The skylark [chords]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The skylark [chords]
words by J. Hogg; Music by Antonio Munoz
Volume 1 (Issue no. 8) September 1935
Chords (Music theory)
Harmony in music
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
September, 1995 Words by J. l-logg !'.ii.rd. of the Wild ts thy I#; THE YOUNG CITIZEN The Skylark d JI 22! Music by Antonio Munoz Tanjay, Negros Or. <..c>i.l -da--r--, .!::>lithe-some "nd,-:.... less, La.y a~ loud ra-r- i-n. lh.e. down.7 cloud., I ff~ ~ ~ h 5w-eet be- Hy >na-t- ""' o '.,,,.. moor- - la.nd t ... a-1 bi.-r-!:1-.... lov"" L"Y"'- ':JW"'S i.t "'"-_'"',.. --9y' <j8-V<2- . ;,1::. ~m.-l:>lem of ha;p-fc-r-ess, f>lesl:- cs l:k_y .Jw .. ll-in~ place,. lllkre, on th.y dew- y w ""3 , wk,,.." a.rt H"'u jour--ney-i"'j? l~&kf ,#,~ &Jlj 18JJ1j#/J~dl ;J Oh.! to a-bide Lt"\. th.e. des-er-l- with -1\\ee,1.)in:L or the. -wi.L-ckr-1'ess. Thy l".Y;. ti"'. heav-,-e"'-• Hy lov"' 015 on. e.a.rl1',~),,..J. ot th.e- wi.l-.J..,...-1'.ess. act that is still new to him. but h~ all your work. In the face of an dcrstanding them. This is a ·very will perhaps inevitably form the entirely new problem. your habits bad habit, for it means mental·lazi habit by reason of that deep and may help you, but they may prove ness and what they call mental flabgcneralized feeling for what i~ right more disastrous to you. You should, biness. anC what is good, so strong and im- therefore. not depend upon your pelling in him. habits alone. Habitual ways of doThe main defect of our educa · tion, then, is failure to form those Lacking in this fundamental ele- ing certain things in a certain way habits of action that develop from mmt. your education will be almost may be right under certain condi- a certain fixed, well-defined ideal of useless. Nay, it may prove. a real tions, but not under other condi- conduct. Habits are just habits. harm to you. Education may only tions. There are no ~stablished idi::als beshow you more effective ways of At your age this is perhaps hard hind them, ideals that control them doing what is not right and good. to understand, but keep it in your wherever they go. convictions that And then you should -remember. n.ind and light will gradually comf' will inspire them and strengthen above all. that what: is right and to you as you grow in years. Do throughout life. Convictions are what is good are things that depend, no• form the habit of reading and the soul of a good character. Habnot upon habits, but upon reason. remembering things so easy that you its are just tools with which conYou cannot let your habits perform do not have to think at all in un- victions are made effective:.