The Bicol Star


Part of The Bicol Star

The Bicol Star
Issue Date
Year 32, Vol. XXIX, No.29 (September 12, 1964
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
★ x * ★ ★ * ★ ☆ Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims & Visitors Founded In 1533 The Oldest Regional Weekly Newspaper Year 32 Vol XXIX No. 29 - City of Naga Sept. 12, 1964 - 15 Ctvs. a copy Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at the Post Office, City of Naga, Philippines on May 20, 1933: Published every Saturday D. A. ESCALANTE-----Editor & Publisher Atty. S. DACANAY, Jr.-----Contributing Editor Subscribers Rates: P4.00 per year; P2.50 6 months P. 0. Box 123, Naga Citij, Philippines 60,00o People Witness “Traslacion” Huge crowd attends traditional transfer of Lady of Penafrancia To Old and New Voters PUB Strike Settled: To Open Monday MUR Strike Iwaits President's Action In this issue of the BICOL Estimated to be more than 60,000 people witnessed the "traslscion” (transfer) of the Images of the Vir­ gin of PrnafraBcia and Divino Rostro (Sacred Face of Christ) from the Pena­ francia Shrine to the Metro­ politan Cathedral yesterday afternoon, including those who joined the long proces­ sion of devotees, students, different religious organiza­ tions from ai1 the towns of Camarines Sur and Naga City. , , , , STAR, wj have published __ _________________ _ ... streets and plazas as a pub|i0 service of this The strike ri the Philipwinded were Stbick ■ Repper,A?te Noffip3588tewhichf Employe’s Union FEMA ’(PhiL'NaHo'narBank The streets __ ,____ where the slow-moving pro­ cession V ----- nui I’lu. oooo wmeu ; ly lined by people of all provides for the permanent Mfjlrle Strike ages coming from different registration of voters, affect- nUIU!> municipalities The windows. jQg tbe 0|d ancj new qualibalcomes and porches of fied voters for the coming houses and comm rcial build- elections, ings and offices along Pe- jnafrancia avenue, and — o---- ------ - ---- uspv uur icducia w filled wth pe pl: watching t|lis COpy of the la' the procession passed by j[ could serve them as The thousands of students guide, at least. —Editor. (Con’t. on page 2) Employees Ass’n ) which was declaied yesterday morning was already settled accordThe Philippine National ing to reliable sources from Bank is on strike. Starting Manila and Naga ” ‘ , it was informed ...........„ .......- morning. The PNB tions at the local Naga Branch branches in Naga, Legazpi of the P.N B. stopped and and other provinces and bank employees, all mem- cities will be opened for bankbers of the Bank’s Union, ing business next Monday, (PEMA) picketed the P.N.B. Mainwbile, the strike de­ premises..................................... dared last Thursday midAcoording to Salvador Fe night by the 483 men bederiz in, local steward of the longing to the Union da Bank’s Union, (President) Maquinistas, Fogoneros y they went on strike to seek Motormen de Trenes led by told justice from the manage- Jose Capistrano is still inhim ment. Federizon went fur- solved by the MRR manage- Many ‘voters are not fully .Fridfty- Sept’ Braneh’ Burgos informed of this law. We 19b4' ,baD \rg ‘u u hlS mC [d E Angeles streets were hope our readers weuld clip Kr“"a Rr“n,’h 1.........*‘“u.a »i, ... ' ' 1 so that a SOLFMN FESTIVITIES IN HONOR OF President Explains Visit To Barrios Our Lady of Penafrancia (PATRONESS OF BICOLANDIA) MAIN ACTIVITIES (SEPTEMBER - - - 1964) CITY OF NAGA Solemn Novena in honor cf the Divino Rostio (Shrine) - -................ - Sept. Penitential Proceseion in honor of the Divino Rostro..............Sept. 10-11 Pontifical Man in honor of the Divino Rostro (shrine) ------ Sept, 11 Solemn Procession from the Shrine to the Cathedral.................Sent. 11 Solemn Novena in honor of the Virgin (Cathedral).................. Sept. 12-20 Colegio de Santa Isabel Exhibits............... f Penitential Procession i> honor of the Virgin.....................Sept, 18 19 ASESAC MASS—Priest’s Ex Alumni Day (Minor Seminary) - - - - - Sept. 18 Vigilia de Espigas-................ Sept. 18 8:00 p.m. Fluvial Proceseion..................Sept. 19 3:30 p.m. Pontifical Maas (Cathedral) Sept. 19 6:00 a.m. Pontifical Mass (shrine).............Sept. 20 6.00 a.m' Evening Mass (Penafrancia Kiosk) --Sept. 19 6:00p.m. President Mjcapagal crowds who welcomed---- --------- ------------ ----- ----------, to Masbate Sunday morning ther to explain that since ment. According to reports that his periodic visits to the almost one year ago the these men are demanding provinces constituted a part Union presented to t h e an increase of forty per of his effort as Chief Exequ- Con’t on page 2) cent of their salaries. Mative to help solve the pro. nager Dominador Asia is blams -not on'y of people -oq aa Tn adamant to heed the demand in the cities, but more im- $Uu III vIg“'JCU 10 as it would financially cripporl... of .hose io the ru.a! Mo!jernize Rp Raj|wayS Defending bis trip to the Secretary of Labor Jose provinces with bad President Macapagal Lingad said that be will assailed as "pure electioneer- Monday beard officia's of ask President Macapagal ing and a virtual abandon- the Japan Engineering Con- to recommend the certificament of his important duties sultants (JECKK) report on tion of the dispute to the in. Manila,” the President studies they had conducted Court of Industrial Relatold his welcomers; "I visit on the modernization of the tions for compulsory arbithe provinces because I want Philippine National Rail- tratioa. to help solve the problems ways, formerly the Manila of all our poeple. This Railroad Campany. ______ ___ v.auopuriacan be accomplished ODly by The visi ors, who belong tion is completely paralyzed being familiar with the na- to one of the most reputa- from the north to the south ture of their problems. I ble technical consultant affejtiDg the provinces visit your island because I firms in the world, q..i_.----- ™ want to know your pro- -- - 'blems at first band so that I can better attend to them? The Chief Executive also explained that bis absence from Manila does not mean that he loses touch with na­ tional affairs because, he --- ----- ----- — — _r —lug icugm anci said, where ever be goes, he breadth of the country Bicolanos everywhere lift their remains in direct contact thought and spirits in prayer to the Patroness of Bicolwith Malacanmg through andia, the Blessed .Virgin of Penafrancia. We pause from modern communication faci- our labors to pay honor and offer thanksgivirf to Nueslities. - / tia Sra. de Penafrancia for her many intercessions, and The President arrived here because of which God has sho'wered numerous graces this morning on board RPS and favors upon us. In this skeptical age it can still be 11 VWa m 21 on the second leg of an truly said that more things are wrought by prayers than o-<sua.m. e;eht.d8V tour ef lhe Bico| the wor|d ever dreamed of. q on « m region, Visayas and Minda- On my first year of administration of the Citv of nao. Naga, and of her more than one hundred thousand fi.n0 m people, I am particularly pleased and honored to extend o.uu m, n J Promises theglad welcome of our people to all devotees of the Vitgin refdez T ask ld all t0 join jn comtoon Chanty Foundation thanks t0. our m'racul0'18 Patroness Who through 7 all the years past, not, to mention the war year* kenf Vice President Emmanuel tbe_Bieo1 region, her home, sheltered under the mantle «' l0 ' pla",'.°ny tLminisBI“S."i bIV;',‘i“ board, The Vice President also called for a revamp of Phi­ lippines Charity Sweepstakes Office practices to curb political interference in the (don’t, on page 2) $60 M Needed To _________ ■' Modernize RP Railways g1’,lXj.'!««XeMRR<’S! In the meantime, the gov­ ernment train transportaSept. Afternocn EvtDing Mass (abrine)................Sept. 20 4:00-8:00 p.m. AT: Metropolitan Cathedral and Penvfrancia Shrine Naga City technical c the world, (Con’t. on page) uaut aliening me provinces, if were Manila,, Bulacan, Pangas’inan Penafrancia Message At this time of the year throughout tbe lenght and rlth nf thp nmintrAr Rinnlonno ___ i--. theglad welcome of ourpeopleto all devotees of the Virgin I ask one and all to join in common prayer our rrrofnfnl thunlfs tn Hur mirnonlnna Dofrr,..__ ___■ o - ------- _ ------ -u cu nUU I uro USD all the years past, not to mention the war years keot the Bieol region, her home, sheltered under the mantle ' of her sacred protection against calamities It is fitting, therefore, that we pay homage to our 1 fantrARR and nAvind hnmaop _ ° * ---- . < ------- —upon Him I greet our visitors and devotees of the Blessed Virgin of Penafrancia and Divin® Rostro with a warmV welcome and may they ind their short sojourn in oiff*’ fair city a fruitful and happy one. (SIGNED) RAMON H. FELIPE, JR; City N1 a▼ nr Togo 2____ ★ The BICOL STAR ★ September 12, 1964 MESSAGE local Forestry Head Elected Foresters’ League President DisMrs. V. F. Perez $60 M Needed. Fleeted President of „eod,d b, JECKK OS GSP dent Tokio Nagayami were accompanied |to Mala„ oaiiang by Economic Coordlnhtor Eleuterio Adevoso. -pba japaneee experts in­ I take pleasure in greeting ■ all the people of the City of m---------1 -u.i. afl lbej w.vuiq.o uuv ........... 1 na 1 fes­ tivities in honor of Our Lady of Penafrancia, Once again, devotees from J. As Bicol Region and elsewhere will converge to this beautiful City with a common1 otjective, the desire to shaie with the Naguenes their wonder­ ful tradition which is well — ducted included tedinical ^nown throughout the Phi services, rolling stock and ^pp,n.e8 rhe people of NaS’ modern equipment for a two C,tv *,ave everv " way railroad tracks. They also said no treasu- . . f ----ry funds would be involved pa8 b'11 , olso of lh,e fact lhe improvement of the tbat ^e framing centers for 1 j c 1 . . our vniith in Ino rph<rmna • railroad firm heoause me ’ ' V onor cr?djt8 t0 be negotaited by cultural and academic fields viee the PNR would toe repaid «re all convemently establish‘nola from the increased income e(1 bereabouts. On this ecDresi- * p p Thev Naga and their guests I _ celebrate the tradition rS .Sanl08‘ r-“ -'-■•h- - dinbtor Eleuterio Adevoso. --------- .----. tri«t lJOreiter for Camarines an aetive civic and religious -rb<. j,.n..nPs.. flsnfirtw in- C------ e-------~------Sur and Naga City was elect- leader of this city and prov- formed the President that the varions parts.of the t'd Prp^id^nt nf thft Dintrint inf»P iroc nluoiorl nrnti/L. nf ?. nnl L'prlian unH olcpvvhprP rd.,.^d-“U''V prXi...; slS? 0. !bi Rex. Sx- tSi it e°u testers’ Conference held in the Philippines n the elee- million are needed to a^hie^e ___ ... ...... .. to $60 million are needed to achieve modernizal on of the system. The fields of studies con­ ducted included technical railroad firm ciai vu rresi- Y-Hiuaigo, secretary ; mrs of the corporation resulting dent, Conservation Society Agnes A. Jaucian. assistant from the moderUjlation aud R' of Camarines Sur and the secretary, Mrs. Fabiana F. expausioQ of its services and KptHnnRl Lnnrfii n a f nr fka HnriAl frpnwnrpr lr Raqu. e Manila on September 2 to tion held last August 29, 3, 1964’, during the Sth provincial Santos’ invaluable services convention of the Girl Seouts along the lines of conserva- of the Philippines, Camarition and rural improvements nes Sur Counsil; held at were believed the essential the Tible Hall. Cam. Sur factors which carried his National School of Arts and election to the position. At Trade in this city, present, Santos holds the The other officers elected following positions; President were Mrs. Lucy B‘Veluz, 1st of the BICOL Department vice president; Mis. Leonor of Agriculture and Natural R. Dy-Liacco, 2nd V.«. ine rrm wouia re Resources Kmployeas’ Asso- President; Mrs: C.ostancia from the inoreased in(£me - —— — --....... . ciation (DANREA); Presi- D-Hidalgo. secretary; Mrs o( the corporation resulting cas,on- 1 also convey mdent, Conservation Ssnnintv A^nea A. Jftimian ARAintAnt. r__ _ a». _ ” cions, cultural find nnl of Camarines Sur and the secretary, Mrs. Fabiana F. ^“'nsTo'k oMts“seTvices and Regional Coordinator of the Borjal, treasurer, Dr. Rosa- facilities rr t r. .—T’*®.0’n auditor: The JECKK is currently Other officers of the Dis- Mrs. Natividad P. Plores preparjng a bankable pro ----- - -----trict Forester’s League elect- and Atty, Felix O. Alfelor, ;e„t qtlldv rol. .hp PNR tn and P^yer for yi ed were: Tarhc Distriut Fo- PROS; Members of the J8UpDOrt bid for a tolla, the years through raster TeofUo Santos Vice- board of directors are Mrs. o( $60 millj0D worth of crfi. President for Luzon: District Alejandra O- Papica, Mrs.dit(3 from varioU8 oversea8 Forester Gerardo Tamayo. Damaiana M. Ravanera, liDan(.iug iDSll.uions. Vice-President for Visa.yas; Miss Cristina Dy-Reyes, '*>■ - — ■ ■ - - - District Forester Maiio San Mrs. Maria Acacia Esca Luis, Vice-President for lante, Mrs. Remedios LI. Mindanao; District Forester Alfelor. and Mrs. Nena M: Saatos Duenas, Secretary; Trivmo. District Forester Emilio So- — rrcmier naya toiKenano, Treasurer; District Felipe delivered the keynote da during tbe )atter’s visit Forester Ambrosio Juinio, speech at the convention. f0 (he Philippines. Auditor; District Forester In his speech Felipe stressed Tranquilino Orden, PRO the fact that so far, the City have every reason to be proud of their own city, not only of its memorable the fact meni wi tne .. /. . heoause the ou.r, y0l>tb ,ln lbe regions. Big Copra Shipments ............w.........................o, cc’_ F. M. ODIAMAR ------ , ..iy fe'icitations to our civic, reJi' giotis, cultural and political leaders for their sellless and collective efforts not only in making their traditional festivities a usual success, but also in shaping this beautiful city cf ;* ' ’ * ' May I therefore . .‘ ' your years through. usual success, __ ___ city of what she is today. t .i / convey my heartfelt congratulations continued success and happiness (Sgd.), FILEMON M. ODIAMAR Prov; Vice-Governor of Cam. Sur M. The availability of JapaX'.X.'Lu Administration saves Fulan Port Registers program in general was pro- nn . n . D „ mised to President Macapa- Rr aDa3a indUSirV City Mayor Ramon H. g0| by Premier Hava to Ike- J phnp dPlivArpn Hip 1/ovnnfp . » • ...... ... SORSOGON, Sorsogon — ;J* A total of 6,550 long tons 'itb of copra wereebipped aboard from the port of Bulan, this province, from January to 1964 abroad and District Forester San- C.S Girl Scout Provincial tiago Morao; Sgt, ut-Arms. Council, has the biggest x C-£U“Z" President Macapagal Mon­ day afternoon conferred wi*1Finance Secretary Rufino G. Hechanova who report­ ed on the successful nego- August” 17’’ ivo^t anroao tiatien of a reciprocal tax fjve ©eean-going vessels, it re ease and use of P C S 0 treaty with the United was learned here today from fuJ?ds- A*e8.’i o tbe office ©f the Sorsogon Pelaez pointed out that, At the same time. Secre- Economic Development at present, sweepstakes funds cretary Hechanova elro re- Council, are released on the dolesys- ported that be was able to T. ■ ’ tem. -This short range met- secure in written commit- r J'*’® n?h,,Ph”eD.t ,ad,°et8 • ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ment from the United States refpresent total tonage assuring the disposal of 47 of copra-. Produced in the PNB strike..i tne a.iu meinoeis or me mum ----- ---------------“ that cipal associations, girl Bcouts 8uch as a Puenculturc center, P'le of abaca on long-range s in leaders, troop committees without accepting respons-i- basis so as not to dislocate n Q r> hllitv for its mftinfpnnnnp ” campsite in the whole Phi lippine which is located at sitio Panicuason, Carolina, in Naga City. La Union, Mt, Province. The convention was atIlocos Sur, and Ilocos Nor- tended by the C.S. school te to the north and Rizal, division and district sob 0I9 - - — ,, . ■0 T---Laguna, Quezon, Camarines supervisors principals, bends h°d’. be said, ‘.enaoled po- *■ - — -------Norte, Camarines Sur, Al- of private schools, officers Dticians to claim credit for assuring the disposal of 47 bay and Sorsogon to tbe and members of tbe muni smal1 Piecemeal projects, milhon pounds of US stock­ south. Reports say tbat cipal associations, girl scouts 8ucb as a Puericulturc center, Pile of abaca on long-range thousands of passengers in leadere, troop committees "l‘bou,t ac^pting response basis so as not to dislocate these lines were left strand- and the GSP, C. Sur b11^ f°r. 1,8 maintenance, prices m the world market ed in different stations when Council officers. , T*ie Lvice President dep. ™d in recognition of the inthe union struck. Many *°r®d tbe .staggering waste passengers were forced; to DM Q a 1D . ^alth center sleep on the benches at tbe Employe S and other similar projects different stations' ?a‘. , . en,lnto ,dlsuse It is to be regretted that management seven demands due to lack of equipment the MRR strike started du- and tbese demands have and maintenance funds, ring tbe week of the fa- been taken on several table To remedy this situation, mous regional Penafrancia conferences between t h e Pelaez propo3sed that a perfiesta in Naga City. Not Union and Management but manent foundation be setup, onlv passengers were badlv UP ^be Pfesent time, the affected but also the bnsi- Management have not done . “ ness firms who have goods soything tu implement the?e was appojnted as law desk ordered from and * " , . province nor total quantity shipped abroad as shipments were also made through the ports of Legaspi and Tabaco and an oil factory was buy­ ing heavily copra during terests of countries predu- *?g ?eav,ly .copf cing abaca. P lhe 8ame PenodDuridg the US trip the PN B Employe s affected but also the bnsi- Management have not done — ness firms who have goods anything to implement there was appointed as law desk ordered from and to Ma- demands. They are not ask- jn 1952 and have been acnila The MRR also is des- ’Dg a?y. tpcrease of wages Ung as the Branch Lawyer 'i tr _ . » . hilt n Iftln lllclina fnr H10 am. r t .... Duridg the US trip the The vessels and tonage of Finance Seetetary said be copra loaded as follows: was able to work for the re­ lease from the Department SS Sta. Motic—2,000 long of Agriculture of tbe re- tons, SS Leonidas Voyazides maimng 25,000 tons of rice —1,500; SS Sunset—1,2( 0; to be bought by the Phi- MS Heracles—850; and SS lippine government under Roula—-1,000. J.D.D. public Law 480. He also said he was able to secure the renewal of ca| manufacturers, to be °faDJ fr°,m Jhsmodenmation presided over by the finance of Manila International Air ----------P TvLm • n. tt j ’-onrerrea with US While m the United States aviation officials of the Pan Hf*f»ri«nnva«Qid h a «I c« * ___ • - -- , Amincan Airways and secretary. 2. Conferred with US less than P75 000 daily. It is hoped that the strike would be settled y.™__ delay. - ------- , uiauvui. mum r-e- H . h n f sai h® a,s0' A mirica n Airways and wants to ba implemented gaspi Branch Trinidad was te . US Northwest Airlines in conare tbe proper evaluation of bypaBSed and the position emD^aicl,‘ry officials and se- nection with the ap, salaries, proper implements- was given to a DCw lawyer ™it at> agree”ient for in- tion of tbe Philippine tion of promotions, removal „ho ia Only one year witb ^“sed US purchase of tex- - - - of casual empJcyees e Toimplement this agreement “ 1 11 Bm. ’deDNTaSa Parochial ,rence in matters of appointSchool, UNO, the deipga- ’n® employees to key posi- mPD o; tions of CWL from all tawns tions. 