Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Public Instruction


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Public Instruction
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
Appropriations and expenditures
Philippines -- Department of Public Instruction
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This article presents a more detailed report on the appropriations and expenditures of the Department of Public Instruction for the year 1937.]
I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION For the next fiscal year, the sum of 5*18,703,634 is requested for this Depart­ ment as against 1*18,506,765.40 authorized for the current year, or an increase of T 196,868.60. This additional outlay is needed for the creation of a number of new posi­ tions for doctors, nurses, attendants and other personnel for the Psychopatic Hospital, Philippine General Hospital and San Lazaro Hospital, the present personnel being in­ adequate to the extent of the services that are being required of these institutions; for the increase in the appropriations for consumption of supplies and materials (due to increased cost of subsistence of the greatly increased number of patients in the Psy­ chopatic Hospital) and other sundry expenses; and for purchase of medicines and med­ ical supplies and instruments for distribution to public dispensaries in the municipali­ ties. The said additional expenditures, however, are partly offset by reductions in other items of appropriations. Para el próximo año, la suma de P18,703,634 se pide para este Departamento contra la suma de P18,506,7G5.40 autorizada para el presente año, resultando un aumento de 1*196,868.60. Este gasto adicional es necesario para la creación de nuevos puestos para médicos, enfermeros, asistentes y otros empleados para el Hospital Psicopático, Hospital General de Filipinas y Hospital de San Lázaro, siendo inadecuado el personal actual de dichos hospitales para rendir los servicios que se requieren de estas instituciones; para el aumento en las consignaciones para consumo de efectos y materiales (de­ bido al aumento del costo de subsistencia del creciente número de pacientes en el Hospital Psicopá­ tico), y para otros gastos y compra de medicinas, efectos e instrumentos médicos para la distribución en los dispensarios públicos en los municipios. Parte de dichos gastos adicionales está, sin embargo, compensada por las reducciones en otras partidas de las consignaciones. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested Reference t0 ltem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated DEPARTMENT HEADS ( 1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 1. Secretary of Public Instruction......... 5*10,200.00 1*10,200.00 1 2. Undersecretary of the Department.. 7,225.00 7,225.00 2 3. Commissioner of Health and Welfare 7,225.00 7,225.00 3 CHIEF CLERK 4. One chief clerk..................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 4 PRIVATE SECRETARY 5. One private aeeretarn 3.600.00 INSPECTORS OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 6. One superintendent............................. 4,675.00 4,675.00 5 7. One inspector of test and measure­ ment .................................................................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 6 412 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 413 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 8. One inspector....................................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 7 9. One inspector....................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 8 10. One inspector....................................... 2,890.00 2,890.00 9 11. One inspector....................................... 12. Two inspectors, at 1*2,040 per annum 2,550.00 2,550.00 10 each .................................................................... 4,080.00 4,080.00 11 13. Three inspectors, at Pl,700 per annum each............................................................ 5,100.00 5,100.00 12 14. Two inspectors, at Pl,530 per annum each .................................................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 13 PHARMACY INSPECTORS 15. One pharmacy inspector..................... 1,500.00 16. One pharmacy inspector..................... 1,200.00 CLERKS 17. One clerk ............................................. 2,550.00 2,550.00 14 18. One clerk .............................................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 15 19. One clerk .............................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 16 20. One clerk-stenographer ..................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 17 21. One clerk-stenographer ...................... 810.00 810.00 18 22. One clerk .............................................. 810.00 810.00 19 23. One clerk................................................ 756.00 756.00 F-I-(3)--37 24. Two clerks, at P432 per annum each 864.00 864.00 20--21 STENOGRAPHERS 25. One stenographer ............................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 22 26. One stenographer ............................... 648.00 648.00 23 MESSENGER 27. One clerk-messenger........................... 480.00 28. One messenger..................................... 432.00 432.00 24 MISCELLANEOUS 29. One chauffeur ...................................... 30. For the employment of temporary 720.Ó0 help for the correction of test papers........... 405.00 405.00 25 Total.................................................... 80,430.00 72,930.00 414 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION omCE OF THE SECRETARY 1. Secretary of Public Instruction........................ PIO,200.00 2. Undersecretary of the Department .................. 7,225.00 3. Commissioner of Health and Welfare.............. 7,225.00 4. 1 chief clerk ....................................................... 3,825.00 5. 1 private secretary .............................................. 3,600.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,550.00 18. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,530.00 15. 1 pharmacy inspector ........................................ 1,500.00 16. 1 pharmacy inspector ........................................ 1,200.00 21. 1 clerk-stenographer ............................................ 810.00 23. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 26. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 648.00 27. 1 clerk-messenger ................................................ 480.00 28. 1 messenger ........................................................... 432.00 29. 1 chauffeur ........................................................... 720.00 DIVISION OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES 6. 1 superintendent .................................................. 4,675.00 7. 1 inspector of test and measurement.............. 3,400.00 8. 1 inspector ............................................................ 3,400.00 9. 1 inspector ............................................................ 3,060.00 10. 1 inspector ............................................................ 2,890.00 11. 1 inspector ............................................................ 2,550.00 12. 2 inspectors, at P2,040 per annum each........... 4,080.00 13. 3 inspectors, at Pl,700 per annum each............. 5,100.00 14. 2 inspectors, at Pl,530 per annum each........... 3,060.00 19. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 20. 1 clerk-stenographer .......................... 1................ 1,275.00 22. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 810.00 24. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 864.00 25. 1 stenographer ...................................................... 1,080.00 30. 1 temporary corrector of test papers for 3 months at P50 per month .......................... 150.00 30. 1 temporary corrector of test papers for 3 months at P45 per month ......................... 135.00 30. 1 temporary corrector of test papers for 3 months at P40 per month ...................... 120.00 Total for salaries and wages.................... P80.430.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 1937 1936 Reference to item RudnPt Dpfailc iyá0 numbers of Act Budget Details requested authorized No. 4231, unless Item No. otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION 1 DIRECTORS ¥*6,120.00 1. One Director of Education................. 2. Additional salary for the incumbent 1*6,120.00 on January 1,1932 of the position of Director of Education, item 1 ..................................... 4,080.00 4,080.00 2 3. One Assistant Director....................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 3 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 4. One chief clerk ................................... 3,825.00 3,825.00 4 5. One property officer........................... 3,570.00 3,570.00 6 6. One chief of records............................. 2,550.00 2,550.00 7 SUPERINTENDENTS 7. One superintendent ........................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 8 [Additional salary for the incumbent on January 1, 1932 of the position of super­ intendent of the City of Manila, item 8].... . 850.00 9 8. Ten superintendents, at ¥*5,100 per annum each ....................................................... 51,000.00 51,000.00 10-11 9. One superintendent ........................... 4,930.00 4,930.00 12 10. Thirteen superintendents, at ?4,675 per annum each ............................................... 60,775.00 60,775.00 13-15 11. Fourteen superintendents, at 1*4,250 per annum each .................................. ............. 59,500.00 59,500.00 16-20 12. Ten superintendents, at ¥*3,825 per annum each....................................................... 38,250.00 38,250.00 21-26 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 415 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION 13. Three superintendents, at 1*3,570 per annum each ...................................................... 10,710.00 10,710.00 27-28 14. Eight superintendents, at 1*3,400 per annum each....................................................... 27,200.00 27,200.00 29-34 15. One superintendent ........................... 3,230.00 3,230.00 35 16. One superintendent............................. 3,060.00 3,060.00 36 TEACHERS 17. Twelve teachers, at 1*3,825 per annum each ........................................................... 45,900.00 45,900.00 37-38 18. One teacher ......................................... 19. Two teachers, at F3,570 per annum 3,613.00 3,613.00 40 each .................................................................... 7,140.00 7,140.00 41-41a 20. Three teachers, at 1*3,570 per annum each .................................................................... 10,710.00 10,710.00 416 21. Eleven teachers, at 1*3,400 per an­ num each............................................................ 37,400.00 37,400.00 43-44c 22. Twenty-two teachers, at 1*3,230 per annum each....................................................... 71,060.00 71,060.00 47-48 23. Forty teachers, at 1*3,060 per annum each .................................................................... 122,400.00 122,400.00 49-57 24. Forty-two teachers, at 1*2,890 per annum each........................................................ 121,380.00 121,380.00 58-61a 25. One hundred fifty teachers, at 1*2,720 per annum each ................................................ 408,000.00 408,000.00 64-85 [One teacher ........................ 1*2,720] 2,720.00 85 26. Forty-four teachers, at F2,550 per annum each........................................................ 112,200.00 112,200.00 86-92 [One teacher ........................ 1*2,550] 27. Twelve teachers, at 1*2,380 per an­ 2,550.00 91 num each............................................................ 28,560.00 28,560.00 93-96 28. Eight teachers, at F2,210 per annum each .................................................................... 17,680.00 17,680.00 98-100 29. Thirty-seven teachers, at 1*2,040 per annum each ...................................................... 75,480.00 75,480.00 101-104 30. Seventeen teachers, at 1*1,870 per annum each....................................................... 31,790.00 31,790.00 105 31. Forty-nine teachers, at Fl,700 per annum each....................................................... 83,300.00 83,300.00 106-109 32. Ten teachers, at Fl,581 per annum each ................................................................... 15,810.00 15,810.00 110-113 33. Sixty-two teachers, at Fl,530 per annum each....................................................... 94,860.00 94,860.00 114-121 Former incumbents of items 85 and 91 of Act 4231, retired under Act 2589. 416 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION 34. Thirty-eight teachers, at 1*1,479 per annum each........................................................ 56,202.00 56,202.00 122-123 35. Thirty-eight teachers, at fl,428 per annum each ....................................................... 54,264.00 54,264.00 124-126 36. Two hundred sixty-five teachers, at 1*1,377 per annum each................................... 364,905.00 364,905.00 127-134 37. One hundred forty-eight teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each................................... 196,248.00 196,248.00 135-144 38. Fifty teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each .................................................................... 63,750.00 63,750.00 145 39. One hundred seventy-nine teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............................... 219,096.00 219,096.00 146-159 [One teacher .......................Pl ,224] 1,224.00 156 40. Twenty-five teachers, at 1*1,173 per annum each........................................................ 29,325.00 29,325.00 160-162 41. One hundred five teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each ................................................ 117,810.00 117,810.00 163-164 42. Three hundred ninety-nine teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each ........................... 430,920.00 430,920.00 165-183 43. Thirty teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each .................................................................... 30,780.00 30,780.00 184-186 44. Eighty-six teachers,. at P972 per annum each........................................................ 83,592.00 83,592.00 187-201 45. Twenty-five teachers, at 1*918 per annum each........................................................ 22,950.00 22,950.00 202 46. Sixty-six teachers, at 1*864 per an­ num each .......................................................... 57,024.00 57,024.00 203 47. One teacher........................................... 810.00 810.00 204 48. One teacher .......................................... 702.00 702.00 205 49. One teacher .......................................... 648.00 648.00 206 CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 50. One chief of section............................. 2,720.00 2,720.00 207 51. One chief of section............................. 52. Three chiefs of sections, at Pl,530 2,210.00 2,210.00 209 per annum each ............................................... 4,590.00 4,590.00 210 53. One chief of section............................. 54. Two chiefs of sections, at Pl,080 per 1,326.00 1,326.00 211 annum each....................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 212 55. One chief of section............................. 864.00 864.00 213 56. One chief of section............................. 756.00 756.00 214 STENOGRAPHERS 57. One stenographer ............................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 215 58. One stenographer ............................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 215a L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 417 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1OQC Referenee to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION 59. One stenographer ............................... 60. One stenographer ................................ 61. One stenographer ............................... 62. One stenographer ............................... CLERKS 63. One custodian ............................... ...... 64. One clerk .............................................. 65. One clerk .............................................. 66. Two clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each .................................................................... 67. One clerk .............................................. 68. Two clerks, at 1*1,377 per annum each 69. One clerk .............................................. 70. Four clerks, at 1*1,275 per annum each .................................................................... 71. Nine clerks, at 1*1,224 per annum each .................................................................... 72. Two clerks, at 1*1,080 per annum each 73. Six clerks, at 1*1,173 per annum each 74. Five clerks, at Pl,122 per annum each 75. Eight clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 76. Seven clerks, at Pl,026 per annum each .................................................................... 77. Six clerks, at P972 per annum each.... 78. Thirteen clerks, at P918 per annum each ................................................................... 79. Seventeen clerks, at P864 per annum each .................................................................... 80. Ten clerks, at P810 per annum each.... 81. Twenty-seven clerks, at P756 per an­ num each........................................................... 82. Eight clerks, at P702 per annum each 83. Thirty-four clerks, at P648 per an­ num each............................................................ 83a. One clerk................................................ 84. One clerk................................................ 85. Eighteen clerks, at P540 per annum each ................................................................... 86. Three clerks, at P486 per annum each 87. Thirteen clerks, at P432 per annum each ................................................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 218 972.00 972.00 219 918.00 918.00 220 918.00 918.00 221 2,720.00 2,720.00 222 2,040.00 2,040.00 223 1,700.00 1,700.00 224 3,060.00 3,060.00 225 1,428.00 1,428.00 226 2,754.00 2,754.00 227-228 1,326.00 1,326.00 229 5,100.00 5,100.00 230-231 11,016.00 11,016.00 232-234 2,160.00 2,160.00 234a 7,038.00 7,038.00 236-239 5,610.00 5,610.00 240-243 8,640.00 8,640.00 244-245 7,182.00 7,182.00 247-249 5,832.00 5,832.00 250-253 11,934.00 11,934.00 254-257 14,688.00 14,688.00 258, 260-263 8,100.00 8,100.00 264-268 20,412.00 20,412.00 269-273 5,616.00 5,616.00 274-276 22,032.00 22,032.00 277, 279-285 600.00 .. 594.00 594.00 286 9,720.00 9,720.00 287-292 1,458.00 1,458.00 293-294 5,616.00 5,616.00 295-297 299089------27 418 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to ‘tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated DRAFTSMEN (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION 88. One draftsman..................................... 89. Two draftsmen, at 1*918 per annum 1,080.00 1,080.00 298 each .................................................................... 1,836.00 1,836.00 299 90. One draftsman...................................... 432.00 432.00 300 MESSENGERS 91. One messenger ................................... 432.00 432.00 301 92. One messenger...................................... 240.00 240.00 302 MISCELLANEOUS 93. Honoraria to be paid to teachers giving instruction in the annual vacation assemblies, in accordance with section 18, paragraph 35 of Act No. 2935......................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 303 94. Honoraria to be paid to teachers giving instruction in the agricultural, arts and trades and commercial schools, during vacation time, in accordance with section 18, paragraph 35 of Act No. 2935......................... 95. Temporary and emergency employees at not more than 4*2,040 per annum each, as follows: 425.00 425.00 304 TEACHERS (a) One teacher .................................................. 1,870.00 1,870.00 305(a) (6) One teacher.................................................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 305(6) (c) One teacher ................................................... 1,479.00 1,479.00 305 (</) (d) Two teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each.. 2,856.00 2,856.00 305(6) (e) Two teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.. 2,754.00 2,754.00 305(6) (/) Three teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each 3,978.00 3,978.00 305(Z)-(n) (g) Three teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each 3,825.00 3,825.00 305 (p) (h) One teacher..................................................... 1,224.00 1,224.00 305(q) (i) One teacher .................................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 305 (s) (;) One teacher..................................................... 842.00 842.00 305(¿) CLERKS (k) One clerk ....................................................— 648.00 648.00 305(u) (Z) One clerk ........................................................ (?n) Less—savings from item 95(a) to item 432.00 432.00 305(v) 95(Z).............................................................. (4,748.00) (4,748.00) 305 (w) 96. For student labor in [insular] na­ tional schools under the provisions of section 931 of the Administrative Code....................... 25,000.00 50,000.00 306 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 419 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION 97. Pay for matron and laborers, as fol­ lows: Matron (a) One matron ................................................. 324.00 324.00 307(a) Laborers (6) Two janitors, at F567 per annum each.. 1,134.00 1,134.00 307(6) (c) Three janitors, at 1*540 per annum each 1,620.00- 1,620.00 307(c) (d) One janitor .................................................... 513.00 513.00 307(d) (e) Five janitors, at 1*486 per annum each.. 2,430.00 2,430.00 307(e) (/) One janitor ................................................... 486.00 486.00 307(e) (p) One janitor ................................................... 459.00 459.00 307(f) (h) Two janitors, at 1*432 per annum each.... 864.00 864.00 307(g) (t) Twelve janitors, at 1*378 per annum each 4,536.00 4,536.00 307(h) (;) One janitor .................................................... 378.00 378.00 307(i) (k) One watchman ............................................. 594.00 594.00 307(f) (0 One watchman ............................................ 540.00 540.00 307(fc) (th) One watchman ............................................. 513.00 513.00 307 (Z) (n) Three watchmen, at 1*486 per annum each ............................................................ 1,458.00 1,458.00 307 (m) (o) Two watchmen, at 1*432 per annum each 864.00 864.00 307(n) (p) One mimeograph operator.......................... 594.00 594.00 307(o) (q) Two mimeograph operators, at 1*486 per annum each ................................................ 972.00 972.00 307 (p) (r) One motorcycle driver and messenger..... 702.00 702.00 307(g) (s) One chauffeur ............................................... 864.00 864.00 307(r) (i) One chauffeur ................................................ 756.00 756.00 307 (s) (u) Two chauffeurs, at 1*594 per annum each 1,188.00 1,188.00 307(t) (v) One laundryman ......................................... 300.00 300.00 307(u) (w) One cook ........................................................ 648.00 648.00 307(d) (x) One assistant cook....................................... 276.00 276.00 307 (w) (y) One houseboy ............................................... 240.00 240.00 307(») (z) One houseboy................................................ 204.00 204.00 307(y) (a-2) One dining room boy............................... 240.00 240.00 307 (z) (b-1) One yardman ........................................... 324.00 324.00 307 (a-1) (c-1) One gardener ........................................... 648.00 648.00 307(6-7) (d-I) One gardener ........................................... 378.00 378.00 307 (c-1) (e-7) One caterer ................................................ 432.00 432.00 307 (d-1) (f-1) One machinist .......................................... 702.00 702.00 307 (e-1) (ff-1) One patron ................................................ 648.00 648.00 307 (f-1) (h-1) One steerman ........................................... 432.00 432.00 307 (g-1) (i-1) One launch helper................................... 300.00 300.00 307 (h-1) (j-1) One sailor ................................................. 240.00 240.00 307 (i-1) 420 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to ’tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF (k-1) One laborer .............................................. (l-l) One foreman ............................................. (m-1) One foreman ............................................ (n~l) Two laborers at Fl.75 per day each for 90 days............................................... (o-l) One laborer at Fl.30 per day for 90 days ............................................................ (p-1) Three laborers at F1.20 per day each for 90 days ............................................. (q-1) Two laborers at Fl.15 per day each for 90 days ............................................ (r-1) Four laborers at Fl.10 per day each for 90 days ............................................ (s-1) One laborer at F0.95 per day for 90 days ............................................................ (t-1) Fourteen laborers at F0.90 per day each for 90 days ............................................ (u-1) Ten laborers at F0.85 per day each for 90 days ..................................................... (v-1) Thirteen laborers at F0.80 per day each for 90 days ............................................ (w-1) One hundred laborers at Fl per day each for 120 days.................................. (x-1) One laborer at F2.52 per day for 300 days ............................................................ (y-1) Two laborers at F2.16 per day each for 300 days .......................................... (z—1) One laborer at F2.12 per day for 300 days ............................................................ (a-2) Two laborers at F1.89 per day each for 300 days .......................................... (b-2) Two laborers at Fl.80 per day each for 300 days .......................................... (c-2) Two laborers at Fl.62 per day each for 300 days .......................................... (d-2) One laborer at Fl.53 per day for 300 days ............................................................ (e-2) One laborer at Fl.35 per day for 300 days ............................................................ (f-2) One laborer at Fl.26 per day for 300 days ............................................................ (g—2) One laborer at Pl.20 per day for 300 days ........................................................... EDUCATION 264.00 264.00 307G-1) 972.00 972.00 307(fc-l) 864.00 864.00 307 (l-l) 315.00 ..................... 117.00 ..................... 324.00 ..................... 207.00 ..................... 396.00 ..................... 85.50 ..................... 1,134.00 ..................... 765.00 ..................... 936.00 ..................... 12,000.00 ..................... 756.00 ..................... 1,296.00 ..................... 636.00 ..................... 1,134.00 ..................... 1,080.00 ..................... 972.00 ..................... 459.00 ..................... 405.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 421 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference t0 *tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF (h-2) Thirteen laborers at Fl.17 per day each for 300 days .......................................... (i-2) Four laborers at Fl.08 per day each for 300 days .......................................... (j-2) One laborer at Fl per day for 300 days (k-2) One laborer at F0.83 per day for 300 days ............................................................ Less—probable savings............................. 98. Deductions for vacancies, absences, etc Total.................................................... EDUCATION 4,563.00 1,296.00 ..................... 300.00 ..................... 249.00 ..................... (364.50) 29,799.00 307 (m-1) (28,600.00) (53,458.95) 308 3,576,974.00 3,583,859.05 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1-2. 1 Director ............................................................. P10,200.00 3. 1 Assistant Director ........................................... 5,100.00 ACADEMIC DIVISION 8. 1 superintendent ....... „ 5,100.00 SUPERVISORY DEPARTMENT 23. 1 teacher _............................................................... 3,060.00 24. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,890.00 25. 1 teacher „............................................................. 2,720.00 CURRICULUM DEPARTMENT 10. 1 superintendent ......................._........._............ 4,675.00 21. 1 teacher ...................... .......... ........_.................. 3,400.00 22. 2 teachers, at P3.230 per annum each............. 6,460.00 23. 1 teacher ....................................„................. 3,060.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 5,440.00 28. 1 teacher ........................... 2,210.00 29. 2 teachers, at P2,040 per annum each............... 4,080.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............... 3,400.00 32. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,581.00 33. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,530.00 36. 3 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 4,131.00 37. 1 teacher ........................................................... 1,326.00 38. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,275.00 41. 1 teacher ........................... 1,122.00 42. 4 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 4,820.00 MEASUREMENT AND RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 10. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,675.00 25. 1 teacher ................. 2,720.00 27. 1 teacher ............ 2,380.00 27. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,380.00 36. 2 teachers, at P1.377 per annum each............... 2,754.00 40. 1 teacher ..................................„.........„..... _...... 1,173.00 Library Section 33. 1 teacher ...................................................... 1,530.00 Clerical Section 60. 1 stenographer ........-........... 972.00 62. 1 stenographer ..................... 918.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 80. 1 clerk .............................................................. 810.00 81. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each........................ 2,268.00 83. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each..................... 1,296.00 85. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each ................... 1,080.00 25. 1 teacher ............ 2,720.00 Statistical Section 52. 1 chief of section .............................................„ 1,530.00 71. 1 clerk ..._............................................................ 1,224.00 DIVISION OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Department of Agricultural Instruction 24. 2 teachers, at P2.890 per annum each.............. 5,780.00 25. 1 teacher .............................................................. 2,720.00 41. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,122.00 Department of Trades and Industries 22. 1 teacher „............................................................. 3,230.00 25. 1 teacher ...................................................... 2,720.00 39. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,224.00 42. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,080.00 44. 1 teacher .............................................................. 972.00 Department of Home Economics 24. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,890.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.......... _ 5,440.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,550.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,040.00 36. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,377.00 Clerical Section 78. 2 clerks, at P918 per annum each.................... 1,836.00 81. 2 clerks, at P756 per annum each .......... 1,512.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 85. 1 clerk ................................................................. 540.00 89. 2 draftsmen, at P918 per annum each............. 1,836.00 24. 1 teacher ................................_............................ 2,890.00 42. 1 teacher .............................................. — 1,080.00 422 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION DIVISION OF PUBLICATIONS 12. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,825.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 918.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 83. 1 teacher ...... 1,530.00 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF CLERK 4. 1 chief clerk ......................................................... 3,825.00 57. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 2,040.00 58. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 1,700.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,275.00 87. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 91. 1 messenger .......................................................... 432.00 Service Section 50. 1 chief of section ............................................... 2,720.00 52. 1 chief of section ............................................... 1,530.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,275.00 74. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,122.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,026.00 77. 2 clerks ................................................................ 1,944.00 81. 3 clerks, at P756 per annum each ................. 2,268.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 PROPERTY DIVISION 5. 1 property officer ................................................ 3,570.00 63. 1 custodian ........................................................... 2,720.00 Audit Section 71. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,224.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,026.00 80. 1 clerk ................................................................... 810.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 810.00 81. 1 clerk ...... 756.00 83. 3 clerks .................................................................. 1,944.00 85. 2 clerks ........................-....................................... 1,080.00 Requisition Section 53. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,326.00 72. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,080.00 74. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,122.00 78. 1 clerk ..................................................................- 918.00 Storehouse Section 52. 1 chief of section .....-......................................... 1,530.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................. 756.00 83. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................... 1,296.00 Records Division 6. 1 chief of records ............................................. 2,550.00 67. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,428.00 92. 1 messenger ........................................................... 240.00 Miscellaneous Section 54. 1 chief of section................................................. 1,080.00 78. 1 clerk ................................................................... 918.00 80. 2 clerks, at P810 per annum each ................. 1,620.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 87. 2 clerks .. .............................................................. 864.00 Personal File Section 54. 1 chief of section ....... - 1,080.00 83. 1 clerk ..................... 648.00 87. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 Mailing Section 56. 1 chief of section .............................................. 756.00 88. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 Printing Section 55. 1 chief of section................................................. 864.00 BUILDINGS DIVISION 59. 1 stenographer .................................................... 1,080.00 87. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 88. 1 draftsman ........................................................... 1,080.00 29. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,040.00 insular schools Central Luzon Agricultural School 14. 1 superintendent _..................................... 3,400.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 30. 1 teacher ......... 1,870.00 31. 1 teacher .................................................... 1,700.00 36. 6 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 8,262.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 3,978.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 3,672.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............... 2,244.00 42. 3 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 3,240.00 44. 1 teacher .......................................................... 972.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each.............. 1,728.00 Philippine Nautical School 14. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,400.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 23. 1 teacher ................... 3,060.00 Philippine Normal School 8. 1 superintendent ................................................. 5,100.00 68. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,377.00 75. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 17. 3 teachers, at P3,825 per annum each............ 11,475.00 18. 1 teacher .......................... .-................................... 3,613.00 21. . 2 teachers, at P3,400 per annum each............... 6,800.00 22. 2 teachers, at P3,230 per annum each............... 6,460.00 23. 4 teachers, at P3,060 per annum each............... 12,240.00 24. 7 teachers, at P2,890 per annum each............... 20,230.00 25. 13 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.......... 35,360.00 26. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,550.00 29. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,040.00 31. 5 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............... 8,500.00 33. 3 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 4,590.00 34. 2 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............- 2,958.00 35. 1 teacher .............. —............................. 1,428.00 36. 10 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each........- 13,770.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each ........... 5,304.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl-,275 per annum each.............. 2,550.00 39. 8 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 9,792.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 3,366.00 42. 8 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 8,640.00 Philippine School of Arts and Trades 10. 1 superintendent .................................................. 4,675.00 73. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,173.00 79. J clerk .................................................................. 864.00 19. 1 teacher ................................................................ 3,570.00 23. 1 teacher ........................................................ 3,060.00 25. 1 teacher .............................................................- 2,720.00 29. 1 teacher .............................................................- 2,040.00 30. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,870.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each ......... - 3,400.00 32. 1 teacher ................................................ 1,581.00 35. 1 teacher ..................................................... 1,428.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............. 5,508.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 5,304.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 423 (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 39. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,224.00 42. 9 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 9,720.00 43. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,026.00 44. 7 teachers, at P972 per annum each............... 6,804.00 45. 2 teachers, at P918 per annum each............... 1,836.00 46. 1 teacher ........................................... _ 864.00 School for the Deaf and the Blind 17. 2 teachers, at P3.825 per annum each............... 7,650.00 22. 1 teacher ................................................................ 3,230.00. 33. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,530.00 36. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,377.00 42. 3 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 3,240.00 43. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,026.00 44. 3 teachers, at P972 per annum each.................. 2,916.00 46. 3 teachers, at P864 per annum each.................. 2,592.00 Abra 12. 1 superintendent .................................................. 3,825.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,026.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................... 702.00 25. 6 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each............. 16,320.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 31. 1 teacher ................................................... 1,700.00 33. 1 teacher ... ........................................................... 1,530.00 36. 4 teachers .............................................................. 5,508.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............ 2,652.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............ 2,448.00 40. 2 teachers, at Pl,173 per annum each............ 2,346.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............ 3,366.00 42. 2 teachers ............................................................. 2,160.00 Agusan 11. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,250.00 78. 1 clerk .................................... 918.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 810.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each ............. 5,440.00 29. 1 teacher ,............................................................... 2,040.00 36. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,377.00 37. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,326.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 41. 2 teachers ............................................................ 2,244.00 42. 3 teachers ............................................................ 3,240.00 44. 1 teacher ................................................................ 972.00 Albay 10. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,675.00 75. 1 clerk ......................................................... 1,080.00 33. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 17. 1 teacher ....................................................... 3,825.00 23. 1 teacher ..................................... .. 3,060.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 5,440.00 26. 3 teachers, at P2,550 per annum each.............. 7,650.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each.............. 3,400.00 32. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,581.00 33. 2 teachers ............................................................ 3,060.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 5,508.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 3,978.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............ 2,448.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............ 3,366.00 42. 8 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 8,640.00 43. 2 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each............ 2,052.00 44. 1 teacher ....:................................ _......................... 972.00 46. 3 teachers, at P864 per annum each................ 2,592.00 Antique 13. 1 superintendent ,................................................... 8,570.00 78. 1 clerk ................................................................... 918.00 79. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each............. 8,160.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2.550 per annum each............. 5,100.00 30. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,870.00 31. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,700.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,479.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............ 5,508.00 37. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,326.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,224.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,122.00 42. 9 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............. 9,720.00 44. 1 teacher ................................................................. 972.00 Bataan 11. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,250.00 71. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 87. 2 clerks ................................................................... 864.00 25. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,720.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,040.00 33. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,479.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each............... 2,550.00 39. 4 teachers ............................................................. 4,896.00 42. 4 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 4,320.00 Batanes 15. 1 superintendent ................................................... 3,230.00 82. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 702.00 87. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................................. 3,060.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,550.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,479.00 37. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,326.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,122.00 42. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,080.00 44. 3 teachers, at P972 per annum each.................... 2,916.00 46. 1 teacher ................................................................. 864.00 Batangas 10. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,675.00 71. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 79. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................. 1,728.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 17. 1 teacher ................................................................ 3,825.00 23. 2 teachers, at P3,060 per annum each.............. 6,120.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each.............. 8,160.00 26. 1 teacher ................:................................................ 2,550.00 27. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,380.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,040.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,870.00 33. 2 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 3,060.00 34. 1 teacher .......................................................... 1,479.00 35. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,428.00 36. 5 teachers ............................................................ 6,885.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............. 4,896.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 2,244.00 42. 13 teachers ............................................................ 14,040.00 43. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,026.00 44. 3 teachers, at P972 per annum each................. 2,916.00 45. 2 teachers, at P918 per annum each.................... 1,836.00 46. 3 teachers, at P864 per annum each.................. 2,592.00 Bohol 11. 