Resolutions of the 10th Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Resolutions of the 10th Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists
Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas LIV (606-607) May-June 1980
Catholic church -- Congresses
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
[Organized by the Catholic Lawyers Guild of the Philippines, December 23-29, 1979 Manila, Philippines]
10th CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT OF CATHOLIC JURISTS (Organized by the Catholic Lawyers Guild of the Philippines) December 23-29, 1979 Manila, Philippines RESOLUTIONS APPROVED AT THE CLOSING PLENARY SESSION HELD AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SANTO TOMAS MANILA, PHILIPPINES ON DECEMBER 29, 1979 FROM 3:30-6:30 P.M. (In the numerical order approved) I A DECLARATION OF FAMILY RIGHTS DEEPLY concerned with the need for strengthening Family Life and in response to the United Nations Declaration of 1979 as the “International Year of the Child” and with the forthcoming Synod of Bishops in Rome, the Tenth Congress of the International Move­ ment of Catholic Jurists adopts the following Declaration of Family Rights, with the hope that the same be universally adopted by the Organization of the United Nations: DECLARATION OF FAMILY RIGHTS CONSIDERING that the Family is the most basic unit of society which provides a setting wherein members can survive, grow and develop fully as human persons; CONSIDERING that contemporary concerned institutions have emphatically regarded TOTAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT as the new expression of the social, political, economic, cultural and spiritual rights Inherent in the Family; CATHOLIC JURISTS 235 CONSIDERING that the United Nations and its specialized Agencies have published resolutions, declarations and recommendations concerning the rights of women and children, all of which reinforce the importance of family life; MOREOVER CONVINCED that pernicious influences continue to undermine the family as an Institution resulting in an alarming Increase in family breakdown, unwanted and rejected children, and deterio­ rating behavioral and sexual mores; CONVINCED that many of the problems facing the Family today stem from the consumerist, competitive and materialistic forces in society; CONVINCED that society imperils its own future when it over­ looks the importance of the family which provides its members a sense of absolute belonging and a place where they can experience what it means to be fully human; CONVINCED that the integrity of society rests upon the integrity of family life; WE DO SOLEMNLY PROCLAIM THIS DECLARATION: The Family exists within economic, socio-cultural, political, and religious structures. Therefore, government, churches, schools, busi­ ness and industry, labor, mass media, and all other sectors of society shall strive to ensure, preserve and promote the following Family Rights: 1. The right to live in freedom and dignity and experience its worth as a human institution. 2. The right to access to all basic institutions which respect the fundamental rights of individuals and groups, enhance the common good, promote social justice and participation in the decision-making process. 3. The right to opportunities and facilities for physical, spiritual, social and cultural development. 4. The right to security and inviolable privacy of their homes. 5. The right to a more equitable distribution of the wealth and resources of the nation. 236 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS 6. The right to wages and welfare benefits that take Into account the basic needs of the Family. 7. The right to working conditions and terms of employment continually upgraded so that the workers shall enjoy; a. job security; b. safe and healthful work environment; c. termination and retirement benefits; d. adequate death and disability compensation; and e. opportunities for growth and development. 8. The right to: a. basic functional literacy and vocational efficiency; b. continuing education, including adult literacy pro­ grams; and c. workers’ education. 9. The right to attend educational Institutions of their choice, including universities, vocational, technical and professional schools. 10. The right to educational information which helps to ensure the health and well-being of the Family. 11. The right to adequate housing, health care and social services. 12. The right to: a. adequate preparation for marriage and family life; and b. assistance, guidance and counselling for responsible parenthood in accordance with the religious beliefs and convictions of the Family. 13. The right to be informed by mass media according to the norms of truth, morality, justice, and desirable family values. 14. The right to be protected from undue manipulation so that the Family may be left free to pursue truth according to its own levels of understanding and awareness. 15. The right to legislation and other measures to protect minors from the corrupting influences of drugs, liquors, pornographic materials, immoral recreation and entertain­ ment, violence and other moral depravities. CATHOLIC JURISTS 2S7 16. The right to be protected from legislation prejudicial to its moral, psychological, religious and political welfare. 