1 hese demands, if not tbe Bank saiu ruat, me of C. Sur and Naga City carried out will very much National Bank have been . and various private schools work against the regular notified of the intention of . . . from outside Naga were smployees and tl e Bank as tbe Union to go on sttike This foundation could bring either chanting‘‘Ave Maria” we*1- for a long time now but to bear the resources of and other religious hymns 5xamP e . e somehow the management 8WeePStakes earnings ©n cri• .. _ nrnnpr i malnmPiiHtinn nf t_ _ ___ * t . I i p o I honltk o J unt». 1 11c iv± tv IV aiou is ues- .---- — — = - uug ae lue praucu Lawyer tined to suffer a loss of no “j11 plain justice for the em- of pNB at Legazpi for the ------- ployees. Fideregon, averred. |aat six vears. Yet. when Among the demands pre- the P.N B. appointed a perwithout 9eutcd and which the Union manent Lawyer to the Lew»nts to ba implemented gasPi Branch Trinidad was tbe proper evaluation of bypaBSed and the position emo'8iaery otticials and se- nection with the applicatt 7 salariesproper implements-■was given to a new lawyer ®"raeBdanIagreemlent fofr t’n' Hen of the Philippine Air klllpe CrOWU'i. Uon of promotions, removal „bo j9 only one year with ?;r,e“Se£US purchas® of ,tex' Lines for a new route in of casual employees and the P.N.B. just because he r„es , to®. Philippines, the United States. from Coiegio de Sta, Isabel removal of political mterfe- gOt cennections. 10implement this agreement ■v’-- - - - Ateneo de Naga Parochial fence in matters of appoint- fiderezon, asspokes- hrP;j° . re® “7 eu*’ conveyea to rreeiaent MaSchool, UNO, the deipga- 'n® employees to key post- mPD 0; tbe ioca| Union of ? o'f,ciale will come capagal the apprehension of ....... ...................... » ■ - • 8aid fbat the t0 Man,l° for fca,ks w,lh lo- US business firms over tbe repercussions resulting from the retail trade nationaliza­ tion law. Secretary Hechanova said the law has affected decisions of US firms to invest or expand facilities in the Phi­ lippines. The finance secretary also conveyed to President Maana uiuei religious uyiuiis — — .---- , • .---- auuieuuw me mauagemeui <• ,-------or reciting the Holv Rosary ProPer . implementation of have uot done anything to [lca* health and sccial pro­ in concert. On the other promotion, Mr. Fiderezor> avoid the strike. He appeaIed blems without hand at the tail of the ®lted tbe specific case of to the publio to please bear tbe fudde. procession was the milling Atty. Mariano Trinidad who wjth □ c iiuiv iwstuy • * * * ■ wave uut uuue auyiiHMg tu --------- • ----- ,---On the other promotion, Mr. Fiderezon avoid the strike. He appealed blems without disipating procession was the milling Atty. Mariano Trinidad who wjth them for sometime crowd of all classes of men ________ ______________ _ since they are only seeking in simple pilgrimage clothes justice and no more. He barefooted, many turbanned way were lined* by ROTC said further that eventually with handkerchiefs w e r e and PMT to keep the pro- what they are asking will shouthing “Viva la Virgen” ' --j—> a.„: : . ..... - around the image of the Virgin of Penafrancia on her “andas” carried ob the shoulders of men who were being pushed by others who wanted to have a share in car­ rying the miraculous imageBoth sides of the roadcession orderly. Seminarians benefit the public, the Bank and priests were also going and the employees as well, along the precession keep- Meanwhile, other Banks ing the proper distances of operating in the City of diferent groups of partiei- Naga increased their volume pants. of busines as a result of The complete religious the disruption of transactions progam is published in this at the Naga Braneh of issue. the P,N.B.;.;Dumaguin Welcome Penafrancia pilgrims NEW COSMOS RESTAURANT (the best eatery in town) Padian St. Page 2-A ★ The BICOL STAR * Sep I ember 1'2, 1964 Work and accom| politics yet, says Sorsogon, Sarsogon—Gov. Juan G. Frivaldo disclosed here today that he refused to re-organized the local pro­ vincial liberal party chapter despite ‘'orders” from Ma­ nila as h e 3 a i d he deplored the tendency of present day politicians i”who hit the campaign trail two years ahead of election but forget the more important factor . .; . work”. Frivaldo emphasized in re­ fusing to heed the "orders” that there should be more of work and accomplishments and less of politics. plish more, avoid Uov. Frivaldo The provincial executive pointed out that important papers "remain unacted for weeks, projects drag for years and worthwhile pro­ grams blotted by politics” Frivaldo revealed also that he will recognize the party in this proviBee three to five months before election. Before that, he said, his leaders "should get busy and work and forget politics". The three term governor denied he is running for the senate. He admitted in a press conference with local (Cont’d on page 17) Mayor and Mrs. Felipe Hjsts to J.C-CDelegates City Mayor and Mrs. Ra­ mon H. Felipe, Jr. were hosts last Wednesday night at their residence in a cock­ tail party they tendered in honor of the delegates to the 16th Junior Chamber of Commerce National Con­ vention (JAYCEES) now being held in this city from September 9 to 13, More than 300 persons attended the party together with some prominent citizens of this city, provincial and city officials and newspapermen. Santos Bros. DEALER FOR: IH Motor Trucks Farm Equipments Construction Equipments Sanbros Engineering Service Naga City Tel 17—51 Daet Branch WE MAY JOIN-----THE PATRONS AND PIOUS DEVOTEES OF THE VIRGIN LADY OF PENAFRANCIA IN HONORING HER DURING THIS YEAR'S SOLEMN FESTIVITIES..;.. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT RURAL ELECTRIFICATION ADMINISTRATION GODOFREDO PAGNAN Administrator Faster Socit—Economic Development Through Electrification FELIX LIMCAOCO, JR. Deputy Administrator CARLOS P. LACSON Assistant to the Administrator ANDRES Q. DEL ROSARIO Chief, Planning & Programming CEFERINO SARMIENTO Chief, jFiscal Department DIONISIO PALISOC Chief, Design & Construction JOSE MACARUBHO Chief, Administrative Department ATTY. CASIMIRO BAUTISTA Chief, Loan & Investment ATTY. JOSE NARCISO Chief, Legal Department ESTER AGUILUZ Auditor VICENTE MACAPAGAL Chief, Accounting Department Philippine National Railway (FORMERLY MANILA RAILROAD COMPANY) Tutuban Station, C. M. Recto Avenue, Manila Other Services: BENGUET AUTO LINE—LUZON BUS LINE Tel. 2—0011 Connecting all Departments Page 2-B ★ The BICOL STAR* September 12, 1964 Message Archdiocese of Caceres Naga City, Philippines MESSAGE Most Rev PEDRO P. SANTOS Once again, the day when the Bicolano people as a whole honors their Mother and Patroness ie here. Bieo'andia celebrates again the feast of our Lady of Penafrancia. This devotion of ours, to God’s Mother, who is also oar Mother, must flower forth not from sen­ timentality, not so much even from mystery as from knowledge and insight. We must know Mary, unique creature that she ie, so that our devotion to her may have a meaning in our daily life as Christians. In the Mother of God, who is also ours, we en­ counter in human form God’s plan for man. But in her we glimpse not sa much God’s design for a single human being, as His plan for all human beings. Mary is essentially representative of humani­ ty redeemed; she symbolizes in her person what God intends for the whole Cbureh. What the Mo­ ther of God is, the Church is and is destined to be. And what does this mean to us? Since the Church is us — the baptized — we must, like Mary, be redeemed and be totally re­ deemed. Like her, we most be more and mere conformed to the Life and death of our Lord. We must live up to our baptismal promises of dying daily to ein and to Satan, his pomps and bis works, and rising in the new life of God’s good­ ness and mercy and love and life. We must imitate Mary in letting God take possession of us more and mere and letting His love work its wonders in us. Let us, then, ask of our Lady of Penafran ia, whom we honor in great rejoicing, to learn to be nothing, like her, but totally receptivity — an active receptivity so that when we hear Ged’s word, we welcome it within us. On this depends our holiness, our oneness wilh God — the openness, the freedom with which we can answer “Amen,” I’May all that you have said ba fulfilled in me.” (Lk. 1:38) (Sgd.) Pedro P. Santos Archbishop History of Virgin of Penafrancia by Mgri. Fr. Florencio C. Y Ilana, V.G.,D.P. of the Diocese of Sorsogon Contrary to what its name seems to indicate and tbe claim of some writers, the Penafrancia devotion is not of French origin. History tells that the primitive image of the Virgin of Penafranoia as now venerated in Bicolandia was found on the slopes of Sierra de Franeia, a mountain range situated between Spain’s two famous Provinces: Salamanca and Caceres. It is a noteworthy coincidince that while the primi­ tive image waB fi und near CACERES, in Spain, its carbon copy has come to stay in NUEVA CACERES, in the Philippines. While tbe place where the image was found is a Spanish territory, tbe one who found it was a Freneh citizen. Simon Vela, tbe man siDgled out with this special favor by heaven, was the sole heir to a rich French family. With bis heart burning in great anxieties to dedicate himself to the service of God, he turned his back on the turmoil of the world and entered the aonvent. Simon became famous very soon among tbe members ef his com munity for his except­ ional devotion to tbe Blessed Virgin Mary. One nigbt be heard a voice saying;"Simon, donot sleep; go to Pena de Fiancia; on tbe part where the sun sets (a la parte del poniente) and there you will find an image of the Virgin which shall be afterwards an object of great devotion.” Simon lost no time and after putting on tbe clothes of a pilgrim, he began to search for the image. Tbe words "Pena de Francia’’ and on the part where tbe sun sets induced Simon io believe that the image was to be found on a place situated in tbe western part of France. So to this place he directed his steps. After 5 long and weary years of futile quest in these parts, he decided to write "finish” to bis mission and give it up. One night how­ ever, he heard again tbe divine voice saying: “Simon, do net stop. A great reward awaits a great sacrifice and yours will be great ” So Simon renewed again hie trips. After visiting all the western part of France, torn and tired, without any success, he was again tempt­ ed to give up. But the voice was so inspiring and the message so sublime that be deemed it wise to obey rather than to ignore it. So he went on with bis mission. At that time a great number of pilgrims bound for the tomb of Santiago de Compostela, the Patron Saint of Spain, were passing by the street commonly known a9 tbe”paso Frances.” (The French road) Simon wbo went with them asked for Pena de Franeia from whomsoeverfihe met but no­ body could give him a satis­ factory answer. Having heard of the fa­ mous University of Sala­ manca and hoping perhaps to ask about Pefia de Franeia from the wise professors of that institution of learning there he went. He reached Salamanca on a market day. Here accidentally, or rather, (Con’t. on page 17) MESSAGE CONG. JUAN Ft TRI VINO Through Bicolaodia’s most durable weekly, THE BICOL STAR, 1 extend my warm weleome to the pil­ grims and devotees who will once again flock to the City of Naga to join the solemn festivities in honor of the Blessed Virgin of Penafrancia. Thia annual blessed event ie without parallel in the Bicol region. For on this occasion, Bicolanos from all parts of the country pray as one in intercession and in thanksgiving for the Almighty’s blessings. I hope that this unity enkindled by the Blessed Virgin ef Penafrncia will spur the people ef the region towards a better and gutter political and economic grals. (Sgd.) JUAN F. TRIVINO Congressman 1st Dist.j Gamarinee Sur Pres. MACAPAGAL I join the people of the Bicol region in honoring their Patroness, the Blessed Virgin of Penafrancia, on the oc­ casion of the Regional Fiesta of the Bicol Region. This event should afford the people of this region an opportunity to give thanks for the benefits and blessings that the year just past has brought them. This gesture is appropriate not only because of the deeprooted attachment of the people of Bicol to the Virgin of Penafrancia,' but also because gratitude has long been one of the cherished virtues of the Filipino people. It is my hope that the Virgin of Penafrancia will continue to guide the people of Bicolandia in their effort to promote their welfare and happiness. May this be happy and holy celebration. 3 (Sgd.) DIOSDADO MACAPAGAL President of; tbe Philippines Message Warm regards and best wishes to the good paopl e of Bicolandia on the occa­ sion of their annual celebration of the Bicol Regional Fies­ ta this year. I also extend my greetings and con­ gratulations to the editorial Btaff of the Bicol Star for ma­ king possible the publicity of a sou­ venir program of the a f f • ir Fiesta celebration marks the day of reckoning for all. It is an eventual day ef pleasure and en­ joyment after having continuous struggle for survival. In effect, it maybe considered the turning point a of progressive and bet­ ter tomorrow for our country and people. It is my fervent hope, therefore, that the good residents of Bicolandia will continue to aim for much-better endeavors and bigger things and keep faith with the traditions and ideals handed down to us by our founding fathers. For it has been my avowed policy to let our people strive for the best in everything and nothing less. Godspeed! (Sgd.) FERDINAND E; MARCOS Senate President MESSAGE Greetings to the “Bicol Star” on the occasion of its special issue in honor of the Penafrancia Fiesta (Bicol Regional Fiesta) on September 11-20, 1964. Your weekly newspaper is a proud possession of a community that cherishes, and lives by, the concept of freedom. I observed that the Bicol Star has maintained a fresh, frank and fearless approach to important issuesand thereby not only strengthened public acceptance of the paper itself, but also provided proof that there is freedom of tbe press in this country. I hope tbe Bicol Star will give its readers the kind of independent journalism that wins both prestige and patronage and continue to demonstrate that one of the precious boons of our way of life, that of freedom of the press, ie alive and real. With your full cooperation, I am sure the Bicol Regional ^Fiesta will be areal success. May I wish the editor and staff members more success ia their earnest endeavors to serve the community they have ehosen C0RNELI0 T. VILLAREAL Speaker House of Representatives Pago 3 ★ The BICOL STAR ★ September 12, 1964 Penafrancia Religious m in of Penafrancia PDM Stresses Need To Win Over Indonesia To The Free World Camp P r e s i d e nt Macapagal free wrold to keep IndoneThursday said that there sia firm moving towaids md Mrs. exists an "identical struggle” tge communists. between tbe free world and “If Indonesia turns comthe communist camp to kee'1 munist.” President MacapaIndonesia from moving to- gal said I'the Philippines wards ths rommunist side, will be among tbe first to In his speech before the be adversely affected.” Manila Overseas Press Club. The Chief Executiveobservthe President observed that ed that the stakes are so important factors of Indone- enormous that “it is the sia’s choice for closer re'a- Philippine view that as long tion were increased military as there is a single ray of collaboration with nations hope of preventing Indoneof tbe free world. sia fiom moving to the cornThe President pointed out munists, it is worth exerting ■' ’ the Philippines has the necessary patience to MASS DONORS TO THE DIVINO ROSTRO Thursday, Sept. 3..5:45 a.m. —Atty, and Mrs. Porfirio Badiong, Jr; 6:30 a tn. — Mr. Domingo Amo Friday, Sept.4.... 5:15 a mt — Mrs. Felioitacion A. Dimalibot 6:30 a.m. —Mrs. Dalmacio Urtula 7:00a.m. —Judge and Mrs. Manuel Estipona Saturday, Sept. 5.. 5:45 a m. — Mrs. Juana Vda. de Mataya 6:30 a.m. — Mrs. Casimira Mariano (Deeeased) r.... -.. ................ . .., - -7:15 a.m—Cong, and Mrs. that the Philippines has the necessary patience to " “ ”............ joined in the effort of the prevent it. NOVENA TO THE DIVINO ROSTRO (SEPTEMBER 3 TO 11) Felix Fuentebella Sunday, Sept. 6 ... 6'OOa.m. — Mr. and Mrs. Jose G. Reyes 7:00 a.m. — Mr. and Mrs. Eutiquiano Almoneda Monday, Sept.7... 5.45 a.m. — Mrs. Josefa Vda. de Hillsman 6:30 a.m'—Mrs. Agripina de Guzman & Mrs. Con­ cepcion De Guzman 7:00 a.m. —Mrs. Rafaela Vera Tuesday, Sept. 8... 5:45 a.m. — Atty, and Mis. Julio Badiong 6:30 a.m.— Mr. and Mrs. Deogracias Perez a Family 7:00 a. m.— Mrs. Gertrudis Pagapong 8cenjc 8 lIle Vlallcl Wednesday, 9. 5.30 a.m.- were the Riza, Beach( Bu Mrs; Patrocinio Lorenr" - • " - •• (Deceased) 6.'3Q a.m.—Mr. and Mrs. A Lady Newspaper Columnist Urges Further Development of Bikol Tourist Spots Sorsogon, Sorsogon-A lady capped with an interview columnist of a metropolitan with local newsmen over a paper made a tour of the local radio station. tour st spots in this province The lady columnist exas part of a trip in the Bi- pressed during the interview col Region to gather mate- the need of deciding once .rials for a series Jof articles and for all, tbe existing conon tourist spots of the Bico- troversy between Gov. Frilandia, * valdo and Director Cruz of Rita Gerona Adkins, who the Parks and Wild Life hailed from Bulan, Sorsogon, Office so as not to impair was accompanied by her bus- too much the long delayed d band' Douglas and mother- improvement of tbe Bulusan in-law, Edith Adkins. Ac- Lake Resort. The Board of cording to Mrs. Adkins, tbe Travel and Tourist Industry scenic spots the visited has released months age „v,^ G- RL-! 2G-G., Ba 1*60,000 for tbe construction IZO lusan Lake Resort, Palhi of a modern canteen buildspring resort, Masacrot ing and a cemented pathSpring. Likod View, Irosin way around tbe fringe of the ......... <r»----- Jake. Although pro- the cash is now in tbe bands of tbe provincial treasurer Sor- here, up to now, construct was (Con’t. on page 16) PROCESSION Officiating Priest.......;Very Reverend Vicente Madrigal Vicar Forane and Parish Priest San Jose. Camarines Sur Deazon. ...Reverend Pedro Espedido. Jr. Assistant Priest, Nabua Cama­ rines Sur Subdeacon... .Revrend Jose Roririguez Jr Assistant Priest, Libmanan, Cams. Sur I N C H A R G E OF THE PROCESSION: The Very Rev. Msgr. Rector, Penafrancia Shrine Rev. Benjamin Reblando Rev. Orlando Pagapong Rev. Jose Ravalo Rev. Vicente Rawiin Bev Gerardo Espedido Rev. Juan Alarcon, Jr. Rev. Lorenzo de los Santos Rev. Vidal Clemeno Rev. Renato Bahia Rev. Manuel Concepcion Rev, Rosalio Olaybal Rev. Juan Fajardo Rev. Norberto de Vera And.., ...the 3rd and 4th year Theologians. Naga Seminary NOTE: Participating Schools and Religious Organizations will form their lines by eight. Before the Pontifical Low Mass begins, short EX­ HORTATION to the De­ votees will be givin by the Reverend Dr. Concordio Sarte, S.T.D; Vice Rector, Minor Seminary. idiiiuia aau lawny TO LEAD THE ROSARY, Mrs. Lucila Vda de Realubit during the Proeessfon: ' ~ " ................. Rev. Jose Rey Rev. Francisco Pacis __ _ ___ _____ _____ Some Major Seminarians.. Engr. & Mrs Hector Pardo From tbe Penafrancia Very Reverend Vicente MaShrine, the Venerable Imagts drigel of the Virgin and the Divino Barte Family Rostro will be brought by Atty. & Mrj. Nicanor Mathe faithftl devotees to the tialo Naga Metropolitan Catbed- Mrs. Aurelio L o m e d a & ral Children His Excellency, the Most Mrs. Marcosa Vda. de HerDIanao Reverend Pedro P. Santos. nandez Parish Priest, Bula. Camarines D D. Archbishop of Caceres, Tolaram Family Sur with rhe Rt. Rev. Msgr. Ar- Atty. & Mrs. Jose del Rio Altar Service.....Naga Mi- aenio Puertollano. D.P. and A Devotee from Naga City . . ------ = — ------ = — nor Seminarians the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Bonifacio Mr. & Mrs. Bievenido Reyes VII — Decision of the Judges— Choir Serviee..... Pefiafran- Boaqiiena, D.P. will receive Dr. & Mrs. Manuel Ramos VIII—Awarding of Prizes:—SENATOR TECLA SAN ciia Choir under tbe di rec- j|le Sacred I mages at the Dr. & Mrs. A man do Zantua a xmo i?a ,~._ tion of Reverend Jose Metropolitan Cathedral as- i ............... ’ ~ ’ Ravalo . sisted by the Vincentian t Parish Priest, Gainza, Caman- fathers of tbe Archdiocesan ( Major Semicary of Caceres. Mi Altar Service...Seminarians *' of the Archdiocesan Major Seminary Master of Ceremonies Re­ verend Jesus Larraneta, CM. In-Charge of the Choir Re­ verend Faustino I s a b a. CM. 5:30 a.m. (Daily)—NOVE­ NA. HYMNS, etc. and HIGH MASS Thursday, September 10 3:30 a.m —PENITENTIAL PROCESSION it? Honor of the DIVI NO ROSTRO Starting Place------Pena­ francia Shrine Officiating Priest-....... _ _ verend Juan Alarcon, Jr. Assistant Priest,' Cathedral Sermor.:....... .Very Rev, Francisco Banawa Friday, September 11 — DIVINO ROSTRO DAY 3:30 a m.