Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Labor


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Department of Labor
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
Appropriations and expenditures
Philippines -- Department of Labor
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[A more detailed report on the appropriations and expenditures of the Department of Labor for the year 1937. The sum of Php 328,025 is requested for the Department of Labor as against Php 233,628 authorized for the current year, giving an increase of Php 94,397. This additional outlay is needed to enable the newly created Department of Labor to function properly. New positions for public defenders, labor agents and others have to be created to reinforce the inadequate personnel of both the Department and the Bureau of Labor.]
J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR For the ensuing year, the sum of ¥=328,025 is requested for the Department of Labor as against ¥233,628 authorized for the current year, giving an increase of ¥94,397. This additional outlay is needed to enable the newly created Department of Labor to function properly. New positions for public defenders, labor agents and others have to be created to reinforce the inadequate personnel of both the Department and the Bu­ reau of Labor. Para el año venidero, se pide la suma de 1*328,025 para el Departamento del Trabajo la cual, comparada con la suma de 1*233,628 autorizada para el presente año, arroja un aumento de 1*94,397. Este aumento de gasto es necesario para capacitar a este Departamento nuevamente creado a funcio­ nar debidamente. Nuevos puestos para defensores públicos, agentes del trabajo y otros han tenido que ser creados para reforzar el personal inadecuado tanto del Departamento como de la Oficina del Trabajo. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 1 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1. (1) OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT HEADS Secretary of the Department............... SECRETARY’' ¥10,200.00 ¥10,200.00 1 2. Undersecretary of the Department.... 7,225.00 7,225.00 2 3. INSPECTOR-GENERAL OF LABOR One inspector-general of labor........... 4,250.00 4,250.00 3 4. CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS One chief of division........................... 4,250.00 4,250.00 4 5. One chief of division............................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 5 6. ASSISTANT CHIEF OF DVISION One assistant chief clerk ................... 2,400.00 7. One assistant chief of division........... 2,040.00 2,040.00 8 8. LAW CLERK One law clerk........................................ 2,400.00 2,400.00 9 9. STENOGRAPHERS One stenographer ................................ 1,080.00 1,080.00 15 10. One stenographer ........,...................... 840.00 840.00 16 11. One stenographer ............................... 720.00 720.00 17 12. MISCELLANEOUS One private secretary ....................... 3,060.00 3,060.00 24 13. One publishing clerk............................ 2,040.00 2,040.00 25 14. each .. LABORERS Two laborers, at ¥300 per annum 600.00 600.00 29 Total............................ ...................... 44,165.00 41,765.00 525 526 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (1) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY INTERNAL ORGANIZATION 1. Secretary of the Department ............................. PIO,200.00 2. Undersecretary of the Department.................. 7,225.00 12. 1 private secretary .............................................. 3,060.00 7. 1 assistant chief of division ............................. 2,040.00 14. 1 laborer ................................................................. 300.00 OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR-GENERAL OF LABOR 3. 1 inspector-general of labor ............................. 4,250.00 10. 1 stenographer ....................................................... 840.00 DEPARTMENT OFFICE 4. 1 chief of division ................................................ 4,250.00 6. 1 assistant chief clerk ..................................... 2,400.00 8. 1 law clerk .......................................................... 2,400.00 9. 1 stenographer .................................................... 1,080.00 14. 1 laborer 300.00 ADMINISTRATIVE SECTION 5. 1 chief of division ........................................... 3,060.00 13. 1 publishing clerk ............................................. 2,040.00 11. 1 stenographer .................................................... 720.00 Total for salaries and wages............ P44.165.00 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 Budget Item No Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated (2) BUREAU OF LABOR DIRECTORS 1. One Director of Labor....................... T=4,250.00 W,250.00 (a) 2. One Assistant Director of Labor....... 3,400.00 3,400.00 (6) TECHNICAL ADVISER 3. One technical adviser........................... 4,250.00 CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 4. One chief clerk...................................... 3,230.00 3,230.00 (c) 5. One chief of division and attorney of labor .. 3,230.00 3,230.00 (d) 6. One chief of division........................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 (e) 7. Two chiefs of divisions, at F2,040 per annum each........................................................ 4,080.00 4,080.00 (/> PUBLIC DEFENDERS 8. One chief public defender and chief of division .............................................................. 4,000.00 9. One supervising public defender....... 3,600.00 10. Five public defenders, at F2,l>00 per annum, each........................................................ 12,000.00 11. Seven p u b li c defenders [labor agents], at F2,400 per annum each............... 16,800.00 16,800.00 15 12. Five public defenders, at Fl,800 per annum each........................................................ 9,000.00 13. Nine public defenders [labor agents], at Fl,800 per annum each............................... 16,200.00 16,200.00 17 ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 14. One assistant chief of division........... 1,080.00 1,080.00 (A) 15. One assistant chief of division........... 