Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Public Works and Communications


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Public Works and Communications
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
Appropriations and expenditures
Philippines -- Department of Public Works
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This contains the detailed report of Department of Public Works and Communications on their expenses for the year 1937. The total amount of appropriations requested is Php 4, 392,939 for the bureaus and offices under this Department.]
H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS The total amount of appropriations requested for 1937 is P4,392,939 for the bu­ reaus and offices under this Department. This is 1*186,568 greater than the total appro­ priations authorized for the current year. The increase is due to the creation of a num­ ber of new positions, the great majority for the Bureau of Posts; increases in some items of sundry expenses, mostly for transportation of mail, and in that for furniture and equipment, as well as in those for the upkeep, maintenance and repair of air ports, landing fields and air navigation facilities, maintenance and repair of the Kennon and Naguilian Roads and the road from Camp One to Damortis, and maintenance and re­ pair of cable and telegraphic lines and radio stations; and the elimination of the forced saving of 1*82,487 in the appropriation for salaries and wages of the Bureau of Posts. The said increases, however, have been partly offset by reductions Jn other items of salaries and wages, sundry expenses and special appropriations. La cantidad total que se pide para las Oficinas bajo este Departamento para el año 1937 es 1*4,392,939. Esta suma es 1*186,568 mayor que la consignada para el presente año debido a la crea­ ción de nuevos puestos, la mayoría de los cuales es para la Oficina de Correos; al aumento en algunas partidas para gastos varios, mayormente la transportación de correspondencia y la compra de mobi­ liario y equipo; al aumento en las consignaciones para la conservación y reparación de puertos aéreos, campos de aterrizaje y otras facilidades para la navegación aérea, conservación y reparación de las carreteras Kennon y Naguilian y la carretera desde el Campamento Uno a Damortis, y conservación y reparación de las líneas cablegráficas y telegráficas y estaciones radiotelegráficas; y’ a la elimi­ nación del ahorro forzoso de 1*82,487 en la consignación para sueldos en la Oficina de Correos. Estos aumentos, sin embargo, están en parte compensados por las reducciones en otras partidas para sueldos y salarios, gastos varios y consignaciones especiales. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY DEPARTMENT HEADS 1. Secretary of the Department............. PIO,200.00 'PIO,200.00 1 2. Undersecretary of the Department.... 7,225.00 7,225.00 2 CHIEF CLERK 3. One chief clerk .................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 3 CLERKS 4. One clerk .............................................. 3,060.00 3,060.00 4 5. One clerk ............................................. 2,550.00 2,550.00 5 6. One clerk .............................................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 6 7. One clerk ............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 7 STENOGRAPHER 8. One stenographer ................................ 1,224.00 1,224.00 8 MESSENGER 9. One messenger .................................... 432.00 432.00 9 Total................................................... 31,636.00 31,636.00 299081 -23 353 354 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. Secretary of the Department............................... PIO,200.00 2. Undersecretary of the Department.................... 7,225.00 3. 1 chief clerk ............................._........................... 3,825.00 4. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 3,060.00 5. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 2,550.00 6. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 2,040.00 7. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,080.00 8. 1 stenographer ...........................„........................... 1,224.00 9. 1 messenger ............................................................. 432.00 Total for salaries and wages.................... P31,636.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR 1. One Director of Public Works........... [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of Director of Public Works, item 1]...................................... ASSISTANT DIRECTORS 2. One chief constructing engineer....... 3. Additional compensation for the chief constructing engineer acting as Assistant Director, item 2.................................................. 4. One chief designing engineer........... 5. Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of chief design­ ing engineer, item 4........................................... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 6. One consulting architect..................... 7. One Qhief irrigation engineer........... 8. One chief of division........................... SUPERINTENDENTS 9. One chief surveyor............................... 10. One chief electrician........................... LAW CLERK 11. One law clerk.............................. ......... CASHIERS AND DISBURSING OFFICERS 12. One cashier and disbursing officer.... 13. One assistant cashier........................... 14. One cashier and disbursing officer, with quarters, Baguio..................................... 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 4,080.00 2 5,100.00 5,100.00 3 850.00 850.00 4 5,100.00 5,100.00 5 5,100.00 5,100.00 6 5,100.00 5,100.00 6a 5,100.00 5,100.00 6b 4,590.00 4,590.00 9 3,825.00 3,825.00 11 2,550.00 2,550.00 12 3,400.00 3,400.00. 14 2,380.00 2,380.00 15 2,040.00 2,040.00 16 1,530.00 1,530.00 17 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 355 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS PROPERTY CLERKS 15. One property clerk, with quarters..... 16. One property clerk, with quarters, 2,550.00 2,550.00 18 Baguio ................................................................ 864.00 864.00 19 CHIEF OF SECTION 17. One assistant chief clerk..................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 21 DESIGNING ENGINEERS 18. One designing engineer....................... 19. Additional appropriation to provide 5,100.00 5,100.00 22 for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of designing engineer, item 18.............................................. 4,250.00 4,250.00 23 20. Four designing engineers, at P=5,100 per annum each................................................ 20,400.00 20,400.00 24-25 21. One designing engineer..................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 26 CONSTRUCTING ENGINEER 22. One constructing engineer................. 5,100.00 5,100.00 27 [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of constructing engineer, item 22]............................................ 2,550.00 28 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS 23. One mechanical and electrical engi­ neer .................................................................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 29 [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of mechanical and electrical engineer, item 23]................... 2,550.00 30 24. One mechanical and electrical engi­ neer .................................................................... 3,825.00 3,400.00 3,825.00 3,400.00 31 25. One mechanical engineer..................... 32 26. One electrical engineer....................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 34 27. One assistant electrical engineer....... 2,210.00 2,210.00 35 HYDRAULIC ENGINEER 28. One hydraulic engineer....................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 36 CIVIL ENGINEERS 29. Two civil engineers, at 1*4,250 per an­ num each........................................................— 8,500.00 8,500.00 37 30. Two civil engineers, at 1*3,570 per annum each............ ............................................... 7,140.00 7,140.00 38 356 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized Details Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS 31. Two civil engineers, at 1*3,400 per an­ num each ............................................................ 32. One civil engineer............................... 33. One civil engineer............................... 34. Five civil engineers, at 1*2,720 per an­ num each .......................... ................................. 35. One civil engineer............................... 36. One civil engineer............................... 37. One assistant civil engineer............... 38. One assistant civil engineer............... 39. Two assistant civil engineers, at Fl,530 per annum each..................................... 40. One assistant engineer......................... 41. One assistant engineer....................... 42. One assistant engineer....................... PROJECT ENGINEERS 43. One project engineer ......................... [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of project engi­ neer, item 43]...................................................... 44. One project engineer........................... [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of project engi­ neer, item 44].................................................... HIGHWAY ENGINEER 45. One highway engineer....................... DIVISION ENGINEERS 46. Two division engineers, at ?5,100 per annum each ................................................ 47. One division engineer........................... DISTRICT ENGINEERS 48. One district engineer, with quarters, Baguio ............................................................... [Additional appropriation to provide for the contract of the incumbent on Jan­ uary 1, 1932, of the position of district engi­ neer, Baguio, item 48]....................................... 49. Seven district engineers, at T5,100 per annum each ............................................... 6,800.00 6,800.00 39-40 3,230.00 3,230.00 42 3,060.00 3,060.00 43 13,600.00 13,600.00 44 2,550.00 2,550.00 45 2,380.00 2,380.00 46 2,720.00 2,720.00 47 2,380.00 2,380.00 48 3,060.00 3,060.00 50-51 2,380.00 2,380.00 52 2,040.00 2,040.00 53 1,530.00 1,530.00 54 5,100.00 5,100.00 55 1,700.00 56 5,100.00 5,100.00 57 1,700.00 58 5,100.00 5,100.00 59 10,200.00 10,200.00 60 5,100.00 . 5,100.00 5,100.00 60a 1,700.00 60b 35,700.00 35,700.00 60c-60e 47. Recreated position. H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 357 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2 ) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS 50. One district engineer ......................... 4,675.00 4,675.00 60f 51. Three district engineers, at 1*4,420 per annum each ................................................ 13,260.00 13,260.00 60g-60h 52. Four district engineers, at P4,250 per annum each ............................................... 17,000.00 17,000.00 60i-60k 53. One district engineer ......................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 601 54. Nine district engineers, at 1*3,400 per annum each............................................... 30,600.00 30,600.00 60m-60p 55. One district [civil] engineer......... 3,400.00 3,400.00 41 56. Two district engineers, at 1*3,230 per annum each ..................................................... 6,460.00 6,460.00 60q 57. Three district engineers, at 1*3,060 pei1 annum each ................................................ 9,180.00 9,180.00 60r-60s 58. Eighteen district engineers, at 1*2,720 per annum each.................................................. 48,960.00 48,960.00 n09~^09 ASSISTANT ENGINEERS 59. Two assistant engineers, at T2,040 per annum each.............................. -............... 4,080.00 4,080.00 84 ARCHITECTS 60. One architect........................................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 85 61. One architect........................................ 3,825.00 3,825.00 86 DRAFTSMEN 62. One architectural draftsman............. 63. Three architectural draftsmen, at 2,550.00 2,550.00 88 1*2,040 per annum each................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 89-90 64. One architectural draftsman............. 1,836.00 1,836.00 91 65. One architectural draftsman.............. 1,800.00 1,800.00 87 66. One draftsman ................................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 92 67. One architectural draftsman............. 1,530.00 1,530.00 93 68. One architectural draftsman............. 69. One assistant topographical drafts­ 1,430.00 1,430.00 87 man .................................................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 94 70. One assistant topographical drafts­ man ..................................................................... 1,360.00 1,360.00 95 71. One assistant topographical drafts­ man .................................................................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 96 72. Two draftsmen, at 1*1,224 per annum each ................................................................... 2,448.00 2,448.00 97 73. One assistant architectural drafts­ man .................................................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 98 74. One assistant topographical drafts­ man .................................................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 99 358 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2 ) BURE AU OF PUBLIC WORKS 75. Two draftsmen, at 5*1,122 per annum each .................................................................... 76. Three assistant architectural drafts­ men, at 5*1,080 per annum each..................... 77. One assistant draftsman..................... 78. One junior architectural draftsman.. 79. Three junior architectural draftsmen, at 5*972 per annum each................................. 80. One assistant draftsman..................... 81. Three junior architectural draftsmen, at 5*864 per annum each................................. 82. Two junior draftsmen, at 5*864 per annum each........................................................ 83. Two assistant draftsmen, at 5*864 per annum each........................................................ 84. One junior topographical draftsman 85. Two junior architectural draftsmen, at 5*756 per annum each................................. 86. One junior topographical draftsman 87. Two assistant draftsmen, at 1*756 per annum each........................................................ 88. Two junior draftsmen, at 1*756 per annum each........................................................ 89. Three junior architectural draftsmen, at 5*540 per annum each.... ............................. 90. Two assistant draftsmen, at 5*540 per annum each....................................................... 91. Three junior architectural draftsmen, at 5*432 per annum each................................... 92. One assistant draftsman..................... HYDROGRAPHERS 93. One district hydrographer................. 94. One junior hydrographer................... 95. Three junior hydrographers, at 5*1,080 per annum each ................................. 96. One hydrographic assistant............... PLUMBER 97. One master plumber........................... PHOTOGRAPHERS 98. One photographer ............................... 99. One assistant photographer............... 2,244.00 2,244.00 100-101 3,240.00 3,240.00 102 1,080.00 1,080.00 103 1,026.00 1,026.00 104 2,916.00 2,916.00 105-106,108 972.00 972.00 107 2,592.00 2,592.00 109-111 1,728.00 1,728.00 112 1,728.00 1,728.00 113 810.00 810.00 114 1,512.00 1,512.00 115-116 756.00 756.00 117 1,512.00 1,512.00 118-119 1,512.00 1,512.00 120-121 1,620.00 1,620.00 122 1,080.00 1,080.00 123-124 1,296.00 1,296.00 125-126 432.00 432.00 127 2,040.00 2,040.00 128 1,360.00 1,360.00 129 3,240.00 3,240.00 130-131 810.00 810.00 132 1,785.00 1,785.00 133 918.00 918.00 134 486.00 486.00 135 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 359 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTORS 100. One special agent ............................... 101. One inspector....................................... 102. One machinery inspector................... 103. One inspector of water rights........... STENOGRAPHERS 104. One clerk-stenographer ..................... 105. One junior stenographer ................... 106. One stenographer ............................... CLERKS 107. One division clerk................................ 108. One district clerk, with quarters, Baguio ................................................................ 109. Two clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each 110. One clerk................................................ 111. Three clerks, at 1*1,224 per annum each .................................................................... 112. One clerk .............................................. 113. One librarian ....................................... 114. One clerk, with quarters, Baguio....... 115. One clerk................................................ 116. Five clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each 117. One clerk................................................ 118. One clerk .............................................. 119. Eleven clerks, at ?864 per annum each ........... ........................................................ 120. Seven clerks, at S*756 per annum each 121. Three clerks, with quarters, Baguio, at 1*648 per annum each................................... 122. Sixteen clerks, at f*648 per annum each ................................................................... 123. One clerk, with quarters, Baguio....... 124. Twelve clerks, at 1*540 per annum each .................................................................... 125. One clerk............................................... 126. One clerk, with quarters, Baguio....... 127. Two clerks, with quarters, Baguio, at 1*432 per annum each........ ....................... 128. Nine clerks, at 1*432 per annum each 129. One clerk .............................................. 130. Three clerks, at P=324 per annum each 3,400.00 3,400.00 136 2,380.00 2,380.00 137 2,040.00 2,040.00 138 1,700.00 1,700.00 139 1,326.00 1,326.00 140 756.00 756.00 141 648.00 648.00 142 2,040.00 2,010.00 143 2,040.00 2,040.00 144 3,060.00 3,060.00 145 1,326.00 1,326.00 146 3,672.00 3,672.00 148 1,224.00 1,224.00 149 1,122.00 1,122.00 150 1,122.00 1,122.00 151 1,122.00 1,122.00 152 5,400.00 5,400.00 155 972.00 972.00 156 918.00 918.00 157 9,504.00 9,504.00 158--159 5,292.00 5,292.00 160 1,944.00 1,944.00 161 10,368.00 10,368.00 162 540.00 540.00 163 6,480.00 6,480.00 164--165 529.00 529.00 167 486.00 486.00 168 864.00 864.00 170 3,888.00 3,888.00 171 378.00 378.00 172 972.00 972.00 173--175 360 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2 ) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS 131. One clerk................................................ 300.00 300.00 176 132. Six clerks, at 4*240 per annum each.... 1,440.00 1,440.00 179 133. One messenger ................................... 300.00 300.00 180 MISCELLANEOUS 134. For temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, as follows: Timekeeper (a) One timekeeper, at F240 per day for 300 days .................................................................. Blueprintmen (b) One bliieprintman, at F3.51 per day for 300 days ......................................................... (c) One blueprintman, at F3.15 per day for 300 days ......................................................... (d) One blueprintman, at F2.70 per day for 300 days ......................................................... (e) One blueprintman, at F2.70 per day for 21>1 days ......................................................... Mimeographer (/) One mimeographer, at F3.15 per day for 300 days ......................................................... Storeman (g) One storeman, at F7.35 per day for 365 days .................................................................. Packer (h) One packer, at F2.16 per day for 300 days................................................................ Watchmen (i) One chief watchman..................................... (j) One assistant watchman .............................. (k) One night watchman..................................... (l) Two watchmen, at Fl.92 per day each for 365 days ......................................................... (m) One watchman, at Fl.80 per day for 365 days .................................................................. Janitors (n) Two janitors, at 1*540 per annum each... (o) One janitor ................................................... 720.00 ..................... 181(i) 1,053.00 ..................... 181(i) 945.00 ..................... 181 (t) 810.00 ..................... 181(i) 650.00 ..................... 181(0 945.00 ..................... 181(0 493.00 ............. ....... 181(0 648.00 ..................... 181(0 972.00 972.00 181(a) 540.00 540.00 181(6) 540.00 540.00 181(c) 1,402.00 ..................... 181(0 657.00 ..................... 181(0 1,080.00 1,080.00 181(d) 486.00 486.00 181(e) H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 361 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2 ) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS (p) Three janitors, at P432 per annum each... (q) One janitor, at F2.09 per day for 300 days ................................................................ (r) One janitor, at Fl.70 per day for 306 days.................. ............................................... (s) Two janitors, at Fl.20 per day each for 300 days ......................................................... (t) One janitor, at F1.08 per day for 300 days .................................................................. (u) One janitor, at Fl per day for 300 days.... (v) One janitor, at Fl per day for 365 days.. Chauffeur (w) One chauffeur ............................................. Capataz (x) One capataz, at F2.16 per. day for 300 days .................................................................. Laborers (y) One laborer ................................................... (z) One laborer, at F2.k0 per day for 295 days .................................................................. (aa) One laborer, at F2.2k per day for 289 days ................................................................ (bb) Two laborers, at F2.16 per day each for 295 days .................. .................................... (cc) One laborer, at F2.09 per day for 300 days ................................................................ (dd) Two laborers, at F2.08 per day each for 295 days ....................................................... (ee) Two laborers, at F2 per day each for 300 days................................................................ (ff) One laborer, at Fl.98 per day for 300 days.........................'...................................... (gg) Three laborers, at Fl.9 k per day each for 300 days................................................... (hh) One laborer, at Fl.87 per day for 300 days ................................................................ (ii) One laborer, at Fl.87 per day for 294 days ................................................................ (jj) One laborer and driver, at Fl.8k per day for 300 days........................................ 1,296.00 1,296.00 181 (/) 627.00 ..................... 181(0 521.00 ..................... 181(0 720.00 181(0 324.00 ..................... 181 (O 300.00 ..................... 181(0 365.00 ..................... 181(0 864.00 864.00 181 (g) 648.00 ..................... 181 (i) 486.00 486.00 181(A) 708.00 ..................... 181 (i) 650.00 ...................... 181 (i) 1,286.00 ...................... 181 (i) 627.00 ........... .......... 181 (i) 1,238.00 ..................... 181 (i) 1,200.00 ..................... 181 (t) 594.00 ..................... 181 (i) 1,746.00 ..................... 181 (Í) 561.00 ..................... 