Sons of great men often work as laborers


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Sons of great men often work as laborers
Volume 1 (Issue no. 8) September 1935
Children of presidents
Unskilled labor
Roosevelt, John
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
September, 1935 INTERESTING PLACES San Francisco del Monte For a week-end retreat for City people, San Francisco del Monte is an ideal place. So close to Manila, )'Ct so province-like in atmosphere, it offers a change at once wholeTHE YOUNG CITIZEN 225 Sons of Great Men often Work as Laborers Washington. D. C. President . companionship with men who earn Roosevelt's youngest son. John their living by the sweat of their Roosevelt, is now busy working as brow. Furthermore. by request ot a laborer in Tennessee. He miglH the President of the United States, just as easily have chosen to seek .1 John Roosevelt is not receiving any joh as office clerk with the Tennessee Valley Authority. Instead h~ payment for his service. The Pres·· some and refreshing. Wild flowers is working with a pick and shovel idcnt says, "Now that there are so many laborers in need of money, I ask that my· son w6rk without benefit of a pay envelope." The President, of course, is maintaining his son John during the young man's stay in Tennessee. bloom along the roadside in profusi0n-grntle makahiya. starlike lantana. bright sunflowers. Clumps of bamboos here and there give sheltct to the ominous "tuk6" and offer refuge to the persecuted. iguana. A stroll up and down the rolling hills affords a healing exercise - ~o th!!- gouty . and rheumatic. The bracing air and bright sunshine tone ur the anemic and cheer up the low in spirit. The shady nooks alqng Pure Milk-during his vacation months. John i<> a student at Harvard University and now during the hot summer days he is getting the soundest ex· pcrience that any young could get ·-hard physical work and close tl-e streams invite the dreamer to ser.d his thoughts soaring among tLe fleecy clouds that flirt with the breeze. or the inveterate reader to pt•rC into ·'volumes Of andent lore." T0 the students of the secrets of rocks and layers of clay, the thousand and one land features reveal the miracles that time and weather have wrought. N~xt time you want to flee from the dust and hum of the City, drive. ride. or hike out to San Francisco del Monte. MILKMAID CONDENSED MILK All children love Milkmaid Milk and you can have nothing better or more wholesome. Wit.h rice or spread on bread, it is a real treat. Save the labels and exchange them /01· Splendid Gifts. Nestle & Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co. MANILA .JLOILO CEBU ZAMBOANGA Don't fail to mention THE YOUNG CITIZEN when writing for catalog or gifts.