The Bicol Star


Part of The Bicol Star

The Bicol Star
Issue Date
Year 34, Vol. 31 (No.29) September 10-17, 1966
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
WELCOME PILGRIMS AND VISITORS Rinibong Tao Nagdalao can Traslacion kan Imagen ni Virgen de Penafrancia, Divino Rostro Siring Sa dsti si paghalyo schools asin ibang escuelas (traslacion) casoodmang ha- privadas digdi sa Naga asin pan can mga imagen ni sa ibang banuaan palm mga Virgen de Panafrancia asin lacn-laen na asociaciones reDivino Rostro, hale sa capll- Hgiosas nacatao nin daculang la nin Pefialrapcia pasiring'de^ostracion can solemnidad diyan sa Catedrui digdi sa c' hfiesta regional nin PefiaNaga City, ribi-ribong tao ucia, na nacacapagirahao an nagdalao asijQ nagiba sa. Jbarahibo asin nacacapaprocesion. Minsah inoran ai . Id sa puso nin, mga devoprocesion, alagad ta ini dai tos asin paradalao. lamang uacapaluya sa boot can mga devotos sa pagiba sa procesion. An sabi can mga gurang an pagoran na iyan na dayaday nangyax;ari, toyong traslacion sarong secreto daa nin mahal na Dios* o milagro kan imagen ni Vir­ gen Maria asin Divino Rostro sa pagprobar kan caigotan can boot nin mga devotos. Si mga estudiantes sa mga colegios, universidad, high (Dagos sa pagina 12) Gnonian na Sabado mapoon an novenario can Virgen de penafrancia sa Catcdral asin sagkod sa icawalong aldao sa sunod na Sabado, aldao nin pagsakay (procesion fluvial sa NAga River) can mga imagenes na ini sa paghatod sainda duman sa capilia sa Pefiafrancia, na iyo an bilang pinacadaculang aldao can - ‘ nin Pefiafrancia, sosog Southern Arms & Equipment Co. Tel. 21-11 P.O. Box 136 326 Renacimiento St. Naga City “EUTECTIC” low-heat welding solders for cast iron, stainless steel, copper bronze, aluminum, line. A nickel. •BUKH” and • SOUTHERN CROSS" diesel engines; Various water pumps; Lathes: Drills: and other “MESMA" machi­ neries. Year 34—Vol. 31. No. 29-City of Naga. Sept. 10-17, 1966- 10 Ctvos. 16 Pages (----------------------------Penafrancia Number With Supplement i Prov. Board To Restore Old H. S. Fee • • • • • • • • • Objectives of Pres. Marcos U.S. Visit Bared; Working Entourage Limited Extra Train To Run On P'francia F esta Malacanang declared that the Presidential state visit to the United States, scheduled for September 12, will be working visit, as borne out by the spare list of official members of the party, each carefully handpicked for maximun service during the visit. The official party, including President Marcos, the First Lady Mrs. Imelda R. Marcos, number exactly 8. members. The unofficial members include six assistants and aides and rep­ resentatives of various Manila newspapers who were chosen by their respective editors and pub­ lishers. Malacafiaog further said that the President himself will be busy throughout the visit, which has been closely programmed to deal with the urgent problems which necessitated the trip to Washing­ ton. The President bad earlier speci­ fied the reasons for tha state visit, topped by discussions on the policy level of matters affecting Phihppine-US relations. Notable among these are the up­ dating of the agreement on the US military bases here, implemen­ tation of the military assistance Pact in the light of recent de velopments. the mutual delense treaty, and other basic policies that only the two heads of state could decide. The unofficial members were si­ milarly selected for maximun as­ sistance to the President, s nd consist of aides and special teeb(Continued on page 4) Nicanor T. Jimenez, general manager of the Philippine Nation­ al Railways announced yesterday the schedule of special trains on September 16 to 18 from Manila to Naga and other extra trains in the Bicol region effective Sep­ tember 15 to 21 during the feast of Our Lady of Pefiafrancia On Friday September 16 extra train MA-1 will run from Manila to Naga as first section of the Bicol Night Express train 514. leaving Manila at 5:30 p.m. to arrive Naga at 3:45 a.m. the next morning. On Sunday Sept, 18. ex­ tra train NG-4 will run from Naga to Manila as first section of Night Express train 514, leav­ ing Naga at 7:00p.m. to arrive Ma­ nila at 5*30 a.m. the following day In the Bicol region, extra trains , will observe the following schedule during the festivities of Our Lady of Pefiafrancia. from leptember 15 to 21. Southbound trains- Ex(Continued on page 12) Gov. Maleniza, Board Members Accede to PTA, Students Demands Provincial Governor Apolonio G. Maleniza and majority of the board members acceded to tbe de­ mands of the Cam. Sur high school PTA and stu­ dents to restore the old tuition fee of P85 in the high school here. Last August 10, the C.S. prov­ incial board in its regular session approved Resolution No. 381 rais ing the tuition fee in the high school from P85 to F105 or more than 20 per cent raise. Vice Gov. Felimon Odiamar was absent, thus tbe high school PTA ar I students protested which culmi­ nated to the march of the PTA and students to the capitol with placards demanding from the Prov. Board to reduce the tution fee or restore the old rate and al­ so to raise the salaries of tbe C.S. high sehool teachers who are re­ ceiving less than P200 a mantb. Gov. Maleniza arrived at t h e Capitol Annex Bldg, whep the big crowd of parents and students were already gathered on the ground in (Continued on page 12) Sorsogon Fire Victims Continue To Receive Aids Sorsogon's P5-million fire victims continued to recei ve more assistance from a sympathetic community than from' their government. Yesterdav the Legaspi Oil donated 100 sacks of rice. Yesterday Vic Cruz, district governor of Lions Internalionfl sent in T*2O0 to kick-off a Lions drive to help the fire victims. This was in answer to the appeal by Gov. J aan G. Frivaldo. a Lion himself, for the permanent reha­ bilitation center Among last week s donors were Sorsogon Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Pulan Chinese hamber of Commerce. Roman Chua. (Continued on page 12) Joint Legislative Executive Tax Commission To Make Finance Survey Here Sept 12-28 The local finance survey under the sponsorship and direction of the Joint Legislative-Executive Tax Commis­ sion with the cooperation of the provincial and municipal governments of Albay and th gazpi and Naga will be held Naga starting September 12 28, 1966. Before the province of Albay and the cities of Legazpi and Naga, the survey was conducted in the prov­ ince of Tarlac from August 18 to 31, 1966. The general objective of the sur­ vey is to delve into the compli­ cated problems of local finance and decentralization; and the specific ones are 1) to obtain opinions of local officials on the decentralization proposal and to e city governments of Le­ in the cities of Legazpi and and ending on September gather other ideas not embodied in the Senate Bill No. 1; 2) to obtain opinions oa the proposed automatic retention scheme and apportionment of internal re­ venue collection-,* 3) to determine the effectiveness of present assess­ ment and collection methods in real property taxation, and to get views on possible reforms; 4) to obtain information on the present (Continued on page 12) The picture above shows Prov. Governor A. G. Male­ niza of Cam. Sur speaking at the porch of the Prov. Ca­ pitol Annex II, to the Cam. Sur high school students who made a public rally last Tuesday against the raising of the C.S. high school tuition fee from P85 to PIOS Male­ niza and the board members agreed to maintain the old tuition fee of P85. by repealing the board's resolution No. 381 which was approved last August 10. 2 if The BICOL STAR * Sept. 10, 1966 ptf Bolstered With ★ Whe Jitcnl J&ir Entered as Second Class Mail Matter at Post Office, City of Naga, Philippines on May 20, 1933. Published every Saturday D. A. ESCALANTE — Gen. Manager, Editor & Publisher ADVERTISING & PROMOTION: ROMY ASUNCION — *' GUMERSINDO DACER BENNY TAlVAGON — SILVERIO ALCALA Maria Acacia Escalante _ —- Circulation £i Subscription QUERUBIN B. FULO igb- t Layout & Printing Subscription Rates: P4 # -ger year; P2.50 6 months P. 0. Box 123, {,en t? City, Philippines CShS Old Tuition Fee Restored; Demonstrators Satisfied CS Prov’I Board Drew the IRE of the CSHS PTA MANILA — Transfer of four high speed patrol boats to the Philippines by the United States “will suhstan- luo wlUQB vouu> „luluoul. ............. ........... tially increase our Navy s 8ur Hl(jh gehoei from P85 made to assume additional capability in its see defense t0 effective this school load by the promulgation of efforis, says Alfonso Arella- r> tbe member8 of the said Resolution No. 381. no, Philippine Defense Un- PTAf tOg.ther with their derseoretary. children representing tbe enThe boats, called “swift- tire student body of tbe pro- Maleniza craft” for their high speed vncial high school here, stag- ’bers 0< tbe and maneuverability, were 3 ">’»''■« Hnmnna. m*m transferred in a ceremony In protest against the hiking aid from the provincial govof tbe tuition fee in Cam. ernment they would still be Apparently caught aaa ware, and a little bet embarrassed, Gov. Maleniza end other lubluuo.o m.' ike provincial Board could not do other­ wise but to accede to the demand of tbe demonstra­ tors for the amendment of the controversial resclution so as to restore the ecbeol tuition fee to its original amount of It was gathered, that the P85. Tbe provineial Board Iasi August 10th the revised ment ae to how they will ed a dramatic public demons,.« a uccmvuy tration against the Cam. Sur here August 31. Gen. James Provincial Beard last TuesR. Winn, chief ef the Joint da? morning. Governor MaU.S. Military Assistance lenIza 8ave «n explanation Group, turned them over to a.nd e*culpated tbe ProvinUnderseoretary Arellano. De- c'al ®oatd. livery Was made in resP3a*a Iv —as gameiuu, luai iue a ou. xue piuviuvta. to a requeet from the Phil- provineial Board in approving oow is stuck in a predicaippme Government. |ai| August 10th the revised ment ae to how they will Mr Arellano said the turn- Budget and Plantilia of the achieve the adjustment of over not only highlighted tbe Cann- 8ur High School pass- the C8Hs teachers salaries, close coopera'ion between tbe ed Resolution No. 381 which since no additional tuition fee two countries but ‘ more im- 10 effect else authorizes the is going to be collected conpertant'v the Navy’s acqui- increasing of tbe CSHS tui- trar.v to their expectations Sition of ’compact and fast tion fe® b? al,nost 25 P8’ and P|an8‘ patrol craft will now enable 08nt‘ Usua sources revealed it to wage a more determined that the biking of tbe tuition and unrelenting camDaisn f®* “as ueen resorted to on against those who uee ippine Government. Meanwhile, some officers of camDaltzn fe® has been re8ort®d to on *be r, PTA denounced tousts wuw ue“ be account of tbe demand of the he. Government for eea lanes "or thek Sefari^s G8HS faculty Nr tbe up-da- >ts >ad>f erence to their deends ” nefanous of t whj<;h „ODeiratlon a. manifested by “““S' are even very much below the policemen who vehemently m— i.------ » ...................................... . . refused to redirect at least the vehicular traffic witbin the route of . . . 7.7 - -- ;---- <.------- nnunu naw,, oian, jr., iq provincial oign scnooi eiu- th® demonstrators. Even with ogainsr the hiking of the tuition fee in the provin- preajdeat Ferdinand Mareos. dents is the faat that wbi e the »«ual presentation of the z-.z.! cz-r.^1 „«z»z.,..,z. xa.o oz-A^r ..Z.Z.- ----- . Tfae boats are outfitle<j wjth they are alre assumiQ the Mayor’s Permit to the po— j__ —x —--------L. j. ... Iieemen concerned, they still refused “because there was no order given them by im­ mediate superior”, it was learned. As a result, tbe de­ monstrators have been broken-up several times out of their lines, and for several minutes tbe traffic and the demonstrators were stalled in Senate Minority Floor tbe streets near tbe frontage Leader Ambrosio Padilla *he lame excuse of the Bu- of the provincial capitol, and AGM, The Prov’i. Board, And The CSHS PTA Two other boats of similar tbe standard salary of an ele- ;--------- - - design were delivered last mentary school teacher. What tenjporarily« 'Th rcuc wa x a -x x* Mareh bv U.S. Ambassador angered the parents of the !E, jyillia.n Jr - 10 provincial bigh school etuHigh School effective this school year as con- ^uc uoais aic uumneu wim mey are aireaay assuming tne ........... -- --^inedjn the provision of Provincial Board resolution radar and radia equipmeHt entire financial burden of tbe l'«men concerned, they still No. 381. Thg PTA, members together with their aad heavy machine guns; ‘ children staged a public demonstration last Tuesday morning. Incidentally, that public demonstration of the CSHS PTA revealed some interesting facts quite unexpectedly. Firstly, it shows that tf: - is composed of and managed by parents _ ___ ____ afraid to stand up and speak for their rights; se­ condly, it revealed the attitute of the City Govern­ ment towards public demonstrations such as that ra □ i i ! a ----------------- - ---------------- ---------or pruviuu,.. uap.xv., one, as manifested by the indifference of the traf- charged the Bureau of Public reou of Piblic Schools is th8 piaza Quezon. The only fic cops manning the traffic within the route of the Sehools in not’complying with lhat ReP« Act No- 4670 is member of the provineial demonstrators (notwithstanding the Permit granted Rep Aet No. 4670. otber- not *et in ,oroe- supposedly Board who seems amused by the Mayor); thirdly, it shows some sort of de- wise kB0Wn as tbe “Magna l»e«ausc Sec. 30 thereof pro- about tbe CSHS PTA dec..k,»^i v 1 o3 for * rules find rep'iilft- »*<■»i«An riAvor. school operation without any BPS Not Complying With Rep. ?nts who are not Act 4670 Charges Senator Padilla tnagogism on the part of some of our provincial leaders. IVXcIgUEl Public School vides for tians ’ to Inasmuch as the Parents of the CSHS students are the ones actually providing for the finances of the CSHS operation out of the present tuition fee Of P85, they consider it UNFAIR, UNKIND, and IMPRUDENT on the part of the provincial Board in increasing the tuition fee to P105 without the parents’ knowledge and expressed consent. To our Witness, such act manifests INSULT added to INJURY. Why indeed? should the provin­ cial Board impose additional burden to the parents of the CSHS students tvhen (the parents') are solely shouldering the budgetary responsibility in the CSHS without the aid of the provincial government. The Governor however, in the course of his res­ ponse to the CSHS PTA demand, together with the other members of the provincial Board, have made it clear that their will be no change in the amount (P85.00) of the school tuition fee. Nevertheless, the original problem, the adjustment of the CSHS teachers’ salaries, is far from solved. XXX Altho the matter of how to attain the adjust­ ment of the CSHS teachers’ salaries is not his own problem, our witness suggests that the would-be solution should start from the re-examination of the school as well as that of the provincial budget. Charts for Public School vides for ‘ rules and regula- monstration is Vice GoverTeachers.” tiens to be promulgated by ner Odiamar. Infornmed One of the bills passed by ^be Secretary of Education sources, disclosed that OdiaCongress duting the last shall take effect thirty (30) mar was not present when session and approved by days alter publication the provineial Board delibePreeident Marcos on June 18, ’8 elementary that rules ratea Ou and approved Re1966 is Hep Act No. 4670. aBd regulations cannot e n- golHtjon No. 381; it would This Act shall be known as travene tbe provisions of have been a different story the “Magna Charta fur Public tbe statute for they are pre- had be been present, the inBohool Teachers” (Sec; 2), Btse,y intended to implement formant said. ” * and ; ursuant to the “Decla- sa'd provisions merely ae to ration of Policy” (Sec. 1), it m‘DOr details. provides for “Tenure of Of- — -------—— fiftp** . “Stahility nn cm plnyment and security of tenure 1 ----- ------------J suuiues. uibUtUBCU turn uuiala6t ®ball take effect thirty (30) mar ^ra9 not present when — F.A. p.w.-co Acuurv u. w.- Republic Act No. 4670 was -------- ------------------fice” . ‘‘Stability on employ- enacted into law on June 18, ment and security of tenure 1966. Tbe Exeeutive Depart- and Samar, protesting against shall be assured the teaehers ment 18 duly bound to com- unauthorised transfer moti3 provided under existing P1* with tbe provisions of vated by. political consider5). said law. otherwise they may The particular provision of incur tho penal provision in dS P - _ ---- - ------laws”«(8ec. 5). ations which, under Seo. 6 of Rep. Act No.4670, are illegal, is being flagrantly violated by tbe Bureau of Public Schools thru its superinten­ dents aoademic supervisors, district supervisors and prin­ cipals iu-oharge in many provinces are tbe illegal transfers of teaehers mainly due ts political pressures and jvuuu. —- wo jz.wyw.v.w. . considerations. Obviously; Our witness believes that the reversion of some “not those trnsfer run counter to so important” items in the current budget from 8ection 6 of said Rep. Act its original proposal, to the adjustment of ~ ilR7n ------ --------teachers salaries, will not necessarily hamper normal operation of the Cam. Sur High School the provincial government. XXX The last resort however, after all avenues have been explored to attain that end, is to turn-over the administration of the Cam. Sur High School to the PARENT-TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. me particular provision oi ° • said Rep; Act No. 4670 that 8ee< 32 thereof wbieh reads: because a teacher cannot be is heir./ fl.".ntl. violated ’ - - transferred without his conthe the nor No. 4670, which provides— ‘‘See 32 Penal Provision, sent from one station to -'A person who shall wil- another, except for cause as fully interfere with, restrain provided for in said Act. or coerce any teacher in tbe exercise of bis rights I urge this administration, guaranteed by this Act or which professes adherence to wbo shall in any other tbe rule of law. to set tbe manner commit any act to example of complying with defeat any of the provisions of Rep. Act No. 4670. specially this Act shall, upon con- the officials of the Bureau vistion, be punished xxx.” of Public Schools and of the T , . Department of Education. I have received many com“Viva La Virgen de Penafrancia!’’ MAYOR AND MRS. Jesus Quinones Bombon Camarines Sur Compliments oj: DR. and MRS. JOSE BRIONES Calabanga Camarines Sur “Seo. 6. Consent for Trans- from t8a’b8TB in many (Sgd) AMBROsio PADILLA fer - Transportation Expen- province8’ Particularly Levte Senate Mmnritv u.. ses—Except for cause and as herein otherwise provi­ ded, no teacher shall be transferred without his con­ sent from one station to another.” Some transfers also violate Beetion 11 cf said Rep Act No. 4670, more particularly on married teachers. Thus, Sec. 11 provides— “Sec. 11, Married Teachers — Whenever possible, the proper authorities shall take all steps to enable married couples both of whom are publ e school teaehers, to be employed in the same loea ity.” provinces, particularly Leyte Senate Minority Floor Leader Long Live the Penafrancia— the Biggest Regional Festival of Bicolandia! Senator & Mrs. Jose Roy Philippine Senate, Manila Greetings from— Retired Provincial Treasurer Mr. B Mrs. Tomas Velarde Calabanga Camarines Sur For your printing and bookbinding needs, please consult City of Naga v «><©<$> 604-D Zamora St., Sabang 3 Vice Governor Odiamar Has No Hand In Board's Resolution Increasing Tuition Fees pitol, here, in front of An­ nex B dg. Nor 2 where the office of the provincial gov­ ernor) roe governor and board members are losatei. The board members V. Da Lima, V. Bonot, N. FornilIob and vice governor were absent. Governor Apolonio G. Malenize arrived at 10 a.m; when the students were already gathered in front of the Annex Bldg; Ai the poroh of the annex building, Maleniza made the externpo r a n ecus impassioned speech defending the action of the board and blaming the law which requires the province of giving the To­ bacco Subsidy, thus outting the income of the province by almost half miliion pesos. However, Maleniza said that be will ask the cooperation of the board members in repealing the following reso­ lution: The High School Resolution No. 381 ap­ proved bv the Provincial Board of Camarines Sur last August 16,1966, raising the tuition fess of the studsets in the Camarines Sur high school from P85 to 1*105 each for tha eurreut icbool year which wee the cause of the high school students’ rally last Tuesday with the support and cooperation of the high school PTA was approved by the board while Vice Governor Filemon Odiamar was abseat Mr. Odiamar said be eould not be blamed by the high school students and the PTA in the increase of the tuition fees in the high school for he did not participate in the deliberation and passage of said resolution. Last Tuesday, the high school student body with placards marched to the saEXCERPT THE MINUTES OF THE PROVINCIAL BOARD OF CAMARINES SUR IN ITS SPECIAL SESSION HELD ON AUGUST 10, 1966, AT THE PROVINCIAL CAPITOL, NAGA CITY PRESENT: Hon. Apolonio G. Maleniza, Hon. Vicente B. de Lima, Hon. Vicente T. Bonot, Hob. Nicomedes N. Pornillos, Governor Member Member Member ABSENT." Hob. FelimJu M; Odiamar, Vice-Governor XXX XXX XXX RESOLUTION NO. 381 "On motion duly seconded) be it"RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved; to approv­ ed the revised Budget and Plaatilla of the Camarines Sur High School for the eurreat school year' 1966 67 as prepared in accordance with resolution No. 202. eurrent serie*', of thie Board increasing the tuition fees of students from 1*85.00 to I* 105.00 for the whole school year, "KE8OLVED FURTHER, That copies of this re­ solution be turniehod the Provincial Treasurer, and the Provincial Auditor, and the Principal, Camarines Sur High School, all of Naga City, for their information, guidance aod implementation. “APPROVED. xxx xxx xxx I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the above-quoted resolution. (Sgd) LUIS P BISANA Secretary, Provincial Board Compliments oj: MAYOR AND MRS, Alejo Jallores Ocampo Camarines Sur Welcome Penafrancia Pilgrims! Greetings from— Vice-Governor & Mrs. FELIMON M. ODIAMAR and Family U.S. Has No Plans to Increase Vietnam Troops to 600,000 SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS -High-level U S. military commanders in Vietnam have not recommended that U.S ulBoauuiucul troop strength in South Viet- fioerg and 8p#eial nam bi raised to 600 000. ... Sept. 10, 1966 ¥ The BICOL STAR PFM Orders Disbandment of Non-Salaried Policemen his order a'l eueh personnel still in harness and confis­ cate their firearms and proseoute them for "usurpation of authority, illegal passes sion of firearms” or other violations of the law. The President also directed local officials to bear down bard on legitimate police officers found to be haresing motorists, truck drivers, merchants and the public at __ _ __ _ _ _ largo, on the country's highcharged with the long range oat ’tbat the actual" order ways, planning of the war effort, disbanding these fuictiooa. are thinking in terms of bull- rie9 was iglued a9 far back a9 ding a force of 600,000 troops Apri| 13> 1960i wben Mala. ... cafiang issued a provincial Mr. Christian said, in res- cifcu|ar to all provincial, citv ponse to the question." and municipal executives to this effect. The President in bis present ...................... i that the President Marcos ordered the disbandment of police of__2 l_l aeeots working without compensa­ tion, even as he took steps *h,s Au?ust to solve tbe problem of pa26 by Whits House Pres lioe abu8es on tbe natiOn’s idential Aesstant George highways whioh have victiChristian at a mornlug news mized truck drivers and idential Ass’stant ul(,UWBy8 Wuiuu ue.vD Christian at a mornlug news mized truck dr,vere briefing. ether motorists. He was asked about a In oaniDg for the dissoluprees report from Saigon that ji8n of a]| “special" police­ leading military strategists, m the pregident pointed charged with the long range out that the ■ • ----■The Secretary of Defense iue riBB1U0UU ,u (Robert 8. McNamara), has direetiT4 declared -- ?......................... .. ......... advised us he has net received “pregeBt and past perfnr- of the Land Transportation any recommendation" for the •• -• — -------- -«« --J -r...oil nniina reported escalation of troop strength. NOTICE tertian and abuse of autho­ rity. He said that the activities of many of these men have proved to be inimical to the present "peace and order drive." In the same order, be ins­ tructed the Philippine Cons, tabulary chief to arrest with­ in 30 days after receipt of manoe’’ of these pease offi­ cers "leave much to be de­ sired .” He underlined the many indiscretions committed by the said special law enforce­ ment officers, including ex­ ploitation by politicians, local Pursuant to Seo. 1. Rule vested interests, and on their 74 of the Rules of Court, »wn initiative in involvement notice is hereby given that with cases of mulcting, exthe estate of EUGENIO ‘ ——*« “u**“ VERAN and CLAUDIA SERASPS of Binabian, Sipocot. Camarines Sur and covered by ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. RP - 449 (471) has been extrajudioially settled bv their legal and sole heirs 8ILV1NA VERAN, ET AL. under Extrajudicial Settlement of Etale dated September 6. 1966 and nota­ rized by Roger P Carino of Camaligan, Camarines Sur and entered as Doo. No. 666; Page Nd. 26; Book No. 11; Series of 1966. He asked that governors and mayors exercise tighter control over their police forces, including the weeding out of inoompstents and un­ desirables from police ranks. He also directed that in the case of arrests or ap­ prehensions for violations and Traffic Code, all police officers should comply strict­ ly with the requirements of the law, particularly in sub­ mitting the oases to the Land Transportation com­ missioner and bis deputies within 24 hours of appre­ hension. In addition, he asked that traffic violation easses be endorsed immediately for action to the proper traffic courts or other eourts having jurisdiction. To further insure the pro­ per utilization ef traffic violation receipts) or tempo­ rary operators permits the President asked that all suoh forms be validated with the LTC. Pub. Sept 10, 17, 24, 1966. Happy Greetings to Penafrancia Pilgrims & Visitors! MR. and MRS. Antonio M. Falcon Former Mayor — Calabanga, Cam. Sur Wishing all Devotees a Most Graceful Penafrancia Pilgrimage. Through the Intercession of His Vir­ gin Mother, May the Lord Grant Us Good Health, Peace, Happiness & Long Life . . . To the Bicol Regional Penafrancia Exposition and Trade Fair We Wish Full Success. Senator AYTONA Senator Dominador Aytona & Family Quezon City Philippine Senate Manila ★ Philippines ★ i ★ the bicol star ★ Sept, io, t966 4 Filipinos to train in U.S. Appeal to the CSI1S Altin We Need Can Naga City Edu (By the CSIISAA Con The proposed Eduealional Canter will soon to be cons­ tructed in the City of Naga. This building will stand on the eastern side of tbe pre­ sent Division Office at PenaFrancis Avenue inside the C 8. High school oompound. The present Provincial Beard bee donated a aix-bundred square-meter lot for this building with a frontage of tbirty-fivs meters. As eoon ae tbe donation papers are perfected, tbe construction will begin. The three asso­ ciations C8HSAA, CASTEA and NAC1TEA will finanoe the construction estimated te cost more than one hun­ ted fifty thousand pesos Why the Center? This Eduoaiional Center is necessary because it was felt that during tbe yearly alum­ ni bome-soming of tbe G3HBAA, teachers conventions and other educational socie­ ties io Naga City aod in this province, the auditor­ iums of private institutions are used. Tbe present CSHS library is now too small for this affair Even tbe grand­ stands are not safe for tbe present needs. When tbe center building is construct­ ed, tbe local chapters of na­ tional educational associa­ tions may have separate roams for their permanent beadquarters, for example, tbe Camarines Sur Home Economics leaobers AcsooistieB, tbe Future Homemak­ ers of the Philippines, tbe Science Teachers Association ef the Philippines, tbe Phil­ ippine Family Life Work­ shops, etc Tbe important records of maDy olfiees needed for educatiaual research are only thrown away and there is no depository for these vital materials at present. School records are being lost every year due ta floods, fire, and ether calamities. Imagine tbe compiled records of Bikol folklore submitted after lib­ eration by hundreds of lay men and teachers through­ out tbe Division ef Oamsrinee bur which are nowhere to be found due te the lack of apace in tbe preseal Div­ ision Office building. This compilation of vital educa­ tional materials for Bikol culture will find a perma­ nent home in our Center. Then comes tbe donation of hundreds of volumes of books, magazines, encyclopedias and other general reading somiBg from abroad solicited by teachers from educational foundations and from peaee corps volunteers who hap­ pened to be assigaed in this province. These vast mater­ ials are good for references and such materials may be used by our students, teach­ ers, parents, and researchers Tbe big problem is where to bouse these voluminous reference mattrials AgaiD, this Center will answer this need. Donations from pri­ vate individuals and colleetieDe coming from other sources may find tbeir place too in this edifice. While there arc public and private libraries in Naga City, tbe Center way ultimately bo used as elearieg bouse in tbe future. Can be a Show Window? The Center it is believed, marines Sur cational Center imiltee On Solicitation) may become the tourist at­ traction if properly adver­ tized because tbe school pro­ jects especially tbe native handicrafts and other agri oaltural ae well as commer ciai products of tbe Bikol Region may be displayed. The Center may easily be­ come tbe dieplay center for tbe Biool Development Board which up to cow has no headquarters, Incidentally in­ ventors in this part of tbe Bikol Region may find this Center a place where they could find statistical data needed by those inter­ ested in business. Also a Rendezvous? Finally, tbe Center can be a meeting place for alumni who may desire to bold so­ cials or provide rooms for tboso who during tbeir short visit to the City especially during tbe regional Perla Francia festivities cannot find adequate accommodation It oan be tbe meeting place for fellow alumni now scat­ tered in many places in our oountry and those wbo are abroad. These are but a few of tbe services of tbe Center. But once constructed we can now look forward with con­ fidence and pride for afford­ ing our alumni researchers and teachers a permanent beadquarters in the canter of Bioolandia. Our Appeal! Fellow alnmni, we are counting oa your generous support! This Center is a big challenge to our capacity to build bow for tomorrow. Tbe six thousand wbo grad­ uated and passed through tbe portals of tbe Camarines Sur High School eannot be wrong in supporting this worthy project. I he five thousand teachers in this school division have unani­ mously given tbeir share, How about yours? LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74, of the Rules of Court, tbe estate of the late Jose Pancho of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, consisting of three (3) parcels of land, situated at Castilla, Sorsogon, Philip­ pines, under OCT No. 487 of tbe Registry of Sorsogon, has been tbe subject of Ex­ trajudicial Settlement by tbeir heirs, CRISTINA DELLOSA, BENJAMIN PANCHO. AMPARO PANCHO. RO S 1 T A Pancho & jose pancho, Jr., executed on August 8, 1966, hefore Archimedes Frivaldo, Notary Publio of Sorsogon, and bearing bis Not, Reg. No. 8, Page No. 3, Not. Book No. I and Series of 1966. SorsogOD, Sorsogon, Aug­ ust 22, 1966. Pub. Sept. 10, 17, 24, '66. Objectives of... niciaDs. including tbe Pres­ ident's personal physician. Tbe complete list follows: 1. (President Ferdinand E Mareos, 2. Mrs, Imelda R. Marcos, 3 Amb. Benjamin Romualdez, 4. Bee. Narciso Ramos 5. Seo. Eduardo Z. Romualdez, 6. Sec. Jose D. Aspiras, 7. Underseo, Dioscoro Umali, 8 Brig. Gen, Hans Menzi. under NEC-U.S. Aid grants Two government officials and two faoulty members of a Manila medioal school de­ parted recently for the United States to undergo specialized training, sponsored jointly by tbe National Economic Council (NEC) and U 8. Agency f e r International Development (U.S. AID). They are Jimmy D. Blas and Francisoo L' Llaguno, assigned to the Offise of the Executive Secretary, Mila eafiang, and Do tors Vero­ nica C Agatep and Jesus E. Fojas of Monila Central University (MCU). A senior executive assist­ ant, Blas will spend 6-1/2 months training in public records management at tbe University of Connecticut. He will also observed modern business management me­ thode and techniques during visits to several federal aod state ageneies. L'aguno, a technical as­ sistant for information, will participate in 15 months of schooling and field observa­ tions in mass communication, with emphasis on publica­ tions, radio aod TV media. He will attend a specialized course at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Mich Both Biss and Llaguno are lawyers and live in Quezon City. Blas is from Laoag City, Ilocos Norte; Llaguno is from Dataga, Albay. Dr. Agatep will receive specialized instruction in bio­ chemistry at the Medical Collega of Virginia, Rich­ mond, Va ; and Dr. Fojas in physiology at tbe Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-8alem, N.C. Each coutse of study is for two years The two MCU instructors, who have been granted ft - lowsbips under the NECAID program, will also ob­ serve department organization and teaching techniques in medical schools, and attend national meetings and con­ ferences related to their fields. After feverish preparations, and with tbe joint coopera­ tion aod sponsorship of tbe Mun’oipal Government! Sipooot District of the Bureau ef Public Soboole. local office of tbe Commission on Elect­ ions, Agricultural Producti­ vity Commissions, and tbe Presidential Assist ant on Community Development1 a five day semioar from Sept­ ember 5 1966, wos b-ld at tbe Sipocot North Central School, attended by delegates ooming from all barrios of Sipocot, principal teachers, bead teachers, teaober dele­ gates, prominent citizens. Lusincssmea and other pri­ vate citisene. Tbe opening ceremonies on tbe morning of Sept. 5 was bighiightend by tbe speech of Governor Apolonio G. Maleniza. Other numbers of tbe program were tbe short talks and remarks by mem­ bers of tbe Municipal Coun­ cil beaded by Mayor Jaime Q, Avengozs, Municipal Judge Rhodie Nidea, and other beads of offices of tbe municipality. Among those who spoke during tbe seminar were tbe following: September 5 • Es­ sentials of Agricultural Deve­ lopment by Atty Alfredo Tria, Editor, Biool Mail; Rice and Corn Production by Nicanor Ciasio; Regional Direc­ tor, Rice and Corn Product­ ion, APC, Naga City; 10% Barrio Share in Real Estate Taxes by Atty. Quirino Blaseo. Municipal Treasurer of Sipocot; September 6 ■ Agri­ cultural Loans and Coopera­ tives by Atty. Dan Navarret­ te, Assistant Branch Credit Mannger, ACA, Naga City; Irrigation Service for Rural Areas by Eugr. Bienvenido Gutierrez, IsU; Naga City; Banking Institutions by Atty. ClodUalJo Z. Reyes DBP Branch, Naga City; Plant Pest and diseaa s control by Andres Sena, i’rovin o i a I Officer-In-Charge, Plant Pest and Disease Control BPI, Naga City.1 Organizing Far­ mers’ Cooperatives by Mag­ no Ledesma. Provincial Co­ ordinator on Cooperatives, Naga City; Higbl gbts of the Land Reform Program by Atty. Salvador Pejo, Regiooal Director, Land Authority, Naga City; September 7 Co­ conut Culture by Arsenio Requinting, Farm Manager, Caaang Cadang Research Foundation, Pili, Camarines Bur; Poultry and Swine Rai­ sing by Mr. Joveneio Bacalso, College Department Head. CSNAS; Pili; Fish Culture and Fishing Laws by Manuel ds Lima Fisheries Commis­ sion, Naga City; Tax Assess ment and Real Estate by Atty. Avelino Bayion, Asst, Provincial Assessor Naga City; Adult Education by Mr. Leoneio de la Torre, Division Adult Supervisor, Naga City ;September8-Overview of tbe Philippine ComMore Nations ask U Thant To Stay in Office UNITED NATIONS—Ex­ pressions of support tor U Thant and requests that he remains as Secretary General of tbe United Nations con­ tinue to pour in. On August 30, just two days before U Thant has promised to announce whe­ ther be will make himself available for another term, 14 nations of tbe African Malagasy Union expressed tbe hope that be would stay on. The fourteen na­ tions in tbe union are Cameroun, Central African Re­ public, Chad, Congo (Braz zaville);Demoeratio Republic of the Congo, Dahomey, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Mala­ gasy Republic, Niger, Rwan­ da, Senegal, Togo and Upper Veits. The same day, another communication was received from the foreign minister of Nepal, Mrti Nidbi Bista, expressing similar sentiments and asking U Thant to con­ tinue bis work. Representatives of nume rous other African and Asian eountriee as well as the Western European nations and the major powers of Franoe, United Kingdom, Soviet Union and the United States have previously re­ quested that tbe Secretary General Hake himself avail­ able for another term in effjoe. Sipocot Holds Echo Seminar On Agricultural Development munily Dave opment gram. Group Development and Comprehensive Planning by Jacob Torres. Provincial Training aod Information Officer, PACD, Naga City. The workshop phase of the seminar entitled “What Shall We Do After Tbe Se­ minar” was followed by ex­ hibits. demonstrations; at the closing programs, dis­ tribution of Certificates of Attendance and Distribution of Prizes. Tbe Chairman of the dif­ ferent oommittees that have worked together to briog about tbe realization of the seminar were.1 Program and Invitation: Dr. Wilfredo Pormento, Sipooot PACD Muni­ cipal Development Officer; Invitatiso of Dele gates; School Heads of tbs District. Mayor's Office and Mr. Ma­ ximo Gurioso; Aooomodation; Mr. Teopisto Ranin; Publi­ city and Information; Atty. Serero Daoanay', Jr ; Do­ nations and Prizes.1 Selected Heads of Barrio Schools aod Mr. Maximo Curioso; Regis­ tration and Recaption Mrs. Neeita Caboltera; Refreshrntnt and Meals.1 Mias Catber>ne Robles; Socials and Sound System.1 Councilor Raymundo Pantalla; Social Mixer: Principal Marcelino Maras; and Steering Com­ mittee.1 Principal Filemon Regalado. Tbe moderators during tbe seminar ware Mr. Vioeate Nocos; M.S1 Maria Castilla, Mrs. Concepcion Navera. Messrs Catalino San Miguel Edwin Sanchez, Salvador1 Azuela, Juan Porit and Leandio Tesorero.