181(0 551.00 ..................... 181 (t) 552.00 ..................... 181(0 362 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2 ) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS (kk) One laborer, at F1.80 per day for 29k days ................................................................ (Il) One laborer, at F1.73 per day for 29k days................................................................ (mm) One laborer, at Fl.73 per day for 285 days ........................................................... (nn) Two laborers, at Fl.68 per day each for 300 days ....................................................... (oo) One laborer, at Fl.kk per day for 300 days ................................................................ (pp) One laborer, at F1.15 per day for 300 days ......................................................-....... [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] ............................................... Total.................................................... 530.00 181(i) 510.00 181(i) 493.00 181(0 1,008.00 ..................... 181(0 432.00 181(0 345.00 181(0 .................. 27,988.00 181(0 577,853.00 590,162.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director of Public Works............................ P6.120.00 2-3. 1 chief constructing engineer.......................... 5,950.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 8. 1 chief of division ........................................... 4,590.00 17. 1 assistant chief clerk .................................... 1,530.00 11. 1 law clerk ....................................................... 3,400.00 12. 1 cashier and disbursing officer..................... 2,380.00 13. 1 assistant cashier ........................................... 2,040.00 101. 1 inspector .......................................................... 2,380.00 103. 1 inspector of water rights.............................. 1,700.00 106. 1 stenographer ................................................... 648.00 111. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 115. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 116. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 119. 6 clerks, at P864 per annum each..................... 5,184.00 120. 1 clerk .........t........................................................ 756.00 122. 7 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 4,536.00 124. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 2,160.00 128. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each........_.......... 2,160.00 130. 2 clerks, at P324 per annum each.................... 648.00 132. 3 clerks, at P240 per annum each..................... 720.00 133. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 134(7). 1 chief watchman ......................................... 972.00 134 (j). 1 assistant watchman ................................ 540.00 134(7c). 1 night watchman ........................................ 540.00 134 (n). 2 janitors, at P540 per annum each........ 1,080.00 134 (o). 1 janitor ......................... 486.00 134(p). 3 janitors, at P432 per annum each.......... 1,296.00 134(w).l chauffeur ................................................... 864.00 134(2/). 1 laborer ......................................................... 486.00 134(f). 1 janitor, at Pl.08 per day for 300 days.. 324.00 134(v). 1 janitor, at Pl per day for 365 days.... 365.00 134(?¿). 1 janitor, at Pl per day for 300 days.... 300.00 ACCOUNTING DIVISION 15. 1 property clerk, with quarters...................... 2,550.00 110. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,326.00 111. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,224.00 117. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 120. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each..................... 1,512.00 122. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 124. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 125. 1 clerk ................................................................... 529.00 126. 1 clerk, with quarters, Baguio........................... 486.00 128. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 131. 1 clerk .................................................................. 300.00 132. 1 clerk ................................................................... 240.00 134(e). 1 capataz, at P2.16 per day for 300 days ......................................................... 648.00 134 (7t). 1 packer, at P2.16 per day for 300 days.... 648.00 134(a). 1 timekeeper, at P2.40 per day for 300 days ........................................................ 720.00 134(66). 1 laborer, at P2.16 per day for 295 days.. 643.00 134(g). 1 janitor, at P2.09 per day for 300 days.. 627.00 134(z). 1 laborer, at P2.40 per day for 295 days.... 708.00 134 (aa). 1 laborer, at P2.24 per day for 289 days 650.00 134 (?n). 1 watchman, at Pl.80 per day for 365 days ....................................................... 657.00 134 (dd). 2 laborers, at P2.08 per day each for 295 days ................................................ 1,238.00 134 (TiTi). 1 laborer at Pl.87 per day for 300 days 561.00 134(7). 2 watchmen, at Pl.92 per day each for 365 days .................................................. 1,402.00 134 (ü). 1 laborer, at Pl.87 per day for 294 days 551.00 134 (ee). 1 laborer, at P2 per day for 300 days.... 600.00 134(pp). 3 laborers, at Pl.94 per day each for 300 days .................................................... 1,746.00 134(66). 1 laborer, at P2.16 per day for 295 days.. 643.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (2) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 363 134(nn). 2 laborers, at Pl.68 per day each for 300 days .................................................... 1,008.00 134 (oo). 1 laborer, at Pl.44 per day for 300 days 432.00 134(cc). 1 laborer, at P2.09 per day for 300 days.. 627.00 134 (kk). 1 laborer, at Pl.80 per day for 294 days 530.00 134 (mm). 1 laborer, at Pl.73 per day for 285 days 493.00 134 (ll). 1 laborer, at Pl.73 per day for 294 days.. 510.00 134(jj). 1 laborer and driver, at Pl.84 per day for 300 days.......................................... 552.00 134 (ee). 1 laborer, at P2 per day for 300 days..... 600.00 ARCHITECTURAL DIVISION 6. 1 consulting architect ........................................ 5,100.00 20. 1 designing engineer ........................................ 5,100.00 34. 2 civil engineers, at P2.720 per annum each.. 5,440.00 36. 1 civil engineer ................................................ 2,380.00 37. 1 assistant civil engineer ................................. 2,720.00 40. 1 assistant engineer ........................................ 2,380.00 60. 1 architect ........................................................... 5,100.00 61. 1 architect ........................................................... 8,825.00 65. 1 architectural draftsman ................................. 1,800.00 68. 1 architectural draftsman ................................. 1,430.00 62. 1 architectural draftsman ................................. 2,550.00 63. 3 architectural draftsmen, at P2,040 per an­ num each ........................................................ 6,120.00 64. 1 architectural draftsman ................................. 1,836.00 66. 1 draftsman ......................................................... 1,700.00 73. 1 assistant architectural draftsman................. 1,122.00 76. 3 assistant architectural draftsmen, at Pl,080 per annum each ........................................... 3,240.00 78. 1 junior architectural draftsman....................... 1,026.00 79. 3 junior architectural draftsmen, at P972 per annum each .................................................. 2,916.00 81. 2 junior architectural draftsmen, at P864 per annum each .................................................. 1,728.00 85. 2 junior architectural draftsmen, at P756 per annum each .................................................. 1,512.00 89. 3 junior architectural draftsmen, at P540 per annum each .................................................. 1,620.00 91. 2 junior architectural draftsmen, at P432 per annum each .................................................. 864.00 92. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 432.00 67. 1 architectural draftsman ................................. 1,530.00 104. 1 clerk-stenographer .......................................... 1,326.00 124. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................... 1,080.00 128. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 130. 1 clerk ................................................................... 324.00 132. 1 clerk .................................................................. 240.00 DESIGNING DIVISION 4-5. 1 chief designing engineer (under contract) 10,200.00 18-19. 1 designing engineer (under contract)....... 9,350.00 20. 3 designing engineers, at P5,100 per annum each ............................................................... 15,300.00 23. 1 mechanical and electrical engineer............... 5,100.00 24. 1 mechanical and electrical engineer............... 3,825.00 25. 1 mechanical engineer .................. 3,400.00 26. 1 electrical engineer ........................................ 3,060.00 27. 1 assistant electrical engineer ......................... 2,210.00 29. 1 civil engineer ................. 4,250.00 32. 1 civil engineer .................................................. 3,230.00 34. 1 civil engineer .................................................... 2,720.00 39. 2 assistant civil engineers, at Pl,530 per an­ num each ...................................................... 3,060.00 42. 1 assistant engineer .......................................... 1,530.00 72. 2 draftsmen, at Pl,224 per annum each.......... 2,448.00 75. 2 draftsmen, at Pl,122 per annum each......... 2,244.00 77. 1 assistant draftsman ....................................... 1,080.00 80. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 972.00 864.00 1,728.00 1,512.00 1,512.00 1,080.00 432.00 918.00 486.00 1,122.00 1,080.00 2,592.00 756.00 1,296.00 1,080.00 432.00 1,053.00 945.00 945.00 810.00 650.00 594.00 CONSTRUCTING DIVISION 43. 1 project engineer ............................................. 10. 1 chief electrician ............................................... 14. 1 cashier and disbursing officer, with quar­ ters, Baguio ................................................ 16. 1 property clerk, with quarters, Baguio....... 22. 1 constructing engineer .................................... 31. 1 civil engineer .................................................. 45. 1 highway engineer ........................................... 46. 2 division engineers, at P5.100 per annum each ................................................................ 47. 1 division engineer ............................................. 48. 1 district engineer, with quarters, Baguio.... 49. 7 district engineers, at P5,100 per annum each ................................................................ 50. 1 district engineer ............................................. 51. 3 district engineers, at P4,420 per annum each ................................................................ 52. 4 district engineers, at P4,250 per annum each .................................................... 53. 1 district engineer ................................................ 54. 9 district engineers, at P3.400 per annum each ................................................................ 55. 1 district engineer .............................................. 56. 2 district engineers, at P3.230 per annum each ................................................................ 57. 3 district engineers, at P3,060 per annum each ............................................................... 58. 18 district engineers, at P2,720 per annum each .......................................................... 59. 1 assistant engineer ........................................... 97. 1 master plumber .............................................. 100. 1 special agent ....................................... 102. 1 machinery inspector ................... 107. 1 division clerk .................................................... 108. 1 district clerk, with quarters, Baguio........... 109. 2 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 111. 1 clerk ................................................................... 114. 1 clerk, with quarters, Baguio......................... 116. 3 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................ 5,100.00 2,550.00 1,530.00 864.00 5,100.00 3,400.00 5,100.00 10,200.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 35,700.00 4,675.00 13,260.00 17,000.00 3,825.00 30,600.00 3,400.00 6,460.00 9,180.00 48,960.00 2,040.00 1,785.00 3,400.00 2,040.00 2,040.00 2,040.00 3,060.00 1,224.00 1,122.00 3,240.00 81. 1 junior architectural draftsman...................... 83. 2 assistant draftsmen, at P864 per annum each ............................................................... 87. 2 assistant draftsmen, at P756 per annum each ............................................................... 88. 2 junior draftsmen, at P756 per annum each 90. 2 assistant draftsmen, at P540 per annum each ............................................................... 91. 1 junior architectural draftsman.................... „ 98. 1 photographer .................................................... 99. 1 assistant photographer ................................. 113. 1 librarian ............................................................ 116. 1 clerk ................................................................... 119. 3 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................... 120. 1 clerk ................................................................... 122. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each......... .......... 124. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 128. 1 clerk ................................................................... 134(b). 1 blueprintman, at P3.51 per day for 300 days .......................................................... 134(f). 1 mimeographer, at P3.15 per day for 300 days .................................................. 134(c). 1 blueprintman, at P3.15 per day for 300 days .......................................................... 134(d). 1 blueprintman, at P2.70 per day for 300 days .......................................................... 134(e). 1 blueprintman, at P2.70 per day for 241 days ........................................................ 134(//). 1 laborer, at Pl.98 per day for 300 days.. 364 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (2 ) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 119. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 120. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................... 1,512.00 121. 3 clerks, with quarters, Baguio, at P648 per annum each .................................................. 1,944.00 122. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each....................... 1,296.00 123. 1 clerk, with quarters, Baguio............................ 540.00 127. 2 clerks, with quarters, Baguio, at P432 per annum each ............................................... 864.00 128. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 129. 1 clerk .................................................................. 378.00 134 (<7). 1 storeman, at Pl.35 per day for 365 days 493.00 134 (pp). 1 laborer, at Pl.15 per day for 300 days 345.00 134 (s). 2 janitors, at Pl.20 per day each for 300 days ......................................................... 720.00 134 (r). 1 janitor, at Pl.70 per day for 306 days.... 521.00 DIVISION OF HYDRAULICS 7. 1 chief irrigation engineer .............................. 5,100.00 9. 1 chief surveyor ................................................ 3,825.00 21. 1 designing engineer ............. -......................... 4,250.00 28. 1 hydraulic engineer ......................................... 5,100.00 29. 1 civil engineer ........................................-.......... 4,250.00 30. 2 civil engineers, at P3.570 per annum each.. 7,140.00 31. 1 civil engineer ............................................. 3,400.00 33. 1 civil engineer ............................................. 3,060.00 34. 2 civil engineers, at P2,720 per annum each.. 5,440.00 35. 1 civil engineer ............................................. 2,550.00 38. 1 assistant civil engineer ................................. 2,380.00 44. 1 project engineer ............................................ 5,100.00 41. 1 assistant engineer ........................................... 2,040.00 59. 1 assistant engineer ........................................... 2,040.00 69. 1 assistant topographical draftsman................. 1,530.00 70. 1 assistant topographical draftsman................. 1,360.00 71. 1 assistant topographical draftsman................. 1,275.00 74. 1 assistant topographical draftsman............. 1,122.00 82. 2 junior draftsmen, at P864 per annum each 1,728.00 84. 1 junior topographical draftsman.................. 810.00 86. 1 junior topographical draftsman.................. 756.00 93. 1 district hydrographer ................................... 2,040.00 94. 1 junior hydrographer ..................................... 1,360.00 95. 3 junior hydrographers, at Pl,080 per annum each ............................................................... 3,240.00 96. 1 hydrographic assistant ................................ 810.00 105. 1 junior stenographer ..................................... 756.00 112. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,224.00 118. 1 clerk .......................................................„.......... 918.00 119. 1 clerk ............. _........................_..... 864.00 120. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 122. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 1,944.00 124. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each........................ 1,620.00 132. 1 clerk .................................................................. 240.00 Total for salaries and wages................ P577,853.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS DIRECTORS 1. One Director of Posts........................... 2. One Assistant Director of Posts......... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. Two superintendents, at 1*4,250 per annum each........................................................ 4. Two superintendents, at 1*3,825 per annum eaci;......................................................... 5. One superintendent ........................... 6. One superintendent ........................... 7. One superintendent............................. 8. One superintendent............................. SUPERVISORS 9. Two supervisors, at 1*4,250 per an­ num each............................................................ ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 10. Three assistant superintendents, at 5*2,550 per annum each................................... 11. One [supervising inspector] assist­ ant superintendent.......................... -............... 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 5,100.00 5,100.00 2 8,500.00 8,500.00 3-4 7,650.00 7,650.00 6-7 3,570.00 3,570.00 8 3,400.00 3,400.00 9 3,060.00 3,060.00 10 2,550.00 2,550.00 11 8,500.00 8,500.00 IV-5(1) 7,650.00 7,650.00 12-14 2,550.00 2,550.00 196 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 365 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested ■laift Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. (3) BUREAU OF POSTS 12. Two assistant superintendents, at 5*2,040 per annum each............. =...................... 4,080.00 4,080.00 16-17 CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 13. One operator in charge....................... 14. Two chiefs of sections, at 5*2,040 per 2,550.00 2,550.00 18 annum each........................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 19 15. Two chiefs of sections, at ^1,700 per annum each........................................................ 3,400.00 3,400.00 20 16. Four chiefs of sections, at Pl,530 per annum each........................................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 21-22 17. One chief of section............................. 1,440.00 ... 18. One chief of section............................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 23 19. One chief of section............................. 20. Three chiefs of sections, at Pl,224 1,275.00 1,275.00 24 per annum each ................................................ 3,672.00 3,672.00 25 21. Two chiefs of sections, at Pl,122 per annum each............................................... 2,244.00 2,244.00 26 22. Three chiefs of sections, at Pl,080 per annum each................................................ 3,240.00 3,240.00 27-28 23. Two chiefs of sections, at P972 per annum each ...................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 29-30 24. One chief of section........................... 25. Three chiefs of sections, at P756 per 864.00 864.00 31 annum each.................................................... 2,268.00 2,268.00 32 26. One chief of section............................. 648.00 648.00 33 27. One chief of section............................... 540.00 540.00 34 DISBURSING OFFICER 28. One special disbursing officer........... 1,530.00 1,530.00 35 CLERKS 29. One clerk .............................................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 37 30. Two clerks, at Pl,700 per annum each 31. Three clerks, at Pl,530 per annum 3,400.00 3,400.00 38-39 each ................................................................ 4,590.00 4,590.00 40 32. Two clerks, at Pl,428 per annum each 33. Four clerks, at Pl,326 per annum 2,856.00 2,856.00 41 each .................................................................. 5,304.00 5,304.00 42 34. Two clerks or operators, at Pl,326 per annum each................................................ 2,652.00 2,652.00 IV-5(n) 35. Two clerks, at Pl,275 per annum each ................................................ 2,550.00 2,550.00 43 36. Five clerks, at Pl,224 per annum each .................................. .. 6,120.00 6,120.00 44 366 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1Qo7 <O9C Reference to item Details lyoo numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS 37. One clerk or operator......................... 38. Nine clerks, at Fl,122 per annum each .................................................................... 39. Twenty-four clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each........................................................ 40. Eight clerks, at F972 per annum each .................................................................... 41. Twenty-one clerks, at 1*864 per an­ num each............................................................ 42. Twenty-five clerks, at 1*756 per an­ num each............................................................ 43. One clerk or operator......................... 44. Forty-two clerks, at 1*648 per an­ num each............................................................ 45. Sixteen clerks or operators, at 1*648 per annum each ................................................ 46. One clerk .............................................. 47. Eighty-three clerks, at 1*540 per an­ num each............................................................ 48. Eleven clerks or operators, at 1*540 per annum each.................................................. 49. One stenographer ............................... 50. One junior stenographer..................... 51. One clerk .............................................. 52. One hundred sixty-seven clerks, at 1*432 per annum each........................................ 53. Three clerks, at FJ+32 per annum each 54. One clerk............................................... 55. One clerk ............................................. POSTMASTERS OR OPERATORS 56. One ^postmaster or operator............... 57. One postmaster or operator............... 58. One postmaster or operator............... 