A-hunting we will go


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

A-hunting we will go
The Young Citizen. 5 (7) July 1939
Children's songs
Children's music
Music & children
Early childhood education
Reading comprehension--Study and teaching (Elementary)
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
230 THE YOUNG CITIZEN FOR SECOND GRADERS •Sec pages 234 and 235. A-HUNTING WE WILL GO* O! A-hunting we will go, A-hunting we will go; We'll catch a fox And put him in a box, And then we'll let him go. DRAW THE MISSING PART Juli·, 1939 Here we see a picture of ::i bucket, a picture of a boat, and a picture of a rake. In each picture something is missing. Can you draw the missing part? bucket boat rake ··-...; 234 " TllE YOU:\G C!TIZE:'I A·HUNTING WE WILL 60 Tempo <1 i marci.a --;-. lu!y, 1939 Old English go; A- hunt-ing we will e,o; We•ll r r ~ ~ ca~c:h a fox and put him in a box,And then wr'll Let him so· I I I 2. O! A-fishing we will go, A-fishing we will go; We'll catch a fish I And put him in a dish, And then we'll let him go. I r - 3. O! A-sailing we will go, A-sailing we will go; We'll catch a whale And put him in a pail, And then we'll let him go. This song may be used as an excellent music game for little children. See instructions on the next page. July, 1939 THE YOUNG CITIZEN 235 A MUSIC GAME FOR LITTLE CHILDREN A-HUNTING WE WILL GO· THE song which is used in playing this game is on page 234. First, a group of children must learn to sing the song softly and lightly, but rapidly. Show the children the picture of the fox on page 230 and tell them that a fox is an animal which looks like a dog. (Later tell them about a whale-"a fish as large as a house.") After the children can sing the song they must memorize it. Then they are ready to play the game. When playing the game an inner and an ouier circle are formed by the children standi"n g back to back. The in-ner circle is the "box" or the "dish" or the "pail," according to the stanza being sung. The players in the outer circle are the "hunters" or the "fishers" or the ''sailors." A child is chosen to be the "fox" or the "fish" or the "whale," depending upon the verse of the song beil)g used. The "fox" runs, or the "fish" or the "whale"___:whichever it is-"swims" easily and lightly around the circle while .the childre11 are singing. At the word go in the last line of each' stanza the child nearest the "animal" captures him and puts him in the "box" or the "dish" or the "pail." · All the players will be i11terestCd in wondering just where the "animal" will be at the final word go in each stanza. The play is repeated until there are several prisoners. Then they are all fed pieoes of cake or candy and are set free. . A whole class may play this game, or all the small boys and girls near somebody's home may play it. The teacher at school may teach the. song. ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS I. What does a fox look like? 2.. Can a fox run? 3. Does a fish run or swim? 4. Where does a whale live? 5. Can a whale swim? 6. Is a whale large or small? 7. Can you sing this · song from memory? 8. Do you sing it softly? 9. Do you like to play this game? JO. Were you a "prisoner"?