Speaks as many languages as He counts in years IN Anywhere and everywhere [column]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Speaks as many languages as He counts in years IN Anywhere and everywhere [column]
Volume 1 (Issue no. 8) September 1935
Multilingualism in children
Multilingual communication
Gibson, Michael
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SPptember, 1.935 ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE Speaks As Many Languages As He Counts In Years Michael Gibson is five years old H:? speaks five languages. Michael'-; father and mother are American. His father is an American Ambassador. Of course, Ambassador Gibson is sent to many countries by Uncle Sam. So far. wherever the Gibson family has lived, little Michael soo.i learned the language of the country in which he. was staying. Michael r.oW speaks English, French. Flemish. Portuguese, and Tyrolese. Mother Cat Takes Care ·Of Eleven Puppies In Mi:. and Mrs. Abella's home in Cebu, Cebu there lives a very friendly mother cat. Not long ago the mother cat gave birth to a lit· tie kitten which died a few days later. At the same time the good oid house d6g also gave birth to eleven puppies. When the mother cat disco·:ered the puppies she began fondling and licking them. Now she feeds them with her fresh milk every da} while the mother dog goes out walking. So we learn that cats an<l dogs can be quite good friends after the}' know each other long enough. V..' e usually, however, hear the dogs hark at the cats and the Cats spit at the dogs. And how thick the cat's tail can get when a dog comes along! But this mother cat in Cebu seems. to be quite diffe,rent and very kind and friendly toward the baby puppies. A Gigantic Globe Of This World Of Ours THE YOUNG CITIZEN This Month Years Ago 219 On September 15. 1898, the Filipino Revolutionary ·Congress met in the church of Barasoain near Malolos, Bulacan. Eighty-tin~ deputies, gathered there from all parts of the Philippines. The President of the Philippine Republic, General Emilio Aguinaldo, delivered his message to the Congress. Congress was then organized with Pedro A. Paterno as President, Benito Legarda as Vice-President. and Gregorio Araneta and Pablo Ocampo as secretaries. Its principal work was the ratification of the declaration of independence of the Philippines, and the framing of a const~tution. That constitution is now known to us as the Malolos. Constitution. The republic then establishe~ did ,not last long. But ten years heri.c~ it will rise again. through the center of it you would hc:ive to walk the distance of fifteen fc£t. The atlas, which is really the proper name for the globe, wiH turn around on its axis steadily jmt Iik(' this earth we live upon. It will be illuminated from the inside with electric lights. Each country is very visible on it. Some things can be seen better than others be"Wait!" It is seldom that passengers who have never travelled on this stretch fail to inquire. "Where are we?" "Wait," replies the conductor. Indeed, it gets to be a Very puzzling situation to strangers. But in dut time after much more questionir.~ they learn that the name of the st.llion is reaIIy Wait. (However, name in the local dialect which is cause they stand out, that is, they used in that region is Pockaj, meanarc brought out in relief. Especially ing wait.) frontiers, waterways, railways and airways of each country. are very. very clear. The atlas will turn rn slowly on its axis so that anyone Girl of Fourteen Stationmaster can observe it carefully. It will She must be the envy of many a m;:ke six revolutions during one boy. When a young Japanese girl h0ur. The l~rge Atlas Institute of reported that her father, who was tht> Union of Socialist Soviet Republic is but a short distance from where the globe will be located. the station master at Sho, Japan, had fallen ill, the fourteen yt>ar old girl was permitted to .take over his duties. The owner of the line realiud that -the girls' family would h,1Ve no other source of income and In Moscow, Russia. a giant globe Wait! Wait! Wait! so it was through his kindness that is being placed in a city·park, called When a train arrives in a certain the girl was given a responsibility. the Central Park of Culture and station in Czechoslovakia the guard There are thirty tram services which Rest. The globe is fifteen feet in c;.;lls out "Wait!" Thereupon, the sl11.· has to diicct and supervise every diameter. If you were to pass right passengers hear the porter call out d;:y.