59. Four postmasters or operators, at Fl,700 per annum each................................. 60. Four postmasters or operators, at Fl,530 per annum each................................... 61. Eight postmasters or operators, at Fl,326 per annum each................................... 62. Twenty-three postmasters or opera­ tors, at Fl,224 per annum each..................... 63. Five postmasters or operators, at Fl,122 per annum each..................................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 IV-5(o) 10,098.00 10,098.00 45 25,920.00 25,920.00 46-49 7,776.00 7,776.00 50-51 18,144.00 18,144.00 52-53 18,900.00 18,900.00 54-55 756.00 756.00 IV-5(p) 27,216.00 27,216.00 56-57 10,368.00 10,368.00 IV-5(g) 594.00 594.00 58 44,820.00 44,820.00 59-61 5,940.00 5,940.00 IV-5(r) 540.00 432.00 486.00 486.00 62 72,144.00 1,296.00 . 378.00 72,144.00 63-65 378.00 66 324;00 324.00 67 3,060.00 3,060.00 68 2,550.00 2,550.00 69 2,040.00 2,040.00 70 6,800.00 6,800.00 71-72 6,120.00 6,120.00 73-74 10,608.00 10,608.00 75 28,152.00 28,152.00 76-77 5,610.00 5,610.00 78 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 367 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 193fi Reference to item □ nAtailc numbers of Act Budget requested authorized No. 4231, unless Item No. otherwise stated 64. Fifty-two postmasters or operators, (3) BUREAU OF POSTS at 1*1,080 per annum each............................... 56,160.00 56,160.00 79-80 65. Fifty-nine postmasters or operators, at 1*972 per annum each ............................... 57,348.00 57,348.00 81-84 66. Seventy-nine postmasters or opera­ tors, at 1*864 per annum each....................... 68,256.00 68,256.00 85, 102-103 67. One postmaster or operator............... 68. Two hundred fifty-nine postmasters 810.00 810.00 86 or operators, at 1*756 per annum each........... 195,804.00 195,804.00 87-90 69. One hundred fifty-five postmasters or operators, at ¥=648 per annum each............. 70. Ten postmasters or operators, at F600 per annum each ................................................ 71. Two hundred thirty-two postmasters 100,440.00 6,000.00 100,440.00 91-94 or operators, at 1*540 per annum each........... 125,280.00 125,280.00 96-97 72. One postmaster or operator............... 73. Sixty-two postmasters or operators, 486.00 486.00 98 at 1*432 per annum each.................................. 26,784.00 26,784.00 99-101 POSTMASTERS 74. Additional salaries for municipal treasurers acting as postmasters who issue postal money orders in one hundred two pos­ tal money-order offices at the rate of not to exceed 1*6 per month or i*72 per annum each 7,344.00 7,344.00 103a 75. One postmaster ................................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 105 76. One postmaster .................................... 77. Fifty-five postmasters, at 1*240 per 300.00 300.00 106 annum each........................................................ 13,200.00 13,200.00 107-112 78. Two hundred forty-one postmasters, at 1*180 per annum each.................... ............... 43,380.00 43,380.00 113-121 79. One postmaster .................................... 80. Two hundred thirty-five postmasters, 144.00 144.00 122 at 1*120 per annum each................................. 28,200.00 28,200.00 123-126 OPERATORS 81. One operator ....................................... 82. Three operators, at 1*2,550 per an­ 3,060.00 3,060.00 IV-5(6) num each............................................................ 7,650.00 7,650.00 IV-5 (c)-(d) 83. One assistant operator in charge....... 84. Six operators, at 1*2,040 per annum 2,380.00 2,380.00 127 each ................................................................... 12,240.00 12,240.00 IV-5(e)-(f) 85. One chief operator ............................. 86. Two operators, at 1*1,870 per annum 1,870.00 1,870.00 IV-5(<7) each .............................................. ..................... 3,740.00 3,740.00 IV-5(ft) 368 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS 87. Eight operators, at 5*1,530 per annum each .................................................................... 12,240.00 12,240.00 IV-5(i) 88. One operator ....................................... 1,326.00 1,326.00 128 89. Forty-three operators, at 5*1,224 per annum each ...................................................... 52,632.00 52,632.00 129, IV-5(;) 90. One operator-instructor ..................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 129a 91. Four operators, at 5*1,080 per annum each...................................................................... 4,320.00 4,320.00 131-132 92. Twelve operators, at 5*972 per annum each .................................................................... 11,664.00 11,664.00 133-135 93. Ten operators, at 5*864 per annum each .................................................................... 8,640.00 8,640.00 136-137, IV-5 94. Six operators, at 5*756 per annum W each .................................................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 138-139 95. Two operators, at 5*648 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 140-141 96. One operator-at-large......................... 756.00 756.00 142 97. One operator-at-large ......................... .540.00 540.00 143 98. Thirty-three [student] operators, at 5*324 per annum each..................................... 10,692.00 10,692.00 143a-1436 MESSENGERS AND JANITOR-PORTERS - 99. Nine messengers (motorcycle), at 5*756 per annum each........................................ 6,804.00 6,804.00 IV-5(s) 100. Forty-six messengers, at 5*378 per annum each........................................................ 17,388.00 17,388.00 146-149, IV-5 101. One hundred eleven messengers, at (O 5*324 per annum each....................................... 35,964.00 35,964.00 150-152 102. One messenger-engineman................. 324.00 324.00 153 103. Twenty-three messengers, at 5*324 per annum each............................................... 7,452.00 7,452.00 IV-5(u) 104. Four janitors or messengers, at 5*324 per annum each................................................ 1,296.00 1,296.00 IV-5(v) 105. Three watchmen or messengers, at 5*432 per annum each....................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 IV-5(w) 106. Six telegraph messengers, at per annum each............................................... 1,944.00 107. Twenty-eight messengers, at 1*300 per annum each.................................................. 8,400.00 8,400.00 154 108. Forty-nine messengers, at ¥=240 per annum each...................................... ................. 11,760.00 11,760.00 155 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 369 299089----- 24 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS 109. Forty-five messengers, at 1*192 per annum each........................................................ 8,640.00 8,640.00 157 110. Thirty-seven messengers, at 1*180 per annum each.................................................. 6,660.00 6,660.00 158 111. One messenger..................................... 112. Five janitor-porters, at 1*378 per an144.00 144.00 159 num each ... ........................................................ 1,890.00 1,890.00 160 113. Seventeen janitor-porters, at 1*324 per annum each.................................................. 5,508.00 5,508.00 162-163 ENGINEMEN 114. Two enginemen, at f*972 per annum each ........................ ........................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 164 115. Two enginemen, at F864 per annum each .................................................................... 1,728.00 1,728.00 165-166 116. Two enginemen, at 1*756 per annum each .................................................................... 1,512.00 1,512.00 167 117. Three enginemen or operators, at 1*756 per annum each........................................ 2,268.00 2,268.00 IV-5(Z) 118. One engineman or operator............... 119. Four enginemen, at 1*648 per annum 648.00 648.00 IV-5 (m) each .................................................................... 2,592.00 2,592.00 168-169 120. Twelve enginemen, at ¥=540 per an­ num each............................................................ 6,480.00 6,480.00 170-171 121. Five enginemen, at 1*486 per annum each .................................................................... 2,430.00 2,430.00 172-173 122. Twenty-seven enginemen, at 1*432 per annum each ................................................ 11,664.00 11,664.00 174-177 123. One engineman .................................... 124. Twelve enginemen or linemen, at 378.00 378.00 178 F324 per annum each....................................... 3,888.00 3,888.00 179-181 telegraph linemen 125. One supervising lineman..................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 182 126. One supervising lineman..................... 1,870.00 1,870.00 183 127. One supervising lineman..................... 128. Nine supervising linemen, at Fl,080 1,326.00 1,326.00 184 per annum each.................................................. 9,720.00 9,720.00 185-186 129. One supervising lineman..................... 130. Six supervising linemen, at 1*864 per 972.00 972.00 187 annum each........................................................ 5,184.00 5,184.00 188-190 131. One supervising lineman..................... 132. Five linemen, at 1*324 per annum 756.00 756.00 191 each ................................................................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 192 370 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS POST OFFICE INSPECTORS 133. One supervising inspector................... 134. One supervising inspector................... 135. Three inspectors, at 1*2,040 per an­ num each ............................................................ 136. Seventeen inspectors, at 1*1,530 per annum each........................................................ 137. Four inspectors, at 1*1,080 per an­ num each ............................................................ 138. One inspector ....................................... MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES 139. One radio engineer or supervisor....... 140. Two radio inspectors, at 1*2,040 per annum each....................................:................... 141. Two radio inspectors, at 1*1,530 per annum each........................................................ 142. One telegraph or radio constructor.... 143. One telegraph or radio constructor.... 144. One telegraph or radio constructor.... K145. One cable electrician........................... ^146. One cable seaman................................. 147. Five drivers, at 1*540 per annum each .......................................... ......................... 148. Four drivers, at 1*432 per annum each .................................................................... 149 One driver ........................................... 150. Four driver-helpers, at 1*378 per an­ num each ............................................................ 151. Four drivers, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................. 152. One chauffeur....................................... 153. One patron ........................................... 154. One engineman ................................... 155. Three firemen, at 1*432 per annum each ................................................................... 156. One boatswain ..................................... 157. Three sailors, at 1*300 per annum each .................................................................... 158. Three clerk-carriers, at 1*864 per an­ num each............................................................ 159. Two clerk-carriers, at 1*756 per an­ num each ........................................................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 195 2,380.00 2,380.00 197 6,120.00 6,120.00 198 26,010.00 26,010.00 199-200 4,320.00 4,320.00 201-202 1,080.00 4,250.00 4,250.00 203 4,080.00 4,080.00 204 3,060.00 3,060.00 205 2,380.00 2,380.00 206 2,040.00 2,040.00 207 1,700.00 1,700.00 208 2,380.00 2,380.00 209 1,428.00 1,428.00 210 2,700.00 2,700.00 211-212 1,728.00 1,728.00 213 378.00 378.00 214 1,512.00 1,512.00 215 1,296.00 1,296.00 216 540.00 540.00 217 756.00 756.00 218 864.00 864.00 219 1,296.00 1,296.00 220 324.00 324.00 221 900.00 900.00 222 2,592.00 2,592.00 223 1,512.00 1,512.00 224 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item • Voo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS 160. Seven clerk-carriers, at P648 per an­ num each............................................................ 161. Fourteen clerk-carriers, at 1*540 per annum each ...................................................... 162. Thirty-three clerk-carriers, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................... 163. One mechanic................................. ...... 164. Thirty-three stamp agents, at 1*120 per annum each................................................ 165. Three elevator operators, at 1*540 per annum each........................................................ 166. Two laborers, at 1*378 per annum each .................................................................... 167. One laborer .......................................... 168. One draftsman...................................... 169. Linemen, temporary employees and laborers, as follows: (a) Two clerks, at F51>7.50 per annum each.... (b) One clerk............................................................ (c) Three clerks, at 1*540 per annum each.... (d) Seven clerks, at 1*486 per annum each.... (c) Two clerks, at per annum each........ (/) Twenty-nine clerks, at 1*432 per annum each .............................................................. (p) One clerk ........................................................ (h) One clerk............................................................ (i) Twenty-four clerks, at 1*324 per annum each .............................................................. (j) Forty-three [student] operators, at 1*324 per annum each......................................... (Zc) One stamp agent ......................................... (l) Ten letter-carriers, at 1*540 per annum each ............................................................. (m) Four messengers, at 1*378 per annum each ............................................................. (n) Twenty-five messengers, at 1*324 per annum each ............................................... (o) One messenger .............................................. (p) One lineman or laborer................................ (q) One lineman or laborer............................... (r) Five linemen or laborers, at 1*432 per annum each ........................................... 4,536.00 4,536.00 225-226 7,560.00 7,560.00 227 14,256.00 14,256.00 228 648.00 648.00 229 3,960.00 3,960.00 230 1,620.00 1,620.00 231 756.00 756.00 232 324.00 324.00 233 756.00 756.00 234 1,095.00 . 548.00 1,620.00 1,620.00 235(a)-(6) 3,402.00 3,402.00 235(c)-(e) 876.00 . 12,528.00 12,528.00 235(/)-(A) 378.00 378.00 235(;) 365.00 . 7,776.00 7,776.00 235 (k)-(l) 13,932.00 13,932.00 235 (m) 120.00 120.00 235(n) 5,400.00 5,400.00 235(o) 1,512.00 1,512.00 235(p) 8,100.00 8,100.00 235(g)-(r) 240.00 240.00 235(s) 540.00 540.00 235(¿) 486.00 486.00 235(u) 2,160.00 2,160.00 235(v) 372 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES (aa) Eighteen laborers, at f*216 per annum 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS (s) Nineteen linemen or laborers, at 1*378 per annum each......................................... 7,182.00 7,182.00 235(w)-(a;) (t) Seventy-nine linemen or laborers, at 1*324 per annum each............................... [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled 25,596.00 25,596.00 235(2/) laborers]................................................... 27,806.00 235(z) Carpenters («) One carpenter................................................... 540.00 235 (z) 235(z) (v) One carpenter ................................................... 432.00 Drivers (tv) Five drivers, at P432 per annum each.... 2,160.00 235(z) (rv) Four drivers, at F378 per annum each.... 1,512.00 235(z) Policemen (v) Eight special policemen, at FJ+32 per annum each ................................................... 3,456.00 235(z) Laborers (0 Twenty-three laborers, at P32b per an­ num each ....................................................... 7,452.00 235 (z) each ............................................................. 3,888.00 ................. 235(z) [provincial] letter-carriers 170. [For provincial] Letter-carriers as follows: (a) One letter-carrier ....................................... 486.00 486.00 236(a) (&) Five letter-carriers, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................................. 2,160.00 2,160.00 236(6) (c) Ten letter-carriers, at P¿32 per annum each .................................................................. 4,320.00 . (d) Eighty-nine letter-carriers, at ^324 per annum each ............................................... 28,836.00 28,836.00 236(c) (e) Six letter-carriers, at F302 per annum each ............................................................. 1,812.00 1,812.00 236(d) (/) One hundred nineteen letter-carriers, at 1*300 per annum each............................... 35,700.00 35,700.00 236(e) (17) Two letter-carriers, at 1*288 per annum each ............................................................. 576.00 576.00 236(/) (A) Eighteen letter-carriers, at 1*276 per annum each ............................................... 4,968.00 4,968.00 236(g) (D Twenty-four letter-carriers, at 1*264 per annum each ............................................... 6,336.00 6,336.00 236(h) H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 373 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to ¡tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF POSTS (;) One hundred twenty-four letter-carriers, at 1*240 per annum each......................... (k) One letter-carrier ........................................ (0 [For] Three-hundred fifty letter-carriers, at [not more than] 1*216 per annum each ........................................................... (m) One hundred letter-carriers, at F216 per annum each................................................... MISCELLANEOUS 171. For subsistence of the crew of the launch “Mail”.................................................... 172. Clothing allowance of the crew of the launch “Mail” .................................................... [Additional compensation, not to ex­ ceed 1*16 per month, to employees of this Bu­ reau assigned to stations where the cost of living is excessively high, at the discretion of the Secretary of Public Works and Com­ munications] ...................................................... 173. Uniform and shoe allowance for let­ ter-carriers, drivers, special policemen and messengers, in Manila and other important municipalities, at not to exceed P24 each....... [Deduction for vacancies, absences, etc.] .................................................................... 29,760.00 228.00 29,760.00 228.00 236(0-0) 236 (k) 75,600.00 75,600.00 236(0 21,600.00 . 1,600.00 1,600.00 237 160.00 160.00 238 6,400.00 23!) 5,568.00 4,800.00 210 (82,487.00) 240a Total .................................................. 1,936,583.00 1,826,558.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION DIRECTORS 1. 1 Director of Posts............................... P6.120.00 2. 1 Assistant Director of Posts.......... 6,100.00 3. 2 superintendents, at P4,250 per annum each 8,600.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 6. 1 superintendent ................................................ 3,400.00 10. 1 assistant superintendent ............................... 2.550.00 33. 3 clerks, at Pl,326 per annum each... 3,978.00 38. 1 clerk .................................. 1,122.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 52. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each....... 1,296.00 112. 1 janitor-porter ................................................... 378.00 113. 3 janitor-porters, at P324 per annum each.... 972.00 165. 3 elevator operators, at P540 per annum each 1,620.00 169(i). 16 linemen or laborers, at P324 per an­ num each .............................................. 5,184.0'0 169(1/). 8 special policemen, at P432 per an­ num each ........................................... 3,456.00 169(g). 5 laborers, at P324 per annum each ......... 1,620.00 General Service Section 39. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,080.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 1,080.00 52. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 113. 1 janitor-porter ................................................. 324.00 136. 1 inspector ........................................................ 1,530.00 169(0. 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 Employment Section 16. 1 chief of section................................................ 1,530.00 42. 2-clerks, at P756 per annum each................... 1,512.00 44. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each................... 1,296.00 47. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 2,160.00 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each................... 864.00 101. 1 messenger .......................................................... 324.00 169 (/). 1 clerk .................................................-.......... 432.00 Provincial Personnel Section 13. 1 operator in charge......................................... 2,550.00 84. 1 operator ............................................................ 2,040.00 374 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 20. 1 chief of section .............................................. 1,224.00 44. 1 clerk ............................................................... 648.Q0 47. 1 clerk ............................................................... 540.00 G4. 2 postmasters or operators, at Pl,080 per annum each ................................................... 2,160.00 G5. 2 postmasters or operators, at 1*972 per an­ num each ...................................................... 1,944.00 68. 2 postmasters or operators, at P756 per an­ num each .................................................... 1,512.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator.................................. 648.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 540.00 Provincial Employees 88. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,122.00 39. 5 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................ 5,400.00 40. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 41. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each................... 1,728.00 42. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 2,268.00 44. 9 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 5,832.00 47. 10 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 5,400.00 52. 47 clerks, at P432 per annum each................... 20,304.00 55. 1 clerk ................................................................... 324.00 48. 2 clerks or operators, at P540 per annum each ................................................................ 1,080.00 82. 1 operator ........................................................... 2,550.00 84. 1 operator .......................................................... 2,040.00 58. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 2,040.00 59. 2 postmasters or operators, at Pl,700 per an­ num each .................................................... 3,400.00 GO. 4 postmasters or operators, at Pl,530 per annum each .................................................. 6,120.00 61. 5 postmasters or operators, at Pl,326 per annum each .................................................. 6,630.00 G2. 19 postmasters or operators, at Pl,224 per an­ num each ...................................................... 23,256.00 63. 3 postmasters or operators, at Pl,122 per an­ num each ...................................................... 3,366.00 64. 30 postmasters or operators, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................. 