Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Supreme Court


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Detailed Statement of Expenditures - Supreme Court
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
Appropriations and expenditures
Philippines -- Supreme Court
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This shows a more detailed report on the expenses of the Supreme Court for the year 1937 in which the sum of Php 230,256 is requested. This amount is Php 30,693 more than that authorized for the Court in 1936, after setting aside a saving of Php 87,660 due to the abolition, in accordance with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 3, of four positions of Associate Justices and to the resulting reduction in personnel and appropriations for sundry expenses. The increase is due to the item of Php 36,000 for rental of the Ayuntamiento, which formerly formed part of the appropriations for the Department of the Interior. Part of it, however, is offset by slight reductions in the appropriations for sundry expenses and the conversion of the item for holding the bar examinations into expenditure payable directly from the receipts.]
K.—SUPREME COURT For the ensuing year, the sum of 1*230,256 is requested. This amount is 1*30,693 more than that authorized for the Court in 1936, after setting aside a saving of 1*87,660 due to the abolition, in accordance with the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 3, of four positions of Associate Justices and to the resulting reduction in personnel and ap­ propriations for sundry expenses. The increase is due to the item of 1*36,000 for rental of the Ayuntamiento, which formerly formed part of the appropriations for the Department of the Interior. Part of it, however, is offset by slight reductions in the appropriations for sundry expenses and the conversion of the item for holding the bar examinations into expenditure payable directly from the receipts. Para el año venidero, se pide la suma de 1*230,256 para la Corte Suprema. Esta cantidad es f*30,693 mayor que la consignación total para 1936 después de haber realizado un ahorro de 1*87,660 por la abolición de cuatro puestos de Magistrados, de acuerdo con la Ley No. 3 del Commonwealth, y la reducción consiguiente del personal y de las consignaciones para gastos varios. El aumento se debe a la partida de 1*36,000 para el alquiler del Ayuntamiento, que anteriormente formaba parte de las consignaciones para el Departamento del Interior. Parte de dicho aumento está, sin embargo, compen­ sada por ligeras reducciones en las consignaciones para gastos varios y por la conversión de las partidas para celebrar exámenes de abogados en gastos pagaderos directamente de sus ingresos. GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized Reference to item numbers of Act No. 4231, unless otherwise stated JUSTICES 1937 Budget Item No. 1. Chief Justice ....................................... 2. Six Associate Justices, at 1*15,000 per 1*16,000.00 1*16,000.00 1 annum each ...................................................... 90,000.00 90,000.00 2 [Four Associate Justices, at 1*15,000 nor annum panhl ............. 60,000.00 2 PRIVATE-SECRET ARIES 3. Seven private secretaries [steno­ graphers], at 1*2,295 per annum each........... 16,065.00 16,065.00 3 [Four stenographers, at 1*2,295 per annum paohT .................................... 9,180.00 3 CHIEFS AND ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF DIVISIONS 4. One clerk of court............................... 5. Additional salary for the person act­ 5,100.00 5,100.00 4 ing as clerk of court on November 9, 1926.... 1,020.00 1,020.00 5 6. One deputy clerk................................. 4,250.00 4,250.00 6 7. One deputy clerk................................. 3,400.00 3,400.00 7 rOnp dpnnt.v rlprkl 3,400.00 7 ■ yy AA^ V4 VI VXV1 1k ■ - - - CASHIER AND DISBURSING OFFICER 8. One cashier and disbursing officer..... 2,720.00 2,720.00 8 LIBRARIAN 9. One librarian [clerk]......................... 1,122.00 1,122.00 16 534 K.—SUPREME COURT 535 GENERAL STATEMENT OF SALARIES AND WAGES . 7 10T7 <o« Reference to item Budget Details 1936 numbers of Act Item No requested authorized No. 4231, unless otherwise stated CLERKS 10. Two clerks, at P3,060 per annum each 11. Two clerks, at P2,720 per annum each .................................................................... 12. One clerk .............................................. 13. Three clerks, at Pl,530 per annum each .................................................................... 14. One clerk .............................................. 15. One clerk............................................... [One clerk] .......................................... 16. Three clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each .................................................................... 17. Two clerks, at P864 per annum each.. [One clerk] .......................................... 18. Six clerks, at P648 per annum each 19. Two clerks, at P540 per annum each.. [One clerk] .......................................... [One clerk] .......................................... [One clerk] ............... .......................... [One clerk] .......................................... [One clerk] .......................................... [One clerk] .......................................... 20. One clerk .............................................. MESSENGERS 21. Two messengers, at P648 per annum each .................................................................... 22. Two messengers, at P300 per annum each .................................................................... 