1 superintendent .................................................... 4,250.00 71. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,224.00 77. 1 clerk .................................... 972.00 88. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 648.00 24. 2 teachers ............................................................. 5,780.00 25. 1 teacher ............................................................. 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher .................................................................. 2,550.00 424 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 29. 1 teacher .......................................................... 2,040.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............... 3,400.00 34. 1 teacher .......................................................... 1,479.00 35. 1 teacher .................................................................. 1,428.00 36. 5 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 6,885.00 40. 1 teacher .......................................................... 1,173.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 2,652.00 38. 4 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each.............. 5,100.00 39. 7 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 8,568.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............. 2,244.00 42. 23 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 24,840.00 44. 6 teachers, at 972 per annum each.................... 5,832.00 45. 1 teacher ................................................................. 918.00 46. 3 teachers, at P864 per annum each................ 2,592.00 Bukidnon 14. 1 superintendent .................................................. 3,400.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................. 648.00 25. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,550.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,040.00 31. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,700.00 33. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,530.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each................ 3,978.00 39. 1 teacher .................................................... 1,224.00 42. 1 teacher .................................................... 1,080.00 Bulacan 10. 1 superintendent ................................................ 4,675.00 61. 1 stenographer .................................................... 918.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 22. 1 teacher .................................................... 3,230.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................................. 3,060.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each................. 8,160.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,870.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each.................. 3,400.00 33. 1 teacher .................................................... 1,530.00 36. 8 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............ 11,016.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 5,304.00 38. 1 teacher .................................................... 1,275.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.................. 3,672.00 40. 1 teacher ........................ 1,173.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............ 2,244.00 42. 13 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 14,040.00 44. 1 teacher ............................................................. 972.00 46. 1 teacher ............................................................. 864.00 Cagayan 12. 1 superintendent .................................................. 3,825.00 78. 1 clerk .......... 918.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 86. 1 clerk .................................................................... 486.00 22. 2 teachers, at P3,230 per annum each................ 6,460.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................................. 3,060.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2.550 per annum each............... 5,100.00 33. 2 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each............ 3,060.00 35. 2 teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each............ 2,856.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............ 5,508.00 37. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,326.00 39. 8 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 9,792.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl, 122 per annum each............ 2,244.00 40. 2 teachers, at Pl, 173 per annum each.............. 2,346.00 42. 10 teachers, at Pl,080.00 per annum each..... 10,800.00 44. 4 teachers, at 972 per annum each.................. 3,888.00 Camarines Norte 12. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,825.00 79. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 25. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,720.00 31. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,700.00 33. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,530.00 36. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,377.00 41. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,122.00 42. 2 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............. 2,160.00 44. 1 teacher ......................................................... 972.00 46. 1 teacher ......................................................... 864.00 Camarines Sur 11. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,250.00 65. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,700.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,275.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 22. 1 teacher ................................................................ 3,230.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................................ 3,060.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each.............. 8,160.00 26. 1 teacher .................................................... 2,550.00 29. 3 teachers, at P2.040.00 per annum each......... 6,120.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............. 3,400.00 34. 2 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............. 2,958.00 36. 2 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 2,754.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 3,978.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 3,366.00 43. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,026.00 35. 3 teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each.............. 4,284.00 38. 3 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each.............. 3,825.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 42. 6 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............. 6,480.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each............... 1,944.00 46. 4 teachers, at P864 per annum each............... 3,456.00 Capiz 12. 1 superintendent ... ............................................... 3,825.00 73. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,173.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 24. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,890.00 25. 1 teacher ................ 2,720.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each.............. 3,400.00 33. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 36. 6 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 8,262.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 3,978.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............. 3,672.00 42. 11 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each......... 11,880.00 30. I teacher .......................................................... 1,870.00 35. 3 teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each............ 4,284.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each............. 2,550.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............ 2,244.00 44. 1 teacher ......................................................... 972.00 46. 4 teachers, at P864 per annum each.............. 3,456.00 Cavite 10. 1 superintendent ............................................... 4,675.00 77. 1 clerk .................................................................. 972.00 80. 1 clerk ................................................................._ 810.00 19. 1 teacher .......................................................... 8,570.00 25. 4 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 10,880.00 27. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,380.00 36. 6 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 8,262.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 3,978.00 39. 5 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 6,120.00 40. 3 teachers, at Pl,173 per annum each............... 8,519.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each............... 1,728.00 26. 1 teacher ......................................................... 2,550.00 32. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,581.00 41. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,122.00 42. 4 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 4,820.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 425 (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 43. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,026.00 46. 3 teachers, at P864 per annum each.............. 2,916.00 Cebu 8. 1 superintendent ................ -............................... 5,100.00 64. 1 clerk ... ............................................................... 2,040.00 69. 1 clerk .................................................-.............. 1,326.00 78. 1 clerk.............................-..............-................... 918-00 81. 1 clerk ................................................ -................. 756.00 83. 1 clerk ....... 648.00 21. 1 teacher ................................................. -............. 3,400.00 22. 2 teachers, at P3,230 per annum each.............. 6,460.00 23. 2 teachers, at P3.060 per annum each.............. 6,120.00 24. 4 teachers, at P2.890 per annum each.............. 11,560.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each.............. 5,440.00 26. 3 teachers, at P2,550 per annum each.............. 7,650.00 29. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,040.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,870.00 31. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,700.00 33. 1 teacher _............................................................. 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 35. 2 teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each.............. 2,856.00 36. 16 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............ 22,032.00 37. 6 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 7,956.00 88. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,275.00 39. 19 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............ 23,256.00 41. 4 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 4,488.00 42. 20 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 21,600.00 43. 2 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each............... 2,052.00 44. 7 teachers, at P972 per annum each............... 6,804.00 46. 1 teacher .............................................................. 864.00 Cotabato 11. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,250.00 82. 2 clerks, at P702 per annum each................... 1,404.00 22. 1 teacher ............................. 3,230.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 36. 2 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 2,754.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 3,978.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each.............. 2,550.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 Davao 11. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,250.00 77. 1 clerk .............................................................. ;. 972.00 81. 1 clerk .............................. 756.00 25. 1 teacher ... ........................ 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................... 2,550.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,870.00 31. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,700.00 33. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 36. 3 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.......... 4,131.00 37. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,326.00 38. 1 teacher ............................................................._ 1,275.00 39. 3 teachers, at P1.224 per annum each........... 3,672.00 42. 1 teacher . ............................................................... 1,080.00 Docos Norte 14. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,400.00 73. 1 clerk ...... -........ 1,173.00 75. 1 clerk .................................... 1,080.00 83. 1 clerk ........................................... 648.00 22. 2 teachers, at P8,230 per annum each_______ 6,460.00 24. 2 teachers, at P2.890 per annum each................. 5,780.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each............._ 5,440.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2,550 per annum each............... 5,100.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,040.00 33. 2 teachers, at Pl,580 per annum each.............. 8,060.00 34. 2 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............ 2,958.00 36. 13 teachers, at Pl,377 peer annum each.......... 17,901.00 37. 8 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each................ 10,608.00 39. 1 teacher ........................................................... 1,224.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,122.00 42. 10 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 10,800.00 43. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,026.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 pel* annum each..................... 1,944.00 llocos Sur 12. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,825.00 75. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 24. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,890.00 25. 6 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 16,320.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 28. 2 teachers, at P2,210 per annum each.............. 4,420.00 29. 2 teachers, at P2,040 per annum each.............. 4,080.00 33. 1 teacher ..................................................... 1,530.00 34. 4 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............... 5,916.00 35. 1 teacher ...................................................... 1,428.00 36. 9 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 12,393.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 3,978.00 38. 1 teacher ................................ 1,275.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 2,448.00 41. 4 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............... 4,488.00 42. 3 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 3,240.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each................... 1,944.00 45. 2 teachers, at P918 per annum each................... 1,836.00 46. 4 teachers, at P864 per annum each................... 3,456.00 Iloilo 8. 1 superintendent .................................................. 5,100.00 73. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,173.00 76. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,026.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................. 648.00 85. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 17. 1 teacher ....................................................... 3,825.00 21. 1 teacher ....................................................... 3,400.00 25. 6 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 16,320.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,550.00 27. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,380.00 30. 1 teacher, ....................................................... 1,870.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............... 3,400.00 32. 1 teacher ...'...................................................... 1,581.00 33. 3 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each............... 4,590.00 34. 2 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............... 2,958.00 36. 13 teachers at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 17,901.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 5,304.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 14 teachers at Pl,224 per annum each............ 17,136.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 5 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 5,610.00 42. 14 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 15,120.00 44. 2 teachers at P972 per annum each.................. 1,944.00 45. 1 teacher ............................................................... 918.00 Isabela 14. 1 superintendent .................................................... 3,400.00 79. 2 clerks, at P864 per annum each.................... 1,728.00 23. 1 teacher ............................................................... 3,060.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 5,440.00 26. - 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 30. 2 teachers, at Pl,870 per annum each.............. 3,740.00 31. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,700.00 33. 3 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 4,590.00 35. 3 teachers, at P1.428 per annum each.............. 4,284.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 5,508.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 2,652.00 38. 1 teacher ..........................................-................... 1,275.00 426 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 42. 6 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 6,480.00 43. 2 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each.............. 2,052.00 Laguna 12. 1 superintendent .................................................. 3,825.00 71. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 87. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................................ 3,060.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each.............. 8,160.00 29. 3 teachers, at P2.040 per annum each............... 6,120.00 31. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,700.00 32. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,581.00 33. 2 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each............... 3,060.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,479.00 35. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,423.00 36. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,377X10 37. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,326.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,275.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 41. 4 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............ 4,488.00 42. 10 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 10,800.00 43. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,026.00 44. 5 teachers, att P972 per annum each.............. 4,860.00 Lanao 76. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,026.00 87. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 17. 1 teacher .............................................................. 3,825.00 20. 1 teacher .............................................................. 3,570.00 31. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,700.00 36. 2 teachers ............................................................. 4,131.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............ 2,652.00 La Union 13. 1 superintendent ................................................... 3,570.00 73. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,173.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 87. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 23. 1 teacher ....................................... 3,060.00 24. 2 teachers, at P2,890 per annum each............... 5,780.00 27. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,380.00 29. 2 teachers, at P2.040 per annum each............... 4,080.00 33. 1 teacher ....................................... 1,428.00 36. 9 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 12,393.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 2,652.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 4,896.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 5 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each ............... 5,610.00 42. 8 teachers at ^1,080 per annum each.............. 8,640.00 45. 4 teachers, at P918 per annum each................ 3,672.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each................ 1,728.00 Leyte 11. 1 superintendent ................................................ 4,250.00 66. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 75. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,080.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................. 918.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 86. 1 clerk ........................................... 486.00 23. 1 teacher ....................................... 8,060.00 24. 2 teachers, at P2,890 per annum each............ 5,780.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 5,440.00 27. '1 teacher ............................................................... 2,380.00 29. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,040.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............... 3,400.00 33. 2 teachers at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 3,060.00 84. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 35. 3 teaechers, at Pl,428 per annum each......... 4,284.00 36. 9 teachers, atPl,377 per annum each................ 12,393.00 37. 8 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each .............. 10,608.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,275.00 39. 6 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 7,344.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,173.00 41. 7 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 7,854.00 42. 15 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 16,200.00 43. 3 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each............... 3,078.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each................. 1,944.00 46. 9 teachers, at P864 per annum each................. 7,776.00 Manila 7. 1 superintendent ................................................... 5,100.00 17. 3 teachers, at P3,825 per annum each............... 11,475.00 20. 1 teacher ............................................................... 3,570.00 21. 2 teachers, at P3.400 per annum each............... 6,800.00 22. 2 teachers, at P3.230 per annum each............... 6,460.00 23. 5 teachers, at P3,060 per annum each............... 15,300.00 24. 11 teachers, at P2,890 per annum each.......... 31,790.00 25. 14 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 38,080.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2,550 per annum each............... 5,100.00 27. 2 teachers, at P2.380 per annum each............... 4,760.00 28. 3 teachers, at P2,210 per annum each............. 6,630.00 29. 4 teachers, at P2.040 per annum each............... 8,160.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................. 1,870.00 31. 3 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............. 5,100.00 33. 3 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each ............ 4,590.00 34. 2 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............. 2,958.00 35. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,428.00 36. 14 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.......... 19,278.00 37. 8 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 10,608.00 39. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,224.00 46. 1 teacher ............................................................ 864.00 47. 1 teacher ............................................................. 810.00 48. 1 teacher ............................................................ 702.00 49. 1 teacher ............................................................. 648.00 Marinduque 13. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,570.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,026.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 8,160.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 38. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,275.00 40. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,173.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,122.00 42. 2 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 2,160.00 Masbate 11. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,250.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................... 918.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 25. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,720.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,870.00 33. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,530.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 2,652.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each................ 2,550.00 39. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,224.00 42. 2 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 2,160.00 Mindoro 14. 1 superintendent ................................................... 3,400.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 25. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 35. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,428.00 36. 7 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 9,639.00 37. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,326.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 4,896.00 42. 4 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 4,320.00 43. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,026.00 46. 1 teacher ............................................................... 864.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 427 (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Misamis Occidental 36. 2 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 2,754.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 2,244.00 42. 6 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 6,480.00 46. 1 teacher ................................................................. 864.00 83a. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 Misarais Oriental 14. 1 superintendent ..................................................... 3,400.00 71. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,224.00 81. 1 clerk ..................... 756.00 84. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 594.00 25. 1 teacher .................................................................. 2,720.00 30. 1 teacher .................................................................. 1,870.00 31. 1 teacher .................................................................. 1,700.00 33. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,479.00 36. 2 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 2,754.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 3,672.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,122.00 42. 8 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 8,640.00 45. 1 teacher .................................................................. 918.00 Mountain Province 9. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,930.00 11. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,250.00 73. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,173.00 83. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 85. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 21. 2 teachers, at P3,400 per annum each.............. 6,800.00 23. 1 teacher ...................................................... 3,060.00 25. 1 teacher ............................................................. 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher ............. _................................................. 2,550.00 29. 3 teachers, at P2.040 per annum each.............. 6,120.00 33. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,530.00 36. 3 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 4,131.00 37. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,326.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 2,448.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,122.00 42. 3 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 3,240.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each................... 1,944.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each................... 1,728.00 Negros Occidental 11. 1 superintendent .......... -....................................... 4,250.00 77. 1 clerk ................................................................... 972.00 82. 1 clerk ........................................................... 702.00 83. 1 clerk .....:............................................................... 648.00 22. 1 teacher .......................................... 3,230.00 23. 3 teachers, at P3.060 per annum each.............. 9,180.00 24. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,890.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each.............. 5,440.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 35. 1 teacher ..................................... 1,428.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.............. 5,508.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 5,304.00 38. 3 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each............. 3,825.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............. 3,672.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 5 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 5,610.00 42. 16 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 17,280.00 43. 3 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each................ 3,078.00 45. 2 teachers, at P918 per annum each.................. 1,836.00 46. 3 teachers, at P864 per annum each....:............. 2,592.00 Negros Oriental 10. 1 superintendent .................................................... 4,675.00 68. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,377.00 80. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 810.00 81. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 28. 2 teachers, at P3,060 per annum each................ 6,120.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 31. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,700.00 33. 2 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each:............... 3,060.00 35. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,428.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each................ 5,508.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each................ 2,652.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each............... 2,550.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each................ 2,448.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each................ 3,366.00 42. 7 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each................ 7,560.00 43. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,026.00 44. 1 teacher ................................................................ 972.00 45. 1 teacher ................................................................ 918.00 46. 5 teachers, at P864 per annum each................. 4,320.00 Nueva Ecija 10. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,675.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 82. 2 clerks, at P702 per annum each................. 1,404.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2,550 per annum each............... 5,100.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,040.00 31. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,700.00 33. 4 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each............... 6,120.00 35. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,428.00 36. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,377.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 3,978.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 2 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 2,448.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............... 2,244.00 42. 7 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 7,560.00 44. 9 teachers, at P972 per annum each................... 8,748.00 45. 1 teacher ................................................................ 918.00 Nueva Vizcaya 11. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,250.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 36. 3 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 4,131.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 4,896.00 42. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,080.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each................... 1,728.00 Palawan 16. 1 superintendent ................................................. 3,060.00 81. 1 clerk -................................................................ 756.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................... 648.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................. 3,060.00 25. 1 teacher ............................................................. 2,720.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each.............. 3,400.00 36. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,377.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 3,978.00 38. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,275.00 39. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,224.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 3,366.00 42. 8 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............... 8,640.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972.00 per annum each............. 1,944.00 45. 1 teacher .................................................. 918.00 Pampanga 8. 1 superintendent ................................................... 5,100.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,275.00 74. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 864.00 23. 1 teacher ............................................................ 3,060.00 25. 5 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each.............. 13,600.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2,550 per annum each............... 5,100.00 31. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,700.00 428 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 33. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,530.00 35. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,428.00 36. 12 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............ 16,534.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each........... 3,978.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each.............. 2,550.00 39. 7 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 8,568.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.............. 2,244.00 42. 6 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 6,480.00 43. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,026.00 Pangasinan 8. 1 superintendent .................................................... 5,100.00 66. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,530.00 71. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,224.00 78. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 918.00 85. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 86. 1 clerk ................................................................... 486.00 20. 1 teacher .......................................................... 3,570.00 21. 2 teachers, at P8,400 per annum each................... 6,800.00 23. 1 teacher ........................................................... 3,060.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 30. 1 teacher ........................................................... 1,870.00 33. 7 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each............... 10,710.00 34. 4 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............... 5,916.00 35. 2 teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each............... 2,856.00 36. 18 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.......... 24,786.00 37. 6 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............... 7,956.00 38. 1 teacher ........................................................... 1,275.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............... 4,896.00 40. 3 teachers, at Pl,173 per annum each............... 3,519.00 41. 7 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............... 7,854.00 42. 26 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 28,080.00 43. 5 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each............... 2,052.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each............... 1,944.00 45. 1 teacher .................................................................. 918.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each................... 1,728.00 Rizal 8. 1 superintendent .................................................... 5,100.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 83. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 85. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............... 5,440.00 29. 1 teacher .......................................................... 2,040.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each............... 3,400.00 32. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,581.00 33. 1 teacher .......................................................... 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,479.00 36. 5 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each................ 6,885.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each........... 3,978.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each........... 2,550.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each........... 4,896.00 40. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,173.00 41. 3 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each........... 3,366.00 42. 11 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 11,880.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each............... 1,944.00 45. 1 teacher ............................................................... 918.00 Romblon 12. 1 superintendent ........-........................................ 3,825.00 79. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 25. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,720.00 33. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,530.00 35. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,428.00 36. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,377.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 3,978.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 3,672.00 43. 7 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each.............. 7,560.00 43. 2 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each .............. 2,052.00 Samar 11. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,250.00 74. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,122.00 80. 1 clerk ................................................ 810.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 87. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 22. 2 teachers, at P3.230 per annum each........... 6,460.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each........... 8,160.00 28. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,210.00 29. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,040.00 31. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,700.00 33. 3 teachers ............................................................ 4,590.00 34. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,479.00 36. 8 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each.......... 11,016.00 37. 8 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each................ 10,608.00 38. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,275.00 39. 7 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.......... 8,568.00 40. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,173.00 41. 5 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each.......... 5,610.00 42. 10 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 10,800.00 43. 2 teachers, at Pl,026 per annum each.......... 2,052.00 14. 1 teacher ............................................................... 972.00 45. 2 teachers, at P918 per annum each.................... 1,836.00 46. 1 teacher ................................................................ 864.00 Sorsogon 12. 1 superintendent ............................................... 8,825.00 71. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,224.00 81. 1 clerk ........................................... 756.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 24. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,890.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each........... 5,440.00 26. 1 teacher ...................................... 2,550.00 34. 1 teacher .............................................................. 1,479.00 35. 1 teacher ............................................................ 1,428.00 36. 2 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each........... 2,754.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each........... 2,652.00 38. 2 teachers, at Pl,275 per annum each................ 2,550.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each........... 3,672.00 41. 2 teachers, at Pl,122 per annum each............. 2,244.00 42. 7 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each................ 7,560.00 Sulu 10. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,675.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................. 864.00 82. 1 clerk .................................................................. 702.00 22. 1 teacher .............................................................. 8,230.00 24. 1 teacher .............................................................. 2,890.00 26. 1 teacher ...................... 2,550.00 27. 1 teacher .............................................................. 2,380.00 37. 2 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.......... 2,652.00 42. 2 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 2,160.00 Surigao 12. 1 superintendent .................... 3,825.00 75. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 1,080.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 23. 1 teacher ............................................................... 8,060.00 25. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher ............................................................... 2,550.00 31. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,700.00 32. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,581.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,479.00 35. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,428.00 36. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,377.00 37. 1 teacher .................................................... 1,326.00 38. 1 teacher ..................... 1,275.00 39. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,224.00 40. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,173.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,122.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 429 (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 42. 9 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.......... 9,720.00 43. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,026.00 44. 1 teacher ............................................................... 972.00 46. 2 teachers, at P864 per annum each............ 1,728.00 Tarlac 10. 1 superintendent ................................................. 4,675.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,026.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................... 810.00 88. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 23. 1 teacher .................................................... 3,060.00 24. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,890.00 25. 1 teacher ...................................................... 2,720.00 26. 1 teacher ..................................................... 2,550.00 28. 1 teacher ...................................................... 2,210.00 31. 2 teachers, at Pl,700 per annum each........... 3,400.00 32. 2 teachers, at Pl,581 per annum each............. 3,162.00 34. 2 teachers, at Pl,479 per annum each............ 2,958.00 36. 3 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............. 4,131.00 37. 3 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............ 3,978.00 38. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,275.00 39. 4 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............ 4,896.00 42. 10 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 10,800.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each................ 1,944.00 45. 1 teacher ............................................................... 918.00 Tayabas 11. 1 superintendent .................................................. 4,250.00 74. 1 clerk ....... -.................................... -.....-.......... 1,122.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................. 918.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 23. 1 teacher ............................................................ 3,060.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each........... 5,440.00 26. 1 teacher ............................................................ 2,550.00 27. 1 teacher ........................................................... 2,380.00 33. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,530.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 35. 3 teachers, at Pl,428 per annum each............. 4,284.00 36. 8 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each........... 11,016.00 37. 6 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 7,956.00 38. 1 teacher ............................................................. 1,275.00 39. 5 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............ 6,120.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each............. 3,366.00 42. 11 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each............ 11,880.00 43. 1 teacher ............................................................... 1,026.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each.................. 1,944.00 Zambales 14. 1 superintendent .............................................. 3,400.00 83. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 85. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 25. 2 teachers, at P2.720 per annum each.................. 5,440.00 29. 2 teachers, at P2,040 per annum each............. 4,080.00 38. 1 teacher .......................................<....................... 1,275.00 27. 1 teacher ................................................................. 2,380.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,870,00 31. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,700.00 33. 2 teachers, at Pl,530 per annum each.............. 3,060.00 35. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,428.00 36. 3 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............. 4,131.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each............. 5,304.00 39. 3 teachers, at Pl,224 per annum each.............. 3,672.00 42. 3 teachers, at Pl,080 per annum each.............. 3,240.00 44. 2 teachers, at P972 per annum each.................... 1,944.00 46. 1 teacher .................................................................. 864.00 Zamboanga 11. 1 superintendent ................................................... 4,250.00 81. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 83. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 85. 