Election of the first President of the Philippines


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Election of the first President of the Philippines
Volume 1 (Issue no. 8) September 1935
Presidential elections -- History
Philippines – Politics and government
Philippines -- History -- American regime, 1898-1935
Quezon, Manuel L.
Aguinaldo, Emilio
Aglipay, Gregorio
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
224 MY PETS by Alvaro L. Martinez My Pig and Cat My mocher bought A little pig. It said to me Oink oink. My sister found A pretty cat, Meow .meow It caught a rat. I love my cat I love my pig. Meow meow Oi~k .. oink My Dog My little dog Is black and white. It is so good Ir. does not bite. It plays with me From morn till night. We are good friends And never fight. THE YOUNG CITIZEN September, 19J5 Election of the First President of the Philippines On the 17th day of this month w-<. shall have the election for the first president of the Philippine Commonwezlth. It will be the firs( time in the history of the Philippines that the Filipinos will enjoy the right of choosing the he::i.d of their government. For hundreds · oi years the chief executive. of the Philippines has been either a SpaniarC or an American. On the same day the vice-pre'>idr:nt of the Philippine Commonv.. ec:.lth and the members of the National Assembly will also be elected. My Doll I have a doll With eyes of blue Her lovely name Is Mary true. She says ~amm'a And goes to sleep. My little doll Is good and sweet. ~~~~~~· On November 15th this year all the officers, who will be elected this n~cnth. will begin to perform their duties. It is on that day that the new government of the Philippines will be inaugurated. That government is the Commonwealth of the Philippines. The candidates for' the office of President of the Philippines are Manuel L. Quezon, Emilio Aguinaldo. and Gregorio Aglipay. The voters of the Philippines are tO select which onl'. of these three persons shall be the chief executive. Every voter. therefore, has a very important duty to do in the selection of the heacl oi our government. He has to convince himself that the candidate he sehcts is t}Je most capable person among the three. We should re mrmber that the President o'f the Pliilippines will be the first Filipinr) head of our government. Upon the success of his administration deprnds very much the prosperity of the Filipino nation. NEPA £} \l\1 ~~m1 s~/ ' ~ \tJ 'Ooli fot> lhe h brl~K (ir11ai· ~ -< ~ill\ -=; 1 "" ~~ 11-m~k'!J me. I groW /o sfrO))_g arid fa// N-is for our Nation of brave strong men For our country they'd serve with might and brain, E--is for Economy that we should have Our country's goods to protect and !i~Vc P-is for Philippines-these sun kissed isles IJ-l(eep~~~~l~ 900(/ AT ALL DEAl..ERS t'arnalion Evaporated Milk., flRllC ~rile to P.C.C. -.;, Manila for New p REM I u MS Premium Catalog Of hemp, coco palms, and sweet sugar canes. A:__is for Azure-the blue of our sky, With Justice to all, for Nepa we'Il die. LUISA DE LA PAZ Answers to "A Health Game." 13 14 4 12 15