432.00 34. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P131,672.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (8) WEATHER BUREAU DIRECTORS 1. One Director ....................................... ¥=4,250.00 ¥=4,250.00 1 2. One Assistant Director....................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 2 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. Three chiefs of divisions, at 1*3,060 per annum each ................................................ 9,180.00 9,180.00 3-4 4. One chief of division............................ 2,720.00 2,720.00 5 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 5. One assistant chief of division........... 2,720.00 2,720.00 6 6. One assistant chief of division........... 2,380.00 2,380.00 7 FORECASTERS 7. One forecaster...................................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 8 8. One assistant forecaster..................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 9 OBSERVERS 9. One observer ........................................ 2,550.00 2,550.00 10 10. One observer ....................................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 11 310 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details 1937 requested 1936 1 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Item No. (8) WEATHER 11. Two assistant observers, at 1*2,380 per annum each ................................................ BUREAU 4,760.00 4,760.00 12-13 12. One assistant observer......................... 1,785.00 1,785.00 14 13. Two assistant observers, at Pl,428 per annum each................................................ 2,856.00 2,856.00 15 14. One assistant observer....................... 1,326.00 1,326.00 16 15. One assistant observer....................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 17 16. Seven assistant observers, at 1*1,122 per annum each ................................................ 7,854.00 7,854.00 18-21 17. One assistant observer......................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 22 18. Three junior observers, at P972 per annum each........................................................ 2,916.00 2,916.00 23-25 19. Three junior observers, at P864 per annum each........................................................ 2,592.00 2,592.00 26-27 20. Twelve junior observers, at P648 per annum each........................................................ 7,776.00 7,776.00 28-31 21. Two junior observers, at P540 per annum each........................................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 32 22. Twenty-seven junior observers, at P432 per annum each........................................ 11,664.00 11,664.00 35-36 23. Ten junior observers, at P324 per annum each........................................................ 3,240.00 3,240.00 38-39 24. One junior observer ........................... 300.00 300.00 40 25. Thirteen junior observers, at P180 per annum each................. ;............................. 2,340.00 2,340.00 33-34, 41-42 26. Three junior observers, at P120 per annum each........................................................ 360.00 360.00 37 COMPUTERS 27. One assistant computer.............. ....... 1,700.00 1,700.00 43 28. One assistant computer.... ................. 1,428.00 1,428.00 44 29. One assistant computer ..................... 1,326.00 1,326.00 45 30. One assistant computer..................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 46 31. One assistant computer..................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 47 32. One junior computer......................... 972.00 972.00 48 33. Four junior computers, at P756 per annum each........................................................ 3,024.00 3,024.00 50-52 34. One junior computer ......................... 648.00 648.00 49 CLERKS 35. One clerk ............................................. 864.00 864.00 53 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 311 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to ’tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated DRAFTSMEN (8) WEATHER BUREAU 36. One assistant draftsman................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 55 37. One assistant draftsman ................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 56 MECHANICS 38. One assistant mechanic ..................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 57 39. One assistant mechanic ..................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 58 40. One junior mechanic........................... 972.00 972.00 59 41. One junior mechanic........................... 864.00 864.00 60 42. One junior mechanic........................... 432.00 432.00 61 OPERATORS 43. One assistant radio operator............... 1,224.00 1,224.00 62 44. One assistant wireless operator......... 45. Two assistant telegraph operators, at 1,224.00 1,224.00 63 Pl,224 per annum each.................................... 2,448.00 2,448.00 64 46. One junior telegraph operator........... 864.00 864.00 65 MESSENGERS 47. Two messengers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 648.00 648.00 66-67 MISCELLANEOUS 48. Temporary and emergency employees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: (a) Two laborers, at 1*432 per annum each.... 864.00 864.00 68(«)-(6) (&) One laborer .................................................... 240.00 240.00 (5)-184 (c) One janitor .................................................... 432.00 432.00 68(c) (d) One messenger during the typhoon season 300.00 300.00 68(d) Total .................................................... 115,728.00 115,728.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director .............................................................. P4.250.00 2. 1 Assistant Director ..........~............................... 3,400.00 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 4. 1 chief of division ............................................. 2,720.00 35. 1 clerk ............. 864.00 36. 1 assistant drafstman ....................................... 1,700.00 37. 1 assistant draftsman ......................................... 1,122.00 38. 1 assistant mechanic ......................................... 1,700.00 39. 1 assistant mechanic ............................................ 1,275.00 40. 1 junior mechanic .............................................. 97,2.00 41. 1 junior mechanic ................................................ 864.00 42. 1 junior mechanic ................................................ 432.00 43. 1 assistant radio operator ............................. 1,224.00 44. 1 assistant wireless operator .......................... 1,224.00 45. 2 assistant telegraph operators ...................... 2,448.00 46. 1 junior telegraph operator .............................. 864.00 47. 2 messengers ........................................................ 648.00 48(a). 2 laborers ....................................................... 864.00 48(d). 1 laborer ........................................................... 240.00 48(c). 1 janitor ........................................................... 432.00 48(d). 1 messenger during the typhoon season.... 300.00 METEOROLOGICAL DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ............................................. 3,060.00 6. 1 assistant chief of division ..................... 2,380.00 7. 1 forecaster ........................................................... 2,720.00 8. 1 assistant forecaster ............................................ 1,700.00 312 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE (8) WEATHER BUREAU INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 9. 1 observer .............................................................. 10. 1 observer .............................................................. 11. 1 assistant observer ............................................ 12. 1 assistant observer ............................................ 18. 2 assistant observers ......................................... 14. 1 assistant observer ............................................ 15. 1 assistant observer ............................................ 16. 7 assistant observers ......................................... 17. 1 assistant observer ............................................. 18. 3 junior observers ............. _............................... 19. 3 junior observers .............................................. 20. 10 junior observers ............................................. 21. 2 junior observers .............................................. 22. 27 junior observers ........................................— . 23. 9 junior observers .............................................. 24. 1 junior observer ................................................ 25. 13 junior observers ............................................ 26. 3 junior observers ................................................ 27. 1 assistant computer ......................................... 28. 1 assistant computer .................................-...... 2,550.00 2,880.00 2,380.00 1,785.00 2,856.00 1,326.00 1,224.00 7,854.00 1,080.00 2,916.00 2,592.00 6,480.00 1,080.00 11,664.00 2,916.00 300.00 2,340.00 360.00 1,700.00 1,428.00 29. 1 assistant computer ........................................... 1,826.00 80. 1 assistant computer ........................................... 1,224.00 31. 1 assistant computer ........................................... 1,080.00 32. 1 junior computer .............................................. 072.00 33. 3 junior computers ............................................ „ 2,268.00 34. 1 junior computer ................................................ 648.00 SEISMIC AND MAGNETIC DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division ................ 5. 1 assistant chief of division.. 33. 1 junior computer ................ 20. 1 junior observer .................. 23. 1 junior observer ..........„...... ASTRONOMICAL DIVISION 3. 1 chief of division .................................... 11. 1 assistant observer .................................. 20. 1 junior observer ...................................... Total for salaries and wages. 3,060.00 2,720.00 756.00 648.00 324.00 3,060.00 2,380.00 648.00 P115,728.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual I.—SALARIES AND WAGES (1) ‘ Office of the Secretary........................... (2) Bureau of Plant Industry..................... (3) Bureau of Animal Industry............... . (4) Bureau of Forestry............................. (5) Bureau of Lands................................. (6) Bureau of Science................................. (7) Bureau of Commerce............................. (8) Weather Bureau................................... 1*282,268.00 265,850.00 240,536.00 612,881.00 826,043.00 254,804.00 131,672.00 115,728.00 1*283,968.00 268,046.00 240,536,00 534,715.00 826,343.00 254,804.00 131,712.00 115,728.00 1*134,163.83 261,783.84 243.867.44 511,913.68 769.333.45 347,460.83 132,741.67 94,557.21 Total for salaries and wages............. 