32,400.00 65. 42 postmasters or operators, at P972 per an­ num each ...................................................... 40,824.00 6G. 63 postmasters or operators, at P864 per an­ num each ........................ 54,432.00 G7. 1 postmaster oi' operator ............................... 810.00 G8. 184 postmasters or operators, at P756 per annum each ......................................... 139,104.00 69. 120 postmasters or operators, at P648 per annum each ......................................... 77,760.00 70. 10 postmasters or operators, at P600 per annum each ................................................ 6,000.00 71. 171 postmasters or operators, at P540 per annum each ......................................... 92,340.00 72. 1 postmaster or operator .................................. 486.00 73. 43 postmasters or operators, at P432 per annum each ..................................... 18,576.00 74. Additional salaries for municipal treasurers acting as postmasters who issue postal money orders in one hundred two postal money-order offices at the rate of not to exceed P6 per month or P72 per annum each ................................................................... 7,344.00 75. 1 postmaster ........................................................ 1,224.00 76. 1 postmaster ........................................................ 300.00 77. 55 postmasters, at P240 per annum each....... 13,200.00 78. 241 postmasters, at f*180 per annum each.... 43,380.00 79. 1 postmaster ........................................................ 144.00 80. 235 postmasters, at P120 peí- annum each.... 28,200.00 89. 2 operators, at Pl,224 per annum each.......... 2,448.00 96. 1 operator-at-large ............................................ 756.00 98. 27 operators, at P324 per annum each....... 8,748.00 105. 2 watchmen or messengers, at P432 per an­ num each ..................................................... 112. 1 janitor-porter .................................................. 113. 4 janitor-porters, at P324 per annum each 148. 2 drivers, at P432 per annum each.............. 149. 1 driver ................................................................. 150. 1 driver-helper ...........................................~ 151. 3 drivers, at P324 per annum each.................. 169(a). 1 clerk ...........................................................’ 169(d). 2 clerks, at P486 per annum each............ 169(f). 7 clerks, at P432 per annum each.............. 169(f). 4 clerks, at P324 per annum each.............. 169(f). 37 operators, at P324 per annum each..... 169 (£). 1 lineman or laborer..................................... 169(2). 3 laborers, at P324 per annum each.......... RECORDS DIVISION 7. 1 superintendent .................................................. 30. 1 clerk .................................................. Filing and Issuing Section 19. 1 chief of section ................................................ 45. 1 clerk or operator ............................................ 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 52. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 101. 1 messenger ......................................................... 169(d). 1 clerk ................................................ 169(f). 1 clerk ........................................................... 169 (p). 1 clerk ........................................................... 169(f). 2 clerks, at P324 per annum each.............. Receiving and Mailing Section 21. 1 chief of section ................................................ 44. 1 clerk ................................................................. 47. 1 clerk ................................................................. 52. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 101. 1 messenger ......................................................... Department Records Section 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 169(i). 2 linemen or laborers, at P324 per an­ num each .............................................. 169 (aa). 2 laborers, at P216 per annum each....... Mimeographing Section 20. 1 chief of section ................................................ 23. 1 chief of section .............................................. PROPERTY DIVISION 5. 1 superintendent ................................................ 136. 1 inspector ........................................................... Accounting Section 45. 1 clerk or operator ......................................... 47. 2 clerks, at 1*540 pel* annum each .................. 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each .................. 113. 1 janitor-porter .................................................. 169(f). 1 clerk ........................................................... 169(f). 1 clerk ............................................................. Equipment Section 22. 1 chief of section ............................................ 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 52. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each .............. 101. 1 messenger ....................................... ................ 864.00 378.00 1,296.00 864.00 378.00 378.00 972.00 540.00 972.00 3,024.00 1,296.00 11,988.00 324.00 972.00 3,060.00 1,700.00 1,275.00 648.00 1,080.00 2,160.00 324.00 486.00 432.00 378.00 648.00 1,122.00 648.00 540.00 1,296.00 324.00 1,080.00 756.00 864.00 648.00 432.00 1,224.00 972.00 3,570.00 1,530.00 648.00 1,080.00 864.00 324.00 432.00 324.00 1,080.00 756.00 1,728.00 324.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 375 (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 113. 2 janitor-porters, at P324 per annum each .... 648.00 169(f). 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each............ 864.00 169 (£). 3 clerks, at P324 per annum each............ 972.00 169 (t). 1 lineman or laborer ..................................... 324.00 Requisition Section 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................ 432.00 Telegraph and Radio Supply Section 44. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 132. 1 lineman ............................................................ 324.00 169(7). 1 clerk .................................................. 432.00 169 (r). 1 lineman or laborer ................................... 432.00 Stationery Supply Section 27. 1 chief of section ............................................ 540.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each ......-.......... 864.00 Accountable Blank Forms Section 25. 1 chief of section ............................................ 756.00 47. 1 clerk ........................................................... 540.00 113. 1 janitor-porter .................................................... 324.00 Packing and Shipping Section 25. 1 chief of section ..................... 756.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 169(e). 1 clerk ............................................................. 438.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 113. 1 janitor-porter .................................................... 324.00 150. 1 driver-helper .................................................... 378.00 169(s). 1 lineman or laborer ................................... 378.00 169 (t). 2 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each .......................................................... 648.00 Blank Forms Section 26. 1 chief of section ............................................. 648.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 169(/t). 1 clerk ............................................................. 365.00 169(£). 2 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each ......................................................... 648.00 Repair Shop 142. 1 telegraph or radio constructor .................. 2,380.00 169(a). 2 clerks, at P547.50 per annum each...... 1,095.00 169(d). 1 clerk ........................................................... 548.00 169(e). 1 clerk ............................................................ 438.00 169(f). 1 clerk ............................................................ 432.00 169 (t). 5 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each ......................................................... 1,620.00 169(a). 1 carpenter ................................................... 540.00 169 (v). 1 carpenter ................................................... 432.00 INSPECTION DIVISION 8. 1 superintendent ................................................ 2,550.00 12. 1 assistant superintendent ......................... 2,040.00 164. 33 stamp agents, at P120 per annum each.... 3,960.00 166. 1 laborer ............................................................... 378.00 169 (7c). 1 stamp agent .............................................. 120.00 169 (t). 3 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each ......................................................... 972.00 169 (z). 9 laborers, at P324 per annum each........... 2,916.00 General Service Post Office Inspectors 56. 1 postmaster oi* operator ................................ 62. 1 postmaster or operator ................................. 11. 1 assistant superintendent ............................. 134. 1 supervising inspector ..................................... 135. 2 inspectors, at P2,040 per annum each' ....... 136. 15 inspectors, at Pl,530 per annum each ....... 137. 3 inspectors, at Pl,080 per annum each ....... 138. 1 inspector ............................................................ 143. 1 telegraph or radio constructor .................. 144. 1 telegraph or radio constructor ...................... 85. 1 chief operator .................................................. Legal Section 44. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 137. 1 inspector ............................................................ Inspection Section 44. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each .................. 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 105. 1 watchman or messenger ................................. 169(771). 2 messengers, at P378 per annum each.... 169 (p). 1 lineman or laborer ................................... Dead Letter Office Section 20. 1 chief of section ............................................. 21. 1 chief of section ............................................. 52. 1 clerk .................................................................. MONEY ORDER DIVISION 10. 1 assistant superintendent .............................. 17. 1 chief of section ............................................. 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 53. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 107. 1 messenger ......................................................... 133. 1 supervising inspector ..................................... 169(f). 1 clerk .............................................................. 169 (t). 9 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each .......................................................... 169(z). 2 laborers, at P324 per annum each....... General Service Section 24. 1 chief of section ............................................. 38. 1 clerk ................................................................... 44. 1 clerk ................................................................... 101. 1 messenger ................. ...................... ........... __ Duplicate Money Order Section 25. 1 chief of section ................................................ 36. 1 clerk ................................................................... 44. 1 clerk ................................................................... 52. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each .................. 68. 1 postmaster or operator ................................. Stamps Section 22. 1 chief of section ............................................. 47. 1 clerk ............................... _................................ 52. 1 clerk ................................................................. 166. 1 laborer ............................ w................... _.......... 3,060.00 1,224.00 2,550.00 2.380.00 4,080.00 22,950.00 3,210.00 1,080.00 2,040.00 1,700.00 1,870.00 1,296.00 1,080.00 1,296.00 432.00 432.00 756.00 540.00 1,224.00 1,122.00 432.00 2,550.00 1,440.00 540.00 432.00 1,296.00 300.00 3,400.00 432.00 2,916.00 648.00 864.00 1,122.00 648.00 824.00 756.00 1,224.00 648.00 1,728.00 756.00 1,080.00 540.00 432.00 378.00 33. 1 clerk .................................................. 42. 1 clerk .................................................. 44. 1 clerk ................................................... 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each 158. 1 clerk-carrier ......... . .................... . Philatelic Section 756.00 648.00 22. 1 chief of section ........................... 864.00 41. 1 clerk ................................................. 864.00 47. 1 clerk ............................................... 1,080.00 864.00 540.00 376 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Tellers Section 23. 1 chief of section ............................................... 972.00 36. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 47. 3 clerks, at P540 per annum each' ................... 1,620.00 52. 2 clerks, at 1*432 per annum each ................... 864.00 61. 1 postmaster or operator ................................ 1,326.00 68. 2 postmasters or operators, at P756 per an­ num each ........................................................ 1,512.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator ................................ 540.00 89. 1 operator ............................................................ 1,224.00 167. 1 laborer .............................................................. 324.00 169 (?). 1 clerk ................................... 324.00 FINANCE DIVISION 28. 1 special disbursing officer ................................. 1,530.00 31. 2 clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each .............. 3,060.0035. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,275.00 39. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each ............. 2,160.00 44. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each ................... 1,080.00 52. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each ................... 1,296.00 61. 1 postmaster or operator................................. 1,326.00 68. 1 postmaster or operator ............................... 75G.00 112. 1 janitor-porter .................................................. 378.00 169(0. 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 MANILA POST OFFICE 4. 1 superintendent ................................................ 3,825.00 12. 1 assistant superintendent .............................. 2,040.00 General Service Section 41. 1 clerk ................................................................ -864.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 113. 2 janitor-porters, at P324 per annum each .... 648.00 116. 1 engineman ....................................................... 756.00 132. 1 lineman ........................................-................... 324.00 City Delivery Section 30. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,700.00 36. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 112. 1 janitor-porter ................................................... 378.00 113. 1 janitor-porter ................................................... 324.00 169(f). 4 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each ........................................................ 1,296.00 169(z). 1 laborer ......................................................... 324.00 Information Sub-Section 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each ................. 1,080.00 52. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 101. 1 messenger ........................................................ 324.00 Lock Boxes Sub-Sectioñ 42. 1 clerk ................................................................. 756.00 44. 1 clerk ............................................................... 648.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 52. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each ................ 2,160.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator ................................ 648.00 48. 1 clerk or operator ............................................ 540.00 169(d). 1 clerk ............................................................. 486.00 169(/). 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each’ .......... 864.00 169(f). 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 City Distribution Sub-Section 38. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 39. 1 clerk ............................................... 1,080.00 41. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each ....._........... 1,728.00 42. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each .................. 2,268.00 44. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each .................. 1,296.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each ............... 1,080.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 169 (/). 1 clerk ............................................................. 432.00 Stamps Sub-Section 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 52. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each .................... 1,728.00 45. 1 clerk or operator ................................................ 648.00 United States Parcel Post Sub-Section 40. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 Arhay and Navy General Delivery and Postage Due Section 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 44. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator ......_........................... 648.00 Directory Sub-Section 38. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,122.00 42. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 169(f). 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 Special Delivery Sub-Section 41. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator .................................. 540.00 100. 4 messengers, at P378 per annum each .......... 1,512.00 101. 23 messengers, at P324 per annum each' ....... 7,452.00 169 (n). 1 messenger .................................................. 324.00 100. 2 messengers, at P378 per annum each ... 756.00 Letter-carriers Subsection 36. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,224.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 40. 2 clerks, at P972 per annum each.................. 1,944.00 158. 1 clerk-carrier ...................................._............... 864.00 159. 2 clerk-carriers, at P756 per annum each....... 1,512.00 160. 7 clerk-carriers, at P648 per annum each....... 4,536.00 161. 14 clerk-carriers, at P540 per annum each..... 7,560.00 162. 33 clerk-carriers, at P432 per annum each..... 14,256.00 169(Z). 10 letter-carriers, at P540 per annum each 5,400.00 Mailing Section 15. 1 chief of section ................................................. 1,700.00 16. 1 chief of section ................................................. 1,530.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 44. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 52. 4 clerks ............................................................... 1,728.00 62. 1 postmaster or operator ............................... 1,224.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator ............................... 648.00 169(f). 10 linemen or laborers, at 1*324 per annum each ...................................................... 3,240.00 169(aa). 10 laborers, at P216 per annum each....... 2,160.00 Philippine Mail Subsection 88. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 40. 2 clerks, at P972 per annum each.................. 1,944.00 41. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 1,728.00 44. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 2,592.00 47. 8 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 4,320.00 52. 20 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 8,640.00 89. 1 operator .............. 1,224.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 377 (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 65. 1 postmaster or operator..................................... 972.00 68. 1 postmaster or operator..................................... 756.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator..................................... 648.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator..................................... 540.00 73. 2 postmasters or operators, at P432 per an­ num each ............................................ 864.00 169(c). 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each............. 1,080.00 169(d). 1 clerk ........................................................... 486.00 169(/). 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each............. 2,160.00 169(t). 2 clerks, at P324 per annum each.............. 648.00 169 (J). 1 operator ...................................................... 324.00 United States Provincial Insured Parcels Subsection 41. 1 clerk ................................................................. 864.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator................................. 540.00 169 (i). 1 clerk ........................................................... 324.00 United States Mail Subsection 38. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 54. 1 clerk ................................................................. 378.00 98. 1 operator .............................................................. 324.00 169(n). 1 messenger .................................................. 324.00 169(z). 1 laborer .......................................................... 324.00 Mail Shipping Subsection 36. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 44. 1 clerk ............................ -.................................... 648.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 Raters and Routers Subsection 35. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,275.00 52. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... 1,296.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator...................................... 648.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator...................................... 540.00 73. 2 postmasters or operators, at P432 per an­ num each _.... 864.00 95. 1 operator ............................................................. 648.00 48. 1 clerk or operator ............................. 540.00 113. 1 janitor-porter ................................................ 324.00 169(/). 1 clerk ........................................................... 432.00 Motor Vehicle Subsection 39. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 147. 5 drivers, at P540 per annum each.................. 2,700.00 148. 1 driver ...... 432.00 150. 2 driver-helpers, at P378 per annum each....... 756.00 151. 1 driver .......... 324.00 152. 1 chauffeur ..._..................................................... 540.00 169(w). 5 drivers, at P432 per annum each.......... 2,160.00 169 (x). 4 drivers, at P378 per annum each.......... 1,512.00 169(z). 2 laborers, at P324 per annum each...,..... 648.00 99. 2 messengers (motorcycle), at P756 per an­ num each ...................................................... 1,512.00 Crew of Launch “Mail” 153. 1 patron .......... —............................................... 756.00 154. 1 engineman ........................................................ 864.00 155. 3 firemen, at P432 per annum each................ 1,296.00 156. 1 boatswain ......................................................... 324.00 157. 3 sailors, at P300 per annum each.................. 900.00 Registry Section 14. 1 chief of section ................................................ 2,040.00 16. 1 chief of section .............................................. 1,530.00 41. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 1,728.00 42. 1 clerk ....................................„........................... 756.