1 clerk .................................................................. 540.00 25. 3 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each............. 8,160.00 30. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,870.00 37. 4 teachers, at Pl,326 per annum each.............. 5,304.00 42. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,080.00 24. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,890.00 26. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,550.00 29. 1 teacher ................................................................ 2,040.00 34. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,479.00 39. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,224.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................ 1,122.00 44. 1 teacher ................................................................ 972.00 Vacant 8. 3 superintendents, at P5,100 per annum each.... 15,300.00 10. 2 superintendents, at P4.675 per annum each.... 9,350.00 51. 1 chief of section .................................................. 2,210.00 90. 1 draftsman ................................................... 432.00 22. 1 teacher ................................................................. 3,230.00 23. 2 teachers, at P3,060 per annum each.............. 6,120.00 25. 13 teachers, at P2,720 per annum each........... 35,360.00 26. 2 teachers, at P2.550 per annum each.............. 5,100.00 36. 4 teachers, at Pl,377 per annum each............... 5,508.00 39. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,224.00 41. 1 teacher ................................................................. 1,122.00 45. 2 teachers, at P918 per annum each................... 1,836.00 46. 1 teacher ................................................................. 864.00 MISCELLANEOUS 93. Honoraria to be paid to teachers giving instruction in the annual vacation as­ semblies, in accordance with section 18, paragraph 35 of Act No. 2935 : 1 teacher .................................................... 191.33 3 teachers at P164 each........................... 492.00 1 teacher .................................................... 150.33 7 teachers at P116.16 each........................ 813.12 2 teachers at P109.33 each ....................... 218.66 6 teachers at P102.50 each ....................... 615.00 1 teacher ........................................................ 187.16 2 teachers at P88.83 each......................... 177.66 23 — Less—probable savings ...................... (295.26) 94. Honoraria to be paid to teachers giving instruction in the agricultural, arts and trades and commercial schools, during vacation time, in accordance with section 18, paragraph 35 of Act No. 2935: 1 teacher ....................................................... 157.16 1 teacher ....................................................... 150.33 1 teacher ........................................... 136.66 3 — Less—probable savings............................... (19.15) 95. Temporary and emergency employees at not more than P2.040 per annum each: Antique (h) 1 teacher ............................................. 1,224.00 Bukidnon (6) 1 teacher ............................................... 1,700.00 Capis (d) 1 teacher ................................................ 1,428.00 430 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Temporary and emergency employees at not more than P2,040 per annum each—Ctd. Cebu (g) 1 teacher 1,275.00 llocos Sur (g) 1 teacher 1,275.00 Lanao (d) 1 teacher ............ 1,428.00 (р) 1 teacher ................................................ 1,275.00 Manila (с) 1 teacher ................................................ 1,479.00 Misamis Oriental (f) 1 teacher .............................................. 1,326.00 Palawan (i) 1 teacher .................................................. 1,080.00 Samar (e) 1 teacher ................................................ 1,377.00 Sulu (/) 1 teacher 1,326.00 Tarlac (c) 1 teacher ................................................ 1,377.00 Deaf and Blind (i) r teacher ................................................ 842.00 Trades (a) 1 teacher .............................................. 1,870.00 Teachers' Pension Board (fc) 1 clerk 432.00 97. Pay for matron and laborers—Continued. (z-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 636.00 (ar-2) 2 laborers ......................................... 1,134.00 (b-2) 1 laborer ........................................... 540.00 (f—2) 1 laborer ........................................... 378.00 (h-2) 7 laborers .......................................... 2,457.00 (i-2) 3 laborers ......................................... 972.00 Records Division (p) 1 mimeograph operator ...................... 594.00 (q) 2 mimeograph operators .................. 972.00 (r) 1 motorcycle driver and messenger.... 702.00 (h-2) 1 laborer .......................................... 351.00 School for the Deaf and the Blind (a) 1 matron .......................... 324.00 (n) 1 watchman ........................................ 486.00 (v) 1 laundryman ................................ 300.00 (w) 1 cook .................................................. 648.00 (x) 1 assistant cook .................................... 276.00 (y) 1 houseboy ............................................ 240.00 (z) 1 houseboy ............................................ 204.00 (a-1) 1 dining room boy .......................... 240.00 (b-1) 1 yardman ........................................ 324.00 (k-1) 1 laborer ........................................... 264.00 (k—2) 1 laborer ............................................ 249.00 Philippine Normal School (c) 1 janitor .............................................. 540.00 (e) 3 janitors ............................................. 1,458.00 (h) 1 janitor ............................................... 432.00 (i) 11 janitors ............................................ 4,158.00 (n) 2 watchmen ........................................... 972.00 (o) 1 watchman .......................................... 432.00 (b-2) 1 laborer ........................................... 540.00 (c-2) 1 laborer ........................................... 486.00 Philippine School of Arts and Trades Vacant (f) 1 teacher ................................................ 1,§26.00 (j) 1 clerk .................................................... 648.00 Less—probable savings .............................. (4,748.00) 96. For student labor in national schools under the provisions of section 931 of the Ad­ ministrative Code (995 students at the rate of from P0.07 to 0.30 per hour).................. 25,000.00 97. Pay for matron and laborers, as follows: Division of Vocational Education (d-2) 1 laborer ........................................... 459.00 (e-2) 1 laborer ........................................... 405.00 (g-2) 1 laborer ............................................ 360.00 (h-2) 5 laborers .......................................... 1,755.00 (j-2) 1 laborer ............................................ 300.00 Office of the Chief Clerk (s) 1 chauffeur ............................................ 864.00 Property Division (b) 2 janitors .............................................. 1,134.00 (d) 1 janitor ................................................. 513.00 (g) 1 janitor ................................................. 459.00 (k) 1 watchman .......................................... 594.00 (l) 1 watchman ............................................ 540.00 (m) 1 watchman ......................................... 513.00 (u) 2 chauffeurs ......................................... 1,188.00 (b-1) 1 foreman ........................................... 972.00 (x—1) 1 laborer ........................................... 756.00 (y-1) 2 laborers .......................................... 1,296.00 (c) 2 janitors ............................................. 1,080.00 (e) 2 janitors .............................................. 972.00 (h) 1 janitor ................................................ 432.00 (j) 1 janitor ............................................... 378.00 (t) 1 chauffeur ........................................... 756.00 (c-2) 1 laborer ........................................... 486.00 (i-2) 1 laborer ..................................... 324.00 Philippine Nautical School (i) 1 janitor ................................................ 378.00 (o) 1 watchman ........................................ 432.00 (d—1) 1 gardener ........................................ 378.00 (e-1) 1 caterer ........................................... 432.00 Teachers? Camp (c-1) 1 gardener ....................................... 648.00 (m-1) 1 foreman ......................................... 864.00 (n-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 157.50 (n-1) 1 laborer .......................................... 157.00 (o—1) 1 laborer .......................................... 117.00 (p-1) 3 laborers .................................... 324.00 (q—1) 2 laborers ......................................... 207.00 (r—1) 4 laborers ............................. 396.00 (8-1) 1 laborer ......................................~.... 85.50 (t-1) 14 laborers ..... -..... 1,184.00 (u-lj 10 laborers ........................------------ 765.00 (v—1) 18 laborers ......................................... 986.00 Vacant (f) 1 janitor ...... —.................................... - 486.00 431 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (2) BUREAU OF EDUCATION INTERNAL ORGANIZATION for matron and laborers—Continued. Abra (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 120.00 Albay (iv-l) 2 laborers ..........-............................. 240.00 Antique (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Bataan (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 120.00 Batangas (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Bohol (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Bulacan (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Cagayan (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Camarines Norte (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 120.00 Camarines Sur (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Capiz (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Cavite (w-1) 2 laborers ......-................................. 240.00 Cebu (w-1) 5 laborers ......................................... 600.00 llocos Norte (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 llocos Sur (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Iloilo (w-1) 5 laborers ......................................... 600.01, Isabela (w-1) 2 laborers ......................................... 240.00 Laguna (w-1) *2 laborers ......................................... 240.00 La Union (w-1) 2 laborers ........................................ 240.00 Leyte (g-1) 1 patron ............................................ 648.00 (v-1) 1 launch helper ............................... 300.00 (w-1) 4 laborers ........................................ 480.00 Pay for matron and laborers—Continued. Marinduque (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................. 120.00 Masbate (w-1) 1 laborer ........................................... 120.00 Mindoro (w-1) 1 laborer ....................... 120.00 Misamis Oriental (w-1) 2 laborers ......................................... 240.00 Negros Occidental (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Negros Oriental (w-1) 3 laborers ......................................... 360.00 Nueva Ecija (w-1) 4 laborers ......................................... 480.00 Nueva Vizcaya (w-1) 1 laborer .....—.................................... 120.00 Palawan (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................. 120.00 Pampanga (w-1) 4 laborers ......................................... 480.00 Pangasinan (w-1) 5 laborers ......................................... 600.00 Rizal (w-1) 3 laborers ................................... 860.00 Romblon (w-1) 1 laborer ............... 120.00 Samar (f-1) 1 machinist ....................................... 702.00 (h—1) 1 steersman ....................................... 432.00 (j-1) 1 sailor ............................................... 240.00 (w-1) 3 laborers .......................................... 360.00 Sorsogon (w-1) 2 laborers ......................................... 240.00 Surigao (w-1) 2 laborers „....................................... 240.00 Tarlac (w-1) 3 laborers ........................................... 360.00 Tayabas (w-1) 4 laborers ......................................... 480.00 Zambales (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 120.00 Zamboanga (w-1) 1 laborer ............................................ 120.00 Less—probable savings................. (864.50) 98. Deductions for vacancies, absences, etc.......... (28,600.00) Total for salaries and wages ......................P8,576,974.00 432 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details 1937 1936 Reference to item numbers of Act Item No. requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH DIRECTOR 1. One Director of Health ..................... 1*6,120.00 5*6,120.00 1 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS [AND OFFICES] 2. Four chiefs of divisions, at 1*5,100 per annum each ................................................ 20,400.00 20,400.00 3 3. One chief of division ....................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 4 CHIEFS AND ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 4. Three chiefs of sections, at 1*4,250 per annum each, medical officers..................... 12,750.00 12,750.00 6 5. One chief of section, non-medical officer .................................................................. 3,400.00 3,400.00 7 6. One assistant chief of section ........... 1,870.00 1,870.00 9 MEDICAL OFFICERS 7. One consulting pathologist, Culion Leper Colony, without compensation. 8. Five district inspectors, at 1*4,250 per annum each ....................................................... 21,250.00 21,250.00 10 11-12 9. Six medical officers, at 1*3,400 per an­ num each............................................................ 20,400.00 20,400.00 14-15 10. Two medical officers, at 5*3,060 per annum each ..................................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 17-18 11. One medical officer............................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 19 12. Six medical officers, at “1*2,550 per annum each....................................................... 15,300.00 15,300.00 20 13. Three medical officers, at 1*2,380 per annum each........................................................ 7,140.00 7,140.00 21-22 14. Four medical officers, at 5*2,040 per annum each........................................................ 8,160.00 8,160.00 23-24 15. One physician-pathologist ................. 2,040.00 2,040.00 27 16. Seventeen medical officers, at 1*1,530 per annum each....................... .......................... 26,010.00 26,010.00 26 17. Assistant medical officers, and tem­ porary physicians, for emergency cases as follows: (a) Three assistant medical officers, at 1*2,040 per annum each............................................ 6,120.00 6,120.00 28(a)-(c) (6) Two assistant medical officers, at 1*1,530 per annum each .......................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 (d) 18. Six supernumerary physicians, at Pl,080 per annum each................................... 6,480.00 6,480.00 29-31 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 433 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH DISTRICT HEALTH OFFICERS One-half of the salary only, the other half being payable by the province concerned in accordance with Act 3297. 19. Seventeen district health officers, at Pl,912.50 per annum each............................. 32,512.50 32,512.50 13a, 14a, 16, 20a, 23a 20. One district health officer ................. 21. Fourteen district health officers, at 1,785.00 1,785.00 206 Pl,700 per annum each................................... 22. Nine district health officers, at Pl,530 23,800.00 23,800.00 15a, 20c, 236, 25a per annum each ................................................ 23. Seven district health officers, at 13,770.00 13,770.00 23c, 26a Pl,275 per annum each................................... 8,925.00 8,925.00 20d, 23d, 266 24. One district health officer ................. 1,020.00 CHIEFS AND ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF HOSPITALS AND LEPROSARIA [All] With subsistence and quarters 1,020.00 136 25. One chief of the Culion Leper Colony 4,250.00 4,250.00 36 26. One medical superintendent............... 3,850.00 . 27. One chief of hospital......................... 3,315.00 3,315.00 37 28. One medical supervisor....................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 38 29. One chief of hospital........................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 39 30. One chief alienist ...... -....................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 40 31. One chief of hospital........................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 41 32. One assistant alienist......................... RESIDENT PHYSICIANS With subsistence and quarters 33. One resident physician and pathol­ 2,380.00 2,380.00 43 ogist and in charge of department............... 34. One bacteriologist resident physi­ 3,366.00 3,366.00 44 cian ...................................................................... 35. Two alienists, at P2,380 per annum 2,550.00 2,550.00 45 each .................................................................... 4,760.00 4,760.00 46 36. One resident physician....................... 2,210.00 2,210.00 47 37. One alienist ......................................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 48 38. One resident physician....................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 49 39. One resident physician....................... 40. One resident physician, with laun­ 1,530.00 1,530.00 50 dry ..................................................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 51 299081 -28 434 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 ' authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH 41. Three resident physicians, with laundry, at 1*1,080 per annum each....................... 42. One physician-radiologist, half time, with subsistence and quarters whenever on 3,240.00 3,240.00 52 24 hours’ duty.................................................... 43. One bacteriologist, part time, without 1,080.00 1,080.00 53 subsistence and quarters................................. 44. One oculist and aurist, half time, with subsistence and quarters whenever on 1,080.00 1,080.00 54 24 hours’ duty.................................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 55 45. One resident physician, with laundry 46. Seven internes, without compensa­ tion, but with subsistence and quarters. 1,080.00 540.00 55a 57 SANITARY ENGINEERS 47. One sanitary engineer......................... 5,100.00 5,100.00 32 48. One assistant sanitary engineer....... 3,400.00 3,400.00 33 49. One assistant sanitary engineer......... 50. One draftsman, with knowledge of 2,550.00 2,550.00 34 sanitary engineering ........................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 35 CASHIER AND DISBURSING OFFICER 51. One cashier and disbursing officer.... 2,040.00 2,040.00 58 SUPERINTENDENTS AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS With subsistence and quarters 52. One superintendent ........................... 2,890.00 2,890.00 59 53. One finance and supply officer........... 2,380.00 2,380.00 60 54. One administrative officer and cashier 2,040.00 2,040.00 61 55. One administrative officer and cashier 1,530.00 1,530.00 62 CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT With subsistence and quarters 56. One superintendent of construction.... 2,040.00 2,040.00 65 PHARMACISTS AND PHARMACY CLERKS With subsistence and quarters 57. One pharmacist................................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 66 58. Two pharmacists, at 1*972 per annum each .................................................................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 67 59. One pharmacist................................... 864.00 864.00 68 60. One pharmacy clerk........................... 540.00 540.00 69 61. One pharmacy clerk........................... 360.00 .. DENTISTS 62. One dentist, half time......................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 70 63. One dentist, half [part] time........... 1,080.00 1,080.00 71 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 435 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH 64. One dentist, half [part] time, with one-tliird subsistence ........................................ 648.00 648.00 72 CHAPLAINS With subsistence, quarters and laundry 65. Two chaplains, at =P1,53O per annum each .................................................................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 73-74 SISTERS OF CHARITY 66. Nine sisters of charity, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at 1*810 per annum each............................................................ 7,290.00 7,290.00 75 CLERKS 67. One clerk .............................................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 77 68. Four clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each .................................................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 78-80 69. One clerk................................................ 1,275.00 1,275.00 82 70. Two clerks, at Pl,224 per annum each 2,448.00 2,448.00 83 71. One inventory clerk ............................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 85 72. One clerk................................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 87 73. Two clerks, at P972 per annum each.. 1,944.00 1,944.00 88-89 74. One clerk .............................................. 918.00 918.00 90 75. One clerk .............................................. 864.00 864.00 91 76. Four clerks, at P756 per annum each 3,024.00 3,024.00 92-93 77. One clerk .............................................. 702.00 702.00 94 78. Seven clerks, at 1*648 per annum each 4,536.00 4,536.00 95 79. Seven clerks, at P540 per annum each 3,780.00 3,780.00 96, 97, 99 80. One clerk ............................................. 486.00 486.00 100 81. Six clerks, at P432 per annum each.... 2,592.00 2,592.00 102-104 82. Two clerks, at P378 per annum each 756.00 756.00 105-106 83. One clerk .........'.................................... 324.00 324.00 107 84. One clerk .............................................. 240.00 240.00 108 CLERKS With [subsistence and J quarters 85. One chief clerk and cashier................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 109 86. One senior clerk.................................... 1,080.00 87. One clerk .............................................. 972.00 972.00 110 88. One clerk-bookkeeper ......................... 756.00 756.00 111 89. One clerk .......................................... 720.00 .. 90. Four clerks, at i*648 per annum each 2,592.00 2,592.00 112-113 91. One junior stenographer.............. 600.00 .. 92. Three clerks, at 1*540 per annum each 1,620.00 1,620.00 114 93. One clerk .............................. 540.00 .. 94. One information clerk ....................... 540.00 540.00 116 436 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated BUREAU OF HEALTH (3) 95. One storekeeper and property clerk.. 96. One clerk, [with subsistence only].... 97. Three clerks, at 1*432 per annum each [with one-third subsistence]................. 98. Two clerks, at ¥=432 per annum each.. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES With subsistence and quarters 99. One chief nurse, with laundry........... 100. Four supervisors, at 1*1,122 per an­ num each............................................................ 101. Four supervisors, at Fl,080 per an­ num each........ :.................................................. 102. One supervisor, with laundry............. 103. Two supervisors, with laundry, at ¥=864 per annum each....................................... 104. Two nurses, at 1*972 per annum each.. 105. Nine nurses, at 1*864 per annum each 106. Eleven nurses, at 1*756 per annum each .................................................................... 107. Six nurses, with laundry, at 1*648 per annum each........................................................ 108. Ten nurses, with laundry, at 1*540 per annum each........................................................ 109. One assistant [superintendent] chief nurse .................................................................. INSTITUTIONAL NURSES With subsistence, quarters and laundry 110. One chief nurse and principal of training school for nurses............................... 111. One chief nurse................................... 112. Two chiefs nurses, at Fl,080 per an­ num each............................................................ 113. Five supervisors, at F864 per annum each .................................................................... 114. Two supervisors, at F810 per annum each .................................................................... 115. Two supervisors, at F756 per annum each .................................................................... 116. Three supervisors, at 1*720 per an­ num, each............................................................ 117. One surgical supervisor....................... 118. One dietitian ....................................... 540.00 540.00 117 432.00 432.00 118 1,296.00 1,296.00 119 864.00 864.00 120 1,530.00 1,530.00 122 4,488.00 4,488.00 123-124 4,320.00 4,320.00 125-126 900.00 900.00 127 1,728.00 1,728.00 128 1,944.00 1,944.00 129-130 7,776.00 7,776.00 131-132 8,316.00 8,316.00 133-136 3,888.00 3,888.00 137 5,400.00 5,400.00 138 1,530.00 1,530.00 63a 1,530.00 1,275.00 1,275.00 139 2,160.00 2,160.00 140 4,320.00 4,320.00 142-145 1,620.00 1,620.00 146 1,512.00 1,512.00 147 2,160.00 .. 756.00 756.00 148 1,080.00 1,080.00 149 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 437 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 3) BUREAU OF HEALTH 119. One dietitian ....................................... 120. One dietitian and supervisor............... 121. One dietitian ....................................... 122. One dietitian ........................................ 123. One assistant dietitian......................... 124. One assistant dietitian ....................... 125. One head nurse.................................... 126. Three nurses, at P810 per annum each .................................................................... 127. Nine nurses, at 1*756 per annum each 128. Thirty nurses, at 1*648 per annum each .................................................................... 129. Seventeen nurses, at P540 per annum each .................................................................... 130. One nurse ........................................... 131. Tiventy-five nurses, at 1*480 per an­ num each............................................................ 132. Four nurses, at 1*480 per annum each 133. Student nurses: seniors at ?168; in­ termediates and juniors at 1*144; and pro­ bationers at 1*120 per annum each, with [subsistence and quarters and] an allowance of 1*4 each per month; Provided, That new student nurses who may be admitted on or after January 1, 1937, shall receive compen­ sation at the folio icing rates: seniors and as­ sociate seniors at 1*144; juniors, sophomores and freshmen at 1*120; and probationers at 1*96 per annum each furnished quarters and service, and an allowance of not more than 1*2 per month each............................................ INSTRUCTORS AND SOCIAL WORKERS 134. One instructor in occupational ther­ apy, with subsistence and quarters............... 135. One social worker, with subsistence, quarters and laundry....................................... SANITARY INSPECTORS 136. One chief sanitary inspector at 1*2,720 per annum, payable by the City of Manila. 137. One sanitary inspector....................... 138. One sanitary inspector....................... 1,920.00 ..................... 864.00 864.00 150 864.00 864.00 151 756.00 756.00 152 600.00 .. 864.00 648.00 648.00 154 720.00 .. 2,430.00 2,430.00 156 6,804.00 6,804.00 157,159 19,440.00 19,440.00 160-162 9,180.00 9,180.00 163,165-167 518.00 518.00 169 12,000.00 . 10,218.00 10,218.00 170 864.00 864.00 171 864.00 864.00 172 173 1,836.00 1,836.00 175 1,122.00 1,122.00 176 438 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH 139. Four sanitary inspectors, at 5*864 per annum each............................................ 3,456.00 3,456.00 178-180 14.0. One sanitary inspector............. 141. Two sanitary inspectors, at 5*756 per 840.00 840.00 174 annum each........................................................ 1,512.00 1,512.00 181-182 142. Eight sanitary inspectors, at 5*648 per annum each.................................................. 5,184.00 5,184.00 183-184 143. One sanitary inspector, with subsist­ ence and quarters.............................................. 648.00 648.00 186 ASSISTANT SANITARY INSPECTORS 144. One assistant sanitary inspector at 1*605 per annum, payable by the City of Manila. 187 145. One assistant sanitary inspector at 1*551 per annum, payable by the City of Manila. 188 146. Forty-four assistant sanitary inspec­ tors, at 1*540 per annum each......................... 23,760.00 23,760.00 189-194 [One assistant sanitary inspector^.......... 540.00 189 147. One assistant sanitary inspector....... 148. Sixty-six assistant sanitary inspec­ 486.00 486.00 195 tors, at 5*432 per annum each......................... 28,512.00 28,512.00 196-197 149. One assistant sanitary inspector....... 432.00 432.00 256(j) DISINFECTOR 150. One chief disinfector........................... 2,380.00 2,380.00 198 FOOD INSPECTOR 151. One food inspector............................. 2,380.00 2,380.00 199 DRAFTSMEN 152. One draftsman ................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 200 153. One draftsman ................................... 756.00 756.00 201 154. One assistant draftsman ................... 540.00 540.00 202 VACCINATORS 155. Vaccinators and inoculators, includ­ ing one senior medical officer in charge at 1*3,400 per annum, and chiefs and assistant Former incumbent of item 189 of Act 4231, retired under Act 3589. L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 439 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details iQ9c Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH chiefs of parties at a rate not to exceed 1*1,530 per annum each, as follows : LABORATORY TECHNICIANS AND ASSISTANTS (a) One medical officer in charge................... 3,400.00 3,400.00 203(a) (&) One supervisor ............................................ 972.00 972.00 (&) (c) Three chiefs of parties, at 1*1,224 per an­ num each .................................................... 3,672.00 3,672.00 (c) (d) Five chiefs of parties, at 1*1,080 per an­ num each ................................................... 5,400.00 5,400.00 (d)-(e) (e) Two chiefs of parties, at 1*864 per an­ num each .................................................... 1,728.00 1,728.00 (/)-(/;) (/) One chief of party ...................................... 648.00 648.00 W (g) One assistant chief of party..................... 810.00 810.00 (0 (h) Seven assistant chiefs of parties, at 1*637 per annum each.......................................... 4,459.00 4,459.00 O)-(w) (0 Three assistant chiefs of parties, at 1*540 per annum each............................... 1,620.00 1,620.00 (n)-(p) (;) Nine vaccinators, at 1*540 per annum each 4,860.00 4,860.00 (<?)-(«) (fc) Five vaccinators, at 1*486 per annum each 2,430.00 2,430.00 (t) (0 Eighty-nine vaccinators, at F432 per an­ num each ...............................................— 38,448.00 38,448.00 (tl)-(u-l) 156. One junior chemist [sanitary inspec156. Split approved by Secretary of Public Instruction by 4th indorsement August 22, 1935. tor]...................................................................... 1,200.00 1,200.00 174 157. One laboratory technician................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 204 158. Three laboratory technicians, at 1*540 per annum each, with subsistence and quarters.............................................................. 1,620.00 1,620.00 205 159. One laboratory assistant................... 756.00 756.00 206 160. One laboratory assistant, with sub­ sistence and quarters....................................... 432.00 432.00 207 ATTENDANTS 161- One hospital attendant, with subsist­ ence, quarters and laundry.............................. 864.00 864.00 208 162. One hospital attendant, with subsist­ ence, quarters and laundry............................. 540.00 540.00 209 163. Eight hospital attendants, at 1*432 per annum each, with subsistence, quarters and laundry........................................................ 3,456.00 3,456.00 210, 212-213 440 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to ¡tem numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH 164. Three field dispensary attendants, at 1*864 per annum each, including an allow­ ance of P=0.80 per diem each for subsistence 2,592.00 2,592.00 214-215 165. Two field dispensary attendants, at T756 per annum each, including an allowance of 1*0.80 per diem each for subsistence....... 1,512.00 1,512.00 216 166. Two bath attendants, at 1*486 per annum each........................................................ 972.00 972.00 217 167. One bath attendant for four months.. 162.00 162.00 218 GUARDS With subsistence and quarters 168. One senior guard ............................... 648.00 648.00 219 169. One senior guard................................. 540.00 540.00 220 170. One senior guard ............................... 171. Six first-class guards, at 1*432 per 5Í8.00 518.00 221 annum each........................................................ 2,592.00 2,592.00 222-223 172. Four second class guards, at 1*378 per annum each................................................ 1,512.00 1,512.00 223a MESSENGERS 173. One messenger .................................... 378.00 378.00 225 174. One messenger ................................... 300.00 300.00 227 175. One messenger ................................... 240.00 240.00 228 MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES AND LABORERS 176. One agronomist................................... 177. One occupational therapist............... 178. One storekeeper................................... 179. One employee....................................... 480.00 600.00 720.00 756.00 756.00 229 180. One employee, with subsistence and quarters .............................................................. 432.00 432.00 230 181. One ejnployee........................................ 182. One mechanic, with subsistence and 240.00 240.00 231 quarters ............................................................. 864.00 864.00 232 183. One plumber-electrician, with subsist­ ence and quarters .... ......................................... 864.00 864.00 233 184. One plumber, with subsistence and quarters.............................................................. 540.00 540.00 234 185. One coalman, with subsistence and quarters.............................................................. 432.00 432.00 235 186. One foreman, with subsistence and quarters.............................................................. 540.00 540.00 286 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 441 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH 187. One foreman, with subsistence and quarters .............................................................. 432.00 432.00 237 188. One foreman and gardener, with sub­ sistence and quarters....................................... 432.00 432.00 238 189. One tinsmith, with subsistence and quarters ............................................................. 432.00 432.00 239 190. One laborer........................................... 378.00 378.00 240 191. One chauffeur, with subsistence and quarters .............................................................. 540.00 540.00 241 192. Two ambulance drivers, at 1*432 per annum each, with subsistence....................... 864.00 864.00 242 193. Two carpenters, at 1*518 per annum each, with subsistence and quarters............. 1,036.00 1,036.00 243 194. One carpenter, with subsistence and quarters .............................................................. 540.00 540.00 244 195. One morgue and crematory attendant, with subsistence and quarters......................... 432.00 432.00 245 196. One storekeeper, with subsistence and quarters .............................................................. 324.00 324.00 246 197. One seamstress, with subsistence and quarters.............................................................. 240.00 240.00 247 198. One chief cook, with subsistence and quarters.............................................................. 778.00 778.00 248 199. One cook, with subsistence and quar­ ters ...................................................................... 648.00 648.00 249 200. One cook, with subsistence............... 648.00 648.00 250 201. Two cooks, at 1*540 per annum each, with subsistence and quarters........................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 251 202. One assistant cook, with subsistence and quarters ...................................................... 324.00 324.00 252 203. One assistant cook, with subsistence.. 324.00 324.00 253 204. One assistant cook, with subsistence.. 264.00 264.00 254 MISCELLANEOUS 205. Additional pay of 10 per cent to phy­ sicians detailed for duty in the Culion Leper Colony, pursuant to section 966 of the Ad­ ministrative Code............................................. 680.00 680.00 255 206. Non-medical temporary employees, skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers, and allowances herein authorized for sub­ sistence, quarters and laundry, including 442 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to 'tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH subsistence, quarters and laundry of public health nurses, items 99, 102, 103, 107 [122, 127, 128, 137] and [138] 108, supra, as fol­ lows: Sisters of Charity (а) Two sisters of charity, at 1*300 per an­ num each ................................................... Clerks (б) Ten clerks, at 1*240 per annum each Messengers (c) One messenger .............................................. (d) One messenger ............................................ (e) Seven messengers, at 1*240 per annum each .............................................................. (/) One messenger .............................................. Telephone Operators (g) One telephone operator............................... (h) One telephone operator............................... (i) One telephone operator............................... (;) Two telephone operators, at 1*192 per annum each ............................................. Miscellaneous [Laborers] [For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers] ................................................... (k) One employee ................................................... (0 One employee ................................................... (m) Two employees, at F35 per month each (n) One storekeeper ............................................... (o) One"*assistant sanitary inspector.............. (p) One employee-for eman.................................... (q) One employee-timekeeper .......................... (r) Four employees, at F25 per month each.. (s) Two chauffeurs, at F76.50 per month each (t) One chauffeur ................................................... (u) Three chauffeurs, at P63 per month each (v) One chauffeur ................................................... (w) One chauffeur................................................... (x) One chauffeur................................................... (y) One chauffeur................................................... (z) One chauffeur ................................................... 600.00 600.00 256(a) 2,400.00 2,400.00 256(6)-(c) 288.00 288.00 288.00 288.00 256(d) 256(e) 1,680.00 216.00 1,680.00 216.00 256(/)-(£) 256(h) 324.00 300.00 240.00 324.00 300.00 240.00 256(k) 256(Z) 256 (m) 384.00 384.00 256 (n) ..................... 102,437.50 256(o) 480.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 840.00 ..................... 480.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 1,200.00 ..................... 1,836.00 ..................... 810.00 ..................... 2,268.00 ..................... 648.00 ..................... 637.00 ..................... 600.00 ..................... 576.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 443 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH (a-1) Three chauffeurs, at F36 per month each ............................................................. (b-1) Two chauffeurs, at F35 per month each (c—1) Two chauffeurs, at F30 per month each (d-1) One chauffeur ............................................... (e-1) Two chauffeurs, at F25 per month each (f-1) One mechanic ............................................... (g-1) One plumb er-machinist............................. (h-1) One plumber-machinist............................. (ir-1) One launch-machinist ................................. (j-1) One pump-machinist .................................. (k-1) One machinist-for eman............................. (l-l) One foreman ................................................. (rru-l) Two foremen, at F25 per month each (n-1) One electrician ............................................ (o-l) One second-class guard............................... (p-1) Three third-class guards, at F31.50 per month each ................................................ (q-1) One third class guard .............. -.............. (r-1) One watchman ............................................. (s-1) One watchman ............................................ (t-1) One watchman............................................... (u~l) One watchman ............................................. (v-1) One policeman ............................................. (w-1) One policeman ............................................ (x-1) Two policemen, at F25 per month each (y-1) One ward attendant.................................... (z-1) Eight ward attendants, at F25 per month each................................................. (a-2) Fourteen ward attendants, at F20 per month each .............................................. (b-2) Three ward attendants, at Fl 5 per month each ............................................... (c-2) One gardener ............................................... (dr-2) One gardener .......................................... . (e-2) One carpenter-foreman............................. (f-2) One carpenter............................................... (g-2) One carpenter............................................... (hr-2) One tinsmith................................................. (ir-2) One blacksmith ....................................-...... (j-2) One seamstress ............................................ (kr-2) One seamstress .......................................... (1^2) One assistant cook...................................... 1,296.00 ..................... 840.00 ..................... 720.00 ..................... 324.00 ..................... 600.00 ..................... 1,085.88 ..................... 504.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 420.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 396.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 600.00 ..................... 396.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... 1,134.00 ..................... 300.00 ..................... 648.00 ..................... 300.00 ..................... 276.00 ..................... 216.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 324.00 ..................... 600.00 ..................... 324.00 ..................... 2,400.00 ..................... 3,360.00 ..................... 540.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 378.00 ...................... 660.00 ..................... 312.00 ..................... 300.00 ....... .............. 336.00 ..................... 312.00 ..................... 324.00 ..................... 240.00 ..................... 240.00 ..................... 444 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference t0 *tem 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH (m-2) One assistant cook .................................... 180.00 (n-2) One laborer.................................................. 810.00 (o-2) One laborer ................................................. 788.40 (p-2) One laborer ................................................. 778.00 (q-2) One laborer ................................................. 722.70 (r-2) One laborer ................................................. 648.00 (s-2) Two laborers, at P49.50 ....................... 1,188.00 (t—2) One laborer ................................................. 540.00 (u-2) One laborer .................................................. 486.00 (v-2) One laborer .................................................. 480.00 (w-2) One laborer ................................................. 444.00 (x-2) Thirteen laborers, at P36 per month each ............................................................. 5,616.00 (y-2) Four laborers, at P31.50 per month each ............................................................. 1,512.00 (z-2) One laborer ................................................... 346.00 (os-3) Ten laborers, at P27 per month each.... 3,240.00 (b-3) One laborer in charge of Culion ranch 300.00 (c-5) Sixteen laborers, at P25 per month each ............................................................. 4,800.00 (d-3) Three laborers, at P21f per month each 864.00 (e-3) Four laborers, at P22 per month each.. 1,056.00 (f—3) Eleven laborers, at P21 per month each 2,772.00 (g-3) Eight laborers, at P20.875 per month each ............................................................. 2,004.00 (h-3) Twenty-two laborers, at P20 per month each ............................................................. 5,280.00 (1-3) Three laborers, at P18 per month each 648.00 (j—3) One laborer........................... 180.00 (k-3) One laborer.............................. 144.00 (L-3) Two laborers, at P7 per month each... 168.00 (mr-3) One sailor................................. 264.00 (n-3) Eight laundrymen, at P15 per month each ............................................................. 1,440.00 (o-3) One laundryman.......................................... 120.00 (p-3) Two laundrymen, at P20 per month each ............................................................. 480.00 (q-3) One laundrywoman..................................... 228.00 (r-3) Five laundrymen, at Pl 5 per month each ............................................................. 900.00 (s-3) One laundress................................................ 180.00 (t—3) Four laundresses, at Pl2 per month each ............................................................. 576.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 445 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details low Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH (u-3) One attendant................................................ (v-3) One laboratory helper................................. (w-3) Two laboratory helpers, at P20 per month each................................................. (x-3) One pharmacy helper................................. (y-3) One kitchen helper...................................... (z-3) Six kitchen helpers, at P15 per month each ............................................................. (a-4) One helper...................................................... (b-4) Two helpers, at P27 per month each... (c-4) Six helpers, at P25 per month each....... (d-4) Nine helpers, at 1*20 per month each... (e-4) Two helpers, at 1*18 per month each... (/-4) One helper....................................................... (g-4) One helper...................................................... . (h^4) Four helpers, at Pl 5 per month each. (i-4) Two helpers, at P74 per month each. (j-4) Two helpers, at P12 per month each.... (fc-4) Thirty helpers, at PIO per month each (1-4) Fourteen helpers, at 1*8 per month each (m^4) One litter bearer......................................... (n-4) Two litter bearers, at 1*27 per month each ............................................................. (o-4) One dormitory boy....................................... (p-4) One assistant janitor........................... ...... (q-4) One janitor..................................................... (r-4) Two servants, at P25 per month each. (s-4) Eight servants, at P20 per month each. (t-4) Forty-four servants, at Pl 5 per month each ............................................................. (u-4) Twenty-six servants, at 'PIO per month each ............................................................. Less savings........................................... Additional positions for Insular Psychopa­ thic Hospital: (v-4) One chauffeur................................................. (w-4) One plumber................................................... (x-4) Eighteen guards, at P20 per month each ............................................................. (y-4) Seventy-seven ward attendants, at Pl5 per month each....................................... „ (z-4) Two gardeners, at P25 per month each.. (a-5) Two carpenters, at P30 per month each 120.00 ..................... 300.00 ..................... 480.00 ..................... 300.00 ...................... 240.00 ..................... 1,080.00 ..................... 378.00 ..................... 648.00 ..................... 1,800.00 ..................... 2,160.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 204.00 ..................... 192.00 ...................... 720.00 ...................... 336.00 ..................... 288.00 ...................... 3,600.00 ............ ......... 1,344.00 ..................... 432.00 ..................... 648.00 ..................... 180.00 ..................... 637.00 ...................... 300.00 ..................... 600.00 ...................... 1,920.00 ..................... 7,920.00 ...................... 3,120.00 ..................... (3,939.48) ..................... 360.00 ..................... 360.00 ..................... 4,320.00 ..................... 13,860.00 ..................... 600.00 ..................... 720.00 ..................... 446 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. (3) BUREAU (b-5) One tailor ...................................................... (c-5) Five seamstresses, at i*25 per month each ............................................................. (d^5) Two barbers, at F25 per month each.... (e-5) Two cooks, at F30 per month each........ (f-5) Forty-seven helpers, at F10 per month each ............................................................. Leper Employees [For leper employees] ............................. (g-5) One general foreman.................................. (h-5) One physical instructor............................. (i—5) One superintendent of agriculture........ (j-5) One clerk, justice of the peace............ (k-5) One clerk, colony post office..................... (1-5) One clerk, general leper kitchen............ (m-5) One clerk....................................................... (n^5) Five clerks, at P7 per month each.... (o-5) One employee .............................................. (p-5) One employee in charge of storehouse.. (q—5) One employee ............................................... (r-5) One employee ............................................... (s-5) One assistant sanitary inspector............ (t-5) Three assistant sanitary inspectors, at F6 per month each.................................. (u-5) One fish inspector ...................................... (v-5) One foreman ............................................... (w-5) One chief of police...................................... (x-5) One sergeant of police................................ (y-5) One sergeant of police............................. (z-5) Twenty-one policemen, at F10 per 4 month each ............................................... (a-6) Three special policemen, at F5 per month each ............................................ (b-6) Six policemen, at 1*6 per month each.... (c-6) Two ward attendants, at 1*8 per month each ............................................................ (d—6) Two ward attendants, at 1*6 per month each ............................................... (e-6) One nursing aid............................................ (f-6) One laborer-carpenter ............................. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated OF HEALTH 360.00 1,500.00 .......................... 600.00 .......................... 720.00 .......................... 5,640.00 .......................... ................ 15,717.00 256 (p) 480.00 .......................... 240.00 .......................... 216.00 .......................... 120.00 .......................... 120.00 .......................... 120.00 ..............;........... 120.00 .......................... 420.00 .......................... 180.00 .......................... 168.00 .......................... 120.00 .......................... 36.00 .......................... 96.00 .......................... 216.00 .......................... 120.00 .......................... 324.00 .......................... 300.00 .......................... 216.00 .......................... 144.00 .......................... 2,520.00 .......................... 180.00 .......................... 432.00 ...... ................... 192.00 .......................... 144.00 .......................... 144.00 .......................... 144.00 ........................_ I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 447 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated BUREAU OF HEALTH (3) (g-6) Eight laborers, at F7 per month each.... (h-6) Seven carpenters, at F6 per month each (i-6) One music band leader............................. (j-&) Sixteen musicians, at per month each .............................................................. (k-6) Two lieutenants of firemen, at Fl 2 per month each ............................................... (1—6) Twenty firemen, at F9 per month each.. (m-6) One assistant laundryman....................... (n-6) Seven assistant cooks, at F7 per month each .............................................................. (o-6) Four assistant cooks, at F6 per month each .............................................................. (p-6) Two food carriers, at F4 per month each .............................................................. (q-6) One janitor, Colony Hall........................... (r-6) One janitor ................................................... (s-6) One in charge of litter bearers................ (t-6) Twelve litter bearers, at F8 per month each.............................................................. (u-6) One helper..................................................... (v-6) Thirteen helpers, at F6 per month each (w-6) One helper ................................................... (x-6) Five helpers, at F3 per month each.... (y-6) Three toilet cleaners, at F9 per month each ............................................................ (z-6) Eight toilet cleaners, at F8 per month each .............................................................. (ar-7) Four servants, at F5 per month each.. (b-7) Three servants, at F3.75 per month each .............................................................. (c-7) One servant................................................... Less—savings from vacancies and absences .................................................... Allowances (<L-7) For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry................................... Total......................... ,......................... 672.00 ..................... 504.00 ..................... 120.00 ..................... 768.00 ..................... 288.00 ..................... 2,160.00 ..................... 72.00 ..................... 588.00 ..................... 288.00 ..................... 96.00 ..................... 84.00 ..................... 60.00 ..................... 144.00 ..................... 1,152.00 ..................... 180.00 ..................... 936.00 ..................... 48.00 ...................... 180.00 ...................... 324.00 ..................... 768.00 ..................... 240.00 ..................... 135.00 ..................... 36.00 ..................... (1,638.00) ..................... 35,833.00 35,833.00 256(g) 898,939.00 841,155.00 448 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 1. 1 Director of Health ......................................... P6,120.00 9. 1 medical officer ................................................ 3,400.00 76. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 206 (f)- 1 chauffeur .................................................... 810.00 DISTRICT INSPECTORS 8. 5 district inspectors, at P4.250 per annum each ............................................................... 21,250.00 DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION Division Proper 2. 1 chief of division ............................................. 5,100.00 51. 1 cashier and disbursing officer........................ 2,040.00 90. 1 clerk, with quarters....................................... 648.00 156. 1 junior chemist .................................................. 1,200.00 206 (u). 1 chauffeur .................................................... 756.00 (y). 1 chauffeur .................................................... 576.00 (s—2). 1 laborer ............................... 648.00 (x-2). 1 laborer ....................................................... 432.00 (c-S). 3 laborers, at P25 per month each.......... 900.00 Clerical Section 5. 1 chief of section, non-medical officer................ 3,400.00 70. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,224.00 75. 1 clerk ................................................................. 864.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................. 432.00 90. 1 clerk, with quarters ........................................... 648.00 206(e). 1 messenger .................................................. 240.00 206 (r-1). 1 watchman ............................................... 648.00 (p-4). 1 assistant janitor ................................. 637.00 (x-2). 1 laborer .................................................... 432.00 (y-2). 1 laborer ................................................... 378.00 (z-2). 1 laborer ................................................... 346.00 (a-S). 1 laborer ................................................... 324.00 (c-S). 1 laborer ................................................... 300.00 Section of Personnel 67. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,700.00 78. 1 clerk ............................................... -.................. 648.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 81. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 206(e). 1 messenger .................................................... 240.00 Section of Records 78. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 77. 1 clerk ................................................................... 702.00 78. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each.................. 1,296.00 79. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each.................. 1,080.00 81. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 173. 1 messenger .............................. 378.00 174. 1 messenger ..................................................... 300.00 206 b. 1 clerk ............................................................... 240.00 206 e. 2 messengers .................................................... 480.00 206 (y—2). 1 laborer .................................................... 378.00 206(7i-5). 2 laborers, at ?240 per annum each..... 480.00 Section of Property 6. 1 assistant chief of section................................ 1,870.00 68. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,530.00 69. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,275.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 78. 1 clerk ........................................................... _ 648.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 179. 1 employee .......................................................... 756.00 181. 1 employee ........................................................... 240.00 190. 1 laborer ............................................................. 378.00 206 (n-2). 1 laborer ................................................... 810.00 (p-2). 1 laborer, at P2.16 per day.................. 778.00 (u—2). 1 laborer ................................................... 486.00 (w-2). 1 laborer ................................................... 444.00 (a-3). 3 laborers, at P27 per month each........ 972.00 (h-3). 3 laborers, at P20 per month each.......... 720.00 (w). 1 chauffeur ............................................... 756.00 (b-1). 1 chauffeur ............................................... 420.00 (d-1). 1 chauffeur ................................................ 324.00 Section of Publicity 4. 1 chief of section, medical officer...................... 4,250.00 16. 1 medical officer .......................................... 1,530.00 71. 1 inventory clerk ................................................ 1,080.00 148. 1 assistant sanitary inspector .......................... 432.00 153. 1 draftsman .................................................. 756.00 Section of Nutrition 12. 1 medical officer ................................................ 2,550.00 Section of Nursing 99. 1 chief nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry ......................................................... 1,530.00 102. 1 supervisor, with subsistence, quarters and laundry........................................................... 900.00 103. 2 supervisors, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P864 per annum each.......... 1,728.00 107. 6 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P648 per annum each.......... 3,888.00 108. 10 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P540 per annum each.......... 5,400.00 206(5). 2 clerks, at P240 per annum each.......... 480.00 206 (d-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: 20 nurses .............................................. 10,176.00 School of Hygiene and Public Health 18. 1 supernumerary physician ................................ 1,080.00 Section of Food and Drug Inspection 151. 1 food inspector .............................................. 2,380.00 146. 1 sanitary inspector ........................................... 540.00 DIVISION OF HOSPITALS Division Proper 2. 1 chief of division ............................................ 5,100.00 68. 1 clerk ................................................................. 1,530.00 76. 1 clerk ................................................................... 756.00 164. 3 field dispensary attendants, at P864 per annum each including an allowance of P0.80 per diem each for subsistence....... 2,592.00 165. 2 field dispensary attendants, at P756 per annum each including an allowance of P0.80 per diem each for subsistence....... 1,512.00 San Lazaro Hospital 27. 1 chief of hospital, with subsistence and quarters ......................................................... 3,315.00 15. 1 physician-pathologist .................................... 2,040.00 16. 1 medical officer ................................................. 1,530.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 449 (3) BUREAU OF HEARTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 18. 1 supernumerary physician ............................. 1,080.00 33. 1 resident physician and pathologist in charge of department, with subsistence and quarters ......,.................................................. 3,366.00 34. 1 bacteriologist, resident physician with sub­ sistence and quarters ................................. 2,550.00 36. 1 resident physicians, with subsistence and quarters ......................................................... 2,210.00 38. 1 resident physician, with subsistence and quarters ........................................................ 2,040.00 39. 1 resident physician, with subsistence and quarters ......................................................... 1,530.00 45. 1 resident physician, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry ......................................... 1,080.00 46. 3 internes, without compensation, but with subsistence and quarters .......................... 52. 1 superintendent with subsistence and quar­ ters ................................................................. 2,890.00 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 59. 1 pharmacist, with subsistence and quarters.. 864.00 60. 1 pharmacy clerk, with subsistence and quar­ ters ................................................................. 540.00 84. 1 clerk .................................................................. 240.00 87. 1 clerk, with quarters ....................................... 972.00 90. 1 clerk, with quarters.......................................... 648.00 92. 1 clerk, with quarters ....................................... 540.00 94. 1 information clerk, with quarters. 540.00 97. 1 clerk, with quarters.......................................... 432.00 111. 1 chief nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 1,275.00 113. 2 supervisors, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P864 per annum each.............. 1,728.00 114. 2 supervisors, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P810 per annum each............ 1,620.00 125. 1 head nurse, with subsistence and quar­ ters ................................... 720.00 118. 1 dietitian, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 1,080.00 123. 1 assistant dietician, with subsistence and quarters .......................................................... 864.00 124. 1 assistant dietitian, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry .......................................... 648.00 127. 7 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P756 per annum each............. 5,292.00 128. 15 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P648 per annum each........... 9,720.00 129. 10 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P540 per annum each........... 5,400.00 132. 4 nurses, at ?480 per annum each, with subsistence and quarters ........................ 1,920.00 130. 1 nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry ............................................................ 518.00 157. 1 laboratory technician ................................... 1,080.00 158. 2 laboratory technicians, with subsistence and quarters, at P540 per annum each.... 1,080.00 160. 1 laboratory assistant, with subsistence and quarters ......................................................... 432.00 162. 1 hospital attendant, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry ......................................... 540.00 168. 1 senior guard, with subsistence and quarters 648.00 169. 1 senior guard, with subsistence and quarters 540.00 170. 1 senior guard, with subsistence and quar­ ters ................................................................. 518.00 171. 6 first-class guards, with subsistence and quarters, at ?432 per annum each........... 2,592.00 172. 4 second-class guards, with subsistence and quarters, at P378 per annum each........... 1,512.00 180. 1 employee, with subsistence and quarters.... 432.00 184. 1 plumber, with subsistence and quarters___ 540.00 185. 1 coalman, with subsistence and quarters...... 432.00 187. 1 foreman, with subsistence and quarters...... 432.00 189. 1 tinsmith, with subsistence and quarters...... 432.00 193. 2 carpenters, with subsistence and quarters, at P518 per annum each ...................... 1,036.00 195. 1 morgue and crematory attendant, with sub­ sistence and quarters ........ 432.00 197. 1 seamstress, with subsistence and quarters.. 240.00 198. 1 chief cook, with subsistence and quarters.... 778.00 201. 1 cook, with subsistence and quarters............. 540.00 206(a). 2 sisters of charity, at P300 per an­ num each ...................................................... 600.00 (g) . 1 telephone operator ................................. 324.00 (f-1). 1 mechanic ................................................. 1,085.88 (o—2). 1 laborer ................................................... 788.40 (q-2). 1 laborer .................................................... 722.70 (s-2). 2 laborers, at P49.50 per month each.... 1,188.00 (t—2). 1 laborer ................................................... 540.00 (v-2). 1 laborer ................................................. 480.00 (y-2). 1 laborer .................................................... 378.00 (c-S). 7 laborers, at P25 per month each.......... 2,100.00 (h-3). 2 laborers, at P20 per month each............. 480.00 (o—l). 1 second-class guard ............................... 378.00 (p-1). 3. third-class guards, at 1*31.50 per month each ......................................... 1,134.00 (q-1). 1 third-class guard ................................... 300.00 (s). 2 chauffeurs at 1*76.50 per month each 1,836.00 (u) . 1 chauffeur ................................................ 756.00 (v) . 1 chauffeur ................................................ 648.00 («). 1 chauffeur ................................................ 600.00 (m-4). 1 litter bearer ......................................... 432.00 (n-4). 2 litter bearers, at ?27 per month each 648.00 (v-S). 1 laboratory helper .................................. 300.00 (w-S). 2 laboratory helpers, at ?20 per month each .................................................... 480.00 (a-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 378.00 (b-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 324.00 (c-4). 3 helpers, at 1*25 per month each....... 900.00 (d-4). 4 helpers, at P20 per month each.......... 960.00 (h-4). 1 helper ..................................................... 180.00 (fc-4). 1 helper ..................................................... 120.00 (n-S). 5 laundrymen, at P15 per month each.. 900.00 (c-S). 1 laundryman ............................................ 120.00 (s-S). 1 laundress ............................................... 180.00 (r-4). 2 servants, at 1*25 per month each....... 600.00 (c-4). 1 helper ....................................................... 300.00 (8-4). 7 servants, at P20 per month each....... 1,680.00 (t-4). 44 servants, at 1*15 per month each....... 7,920.00 (u-4). 26 servants, at F10 per month each....... 3,120.00 (m-1). 2 foremen, at 1*25 per month each....... 600.00 Leper Employees (o-5). 1 employee ................................................. 180.00 (r-5). 1 employee .................................................. 36.00 (e-6). 1 nursing aid ............................... 144.00 (c-6). 2 ward attendants, at P8 per month each ...................................................... 192.00 (d-6). 2 ward attendants, at 1*6 per month each ...................................................... 144.00 (v-5). 1 foreman ................................................. 324.00 (h—6). 7 carpenters, at 1*6 per month each .... 504.00 (b-6). 5 policemen, at 1*6 per month each.... 360.00 (a-7). 4 servants, at 1*5 per month each....... 240.00 (b-7). 3 servants, at P3.75 per month each.... 135,00 29908! -29 450 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION (c-7). 1 servant ................................................... 36.00 (u-6). 1 helper ..................................................... 180.00 (v-6). 13 helpers, at P6 per month each ....... 936.00 (b-6). 1 policeman ................................................ 72.00 (w-6). 1 helper ...................................................... 48.00 (x-6). 5 helpers, at P3 per month each.......... 180.00 (c-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Subsistence: 1 chief, San Lazaro Hospital..... 864.00 1 resident physician .................. 720.00 1 resident physician and patho­ logist in charge of depart­ ment ................................. 720.00 1 resident physician .................... 540.00 1 superintendent ........................ 864.00 Subsistence and quarters: 1 clerk ................. 288.00 Laundry: 1 resident physician .................. 76.80 1 chief nurse ............................... 76.80 4 supervisors ............................... 307.20 1 dietitian .........-.......................... 76.80 1 assistant dietitian .................. 76.80 33 nurses ......................................... 2,534.40 1 hospital attendant...................... 76.80 Insular Psychopathic Hospital 26. 1 medical superintendent, with subsistence and quarters ................................................ 3,850.00 30. 1 chief alienist, with subsistence and quarters 2,550.00 32. 1 assistant alienist, with* subsistence and quarters ........................................................ 2,380.00 35. 2 alienists, with subsistence and quarters, at P2,380 per annum each ............................. 4,760.00 37. 1 alienist, with subsistence and quarters...... 2,040.00 54. 1 administrative officer and cashier with sub­ sistence and quarters................................... 2,040.00 58. 1 pharmacist, with subsistence and quarters.. 972.00 61. 1 pharmacy clerk, with subsistence and quar­ ters ................................................................. 360.00 64. 1 dentist, half time, with one-third subsistence 648.00 86. 1 senior clerk, with quarters only ................. 1,080.00 89. 1 clerk, with quarters....................................... 720.00 91. 1 junior stenographer, with quarters............. 600.00 93. 1 clerk, with quarters ........................................ 540.00 81. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 112. 1 chief nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 1,080.00 113. 2 supervisors, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P864 per annum each............ 1,728.00 117. 1 supervisor, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 756.00 116. 3 supervisors, with subsistence and quarters 2,160.00 119. 1 dietitian, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 864.00 122. 1 dietitian, with subsistence and quarters... 600.00 128. 5 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P648 per annum each .... 3,240.00 129. 4 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P540 per annum each.............. 2,160.00 131. 25 nurses, at P480 per annum each, with sub­ sistence and quarters ................................. 12,000.00 134. 1 instructor in occupational therapy, with subsistence and quarters ............................. . 864.00 135. 1 social worker, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .................................................. 864.00 158. 1 laboratory technician, with subsistence and quarters ......................................................... 540.00 176. 1 agronomist ....................................................... 480.00 177. 1 occupational therapist .................................... 600.00 178. 1 storekeeper ....................................................... 720.00 161. 1 hospital attendant, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry .............................................. 864.00 163. 8 hospital attendants, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry, at P432 per annum each................................................................. 3,456.00 182. 1 mechanic, with subsistence and quarters.... 864.00 183. 1 plumber-electrician, with subsistence and quarters ........................................................ 864.00 186. 1 foreman, with subsistence and quarters...... 540.00 191. 1 chauffeur, with subsistence and quarters.... 540.00 194. 1 carpenter, with subsistence and quarters.... 540.00 201. 1 cook, with subsistence and quarters.............. 540.00 202. 1 assistant cook, with subsistence and quar­ ters ................................................................. 824.00 206 (h). 1 telephone operator ................................. 300.00 (d-2). 1 gardener ................................................. 378.00 (j—2). 1 seamstress ............................................. 324.00 (lc-2). 1 seamstress ............................................... 240.00 (y-1). 1 ward attendant .................................... 324.00 (z-1). 8 ward attendants, at 1*25 per month each ...................................................... 2,400.00 (a-2). 14 ward attendants, at P20 per month' each ........................................-.............. 3,360.00 (b-2). 3 ward attendants, at P15 per month each ...................................................... 540.00 (b-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 324.00 (c-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 300.00 (d-4). 1 helper ................. 240.00 (x-3). 1 pharmacy helper ................................. 300.00 (h-3). 2 laborers, at P20 per month each......... 480.00 (m—2). 1 assistant cook ....................................... 180.00 (y-3). 1 kitchen helper ........................................ 240.00 (z-3). 6 kitchen helpers, at P15 per month each ............................................... 1,080.00 (o-4). 1 dormitory boy ....................................... 180.00 (h-4). 1 helper ............................................... 180.00 (s-4). 1 servant ............................ -..................... 240.00 Additional positions for Insular Psychopathic Hospital (v-4). 1 chauffeur ................................................ 360.00 (w-4). 1 plumber .................................................. 360.00 (x-4). 18 guards at P20 per month each....... 4,320.00 (y-4). 77 ward attendants, at P15 per month each ...................................................... 13,860.00 (z-4). 2 gardeners, at P25 per month each....... 600.00 (o~5). 2 carpenters, at P30 per month each.... 720.00 (b-5). 1 tailor ....................... 360.00 (c—5). 5 seamstresses, at P25 per month each 1,500.0 (d-5). 2 barbers, at P25 per month each..... 600.00 (e-5). 2 cooks, at P30 per month each............. 720.00 (f—5). 47 helpers, at P10 per month each........... 5,640.00 (d-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Subsistence: 1 chief alienist ............................. 876.00 1 administrative officer ................ 657.00 Laundry. 1 chief nurse ................................. 76.80 2 supervisors ............................... 153.60 1 dietitian ..................................... 76.80 10 nurses ................. 768.00 1 social worker ...................... 76.80 9 hospital attendants .................. 691.20 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 451 Southern Islands Hospital (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 31. 1 chief of hospital, with subsistence and quarters ......................................................... 2,550.00 40. 1 resident physician, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry ......................................... 1,530.00 41. 3 resident physicians, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry, at Pl,080 per annum each ................................................................. 3,240.00 42. 1 physician-radiologist, half time, with sub­ sistence and quarters whenever on 24 hours’ duty .................................................... 1,080.00 43. 1 bacteriologist, part time, without subsist­ ence and quarters..................................-.... 1,080.00 44. 1 oculist and aurist, half time, with subsist­ ence and quarters whenever on 24 hours’ duty ............................................................... 1,080.00 46. 2 interns, without compensation but with subsistence and quarters. 57. 1 pharmacist, with subsistence and quarters.... 1,275.00 62. 1 dentist, half time .................................... 1,080.00 85. 1 chief clerk and cashier, with subsistence and quarters .................................................. 1,530.00 96. 1 clerk .................................................................. 432.00 97. 3 clerks, at P432 per annum each...................... 1,296.00 110. 1 chief nurse and principal of training school for nurses, with subsistence hnd quarters ................................ -....................... 1,530.00 113. 1 supervisor, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 864.00 115. 1 supervisor, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 756.00 120. 1 dietitian and supervisor, with subsistence, quarters and laundry..................................... 864.00 127. 1 nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 756.00 128. 10 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P648 per annum each............ 6,480.00 133. Student nurses: seniors at P168; interme­ diates and juniors at P144; and proba­ tioners at P120 per annum each, with an allowance of P4 each per month; Pro­ vided, That new student nurses who. may be admitted on or after January 1, 1937, shall receive compensation at the follow­ ing rates; seniors and associate seniors at P144; juniors, sophomores and fresh­ men at P120 and probationers at P96 per annum each, furnished quarters and serv­ ice, and an allowance of not more than P2 per month each. 14 seniors ............................................ 2,352.00 20 intermédiates ............................... 2,880.00 28 juniors ........................................... 4,032.00 41 probationers ................................. 4,920.00 Allowances at P4 a month each for the above students.......................... 4,944.00 Less—savings ..................................... (8,910.00) 188. 1 foreman and gardener, with subsistence and quarters ................................................ 432.00 192. 2 ambulance drivers, with subsistence, at P432 per annum each................................... 864.00 200. 1 cook, with subsistence................................... 648.00 203. 1 assistant cook, with subsistence.................. 324.00 204. 1 assistant cook, with subsistence................. 264.00 206(c). 1 messenger ................................................... 288.00 (d). 1 messenger .................................................. 288.00 (f). 1 messenger ................................................. 216.00 (tt-2). 1 watchman ................................................ (a-1). 1 watchman ................................................ (d-4). 1 helper ...................................................... (c-4). 1 helper ........................................................ (f-4). 1 helper ...................................................... (X7—4)- 1 helper ........................................................ (7t-4). 1 helper ........................................................ (i-4). 2 helpers, at P14 per month each.......... (j-4). 2 helpers, at P12 per month each.......... (fc-4). 21 helpers, at P10 per month each......... (c—5). 2 laborers, at P25 per month each....... (e-5). 2 laborers, at P22 per month each1....... (f—3). 2 laborers, at P21 per month each.......... (i-5) 3 laborers, at P18 per month each........... (p-3). 2 laundry women, at P20 per month each ...................................................... (q-3). 1 laundry woman ....................................... (r-3). 5 laundry woman, at P15 per month each 206 (d-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Laundry: 4 resident physicians.................. 1 supervisor ................................. 1 dietitian and supervisor........... 11 nurses ....................................... Baguio Hospital 29. 1 Chief of hospital with subsistence and quarters .......................................................... 16. 1 medical officer ................................................ 18. 1 supernumerary physician ....................*....... 46. 1 interne, without compensation, but with subsistence and quarters. 55. 1 administrative officer and cashier, with subsistence and quarters............................. 58. 1 pharmacist, with subsistence and quarters 92. 1 clerk, with quarters ................................ ...... 112. 1 chief nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry ............................................................ 115. 1 supervisor, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 121. 1 dietitian, with subsistence, quarters and laundry .......................................................... 127. 1 nurse, with subsistence, quarters and laundry ............................................................ 129. 3 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at P540 per annum each............ 159. 1 laboratory assistant ....................................... 199. 1 cook, with subsistence, and quuarters........... 206(a-1). 1 chauffeur .................................................... (c-2). 1 gardener .................................................. (1-2). 1 assistant cook ......................................... (d,-4). 1 helper ........................................................ (e-4). 1 helper ...................................................... (7i-4). 1 helper ...................................................... (fc-4). 7 helpers, at P10 per month each......... 206(d-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Laundry: 1 chief nurse ................................. 1 supervisor ................................... 1 dietitian ....................................... 4 nurses ........................................... Sibul Springs Sanitarium 18. 1 supernumerary physician ............................. 166. 2 bath attendants, at P486 per annum each 167. 1 bath attendant for four months.................. 276.00 216.00 240.00 216.00 204.00 192.00 180.00 336.00 288.00 2,640.00 600.00 528.00 504.00 648.00 480.00 228.00 900.00 307.20 76.80 76.80 844.80 2,720.00 1,530.00 1,080.00 1,530.00 972.00 540.00 1,080.00 756.00 756.00 756.00 1,620.00 756.00 648.00 432.00 432.00 240.00 240.00 216.00 180.00 840.00 76.80 76.80 76.80 307.20 1,080.00 972.00 162.00 452 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION DIVISION OF MATERNAL AND CHILD HYGIENE Division Proper 3. 1 chief of division.................................................. 4.250.00 18. 1 supernumerary physician .............................. 1,080.00 109. 1 assistant chief nurse, with subsistence and quarters .......................................................... 1,530.00 72. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 73. 1 clerk .................................................................... 972.00 76. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 100. 1 supervisor, with subsistence and quarters.. 1,122.00 206 (d-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 240.00 206 (d-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Subsistence: 1 assistant chief nurse .................. 384.00 1 supervisor ..................................... 192.00 Section of School Health Supervision 9. 1 medical officer ................................................. 3,400.00 14. 1 medical officer .................................................. 2,040.00 17(a). 2 assistant medical officers, at P2.040 per annum each ............................................ 4,080.00 18. 1 supernumerary physician ............................ 1,080.00 83. 1 clerk .................................................................. 324.00 Puericulture Center Clinics 11. 1 medical officer................................................... 2,720.00 16. 1 medical officer ................................................. 1,530.00 63. 1 dentist, half time........................................... 1,080.00 100. 3 supervisors, with subsistence and quarters, at Pl,122 per annum each.......................... 3,366.00 101. 4 supervisors, with subsistence and quarters, at Pl,080 per annum each.......................... 4,320.00 104. 2 nurses, with subsistence and quarters, at P972 per annum each.................................. 1,944.00 105. 7 nurses, with subsistence and quarters, at P864 per annum each.................................. 6,048.00 106. 2 nurses, with subsistence and quarters, at P756 per annum each.................................. 1,512.00 106. 1 nurse, with subsistence and quarters.......... 756.00 206 (c-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 300.00 206(d-4). 1 helper ...................................................... 240.00 206 (e-7). For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Subsistence: 2 supervisors ................................. 480.00 6 nurses ........................................... 1,152.00 Less—savings ................ (176.55) Maternity and Children’s Hospital 10. 2 medical officers, at P3,060 per annum each 6,120.00 13. 2 medical officers, at P2.380 per annum each 4,760.00 46. 1 interne, without compensation, but with subsistence and quarters. 105. 1 nurse, with subsistence and quarters........ 864.00 106. 6 nurses, with subsistence and quarters, at P756 per annum each ................................. 4,636.00 206 (e-1). 2 chauffeurs at P25 per annum each.... 600.00 (8—1). 1 watchman ......................................... 300.00 (c-3). 2 laborers, at P25 per month each.......... 600.00 (h-3). 1 laborer .................................................... 240.00 (k-3). 1 laborer .................................................... 144.00 (lr-8). 2 laborers, at P7 per month each.......... 168.00 Health and Social Centers 9. 1 medical officer ................................................ 3,400.00 12. 2 medical officers, at P2,550 per annum each 5,100.00 13. 1 medical officer .............................................. 2,380.00 16. 3 medical officers, at Pl,530 per annum each 4,590.00 28. 1 medical supervisor, with subsistence and quarters .......................................................... 3,060.00 105. 1 nurse, with subsistence and quarters.......... 864.00 106. 2 nurse, with subsistence and quarters, at P756 per annum each ................................. 1,512.00 DIVISION OF EPIDEMIOLOGY Division Proper 2. 1 chief of division................................................ 5,100.00 78. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 146. 1 assistant sanitary inspector..................„..... 540.00 148. 2 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ............................................ 864.00 155 (I). 3 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 1,296.00 206 (z). 1 chauffeur ................................................... 540.00 (c-3). 1 laborer ..................................................... 300.00 (h-3). 1 laborer ..................................................... 240.00 (j-3). 1 laborer ..................................... 180.00 Section of Vital Statistics 4. 1 chief of section ............................................. 4,250.00 68. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,530.00 70. 1 clerk .................................................................. 1,224.00 74. 1 clerk .................................................................. 918.00 79. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 81. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 82. 2 clerks, at P378 per annum each...................... 756.00 148. 1 assistant sanitary inspector............................ 432.00 206(b). 7 clerks, at P240 per annum each........... 1,680.00 206(c). 1 messenger —................................................. 240.00 Section on Leprosy 4. 1 chief of section.;.............................................. 4,250.00 78. 1 clerk .................................................................. 648.00 Section on Malaria Control 12. 1 medical officer .............................................. 2,550.00 Section of Other Preventable Diseases 14. 1 medical officer ........ 2,040.00 16. 1 medical officer ................................................. 1,530.00 17(b). 1 medical officer ......................................... 1,530.00 146. 1 assistant sanitary inspector......................... 540.00 Culion Leper Colony 25. 1 chief of the Culion Leper Colony, with subsistence and quarters............................. 4,250.00 7. 1 consulting pathologist, Culion Leper Colony, without compensation. 53. 1 finance and supply officer, with subsistence and quarters ................................................ 2,380.00 56. 1 superintendent of construction, with sub­ sistence and quarters............................. 2,040.00 65. 2 chaplains, with subsistence, quarters and laundry, at Pl,530 per annum each....... 3,060.00 66. 9 sisters of charity, with subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry, at P810 per annum each ............................................................... 7,290.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 453 (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 88. 1 clerk-bookkeeper, with subsistence and quarters .......................................................... 756.00 90. 1 clerk, with quarters ...................................... 648.00 92. 1 clerk, with quarters ...................................... 540.00 95. 1 storekeeper and property clerk, with quar­ ters ................................................................... 540.00 97. 1 clerk, with quarters ....................................... 432.00 125. 3 nurses, with subsistence, quarters and laun­ dry, at P810 per annum each...................... 2,430.00 143. 1 sanitary inspector, with subsistence and quarters .......................................................... 648.00 196. 1 storekeeper, with subsistence and quarters.. 324.00 205. Additional pay of 10 per cent to physicians detailed for duty in the Culion Leper Col­ ony, pursuant to section 966 of the Ad­ ministrative Code: 1 chief, Culion Leper Colony................ 425.00 1 assistant chief, Culion Leper Colony.. 255.00 206(t) 1 telephone operator ................................... 240.00 206(j). 2 telephone operators ................................ 384.00 206(Ar). 1 employee ................................................... 480.00 (i). 1 employee ................................................... 432.00 (m) . 2 employees ................................................. 840.00 (r). 4 employees, at P25 per month each».... 1,200.00 (n) . 1 storekeeper ............................................... 480.00 (p) . 1 employee-foreman .................................... 540.00 (q) . 1 employee-timekeeper ................................ 540.00 (o) . 1 assistant sanitary inspector..................... 432.00 (v-1). 1 policeman ............................................... 360.00 (w-1). 1 policeman ............................................... 324.00 (x—1). 2 policemen, at P25 per month each.... 600.00 (q-4). 1 janitor ................................................... 300.00 (b-3). 1 laborer in charge of Culion ranch.... 300.00 (c—1). 2 chauffeurs, at P30 per month each.... 720.00 (i—1). 1 launch machinist ................................ 420.00 (m-3). 1 sailor ....................................................... 264.00 (e-2). 1 carpenter foreman .............................. 660.00 (g-2). 1 carpenter ............................................... 300.00 (i-2). 1 blacksmith ........................................... 312.00 (h-2). 1 tinsmith ................................................. 336.00 (c-3). 2 laborers, at P22 per month each....... 528.00 (d-3). 3 laborers, at P24 per month each..... 864.00 (g-3). 8 laborers, at P20.85 per month each.... 2,004.00 (f-3). 9 laborers, at P21 per month each....... 2,268.00 (g-1). 1 plumber machinist .............................. 