2,729,782.00 2,655,852.00 2,495,821.95 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel, in­ cluding those of commercial and cooperative promotion agents in the provinces: Street car fares..................................... P960.00 Horse allowance ......-........................... 200.00 Per diems and subsistence.................. 129,600.00 Transportation ..................................... 48,145.00 Hire of cargadores .............................. 11,150.00 Motorcycle allowance ...................-.... 240.00 Bicycle allowance ............................... 200.00 Taxi and cab fares ............................. 220.00 Railroad fares ..................................... 5,360.00 Truck fares ........................................... 780.00 Carromata fares ................................... 940.00 Total .................................................... P197,745.00 197,745.00 207,695.00 194,067.74 [Traveling expenses of commercial and cooperative promotion agents in the provinces^ ........................................................ 5,000.00 3,877.93 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 313 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 2. Freight, express and delivery service: Transportation of supplies and mate­ rials .... P15.855.00 Cargadores hire for supplies................ 500.00 rials .... P15.855.00 Cargadores hire for supplies................ 500.00 Total ................................................... P16.355.00 16,355.00 19,355.00 15,873.36 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Postage stamps ..................................... P31.500.00 Post office box rentals.............. ........... 680.00 Telegrams .............................................. 14,077.00 Cablegrams .... ................. ;.......... .......... 3,000.00 Telephone rentals ..................... .......... 13,000.00 Money order fees and insurance....... 50.00 Total .................................................... P62,307.00 62,307.00 62,307.00 68,979.28 4. Illumination and power service: Electric fluid .............................. .......... P17,500.00 Petroleum and candles......................... 350.00 Total ......................................... .......... P17,850.00 17,850.00 17,850.00 19,610.71 5. Rental of buildings and grounds, ineluding Yap Station: Rental of offices.......................... .......... P30.350.00 Rental of grounds ................... .......... 100.00 Total ....... ................................. .......... P30,450.00 30,450.00 41,450.00 30,267.20 6. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Office supplies and stationery............ P54.000.00 Foodstuffs and kitchen utensils........... 1,500.00 Ice and drinking water........................ 2,500.00 Toilet supplies ..................................... 1,100.00 Motor vehicles supplies ...................... 15,000.00 Water service ......................................... 4,000.00 Medical and chemical supplies........... 27,000.00 Electrical supplies ............................... 900.00 Watercraft supplies ............................. 250.00 Cleaning supplies ................................. 1,500.00 Manufacturing supplies ...................... 3,000.00 Ordnance supplies ........................ 350.00 Packing supplies ................................. 1,200.00 Materials and supplies for repairs.... 2,000.00 Photographic supplies ............._......... 3,700.00 Disinfectants ................................ 190.00 Forage ............ 12,000.00 Gas ........ 1,000.00 Books, pamphlets and periodicals....... 13,000.00 Fertilizers .........................„................... 3,000.00 Power plant supplies ........................ 21,500.00 Carabaos, cows, guinea pigs and mon­ keys .................................................... 1,800.00 Public works materials ..... 3,000.00 314 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES Drafting and artist supplies.............. 12,000.00 Painting supplies ............................... 900.00 Printed forms ....................................... 2,100.00 Meteorological, seismological, magnet and astronomical supplies................ 3,500.00 Gasoline and oil ................................... 1,000.00 Glassware .............................................. 1,000.00 Printing and binding supplies ........... 1,225.00 Total .................................................... P195,215.00 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Printing of annual reports, docu­ ments and publications .................. P54,000.00 Total ................................................ P54.000.00 8. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees: Traveling expenses of witnesses....... P450.00 Total .................................................... P450.00 195,215.00 195,215.00 231,816.13 54,000.00 60,000.00 54,145.60 450.00 950.00 325.83 9. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Repair of furniture and equipment.. P13.480.00 Total P13,480.00 13,480.00 13,480.00 9,622.23 10. Other services: Sewei charges ....................................... P3.870.00 Medical attendance ............................. 410.00 Horeshoeing ........................................... 20.00 Bond premiums ..................................... 1,831.00 Electrical installation and repairs..... 3,000.00 Advertisements ..................................... 68.00 Cutting and cleaning of grass............ 314.00 Subscriptions ......................................... 630.00 Laundry service ................................... 1,300.00 Welding .................................................. 278.00 Storage service .....................-.............. 20.00 Printing of briefs on land cases in courts ............................................-.... 424.00 Docketing fees and cost of suits.......... 100.00 Share in the maintenance of the Oriente Building ............................... 425.00 Fire hydrant in Manila Office............. 24.00 Contracted services ............................. 1,167.00 Printing of documents in Official Gazette ................................................ 180.00 Publication of notices of sales and leases of Public Lands...................... 620.00 Total ................................................ . P14,681.00 Total for sundry expenses............... 14,681.00 602,533.00 14,681.00 637,983.00 29,330.66 657,916.67 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 315 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 calculating machine ............................ P250.00 1 typewriter, long carriage.............. 250.00 15 filing cases for the Records Section 1,500.00 BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 typewriter, long carriage.............. 250.00 1 electric fan, 18", oscillating....... 24.00 1 bag, traveler’s leather, 16" X 18" 16.00 4 flags, American, 3’ X 5', reinforced corners ......................................... 32.00 4 flags, Filipino, 3* X 5', reinforced corners ........................................... 32.00 2 coolers, water, 15 liters capacity.... 70.00 1 cooler, water, 12 liters capacity.... 25.00 1 register, tally .................................... 8.00 1 cabinet, file, vertical, 4 drawers, narra ............................................. 32.00 2 syringes for anay control.............. 25.00 1 aparador for insect specimens..... 30.00 20 rat dusters ....................................... 100.00 15 insect boxes .................................... 60.00 3 exhibition cases ........................ 36.00 Additional Equipment: 1 Van Slyke, amino acid nitrogen apparatus, #7560-AHT ............. 103.00 1 eye piece micrometer disc, #6840AHT .............................................. 6.00 1 magnifier, triple applanat, 14X.... 12.00 1 chemical cabinet with drawers.... 88.40 1 herbarium case with pigeon holes and doors for mounted speci­ mens .............................................. 50.00 2 books and pamphlet stands........ 30.00 4 chairs, office, tanguile, Norte style, #101 ................................................ 8.00 1 oat roller ........................................... 27.00 1 flour hand grinder .......................... 27.00 1 flour hand roller ............................ 27.00 1 bailing apparatus for hay........ 15.00 1 apparatus for rice glutten deter­ mination ....................................... 10.00 1 roaster for popping rice, 1 liter capacity ....................................... 85.00 1 book, Productive Soils by Wilbert W. Weir ....................................... g oo 1 book, Productive Farm Crops, 3rd edition, revised, by E. G. Mont­ gomery ........................................... 6.00 1 book. Rice Directory and Manual.. 7.00 1 book. The Rice of Siam, Bankok, 1827 by Sanedvonge, Yai.............. 6.00 1 book, Common Commodities and Industries, by W. H. Simmons.... 18.00 1 embedding table. No. 1806.............. 14.00 1 embedding table, No. 1800............. 80.00 2 desks, office, tangile, 3’ X 5', 5 drawers ......................................... 40.00 316 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 3 chairs, revolving, narra, high back .............................................. 45.66 1 typewriter, long carriage, Elite type ................................................ 262.50 1 desk, office, tangile, narra finish, 3' X 5', 5 drawers, locks & slides .............................................. 40.00 2 chairs, revolving, office, narra, high back ..................................... 30.44 1 lens, hand, 12X, triple applanat.... 12.00 1 set, dissecting ................................. 9.00 1 embedding table. Razon, electric.... 40.00 1 set measure, liquid.... 20.00 BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY For additional equipment: Cabinets, vertical, steel without lock 200.00 Safe, steel, small..................................... 200.00 Canteens ................................................ 50.00 Veterinary instruments ........................ 250.00 1 gut cleaning machine...................... 600.00 1 sausage stuffing machine.............. 400.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: Flags, Filipino......................................... 30.00 Flags, American ................................. 30.00 Saddles, pony ......................................... 60.00 BUREAU OF FORESTRY For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 flag, P. I. 5 X 9i woolen............ 15.85 1 flag, U. S. 5 X 9i woolen............ 15.85 6 dividers, proportional at P9.50....... 57.00 6 compasses, box at P9.20............... 55.20 6 magnifiers, 20-X at P4.20............... 25.20 9 marking hatchets at P5.80............ 52.20 8 canteens, U. S. with cover strap.... 28.00 6 haversacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 18.60 6 rucksacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 40.80 6 compasses, box ............................... 55.20 6 magnifiers, 20-X ............................. 25.20 7 dividers, proportional .................... 66.50 5 marking hatchets ............................ 29.00 9 canteens, U. S. with straps.......... 31.50 6 haversacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 18.60 6 rucksacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 40.80 9 compasses, box ................................. 