~ PENITENTIAL PROCESSION Officiating Priet:..........Re­ vered Andres Mariano Parish Priest, San Juan Bato Camarines Sur 6:00 a.m. —PONTIFICAL MASS Celebrant... His Excellency, the Moet Rev. Pedro P. Santos, D.D. Archbishop of Cacere3 Deacons of Honor. ......Re­ verend Justiniano de la Cruz Parish Priest Mercedes, Cams. Norte Reverend Floro Cabrera Parish Priest. Talisay Cams. Norte Assisting Presbiter....Very Rev. Francisco Pacie Parish Priest, Sagfiav, Cama­ rines Sur Deacon. ...Revered Vicente Cornejo Parish Priesh, San Vicente, Cams Norte Subdeacon... 'Reverend Al­ fredo Marco Parish Priest, Tagbon, moan Camarines Sur Preacher....Reverend Ma­ nuel Concepcion Assistant Priest, Baa J.uCamarines Sur Master of Ceremonies ....... Reverend Benjamin Reblando .... Be. '00Sp.m. — PONTIFICAL LOW MASS (Penafrancia Kiosk) Celebrant....His Excellency the Most Rev Flaviano B Ariola, D.D. Bishop of Legazpi Donor ...Mr:&Mrs. Felipe Imperial 4:80 p m.-TRADITIONAL .......* spring. ijiKoa view, irosin way aroun Porfir10 ban Buenaventura Hill-top church, Buenavista 17-heotare A’ A i i v and Ivl ra H. ve miio . « . ■ __ a i _ . _ i • _ &Atty. and Mrs. Exequie Grageda 7:00a.m. — Mr. and Mrs. Alonse Family Thusday, Sept 10..-5:45a.m. — Mrs Lionila Patag SEPTEMBER 12, 1964 b:30a.m.-Mr. and Mrs. pLAZA KIOSK, QUEZON SQUARE, NAGA CITY Andres Cayetano (Deceased)' 7.00 a.m —Atty. Francis Garchitorana Friday, Sept. 11..4:30 a.m. — A Devotee 5:Q0 a.m —Mrs Nieolasa Vda. de Elizan & Children THEME'. CREDIT UNI0NS-r-“A Friend in NEED 6:00 am.—PONTIFICAL A Partner in PROGRESS” MASS view and the Sorsogon vincial capitol. ---- ---------- The three-day trip to San Agustin dr sogon of Mrs Adkin« ORATORICAL CONTEST ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY I—Opening remarks —Mr. Greg Gaite Pres. Isarog Chapter. *” Credit UnLn League DONORS Mrs; Salvcion Vda. de Im­ perial (Deceased) Dr< & Mrs. Floro Dabu Miss Benita B. Noble Engr. & Mrs. Manuel Lum- II—Musical Rondalla— NACITEA ban Mrs Elena Villareal Mrs. Gloria Villegas and Mrs. Lclita Cebalio, and IV—O ration Mrs. Prudencia Renolayan Mrs. Mercians Vda. de Villamora aad Family III — Welcome Address—His Honor, lipe, Jr. PHIL. Cooperative (PHIL.-CUL) ecu Mayor Ramoning FeMrs. Petronila Vda. de Pi­ mentel Mr. & Mrs. Fidel Rivera li Agricultural College (AGCO) CCU 2. Baao Parish CCU 3. Coca-Cola CCU 4. Dept, of Health CCU 5. Fatima Parish CCU 6. Firet United Partido CCU 7. Iriga Parish CCU 8. Naga City Teachers NACITEA CCU 9. Naga City Government Employees (NACIGE) CCU 10. Naga Market Vendors (NAMARVEN) 11. Palsong Parish CCU 12. Pili Community CCU V —Double Duet — NACITEA CCU VI—T a 1 k b y . — Hon. Gov Johnny Frivaldo Sorsogon, Sorsogon and Atty.&Mrs Jose Delvo and Mr. & Mrs. Floro Osea . lr. & Mr. Epifanio Lopo Mr. & Mrs. Alfredo Monponbanua 7:00 a.m —Hon. and Mrs. Gabriel Prieto & Family 8:00 a.m.—SOLEMN MASS Donor: Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Pinangang (Cont'd on page 16) ANDRES-Z1GA to CREDIT UNION sending the delegate winning the laf & 2nd Places IX— Awarding of Prizes to the Individual winning the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place by—Gov. Johnny Frivaldo assisted by Mrs. RAMONING FELI PE, Jr. X— Closing Remarks-GOV. APOLONIO G. MALENIZA — RECESSIONAL . . . EMCEE— MRS. FLORENCE VELARDE JUANEZA Chairman-Oratorical Contest Pngo t_______★ Tbe RTCOL STAR ★ September 12. An Act Providing For Permanent Registration Of Voters FIFTH CONGRESS OF THE REPUBLIC) OF THE PHILIPPINES )S. No.275 Second Session ) (Republic Act No. 3588) An act to provide for permanent registration of voters and for this purpose to postpone tbe general renewal of registration of voters which is set for nineteen hundred siyty-three. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ot Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: Section I. Permanent list of voleis. - There shall be p permanent list of voters in each city, municipality and municipal district. Sec. 2. Who may be registered in the Permanent List of Voters. • All persons possessing all the qualifications pre­ scribed for a voter and none wf the disqualifications, have tht right and duty to be registered in the perma­ nent list of voters of the city, municipality or muni­ cipal district wherein they are domiciled and to be in­ cluded in the precinct book of voters of their corres­ ponding precinct. Any person who may not have on the date of bis registration the period of domicile required may also be registered upon proof that on the date of tbe election he shall have such qualifications. Sec. 3 Election Registrar. - There,shall be io each oity, municipality and municipal district at least one election registrar and a clerk appointed by the Commission on Elections. The salaries for the positions of election regis­ trar and a clerk in the city, municipality and munipal district shall be at such rate as may be deter­ mined by the position classification to be mads by the Commission on Elections. Provided however, That in any city, municipality and municipal district havi g four thousand registered voters or less, the Commis­ sion on Elections may at its discretion appoint an election registrar, attach it to another political subdi­ vision for purposes of registration, or appoint tbe city, municipal or municipal district treasurer as election re gistrar with additional compensation to be fixed by the Commission on Elections but not to exceed fifty per cent of his salary as treasurer. The city, municipal or municipal district council) as the case may be, shall provide a place for the office of the registrar. Sec. 4. Qualitication of Election Registrar. - Except in the case mentioned in the proviso of Section three here­ of, only members of the Philippine Bar may qualify for appointment as election registrar: Provided, That if* there are no lawyers available for appointment, gra­ duates of duly recognized schools of law, liberal arts and education wbc are civil service elegibles may be a ppointed. Sec. 5. Registration of Voters. - On any date, within sixty days after having acquired the qualifications of a voter, but not later than sixty days before the day of any regular election and not latjr than thirty days before the day of any special election, a qualified voter shall personally appear before the election re­ gistrar of his city» municipality or municipal district wherein he is domiciled and file with him a sworn ap­ plication for registration in tiiplicate. To facilitate filing of applications for registration, the election registrar may hold office in any district, barrio or eitio within his jurisdiction, without any traveling allowance, subject to tbe rules and regula­ tions promulgated by the Commission on Elections. Any person who fails to register within sixty days after having acquired the qualifications of a voter or is registered after 9aid period shall not be qua­ lified to vote in the election immediately following his registration. For purposes of the nineteen hun­ dred sixty-five elections, however, any person who is a qualified voter may legister any time before the sixty-day period preceding the date-of said elec­ tions. (As amended by R. A No 4074) See. 6. Application for registration - The sworn appli­ cation for registration shall contain the specimens of the applicant’s signature and his passport or identitication photograph, which shall be at the expense of the government if the applicant should so request; and shall state the following: (a) name, surname and middle and/or maternal sur­ name; (bj place of birth; (c) age on his last birthday; ' (d) Philippine citizenship: (e) civil statue, if married, tbe name of the spouse; (/) profession, occupation or work; (g) exact address with the name of the street, the house number or in case there be none, a brief des­ cription of the locality and place; (/?) that he possesses the qualifications required of an elector; (i) that he is not disqualified to vote; (j) that he is not registered in any other precinct; otherwise, he shall state the precinct number and the city, municipality or municipal district in which he previously registered, and attach thereto his swarn ap­ plication for the cancellation of such previous registra­ tion; (k) the prints of all his ten fingers; (/) space shall be provided upon the lace of the ap­ plication for the notation of the voting record of the person registered thereon: (m) such other informatien or data'which the ComRed ''Wall of Shame” is Three Years Old TIIiRD ANNIVERSARY—The third anniversary of the Berlin di­ viding wa I was observed in August This view shows East German workers, under the watchful eye of Communist soldiers, building up a section of the wall near the Brandenburg Gale. The Soviet Zone, regime hastily erected the concrete-and-barbed wire barrier along the 25-mile (tO-kilometer) border on August IB. 1961, to stop the flow of East German seeking freedbm in West Berlin. The Border inter­ ference was in violation of post-war agreements. Later, additional wire, cement and steel barricades were raised, trenches were dug and machine gun'fields-of-fire were cleared. A few refugees stilll man­ age to gel through, although many escape attempts have ended in death. Berlin —On August 13, quadruple row9 of two-me1961, the East German ter high concrete posts Communist built their ' wall Btrung with barbed wire, of shame" through the cen- Behind the barricade are ter of the city attempting earthen hreast-woika and a to sea) off the people of continuous line of trenches. East Berlin from contact The area is mined and the with West Berlin. tieoches are manned by Tbe steady westward flow guards armed with rilles and of refugees-- some four machine guns. . Observation million since 1945 --■ was towers have been placed at virtually elopped. strategic points, adding to Now. three years later, the concentration camp atthe barrier I continues to mosphere. stand as a daily reminder Despite these obstacles, cf the dramatic contrasts however, the Communists between life in free West have been unable to comBerlin and existence in pletely close their border Communist East Berlin. with West Berlin. Almost Since 1961, the Com- 10,000 East Berliners have muoists have razed build- managed to escape since the ings, torn up streets and wall was built. cleared the area behind the Some have tunneled un­ wall. They have strengthen- der the wall. Other have ed the barrier by adding swum the canal and river double and sometimes sections of the barrier. Still ethers have escaped by jumping ofl buildings bor­ dering the wall or by crush­ ing cars, trucks arid a mil­ road train into West Berlin. Some have not been so fuitunate. At least 65 persons have been shot and killed by the Communist police. No. one knows how m « n v perished in tha sewers of East Berlin alter the Communists began flooding this escape route Many of the refugees have been young, since East Ger­ mans in rhe 18 to 25 age group have been i n the forefront of opposition to tbe regime, along ’ with a number of leading educators. Professor Robert Hhvsm inn, ot East Berlin’s Ilunbolt University, was attacked in February, 1964 bv n high-level Communist official for being a lesser Socrates who leads our youth astray.” The official admitted, however, that Dr Havemann had a “great following” among students. Mayor Willy Brandt call­ ed upon the popuiat on to stay at home between 8 P.M and 9 P. M. on August 13 for an ‘ hour cf silence” designed to tell "all who are looking at this eity that tbe wall remains an in­ justice.” Mayor Brand’s ap­ peal was Supported by West Berlin’s political parlies, la­ bor unions and press. Wreaths were laid at the memorials erected for the victims of the wall and re ligious service were held in several r-hiirches__________ Republic oi the Pnilippiuca COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District IN THE MATTER OF THE INTESTATE ESTATE OF THE LATE QUIEN GHO ROGEL1O QUIEN, Petitioner. SPEC. PROCS. NO. 995 X ----- X NOTICE OF HEaRING mission on Elections may require. '-ec. 7. Approval or disapproval of application and pe­ tition for inclusions. — Upou receipt of the sworn appli­ cation for registration, the election legistrar shall set it for hearing, notice of which shall be posted in the municipal brilding for at least three days be­ fore the hearing. On the date of the hearing; the el ction • registrar shall receive whatever evidence that may be submitted for or against the application. The election registrar shnll de wide within ten days from filing, all applications submitted to him and issue the corresponding identification card to life registered voters. If tbe election registrar disapproves the application tbe applicant shall be furnished with a certilicate of disapproval wherein the ground for the disapproval shall be stated. The applicant may within fifteen days from the receipt of the certification of disapproval file with the Justice of the Pedce Court or the Court of First Instance of tbe province a petition for his in­ clusion, which shall be decided within fift en days after filing If the decision is for the inclusion of a voter in tbe permanent list of . voters, the eledtion registrar shall activate the application for registration which has been previously denied, by placing said application in the corresponding precinct oook of voters wherein the order of inclusion by tbe court shall be entered and shall mail or deliver to the voter hie identification card If the decision is adverse, the right of appeal is heretofore granted by existing laws shall be available. Sec. 8. Challenge of right to register.—Any elector or representative of any political patty of the city, municipality or municipal district may appear before the election registrar to oppose or challenge any application for registration slating the gound therefor. The challenge shall be under oath and shall be at­ tached by the election registrar to the application together with proof of notice to the challeuger and the voter of the date set for hearing. Src. 9. Publication of application for registration.— Within two days from approval or disapproval of any application for registration; the election registrar shall post a notice in the municipal building giving (Continued on page 14) A verified petition having been filed with this Court by ROGELIO - QUIEN, re­ presented by Atty. Guillermo R. Luntok, praying among others, that he be appointed administrator of the eetate left by the decedent QUIEN CHO who, as alleged in the petition died intestate on August 4, 1964 in the City of Naga, his residence at the timeof his death, leaving both real and personal pro­ perties with an approximate value of from EIGHTY THOUSAND PESOS (P80 - 000 00) to ONE HUNDRED THOU SAND PESOS (PlOO 000.00); WHEREFORE, notice is hereby given that said pe­ tition will be beard on Sep­ tember 17, 1964at 8:30o’cleck a.m., in the session hall of . Branch I of this Court at Naga City, on which date, time and place, all persons having opposition thereto may appear to show cause, if any they have, why said petition should not be grant­ ed. Let this notice of heaving be published at petitioner's expense once a week for three consecutive werks in the “THE BICOL STAR”, a weekly newspaper edited in the City of Naga aod of general circulation in this province, for tbe info*mation of nil concerned. Naga City, Philippines, August 21, 1964. MAURO B. FAJARDO Actg. Clerk of Court Pub Aug. 29,Sept. 5, 12, *64 Page 5 ★ The BICOL STAR September 12, 1964 Senate Pres. F. MARCOS Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims & Visitors Compliments of: Senate President and Mrs. Ferdinand E. Marcos Best wishes to all Penafrancia pilgrims and visitors Compliments of: Senator & Mrs. Arturo M. Tolentino Sen. TOLENTINO WE JOIN THE PEOPLE OF BICOLANDIA IN CELEBRATING THE TRADITIONAL FIESTA IN HONOR OF VIRGIN PENAFRANCIA Sen. G. MAGSAYSAY Senator & Mrs. Genaro Magsaysay R-410 PHILIPPINE SENATE MANILA Pace 6 Sentember 12. Welcome Pefiafranoia Pilgrims & Friends MARIANO (Titoy) VILLAFUERTE, Jr. (Former City Councilor and Vice Mayor) Naga City Auto Body Repairs And Peinting Jobs For all makes and models, all jobs guaranteed Contact your service specialist Raquitko Auto Shop JESUS RAQUITICO-Prop. & Mgr. Tel. No. 1501-T Concepcion Pequena Naga City Compliments of: RI-MAN Tailorins tbe borne of quality men’s wear Elias Angeles Street City of Naga Compliments of: New Era Lumber & Hardware Igualdad St. City of Naga Compliments of — 4. G. Maleniza Enterorhes SAWMILL-FURNITURE-CONTRACTOR City of Naga, Philippines Tel; 19 - 86 Compliments of: Super Hardware Elias Angeles St. City of Naga Tel- No; 30-54 Greetings from; Dr. & Mrs. Joaquin I. Perez RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL City of Naga Balmaceda Praises Mun. Treasurers for Better Tax Collection SORSOGON, Sorsogon— Zoilo Balmaceda, Provincial Treasurer, lauded here to­ day his team of treasury personnel and all Municipal Treasurers of this province for having collected from realty taxes in June 1964 the amount of P48.842 53 compared with T*36 705.10 in June 1963 or an increase of 1*12,137.43. Balmaceda said that Pilar, with a collection of 1*7,264'90 compared to 1*4,907.41 last year or an increase of 1*2,357.49 topped the list of the municipali­ ties registering increases in real estate tax collection. Gubat ranked second with P5J015 88 against P2 895 61 or an increase of P2,120 27 Of the sixteen municipali­ ties in the province, only Bulan and Castilla failed to increase their collection for June as compared to a similar period last year. To Forest Conces­ sionaires Timber concessionaires must leave uncut trees which are 45 to 70 centimenters in diameter if they want their forest conces­ sions to produce continuous )y. This wa» urged by Mr. Artemio Gosico, logging sup­ erintendent of the Bislig Bay Lumber Company, Inc., in a recent talk before students and faculty of the College of Forestry. Speaking from experience Forester Cosico said that the 'Bureau of Forestry made a mistake when it merely prescribed 60 par cent of the total volume of trees in an area as residuals without specifying the per­ centage left from each size elass. (Residual stocks are tbe trees left for future barvest.) Because of this, the loggers usually leave the 20 to 45 centimeters d.b.h. trees (d.b.h. means diameter breast height usually measured at 1.3 metteis high from tbe ground) which are easily destroyed during logging He also observed that where there are many marketable trees in a legging area you can­ not have a 60 percent re­ sidual stock especially if tbe terrain is rough and tbe trees are mostly White Lauan, Bagtioan, and Almon. Cosico further observed that if you cut trees of the 50 centime­ ters d.b h. the area will look like a kaingin. To preserve the area as forest land, what is required is to shift to tbe 60 cm. d,b.b. as the smallest size tree to cut. Tbe Bislig Bay Lum­ ber Company made it a point that two-thirds of tbe 60 percent residuals will be oomposed of the 45 to 70 cm. d.b.h. classes. Tbe rest are composed of the 20 to 45 cm. d.b.h. classes. Doing this willensure that in 35 years you can again log the area and ob> tain the same amount and quality of products, said Mr. Cosico. Welcome Pefiafrancia Pilgrims Moralde Bros. General Coutraotor 226 Elias Angeles St. Naga Citv Greetings from; QUEEN’S INN (Exclusive For Ladies) Mrs. VACIT A M. SULA-Proprielress Ateneo Ave. Naga City Welcome Penafrancia Visitors— New Life Store (the store of Quality) Igualdad St. Naga City Compliments of. EUGENA’S STORE TO PENAFRANCIA FIESTA Panganiban St. Naga Oily ANCIANO'S NEPA STORE Markit Site Pavilion No. 2 Wholesale and Retail PANFILO D. ANCIANO Naga City Mgr. & Prop. Compliments of: Sabang Lumber * Low Price * Prompt Service JU AN ITO A M PON IN-Prop. Sabang z Naga City Compliments of; New Franeia Restaurant & Bakery Gen. Luna St. Naga City Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims— Iloilo Sugar Dealer Zamora St. Naga City Compliments of. 1. G. Romero Store Igualdad St. Naga City Compliments of: New City Restaurant Be Satisfied at least price Gen. Luna St. Naga City Welcome visitors and guests! Farmacia Uy Gen. Luna St. * Naga Gity Welcome Penafrancia visitors and friends! Hua Lam Grocery Gen. Luna St. Naga City Welcome Penafrancia Visitors— Atos Tailoring Prieto St. Naga City New Oro Bazar Gen. Luna St; Naga City International Hardware & Electrical Supply Gen. Luna St: Naga City Read The BICOL STAR Page 7 The BICOL STAR September 16, 1904 VIVA LA VIRGENI on her glorious festival day | Malabon Candy Co., Inc. 5th Ave. Grace Park Caleooan City Greetings to the Patrons & Devotees of the VIRGIN LADY of PENAFRANCIA during this year’s Solemn Festivities Compliments otr PRISCILA’S DRY GOODS STORE fresh stock at lower price Market Site N°ga CltH For a successful Penafrancia Festival Compliments of* Compliments of; Bicol Wrought Iran Furniture Specialties.