Facing the reality


Part of Panorama

Facing the reality
Recto, Claro M.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
TNI PNILIPPINl MAGAZINE OF SOOD BEADING Entered as second class mail matter at the Manila Post Office on Dec. 7, 1965 Vol. XIX MANILA, PHILIPPINES No. 3 FACING THE REALITY If it be true that peace is a craven illusion, national independence a dangerous myth, and universal brotherhood a dream of the weak in spirit, and if it be true that we must make war to find peace and learn to hate in order to understand the meaning of fraternity, then let us meet our fate 'with our eyes open, and not in the tragic folly of the wilfully blind, the self-enslaved, and the fanatic kamikaze, dashing himself to his doom in unquestioning devotion to the glory of a master power. If there must be war, let us be prepared for it with all the formal guarantees we can obtain, all the armament we can amass, all the allies we can enlist; and if we must fight, let us at least fight with some hope of victory and survival, not with the fealty of the serf to his lord, but as equals among equals, free among the free. — Claro M. Recto.