82.80 8 magnifiers, 20-X .............................. 33.60 5 dividers, proportional ......-............ 47.50 7 marking hatchets ............................ 40.60 6 canteens, U. S. with straps........... 21.00 7 haversacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 22.20 9 rucksacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 61.20 28 flags, U. S. 8* X 5* woolen........... 117.60 28 flags, P. I. 3* X 5' woolen............ 117.60 8 compasses, box ............................... 73.60 5 magnifiers, 20-X ............................. 21.00 4 dividers, proportional .................... 38.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 317 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 5 marking hatchets ............................. 29.00 10 canteens, U. S. with straps.......... 35.00 8 haversacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 24.80 6 rucksacks with straps, khaki can­ vass*................................................ 40.80 7 compasses, box ................................. 64.40 11 magnifiers, 20-X ............................. 46.20 14 dividers, proportional .................... 133.00 12 marking hatchets ........................... 69.60 6 canteens with straps and cover ... 28.00 10 haversacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 31.00 10 rucksacks with straps, khaki can­ vass ................................................ 68.00 BUREAU OF LANDS For additional equipment: 1 cabinet Van Dorn, with 8-2 com­ partment drawers for index cards 6" X 4" Mastercrafts­ manship ......................................... 235.00 1 cabinet file with 3 drawers 6" X 8" ......................................... 70.00 1 typewriter, Remington, 24" car­ riage .............................................. 195.00 1 revolving chair ................................. 20.30 2 typewriters, Remington, ordinary 350.00 2 typewriters, ordinary .................... 350.00 9 chain band, 100 m........................... 306.00 5 chain band, 50 m............................. 90.00 12 umbrellas, field ............................... 168.00 12 compasses, military ...................... 139.70 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 wall clock ......................................... 50.00 1 numbering machine, Bates............ 26.00 BUREAU OF SCIENCE Additional equipment: 2 hygro-thermograph, self recording, complete ......................................... 300.00 1 card catalog cabinet with 112 trays and 4 slides (narra).................. 150.00 Books on general science..................... 300.00 Books on agriculture............................. 200.00 Books on animal industry.................... 200.00 Books on forestry.................................. 200.00 Books on chemistry............................... 200.00 Boosk on medicine................................. 300.00 Books on biology.................................... 200.00 Books on meteorology........................... 100.00 Books on commerce............................... 100.00 Books on statistics ............................. 100.00 Books on home economics................... 100.00 Books on mining................................... 300.00 Books on fishing industry................... 300.00 Books on other industries, such as leather, ceramics, papers, etc......... 400.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 furnace-muffle, Hoskins Electric, Type F-D ..................................... 160.00 1 Rheostat for 110 volts for above.... 27.00 1 oven Frees Electric No. 100........... 270.00 1 Refractometer, Attbee and Lomb.... 1,003.00 1 Olsen special microscope for Beinell hardness testing................... 70.00 318 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1 balance .............................................. 176.00 1 McCool Pulverizer, Type C, size 6i with 2 extra discs.................. 329.00 BUREAU OF COMMERCE For additional equipment: 4 typewriters, standard size for field agents at P187.50........... ............ 750.00 4 tables, typewriters, for the above at P6.70 ......................................... 26.80 2 typewriters, standard size, for Market Division at P187.50....... 375.00 2 typewriters, standard size, for Commercial Intelligence Division, at P187.50 ..................................... 375.00 5 cabinets, vertical file, 4 drawers steel for Market and Cooper­ ative Marketing and Credits Divisions at P102.......................... 510.00 2 typewriters, standard size, for Trade Regulation Division at P187.50 ......................................... 375.00 2 tables, typewriters, for above......- 13.90 5 filing cases, card index, 4 drawers, 3 X 5 at P61 for Trade Regula­ tion Division ................................. 305.00 5 cabinets, vertical file, 4 drawers, steel, for Trade Regulation Divi­ sion ................................................ 570.00 1 numbering Machine for Trade Regulation Division ........................... 15.00 1 adding machine for the Manila Trading Center and Exchange.... 190.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 1 typewriter, long carriage ........... 307.30 WEATHER BUREAU For additional equipment: 1 typewriter, Underwood, No. 12....... 175.00 1 dozen tables, at P180 per dozen.... 180.00 3 anemometers at P160 each.............. 480.00 3 supports for windvane, at P100 each ................................................ 800.00 2 supports for anemometer and windwane ..................................... 865.00 Total ......................................... P20.805.00 20,805.00 Total for furniture and equipment.. 20,805.00 20,805.00 33,692.98 20,805.00 33,692.98 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Organization of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, Act No. 3163, and to control and eradicate other agricultural pests and diseases: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One agronomist ............................. 1*3,060.00 (b) Two assistant agronomists, at 1*1,080 per annum each............ 2,160.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 319 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (c) One plant sanitation inspector and aviator .................................. 2,550.00 (d) Two plant sanitation foremen, at P864 per annum each............. 1,728.00 (e) One plant sanitation foreman 756.00 (/) Two plant sanitation foremen, at 1*720 per annum each............ 1,440.00 (g) One plant sanitation foreman.. 648.00 (h) Six plant sanitation foremen, at 1*600 per annum each....... 3,600.00 (i) Two plant sanitation foremen, at 5*594 per annum each........ 1,188.00 (;) Seventeen plant sanitation fore­ men, at 1*540 per annum each 9,180.00 (k) One assistant mechanic.................. 810.00 (0 One chauffeur .................................. 540.00 (m) One laboratory helper .................. 540.00 (n) One laborer ..................................... 432.00 Total for salames and wages 28,632.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (0) Traveling expenses of personnel 2,376.00 (p) Freight, express and delivery service . 312.00 (q) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................... 130.00 (r) Rental of buildings and grounds 120.00 (s) Consumption of supplies and ma­ terials ............................................ 3,900.00 (t) Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment .......................................:....... 100.00 (u) Other services .................................. 30.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 6,968.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (v) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ........................... 400.00 Total for furniture and equipment ............................. 400.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages................ 28,632.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 6,968.00 Total for furniture and equipment...... 400.00 Total available appropriation.. F36,000.00 36,000.00 36,038.00 34,170.06 320 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 2. Campaign for the eradication and control of rinderpest and other contagious and infectious animal diseases, Act No. 3166, including payment for animals utilized for purposes of experimentation, breeding or vaccination: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One laboratory chemist................ 1*2,040.00 (б) One assistant veterinarian ........ 1,080.00 (c) Four livestock inspectors, at F5J>0 per annum each................ 2,160.00 (d) Three livestock inspectors, at F432 per annum each................ 1,296.00 (e) Three livestock inspectors, at 1*378 per annum each................ 1,134.00 (/) One motor driver............................ 486.00 (g) One laboratory helper ................ 648.00 (h) One machinist ............................... 1,080.00 (i) One assistant mechanic ................ 486.00 (;) One motor driver ........................ 540.00 (k) One laborer .................................... 810.00 (Z) One laborer .................................... 702.00 (m) One motor driver ......................... 460.00 (n) For emergency laborers.............. 21,078.00 Total for salaries and wages 34,000.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (o) Traveling expenses of personnel 1,000.00 (p) Freight, express and delivery service .................... 700.00 (q) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................... 1,000.00 (r) Illumination and power service 1,500.00 (s) Consumption of supplies and ma­ terials ............................................ 9,500.00 (i) Other services ............................... 300.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 14,000.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (u) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ....................... 2,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 2,000.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 321 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............ Total for sundry expenses................ Total for furniture and equipment.. 34,000.00 14,000.00 2,000.00 Total available appropriation.. P50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 47,499.41 3. For the classification of public lands: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) Three draftsmen, at P324 per annum each ............................. (б) Eight computers, at P324 per annum each ............................. P972.00 2,592.00 Total for salaries and wages 3,564.00 SUNDRY [OTHER!EXPENSES [Sundry expenses, including the purchase of furniture and equipment:] (c) Traveling expenses of person­ nel .............................................. (d) Freight, express and delivery service ...................................... (e) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................ (/) Illumination and power serv­ ice .............................................. (g) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................. (h) Maintenance and repair • of equipment .................................. (i) Other services ............................. 11,000.00 200.00 126.00 300.00 300.00 60.00 450.