- Window grills, iron gatesand fences, Upholstered sala sets, Upholstered dining sets, Upholstery repair & Tray wagons. * Outdoor & Indoor sets * Ornamentals Mr. V. BAYOT—Mgr; Igualdad St. Behind Capitol Annex Bldg. Naga City Ar Atty. KicanorS. Lopez Technical Assistant to the President Malacafiang Palace, Manila NAGA CHINESE CHAMBER of COMMERCE Naga City 4 Compliments of: Atty- & Mrs. Luis P. Bisana City Address: Provincial Address: 574 Zamora St. Minalabac, C. Sur Naga City Compliments of: Hon. & Mrs. VICENTE B. DE LIMA Board Member Province of Camarines Sur Compliments of: Deputy Clerk of Court Mr. & Mrs. Leoncio Garchitorena Naga City Compliments of: P ACD PERSONNEL Presidential Assistant on Community Development Province of Camarines Sur Compliments of: ALFONSO NEPA GOODS STORE Zamora St., Naga City Mr. & Mrs. Cornelio Alfonso Proprietors Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims & Visitors Compliments of: Agomaa Nepa Goods Store Dealer of all NEPA Bicol Products & Other Philippine-Made-Goods MR. & MRS. EDUARDO. AGOMAA Proprietors Don’t leave Naga City without a Souvenir. Visit our store Best wishes to all Penafrancia pilgrims and visitors: Compliments of: Vice Governor & Mrs. Filemon M. Odiamar and Family Market No. 2 Gen. Luna-Zamora Inti Naga City Vice Gov. F. M. ODIAMAR Pefiafrancia Av«„ NAGA CITY Page 8 * The BICOL STAR ★ September 1 °, 1964 An Act Providing For Permanent Registration Of Voters (Continued from page 15) penses incident thereto ehall be paid in advance by said party. Sec. 23. Such sunn as are necesssry to carry out tbe objectives and purposes of this Act are hereby authorized to be appropriated. The positions created by this Act as well as tbe sums needed for operating expenses du* ring each fiscal year shall hereafter be included and provided for in annua) Appropriations Act. Provided, however. That the Commission on Elections ie hereby authorized to nse such sums available from any savings in the appropriation for the nineteen hundred sixty-three election as it may in its discretion deem necessary for the initial expenses to implement the provision of this Act. Sec. 24. Annulment of registry list.—Any precinct book of voters not prepared in accordance with the provisions of this Aet, or the preparation of which is effected with fraud, bribery, forgery, impersonation, intimidation, force or any other similar irregularity may, after due notice and hearing, be annulled by tbe Commission on Elections. Sec. 25. The preparation of a new list of voters which in accordance with section ninety*five of Republic Act Numbered One hundred eighty as amended by Republic Aet Numbered Five hundred sixty-three ie hereby post­ poned. Provided, That the list of voters for tbe nineteen hundred sixty-three election shall be prepared in accor­ dance with section ono hundred one of the revised elec­ tion code, to the date that this Act takes effect; on which date the Irst ef voters then existing shall be annulled and every voter shall have to register anew; Provided, That the provision ef this section shall not be applicable if the date this Act takes effect falls within less than one year from a general election; in wbiah case this section shall take effect on tbe first day of January next suc­ ceeding said general election. Sec. 26. Repealing clause. — Provisions of the Revised Election Code and other laws rules and regulation in­ consistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec.j27. Effectivity — This Act shall take effect on Jan­ uary one, nineteen hundred sixty-four; Provided, That section twenty-five hereof shall take effect immediately upon pproval of this Act. Approved June 22, 1963; Greetings from Manuel C. Torres PNRC—ADMINISTRA TOR Camarines Sur—Naga City Chapter City cf Naga Compliments of — Atty. Benjamin P. Ramos Senior Technical Assistant Office of the Provincial Board City ef Naga Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims— Jenny’s Tailoring Gen. Luna St. Naga City Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims— Tabuco Commercial Biaknabato, Tabuco Naga City For a Successful Penafrancia Fiesta/ Carolina Breeding Farm Artificial Insemination Center ♦ LANDRACE * LARGE WHITE * DUR0C JERSEY Office Address: GERONIMO TRADING Abella St. Naga City Funeraria Cosmopolita. The home of beautiful Caskets (Established in 1926) The only one tbat is equipped with spacious solemn and impressive funeral coach, unique in the Bicol Region. During interment it gives renditions of Fu­ neral Marches, Hymns & Chiming Records. We give Day & Night Service to all our patrons in Cam. Sur, Cam. Norte, Albay and Sorsogon. Office and Display Room: 576-510 Peiiafraneia Ave. City of Naga Mrs, Gaudencia Imperial de la Paz Asst. Manager- Treasurer context of the democratic preeepts by which our go­ vernment operates. One of the specific mandates of our Constitution ie that “the state shall regulate the re­ lations between landowner aad tenant and between labor and capital in industry and in agriculture” (Article XIV, Section 6). Consider therefore, that no lees than the fundamental law of tbe land recognizee the existence of certain social classes— specifically, tbat of land­ owner and tenant — in agiiculture. Consider also that the Constitution provides no more than regulation of such relations. What anyway is envisioned in the Land Reform Code? A simole perusal of tbe title and tbe provisions of the law readily conveys the impression tbat tbe positive intention of the legislature is to abolish tenancy and therefore to destroy an exis­ ting social class recognized by tbe Constitution. No stretch of the imagination is necessary to show tbat abolition or destruction is not and cannot be regulation. In simple language) regula­ tion presupposes the exis­ tence of the land ownertenant relationship, and re­ gulation cannot exist where there is no such relstionbip. Parenthetically, in the field of industry there is a coun­ terpart measure of regula­ tion of the relations between Hbcr and capital, which is R-pub ic Act 875, better known as tbe Magna Carta of Labor. This monumental legislation was enacted pre­ cisely in obedience to the constitutional mandate tbat tbe state shall regulate the relations between labor and capital in industry. It is worthwhile to note that this law does not at all seek to abolish or destroy any of such social classes recognized by tbe constitution in tbe field of industry. On tbe contrary, it seeks to preserve the relations between the capitalist and tbe laborer and to foster harmony, un­ derstanding and cooperation between such classes with industrial peace as its ulti­ mate goal. There can there fore be no dispute that what tbe constitution desires in tbe field of agriculture is a similar regulatory effort to­ wards the goal of agricultu­ ral peace. (Con’td. on page 10) To Intensify Promo­ ting of Cottage Industry Administrator Jovito A. Rivera of the National Cottage Industries Deve­ lopment Authority yester­ day appealed to the eco­ nomic sectors of the coun­ try specially to tbe rural areas to intensity the de­ velopment and promotion of cottage industries as a major solation to the eco­ nomic problems of the coun­ try. Rivera made the appeal as the NACIDA propares to celebrate Cottage Indus­ tries Week frem October 1-7. The NACI DA chief stress­ ed that there is an impera­ tive need to accelerate the production of handierrafts in view, he said, of the accep­ tance in the foreign markets of Philippine collage indus­ try products. “This acceptance is the safest guarantee tbat Oottage industries, it fully develop­ ed, can significantly help in reshaping the posture of our ecouomy,” Rivera said. Rivera allayed fears of fi­ nancial shortage in assisting cottage industries saying that the Cottage Industries Bank will soon operate with an initial capital of 5*5 million. He also said tbat cottage industries are more labor-intensive than capitrlintensive and therefore re­ quires comparatively smal­ ler capital. Rivera however warned that quality should not be sacrificed in tbe process of mass production. He admitted tbat tbe produc­ tion o f interior quality handicrafts was what drew back our cottage industries prior to the creation of the NACIDA. The NACIDA, according to Rivera, will establish a technological center with the aid of the United Nations in an effort to held private producers conduct continuing resear­ ches or creatiug new pro­ ducts and maintaining high quality according to specifications from foreign buyers. Welcome & Farewell Party To 0-1 Members In Naga The Daughters of Isabel­ la of Nrga City held a welcome party at the Rodriguez residence, this city in honor Mrs Virginia F. Perez, DI regent of the Naga Circle, who went to Washington 0D.C., U. S.A., where she attended the biennial convention of D.I. and Miss Tessie Palacio who also arrived from ab­ road. At the same time the party was also a farewell for Nena Mateus who is transferring to Davao City. Her husband, ,Ben Mateus supervisor of Philam Life in Naga, was promoted to be the Manager of Philam Life Insurance branch at Davao City. Among those present at the dual , affair were Dr. and Mrs. Joaquin I. Perez, Judge Perfecto Palacio and his daughter, Tessie, Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Mateus, Atty, and Mrs. Delfin Rodriguez '(host and hostess) Pilaring Espinas, Dancing de la Paz, Cayang Modino, Conching Ventayen, Didang Reyes, Rosie Felipe, Benang Frias, Rosing Lim joco, Myrna Aurellano, y (Cwn’td. «>n page 10) Land Reform Under Freedom Speech delivered by Sen. Juan R, Liwag at a really of tenants held in barrio Santo Cristo, Gapan, Nueva Ecija July 20, 1964. Son. JUAN R. LIWAG During tbe regular session ef Congress this year, I took tbe floor of the Senate to deliver a privilege speech entitled “Our Muddled Rice Situation.’’ Shortly there­ after, I spoke before the 1964 Producers • Exporters Congress on the subject “The Land Reform Code — An Enigma.’’ In both of these speeches, I creticized the Land Reform Code in its present form as an un­ democratic! unrealistic and unsound piece of legislation. This criticism draw varied reactions from many qu-rtere. It has been my misfurtune —or good fortune, depend­ ing on one's point of view-to ba most of tbe time involved in controversy. Be tbat as it may, I have welcomed both the praises and accusations levelled at me because this is a healthy sige of ovr growing democrayl But lest I be unjustly labeled as a mouthpiece of the landlords, as I believe I have already been so mis understood by some seeters, 1 deem it fit to clarify my position an tbe Land Reform Code. My stand on the Land Reform Code is clear; By all means, I am for land reform. I am all for the laudable objectives of the land progress. I believe that tbe wealth of tbe land that God has blessed us with should as much as possible be available to all Filipinos. But what I vehemently op­ pose is tbe adoption of any undemocratic or revolutions ry means of attaining this end. I am not against any particular class or in favor of any particular interest. But I cannot countenance the destruction of any social class by the coercive power ef legislation. I believe tbat success in land reform can be best attained not by a normal a revolutionary or coercive manner, but by a normal and evolutionary pro­ cess. I have fsilb in freedom —like freedom of locomotion, freedom of ownership, free­ dom of contract, freedom of economic euterptise. I believe that freedom alone can and should be the most effective vehicle through which we can achieve progress and greatness. Under our Constitution, land reform is possible only in a regime of law, justice, liberty, and democracy. It must be pursued within tbe Page 9 The BICOL STAR September 12, 1964 Best Wishes to the Bicclanos on the occasion of their Regional fiesta, the Penafrancia .... Compliments of: Sen. and Mrs. GERARDO M. ROXAS Sen. G. M. ROXAS For A Successful Penafrancia Festival! Compliments of: Senator & Mrs. Juan R. Liwag Sen. JUAN R. LIWAG Viva La Virgen de Penafrancia, Viva El Divino Rostro Senator TECLA S. ZIGA Compliments of: Sen. TECLA S. ZIGA and Congressman VENANGIO ZIGA 1st. District, Albay Page 10 -fr The BICOL STAR *______ September 12, 1964 Farm Tips From Los Banos by Alexis S. Tan, U.P. College of Agriculture College, Laguna Land Reform . (Con't. from page 8) But what is happening within the first year of the implementation of the Land Reform Code? Heard now are the rumblings of a dis­ turbance in tbe social system of the country, particularly in the relations between land­ owner and tenant! In fact, many a tenant cr landowner have sought judicial inter­ vention in tbe settlement of the irreconciliable disputes arising from the implemenu tation of the Gode. The law J8U. has only succeeded in pitting t^e a olass against another, in rjC8 creating a cleavage between that two c*as#eB our society which have tradition ally worked together in harmony and in cooperation. The Land Reform Code, witting­ ly or unwittingly, has ma­ naged to foment class strug­ gle, and is beginning to upset tbeeconomic and soci-d equilibrium in tbe inter relations between two basic nmnyamc per ucut a"d complementary classes channeled to a host of mid of °ur society, namely, the dlemen. landowner and the tenant. Peredo observed that The Supreme Court found middlemen were indispensa- occasion in one case (Guido ble in many instances vs Rura' Progress AdmimsHowever, tbe presence of tration. 84 Pbil. 847) to ■ ■■ • • * a reconciliation Protect Your Corn From Storage Pests Stored corn grain ie easily attacked by pests such as weevils, flour beetles, and riee moths. It is therefore important to protect your corn from storage pests es pecially if you are saving seeds for tbe next planting season. One way you can drive away the pests is by storing corn sacks treated with DDT. This, according to U.P. epecialists, will protect corn from storage pests for as long as 10 months. Here’s bow to treat tbe sacks First, prepare the DDT solution. Dissolve about 5 tablespoonfulls of 50 per cent DDT wettable powder in a gallon of water If you have 25 per cent wettable powder, use 10 tablespoon­ fulls per gallon. Stir the mixture well and place in a smtable container A wash basin will do. Then soak tbe sack in the solution for a few seconds . Hang it under the shade. It will be ready for use when dry. uu„6VCi <.ua Coco Oil In Broiler Rations ^""rnany' handlers’^brought attempt _ ---- ---------Coconut oil improves the about duplication of services between the conflietingclaims feed conversion efficiency ®f which contributed to tbe “f «" ,ho nnp broiler rations. Teats run by rise in consumer prices of poultry specialists at Loe rice. Bafios show that five to ten per cent coconut uil in broi­ ler rations makes the birds gain more weight per kilo of teed consumed. ,---According to the special- frotn yo“r c,tfU8 treeB - A .. . ■ • * . ______ vou aDLlv eaoueh nitroi U.P. Farm Economist Studies Rice Prices Why does rice always seem to cost so much? In a study conducted in Nueva Eoija by Los Bafios farm economist Benjamin Peredo, it was found that the rising prices of rise were due to two main causes. First, the palay that farmers produced passed throug so many middlemen before reaching the consu­ mers And secondly, th» marketing patterns of rice worked in such a way that during the off-harvest season, usually from May to Oc­ tober, the supply was con­ centrated in tbe hands of big middlemen, enabling them to control prices Farm economist Peredo says tbat only one per cent of the farmers’ harvest was sold directly to retailers. Ninety-nine per cent was of social justice on the one hand, and protection ef property rights on the other. Said the Supreme Court; “Hand in hand with tbe announced principle, herein You can get more yield invoked; that the promotion ___ ----- of social justice to insure According to me special- ---- - - nitroo,n the well-being atsd economic ists, the high feed couver- ?ou... aPgly , altr°gen HPnlirit v of all the oeonlt eion efficiency of coconut oil is mainly due to high energy value. I and oils have two and _ liaif times the energy value of COTE. Nitrogen Increases Citrus Yield located in Bombon, CamSur, area 5.9650 Has. Tax No, 2690 assessed P2.680 covered by TCT No.2690.10) Unirrigated riceland, in Sta, Cruz, Quipayo, Calabanga, C.S., area .4575 Ha. under Tax No. 12966 assessed at P180. 11) Unirrigated rioeland, located in Sta. Cruz, Quipayo, Calabanga, C.S, area, .6264 Ha., under Tax No. 14078, assessed at P280. 12) Irrigated riceland, located in Quipayo, Calabanga, C.S. area 6644 Ha. under Tax Xo. 13471, assessed at P240. 13) Irrigated rieeland, losated in Quipayo, Calabanga, C.S., area 1 3252 Has., Tax No. 1488. assessed at P660. 14) Unirrigated riceland, located in Quipayo, Cala­ banga C.S , area. 5510 Ha., under tax No 14843, assessed at P280.15) Unirrigated rice­ land in Sta. Cruz, Quipayo, Calabanga, C-S., area, .0160 Ha Tan No. 13764, assessed at P160.16) Unirrigated rice­ land in Pagatpat, Calabanga, C.S.. area .8570 Ha., Tax No. 12410, assessed at P260; 17) Unirrigated riceland, in Cabanasian, San Roque, Ca­ labanga, C.S. Tax No 13252 assessed at P90.18) Unirri­ gated riceland, in Cabanasian, San Roque, CalabaDga, C.S. area, .2544 Ha.. Tax No. 13251, assessed P140. 