17. The right to wholesome and constructive recreation and entertainment, especially those which contribute to the development of values conductive to the strengthening of the Family. 18. The right to the formation of public opinion and direotion of national aspirations towards the promotion of family rights. These family rights shall be exercised and enforced without distinction as to color, race, creed, political beliefs, social and finan­ cial status. II ON DIVORCE CONSIDERING that absolute Divorce is, of itself, an evil for society as disruptive of the family institution, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists resolves that in those jurisdictions with existing divorce laws, all Catholics act consistently with the exigencies of the Catholic Faith. Ill ON THE DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD CONSIDERING that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides, inter alia, that "childhood is entitled to special care and assistance,” and considering further that “the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, of itself, has no'force of law,” the Tenth Con­ gress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists calls upon national governments that, pursuant to said Declaration, they im­ plement the ten general principles therein contained by means of adequate municipal legislation. IV ON REFUGEE ASYLUM AND PROTECTION CONSIDERING the refugee situation worldwide, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists resolves and appeals to all Governments: 238 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS a) To adhere to the principle of non-refoulement; b) To grant asylum to refugees arriving at their borders or shores; c) To give legal protection to refugees who have been granted asylum; d) To ensure that refugees benefit from basic human rights taking into account the customs and habits of the refugee population; and e) To ensure that refugees benefit from decent material living conditions in the centers where they are accommodated. V ON THE DIGNITY OF MAN IN HIS ENTIRETY CONSIDERING that the Gospel and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights contain those human rights that are, In the words of His Holiness Pope John Paul n, in his Message to this Congress, In keeping with the substance of “the dignity of the human being, understood In his entirety, not as reduced to one dimension only”, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists resolves that every effort be exerted by peoples and govern­ ments to create a continuous awareness of the dignity of man and that measures be adopted to guarantee and promote them any­ where, anytime. VI ON THE DIGNITY OF MAN AND HUMAN RIGHTS CONSIDERING the primary importance of "The Dignity of Man” which is the theme of the Congress and of "Human Rights" which is the primary subject therein, the Tenth Congress of the Inter­ national Movement of Catholic Jurists strongly stresses the need for all efforts to promote the dignity of man and to protect and maintain his human rights, and strongly deplore any violation or diminution of the same. CATHOLIC JURISTS 239 VII ON THE NEED TO HELP THE THIRD WORLD CONSIDERING the justified demands of the Third World and the general needs of mankind, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists resolves to reiterate that, as the Vatican Council II proclaims, “the advanced nations have a very heavy obligation to help the developing peoples in their desire to seek complete human fulfillment of their citizens as the explicit and fixed goal of progress.” VIII ON INTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION CONSIDERING the laudable repeated efforts to establish universally Inter-country Adoption, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists resolves that definite steps be taken by all the States to bring to realization a United Nations Conven­ tion on Adoption and Foster Placement allowing for inter-country adoptions to be signed and ratified by all nations. IX ON FOREIGN ADOPTION DECREES RECOGNIZING that the best interests of the child are paramount to the well-being of human society; and further RECOGNIZING the need of the child to permanence and stability in the family relation­ ship; the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists resolves that foreign adoption decrees be granted final effect in any State, unless to do so would be manifestly contrary to justice for the child, and would clearly result in immediate or irreparable harm to the child. X AGAINST VIOLENCE CONSIDERING the utter prevalence of violence the world over, and deploring the attack they entail upon the dignity of man, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists resolves 240 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS to condemn such violent overt acts and endorses, as well as fully adheres to, the recent censure on the subject aired by His Holiness Pope John Paul H, calling on all peoples and all nations to the ways