When Rizal was a boy


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

When Rizal was a boy
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
452 THE YOUNG CITIZEN D1eember, 1940 WHEN RIZAL WAS A BOY By CARLOS AGATEP (IO YEARS OLD) WHAT KIND of a boy was ] ose Rizal? Let us see. When Jose Rizal was yet a very small boy, he listened to his mother teaching his older sister. From them he learned his alphabet, so he could read, he said. Thus we know that from the time he was a very young child, he wanted to learn things. We know that he was a kind boy, too. He owned a pony and a pet dog. He loved his pets very much, and always treated them well. He never beat them, but always saw that they had good food and a good place to sleep~ He liked io watch, birds and animals. He did not hurt them, as some little boys do. He liked to draw pictures of birds and animals. Sometimes he made figures of animals out of wax or clay. So we know he was a nature lover and an artist. ] ose was not a strong boy, but he liked to take Jong walks with his dog. He enjoyed riding his pony. Sometimes on pleasant nights he used to sleep on a pile of straw in the rice fields, in order ''to look at the stars." He was nine years old when his father sent him to another town to go to school. After he had been there a few months, his teacher said, "Jose, go home and ask your parents to send you to Manila to school." ~'You are very young to go to Manila," his father said when he asked him, but his patents finally permitted the boy to go to the big city. It was a cool, rainy day when Jose left his home· to.go to Manila. ·Thero were no busses or automobiles then, and he travelled a long time before he reached the city. It seemed to him that he was going very far away from his father and mother. But he was not afraid, for he was a brave little boy. So we see that when ] ose Rizal was a little boy, he began to be like the man ] ose Rizal. He started to be a great man when he was yet a boy. .CHOOSING THE RIGHT WORD I. ] ose Rizal listened to h i s - teaching his older sister. 2. He liked birds and ---. 3. He drew pictures of animals and ---- when he saw them. 4. He was ---- years old when he went to another town to go to school. 5. Later he went to school in-· ---.. 6. "You are very---· to go to Manila," his father said. 7. His---- finally permitted him to go. 8. He was not ----, for he was a - - - little boy. · - 9. He started to be a great - - - when he was yet a little ----.