Appendix - Bond Funds


Part of Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines

Appendix - Bond Funds
Budget for 1937 of the Commonwealth of the Philippines (1936)
Budget -- Philippines
Appropriations and expenditures
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[This comprises statements that show the disposition of the balances of the proceeds from sale of the various bonds issued.]
E.—DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 605 BOND FUNDS The following statements show the disposition of the balances of the proceeds from sale of the various bonds issued. Los siguientes cuadros demuestran la disposición de los saldos del producto de la venta de los distintos bonos emitidos. FINANCIAL INTERESTS PROTECTION BONDS (INVESTMENT FUND), ACTS 2999, 3723 AND 3828 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual ncome: Interest on investments— Public Improvement bonds of 1906................ 800.00 800.00 800.00 Public Improvement bonds of 1909................ 4,400.00 4,400.00 4,400.00 Manila Railroad Company Purchase bonds 5,200.00 5,200.00 5,200.00 Public Improvement bonds of 1921............... 127,490.00 127,490.00 127,490.00 Financial Interests Protection bonds........... 94,600.00 94,600.00 94,267.50 Currency bonds.................................................. 98,415.00 98,415.00 98,415.00 (Sundry Purposes) bonds............................ 51,615.00 51,615.00 51,615.00 Metropolitan Water District bonds, Act No. 3204 .......................................................... 13,300.00 13,300.00 13,300.00 Cebu Sewer and Waterworks bonds........... 480.00 480.00 480.00 Cebu Portworks bonds, first series.............. 4,050.00 4,050.00 4,050.00 Cebu Portworks bonds, second series.......... 21,510.00 21,510.00 21,510.00 Iloilo Portworks bonds, first series............... 3,150.00 3,150.00 3,150.00 Manila Sewer and Waterworks bonds........ 2,080.00 2,080.00 2,080.00 City of Manila Permanent Improvement Collateral bonds .................................. -....... 13,590.00 13,590.00 13,590.00 Provincial Collateral bonds............................. 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 Manila Railroad Company Southern Lines bonds ................................................................ 33,680.00 33,680.00 30,720.00 Manila Railroad Company Seven Per Cent Sinking Fund bonds ................................... 2,240.00 2,240.00 2,240.00 Discount on bonds purchased................................. 21,000.00 44,005.00 Cash uninvested, Dec. 31, 1935—^45,587.34, f*40,000 to be invested at 4 per cent............... 1,600.00 1,600.00 .. Total Income .......................................................... .. 480,000.00 501,000.00 519,112.50 Expenditures: Postal, telegraph, telephone and cable service.... 10.00 10.00 7.80 Other services (premiums on bonds purchased) 5,000.00 5,000.00 15,051.67 Total expenditures .................................................... 5,010.00 5,010.00 15,059.47 Excess of income over expenditures............................... 474,990.00 495,990.00 504,053.03 Add—Surplus, January 1...................................................... 10,156,000.00 10,156,000.00 10,156,000.00 Total ............................................................................... 10,630,990.00 10,651,990.00 10,660,053.03 Deduct—Income reverted to General Fund................... 474,990.00 495,990.00 504,053.03 Surplus—December 31 ........................................................ P10,156,000.00 P10,156,000.00 P10,156,000.00 606 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1935 actual BOND FUNDS MANILA PORT WORKS AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS, ACTS 2908 AND 3013 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated Surplus, January 1.................................................................. P45,062.62 P93,792.08 F313,121.56 Expenditures— Construction of Pier 7.............................................. 1,555.29 Completion of Pier Head (Pier 7)....................... 3,280.93 Widening of the approaches on Pier 5................. 33.48 Extension of South Breakwater........................... 38.79 Improvement of Pier 3................................... 8.37 Replacing docks of Piers 3 and 5......................... 4.63 Construction of cross-section of seawall............. 4,949.49 Reclamation of additional land at Engineer Is­ land ........................................................... 21,489.29 244.52 39.43 481.34 447.52 6,680.23 Reclamation of land for an airport ................... Completion of Muelle Magallanes River Wall, Pasig River ............................................................ Completion of Pasig River Wall from Calle Soda to Jones Bridge .................................................... Construction of Manila Airport site................... Total expenditures .................................................... 31,360.27 Surplus, December 31...........................................«............... P13,702.35 11.30 24.40 26,011.86 198.42 3,234.71 47,568.56 27,431.44 951.18 154,734.03 48,729.46 219,329.48 P45,062.62 P93,792.08 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT FUNDS, ACTS 2940, 3013 AND 3994 Details Surplus, January 1 .............................................................. Expenditures: Construction and extension of irrigation systems Construction of concrete floors and other perma­ nent improvement irv the Bureau of Public Works storehouse on Port Area....................... Total expenditures ...........................................-...... Surplus, December 31...........................................-............... 1937 1936 1935 estimated estimated actual 175,889.02 375,889.02 381,452.40 100,000.00 100,000.00 5,563.38 100,000.00 .. 100,000.00 200,000.00 5,563.38 f>75,889.02 F175,889.02 ^375,889.02 H.—DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS 607 BOND FUNDS CEBU PORT WORKS AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS, ACT No. 3413 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Surplus, January 1.................................................................. P30,046.75 P70,046.75 P114,015.47 Expenditures: Extension of the port works and improvement of the harbor facilities in the City of Cebu.... 30,046.75 40,000.00 43,968.72 Total expenditures .............................................. 30,046.75 40,000.00 43,968.72 Surplus, December 31 .......................................................... 0.00 P30,046.75 P70,046.75 ILOILO PORT WORKS AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS, ACT No. 3417 Details 1937 estimated 1936 estimated 1935 actual Surplus, January 1....................................................... P160,270.38 P660,270.38 P1,210,368.79 Expenditures: Construction of works and improvement in the marginal wharf, Iloilo............................................ P160,270.38 P500,000.00 P550,098.41 Total expenditures.......................................-....... 160,270.38 500,000.00 550,098.41 Surplus, December 31 .......................................................... * 0.00 P160,270.38 P660,270.38