Readings for Holy Mass During Advent, etc. 1969


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Readings for Holy Mass During Advent, etc. 1969
Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas XLIII (487) November 1969
Mass -- Celebration
Catholic church -- Liturgy
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
LITURGICAL SECTION READINGS FOR HOLY MASS DURING ADVENT, etc. 1969 Sunday, Nov. 30: — O that Thou wouldst rend the heavens and come down: Is 63, 16b-17; 64, 1.3b-8 (Hebrew: 63, 16b-17; 64, 2b-7). We wait for the revealing of Our Lord Jesus Christ: 1 Cor 1,3-9 Watch— for you do not know when the master of the house will come: Mk 13,33-37 Monday, Dec. 1 — The Lord will gather together all nations in the eternal peace of the Kingdom of God: Is 2,1-5 Many will come from east and west in the Kingdom of heaven: Mt 8,5-11 Tuesday, Dec. 2 — The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him: Is 11,1-10 Jesus exults in the Holy Spirit: Lk 10,21-24 Wednesday, Dec. 3 — The Lord invites to his feast and will wipe away the tears from all faces: Is 25,6-10a Jesus cures many and multiplies loaves: Mt 15,29-37 Thursday, Dec. 4 — A righteous nations which keeps faith will enter: Is 26,1-6 Who does the will of my Father will enter into the Kingdom of heaven: Mt 7,21.24-27 Friday. Dec. 5 — On that day the eyes of the blind shall see: Is 29,17-24 Believing in Jesus two blind men are cured: Mt 9,27-31 Saturday, Dec. 6 — The Lord will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry: Is 30,18-21.23-26 When he saw the crowd he was moved with compassion: M: 9,35 10,1.6-8 READINGS FOR HOLY MASS DURING ADVENT Second Sunday: — Prepare the way of the Lord: Is 40,1-5.9-11 We wait for new heavens and a new earth: 2 Pt 3,8-14 Make the Lord’s paths straight: Mk 1,1-8 Imm. Concept.— I will put enmity between you and the woman: Gen 3,9-15.20 God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world: Eph 1,3-6.11-12 Hail full of grace, the Lord is with you! Lk 1,26-38 Tuesday, Dec. 9 — God comforts his people: Is 40,1-11 God does not will that His little ones perish: Mt 18,12-14 Wednesday, Dec. 10 — The almighty God “gives power to the faint" Is 40,25-31 Come to me all who are burdened: Mt 11,28-30 Thursday, Dec. 11 —I will help you, your Redeemer, die Holy One of Israel: Is 41,13-20 There has risen no one greater than John the Baptist: Mt 11,11-15 Friday, Dec. 12: — O that you had hearkened to my commandments: Is 48,17-19 They do not listen to John nor to the Son of Man: Mt 11,16-19 Saturday, Dec. 13 — Elias will come again: Sir 48,1-4.9-11 Elias has come already and they did not recognize him: Mt 17,10-13 Third Sunday:—I will greatly rejoice in the Lord: Is 6l,l-2a.l0-ll May your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: 1 Thess 5,16-24 Among you stands one whom you do not know: Jn 1,6-8,19-28 830 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS Monday, Dec. 15: —A star shall come forth out of Jacob: Num 24,2-7.15-17a The baptism of John, whence was it? Mt 21,23-27 Tuesday, Dec. 16: — Messianic salvation is promised to all who are poor: Soph 3,1-2.9-13 John came and the sinners believed him: Mt 21,28-32 Wednesday, Dec. 17: —The scepter shall not depart from Judah: Gen 49,2.8-10 The genealogy of Jesus Christ, Mt 1,1-17 Thursday, Dec. 18 — I will raise up for David a righteous Branch: Jer 23,5-8 Jesus will be born of Mary, the bride of Joseph, the Son of David: Mt 1,18-24 Friday, Dec. 19:—The birth of Samson is announced by an angel: Judg 13,2-7.24-25a The birth of John the Baptist is announced by the angel Gabriel: Lie 1,5-25 Saturday, Dec. 20 — Behold the virgin shall conceive: Is 7,10-14 Behold, you shall conceive and bear a son: Lk 1,26-38 Fourth Sunday: — The kingdom of David will remain before the Lord for all eternity: 2 Sam 7,1-5.8b-11 The mystery that was hidden from all eternity has now been revealed: Rom 16,25-27 Why is this granted to me that the mother of my Lord should come Lk 1,39-45 Monday, Dec. 22: — Anna gives thanks for the birth of Samuel: 1 Sam 1,24-28 Great things has done the Mighty One! Lk 1,46-56 Tuesday, Dec. 23: — I will send to you Elias before the day of the Lord Mai 3,1-4; 4,5-6 (Hebrew: 3.1-4. 23-24) The birth of John the Baptist: Lk 1,57-66 READINGS FOR HOLY MASS DURING ADVENT 831 Wednesday, Dec. 24,—morning Masses; The Kingdom of David will remain before the face of the Lord for all eternity: 2 Sam 7,1-5. 8b-ll or, ad libitum: The Lord is the King of Israel in your midst: Soph 3,14-18a The Dayspring from on high has visited us: Lk 1,67-79 In afternoon Masses: Is 62,1-5; Acts 13,16-17. 22-25; Mt 1,1-25 (or shorter: Mt 1,18-25) Christmas Day:—A Son has been given us: Is 9,2-7 (Hebrew: 9,1-6) The grace of God appeared to all men: Ti 2,11-14 A Savior has been bom for you today: Lk 2,1-14 Second Mass: Behold, your Savior comes: Is 62,11-12 According to His mercy He saved us: Ti 3,4-7 The shepherds found Mary, Joseph and the infant; Lk 2,15-20 Third Mass: All ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God: Is 52,7-10 God spoke to us in His Son: Hb 1,1-6 The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us: Jn 1,1-18 (or shorter: 1,1-5. 9-14) St. Stephen:—Behold, I see the heavens open: Acts 6,8-10; 7,54-59 Not you are the ones who speak; it is the Spirit of my Father! Mt 10.17-22 St. John Ap.: — What we saw and heard we proclaim to you: 1 Jn 1,1-4 The other disciple outran Peter and reached the tomb first: Jn 20,2-8 832 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS Sunday (Holy Family): — Who fears the Lord honors his parents: Sir 3,3-7.14-17a (Greek: 3,2-6. 12-14) On the life in a family according to the Lord: Col 3,12-21 Jesus increased in wisdom: Lk2,22-40 (or shorter: 2,22.39-40) December 29: — Who loves his brother remains in the light: 1 Jn 2,3-11 The Light for the revelation of the nations: Lk 2,22-35 December 30: — Who does the will of God remains for ever: 1 Jn 2,12-17 She spoke of him to all who were looking for the redemption of Israel: Lk 2,36-40 December 31: — You have been anointed by the Holy One and you all know: 1 Jn 2,18-21 The Word was made flesh: Jn 1,1-18 January 1: — So shall they put my Name upon the people of Israel and I will bless them: Num 6,22-27 God sent forth His Son born of woman: Gal 4,4-7 They found Mary and Joseph and the babe... And at the end of eight days he was called Jesus: Lk 2,16-21