504.00 (j-1). 1 pump machinist ................................... 360.00 (h-1). plumber machinist ................................. 360.00 (n-1). 1 electrician .............................................. 396.00 (k-1). 1 machinist foreman ............................... 396.00 (i-1). 1 foreman .................................................. 360.00 (h-3). 10 laborers, at P20 per month each.... 2,400.00 (f—2). 1 carpenter ................................................ 312.00 (n-3). 3 laundrymen, at P15 per month each.. 540.00 (t—3). 4 laundresses, at P12 per month each.... 576.00 (u-3). 1 attendant ................................................ 120.00 (i-4). 14 helpers, at P8 per month each........... 1,344.00 Leper Employees (g-5). 1 general foreman, Colony proper...... 480.00 (h-5). 1 physical instructor __________ 240.00 (t-5). 1 superintendent of agriculture........... 216.00 (j-5). 1 clerk, Justice of the Peace................ 120.00 (k—5). 1 clerk, Colony Post Office ..................... 120.00 (q-6). 1 janitor, Colony Hall ......................... 84.00 (w-5). 1 chief of police .................................... 300.00 (x-5). 1 sergeant of police ................................ 216.00 (y-5). 1 sergeant of police ............................. (z-5). 21 policemen, at P10 per month each.... (a-6). 3 special policemen, at P5 per month each .................................................... (m-6). 1 assistant laundryman .......................... (r-6). 1 janitor ........................................................ (p-6). 2 food carriers, at P4 per month each.... (s—5). 1 assistant sanitary inspector................ (t-5). 3 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P6 per month each ............................. (g-6). 8 laborers, at P7 per month each....... (i-6). 1 music band leader ............................. (j-6). 16 musicians, at P4 per month each.... (u-5). 1 fish inspector ......................................... (1-5). 1 clerk, General Leper Kitchen.............. (p—5). 1 employee in charge of storehouse....... (ni-5). 1 clerk ........................................................ (n-5). 5 clerks, at P7 per month each............ (n-5). 7 assistant each ... cooks, at P7 per month (o-6). 4 assistant cooks, at P6 per month each ... (q-5). 1 employee (s-6). 1 in charge of litter bearers.................. (t-6). 12 litter bearers, at P8 per month each (k-6). 2 lieutenants of firemen, at P12 per month each ..................................... (1-6). 20 firemen, at P9 per month each....... (z~6) • 3 toilet cleaners, at P9 per month each.. (z-6). 8 toilet cleaners, at P8 per month each (f—6). 1 laborer-carpenter ................................... 206(d-7) For commutation of subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry: Subsistence: 1 chief, dulion Leper Colony..... 1 junior administrative officer.... 1 superintendent of construction 1 clerk-bookkeeper .......................... 9 sisters of charity...................... 3 clerks ............................................. 1 storekeeper and property clerk 3 nurses ........................................... 1 sanitary inspector .................... 3 telephone operators ................ 1 timekeeper . .................................. 6 employees ..................................... 2 policemen ..................................... 1 farm foreman ............................ 1 mechanic carpenter .................. 1 pump operator .......................... 3 laundrymen ................................. DIVISION OF SANITATION Division Proper 2. 1 chief of division ............................................. 9. 1 medical officer ................................................ 17a. 1 assistant medical officer............................. 16. 2 medical officers, at Pl,530 per annum each 68. 1 clerk ................................................................. 73. 1 clerk ..................................................... 79. 1 clerk ................................................................... 139. 1 sanitary inspector ......................................... 147. 1 assistant sanitary inspector.......................... 148. 3 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ................................................ 144.00 2,520.00 180.00 72.00 60.00 96.00 96.00 216.00 672.00 120.00 768.00 120.00 120.00 168.00 120.00 420.00 588.00 288.00 120.00 144.00 1,152.00 288.00 2,160.00 324.00 768.00 144.00 627.80 627.80 627.80 365.00 3,942.00 730.00 219.00 930.75 292.00 164.25 219.00 1,270.20 394.20 182.50 219.00 219.00 154.25 5,100.00 3,400.00 2,040.00 3,060.00 1,530.00 972.00 540.00 864.00 486.00 1,296.00 454 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 155 (Z). 1 vaccinator .................................................... 432.00 175. 1 messenger .......................................................... 240.00 206 (w). 1 chauffeur .................................................... 637.00 206 (a-1). 1 chauffeur ................................................ 432.00 206(6-1). 1 chauffeur ................................................ 420.00 Health District No. 1, Meisic 9. 1 medical officer .............................................. 3,400.00 16. 2 medical officers, at Pl,530 per annum each 3,060.00 142. 2 sanitary inspectors, at P648 per annum each ......................................................... 1,296.00 146. 6 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................ 3,240.00 148. 11 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ................................. 4,752.00 155(Z). 1 vaccinator .................................................... 432.00 206 (y-2). 1 laborer .................................................... 378.00 Health District No. 2, San Lazaro 9. 1 medical officer .................................................... 3,400.00 16. 1 medical officer .................................................... 1,530.00 139. 1 sanitary inspector ......................................... 864.00 142. 2 sanitary inspectors, at P648 per annum each .................................................... 1,296.00 146. 5 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each .................................................... 2,700.00 148. 11 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ............................. 4,752.00 206 (x-2). 1 laborer .................................................. 482.00 Health District No. 3, Intramuros 12. 1 medical officer ................................................. 2,550.00 14. 1 medical officer .................................................. 2,040.00 17(6). 1 assistant medical officer.............................. 1,530.00 129. 1 sanitary inspector ....................................... 864.00 140. 1 sanitary inspector ............................................. 840.00 142. 2 sanitary inspectors, at P648 per annum each 1,296.00 146. 2 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................ 1,080.00 148. 12 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ................................................ 5,184.00 155 (Z). 1 vaccinator .................. 432.00 206 (a-3). 1 laborer .................................................... 324.00 Section of Licenses 14. 1 medical officer ................................................ 2,040.00 16. 1 medical officer ................................................ 1,530.00 138. 1 sanitary inspector .......................................... 1,122.00 146. 4 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................ 2,160.00 148. 1 assistant sanitary inspector ......................... 432.00 155 (Z). 3 vaccinatox-s, at P432 per annum each.... 1,296.00 206(6-3). 1 laborer .................................................... 240.00 Urban Health Demonstration 16. 1 medical officer ................................................. 1,530.00 Sanitation in the Provinces One-half of the salary only, the other half being payable by the province concerned, in accordance with Act 3297. 19. 17 district health officers at Pl,912.50 per annum each ..................... ............... 32,512.50 24. 1 .district health officer............... 1,020.00 21. 14 district health officers at Pl,700 per an­ num each .................................................... 23,800.00 12. 1 medical officer ................................................ 2,550.00 20. 1 district health officer ..................................... 1,785.00 23. 7 district health officers, at Pl,275 per an­ num each ....................................................... 8,925.00 22. 9 district health officers, at Pl,530 per annum each ............................................................... 13,770.00 16. 2 medical officers, at Pl,530 per annum each 3,060.00 Section of Sanitary Engineering 47. 1 sanitary engineer ............................ _.............. 5,100.00 48. 1 assistant sanitary engineer............................. 3,400.00 49. 1 assistant sanitary engineer............................. 2,550.00 50. 1 draftsman, with knowledge of sanitary engineering .................. 1,530.00 80. 1 clerk .................................................................. 486.00 137. 1 sanitary inspector ........................................ 1,836.00 139. 1 sanitary inspector .......................................... 864.00 146. 2 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................ 1,080.00 148. 3 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ................................................ 1,296.00 152. 1 draftsman ......................................................... 1,080.00 154. 1 assistant draftsman ........................................ 540.00 206(e). 2 messengers ................................................ 480.00 Smallpox Vaccination and Immunization Work CENTRAL OFFICE 155(a). 1 medical officer in charge...................... 3,400.00 155(6). 1 supervisor .................................................. 972.00 142. 1 sanitary inspector ......................................... 648.00 146. 17 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................ 9,180.00 148. 12 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ................................................ 5,184.00 155(6:). 1 vaccinator .................................................... 486.00 155 (Z). 9 vaccinators .................................................. 3,888.00 Vaccinating Party No. 1 155(c). 1 chief of party ............................................ 1,224.00 (6) . 2 assistant chiefs of parties, at P637 per annum each ......................................... 1,274.00 (j). 2 vaccinators, at P540 per annum each.... 1,080.00 (Z). 5 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,160.00 Vaccinating Party No. 2 (d) . 1 chief of party............................................. 1,224.00 (6) . 1 assistant chief of party........................... 637.00 (j). 1 vaccinator ................................................ 540.00 (Z). 7 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 3,024.00 Vaccinating Party No. 3 (e) . 1 chief of party ............................................ 864.00 (t). 1 assistant chief of party.......................... 540.00 (j). 1 vaccinator ................................................ 540.00 (Z). 6 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,5-92.00 Vaccinating Party No. 4 (d). 1 chief of party........................................... 1,080.00 (Z). 9 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 3,888.00 Vaccinating Party No. 5 (d). 1 chief of party........................................... 1,080.00 (6) . 1 assistant chief of party............................. 637.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 455 (3) BUREAU OF HEALTH INTERNAL ORGANIZATION (j). 2 vaccinators, at P540 per annum each.... 1,080.00 (I). 6 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,592.00 Vaccinating Party No. 6 (c) . 1 chief of party............................................... 1,224.00 (h) . 1 assistant chief of party ......................... 637.00 (j) . 2 vaccinators, at P540 per annum each— 1,080.00 (Z).5 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,160.00 Vaccinating Party No. 7, Group 1 (p). 1 assistant chief of party............................ 810.00 (I). 4 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 1,728.00 Vaccinating Party No. 7, Group 2 Cd). 1 chief of party...................... 1,080.00 (I). 3 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 1,296.00 Vaccinating Party No. 8 (e). 1 chief of party..................... 864.00 (i) . 2 assistant chiefs of parties, at P540 per annum each ............................................ 1,080.00 (I). 6 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,592.00 Vaccinating Party No. 9 (d) . 1 chief of party............. 1,080.00 (h). 1 assistant chief of party............................ 637.00 (k) . 2 vaccinators, at P486 per annum each.... 972.00 (l) . 6 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,592.00 Vaccinating Party No. 10 (d). 1 chief of party............................................. 1,080.00 (h). 1 assistant chief of party.......................... 637.00 (7c). 1 vaccinator .................................................. 486.00 (I). 6 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 2,592.00 Vaccinating Party No. 11 (f) . 1 chief of party............................................ 648.00 (j). 1 vaccinator ................................................ 540.00 (I). 7 vaccinators, at P432 per annum each.... 3,024.00 Rat, Fly and Mosquito Extermination Brigade 136. 1 chief sanitary inspector at P2,720 per annum, payable by the City of Manila. 141. 1 sanitary inspector ........................................... 756.00 141. 1 sanitary inspector ........................................... 756.00 142. 1 sanitary inspector ........................................... 648.00 144. 1 assistant sanitary inspector at P605 per annum, payable by the City of Manila. 145. 1 assistant sanitary inspector at P551 per annum, payable by the City of Manila. 146. 4 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P540 per annum each ................................................... 2,160.00 148. 5 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each ................................................... 2,160.00 158 (fc). 1 vaccinator ................................................... 486.00 149. 1 sanitary inspector ............................................ 432.00 (x-2). 4 laborers, at P432 per annum each.... 1,728.00 Disinfecting Brigade 150. 1 chief disinfector ..............-............................. 2,380.00 146. 1 assistant sanitary inspector......................... 540.00 148. 4 assistant sanitary inspectors, at P432 per annum each .................................................. 1,728.00 155(7). 1 vaccinator ....................................................... 432.00 206(x-2). 6 laborers, at P36 per month each....... 2,592.00 (a-3). 5 laborers, at P27 per month each....... 1,620.00 (a-1). 1 chauffeur ................................................ 432.00 Less—savings from items 206 (k) to 206 (u-4) .................................................... (3,939.48) Less—savings from items 206 (g-5) to 206(c-7)....................................................... (1,638.00) Total for salaries and wages.............. P898,939.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested ■laoc Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WELFARE DIRECTOR 1. One Director of Public Welfare, with ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS AND CHIEFS OF SECTIONS subsistence, quarters and service.................. 1*6,120.00 1*6,120.00 1 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 2. One chief of division.......................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 2 3. One special agent................................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 3 4. One assistant chief of division, by designation. 5 456 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item lyoo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WELFARE 5. One chief of section............................. 2,720.00 2,720.00 6 6. One social worker-probation officer.... 2,550.00 2,550.00 8 7. One superintendent, with subsistence and quarters ...................................................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 9 MEDICAL OFFICER 8. One medical officer............................... 2,720.00 2,720.00 12 NURSES AND SOCIAL WORKERS All with subsistence and quarters 9. Three supervisors, at 1*1,122 per annum each........................................................ 3,366.00 3,366.00 13 10. Three supervisors, at Pl,080 per annum each........................................................ 3,240.00 3,240.00 14-15 11. One nurse .............................................. 972.00 972.00 16 12. Two nurses, at P864 per annum each 1,728.00 1,728.00 17 13. Five nurses, at P756 per annum each 3,780.00 3,780.00 18-20 social workers 14. One social worker............................... 2,040.00 2,040.00 21 15. One social worker............................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 22 16. One social worker............................... 1,581.00 1,581.00 23 17. Two social workers, at 1*1,224 per an­ num each............................................................ 2,448.00 2,448.00 24 18. Four social workers, at Pl,080 per annum each........................................................ 4,320.00 4,320.00 25 TEACHERS All with subsistence and quarters 19. One supervisor..................................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 26 20. One teacher ......................................... 864.00 864.00 27 21. Two teachers, at 1*648 per annum each .................................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 28 22. Six teachers, at 1*540 per annum each 3,240.00 3,240.00 29 23. One teacher ......................................... 432.00 432.00 30 CLERKS 24. One clerk ............................................. 1,224.00 1,224.00 32 25. One clerk ............................................. 1,122.00 1,122.00 33 26. Three clerks, at F648 per annum each 1,944.00 1,944.00 34, 36 27. One clerk [assistant chief of section] 600.00 600.00 10 28. One clerk ............................................. 540.00 540.00 37 29. Two clerks, at 1*432 per annum each 864.00 864.00 38 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 457 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details 1Q9C Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated BUREAU OF PUBLIC WELFARE (4) MATRONS AND CARETAKERS OF CHILDREN All with subsistence and quarters 30. One matron ......................................... 31. One matron .......................................... 32. Two caretakers of children, at 5*432 per annum each................................................ 33. One caretaker of children................... HELPERS, ATTENDANTS, ETC. All with subsistence and quarters 34. One cook................................................ 35. Four attendants, at 5*324 per annum each .................................................................... 36. Three helpers, at 5*324 per annum each .......................................................-........... 37. Six helpers, at 5*300 per annum each.. 38. Two helpers, at 5*180 per annum each MISCELLANEOUS 39. For emergency employees, including laborers, as follows: Nurse (a) One nurse ...................................................... Teachers (b) One teacher, part time............................... (c) One teacher ................................................... Artist (d) One artist ...................................................... Helpers (e) One helper....................................................... (/) One helper...................................................... (g) Three helpers, at 1*324 per annum each.. (h) Four helpers, at i*300 per annum each.... (i) One helper ...................................................... Attendants (;) Two attendants, at T=378 per annum each ............................................................. (k) One attendant, part time............................ 972.00 972.00 39 540.00 540.00 40 864.00 864.00 41 378.00 378.00 42 432.00 432.00 43 1,296.00 1,296.00 44 972.00 972.00 45-46 1,800.00 1,800.00 47 360.00 360.00 48 756.00 756.00 49(a) 432.00 432.00 (6) 432.00 432.00 (c) 1,530.00 1,530.00 (d) 432.00 432.00 (e) 378.00 378.00 (7) 972.00 972.00 (?) 1,200.00 1,200.00 (h) 120.00 120.00 (i) 756.00 756.00 180.00 180.00 (0 458 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (4) BUREAU OF PUBLIC WELFARE (Z) One attendant....... 120.00 120.00 (w) (m) One attendant-boy ................................ 60.00 60.00 (w) 40. Commutation of subsistence and quarters .......................... 2,486.00 2,118.00 50 41. Subsistence of the Director of Public Welfare .............................................................. 730.00 ..................... Total .................................................... 80,999.00 79,901.00 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 Director of Public Welfare, with subsistence, quarters and service ................................. P6,120.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 3. 1 special agent .................................................... 3,060.00 5. 1 chief of section ................................................. 2,720.00 25. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 26. 2 clerks, at P648 per annum each........................ 1,296.00 27. 1 clerk ............................................... 600.00 29. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 38. 1 helper ................................................................... 180.00 39(d). 1 artist ............................................................. 1,530.00 39. /). 1 helper ............................................................ 378.00 39 (g). 2 helpers, at P324 per annum each ........... 648.00 GENERAL WELFARE DIVISION Social Service Unit 8. 1 medical officer ...................................................... 2,720.00 7. 1 superintendent, with subsistence and quar­ ters ............................................................ 2,550.00 9. 3 supervisors, at Pl,122 per annum each ........ 3,366.00 10. 3 supervisors, at Pl,080 per annum each........ 3,240.00 11. 1 nurse .................................................................... 972.00 12. 2 nurses, at P864 per annum each ........ 1,728.00 13. 2 nurses, at P756 per annum each ........ 1,512.00 CHILD WELFARE DIVISION 2. 1 chief of division ............................................. 4,250.00 4. 1 assistant chief of division, by designation. 16. 1 social worker ...................................................... 1,581.00 26. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 Probation Unit 6. 1 social worker-probation officer............ 2,550.00 14. 1 social worker ...................................................... 2,040.00 15. 1 social worker ....................................................... 1,700.00 17. 2 social workers, at Pl,224 per annum each .... 2,448.00 18. 4 social workers, at Pl,080 per annum each.... 4,320.00 DEPARTMENT “a” OF THE ORPHANAGE (All with subsistence and quarters) 19. 1 supervisor ........................................................... 1,530.00 20. 1 teacher .................................-.............................. 864.00 21. 1 teacher ................................................................. 648.00 22. 4 teachers, at P540 per annum each' .............. 2,160.00 39(b). 1 teacher, part time....................................... 432.00 39(c). 1 teacher ........................................................... 432.00 13. 1 nurse .................................................................. 756.00 31. 1 matron ..................... 540.00 32. 2 caretakers of children, at P432 per annum each ................................................................... 864.00 36. 3 helpers, at P324 per annum each................... 972.00 37. 2 helpers, at P300 per annum each ...................... 600.00 39 (g). 1 helper ............................................................. 324.00 39(h). 1 helper ............................................................. 300.00 39 (k). 1 attendant, part time ................................. 180.00 39 (Z). 1 attendant ....................................................... 120.00 39(?n). 1 attendant-boy ..................................................... 60.00 DEPARTMENT “B” OF THE ORPHANAGB (All with subsistence and quarters) 30. 1 matron ............................................................... 972.00 13. 2 nurses, at P756 per annum each ................ 1,512.00 39(a). 1 nurse ............................................................. 756.00 21. 1 teacher ........................................... ..................... 648.00 22. 2 teachers, at P540 per annum each ................ 1,080.00 23. 1 teacher ................................................................ 432.00 33. 1 caretaker of children ..................................... 378.00 34. 1 cook ....................................................................... 432.00 35. 4 attendants, at P324 per annum each ........... 1,296.00 37. 3 helpers, at P300 per annum each ................ 900.00 38. 1 helper ................................................................... 180.00 39 (7i). 2 helpers, at P30O per annum each .......... 600.00 39 (í). 1 helper ........................................................... 120.00 WELFAREVILLE ADMINISTRATION 24. 1 clerk ........................................ 1,224.00 28. 1 clerk ..................... 540.00 29. 1 clerk ............. -.............................................. -.... 432.00 37. 1 helper ............................ -.................................... 300.00 39(e). 1 helper ............................................................. 432.00 39 (h), 1 helper ........................................................... 300.00 39(J). 2 attendants .................................................... 756.00 40. Commutation of subsistence and quarters: 1 superintendent, social service unit......... 384.00 2 supervisors ................................. 576.00 1 supervisor .................................................. 240.00 6 nurses (social workers) ..................... 1,286.00 41. Subsistence of the Director of Public Welfare 730.00 Total for salaries and wages ..........«... P80.999.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 459 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL DIRECTORS 1. One Director of the Philippine Gen­ eral Hospital, additional compensation, with subsistence, furnished quarters and service.. 2. One executive officer, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters and service........... CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 3. One chief, administrative division, [with one-third subsistence]......................... 4. One physician and chief of physical therapy department, part time....................... 5. One superintendent, chief of division and of the school of nursing, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 6. One chief, department of laborato­ ries, additional compensation, part time.... 7. One chief, division of pharmacy, ad­ ditional compensation, part time................... PHYSICIANS 8. One assistant clinical pathologist, [bacteriological assistant] with one-third subsistence, and with full subsistence, fur­ nished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty ....................................................... 9. One assistant clinical pathologist, [pathological assistant] with one-third sub­ sistence, and with full subsistence, furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty .................................................................... 10. One assistant clinical pathologist, [bacteriological technician] with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ....................................................... 11. One resident and assistant to the chief of heart station clinic, additional com­ pensation, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service............... 12. Four residents, additional compensa­ tion, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at f*540 per annum each....................................................... P2,040.00 P2.040.00 1 4,250.00 4,250.00 la 3,825.00 3,825.00 2 3,060.00 3,060.00 3 2,550.00 2,550.00 4 540.00 540.00 5 540.00 540.00 6 1,080.00 1,080.00 8 864.00 864.00 9 648.00 648.00 10 540.00 540.00 11 2,160.00 2,160.00 12 460 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. imc Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested Details (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL 13. One junior clinical pathologist, [tech­ nician] with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service....................... 14. One junior clinical pathologist, [chemical technician] with one-third sub­ sistence ................................................................ 15. One bacteriologist, additional com­ pensation, with one-third subsistence, part time .................................................................... 16. Twenty-two resident physicians, without compensation, but with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service. 17. Twelve assistant adjunct residents, without compensation, but with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service. PHARMACISTS 18. One pharmacist in charge, with onethird subsistence .............................................. 19. One pharmacist, with one-third sub­ sistence .............................................................. 20. One pharmacist, with one-third sub­ sistence .............................................................. 21. One pharmacist, with one-third sub­ sistence .............................................................. 22. One pharmacist, with one-third sub­ sistence .............................................................. 23. One pharmacist, with two-thirds sub­ sistence .............................................................. 24. One pharmacist, with one-third sub­ sistence ................................................................ 25. One pharmacist, with one-third sub­ sistence ................................................................ DENTIST 26. One dentist, with one-third sub­ sistence INSTRUCTORS 27. One nurse and physical instructor, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service..................................... 540.00 540.00 13 378.00 378.00 73 540.00 540.00 14 15 15a 2,040.00 2,040.00 16 1,700.00 1,700.00 17 1,275.00 1,275.00 18 1,080.00 1,080.00 19 756.00 756.00 20 648.00 648.00 21 648.00 648.00 22 648.00 648.00 22a 1,530.00 1,530.00 23 864.00 864.00 24 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 461 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL 28. One instructor in dietetics, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry allow­ ance and service................................................ 648.00 648.0C 25 29. One instructor in practical nursing, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service....................................... 648.00 648.00 26 30. One instructor in English, part time.. 540.00 540.00 27 31. One instructor in massage, part time 540.00 540.00 28 NURSES 32. One principal of the school of nurs­ ing, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service...................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 30 33. One dietitian, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv­ ice ........................................................................ 1,530.00 1,530.00 31 34. One nurse, [in charge of the social service] with one-third subsistence and laundry allowance ............................................ 1,275.00 1,275.00 32 35. One supervising nurse of the surgical division, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service............... 1,224.00 1,224.00 33 36. One sanitary supervisor, with onethird subsistence .............................................. 1,122.00 1,122.00 34 37. One anaesthetist, with susbsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ................................................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 35 38. One assistant to the superintendent and chief nurse, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service....... 1,080.00 1,080.00 36 39. One assistant to the principal, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ lowance and service......................................... 972.00 972.00 37 40. One assistant anaesthetist, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry allow­ ance and service................................................ 864.00 864.0C 38 41. One assistant dietitian, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ....................................................... 864.00 864.00 39 42. One assistant dietitian, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ..................................................... 864.00 864.00 40 462 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTIQN GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested Details 43. Four supervising nurses, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry allow(5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL anee and service, at P864 per annum each.... 44. One supervising nurse, with subsist3,456.00 3,456.00 41 ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 864.00 864.00 42 45. Two assistant dietitians, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry allow­ ance and service, at i*756 per annum each.... 1,512.00 1,512.00 43 46. Eleven supervising nurses, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry allow­ ance and service, at T756 per annum each.... 8,316.00 8,316.00 44 47. One supervising nursg, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 756.00 756.00 45 48. One supervising nurse, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 756.00 756.00 L-I-IV-(5)49. One supervising nurse, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 756.00 756.00 35(a) 46 50. One sanitary supervisor, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 756.00 756.00 47 51. One sanitary supervisor, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................ 648.00 648.00 48 52. Two nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv­ ice, at 1*643. per annum each........................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 49 53. Eighteen nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at 1*648 per annum each................... 11,664.00 11,664.00 50 54. Three nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv­ ice, at F648 per annum each........................... 1,944.00 1,944.00 51 55. One nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv­ ice ........................................................................ 648.00 648.00 52 56. Two nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv­ ice, at F648 per annum each........................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 53 463 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL 57. One nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service........................................................................ 58. Three nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv648.00 648.00 54 ice, at 1*648 per annum each........................... 59. One nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv1,944.00 1,944.00 55 ice........................................................................ 60. One nurse, with subsistence ancl laun648.00 648.00 56 dry ...................................................................... 61. Two nurses, with subsistence and 1,080.00 laundry, at per annum each................. 62. Two nurses, with subsistence and 1,728.00 laundry, at F6JÍ8 per annum each ...... ......... 63. Thirty graduate nurses, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance 1,296.00 and service, at 1*540 per annum each........... 64. Four graduate nurses, with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at ^5^0 per annum each........... 65. Six nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and serv­ 16,200.00 2,160.00 16,200.00 57 ice, at 1*540 per annum each........................... 66. Four graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ 3,240.00 3,240.00 L-I-IV-(5)_ 35(b) lowance and service, at 1*240 per annum each 67. Two graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ 960.00 960.00 58 lowance and service, at 1*240 per annum each 68. Three graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ 480.00 480.00 59 lowance and service, at 1*240 per annum each 69. One graduate student nurse, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ 720.00 720.00 60 lowance and service.......................................... 70. Two graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ 240.00 240.00 61 lowance and service, at 1*240 per annum each 71. Five post graduate nurses, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry allow­ 480.00 480.00 62 ance and service, at t*240 per annum, each.... 1,200.00 464 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1QQ7 Reference to item nAfaile > lyao numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL 72. Fifteen attendants, with subsistence and quarters, at ^168 per annum each......... 2,520.00 73. Student nurses: seniors and associate seniors at 4*144; juniors, sophomores and freshmen at 4*120; and probationers at 4*96 per annum each, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters and service, and an allowanee of not more than 4*2 per month each.... 36,048.00 48,048.00 63, L-I-IV(5)—35(c) CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 74. One engineer [electrician] and chief of machinery, repairing and transportation section, [with one-third subsistence]........... 1,700.00 1,700.00 64 75. One cashier and disbursing officer, with one-third subsistence and with subsist­ ence, furnished quarters and service when­ ever on special detail................. ...................... 1,530.00 1,530.00 65 76. One chief of supply section [with one-third subsistence]..................................... 1,326.00 1,326.00 66 77. One chief of statistics and records section, [with one-third subsistence]........... 972.00 972.00 68 78. One chief of section [with one-third subsistence]........................................................ 756.00 756.00 69 79. One chief, general service section, [division with one-third subsistence]........... 1,530.00 1,530.00 7 STENOGRAPHERS 80. One stenographer [with one-third subsistence] ...................................................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 70 81. One stenographer [with one-third subsistence]....................................................... 648.00 648.00 72 TECHNICIANS [laboratory preparatorsI 82. One serological technician, [labora­ tory preparator] with subsistence and quar­ ters ...................................................................... 300.00 300.00 74 83. One clinical laboratory technician, [laboratory preparator] with subsistence and quarters .............................................................. 300.00 300.00 74 84. One histopathological technician, [laboratory preparator] with subsistence and quarters ............................................................. 300.00 300.00 75 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 465 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details 5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL CLERKS 85. One information clerk, with twothirds subsistence............................................. 86. One assistant cashier and disbursing officer, [clerk] with one-third subsistence, and with full subsistence, furnished quarters and service whenever on special detail......... 87. One clerk [with one-third subsist­ ence] 88. One assistant chief of statistics and records section, [cashier and disbursing offi­ cer with one-third subsistence and with subsistence, furnished quarters and service whenever on special detail]............................ 89. One clerk [with two-thirds subsist­ ence] 90. One information clerk, with one-third subsistence.......................................................... 91. Two clerks [with one-third subsist­ ence] at 1*648 per annum each......................... 92. Eight clerks, [with one-third subsist­ ence] at 1*540 per annum each....................... 98. Four clerks [with one-third subsist­ ence] at 1*432 per annum each....................... 94. One clerk [with one-third subsist­ ence] 95. One laundry checker [with subsist­ ence] TELEPHONE OPERATORS 96. Two telephone operators, with onethird subsistence, at 1*648 per annum each.... 97. One telephone operator, with onethird subsistence............................................... 98. One telephone operator, ivith onethird subsistence............................................... ELECTRICIANS 99. Two assistants to electricians, [with one-third subsistence] at 1*432 per annum each ................................................................... MECHANICS 100. One mechanic and assistant chief of machinery, repairing and transportation sec­ tion [, with one-third subsistence]............... 299089------ 80 1,122.00 1,122.00 76 540.00 540.00 86 864.00 864.00 78 756.00 756.00 79 756.00 756.00 80 648.00 648.00 83 1,296.00 1,296.00 84 4,320.00 4,320.00 85 1,728.00 1,728.00 86 432.00 432.00 87 432.00 432.00 88 1,296.00 1,296.00 89 540.00 540.00 90 480.00 .. 864.00 864.00 9! 864.00 864.00 92 466 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details 101. One assistant to mechanic [, with (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL one-third subsistence] ................................... 486.00 486.00 93 CARPENTERS 102. One carpenter [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ 648.00 648.00 94 103. One carpenter [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ........................................................... 540.00 540.00 95 PLUMBERS 104. One plumber [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ 648.00 648.00 96 105. One assistant plumber [, with onethird subsistence] ........................................... 486.00 486.00 97 PAINTERS 106. One painter [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ 648.00 648.00 98 107. One painter [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ 432.00 432.00 99 COOKS 108. One cook [, with subsistence]........... 648.00 648.00 100 109. One cook [, with subsistence]........... 110. Two cooks, [with subsistence,] at 540.00 540.00 101 5*432 per annum each ................................... 864.00 864.00 102 FOREMAN 111. One foreman [, with subsistence and quarters] ........................................................... 648.00 648.00 103 CHAUFFEURS 112. One chauffeur [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ..............................♦............................. 648.00 648.00 104 113. One. chauffeur [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ........................................................... 605.00 605.00 105 114. One chauffeur [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ 572.00 572.00 106 115. One chauffeur [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ........................................................... 486.00 486.00 107 116. One chauffeur [, with one-third sub­ sistence] ........................................................... 480.00 480.00 107a LITTER-BEARERS 117. Two litter-bearers, [with one-third subsistence,] at T=378 per annum each.... . 756.00 756.00 108 118. Two litter bearers, [with one-third subsistence,] at 5*378 per annum each......... 756.00 756.00 108a L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 467 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL WATCHMEN 119. One watchman, [with one-third sub­ sistence] .............................................................. 120. One watchman, [with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ ’121. One watchman, [with one-third sub­ sistence] ............................................................ GARDENER 122. One gardener, half time....................... MISCELLANEOUS 123. For temporary and emergency em­ ployees, including laborers at rates of com­ pensation not exceeding W32 per annum each, with or without subsistence and quar­ ters in the discretion of the Director of the Hospital, as follows: Clerk (a) One clerk........................................................ Helpers (&) Twenty helpers with subsistence and quarters, at 1*96 per annum each........ (c) Four helpers, with subsistence, at P96 per annum each ................................................ Messengers (d) Two messengers, at 1*432 per annum each (e) One messenger .............................................. (/) One messenger .............................................. (g) Two messengers, at P300 per annum each (h) Eleven messengers, at P300 per annum each ........................................................... Laborers (i) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers as follows: 1. One sewing woman at Fl per day for 300 days .......................................................... 2. One pharmacy helper at F0.80 per day for 300 days ........................................................... 3. One gardener at Fl .38 per day for 313 days .................................................................... 4. One gardener at Fl.2^ per day for 313 days ................................................................... 540.00 540.00 109 432.00 432.00 110 432.00 432.00 111 432.00 432.00 112 240.00 240.00 113(6) 1,920.00 1,920.00 113(6)—1 384.00 384.00 L-IN-(5) 864.00 864.00 113(c) 324.00 324.00 113(d) 300.00 300.00 113(e) 600..00 600.00 113(f) 3,300.00 3,300.00 113(g) 300.00 300.00 240.00 240.00 432.00 432.00 389.00 389.00 468 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 ' authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL 5. One gardener at F1.01> per day for SI3 days ................................................................... 324.00 324.00 6. Five gardeners at F.96 per day each for 313 days .......................................................... 1,500.00 1,500.00 7. One carpenter at 7*1.44 per day for 300 days ................................................................... 432.00 432.00 8. One garage laborer at Fl.08 per day for 300 days .......................................................... 324.00 324.00 9. One assistant plumber at Fl.33 per day for 325 days..................................................... 432.00 432.00 10. One chauffeur at Fl per day for 365 days 365.00 365.00 11. One helper at FIJM per day for 300 days ................................................................... 432.00 432.00 12. One helper at F.82 per day for 365 days 300.00 300.00 13. One helper at Fl per day for 300 days.... 300.00 300.00 14. Three helpers at F.80 per day each for 800 days ........................................................... 720.00 720.00 15. Nine helpers at F.71 per day each for 339 days .......................................................... 2,160.00 2,160.00 16. One helper at F.64 per day for 339 days... 216.00 216.00 17. One helper at F.60 per day for 339 days... 204.00 204.00 18. Two helpers at F.64 per day for 300 days ................................................................... 384.00 384.00 19. Two helpers at F.57 per day each for 339 days .......................................................... 384.00 384.00 20. Six helpers at F.60 per day each for 300 days ................ .................................................. 1,080.00 1,080.00 21. Nine helpers at F.53 per day each for 339 days .................................................................. 1,620.00 1,620.00 22. One helper at F.56 per day for 300 days... 168.00 168.00 23. Three helpers at F.50 per day each for 339 dajjs ................................................................... 