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 12,436.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.............. Total for sundry expenses..................... 3,564.00 12,436.00 Total available appropriation.. «6,000.00 16,000.00 18,060.00 16,059.72 4. For sundry expenses, including pur­ chase of furniture and equipment in con­ nection with commercial and industrial in­ vestigation, demonstration and promotion work ......................................................... 2,785.00 2,785.00 2,231.19 299089------21 322 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual 1937 Budget Details Item No. IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 5. For the maintenance, operation and improvement of National Parks, Act No. 3915: SUNDRY EXPENSES (a) Sundry expenses ......................... 1*5,000.00 Amount to be paid out of the re­ ceipts under Act No. 3915....... (1*5,000.00) 6. For the development of the fishing industry and the promotion of the fisheries resources of the Philippines, Act No. 4003: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) Two technical assistants, at 1*4,250 per annum each........... 1*8,500.00 (б) One technical assistant ............. 4,250.00 (c) Four technical demonstrators, at 1*1,080 per annum each........... 4,320.00 (d) One technical demonstrator....... 1,080.00 (c) Five [student assistant] tech­ nical helpers, at FJf.32 per annum each .................................. 2,160.00 (/) One [student assistants] tech­ nical helper.................................... 432.00 (g) One inspector ............................... 2,040.00 (h) One patron ................................... 1,530.00 (i) One engineer ............................... 1,080.00 [(;') Temporary and emergency employees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers ................. 1*4,320] (;) One chauffeur .................................. 378.00 (k) One laboratory helper ................ 432.00 (Z) Three laboratory helpers, at F360 per annum each.............. 1,080.00 (m) One laboratory helper................ 324.00 (n) Five laboratory helpers, at f*306 per annum each............ 1,530.00 (o) One laboratory helper ................ 240.00 (p) For emergency laborers ............ 336.00 Total for salaries and wages.... 29,712.00 SUNDRY [OTHER] EXPENSES [Sundry .expenses, including the purchase of furniture and equip­ ment] (q) Traveling expenses of personnel 100.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 323 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (r) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 150.00 (s) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 38.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 288.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages 29,712.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 288.00 Total available for the de­ velopment of the fisheries resources, Act No. 4003. .. P30,000.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts under Act No. 4003 ..................................... (M0,000.00) 0.00 7. For reforestation to be expended in accordance with Act No. 3283: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Two laborers, at M60 per an1*720.00 num each ............. [1*778.00] (t) One laborer.... ......... [^356.00] 360.00 (C) Three laborers, at 1*360 per annum each...... ........ [P972.00] 1,080.00 (c-1) Four laborers, at P360 per annum each.......... 1,440.00 (d) Two laborers, at M00 per annum each............. .. [1*502.00] 600.00 (e) Four laborers, at M00 per annum each............. .. [M64.00] 1,200.00 (e-1) Four laborers, at P300 per annum each ........ 1,200.00 (/) One laborer ............ 275.00 (g) One laborer........... .. [1*125.00] 240.00 (g-1) Three laborers, at 1*240 per annum each..... .. [1*360.00] 720.00 (*7-2) Six laborers, at P21f0 per annum each ....... 1,440.00 [Ten laborers........... 1*900.00] . [Five laborers, at F64 per annum each............... 1*420.00] [One laborer........ ...... M1.00] [One laborer........ ...... P75.00] [Five laborers, at 1*72 per annum each............... 1*360.00] [Five laborers, at 1*54 per annum each............... 1*270.00] 324 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS [Ten laborers, at 1*45 per an­ num each............... 1*450.00] ................... [One laborer............... 1*14.00] ................... (h) Five emergency laborers, at 1*45 a month for 3 months................ 675.00 (t) Five emergency laborers, at 1*30 a month each for 5 months...... 450.00 (;) Five emergency laborers, at 1*27 a month for 5 months................ 675.00 (k) Five emergency laborers, at 1*27 a month for 3 months.............. 405.00 (Z) Five emergency laborers, at 1*25 a month for 5 months................ 625.00 (m) Five emergency laborers, at 1*25 a month for 3 months.............. 375.00 (n) Five emergency laborers, at 1*20 a month each for 4 months.... 400.00 (o) Ten emergency laborers, at 1*18 a month each for 5 months.... 900.00 (p) Five emergency laborers, at 1*12 a month each for 3 months.... 270.00 (q) Ten emergency laborers, at 1*15 a month each for 3 months.... 450.00 Total for salaries and wages 14,500.00 SUNDRY TOTHER3 EXPENSES [Sundry expenses, including the purchase of furniture and equipment ............... 1*2,133.00] ................... (r) Traveling expenses of personnel 1,800.00 (s) Freight, express and delivery service .................... 600.00 (t) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service......... 150.00 (?i) Ilhiminat'on and power service.. 90.00 (v) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 7,000.00 (w) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................... 200.00 (x) Other services......... 60.00 Total for sundry expenses........ 9,900.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (y) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ............................. 600.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 600.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 325 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages 14,500.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 9,900.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 600.00 Total available appro­ priation ....................... 1*25,000.00 25,000.00 8,660.00 7,595.99 8. Investigation and survey of home­ steads, free patents and sales and leases under the provisions of Act No. 2874: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Five assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,530 per annum each .............................................. P7,650.00 (6) Five assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,080 per annum each .............................................. 5,400.00 (c) Ten junior public lands in­ spectors, at P540 per annum each .............................................. 5,400.00 [For skilled, semi-skilled and un­ skilled laborers.... P19,046.00] ................... (d) One surveyman................................ 648.00 (e) Two survey men, at per an­ num each ...................................... 1,080.00 (/) Three surveymen, at FJÍ32 per annum each .................................. 1,296.00 (g) One surveyman ............................. 300.00 (h) Five chainmen, at F378 per an­ num each........................................ 1,890.00 (i) Three chainmen, at F321> per annum each .................................. 972.00 (j) Seven chainmen, at F300 per annum each .................................. 2,100.00 (k) One chainman ................................ 240.00 (l) Four rodmen, at 1^324 per an­ num each........................................ 1,296.00 (m) Fifteen rodmen, at F300 per an­ num each........................................ 4,500.00 (n) Four rodmen, at 1*2^0 per an­ num each........................................ 960.00 (o) Two instrument caretakers, at P324 per annum each................ 648.00 (p) Five instrument caretakers, at F300 per annum each................ 1,500.00 (q) For emergency laborers.............. 1,616.00 Total for salaries and wages.. 37,496.00 326 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUNDRY [OTHER] EXPENSES [Q) Sundry expenses.....1*50,500.00] ................... (?*) Traveling expenses of personnel 35,800.00 (s) Freight, express and delivery service .................. 3,000.00 (O Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 1,550.00 (u) Illumination and power service.. 124.00 (v) Rental of buildings and grounds 4,620.00 (w) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 2,340.00 (x) Maintenance and repair of equipment ...................................... 70.00 (y) Other services.......... 3,000.00 Total for sundry expenses........ 50,504.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.. 37,496.00 Total for sundry expenses........ 50,504.00 Total available appropriation .................................... 1*88,000.00 88,000.00 87,996.00 73,780.10 9. For the maintenance and repair of a radio apparatus installed in the Manila Ob­ servatory ............................................................ 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,087.18 10. For the maintenance and upkeep of the Cebu typhoon signal.................................. 50.00 50.00 . 11. For the administration of the Friar Lands Estates: SALARIES AND WAGES Agents (a) One agent......................................... Fl,530.00 (b) One agent .................................... 1,224.00 (c) One agent ................................... 1,224.00 (d) One agent ................................... 1,122.00 (e) Two agents, at 1*1,080 per an­ num each ................................... 2,160.00 (/) One agent ................................... 972.00 (g) One agent .................................... 972.00 (h) One agent .................................... 756.00 (0 One agent .................................... 540.00 O’) One agent ................................... 540.00 (k) One agent .................................... 540.00 (l) One agent ..................................... 432.00 (m) One agent ..................................... 432.00 Clerks (n) One clerk ..................................... 864.00 (o) Two clerks, at F540 per annum each ............................................. 1,080.00 (p) Four clerks, at 1*432 per an­ num each ................................... 1,728.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 327 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (q) One clerk ...................................... 324.00 (r) Two clerks, at tF324 per annum each ............................................. 648.00 (s) One clerk ...................................... 324.00 (O Five clerks, at F240 per annum each ............................................. 1,200.00 (u) One clerk ..................................... 240.00 Messenger (v) One messenger ............................. 240.00 Miscellaneous [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers..... P23,028] Rangers (w) Two rang er s, at 1*360 per an­ num each...................................... 720.00 (x) Two assistant rangers, at 1*324 per annum each.......................... 648.00 (y) One ranger ...................................... 