A selected composition: growing corn IN What are you doing club [column]


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

A selected composition: growing corn IN What are you doing club [column]
The Young Citizen 5 (7) July 1939
Corn farming
Children's writings
Dimapilia, Jaime M.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
July, 1939 A Selected Composition GROWING CORN DURING our two months of vacation I planted some hills of corn in our back yard. After ·a week the small shoots appeared above the ground. I was happy, because I had some corn growing which was my very own. Each day I cultivated the soil around my corn, watered it if necessary, pulled up the weeds, and took good care of it. After a while some ears of corn appeared on my plants, and within a few weeks they were large enough to be gathePed. Then we picked the ears of corn, cooked them, and had a feast at our home. Some of the ears were boiled, a n d s o m e were roasted. I think any boy of my a ae will be repaid if he ~ll do the same thing which I did.-Jaime M. Dimapilia ( 12 years old). THE YOUNG CITIZEN Making Handkerchiefs Prize Composition By LYDIA S. GABRIEL ( 14 years old) SEARCHED through my mother's basket of remnants of cloth to find material for making handker"chiefs. For my first handkerchief I found some pieces of colored silk cloth. I sewed these together neatly in an attractive design. Then I bought some lace and trimnied the edges of my handkerchief with it. For my second handkerchief I used pieces of white dimity instead of silk. I placed a little piece of embroidery in one corner, and decorated the edges of the handkerchief with fancy stitches of colored thread. By and by both handkerchiefs were finished. Then I laundered and ironed th-em. I was surprised to find that I had made two nice handkerchiefs from scraps of waste materials which might have been thrown away. I wrapped the silk one in Earning My First Three Pesos Prize Composition By LUCENA DELIMA ( 14 years old) TH IS is how· I earned my first three pesos: There was a tambes tree growing near our house and it was loaded with large, ripe fruit. It was the only tambes tree in that vicinity. I asked the owner if I might pick the fruit, sell it, and d i v i d e t he money equally. To this plan the owner agreed. The next day the fruit was picked, and quickly sold for six pesos. It was not difficult. to sell the fruit. My share of the money was three pesos,. and with it I bought myself a present of a pair of new shoes which I wore to church the next morning. tissue paper, tied it with a ribbon and attached a card on which I had written a cheery little rhyme. That one I gave to my friend for a birthday present. The other one I kept.