Sincerity and truth


Part of Panorama

Sincerity and truth
Schweitzer, Albert
Volume XIX (6) June 1967
Conduct of life
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
TMI WIUFTIMi MAQAZ1NI Of 0000 UADfHO Entered m second elaaa mail matter at the Manila Poet Office on Dee. 1, ItSt Vol. XIX MANILA, PHILIPPINES No. 6 SINCERITY AND TRUTH Just as a tree bears year after year the same fruit and yet fruit which is each year new, so must all permanently valuable ideas be continually born again in thought. But our age is bent on trying to make the barren tree of skep­ ticism fruitful by tying fruits of truth on its branches. It is only by confidence in our ability to reach truth by our own individual thinking, that we are capable of accepting truth from outside. Unfettered thought, provided it be deep, never degenerates into subjectivity. With its own ideas it stirs those within itself which enjoy any tra­ ditional credit for being true, and exerts itself to be able to possess them as knowledge. Not less strong than the will to truth must be the will to sincerity. Only an age which can show the courage of sincerity can possess truth which works as a spiritual force within it. Sincerity is the foundation of the spiritual life. With its depreciation of thinking our generation has losts its feeling for sincerity and with it that for truth as well. It can therefore be helped only by its being brought once more on to the road of thinking. Because I have this certainty I oppose the spirit of the age, and take upon myself with confidence the respon­ sibility of taking my part in the rekindling of the fire of thought. — By Albert Schweitzer from Out of My Life and Thought.