Hobby page bamboo stand for photographs


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Hobby page bamboo stand for photographs
conducted by Gilmo Baldovino
Volume 1 (Issue no. 8) September 1935
Picture frame design and construction
Bamboo work
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE YOUNG CITIZEN 209 HOBBY PAGE Conduded by gilmo baldovino BAMBOO STAND FOR PHOTOGRAPHS BOYS and girls, here is an easy and in expensive way to make a photograph stand out of bamboo. You can make it as a birthday gift for your parents, your brothers, your sisters, and your friencls. The illustrations above show how the bamboo-stand will actually look when finished. Wouldn't this be attractive for your personal little desk or on top of your own bookshelf? I have omitted the measurements of each part because photographs are of so ma11y different sizes. So in case you have a bigger one, you may, therefore, make the barnboo-sta11d bigger. This stand although named "bamb00 stand" is not made of bamboo alone. ·rt has four pieces of bamboo. The support for the glass is of metal sheet (tin or brass sheet), and the base is of wood. It is very necessary to do straight ann clean cutting to square the edges perfectly by polishing all surfaces to a sheer and unmarked finish. This will make yam work much neater and more attractive. The photograph is held between two diagonally topped glass sheets which, in turn, are held in a groove of the bamboo on the sides: These glass sheets are supported below by a metal sheet. The two pieces of bamboo which hold the two vertical bamboo pieces are fastened on tli.e wood base by screws. To assemble the pieces, the first thing to do is to apply a little paper paste on the back of each corner of the photograph. Then place this on one of the glass sheets and place the other glass over it. To assembl~ the other pieces, first, fasten one of the hori. zont;al bamboo parts on the base. Then insert the vertical bamboo piece throtJgh the slot. After this, you must attach the metal support. The other bamboo parts are the1i attached on the other end of the metal support. When every part or piece is placed right and tight on its place, screw the secimd horizontal bamboo part. Then insert the glass sheets into the grooves. The best finish which I can suggest fm· this is to use transparent varnish for th.: bamboo and color wood-paint on the wood.