Two little brothers


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

Two little brothers
Arquiza-Santos, Josefina
The Young Citizen 5 (5) May 1939
Siblings in literature
Reading (Elementary)
Early childhood education
Storytelling in education
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
.May, 1939 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 163 A LITTLE STORY FOR LITTLE PEOPLE Two Little Brothers By MRS .• JOSEFINA ARQUIZA-SANTOS * 1 UNIOR AND ROLLING are two little boys. They live in a house near the seashore. Their house is made of nipa and bamboo. Sometimes in the morning after breakfast they play on the shore. Sometimes they play in the water. They sail paper boats on the water. Sometimes they try to swim. They dig holes in the sand. They pick up shells on the shore. They give the s h e II s t o Mother. Mother is a teacher. She goes to school every day. She loves her two 1 i t t 1 e boys very much. Sometimes s h e takes Junior and Rolling to school. They like to go to school with Mother, so they can play with the other children. They like to hear the children sing. 'l'hey learn to sing the "Good Morning" song, and "Fido and his Master." They enjoy seeing the beautiful · pie* TC:!acher, Isabela Elementary School, Isabela, Zamboanga City. tures in the story books. These two little boys are very good. They greet Mother and Father when they wake up in the morning. They say goodnight to Father and Mother before they go to bed. They say their prayers before they go to sleep. When Father and Mother come home from work, they run to meet them. Junior and Rolling play well together. T h e y do not quarrel, and they do not get angry with each other. If either one has some candy, he divides it with the other brother. Do you not think Rolling and .T uni or are fine boys? READ AND ANSWER 1. Where do Junior and Rolling live? 2. What do they do on the shore? 3. Do you like to play on the seashore? 4. Who takes Junior and Rolling to school? 5. Why do they like to go?