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 pfer annum each.................... 1,080.00 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. S64.00 112. 1 janitor-porter .................................................. 378.00 169 (r). 1 lineman or laborer..................................... 432.00 169 (t). 2 linemen or laborers, at P324 per. an­ num each ............................................... 648.00 169(an). 2 laborers, at P216 per annum each....... 432.00 Delivery Subsection 38. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 42- 1 clerk ................................................................. 756.00 44- 1 clerk ................................................................. GlS.'.'u 47* 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 648.00 169 (i). 1 clerk .............................................................. 324.00 Receiving Subsection 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 41- 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each...................... 1,080.00 52. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... 2,160.00 69. 2 postmasters or operators, at P648 per an­ num each ...................................................... 1.296.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator.......................... 549 qq 169(d). 1 clerk ............................................................ 486.00 Opening Subsection 39. 1 clerk ....... 1 oro nn 41. 1 clerk ....... 864 00 42. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each.... 1,512.00 44. 1 clerk ....... nn 47. 1 clerk ....... Kin nn 52. 9 clerks, at P432 per annum each......... 3,888.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator.................. 540 00 73. 1 postmaster or operator.............. 432.00 169(/) . 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each..... 864.00 169(0 . 1 clerk .. 324.00 Insular Dispatching Subsection 32. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,428.00 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 44. 4 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 2,592.00 47. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................... 2,160.00 52. 4 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... 1,728.00 169(/). 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 169(í). 1 clerk ............................ 324.00 United States Dispatching Subsection 31. 1 clerk ............................................. 1 qq 41. 1 clerk ............................. nn , C. O. D. Subsection 41. 1 clerk ................... 47. 1 clerk ............................... nn 52. 1 tlerk ........................ 432 00 69. 1 postmaster or oDerator. 648.00 Pier 7 Postal Station 41. 1 clerk .......................... 864 00 Postal Station No. 2 52. 1 clerk ............................ 432 00 71. 1 postmaster or operator................. 540.00 Foreign Mail Section 29. 1 clerk ....................................................... 2,040.00 39. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................ 2,160.00 42. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each.................. 2,268.00 169 (aa). 1 laborer ...................................................... 216.00 41. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 1,728.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 648.00 378 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 169(i). 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 52. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................... l,296.0(F 169 (/). 2 clerks, at i*432 per annum each............ 864.00 32. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,428.00 47. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 MAIL TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 4. 1 superintendent ............................................... 3,825.00 14. 1 chief of section ............................................. 2,040.00 40. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 52. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 49. 1 stenographer ................................................... 540.00 50. 1 junior stenographer ...................................... 432.00 135. 1 inspector .......................................................... 2,040.00 169 (()• 2 linemen or laborers, at 1*324 per annum each .......................................................... 648.00 45. 1 clerk or operator ........................................... 648.00 Provincial Free Mail Delivery Service 18. 1 chief of section ........................................... 1,326.00 44. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 1,296.00 47. 4 clerks, at P540 per annum each..................... 2,160.00 52. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 169 (i). 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 Mail Boat Service Section 15. 1 chief of section................................................ 1,700.00 42. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 52. 1 clerk ........... ;...................................................... 432.00 68. 1 postmaster or operator.................................. 756.00 158. 1 clerk-carrier ..................................................... 864.00 168. 1 drafstman ......................................................... 756.00 Railway Mail Service Section 16. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,530.00 38. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 42. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each................... 1,512.00 47. 6 clerks, at P540 per annum each................... 3,240.00 51. 1 clerk .................................................................. 486.00 52. 5 clerks, at P432 per annum each................... 2,160.00 Provincial Letter-Carrierá 170(a). 1 letter carrier ............................................. 486.00 170(6). 5 letter-carriers, at P432 per annum each 2,160.00 170(c). 10 letter-carriers, at P432 per annum each 4,320.00 170(d). 89 letter-carriers, at P324 per annum each .......................................................... 28,836.00 170(e). 6 letter-carriers, at P302 per annum each 1,812.00 170(f). 119 letter-carriers, at P300 per annum each .......................................................... 35,700.00 170(p). 2 letter-carriers, at P288 per annum each 576.00 170 (h). 18 letter-carriers, at P276 per annum each 4,968.00 170 (i). 24 letter-carriers, at P264 per annum each 6,336.00 170 (j). 124 letter-carriers, at P240 per annum each ............................. 29,760.00 170(7c). 1 letter-carrier .............................................. 228.00 170(7). 350 letter-carriers, at P216 per annum each ......................................................... 75,600.00 170(w) 100 letter-carriers, at P216 per annum each .......................................................... 21,600.00 TELEGRAPH DIVISION 9. 2 supervisors, at P4,250 per annum each....... 8,500.00 10. 1 assistant superintendent ............................. 2,550.00 41. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 139. 1 radio engineer or supervisor........................ 4,250.00 169 (aa). 1 laborer ...................................................... 216.00 General Service Personnel 39. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 42. 1 clerk ................................................................. 756.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 64. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 1,080.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 540.00 86. 1 operator .......................................................... 1,870.00 89. 2 operators, at Pl,224 per annum each............. 2,448.00 93. 1 operator ............................................................ 864.00 169 (aa). 1 laborer ...................................................... 216.00 100. 1 messenger ......................................................... 378.00 101. 1 messenger ......................................................... 324.00 Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Section 125. 1 supervising lineman ........................................ 2,040.00 71. 1 postmaster or operator.................................... 540.00 73. 1 postmaster or operator................................... 432.00 126. 1 supervising lineman ........................................ 1,870.00 129. 1 supervising lineman ........................................ 972.00 82. 1 operator .......................................................... 2,550.00 89. 1 operator ............................................................ 1,224.00 Radio Construction and Maintenance Section 82. 1 operator ........................................................... 2,550.00 37. 1 clerk or operator .............................................. 1,224.00 Message Receiving Section 90. 1 operator-instructor ........................................ 1,224.00 91. 1 operator ............................................................ 1,080.00 93 1 operator ............................................................. 864.00 45. 1 clerk or operator ........................................... 648.00 48. 1 clerk or operator ............................................. 540.00 4G. 1 clerk ................................................................. 594.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 68. 1 postmaster or operator................................. 756.00 71. 3 postmasters or operators, at P540 per an­ num each .................................................... 1,620.00 .73. 1 postmaster or operator ............................... 432.00 169(n). 3 messengers, at 1*324 per annum each.... 972.00 Message Delivery Section 57. 1 postmaster or operator................................. 2,550.00 44. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 52. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 45. 1 clerk or operator ............................................ 648.00 68. 1 postmaster or operator.................................... 756.00 73. 1 postmaster or operator.................................... 432.00 81. 1 operator .......................................................... 3,060.00 89. 1 operator ......................................................... 1,224.00 93. 1 operator ............................................................ 864.00 94. 1 operator ............................................................ 756.00 98. 1 operator ............................................................ 324.00 99. 3 messengers (motorcycle), at P756 per an­ num each ...................................................... 2,268.00 100. 15 messengers, at P378 per annum each..... 5,670.00 103. 5 messengers, at P324 per annum each......... 1,620.00 100. 2 messengers, at P378 per annum each......... 756.00 101. 26 messengers, at P324 per annum each....... 8,424.00 106. 6 telegraph messengers, at P324 per annum each ............................................................... 1,944.00 107. 1 messenger ........................................................ 300.00 109. 1 messenger ........................................................ 192.00 169(d). 1 clerk ........................................................... 486.00 169(5). 1 operator ...................................................... 324.00 169 (m). 1 messenger .................................................. 378.00 169 (n). 6 messengers, at ?324 per annum each.... 1,944.00 169(i). 3 linemen or laborers, at P324 per an­ num each ................................................ 972.00 169(aa). 1 laborer ............. 216.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 379 (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Central Operating Section 40. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 972.00 47. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 52. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 34. 1 clerk or operator ............................................. 1,326.00 45. 1 clerk or operator ............................................. 648.00 48. 3 clerks or operators, at P540 per annum each 1,620.00 64. 4 postmasters or operators, at Pl,080 per an­ num each .................................................... 4,320.00 65. 1-postmaster or operator.................................. 972.00 66. 1 postmaster, or operator.................................. 864.00 68. 18 postmasters or operators, at P756 per an­ num each .................................................... 13,608.00 69. 6 postmasters or operators, at P648 per an­ num each .................................................... 3,888.00 71. 22 postmasters or operators, at P540 per an­ num each .................................................... 11,880.00 84. 1 operator .......................................................... 2,040.00 87. 2 operators, at Pl,530 per annum each........... 3,060.00 89. 12 operators, at Pl,224 per annum each....... 14,688.00 93. 2 operators, at P864 per annum each........... 1,728.00 91. 1 operator ........................................................... 1,080.00 92. 7 operators, at P972 per annum each........... 6,804.00 94. 3 operators, at P756 per annum each........... 2,268.00 95. 1 operator ........................................................... 648.00 101. 1 messenger ....................................................... 324.00 117. 1 engineman or operator................................ 756.00 122. 2 enginemen, at P432 per annum each........... 864.00 132. 2 linemen, at P324 per annum each............. 648.00 145. 1 cable electrician ............................................ 2,380.00 169(f). 1 clerk ............................................................. 324.00 169(j). 3 operators, at P324 per annum each....... 972.00 169 (n). 2 messengers, at P324 per annum each.... 648.00 103. 1 messenger ......................................................... 324.00 169(a). 2 linemen or laborers, at P378 per an­ num each ....................................... 756.00 169(f). 8 linemen or laborers, at P324 per an­ num each ....................................... 2,592.00 Manila Tuning Station 64. 1 postmaster or operator.................................. 1,080.00 68. 1 postmaster or operator.................................. 756.00 69. 1 postmaster or operator.................................. 648.00 87. 1 operator ........................................................... 1,530.00 89. 2 operators, at Pl,224 per annum each.......... 2,448.00 92. 1 operator ........................................................... 972.00 115. 1 engineman ............................................. 864.00 120. 1 engineman ............................................. 540.00 122. 1 engineman ............................................. 432.00 123. 1 engineman ............................................. 378.00 169 (;). 1 operator ...................................................... 324.00 Transmitting Station (Pasay) 83. 1 assistant operator in charge ........................ 2,380.00 120. 2 enginemen, at P540 per annum each........... 1,080.00 122. 2 enginemen, at P432 per annum each............ 864.00 140. 1 radio inspector ............................................... 2,040.00 141. 1 radio inspector ............................................... 1,530.00 92. 4 operators, at P972 per annum each........... 3,888.00 93. 1 operator .......................................................... 864.00 94. 2 operators, at P756 per annum each........... 1,512.00 97. 1 operator-at-large ............................................ 540.00 104. 1 janitor or messenger.................................... 324.00 Provincial Personnel 59. 2 postmasters or operators, at Pl,700 per an­ num each ........................................................ 3,400.00 61. 1 postmaster or operator.................................... 1,326.00 62. 2 postmasters or operators, at Pl,224 per an­ num each ...................................................... 2,448.00 63. 64. 2 postmasters or operators, at Pl,122 per annum each ... 14 postmasters or num each ... operators, at Pl,080 per an65. 13 postmasters or operators, at P972 per annum each ... 66. 15 .postmasters or operators. at P864 per annum each 68. 46 postmasters or operators, at P756 per annum each 69. 17 postmasters or operators, at P648 per annum each ... 71. 25 postmasters or operators, at P540 per annum each ... 73. 11 postmasters or operators, at P432 per annum each ... 84. 3 operators, at P2,040 per annum each. 86. 1 operator 87. 5 ioperators, at Pl ,530 per annum each.... 89. 20 operators, at Pl,224 per annum each....... 93. 3 operators, at P864 per annum each.......... 88. 1 operator ............................................................ 91. 2 operators, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 98. 4 operators, at P324 per annum each............ 117. 2 enginemen or operators, at P756 per an­ num each ...................................................... 118. 1 engineman or operator................................. 34. 1 clerk or operator.............................................. 43. 1 clerk or operator............................................... 45. 9 clerks or operators, at P648 per annum each ................................................................ 48. 2 clerks or operators, at P540 per annum each 99. 4 messengers (motorcycle), at P756 per an­ num each ...................................................... 100. 17 messengers, at P378 per annum each..... J03. 17 messengers, at P324 per annum each....... 104. 3 janitors or messengers, at P324 per annum each ............................................................... 100. 5 messengers, at P378 per annum each....... 101. 54 messengers, at P324 per annum each....... 102. 1 messenger-engineman ..................................... 107. 26 messengers, at P300 per annum each....... 108. 49 messengers, at P240 per annum each....... 109. 44 messengers, at P192 per annum each.......... 110. 37 messengers, P180 per- annum each........... 111. 1 messenger ....................................................... 114. 2 enginemen, at P972 per annum each.......... 115. 1 engineman ........................................................ 116. 1 engineman ........................................................ 119. 4 enginemen, at P648 per annum each......... 120. 9 enginemen, at P540 per annum each......... 121. 5 enginemen, at P486 per annum each......... 122. 22 enginemen, at P432 per annum each......... 169(f). 9 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each ........................................................ 169 (r). 3 linemen or laborers, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................................ 124. 12 enginemen, at 1*324 per annum each......... 127. 1 supervising lineman .................................... 169 (p). 8 linemen or laborers, at P324 per aneach ............................................................... 130. 6 supervising linemen, at P864 per annum each ................................................................. 131. 1 supervising lineman ..................................... 132. 1 lineman ............................................................ 140. 1 radio inspector ................................................ 141. 1 radio inspector ................................................ 146. 1 cable seaman ................................................... 148. 1 driver ............................................................... 163. 1 mechanic ......................................................... 2,244.00 15,120.00 12,636.00 12,960.00 34,776.00 11,016.00 13,500.00 4,752.00 6,120.00 1,870.00 7,650.00 24,480.00 2,592.00 1,326.00 2,160.00 1,296.00 1,512.00 648.00 1,326.00 756.00 5,832.00 1,080.00 3,024.00 6,426.00 5,508.00 972.00 1,890.00 17,496.00 324.00 7,800.00 11,760.00 8,448.00 6,660.00 144.00 1,944.00 864.00 756.00 2,592.00 4,860.00 2,430.00 9,504.00 2,916.00 1,296.00 3,888.00 1,326.00 9,720.00 5,184.00 756.00 324.00 2,040.00 1,530.00 1,428.00 432.00 648.00 380 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (3) BUREAU OF POSTS INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1G9(/h-). 1 messenger .................................................. 378.00 169(h). 12 messengers, at P324 per annum each.. 3,888.00 169(o). 1 messenger .................................................. 240.00 169 (q). 1 lineman or laborer..................................... 486.00 169(a). 16 linemen or laborers, at P324 per annum each ............................................................... 6,048.00 RADIO REGULATIONS DIVISION S9. 1 operator ............................................................. 1,224.00 93. 1 operator ............................................................. 864.00 48. 1 clerk or operator................................................ 540.00 41. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 47. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 MISCELLANEOUS 171. For subsistence of the crew of launch “Mail”: 1 patron at Pl a day................................. 365.00 1 engineman at P0.60 a day.................... 219.00 1 boatswain at P0.40 a day...................... 146.00 3 firemen at P0.40 a day.......................... 438.00 3 sailors at P0.40 a day.......................... 438.00 Savings .......................................................... (6.00) 172. Clothing allowance for the crew of launch “Mail”: 1 boatswain .................................................. 24.00 3 firemen ...................................................... 68.00 3 sailors ........................................................ 68.00 173. Uniform and shoe allowance for letter-car­ riers, drivers, special policemen and mes­ sengers in Manila and other important mu­ nicipalities, at not to exceed P24 each, as follows: 69 letter-carriers, Manila ........................ 1,656.00 30 special delivery messengers, Manila.... 720.00 61 telegraph messengers, Manila .... 1,464.00 5 letter-carriers, Pasay ........................... 120.00 1 telegraph messenger, Pasay................. 24.00 3 letter-carriers, San Juan del Monte— 72.00 8 letter-carriers, Cebu............................ 192.00 7 letter-carriers, Iloilo ............................ 168.00 6 letter-carriers, Bacolod ........................ 144.00 3 letter-carriers, Baguio ......................... 72.00 4 letter-carriers, Zamboanga ................. 96.00 4 letter-carriers, Lucena ........................ 96.00 4 letter-carriers, Legaspi .................... 96.00 1 letter-carrier, Davao ............................. 24.00 4 letter-carriers, Tacloban ..................... 96.00 26 drivers, Manila ....................................... 624.00 8 special policemen, Manila........................ 192.00 Savings ................................................................. (288.00) Total for salaries and wages.................... Pl,936,583.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY DIRECTOR 1. Per diem of 1*8.50 for the officer of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey detailed as Director of the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey ........................................ CHIEF OF DIVISION 2. One [chief accountant and assistant] chief of division................................................ TECHNICAL SUPERVISORS 3. One technical supervisor................... 4. Per diem at 1*4.25 [each] for [the two] one officer[s] of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey detailed as tech­ nical supervisor^ of the geographical divi­ sion] .................................................................... ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 5. One assistant chief of division........... 6. One assistant chief of division........... 1*3,103.00 1*3,111.00 1 4,080.00 4,080.00 2 4,250.00 1,552.00 3,111.00 3 2,210.00 2,210.00 4 1,938.00 1,938.00 5 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 381 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated Budget Details (4) BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 7. Two chiefs of sections, at 5*1,700 per annum each....................................................