240.00 Foremen (z) Five irrigation foremen, at 1*540 per annum each......................... 2,700.00 (aa) Two irrigation foremen, at 1*480 per annum each.............. 960.00 (bb) Two irrigation foremen, at 1*300 per annum each................ 600.00 Watertenders (cc) Two watertenders, at 1*324 per annum each.................................. 648.00 (dd) Twenty-seven watertenders, at 1*300 per annum each.............. 8,100.00 (ee) Twelve watertenders, at 1*240 per annum each......................... 2,880.00 Laborers (ff) Two laborers, at 1*300 per an­ num each .................................... 600.00 (gg) Fifteen laborers, at 1*240 per annum each ................................ 3,600.00 (hh) One laborer ................................. 120.00 Guards (ii) Three guards, at 1*180 per an­ num each.................................... 540.00 (jj) Two guards, at P120 per an­ num each.................................... 240.00 (kk) One guard ...................................... 96.00 (R) Two guards, at 1*92 per annum each ............................................ 184.00 (mm) One guard.......................■............ 80.00 (nn) One guard ................................... 72.00 Total for salaries and wages 42,120.00 328 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUNDRY EXPENSES (oo) Traveling expenses of person­ nel .............................................. 4,000.00 (pp) Freight, express and delivery service ...................................... 50.00 (qq) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................... 500.00 (rr) Illumination and power serv­ ice .............................................. 500.00 (ss) Rental of buildings and grounds .................................... 420.00 (it) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................. 1,100.00 (iiu) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.. 100.00 (vv) Maintenance and repair of equipment ................................ 100.00 (wiu) Other services .......................... 300.00 Total for sundry expenses 7,070.00 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (.tx) Resurvey and reclassification of the friar lands: Salaries and Wages [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] (1) One laborer 1*432.00 (2) Tivo labor­ ers, at 1*336 per a n n u m each ........ 672.00 (3) Six labor­ ers, at 1*300 per annum each ........ 1,800.00 (4) For emerg e n c y laborers .. 896.00 Sundry [Other] Expenses (5) Traveling expens e s of personnel .... (6) Cons u m pti o n of supplie s and ma­ terials .. (7) Trac in g s and tech­ nical de­ scriptions 90.00 10.00 100.00 Total .. ?4,000.00 4,000.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 329 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (yy) Construction and maintenance of roads and bridges within the friar lands estates, to be allotted by the Secretary of Agriculture and Com­ merce : Provided, That 1*2,000 of this amount shall be used for the construction and improvement of roads in the friar lands estates in the Province of Bulacan: (yy)-l San Roque-Sta. Clara road, Santa Maria and Bigaa, Bu­ lacan ................... (yy)-2 Bunsuran-M atibo road, Bigaa, Bu­ lacan .................. (yy)-3 L o m a-d e-G atoS an Vicente, San Jose and Sta. Maria, Bu­ lacan ................... (yy)-4 Pasongtinta-Pati­ paran road, Dasmariñas, Cavite (yy)-5 Palange-Bubuyan road, Naic, Ca­ vite ..................... (yy)-6 Naic-Sa king road, Naic, Cavite .... (yy)-7 P a I u b I u banri,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Aliang road, Ge­ neral Trias, Ca­ vite ..................... (yy)-8 Cruces JunctiovrQuintana road, Tanza, Cavite.... (yy)-9 Cabatuan-Sili-Ca2,000.00 2,000.00 llang road, Daleg, Isabela........ (yy)-10 Cabatuan-Cadanlang-Oscaris, Cauayan, Isabela ............ (yy)-U Tulay-TungkopAbono road, Ming lanilla, Cebu ................ 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 330 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (yy)-12 Sanggi-Tubod road, Minglanilla, Cebu .......... 1,000.00 Total............ P20,000.00 20,000.00 (zz) Construction, maintenance, al­ teration and repair of irri­ gation systems to be allotted by the Secretary of Agri­ culture and Commerce: Bulacan (zz)-l Prensa dam, ca­ nals and head­ gates, Lolomboy M,000.00 (zz)-2 Excavation of ca­ nals and con­ struction of headgates, San­ ta Maria de Pandi ................ 1,000.00 (zz)-3 Kupeng dam, ca­ nals, etc., Santa Maria de Pan­ di ......................... 500.00 Cavite (zz)-Ji P a s o n g b uaya dam, canals, etc., Imus .......... (zz)-5 Julian dam, ca­ nals, etc., Imus (zz)-6 For the purchase and installation of gates, Imus.. (zz)-7 Idgar dam, toes, and canals, Imus (zz)-8 Sahing dam, toes, canals, etc., Naic (zz)-9 Construction of headgates and excavation o f canals Marigondon g section, Naic .................. (zz)-10 Kulang-kul an g dam, canals and gates, Naic 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 331 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (zz)-ll Plucena dam, toes, canals, etc., San Fran­ cisco de Malabon..................... (zz)-12 Butas dam, ca­ nals, etc., San Francisco de Malabon .......... (zz)-13 Sampalukan dam, canals, San Francisco d e Malabon .......... (zz)-lJ^ Construction of headgates Matanda system, Santa Cruz de Malabon .......... (zz)-15 Manggol dam, canals, etc., Santa Cruz de Malabon .......... (zz)-16 Construction of headgates Cruc e s section, Santa Cruz de Malabon .......... 2,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 Isabela (zz)-17 For the* con­ struction o f canals and headgates ........ 2,500.00 Laguna (zz)-18 Construction of headgates and excavation o f canals, Bi­ nan .............. 1,000.00 (zz)-19 Tubigan dam, canals, etc., Bi­ nam, ..................... 1,000.00 (zz)-20 Campana dam and tunnels, Calumba .......... 1,000.00 (zz)-21 Lechería exten­ sion, Calamba.. 1,000.00 332 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (zz)-22 D ir m o dam, tunnels and ca­ nals, Santa Ro­ sa ....................... 1,000.00 (zz)-23 Makabling dam, c an a I 8, etc., Santa Rosa..... 1,500.00 Total ..............£30,000.00 30,000.00 (aaa) Maintenance and repair of buildings ................................ 1,000.00 Total for special appro­ priations ....................... 55,000.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............. 42,120.00 Total for sundry expenses................. 7,070.00 Total for special appropriations....... 55,000.00 Total available for the admin­ istration of the Friar Lands Estates .................................... £104,190.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts therefrom ............... (£104,190.00) 0.00 [For the administration of the San Lazaro Estate:] [salaries and wages] [Agent] [(a) One agent ..................................... £1,530.00] [Clerks] [(6) One clerk ........................ 756.00] [(c) One clerk ..................................... 540.00] [(d) One clerk ................................... 432.00] [(e) One clerk ..................................... 432.00] [(/) One clerk ..................................... 240.00] [Total for salaries and wages 3,930.00] [sundry expenses] [(<7) Traveling expenses of person­ nel ........................................... 200.00] [(A) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service................... 100.00] G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 333 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS [(i) Illumination and power service 80.00] [(;) Consumption of supplies and materials ............................... 700.00] [(&) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 250.00] [(Z) Maintenance and repair of equipment ............................ 70.00] [(?n) Other services ......................... 247.00] [Total for sundry expenses 1,647.00] SUMMARY [Total for salaries and wages........... 3,930.00] [Total for sundry expenses............... 1,647.00] [Total available for the ad­ ministration of the San Lazaro Estate ................... 1*5,577.00] [Amount to be paid out of the receipts therefrom.... (1*5,577.00)] 0.00 12. For the verification of surveys sub­ mitted by~ private land surveyors to the Bureau of Lands, Act No. 3950, payable from the receipts, any provision of existing law to the contrary notivithstanding, as folloivs: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) Forty computers, at 1*432 per annum each ............................... (б) Two computers, at 1*378 per an­ num each ............. [1*864.00] (c) Three computers, at 1*240 per annum each ....... [1*1,296.00] (d) Two computers, at 1*240 per annum each ......... [1*648.00] (e) One computer ........... [F224.00] (/) Ten junior topographical drafts­ men, at 1*432 per annum each (g) one junior topographical drafts­ men ............................[1*432.00] (h) Five junior topographical drafts­ men, at 1*432 per annum each ............................... [1*2,160.00] (i) One junior topographical drafts­ men ............................[1*432.00] 1*17,280.00 756.00 720.00 480.00 220.00 4,320.00 360.00 1,620.00 324.00 334 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (;) Eight junior topographical draftsmen, at P432 per an­ num each ............. [P3,456.00] 1,920.00 [Four draftsmen, at P432 per annum each ......... Pl,728.00] ................... [Five draftsmen, at P432 per annum each ....... P2,160.00] ................... Total available appropriation P28,000.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts ................................... (P28,000.00) 0.00 .......................... 35,000.00 27,982.35 13. To encourage and facilitate the sur­ vey and subdivision of public land, Act No. 4031: SALARIES AND WAGES Survey men (a) One surveyman ............................. P702.00 (b) Three survey men, at 1*648 per annum each .................................. 1,944.00 (c) Three survey men, at 1*540 per annum each ......................... 1,620.00 (d) Three surveymen, at 1*486 per annum each .................................. 1,458.00 Laborers (e) Sixteen linemen, at 1*432 per annum each .................................. 6,912.00 (/) Sixteen chainmen, at 1*432 per annum each .................................. 6,912.00 (g) Sixteen chainmen, at 1*360 per annum each ............................... 5,760.00 (h) Thirty-tu^o rodmen, at 1*300 per annum each ................................. 9,600.00 (i) Sixteen instrument caretakers, at 1*300 per annum each........ 4,800.00 (j) Ninety-six laborers, at 1*300 per annum each .................................. 28,800.00 Total for salaries and ivages 68,508.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (k) Traveling expenses of personnel 12,000.00 (Z) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 1,000.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 335 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details iv.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (??i) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................... 500.00 (n) Illumination and power service 100.00 (o) Rental of buildings and grounds 1,920.00 (p) Consumption of supplies and materials ................................... 