—S.D. N.V. Rejection of Asian Peace Initiative Deplored WASHINGTON — Reject­ ion of the Asian peaee ini­ tiative by North Vietnam places tha responsibility for continued sufferings of the Vietnamese people directly upon tbe communist leaders, says New Zealand Prime Minister Keith Holyoake. Mr Holyoake voiced dis­ appointment that Notth Viet­ nam had denounced a recent peace initiative by Thailand, Malaysia and tbe Philippines. ‘‘I bad regarded this at­ tempt to get negotiations under way ae ODe of tbe most promising development in resent months,” be said, He particularly welcomed tbe initiative eomiDg from a group of Asian countries. The latest move was the last in a long line of peace at­ tempts to ba callously re­ jected or ignored by Hanoi and Peking. Dance Party Rio Ayora of Balintawak street this city tendered a party and dance last Sunday evening at tbeir residence on tbe occasion of his birthday anniversary. Among those wbo attended the affair were: Cora Batungbakal, France Rili, Ra­ quel Rodriguez, Ril Galvan, Vibe Romero, Flor Pena, Zabel Soreta, Lya Latumbo, Gbit Romero, Roweno Lanada, and tbe Cooperative 6 and many others. They are among some 50 faculty members of tbe na­ tion’s seven medical schools wbo have been sent to tbe U S. for post graduate train­ ing as part of a long-range program to improve the qua­ lity of medical education in tbs Philippines. Both ere alumni of MCU and live in Maaila. Dr. Agatrp is a native of Gattarani Cagayan, and Dr. Fojas is from Coreuera, Romblon. The four NEC-AID participant trainees will first go to Waibington, D.C. for a week’s orientation at the Washington Inter national Center* (( Advertise in . . . )) jj «_________ )) —SORSOMN-------------NEWS SECTION ------------------- edited by jose d. desturaTo Relocate Sorsogon Fire Victims; Aids to be given Work startea this morning on the relocstion village for the 1,891 Soraogen fire vic­ tims. A survey team from the District Engineer’* Office parcel ed out 3 hectares of a portion of the Jose Maria Simo property in Sipao into 150 square meters lot per fami'y. The land was bought by the province. Every lot owner will be assisted to build bis home with tbe framing and the roof alone. He will have to complete the house himself. The lot will be paid for in painless installment of one peso per aaontb. Construction materials will come from the initial SWA aid of P8.000 and from veSorsogon Prisoners Taught Handicrafts Provincial prisoners in the Sersogon Provincial Jail are now producing in commer­ cial quantities fine Acasia and (.amagong wood carv­ ings; All these exquisite handi­ crafts are produced by tbe inmates aS a project of tbe provincial government to make them earn tbeir keep. Provincial authorities are opening a display room at the Bicol Regional Trade Fair during tbe Penafrancia fiesta in Naga City. Governor Frivaldo has like­ wise contrasted curio and souvenir shop owners in Ma­ nila for sale of these exquisite handicraft. Interested buyers here and abroad may rommunieata with the Provincial Warden. Sorsogon, Sorsogon* “Backto-the-Farm”: Counsels Frivaldo S«nd ymr bright st eons and daughter to the farms and to the colleges of ag ieulture, according to Scisogon Gov Juan G Frivaldo. In a meeting of farmets in Bulau organizing a credit union, Frivado lambasted tbe old tradition in which the most intelligent sons are sent to law or medioal sohools while the dullest are herded to agricultural schools. It should bo tbe other way around. Thera should be a “back to the farm” move­ ment in tbi* country to feed our rampaging pepulation. Frivaldo also appealed to the government not to jeopardize other regions while the “Operation Central Lu­ zon” is in progress He said technicians have been pulled out from bis province, equip ment and funds allocation for Sorsogon have been re­ duced. bis province was not included in Operation Spread and Sorsogon was by-passed in the photogrammetry sur­ vey* He has aeked for this survey since 1957. The governor said be sup­ ports the rice production program but other provinces proudueingother foods should be given simi'ar encouragement. For instance Sorsogon is concentrating on dairy and liveftock It shou'd be ex(Continued on page 9) luntary contributions. Vic Cruz, district governor of Lions International started tbe Lions kick-off drive in behalf of the fire victims with a P200 personal con. tribution. Appeals hare been made to tbe Jayoees, tbe U.S navy authorities in Subic Bay and Sangley Point, the Jayeees, Philippine Chamber of Commerce; the Bicol As­ sociation; rotary, religious and civic groups. I GOVERNMENT SERVICE INSURANCE SYSTEM life and not just tenuous hopes for an uncertain future. With a just leadership, we hope to rekindle the little "fires of enthu­ siasm". the flames of sacrifice and dedication in their hearts. We hope to give them faith in the future, a sense of belonging, a feeling of involvement, and perhaps, a passion for progress. 1966, our 30th year, will see our operations especially geared to the needs of the common GSIS member < J- “ B Monedo lass Sept' 101 * The BIC0L STAR * 5 marks B-day GUBAT, Sor. — Maternidad E. Monedo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cherry Mo­ nedo. celebrated her birth­ day last August 28, with a simple-get-together party in the afternoon at their resid­ ence at Dote Lane, this town. An alumna of the Saint Anthony Academy here, Miss Monedo is at present a 2nd yr. college student at the Colegio de la Milagrosa, this province, taking a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education degree. Relatives, classmates and close friends attended the affair.—qbfjr. Happy Greetings to Penafrancia Pilgrims & Visitors! La Perla Cigar & Cigarette Factory 218 Paranaque, Rizal YU KA KHO Bicol Representative City of Naga Welcome to the Penafrancia Pilgrims! Golden Bakery & Restaurant General Luna Street, Naga City With an Air-Conditioned Room Upstairs JOHN LEE Proprietor & Manager 6 ¥ The BICOL STAR * Sept. 10, 1966 • LEGAL O T I C E S • Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judioial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga ROBERTO MARTINEZ, Jr,. Mortgagee, —versus— SPOUSES ANDRES REYES & CONSORCIA P REYES. Mortgagor*. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY Under Act 3135 aa Amended X ----- X NOTIGE OF EXTRA JUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY Under Aot 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of real estate mortgage exe euted by the Spouses AN­ DRES REYES and CON­ SORCIA P. REYES of Mina'abae, Camarines Sur, in favor of ROBERTO MAR­ TINEZ, JR., of No. 3 Espafta Extension, Quezon City, dated the 30th day of June 1964 tor a consideration of FIVE THOUSAND PESOS (P6.G00.00), Philippine cur­ rency, for a term of three (3) months with interest at tbe rate of twelve per cent (12%) per annum and toge­ ther with the additional sum of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (Pl,500.00), Philippine currency, ae additioaal loan to the mort­ gagers by the herein mort­ gagee aa per amendment of real estate mortgage, dated the 14th day of July 1964, making a total loan of SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P6.500.00) under the same terms as ef the first mortgage herein above-stated; whereas, the mortgagors have violated tbe terms and conditions stipu­ lated in tbe deePs of mort­ gages and for tbe eatialastion of the sum of SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P6 500 00). plus interest of 12 per cent per annum ob tbe amount of 1*6,500 as stipulated in tbe mortgages, plus the sheriff’s fees for the service ef this foreclosure and sale and other lawful expenses incident thereto, the undersigned ANNOUNCES that on Sept­ ember 20, 1916. between tbe . hours of 9 00 o'clock in tbe morning and 3:00 o’clock in tbe afternoon, in the office of tbe provincial sheriff, loca­ ted on tbe Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol ef Camarines Sur in Naga City, be will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currecey, all tbe rights, title, interest dominion and par­ ticipation that the mortgagors Andres Reyes and CoDaorcia P, Reyes have or might have in and over the motgaged property together with all the improvements existing thereon which is described as follows, to wit: LIST OF MORTGAGED PROPERTY Original Certificate of Title No. 9905-CAM. SUR ‘‘A parcel of land toge­ ther with all the improve­ ments thereon, situated at San Roque, Milaor, Camarines Sur...Beginning at a point marked “1” of Lot 1 on plan Psu-169944, being N. 86-44 ’W, 1643.33m. from B.L.L M. 3 Mp. of Milaor, Camarines Sur, thence, xxx Containing an Republio of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Provinoe ef Albay LEGASPI PABLO MATIAS, Plaintiff, —versus — ANTONIO SABIDO, et al., Defendants. CivU Case No. 262 SHERIFF’S NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE WHEREAS, by virtue of the writ of execution issued by the Municipal Court of Polangui, Albay under date of February 28, 1966, in connection with the above­ entitled case, thereby order' ing the Provincial Sheriff of Albay or any of his lawful deputies to seize the goods and chattels or if nene suoh out of the lands and build­ ings of tbe spouses Antonio Sabido and Yolanda Diaz Sabido of Pelangui, Albay and cause to be made tbs sums of P900 plus interest thereon and oost of suit aside from the sheriff’s fees and expenses in connection with this execution sale, at the indication of tbe plaintiff, the[ undersigned Ex-offioio Provincial Sheriff ef A bay levied upon all the rights, title, interest and participaNOTICE Pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that a deed of extrajudicial settlement of the intestate estate of late VICENLegal Notice NOTICE Tinago PTA anNoi!x0t’is,di,-bij'sitHn lha! of^R^ Elects Officers h»i ®*trajudlc,aJ Settlement (s /{erejy given that a deed of , , , Jeir. K I''. a™tD«llhe extrajudicial settlement of the During the regular eleotien he rs of the late Pantaleon intestate estate of late VICEN- meeting on August 25, 1966 n L Vdo Tn BrUD“ TE DOROTAN who died in ot the Tinago Elementary fLT.idyi ind HDuWaD’ Irosi”> Sorsogon on Nov. 8, School PTA. Mr. Justine E. Patrin i ..d P ? Ju 1963‘ ll)as ™ecuted ^Lorloo was re elected presTurnam.d n. / ‘ I % ^irs, namely, Beata G. Doro- ident. The other officers al.o dkatinvd ?ntng /an wid°w^ Jolly, Rogue, re-elected were: Ireneo Morewith subseauent sale of the Vicente’ Jr ' Amable’ Nelia' B0' '.cc-Prssident Mis. Lina e lrti. ?n„.,‘.d nrr Adelfa, Manuel. Romeo, Da- B. Antero, Secretary, n«.■ ----220 and 213 in accordance with the provis one ef Sec. tun ^iiit wiuow), ooiiy, iiui/uc, rc-cisv.c ------- - ---Vicente, Jr, Amable, Nelia, no, vice-President, Mtb. Lina Mrs. Antonina Baileoer, Treasurer, Dominzdor Napa, Auditor, Pablo Belen, Delegate. Elected Directors were Ma­ ria Guy, Carles Garrido: Abraham Mi Dy, Carmen Nicolasora, Jose Arcilla, Domineta Dominguiano and Pedro Alforte. The teacher directors; M'S. Carmen B Peria, Mrs. Luz C. Neo. Mrs. Josefina Camand Jose, all surnamed Dorotan (the last nine are minors) who me provis om or bee. .......: ............... / 1. Rule 74 of the Rules of par^S Court Said Instrument was 17 Parcels ir! Sla. acknowledged before Notary M^dalena; 30 parcels in IroPublic Mr. Maximinn R; s'7 ™d24 Parcels Matnog, Able, of Sorsogon. Sorsogon, Provjn,cf' and under Doc No 1733; Page adJudlcatjng Ibf first 16 parNo. 24. Book No. VIII. C£ ^tBc^a G‘ D,0r^l0,!hands Series ot 1966. ' c asl 55 parcels to the 8 „ , . _ above-named children in equal Pub. Aug 27, Sept. 3, 10, *63 shares pro-indiviso. The docu- ______________ - _ ment was subscribed and ac- baliza, Mrs. Araceli Calleja; knowledged before Notaiy Pu- Mrs. Salvacion Casile, Mrsi tion that said spouses An- bJic Estcban Escalante, Sr. in Adelina Imperial, Mra. Martonio Sabido aod Yolanda ,90pSJn’n P0C^N?: a"'03 Parco’ Dl.z ..bld. b.v. I. ..d 1-1; Book 33 S. th_’._Joll.ow.,Dg ProP.erty _ serving bis third term aod Ih.'N.s'.'cTy’lj'.tnU PTA League. more particularly described Pub. Aug. 27, Sept. 3, 10, 66 u'K^incumbent auditor of as follows; --------------- _ ____________ rstv District PTA area of TWO HUNDRED THIRTY NINE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY EIGHT (239,778) SQUARE METERS Bounded on tbe NE., along lines 1-2-3, by Nicomedes Pado; along lines 3 4 5, by Fundado Creek; on tbe E., along lines 5 6-7, by Lot 3 Psu169944 (Gerardo Polon); on tbe 3 . along lines 7 89-10 11, by Quinale Creek; on tbe W., aloBg lines 1112-13, by Serafin Novallej along lines 13-14-15, by Sotera Tongco;on tbe NW., along line 15 16, by Nar­ ciso Flores; on tbe N , along line 16-17, by Ma­ xima Cadez; and along lines, 17-18-19 and 19-1, by Bibiano Tongco.” This notiee of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property wiil be published in tbe BICOL STAR, a regional weekly newspaper, published and edited in the City of Naga having a wide general circulation in tbe Bicol pro­ vinces and in Camarines Sur, once a week for three con­ secutive weeks, tbe first pub­ lication shall take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of tbe auction sale. Likewise, three copies of thia notice shall he posted on three publio and conspicuous places in Milaor, Camarines Bur where tbe above ■ des­ cribed property is located and another three copies eball be posted in the City of Naga and an the Bulletin Board of the Provincial Ca­ pitol of Camarines Sur where the auction sale shall be conducted. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the property and encumbrances thereon, incase there be any. Done in Naga City, Phil­ ippines, this August 24, 1966. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ix-Offieio Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Bur Pub. Aug. 27, Sept. 3, 10, 1966, “A house consisting of one and a half storey build of mixed materials worth T* 15,000 and is situated on a 68 square meters of re- ..........................................„„„vu aidential lot» located at NERISSA RICAFORT, Magurang, Polangui, Albay. ROGACIANO PUEBLO and Hounded on tbe North by S11VIN* i vnoTUMn San Passual St ; on the 81 UN0' Eait by San Diega St ; on the 8ouih by the property ot Andres 8abido and ou tbe West by Andres Sabido. This residential lot is de­ clared under Tax No. 10446 in the name • - Sabido and Pl.340.” WHEREAS. I 0 "18 said writ of execution o'd, now residing at Naga Republio of tbe Phi’ippines IN THE CITY COURT OF NAGA 10th Judicial District IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF THE MINOR Republic of tbe Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR ADOPTION OF THE MINOR VICTOR RO­ BERTO ARABE BASILIO ARABE & ISABEL P. ARABE, Petitioners. PEC. PROCS. NO. 1042 x ---------------------X ORDER A verified petition having been filed and presented bec fore this Court by Basilio ..Id Arabs and Isabel P. Arabe, lhe afr/lavit <>f tbru counsel, seeking ths be^ adopted-aren lhC C d adoption of the minor Vie“ s it tor Roberto Arabe, it is the hereby ordered that the pePetitioners. Special Proceeding No. 39 ORDER ...------- A petition having been presi nt.d of Antonio to !L*1IS Court by the spouses Huaseeased at ?“cian° Pueblo and Silvina I. Forai tun Qf ( ag FiHpinos and residents of Naga City, praying ■ ‘ fof/^r> ai0Ption of NERISSA o iri ... V r7--------- ~ ICAFORT, aboat.Four (4)montbs ths said writ of execution o'd. now residing at Naga City, and an.d in accordance with Philippines who'se parents are Neri Section 16, Rule 39 of tbe and Angustia Pueblo, so H.I.. ol Court, the signed Ex-officio Provincial petition is sufficient “n form an< Sheriff of Albay aDooutices substance, with il - ■ that on the J 6th day of eonser.t =f :l,v p September, 1966, at I0;00 toLete thA°^i: k :;:',.ui.‘.“is\,b.“A%"i,,v ■1 nf<; -- - - u: r “ »<««« /Tr lb“ n:,.. u----- _..l _ . the session Hall of this Court persons intarsstea 1 n me on which date, time and place, adoption Of said minor all persons having opposition may cited to appear a t I IDDCar ■ to Siinu/ nniica niln> ♦ k « ■ • • . ■ _ . easni Citv he will <s<-ll n * -**= nan oi mis court, h------- --------— .— nnhlio flilPt on tn th. hLhLt on, wlllch date' time and place. adoption ot said minor be "i. t0 lhe hD^, St a'-1 persons having opposition may cited to appear at 8:30 bidder for cash and in Philip- Appear tp show cause why the o’clock in the morning of pine currency, the aforedes- petition should not be granted, before eribed property to satisfy the k ret lAls °>rdcr be Pushed September 22, .966, Delore import of the said writ n f be[°re th® date °T hearing, at thiB Court, at Naga City. execution f Mh?*'%£pense’ once aweck a* which time and place, then ih THE BICOl’stTr Ve Weeks aad lberB t0Bh0W cau9e> *f WHEREAS, this notice of paper edited in the City of N^ga aD? th®y have wby 8aid peli' - lr.tinn Aala will ho and nf General circuiaKOn jn this tion should not be granted. leWSDa- P.r,ov,nce’ for, the information of . ... . . h™ Let thlB DOt,CB be Publ,Bhed beH^J SCerI'6 ^te^b’A22J VJ6± bGitrve petitioner’s expense, once a'^week at which time and pfaoe, the'n n'THE6BicofC°sTAHlve weeks and ther0 to show cause, if „ u news- . Q„„ mhv Sflid Detiauction sale wiil be published and of General circulation ii in the Bicol Star, a newsps; - ■ per of general circulation ia the Province of Albay as well .s in the ether pro­ vinces of tbe Bicol Region and edited at the City o f Naga, Philippines, oace a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty days before the date of auction sale. Copies of th s notice will be posted on cons­ picuous publio places in the Municipality o f Polangui, Albay where the property is located and likewise copiesi of same will be posted od tbe Bulletin Board of the Albay Provincial Capitol Building, Legaspi City where the auction sale shall take place. WHEREFORE, prospect­ ive buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title to the said property and tbe encumbrances existing there on, if any there be. Done at Legaspi City, this 22nd day of August, 1966. JOSE G: BALIN Ex officio Provincial Sheriff THE BICOL STAR: Pub. Aug 27, Sept 3 & 10 '66 and of General circulation in this ___ _______ ____ -- - province, for the information of l,- L_j all eoneerned. Lei ini. uunv. . at petitioner’s expense once 23rtIVJ a&.’r&T''"’ a w!'k••I!" weeks in the Bicol Star a JOSE r. LUNTOK weekly newspaper edited in „ , uty Judge this province for the informPub. Aug. 27. Sept. 3.- 10, 1966. atieQ ef all concerned. Naga City, Philippines, August 25, 1966. RAFAEL DE LA CRUZ Judge Pub. Sept. 3i 10. 