Another Multi-Purpose Chapel


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Another Multi-Purpose Chapel
De Lara, Edgardo
Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas XLIV (499) December 1970
Catholic church buildings -- Designs and plans
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[During the early years of Christianity, the chapel formed but an integral part of a larger structure — the major churches and basilicas. Here patron saints were placed for the spiritual devotion of the faithful.]
COME, WORSHIP THE LORD Another Multi-purpose Chape( During the early years of Christianity, the chap^el formed but an integral part of a larger structure — the major churches and basilicas. Here patron saints were placed for the spiritual devotion of the faithful. Designing, therefore, a chapel presents certain elements of architectural expression which pose an enticing challenge to struc­ tural designers. With this in mind, the current issue’s design creates a form which despite its simplicity manages to bring out an impression of a soul at peace amidst a tranquil atmosphere. Concrete though boldly used is kept at a minimum but never­ theless maintaining its essential function. Timber comes in large dimensions and contributes to the final conception of the whole structure. Cement structures are left bare after forms are removed. The only elaborate feature of the whole structure is the roofing. Water-proofing will be used to insure that wet weather shall have little effect. 850 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS Fenestrations are at the maximum, achieving an atmosphere of openness within a massive form Any chosen site will not affect the edifice so much since the structure can be built in any choice lot. Be it on a flat land or rolling hills, the building will retain its serenity. A solid founda­ tion of rocks or adobe will be an ideal place where to erect this chapel. Estimated cost: P48,000.