Sex queens


Part of The Philippine Magazine

Sex queens
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Showbiz news on new erotic actresses in the Philippines
SEX QUEENS DWINA VALENCIA PERMISSIVE is the latest word for Filipino cinema and the new spirit of liberation finds its greatest expression in the sex content of the current movies. No longer do stars exchanged faked kisses or women flaunt their sexiness by walking .around with a shoulder strap flung aside. The new permissiveness calls for the characters to indulge in inordinate kissing and for the girls to celebrate their sex with the minimum of clothing. In the old days, Rosa Rosal or Zeny Zabala could make the males pant by slinking across the screen in thl!ir sheer chemise. The old maids swooned when Pol Salcedo and Rosa del Rosario did each o11her faked lip service. The breakup of the Big Four and the proliferation of the indep~ndent producers was to usher in a highly competitive battle in the industry and to place a hi"'her premium in the box office returns. How to make the cash register ring, and ring with loud pecuniary peals? Sex, man, and we were soon to have our fill of it. JOSEPHINE ESTRADA REBECCA ANA LEDESMA mg of sex was, to be s me event. The Filipin long stifled in conventio ;as decaying not only in c nt ut in form. The stories ittl ariation and the product n al were equally wantin It had t rise r 1fie doldrums to a'ke care of t sexua r olution also tep nts breakthrough in morals, gust of fresh air in the narrow corridor, a triumph of liberalism and creativity. In the beinning were Stella Suarez and Divina Valencia. They were to inspire a popular street ditty that was a compliment to their daring and style. They brought a fresh and uninhibited approach to sex, clean sex. So overpowering was their influence and impact that later, even the so-called "nice" actresses were willing to osculate and undress to perform offbeat roles and otherwise add new dimensions . to their stereotype characterizations. Boom went the bust and soon dames Suarez and Valencia had to face a formidable horde of competitors. Ruby Regala came and left. Marissa Delgado posed for Playboy. Charito Solis gamboled in le minimum in lgorota. Verna Gaston signed up with the fiery legion. Anna Gonzales, an earthgoddess with a magnificent body, scorched the screen in a number of films. No one knows where this permissiveness will lead to. Greater realism as in the reported delivery scene of Miss Solis is her latest film? Total nudity? Explicit sex? No matter. We shall celebrate their coming, leaving the teeth-gnashing to the moral watchdogs, the censors and the self-aPpointed moralists. We only hope the Filipino cinema would care to exoress more truth, honesty and integrity, and view itself less as a merchandise and more as a creative endeavor, a mirror to life, a forceful medium of expression. Sex is joyless and meaningless unless exoressed in the proper context. To have sex for sex's sake i~ to perpetuate the old curse in the native film. f'v1 THE PHILIPPINE .-MAGAZINE I MAY at, 1969 I PAGE 9
Date Issued
1(8) May 31, 1969