of law and brotherly reconciliation. XI ON DIPLOMATIC INVIOLABILITY CONSIDERING recent events in various parts of the world violating the universally accepted principle of diplomatic Immunity, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists condemns any attack against the Inviolability of diplomatic premises and diplo­ matic personnel as against International Law and morality. XII AGAINST TAKING OF POLITICAL HOSTAGES CONSIDERING .recent events transpiring in some parts of the world wherein hostages are arbitrarily taken and forcibly held against their will for political reasons, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists reiterates that this is a gross violation of human rights and a serious harm to the dignity of man. XIII ON AVOIDING VIOLENCE CONSIDERING how fundamental are human rights to the dignity of man and how disruptive thereof are acts of violence, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists resolves to appeal to all leaders of governments and nations not to give cause or condone conditions which give excuse for violence. XIV AGAINST FEMALE CHILD CASTRATION CONSIDERING that mankind owes the child the best it has to give and that children are the supreme gifts of marriage, and consider­ ing further that there exists now in many places of the world the CATHOLIC JURISTS 241 inhuman and barbarous practice of castrating young female children to deprive them entirely of the right to love and the opportunity to procreate, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists resolves to condemn and denounce these cruel and inhuman practices. XV ON ALLEGIANCE TO THE CHURCH CONSIDERING that the Tenth Congress of the International Move­ ment of Catholic Jurists has convened giving testimony of its Catholic Faith in the field of law, the said Congress resolves to affirm faithful adherence and allegiance to His Holiness, Pope John Paul n, as well as the teaching authority (Maglsterium) of the Church. XVI AGAINST CONTRACEPTION CONSIDERING the evil and discruptive effects of contraceptives and other anti-natalist instruments not only to the unborn child but also the family and the state and the inherent right to life, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists resolves to condemn all contraceptives and anti-natalist legislation and/or government policies and plans of the same nature as a violation of the inalienable right to life. XVII AGAINST CHILD DISCRIMINATION CONSIDERING the supreme importance of the welfare of children for the well-being of the entire world community, the Tenth Con­ gress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists deplores all forms of discrimination against children on account of race, color sex, language, religion, or political status. XVIII ON LEGAL AID CONSIDERING the dignity of man, made to the image and likeness of God, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists resolves that Catholic Jurists throughout the world be urged to extend to the needy, specially to indigent accused, 242 BOLETIN ECLESIASTICO DE FILIPINAS detainees or prisoners, not only free legal aid but also and more important, the knowledge of our religion to those belonging to the Catholic Faith, so that its transforming truths may be operative in their lives. XIX ON PARTICIPATION IN POLITICAL LIFE CONSIDERING the Opening Address of His Eminence, Jaime Cardinal L. Sin to the Congress, and in order to promote, secure and safe­ guard the Dignity of Man, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists enjoins all governments to guarantee the right of their respective peoples to a free and genuine partici­ pation in the shaping of their political life and administration of government, because the political is the context in which man lives, chooses, acts and moves towards God. XX GRATITUDE TO HOST ORGANIZATION CONSIDERING the varied and highly fruitful papers, reports and discussions, as well as the excellent organization of the Tenth Con­ gress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists by the Philippine Congress Organization led by His Eminence Jaime Car­ dinal L. Sin, Archbishop of Manila and Patron of the Congress, and Dr. Enrique P. Syquia, President of the Catholic Lawyers Guild of the Philippines; the delegates, participants and guests to the said Tenth Congress resolve to express their profound gratitude to the host organization, the Catholic Lawyers Guild of the Philippines, with fervent prayers to the Almighty for its continued prosperity and venture; and to the distinguished Guests of Honour, H.E. Oplllo Cardinal Rossi, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, and the Honorable Wee Chong Jin, Chief Justice of Singapore; and to all renowned guest speakers, chairmen and rapporteurs of the various working sessions. XXI GRATITUDE TO THE PHILIPPINES CONSIDERING the many tangible tokens of welcome, kindness, courtesies and goodwill, the Tenth Congress of the International Movement of Catholic Jurists hereby makes public its expression of deep gratitude to the President and the Government of the Philip­ pines, and its sincere recognition of Philippine hospitality at its best.