504.00 504.00 24. Five helpers at F.52 per day each for 300 days ................................................................... 780.00 780.00 25. Three helpers at F.£6 per day each for 339 days .................................................. 468.00 468.00 26. Seven helpers at F.k2 per day each for 339 days .......................................................... 1,008.00 1,008.00 27. Three helpers at F.4O per day each for 300 days .......................................................... 360.00 360.00 28. Forty-nine helpers at F.35 per day each for 339 days.................................................... 5,880.00 5,880.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 469 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested Details Reference to item 19oo numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL 29. Twenty-five helpers at P0.28 per day each for 339 days..................................................... 30. Less probable savings.................................... 124. Commutation of laundry allowance, not to exceed ?6.40 per month each............... 125. Subsistence of personnel, including 22 resident physicians [additional person­ nel] and 12 assistant adjunct residents [pro­ vided by Act No. 4231] and extra meals furnished those persons who may be required to be on 24 hours’ duty or render overtime service ................................................................ Total................................................... 2,400.00 (1,581.00) 2,400.00 (1,581.00) 12,046.50 11,355.60 114, L-I-N(5)-35(e) 93,174.50 93,174.50 115, L-I-N(5>-35(/) 331,570.00 332,415.10 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 8. 1. 1 Director of the Philippine General Hos­ pital, additional compensation, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters and service.. 2. 1 executive officer, with subsistence, furnished quarters and service ................................. 80. 1 stenographer, with one-third subsistence.... P2,040.00 4,250.00 1,080.00 9. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS 10. 4. 1 11. 1 12. 4 16. 17. 26. physician and chief of physical therapy department, part time ...*.......................... resident and assistant to the chief of heart station clinic, additional compensation, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service.............. residents, additional compensation, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P540 per annum each ------------------ —-------------- --- ---- --22 resident physicians, without compensa­ tion, but with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service 12 assistant adjunct residents, without com­ pensation, but with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service 1 dentist, with one-third subsistence.............. 3,060.00 540.00 2,160.00 1,530.00 DEPARTMENT OF LABORATORIES 6. 1 chief, department of laboratories, addi­ tional compensation, part time .............. 540.00 15. 1 bacteriologist, additional compensation, with one-third subsistence, part time .............. 540.00 13. 1 14. 1 82. 1 83. 1 84. 1 7. 1 18. 1 assistant clinical pathologist, with third subsistence, and with full subsist­ ence, furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty..................... assistant clinical pathologist, with onethird subsistence, and with full subsist­ ence, furnished quarters and service whenever on 24 hours’ duty...................... assistant clinical pathologist, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ lowance and service ................................... junior clinical pathologist, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service .................................................... junior clinical pathologist, with one-third subsistence .................................................... serological technician, with subsistence and quarters ........................................................ clinical laboratory technician, with sub­ sistence and quarters ................................. histopathological technician, with subsist­ ence and quarters ..................................... one1,080.00 864.00 648.00 540.00 378.00 300.00 800.00 800.00 DIVISION OF PHARMACY (The chief is without subsistence; the others are with one-third subsistence each, except the one designated as night duty pharmacist who is provided with two-thirds subsistence.) chief, division of pharmacy, additional com­ pensation, part time ................................. pharmacist in charge, with one-third sub­ sistence ........................................................ 540.00 2,040.00 1 1 470 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 19. 1 pharmacist, with one-third subsistence..... . 1,700.00 20. 1 pharmacist, with one-third subsistence....... 1,275.00 21. 1 pharmacist, with Oone-third subsistence.... 1,080.00 22. 1 pharmacist, with one-third subsistence....... 756.00 23. 1 pharmacist, with two-thirds subsistence.... 648.00 24. 1 pharmacist, with one-third subsistence....... 648.00 25. 1 pharmacist, with one-third subsistence.... 648.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 3. 1 chief, administrative division, with onethird subsistence ......................................... 3,825.00 78. 1 chief of section, with one-third subsistence 756.00 92. 1 clerk, with one-third subsistence...... ........... 540.00 105. 1 assistant plumber ............................................ 106. 1 painter ............................................................... 107. 1 painter ............................................................... 112. 1 chauffeur ........................................................... 113. 1 chauffeur ............ „............................................. 114. 1 chauffeur ........................................................... 115. 1 chauffeur ........................................................... 116. 1 chauffeur ....... ................................................... 486.00 648.00 432.00 648.00 605.00 572.00 486.00 480.00 Accounting Section (All with one-third subsistence, except one specified below) 93. 1 clerk ................................................................... 432.00 Cash and Disbursing Section 75. 1 cashier and disbursing officer, with onethird subsistence and with subsistence, furnished quarters and service whenever on special detail ......................................... 1,530.00 86. 1 assistant cashier and disbursing officer, with one-third subsistence and with full subsistence, furnished quarters and serv­ ice whenever on special detail.................. 540.00 92. 1 clerk, with one-third subsistence.............. 540.00 95. 1 laundry checker, with subsistence............... 432.00 Free Dispensary Section (All with one-third subsistence) 92. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each................ 1,080.00 93. 2 clerks, at P432 per annum each.................. 864.00 Statistics and Records Section (All with one-third subsistence) 77. 1 chief of statistics and records section....... 972.00 88. 1 assistant chief of statistics and records section ........................................................... 756.00 92. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each........... ........ 1,080.00 93. 1 clerk ............................... 432.00 94. 1 clerk ......................................... 432.00 General Service Section 79. 1 chief, general service section ...................... 36. 1 sanitary supervisor, with one-third sub­ sistence ..........................................................„ 50. 1 sanitary supervisor, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ..........................................................„ 51. 1 sanitary supervisor, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ........................................................... 85. 1 information clerk .......................................... 90. 1 information clerk ..................................... . .... 117. 2 litter-bearers, at 1*378 per annum each....... 118. 2 litter-bearers, at P378 per annum each .... 119. 1 watchman .......................................................... 120. 1 watchman .....................„.................................. 121. 1 watchman ......................................................... 108. 1 cook ................................................................... 109. 1 cook ................................................................... 110. 2 cooks, at P432 per annum each .............. 111. 1 foreman .................................._......................... 96. 2 telephone operators, with one-third subsist­ ence, at P648 per annum each ................ 97. 1 telephone operator, with one-third subsist­ ence ......................................................... ..... 98. 1 telephone operator, with one-third subsist­ ence ............................................................... 122. 1 gardener, half time ......................................... 123(c). 4 helpers, with subsistence, at P96 per annum each .................................................. 123. For temporary and emergency employees, in­ cluding laborers at rates of compensation not exceeding P432 per annum each, with or without subsistence and quarters in the discretion of the Director of the Hospital, as follows: 1,530.00 1,122.00 756.00 648.00 1,122.00 648.00 756.00 756.00 540.00 432.00 432.00 648.00 540.00 864.00 648.00 1,296.00 540.00 480.00 432.00 384.00 Supply Section (All with one-third subsistence, except the clerk, item 89, assigned to the Commis­ sary Office, who is provided with twothirds subsistence.) 76. 1 chief of supply section................................. 1,326.00 87. 1 clerk .........................-..... -..................... 864.00 89. 1 clerk .................................................................. 756.00 91. 2 clerks —......................... 1,296.00 92. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 Machinery, Repairing and Transportation Section 74. 1 engineer and chief of machinery, repair­ ing and transportation section ................ 1,700.00 100. 1 mechanic and assistant chief of machinery, repairing and transportation section.... 864.00 99. 2 assistants to electricians, at P432 per annum each ................................ ~............................. 864.00 101. 1 assistant to mechanic............................ „...... 486.00 102. 1 carpenter ........................................................... 648.00 103. 1 carpenter ......................................................... 540.00 104. 1 plumber ............... 648.00 (a) 1 clerk .................................................. (&) 20 helpers with subsistence and quarters ........................................ (d) 2 messengers ........ «......................... (e) 1 messenger ........................................ (/) 1 messenger .............. ........................... (<7) 2 messengers ........................................ (h) 11 messengers ..................................... (i) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers as follows: 1. 1 sewing woman, at Pl per day for 300 days ............................................ 2. 1 pharmacy helper, at P0.80 per day for 300 days......... ................. ........ 3. 1 gardener, at Pl.38 per day for 313 days .—............................................. 4. 1 gardener, at Pl.24 per day for 313 days —........................ ........................ 5. 1 gardener, at Pl.04 per day for 313 days ............. —........—;-------------- - 6. 5 gardeners, at P0.96 per day each for 313 days ..................—..... — 7. 1 carpenter, at Pl.44 per day for 300 days ............................ -.................... 240.00 1,920.00 864.00 324.00 300.00 600.00 3,300.00 300.00 240.00 432.00 889.00 824.00 1,500.00 432.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 471 (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 123. For temporary and emergency employees, in­ cluding laborers, etc.—Continued. 8. 1 garage laborer, at Pl.08 per day for 300 days ............................................. 324.00 9. 1 assistant plumber, at Pl.33 per day for 325 days ................................... 432.00 10. 1 chauffeur, at Pl per day for 365 days .................................................... 365.00 11. 1 helper, at Pl.44 per day for 300 days .................-...............—...... 432.00 12. 1 helper, at P0.82 per day for 365 days ................................ -................ - 800.00 13. 1 helper, at Pl per day for 300 days 300.00 14. 3 helpers, at P0.80 per day each for 300 days .....................-................... 720.00 15. 9 helpers, at P0.71 per day each for 339 days ........................................... 2,160.00 16. 1 helper, at P0.64 per day for 339 days ................................................ 216.00 17. 1 helper, at P0.60 per day for 339 days ................................................ 204.00 18. 2 helpers, at P0.64 per day for 300 days .................................................. 384.00 19. 2 helpers, at P0.57 per day each for 339 days . .... -......... 384.00 20. 6 helpers, at P0.60 per day each for 300 days ...... 1,080.00 21. 9 helpers, at P0.53 per day for 339 days -........ 1,620.00 22. 1 helper, at P0.56 per day for 300 days .................................................. 168.00 23. 3 helpers, at P0.50 per day each for 339 days ...................................... 504.00 24. 5 helpers, at P0.52 per day each for 300 days ..... —...........—....... 780.00 25. 8 helpers, at P0.46 per day each for 339 days ...... 468.00 26. 7 helpers, at P0.42 per day each for 339 days ...................................... 1,008.00 27. 3 helpers, at P0.40 per day each for 300 days ........................................... 360.00 28. 49 helpers, at F0.35 per day each for 339 days .... _............................. 5,880.00 29. 25 helpers, at F0.28 per day each for 339 days ........................................... 2,400.00 Less—probable savings ............... (1,581.00) SCHOOL AND DIVISION OF NURSING 5. 1 superintendent, chief of division and of the school of nursing, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 2,550.00 27. 1 nurse and physical instructor, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ lowance and service ................................... 864.00 28. 1 instructor in dietetics, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service .................................................... 648.00 29. 1 instructor in practical nursing, with sub­ sistence, furnished quarters, laundry al­ lowance and service ................................. 648.00 30. 1 instructor in English, part time.................. 540.00 31. 1 instructor in massage, part time.................. 540.00 32. 1 principal of the school of nursing, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service................................. 1,530.00 33. 1 dietitian, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service........... 1,530.00 34. 1 nurse, with one-third subsistence and laun­ dry allowance ................................................ 1,275.00 35. 1 supervising nurse of the surgical division, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service-------------- 1,224.00 37. 1 anaesthetist, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service.. 1,080.00 38. 1 assistant to the superintendent and chief nurse, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service....... 1,080.00 39. 1 assistant to the principal, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service .................................................... 972.00 40. 1 assistant anaesthetist, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service ................................................ 864.00 41. 1 assistant dietitian, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 864.00 48. 1 supervising nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 756.00 65. 6 nurses, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service, at 1*540 per annum each ............................... 3,240.00 42. 1 assistant dietitian, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 864.00 43. 4 supervising nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P864 per annum each ........... 3,456.00 44. 1 supervising nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 864.00 45. 2 assistant dietitians, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P756 per annum each ........... 1,512.00 46. 11 supervising nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P756 per annum each ........... 8,316.00 47. 1 supervising nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 756.00 49. 1 supervising nurse, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service ............................................................ 756.00 52. 2 nusres, with’ subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service, at P648 per annum each ................................. 1,296.00 53. 18 nurses, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service, at P648 per annum each ................................. 11,664.00 54. 3 nurses, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service, at P648 per annum each................................... 1,944.00 55. 1 nurse, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service.................. 648.00 56. 2 nurses, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service, at P648 per annum each ................................. 1,296.00 57. 1 nurse, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service.......... 648.00 58. 3 nurses, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service, at P648 per annum each ................................. 1,944.00 59. 1 nurse, with subsistence, furnished quar­ ters, laundry allowance and service........... 648.00 63. 30 graduate nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at ?540 per annum each ........... 16,200.00 60. 1 graduate nurse, with subsistence and laundry ............................................................ 1,080.00 61. 2 graduate nurses, with subsistence and laundry, at P864 per annum each.......... 1,728.00 62. 2 graduate nurses, with subsistence and laundry, at P648 per annum each ........... 1,296.00 64. 4 graduate nurses, with subsistence, fur­ nished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P540 per annum each ........... 2,160.00 472 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 71. 5 post graduate nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at ¥"240 per annum each.............. 72. 15 attendants, with subsistence and quarters, 1,200.00 at P168 per annum each ......................... 2,520.00 66. 4 graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P240 per annum each....... 960.00 67. 2 graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P240 per annum each....... 480.00 68. 3 graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P240 per annum each ....... 720.00 69. 1 graduate student nurse, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and and service..................................................... 240.00 70. 2 graduate student nurses, with subsistence, furnished quarters, laundry allowance and service, at P240 per annum each ....... 480.00 73. Student nurses: seniors and associate seniors at Pl44; juniors, sophomores and fresh­ men at P120; and probationers at P96 per annum each, with subsistence, furnished quarters and service, and an allowance of not more than P2 per month each: 54 seniors from January 1 to March 31, 1937 ........................:............................. 52 associate seniors, from January 1 to March 31, 1937, and as seniors from April 1 to September 30, 1937 ....... 59 juniors from January 1 to March 31, 1937, as associate seniors from April 1 to September 30, 1937, and as se­ niors from October 1 to December 3,024.00 6,720.00 81, 1937 ................................................ 52 sophomores from January 1 to March 81, 1937, as juniors from April 1 to September 30, 1937, and as associate seniors from October 1 to December 31, 1937 ................................................ 59 freshmen from January 1 to March 81, 1937, as sophomores from April 1 to September 30, 1937, and as ju­ niors from October 1 to December 31, 1937 ................................................ 48 probationers from January 1 to March 31, 1937, freshmen from April 1 to September 30, sophomores from Oc­ tober 1 to December 31, 1937....... 48 probationers from April 1 to Sep­ tember 30, 1937, freshmen from OctobeT 1 to December 31, 1937.......... 48 probationers from October 1 to De­ cember 31, 1937 ..................................... Less—estimated savings ...................... KI. J stenographer, with one-third subsistence.... 92. 1 clerk, with one-third subsistence ................ 9,468.00 7,800.00 8,496.00 6,570.00 4,608.00 1,440.00 (12,078.00) 648.00 540.00 ALLOWANCES 124 Commutation of laundry allowance, not to exceed P6.40 per month each: At P6.40 per month each CHIEF OF DIVISION I superintendent, chief of division and of the school of nursing.................... 76.80 124. Commutation of laundry allowance, not to exceed 1*6.40 per month each—Continued. PHYSICIANS 1 assistant clinical pathologist................ 1 resident and assistant to the chief of heart station clinic............................. 4* residents .................................................. 1 junior clinical pathologist...................... 22 resident physicians ................................. 12 assistant adjunct residents.................... INSTRUCTORS 1 nurse and physical instructor................ 1 instructor in dietetics............................. I instructor in practical nursing............ NURSES 1 principal of the school of nursing....... 1 dietitian .................................................... 1 nurse ......................................................... 1 supervising nurse ................................... 1 anaesthetist .............................................. 1 assistant to the superintendent and chief of nurse...................................... 1 assistant to the principal........................ 1 assistant anaesthetist ............................. 1 assistant dietitian ................................... 1 assistant dietitian .............................. ... 4 supervising nurses ................................. 1 supervising nurse ................................... 2 assistant dietitians ................................. 1 supervising nurse ................................. II supervising nurses ................................. 1 supervising nurse ................................... 1 supervising nurse ................................... 1 sanitary supervisor ............................... 1 sanitary supervisor ............................... 2 nurses ....................................................... 18 nurses ........................................................ 3 nurses ....................................................... 1 nurse ....................................................... 2 nurses ........................................................ 1 nurse ....................................................... 3 nurses ....................................................... 1 nurse ......................................................... 6 nurses ........................... . ........................ 30 graduate nurses ....................................... 9 graduate nurses ..................................... At P4.80 per month each 4 graduate student nurses ....................... 2 graduate student nurses........................ 3 graduate student nurses......................... 1 graduate student nurse.......................... 2 graduate student nurses........................Less—estimated savings ........................ 125. Subsistence of personnel, including 22 resident physicians, and 12 assistant adjunct res­ idents and extra meals furnished those persons, who may be required to be on 24 hours’ duty or render overtime service: At P0.45 per day each DIRECTOR 1 Director of the Philippine General Hospital .............................................. 76.80 76.80 307.20 76.80 1,689.60 921.60 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 307.20 76.80 153.60 77.00 844.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 76.80 153.60 1,382.40 230.40 76.80 153.60 76.80 230.40 76.80 461.00 2,304.00 691.20 230.40 115.20 172.80 57.60 115.20 (472.00) 164.25 473 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 125. Subsistence of personnel, including 22 resident physicians, etc.—Continued. EXECUTIVE OFFICER 1 Executive Officer of the Philippine General Hospital ................................. 164.25 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 1 Chief, Administrative Division, with one-third subsistence .......................... 54.75 1 Superintendent, chief of division and of the school of nursing .................. 164.25 PHYSICIANS 1 assistant clinical pathologist, with onethird subsistence and with subsist­ ence, whenever on 24 hours’ duty.... 164.25 1 assistant clinical pathologist, with one-third subsistence and with sub­ sistence whenever on 24 hours’ duty ........................................................ 164.25 1 assistant clinical pathologist................. 164.25 1 resident and assistant to the chief of heart station clinic.............................. 164.25 4 residents .................................................... 657.00 1 junior clinical pathologist......................... 164.25 1 junior clinical pathologist with onethird subsistence ................................. 54.75 1 bacteriologist, with one-third sub­ sistence .................................................. 54.75 22 resident physicians, without compensa­ tion ........................................................ 3,613.50 12 assistant adjunct residents without compensation ....................................... 1,971.00 7 interns (2 assistant ambulance sur­ geons, 2 emergency interns, 2 assist­ ant obstetricians and 1 assistant pediatrician) ....................................... 1,149.75 PHARMACISTS 1 pharmacist in charge, with one-third subsistence ............................................. 54.75 1 pharmacist with one-third subsistence.. 54.75 1 pharmacist, with one-third subsistence.. 54.75 1 pharmacist with one-third subsistence.. 54.75 1 pharmacist with one-third subsistence.. 54.75 1 pharmacist with two-thirds subsistence 109.50 1 pharmacist with one-third subsistence.. 54.75 1 pharmacist with one-third subsistence.. 54.75 DENTIST 1 dentist, with one-third subsistence.....„ 54.75 INSTRUCTORS 1 nurse and physical instructor................ 164.25 1 instructor in dietetics..................... 164.25 1 instructor in practical nursing............. 164.25 NURSES 1 principal of the school of nursing....... 164.25 1 dietitian .................................................... 164.25 1 supervising nurse of the surgical di­ vision .................... 164.25 1 sanitary supervisor, with one-third sub­ sistence ......... 54.75 1 anaesthetist .... 164.25 1 assistant to the superintendent and chief none ______________ _____ ____ 164.25 125. Subsistence of personnel, including 22 resident physicians, etc.—Continued. 1 assistant to the principal........................ 164.25 1 assistant anaesthetist ............................. 164.25 1 assistant dietitian ................................... 164.25 1 assistant dietitian ................................... 164.25 4 supervising nurses ................................. 657.00 1 supervising nurse ................................... 164.25 2 assistant dietitians ................................. 828.50 11 supervising nurses ................................. 1,806.75 2 supervising nurses ................................. 328.50 1 supervising nurse ................................... 164.25 1 sanitary supervisor .............................. 164.25 1 sanitary supervisor ............................. 164.25 2 nurses ........................................................ 328.50 18 nurses ........................................................ 2,956.50 9 nurses ........................................................ 1,478.25 1 nurse .......................................................... 164.25 2 nurses ........................................................ 828.50 1 nurse .......................................................... 164.25 3 nurses ........................................................ 492.75 1 nurse ......... 164.25 30 graduate nurses ..................................... 4,927.50 4 graduate student nurses......................... 657.00 2 graduate student nurses......................... 828.50 3 graduate student nurses........................ 492.75 1 graduate student nurse......................... 164.25 2 graduate student nurses......................... 328.50 STUDENT NURSES 48 seniors from January 1 to March 81, 1937 ........................................................ 1,965.60 48 associate seniors from January 1 to March 31, 1937, and as seniors from April 1 to September 30, 1937......... 5,918.40 54 juniors from January 1 to March 31, 1937, as associate seniors from April I to September 30, 1987, and as seniors from October 1 to December 31, 1937 ................................................ 8,893.80 52 sophomores from January 1 to March 81, 1937, as juniors from April 1 to September 30, 1937, and as asso­ ciate seniors from October 1 to De­ cember 31, 1937................................... 8,564.40 57 freshmen from January 1 to March 31, 1937, as sophomores from April 1 to September 30, 1937, and as juniors from October 1 to December 31, 1937 ................................................. 9,387.90 30 probationers from April 1 to Septem­ ber 30, 1937, and as freshmen from October 1 to December 81, 1^37....... 8,712.50 20 student nurses ......................................... 3,294.00 50 attendants with subsistence.................. 8,212.50 CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 1’cashier and disbursing officer, with subsistence and with subsistence, quarters and service whenever on special detail ....................................... 164.25 1 chief supply section with one-third subsistence ........................................... 54.75 1 chief of statistics and record section with one-third subsistence................ 54.75 1 chief of section with one-third sub­ sistence .................................................. 54.75 1 stenographer with one«*third subsist­ ence ......................................................... 54.75 474 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (5) PHILIPPINE GENERAL HOSPITAL INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 125. Subsistence of personnel, including 22 resident physicians, etc.—Continued. TECHNICIANS 1 serological technician with subsist­ ence ........................................................ 1 clinical laboratory technician with sub­ sistence .................................................. 1 histopathological technician with sub­ sistence .............................. „................. 164.25 164.25 164.25 125. Subsistence of personnel, including 22 resident physicians, etc.—Continued. MISCELLANEOUS For temporary and emergency employees, including laborers at rates of compen­ sation not exceeding 1M32 per annum each, with or without subsistence and quarters in the discretion of the Di­ rector of the Hospital as follows: CLERKS At F0.45 per day each 1 assistant chief of supply section with one-third subsistence ........................ 54.75 1 assistant cashier and disbursing officer with one-third subsistence and with subsistence whenever on special de­ tail .......................................................... 164.25 1 clerk with one-third subsistence.......... 54.75 1 clerk with one-third subsistence.......... 54.75 1 assistant chief of statistics and record section with one-third subsistence.... 54.75 1 clerk with two-thirds subsistence......... 109.50 1 information clerk with one-third sub­ sistence ..........................................-...... 54.75 1 clerk with one-third subsistence.......... 54.75 9 clerks with one-third subsistence......... 492.75 4 clerks with one-third subsistence......... 219.00 1 laundry checker with subsistence....... 164.25 2 telephone operators with one-third sub­ sistence .................................................. 109.50 1 telephone operator with one-third sub­ sistence ................................................ 54.75 At ?0.30 per day each CLERK 1 clerk with one-third subsistence........... 36.50 HELPERS 20 helpers with subsistence.................... 2,190.00 MESSENGERS 2 messengers with one-third subsistence 73.00 1 messenger with one-third subsistence.. 36.50 1 messenger with one-third subsistence.. 36.50 1 messenger with subsistence.................. 109.50 1 messenger with one-third subsistence.. 36.50 11 messengers with one-third subsistence 401.50 LABORERS For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers 1 sewing-woman with one-third subsist­ At P0.30 per day each ELECTRICIANS 2 assistant electricians with one-third subsistence ............. _..... -..................... 73.00 LITTER-BEARERS 2 litter-bearers with one-third subsistence 73.00 2 litter-bearers with one-third subsistence 73.00 WATCHMEN ence ........................................................ 36.50 1 pharmacy helper with one-third sub­ sistence ............................................. 36.50 1 chauffeur with one-third subsistence.... 36.50 1 helper with subsistence.......................... 109.50 2 helpers with subsistence........................ 219.00 13 helpers with subsistence........................ 1,423.50 1 helper with subsistence............... _.......... 109.50 1 helper with subsistence.......................... 109.50 15 helpers with subsistence........................ 1,642.50 4 helpers with subsistence........................ 438.00 5 helpers with subsistence....................... 547.50 7 helpers with subsistence........................ 766.50 49 helpers with subsistence........................ 5,365.50 49 helpers with subsistence........................ 5,365.50 4 helpers ...................................................... 430.25 Less—allowance for absences.............. (7,374.40) 1 watchman with one-third subsistence.. 36.50 1 watchman with one-third subsistence.. 36.50 Total for salaries and wages.. P331,570.00 1 watchman with one-third subsistence.. 36.50 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details Reference to item 1937 1936 numbers of Act requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (6) BUREAU OF QUARANTINE SERVICE 1. Salaries of employees of the Public Health Service of the United States as pro­ vided by the regulations of said Service....... 1*18,986.00 F18,986.00 1 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 475 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item Nc Details ). 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 2. (6) BUREAU OF QU AR MEDICAL OFFICER One medical officer .............................. ANTINE SERVICE 3,400.00 3,400.00 2 3. SUPERINTENDENTS One superintendent ........................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 3 4. One superintendent.............................. 1,530.00 1,530.00 4 5. FUMIGATORS One foreman-fumigator..................... 1,080.00 1,080.00 5 6. annum Two chief fumigators, at ¥864 per each........................................................ 1,728.00 1,728.00 6-7 7. ATTENDANTS One attendant ...................................... 756.00 756.00 8 8. One attendant ..................................... 648.00 648.00 9 9. each .. Two attendants, at ¥540 per annum 1,080.00 1,080.00 10 10. each .. Seven attendants, at ¥432 per annum 3,024.00 3,024.00 11 11. each .. Two attendants, at ¥=378 per annum 756.00 756.00 12-13 12. each .. Eight attendants, at ¥=324 per annum 2,592.00 2,592.00 14 13. each .. Ten attendants, at ¥240 per annum 2,400.00 2,400.00 15 14. CLERKS One clerk ............................................. 864.00 864.00 16 15. One clerk and druggist....................... 648.00 648.00 18 16. CREWS OF LAUNCHES Wages of launch crews....................... 16,410.00 16,410.00 19 MISCELLANEOUS 17. For temporary employees and for the payment of inspection fees to temporary physicians, not to exceed ¥20 for inspect­ ing arriving vessels and ¥5 for issuing bills of health at ports where no regular quaran­ tine officer is stationed................................... 7,000.00 7,000.00 20 18. For clothing allowances of employees 1,136.00 1,136.00 21 19. For subsistence of employees........... 6,080.00 6,080.00 22 Total .................................................. 72,668.00 72,668.00 476 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION (6) BUREAU OF QUARANTINE SERVICE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION DIRECTOR 1. 1 Director, per diem only................................... P3,102.50 CLERICAL DIVISION 1. 1 chief of section .............................................. 4,590.00 14. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 864.00 15. 1 clerk and druggist ............................................ 648.00 INSPECTION AND DETENTION DIVISION 1. 1 quarantine officer ........................................... 6,290.00 17. 1 inspector, part time ....................................... 2,244.00 5. 1 foreman-fumigator .......................................... 1,080.00 G. 1 chief fumigator ............................................... 864.00 9. 1 attendant .......................................................... 540.00 10. 6 attendants ......................................................... 2,592.00 17. 1 temporary disinfector ................................... 702.00 17. 1 supervising nurse ........................................... 1,530.00 Mariveles 3. 1 superintendent ................................................. 2,550.00 6. 1 chief fumigator ............................................... 864.00 8. 1 attendant .......................................................... 648.00 9. 1 attendant .......................................................... 540.00 10. 1 attendant .......................................................... 432.00 12. 7 attendants ........................................................... 2,268.00 13. 1 attendant ........................................................... 240.00 Cebu 4. 1 superintendent ................................................. 1,530.00 11. 2 attendants ......................................................... 756.00 12. 1 attendant .......................................................... 324.00 13. 7 attendants ......................................................... 1,680.00 Iloilo 1. 1 quarantine officer ............................................... 3,740.00 7. 1 attendant .......................................................... 756.00 13. 1 attendant .......................................................... 240.00 Zamboanga 2. 1 medical officer ................................................... 3,400.00 13. 1 attendant .......................................................... 240.00 Davao 1. 1 physician, part time ......................................... 810.00 Sitankai 17. 1 sanitary inspector ............................................ 864.00 LAUNCH DIVISION Launch “Burma,” Manila 16. 1 patron ................................................................ 1,122.00 16. 1 engineer ............................................................... 1,122.00 16. 1 assistant engineer ............................................. 583.20 16. 1 quartermaster ................................................... 584.00 16. 1 fireman .............................................................. 486.00 16. 3 sailors ................................................................ 972.00 16. 1 attendant .......................................................... 228.00 Launch “Viola,” Manila 16. 1 patron ................................................................ 864.00 16. 1 engineer ............................................................ 1,101.60 16. 1 assistant engineer ............................................ 583.20 16. 1 fireman .............................................................. 486.00 16. 1 watchman .......................................................... 424.00 16. 3 sailors ................................................................ 972.00 Launch “Zapote,” Iloilo 16.1 patron ................................................................... 810.0'0 16. 1 engineer ............................................................ 810.00 16. 1 quartermaster ................................................... 300.00 16. 2 firemen .............................................................. 600.00 16. 3 sailors ........................................ 720.00 Launch “Sanidad,” Cebu 16. 1 patron ................................................................ 972.00 16. 1 engineer ............................................................ 972.00 16. 1 quartermaster ................................................... 378.00 16. 2 firemen .............................................................. 600.00 16. 3 sailors ................................................................ 720.00 MISCELLANEOUS 1. For temporary employees for short periods when epidemics prevail and accrued leave.... 458.50 17. For temporary employees and for the payment of inspection fees to temporary physicians, not to exceed P20 for inspecting arriving vessels and P5 for issuing bills of health at ports where no regular quarantine officer is stationed ........................................................ 1,660.00 18. For clothing allowances of employees: Launch crews, 32 men, 4 suits per year, at P4.50 per suit..................................... 576.00 Disinfectors handling chemicals which ruin clothing, 25 men, 5 suits each at P4.48 per suit ...................................................... 560.00 19. Subsistence of employees: 53 employees, 365 days each, estimated at P0.25 per day.................. 4,886.25 8 employees, 365 days each, commuta­ tion at P0.36 per day ...................... 1,051.20 For emergency laborers in time of quarantine ............................................ 192.55 Total for salaries and wages....... ?72,668.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (7) OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL DIRECTOR 1. One National Physical Director....... F5,100.00 9*5,100.00 1 2. One clerk-messenger ......................... 648.00 648.00 2 3. One clerk-cashier ............................... 540.00 540.00 3 4. One messenger ................................... 240.00 240.00 4 Total................................................... 6,528.00 6,528.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 477 (7) OFFICE OF THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL DIRECTOR INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. 1 National Physical Director ............................. P5,100.00 2. 1 clerk-messenger .................................................. 648.00 3. 1 clerk-cashier ........................................................ 540.00 4. 1 messenger ............................................................ 240.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P6.528.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual I.--SALARIES AND WAGES (1) Office of the Secretary....................... ¥=80,430.00 ¥=72,930.00 ¥80,898.88 (2) Bureau of Education........................... 3,576,974.00 3,583,859.05 3,269,188.45 (3) Bureau of Health ............................... 898,939.00 841,155.00 788,465.69 (4) Bureau of Public Welfare................. 80,999.00 79,901.00 74,541.55 (5) Philippine General Hospital............... 331,570.00 332,415.10 294,619.65 (6) Bureau of Quarantine Service........... 72,668.00 72,668.00 66,220.99 (7) Office of the National Physical Di­ rector .............................................................. 6,528.00 6,528.00 6,528.00 Total for salaries and wages............ 5,048,108.00 4,989,456.15 4,580,463.21 ll.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Street car tickets ................................. P460.00 Horse allowance ................................. 4,930.00 Sailboat allowance ............................... 40.00 Bicycle allowance ................................. 790.00 Motor launch allowance ......~............. 80.00 Employees enroute from United States to Manila (Acts 2711 and 3186) or vice-versa .......................... 57,935.00 Traveling expenses, per diems and subsistence ......-................................ 201,601.00 Total ................................................ P265,836.00 265,836.00 302,206.00 250,646.64 2. Freight, express and delivery service: Transportation of supplies and ma­ terials ................................................ P32,835.00 Transportation of mails ...................... 60.00 Transportation of furniture and equipment ........................................... 600.00 Shipment of money .......................... 300.00 Transportation of leper effects......... 100.00 Return of empty containers.............. 100.00 Total ........... P33.995.00 33,995.00 33,995.00 33,913.04 478 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Postage stamps ................................... P19.643.00 Post office box rentals ...................... 184.00 Telegrams and radiograms.................. 4,500.00 Cable charges ....................................... 50.00 Telephone rentals ............................... 18,600.00 Fees for money orders ...................... 62.00 Total .................................................. P43.039.00 4. Illumination and power service: Electric fluid ......................................... P46.404.00 Gas .......................................................... 27,926.00 Steam ...................................................... 16,060.00 Total .................................................. P90.390.00 5. Rental of buildings and grounds: Offices ...................................................... P5.880.00 Quarters of personnel ..................... 2,760.00 Warehouses ......................................... 120.00 Leper camps ......................................... 240.00 Total .................................................. P9.000.00 43,039.00 48,289.00 44,951.46 90,390.00 85,510.00 87,087.09 9,000.00 13,380.00 8,460.65 6. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials, including the publication of a news magazine not exceeding 1*35,000 for the Bureau of Education: Foodstuffs and expendable kitchen utensils .............................................. P962.171.15 Wearing apparel and linen.................. 89,253.00 Motor vehicle supplies ...................... 12,700.00 Watercraft supplies ............................ 14,023.00 Medical, surgical, and chemical supplies .................................. ................. 262,614.75 Textbooks, school supplies and materials ............................... ................ 107,000.00 Manufacturing supplies .... ................. 30,509.00 Ice and drinking water..... ................ 8,371.00 Electrical supplies ............ ................ 4,420.00 Toilet supplies ..................... ................. 5,687.00 Water service ........................................ 15,981.00 Cleaning materials ............ ................ 6,367.00 Supplies for repairs ......................... 3,408.00 Disinfectants ........................................ 4,200.00 Painting supplies ................ ................ 1,610.00 Laundry supplies ................ ................ 3,550.00 Ordnance supplies .............. ................ 477.00 Hospital supplies ................ ................ 4,050.00 Fumigation supplies ........................... 2,552.00 Public works materials ..... ................ 10,000.00 Photographic supplies ....................... 142.00 Packing supplies ................ ................ 3,250.00 Fuel and lighting supplies.................. 