19) Irrigated lieeland, in San Roque) Calabanga, C, S.,area .5684 Ha., Tax No, 12647, assessed at P230. 20) Irrigated riceland, in San Roque, Calabanga, ClS., area .0054 Ha. Tax No. 13669, assessed at P220 21) Irrigated riceland) in San Roque, Calabaaga, C.S., area, .3756 Ha., Tax No. 12626, assessed at Pl50.22) Irrigated riceland in San Roque, Calabanga, C.S., area, .1032 Ha., Tax Ne. 9726, ass. at P40. 23) Irri­ gated rieeland, in San Ro­ que, Calabanga, CS, area, 3040 Ha , Tax No. 9725‘. ass. at P120. 24) Irrigated riceland, in San Roque, Ca­ labanga. C.S., area .4488 Ha.; Tax No. 9724, P120. NOTICE OF EXTRAJU­ DICIAL SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE LEFT INTE8TaTE BY THE DECEASED EULA­ LIA MAGPANTAY In pursuance of the pro­ visions of Section 1, Rule 74 of tbe new Rules of Court, notice is hereby given to whom it may concern, tbat the heirs of the deceased EULALIA MAGPANTAY who died intestate on March 3,1964, in Naga City, who is survived by her husband, Paulino Andal and children, namely, Santos, Julia, Leonor and Concepcion, all surnamed Andal; and her grand­ children, namely, Leonardo, Florita, Guille. mo, Marietta, Lolita and Alfredo, all surnamed Andal being the chil­ dren of the deceased Canuto Anda), son of the decedent; and grauchildren, namely, Lydia, Cezar, Conrado.Thel­ ma, Ave ino, Ernesto, Virgilio. Linda and Joselito, all surnamed Andal, being the children of deceased Deme trio Andal, son of the de­ cedent, hereof; tbat the latter six namely, Thelma, Ernesto, Avelino, Linda and Joselito being minors aie represented by their mother, Basilisa Recto Andal; tbat all are residents of Maaguiring, Calabanga, Camarines Sur, except Florita, Lolita and Alfredo who are residing at Carolina, Naga City and Lydia Andal Pasumbol who resides in Penafrancia Ave­ nue, Naga City; That decedent left no known debts; That the decedent and her husband Paulino Andal, ac­ quired real properties iden­ tified as follows, to wit;l). A parcel of coconut land located in Manguiring, Calabanga, C. Sur declared under Tax No, 10079, asses­ sed at P6.310 with an area of 16.3658 Has. covered by O.C.T, No 19. 2) a parcel of coconut land, located in San Jose de Pagatpat, Calabanga, C. Sur, with an area of 11. 0818 Has. Dec. under Tpx No.9805 covered by T.C.T. No. 593. 3) A parcel of coconut land located in Manguiring, Ca­ labanga, C. S. with an area of 2. 8330 Has. covered by T C T No. 2466, declared under Tax No.12627 asses­ sed at Pl.670. 4) Coconut land, located iu Manguiring. Ca­ labanga, CS. area 2.8828 Has., under Tax No;10852, assessed at Pl.070 described in OCT No. 1326. 5) Coco­ nut land locateduin Mangui­ ring, Calabanga, C S, with an area ef 2.2684 Has. under Tax Na.11149, assessed at P830 covered by TCT No. 1500. 6) Coconut land, located in Manguiring, Calabanga, C.S. area 2.1869 Has. under Tax No. 11146, assessed at P620, covered by TCT No. 1162. 7) Coconut land, locat­ ed in Manguiring, Cala­ banga, C.S., with an area of 3. 0347 Has, under Tax No. 11482 assessed at Pl, 050, covered by TCT No. 1686 8) Unirrigated riceland, located in Sta. Isabel. Ca­ labanga, C.S-, area 1.4408 Has. assessed at P790, under Tax No.13470 and OCT No. 963. 9) Unirrigated rieeland you appiy eaougn nitrogen - fertilizer at the right time. 8?cu,:‘ty °f th« pe®P‘» Tests at Los Banos show sbou,d . h«. the Jcon,cer°..of xeeis at l<os naiios show ,---- 7 . that lack of nitrogen limits th.® 8t?t.e’ ’’ 8‘declaration fst8 plant growth and fruit pro- ™th whleh, tbe f°r“°u'd ,d.a duction. Unfertilized trees ,be reconciled, that the Phifaluo usually have yellow leaves ''PP>“«S >8 » Republican . . ... af.fp orflotArl tn aer.nre tn its and" give less yield'.’ 8‘at* -?,eated t0, 8“urekl t0 More yield can be obtain- the Filipino people ‘the blesi i cino-a nf tndpnpnflPnf.p under -------------- iviore yieiu can oe ouiam- ",-----■ r - 1965 declared Catholic |dpeciaLta Precyomm«ndrOtSbat a r‘Sime of liberty j Ye3F H 1*6 ~ n * _ Iioinonrftnv. 2-1/2 to 3 kilograms ammo- and democracy. Democracy, nium sulfate should be ap- ?s a waV of eB8hnned plied per tree. The fertilizer ,n the Consitution, embraThe Vatican Secretariat in should be applied evenly ces as lts necessary cempoRoma has declared tbe year beneath the tree crown twice DentB freedom of consignee. 1965 as a jubilee year for all a year —once after fruit set freedam of expression, and Catholics in the Philippines an(j again after harvest, freedom in the pursuit of to commemorate the fourth With this rate and timing happiness. Along with those centennial of theintroduction Of application, you’ll be able freedoms are included ecoof Christianity in the country. to harvest around 45 kilo- nomie freedom and freedom Cebu City, where the first grams of fruit per tree. Catholic missionaries landed and said mass 400years ago, Rcir&a next year, will be tbe center OOTSOyOZl DCUeS of the massive religious ce- pQtlciV riciTVQStS lebrations. ■» A jubilee year is a special Sorsogon, Sorsegon, year of thanksgiving, pardon Some 928,218 cavans of and grace during which pil pa|ay were produced in this grimages, active participa- province during tbe fiscal tion in religious activities and yeal. 195^.g , according to certain other devotional ac- the report released recently tivities, are considered spe- by the Commission on Agcialiy meritorious. multural Productivity office Next year’s conamemora- here. tion of tbe fourth centennial The tatal production of of Catholicsm in tbe Philip. 928,215 cavans were harvestpines will be climaxed by e(j from 30,099 hectares the Third National Eucha- planted to upland and lawristic Congress in Cebu jand varieties of which 878, starting April 28. However, 252 came from lowland areas the centennial riteswill last (i8t and 2nd crops while 49, » — g66 cavans were Up|and rice; 25) Irrigated riceland, in San Roque, Calabanga, C S., area, .1224 Ha., Tax No. 9723, assessed at I P40. 26) Irrigated riceland in San Roque, Calabanga, C.S., area, .0684 Ha., Tax No 9722, ass. at P140. 27) Irrigated riceland, in San Roque, Calabanga, C.S area .2712 Ha., Tax No. 13564, ass. at Pl20. 28) Irrigated rieeland, in San Roque, Calabanga. C S area .4264 Ha., Tax No. 14613, ass. at P210. Tbat the above named heirs adjudicated unto themselves the foregoing described real properties in accordance with the extrajudicial settlement they executed and acknowledged before Notary Public Mar­ tin N. Sales, in Calabanga, Camarines Sur; on Aueust 29, 1964, bearing Doc. No 69, Page 49, Book VI. S* of 1964. ’ This notice will be pub­ lished in the Bicol Star, once a week for three consecu­ tive weeks belore the ins­ trument of extrajudicial set­ tlement is registered in the Register of Deeds of Ca­ marines Sur. Any and all persons havine opposition thereto may an pear before the said register of „ deeds to show cause, if any they have, why said extrajudicial set’ tlement should jnot be re. gistered. e of enterprise within reason­ able bounds and under pro­ per control. In paving tbe way for the breaking up of existing large estates, trusts in perpetuity, feudalism, and their con-commitant evils tbe Constitution did not propose to destr y or undermine pro­ perty rights, or to advocate equal distribution of wealth, or to authorize tbe taking of what ie in excess of one’s personal needs and the giving of it to another. Evincing much concern for tbe pro­ tection of property, the Constitution distinctly recog­ nized the preferred position which real estate hasoccupied in law for ages. Property is bound up with every aspect of social life in a democracy as conceived in tbe Consti­ tution. xxx “The promotion of sacial justice ordained by the Constitution does net supply paramount basis for untramelled expropriation of pri­ vate land by the Rural Progress Adminstration or any other government instrumentality. Social justice C.S., up to May 2 of next year. Tbe Vatican proclamation Ke.o“p,?°i..u.d‘byAtpbe,‘sli' Welcome & Farewell... cred Penitentiary, the office (Con’t. from page 8) in the Vatican Secretariat cion Martinez, Ciony Aquicharged with all concession lar, Nora Villegas, Mercy of Indulnegces and similar Abcede, Millet Bichara, Fe matters. Bichara, Choleng Hidalgo, The Rescript has been Chung Serranzana, Nene transmitted to all archbi- Mariano, Seeing Escalante, shops and bishops through- Babiag Borjal, Sorsing _________ „ , _____._____ out the Philippines. Cledera, Mameng Cervantes, does not champion division Previous to the National Fening Cecilio, Cily Santos, of property or equality of Eucharistic Congress in Ce- Angeling Manalo, Meding economic status; what is bu, a series of regional and Guballa, Couching Hidalgo, and the Constitution do loeal congress will be held Cion Grageda, Aida Felipe, guaranty are equality of op­ in all dioceses throughout Pat Priela, Celia Aureus, portunity, equality of politithe country, it was informed. May Palacioj Edith Dizon & cal rights, equality before From The Bicol Post. Charito Villacorta.—s.m. the law, equality between (Can’t. from page 8) held Cion Grageda, Aida Felipe, guaranty are equality of ophout Pat Priela, Celia Aureus, portunity, equality of politivalues given and received, and equitable sharing ef the social and material goods en tbe basis of efforts exerted in their production, x x x” It may be safely concluded, therefore, that the Land Re­ form Cede does violence to (Con’td. on page 16) MARTIN N. SALES 31° 1«64 Unlil D" Pub. Sspt. 5, 12, 19, 196411★ The BICOL STAR * Sen i ember 12, 1964 Welcome Visitors & Friends! Ar cilia's Store Igua’dad St. Naga City Always shop at— MANILA BAZAR Gen. Luna St. Naga City Pefiafrancia Greetings from— Bicol Auto Supply & Hardware Gen. Luna St; Naga City Weleeme Penafrancia Visitors—■ Sabang Rice Mill Zamora St., Sabang Naga City Best Wishes Penafrancia Visitors— Sabang Commercial Zamora St., Sabang Naga City Fot your next suit come to — Stedman Tailoring Gen. Luna St. Naga City For refreshment nnd public address system come to - Ignacio's Refreshment & Sound System Panganiban St. Naga City Buy with Confidence at - FILIPINO STORE (100% Filipino Capital) Zamora St; Naga City Buy the best at the right price at— Anciano’s Grocery Zamora St. Naga City For moderate price always come to - Naga Hardware Gen. Luna St. Naga City For your satisfaction and economy shop at - Benito Commercial Gen. Luna St. Naga City For fiesta shopping and everyday come to - SALUD’S STORE NAMARCO — RETAILER Gen. Luna St. Naga City Compliments of — BROQUIZA TINSMITH Igualdad St. Naga City Viva La Virgen ! Bicol Battery Service Penafrancia Ave; Naga City Compliments of: New England Restaurant Gen. Luna St. Naga City Greetings from • ROMY TRADING COPRA PALAY-DEALER Biak na-Bafo St. Naga City Republie of the Philiphines Departmet of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF OF CAMRINES SUR City of Naga DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES. Mortgagee, -versusDOLORES DY-LIACCO IMPERIAL & FRANCISCO IMPERIAL FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Under Act 3135 As, Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of mortgage executed by the spouses, DOLORES DYLIACCO IMPERIAL and FRANCISCO IMPERIAL, ef Naga City, in favor of the DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIP­ PINES, formerly Rehabili­ tation Finance Corporation, under date of April 26, 1950, and for the satisfaction of tbe debt of P8.098.9l plus eight (8) % annual interest on the amount of P8.098.91 from August 1, 1964 plus attorney’s fees in the amount of P809 89 and the fees and expenses in connection with this sale, also secured by said mortgage, the under­ signed Provincial Sheriff an­ nounces that on September 21, 1964 from 9.00 a m. to 4:00 p-m. < at tbe Sheriff' Office, located in tbe Second Floor of tbe Provincial Ca pitol of Camarines Sur, in Naga City, he will sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the fol lowing real properties, toge­ ther with all the improve­ ments thereon, to wit; Fresh steoks at lower price at - VILLAR STORE Iuualdad St. Naga City For belter service and fitting remembrance - Funeraria Cosmopolite Naga City Penafrancia Ave; Always visit - HENRY'S TRADING Gen; Luna St. Naga City Efficient and econominal service - Pacardo Electrical Supply Prieto St. Naga City Compliments of - YUKIW Panganiban St. Naga City For your glass needs come to - Naga La Suerte Glassware Elias Angeles St. Naga City For office, school supplies, books eome to - Atanacio's Variety Store Market Site Naga City For quality bread and biscuits come to - QUALITY BAKERY R'ins Angeles St. Naga City For textbooks, office and school supplies at - BONING'S TRADING TRANSFER CERTIFI­ CATE OF TITLE NO. 531CAMARINES SUR 1. A parcel ef land (Par­ cel 3; Lot No.l, plan Psu24881, with tbe improve­ ments thereon situated in the barrio of Pinit, Munici­ pality of Pili, Bounded on the N., by property of An­ tonia Escalante; on the E.. by the Pinit Creek; on the SE., by the Pinit Creek and tbe Mabatobato- T i g a on Road;and on theS A'.,and W., by tbe Maybagna River. Con­ taining an area of THREE HUNDRED THIRTEEN THOUSAND AND SEVENTEEN SQUARE METERS (313,017). more or lees. 2, A parcel ef land (Parcel 4, Plant Psu-29064), with the improvements thereon, situated in the barrie of Pinit, Municipality of Pili. Bounded on the E., by the Maybagna River; on tbe SE., S., and SW., by pro­ perty of tbe heir of Mar­ garita Cbereau; on the W., by property of Maxima lndalecio and tbe Iba Creek; and on tbe NW., by pro perty of Sinforoso Lanosga. Containing an area of TWO HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND NINETY THREE SQUARE ME- to take plaoe at least twenTER.8 (230,693) more or ty (2L) days before the date less. of the auction salel LikeThis notice of extrajudi- wise, for the same period of cial sale of mortgaged pro- time, three (3) copies of this perties will be published in notice will be posted in three the BICOL STAR, a week- different publie and consly regional newspaper pub- picuous places in the munilished and edited in the cipality of Fili, Camarines City of Naga, having a ge- Sur wherethe above-described neral circulation in the Bi- properties are located; and ranunv d. rajam eol rrovinces including the another three (3) copies of Actg Provincial Sheriff province of Camarines Sur same will be posted in the Camarines Sur and City of Naga, once a City ®f Naga where the week for three consecutive auctien sale shal take place. Pub. Aug. 29, Sept. 5, 12 rqeeks, the first publication Prospective bidders er 1964. Gen Luna St. Naga City Beet Wishes to Penafrancia Visitors— Maroden’s Department Store Maroden's Basketball Team RODRIGO FABON-Manager Libmanan Camarines Sur Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims! Aguila Glass Co., Inc. (BICOL BRANCH) Importers * Manufacturers * Distributors Main Office'. 3160 Ramon Magsaysay Blvd., Manila Tels. 6-57-51 & 6-57-52 PEDRITO MARASIGAN Branch Manager Panganiban St. Naga City buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the titles of the properties and the encumbrances the<reonj in case there be any, for the protection ot their interest. Naga City; Philippines August 28; 1964. MAURO B. FAJARDO ““ " •" of Psgp 12___________________ THE BTCQL STAR_______________ September 12, 1904 Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROV INCIAL SHERIFF OFCA MARINES SUR City of Naga FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, —versus— EMILIO PARONDA. Mortgagor X _____ x NOTICE OF EXTRAJU­ DICIAL SALE OF MORT­ GAGED PROPERTY Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of real eatate mortgage exe­ cuted by EMILIO PARON­ DA, married to Francisca Florendo del RiGa of Garchitorena, Camarines Sur, in favor of tbe PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK at tbe City of Naga dated the 6th day of June 1955, and for the satisfaction ef the debt of SEVEN HUNDRED NINETY TWO PESOS (P792.00), Philippine curren­ cy as of August 31, 1964, plus a daily interest of PO.0959 from September I, 1964, until fully paid, on the amount of P500.00, and plus attorney’s fees and the sheriff’s expenses and lawful fees in connection with this foreclosure and sale, the undersigned Provincial She­ riff Ex Officio for the prov­ ince of Camarines Sur, an­ nounces that on September 21, 196 >, between the hours of 9.00 a m. and 4;00 p.m., in bis office located on the Second Floor ®f the Provin­ cial Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City, he will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following described real property together with all the improvements thereon, to wit: LAND TAX DECLARA­ TION NO.2009 ASSESSED AT P4.000.00 “A parcel of coconut land and bushesland, together with all tbe improvements existing thereon, situated at Toiatola, Denrica, Garchitorena, Camarines Sur, Philippines, containing an area of 24.0000 hectares) more or less; x x Bound­ ed on the North, by Nicomedes Abrasaldo; on the East) by Deecracias Senar; on the South) by Macario Empeno; and’on the West, by Mangrove Swamps. Delimited on all sides by concrete monuments and living trees. Declared in the name of Emilio Paronda. Tbe property des­ cribed above ie not regis­ tered under the Spanish Mortgage Law nor under the Torrens Title Act and the parties concerned ag­ reed to register this pre­ sent instrument under Act 3344, as amended (of tbe Philippine Legislature...” This notice of extrajudicial sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a regional weekly newspaper publish­ ed and edited in the City of Naga, having a general cir­ culation in tbe Bicol region including the province of Camarines Sur and Naga City, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first p iblication to take place Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF OF CAMARINES SUR City ef Naga ~ PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, -versusSALVADOR MORA, Mortgagor FORECL 'SURE OF MORTGAGE X — — — — — X NOTICE OF EXTRA­ JUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of real estate mortgage exe­ cuted by SALVADOR MO­ RA, of Iriga, Camarines Sur, in favor of tbe Philippine National Bank at Naga City, dated the 18th day of Jan­ uary, 1954. and for the satisfaction of tbe debt of ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY -ONE PESOS AND SIXTY-TWO CENTAVOS (Pl,371 62 ), Philippine currency, as of August 31, 1964, plus a daily interest of 1*0,1726 from September 1, 1964 until fully paid, and together with the attorney’s fees, sheriff’s fees and lawful expenses in­ cident to thia auction sale, the undersigned Ex Officio Provincial Sheriff of Camari­ nes Sur. announces that on September 21, 1964, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4;00 o’clock in the afternoon at the sheriff’s office, loeated on the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol of ea­ marines Sur in the City of Naga, be will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, tbe following described real property to­ gether with all the improve­ ments thereon, to wit: LAND TAX DECLARATION NO. 16138 ASSESSED AT P2410.00 “A parcel of agrioultural land and all the improve­ ments existing there o n, situated at La Anunciacion, Iriga, Camarines Sur, con­ taining an area of 6.8668 hectares. Bounded on tbe North, by Matias Barbosa and Heirs of Eugenio Alferez: on the East, by Dionisio Mora and Jose E Mora; on the South, by Eugenio Tino and Jose E. Mora: and on the at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Likewise, for tbe same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted on three different public and conspicuous places in tbe municipality of Garchitorena, Cam. Sur; where the foregoing described property is located and another three copies to be posted in tbe City of Naga where the auction sale shall take place. Prospective bidders or buyers are hereby enjoined to investigate for them­ selves the title to tbe pro­ perty and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any, for the protection of their interest. Done in Naga City, Phil­ ippines, this August 27, 1964. MAURO B. FAJARDO Actg. Ex Officio Provincial Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. Aug. 29, Sept. 5, 12, 1964. 