648.00 648.00 (<) J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 527 _ Refercnee to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested 1937 Budget Item No. (2) BUREAU OF LABOR ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS 16. One assistant attorney....................... 2,400.00 .. 17. One assistant attorney......................... 1,800.00 .. CHIEFS OF SECTIONS 18. One chief of records section............... 2,040.00 .. 19. Three chiefs of section, at 3*1,800 per annum each........................................................ 5,400.00 .. 20. Two chiefs of sections, at ¥1,530 per annum each........................................................ 3,060.00 3,060.00 O) 21. One chief of section........................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 (0 22. Three chiefs of sections, at ¥1,080 per annum each................................................ 3,240.00 3,240.00 (ntr-1) CASHIER AND DISBURSING OFFICER 23. One cashier and disbursing officer.... 1,530.00 1,530.00 , (n) INSPECTORS 24. One medical inspector....................... 2,550.00 2,550.00 (p) 25. One inspecting engineer..................... 2,400.00 .. 26. One mechanical inspector................... 1,700.00 1,700.00 (<Z) 27. One woman inspector........................... 1,200.00 .. 28. Two factory inspectors, at ¥756 per annum each ...................................................... 1,512.00 1,512.00 (r)-(s) 29. One factory inspector........................... 540.00 540.00 (t) LABOR AGENTS 30. One labor agent.................................... 2,400.00 2,400.00 15 31. Five labor agents, at 3*1,800 per an­ num each............................................................ 9,000.00 .. 32. Five labor agents, at Fl,500 per an­ num each............................................................ 7,500.00 .. 33. Six labor agents, at ¥1,440 per an­ num each............................................................ 8,640.00 8,640.00 18 EMPLOYMENT AGENTS 34. One special agent................................. 1,700.00 1,700.00 18(a) 35. One employment agent....................... 1,275.00 1,275.00 18(6) 36. Four employment agents, at ¥1,080 per annum each................................................ 4,320.00 4,320.00 18(c) 37. One employment agent....................... 972.00 972.00 18(d) 38. One employment agent....................... 810.00 810.00 18(e) 39. One employment agent....................... 756.00 756.00 18(f) 40. Two employment agents, at ¥648 per annum each....................................................... 1,296.00 1,296.00 18 (p) 528 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES 1937 requested Reference to item 1936 numbers of Act authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated 1937 Budget Item No. Details 41. Seven employment agents, at 1*540 (2) BUREAU OF LABOR per annum each .............................................. 3,780.00 3,780.00 18 (fc) 42. One employment agent...................... 432.00 432.00 18 (i) STENOGRAPHERS 43. One stenographer .............................. 972.00 972.00 180) 44. One clerk stenographer ................... 864.00 864.00 18 (fc) 45. One stenographer .............................. 648.00 648.00 18(1) CLERKS 46. Two clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 2,160.00 47. One clerk ................................................ 960.00 48. One clerk................................................ 840.00 49. One [clerk] assistant bookkeeper..... 972.00 50. Three clerks, at 1*756 per annum each .................................................................... 2,268.00 51. Two clerks at i*720 per annum each.. 1,440.00 52. Five clerks, at P648 per annum each.. 3,240.00 53. Twenty-four clerks, at P600 per an­ num each............................................................ 14,400.00 54. Four clerks, at t*600 per annum each 2,400.00 55. Four clerks, at 1*540 per annum each 2,160.00 56. One clerk .............................................. 497.00 57. Four clerks, at P480 per annum each 1,920.00 58. Nine clerks, at 1*432 per annum each 3,888.00 59. Three clerks, at 1*378 per annum each 1,134.00 MISCELLANEOUS 60. One chauffeur ....................................... 600.00 61. One janitor ......................................... 432.00 62. One janitor.......................................... 324.00 63. Two1 watchmen, at 1*324 per annum each .................................................................... 648.00 64. Four laborers, at 1*300 per annum each .................................................................... 1,200.00 65. Fifteen laborers, at f*240 per annum each .................................................................... 3,600.00 66. Seven messengers, at 1*240 per an­ num each............................................................ 1,680.00 134,743.00 2,160.00 18 (m) 972.00 18 (n) 2,268.00 18(o) 3,240.00 18 (p) 14,400.00 41 2,160.00 41(a) 497.00 41-b 3,888.00 41(c) 1,134.00 41(/j—41(p) 432.00 41 (h) 324.00 410) 648.00 410) 1,200.00 41 (k) 1,680.00 41(1) Total................................................ 211,093.00 529 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (2) BUREAU OF BABOR INTERNAL ORGANIZATION DIRECTORS 1. 1 Director of Labor .......................................... P4.250.00 2. 1 Assistant Director of Labor ..................... 3,400.00 34. 1 special agent ..................................................... 1,700.00 50. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 43. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 972.00 44. 1 stenographer ..................................................... 864.00 Detailed in the Office of the Secretary INSPECTOR GENERAL OF LABOR 31. 1 labor agent ........................................................ 1,800.00 DEPARTMENT OFFICE 3. 1 technical adviser .............................................. 4,250.00 60. 1 chauffeur ............................................................. 600.00 Administrative Section 19. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,800.00 48. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 840.00 65. 2 laborers ............................................................... 