7,972.00 (q) Other services ................................ 1,000.00 Total for sundry expenses 24,492.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and ivages Total for siindry expenses ... 68,508.00 24,492.00 Total available appropria­ tion ........................................ 1*93,000.00 93,000.00 14. Contributions and gratuities, including 93,087.00 87,909.16 the control or eradication of agricultural pests and diseases; [the entertainment of foreign or local scientists and agriculturists visiting the propagation stations, seed farms and nurseries of the Bureau of Plant Indus­ try ;] the payment of membership dues in, or contributions to, scientific organizations; and the purchase [and distribution] of seeds and plants as well as the cost of their [for] propagation and distribution and of such experiments as may be undertaken in con­ nection therewith, to be allotted by the Se­ cretary of Agriculture and Commerce ....... 40,000.00 15. Contributions and gratuities, including the manufacture and purchase of antisera vaccines, viruses and other biologies for the control of epizootics; purchase of animals, supplies, materials, equipment and all inci­ dental expenses required in their propaga­ tion or [of rinderpest serum the] manufac­ ture; [or purchase of anti-epizootic serum; the entertainment of foreign or local scien­ tists and agriculturists visiting the stock farms, slaughterhouses and breeding and quarantine stations of the Bureau of Animal Industry;] the payment of membership dues in, or contributions to scientific organiza­ tions ; and the distribution of young animals for propagation, to be allotted by the Se­ cretary of Agriculture and Commerce......... 30,000.00 30,000.00 28,890.29 25,000.00 23,748.45 336 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 16. For the necessary expenses of estab­ lishing, operating and maintaining ten new weather forecasting stations to be established at strategic places of the Islands to be spent by the Director of the Weather Bureau with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Ten forecasters at T*%32 per 1*4,320.00 4,320.00 annum each .................................. Total for salaries and wages .................................... SUNDRY EXPENSES (b) Traveling expenses of person­ nel ................................................... 250.00 (c) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 100.00 (d) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 7,000.00 (e) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 500.00 (/) Other services .................................. 400.00 Total for sundry expenses 8,250.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (g) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ........................... 8,500.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 8,500.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.............. 4,320.00 Total for sundry expenses ................ 8,250.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 8,500.00 Total available for the necessary expenses of ten weather fore­ casting stations ............................. F21,070.00 21,070.00 ..................... G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 337 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 17. For the folloiving personnel of the Public Lands Subdivision employed through­ out the year, Act No. 3673: Chiefs of Survey Parties (a) Two chiefs of survey parties, at Pl,700 per annum each........ 5*3,400.00 (b) Four chiefs of survey parties, at Pl,500 per annum each...... 6,000.00 Surveyors (c) Ten assistant surveyors, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 10,800.00 (d) Ten junior surveyors, at P61>8 per annum each........................... 6,480.00 (e) One junior surveyor....................... 570.00 (/) Fourteen junior surveyors, at P5J& per annum each............ 7,560.00 Public Lands Inspectors (g) Two assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,530 per annum each ................................................. 3,060.00 (h) Two assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,275 per annum each.................. 2,550.00 (i) Two assistant public lands in­ spectors, at Pl,080 per annum each................................................. 2,160.00 (j) Two junior public lands in­ spectors, at P756 per annum each................................................. 1,512.00 (k) Two junior public lands in­ spectors, at P6£8 per annum each ................................................. 1,296.00 Computers (l) Twenty-two junior computers, at P540 per annum each................ 11,880.00 (m) Twelve junior computers, at Pit 3 2 per annum each................ 5,184.00 Draftsmen (n) Ten junior topographical drafts­ men, at P540 per annum each 5,400.00 338 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 I requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Survey men (o) Two surveymen, at F648 per annum each .................................. 1,296.00 (p) Ttvo surveymen, at F570 per annum each .................................. 1,140.00 (?) Five surveymen, at F51/.0 per annhmi each .................................. 2,700.00 Sketchmen (r) One sketchman ................................ 378.00 (s) One sketchman ............................. 360.00 (t) One sketchman ................................ 300.00 Linemen M Tiventy linemen, at F1/.32 per annum each .................................. 8,640.00 Chainmen (v) Nine chainmen, at Fli32 per annum each .................................. 3,888.00 (w) Thirty-four chainmen, at F360 per annum each ......................... 12,240.00 (•?) One chainman ................................ 324.00 (v) Seventeen chainmen, at 1*300 per annum each .................................. 5,100.00 Rodmen (z) Twenty-five rodmen, at F32Jf per annum each .................................. 8,100.00 (aa) Twenty-five rodmen, at 1*300 per annum each ......................... 7,500.00 (bb) One rodman .................................. 285.00 (cc) Three rodmen, at 1*270 per an­ num each ...................................... 810.00 (dd) One rodman .................................. 264.00 Temporary Clerks («e) Two temporary clerks, at 1*2 ¿0 per annum each............ 480.00 Instrument Caretakers (#) Twelve instrument caretakers, at i*300 per annum each.......... 3,600.00 Office Caretakers (gg) Eight office caretakers, at 1*300 per annum each......................... 2,400.00 (hh) Two office caretakers, at 1*21*0 per annum each......................... 480.00 Laborers (ii) Twenty-six laborers, at 1*300 per annum each.................................. 7,800.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 339 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 193$ authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (jj) One hundred thirty-five labor­ ers, at per annum each.... 32,400.00 Total available for the per­ sonnel of the Public Lands Subdivision employed thruout the year......................... 1*168,337.00 Amount to be paid from re­ ceipts .........................¿........ («68,337.00) 18. For the personnel of the Stock Farms, Herds, Breeding Stations and Slaughter­ houses, employed thruout the year, Acts 2758 and 3632: Central Office (a) One clerk ........................................ F876.00 Bongabon Stock Farm (b) One foreman ................................... 552.00 (c) One carpenter................................. 468.00 (d) One cowboy..................................... 444.00 Dumarao Stock Farm (e) One superintendent......................... 1,080.00 (/) One foreman .................................... 444.00 (g) Two cowboys, at P312 per an­ num each ...................................... 624.00 (h) Four cowboys, at P2¿0 per an­ num each ...................................... 960.00 Ubay Stock Farm (i) One foreman ................................. 660.00 (;) One cowboy ..................................... 504.00 (k) One cowboy .................................... 396.00 Total available for the per­ sonnel of the Stock Farms, Herds, Breeding Stations and Slaughterhouses em­ ployed throughout the year.. 1*7,008.00 Amount to be paid from the receipts ...................................... («,008.00) 0.00 340 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 19. For the expenses of the National Re­ search Council in accordance with Act No. 4120: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One secretary ................................. 1*4,500.00 (б) One clerk-stenographer................ 1,080.00 (c) One technical assistant.............. 480.00 (d) One clerk-messenger ................... 240.00 Total for salaries and wages.. 6,300.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (e) Sundry expenses ............................. 3,700.00 (/) Grants to laboratories for scien­ tific purposes ................................ 10,000.00 Total for siindry expenses.... 13,700.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages .............. 6,300.00 Total for sundry expenses..................... 13,700.00 Total available appropriation 1*20,000.00 20,000.00 ..................... 20. For expenses in connection with the conservation of the fishery resources and for the promotion and development of the fish­ ing industry, to be spent by the Director of Science with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One fishery technologist.............. ^=3,200.00 (б) One assistant technologist.......... 1,000.00 (c) Three technical demonstrators, at 1*1,000 per annum each........ 3,000.00 (d) Ten fish and game wardens, at 1*500 per annum each................ 5,000.00 (e) Forr emergency laborers............ 1,000.00 Total for salaries and wages .................................... 13,200.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (/) Traveling expenses of personnel 2,500.00 (g) Freight, express and delivery service .................... 50DÜ00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 341 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (/i) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................................ 200.00 (t) Illumination and power service.. 100.00 (j) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 1,000.00 (k) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................... 100.00 (l) Other services.................................. 500.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 4,900.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (m) For the purchase of scientific apparatus...................................... 1,900.00 Total for purchase of equipment ........................... 1,900.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.. 13,200.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 4,900.00 Total for purchase of equip­ ment .......................................... 1,900.00 Total available appro­ priation ....................... 1*20,000.00 20,000.00 ..................... 21. For the administration of the Fiber Inspection Service, Section 1771-A, Act No. 2711: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One manager Manager ................................ M,120.00 Chiefs of Divisions (b) One chief inspector ...................... 