66 Year-Old Barong teKcsl°ot Philippine bislory Donated to Museum worn by Frank Powell, who MANILA —A 66-year-old served with the United States Barong Tagalog is the newest Army during the Spanisb~ American War in the Phil•pines in 1898. ‘Mr. Powell’s daughter, Mrs. Elioia P- Williams, last week presented the barong to Galo B. Ocampo, director of the National Museum. In presenting the barong, Mrs. Williams said her father had planned to donate the barong to the Texas Museum but because of his great love (Con't. on page 14) NOTICE OF EXTRA­ JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE Pursuant to the provi­ sions of Secliuns 1, Rete 74 of the New Rules of Court, notice ie hereby given to all whom it may concern, that Felix Atanacio who died in­ testate on May 2, 1962 in Pili, Camarines Sur and left ns known debts, left two parcels of land in Pili Ca­ marines Sur indentified and described as follows: 1) Tax No. 7220. located in Tinagnis, Pili C. Sur having an area of 23.9752 hectares and assessed at P2, 720. 00; Covered by O.C.T. No. 1123. 2) Tax No.153 located in Binanuaanan (Curry), Pili, C. Sur. having an area ol 14 hectares and assessed at P710.00. The following heirs of dece­ dent Felix Atanacio namely, Genaro Losa; Ana, Leona, Avelino, Santos and Dominga. all surnamed Atana­ cio. adjudicated among themselves, tbe parcel co­ vered by O C.T. No 1123; declared under Tax No.7200; and the parcel declared under Tax No. 153 was adju­ dicated to tbe widow ol tbe decedent, Antonia Petallo Vda. de Atanacio. The extrajudicial settle­ ment of estate was executed and aeknowledged by the undersigned beiore Notary Poblic Eduardo Oraa in Naga City, on tbe 11th day of May, 1964, bearing Not. Reg. No. 112, Page 33, ippines in 1898. Book IV; Series of 1964. Sgd. ANTONIA PETALLO VDA. DE ATANACIO, GENARO LOSA, ANA ATANACIO, LEONA ATANACIO, A V E L 1 NO ATANACIO; SANTOS ATANACIO, D0M1NGA ATANACIO, Pub. Aug. 29 Sept. 5, 12. 1964. Greetings from — Orlin Battery Shop Burgos St. Naga City Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims and Visitors— MVO Registrar West, by Heirs of Vicente Malate, Cerilo Barbosa and Mike D. Mora with visible boundaries around consist­ ing of live hedges. “The above - described property is not registered under the Spanish Mort­ gage Law nor under tbe Torrens Title Act and the party concerned agreed to register this present instru­ ment under Act 3344 as amended by tbe Philippine Legislature.” This notiee of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property will be published in the Bicol Star, a weekly regional newspaper published and edi­ ted in the City cf Naga with a general circulation in the Bicol provinces including tbe province of Camarines Sur and Naga City, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before tbe date of the auction sale’ Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notiee will be posted od three dif­ ferent public and conspicuous places in the municipality of Iriga, Camarines Sur where the foregoing described real property is located, and ano­ ther three copies of same notice will be posted on three different public and conspicuous places in the City of Naga where the auction sale shall take place, for the information of all concerned. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbe title to tbe property and tbe encumbrances thereon, in case there be any, for the protection of their interest. Done in Naga City, Phi­ lippines, this 27th day of August, 1964. MAURO V. FAJARDO Actg. Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. Aug. 29, Sept. 5,12, '64. Mrs. & Mrs. Damaso R. Requejo Naga City Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims aDd Visitors • PENAFRANCIA LUMBER . Dealer in all kinds of Native Lumber and General Hardware For Building Construction FERNANDO NG PEE 1 Manager & Prop. Tel. No. 14-92 Penafraneia Ave. City of Naga Greetings to tbe Penafrancia Pilgrims— Naga Music Lyric House Dealer on: Typewriting, Adding & Calculating Machine and other Office Equipments. Everlast Sew­ ing Machine, Deutz German Rice Mill. Tran­ sistor Radios, Evinrude Outboard Motors. Briggs Straiten Generator, Pianos-Brand New and Rebuilt. Elias Angeles St. Naga City Pago 13,* The BICOL STAR * September 12, 19fi4 Compliments of: Bicolano Store Zftmora St. ________________ Naga City Compliments of: King's Mode Textile Gen, Luna St._______ Na; a City Compliments of: Naga Iron Works & Tinsmith Igualdad St. Naga City Welcome Penafrancia visitors — for latest hair-do and facial make-up Li way’s Beauty Shoppe Miss LI WAYWAY CHANEZ-Proprieiress P. Diaz St.. Dabu Bldg. Nag& City BICOLS GENERAL SUPPLY Tomas M. Obias - Prop. HOME OF SURPLUS GOODS & MATERIALS (Exclusive stateside products) _ _________N"g* Citv Philippines__________ Compliments of: Seventh Avenue Auto Supply NAGA BRANCH Floio Caceres - Prop. Padian St- Naga City Compliments of — Parisian Modiste Supply Elias Angeles St. Naga City Greetings from. Rover Tailoring Elias Angeles St. Naga City Welcome Penafrancia visitors — Rivera’s Beauty Parlor Abella St. Naga City Greetings from; Capitol Bazar Store of quality Gen. Luna St. Naga City NOTICE OF EXTRA­ JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE Pursuant to the provi­ sions of Sections 1) Rule 74 of the New Rules of Court, notice ie hereby given to all whom it may concern, tbat Felix Atanacio who died in­ testate on May 2, 1962 in Pili, Camarines Sur and left no known debts, left two parcels of land in Pili Ca­ marines Sur identified and described as follows: 1) Tax No. 7220, located in Tinagnis, Pili, C. Sur, having an area of 23.9752 hectares and assessed at 1*2, 720 00; Covered by O.T.C. No.1123. 2) Tax No. 153 located in Binanuaanan (Curry), Pili, C. Sur, having an area of 14 hectares and assessed at P710.00. The following heirs of dece dent Felix Atanaeio, namely, Genaro Losa; Ana, Leona, Avelino, Santes and Dominga. all surnamed Atanacio, adjudicated among them­ selves, the parcel covered by O.T.C. No 1123; declared under Tax No.7200; and the parcel declared under Tax No 153 was adjudicated to the widow of the decedent, Antonia Petallo Vda. de Atanacio. The extrajudicial settle­ ment of estate was executed and acknowledged by the undersigoed before Notary Public Mariano Fuentebella in Naga City, on the 11th day of May, 1964, bearing Not. Reg. No 112, Page 33, Book IV; Series of 1964. DOMINGA Cemp'imerte of. See Too's Trading Office and School Supp'ies Geo. Luoa St. Naga City Welcome Penafrancia pilgrims — LimS Trading Dealer of Union Cement & Copra Igualdad St. Naga City Best wishes to Pefiafrancia Pilgrims— ••VIVA LA VIRGEN de Pefiafrancia|'’ Colegio del Santisimo Rosario (Run by Dominican Sisters) * Complete Elementary Course * Complete Secondary Course Libmanan Camarines Sur Welcome: To visitors & friends ATTY. & MRS. CARLOS DEL CASTILLO Sabang Naga City Greetings. To all visitors & pilgrims On Our Penatrancia Fiesta HON. & MRS. NICOMEDES N- PORNILLOS BOARD MEMBER Camarines Sur Welcome Pefiafrancia Pilgrims Ge mi no O. Pilapil Arana St, Naga City Greetings to Penafrancia Visitors— Zenaroza’s Fashion School German B. Roldan-Adm. Head Mrs. Melicia Ogayon-Directress Libmanan Camarines Sur Sgd. ANTONINA PETALLO VDA. DE ATANACIO, Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims & Friends — GENARO LOSA. ANA, ATANACIO, LEONA ATANACIO, AVELINO ATANACIO; SANTOS ATANACIO, ATANACIO. Pub; Aug. 29 Sept. 5, 12t 1964. NOTICE OF EXTRA­ JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT WITH QUITCLAIM Pursuant to the provisiene ef Section 1, Rule 74 of tbs New Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that Sixto Caballero, married to Eutropia Vargas; Socorro Cabal­ lero, married to Pacifico Nag­ ramps; Rosita Caballero tharried to Pablo Mendez; Araceli Caballero, married to Mauro Soriano; Luis Ca­ ballero, married to Araceli Orbon; Landa Cabal leroj married to Edmundo Carino, Jose Caballero, single, all residents of Iriga, Cam Sur and Corazon Caballero, msried to Doroteo Cedron. re­ sident of Natua, Cam. Sur, who are the surviving heirs of the deceased Cristina Ser­ rano who died in Iriga, Cam Sur on November 12, 1942, executed a deed of extrajudicial settlement with quitclaim pertaining to a parcel of irrigated riceland located in San Francisco, Iriga, Cam. Sur containing an area of 7,262 Square Meters more or less, declared under Tax No, 25092 and assessed at 1*2,190 00 in the name of Jose Caballero, and acknowledged before No ary Public Hilario Espaho of Canaman, Camarines Sur on August 18, 1964, bearing Not Reg. No. 1141; Page30; Book Vlf; Series of 1964; That aforementioned the heirs adjudicated unto them­ selves their shares in tbe aforesaid property and quit claimed all their rights, in­ terest, and participation Mr. & Mrs. Jose L. Robredo Naga City Welcome and Best Wishes to Penafraneia Pilgrims & Visitors — Libmanan Chinese Chamber of Commerce Libmanan Camarines Sur therein in favor ----co-heir JOSE CABALLERO to whom they sold their shares, interests, and par­ ticipations in the said pro­ perly thru a deed of sale executed on June 5, 1964 and acknowledged before No­ tary Public Manuel B. de los Santos bearing Not Reg. No. 277; Page 85; Book I: Series of 1964. and duly registered in tbe Register of Deeds of Cam. Sur. JOSE CABALLERO Pub. Aug. 29, Sept, 5. 12, ’64 September 12. 1964 66 Years Old.... Page U________________ THE BICOL STAR_______ An Act Providing For Permanent Registration Of Voters (Continued from page 4) tha name and address ef the applicant and the date of the application and the action taken on the application. Sec. 10. Preparation of precinct Book of Voters.—The election registrar shall prepare the precinct book of voters of each precinct which shall consist of all the original cepies of the approved applications of voters for registra­ tion arranged alphabetically belonging to the same pre­ cinct, in a suitable binder or devioe. Each precinct book of voters, before delivery to the board of inspectors shall be duly sealed and certified by tbe election registrar tbat the approved applieations con­ tained therein, stating the exact number, are complete for the precinct. The election registrar shall deliver this precinct book of voters to the chairman of the board of inspectors at tbe same time the board takes delivery of its official ballots, for the use of the board during the voting and which shall be returned to the election registrar for his custody at the same time the statement of election returns are delivered. Thirty days before a regular elec­ tion and ten days before a special election, all precinct book of voters shall be sealed and shall not be available for examination by the public. Sec. 11. Permanent list of voters of each city, municipa­ lity or municipal district.—The approved applications of registration contained in all tbe preoinct books ef vo­ ters of the city, municipality or municipal district shall comprise tbe permanent list of voters of said city, muni­ cipality or municipal district Sec. 12. Provincial Central File of Registered Voters — The duplicate copies of all approved applications for registration shall immediately be sent to the Provincial Central File of Registered Voters which shall be under tbe custody and supervision of the eleetion registrar assigned in the capital. These applications shall be ar­ ranged alphabetically by city, municipality or municipal district and shall be open during office hours to tbe pu­ blic with legitimate inquiries for purposes of election. Sec. 13. National Central File of Registered Voters.— The triplicate oopies of all approved applications for regis­ tration shall immediately be sent to the Commission on Elections. These applications shall be arranged alphabeti­ cally by eity, municipality or municipal district and shall be open during office hours to the public with legitimate inquiries for purposes of election. Sec. 14, Voter's Identification.— The voter’s identifica­ tion card shall serve and be considered as document for tbe identification of each registered voter. No extra copy or duplicate of the voter’s identification eard shall be prepared and issued except upen authority of tbe Commission on Elections. The voter’s identification card shall be subject at any time to examination, change or renewal by the Commission on Elections, and any registered voter who fails, without cause, after due notice, to surrender his voter's identifica­ tion card shall b- sufficient ground for its cancellation, Eaeh identification card shall bear the name and address of the voter, his age, sex, civil statue, occupation, bis passport or identification photograph, thumbmark, num­ ber of the precinct where be ie registered, hie signature and the signature »f tha registrar. No fees shall be collected for tbe issuance of the voter’s identification card. See. 15. Petition for exclusion of voters and decision thereon.—Any elector, representative ef a political patty or tbe election registrar of tbe city, municipality or mu­ nicipal district may at any time except forty five days before a regular eleetion and twenty five days before a speeial election file with tbe J slice of the Peace Court or tbe Court of First Instance of the province a sworn petition for exclusion from the permanent list of voters of any voter on the ground that he is disqualified. disable or illegally registered, which petition shall be decided within fifteen days after filing The right of appeal as provided for in existing laws shall be available ,o any interested party. The election registrar upon receipt of tbe final deci­ sion ordering exclusi n of a voter shall remove bis appli­ cation from tbe corresponding precinct book of voters and place said application in tbe inactive file, wherein tbe order of exclusion by the court shall be entered. The election registrar shall submit monthly reports or as often as the Commission on Elections may order, of all cancellations made by him pursuant to eourt orders, so tbe corresponding action can be taken on tbe copies of the application in the Provincial Central File and in tbe Commission on Elections. 8ec. 16. Cancellation due to death, conviction, and fail­ ure to vote in two successive preceding elections.—The election registrar shall remove tbe voter’s application for registration from the corresponding preeinet book of voters of tbe following after entering therein the cause for can­ cellation and shall place them in tbe inactive file; (a) Those who have since died as eertified to at tbe end of each month by the local civil registrar. (5) Those who have since been sentenced by final judg­ ment to suffer an imprisonment of not less than one year or found guilty of having violated their allegiance to the Republic of tbe Philippines as certified to at the end of each month by tbe clerk oT court, tbe clerk of tbe munici­ pal court in chartered citiesand the justice of tbe peace. (c) Three who did not vote in the two successive pre­ ceding regular elections as showD by tbe voting records ef each voter after tbe bolding of an election. (Continued on page 15) Republic of tbe Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR lUth Judicial District BRANCH IV CH1O CHO, Plaintiff, -versusCIVIL CASE NO. T-84 — X NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Whereas, by virtue of the Whereas, on September I, 1964, the undersigned Frovincial Sheriff Ex O'fiom, levied upon and attached all tbe rights, title, interest, dominion and participation which the defendants, here­ on, have or might have in and over the following deecribed property together with all the improvements, there­ on, to wit; “A parcel of coconut land, located in sitio Compilan, barrio of Tinorognan, municipality of Sagnay. Camarines Sur, having an area of 5.4589 hectares, more or less: bounded on the North, by Tamuyanon Creek; on tbe East, by Sagnay River;on tbe South, by Jacinto Jallores; and on the West, by Gregorio Borela. This property is declared in tbe name of Apolinaria Urtua under Tax Declararlion No. 6109 (old) and assessed at 1*590.00,” Therefore, by virtue of the aforeeaid writ of execu­ tion and in pursuant of the provisions of Section 16 pci auuuiu ui me aaiu o'uuuu u nuiv os. -------8 of from tbe date of filing this Court, the Provincial Sheriff 1964, at bis offiee for tbe Filipinos, be said that ‘‘this barong should come home.” Mr. Oeampo, in accepting the donation said, that "this .¥CtauB. barong will be a valuable FRANCISCO DEL CAScontribution to our histoiical fiLLO et 0| relics to be displayed at the Defendants Freedom House, Aguinaldo Shrine at Kawit. Cavite ” ( Mr. Ocampo said that tbe x Aguinaldo Shrine is the first historical museum to be so constituted and will house all relics depicting the various ¥¥UBreaSi oy viriue O1 lllo epochs in the Philippine wrjt of execution issued by struggle -or freedom’ the Court of Firet Inela[ice The museum director a so of Camarines Sur. Branch 1V, joined the Philipp ne Air jn tl,e above.entitled case, Force in expressing their daled the l5th dav of June graiilude for her enduring 19ti4 and received by the interest and hospitality she Sheriff’s Office on August 5, has extended to all Filipino 19e4 whereio tfae Pr0Bvinciai personnel of the PAF on Sherl(f 0f Camarines Sur 8r duty t°ur to the U.S. of his |awful deputles w n'n P‘»»‘>PPines, was oommanded to Hraake th. Williams were semi- pffective tbe 8um of 8IK of float I guests of the Phi- HUNDRED SEVENTY -FIVE lipptne Air horse. Mrs, Wil- PESOS P675.00), Philippine liams is Mommy Williams currency, plus interest at to 400 officers and men of the rate of six (6) per cent —--------the PAF who studied in per annum of tbe said amount Rule 39 of the Rules military bases in Texas. llllu& JliB On July 13, 1964, the case on October 18, 1962, announces, that on SeptemCity of Lipa passed board until fully paid, and plus ber 28, 1964, at his offiee resolution No* 1799, making the sheriff’s fees and other located on the .Second Floor tbe Williams the first adopted lawful expenses incident to of the Provincial Capitol of American family of the City, this execution; and Camarines Sur in Naga City, he will sell at public auction for cash to tbe highest bid­ der, all the rights, title, interest, dominion and par ticipation tbat the defendants hereof have or might have in and over the above-desA Contest in literature on a Japanese theme will cribed property together be held in Tokyo in commemoration of the Tokyo Olym with all tbe improvements pics under tbe sponsorship of the Japan P.E N. with a thereon, in order to satisfy view to promoting goodwill among peopl. s and to further therefrom the amount of mural understanding. the execution, sheriff’s fees All Filipinos and ether non-Japanese national alike and lawful expenses incident residing in the Philippines are invited to send in an eri- thereto, ginal. unpublished poem, play, essay or short story to the Japan P.E.N. Club not later than December 20, 1964 This notice of auction sale The best entry will receive the Japan P.E.N. Award will be published in the of US$1,000 and four runners-up will receive US$500 each. BICOL STAR, a weekly reThe details of the contest follows: gional newspaper, published and edited in the City of The compitition is open to all non-Japanese na- Naga, having a general cirtionals. culation in the province of Any aspect of Japan may be dealt with, but Camarines Sur and Naga entries in any language other than Japanese, Chi- City, once a week for three nesej English, French, German or Russian must be consecutive weeks, the first accompanied by a translation into one of these six • ■ - ...... languages. The length should not exceed 6,000 words or thirty Japanese manuscript pages; not more than 5,600 characters if written in Chinese. Only one entry may ba submitted by any one writer. Pen names may be used. Manuscripts must be typed double spaced, if written in a language other than Japanese or Chinese The manuscript should bear the title of the piece but NOT the name of the author. Name, ad­ dress, nationality and other personal data should be put on a separate sheet of paper and attached to the manuscript. Manuscripts (2 copies) should be sent to; The Japan P.E.N. Club c/o The A.abi Shimbun Bldg. Yurakucho, Cbiyoda —ku Tokyo, Japan They should be marked: OLYMPIC CONTEST. 