The wife of Rizal


Part of The Young Citizen: The Magazine for Young People

The wife of Rizal
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE YOUNG CITIZEN December, 1940 THE WIFE OF RIZAL By CATALINO G. GARINGALAO, ]•. MUCH has and capable Irish girl. There was no been writ- reason why the couple should not be marten and ried, for Rizal considered that his politsaid about ical days were over. Accordingly they Jose Ri- agreed to become husband and wife. zal, but Mr. Tau fer was in despair when he comp a r- learned that nothing could be done to a t i v e 1 y restore his eyesight, so he took his adopted little has daughter with him to Manila before she come to and Dr. Rizal could be married. light about On July 28, 1896, an order from Mathe mar- nila was received by Rizal in Mindanao t Y r e d saying that he would be given his freeh e r o ' s dom on condition that he·.go to Cuba for wife. It is medical service. On arrival in Manila for this . harbor, Rizal was transferred to a Spanr e a s o n ish ·cruiser which was to take him t-0 Bns-relfrf of the Wife of Rizal t.h at an Spain. About IO o'clock at night he a r t i c 1 c summoned his sweetheart to come on · about Josefina Bracken,Taufer, the worn- board, and he bade her goodbye. an whom Rizal married, has been pre- Upon arrival at Barcelona, Rizal was pared for publication in THE YOUNG detained by Spanish officials, who deCITIZEN. The story is as follows : dared that he was one of the chiefs of the Among Doctor Rizal's patients was a ·Katipunan, and ordered that he be serit blind American named Taufer who was back to Manila for trial. Rizal's sweetan engineer in Hongkong. He and his heart was among the first who learned wife had adopted a girl named Josefina of his arrival in Manila. Bracken. This girl had known Rizal, "the Spanish dodor," in Hongkong. She persuaded her foster father to visit Rizal, who had been exiled to Dapitan, with the hope that Mr. Taufer's eyesight might be benefited by an operation by Dr. Rizal. The frequent visits of this young woman to the doctor with her father gave Rizal ample opportunity to meet her, and it was only natural . that he should fall in love with her. Ultimately they were engaged to be married. Josefina Bracken Taufer was a lively The alcohol lamp in ~hich Rizal's farewell poem was hidde11. Soon after Rizal landed in Manila, he· was irilprisoned in Fort Santi a go. Miss Taufer asked for permission to visit Rizal in his prison cell, but thi.s was refused by Spanish officials. A. week December> 1940 THE YOUNG CITIZEN later on Monday, December 27, 1896, he was visited by his entire family who brought Miss Taufer with them. About half an hour later Rizal suggested to Miss Tau fer that their marriage service should be performed before he was shot. She agreed to the arrangement. The next morning she was not admitted to the cell, but on the morning of the execution, at six o'clock, she went to see Rizal, arid they were quietly married. Josephine Bracken Taufer, the wife of Rizal, was interviewed in 1899 at a house in Calle Dulongbayan in Manila. In the course of the interview this young woman, who became Mrs. Jose Rizal just 15 minutes before the execution of the Filipino hero, told the following about her last hours with Rizal: might shoot me but I would go, and they let me pass." Rizal's widow fought in the. Philippine insurrection against Spain. Finally she was caught and sent to Hongkong. After the death of her adopted father she married Don Vicente Abad, who · at the time was connected with the Tabacalera Company in Hongkong. What the outcome of this s.econd marriage was "'e do not know,· but after the second anniversary of Rizal's martyrdom was observed u n de r the American regime, Josephine Bracken ' Taufer came back to the Philippines. "Rizal begged me to forgive him for the sorrows he had caused me, and told me that in the little alcohol The wife of Jose Rizal. She lived temporarily in Cebu and earned her livelihood by giving lessons in English. One of her pupils then was Sergio Osmeiia, now vice-president of the Philippine Common we a Ith. Afterwards she was a teacher in the public schools. cooking lamp he had hidden a paper for Later Mrs. Rizal Photograph of Rizol's Wife wen t to Hongkong where she was placed in a hospital on account of ill health. She died in Hongkong and was buried in the Catholic me-the last message to his country. Then we parted forever, for the Spanish officers refused to let me talk with him any more. "I went to the place of the execution on the Luneta, as he bade me. I was not permitted to go near him. He behaved with great fortitude all the time. "I followed Rizal's body to the Paco cemetery, but they shut the gate in my face. i cried out, but it did no good. After a short time I tried again to go to Rizal's grave but again the soldiers guarding it refused. I told them they cemetery. REVIEW I. What was the name of the woman whorn Jose Rizal married? 2. In what city was her home? 3. Why did her foster father visit Rizal? · 4. Where was Rizal living at that time? Why? (Please turn to page 472.) THE YOUNG CITIZEN December~ 1940 CHRISTMAS SPIRIT THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST- THE WIFE OF RIZAL (Continued from page 458) MAS: I mean just this. (Continued from page 469) lowly I go. Into the midst Wher~v~r there. is love, 5. Of what nationality of riches and poverty. And there ~s JOY·. And ~herever was Miss Tauter? the thing I find is always there is Chnstmas Joy, there 6. Why did Rizal not the same. It fills my heart is the. Christmas Spi~it. marry Miss Tauter iµ Dawith happiness. That ~s why I am w.1th pitan? CRISTETA: Surely you you children. Merry Chnst- 7. What official order did not find anything so mas! . did Rizal receive? very wonderfui here sir. ALL: Merry Christmas! 8. Tell of his departure ANA: We wer~ only Merry Christmas! And from Manila. wrapping Christmas pres- may the Ch.ristn:ias S~irit 9. What accusation was ents What could you find always remam with us· made in Spain against Riher~ to make you happy? CURTAIN zal? CRISTETA: We were so IO. Where was he sent? happy about our presents QUESTIONS Why? for Mother and Grand- 1. What do you think is 11. Where· was Rizal immother and Daddy, that we the meaning of this playlet? prisoned? couldn't think of anything 2· Is there a lesson to be 12. Can his prison cell learned from ·it? What is else. still be seen? (Yes) THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST- the lesson? l 3. What request by MAS: And what are· these 3· Is the opening of this Miss Tauter was refused? Chrl .stmas presents which playlet a happy scene? 14 Wh .. d R" 1 . you so much J·oy? 4. Could such a scene be . o v1s1te iza In his prison cell on Decem}UAN: A hold·er for found almost anywhere in ber 27, 1896? Dad's neckties. I made it the Philippines? 15. What agreement did at school. 5· Did these " Rizal and Miss Tauter ANA: And I made a lit- long to a happy family? then make? d . h" f Why do you thmk so? tie re pmcus 10n or 6. Were they rich? 16. When were they marMother. ried? How long before RiPEDRO: And a gold ring 7· Were th~ two brothers zal's execution? for Mother! :~~h t~~h:~ sisters loyal to 17. What did Rizal tell CRISTETA: The Y are 8. At what point in the about the alcohol lamp at wonderful presents, aren't story did the Christmas his last meeting with Miss they? Spirit enter. Tau fer? 'fHE SPIRIT OF CHRIST- 9. Why did the Christ- 18. Did Mrs. Rizal witMAS: Of course they are. mas Spirit not leave with ness the execution of her And it all goes to prove the singers? husband? what I say. I never knew 10. Were the children's 19. How did Rizal act at it to fail. Automobiles or presents costly? his execution? pincushions, it is always the 11. What makes a Christ- 20. What request did same. mas present worth while? Mrs. Rizal make at the JUAN: What do you 12. Why do we give pres- gate of Paco cemetery in mean? en ts at Christmas? Manila?