17 '66 Head ■ - - ®fje UStcol g>tar new era labor union President - Vice President Secretary Treasurer Auditor Business Manager Esteban S. Beguia Santiago Dayto Isauro dsl Villar Ju'io Azutea Ester Beguia Pio Nacional UNIVERSAL OPTICAL Dr. Adelina R. Odiamar Clinic- OPTOMETRIST P °K»®Msf • 1 ® "Ts’i 12 ST8"' jSir -Naga ty Dr. Marietta F. Mesia Lady Dentist - DENTAL CLINIC - . Diaz Building, Igualdad St., City of Naga JUDICIAL NOTICE September 10, 1966 THE BICOL STAR Page A Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF LEGASPI CITY DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, —versus— SOL’S ENTERPRISES, INC., Mortgagor FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE NOTICE OF EXTRA-JUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PRO­ PERTIES UNDER ACT NO. 3135, AS AMENDED By virtue of the power of at­ torney inserted in the deeds of mortgage executed by SOL’S EN­ TERPRISES, INC., a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the Philippines, with principal office at R-406 LEYVA Bldg., Dasmarinas, Manila, therein represented by its President JOSE G. SANTOS, of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of Paranaque, Rizal in favor of the DEVELOPENT BANK OF THE PHI­ LIPPINES, under dates of Janua­ ry 9, 1963 and April 10, 1964 and for the satisfaction of the debt of Pl,106,714.19 plus 8% annual inte­ rest on the amount of Pl,106,714.19 from August 21, 1966 plus 10% in the form of attoraey’s fees in the amount of P110.671.42 and the she­ riff’s fees and expenses in con­ nection with this sale secured by said mortgage, the undersigned Sheriff announces that on the 30th day of September, 1966, at 11:00 o’clock in the morning at his office in the Albay Provincial Capitol Building, Legaspi City, he will sale at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, the following real estate properties together with all the improvements thereon: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 2442 — CITY OF LEGASPI A parcel of land (Lot 1, Block 8 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 2, Block 8; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Road Lot 1, both of the consolidation-subdivision plan; on the S. points 2 to 3; and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Lot 651, Albay Cadastre, x x x x contain­ ing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FIVE (285) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 2, Block 8 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 3, Block 8; on the E. points 4 to 1 by Road Lot 1; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 1, Block 8, all of the consolidation­ subdivision plan; and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Lot 651, Albay Cadastre, x x x x x containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY FOUR (284) SQUARE METERS, more or less, x x x x x A parcel of land (Lot 3, Block 8 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 5 to 1 by Lot 4, Block 8; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Road Lot 1; on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 2, Block 8, all of the consolidation­ subdivision plan; and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Lot 651, and points 4 to 5 by Lot 680, both of the Albay Cadastre, x x x x con­ taining an area of TWO HUN­ DRED AND SEVENTY SEVEN (277) SQUARE METERS, more or less, x x x x x x A parcel of land (Lot 4, Block 8 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 5, Block 8; on the E. points 4 to 1 by Road Lot' 1; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 3, Block 8, all of the consolidation­ subdivision plan; and on the SW. points 2 to 3 by Lot 680, Albay Cadastre, xxxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND NINETY FIVE (295) SQUARE METERS, more or less, x x x x A parcel of land (Lot 5, Block 8 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 5 to 1 by Lot 6, Block 8, on the E. points 1 to 2 by Road Lot 1; on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 4, Block 8, all of the subdivision plan; and on the SW. points 3 to 4 by Lot 680, and on the W. points 4 to 5 by Lot 744, both of Albay Ca­ dastre. x x x x x x x containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTEEN (315) SQUARE METERS, more or less. xxx. A parcel of land (Lot 6, Block 8 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 764, 765, 766 and 767, Albay Cadastre LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 7, Block 8; on the E. points 4 to 1 by Road Lot 1; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 5, Block 8, all of the consolidation­ subdivision plan, and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Lot 744, Albay Cadastre, x x x x x x containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND NINETEEN (319) SQUARE METERS, more or less, x x x x A parcel of land (Lot 7, Block 8 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the NE. points 1 to 2 and on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 1, on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot 6, Block 8, both of the consolidation-subdivision plan; and on the W. points 4 to 5 by Lot 744, Albay Cadastre, and on the NW. points 5 to 1 by Road Lot 17 of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x x x containing an area of THREE HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN (387) SQUARE METERS, more or less, x x x x. A parcel of land (Lot 1, Block 10 of the consoldation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the NE. points 1 to 4 by Road Lot 3; on the SE. points 4 to 5 by Road Lot 3; on the S. points 5 to 6 by Road Lot 7, all of the consolidation-subdi­ vision plan; on the SW. points 6 to 7 by Lot 649, Albay Cadastre; and on the NW. points 7 to 1 by Lot 2, Block 10 of the consolidation-subdivision plan. x x x x x containing an area of SIX HUN­ DRED (600) SQUARE METERS, more or less. xxx. A parcel of land (Lot 2, Block 10 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Luzon. Bounded on the NE. points 4 to 5 and points 5 to 1 by Road Lot' 3; on the SE. points 1 to 2 by Lot 1, Block 10, both of the sub­ division plan; on the SW. points 2 to 3 by Lot 649, Albay Cadastre; and on the NW. points 3 to 4 by Lot 3, Block 10, all of the conso­ lidation-subdivision plan, x x x x x containing an area of FOUR HUN­ DRED AND FOURTEEN (414) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 3, Block 10 of the consolidation-subdivision plap (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 5 to 1 by Lot 4, Block 10; on the E. points 1 to 2 by and on the NE. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 3; on the SE. points 3 to 4 by Lot 2/ Block 10, all of the consolidation­ subdivision plan; and on the SW. points 4 to 5 by Lot 649, Albay Cadastre, x x x x x containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY THREE (463) SQUARE METERS, more or less, x ? x. A parcel of land (Lot 4, Block 10 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 5, Block 10; on the E. points 4 to 5 and points 5 to 1 by Road Lot 3; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 3, Block 10 all of the consolidation-subdivision plan; and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Lot 651, Albay Cadastre, x x x x x containing an area of FOUR HUN­ DRED AND FIVE (405) SQUARE METERS, more or less, x x x x. A parcel of land (Lot 5, Block 10 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 765, 764 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Luzon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 6, Block 10; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Road Lot 3; on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 4, Block 10, all of the consolidation-subdivi­ sion plan; and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Lot 651, Albay Cadastre, xxxxxxxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND SIXTY EIGHT (368) SQUARE METERS, more or less, x x x x. A parcel of la..d (Lot 6, Block 10 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 7, Block 10; on the E. points 4 to 1 by Road Lot 3; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 5, Block 10 all of the consolidation-subdivi­ sion plan; and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Lof 651, Albay Cadas­ tre. x x x x x x containing an area of THREE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE (325), SQUARE METERS, more or less. xxx. A parcel of land (Lot 7, Block 10, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded' on the NE. points 1 to 2 and on the NE. point's 2 to 3 by Road Lot 2; on the E. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 3; and on the S. points 4 to 5 by Lot 6, Block 10, all of the consolidation-subdi­ vision plan; and points 5 to 6 by Lot 651, Albay Cadastre; and on the W. points 6 to 1 by Lot 8, Block 10, of the consolidation-sub­ division plan, x x x x x contain­ ing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY ONE (381) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 8, Block 10, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record-No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the NE. point's 5 to 1 by Road Lot 2; on the SE, points 1 to 2 by Lot 7, Block 10, both of the consolidation-subdivi­ sion plan; on the SW. points 2 to 3 by Lot 651, Albay Cadastre, on the SW. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 1, and on the NW. points 4 to 5 by Road Lot 2, both of the conso­ lidation-subdivision plan, x x x x x x x x containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND SIX­ TY FIVE (365) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less. xxx. A parcel of land (Lot 1, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 752, 753, 755, 751 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766,’ and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad'. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the NE. points 1 to 2 by Lot 16, Block 11; on the SE. points 2 to 3 and on the S points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 7; on the SW. points 4 to 7 by Road Lot 3; and on the NW. points 7 to 1 by Lot 2, Block 11 all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxx *** X x contain>ng an area of TWO HUNDRED NINETY TWO (292) SQUARE METERS, mor’ or less, x x x x. A parcel of land (Lot 2, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 759,’ and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), si­ tuated in the City of Legaspi’ Is­ land of Luzon. Bounded on the NE points 5 to 1 by Lot 17; on the SE. points 1 to 2 by Lot 1, both of Block 11; on the SW. points 2 to 4 by Road Lot 3, and on the NW. points 4 to 5 by Lqt 3, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x x x x containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND ™7™r(£.x^UARE A parcel of land (Lot 3, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 760, 759, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 5 to 1 by Lot 4; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 18; on the SE. points 2 to 3 by Lot 2, all of Block 11, and on the W. points 3 to 5 by Road Lot 3, all of the consolidation­ subdivision plan, xxxxxxxx containing an area of TWO HUN­ DRED NINETY EIGHT (298) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 4, Block 11, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 5 by Lot 4; on the E. points 5 to 1 by Lot 19, on the SE. points 1 to 2 by Lot 3, all of Block 11, on the SW. points 2 to 3 and on W. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 3, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x x x x x x containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND TWO (302) SQUARE METERS, more or less, x x x x. A parcel of land (Lot 5, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 5 to 1 by Lot 6; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 20, on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 4, all of Block 11; and on the W. points 3 to 5 by Road Lot 3, all of the consolidation-sub­ division plan, x x x x x containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY SEVEN (267) SQUARE METERS, more or less, x x x x A parcel of land (Lot 6 Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, Being a portion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766* and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91) situated in the City of Legazph Island of Luzon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 7; on the E. points 4 to 1 by Lot 21, on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 5 all of Block 11, and the W. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 3, all of the consoli­ dation-subdivision plan, x x x x containing an area of TWO HUN­ DRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxx. A parcel of land (Lot 7, Block 11 of .the consolidation-subdivi­ sion plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a portion of Lots 747, 751, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766^ and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), si­ tuated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Luzon. Bounded on the N. Points 4 to 1 by Lot 8, on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 22, on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 6, all of Block H; and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 3, all of the consolidation - subdivision plan, xxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxx, A parcel of land (Lot 8, Block 11 of the consolidation- subdivi­ sion plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a portion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765’ 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre,’ LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Le­ gaspi, Island of Luzon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 31 (Alley); on the E. points 4 to 1 by Lot 23, on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 7, all of Block 11, and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 3; all of the consolidation-subdivision p'a"’ X x x x x containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGH­ TY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less. xxx. A parcel of land (Lot 9, Block 11 of the consolidation- subdivi­ sion plan (LRC) Psc-1617, being a portion of Lots 747, 751, 752 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi^ Island of Luzon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 10; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 24, on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 31 (Alley); and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 3, all of the consolidation - subdivision plan xxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED . AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxx. A parcel of land (Lot 10, Block 11 of the consolidated-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, Pag® B THE BICOL STAR September 10, 1960 and 767, Albay Cadastre (LRC) GLRO Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Luton. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 11, on the E. points 4 to 1 by Lot 250, on the S. points I to 2 by Lot' 9, all of Block 11; and in the W. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 3, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY SQUARE METERS (280) MORE OR LESS, xxxxxx. A parcel of land (Lot 11, Block II of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ xon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 12; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 26; on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 10, all of Block 11; and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 3, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxxxxx containing an area of TWO HUN­ DRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxx. A parcel of land (Lot 12, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a portion of Lots 747, 751. 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764 , 765, 766; and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRO (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), si­ tuated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Luxon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 13, on the E. points 4 to 1 by Lot 27, on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 11, all of Block 11, and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 3, all of the conso­ lidation-subdivision plan, x x x x containing an area of TWO HUN­ DRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 13, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs- 1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766 and 767 Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Luxon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 14, on the E. points I to 2 Lot 28, on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 12 all of Block 11, and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 3, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxxx containng an area of TWO HUND­ RED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 14, Block II of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764 , 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 15, on the E. points 4 to 1 by Lot 29, on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 13, all of Block 11, and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 3, all of the consolidation-subdivi­ sion plan, xxxxxxxxx con­ taining an area of TWO HUN­ DRED EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxx. A parcel of land (Lot 15, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 5 to 6 and on the NE. points 6 to 1 by Road Lot 17; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 30; on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 14, both of Block 11, on the W. pointe 3 to 4 and on the NW. pointe 4 to 5 by Road Ix>t 3, all of the consolidation-subdivi­ sion plan, xxxx containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY TWO (452) SQUARE METERS, more or less. xxxx. A parcel of land (Lot 16, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Luzon. Bounded on the NE. points 2 to 4 by Road Lot 4; on the SE. pointe 4 to 5 by Road Lot 4; and pointe 5 to 6 by Road Lot 7; on the SW. pointe 6 to 1 and on the NW. pointe 1 to 2 by Lot 17, both of Block 11, all of the consoldationsubdivision plan, xxxxx con­ taining an area of THREE HUN­ DRED AND TWENTY ONE (321) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxx. A parcel of land (Lot 17, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ xon. Bounded on the NE. points 3 to 5 by Road Lot 4; on the SE. points 5 to 1 by Lot 16; on the SW. pointe 1 to 2 by Lot 2, and on the NW. points 2 to 3 by Lot 18, all of Block 11 of the consolidation­ subdivision plan xxxxxx con­ taining an area of THREE HUN­ DRED AND TEN (310) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxx A parcel of land (Lot 18, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ xon. Bounded on the NE. points 2 to 4 by Road Lot 4; on the SE. points 4 to 5 by Lot 17, on the SW. pointe 5 to 1 by Lot 3; and on the NW. points 1 to 2 by Lot 19, all of the consolidation-subdi­ vision plan, xxxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY TWO (282) SQUARE METERS, more or less. xxx. A parcel of land (Lot 19, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 2 to 3 by Lot 20, on the E. points 3 to 4 by and on the NW. points 4 to 5 by Road Lot 4; on the SE. points 5 to 1 by Lot 18; and on the W. points 1 to 2 by Lot 4, both of Block 11, all of the consolidatonsubdivision plan xxxxxx con­ taining an area of TWO HUN­ DRED AND SEVENTY SIX (276) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 20, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Lot 21, Block 11; on the E. points 2 to 4 by Road Lot 4; on the S. pointe 4 to 5 by Lot 19, and on the W. pointe 5 to 1 by Lot 5, both of Block 11, all of the con­ solidation-subdivision plan, xxx x x x x x x x containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND SIX­ TY TWO (262) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxx. A parcel of land (Lot 21, Block 11, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 2 to 3 by Lot 22, Block 11; on the E. pointe 3 to 4 by Road Lot 4, on the S. pointe 4 to 1 by Lot 20; and on the W. pointe 1 to 2 by Lot 6, both of Block 11, all of the con­ solidation-subdivision plan, xxxx x x containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxx. A parcel of land (Lot 22, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 758, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Lot 23, Block 11; on the E. pointe 2 to 3 by Road Lot 4; on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot 21, and on the W. points 4 to 1 by Lot 7, both of Block 11, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x xxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 23, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. pointe 2 to 3 by Lot 31 (Alley); on the Block 11; on the E. pointe 3 to 4 by Road Lot 4; on the S. pointe 4 to 1 by Lot 22, and on the W. points 1 to 2 by Lot 8, both of Block 11, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxxxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxxx. A parcel of land (Lot 24, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. pointe 1 to 2 by Lot 25, Block 11, on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 4; on the S. pointe 3 to 4 by Lot 31 (Alley); and on the W. points 4 to 1 by Lot 9, both of Block 11, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x x x x x x containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGH­ TY (280) SQUARE METERS, A parcel of land (Lot 25, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 2 to 3 by Lot 26, Block 11; on the E. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 4; on the S. pointe 4 ta<l by Lot 24; and on the W. points 1 to 2 by Lot 10, both of Block 11, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x x x x x x containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGH­ TY (280) SQUARE METERS, A parcel of land (Lot 26, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 767, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Lot 27, Block 11; on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 4; on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot 25; and on the W. points 4 to 1 by Lot 11; both of Block 11, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxxxxxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or lesB. xxxxx. A parcel of land (Lot 27, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lota 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 01). situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 2 to 3 by Lot 28, Block 11; on the E. pointe 3 to 4 by Road Lot 4; on the S. points 4 to 1 by Lot 26; and on the W. pointe 1 to 2 by Lot 12, both of Block 11, all of the con­ solidation-subdivision plan, xxx x x containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less, k x x x x x. A parcel of land (Lot 28, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Lot 29, Block 11; on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 4; on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot 27, and on the W. points 4 to 1 by Lot 13, both of Block 11, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x x x x x x containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGH­ TY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxx. A parcel of land (Lot 29, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. pointe 2 to 3 by Lot 30, Block 11; on the E. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 4; on the S. points 4 to 1 by Lot 28; and on the W. points 1 to 2 by Lot 14, both of Block 11, all of the conso­ lidation-subdivision plan, xxxx xxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 30, Block 11 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the NE. points 1 to 2 by Road Lot 17; on the NE. points 2 to 3 and on the E. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 4; on the S. points 4 to 5 by Lot 29; and on the W. points 5 to 1 by Lot 15, both of Block 11, all of the conso­ lidation-subdivision plan, xxx containing an area of TWO HUN­ DRED AND NINETY (290) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 1, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the NE. points 1 to 2 by Lot 14, Block 12; on the SE. points 2 to 4 by Road Lot 7; on the SW. points 4 to 7 by Road Lot 4; and on the NW. points 7 to 1 by Lot 2, Block 12 all of con­ solidation subdivision plan, xxx xxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND THIR­ TY FIVE (335) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 2, Block 12, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91) situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the NE. points 5 to 1 by Lot 14; on the SE. pointe 1 to 2 by Lot 1, both of Block 12; on the SW. points 2 to 4 by Road Lot 4, and on the NW. pointe 4 to 5 by Lot 3, Block 12, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND EIGHT (308) SQUARE METERS, more or less. xxxxxxxxx, A parcel of land (Lot 3, Block P of the consolldatlon-aubdivlalon plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767 Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91). situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 5 to 1 by Lot 4; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 15, on the SE. points 2 to 3 by Lot 2, all of Block 12, on the SW. points 3 to 4 and on the W. points 4 to 5 by Road Lot 4, all of the consolidation-subdivi­ sion plan, xxxxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY THREE (343) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 4, Block 12, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. pointe 4 to 5 by Lot 5; on the E. pointe 5 to 1 by Lot 16; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 3, all of Block 12; and on the W. points 2 to 4 by Road Lot 4, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxxxx containing an area of TWO HUN­ DRED AND SEVENTY SIX (276) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 5, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Record No. 91), situated in the Ci­ ty of Legaspi, Island of Luzon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 6; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 17; on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 4, all of Block 12; and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 4, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 6, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 7; on the E. points 4 to 1 by Lot 13; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 5, all of Block 12, and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 4, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxxxx containing an area of TWO HUN­ DRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 7, Block 12, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 27 (Alley); on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 19; on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 6, all of Block 12; and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 4, all of the con­ solidation-subdivision plan, xxx x x containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 8, Block 12, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 9; on the E. pointe 1 to 2 by Lot 20; on the S. pointe 2 to 3 by Lot 27 (Alley), all of September 10, 1966 THE BICOL STAR Page C Block 12; and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 4, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x xxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 9, Block 12, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 10; on the E. points 4 to 1 by Lot 21; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 8, all of Block 12; and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 4, all of the consolidation-subdivi­ sion plan, xxxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxx A parcel of land (Lot' 10, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 11; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 22; on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 9, all of Block 12, and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 4, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxxxxx xxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or lass. A parcel of land (Lot 11, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 763, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 12; on the E. points 4 to 1 by Lot 23; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 10, all of Block 12, and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 4, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxxxxx containing an area of TWO HUN­ DRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less. t A parcel of land (Lot 12, Block 12, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Record Cad. No. 91), situated in the City Of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 13; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 24; on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 11, all of Block 12, and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 4, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan. xxxxXx containing an area of TWO HUN­ DRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 13, Block 12, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the E. points 5 to 6 by Lot 26; and points 6 to 1 by Lot 25; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 12, all of Block 12; on the W. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 4, and on the NW. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 4, and point 4 to 5 by Road Lot 17, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxx con­ taining an area of FOUR HUN­ DRED AND TEN (410) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 14, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the NE. points 3 to 5 by Road Lot 5, and on the SE. points 5 to 6 by Road Lot 5; on the SE. points 6 to 8 by Road Lot 7; on the SW. points 8 to 1 by Lot 1, and points 1 to 2 by Lot 2, and on the NW. points 2 to 3 by Lot 15, all of Block 12 of the consoli­ dation-subdivision plan plan, x x x x containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED AND SEVENTY ONE (471) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 15, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Lot 16, Block 12; on the E. points 2 to 3 by and on the NE. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 5, on the SE. points 4 to 5 by Lot 14, and on the W. points 5 to 1 by Lot 3, both of Block 12, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x xxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND SE­ VENTEEN (317) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxx x x x A parcel of land (Lot 16, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 2 to 3 by Lot 17, Block 12; on the E. points 3 to 5 by Road Lot 5; on the S. points 5 to 1 by Lot 15, and on the W. points 1 to 2 by Lot 4, both of Block 12, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x xxxxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED SIXTY SIX (266) SQUARE METERS, more or A parcel of land (Lot 17, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and' 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. point's 1 to 2 by Lot 18, Block 12, on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 5, on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot 16, and on the W. points 4 to 1 by Lot 5, both of Block 12, all of the con­ solidation-subdivision plan, xxx x x x x x containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less, x x x x x x x. A parcel of land (Lot 18, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 2 to 3 by Lot 19, Block 12; on the E. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 5; on the S. points 4 to 1 by Lot 17, and on the W. points 1 to 2 by Lot 6, both of Block 12, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxxx ' A parcel of land (Lot 19, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Lot 27 (Alley), Block 12; on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road’ Lot 5; on the S. points 3 to 4 by by Lot' 18, and on the W. points 4 to 1 by Lot 7, both of Block 12, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x x x x x x containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 20, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. point's 1 to 2 by Lot 21, Block 12; on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 5; on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot 27 (Alley), and on the W. points 4 to 1 by Lot 8, both of Block 12, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x x x x x x containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxx x A parcel of land (Lot 21, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No, 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 2 to 3 by Lot 22, Block 12; on the E. point's 3 to 4 by Road Lot 5; on the S. points 4 to 1 by Lot 20, and on the W. points 1 to 2 by Lot 9, both of Block 11, all of the conso­ lidation-subdivision plan, xxx containing an area of TWO HUN­ DRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 22, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Lot 23, Block 12; on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 5; on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot 21, and on the W. point's 4 to 1 by Lot 10, both of Block 12, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxxxxxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 23, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. point's 2 to 3 by Lot 24, Block 12; on the E. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 5; on the S. points 4 to 1 by Lot 22, and on the W. points 1 to 2 by Lot 11, both of Block 12, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land' (Lot 24, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Rtecord No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Lot 25, Block 12; on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 5; on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot 23, and on the W. points 4 to 1 by Lot 12, both of Block 12, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxxxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGH­ TY (280) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 25, Block 12 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad'. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 2 to 3 by Lot 26, Block 12; on the E. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 5; on the S. points 4 to 1 by Lot 24, and on the W. point's 1 to 2 by •Lot 13, both of Block 12, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxxxxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED AND EIGH­ TY (280) SQUARE METERS, A parcel of land (Lot 26, Block 12, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the NE. point's 1 to 2 by and on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road' Lot 5, and on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot 25; on the W. points 4 to 5 by Lot 13, both of Block 12 and on the NW. points 5 to 1 by Road Lot, 17, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x xxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND THREE (303) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 1, Block 13, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 7 to 1 by Lot 2, on the NE. points 1 to 2 by Lot 13, both of Block 12, on the SE. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 7, and on the SW. points 3 to 7 by Road Lot 5, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x •xxxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY NINE (359) SQUARE METERS, A parcel of land (Lot' 2, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 5 by Lot 3; on the E. points 5 to 1 by Lot 13; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 1, all of Block 13, and on the NW. points 2 to 4 by Road Lot 5, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxxxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN (317) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 3, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) tcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) 'Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 4; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 14; on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 2, all of Block 13, and on the W. points 3. to 4 by Road Lot 5, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 4, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 5; on the E. points 4 to 1 by Lot 15; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 3, all of Block 13, and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 5, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxx con­ taining an area of THREE HUN­ DRED (300) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 5, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 24 (Alley); on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 16, and on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 4, all of Block 13, and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Road' Lot 5, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 6, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 7; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 17; on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 24 (Alley), all of Block 13, and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 5, all of the conso­ lidation-subdivision plan, xxxx x x containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, x x A parcel of land (Lot 7, Block 13, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island 6f Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 8; on the E. points 4 to 1 by Lot 18; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 6, all of Block 13, and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 5 all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 8, Block 13, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record' No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 9; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 19, and on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 7, all of Block 13, and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 5, all of the consoli­ dation-subdivision plan, xxxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, x x x x x x x A parcel of land (Lot 9, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 10; on the E. points 4 to 1 by Lot 20; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 8, all of Block 13, and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 5, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxxx x containing an area of .THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 10, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 4 to 1 by Lot 11; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot 21; on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 9, all of Block 13,* and on the W. point's 3 to 4 by Road Lot 5, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxxxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE MEPage D THE BICOL STAR September 10, 1966 TERS, more or less, xxxxxx A pareel of land (Lot 11, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 761, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 3 to 4 by Lot 12; on the E. points 4 to 1 by Lot 22; on the S. points 1 to 2 by Lot 10, all of Block 13, and on the W. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 5, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxx con­ taining an area of THREE HUN­ DRED (300) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 12, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 6 to 1 by Road Lot 17; on the E. points 1 to 2 by Lot. 23; on the S. points 2 to 3 by Lot 11, both of Block 13, and on the W. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 5, and on the NW. points 4 to 5 by Road Lot 5 and points 5 to 6 by Road Lot 17, all of the consolidation-subdi­ vision plan, xxxxx containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY EIGHT (488) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 13, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 2 to 3 by Lot 14, Block 13; on the E. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 6; on the SW. points 4 to 5 by Road Lot 6. -nd points 5 to 6 by Road Lot 7, on the SW. points 6 to 1 by Lot 1, and on the W. points 1 to 2 both of Block 13, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x x containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY THREE (443) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 14, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Lot 15, Block 13; on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 6; on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot 13, and on the W. points 4 to 1 by Lot 3, both of Block 13, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x x x x x x x containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 15, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 2 to 3 by Lot 16, Block 13; on the E. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 6; on the S. points 4 to 1 by Lot 14; and on the W. points 1 to 2 by Lot 4, Block 13, all of the consolida­ tion-subdivision plan, xxxxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxxx 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Lot 24 (Alley); on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 6; on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot' 15, and on tire W. points 4 to 1 by Lot 5, both of Block 13, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x x containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, x x x x x x x A pareel of land (Lot 17, Block 13, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Lot 18, Block 13; on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 6; on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot 24, (Alley) and on the W. points 4 to 1 by Lot 6, both of Block 13, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxxxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 18, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767 Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Luzon. Bounded on the N. points 2 to 3 by Lot 19, Block 13; on the E. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 6; on the S. points 4 to 1 by Lot 17, and on the W. points 1 to 2 by Lot 7; both of Block 13, all of the consolidation - subdivision plan, xxxx containing an area of THREE (HUNDRED (300) SQUARE METERS, more or less, A parcel of land (Lot 19, Block 13 of the consolidation- subdivi­ sion plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a portion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766 and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Luzon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Lot 20, Block 13; on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 6; on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot 18, and W. points 4 to 1 by Lot 8, both of Block 13, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxx containing an area of TiiREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE METERS, more or less, xxxxxy A parcel of land (Lot 20, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a portion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), si­ tuated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Luzon. Bounded on the N. points 2 to 3 by Lot 21, Block 13; on the E. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 6; on the S. points 4 to 1 by Lot 19, and on the W. points 1 to 2 by Lot 9, both of Block 13, all of the consolidation­ subdivision plan, x x x x x x x containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 21, Block 13, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a portion of Lots 747, 751, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 766 and 767, Albay Cadastre LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Luzon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Lot 22, Block 13; on the E. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 6; on the S. points 3 to 4 by Lot 20, and on the W. points 4 to 1 by Lot 10, both of Block 13, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxxxxx containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300), SQUARE METERS, more or less. A parcel of land (Lot 22, Block 13, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755. 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Albay Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91) situated in the City of Uegaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 2 to 8 by Lot 23, Block 13; on the E. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 6; on the S. points 4 to 1 by Lot 21, and on the W. points 1 to 2 by Lot 11, both of Block 13, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, x x x containin gan area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxxx A parcel of land (Lot 23, Block 13, of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764, 765, 766, and 767, Alby Cadastre, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Record No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Lu­ zon. Bounded on the N. points 1 to 2 by Road Lot 17; on the NE. points 2 to 3 by Road Lot 6; on the E. points 3 to 4 by Road Lot 6; on the S. points 4 to 5 by Lot 22, and on the W. points 5 to 1 by Lot 12, both of Block 13, all of the consolidation-subdivision plan, xxxxxx containing an area of FOUR HUNDRED AND NINE­ TY EIGHT (498) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less, xxxxxx TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 1723 — CITY OF LEGASPI A parcel of land (Lot 1 of the consolidation Lots 2 & 3 Block 14; Lot 19—26, Block 20; Block 21; Lots 1-16, Block 22; Lots 1-16, Block 23; Road Lots 6, 9, 10, 11, & 12, all described on plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, LRC (GLRO) Cad. Re­ cord No. 91), situated in the City of Legaspi, Island of Luzon. Boun­ ded on the NE. points 38 to 47 by Road Lot 8, (LRC) Pcs-1617; points 47 to 49, by Lot 5, Block 5, Block 19 (LRC) Pcs-1617; points 49 to 50 by Lot , Albay Cadastre & points 50 to 51 by Lot 757, Albay Cadastre; on the SE. by points 51 to 54 and 1 to 14 by property of Manila Railroad Company; and points 54 to 56 and 56 to 1 by Lot 756, Albay Cadas­ tre; on the SW. points 14 to 16 by Lot 638; points 16 to 17 by Lot 639; points 17 to 19 by Lot 649, all of Albay Cadastre; on the W. points 19 to 20 by Lot 650; Al­ bay Cadastre; and on the NW. points 20 to 30, by Road Lot 7, (LRC) Pcs-1617, points 30 to 31, by Lot 13, Block 13, (LRC) Pcs1617; points 30 to 31 by Lot 13, Block 13, (LRC) Pcs-1617; points 31 to 33 by Road Lot 6-New of the consolidation-subdivision plan; points 33 to 34 and 37 to 38 by Lot 754, Albay Cadastre; and points 34 to 37 by Lot 780, Albay Cadastre, x x x x x x x contain­ ing an area of FIFTY THOU­ SAND AND SEVENTY FIVE (50,075) SQUARE METERS, more or less, x x x x x x x This Notice of Extra-Judicial Sale of Mortgaged Properties shall be published in the BICOL STAR a newspaper of general circulation in the province of Albay and edi­ ted in the City of Naga, once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of the sale. Likewise, copies of this Notice shall be posted in three (3) public and conspicuous places at the Ci­ ty of Legaspi, where the proper­ ties are located and where the auc­ tion sale will take place. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the properties and the encumbrances thereon if any there be. Judicial Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Province of Albay LEGASPI DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, —versus— BRIGIDO SISON & LAZARA DURAN, Mortgagors. EXTRAJUDICIAL FORE­ CLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (Under Act 3135) SHERIFF’S NOTICE OF EXTRA­ JUDICIAL SALE OF MORT­ GAGED PROPERTIES UNDER ACT 3135 AS AMENDED WHEREAS, by virtue of the po­ wer of attorney inserted in the deed of mortgage executed by the spouses Brigido Sison and Lazara Duran of Guinobatan, Albay in favor of the Development Bank of the Philippines, formerly Reha­ bilitation Finance Corporation un­ der dates of December 11, 1961 and September 4, 1962 and for the satisfaction of the amount of loans of P104,409.49, plus 8% per cent annual interest on the princi­ pal loan in the amount of P61,720.82 and 9% per cent annual interest on the additional loan of P42,688.67 from July 30, 1966, plus the amount of P10,440.95 as attorney’s fees aside from the- sheriff’s fees and all legal expenses in connec­ tion with this foreclosure sale, at the indication of the mortgagee­ bank, Development Bank of the Philippines, the Provincial Sheriff of Albay thru the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff of Al­ bay levied upon all the rights, ti­ tle, interest and participation that mortgagors Brigido Sison and Lazara Duran have in and over the following real properties more particularly described below: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 4587 — ALBAY A parcel of land (Lot No. 29 of the Cadastral Survey of Guinobatan), with all the im­ provements existing thereon, situated in the Municipality of Guinobatan, Province of Al­ bay. Bounded on the North­ east, by the Panganiban Street; on the Southeast by the Renacimiento Street; on the Southwest by Lot No. 30 and the Mabini Street; and on the Northwest by Lot No. Legaspi City, Philippines, Sept­ ember 1, 1966. (Sgd.) JOSE G. BALIN Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff THE BICOL STAR: Sept. 10, 17 & 24, 1966. FOR BETTER RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE “BICOL STAR” The Oldest Weekly Newspaper of the Bicol Region Now in its 33rd Year of Public Service. (1933-1966) It has the largest circulation in Bicolandia. Notices 3646. xxx containing an area of ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND FORTY EIGHT SQUARE METERS, (1,948), more or less. TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 4593 — ALBAY Un terreno con las edificacioncB de materiales fuertes leventades con el mismo, situado en la calle Rosario, Municipio de Guinobatan, Provincia de Albay. Liada por el NE., con una Calle sin nombre; por el SE., con propieda de Andres Tubungbanua; por el SE., con la calle Rosario; y por el NE., con propiedades de Romana Oleas y del Solicitanto. xxx midiendo una extension superficial de setecientos setenta y tres me­ tros con trienta y does deci­ metros cuadrados (773.32) WHEREAS, pursuant to the said real estate mortgage and in ac­ cordance with Section 3 and 4 of said Act 3135 as amended, the Provincial Sheriff of Albay thru the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff, ANNOUNCES that on September 30, 1966 between the hours from 10:00 o’clock in the morning up to 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon at his office in the Al­ bay Provincial Capitol Building, -Legazpi City, he will sell at pub­ lic auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine Cur­ rency, the above described real properties to satisfy the total amount of indebtedness in the said real estate mortgage. WHEREAS, the notice of auc­ tion sale will be published in THE BICOL STAR, a newspaper of ge­ neral circulation in the province of Albay as well as in the whole provinces of the Bicol Region, and edited in the City of Naga, Philip­ pines once a week, for three con­ secutive weeks, the first publica­ tion to take place at least twenty days before the date of the auction sale. Copies of this notice will be posted on conspicuous public places in the Municipality of Gui­ nobatan, Albay, where the pro­ perties are located and likewise copies of same will be posted on the Bulletin Board of the Albay Provincial Capitol Building, Le­ gazpi City, where the auction sale shall take place. WHEREFORE, prospective buy­ ers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the titles to the said properties and the encumbrances existing there­ on, if any there be. Done at Legazpi City, this 6th day of September, 1966. (Sgd.) JOSE G. BALIN Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff of Albay The Bicol Star .Sept. 10, 17, & 24, 1966. A parcel of land (Lot 16, Block 13 of the consolidation-subdivision plan (LRC) Pcs-1617, being a por­ tion of Lots 747, 751, 752, 753, 755, 759, 760, 763, 764 , 765, 766, and LEGAL NOTICE Sept. 10, 1966 * The BICOL STAR * 7 • LEGAL NOTICES • Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 —versus— SP8. EMILIO ALVAREZ & ASUNCION LAGAN, Mortgagors. X — — — — — X NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of real estate mo'tgage executed by the Spouses EMILIO ALVAREZ and ASUNCION LAGAN, of Pefiafrancia Avenue, City of Naga, in favor ef the PHILIP­ PINE NATIONAL BANK at Naga City, dated February 25, 1960 and for the satisfaction of the debt of SE­ VEN THOUSAND 8IX HUNDRED FIFTY FOUR PESOS AND TWENTN-THREE CENTAVOS (1*7,654 23) as of July 28, 1966. plus 10% of the amount due for and as attorney’s fees and together with the sheriff’s fees and ether lawful expenses incident to this sale plus a daily interest ef 1’1.38 from July 29, 1966 to tbe date of sale, on the amountfiof 1*5,600, the undersigned Provincial She­ riff Ex Officio of the province of Camarines 3ur. AN­ NOUNCES that on September 23. 1966, between the hours of 9:00 a m. and 3:00 p m., he will sell at publit auction at tbe sbeiiff’s office located on the Second Floor of tbe Provincial Cppitol of Camarines Sur, in Naga City, all the rights, title, interest, dominion and participation that the mortgagors hereof have or might have in apd over the following described properl'es toge­ ther with a 1 tbe improvements thereon, to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, to wit; LIST OF PROPERTIES MORTGAGED TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 2915—CAMARINES SUR Lot C.-4, Psd-53390 - Land Tax Dec No. 4124, Assd Vulued F2.950 1. A parcel of land, together with the improve­ ments thereon, situated in tbe barrio ef San Jose, municipality of Minalabao, province of Camarines 8nr, containing an area ef TWO HUNDRED THIRTY THOUSAND (P230.000) SQUARE ME­ TERS. Bounded on tbe N and E., along lines 12 3 by property of Salvacion Arejols, et al.; on tbe S., along lines 3-4-5-6 by Lit C-3 of tbe subdivision plan; on the W . alOBg lines 6 7 8-9-10 11-12 13-14-15 by propertv of Proccpio Albala; and on tbe N. along line 15-16- by Lot C 6; along lines 16-17-18, by Lot C-5. both of tbe subdivision phn; along line 181 by property of Salvaeioa Arejola. et al. 2 LOT C-6, PSU-53390—LAND TAX DEC. NO.4126. ASSESSED AfPl.490 A paroel of land, together with tbe improvements thereon, situated in tbe barrio of San Jose, muni­ cipality of Minalabao, province of Camarines Sir, containing an area of ONE HUNDRED EIGH­ TEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY (1*118 230) SQUARE METERS. Bounded on the S., along lines 1-2 by property of Proeopio Albala; on tbe N , a'ong 2 3 by Bicol River; on the N., along lines 3-4-5-6-7-8, by property of Candido Espinosa; on the E., along lines 8 9-10 by Lot C-5; and on tbe S . along line 10-1, by Lot C 4, both of the subdivision plan, x x x” This notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged properties will Le published in the BICOL STAR, a reaional weekly newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide circulation in tbe province of Camarines Sur as well as in all the other Biool previnces once a week for three conseoutive weeks, tbe first publication shall take place at least twenty (20) days before the dste of the auction sale. Likewise, for tbe same period of time, three copies of this notice shall be posted on three public and conspicuous plaees in Mioalabao Camarines Sur where tbe foregoing described properties are located and another three copies of same will be posted on the Bulletin Board at tbe Provincial Capitol cf Cam. Sur. in Nago City, where tbe auction sale will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buyers of the foregoing des­ cribed properties are he>eby enjoined to investigate the titles of tbe properties and the eneumbranoee thereon, in case City, Philippines, this 29th day of August, 1966. mauRO B. FAJARDO Ex Officio Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur Pub. September 3, 10 17, 1966. For your printing and bookbinding needs, please consult |t’iicol J&ar 604-D Zamora St., Sabang City of Naga Republio of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST IN8TANCE OF GAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial Distrlot OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, — versus— CONSOLACION VDA. DE REALUYO, Mortgagor. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 X — — — —---------X NOTICE OF EXTRA­ JUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAED PROPERTIES Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of mortgage executed by CONSOLACION VDA. DE REALUYO; Filipine, of legal age, widow, with residence and postal address at Oas, Albay, Philippines, in favor of the DEVELOP MENT BANK OF THE PHILIP­ PINES under dates of May 23 1961 and May 31, 1963 and for the satisfaction of the debt of EIGHTY THOU­ SAND THREE HUNDRED EIGHT 88/100 PESOS (4*80,308.88;, Philippine cur­ rency, plus 6 per eent (6%) and 7 per oent (7%) annual interest on tbe amount of P8O.308.88 from May 10, 1966, plus attorney’s fees in the amount of P8.030.89 and expenses in connection with this sale seoured by said mortgage, the undersigned Provincial Sheriff ef Cernarides Sur announces that on September 26, 1966. between tbe hours of 9 00 a.m and 4:00 p.m. at the Sheriff s Office located on tbe Second Floor of tbe Provincial Capi­ tol of Camarines Sur in Naga City, he will sell at publio auction fer cash iu Philippine currency | te the highest bid­ der the following real pro­ perties, together with all tbe improvements thereon, to wit: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE of TIILE NO. 3357-CAMS. SDR Tax Declaration No. 4247 — Assessed at P3.810 A tract of agricultural land situated in tbe sitio cf Magsignit. barrio of Baliwagk municipality of Minalabao, province ot Camarines 8ur, Island of Luzon, Philippines. Bounded on the N.i by bank protection of Magsignit creek; on tbe Northeast, bjr public land; on tbe East, and Southeast, by baok protection of Magacong creek; and on the West, by public land and Bank protection of Magsigoit ereek, xxx containing an area of 12.4970 hectares. TRANSFER CERTIFICATE of TITLE NO. 3382-CAMS. SUR Tax Deelaration No. 4253 — Assessed at P6,490 A paroel of land (Plan Pau-100828, situated in the barrio of Antipolo, muni cipality of Mmalabac, Ca­ marines Sur. Bounded on tbe NE.. by property of Carlos Camus and an irri­ gation ditch; on tbe E., by properties of Joaquin Azana and Carlos Camus; on the SE , by properties of Claro Apolinar and Car­ los Camus; on the SW.i by properties of Carlos Camus, an irrigation ditch and property of Juan R, Daluro; and on tbe NW,, by property of Carles Ca­ mus and creek (no name), xxx containing an area of Republic of the Philippi COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, —versus— SPOUSES MARCIAL AGUDERA & CEFERINA CATANGUE, Mortgagors. FORECLOSURE OF MOTRGAGE Under Ast 3135 X —— — — — X NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Under Ast 3135 As amended By virtue ef tbe power of attorney inserted in tbe deed of real estate mortgage exe­ cuted by tbe Spouses MAR­ CIAL AGUDERA and CEFEKINA CATANGUE of San Roque, Buhi, Camarines Surin favor of the PHILIP­ PINE NATIONAL BANK at Naga City; dated the 18th day of November 1957, and for tbe satisfaction of tbe debt of TWO THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SIXTYBIX 30/100 PESOS (P2.966.39) as of July 22, 1966 plus a daily interest of P0.1726 from July 23, 1966 to tbe date of sale, plus ten percent (10%) of the total amount due for and as at­ torney's fees, together with the sheriff’s fees and other lawful expenses incident to this foreclosure-sale, secured by said mortgage, tbe under­ signed Provincial Sheriff Ex Officio of Camarines Sur, an­ nounces that on September 23, 1966, between tbe hours of 9.00 o’clock in tbe morning and 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, he will sell a public auction at the sheriff’s office, located on tbe Second Floor of tbe Provincial Ca ONE HUNDRED FORTY FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED and THIRTY-TWO (144,132) Suquare Meters, more or less. This notice of extra-judicial sale of mortgaged properties will be published in the BI­ COL STAR, a weekly region­ al newspaper published and edited in tbe City Naga, having a wide general circu lation in tbe province of Camarines Sur and in all the other provinces of the Bicol region, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication shall take place at least twenty (20) days be­ fore tbe date of the auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies oi this notice will be rceted on three publio and conspi­ cuous places in tbe munici­ pality of Minalabao, Camarinee Sur where the above­ described properties are lo­ cated; and other three copies of same will be posted on tbe Bulletin Board at the Provincial Capitol of Cama­ rines Sur in Naga City where tbe auction sate will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbe title of the property and encumbrances thereon, incase there be any. Done in Naga City, Phil­ ippines, this August 24, 1966, MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff ot Camarines Bur Pub. Sept. 3, 10, 17, 1986, pitol of Camarines Bur in Naga City, to ths highest bidder for cash in Philippine currency, all tbe rights, title, interest, dominion and par­ ticipation that tbe mortgagors hereof have or might have in and over the following des­ cribed properties together with all the improvements existing thereon, to wit: LI8T OF PROPERTIES MORTGAGED ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 4470 — CAM. SUR Land Eax Dee. No. 713, Buhi, Cam. Sur, Plan Pen —116941 - FPV- 52864 1. A parcel of residential land together with all the im­ provements thereon, sit­ uated in the barrio of San Roque, Municipality o f Buhi, Province of Camarints Sur, containing an area ef 15 ares, 58 centares. Bounded o b the SW , along line 1-2, by Fullon Street; along line 2-4, by property of Felipe Adorable; along line 4 5, by property o f Marciano Adorable; along line 5 6, by property of Roman Catholic Church of Nueva Caceres; and along lines 6-7 and 7-1, by Balcedo Street. Of which premises, the mortgagors are the regis­ tered owner in accordance with the Land Registration Law, tbeir title thereto being evideneed by OCT No. 4470 of tbe Land Re­ cord of the Province of Camarines Sur. 2. LAND