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 6-7 8. One chief of section............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 8 CLERKS 9. One supply clerk................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 9 10. One clerk-computer............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 10 11. One clerk ............................................. 1,326.00 1,326.00 11 12. One property clerk............................. 1,224.00 1,224.00 12 13. One clerk ............................................. 540.00 540.00 13 ASSISTANT CIVIL ENGINEER 14. One assistant civil engineer............... 2,040.00 2,040.00 K-I(2)-49 DRAFTSMEN 15. One chief draftsman............................ 1,488.00 1,488.00 14 16. One draftsman .................................... 1,352.00 1,352.00 15 17. Two assistant draftsmen, at ?1,326 per annum each................................................ 2,652.00 2,652.00 16 18. Four assistant draftsmen, at 5*1,224 pei* annum each ................................................ 4,896.00 4,896.00 17-18 19. One assistant draftsman..................... 1,173.00 1,173.00 19 20. Four assistant draftsmen, at ?1,122 per annum each................................................ 4,488.00 4,488.00 20 21. Four assistant draftsmen, at ?l,080 per annum each ................................................ 4,320.00 4,320.00 21 22. One assistant draftsman..................... 1,008.00 1,008.00 22 23. One assistant draftsman..................... 918.00 918.00 23 24. One assistant draftsman..................... 810.00 810.00 24 25. One assistant draftsman.........,........... 756.00 756.00 25 26. Two junior draftsmen, at 5*648 per annum each........................................................ 1,296.00 1,296.00 26 27. One junior draftsman......................... 540.00 540.00 27 COMPUTERS 28. One computer ..................................... 1,734.00 1,734.00 28 29. One computer............... ........................ 1,224.00 1,224.00 29 SPECIALISTS IN LITHOGRAPHIC WORK 30. One process transferer....................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 30 31. One photographer................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 31 32. One pressman ......................... 1,190.00 1,190.00 32 33. One lithographic draftsman............... 1,080.00 1,080.00 33 382 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 34. One lithographic draftsman............... 900.00 900.00 34 35. One assistant lithographer................. 810.00 810.00 35 36. One assistant pressman..................... 432.00 432.00 36 ship’s complement 37. Pay [and rations] of petty officers and crew of the steamer “Fathomer” on [in­ sular] Philippine rolls[; pay of laborers in the field and special shore parties; and uni­ forms, including shoes, for petty officers and crew of the steamer “Fathomer” on insular rolls] 37 (a) One chief writer............................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 (a) (6) One first-class ship’s writer....................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 (&) (e) Three junior officers, at FT,200 per an­ num each......................................................... 3,600.00 .. (d) One second-class ship’s writer.................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 («) (c) One wireless operator...................................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 (d) (/) One assistant engineer.................................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 (e) (g) One boatswain.................................................... 810.00 810.00 (7) (/¿) One first-class boatswain’s mate................. 540.00 540.00 (4Z) (i) One second-class boatswain’s mate............. 432.00 432.00 W (;) One carpenter.................................................... 648.00 648.00 (i) (7c) One first-class quartermaster........................ 432.00 432.00 (D (7) Three second-class quartermasters, at T378 per annum each................................. 1,134.00 1,134.00 W (?n) Two third-class quartermasters, at F328 per annum each........................................... 656.00 656.00 (D (n) Ten seamen, at i*324 per annum each... 3,240.00 3,240.00 (»») (o) Four ordinary seamen, at ^300 per an­ num each ....................................................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 (n) (p) Onb machinist.................................................... 972.00 972.00 (o) (q) Two machinists, at i*864 per annum each 1,728.00 1,728.00 (p) (r) One motor engineer......................................... 864.00 864.00 (7) (s) Three oilers, at ¥*540 per annum each..... 1,620.00 1,620.00 (r) (i) Three firemen, at M86 per annum each... 1,458.00 1,458.00 (s) (u) Two trimmers, at P300 per annum each 600.00 600.00 (O (u) Two stewards, at ^648 per annum each 1,296.00 1,296.00 (w) (w) One officer’s cook.............................................. 648.00 648.00 (v) (,r) One ship’s cook.................................................. 432.00 432.00 (w) (p) Three mess attendants, at ?324 per an­ num each ....................................................... 972.00 972.00 («) (z) One mess attendant.......................................... 300.00 300.00 (p) (aa) One laundryman............................................. 432.00 432.00 (*) H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 383 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference numbers No. 4231, otherwise to item of Act unless stated (4) BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY JANITOR 38. One janitor ......................................... 486.00 486.00 38 MISCELLANEOUS 39. Hire of laborers for office and carpen­ ters for construction of frames for relief maps from Pl.35 to P2.25 per day................. 180.00 180.00 39 40. For clothing allowance of thirty-six men at P56.96 each............................................ 2,051.00 2,051.00 40 41. For rations of [six] nine men at P0.96 each per day ................. ........................ 3,154.00 2,103.00 41 42. For rations of forty-four men at P0.48 each per day............................................ 7,709.00 7,709.00 42 43. One laborer at Pl.80 per day......... 162.00 162.00 43 44. Ten laborers at Pl.35 each per day.. 405.00 405.00 44 45. One laborer at Pl.26 per day........... 33.00 33.00 45 Total.................................................... 110,805.00 103,471.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director of the Bureau of Coast and Geo­ detic Survey, per diem only ...................... P3.103.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 2. 1 chief of division ............................................... 4,080.00 9. 1 supply clerk ...................................................... 1,530.00 12. 1 property clerk ............................................. 1,224.00 13. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 38. 1 janitor ............................................................... 486.00 39. 1 carpenter at P2.25 per day ............................... 100.00 39. 1 laborer at Pl.50 per day ................................ 50.00 39. 1 laborer at Pl per day ..................................... 30.00 DRAFTING DIVISION 5. 1 assistant chief of division ............................. 2,210.00 15. 1 chief draftsman .............................. 1,488.00 16. 1 draftsman ........................................................... 1,352.00 17. 2 assistant draftsmen, at Pl,326 per annum each ................................................................... 2,652.00 18. 4 assistant draftsmen, at Pl,224 per annum each ................................................................... 4,896.00 19. 1 assistant draftsman .......................................... 1,173.00 20. 3 assistant draftsmen, at Pl,122 per annum each ................................................................... 3,366.00 21. 4 assistant draftsmen, at Pl,080 per annum each ................................................................... 4,320.00 25. 1 assistant draftsman .......................................... 756.00 26. 2 junior draftsmen, at P648 per annum each 1,296.00 27. 1 junior draftsman .... ................... 540.00 nautical division 14. 1 assistant civil engineer ...................................... 2,040.00 8. 1 chief of section .............................................. 1,530.00 10. 1 clerk-computer ...................................................... 1,530.00 24. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 810.00 11. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,326.00 GEOGRAPHICAL DIVISION 3. 1 technical supervisor ;........................................ 4,250.00 4. 1 technical supervisor, per diems only .............. 1,552.00 20. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 1,122.00 22. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 1,008.00 23. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 918.00 COMPUTING DIVISION 6. 1 assistant chief of division ............................. 1,938.00 28. 1 computer ............................................................. 1,734.00 29. 1 computer ........................................ 1,224.00 DIVISION OF PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY Section of Process and Printing 7. 1 chief of section .................................................. 1,700.00 30. 1 process transferer .............................................. 1,530.00 32. 1 pressman .............................................................. 1,190.00 35. 1 assistant lithographer ...................................... 810.00 36. 1 assistant pressman .............................................. 432.00 Section of Art and Photography 7. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,700.00 31. 1 photographer ....................................... 1,530.00 33. 1 lithographic draftsman ......... 1,080.00 34. 1 lithographic draftsman ..................................... 900.00 DIVISION OF VESSELS 37. Pay of petty officers and crew of the steamer “Fathomer” on Philippine rolls: 384 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (4) BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Steamer “Fathomer” (а) 1 chief writer ..................................... >1,530.00 (б) 1 first-class ship’s writer .................. 1,224.00 (c) 3 junior officers, at Pl,200 per an­ num each ......................................... 3,600.00 (d) 1 second-class ship’s writer .............. 1,080.00 (c) 1 wireless operator ............................. 1,275.00 (f) 1 assistant engineer .............................. 1,122.00 ((/) 1 boatswain ............................................ 810.00 (/¿) 1 first-class boatswain’s mate............ 540.00 (i) 1 second-class boatswain’s mate ....... 432.00 (■;) 1 carpenter ............................................ 648.00 (A.) 1 first-class quartermaster .................. 432.00 (Z) 3 second-class quartermasters, at P378 per annum each ............................. 1,131.00 (m) 2 third-class quartermasters, at P328 per annum each ............................. 656.00 ( h ) 10 seamen, at P324 per annum each 3,240.00 (o) 4 ordinary seamen, at P300 per an­ num each ......................................... 1,200.00 (p) 1 machinist ............................................ 972.00 (q) 2 machinists, at P864 per annum each 1,728.00 (r) 1 motor engineer ................................. 864.00 (s) 3 oilers, at P540 per annum each .... 1,620.00 (Z) 3 firemen, at P486 per annum each 1,458.00 (?t) 2 trimmers, at P300 per annum each 600.00 (v) 2 stewards, at P648 per annum each 1,296.00 (w) 1 officer’s cook ..................................... 648.00 (x) 1 ship’s cook .......................................... 432.00 (2/) 3 mess attendants, at P32.4 per an­ num each ......................................... 972.00 (z) 1 mess attendant ................................... 300.00 (aa) 1 laundryman ..................................... 432.00 40. For clothing allowance of thirty-six men at P56.96 each ......................................................... 2,051.00 41. For rations of nine men at P0.96 each per day 3,154.00 42. For rations of forty-four men at P0.48 each per day ............................................................... 7,709.00 43. 1 laborer at Pl.80 per day .................................. 162.00 44. 10 laborers at Pl.35 each per day .................. 405.00 45. 1 laborer at Pl.26 per day ................................. 33.00 Total for salaries and wages .................. P110,805.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual |._SALARIES AND WAGES (1) Office of the Secretary ....................... ?31,636.00 (2) Bureau of Public Works....................... 577,853.00 (3) Bureau of Posts.................................... 1,936,583.00 (4) Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey 110,805.00 Total for salaries and wages........... 2,656,877.00 F31,636.00 590,162.00 1,826,558.00 103,471.00 2,551,827.00 T31,268.59 586,405.20 1,723,989.48 95,308.32 2,436,971.59 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Street-car tickets and carromata and cab fares ........................................... P2.734.00 Bicycle allowance ................................. 19,200.00 Allowance equivalent to carromata hire ...................................................... 1,234.00 Transportation, traveling expenses and per diems of officials and em­ ployees ................................................ 45,412.00 Total ................................................ P68.580.00 68,580.00 71,100.00 75,058.86 2. Freight, express and delivery serv­ ice, including transportation of mails: Transportation of office supplies, materials and equipment.................. P7,330.00 Transportation of mails .................... 484,580.00 Total .................................................... P491,910.00 491,910.00 432,065.00 492,618.44 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 385 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Postage stamps for official mail.......... P4.460.00 Rental of post-office boxes.................. 64.00 Telegram and cable charges ........... 1,700.00 Rental of telephones............................ 11,772.00 Miscellaneous charges including in­ stallation and moving telephones.... 249.00 Total ................................................ P18.245.00 4. Illumination and power service: Electric current ................................... P35,619.00 Gas services ........................................... 68.00 Total .................................................... P35,687.00 5. Rental of buildings and grounds: Rental of Offices, buildings and grounds ............................................... P28,105.00 Rental of quarter and warehouse.... 10.00 Total .................................................... P28,115.00 18,245.00 20,595.00 19,033.88 35,687.00 35,679.00 41,660.17 28,115.00 39,625.00 28,858.44 6. Consumption of supplies and ma­ terials : Office supplies and stationery............ P58.497.00 Ice and drinking water.......................... 1,560.00 Metropolitan Water District .............. 840.00 Ordnance supplies ..........-..................... 100.00 Motor vehicle accessories.................... 11,800.00 Watercraft supplies .......................... 23,198.00 Supplies for the repair of furniture and equipment ................................. 1,000.00 Tracing paper, tracing cloth and duplex ............ -................................. 2,000.00 Medical and chemical supplies............ 400.00 Manufacturing supplies ...................... 10,000.00 Telegraph supplies ............................. 24,200.00 Radio supplies ..................................... 44,400.00 Surveying materials .......................... 700.00 Wearing apparel and linen .............. 50.00 Miscellaneous, including supplies for electrical, toilet, photographing, packing, disinfectants and household utensils ................................................ 12,720.00 29908! Total ................................................ P191.460.00 -25 191,460.00 251,762.00 200,046.57 386 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications, including the pur­ chase of stamps and stamped envelopes for the Bureau of Posts: Printing and binding office forms, periodicals, magazines, worn out books, etc............................................. P186.00 Publications and notices in the offi­ cial gazette, etc.................................. 200.00 Printing of stamps and stamped en­ velopes ................................................ 19,800.00 Publication of annual reports......... 2,543.00 Total .................................................... P22.729.00 8. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees: Traveling expenses and subsistence of indigent witnesses........................ P500.00 Total ................................................ P500.00 9. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Maintenance and repair of office fur­ niture .................................................. P2.923.00 Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment .................................................... 31,897.00 Total ................................................ P34,820.00 10. Other services, including subsistence of employees of the Bureau of Posts work­ ing overtime: Subscription to various publications.. P286.50 Laundry service ..................................... 800.00 Sewer service ......................................... 330.00 Premium on bonds and insurance of funds .................................................... 13,452.00 Subsistence of employees working overtime .............................................. 1,700.00 Medical attendance ............................... 211.00 Miscellaneous, including electrical re­ pairs, shoeing horses, burial, re­ charging of prest-o-lite tanks, ad­ vertisements, pail service, etc....... 4,809.50 Total ................................................ P21,089.00 22,729.00 30,186.00 22,918.87 500.00 500.00 30.57 34,820.00 34,463.00 37,705.56 21,089.00 21,092.00 22,240.85 Total for sundry expenses............... 913,135.00 937,067.00 940,172.21 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 2 filing cabinets ................................... P204.00 1 office desk .......................................... 54.00 1 revolving chair ................................. 20.00 1 typewriter ......................................... 230.00 BUREAU OF PUBLIC WORKS Additional equipment: 7 filing cabinets ............................... 735.00 4 unit, Van Dorn............................. 150.00 12 triangular scales, metric.............. 96.00 1 T-square 32" ................................. 8.00 3 scale, metric wood......................... 8.00 5 revolving chairs ........................... 75.00 3 desks narra ................................. 90.00 1 typewriter ..................................... 175.00 1 set drawing instrument................ 20.00 2 triangles 60° & 45°........................ 7.00 4 types French curves...................... 20.00 1 T-square ...................................... 4.00 1 mechanical engineer scale............ 10.00 1 set irregular curves........................ 15.00 1 barometer, P. Faura’s.................... 50.00 BUREAU OF POSTS 100 chairs .............................................. 120.00 3 cases, distribution, 30-hole.............. 88.17 6 tables, ordinary ........................... 91.98 30 clocks .............................................. 378.00 5 lamps, “Rayo” ............................. 42.00 12 satchels, leather for letter­ carriers .............. 168.00 6 satchels, leather for telegraph mes­ sengers ........................................ 40.98 4 flags ................................................ 63.00 5 sacks, 4-lb.......................................... 126.75 10 boxes-mail, letter-drop .................. 162.80 5 boxes-mail, package-drop.............. 106.25 100 rain coats ....................................... 442.00 8 typewriters ..................................... 1,435.04 2 adding machines ........................... 553.00 1 mail truck ....................................... 1,757.03 2 motor-generators .......................... 6,000.00 BUREAU OF COAST AND GEODETIC SURVEY 1 volume, Public Laws...................... 10.00 25 canteens ....................... .................. 40.00 4 fire extinguishers, Pyrene............... 30.00 12 oars, 8 ft.......................................... 30.00. 10 oars, 10 ft........................................ 50.00 6 oars, 12 ft........................................ 40.00 11 shovels ............................................ 30.09 2 lanterns, Dietz ................................. 6.00 2 preservers, life, cork....................... 50.00 1 anchor ............................................ 285.00 2 fire hoses ....................................... 300.00 Total ............................................ P14,417.00 14,417.00 4,549.00 5,040.43 Total for furniture and equipment 14,417,00 4,549.00 5,040.43 388 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. For contracts with interisland steamers: Provided, That at least 5*8,000 of this sum shall be set aside] for [the] sub­ vention to any steamship company that can maintain a transportation service between Manila and Batanes via Calayan ............. 2. To carry out the purposes of Act No. 3909, regarding the licensing of airmen and aircrafts, and inspection of the same: SALARIES AND WAGES Chiefs (a) Per diem of 1*8.50 for the officer of the United States Army Air Corps detailed as Chief of the Aeronautics Division ............................... [1*3,111.001 1*3,103.00 8,000.00 20,000.00 8,765.97 (6) One assistant chief ..................... 3,060.00 Miscellaneous (c) For temporary and emergency aeronautical inspectors and employees, including per diems of Army Officers............. 6,000.00 Clerks (d) One chief clerk............................. 1,080.00 (e) One clerk-stenographer ............. 864.00 (/) One property clerk .................. 756.00 (g) One record clerk........................... 432.00 Messenger-J anitor (h) One messenger-j anitor ............... 324.00 Total for salaries and wa­ ges [1*15,627.00J ................. 15,619.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (i) Traveling expenses of person­ nel ............................................... 1,929.00 (?) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 360.00 (k) Illumination and power service 290.00 (l) Consumption of supplies and materials ................................... 700.00 (m) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications 400.00 (n) Maintenance and repair of equipment ................................. 150.00 (0) Other services ............................. 200.00 Total for sundry expenses..... 4,029.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 389 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budgét Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details (P) (9) IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... Total for furniture and equip­ ment ........................................... 600.00 600.00 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS For upkeep, maintenance and repair of airports, landing fields and air navigation fa­ cilities and for the employ­ ment of caretakers and labor­ ers .................. - 10,000.00 Total for special appro­ priations ............................... 10,000.00 SUMMARY for salaries and wages ............................... [1*15,627.00] Total for sundry expenses ..................... Total for furniture and equipment....... Total for special appropriations.............. Total 15,619.00 4,029.00 600.00 10,000.00 Total available for licensing of airmen and aircrafts, and inspection of the same 1*30,248.00 30,248.00 20,256.00 19,248.20 (r) Any funds saved under items IV-2(a) to IV-2(p) above may be used for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and maintaining public land­ ing fields. 