480.00 Records Section 18. 1 chief of section ...................................... 2,040.00 ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION 23. 1 cashier and disbursing officer.......................... 1,530.00 49. 1 assistant bookkeeper ....................................... 972.00 56. 1 clerk ................................................................ -.... 497.00 58. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 61. 1 janitor ................................................................ 432.00 62. 1 janitor ............................................................... 324.00 63. 2 watchmen .......................................................... 648.00 64. 4 laborers .............................................................. 1,200.00 66. 1 messenger .............. 240.00 Miscellaneous Section 22. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,080.00 Records Section 20. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,530.00 52. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 53. 2 clerks ................................................................... 1,200.00 55. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 540.00 66. 5 messengers ......................................................... 1,200.00 WORKMAN’S COMPENSATION SECTION 5. 1 chief of division.................................................. 2,550.00 24. 1 medical inspector .............................................. 2,550.00 14. 1 assistant chief of division................................. 1,080.00 32. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 1,500.00 46. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 50. 1 clerk .................................................................... 756.00 52. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 648.00 36. 1 employment agent .............. 1,080.00 53. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 600.00 55. 1 clerk .................................................................... 540.00 59. 1 clerk .................................................................... 378.00 OFFICE OF THE PUBLIC DEFENDER GENERAL 8. 1 chief public defender and chief of division.... 4,000.00 9. 1 supervising public defender............................. 3,600.00 10. 1 public defender .............. 2,400.00 16. 1 assistant attorney ............................................. 2,400.00 13. 1 public defender ................................................ 1,800.00 22. 1 chief of section ................................................ 1,080.00 53. 1 clerk ....................................... 600.00 Criminal Section 19. 1 chief of section ................................................. 1,800.00 17. 1 assistant attorney ............................................. 1,800.00 47. 1 clerk ................................................................... 960.00 51. 1 clerk ................................................................... 720.00 54. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 Civil Section 19. 1 chief of section ..... 1,800.00 51. 1 clerk ....................................................................... 720.00 54. 2 clerks ..................................................................... 1,200.00 Provincial Public Defenders Batangas 10. 1 public defender ................................................. 2,400.00 57. 1 clerk .................................................................... 480.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Camarines Norte and Camarines Sur 10. 1 public defender .................................................. 2,400.00 57. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 480.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................. 240.00 Oriental Negros 10. 1 public defender .................................................. 2,400.00 57. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 480.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................. 240.00 Bataan 10. 1 public defender .................................................... 2,400.00 57. 1 clerk ..................................................... 480.00 Tayabas 11. 1 public defender .................................................... 1,800.00 65. 1 laborer .................................................... 240.00 llocos Sur 12. 1 public defender ................................................. 1,800.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Masbate 12. 1 public defender ................................................ 1,800.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Rizal 12. 1 public defender ................................................... 1,800.00 58. 1 clerk ............................................................ 432.00 65. 1 laborer ............................................................ 240.00 Samar 12. 1 public defender .................................................. 1,800.00 65. 1 laborer ............................................................ 240.00 Surigao 31. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 1,800.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Mountain Province 11. 1 public defender ................................................. 2,400.00 31. 1 labor agent ......................................................... 1,800.00 53. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 299089------ 34 530 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (2) BUREAU OF LABOR INTERNAL ORGANIZATION Tarlac 13. 1 public defender ................................................. 1,800.00 32. 1 labor agent ........................................................ 1,500.00 59. 1 clerk .................................................................... 378.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Nueva Ecija 13. 1 public defender ................................................. 1,800.00 32. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 1,500.00 53. 1 clerk .................................................................... 600.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Bulacan 11. 1 public defender ................................................. 2,400.00 32. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 1,500.00 53. 