TAX DECLARATION NO, 807-ASSESS 2ID AT P35O A parcel ef ricelandj with all the improvements there­ on, situated at Cabognag, Antipolo, Buhi, Cam. Sur. Bounded on the North by Canal; on tbe East, by Fn Mariano Infante; on the South, by Pedro Broncauo and Francisco Infante; and on tbe West, by Hsire of Apolonio Buenaflor and Jose Iparba, now Veaancin Olano; eontaining an area of 1.0000 Ha., more nr less. 3. LAND TAX DECLARATIQN NO. 808-ASSESSED AT P35O A parcel of rieeland with all tbe improvements there­ on, situated at Catimbasan, Antipolo Buhi, Cam, Sur. Bounded on the North by Agapito Tria and Lorenzo Sta. Rosa; on tbe East, by Guillermo Aguilar, on tbe South, by Hrs. of Constaneio Wenceslao, and on the West, by Venancio Infante; containing an area of 1.0000 Ha. more er lose. 4. LAND TAX DECLARATION NO. 809-ASSESSED AT P35O A pareel of riceland with all the improvements there­ on, situated at Quigading, Aotipolo, Buhi, Camarines Sur. Boundsd on the North, by Hrs. of Cornelio Noble and Pablo Portugal; on tbe East, by Felipe Ibarbia; on tbe South, by Heirs of Escelastieo Aguilar; and on the West, by Heirs of Juan Quirante; containing an area of 1.5000 hectares, more or less. 5. LAND TAX DECLARATION NO. 810-ASSESsED AT Pl 050 A parcel of rieeland with all the improvements there­ on, situated at Quigading, Aotipolo, Buhi, Camarines Sur. Bounded on the North, by Canals, on the East, by Paterno Navera and Macario Maneanol) on tho South, by Darsga River; and on the West, by Pabio Pertuga)|eontaining an (Continued on Page 8) 8 * THE BICOL STAR * Sept. 10, 1966 $ “■'.Sf"" MBMMnBHMBi^^nanMMMaaMHi^nBBHaDBEaaE^WEnna Natural Resources • LEGAL NOTICES • RCA Probe Ordered By President Marcos BUREAU OE MINES Manila NOTICE OF APPLICATION OF “GAVINO BARCENA” FORA LODE MINING LEASE Republio of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District. IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION FOR PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP, JAIME BICHARA, Petitioner. NATURALISATION CASE Ne. 169 X _____ X N0TI8E OF PETITION For PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP Te the Solicitor General, Ma­ nila, to Mr. Jaime Bichars, Naga City, to Attys Borja & Naval, counsels for tbe petitioner, Naga City and to all whom it may concern: WHEREAS, a petition for Philippine citizenship pur auant to the provisions of Commonwealth Act No. 473. as amended, has been filed in this Couit by JAIME BI­ CHARA who alleges that hie full name is JAIME BICHA­ RA; that his present and previous or formsr place of residence is at Naga City, Philippines; that his oecupatien is that cf a businessman, being the operator of tbe “JAMES THEATRE’’ ai Calabanga, Camarines dur, Philippines from which he derives an average annual income of P3.5OO.OO, mere or less, and that he is also tbe manager of tbe theatres owned by the BICI1ARA & SONS frt m which he derives an annual compensation of P6,000.00; that aside from the afore mentioned source of income, he is one of tbe co-owners of the estate left by his deceased father Victor Biebara aud that bis share in tbe estate, consisting most­ ly of real properties, is P7.0C0.OO, more or lees; that be was born on September 21, 1926 at Naga. Camarines Sur. now Naga City, Philippines and be is at present a citizen or subject of Lebanon, under whose laws Filipinos may beeome citizens or subject thereof; that be is married and that bis wife’s name is Nimfa Midel. a Filipino citi­ zen by birtb wbo was born on November 29, 1939; that he has two children and the names; dates and places of tbeir residence are as follows: 1. Joan Bicbara* born on April 9, 1964 at Naga City and 2. Joseph Biobara-born on August 4, 1965 at Naga City, all of whom are resid­ ing at Naga City with him; that when his afore-named children reaeb school age) be will enroll them in a public school duly recognized by tbe government, where Phil­ ippine history, government and civics are taught as part of the school curriculum, and w'bose enrollment shall be open to anyone, irrespective cf race nationality or religion; that he has resided con­ tinuously in the Philippines for more than 40 years al­ ready immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit: since 1926, the year of his birtb, end in the City of Nage, for a term of more than one year immediately proceeding tbe date of tbe petition, to wit: since 1926 that he has net heretofore made any petition for citizen­ ship tc any court; that lie is exempted from the filing a declaration of intention be­ cause he waa born in tbe Republic of the Philippines IN THE CITY COURT OF NAGA 19th Judicial District SERAFIN U. TOLEDO, Plaintiff —versus— PEDRO ROXAS and FRANCISCO BABILONIA, Defendants. Civil Case No. 2351 X ----------------------- ------- X SUMMONS WHEREAS, on July 5, 1966, plaintiff thru counsel filed a motion for leave of Court to effect service of summons upon defendant PEDRO ROXAS by pub io ation pursuant to the p ci­ visions of Rule 14 of tbe Revised Rules of Caud, and tbe Court on August 1, 1966 granted tbe said mution. NOW THEREFORE, de­ fendant PEDRO ROXAS is hereby summoned and re­ quired to file with the Office of tbe Clerk of Court, at the Cily Hall, First Floor, his answer to the complaint filed against him in the ins­ tant case on or befare Nov­ ember 7, 1966, serving at tne same time a copy (hereof upon tbe plaintiff, e/o Atty. Martin Badong, Jr, GSIS Bldg . Naga City, and fail ure on bis part to file his answer as aforesaid, plaintiff will take judgment against him by default and may demand from tbe said Court the reliefs prayed for in said complaint. Let this summous be pub­ lished, at the expense of tbe plaintiff,in the BICOL STAR published and edited in the City of Naga. 9tiB8 a week for three consecutive weeks, and let also a copy of same as well as of tbe somp'aint be deposited in the Naga City Post Office postage prepaid and by Registered Mail, addressed to the said defendant. PEDRO ROXAS. at bis last known address. WITNESS THE Honorable JOSE R. LUNTOK, judge of said Court this 2nd day of September, 1966, at Naga City, RICARDO R. ONTENGCO Clerk of Court Pub. Sept. 3, 10. 17, 1966. 17, 1966. P.LPIDlO C Asst. Director li ARCE NA' • Public Land & prii> Buenaflor * Philif ration Co. 11-3117. Philippine Explorali 11-3117 : 9.0000 hectares Date Regisl Location Sit Luk Panganib Affidavit of Adjudication of intestate Estate of Deceased Person Pursuant to Seo. 1, Rule 74 of the Fules of Court, notice is herein given GREGORIA D PON, Filipino, of legal age, widow, with re­ sidence and postal address at 309 C Quintana, St», Mesa, Mani a, who alleges to be the only and so e heir of the decease I epousts BER­ NABE DIPON wbo died in Pilar, Sorscgin in 1944 and VENANCIA BELAN DO who died in Manila in 1947, executed tn affidavit adju­ dicating unto herself the in­ testate estate left by the deceased spouses located is Pilar, Sorsogon with an area of 76,717 sq. m.' covered by OCT No. 4996, under Tax Dec. No. 737, assessed at P2.390. The affidavit was acknow­ ledged before Notary Public Esteban Escalante, Sr. at Sorsogon, Sorsogon on Aug­ ust 22 1966; Doc. No. 1624; Page 51; Book 43, a. 1966 Philippines and he bAsstudiel and finished his primary and secondary education in schools duly recognized by the gov­ ernment, where Philippine history, government and eivios are taught as part of the sohool curriculum and where the enrollment is not limited to any particular race or nationality, to wit: Pri­ mary course at Colegio de Sta. Isabel at Naga Gity; Intermediate course at Naga Elementary School; Second­ ary education at the Cam*rinee Sur High School and Electrical Engineering course at tbe Mapua Institute of Teobnoloy; that in support of his petition, be cites Dr. Antonio P.iSibulo* of legal age residing at Naga City and Mr. Rieardo Ontengco, als-» of legal arid residing at Naga City, who are Filipino citi­ zens wbo will appear and testify as his witnesses at the bearing of the petition; WHEREFORE, you are hereby given notice that tbe said petition ’Till be heard on March 31, 1967 at 8;30 e’elock in the morning, in Pub. Sept. 3, 10, 17, 1966. Pres. Marcos today order­ ed tbe relief of personnel ef the Rice and Corn Adminis tration found to have been involved in any irregularities, including electioneering for any political party in the last elections. The President called for this further action in addi­ tion to the charges already filed by the RCA against em­ ployes found to have illegal­ ly profited from fictitious purchases of cereal estimat­ ed in tbe amount of P30 million. Tbe order to weed out cor­ rupt employes in the rice and corn firm was issued by the President after persistent re­ presentations from various sectors, including senators and congressmen, for the proeeeution of officials and employes in the ce eal agency wbo were involved in irre­ gularities in tbe distribution of rice and oom causing huge losses to tbe government. PNB vs. Spouses Mar­ cial Agudera . . . Con’t. from page 7) of 3 hectares, more or less; 6. LAND TAX DECLARATION NO. 871-ASSESSED AT P630 A parcel of rioeland with all tbe improvements there­ on, situated at Anonan, Antipolo, Buhi, Camarines Snr. Bounded on th> Norib, by Dionisio Nadal and Marcial Agudera; on the East, by Purificacion Claveria; on the South, by Angel Buendia; and on tbe West, by Simeon Portugal. Containing an aiea of 1.8930 hectares, more or less; The above-described pro­ perties are not registered under tbe Spanish Mortgage Law nor under the Torrens Title Act and the parties concerned agreed te register this present instrument un­ der Act 3344 as amended by tbe Philippine Legisla­ ture. the Third Branch of this Court at tbe Provincial Ca­ pitol, Naga City, Philippines; Let this notice be published at petitioner’s expense once a week for three (3) conse­ cutive weeks in tbe Official Gazette and in “Thek Bicol Star’’, a newspaper edited io the City of Naga, Philip­ pines, and of general circu­ lation in this province where the petitioner resides, and that copies of tbe petition and this notice be posted io a publio and conspicuous place in the Office of the Clerk of this Court. Witness the Honorable RA­ FAEL DE LA CRUZ, Judge of tbe Court of First Ins­ tance of CamariDes Sur, at Naga City, tbia 29th day of August 1966. MAURO B. FAJARDO Clerk of Court Pub. Sept. 3, 10, 17, 1966 This notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged properties wiil be published in tbe BICOL, STAR, a regional weekly newspaper, published and edited in tbe City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in tbe provinces of tbe Bieol Region including the. province of Camarines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, tbe first publication shall take place at least twenty (20) days before tbe date of tbe auction sale. Likewise, fer tbe same period of time, three copies of tbia notice shall be posted on three publio and conspicuous places in Buhi, Camarines Sur where the foregoing des­ cribed properties are located, and another three copies of same will be posted in the City of Naga and at t b e Bulletin Board in the Provin eial Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City where the anc tion sale will be conducted. Prospective bidders or buy­ ers of the above - described properties are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves tbe titles of tbe properties and the encumbrances thereod, in case there be any. Done in Naga City, Philip, pines, this August 29, 1966. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-officio Provincial Sheriff of Gam. bur Pub. Sept. 3, 10, 17, 1966. “You are directed to screen tbe officials and employes of the Rice and Corn Adminis­ tration and weed out all those involved in irregularities) the President told Colonel Osmundo Mondonedo, RCA administrator; The President told Meodofiedo that Malacanang has been furnished with reports of tbe investigations eondu, ted to ascertain the capabi­ lity of RCA personnel. The reports indicated that many employes were found to be liable to proseeution or dis­ missal from the agency. The President required im­ mediate compliance with the order and asked for a report on tbe action taken by Moudonedo within 30 days of re­ ceipt of his order. In the meantime, the Pre­ sidentset a minimum oharge of ten centavos for tbe trans­ mission of complaints and grievances of citizens to the Land Authority governor, in connaetion with the imple­ mentation of the land reform program. The minimum charge of ten centavos will apply to wires or other telegraphic services sent through or ren­ dered by the Bureau of Tele­ communications. Tbe President said that be­ cause of the importance of the land reform program, and due to tbe “manifold prob­ lems” that may be encoun­ tered in implementing it, it was essential for tbe proper authorities to pay tbe closest attention to any complaints or grievances from the pub­ lic . Tbe benefits from the prog­ ram, be added, can only be fully realizad if the govern­ ment sector diligently attend­ ed to all the complexities in­ volved. He asked the authorities concerned to make it eesv for these eomplaiuts to reach their desk. | CITY LOT FOR SALE A COMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL [lot, 198 SQUARE METERS LO­ CATED NEAR THE NAGA ClTY [market at P. Zamora St., [fronting THE NEWLY CEMEN­ TED STREET FOR QUICK SALE. 1*25,000. NO AGENT, DIRECT DEAL WITH OWNER. SEE OR WRITE ARc/o Bicol Star Zamora St. [P.O. Box 123, Naga City For a decent and high-level dis­ cussion of current public issues— Listen to Felix A. Abejero in his "HOROP-HOROPA DAW!” (Think It Over) over DZGE 850 Kes on your dial every Sunday aL 10:00 - 10:30 AM; and Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday at 6:45 - 7:00 P.M. (( Advertise in . . . )) j>®l]e J® ten I J&arK « . )> Sept. 10, 1966 ¥ The BICOL STAR ★ 9 Hanoi V. Cong "Terrified Of Elections" Prospect WASHINGTON- Secreta­ ry ol State Rusk says tba Hanoi regime and the Viet Cong are “terrified of the eleetians” to ba held by the South Vietnamese Sept­ ember It to ebooee a cons­ tituent assembly. Tbe communists, said Mr. Rusk, know “any expression of solidarity among tbe South Vietnamese” will exjlorethe falsity of tbe “National Libe­ ration Front's claim to speak for the South Vietnamese. Mr. Rusk, addressing the American Legion Auxiliary, composed of wives of Ame­ rican legiooairee, warned on August 31 that Americans must not “suppose that if we turn our backs somebody else will act” to prevent communist aggression in Asia. He emphasized, too, that a paramount purpose of tbe Johnson administration’s fo­ reign policy was “to secure Back-to-the-Farm . . tended similar priority be­ cause we eanoot live on a rice and fisb diet alone. In­ creasing our milk and meat production is one way to reduce our rice consumption, balance our diet, and improve our economy, Frivaldo said. tbe blessings of liberty to ourselves and our poaterity. "If a bard choice baa to be made between the liberty and peaoe, we shall obeoce liberty just aa we have done in the past,” tbe Secretary said. Mr. Rusk said he was “quite aware’’ that Chinese communist party leader Mao Tse-Tung “is not Hitler” and that Peking's Defense Mi­ nister Lin Piao’s September 1965, article “Is not Mein Kampf .’’ “But the differences,” he cautioned, "should not bo allowed to conceal tbe heart of the matter." Tbe Secretary of State said it would be “a tragedy for mankind if we were to forget the most important lessons leading up to World War Two, (or we are not going to have tbe chance to draw the lessons from World War Three. Mr. Rusk reiterated ,that the U.S. presence in South Vietnam is te repel North Vietnamese aggression and to assure tbe 8outh Viet­ namese people tbe choice of their own future. ‘When those objectives have been achieved, then we will withdraw,” be said. Senator ZIGA Happy Greetings and Best Wishes to All Penafrancia Devotees and Visitors— Compliments oj: MAYOR AND MRS. Dominador Medroso Calabartga Camarines Sur Congressman VENANCIO P. ZIGA First District of Albay and Sen. TECLA S. ZIGA - • - PILGRIMAGE to the Lady of Penafrancia ★ ★★★★★ Each year sees thousands of Devotees flocking to the City of Naga to pay homage to the VIRGIN of PENAFRANCIA, the Patroness of the Bicol Region. This year, join the Pilgrimage. Do it right - the easy, safest waygo via the PNR under a new competent Management. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL RA ILWAYS Tutuban Station, C. M. Recto Ave., Manila OTHER Benguet Auto Line SERVICES Luzon But Line Tel. 2-00-11 connecting all departments We take this op­ portunity to welcome all our good cus­ tomers and patrons... and to extend to them our heartfelt grati­ tude for their valua­ ble sustained patron­ age in the past, to­ day and in the fu­ ture . . . 10 ¥ Th® BICOL STAR ★ Sept. 10, 1966 • LEGAL NOTICES • Repub'io ot the Philippines Dep»’lmrpt of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Province of A'bay LEGASPI REPUBLIC BANK. Mortgagee. — versus-— LILIA VILLAREAL, Mortgagor. EXTRAJUDICIAL FORE­ CLOSURE OF REAL ES­ TATE MORTGAGE (Under Ael 3135) X ----- X Sheriffs Notice of E-rtraiudicial Sale of Mot Hasted Property L'nder Act 3135 At Amended WHEREAS, by virtue ot tbe power of attorney insert­ ed in tbe deed of mortgage exeouted by Lilia L. Villareal, married to Guillermo Oonialee, with residence and postal address at 2507 In­ terior, Arellano Avenue, Sin­ galong, Manila in favor of tbe Republio Bank, under date ol August 6, 1962. aed (or the satisfaction ol the mortgage-loan indebtedneee of P8.691 75 as of March IS 1966, plus daily interest and expenses thereafter, plus 10% per cent of tbe total amount of indebtedness for aod as attorney's fees aside from tbe sheriff's fees and expenses in connection with tbis foreelosuro eale all secured by said mortgage, at the indication ot tbe mortgagee bank, tbe undersigned Ex-office Prov­ incial Sheriff of Albay levied upoo all the right, title, in­ terest and participation that mortgagor Lilia L. Villareal has in and over tbe following reel propeity more yartioularly described as foliews.' Transfer Certificate of Title No. T~11739- Guinobatan, Albay A paroel of land (Lot No. 1937 B of tbe subdi­ vision plan Ped-50502, being a portion of Lot No. 1987 of tbe Cadastral Burvey of Guinobatan. LRC. Cadastral Record No. 1100), situated in tbe Bar­ rio of Mepaco, Munieipa* lily of Guinohetao. Prov­ ince of Albov. Bounded on tbe Southeast along lines i2-3-4 by Lot Ne. 1987 B of the subdivision plan; on tbe Southwest along lines 4-5-6 by Lot No. 6528; isloog lines 6-7 8-9 by Lot No 5301; end aleng line 9-10 by Let No. 5513; on the West along lines 10-11-12 by Lol No. 5312| on the Nnrtb and West along lines 12-13-1415 16-17-18-I9-20-21-22 by Lot No. 5304; and on tbe West and South along lines 22-23 24-25-26-27 by Lol No. 5306; and on the West along linss 27-18-2930 by Lot No. 5308; all of Guinobatan Cadastre; on tbe North along lines 3031-32 by Let No. 1987-C ef tbe subdivision planalong lioes 32-33-34 35 36; 37-38-39 by Creek; and along lines 39 40-41-42 4344 by Let No. 1988; on tbe East and Northeast along lines 44 45 46 47-48 49-50 by Lot No. 1986 and na tbe Eaat and Southeast along lines 50 51-52-53-541 by a Reed, xxx Con­ taining an area of FOUR HUNDRED NINETY 8IX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THREE (496,303) SQUARE ME­ TERS, more or less. WHEREAS, porsoant to Pub. Sept. 10, 17 & 14, 1986' SEPTEMBER 10. 17, A 24, 1966 Rapublic ot tbe Philippine* Department nr Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Province nf Albay LEGASPI DEVELOPMENT HANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, —versus— S1MFOROSO GONZALES AND MARIA S. DE GONZALES, Mortgagers EXTRAJUDICIAL FORE­ CLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (Under Act 3135) X —— — — — X SHERIFF’S NOTICE OF EXTRAJUDICIAL SALE OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES Uoder Act 3135 aa Amended WHBREAS. by virtue nf the power of attorney insert­ ed io tbe deed of mortg'ge executed by tbe spoueee Simforsn Gaozales and Maria S. de Gonzales of Legaspi City in favnr of tbe Development Beak of tbe Philippines for­ merly Rehabilitation Finance Corporation under dale of Deeember 29. 