3. Regulation, safeguarding of traffic and collection of tolls on Kennon and Naguilian roads as follows: SALARIES AND WAGES Kennon Road toll collector and dispatcher, at Pl.80 per day..................... toll collector and dispatcher, at Pl.62 per day..................... toll collector, at PlJflf per day gateman, at Pl per day.......... mechanics or inspectors, at P2 each per day ......................... (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 1 1 1 1 2 ■F657.00 592.00 526.00 365.00 1,460.00 390 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Naguilian Road (/) 1 chief dispatcher, at 1*1.35 per day ............................................. 483.00 (<7) 2 gatemen, at 1*1.08 each per day ............................................. 789.00 (h) 1 inspector, at 1*2 per day........ 730.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (i) Traveling expenses of personnel 150.00 (j) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 70.00 (k) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 310.00 (Z) Illumination and power serv­ ice ................................................... 120.00 (m) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................................... 600.00 (n) Other services ................................ 148.00 Total ........................................... 1*7,000.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 7,193.44 4. For the operation of the Division of Motor Vehicles of the Bureau of Public Works: SALARIES AND WAGES Superintendents (a) One superintendent and exam­ iner ........................................... 1*3,825.00 (b) One assistant superintendent and examiner........................... 2,380.00 Chiefs of Sections (c) One division clerk....................... 1,530.00 (cZ) One assistant division clerk......... 540.00 (e) Two chiefs of sections, at 1*1,080 per annum each.......... 2,160.00 (/) One chief collector....................... 1,080.00 (g) Two chiefs of sections, at 1*972 per annum each............. 1,944.00 (h) One chief of section................... 864.00 (t) Two chiefs of sections, at 1*756 per annum each........... 1,512.00 (;) One chief of section.................... 648.00 (k) One bookkeeper ........................... 648.00 (Z) One chief of section................... 540.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 391 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Assistant Chiefs of Sections (m) One assistant chief of section.... 648.00 (n) Three assistant chiefs of sec­ tions, at 1*540 per annum each 1,620.00 (o) One assistant chief of section..... 432.00 (p) Four assistant chiefs of sec­ tions, at 1*432 per annum each 1,728.00 Motor Vehicles Inspectors [One chief inspector F2,040.00] ................... (g) One inspector................................... 1,080.00 (r) One inspector .................................. 960.00 (s) One [automobile] inspector........... 1,700.00 (£) Two [automobile] inspectors, at Fl,080 per annum each........ 2,160.00 Clerks (u) Two collectors, at 1*1,080 per annum each ............................... 2,160.00 [One clerk ................. Fl,080.00] ................... (v) One clerk ....................................... 756.00 [One clerk ................... F648.00] (w) Four clerks, at F540 per an­ num each ................................... 2,160.00 (x) Thirty clerks, at F432 per annum each ............................... 12,960.00 [One clerk ................... F432.00] (y) Two clerk-indexers, at F540 per annum each ............................... 1,080.00 (z) Two clerk-filers, at F432 per annum each ............................... 864.00 Stenographers (aa) One stenographer ..................... 432.00 (bb) One clerk-stenographer ........... 540.00 Typists (co) One typist ................................... 540.00 (dd) Three typists, at 1*432 per an­ num each ............................... 1,296.00 (ee) Two clerk-typists, at 1*540 per annum each ........................... 1,080.00 Watchmen (//) Three watchmen, at 1*788 per annum each ........................... 2,364.00 Mechanics (gg) Three mechanics, at 1*788 per annum each ........................... 2,364.00 392 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Painters (hh) One painter ..................................... 493.00 (ii) One painter ..................................... 394.00 Platemen (jj) One plateman ................................ 657.00 (kk) One helper....................................... 493.00 Drivers (ll) One driver ...................................... 788.00 (mm) One driver .................................... 657.00 (nn) One washing.................................. 493.00 Toolkeeper (oo) One toolkeeper ............................. 493.00 Total for salaries and wages ........................... [P63,223.00] 61,063.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (pp) Traveling expenses of person­ nel ..................... [P24,310.00] (qq) Freight, express and delivery service ...................................... (rr) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. [P5,000.00] (ss) Illumination and power serv­ ice ............................................... (tt) Rental of buildings and grounds................ [P250.00] (uu) Consumption of supplies and materials ........ [P65,280.00] (vv) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications (ww) Maintenance and repair of equipment ..... [P10,121.00] (xx) Other services........ [P3,151.00] 13,950.00 2,000.00 2,970.00 3,000.00 5,050.00 40,880.00 400.00 7,930.00 2,970.00 Total for sundry expenses ................ [P113,512.00] 79,150.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (yy) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 2,278.00 Total for furniture and equipment ....................... 2,278.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 393 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages ............................. [F63,223.00] 61,063.00 Total for sundry expenses ........................... 0113,512.00] 79,150.00 Total for furniture and equip­ ment ........................................... 2,278.00 Total available for the Divi­ sion of Motor Vehicles of the Bureau of Public Works ....................... 0179,013.00] 142,491.00 Amount to be paid out of receipts under Act 3992, [3045] any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding 0179,013.00] ....................... (F142,491.00) 0.00 5. For the purchase of an enlarging camera to make copies of original field sheets, including the purchase of photographic sup­ plies, for the Burea/u of Coast and Geodetic Survey, to be spent by the Director of said Bureau with the approval of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications......... 8,590.00 6. To carry ’out the purposes of Act No. 3846, regarding effective radio control: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One radio inspector ................... 1*2,550.00 (б) One assistant radio inspector.... 2,040.00 (c) One stenographer ....................... 1,080.00 (d) One clerk...................................... 756.00 (e) One messenger-janitor .............. 324.00 Total for salaries and wages 6,750.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (/) Traveling expenses of personnel 200.00 (g) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 400.00 (A) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 972.00 (i) Printing and binding reports, documents and publications.... 200.00 (j) Other services ............................. 150.00 Total for sundry expenses..... 1,922.00 394 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (k) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ......................... 3,500.00 Total for furniture and equipment ......................... 3,500.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages........... 6,750.00 Total for sundry expenses................. 1,922.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 3,500.00 Total available for effective radio control .......................... 1*12,172.00 12,172.00 12,172.00 10,248.43 (0 Provided, That any unexpended balances from sub-items (h) and (k) of item K-IV-6 of Act No. 1>231 [4187] shall be available for the same pur­ poses during the year 1937 [1936] in the event it shall be decided by the Secretary of Public Works and Communic­ ations to acquire and operate a frequency-measuring ap­ paratus. 7. For the personnel of the National Radio Broadcasting fund, employed through­ out the year, Act No. 3997: (а) One superintendent of division.. F4,800.00 (б) One action clerk ........................... 1,428.00 (c) One chief teller and special col­ lecting officer ............................. 1,224.00 (d) One chief of records..................... 1,080.00 (e) One clerk-bookkeeper .................... 756.00 (/) One action clerk............................ 756.00 (g) One clerk-typist............................... 648.00 (h) One clerk ........................................... 648.00 (t) One junior typist ....................... 540.00 (j) One clerk-stenographer ............... 432.00 (k) Two clerk-operators ...................... 864.00 (l) One operator-teller ....................... 432.00 (m) One clerk-typist.............................. 324.00 (n) Two radio set inspectors.............. 1,728.00 (o) One assistant radio set inspector 864.00 (p) One assistant radio set inspec­ tor ................................................... 756.00 (q) Two assistant radio set inspec­ tors ................................................. 1,296.00 (r) One assistant radio set inspector 840.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 395 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (s) One assistant radio set repair­ man ............................................... 432.00 (i) One messenger ............................ 324.00 (u) One janitor ..................................... 324.00 Total available for the per­ sonnel of the National Radio Broadcasting fund, employed throughout the year.............. P20,496.00 Amount to be paid from the receipts .................................... (P20,496.00} 0.00 .......................... 9. For the operation of the Postal Sav­ ings Bank, Act No. 4093: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One superintendent [F5,100.00] W,250.00 (b) One assistant superintendent.... 2,550.00 (c) One chief clerk .......................... 1,530.00 (d) One chief of section................... 2,040.00 (e) One chief of section................... 1,530.00 (/) One chief of section................... 1,224.00 (g) One chief of section................... 1,080.00 (h) One clerk....................................... 1,080.00 (i) One clerk-stenographer ............. 972.00 (;) One clerk ....................................... 972.00 (Zc) One clerk ..................................... 756.00 (I) Two clerks ..................................... 1,512.00 (th) Two clerks ....................... 1,440.00 (n) One clerk....................................... 648.00 (o) One clerk ....................................... 648.00 (p) Four clerks ................................... 2,592.00 (q) Three clerks ................................. 1,620.00 (r) One clerk ....................................... 540.00 (s) Two clerks ................................... 1,080.00 (t) Five clerks............... 2,160.00 (u) Sixteen clerks............................... 6,912.00 (v) Four clerks ................................... 1,680.00 (w) Two messengers........................... 600.00 (x) One teller ..................................... 1,275.00 (y) One teller ....... 1,224.00 (z) One teller....................................... 1,080.00 (a~l) One teller................................... 864.00 (b-1) Two tellers, at P864 per an­ num each .................................. 1,728.00 (c-1) One laborer, [at Fl per day] 360.00 (d-1) One janitor ............................... 378.00 Total for salaries and wages ...........[F45,447.00] 46,325.00 396 H— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUNDRY EXPENSES (e-1) [Traveling expenses of person­ nel ......................... P900.00] (/-I) [Freight, express and delivevery service............. P55.00] (g-1) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service[P5,400.00] Illumination and power serv­ ice ....................... [P800.00] (i-1) Rental of buildings and grounds ........... [Pl,350.00] (j-1) Consumption of supplies andmaterials ......... [P4,460.00] (k-1) Printing and binding reports, documents and publica­ tions ................. [Pl,800.00] (l-l) Maintenance and repair of equipment........... [P320.00] (th-1) [Reserve for] Administrative burden ........... [P52,129.00] (n-1) Other services .....[Pl,400.00] 4,600.00 800.00 510.00 3,860.00 1,500.00 160.00 123,000.00 1,300.00 Total for sundry expenses ..................... [P68,614.00] 135,730.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (o-l) For the purchase of furniture and equipment.....[P944.00] 444.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... [P944.00] 444.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages ......................... [P45,447.00] Total for sundry expenses ...................................... [P68,614.00] Total for furniture and equip­ ment ............................... [P944.00] 46,325.00 135,730.00 444.00 Total available for the Postal Savings Bank.... [Pl 15,005.00] P182,499.00 Amount to be paid out of the profits of the Postal Savings Bank, any provision of exist­ ing law to the contrary not­ withstanding ......................... (P182,499.00) H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 16. For the permanent personnel of the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops [employed throughout the year], Act No. 4111: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One chief of division, with quar­ ters .............................................. 1*5,100.00 (б) Three engineers and chiefs of sections ....................................... 9,180.00 (c) One assistant engineer ............................... [1*2,387.00] 2,380.00 (d) One disbursing and collecting of­ ficer ............................................. 1,700.00 (e) One property clerk....................... 1,530.00 (f) One personnel clerk..................... 1,080.00 (g) One draftsman ............................ 1,530.00 (h) One dispensary attendant........... 864.00 Total available for the permanent personnel of the Government Ma­ rine Railway and Re­ pair Shops [employed throughout the year] Act No. 4111 ................. [1*23,371.00] 1*23,364.00 Amount to be paid from [receipts] the funds of the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops ................................ (1*23,364.00) 0.00 .......................... (O When the present available quarters at En­ gineer Island are not occupied by the Chief of Division, the Director of Public Works may assign the quarters to one of the three senior engineers employed under item (b). 17. For the maintenance and repair of public buildings and monuments, including upkeep of adjacent grounds and of the mau­ soleum of Filipino heroes and martyrs at the ‘‘Cementerio del Norte” of the City of Manila in an amount not to exceed 1*200: Provided, That this fund shall not be used to improve, 398 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS alter or repair a building in such a manner as to make it appear practically new: PROVIDED, That the salaries of the follow­ ing permanent personnel shall be paid from this appropriation: (а) One civil engineer ......................... J*3,825.00 (б) One junior topographical drafts­ man ................................................. 864.00 Total ................................... 1*4,689.00 Animal Industry ............................................. ^6,000.00 Auditor General Office ................................. 3,000.00 Ayuntamiento Building ................... 8,000.00 Baguio ............................................................... 15,000.00 Banking .............................................................. 200.00 Civil Service .................................................... 1,000.00 Coast and Geodetic Survey............................. 4,000.00 Commerce .......................................................... 500.00 Court of First Instance ................................. 1,000.00 Court, Supreme ................................................ 1,000.00 Philippine Army ............................................. 20,000.00 Customs ............................................................. 10,000.00 Education .......................................................... 20,000.00 Forestry .............................................................. 4,000.00 General Land Registration Office.................. 500.00 General Hospital ............................................ 18,000.00 Health ............................................................... 20,000.00 National Assembly ......................................... 6,000.00 Internal Revenue ............................................. 8,000.00 Intendencia Building ..................................... 6,000.00 Justice ............................................................... 2,000.00 Lands ................................................................. 8,000.00 Malacañang Palace ......................................... 25,000.00 National Library ............................................. 2,000.00 Non-Christian Tribes ..................................... 500.00 Old Spanish walls surrounding Intramuros 5,000.00 Office of the Secretary of Justice.............. 3,000.00 Office of the Secretary of Agriculture and Commerce ...................................................... 3,000.00 Old Aduana Buildings ................................. 10,000.00 Office of the Secretary of Finance.............. 8,000.00 Office of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications ......................-.................. 1,000.00 Office of the Secretary of Public Instructions 1,000.00 Office of the Secretary of the Interior........... 2,000.00 Office of the Secretary of Labor.................... 2,000.00 Oriente Building ............................................. 5,000.00 Posts ................................................................. 22,000.00 Printing ............................................................ 5,000.00 Plant Industry ................................................ 6,000.00 Public Service ................. 2,000.00 Public Welfare ................................................ 6,000.00 Public Works ..................................._.............. 12,000.00 Prisons ............................................................... 12,000.00 Quarantine Service ......................................... 3,000.00 Science ............................................................. 6,000.00 Treasury ........................................................... 3,000.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 399 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual 1937 Budget Details Item No. IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS United States Veterans ................................. 500.00 Engineer Island Buildings .......................... 3,000.00 Explosive Magazine Buildings at Tapao Point, Binañgonan, Rizal .......................... 500.00 Legislative Building ..................................... 2,500.00 Arellano Building ........................................... 1,000.00 Andres Bonifacio Monument, Caloocan, Rizal ............................................................... 300.00 Rizal Monument at Dapitan, Zamboanga.. 500.00 Total ........................................................ P300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 288,671.00 18. For the maintenance and repair of the Kennon and Naguilian roads, Subprov­ ince of Benguet, and the road from Camp One to Damortis, Province of La Union, including the payment of the salaries and wages of the folloiving personnel: [Provided, That toll collections from the Kennon Road shall be expended for the maintenance of said road, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding:] (а) One overseer ......................... 1*2,040.00 (б) One foreman ........................... 1,706.00 (c) One foreman ......................... 864.00 Total ............................... W,610.00 Salaries and wages: KENNON ROAD 1 overBeer, at Pl70 per month, for one-half year ............................... Pl,020.00 1 foreman, at P5.50 per day for 865 days ................................................ 1,706.00 1 capataz, at Pl.98 per day for 250 days .............................................. 495.00 1 capataz, at Pl.50 per day. 375.00 3 capataces, at Pl.08 per day each 810.00 2 capataces, at Pl per day each..... 500.00 2 timekeepers, at Pl.50 per day each 750.00 1 carpenter, at Pl.80 per day......... 450.00 1 carpenter, at Pl.44 per day......... 360.00 1 carpenter, at Pl.26 per day...... 815.00 1 carpenter, at Pl.20 per day..... 800.00 1 carpenter, at Pl per day.. 250.00 1 roadroller engineer, at P2.16 per day . ............ — 540.00 1 fireman, at P0.90 per day.............. 225.00 1 fireman, at Pl per day.................. 250.00 1 blacksmith, at P2 per day. 500.00 16 camineros, at P0.80 per day each 8,200.00 14 camineros, at P0.70 per day each 2,450.00 5 camineros, at P0.60 per day each 750:00 2 laborers, at P0.90 per day each.... 460.00 400 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 26 laborers, at P0.75 per day each.... 4,875.00 18 laborers, at P0.60 per day each.... 2,700.00 3 masons, at P0.96 per day each.... 675.00 36 laborers, at P0.80 per day each...... 7,200.00 Total for salaries and wages.... 31,146.00 Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel.......... 340.00 Freight and delivery service.................. 2,000.00 Postal, telephone and cable service.... 60.00 Miscellaneous service ............................. 95.00 Consumption of supplies and materials 19,000.00 Purchase of road equipment.................. 200.00 Total for sundry expenses.................. P21,695.00 Total for Kennon Róad...................... P52.841.00 NAGUILIAN ROAD 1 overseer, at Pl70 per month, for one-half year ................................. Pl,020.00 1 foreman, at P72 per month.............. 864.00 1 capataz, at Pl.80 per day.................. 450.00 2 capataces, at, Pl.62 per day each.... 810.00 3 capataces, at Pl.35 per day each.... 1,012.00 15 camineros, at P0.70 per day each.... 2,625.00 5 camineros, at P0.60 per day each.... 750.00 1 roadroller engineer, at P2 per day.. 500.00 1 fireman, at Pl.50 per day................ 375.00 5 masons, at P0.70 per day each.......... 875.00 3 laborers, at P0.70 per day each...... 525.00 44 laborers, at P0.60 per day each....... 6,600.00 6 laborers, at P0.50 per day each......... 750.00 Total for salaries and wages....... 17,156.00 Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel.......... P850.00 Freight and delivery service................ 2,000.00 Postal, telephone and cable service..... 25.00 Miscellaneous service ............................. 50.00 Consumption of supplies and materials 7,378.00 Purchase of equipment............................. 200.00 Total for sundry expenses.................. 10,003.00 Total for Naguilian Road...................... P27,159.00 Total for the maintenance and equip­ ment of the Kennon and Naguilian roads ........................................................ P80,000.00 80,000.00 40,000.00 35,000.00 19. For aid for the maintenance of trails, roads and bridges in specially organized provinces, provided they comply with the provisions of section 2115 of Act No. 2711, and, by a resolution of the provincial board, H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 401 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS guarantee by continuing annual appropria­ tions the establishment of a system of main­ tenance as may be necessary in the judgment of the Director of Public Works on all trails, roads and bridges now constructed or which may be constructed in the future: Province of Agusan ....................................... P6.000.00 Province of Bukidnon ................................... 6,000.00 Province of Cotabato .................................... 