1 clerk .................................................................... 600.00 65. 1 laborer ................................................................ 240.00 Cagayan 11. 1 public defender ................................................... 2,400.00 53. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 600.00 58. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 llocos Norte 13. 1 public defender ................................................... 1,800.00 55. 1 clerk ...................................................................... 540.00 59. 1 clerk .................................................................... 378.00 Pangasinan 11. 1 public defender ................................................ 2,400.00 53. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 600.00 Pampanga 11. 1 public defender ................................................ 2,400.00 50. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 756.00 Cavite 13. 1 public defender ................................................... 1,800.00 53. 1 clerk .................................................................... 600.00 Laguna 13. 1 public defender ................................................... 1,800.00 53. 1 clerk .................................................................... 600.00 Albay 13. 1 public defender ................................................... 1,800.00 58. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 Mindoro 33. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 1,440.00 58. 1 clerk .................................................................... 432.00 Leyte 13. 1 labor agent ........................................................ 1,800.00 Occidental Negros 11. 1 public defender .................................................. 2,400.00 53. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 600.00 Iloilo 11. 1 public defender .................................................. 2,400.00 58. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 33. 2 labor agents ........................................................ 2,880.00 Cebu 30. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 2,400.00 53. 2 clerks, at P600 per annum each...................... 1,200.00 Oriental Misamis 33. 1 labor agent ........................................................ 1,440.00 58. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 DAVAO 13. 1 labor agent ....................................................... 1,800.00 LEGAL DIVISION 4. 1 chief of division and attorney of labor........ 3,230.00 46. 1 clerk ................................................................... 1,080.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 53. 2 clerks ......................................................... 1,200.00 41. 2 employment agents ......................................... 1,080.00 Wage Claims Section 7. 1 chief of division.................................................. 2,040.00 20. 1 chief of section................................................... 1,530.00 45. 1 stenographer .................................................... 648.00 53. 2 clerks .................................................................. 1,200.00 58. 1 clerk .............................................................. 432.00 Strikes and Lockout Section 21. 1 chief of section................................................... 1,275.00 35. 1 employment agent ............................................. 1,275.00 55. 1 clerk ................................................................... 540.00 53. 1 clerk ................................................................... 600.00 DIVISION OF INSPECTION AND LABOR RESEARCH 4. 1 chief clerk ...................................................... 3,230.00 52. 1 clerk ................................................................... 648.00 66. 1 messenger .......................................................... 240.00 Inspection Section 25. 1 inspecting engineer ......................................... 2,400.00 31. 1 labor agent ........................................................ 1,800.00 26. 1 mechanical inspector ....................................... 1,700.00 28. 2 factory inspectors, at P756 per annum each 1,512.00 29. 7 factory inspector .............................................. 540.00 36. 2 employment agents, at Pl,080 per annum each ................................................................. 2,160.00 33. 2 labor agents, at Pl,440 per annum each...... 2,880.00 37. 1 employment agent ............................................ 972.00 42. 1 employment agent ............................................ 432.00 41. 5 employment agents .......................................... 2,700.00 38. 1 employment agent ........................................... 810.00 40. 2 employment agents, at P648 per annum each ................................................................. 1,296.00 32. 1 labor agent ........................................................ 1,500.00 Women and Children Labor Section 29. 1 woman inspector ............................................. 1,200.00 36. 1 employment agent ........................................... 1,080.00 53. 1 clerk-stenopragher .......................................... 600.00 Labor Research’Section 52. 1 clerk .................. 648.00 53. 4 clerks, at P600 per annum each...................... 2,400.00 MIGRATION AND PLACEMENT DIVISION 7. 1 chief of division ........................... 2,040.00 15. 1 assistant chief of division................................... 648.00 Placement and Marine Section 42. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 432.00 Migration Section 22. 1 chief of section................................................... 1,080.00 31. 1 labor agent ................................. — 1,800.00 39. 1 employment agent —...................................... 756.00 53. 1 clerk .................................................................... 600.00 Total ............................................................. P211.093.00 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 531 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details I.