3,500.00 Cigarettes ............................. ................ 1,375.00 Total ................................... ................Fl,557,210.90 1,557,210.90 1,407,210.90 1,449,144.35 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 479 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Printing charges ................................. P6.657.00 Binding and rebinding charges....... 1,738.00 Publications of pamphlets .............. 9,680.00 Publication of annual reports........... 1,625.00 Total .................................................. P19.700.00 19,700.00 22,777.00 19,546.12 8. Contributions and gratuities, includ­ ing 5*250 for the contribution to the bulletin of the Medical Association of the Philippine Islands for the publication of reports on cases and subjects of scientific importance of the Philippine General Hospital and a sum not exceeding 1*250 for industrial exhibits and samples of products of the s Philippine public schools furnished gratis by the Bureau of Education on request of corporations, individuals or foreign governments, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruc­ tion: Children under care of bureaus...... Pl,500.00 Contribution to the bulletin of the Philippine Medical Association...... 250.00 Samples of products .......................... 250.00 Gratuities for lepers ......................... 33,000.00 Total ............................................... ... P35,000.00 9. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees, including a sum not exceeding 1*5,000 for the maintenance and care during the transportation, from their homes to government hospitals, of insane persons: Lepers .................................................. P3,500.00 Indigent poor ........................................ 4,079.00 Municipal teachers on special assign­ ment ................................................. 1,000.00 Charter pf boats....... ................................. 11,260.00 Total ..... P19.839.00 10. Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment: Office and station equipment and furniture ............................................ P3,290.00 Motor vehicles and watercraft.......... 12,978.00 Technical and scientific equipment and apparatus and power plant..... 1.5Q0.00 Total ............................................... P17,768.00 35,000.00 35,579.00 34,960.46 19,839.00 19,839.00 15,568.75 17,768.00 23,065.00 16,843.38 480 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 11. Other services: Subscription ........................................... P891.52 Bond premiums ................................ 2,248.80 Laundry service ..................................... 39,368.58 Sewer charges ....................................... 8,114.00 Medical attendance ............................. 2,840.90 Insurance premiums and exchange fees ...................................................... 470.00 Rental of sanitary and laboratory equipment .......................................... 1,033.44 Rental of water and gas meters....... 60.60 Educational health campaign and ad­ vertisements ....................................... 600.00 Emergency service, towing, etc.......... 479.50 Epidemiological News Service............ 1,640.00 Electrical repairs ................................. 8,453.00 Funeral seiwice ..................................... 50.00 Graduation expenses ........................... 350.00 Child Health and Hospital Day cele­ bration ................................................ 200.00 Meals for overtime work...................... 1,020.00 Other purposes and to cover partly any reserve and forced savings.... 3,983.66 Total .................................................. P71,804.00 71,804.00 73,699.00 73,057.30 Total for sundry expenses ........... 2,163,581.90 2,065,549.90 2,034,179.24 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: (а) Office of the Secretary Additional equipment: 2 steel cabinets .............. P200.00 (б) Bureau of Education Additional equipment: 2 sets library books......... 180.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 3 lots tools ...................... 700.00 1 lot instrument ........... 50.00 1 lot equipment .............. 250.00 1 lot Physics and Biol­ ogy Laboratory Apr paratus .......... 150.00 2 garbage cans .............. ^20.00 1 water cooler ................ 25.00 1 lot Braille books.......... 50.00 1 lot kitchen equipment.. 25.00 2 stapling machines ....... 10.00 (c) Bureau of Health Additional equipment: 2 No. Flags, wool, Amer­ ican, 5'x9J' .............. 24.00 2 No. Flags, wool, Fili­ pino, 5'x9i' .............. 24.00 20 No. Files, document, wooden with roller.... 1,200.00 12 No. Chairs, office, Batibot ...................... 10.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 481 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1 No. Typewriter, long carriage ...... 392.70 1 No. Typewriter, 12" carriage .................... 185.00 1 No. Typewriter, long carriage, 27J" ......... 323.00 1 No. Typewriter, Stand­ ard letter size.......... 183.50 1 No. Typewriter, Stand­ ard letter size.......... 183.50 1 No. Cabinet, medicine, rads wood, W. E. paint .......................... 40.00 1 No. chair, carrying, with wheels ............. 40.00 2 No. chairs, invalid, with four wheels....... 160.00 150 No. chairs, ward, me­ tal, folding .............. 300.00 6 No. mirrors, wooden frame, beveled, 24" x 16" .............. 36.00 299081 ■31 1 oxygen meter and tent outfit, complete, with truck and 2 cylin­ ders, 130 gal. capa­ city, Guedal, Max Wocher & S’ons Cat. No. WD 26-a........... 290.00 1 No. suction and pres­ sure pump, Pilling, with bottle 220 volt, A. C., No. 9 A3003.. 200.03 6 No. Stretcher, hand, collapsible, canvas, Army style .............. 90.00 24 No. Tables, bedside, W. E. with screen wire enclosure ......... 288.00 2 No. Tables, examining, mefeal ........................ 240.00 24 No. beds, iron, single, folding legs .............. 192.00 6 No. Coolers, water, BH pattern, 20 lit.... 60.00 1 No. Cutter, pipe, large, 3 wheels .................... 6.00 6 No. Fans, electric, desk, oscillating, 12" 150.00 2 No. Flags, P. I., 5' x 9i' ...................... 24.00 2 No. Flags, U. S., 5' x 9i' ...................... 24.00 2 No. Freezers, i c ecream, 1 qt................ 12.00 2 No. Freezers, ice­ cream, 3 gal.............. 36.00 1 No. Grinder, meat. Enterprise, large..... 22.00 3 No. Mirrors, wooden frame, beveled, 24" x 16" ............................. 18.00 3 No. Mowers, lawn, Philadelphia, 18"....... 120.00 2 No. Pumps, disinfect­ ing, hand.................. 12.00 482 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 2 No. Spygmomanometers, mercury B.D. 120.0b 2 No. Stethoscopes, Boyle 16.00 12 No. Tables, bedside, W.D....... 120.00 1 No. Typewriter, long carriage .................... 240.00 1 No. Typewriter, No. 12 ............................... 180.00 6 No. Wheelborrows, tubular ...................... 42.00 (d) Bureau of Public Welfare Additional equipment: 1 lot Library books......... 49.20 Beds .......................... 285.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 2 Nos. Flags, American.. 8.40 2 Nos. Flags, Filipino.... 8.40 (c) Philippine General Hospital Additional equipment: 1 Scialitic light, type B.. 1,000.00 1 Illuminating apparatus with high voltage filament lamp, with revolving mirror, mounted on tall tri­ pod stand .................. 130.00 1 U.S. Major table....... 300.00 1 Semiflexible Gastroscope, Wolf & Schind­ ler ............................. 120.00 2 Desks, tanguili, for doctors ...................... 40.00 1 Cabinet with glass front, tanguili........... 10.30 6 Chairs, Batibot, with rattan seats ............ 7.20 8 Chairs, Batibot, with rattan seat ............. 3.60 1 Top glass, 19 x 24.... 5.00 1 Top glass, 19 x 24.... 5.00 8 Chairs, Batibot, with rattan seat .............. 3.60 1 Set Gas anaesthesia ap­ paratus .................... 1,955.00 1 Telepheoscope (Uni­ versal) with acces­ sories ........................ 6,680.00 1 D.E.W. 200/6 Douglas Therapy Coolidge Tube for oil cooling.. 880.00 1 Lister’s bandage Scis­ sors ............................ 3.00 3 Top glasses, 19 x 24. 15.00 1 Office table, 27" x 40".... 25.00 3 Chairs, Batibot, with rattan seat. 3.60 5 Cots, canvas .............. 40.00 3 Forceps, round nose.... 9.00 3 Forceps, round nose.... 12.00 2 Mayo’s Scissors, straight, 5i" ... 6.00 2 Kelly pads, Davol... 24.00 2 Silver canulas .... 6.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 483 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1 Table, narra, round..... 12.00 2 Mayo’s Scissors, straight, 5i" ............ 6.00 2 Kelly pads, Davol......... 24.00 1 Set Dressing, for gas bacillus (forceps).... 8.00 5 Beds, dormitory........... 100.00 6 Aparadores, tanguili.... 90.00 1 Standard Wall Clock.. 25.00 1 Electric Fan, 12"......... 35.00 1 Basin stand, double form .......................... 50.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 3 Tonsil seizing forceps, Andrew’s .................. 27.00 6 Ear forceps, Wild’s serrated jaw, steel.... 36.00 1 Scienssors, hospital, heavy, 6".............. 10.00 3 Nasal specula, Viena.... 15.00 1 Amblaoscope, with 12 set of pictures (com­ plete) ........................ 45.00 3 Hartman’s dressing forceps, 8J"............... 18.00 1 Tunning fork set in case, containing five numbers .................... 30.00 1 Mastoid Rongeurs, curved ........................ 15.00 1 Mastoid Rongeurs, Kenison, smallest size ............................ 29.00 1 Eustachian’s currette, Yankener, medium.... 5.00 2 Nasal snares................ 12.00 1 Mastoid Retractor, Jansen’s .................... 11.00 1 Brawley’s Frontal Si­ nus Rasp .................. 8.00 6 Bard-Parker’s Scissors, with renewable edges, dissecting, straight .................... 60.00 6 Bard-Parker's Scissors, with renewable edges, 5i" dissecting, curved 60.00 4 Trocars, Coakley’s....... 44.00 12 Halstead’s mosquito forceps, curved......... 37.00 1 Stevenson’s original model Lacrymal Re­ tractors ...................... 13.00 3 De Wecker’s spatula.... 13.80 3 Eicken’s antrum cá­ nula ........................... 10.50 3 Beren’s dressing for­ ceps ............................ 22.80 2 Douglas’ cutting edge forceps, right or left 12.00 3 Lawson’s Iris scissors, angular on flat, 1/2" blade .......................... 24.00 484 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1 Eye Irrigator, La­ grange’s .................... 12.00 3 Knife Needles, Beer’s with top .................. 15.00 3 Knife needles, Hay’s.... 15.00 3 Tonsil Scissors, Prince’s 45.00 1 Rasparatory, Mathiew’s straight convex ele­ vator .................................. 5.00 7 Bone Currette, Spratt’s, straight, one size each from 00 to 4.... 42.00 2 Bone Gouges, U.S. Army, 10 mm. width 10.00 2 Bone Gouges, U.S. Army, 8 mm. width 10.00 2 Bone Rongeurs, small, Frazier ............................ 26.00 1 Tracheotomic Bistopy, Jackson, corved blunt for enlarging tracheo­ tomic fistula ........... 4.00 6 Weiss Pattern operatin knives, size A..... 20.00 2 Mastoid Retractors, Buch’s ...................... 10.00 1 Fischer’s Needle holders for eye needles......... 10.00 1 Septal Knife swivel, Ballenger’s .............. 7.00 2 Septal Knives, Freer’s, original .................... 7.00 3 Iris forceps, Graefe’s delicate pattern, curved ........................ 10.50 1 Hartman n’s tonsil punch, oval form.... 23.00 2 Rhiniscopes, Michel’s.. 15.00 2 Freer’s submucous Re­ tractors, reinforced edge ............................ 12.00 2 Struycken’s nasal cut­ ting forceps .............. 48.00 1 Hartmann’s cutting forceps, improved pattern ...................... 24.00 1 Esophagoscope, full lu­ men, C. Jackson, 5 mm. x 45 cm. with 2 light carriers and 2 lamps ...................... 39.00 1 Esophagoscope, safety, 6 mm. x 10 mm. x 40 with 2 light car­ riers and 2 lamps.... 45.00 2 Light Carriers for Child’s ant. com­ missure laryngoscope, 12A ............................ 12.00 18 Retrograde Bougie Tuc­ ker, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36 and 40 Fr............ 22.00 1 Esophageal Bougie flex­ ible end .................... 19.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 485 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details 1937 Budget Item No. r III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 2 Jackson’s Lary n geal Knife, hand forged.. 5.00 1 Broncgoscope, infant, 4 mm. x 30 cm. with 2 light carriers and 2 lamps ................... 28.00 1 Bronchoscope, infant, 4 mm. x 20 cm. with 2 light carriers and 2 lamps ................... 28.00 1 Bronchoscope, New born infant size, 3-1/2 mm. x 30, complete with 2 of one piece light car­ rier lamps ............... 36.00 1 Extra one piece light carrier lamps for above _......................... 7.00 1 Delicate Suction tube for newborn bron­ choscope 35 cm....... 2.00 1 Forceps for Upholstery pin, will pass tru 5 mm tube and larger length 45 cm............ 36.00 1 Safety pins .cases, me­ dium will pass thru 5 mm. tube and lar­ ger length 45 cm...... 33.00 1 Detachable stem eso­ phageal bougies, size 12-40 Fr...................... 17.00 1 Forceps, Tack and Pin small delicate will pass thru 4 mm. tube and larger length 40 cm................................. 33.00 1 Forceps, ring rotation, delicate length, 40 cm................................. 30.00 1 Forceps, broad brade staple, to hold the staple, delicate, length 40 cm............. 39.00 2 Sken’8 uterine curette, blunt, flexible shank, No. 3 ............ 10.00 2 Sim’s uterine currette, sharp, size No. 5.... 10.00 1 Microscope, Zeiss ..... 420.00 1 Evacuateur du Dr. Chas. Mayer ........... 80.00 1 Autoclave, vertical, 1930 research model, double wall, for gas heating ....................... 1,125.00 1 Serological bath for inactivation, electric, for 110 volts d.c....... 125.00 4 Cook’s syringes ........... 34.00 6 McCall curettes .......... 20.00 6 McCall scalers ........... 20:00 8 Wards’ Instrument for pyorrhea . ........ 40.00 486 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1935 authorized 1935 actual III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 2 Transill u m i n a t i o n lamp curved ............ 22.00 6 Extracting forceps, S.S.W.......................... 66.00 4 Perineuraphy Scissors.. 18.00 3 Dr. Heidbrink’s apicol fragment ejectors.... 18.00 1 Set Drs. Jones and Dunm Third Molars tissue retractors....... 24.00 1 Surgical mallet ........... 12.00 6 Boyd Gardner Chisels Nos. 51 to 56............ 50.00 1 Dunmores Dental Elec­ tric Engine ........... 200.00 1 Gauze packer ............. 7.00 6 Hemostatic forceps .... 36.00 3 Mayo’s Scissors, straight, dissecting J 2 ............................ 9.00 2 Mayo’s Scissors, curved on flat, dissecting # 3 6.00 12 Mosquito forceps, straight .................... 24.00 6 Antrum trocars, Coak­ ley’s with tight ba­ yonet .......................... 48.00 24 Hemostatic forceps, Pean’s Mayo pat­ tern, 6-1/2" long, curved ...................... 120.00 1 Syringe, 50 cc. Leur tip .............................. 2.50 3 Kelly pads, rubber, Davol ............................ 36.00 2 Irrigating stand, white enamel ...................... 14.00 2 Kelly pads, rubber, Davol .............................. 24.00 4 Chairs, tanguili, Norte style ........................... 14.00 2 Needle holders, 7" long 10.00 6 Small round nose for­ ceps, 6" .................... 18.00 1 Bold’s plain serrated point forceps, 7".... 10.00 5 Mayo Scissors, 5". 10.00 2 Emergency bags ........... 100.00 1 Syringe, 50 cc. Luer tip 8.00 1 Wheel Chair. 150.00 1 Syringe, 50 cc. Luer tip . ..... 3.00 1 Wheel chair.... 150.00 1 Syringe, 50 cc. Luer tip ........ 3.00 1 Chair, wheel ............... 150.00 1 Standard Time Clock 25.00 2 Top glasses, 19 X 24 10.00 1 Lister’s Scissors ........ 3.00 1 Standard Time Clock 25.00 2 Top glasses, 19 X 24.. 10.00 2 Kelly pads, Davol___ 24.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 487 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 2 Syringes, 50 cc. B. & D. hard glass..... ..... 5.00 2 Kelly pads, Davol....... 24.00 12 Pean-Mayo’s forceps, 6-1" curved, box lock ______ ______ 48.00 16 Pen-Mayo’s forceps, 6-1", curved, box lock 64.00 2 Syringes, 50 cc. hard glass, B & D............. 16.00 1 Chiffeuner ........... ........ 50.00 40 Beds, students’, 80" X 75".............................. 800.00 1 Kelly pad, Davol.„........ 12.00 2 American flags, all wool, 4’ X 8’............. 26.00 2 Filipino flags, all wool, 4' X 8’......................... 26.00 1 Lawn Mower, Philadel­ phia, style K, 16" blade ------------ --------- 30.00 1 Truck, steel platform, “Colson” model 2528 140.00 1 Desk, office, narra, 63" X 35" X 81-1, 7 drawers .... —............ 40.00 1 Chair, revolving ------ 18.00 86 Artery forceps, Hal­ stead’s, straight....... 64.80 24 Mosquito forceps, Hal­ stead’s, with 1X2 teeth ........... .............. 46.80 48 Iris forceps, with mouse teeth, curve.. 108.00 100 Scissors, Mayo, curved on flat, 14 cm. long 250.00 12 Scissors, * Mayo, curved on flat, 17 cm. long 21.00 60 Tissue forceps, 1X2 teeth, narrow fluted, 14-1 cm....................... 90.00 86 Tissue forceps, 1X2 teeth, narrow fluted, 20 cm. ____________ 99.00 50 Dressing scissors, Fer­ guson’s, curve on flat .... ......... ................ 187.00 100 Dressing Scissors, straight, sharp-sharp 13 cm........................... 145.00 48 Dressing Scissors, straight, sharp­ sharp, 16-1 cm....... 96.00 24 Intestinal forceps, Al­ lis’, 5X6 teeth.... 90.00 2 Suture forceps, Mi­ chel’s automatic .... 48.00 24 Suture forceps, Wachenfeldt’s Kifa’s..... 74.00 4 Needle Reverdins, Figs, 1 & 2, two of each kind ................. 82.00 2 Needle Reverdins, Fig. 8___________________ 17.00 488 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 12 Needle holders, MayoHarar’s, 18 cm. long 56.00 12 Needle holders, Ma­ thew Kerstein, 20 cm. long .................. 60.00 12 Emersion glass jars.... 72.00 100 Hemostatic forceps, Pean’s Mayo pattern. 6-1/2" curved ......... 650.00 24 Hemostatic forceps, Pean’s Mayo pattern, 6-1/2" ...................... 156.00 48 Hemostatic forceps, Oschner’s Mayo pat­ tern, 6-5" with box mortice joint ............ 312.00 4 Skene’s tenaculum forceps ........................... 47.00 72 Towel clamps, small, 3" ............................... 252.00 2 Goodell’s dilator, 2 valves ........................ 27.00 2 Uterine dilator, Ellinger’s ...................... 35.00 24 Thumb forceps, Gutsch handles, 3" .............. 36.00 4 Esmarch’s plaster of Paris knives, 7-1/2" 18.00 50 Minor operating knives, English pattern, hollow metal handles, styles 2 & 3 .......... 180.00 6 Reiner’s clip forceps, for removing suture clips .......................... 150.00 48 Kelly’s fistula scissors, curved, 7" .............. 105.00 6 Dressing containers, 15-1/2" diam. 8" depth .......................... 240.00 Quarantine Service Additional equipment: 2 Flags, Signal, for launches at P5.00 .... 10.00 1 lot Books (laws, codes and medical texts).... 20.00 For replacing unserviceable equipment: 15 Flags, Quarantine, for launches .................... 90.00 15 Flags, U. S., for launches .................. 90.00 10 Gasmasks, for fumiga­ tion work .................. 300.00 1 lot Flashlights, special apparatus, etc., for fumigation work ..... 20.00 1 lot Instruments, phy­ sician’s, for qua­ rantine stations and medical inspection of immigrants .............. 80.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 489 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details ill.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1 lot Furniture, chairs and station equip­ ment, with 1 large cook stove .............. 120.00 1 lot Fumigation, and station apparatus..... 540.00 1 lot Small tools for launches ................... 100.00 1 lot Small tools for quarantine stations.. 100.00 3 lengths Fire hose, fire protection items, quarantine stations.... 180.00 (¿7) National Physical Director’s Office Additional equipment: 1 steel filing cabinet....... 100.00 Total' ........................ P30,760.00 Total for furniture and equipment.. 30,760.00 21,720.00 29,559.06 30,760.00 21,720.00 29,559.06 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Aid for scholarships for students in normal and vocational schools of the speciallyorganized provinces of Mindanao and Sulu: 10 pensionados at P45 per month for lOi months .......................... P4.725.00 12 pensionados at P31.50 per month for 10J months .......................... 8,969.00 3 pensionados at P15 per month for 10i months ................................. 472.50 Traveling expenses of same......... 2,033.50 Total ............................................. Pll,200.00 2. Aid to elementary schools to be al­ lotted in proportion to the daily average at­ tendance in such schools for the month of September of the previous year..................... 3. Aid for the maintenance of special schools, as follows: (а) Villar, Zambales ....................................... (б) Pantabangan, Nueva Eci ja....................... (c) Langangilang, Abra ................................... (d) Surigao ......................................................... (e) Mindoro ........................................................... </) llocos Sur ....................................................... (g) La Union ..................................................... (h) Cagayan ....................................................... 11,200.00 11,200.00 9,255.71 165,168.00 165,168.00 165,168.00 3,375.00 3,375.00 3,375.00 1,875.00 1,875.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 9,750.00 9,750.00 9,750.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 6,375.00 6,375.00 6,375.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 490 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (i) Bais, Oriental Negros................................... 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 (;) Tayasan, Oriental Negros......................... 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 (k) Calabgan, Dipaculao and Kiddayakan, Tayabas ...................................................... 6,825.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 (Z) Tarlac ............................................................ 1,845.00 1,845.00 1,845.00 (m) Misamis ........................................................ 9,000.00 9,000.00 9,000.00 (n) Balanga, Bataan ....................................... 1,125.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 (o) Amio, Tolong, Oriental Negros............... 900.00 900.00 900.00 (p) Barrio of Daan, Tapaz, Capiz................. 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 (g) Less—savings from items 3 (a) to (p) ............................................................... (3,825.00) 4. Aid to the schools on the friar lands estates, as follows: (a) Cavite ............................................................ 15,120.00 15,120.00 15,120.00 (b) Cebu ............................................................... 7,500.00 7,500.00 7,500.00 (c) Bulacan .......................................................... 5,250.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 (d) Laguna .......................................................... 4,680.00 4,680.00 4,680.00 (e) Bataan............................................................. 900.00 . 900.00 900.00 (/) Rizal ................................................................ 1,260.00 1,260.00 1,260.00 (<7) Isabela ............................................................ 900.00 900.00 900.00 5. Aid to specially organized provinces for educational purposes under the direction of the Director of Education or of his rep­ resentatives, as follows: (a) Agusan ........................................................... 35,025.00 35,025.00 35,025.00 (6) Bukidnon........................................................ 18,204.00 18,204.00 18,204.00 (c) Cotabato.......................................................... 39,237.00 39,237.00 39,237.00 (d) Davao .............................................................. 32,514.00 32,514.00 32,514.00 (e) Lanao ............................................................... 41,529.00 41,529.00 41,529.00 (/) Sulu .................................................................. 57,658.00 57,658.00 57,658.00 (g) Zamboanga ................................................... 47,460.00 47,460.00 47,460.00 (Zi) Mountain Province....................................... 93,180.00 93,180.00 93,180.00 (i) Nueva Vizcaya .............................................. 23,216.00 23,216.00 23,216.00 (j) Palawan ......................................................... 22,500.00 22,500.00 22,500.00 (A;) Batanes ......................................................... 3,750.00 3,750.00 3,750.00 6. Aid for the maintenance of elemen­ tary schools already established................... 1,189,955.00 1,189,955.00 1,189,955.00 7. Aid for gratuitous elementary in­ struction ......................................................................... 6,583,371.00 6,583,371.00 6,550,755.52 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 491 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 8. Aid for the operation and mainte­ nance of agricultural, farm and trade schools: Abra .......................................................... P2.000.00 Agusan ............................................ 2,000.00 Albay ........................................................ 1,000.00 Batangas ................................... 500.00 Bohol .................................................... 1,250.00 Bukidnon .......................... 500.00 Bulacan ...... 500.00 Cagayan .................................................. 1,500.00 Camarines Sur .—........ -....................... 1,500.00 Capiz .... ~........ 1,500.00 Cavite ....................................................... 500.00 Cebu ..............-......... -.............................. 500.00 Cotabato .................................................. 1,500.00 Davao .................................. ......—- ...... 750.00 Hocos Norte ............................-.............. 1,000.00 llocos Sur ................................................ 500.00 Iloilo ..................-............................ -...... 500.00 Isabela ...................................................... 2,000.00 Lanao .......... 750.00 La Union ..........-................................... 500.00 Leyte ..................... _................................ 2,500.00 Mountain Province .............................. 500.00 Nueva Ecija .......................................... 500.00 Nueva Vizcaya ...................................... 1,500.00 Oriental Misamis ...................-............. 500.00 Oriental Negros .............. 500.00 Palawan .........._..................................... 1,000.00 Pampanga ............................................... 2,500.00 Bombion ................................. 750.00 Samar ...................................................... 3,000.00 Sorsogon ................................................... 500.00 Sulu ........................................................... 500.00 Tayabas ........................... -...................... 500.00 Zambales .................................................. 1,500.00 Zamboanga .............................................. 500.00 Less—savings ................. (4,000.00) Total ................... .................................. P33,500.00 33,500.00 37,500.00 37,500.00 9. Aid for the operation and mainte­ nance of normal schools: Albay ..........-........................................... Bukidnon ................................;................ P786.00 744.58 Cagayan ..................... 588.82 Cebu ......................... _.............................. 1,859.84 llocos Norte .................. 850.45 Iloilo .............. 1,431.71 Lanao ....................................................... 166.42 Leyte ..................................... 1,112.76 Mountain Province .................................. 516.06 Pangasinan .............................................. 931.12 Zamboanga .............................................. 1,067.24 Less—savings ...................................... (1,000.00) Total ................................................. P9,000.00 9,000.00 10,000.00 9,584.44 492 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 10. To carry out the provisions of Act No. 3377 for the promotion of agricultural and vocational education, Act No. 3470: (а) Aid for the payment of salaries of teachers, supervisors or directors of agricultural sub­ jects and maintenance of agricultural schools ................................................................ (б) Aid for the payment of salaries of teachers of trade, commercial, home economics and industrial subjects and maintenance of schools in which these subjects are taught.. (c) To the Bureau of Education for the main­ tenance of the division of vocational educa­ tion, the administration of Act No. 3377 and the making of studies, investigations and reports: 67,500.00 67,500.00 67,500.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 105,000.00 SALARIES AND WAGES (1) One chief, vocational di­ vision .............................. f*5,950.00 (2) One superintendent, de­ partment of home eco­ nomics ............................ 4,675.00 (3) One stenographer............. 1,122.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (4) Sundry expenses and pur­ chase of furniture and equipment: Traveling expenses of personnel ........ P5,700.00 Postal, telegraph, tele­ phone and cable service ............. 125.00 Illumination and power service ............ 700.00 Consumption of supplies and materials.... 107.00 Other services .... 25.00 Total .............. P6,657.00 6,657.00 Total ............. £18,404.00 18,404.00 18,404.00 12,957.68 11. For the promotion of educational re­ search, experimentation and administration in the Bureau of Education, to be expended L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 493 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1935 actual 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS for the necessary personnel, supplies and materials: Provided, That the personnel to be employed for this purpose shall be ap­ pointed by the Secretary of Public Instruc­ tion upon the recommendation of the Director of Education, and said personnel shall be under the direction of the Director of Educa­ tion as all other employees of the Bureau: SALARIES (а) One teacher.................................... 5*2,380.00 (б) Two teachers, at 1*1,326 per an­ num each .................................... 2,652.00 (c) One teacher.................................... 1,080.00 (d) One stenographer ......................... 1,428.00 (e) One stenographer.......................... 1,080.00 (f) One clerk ......................................... 432.00 OTHER EXPENSES (p) Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel ................................ 698.00 Total ................................... 1*9,750.00 9,750.00 9,750.00 6,933.04 12. Aid for the payment of the salaries of the teachers of those classes in barrio schools established under Act No. 3628, to be distributed and expended in accordance with the provisions of said Act: Provided, That when, due to the effects of a typhoon or any other public calamity, the revenues of a municipality decrease, such municipality shall only be required to appropriate from its general fund the same percentage of the total collections accruing to said fund as that of the previous year as determined by the Auditor General, [Insular Auditor], the pro­ visions of Act No. 3628 to the contrary not­ withstanding ................ ..................................... 13. For expenses in connection with the Central Luzon Agricultural School to be paid out of its receipts in 1937 [1936], any provi375,000.00 375,000.00 374,229.90 494 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS sion of existing law to the contrary notwith­ standing: [Provided, however, That the necessary amount to meet the expenses while there are yet no collections made may be taken from the receipts of the School for 1935:] SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One cashier ..................................... F648.00 (b) One bookkeeper ............................. 432.00 (c) One clerk ........................................ 432.00 (d) Two clerks, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................ 864.00 (e) One assistant farm manager .... 594.00 (/) Student wages of 1,000 students at the rate not to exceed F0.15 per hour ...................................... 7,000.00 Total for salaries and wages 9,970.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (g) Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 2,000.00 (h) Supplies and materials, including tools costing less than 1*2 each 10,000.00 (i) Maintenance and repair of equipment .................................. 1,500.00 (j) Payment of irrigation fees ......... 3,300.00 Total for sundry expenses ..... 16,800.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (k) For the purchase of furniture and equipment ....................... 3,140.00 Total for furniture and equip­ ment ........................................ 3,140.00 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (Z) For the maintenance, repair, al­ teration and construction of buildings, irrigation struc­ tures and fences ....................... 3,000.00 Total for special appropria­ tions ......................................... 3,000.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 495 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages ........... 9,970.00 Total for sundry expenses ............... 16,800.00 Total for furniture and equipment .. 3,140.00 Total for special appropriations....... 3,000.00 Total available for the Central Luzon Agricultural School.. M2,910.00 Amount to be paid out of its receipts .................................... (M2,910.00) 0.00 .......................... 14. For the continuation of the treatment and diagnosis of leprosy in Culion and other leper stations in accordance with Act No. 2978: Provided, That temporary officers and employees detailed for duty in Culion Leper Colony may be granted, in the discretion of the proper Head of Department, 28 days’ va­ cation leave with pay for each year of service in said Colony, which vacation must be en­ joyed during the year in which earned, any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding : SALARIES AND WAGES (All with subsistence and quarters) Pathological Section (а) One chief pathologist...................... M,500.00 (б) One assistant chief pathologist 3,825.00 (c) One assistant pathologist ........... 2,550.00 (d) One clerk-stenographer ............... 1,700.00 (e) One scientific assistant ............... 1,530.00 (/) One technician in pathology ... 648.00 (g) One technician in clinical mi­ croscopy ..................................... 648.00 (h) One laboratory helper and mes­ senger ......................................... 300.00 (i) Two laboratory helpers, at M40 per annum each ........................ 480.00 Medical Section O’) One chief physician ................... 4,675.00 (k) Two supervising physicians, at M,825 per annum each........... 7,650.00 496 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (l) Two senior physicians, at P3,400 per annum each ........................ 6,800.00 (m) . One senior physician ............... 3,060.00 (n) Two junior physicians, at P2,550 per annum each ....................... 5,100.00 (o) One junior physician ................. 2,040.00 Nurses (p) One chief nurse ........................... 2,040.00 (g) Two supervisors, at Pl,700 per annum each ................................ 3,400.00 (r) Six senior nurses, at Pl,275 per annum each ................................ 7,650.00 (s) One nurse........................................ 864.00 (t) Four junior nurses, at Pl,080 per annum each ....................... 4,320.00 (u) One junior nurse ....................... 972.00 (v) Four junior nurses, at P810 per annum each ............................. 3,240.00 Miscellaneous (w) One pharmacist ......................... 2,040.00 (a) One clerk-stenographer ............. 1,700.00 (y) One typist and record clerk....... 864.00 (z) One junior typist ....................... 648.00 (a-1) One pharmacy clerk ............... 432.00 (b-1) One pharmacy attendant ..... 240.00 (c-1) Three pharmacy attendants, at P180 per annum each..... 540.00 (d-1) One office helper ....................... 300.00 (e-1) Two office boys, at P180 per annum each ........... 360.00 (f-1) One ward attendant ............... 216.00 (g-1) One clinic messenger ............ 144.00 (h^l) One physiotherapy attendant.. 180.00 (i-1) One office boy ......................... 144.00 (j-1) One ward attendant ............... 180.00 Leper Employees (k-1) One hundred four nursing aids and substitutes of va­ rious grades ......................... 8,332.00 (l-l) Four employees in charge of hospital, at P120 per annum each .................................. 480.00 (m-1) One clerk for school of nur­ sing aids ............................... 300.00 (r^l) One employee in charge of in­ valids ..................................... 96.00 (o-l) One clinic caretaker ............... 36.00 (p-1) Nine servants, at P84 per an­ num each 756.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 497 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (q-1) Eight servants, at 1*72 per an­ num each ................................ 576.00 (r-1) One toilet caretaker ............... 108.00 (s-1) Nine toilet caretakers, at 1*96 per annum each ................... 864.00 (t-1) One laundryman .................... 120.00 (u-1) Eleven laundrymen, at 1*96 per annum each .................... 1,056.00 (v-1) Seven dishwashers, at 1*60 per annum each ............................ 420.00 (w-1) One linen mender .................... 120.00 (x-1) Three linen menders, at 1*90 per annum each .................... 270.00 (y-1) Two bed cleaners, at ?90 per annum each............................ 180.00 (z-1) One chief cook ...................... 300.00 (a-2) One assistant chief cook, hos­ pital kitchen ......................... 204.00 (b-2) One assistant cook, hospital kitchen .................................... 180.00 (c-2) One assistant cook, hospital kitchen .................................... 120.00 (d-2) Eight cooks, at 1*84 per an­ num each ................................ 672.00 (e-2) Three woodcutters, at 1*84 per annum each .......................... 252.00 (f—2) One rice cleaner ...................... 72.00 (g-2) Eleven waiters, at 1*72 per annum each ................ »........... 792.00 (h-2) Two kitchen clerks, at 1*84 per annum each.................... 168.00 (i-2) Two waiters, at 1*72 per an­ num each ......................... 144.00 (j-2) One employee at San Lazaro Hospital .................................. 300.00 Administrative Section (k-2) One senior clerk ..................... 1,700.00 (b-2) One farm adviser ...... 1,530.00 Chemical Section (7^2) One junior chemist .................. 2,040.00 (n-2) Two technicians, at F810 per annum each ......................... 1,620.00 (o-2) One laborer .............................. 540.00 (p-2) One laborer............................... 432.00 (q-2) One laborer .............................. 378.00 Allowances (r-2) For commutation of subsist­ ence ......................................... 22,133.00 299089------ 82 498 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS OTHER EXPENSES (s-2) Sundry expenses and purchase of furniture and equipment including construction and repair of buildings: Traveling expenses of personnel .................. 200.00 Postal, telegraph, tele­ phone and cable serv­ ice .............................. 40.00 Illumination and power service ........................ 8,400.00 Other services ........... 1,500.00 Consumption of sup­ plies and materials 22,300.00 Maintenance and repair of equipment.............. 30.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment........... 100.00 Alteration, maintenance and repairs ........... 21,000.00 Other expenses to cover partly expenses in the regional treatment stations and dispen­ saries .......................... 6,430.00 Total ......................... P60,000.00 60,000.00 Total ................... 1*187,271.00 187,271.00 187,271.00 175,301.58 15. For the maintenance of regional treatment stations and dispensaries for the diagnosis and treatment of incipient cases of leprosy, including the allowances for sub­ sistence, quarters and laundry of regional treatment personnel: SALARIES AND WAGES Section on Leprosy (а) One general supervisor of treat­ ment stations ............................. 1*4,930.00 (б) One nurse....................................... 864.00 (c) One clerk ........................................ 2,040.00 Eversley Childs Treatment Stations, Mandawe, Cebu All with subsistence and quarters (d) One resident physician................. 3,060.00 (e) One administrative and supply officer........................................... 1,080.00 (/) Two nurses, at 1*864 per annum each ............................................ 1,728.00 (g) One clerk....................................... 540.00 (h) One supply employee...................... 432.00 (i) One chauffeur ............................... 648.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 499 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1935 actual 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (;) Two guards, at 1*432 per annum each ............................................ 864.00 (k) One cook.................................. 324.00 (Z) One assistant cook .......................... 240.00 (?n) One janitor ................................. 240.00 Leper Employees (n) One chief of police....................... 240.00 (o) Three nursing aids, at 1*120 per annum each .............................. 360.00 (p) Two attendants, at 1*60 per an­ num each .................................... 120.00 (q) Two policemen, at 1*120 per an­ num each .................................... 240.00 Lanao Subtreatment Station (r) One nurse....................................... 864.00 (s) One attendant................................. 432.00 Cebu Skin Dispensary (t) One clinic physician..................... 2,550.00 (u) One pharmacist ........................... 1,080.00 (v) One laboratory technician........... 1,224.00 (w) One nurse ...................................... 864.00 (x) One nurse and supply officer..... 864.00 (y) One clerk....................................... 432.00 (z) One chauffeur ................................ 648.00 (dr-1) One laboratory attendant........ 432.00 (b-1) One dispensary attendant........ 432.00 (c-1) One helper .................................. 240.00 (d-1) One janitor ................................. 180.00 Allowances (e-1) For subsistence and quarters allowance ...................... ......... 4,633.00 Western Visayas Treatment Stations, Santa Barbara, Iloilo All with subsistence and quarters (f-1) One resident physician.............. 3,060.00 (g-1) One nurse ................................. 864.00 (h^l) One clerk and supply officer.... 864.00 (1-1) One janitor .............................. 180.00 (j-1) One guard ................................. 432.00 Leper Employees (k-1) One cook ................................... 240.00 (Z-l) One nursing aid.................... 120.00 (m-1) One policeman ....................... 120.00 (n-1) One attendant........................... 60.00 Allowances (o-l) Subsistence and quarters al­ lowance of non-leper em­ ployees ................................... 935.00 500 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Bicol Treatment Station, Legaspi, Albay All with subsistence and quarters (p-1) One resident physician........... 3,060.00 (q-1) One nurse ................................. 864.00 (r-1) One clerk and supply officer.... 864.00 (s-1) One janitor ............................... 180.00 (t-1) One guard ................................ 378.00 Leper Employees One cook .................................... 240.00 (v-1) One nursing aid....................... 120.00 (w-1) One policeman........................... 120.00 (x-1) One attendant........................... 60.00 Allowances Subsistence and quarters al­ lowances of non-leper em­ ployees .................................... 935.00 Mindanao Treatment Stations All with subsistence and quarters Mindanao Central Treatment Station (z-1) One nurse.................................... 864.00 (a-2) One attendant ........................... 240.00 (b-2) One nursing aid........................... 180.00 Cotabato Subtreatment Station (c-2) One nurse..................................... 864.00 Allowances (d-2) Subsistence and quarters al­ lowance of personnel ........... 671.00 OTHER EXPENSES (e-2) Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel .................. Pl,100.00 Freight, express and delivery service ....... 1,650.00 Postal, telegraph, tele­ phone and cable serv­ ice .............................. 454.00 Illumination and power service ........................ 4,300.00 Other services ........ 1,000.00 Consumption of sup­ plies and materials.... 88,696.00 Miscellaneous equipment ............................ 2,000.00 Traveling expenses of persons not govern­ ment employees ....... 100.00 Maintenance and repair of equipment ............. 700.00 Total .................... P100,000.00 Total ........................... f*149,340.00 149,340.00 149,340.00 150,072.19 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 501 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 reguested authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 16. Aid to the following specially organ­ ized provinces to be expended in connection with any public health work until exhausted at the discretion of the Director of Health, with the approval of the Department Head, including allowances for subsistence, quar­ ters and laundry of hospital personnel: (a) Province of Agusan............................... 17,023.00 17,023.00 17,023.00 (6) Province of Batanes............................. 8,302.00 8,302.00 8,302.00 (c) Province of Bukidnon............................. 19,293.00 19,293.00 19,293.00 (d) Province of Cotabato............................. 33,933.00 33,933.00 33,933.00 (e) Province of Davao ............................... 25,876.00 25,876.00 25,876.00 (/) Province of Lanao................................. 22,698.00 22,698.00 22,698.00 (0) Mountain Province................................. 71,260.00 71,260.00 71,260.00 (7t) Province of Nueva Vizcaya................. 14,753.00 14,753.00 14,753.00 (i) Province of Palawan............................. 22,533.00 22,533.00 22,533.00 (;) Province of Sulu..................................... 27,067.00 27,067.00 27,067.00 (Zc) Province of Zamboanga....................... 51,219.00 51,219.00 61,219.00 17. Aid to the Province of llocos Sur for the improvement, alteration, repair, opera­ tion, maintenance and equipment of the Cer­ vantes Emergency Hospital: Salaries and wages: 1 resident physician, with laundry.... Pl,530.00 1 nurse-administrative officer, cashier and property clerk, with laundry 756.00 1 nurse, with laundry ....... 702.00 1 nurse, with laundry ____________ 540.00 3 ward attendants, at P240 per annum each------------------ —---- — 720.00 1 cook ..... 300.00 2 helpers, at P144 per annum each__ 288.00 1 helper ...... _......................................... 144.00 Total for salaries and wages.... 4,980.00 Sundry expenses: Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... ................. 400.00 Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Provided, That any un­ expended balance of the Insular aid to the Cervantes Emergency Hospital may be utilized for pay­ ment of expenses under this item.... 1,200.00 For subsistence and food supplies.... 1,619.00 Other expenses .............. — 200.00 Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment ---- ----------- , .......... - 100.00 Total for sundry expenses........... 3,519.00 502 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Furniture and equipment: Purchase of furniture and equip­ ment .................................................... 