6,000.00 Province of Davao ......................................... 6,000.00 Province of Lanao ......................................... 5,000.00 Mountain Province: Subprovince of Apayao .......................... 5,000.00 Subprovince of Benguet ........................ 5,000.00 Subprovince of Bontoc ........................... 5,000.00 Subprovince of Ifugao ........................... 5,000.00 Subprovince of Kalinga .......................... 5,000.00 Maintenance of Abra-Kalinga trail, Province of Abra ............................. 5,000.00 Province of Nueva Vizcaya.......................... 5,000.00 Province of Palawan: Province of Palawan .............................. 5,000.00 Culion Leper Colony ............................. 5,000.00 Province of Sulu ..................................... 6,000.00 Province of Zamboanga ......................... 6,000.00 Total ....................................................... P86,000.00 86,000.00 86,000.00 86,000.00 20. For the investigation of application for the use of water for irrigation, water sup­ ply and water power projects, and for ad­ judication of water rights, including the pay­ ment of salaries and wages of the permanent personnel; maintenance and operation of the San Miguel Irrigation System, Province of Tarlac; and for gaging streams, including salaries of gagekeepers: Provided, That of­ ficers and employees of the Government may be appointed as gagekeeprs and rain observ­ ers under this project and may receive extra compensation therefor in addition to what they receive as Government employees: And provided, further, That persons appointed as gagekeepers and rain observers under this project who are not Government employees may be allowed to accept other Government employment, upon recommendation of the Director of Public Works and approved by the Secretary of Public Works and Com402 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS munications, and may receive compensation therefor: Salaries and Wages (a) One water rights inspector. Pl,700.00 (b) One superintendent of irrigation 1,560.00 (c) One junior topographical drafts­ man ................................................. 1,120.00 (d) One ivater rights inspector....... 930.00 (e) One laborer ...................................... 528.00 (/) One disbursing officer and col­ lector ............................................... 324.00 (g) One gatetender ............................... 280.00 (h) One ditchtender ............................. 279.00 (z) Tzvo laborers, at Fl 50 per an­ num each ...................................... 300.00 (j) One driver ..................................... 100.00 (g) One messenger and janitor ....... 70.00 Total ................................... P7,191.00 For gaging streams, including salaries of gagekeepers: SALARIES AND WAGES First hydrographic District 1 assistant hydrographer, Mangaldan, Pangasinan ......................................... Pl,530.00 1 gagekeeper, Itogon, Mountain Prov­ ince ...................................................... 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Camp One, Mountain Province .............................................. 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Tubao, La Union........ 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Bacnotan, La Union..... 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Balaoan, La Union...... 108.00 1 gagekeeper, San Manuel, Pangasinan 120.00 Second Hydrographic District 1 gagekeeper, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Umingan, Pangasinan.... 108.00 1 gagefc^eper, Mayantoc, Tarlac.......... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Rizal, Nueva Ecija...... 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Rizal, Nueva Ecija...... 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Tarlac, Tarlac .............. 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Peñaranda, Nueva Ecija 96.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 403 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details iv.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Third Hydrographic District 1 gagekeeper, Banban, Tarlac................. 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Balanga, Bataan............. 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Balanga, Bataan.............. 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Dinalupihan, Bataan...... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Pasig, Rizal ................... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Del Carmen, Pampanga 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Floridablanca, Pam­ panga .................................................. 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Marikina, Rizal................ 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Los Baños, Laguna........ 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Pulilan, Bulacan............... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Santa Cruz, Laguna.... 120.00 Fourth Hydrographic District 1 gagekeeper, Iriga, Camarines Sur.... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Goa, Camarines Sur...... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Polangui, Albay.............. 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Malinao, Albay............... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Sorsogon, Sorsogon....... 96.00 Fifth Hydrographic District 1 gagekeeper, Leon, Iloilo...................... 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Pototan, Iloilo............. 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Pototan, Iloilo................. 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Talisay, Negros Occiden­ tal .... 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Bago, Negros Occidental 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Binalbagan, Negros Oc­ cidental .............................................. 108.00 Sixth Hydrographic District 1 gagekeeper Momuñgan, Lanao............. 108.00 1 gagekeeper, Dansalan, Lanao................ 96.00 1 gagekeeper, Balamban, Cebu............... 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Barili, Cebu .....v........... 120.00 1 gagekeeper, Lumbatan, Lanao............ 120.00 Under Project Engineer 1 gagekeeper, Dingras, llocos Norte.... 108.00 Total for salaries and wages.......... 5,922.00 SUNDRY EXEPENSES Traveling expenses, per diems, or sub­ sistence .................................................... 2,648.00 Consumption of supplies and materials 400.00 Other services ....................................... 1,030.00 Total for sundry expenses.................... 4,078.00 For the investigation of application for the use of water for irrigation, water supply and water power projects and for the adjudication or water rights on streams designated by the Secretary of Public Works and Communications: SALARIES AND WAGES One water rights inspector...................... 1,700.00 One water rights inspector .................. 930.00 One junior topographical draftsman ... L 120.00 One laborer ................................................ 528.00 404 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUNDRY EXPENSES Traveling expenses and per diems......... 1,940.00 Stationeries for office use...................... 80.00 Postage and telegrams........................... 100.00 Other services ......................................... 6,102.00 .................... 8,222.00 Total for sundry expenses For the maintenance and operation of the San Miguel Irrigation System, Province of Tarlac: SALARIES AND WAGES One superintendent of irrigation........... 1,560.00 One disbursing officer and collector .... 324.00 One ditchtender ....................................... 279.00 One gatetender ......................................... 280.00 One messenger and janitor ..................... 70.00 One driver .................................................. 100.00 2 laborers, at P150 per annum each.... 300.00 2,913.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES Traveling expenses and per diems....... 200.00 Postal, telegraph and telephone service 32.00 Consumption of supplies and materials 12.00 Other services ............................................... 480.28 Maintenance, repairs and improve­ ments ............................................................ 362.72 Total for sundry expenses............ 1,087.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages.......... 13,113.00 Total for sundry expenses.............. 13,387.00 Total ................................................ P26,500.00 26,500.00 26,500.00 25,175.00 21. For the maintenance and repair of cable and tei-egraphic lines and radio stations, including the payment of the salaries and wages of the following personnel: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One supervising lineman-atlarge .............................................. (b) One radiotrician ........................... (c) Two linemen, at F756 per an annum each ............................... (d) One lineman .................................... (e) One lineman .................................... 1*2,000.00 1,530.00 1,512.00 648.00 540.00 (/) Five linemen, at 1*^86 per an­ num each ...................................... 2,430.00 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 405 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (g) Nineteen linemen, at F432 per annum each .................................. 8,208.00 (h) Twenty-six linemen, at P378 per annum each .................................. 9,828.00 (i) One hundred seventy-two line­ men, at f*324 per annum each 55,728.00 (;) One lineman .................................... 288.00 Other Expenses (fc) For emergency laborers not employed throughout the year ............................... P7.788.00 (O Traveling expenses of per­ sonnel ............................ 83,500.00 (m) Supplies and materials and other expenses .............. 26,000.00 67,288.00 Total available appropriation.. P150,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 117,225.29 22. For the maintenance and repair of lighthouses, buoys and beacons, and for the necessary repair of lighthouses equipment, as follows: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One lighthouse inspector ............ (b) One foreman, lighthouse and Fl,080.00 buoy construction and repairs 1,500.00 (c) One laborer........................................ (d) Two laborers, at P720 per an­ 810.00 num each........................................ 1,440.00 (e) Seven laborers, at P648 per an­ num each...................................... 4,536.00 (/) One laborer........................................ 540.00 (g) One laborer ...................................... 432.00 (h) One laborer ...................................... (i) Three laborers, at F360 per an­ 378.00 num each ...................................... 1,080.00 (j) Eight laborers, at ?405 per an­ num each ...................................... 3,240.00 (k) One laborer .................................... 324.00 (Z) One laborer ...................................... 300.00 Other Expenses (m) Sundry expenses ......................... 84,340.00 Total ........................................ F100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 89,999.85 23. For salaries of the following person­ nel of the Bureau of Public Works whose salaries are charged against the projects in 406 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 1937 1936 1935 Bud9et Details requested authorized actual Item No. IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS ivhich they are engaged, the provisions of any existing law to the contrary notwith­ standing: (а) One superintendent of irrigation 1*5,lQ0.00 (б) One superintendent of irrigation 4,250.00 (c) One designing engineer.............. 4,080.00 (d) One supervising driller.............. 3,825.00 0.00 Total available for salaries.... 1*17,255.00 Amount to be paid from the appropriations for projects in which engaged.................. (1*17,255.00) [For extraordinary repairs to the steamer “ Fathomer ”1 ................................................................ 6,000.00 •A Total for special appropriations.... 808,510.00 712,928.00 693,522.18 VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. Construction of National Government buildings, and alteration and improvement of the official residences of the President in the cities of Manila and Baguio, Act 3597 ..................... 21,729.71 673.37 b. Aganao River and Santa Barbara ca­ dastral surveys, Act 1854 ............................... 5,539.22 84.81 c. Construction and completion of wharf and river wall garage, and other auxi­ liary structures to the Post-Office Building, Act 3717 ...................................................................................... 646.68 6,895.41 d. Construction, reconstruction or re­ pair of public works and improvements in the devastated provinces, Act 3524......................................... 8,568.74 2,873.78 e. Construction of additional buildings in the Insular Psychopathic Hospital, Act 4157 .............................................................................................. 13,225.91 266,774.09 f. Construction of a port near San Il­ defonso, Port of Vigan, llocos Sur, Act 3614 ..................... 7,539.38 5,165.70 g. Coordination of domestic electrical communications, Act 3871 ................................................ 40,000.00 h. For alterations, repairs and im­ provement of public buildings, grounds and equipment to be occupied and/or used by H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 407 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS the Government of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, Act 4259 ....................................... i. For the construction, operation, and maintenance of emergency or intermediate landing fields and other air navigation facil­ ities, Act 4193.................................................... j. Public works funds, Acts 4180 and 4241— 1. For the construction, improvement, alteration or repair of insular buildings....... 2. For the construction, reconstruction, completion, improvement and repair of agricultural schools and other school build­ ings in the regularly and especially organized provinces ..................................................................... 3. For aid to municipalities for the construction, reconstruction, alteration, re­ pair, extension, completion and improvement of the elementary and intermediate school buildings ...................................................................... 4. For the investigation and survey of special road and bridge projects to be des­ ignated by the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, including the purchase, operation and maintenance of test-boring ap­ paratus ......................................................................... 5. For aid for the construction and im­ provement of special road projects provided the provinces in which such projects are sit­ uated comply with the provisions of section 2113 of Act No. 2711, and, by a resolution of the provincial board, guarantee by continu­ ing annual appropriations the establishment of such a system of maintenance as may be necessary in the judgment of the Director of Public Works on all first-class roads now con­ structed or which may be constructed in the future and declared as such by the Director of Public Works......................................................... 6. For the construction, completion, reconstruction and improvement of the roads and bridges in the regularly or46,027.23 3,972.77 153,099.65 46,900.35 57,000.00 ..................... 74,920.06 3,079.94 645,750.00 826,900.00 14,415.30 5,584.70 708,000.00 603,000.00 408 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS ganized provinces, provided they comply with the provisions of section 2113 of Act No. 2711, and, by resolution of the provincial board, shall guarantee by contin­ uing annual appropriations the establish­ ment of such a system of maintenance as may be necessary in the judgment of the Director of Public Works, on all first-class roads now constructed or which may be con­ structed in the future and declared as such by the Director of Public Works ............... 7. For making preliminary investiga­ tions and surveys of irrigation, water supply, water power, sea and river control projects .... 8. For the drilling of artesian wells by the Bureau of Public Works, including the purchase and maintenance of well-drilling equipment and expenses incurred in previous years ............................................................................. 9. For the construction of the Insular projects and for the aid in the construction or extension of provincial and municipal waterworks projects, drainage, sewerage, public toilets, with their corresponding equip­ ment lavatories, bidet and cisterns or public baths and public laundries, provided the province or municipality concerned shall ap­ propriate funds to cover the cost of one-third of the work and provided that, by resolution of the respective provincial board or munic­ ipal council, as the case may be, it shall be guaranteed by means of continuous assign­ ment of funds, the establishment of a sys­ tem of maintenance and conservation neces­ sary, at the discretion of the sanitary official of the province and of the district engineer. No municipality shall be entitled to receive as aid more than 1*25,000 a year, but in the case of a provincial or municipal project benefiting two or more municipalities, each municipality concerned shall be entitled to the said 1*25,000 ...................................................... 200,000.00 16,264.60 147,410.08 253,818.83 213,100.00 3,735.40 95,739.92 196,181.17 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 409 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS 10. For the maintenance, improvement and construction of the river and sea pro­ tection works .............................................................................. 11. For the construction of telegraph and cable lines and radio stations .................................................. 12. For the construction of lighthouses, buoys, beacons and other aids to navigation ..................... Total for continuing appropriations ..................... 354,843.25 68,680.24 99,754,42 2,937,233.30 21.156.75 31.319.76 245.58 2,333,383.50 VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Expenses for the carriage of air mails payable from the revenue collected from additional postage, Act 3869............... b. Maintenance of the Kennon road payable from toll collections on said road, Act 4187 ............................................................ c. Other receipts automatically appro­ priated ................................................................ d. Expenses payable from special funds Total for receipts automatically appropriated ................................. 84,137.09 .................. 62,141.25 324,990.00 353,230.00 61,115.00 ................................................ 386,105.00 353,230.00 146,278.34 VIII.—INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES a. Deterioration of supplies and sales stock................................................................... 10,781.66 6,142.85 2,196.71 b. Extraordinary losses ......................... c. Losses from uncollectible debts....... Total for indefinite expenditures.— 19,121.22 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages................. Total for sundry expenses............... Total for furniture and equipment....... Total for special appropriations..... 2,656,877.00 913,135.00 14,417.00 808,510.00 2,551,827.00 937,067.00 4,549.00 712,928.00 2,436,971.59 940,172.21 5,040.43 693,522.18 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Department of Pub­ lic Works and Communications.. 4,392,939.00 4,206,371.00 4,075,706.41 410 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS COMPARATIVE STATEMENT X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IX.—SUMMARY EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for continuing appropriations.. Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ......................................... Total for investments and indefinite expenditures ..................................... 2,937,233.30 353,230.00 2,333,383.50 146,278.34 19,121.22 386,105.00 Grand total available for the De­ partment of Public Works and Communications ....................... Deduct— Receipts automatically appropriated.. 4,779,044.00 386,105.00 7,496,834.30 353,230.00 6,574,489.47 146,278.34 Net amount available for the De­ partment of Public Works and Communications ....................... 4,392,939.00 7,143,604.30 6,428,211.13 1. No public works officer or employee whose salary, [is] not being fixed by law, [whether] or not othenvise provided herein, is paid from [general or special] any appropriation provided in this Act [for insular projects], shall receive a compensation of more than twelve pesos daily or more than three hundred pesos per month: [Pro­ vided, That the following positions created before the en­ actment of Act No. 4032 shall be exempted from these limitations, viz.: One superintendent of irrigation—1*6,000 per annum. One superintendent of irrigation—1*5,000 per annum. One designing engineer—1*4,800 per annum. One civil engineer—1*4,500 per annum. One supervising well driller—1*4,500 per annum. Provided, further, That the salaries of the incumbents shall be reduced in accordance with section 15 of this Act: And provided, finally, That when the present incumbents cease, the salaries for the above positions shall be reduced to three thousand six hundred pesos per annum.] [3. No employee or laborer of the Government Marine Railway and Repair Shops employed under Act No. 4111 shall be paid more than P10 per day or more than P250 per month.] H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS ~ [4J- Operators and enginemen of the Bureau of Posts whose compensations are appropriated in this Act and as­ signed to any radio station occupying a government ozvned building shall be entitled to quarters and light. 3 [5]. The Director of Posts is authorized to purchase home savings boxes for sale to the public out of the un­ expended balance of any appropriation for the Bureau of Posts: Provided, That the amount to be invested in such purchase shall not exceed ^8,000. 4 [6] With the approval of the proper Head of Depart­ ment, any unexpended balances not exceeding F30,000 of the appropriations for the Bureau of Posts may be ex­ pended to cover the costs of plates and printing of postage stamps with new designs, to replace the regular postage stamps of all denominations. 5 [9], The sums appropriated in items IV-17 to 22 shall be released and distributed in the discretion of the Secretary of Public Works-and Communications for the purposes mentioned in the respective items. 6. The Director of Posts is authorized to itse any un­ expended balance of the appropriation of the Bureau of Posts not more than 1*10,000 ¿for the prompt payment of claims arising from fraudulent encashment or wrong pay­ ment of money orders. [2. Any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, the appropriation for the Division of Motor Vehicles of the Bureau of Public Works shall not be avail­ able, directly or indirectly, for the purchase of automobiles unless specifically authorized in this Act.] [7 The members of the crew of any vessel of the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey shall be entitled to pay not more than sixty days when they are sick in a hospital, in accordance with the United States regulations for Coast and Geodetic Survey vessels: Provided, That each member of the crew shall be entitled to ten days vacation leave with pay in a calendar year.] [8. Temporary employees paid by the United States Government who have been on detail for duty in the Bureau of Coast and Geodetic Survey in the Philippines for not less than 10 years shall be entitled to the same leave priv­ ileges with pay as granted to permanent civil service em­ ployees of the Insular Government, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.]