4,800.00 (c) One assistant chief inspector........ 4,000.00 (d) One chief clerk................................. 3,200.00 (e) One assistant chief clerk and cashier .......................................... 2,800.00 Fiber Inspectors (/) Three district fiber inspectors.... 10,800.00 (g) Three district fiber inspectors.... 9,180.00 (h) One fiber inspector ........... 2,550.00 (i) One fiber inspector ....................... 2,380.00 (;) Seven fiber inspectors.................. 14,280.00 (k) Six fiber inspectors....................... 11,220.00 (0 ,One agent ........................................ 1,800.00 342 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (?n) Eighteen assistant fiber inspec­ tors ................................................. 21,600.00 (n) Four junior fiber inspectors...... 4,320.00 (o) Two junior fiber inspectors........ 1,920.00 (p) Seven junior fiber inspectors..... 5,880.00 (q) Five junior fiber inspectors........ 3,600.00 Clerks (r) One clerk ......................................... 2,950.00 (s) One clerk ......................................... 2,440.00 (i) One clerk ......................................... 1,482.00 (u) One clerk ......................................... 1,242.00 (v) One clerk ......................................... 1,170.00 (w) Two clerks ...................................... 1,776.00 (.t) One clerk......................................... 768.00 (z) Three clerks .................................... 2,268.00 (aa) One clerk ...................................... 720.00 (bb) Three clerks .................................. 1,980.00 (cc) Two clerks ..................................... 1,104.00 (dd) Three clerks .................................. 1,620.00 Messengers (ee) Three messengers......................... 1,440.00 (//) One messenger ..„........................ 360.00 {99) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers ................... 10,000.00 Total for salaries and wages .................................. 141,770.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (hh) Traveling expenses of person­ nel ................................................. 10,000.00 (ii) Freight, express and delivery service ...................... 200.00 (jj) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 2,000.00 (kk) Illumination and power service 200.00 (II) Rental of buildings and grounds 5,000.00 (mm) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 2,000.00 (nn) Printing and binding reports.... 200.00 (00) Maintenance and repairs of equipment ................................. 400.00 (PP) Other services ............................ 1,000.00 Total for sundry expenses...... 21,000.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (qq) For the purchase of furniture arid equipment ......................... 1,000.00 Total for furniture and equipment............................. 1,000.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 343 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages .................................. 141,770.00 Total for sundry ex­ penses .................................. 21,000.00 Total for special appropria­ tions ...................................... 1,000.00 Total available for the administration of the Fiber Inspection Service .......................... «63,770.00 Amount to be paid from the receipts........ («63,770.00) 0.00 .......................... 22. For the personnel of the Cadastral Survey fund, employed throughout the year, Act No. 3077: Chiefs of Survey Parties (а) Twelve chiefs of survey parties, at Pl,700 per annum each.... P20,400.00 (б) Twenty-four assistant survey­ ors, at Pl,080 per annum each 25,920.00 (c) Twenty-four junior surveyors, at P61>8 per annum each........ 15,552.00 (d) Twenty-four junior surveyors, at P51f0 per annum each........ 12,960.00 Computers (e) Twenty-four junior computers, at P5JfO per annum each........ 12,960.00 (/) Forty-eight junior computers, at Pl>32 per annum each.............. 20,736.00 (g) Twenty-five junior computers at P21f0 per annum each........ 6,000.00 (h) Twenty-four junior draftsmen, at P5^0 per annum each........ 12,960.00 (i) Thirty junior draftsmen, >at P240 per annum each.............. 7,200.00 Clerks (j) Twenty-two temporary clerks, at P2W per annum each........ 5,280.00 Vault keeper (k) One vault keeper ......................... 540.00 (l) One vault keeper ......................... 432.00 344 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Watchmen (m) One watchman ........................... 540.00 (n) One watchman ............................. 360.00 (o) One watchman ............................. 300.00 Laborers (p) Three janitors, at F300 per an­ num each ................. ,................... 900.00 (q) One carpenter ............................. 432.00 (?') One blueprinter .......................... 240.00 (s) Forty-eight linemen, at Flt.32 per annum each ......................... 20,736.00 (t) Twenty-four sketchmen, at ^^32 per annum each ......................... 10,368.00 (it) Twenty-four surveymen, at Flf80 per annum each.............. 11,520.00 (v) One hundred tiventy chainmen, at F360 per annum each........ 43,200.00 (w) One hundred forty-four rodmen, at F300 per annum each........ 43,200.00 (x) Forty-eight transit carriers, at T300 per annum each.............. 14,400.00 (y) Four hundred twenty laborers, at F300 per annum each........ 126,000.00 Total available for the per­ sonnel of the Cadastral Sur­ vey Fund employed through­ out the year ......................... 1*413,136.00 Amount to be paid from the Cadastral Survey Fund..... (1*413,136.00) 0.00 23. For the personnel for the establish­ ment, maintenance, equipment and operation of Seed Farms, employed throughout the year, Act No. 3J^3, as amended: (a) One seed farm manager.............. 4,675.00 (b) One assistant seed farm man­ ager .............................................. 3,825.00 (c) One junior bookkeeper ................ 648.00 (d) Seven laboratory helpers, at per annum each............ 3,780.00 (e) Two laboratory helpers, at F300 per annum each................ 600.00 (/) Two foremen, at ^6^8 per arc­ num each ...................................... 1,296.00 (g) One skilled laborer ...................... 756.00 (h) One skilled laborer ..................... 702.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 345 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No> 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (i) One skilled laborer ............... 300.00 (;) One semi-skilled laborer ........... 594.00 (k) Two laborers, at 1*540 per an­ num each .................................... 1,080.00 (Z) Two laborers, at 1*432 per an­ num each ...................................... 864.00 (m) One laborer .................................. 300.00 (n) One tractor operator ................... 648.00 (o) One chief watchman, at 1*2 per day, for 365 days............... 730.00 (p) Two watchmen, at 1*1.35 per day, for 365 days each............ 986.00 (q) One watchman, at 1*1.20 per day, for 365 days ..................... 438.00 (r) One night guard, at Fl per day, for 365 days ..................... 365.00 Total available for the per­ sonnel for the establish­ ment, maintenance and operation of Seed Farms employed throughout the year ........................................ Amount to be paid from the Seed Farms Fund ............ P22,587.00 (?22,587.00) 0.00 24. For the expenses of the Fiber Re­ search Fund, Act No. 3263: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One chief of section ..................... F4,675.00 (б) One assistant agronomist............ 2,720.00 (c) Two assistant agronomists, at 1*1,224 per annum each............ 2,448.00 (d) One fiber research assistant........ 1,530.00 (e) Two fiber research assistants, at 1*1,122 per annum each............ 2,244.00 (/) One junior bookkeeper................. 756.00 (g) One clerk-stenographer................ 600.00 (h) One laboratory helper..................... 648.00 (i) One skilled laborer, at 1*2 p. d. for SOO days ................................ 600.00 O’) Two semi-skilled laborers, at 1*1.71 per day for 300 days each ................................................. 1,026.00 (k) One laborer, at 1*1.53 a day for 300 days ...................................... 459.00 (Z) One supervising weaver, at 1*1.50 a day for 300 days..................... 450.00 346 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1935 actual 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (m) One laborer, at Pl.26 a day for 300 days ........................................ 378.00 (n) One laborer, at Pl.17 a day for 300 days ........................................ 351.00 (o) Fifteen laborers, at Pl a day for 300 days each................................ 4,500.00 (p) Tivo silk reelers, at P0.80 a day for 300 days each .......... 480.00 (g) Two “abatex” weavers, at P0.80 a day for 300 days each............ 480.00 (r) Thirteen laborers, at P0.80 a day for 300 days each......................... 3,120.00 (s) For temporary and emergency employees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled la­ borers ............................................. 3,328.00 Total for salaries and wages 30,793.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (t) Traveling expenses of personnel.. 3,000.00 (u) Freight, express, and delivery service .......................................... 2,500.00 (v) Postal, telegraph, telephone, and cable service ................................ 500.00 (w) Illumination and power service.. 500.00 (a?) Rental of buildings and grounds 60.00 (y) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 4,000.00 (z) Other services .................................. 600.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 11,160.00 Furniture and Equipment (aa) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 2,010.00 Total for furniture and equipment ........................... 2,010.00 Summai'y Total for salaries and wages.. 30,793.00 Total for sundry expenses........ 11,160.00 Total for furniture and equip­ ment .......................................... 2,010.00 Total available for the ex­ penses of the Fiber Re­ search Fund..................... ^43,963.00 Amount to be paid from receipts ............................. (1*43,963.00) 0.00 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 347 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 26. For the personnel of the Manila Trad­ ing Center and Exchange employed thrnout the year, Act No. 4069: (a) One general manager, by detail. (6) One assistant manager in charge of the Trading Center, by detail. (c) One stock clerk ..................... Pl,080.00 (d) One sales clerk ..................... 540.00 (e) Three sales clerk, at 1*480 per annum each................... 1,440.00 (/) Two sales clerk, at 1*360 per annum each ....................... 720.00 (g) One checker............................. 360.00 (h) Two chauffeurs, at 1*432 per annum each ......................... 864.00 (i) Three laborers, at 1*600 per annum each ......................... 1,800.00 (;) One laborer-filer................... 360.00 (fc) One laborer-filer................... 300.00 (l) Two laborers, at 1*360 per annum each......................... 720.00 (m) Two janitors, at 1*360 per annum each ......................... 