23. Eight messengers, at P240 per annum each .................................................................... [One messenger] ............................... JANITORS AND LABORERS 24. Four janitors, at P324 per annum each .................................................... _............. 25. One temporary laborer........................ 26. Four temporary laborers, at P300 per annum each.................................................. [Less—savings in salaries and wages trans­ ferred to the Court of Appeals in accord­ ance with Commonwealth Act No. 3]....... Total................................................... 6,120.00 6,120.00 11 5,440.00 5,440.00 12 2,040.00 2,040.00 13 4,590.00 4,590.00 14 1,224.00 1,224.00 15 1,122.00 1,122.00 16 ......................................... 1,112.00 17 3,240.00 3,240.00 18-19 1,728.00 1,728.00 20 ......................................... 756.00 21 3,888.00.............3,888.00 22 1,080.00 1,080.00 23 ......................................... 540.00 23 ......................................... 529.00 24 .......................................... 432.00 25 ......................................... 421.00 26 .......................................... 378.00 27 .......................................... 378.00 28 240.00................240.00 29 1,296.00 1,296.00 30 600.00 600.00 31-32 1,920.00 1,920.00 33 ........................................ 240.00 33 1,296.00 1,296.00 34 540.00 540.00 35 1,200.00 1,200.00 36 ............. (77,366.00) 177,241.00 177,241.00 536 K.—SUPREME COURT INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OFFICE OF THE JUSTICES 1 Chief Justice .......................................................... P16,000.00 2. 6 Associate Justices, at P15.000 per annum each ................................................................... 90,000.00 3. 7 private secretaries at P2,295 per annum each ................................................................. 16,065.00 OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF COURT 4. 1 clerk of court .................................................... 5,100.00 5. Additional salary for the person acting as clerk of court on November 9, 1926 ........... 1,020.00 7. 1 deputy clerk ......................................... 3,400.00 8. 1 cashier and disbursing officer........................... 2,720.00 9. 1 librarian ............................................................. 1,122.00 10. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 3,060.00 11. 2 clerks, at 1*2,720 per annum each................... 5,440.00 13. 1 clerk ..................................................................... 1,530.00 14. 1 clerk .............................................. 1,224.00 16. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,080.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 18. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each ............ 1,944.00 19. 2 clerks, at P540 per annum each........................ 1,080.00 20. 1 clerk ................................................................... 240.00 21. 2 messengers, at P648 per annum each ......... 1,296.00 22. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 23. 7 messengers, at P240 per annum each......... 1,680.00 24. 4 janitors, at P324 per annum each ............. 1,296.00 25. 1 temporary laborer ........................................... 540.00 26. 4 temporary laborers, at 1*300 per annum each 1,200.00 OFFICE OF THE REPORTER 6. 1 deputy clerk ...................................................... 4,250.00 10. 1 clerk .................................................................... 3,060.00 12. 1 clerk .................................................................... 2,040.00 13. 2 clerks, at 1*1,530 per annum each................. 3,060.00 15. 1 clerk .................................................................... 1,122.00 16. 2 clerks, at Pl,080 per annum each................. 2,160.00 17. 1 clerk .................................................................... 864.00 18. 3 clerks, at P648 per annum each ................. 1,944.00 22. 1 messenger .......................................................... 300.00 23. 1 messenger .......................................................... 240.00 Total for salaries and wages...................... P177.241.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. Details 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual 1.—SALARIES AND WAGES Total for salaries and wages........... ¥=177,241.00 ¥=177,241.00 ¥=307,465.51 1. II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES Traveling expenses of personnel: Bicycle allowance for 3 messengers.... P288.00 Street car fares ............................. 120.00 Emergency transportation .................. 1,309.00 Total ................................................ Pl,717.00 1,717.00 2,105.00 12,065.63 2. Freight, express and delivery service: Transportation of records, criminal and civil cases to provincial courts P200.00 Emergency transportation of exhibits as of ballot boxes, etc...................... 50.00 Yotal -............................ -..............- P250.00 250.00 250.00 227.43 3. service Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable Postage .................................................... P2.084.00 Telegraph charges ........... - 300.00 Telephone service -....... 2,000.00 Money Order fees for miscellaneous subscriptions ..................................... 4.00 Total ................................................ P4,388.00 4,388.00 4,592.00 4,024.77 4. Illumination and power service: Consumption of electric fluid for light and fans at P120 per month........... P2,000.00 2,000.00 1,440.00 1,067.71 K.—SUPREME COURT 537 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details II.—SUNDRY EXPENSES [Rental of buildings and grounds].............................. 