9- Manuscript should reach the above address not later than December 20, 1964. Those airmailed with a December 10, 1964 postmark will be accepted even " if they arrive at the above address later than De­ cember 20. 10. The Award wili consist of US$1,000 for the best 2| entry and US$500 each for four runners-up. 11’ Results will be announced not later than March 15,1965 by the Japan P.E.N. Awards will be transmitted to the winning authors immediately after public announcement of tbe results unless otherwise requested by the authors. a 12. The entries will be judged by a committe selected ®eP^* 12, 19, 1964. by the Japan P.E.N. 13. The Japan PE.N, reserves the right of publication of the winning manuscripts in Japan, full or in part, in their original language as well as in Japa- PprycZ nese Any remunsration thus accrued will be paid to the authors. 14. The Japan P,E.N. reserves the above rights on the some terms in any other entry which has not won an award. 15 Manuscripts will not be returned and no correspondence will be accepted concerning the entries. Invitation to Participate in the Olympic Contest in Literature I. 2. 3. 4. 7. publicat on to take place at. least twenty (20) days before the date set for the public auction -sale; Likewise, for tbe same period ef time three (3) copies of this notice will be posted on three public and conspicuous places in the municipality of Sagnay, Camarines Sur where the above-described property is located, and another three copies will be posted in the City of Naga where the auction sale shall take place. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers are hereby injoined to investigate for themselves tbe title to the property, and the encumbrances there­ on, in case there be any, for the protection ef their interest. Done in the City of Naga, Philippines, this September “ 1964. MAURO B. FAJARDO Actg. Prov. Sheriff of Camarines Sur Ex Officio the Bicol Star Page 15 ★ The DICOL STAR * An Act Providing For Permanent Registration Of Voters (Continued from page 14) The election registrar shall notify by mail or by personal ivery tbe registered voter of hie cancellation and the reo require the snrrender of his voter’s aentification card. In cases of death, all notices and re­ quirements shall be directed to the voter’s next of kin. 1 tie names cancelled shall be published in the bulletin oard immediately stating the reason for the canc'Ration 8 j .l o6 .reported to the Commission on Elections and the Provincial Central File together with copies of the certified statements of the local civil registrar, tbe clerlr of court, the elerk of the munieipal court of char­ tered cities and the justice of the peace. The Provincial central Bile and the Commission on Ejections shall accor­ dingly remove the application for registration of the voters and file them in the inactive file after entering in their respective application tbe cause for the cancellation of their registration. Sec. 17 Cancellation of previous registration—Any re­ gistered voter may request for the cancellation of his registration by personally filing a ewom application for said cancellation with the election registrar, who shall proceed to cancel the same and issue the cartifinate of cancellation to the voter. Any registered voter who has transferred and acquired a new domicile may request for the cancellation of bis previous registration as stated in the first paragraph here­ of or by sending by legistered mail a sworn application for cancellation of registration in duplicate giving bis old and new addresses and enclosing his voter’s identification card, or by personally filing said s worn application with the election registrar of bis new domicile, who upon re­ ceipt thereof Shall transmit tbe same, together with the voter’s identification card, to the election registrar of the voter’s eld domicile. Tbe election registrar concerned shall upon receipt of the application for cancellation of registration remove hie application for registration from the corresponding book of voters, which shall be placed in the inactive file, and issue the certificate of cancellation to the voter by registered mail or personally. The election registrar shall enter the corresponding notations in the application of registration of said request for cancellation, The election registrar shall preserve all applications for cancellations and shall report all cancellations made by him under this Section to,tbe Commission on Elestions and to the Provincial File Center for their corresponding action. Tbe names of voters cancelled shall bs posted in the bulletin board for thirty davs, Sec, 18 Change of Address of Voter In the Same City, Municipality or Municipal District.— Any voter who has changed his address in the same city, municipality or municipal district where he is registered shall immediate­ ly notify his election registrar not later than forty-five Gays before any regular election day and thirty days be­ fore a special election day. If tbe change of address in­ volves a change of precinct, the election registrar shall transfer his apDlicetion of legistration from the precinct book of voters of his old precinct to his new precinct, AH changes of address shall be reported to the Commission on Elections and the Provincial Filing Center by tbe election registrar and he shall immediately notify tne voter that h’s change of address has been noted in his application f registration, together with his precinct number if new. Sec. 19. Adjustment of the Precinct Book of Voters in Caee of Division or Merger of Precinct.— When a precinct is divided into two or more precincts or certain precincts are merged, the election regstrar shall accordingly trans­ fer the application for registration of the voters included in the precinct book of voters of the precinct or precincts affected to tbe corresponding precinct book of voters of the resulting new or adjusted precinct. AH adjustments shall be reported to the Commission on Elections and the Provincial Filing Center for their corresponding action. Voters affected by the adjustment of precincts shall be notified by mail of their new precinct resulting from the adjustment. Sec. 20. Publication of the Precinct List ot Voters —For tbe purpose of public information and reference only, thirty days before the day of a regular election and ten days before the day of special election, the election regis­ trar shall furnish tbe candidates, heads of the national political parties in tbe city, municipality or municipal district, tbe Provincial Central File and the Commission on Elections a popy of the certified list of the names and addresses of all tbe voters in each prec’nct of tbe city, municipality or municipal district Changes [n this list shall be distributed in the same manner as supplementa­ ry lists. Tbe election registrar shall also furnish two certified copies of said precinct list to tbe poll, clerk for post ng in the polling place and for (he use of the board of inspectors on election day. Sec, 21. canvass to Check Registration.—The eleetion registrar shall, subject to the rules and regulations pro­ mulgated by the Commission on Elections, conduct such mail check or bouse to bouse canvass or both, without traveling allowance, of the voters of any precinct for the purpose of filing exclusion proceedings. Sec. 22. Power of election registrar to administer oaths and issue summons.—The.election legistrar shall have the same powers possessed by justices of tbe peace te admi­ nister oaths, to issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum, swear witnesses, and to compel witnesses to appear and testify, but if the summons is issued at the instance of any private party, the eorsesponding fees and the ex(Continued on page 8) Sen I ember 12, 196^ Republic of the Philippines IN THE MUNICIPAL COURT OF PILAR Sorsogon SILVESTRE YUSAY, Plaintiff, -versusADOLFO STA. ANA, Defendant. Civil Caee No 164 EXECUTION OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF SORSOGON,SORSOGON NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION SALE WHEREAS, by virtue of the Writ of Execution issued in the above entitled case bv Hon. JUDGE JOSE INZON of the Municipal Court of Pilar, Sorsogon, on June 16, 1964, which was received by the Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon on July 30, 1964 and executed on August 17, 1964, whereby the Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon or his legal deputy, wss coramandfd to make or cause tit be made effective the sum of SIX HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR PESOS ■ 1*664.(10) Philippine Currency, which was re­ covered in a suit on February 17, 1964. plus FORTY PE­ SOS (1*40.CO) cost uf suit, plus the sheriff’s fees and other incidental expen s e s inburred in connection with this execution and sale. WHEREAS, upon indica­ tion of the plaintiff in this case the undersigned Provin­ cial Sheriff Ex - Officio of Sorsogen levied and attached all the rights, title, interest, dominion and participation that of the defendant hereof, has or might have in and over the following described real property together with all the improvements thereon existing, to wit: TAX DECLARATION NO 7419 PILAR. SORSOGON Greetings from. JORDANA INTERPRISES FANNY JORDANA-Prop. PaDganiban St. Naga City Greetings from. McIntosh Tailoring Makers of Elegant Suits Former. Cutter of Stedman Gen. Luna St. Naga City Welcome Pefiafrancia Visitors— TABUCO LUMBER We stII all kinds of Lumber Tabuco Naga City Greetings from: Arrow Poultry Supply '(Dealer of High Quality Feeds) Igualdad St. Naga City Welcome Visitors, Friends & Pilgrims Mar’s Tailoring Elias Angeles St Naga City A parcel of coconut and cogon land situated in the Barrio of PaDgpaiif, Pilar, Sorsogou, containing an area of ONE HUNDRED THIRTEEN THOU SAND THREE HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR (113,334) SQUARE METERS more or less xxx Bounded on the North, by Lot 264 - Tito Esquila, Lot 136 - Saturnino Esquila and River; on the East, •by Bagnon River) on tbe South, by Lol 252 Pt, Jacinta and Gloria Sta. Ana; and on the West, by Lot 252 Pt-Hermeneglide Sta Ana, Lot 262 Leoncio Labayo and Road. This land is part of Lot 253 and Tax Dec. No, 7419 and Assessed for P890.00. Coconuts are ~tbe perma­ nent improvement and concrete poets of the BL are the visible boundaries. Greetings from: C. G. Lacerna’s Glassware STORE 94 Igualdad St. Naga City Welcome Pefiafrancia Pilgrims and Visitors— ANTONIO'S STORE Gen. Luna St. Naga City Antonio’s Glassware Igualdad St.__________________ _ _______Naga City Welcome to Naga’s premier eating place— New China Restaurant Gen, Luna St. Naga City Greetings from — New South Star Drug Wholesale & Retail Padian St. Naga City When in Naga lodge at— MAJESTIC HOTEL Quiet and well ventilated Padian St. Naga City Mabuhav, Pilgrims and Visitors— SALES* STORE Prieto St. Naga City Greetings from: Gung Kang Grocery Wholesale & Retail Padian St Naga City WHEREFORE, by virtue of said Writ ot Execution and pursuant to the provi­ sions of Section 16 of Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, amount of indebtedness Sorsogon, both province of the undersigned Provincial claimed in said execution, Sorsogon where the auction Sheriff of Sorsogon will sell tbe sberi f’s fees and other sale shall take place, at public auction to the incidental expenses incurred Prospective buyers or bidhighest bidder for cash and in connection with said sale, ders are hereby enjoined to in Philippine currency, on This notice of public auc- investigate for themselves September 23, 1964 between tion sale will be published the title of the property and the hours of 9:00 a m, and in the BICOL STAR, a the sneumbranees thereto if 4:00 p.m. in the Office of weekly newspaper of general there be any for their prothe Provincial Sheriff at circulation in the Bical re- tectionSorsogon, Sorsogon, below gion including the province of Done at Sorsogon, Sorsothe Courthouse, all the right, Sorsogon, once a week for gon, this 24th day of August, title, interest, dominion and three consecutive weeks the 1964, participation that of the first publicatian to take place defendant Adolfo Sta. Ana at least twenty (20) days ARTURO R. ARGUELLES together with all tbe improve- before the date of auction Ex-Oficio Prev’l. Sheriff ments thereon existing of the sale, Likewise, for the same above described real property period of time three copies Pub. Sept. 5, 12, 19, 1964; in order to satisfy the total of same will be posted at page 16 ★ The BICOL STAR ★ Land Reform . . the concept of social justiee so deeply rooted in our system. One of the overriding con­ siderations for the enactment of the Land Reform Gode >s the eliminatron of eertain evils that have allegedly af­ flicted farm tenancy. The proposition animating the land reform program envi­ sioned in this law may be framed as follows; A system is bad if there are evils in it; there are evils in farm tenancy; therefore, farm te­ nancy is bad, end must be abolished. The fallacy of tkto detect, A system ie not in its being. We do not just proceed to liquidate a per­ son simply because he is full of ailments. Therefore, the abolition of share tenan­ cy is not at all justified not only from the logical, but as previously pointed out, point as well. Anent the evils that have been attributed to tenancy .........-..... - by the proponents of the Wednesday, Land Reform Code as a *" * " ‘ ‘ justification for its abolition, suffiee it to say that histo­ rically, and by regulatory measures anacted by tbe le­ gislature, our tenants all over the country have im­ proved their lot thru the years. We have for instance -----------------------------------Republic Act 1199, other- form Code seeks to put wise known ae the Agneui- the landowners aside and tural Tenancy Act, which give way to the governregulates among others the ment to take over, relationship between landow- Now the question; Is the r _ ners and tenantsand which government a suitable subs- E3PIGAS give the tenant the freedom titute tenants? Can tbe " ’ to determine for himself the government's active aDd status under which he can direct participation in tbe best improve his lot. agricultural development ef It is an undeniable faet the nation — known only in tbat tbe tenants have gone dictatorial countries — be a long way since Spanish as personal, intimate and time in enhancing their well- productive as tbat supplied being. They are now pro- by the landowner? Can tbe tected by law--laws designed government feel the same -——---- , .....—B to prevent their exploitation way as the landowner bad SATURDAY, September 19: by unscrupulous landowners developed for his tenants? 6:00 a.m. — SOLEMN This shows the i n h e re n t Finally, is tbe government PONT IFICAL MASS—* strength of the democratic financially prepared t o Metropolitan Cathedral way of life, its flexibility in absorb, and assume full Officiating—His Excellency bringing about desirable responsibility ov^r the more the Most Reverend Pedro adjustments in soeiety, and than one million tenants in P. Santos, D.D. in making room and provi- the country who are now Arnhhi«h„n Ar sion tor progress among all being taken care ef by In fact, the so-called evils far exceeds tbat of the of tenancy have gradually vanished thru evolutionary transformation to a more harmonious relationship be­ tween landowners and te­ nants. Sueb relationship has developed into a olose-knit, cooperative and productive partnership. The Land RePenafrancia Religious.. (From page 3) NOVENA TO THE VIRGIN OF PENAFRANCIA (AT THE METROPOLITAN CATHEDRAL) September 12 to 19; 6: a m.—solemn mass for the Intention of tbe Donors. 5:00 p.m.- SOLEMN NOVENA — Rosary, No­ vena. Hymns, SERMON, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, SALVE apd final Hymn in honor of ------------ ---- ,„U¥ UI the Virgin of Penafrancia. the proposition ie not hard —PREACHERS DURING ;o „„t THE NOVENA— necessarily bad if evils exist Saturday, September 12..;; Reverend Castor Sanches; Assistant Priest, Legazpi Port Sunday, September 13...Re­ verend Felix Basquinec Assistant Priest, Polangui Albay Monday, September 14...Re­ verend Ernesto Villaroya Assistant Priest, Sorsogon, September 12, 1964 Tabaco Albay ft Lady..... ----------------------------- Subdeacon—Reverend Zo- " from 2) 8imo Vasguez Parish Priest, Ponso, Polangui, Albay Preaeher— -Very Reverend Anselmo Bustos, S.ViD. Director, Divine Word High School Sorsogon Sorsogon Master of Ceremonies— »Reverend Jesus Larraheta, RELIGIOUS AND ACA- C.M. DI MIC EXHIBITS at the Professor Majbr Seminary Santa Isabel College Altar Service—Semnarians THUR SDAY, Sept. 17, of the Arohdiocesar. 4.00 p.m. —SOLEMN ° OPENING OF EXHI­ BITS by His _______ „ Most Rev. Pedro Santos, D.D. Archbishop of Caceres P EN I T E NTIAL PRO- ________ CESSION: Ministers;— Very ReveSept. 18, 3:30 a.m.—Start- rend Jesus Varela; JCD;8TL. ing P/ace—.-Metropolitan Secretary and Chancellor Cathedral Archdiocese of Caceres Procession Route-South of Rev Benjamin Almoneda Naga City Officiating Priest.......Rev. Roman M^dino, Jr. Assistant Priest Libmanan, Camarines Sur Sept. 19, 3:30a.m. Procession Route -North of Naga City Officiating Priest—Rev. Bonifacio de Vera Assistant Priest Pili, Camarines Sur A Jesuit Father Friday, September 18 — Reverend (A If redo Erestain Professor, Sorsogon Minor _ Seminary THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY— Major Seminary of Caceres Choir—The Sohola Cantorum of Naga Major SemiExcelloncy the n«ry under the direction of p. Reverend Faustino I e a b a C.M. 3.30 p-m.