600.00 (n) Four laborers, at 1*240 per annum each ......................... 960.00 Total available for the Manila Trading Cen­ ter and Exchange employed thruout the year ............................... P9,744.00 Amount to be paid from the receipts ................ (P9,744.00) 0.00 27. For salaries, sundry expenses and purchase of furniture and equipment for the office of the person employed by the Pres­ ident of the Philippines to cooperate with the Resident Commissioner, the Bureau of In­ sular Affairs, War Department of the United States, and such other agencies as have been or may hereafter be created by the Gov­ ernment of the Commonwealth of the Phil­ ippines to care for the commercial interests of the Philippines in the United States under Act No. 3442 ..................................................... 20,400.00 20,400.00 22,334.88 348 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 28. For publicity expenses of the Philip­ pines, inchiding participation of the Commonwealth Government in expositions in and outside of the Philippines: Nagoya Exposition ..................................... P50.000.00 Paris Exposition ......................................... 50,000.00 Philippine Exposition ................................. 20,000.00 Total .................................................... P120,000.00 120,000.00 ..................... 29. For the eradication and control of hog cholera and other dangerous and communic­ able diseases of sivine and fowls, including payment for animals and birds and supplies and materials utilized for purposes of ex­ perimentation, breeding or vaccination as folloivs: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One assistant veterinarianserologist ............................. Fl,700.00 (b) One technician .................... 540.00 (c) Six laborers at Fl per day each ...................................... 2,190.00 OTHER EXPENSES (d) Other expenses, including the purchase of experi­ mental animals, feed for their maintenance, drugs and chemicals needed in the experiments, materials for the construction and maintenance of hog pens, runs, chicken houses and segregation crates.............. 10,570.00 Total available ap­ propriation .......... Fl 5,000.00 15,000.00 ..................... 30. For the construction and equipment of a Dry-Kiln and loood treating plant, to be spent by the Director of Forestry with the approval of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce................................................... Total for special appropriations..... 4,500.00 ............................................... 602,805.00 408,076.00 373,288.78 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 349 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details V.—FIXED EXPENDITURES a. Protection of agricultural industries, Act No. 3207 ...................................................... 6,000.00 Total for fixed expenditures........... 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,998.46 6,000.00 5,998.46 VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. Reorganizing and strengthening the Division of Fisheries, Act No. 3307......................... b. Purchase of rubber seeds, Act No. 3230 ............................................................................. c. Promotion and development of na­ tional industries, Act No. 3953.................................. d. Fighting, exterminating or controling locusts, Act No. 4127......................................... e. Purchase, planting, preparation and distribution of seeds in the regions affected by the recent typhoons, Act No. 3527.................... /. Establishment, equipment, mainte­ nance and operation of an economic garden in Camp Eldridge, Los Baños, Laguna, Act No. 3910 ..................................................................... g. National Research Council, Act No. 4120 ............................................................................. h. Construction of a modern laboratory, purchase of equipment and maintenance of said laboratory, Act No. 3390................................. i. Development of home canning and food preservation industry, Acts 3308 and 3231 ............................................................................. j. Occupation and cultivation of public land at present unoccupied by the establish­ ment of settlement districts, Act No. 4197 as amended by Commonwealth Act No. 18............ k. Establishment, maintenance and operation of a small unit of a fiber sack fac­ tory, Act No. 4274..................................................... l. Campaign for the extermination or control of locusts, including budrot and other coconut pests, Commonwealth Act No. 12............ m. Restoration of cadastral survey re­ ceipts -........... Total for continuing appropria­ tions ........................................................ . 302.29 267.02 417,700.00 12,158.52 2.70 9,201.36 21,151.31 29,300.00 90,684.85 8,178.49 10,798.64 2,644.65 2,293.12 990,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 1,681,925.01 10,000.00 3,181,055.82 3,353,813.76 350 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Development of the fishing industry and the promotion of the fisheries resources of the Philippines, Act No. 4003................... 30,000.00 50,000.00 22,040.22 b. Maintenance, operation and improve­ ment of National Parks, Act No. 3915......... 5,000.00 5,029.00 4,344.36 c. Promotion, encouragement, improve­ ment, etc. of the Philippine fiber industry, section 1796-B of Act No. 2711..................... 40,619.84 35,714.29 d. Emergency rice administration......... 158,955.37 46,621.67 e. For the administration of the Friar Lands Estates .................................................. 104,190.00 115,297.00 /. For the administration of the San Lazaro Estate.................................................... 5,577.00 g. For the expenses of the Fiber In­ spection Service ................................................ 163,770.00 h. For the expenses payable from the Fiber Research fund ....................................... 43,963.00 Expenditures payable from special funds .................................................................. 648,812.00 Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ..................................... 995,735.00 375,478.21 108,720.54 VII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES a. Deterioration of supplies and sales stock.............................................................................................. 118,246.77 &. Extraordinary losses........................... 86.00 c. Losses from uncollectible debts......... 216.25 Total for indefinite expenditures.. 118,549.02 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages..................... 2,729,782.00 2,655,852.00 2,495,821.95 Total for sundry expenses........................... 602,533.00 637,983.00 657,916.67 Total for furniture and equipment........... 20,805.00 20,805.00 33,692.98 Total for special appropriations............... 602,805.00 408,076.00 373,288.78 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Department of Agri­ culture and Commerce................. 3,955,925.00 3,722,716.00 3,560,720.38 Total for fixed expenditures........... 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,998.46 Total for ordinary expenditures for the Department of Agriculture and Commerce............................... 3,961,925.00 3,728,716.00 3,566,718.84 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE 351 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IX.—SUMMARY EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for continuing appropriations..... 1,681,925.01 3,353,813.76 Total for receipts automatically appro­ priated .................................................... 995,735.00 375,478.21 108,720.54 Total for investments and indefinite ex­ penditures ............................................. 118,549.02 Grand total available for the De­ partment of Agriculture and Commerce ..................................... 4,957,660.00 5,786,119.22 7,147,802.16 Deduct— Receipts automatically appropriated..... 995,735.00 375,478.21 108,720.54 Net amount available for the De­ partment of Agriculture and Commerce ..................................... P3,961,925.00 ?5,410,641.01 ^7,039,081.62 1. Subject to the approval of the Secretary of Agricul­ ture and Commerce, the sum appropriated for the organiza­ tion of scouting parties to locate and fight locusts, as pro­ vided for in Act No. 3163, may likewise be expended by the Director of Plant Industry if deemed necessary to carry out the purposes of section 23 of Act No. 2472. 2. [3] Any unexpended balance of the appropriations made in this Act for the Bureau of Lands may be used for reimbursement of the cost of surveys as required by section 92(6) of Act No. 2874. 5. [7] The Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce may authorize the officers and employees of any bureau or office under the Department to lodge free of charge in gov­ ernment buildings controlled by the Department: Provided, That this privilege shall be limited to the superintendents, officers and employees of the seed farms, nurseries, exper­ imentation and propagation stations, stock farms, slaugh­ terhouses, breeding and quarantine stations, provincial 352 G.—DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS land and forest offices and stations, Alabang laboratories and experiment stations ivhose salaries and wages are pay­ able from the appropriations provided in this Act: Pro­ vided, further, That the officer's and employees herein mentioned shall not be allowed to lodge in rented buildings without requiring them to reimburse to the Government their corresponding reasonable share of the rent. 4. The Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce may authorize the expenditure of the appropriations under the items ‘‘contributions and gratuities" for the entertainment of foreign or local scientists and agriculturists visiting prop­ agation stations, seed farms, nurseries, stock farms, slaughterhouses, breeding and quarantine stations of the Bureaus under the said Department. [8. The sum of 4*200,000 of the Friar Lands Loan Fund established by Act No. 1736 is hereby reverted to the general unappropriated funds in the Insular Treasury on the effectivity of this Act.] [2 All amounts collected by the Bohol Filipino Colony and Cagayan Filipino Colony shall revert to the unappro­ priated general fund in the Insular Treasury, and shall not be made available for expenditure except by a subsequent legislative enactment, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.] [5. Upon recommendation of the Director of the Bu­ reau of Science, the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce is hereby authorized to appoint such honorary scientific collaborators as the needs of the service may require.] [6. Whenever a ship’s officer or member of the crew is absent on accrued leave or leave without pay, the Sec­ retary of Agriculture and Commerce may appoint a tem­ porary substitute in his place if the needs of the service or the customs law and regulations so require.]