—SALARIES AND WAGES (1) Office of the Secretary......................... F44,165.00 (2) Bureau of Labor ................................. 211,093.00 Total for salaries and wages........... 255,258.00 ¥=41,765.00 134,743.00 ¥=38,258.35 113,636.45 176,508.00 151,894.80 II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 1. Traveling expenses of personnel: Steamship and banca fares.................. P7.500.00 Travel expenses and per diems.......... 7,520.00 Street car and train fares.................. 3,095.00 Automobile and taxi fares................. 3,000.00 Calesa and bus fares........................ 2,500.00 Airplane fares (in urgent cases only) 200.00 Total ............................................. P23.815.00 2. Freight, express and delivery servTransportation of furniture and equipment and supplies.................... P190.00 Total .........._.................................... P190.00 3. Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service: Rental of telephone............................ P2.294.00 Postage stamps ..................................... 1,465.00 Telegrams .................................... 916.00 Rental of Posts-Office Box ............ 40.00 Total .................................................... P4.715.00 4. Illumination and power service: Electric current ..................................... Pl,925.00 Total ..........-........................................ Pl,925.00 5. Rental of buildings and grounds: Rental of offices ................................... P3,000.00 Total ............................................... . P3,000.00 6. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Office stationery ................................... P4.105.00 Ice for drinking water ...................... 25.00 Water hydrants ................................. 200.00 Toilet supplies ..................................... 175.00 Cleaning supplies ................................. 160.00 Electrical supplies ............................... 150.00 Other printed forms ............................ 60.00 Total ......................... -........................ P4,875.00 23,815.00 8,935.00 19,400.00 190.00 27.00 170.12 4,715.00 2,515.00 4,467.03 1,925.00 1,175.00 1,460.00 3,000.00 850.00 998.50 4,875.00 3,125.00 4,021.32 532 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES 7. Printing and binding reports, docu­ ments and publications: Printing of reports, bulletins and pamphlets and the binding of books, gazette and periodicals.......... Pl,947.00 1,947.00 1,197.00 1,199.19 Total ................................................ Pl,947.00 8. Maintenance and repair of equipment: Repair of furniture and office equip­ ment .................................................... P960.00 Total .................. ............................. P960.00 960.00 360.00 835.45 9. Traveling expenses of persons not government employees, including freight of agricultural tools of homeseekers: Transportation of homeseekers.......... P26.870.00 Total .................................................... P26,870.00 26,870.00 37,365.80 37,365.80 10. Other services. Subscriptions ......................................... P378.00 Bond premiums ..................................... 382.00 Laundry .................................................. 290.00 Sewer and plumbing service................ Electrical installations and recharg­ 130.00 ing of battery ................................... 180.00 Dinner and lunch of employees....... 30.00 Exchange of drafts ............................. 80.00 Total .................................................... Pl,470.00 1,470.00 570.20 1,200.20 Total for sundry expenses............... 69,767.00 56,120.00 71,117.61 Ill;—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: Additional equipment: 6 typewriters ....................................... Pl,125.00 8 files cap size..................................... 816.00 15 chairs, revolving, narra.................. 225.00 15 desks, office, narra........................... 450.00 18 tables, office, tanguile.................... 384.00 Total ............................................ P3,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 14,446.70 Total for furniture and equipment.. 3,000.00 1,000.00 14,446.70 J.—DEPARTMENT OF LABOR 533 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1936 authorized 1937 requested 1935 actual Details VI.—CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS a. For the acquisition of land and construction of buildings for laborers, Act 4184 ..................... 250,000.00 ..................... Total for continuing appropriations 250,000.00 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages........................ 255,258.00 176,508.00 151,894.80 Total for sundry expenses........................... 69,767.00 56,120.00 71,117.61 Total for furniture and equipment.......... 3,000.00 1,000.00 14,446.70 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Department of Labor 328,025.00 233,628.00 237,459.11 EXTRAORDINARY Add— Total for continuing appropriations.... 250,000.00 Grand total available for the De­ partment of Labor ................... 4*328,025.00 4*483,628.00 1*237,459.11 X.—SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1- [3] The appropriation in item 11,-9 shall be disbursed by the Director of Labor upon understanding with the Director of Lands: Provided, however, That no payment shall be made for expenses of homeseekers who do not take with them the necessary agricultural tools to cultivate their homesteads: Provided, further, That in the selection of homeseekers preference should be given to those who take with them their families: And provided, finally, That no homeseekers shall be sent to Mindanao except in specific places to be designated by the Director of Lands. El The chief of the division of woman and child labor, inspectors, publishing clerk and labor agents in the Depart­ ment of Labor, shall.not be subject to Civil Service exam­ ination.] [2. Any provision of existing law to the contrary not­ withstanding, any unexpended balance of the appropriation for sundry expenses of the Department of Labor for 1936 may be used to cover deficit in any item of the said appro­ priation except for salaries and wages.]