5. Consumption of supplies and mate­ rials : Office stationery ...................................... Pl,230.00 Cleaning materials and toilet sup­ plies .....-........... -...... 100.00 Ice ................................................-........... 150.00 Water service ........................................ 400.00 450.00 Total .................................................... Pl,880.00 1,880.00 3,030.00 6. Printing and binding reports, documents and publications: Binding of Official Gazette ............... P30.00 Binding of original decisions and minutes of the Supreme Court..... 100.00 Binding of opinion of justices........... 50.00 Binding of Supreme Court calendars 40.00 Rebinding of law books.......................... 280.00 Total .............................................-...... P500.00 500.00 570.00 7. Free distribution of public documents: Exchange of Philippine Reports with several United States Reports....... P200.00 200.00 225.00 8. Maintenance and repair of equipment: Repair of typewriters............................ P120.00 Repair of furniture and equipment.. 100.00 Total ..............-..............-..................... P220.00 220.00 220.00 9. Other services: Laundry service .................................... P96.00 Sewer charges----------------------------------- 100.00 Subscriptions _______ ______ -..... 500.00 Bond premiums ...................................... 235.00 Miscellaneous service .—.....-................ 254.00 Total .............-...................................... Pl,185.00 1,185.00 5,215.00 Total for sundry expenses.... 12,340.00 17,647.00 2,583.72 469.34 175.00 367.82 5,273.27 26,704.69 III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT 1. For the purchase of furniture and equipment: OPTICS OF THE JUSTICES Additional equipment: 8 lamps, desk w/ink stand for justices at P50....... _............... P150.00 14 copies. Public Laws (English and Spanish)___ ___________ 168.00 14 copies. Philippine Reports (English and Spanish).... — 112.00 538 K.—SUPREME COURT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1937 requested 1936 authorized 1935 actual Details III.—FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT OFFICE OF THE CLERK Additional equipment: 1 file, cards 3" X 5" with 120 drawers, all narra................. 200.00 5 desks, office 3" X 5" (Standard size) at P30............................ 150.00 2 copies, Public Laws (English and Spanish) ........................ 24.00 2 coppies, Philippine Reports (English and Spanish)....... 16.00 1 typewriter, tabulating (re­ placing unserviceable one).. 350.00 2 flags (1 P. I. and 1 U. S.), replacing old ones................... 30.00 OFFICE OF THE REPORTER Additional equipment: 1 file, cards 3" X 5" with 60 drawers, all narra................. 100.00 2 copies, Public Laws (English and Spanish) .................... 24.00 2 copies, Philippine Reports (English and Spanish)....... 16.00 1 desk office 3" X 5" (Standard size) at P30............................ 30.00 SESSION HALLS Additional equipment: 2 clocks for session rooms at P80 . ................................ 160.00 4 copies. Public Laws (English and Spanish)_____ ______ 48.00 □ 4 copies*, Philippine Reports (English and Spanish)..-..... 32.00 LIBRARY Additional equipment: 4 book cases, at P80..................... 320.00 2 copies, Public Laws (English and Spanish) ... ..................... 24.00 2 copies, Philippine Reports (English and Spanish)....... 16.00 Purchase of Law Books........... 2,705.00 Total .................................... P4.675.00 Total for furniture and equipment 4,675.00 4,675.00 4,675.00 4,675.00 5,927.80 5,927.80 IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS 1. Rental of the offices of the National Government [for Executive Departments and other offices] in the Ayuntamiento Build­ ing and in lieu of aid to the City of Manila in return for the privileges and exemptions enjoyed by the National Government within the City, the provisions of existing law to the contrary notwithstanding: [Provided, That K.—SUPREME COURT 539 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT 1937 Budget Item No. 1935 actual 1937 requested 1936 authorized Details IV.—SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS this fund may be used to cever expenses for transferring the said offices to new premises and their installation therein]....................... 36,000.00 2. Expenses for holding bar examina­ tions: SALARIES AND WAGES (a) Fees for eight bar exam­ iners, at 1*500 each............ IM,000.00 SUNDRY EXPENSES (6) Consumption of supplies and materials ..................... 500.00 (c) Other services ......................... 300.00 Total available for holding bar examinations............ IM,800.00 Amount to be paid out of the receipts there­ from ................................ (F4,800.00) 0.00 .......................... Total for special appropriations 36,000.00 VII.—RECEIPTS AUTOMATICALLY APPROPRIATED a. Receipts automatically appropriated.. 4,800.00 IX.—SUMMARY ORDINARY Total for salaries and wages....................... Total for sundry expenses........................... Total for furniture and equipment............. Total for special appropriations................. 177,241.00 12,340.00 4,675.00 36,000.00 177,241.00 17,647.00 4,675.00 307,465.51 26,704.69 5,927.80 Total general appropriations avail­ able for the Supreme Court......... EXTRAORDINARY AddTotal for receipts automatically ap­ propriated ...................................... Grand total available for the Su230,256.00 4,800.00 199,563.00 340,098.00 preme Court ................................. Deduct— Receipts automatically appropriated.... 235,056.00 4,800.00 199,563.00 340,098.00 Net amount available for the Su­ preme Court ............................. 2=230,256.00 2=199,563,00 2=340,098.00