-FLUVIAL PRO­ CESSION Ministers'. (Conl’d on page 17) ion has not yet started. Mrs. Adkins eaid that this controversy is proving detrimental to the promotion of tourism in the province as the lake resort is the main attraction to tourists and tbe earlier it is settled, the better. She also under­ scored the need for more facilities like hotels and transportations in order to attract more tourists to Sorsogon. The newspaperwoman also conferred with Gov. Juan G. Frivaldo and other pro­ vincial officials at the Sor­ sogon Demonstration Fish Farm at barrio Cabidan, this capital town, where the provincial board was dis­ cussing the provincial bud(Con’t. on page 17) as previously pointed out, Sorsogon —a— from the constitutional stand- Tuesday, September 15.... .. STA. ISABEL COLLEGE DAY >A Vincentian Father S.ptember 16 IN CHARGE OF THE NAGA PA ROCHIAL PROCESSION: ~ SCHOOL DAY Reverend Prospero Arelleno Assistant Priest, Ragay, Cama­ rines Sur Thursday, September 17-— „ , „ , _ ... ATENEO DE N A C A CpcTo'o" A Rector, Penafrancia Shrine Reverend Binjamin Almoneda Reverend Jaime San Andres Reverend Ludwig Pimentel Reverend Juan Alarcon. Jr. Reverend Lorenzo de los Santos Reverend Demetrio Imperial Reverend Gerardo Espedido Sound System., with TWO Seminarians to lead the ROSARY, during the pre­ cession . FRIDAY September 18: 8:00 P m. — VIGILIA DE Under the auspices of the Naga Section, Philippine Nocturnal Adoration (separate program) Place—-Metropolitan Cathedral In-Charge— Very Rev. Msgr Porfiri® Iligan, P.C. assisted by Visiting Priests. 6?od'a7m" -ToTfi MN Archbishop of Caceres aiwu iu> piugrcss among an »ciug isk«u vaio «i uy Deacons of Honors -—Reveclasses of tbe body politic; landowners whose number reBT° Benigno Elevado t_ .L. _____j_ . k » Parish Priest. Castilla Sorsogon Reverend Celso Solero Assistant Priest, Virac, Catanduanes Assisting Presbiter—-Very government agencies intend­ ed to replace them? What happens to the po< r tenant ______ v ____ when tbe government neg- Rev. Msgr. Jose Bellezai lects to attend to him, ee- D.P. pecially during off-election - • -years or probablv, decides Parish Priest, Tabaco, Albay k_______ _____- Deacon—Revei end Tomas to abandon him for lack of Robrigado funds? Parish Priest, San Vicente, (Concluded next iseue) Compliments of: Compliments of; ELEGANT FASHION & BUSINESS ACADEMV City of Naga Recognized by the Government Courses in Hair & Beauty Culture Embroidery Dressmaking Mrs. Constantia D. Directress Typewriting Stenography Men’s Tailoring Hidalgo DR. FLORO V. RAYOS Trained in U.S.A. Hospital General Medicine & Electrocardiography City of Naga Welcome and Best Wishes to Penafrancia Pilgrims and Visitors — A. G. MALENIZA Cam. Sur Provincial Governor & Mrs. APOLONIO G. MALENIZA CITY OF NAGA Congressman & Mrs. Emilio Espinosa, Jr. Lone District of Masbate Page 17 ★ The BICOL STAR September 12, 1964 A Lady.. Work and— Religious History of Professor. Minor Seminary Reverend Ludwig Pimentel Professor. Naga Seminarv ; The ABELLA FAMILY donates tbe “PAGODA” of the Virgin of Pefiafrancia and the Divino Rostro. The Ateneo de Naga Band will play during the procession up to the Bicol River bank. slopee of Pefia de Franeia. get (1964-1965), on the deSimon heard these last words velopnent plans of various newsmen that feelers have providentially a discussion and w’thout uttering a word, seenic and historical Bites been sent to him for a 1965 arose between two vendors he fo,*owed the vendor on in the province. dr.ft and that urlmimrs h»vn arose between two vendors he ^°howed the vendor on in the province. draft and that admirers have about the quality of the coal hi?*ay ho,m<- . . o Mr8‘ Adkin8 8aid that opened a campaign beadthey were selling and one Whea he reached San there are many potential quarters for him in Manila, of them vouched that they M#rtin de Castafiar, a vil- tourist attractions not only He eaid, he closed the were of g*od quality because lage at the foot of Pefla do in Sorsogon but in tbe campaign office and told his they were taken from the Franoia- he immediately ap- other Bicol Provinces whit* friends to forget politics in proacbed some people and could be developed to order the meantime.—J.D.D. fortunately, he was able to for the tourist trade.—J.D.D get information about tbe exact place of Pefia de o ---- Franeia, the very place where Kev. Msgr. afterward8 be found the Kegamt, D.P. object of hig pi|griMge. ' P“'*Sh Ju8t ag bfl begaP digKin the place indicated to him, in a dream he had tbe night before, a divine voice counovllvd him not to go to the mountains without compaTabaco, Albay (kiosk) 9:00 a:m.—SOLEMN MASS by the Rt« A n t o o io „___,__ Vicar Forane and Parish Priest, Daet C. N, . 9:00 a m.—LOW MASS by •, the Very Rev- Msgr. Vi- b c?nte Vargas, P.C. Parish el|ed ’hil Priest, Buhi, Camarines ° Sur (kiosk) 9:30 a.m.- LC . ____ __ the Rt. Rev. Msgr. De­ metrio Valeza, D.P. Parish Priest, Guinobatan, Albay irJnA0^k2 t ciw Mica k„ »o eimwn went sown ana 10:00 a m.-LOW MASS by brou bt with him Antonio the Very Reverend Jesus Fern^dez, jUBn Paeoual, Varela JCD Secretary and Pascuaj Sa’nchez, juan Fe/ Chancellor Archdiocese of nande2 and Benit0 Sanchei> —v,“ m»uuiuK, ,a'ereB MASc k ^e “escribano” of the place, the Saered Images will be »• m.—LOW MASS by and finai|y On May 19,1434, “ Kev. Msn.ror. as tQey removtda bjg stone, following a divine inspiration, DONORS OF THE PAGODA: Mrs. Bibiana Diaz Guysayko Engr. Domingo Diaz y Abella Atty. Ramon Diaz y Abella Mrs. Aida Abella de Felipe Mrs. Socorro Abella de Soriana Dr. Manuel Abella Dr. Domingo Abella Mrs. Renee Abella Mrs. Magdalena Abella Jimenez At the Penafranoia Landing, Lim received by: Hie Excellency, the Most Reverend Pedro P. Santoe, D.D. Archbishop of Ca—J. D.D. 1 ^['7 HOLLOW BLOCK . UKUL & TILES FACTORY ° rnvv Mica k„ nion8 who would serve as nJ. Tbe heaven., it seems, would like to remove any possibility ot doubt with regards to this miracle. So Simon went down and (BUILDER'S CHOICE) Manufacturers in: * Hollow Biecks * Cement Tiles (Plained & Designed) * Concrete PipeB * Grwaulethic Marble Works * And other decorated cement products D. CRUZ- Mgr. Dealer in: * Gravel * Sand * Boulders * Earth Fill * Other Road Materials Concepcion, Naga City VIVA LA VIRGEN! on the occasion of Her Festival OUR FIESTA OFFERING the Very Rev. Msgr. Porfirio Iligan, P.C. Oecone- IOHO a Qlvine in8pirauon, mus, Archdiocese of Caceres they fo‘nd the mostHeoveted image of the Virgin of Pefiaceres, assisted by the Very 12:00 noon-LOW MASS.... “X° Reverend TecC_ ~ ,-k.r-i Lancia. Pacis, C.M. Rector Naga Seminary, together with some Vinoentian Fa­ thers. The Bleased Virgin’s Image atimo C. AFTERNOON: (shrine) Of 4:00 p.m. —LOW MASS by tbe Very Rev. Msgr. Al­ fred® Yllana, P.C. Vicar Forane and Parish Priest, ...e.u« .U..KV Libmanan.CS. will be placed on the altar, 4:30 p m. — LAST DAY OF at the Penafrancia Kiosk. THE NOVENA where a LOW MASS will Officiating— Rt. Rev. Msgr. be said by: Pedro Lanuza, D.P, Vicar Rt. Rev Msgr. Florencio forane and Parish Priest C. Yllana, D.P. Iriga, Camarines Sur Administrator, Diocese of Sorsogon 5:00 p-m.—LOW MASS by «- -• tbe Rev. Msgr. Flo­ rencio Yllana, D.P. Ad­ ministrator. D i o c see of c.^ntSOgOQ r . mese miracles auu mis uia5.30 p.m. LOW MASS by COvery, duly signed by those the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Pedro present aDC] the Notary Lenuza, D.J\,____ Public of the plaee, is reifo/ r>“~ -----W-served in the archives of the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Nica- $an Martin de Castanar to nor Belleza, D. P. Vicar 8erve as eloquent, if mute. General, Archdiocese of witnese to the past, preeeat Caceres d fut generations of Altar 5e/-pfce----Semiaari&nc of Naga Major Seminary Mass Donor— Mr. and Mrs. Felix Bellen Pili, Camarines Sur SUNDAY, September 20: 3:00 a m.-LOW MASSES „ruu.B „ r begin at the Shrine and at 6:00p.m. —LOW MASS by the PenafraBCia Kiosk. n. d— — kt;-- •c,vcc’_ 6:00 a.m.—SOLEMN PON­ TIFICAL MASS—(Pefia­ francia Kiosk) srr. rWi» Santue, D.D. Archbishop of Caceres Deacons of Honor-— A Vin­ centian Father Naga Major SemiDary A Vincentian Father Naga Major Seminary Assisting Presbiter......Very Rev, Teotiso C. Pacisi C.M. Rector, Naga Major Seminary Deacon......Reverend Quirino Duran . Assistant Priest, Iriga, CamariSubdeaeon— Reverend Rustico Recepcien Assistant Priest, Nabua, Cama­ rines Sur Preacher----- Reverend Jaime San Andres, B.S.E1 Professor Naga Minor Seminary, Master of Ceremonies-—Reverend Jesus Larrafieta, C.M. Altar Service — • Seminarians of Naga Major Seminary Choir— Minor Seminarians of Naga Minor Seminary under the direction of Reverend Honeeto Badilla 8:00a.m.—SOLEMN HIGH MASS by the Rev. Msgr. Dominador Perez, D.P. Rector, Naga Minor Semi­ nary 7:30 a mt—LOW MASS by the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Concordio Sanchez, D.P. Prin­ cipal, Naga Minor Seminary (Kiosk) 8:00 a m. —LOW MASS by the Rt Rev Msgr. Justiniano Valeza, D P. Parish Priest, Ligao, Albay (kiosk) 8:30 a.m.-LOW MASS by tbe Rt. Rev. Msgr. Jose Belleza, D.P. Parish Priest, tbe Rt Rev Msgr. Joae Sanchez, D.P. Ge­ neral, Diocese ef Legazpi 7.00 p.m.— LOW MASS.... 7:30 p,m. — LOW MASS.... 8 00 p.m. " ‘ MASS., Alex Theatre Sept. 14—20, 1964 Bernard BONNIN — Amalia FUENTES Right there and then all these men received special graces from tbe Virgin. Si men Vela's wound in the head was instantly cured; Pascual Sanches’ defect in the eye disappeared; Juan Fernandez got rid of bis ten years old stomach trou­ ble; Antonio Fernand es who was deaf began to hear and finally, Benito Sanchex’ finger which was defective from birth, recovered its normal stage. The official document of these miracles and this disOUR OWN PENAFRANCIA Way back in the 17th ----------- century, a Spanish family LAST LOW from San Martin de Casta(Con’t. on page 18) OUR LADY MEDIATRIX HOSPITAL Iriga, Camarines Sur Dept, of Health Permit No. 7-N Member, Pbll, Hospital Association HOUSE STAFF: Dr. Andres C. Gonzales F.P.G S;F.IC.S; - Direct­ or Chief Surgeon Dr. C. F. Domasing-Gonzalies F.I.C.S • Administrator and Surgeon Obstetrician Associate Rtsidenl Physician Dietician Pharmacist Dr. Nonito P. Arroyo - - Dr. Romeo O. Berina - - Dr. Napoleon C. Punsalan - Dr. Erlando E. Romero Mrs. Rafaela F. Domasing Mrs. Minnie T. Arroyo • CONSULTANTS (By arrangement) Dr. Antonio P. Sibulo - Dr. Salvador Felipe - - * With facilities for General Surgery, Fluoroscopy, Diagnostic X—Ray Infra Red & Ultra Violet Therapy Cardiologist Anesthesiologist Complete Nursing Staff. Holy Mare every Sunday and Holiday of obli­ gation at 8.30 A.m. Ang Duwende Sa Kampanaryo Bichara Theatre Sept. 15—21, 1964 MGM’s ACTION DRAMA Secret Seven —ALSO— Maciste Against the Sheik Vic Theatre Septi 15—21, 1964 JESS LAPID Ans Pinakakilabot — Naga City — ; hi ovlhorify ot Tta Coca-Cola Company by SAN MIGUEL BREWERY NAGA COCA-COLA PLANT ★ The BICOL STAR ★ September l'L >' 64 MESSAGE History of... / nar, happened to oome to 1 wbl1 to 8rect mv fel’ and stay in Cavite. They low Biiolanos on lhe ochad a son called Miguel de °.asion the Pefiafrancia Cubarrubias. From the time he began to study grammar in Sto. Tomas, until he finished Theology, Miguel was a victim of frequent illness. Fortunately for him. he possessed a picture of the Blessed Virgin of Pefiafrancia, as found by Simon in Pefia­ francia of San Martin de Castafiar. To this be had recourse in moments ef great pain, anguish and adversity. He would even place the picture of the Virgin on the part of his body tbat ailed him most Thanks te this, acording to him, he recovered always from his illness Here are his own words: "So many are the mira c 1 e s wrought on me by the Vir­ gin of Penafrancia, that I have no tongue to relate them, paper where to write them nor number to count them. All I could say is that I am the miracle of her miracles." fiesta. As we celebrate this significant event, let us not forget to say our pra­ yers of thanksgiving to oir beloved Patroness, the Virgin of Penafraneia and to imolore Her un­ failing assistance in these times of trouble and great need. Lei us also take this as an opportunity to reassess our values, that discovering our weaknesses, our faults and our needs, we shall, with confidence and eourage resolve to sup­ plant them with the su­ blime virtues and the ne­ cessary complements that make a truly great Bicol region. With my best wishes GREETINGS It is with pleasure that I extend my; hearty felici tations to the faithful on t’ ‘‘ " L I exiena my/ nva-iv im.c. (h(, occasion of nur annua| re„:ona! celebrati ------- .„. their observation of the An- NUESTRA SENORA DE PENAFRANCIA. nual beast Day of our Lady o Penalrancia, and my ,n fhe mjdgt of rejoiciD )et „B nat fe sincere congratulations and best w>shes to the P®.rVe " ligious significance of tl)e oeca6iou which c pants in the Bico Regional Garniva -and Exposition. d£drcation to our faith in God. L( t us offer . ,Thl8 J°lut affalr. 18 an . important occasion lor tbahkeeiviDg for the numeroo8 blessings and While studying in Sto. Tomas, the Bishop of Nueva Caceres, Mons. Andres de Gonzales, of the illustrious Dominican order called him to Nueva Caceres. Obedient to the voice of tbe authority, he came. During his trip, however, a storm developed, so strong and furious, that the ship found itself at tbe verge of sinking. Everybody thought the worse had came. .. _ Miguel then invoked tbe and _ _ _ _____________ - — help of his Patroness, the degree of regional contributions to the 'national progress, Virgin of Penafrancia, and May this year’s celebration of the Feast Day and thanks to his prayer and the ho'ding of the Regional Carnival and Exposition in devotion, the storm subsided honor of Our Lady of Pefiafrancia be as fruitful as and everybody reached the everybody hopes in terms of both spiritual and ma­ place safe and sound. terial values. Some months after his ggd. MARIA KALAW KATIGBAK stay in Nueva Caceres, SENA Moos. Gonzales, O P. con­ ferred upon him tbe Sacra- kA £• A me nt of Priesthood, { and WuE>& persuaded to stay. Re was a privilege to subsequently named Parish greet the peop!e cf Priest of Nueva Caceres tbe gjCQ| Reg-on on (new Naga) and Vicar Ge- tbe occasion ef their neral ef tbe whole diocese. ail0(ia| Regional CarSensing perhaps that with nn5a)< Exposition and hie stay here it would be Fjesta in honor of hard to fulfill his promise tUe B|essed Virgin of to build a chapel for the Pefiafrancia. Virgin of Penafrancia near ja my belief tbat the banks of Pasig niver, occasions serve be had the place commuted to bring about the and decided finally to build opportunity to pro­ ft in Nueva Caceres tho he mote public patwas still at a loss with rnnage and accepregards to the exact place. lance of Philippine By fluke of Divine Provi- products. There is dence, tbe eimarrones pme a need tP initiate a to see the Bishop one day COntainuing program and asked for a chapel for of pubfic information their spiritual needs and aboul trade and inreligious practices, in a^place dustry if „e are »„ sow seeds of pro­ gress and economic well being for rnr c“u. nt.ry people' G. M. ROXAS And for this reason, |t I wish to congratulate you a’l for having taken a direct approach to this problem by sustaining these regiond ’m! 0I„in'£a InrtinVtari expositions- I feel that these community projects a e the place ind.cated V8fy necessary loday .f WQ are tQ meet the growi )g challenges of our time. I wish to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you, whose immeasurable help and generous support elected me to the Philippine Senate. I shall endeavor to do my best in the performance of my duties that I may merit your continued trust and confidence. My wife, Judy, joins me in wishing you a fruitful carnival and exposition. Happy fiesta to everyone. (Sgd.) GERARDO M ROXAS Senator This joint affair it .... --------- ---------- --thanksgiving for all the blessings which God has bo generously showered upon the good people of the re­ gion, and a reaffirmation of the faith that binds them together in peace and prosperity. It ie likewise an op­ portunity not only for tbe people of Bicolandia but for those in the nearby provinces as well to assess the local potentials for cooperative development in the fields of eooncmics, agriculture, commerce, industry ’ culture. This ie basic to the ascertainment of the easily accessible to them. Tais sol ted the problem. THE FIRST CHAPEL Dn. Miguel began imme­ diately tbe construction of the chapel of nipa and bam­ boo in tL_ by the eimarrones. It must be like one of those "Ernaitas" in our barrios. By then no­ body must have dreamed uoteven Da. Miguel himself, that such a chapel built for the eimarrones would some day be the pet rendezvous of thousands and thousands of souls of the Bicol Region and other places The present church was built more or les3 in the same place where the first was constructed. It is about 2 kilometers from the present Municipal Building in front ot Plaza Rizal and around a kilo­ meter and a half from the Episcopal Palace. fCon’l. next issue} Compliments of: MABULO PIGG RY FARM on tha occasion of the glorious Penafrancia big days Mabulo St. Naga City MESSAGE Sen. T. ZIGzk To the People of Bicolandia, on the occasion of the Fes­ tivity of Our Lady of Pena­ francia and warm regards. Sgd.TECLA S. ZIGA Senator Sen. G. MAGSAYSAY I wish to extend to everyone my warmest greetings on the occasion of your annual celebra­ tion of the Festive Lady of Pefiafrancia. On an event such this, we never fail look back oil the achieve­ ments of tbe r ast re­ double efforts for the com­ mon weal. But 1 have not failed to note that tbe good people of Bicolan­ dia with tbe able steward­ ship of its officials have progressed considerably, and for this alone we can thank Providence, and on this day otf.-r a prayer of I reiterate my sincerest and may you be showered with mere graces. GENARO MAGSAYSAY Senator thanksgiving. wishes for your happiness MESSAGE I rejoice with the good peop'e of Bicolandia on the, occasion of j>ur annual re^onal celebration honoring o ... _Jt forget the reiccasion which calls for re__ ............... ... -____ .'.'st prayers of thanksgiving for the numerous blessings and graces God showered upon us and resolve to merit His love to us by living and working according to His teachings and precepts. My heartfelt congratulations to the distinguished officials of Camarines Sur and Naga City, civic and religious organizations, and to the laymen for a success­ ful celebration. MARCIAL R. PIMENTEL Congressman Lone District of Camarines Noite MESSAGE It is a pleasure to greet the people of Camaimes Sur on their annual feast of our Lady of Penafraneia. May I take this opportunity to ex tend our invita lion to visitors paying homage to our Lady of Pefia­ francia tn find time to visit Sor sogon "a heaven for toursits. Bicolandia i9 noted for its varied tourist attractions < as well as religious .. and historical land-., marks, this memo­ rable occasion will serve as a beacon to our visitors come and visit again. To those responsible for the success of bration goes my waimest congratulations. to us Ji Gi FRIVALDO cCei (Sgd ) JUAN G. FRIVALDO Provincial Governor of Sorsogon Pelaez Says DM Debasing Presidency cerity to the Presidency. Charging Malacafiang for management of the news, tbe Vice President main­ tained that the people have stopped believing news ema­ nating from Palace sources. Pelaez cited reports that one-half of the government Vice President Emmanuel Pelaez this week assailed the President for debasing the presidency of pines. "Under Mr. administration, __ ,___ dency hss ceased to be a symbol of integrity and tbe PbilipMaeana^al’s fuada earmarked ”for public the PnLi. works and essential seivices h r„ have been lost or dissipated through projects like the Emergency Employment ^uthfulness," Sz ysaa.nda tmergeTyt- Einp,oyffi9nt '•Under thfe Macapagal ad- Adf™1"1Sl™t,0,\ ministration, the presidency iaJ J 1 r®S8 *“terview- j ehas degenerated into one of ,®ea .v,ow.ed, that once elected has degenerated into one of hypocrisy, falsehood, deceit," he continued. If elected President. Mr. Pe<aez said, he will resloie integrity, decency, and sinPresident he will carry out ‘1U the program of the late P r e s i dent Magsaysay ot which he was one of ’ the archil. cts.