1,700.00 Total for furniture and equip­ ment ............................................. 1,700.00 Summary: Total for salaries and wages.............. 4,980.00 Total for sundry expenses .............. 3,519.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 1,700.00 Less—forced savings .......................... (144.00) Total .................................................... P10,055.00 10,055.00 10,055.00 9,552.25 18. For the School of Nursing in Baguio: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) For student nurses: seniors at P14 each per month; interme­ diates and juniors at 5*12 each per month; and probationers at 1*10 each per month............. P=3,628.00 (b) For laborers .................................. 996.00 (c) Sundry expenses: OTHER EXPENSES Traveling expenses of personnel .................. P30.00 Postal, telegraph, tele­ phone and cable serv­ ice ............................... 9.00 Consumption of supplies and materials ........... 1,910.00 Total ...................... Pl,949.00 1,949.00 Total .................. 1*6,573.00 19. For the purchase of medicines and medical [and surgical] supplies and instru­ ments [for distribution] to be distributed to public [school] dispensaries in the municipal­ ities by the Commissioner of Health and Welfare with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction....................................... 20. For a general demonstration of the practical control of beriberi and for the im­ provement of the organization and operation of sanitation, including personnel, equipment and purchase of tiki-tiki in connection with said demonstration: (a) For laborers 6,573.00 6,573.00 5,165.90 100,000.00 4,000.00 3,556.79 SALARIES AND WAGES ................................. 1*3,186.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 503 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1935 actual 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS OTHER EXPENSES (6) Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel .................. P750.00 Freight, express and delivery service ....... 200.00 Postal, telegraph, tele­ phone and cable service ...................... 182.00 Other services ......_...... 30.00 Consumption of sup­ plies and materials.... 3,050.00 For other purposes and to cover partly the required reserve and forced savings of the Bureau of Health..... 2,028.00 Total ........-............ P6,190.00 6,190.00 Total ............................... 5=9,376.00 9,376.00 9,376.00 7,906.61 21. For the control of malaria in the reg­ ularly and specially organized provinces and municipalities and in municipal districts, in­ cluding salaries and wages, traveling ex­ penses of personnel, purchase of supplies and materials, furniture and equipment and con­ struction of buildings of light materials that may be required in connection with the con­ trol work, to be expended subject to terms and conditions specified in regulations issued by the Director of Health, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction: SALARIES AND WAGES (а) One chief field director and en­ tomologist ................................... 1*3,060.00 (б) Two physicians, at Fl,785 per annum each ....................... 3,570.00 (c) Two physicians, at Fl,530 per annum each ............................... 3,060.00 (d) One entomologist .......................... 2,550.00 (e) One field director and entomo­ logist ........................................... 2,550.00 (/) One field director.......................... 864.00 (g) One chief technician................... 1,080.00 (h) One clerk-technician and prop­ erty officer ................................. 864.00 (i) One clerk ....................................... 1,080.00 (;) One technician............................... 864.00 (k) One technician ............................. 756.00 (l) One technician ............................. 648.00 (m) For laborers................................. 5,517.00 504 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS OTHER EXPENSES (n) Sundry expenses, purchase of furniture and equipment and construction of buildings of light materials: Traveling expenses of per­ sonnel ............................... Pl,300.00 Freight, express and deliv­ ery service ..................... 100.00 Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .......... 340.00 Illumination and power service ............................... 130.00 Other services ................... 1,270.00 Maintenance and repair of equipment ........................ 190.00 Consumption of supplies and materials .................. 2,452.00 Purchase of furniture and equipment: 1 Binocular Mi­ cros cope No. 37750.. P154.00 1 Paired eye­ piece for same (lOx) 20.00 1 Paired o bi­ jective for same (37x) 20.00 1 Turn table No. 38160 12.00 6 D i s s e cting scissors No. 25870 a t P2.00 ....... 12.00 218.00 6,000.00 Total ........................... ?32,463.00 32,463.00 32,463.00 28,991.48 22. For [insular] aid of the National Gov­ ernment for the operation and maintenance of hospitals created and established under the provisions of'Acts 3114, 3168 and 3284 and in conformity with Act No. 3361 to be available also for aid obligations prior to 1937 [1936]: Albay Provincial Hospital—type—30-50 bed hospital. Allotment—P15.000. In operation since January 3, 1928. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937—5% of P15.000 (January-De­ cember) ...................................................... P750.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 505 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Antique Provincial Hospital— type—Antique type—(20-30 beds). Allotment—P10.850. In operation since Septem­ ber 16, 1935. Aid for oper­ ation and maintenance: During 1937—20% of P7.233.33 (JanuaryAugust) ................ ........... Pl,446.67 During 1937—15% of P3,616.67 (SeptemberDecember) .................... 542.50 1,989.17 Batangas Provincial Hospital—type— 20-30 bed hospital. Allotment—P28,633. In operation since January 3, 1928. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937—5% of P28.633 (Jan­ uary-December) ........................................ 1,431.65 Bohol Provincial Hospital— type—Stages I, II, and III. Allotment—Stage I—P10,800 ; Stages II and III—P19.200. Stage I has been in operation since October 18, 1929 ; while Stages II and HI which were already constructed, and Stage IV which is to be constructed very soon are proposed to be operated about the latter part of 1936. Aid for oper­ ation and maintenance: During 1937—Stage I—15% of P8,000 (JanuarySeptember) ..................... Pl,215.00 Stage 1—10% of P2.700 (October-December) 270.00 Stages II, III and IV—50% of P19.200 (JanuaryDecember) ..................... 9,600.00 11,085.00 Bulacan Provincial ’ Hospital—type— 20-30 bed hospital. Allotment— P29.875. In operation since Jan­ uary 1, 1932. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937—25% of P29.875 (January-December) ....................... Capiz Provincial Hospital— type—20-30 bed hospital. Allotment—P22.749. In oper­ ation since May 12, 1930. Aid for operation and main­ tenance: During 1937—20% of P7.583 (January-April)_ Pl.516.60 15% of P15.166 (May-De­ cember) ........................-.......... 2,274.90 2,468.75 8,791.50 506 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details iv.—SPECÍAL APPROPRIATIONS llocos Sur Provincial Hospital.—TypeStages I, II and III. Date of opera­ tion—Stage I—January, 1926 ; Stages II and III, to be constructed very soon and proposed to be operated about the beginning of 1937. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937—StageB II and III—50% of P19.200 (Jan­ uary-December) ........................................ Laguna Provincial Hospital— type—Stages I, II, IH and IV. Allotment—Stage I— P4,931.52; Stages II and III— P15,780.86; Stage IV— Pl0,109.62. Dates of opera­ tion : Stage I—January 2, 1925; Stages II and IH— April 1, 1927; Stage IV— August 1, 1930. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937—Stages II and III—5% of P3,945.22 (Jan­ 9,600.00 uary-March) ........................... P197.26 Stage IV—20% of P5,897.29 (January-July) ............... 1,179.46 Stage IV—15% of P4,212.33 (August-December) ....... 631.85 2,008.57 Leyte Provincial Hospital—type—20-30 bed hospital. Allotment: P24,500. In operation since April, 1936. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937-50% of P6,125 (January-March— P3,062) 45% of P18,375 (April-De­ cember) 8,268.75 Nueva Ecija Provincial Hospital—type— Stage IV. A 11 o t m e n t—P53,113. In operation since December 16, 1980. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937-20% of P53.113. (January-De­ cember ) ........................................................ Occidental Negros Provincial Hospital—type—S t a g e s III and IV. Allotment—Stage III—P45.360 ; IV—P22.140. Date of operation—Stage III— March 2, 1926; Stage IV— April 1, 1929. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937— Stage IV—15% of P5,535 11,331.25 10,622.60 (January-March) ........... 830.25 Stage IV—10% of P16.605 (April-December) ......... 1,660.50 2,490.75 Oriental Misamis Provincial Hospital—type—Antique type (20-30 beds). Allotment— P18.252. In operation since July 1, 1933. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1987—35% of P9,126 (January-June).. P3,198.10 30% of P9,126 (JulyDecember) -............ 2,737.80 5,935.90 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 507 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Pampanga Provincial Hospital—type— 30-50 bed hospital. Allotment—P35.910. In operation since January 1, 1931. Aid for operation and maintenance: During 1937—20% of P35.910 (Jan­ uary-December) ........................................ 7,182.00 Sorsogon Provincial Hospital— type—20-30 bed hospital— Allotment—Pl0,870. In oper­ ation since March 9, 1930. Aid for operation and main­ tenance : During 1 9 3 7—20% of Pl,728.33 (JanuaryFebruary) ....................... P345.66 15% of P8.641.67 (MarchDecember) ................. 1,196.25 1,541.91 Less—force savings .................................... (175.28) Total ......................... ......... . ................ P72,000.00 72,000.00 131,635.00 80,000.00 23. Public charity and welfare fund: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Two medical officers, part time, at Fl,122 per annum each....... F2,244.00 (b) For skilled, semi-skilled and un­ skilled laborers .......................... 3,012.00 OTHER EXPENSES (c) Sundry expenses and special ap­ propriations ................................ 4,738.00 Total ............................... F9,994.00 9,994.00 9,994.00 8,467.38 24. For the operation of the Maternity and Children’s Hospital, Manila, including the training of midwives in the City of Ma­ nila : SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One matron and nurse super­ visor ............................................. Fl,224.00 (6) One pharmacist .......................... 648.00 (c) For skilled, semi-skilled and un­ skilled laborers ......................... 7,458.00 OTHER EXPENSES (d) Sundry expenses, furniture and equipment and special appro­ priations : Traveling expenses of personnel P100.00 Freight, express and delivery service .......................................... 25.00 Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............. 272.00 Illumination and power service.. 3,600.00 508 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Details Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Other services .............................. 7,315.60 Rental of buildings and grounds 3,800.00 Consumption of supplies and materials ..........-......................... 24,400.00 Maintenance and repair of equip­ ment ........................................-... 160.00 Purchase of furniture and equip­ ment: 4 Nos. Kelly pads, Davol No. 602 with pump 4 Nos. Holder, needle, 15 cm. chrom. plated 2 Nos. Speculum, va­ ginal, medium chrom plated 4 prs. Scissors, mayo carved 14 cm. chrom. plated 4 prs. Scissors, straight, chrom, plated 14 cm. 1 No. Trocarr, Chrom. plated 1 No. Tray instrument w/ stand Mayo 1 Delivery table 1 No. Cabinet steel, W.E. for instru­ ments w/shelves 22 Nos. Cribs, Pediatrics, iron W.E. w/one detachable side up and down 1 No. Drop light w/ stand for examining room 1 No. Cabinet, File, wooden^ w/ 7 "XS" drawers, narra finished * for birth certificate 2 Nos. Table, Dining, for 8 persons narra finish 6 Nos. Com­ mode, W.E. 11 by 12 1 set Resuscitation Bath 1 No? Doll for demons­ tration Contribution t o the School of Midwifery ......... (7,140.85) For other pur­ poses and to cover partly the required and forced savings of the Bureau of Health ....... 4,052.80 1,204.45 37,789.00 Total ------------------------- ¥47,119.00 47,119.00 47,119.00 45,879.26 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 509 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 25. Aid to puericulture centers organized in accordance with the provisions of Acts 2633, 2905 and 2988: Abra—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only --------------------------- ------------Agusan—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only —............... ..............~.... ........ Albay—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only ..................... - Antique—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only .............. ....... ........ ......... ........ Bataan—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only .................................................. Ba tan gas—with 1 puericulture center with maternity house; and 1 puericul­ ture with nurse only---------------------- ---Bohol—with 1 puericulture center with maternity house; and 4 puericulture centers with nurses only---------------------Bukidnon—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only....... ..... ...... ........ _....... Bulacan—with 5 puericulture centers with nurses only; and 1 puericulture ’tenter with midwife only-------------------Cagayan—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses only----------------- ----- ---------Camarines Sur—with 1 puericulture center with nurses only--------------------------------Capiz—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only ----------------------------------------Cavite—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses only----------------------------------------Cebu—with 1 provincial puericulture center: special; 2 puericulture centers with maternity houses; 3 puericulture centers with nurses and midwife; 7 puericulture centers with nurses only; and 35 puericulture centers with mid­ wives only ___ ________________________ Cotabato—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only______________________ Davao—with 6 puericulture centers with nurses only-------------------------- —----------llocos Norte—with 1 provincial puericul­ ture center with maternity house; and 6 puericulture only _________ P400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 1,000.00 2,200.00 400.00 2,200.00 800.00 400.00 400.00 800.00 19,091.00 400.00 2,400.00 3,000.00 400.00 400.00 1,400.00 400.00 400.00 6,000.00 centers with nurse Hocos Sur—with 1 puerieulture center with nurse only ______________________ Iloilo—with 1 puericulture center with nurse pnly __________ ____ __________ „ Laguna—with 1 puericulture center with maternity house; and 2 puericulture centers with nurses only______________ Lanao—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only______ ___ _________________ La Union—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only ______________________ Leyte—with 5 puericulture centers with maternity house; 7 puericulture cen­ ters with purses only; and 1 puericul­ ture center with midwife only________ 510 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details iv.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS Marinduque—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses only ....................... 800.00 Mindoro—with 3 puericulture centers with nurses only ....................................- 1,200.00 Nueva Eci ja—with 1 puericulture center with nurse and midwife; and 6 pueri­ culture centers with nurses only.......... 8,000.00 Occidental Misamis—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses and midwives; and 5 puericulture centers with nurses only 8,200.00 Oriental Misamis—with 1 puericulture center with maternity house; and 3 puericulture centers with nurses only— 1,800.00 Occidental Negros—with 1 provincial puericulture center with maternity house; 3 puericulture centers with maternity houses; 23 puericulture centers with nurses and midwives; 1 puericulture center with nurse only; and 1 puericulture center with mid­ wife only .................................................. 21,000.00 Oriental Negros—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses and midwives; 3 puericulture centers with nurses only; and 5 puericulture centers with mid­ wives only ............................. -.............. — 3,400.00 Pampanga—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only .......„...........................— 400.00 Pangasinan—with 3 puericulture centers with nurses only .................._.................. 1,200.00 Rizal—with 1 puericulture center serv­ ing as training center ....................... 1,500.00 Romblon—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only ........................ -........ - 400.00 Samar—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only; and 5 puericulture centers with midwives only ........................ -..... - 1,400.00 Sorsogon—with 1 puericulture center with maternity house; and 1 puericulture center with midwife only ..... —..... 800.00 Sulu—with 1 puericulture center with nurse only ................~........................... 400.00 Surigao—with 1 puericulture center with maternity house; 3 puericulture centers with nurses only; and 2 puericulture centers with midwives only................... 8,200.00 Tarlac—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses only .............................. 800.00 Tayabas—with 1 puericulture center with nurse and midwife; 4 puericulture centers with nurses only; and 2 pueri­ culture centers with midwives only------ 8,000.00 Zambales—with 1 puericulture center with nurses only ............. 400.00 Zamboanga—with 2 puericulture centers with nurses only ........................................ 800.00 Total ....................................................... P92,791.00 92,791.00 92,791.00 92,791.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 511 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1936 authorized 1937 requested 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 26. For the care, maintenance, in­ struction, reformation and custody of neg­ lected and delinquent children, in accord­ ance with the provisions of Act No. 3203, as amended: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) One special agent......................... 1*3,060.00 (b) One supervisor of buildings and grounds ...................................... 2,720.00 (c) One property clerk........................ 1,224.00 (d) One clerk ...................................... 864.00 (e) One clerk ........................................ 540.00 (/) One recreation and physical director........................................ 1,530.00 (g) One medical officer .................... 2,040.00 (7i) One dentist .................................. 2,040.00 (t) One nurse supervisor.................... 1,530.00 (;) One head nurse ......................... 1,080.00 (k) One nurse .................................... 972.00 (Z) Two nurses, at 1*864 per annum each.............................................. 1,728.00 (m) Three attendants, at 1*432 per annum each .............................. 1,296.00 (n) One social worker....................... 2,040.00 (o) One social worker......................... 1,700.00 (p) Two social workers, at Fl,428 per annum each ....................... 2,856.00 (q) One social worker......................... 1,224.00 (r) One social worker......................... 1,224.00 (s) One teacher-supervisor ............. 2,040.00 (i) One teacher .................................. 1,080.00 (u) One teacher................................... 864.00 (v) Two teachers, at F864 per an­ num each .................................... 1,728.00 (w) One teacher ................................. 648.00 (x) One teacher.................................. 648.00 (y) One trade instructor................... 1,530.00 (z) One trade instructor................... 1,224.00 (a-1) One trade instructor.............. 1,080.00 (b-1) One house officer...................... 648.00 (c-1) One house officer..................... 648.00 (¿-1) One house officer...................... 648.00 (e-1) One house officer..................... 648.00 (f-1) One supervisor of children..... 864.00 One supervisor of children..... 864.00 512 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 1936 requested authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (h-1) Temporary officers, teachers, nurses, foremen, watchers, laborers and other emer­ gency employees................... 16,370.00 Total for salaries and wages ............................. 61,200.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (i-1) Traveling expenses of per­ sonnel ...................................... 300.00 (j-1) Freight, express and delivery service .............................. 250.00 (k-1) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ................. 2,267.00 (l-l) Illumination and power serv­ ice ............................................ 3,850.00 (m-1) Consumption of supplies and materials ...................... 96,000.00 (n-1) Contributions and gratuities.. 3,000.00 (o-l) Maintenance and repair of equipment ............................. 1,000.00 (p-1) Other services ........................ 4,000.00 (q-1) Traveling expenses of per­ sons not government em­ ployees .................................... 400.00 Total for sundry expenses 111,*067.00 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (r-1) For the purchase of furniture and equipment....................... 6,214.00 Total for furniture and equipment ..................... 6,214.00 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (s-1) Construction, maintenance, al­ teration and repair of build­ ings, parks and roads: 1. Industrial Shop-con­ tinuation (another wing) ----------------- W,000.00 2. T w o dormitories. Boys’ Training School ... ....... 8,000.00 3. For minor repairs and alterations of existing buildings including electrical and plumbing re­ pairs ....... 1,695.00 17,695.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 513 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual 1937 Budget Details Item No. IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (t-l) Three per centum of all sums appropriated for salaries of one supervisor, teachers and instructors, in accordance with the provisions of sec­ tion 8, Act No. 3050........... 417.00 Total for special appro­ priations ....................... 18,112.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages........... 61,200.00 Total for sundry expenses................. 111,067.00 Total for furniture and equipment.... 6,214.00 Total for special appropriations....... 18,112.00 Total available for the care, maintenance, instruction, re­ formation and custody of neg­ lected and delinquent chil­ dren ............................................. 1*196,593.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts under section 6 of Act No. 3203, as amended, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding.. (1*196,593.00) 0.00 .......................... 27. For the care of the invalids and aged persons: SALARIES AND WAGES All with subsistence and quarters (а) One matron ................................... 1*972.00 (б) One nurse ..................................... 756.00 (c) For temporary and emergency employees, such as helpers, house-boys, cooks, etc................ 1,584.00 Total for salaries and wages 3,312.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (d) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 139.00 (e) Illumination and power service.. 240.00 (/) Consumption of supplies and materials ................................... 6,446.00 (g) Other services ............................. 1,250.00 (h) Traveling expenses of persons not government employees........ 30.00 Total for sundry expenses.. 8,105.00 299081 ■38 514 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1936 authorized 1937 requested 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages........... 3,312.00 Total for sundry expenses................. 8,105.00 Total available for the care of the invalids and aged per­ sons ....................................... Ml,417.00 11,417.00 11,417.00 10,583.60 28. Contribution to the Teachers’ Pen­ sion and Disability Fund, pursuant to the provisions of section 8 of Act No. 3050: (а) Three per centum of the sums appropriated for salaries of the superintendent and in­ spectors of private schools and colleges ............................... P966.50 (б) Three per centum of the sums appropriated for salaries of the Director and Assistant Director and of superintend­ ents and teachers of the Bureau of Education ........................... [M00,089.15] 99,868.90 (c) Three per centum of the sums appropriated for salaries of one chief of division, super­ visors and teachers of the Bureau of Public Welfare..... 234.00 Total ........................................ M01,069.40 101,069.40 101,289.65 101,289.60 29. To meet any deficiency in the appro­ priations for aid for elementary instruction, to be distributed upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Public Instruction, by the [Governor-General] President [with the approval of the Council of State]................... 30. For the establishment and mainte­ nance of community health and social cen­ ters: SALARIES AND WAGES 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 (a) One medical officer ..................... 1*4,250.00 (5) One dentist ................................... 960.00 (c) Four chief nurses, at 1*1,080 per annum each ............................. 4,320.00 (d) Fifty-two nurses, at 1*756 per annum each............................... 39,312.00 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 515 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (e) Four nurse-niidwives or social workers, at P756 per annum each .............................................. 3,024.00 (/) For skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled laborers ................... 3,672.00 Total for salaries and wages .................................. 55,538.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (g) Traveling expenses of personnel 2,880.00 (h) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service ............................. 1,200.00 (i) Illumination and power servcie.. 480.00 (j) Rental of buildings and grounds ...................................... 5,647.50 (k) Consumption of supplies and materials .................................... 10,000.00 (l) Other services ............................... 14,522.00 Total for sundry ex­ penses .................................. 34,729.50 FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT (m) For the purchase of furniture and equipment: 3 Pelvimeter 4 Nasal Speculum 4 Ear Speculum 2 Head Mirror 3 Sphygmomanometer 3 Kelly pads 4 Remington typewriting machine 3 Medical Bag (For Emergency) 4 Demonstration Aparador for La­ yettes 5 File Cabinet (Allsteel) 2 Dental chairs 3 Seale-Fairbanks 2 Electric fans 2,500.00 Total for furniture and equipment....................... 2,500.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages............. 55,538.00 Total for sundry expenses................. 34,729.50 Total for furniture and equipment.... 2,500.00 Total available for the estab­ lishment and maintenance of community health and social centers ....................... 1*92,767.50 92,767.50 92,767.50 70,502.14 516 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 31. For the establishment and mainte­ nance of puericulture centers and public health nursing services: Provided, That this amount shall only be available for munic­ ipalities not benefited by the appropriation made in item 30 supra: Salaries and wages: 18 supervisors, at P900 per annum each.. 1*16,200.00 Total for salaries and wages .......... Pl 16,760.00 116,760.00 2 supervisors, at P900 1,800.00 per annum each.. 1 supervisor .............. 900.00 9 supervisors, at P900 per annum each.. 8,100.00 108 nurses, at P720 per annum each......... 77,760.00 5 nurses, at P480 per annum each......... 2,400.00 20 nurses, at P480 per annum each......... 9,600.00 Sundry expenses: Traveling expenses of personnel .................. 23,172.00 Consumption of sup­ plies and materials.. 16,928.00 Other services to meet partly forced savings from appropriation of the Bureau of Health ........................ 13,140.00 Total for sundry expenses ..............P53.240.00 53,240.00 Total ........................................ ¥=170,000.00 170,000.00 170,000.00 117,757.65 32. For the maintenance and operation of the home for mentally-defective children, Act No. 4158: SALARIES AND WAGES All with subsistence and quarters (а) One physician-psychiatrist ....... T=3,000.00 (б) One psychologist ......................... 1,200.00 (c) One social worker ....................... 960.00 (d) Three nurses, at 1*840 per an­ num each .................................... 2,520.00 (e) One matron-dietitian................... 1,440.00 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 517 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (/) Fifteen attendants for the wards, at P240 per annum each 3,600.00 (g) Six helpers, at P120 per an­ num each ................................... 720.00 (h) Five teachers, at 1*600 per an­ num each .................................... 3,000.00 (i) One clerk ........................................ 480.00 Total for salaries and wages 16,920.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (;) Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service .............................. 150.00 (7v) Illumination and power service.. 1,000.00 (Z) Consumption of supplies and ma­ terials ........................................ 11,400.00 (m) Other services .............................. 480.00 (n) Traveling expenses of persons not government employees..... 50.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 13,080.00 SUMMARY Total for salaries and wages........... 16,920.00 Total for sundry expenses................... 13,080.00 Total ............................................ 1*30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 15,284.04 33. For the permanent personnel of the Normal Hall whose salaries and wages are payable from its receipts: (а) One dean .................................. Pl,800.00 (б) Two assistant deans.............. 2,400.00 (c) One clerk .................................. 600.00 (d) One steward and chief cook 1,080.00 (e) One cook ................................... 300.00 (f) One cook ................................... 180.00 (g) Nine wait er-janitors................ 1,296.00 (h) One dish washer...................... 228.00 (i) Two dish washers.................... 288.00 (;) Three kitchen boys................. 432.00 (k) One office boy........................... 144.00 (Z) One door boy............................ 204.00 (m) One door boy............................. 144.00 (n) One gardener............................. 168.00 (o) One gardener............................. 144.00 518 I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS (p) One night watchman........... 432.00 (g) One chauffeur ......................... 720.00 (r) Less—savings during the vacation period................... (1,040.00) 0.00 Total available for the permanent personnel of the Normal Hall.... 1*9,520.00 Amoiint to be paid out of the receipts.......... (1*9,520.00) Total for special appropriations..... 11,728,818.90 11,697,674.15 11,498,750.76 VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. Committee on Cancer of the Medical Association of the Philippine Islands, Act No. 2976 .............................................................................................. 49.07 127.50 b. Construction and equipment of pro­ vincial hospitals, Acts 3284 and 3261...................................... 18,968.09 14,000.00 c. Undertaking an effective campaign against tuberculosis in the Philippine Islands, Act No. 3743 ................................................................................ 34,603.67 19,034.41 d. National Congress for the considera­ tion of the medical, social and economic as­ pects of the tuberculosis problems in the Philippine Islands, Act No. 3237............................................. 1,500.00 e. Development of educational leader­ ship, Act No. 3290 ...................................................................... 209.57 /. Construction or purchase of an elec­ tric light, power and ice plant in Culion, Act No. 3363 ...................................................................................... 100,000.00 g. Aid to unemployed and other persons seeking relief, Act No. 4095 ...................................................... 211.36 1,111.34 h. Relief of indigent sufferers from the typhoons and for attending to urgent repairs of public school buildings damaged by ty­ phoons, Acts 4160 and 4217..................................................... 50,223.97 1,035,670.49 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 519 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS i. Aid to the unemployed and other per­ sons seeking relief, Act No. 4154................... j. Traveling expenses of insane patients, including the necessary attendants, Act No. 4208 .................................................................... k. Maintenance and operation of an in­ stitution for the care of babies below two years of age who are negative lepers, Act No. 4209 .................................................................... l. For the operation and maintenance of additional wards in the Insular Psycho­ pathic Hospital, Act No. 4246.......................... m. Relief and rehabilitation of indigent sufferers from typhoons, floods, or other pub­ lic calamities, Commonwealth Act No. 13.... n. Additional appropriation as aid for the establishment of new elementary classes, Act No. 4213 .................................................... o. For the construction of buildings for the mentally-defective children, Act No. 4158 p. Emergency fund for the reopening of elementary classes, Act 4201............................ Total for continuing appropria­ tions ............................................... 21,213.01 28,786.99 5,000.00 ..................... 25,951.96 6,048.04 27,307.57 692.43 ..................... 100,000.00 . ..................... 167.50 99,832.50 ................................................ 60,000.00 776,120.95 ..................... 385,405.77 2,041,424.65 VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Share privileges of receipts for pro­ fessional service rendered by Government physicians outside of office hours, Act No. 3319 ........................................................................................... b. Other receipts automatically appro­ priated ................................................................ 229,503.00 c. Expenses payable from special funds 9,520.00 229,503.00 1,122.90 29,785.20 Total receipts automatically appro­ priated ............................................ 239,023.00 229,503.00 30,908.10 VIII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES Investments— a. Working capital for the purchase of textbooks for rent and sale, Act 4139 ............................................................... 1,500,000.00 520 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details Indefinite expenditures— a. Deterioration of supplies and sales VIII.—INVESTMENTS AND INDEFINITE EXPENDITURES stock .................................................. b. Extraordinary losses................. .......... c. Losses from uncollectible debts......... ..................... 10,994.53 ..................... 587.14 ................................................ 1,225.37 Total for investments and inde­ finite expenditures................... 1,512,807.04 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... 5,048,108.00 4,989,456.15 4,580,463.21 Total for sundry expenses........................... 2,163,581.90 2,065,549.90 2,034,179.24 Total for furniture and equipment............. 30,760.00 21,720.00 29,559.06 Total for special appropriations............... 11,728,818.90 11,697,674.15 11,498,750.76 Less—forced savings to be distributed by the Secretary of Public Instruction: Pro­ vided, That said savings shall not be taken from items 2 to 7, 12 and item 29 of the Spe­ cial Appropriations hereof............................. (267,634.80) (267,634.80) Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Department of Public Instruction ....................... 18,703,634.00 18,506,765.40 18,142,952.27 EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for continuing appropriations.... 385,405.77 2,041,424.65 Total for receipts automatically ap­ propriated .......................................... 239,023.00 229,503.00 30,908.10 Total for investments and indefinite expenditures ..................................... 1,512,807.04 Grand total available for the De­ partment of Public Instruction 18,942,657.00 19,121,674.17 21,728,092.06 Deduct— Receipts automatically appropriated.. 239,023.00 229,503.00 30,908.10 Net amount available for the Department of Public Instructional^,703,634.00F18,892,171.17F21,697,183.96 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 521 X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS l.[2] Subject to the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction, part of the sum appropriated for the item “traveling expenses of personnel” may be used to pay the passage from their place of residence in the Philippine Islands to some port of the United States, of public school teachers suffering from mental aberration or physically in­ capacitated whose separation from the service is absolutely necessary. 2- [3] The appropriation made in item “aid for the maintenance of elementary schools already established” shall be distributed among all the provinces and municipalities on the basis of population, and no part thereof shall be ex­ pended for supplementary books. 3. [3a] The appropriation made in item “aid for gra­ tuitous elementary instruction” shall be distributed among all the provinces on the following basis: Fifty per centum of the entire sum shall be distributed in accordance with the population, and the other fifty per centum in accordance with the average daily attendance in the public schools of the provinces during the month of September of the preceding year. The sum allotted to each province shall be distributed among its municipalities on the same basis: Provided, how­ ever, That no province nor municipality shall receive less than seventy-five per centum of what it received during the year 1928: Provided, further, That no part of this amount shall be used for the salaries of teachers in the training department of normal schools: Provided, further, That from this fund there shall first be deducted the sum of 1*247,500 to be distributed by the Director of Education, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction, using the same basis of distribution as that given in Act No. 3347, the difference of 1*22,500 between this sum and the sum appropriated by said Act to be distributed in ac­ cordance with the provisions of section 1, paragraph (d), thereof: Provided, further, That from this fund there shall also be deducted the sum of 1*525,000 which shall be distributed by the Director of Education, with the approval of the Secretary of Public Instruction, to be used only for the maintenance of classes in the barrio schools, opened by virtue of the appropriation for 1929 for this purpose: Provided, further, That any balance remaining from this sum not needed for the maintenance of such classes may be used for the establishment of additional classes in the barrio schools; but no portion of the said sum shall be ex­ pended to increase the salaries of teachers who are at present in the public school service: Provided, further, That any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, no unexpended balance of the amounts ap522 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS propriated from this fund for salaries of teachers shall be transferred to the credit of the “Teachers’ Pension and Disability Fund,” nor any saving obtained from regular appropriations of the Bureau of Education for the salary of a teacher whose position became vacant on account of his having been appointed to another position of teacher the salary of which is paid from this fund: And provided, finally, That no municipality shall receive aid from this fund, for the establishment of new classes in the barrio schools, unless the same appropriates from its own funds for school purposes, at least an amount equal to that appro­ priated by it in the previous year; except when, due to the effects of a typhoon or any other public calamity, the rev­ enues of a municipality decrease, in which case such mu­ nicipality shall only be required to appropriate from its general fund the same percentage of the total collections accruing to said funds as that of the previous year as deter­ mined by the Insular Auditor. [14 The Director of Health and the Director of Public Welfare are authorized to sell food and miscellaneous sup­ plies at prices not below cost to officers and employees stationed in isolated places and inmates under their super­ vision and care for their personal use.] It. [16] Municipalities and municipal districts receiving aid from the [Insular] National Government for the main­ tenance of their schools, shall have the salaries of all teachers and othei’ employees paid from the school fund reduced effective January 1, 1934, at least in the amount as pre­ scribed in section 6 of this Act, the reduction to be based on the highest basic pay received during 1932 or 1933, the provisions of Act No. 3359 to the contrary notwithstanding. 5. [16a] Any provision of law or executive order to the contrary notwithstanding, whatever amount is derived from matriculation fees in municipalities and provinces receiving aid from any appropriation provided in this Act for the maintenance pf their schools shall accrue to the school funds of the municipality or province concerned'and shall be ap­ propriated by the municipal council and the provincial board, respectively, primarily for library books and period­ icals and for athletic purposes: Provided, That in the ex­ penditure of this fund articles of local manufacture shall be preferred. 6. [18] To provent the closing of any elementary school or class [in any municipality] for lack of funds in any municipality receiving aid from any appropriation provided in this Act for the maintenance of its schools, the Sec­ retary of Public Instruction may order the holding of double single-session in the elementary grades, or authorize the I.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 523 X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS employment of teachers with salaries lower than the min­ imum prescribed by existing law: Provided, That for the purpose of accommodating all pupils of school age, in one single class the number of pupils may be raised to fifty: Provided, further, That where the double single-session is not adopted the number of pupils for each class may be raised to sixty. 7. Any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, no unexpended balance of the appropriations herein made for salaries and ivages or any portion thereof shall be transferred to the credit of the Teachers’ Pension and Disability Fund, Act No. 3050. [1 Whenever the Vice-Governor and Secretary of Public Instruction performs the duties of the Governor-General and receives the salary assigned to this office, the Undersecretary of the Department shall be entitled to re­ ceive the difference between the salary of an Undersecretary and that of a Secretary of Department, during the time in which the Undersecretary is in charge of the work of the Department, and for this purpose any unexpended balance in the appropriation for the Office of the Vice-Governor and Secretary of Public Instruction is hereby made avail­ able.] 8. [6] In cases of emergency, the item for “traveling expenses of personnel” for the Bureau of Health shall in­ clude expenses of local officers and employees specifically approved and payable from the fund by the Director of Health and the Secretary of Public Instruction. 9. [6a] The item for “consumption of supplies and materials” for the Bureau of Health shall include first uniform for newly appointed sanitary inspectors; uniforms for minor employees of hospitals and the Culion Leper Colony; and aid to poor provinces in the form of medicines for the treatment of yaws [and syphilis] and extract of tiki-tiki for the treatment of beriberi: Provided, That when the Bureau of Science or the Bureau of Public Welfare is not able to furnish the Bureau of Health with the toxins, serums, vaccines and tiki-tiki it needs, the same may be purchased in open market payable from the appropriation for consumption of supplies and materials. 10. [8] The item for “contributions and gratuities” for the Bureau of Health shall include allowances to its employees or their families in case such employees die or are disabled by diseases contracted or injuries received in line of duty. 11. [9] The item for “other services” for the Bureau of Health shall include expenses for educational exhibits; occasional health campaigns; participation in the Exposi524 L—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS tion [Carnival] of 1937 [1936]; practical training school for sanitary inspectors; and payment of not exceeding five centavos (1*0.05) for each mouse or rat presented to the Bureau of Health by any person, not an employee of the said Bureau, caught in connection with the campaign for the extermination of mice and rats in the City of Manila. 12. [15] The appropriation for the operation of the Maternity and Children’s Hospital and training of mid­ wives in the City of Manila shall include expenses for graduation of midwives and diplomas not to exceed 5*200. 13. [10] The appropriation for “other services” for the Philippine General Hospital shall include refreshments, music and other expenses in connection with the Hospital Day celebration in the amount not to exceed T200. U- CH] The resident physicians of the Philippine Gen­ eral Hospital whose salaries are paid from the appropriation provided in this Act designated by the Director of the Hospital to attend to pay patients and whose fees for medical services collected by the Hospital amount to a sum in excess of the salary and laundry allowances assigned to them by law, may, upon recommendation of the Director of the Hospital, approved by the Department Head, in ad­ dition to their salary and laundry allowance, be paid twenty per centum of the amount of such fees collected in excess of the said salary and laundry allowance, any provision of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding. 15. [12 The two additional free wards in the Philippine General Hospital authorized in item IV-35 shall be used exclusively for charity patients in addition to the present accommodation of the Hospital for pay and free patients: Provided, That in each of said additional wards a] A sufficient number of beds shall be reserved at all times in the free wards of the Philippine General Hospital, the expenses for, ivhich are paid from the appropriations pro­ vided in this Act, to take care of emergency cases [: Provided, further, That] and the maximum capacity of the Philippine General Hospital to admit free patients shall not be reduced to meet any forced savings. 16. [13] Officers and employees ivhose salaries are paid from the appropriation provided in this Act and de­ tailed for duty requiring residence in an institution under the supervision of the Director of Public Welfare shall be furnished with subsistence and quarters in kind.