1961 aod June 25, 1962, aod for the mort gage-lesn indebtedaeee of P219.597 75 as of April 30, 1966, plus daily interest and expenses thereafter, pine ten percent (10%) of tbe total amount of iodebtednes a e attorney'a fees elide from tbe sboritf’e fees aod e'l ex­ penses in connection with thio foreclosure sale all secured by said mortgage, the under­ signed Ex-officio Provino‘al tbe said real estate mortgage aod io accordance with Sec­ tion 3 and 4 ef tbe said Aot 3135 as amended, the undere-gnerl F.e -offisio Provin eial She>i'f of Albay AN­ NOUNCES that *n tbe 30th day of September. 1966, st 10:00 o'clock io the m roing et bis office in the Albay Provincial Capitol Building, Legaspi City, he will ee’L al publio auction to tbe highest bidder for eaob and in Phil­ ippine currency, tbe aforedeacribed property to eatisfy tbe total » mount of iodeb tednesa in the said real estate mortgage WHEREAS, tbis notice of extrajudicial sale of mort­ gaged property will be pub­ lished in tbe Bicol Star, a newspaper of general circu­ lation in the Province ef Al­ bay ae well as in all the provinces of tbe Bicol Re­ gion and edited at tbe City of Nega, Camarines Sur, Phil­ ippines, once a week for three consecutive weeks, tbe first publication to take place at least twenty days before tbe dele of auction sale. Copies ef this notice ef sale will be posted on conspicuous publio places in tba Munici­ pality of Guinobatan, Albay where tbe properly is loeated and likewise copies ef same will be posted on tbe Bulle­ tin Board of the Albay Pro­ vincial Capitol Bui'ding, Le­ gaspi City, where tbe auction sale shall tak^ place. WHEREFORE, Prospective bu>ers or bidders are hereby enjoined tn 'investi­ gate for themselves tbe title to the said property and the encumbrances existing there­ on, if any there be. Done at Legaspi City, tbis 5lb day of .Soptembor, 1966 JOSE G, BALIN Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff THE BICOL STAR. Sheriff of Albay at the Indicetion of tbe mortgagee-bank, levied upon ell the right, title, interest mid partioipall in that mortgagors spouses Simfmse Gonsales end Maria S. de Gonsales have in and over the following real pro perties more particularly des­ cribed at fallows: TRANSFER CERTIFICATE of TITLE NO. (T-6416) 171 LEGASPI CITY A parcel of land (Let No. 9841 ot tbe Cadastral Survey of Lvgaepi). situa­ ted in tbe Municipality of Legaspi. Hounded an the Northeast by Calle Pefiaranda; on tbe Southeast by Lot No. 1560, on tbe Southwest by Calle Magal­ lanes; and on the North­ west hy Lot No. 9841. xxx Containing an tree of TWO HUNDRED FOUR'IY FIVE (245) SQUARE METERS, more or less. TRANSFER CERTIFICATE of TITLE AO. (T-6415) 170 LEGASPI CITY A parcel of land (Lot. No. 9840 of the Cadastral Survey ot Legaspi), situated in the Municipality of Legaspi. Province of Albay. Bound­ ed on the Northeast by Calle Peftaranda; on the Southeast by Lot No. 9841; on the Seutbweet by Calle Magallanes; and on tbe Noribw<st by Lot No 9839 xxx Containing an an area nf TWO HUN­ DRED FOURTY FIVE SQUIBB METERS and THIRTY (245.30) SQUARE METERA, more or less. WHEREA8. pursuant to tbe said real estate mortgaged aod in accordance with Sec­ tion 3 and 4 of Ibe said Act 3135 sa amended, the said undersigned Ex officio Pro­ vincial Sheriff of Albay AN­ NOUNCES that on tbe 30th day of September. 1966. st 10.00 o’elook in tbe morning at bis office io (be Albay Provincial Capitol Building, Legaspi City, be will sell al public suolion to tbe highest bidder for cash and in Phil­ ippine Currency tbe above­ described real properties to satisfy the total amount of indebtedness io tbs eaid real estate mortgage. WHEREAS, this notice of exlrajudiofal sale of mort­ gage properties will be pub­ lished in tbe Bieol Star, a newspaper of general circu­ lation in tbe Provinee of Albay as well as in ell tbe provinces of Ibe Bicol Region aod edited at tbe City of Nega, Camarines Sur, Phil­ ippines, onee a week for three three consecutive weeks, tbe first publisation to take place st least twenty days before tba date ef auction sale. Copies of this notice will be posted for tbe same period of time on conspi­ cuous publio places in the City of Legaspi where tbe properties sre located and likewise eopies of same will be posted on tbe Bulletin Beard of tbe Albay Provin­ cial Capitnl Building, Legas­ pi City where tbe auction sale shall lake place. WHEREFORE, prospect­ ive buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investi­ gate for themselves tbs titles to tbe aforedescribed real properties and the enoumbransrs existing thereon, if any there be. Done at Legesdi City, tbis 5th day of September, 1966. JOSE G. BALIN Ex-o(fioio Provincial Sheriff THE BICOL STAR: Republio of tbe Philippines Department of Justice CITY COURT of MANILA Braosb VI LUNETA MOTOR COMPANY. Plaintiff. — versus— TIR8O YRURE1A, et al Defendants. EIECUT1ON Civil Case No 113168 x ----------------- ------- - X SHERIFF’S NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION SALE WHEREAS, hy virtue of Writ of Exeoution issued in the above entitled case hy tbe City Court of Manila Branch VI, dated July 19, 1966, thereby commanding tbe Provincial Sheriff o< Sor­ sogon or aoy ol his lawful deputy ta make or evuse to be made tbe sum of FOUR HUNDRED PESOS (P400.0 ) ae attornney’e fees and fur­ ther sum of THREE HUN­ DRED FORTY N1NB end 7 / 100 PESOS (T349 07) far costs ol suits and the law­ ful and other incidental ex­ penses for tbe service of this execution and sale, all in Philippine Currency, tbe Provinoial Sheriff nf Sorsogon, Borsogon levied upou all tbe rights, titles, interests, domi­ nions and participations that of the defendants has ur might have in ovar tbe follow­ ing described properties, to wit: Parcel I ■ A parcel of coco­ nut laud situated in Guituan, Tubig, Bags c a y, Gubst. Sorsogon. contain iog an area nf 62,830 Square Meters more or less, bounded oa tbe North by Guituang Tubig River; East by Mario Testo; South, by Brook; and West, by Julio Espioetla. Tbis land is uoder Tax D»ol, No 14517 and Assessed f o r P3 270 in tbe name of Tireo Yiureta Coconuts are tbe permanent improve­ ments aod coocrete posts of tbe BL are tbe visible boundaries. Parcel 2 • parcel of rice land situated at Bagacay, Gubat, Sorsogon. contain­ ing an area of 14 673 Square Meters more or lees, bounded on tbe North, by Alejo Destano; East, by Gubat-Prieto Diaz Road; South by, Gaudeocio Du­ gan; and West, by Bolero Eseander. Tbis land is un­ der Tax Deel. No. 14517 and Assessed for Pl,280 Tbore is no permanent improvement and BL poets aro tbe visible boundaries WHEREAS, pursuant to tbe said Writ of Exeoution and in accordance with Sec­ tion 16 of Rule 39 of tbe Rules of Court, tbe under­ signed Provincial 8beriff ExOfioio of Sorsogon, Sorsogon ANNOUNCES that on Sept­ ember 29, 1906. at 10:00 o’eloek in tbe morning at bis Olfice of tbe Provincial She riff below tbe Courthouse at 8orsogon. Sorsogon, be will sell al public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine Currency, tbe above described teal proper­ ties in order to satisfy tbe total amount of indebteditse claimed in tbe said Writ of Exeoution. WHEREAS, tbis notion of public suetion sale will be published in tbe 'BICOLSTAR' a newspaper of general oireu lation in tbe Bicol Region including the province of Sorsogon and edited in the Ctty of Naga, once a week for throe consecutive weeks, tbe first publication to take * LEGAL N O T 1 G E * LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE io hereby given that pursuant to Section I, Rule 74, of the Rules of Court, the estate' ol the late Jose Pancho of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, eousietlng of three (3) parcels ol land, situated at Castilla, Sorsogon. Philip pines, under OCT No. 487 of tbe Registry of Sorsogon, bas been tbe subject of Extrajudic al Settlement by their heirs, CR19 1 I NA DELLOS A. BENJAMIN PANCHO, AMPARO PANCHO. Host TA PANCHO A JOSE PANCHO. Jr,, executed on August 8, 13W, before Archimedes Frivaldo, Notary Publio of Sorsogon, and bearing bie Not Reg. No. 8. Page No. 3, Not. Book No. I and Series ot 1966. Sorsogon, Sorsogon, Aug­ ust 22. I960. Pub. Sept. 10, 17, 24, '66. NOTICE Pursuant to 8oo. I. Rule 74 ef tbe Rules ol Court, notioe ie hereby given that the estate of EUGENIO VERAN and CLAUDIA SEHA8PE of Bioabiau, Sipocot. CsmarinM Sur and covered by O UGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO, RP - 449 (471) has been extrajudtoially settled by tbeir Fgal and sole heirs 8ILV1NA VERAN, ET AL. uoder Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate dated September 6. 1966 and nota­ rized by Roger P Carifio of Camaligen, Camarines Sur end entered as Doe. No. 666; Pago No. 26; Book No. 11; Series of 1966. Pub. Sept 10. 17, 24, 1966. place ot least twenty days before the date of auotion sale. Copies of tbis notice will be posted at Gubat, Sorsogon where the proper­ ties are located and same copies will be postod at Bor­ sogon. Sorsogon where the auction sale will take place. WHEREFORE, prospect­ ive buyers or l iddera are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the titles of fhe propertiesaod tbe encum­ brances thereto if there be any . for their own protection. Done at Sorsogon. Sorsogon this 27lh day ol Aug­ ust. 1966 ARTURO R. ARGUELLES Ex-Offioio Provincial Sheriff Pub. Sept. 10, 17. 24, 1966. Buhi G.S.P. Leaders Elect their Officers The leaders of tbe Girl Seouts of tbe Philippines nf tbe town ef Buhi, had recent­ ly eleoted tbeir oHioere who are as foHo’ye: Mrs Josefa I. Constancio, president; Mrs. Diana 9 Saes. vice president; Mrs. So­ corro Dimagante, secretary; Mrs. Loreta Moran d a r t o. treasurer; Mrs. Lourdes Langcsoo, Mrs. Alioia Nachor. bus. managers; Mies Nancy T. Panga, P.R.O; Mias Delia Caparanga, muse. (( Advertise in . . . )) ((___________________ )) Sept. 10, 1966 ★ THE BICOL STAR -K 11 Penafrancia ****** * V4AAVAV4 PRO, BTTI, Legazpi City All roads lead to Naga City oome September ot every year. It is festival time of Our Lady of Peiiafraneia, the miraculous Vir­ gin and patron Saint of Bi■olandia. Bicslanos throughout the country always find time once a yea^ to go to Naga City to pay homage to their Blessed Virgin. They come by land, water and air-- through tbe railroad, by ears and boats and by plane. There are also thousands of visitors from foreign lands and natives from various sections of tbe country who join tbe pilgrimage of tbe Bieolanos. Due to tbe presence of varied tourist attraotions in tbe Bicol region, most of these visitors never fail to take a look at the different natural, cultural and historical spots in Bicol. Tbe Board of Travel and Tourist Industry, Bicol re­ gional office at Legaspi City, in its desire to help promote tourism, is extending its full cooperation with tbe city of­ ficials of Naga, provincial officials of Camarines Sur. the Bicol Weekly newspapers and metropolitan publications in deesiininating information to tourists where they can go during their short sojourn at Naga City en tbe occasion of tbeir pilgrimage to our Virgin of Penafrancia. In Camarines Sur, for example) tbe travellers will find delight in seeing for themselves t h e historical "Quince Martires” monu­ ment in Naga City’s poblaeion. This is a memorial to tbe 15 Bicolano freedom fighters who gave up tbeir lives for tbe cause of our country. Also in Naga( worth visit­ ing are tbe sprawling campus of University ef Nueva Ca­ ceres, tbe first university and best laid out sebool campus in tbe Bicol area; Colegio de Santa Isabel, tbe oldest and exclusive girls’ institution in Bicol; the age-old cathedral of Nueva Caceres; Nordia Lodge Resort and others, Tbe quaint and small sleepy town of Bubi in Camarieea Sur is a “must” for tourists. It boasts of its placid lake, “La Boca Eocantada”, a mass ef big boulders piled along the beach of ibe lake, its numerous waterfalls, which needs further government de­ velopment; Buenavista Resort, a high promontory overlook­ ing the lake, and * tabios,” the smallest edible and com­ mercial fish in tbe world. Other places to see are tbe “grotto” of Our Lady o f Lourdes on the top bill io Iriga, the zigzag road of Sipoeot leading to Daet, Bato Lake and tbe different islands along Sagnay towa, ecenc of some international movie lo­ cations. At nearby Albay province, msjsstic Mayon VoIcsdo bea­ cons the visitors The only live volceno in tbe world with a near-perfect cone, Mayon serves as tbe symbol of Philippine tourism. Here, 2,509 feet above sea level, tbe government Board of Travel and Tourist Industry (BTTI), recently constructed a Malayan type mountain lodge costing P 100,000 where tourists ean pass their days and nights. Equally interesting are the historic “Battle of Legaspi** monument near the city's supermarket, Pure white beaeb, Kalayukaii black beacb resort at Bto. Demingo, Tabaco pier, Naglagboeg bail­ ing lake, Tiwi hot springs nsort, Joroan’s ‘‘banging roads”, Roca-Monta’s Disnevland in Tabaco, modern abaca stripping at barrio Paulog in Ligao, the buried church of Cagsewa, Daraga church on top of a hill and its “stairway to heaveD,” abaca handicraft industries, Kimantong’s winding sky­ view drive and Legaspi oil factory, a multi-miilioa Philippine-American joint busi­ ness venture that processes coco­ nut into oil for export abroad Sorsogon is another Bicol province that abounds with tourist attractions. Foremost is Bulusan Lake, dubbed ae the “Switzerland of the Philippines,” The BTTI recently built a mo­ dern rest bouse here and constructed a cemented path along its Lover's Lane where visitors can now walk around tbe lake with considerable ease and eomfort The BTTI also donated a twinmotored fiberglass speed boat for use of tourists for a leisurely drive in the natural lake which is looated high above mount Bulusan. Rizal white Leach is another top attraction of Sorsegon. The BTTI also donated a pavillion ter nse of bathers and excursionists. Rep. Sal­ vador Encinas also built here a multi-million-peso hotel beach resort. Other tourist spots of Sersogon attracting domestic and overseas travellers allyear round ere Masaerot medicinal swimmiBg pool) San Benea 8prings resort, tbe Old Irosin catholic church that perched on the side of a hill, Sorsogon bay where the sunset rivals that of Manila in beauty, the well laid out lawn of tbe provin­ cial capitol, Palhi springs swimming resort, “Tolong Gapo” beacb in Bacon and others. Camarines Norte, another Bicol pravince, provides nu­ merous attractions far the visitors. Tba first memorial built by the Filipinos in bonor?ef Dr. Jose P. Bizal after be was shot at Bagumbayan, was built in Daet, the pro­ vincial capital. Mercedes town has its long white beacb; which is favo­ rite among excurtioaiets and visitors from outside tha province, seed a pavilion. It has also the only wooden ship and boat building yards in Bicol. At Pnnganiban is located the government NASSCO steel shipyards. Its barrio, Larap, is tbe site of the Philippine Iron Mines, one ef tha world’s biggest of its kind' Several of the towns have gold deposits. Its mountains are rich in timber and wild games like deer, pigs and chickens. A number of its munici­ palities are inhabited by negritos which are tourist attractions. Tbe island province of Catanduanes is equally gifted with tourist spots. Known as “an island in tbe sun, ’ it has long, white beaches. Fa­ cing the Pacific Ooean, the natives and their visitors bath on its beaches shaded by swaying coconut trees er bask under tbe sun: Top attraction of the pro­ vince is Balongbong water­ falls. Source ef hydroelectric power, it is located in Bato town, a few kilometers from Virac, provincial capital It is provided with a swimming pool. This needs further im­ provement as this was des­ troyed by a series of typhoons that lashed Catanduanes du­ ring the past years. There is also a historical cave between Virac and Caiolbon, It needs a flight of Btairs in going down from tbe national road. A waiting shade can be constructed for tourists. Tbe eattle province of Bi­ col is Masbate, Being ano­ ther island province; towns along the seacoast are lavish with long stretch of beaches. A small island near Masbate capital is surrounded by white beacb wbieb needs a pavilion for sea bathers and excursionists. PARTIAL REVIEW by Andres G. Diez What is a Foreign Policy? A foreign policy is a set of rules governing the establishment and maintenance of a friendly and commercial relation of an independent nation with the other independent nations of the world. Why is this a necessity of great importance to a nation? Because no nation can ever achieve prosperity by depending alone on its resources, no matter how vast. The case of the United States is an example. Considered and admitted as the richest country in the world in natural resources, she is also at the same time the No. 1 in world commerce. It is incontrovertible that the biggest bulk of any country’s income comes from the tariffs and taxes paid by commerce from without and within. From here one can easily glean the comparison that a nation like an individual has to have friends. Take the case of Morgan, for example. Among his known friends who are Robert, Marcos, Manuel, An­ dy, Leon, Jaime and many others, there is Andy who is to him the best of all. Why? Because in many a tight occasion Andy has always been the one res­ ponsive and ready for help among the many of them. Now, the question is: Is Morgan wrong in recipro­ cating Andy the same amount of affection and loyalty? Out of gratitude to the love expressed in mate­ rial and physical help that America has lavish on us, we the true Filipinos choose the Americans as our best friends from among the others who are also our friends. But what some of us who happen to sustain a different viewpoint should know is: Could there be any true frienship without love? Those who attack us for loving the Americans as our friends dug up this wit which is supposed to be the late Dr. Laurel’s. Here it is: "No one can love the Filipinos better than a Filipino himself’’. This wit is as unnecessary as it is silly. Our love for our people is in our nature. It is in our blood. We don’t need a Laurel to teach us that neither do we need a Tolentino to remind us about that also. Now, as a counter argument, we are ask­ ing them these questions: 1- Is my love to my family affected or mini­ mized by my love for my friend? 2- Has love its limits and boundaries like the material wealth of the Rockefellers? 3- If love has no limits and boundaries, why should anyone ask me foolishly to deprive my best friend to share from it? Our government had no boat fast enough to outrace the speedboats of the smugglers. America donated us just recently 2 of her fastest that can outrun any ship in Philippine waters. How about the anti-Americans, what did they donate? BIG WORDS. talagang culang kita nin ba- can ibang cagrogaring; gas sagkod na dai omabot xxx an panabon nin aranihan An procesioo sa salog (fluparoy. f An solucioB caini, vial) ean imagenes ni Virgen sabi niya, caipuhan an mga de Penafrancia asin Divino tauo magpatood nin pagoa- Rostro sa sunod na saba­ can ean bagas na sasalacan doag bapon gigiboban nin nin giailing na maiz An pslicula na papaluason sa RCA mapabacal nin bagas cine asin television sa man na 30 por ciento maiz, 70 por iba-ibang lugar sa kinabaa. ciento eana an bagas nin pa- Sabi ini rogariag nin sarong roy, Ipagpapabacal ini yaon compania na ingles. Talagang na sa mga sopot asin barato an fiesta nin PefiatraBcia sa an preoio Sabi pa ni Mon- Bicol saro sa pinaCBdacula donedo, ini pigprobaran na asia atraetiva sa mga fiestas sa Manila asin nagustohan religiosas sa bilog na kinaban. can mga tauo. Segun sa re- Ini sarong tradicion sa cabieord daeul pa an bagas o colan na dai nakikita sa paroy, alaead pinagtatago ibang lugar. | Gotos na Bareta | Can mlercoles Sept. 7| sarong bus sa Catmon, Cebu, may lunad nin 28 personas, sampolo daa an nagadan pagpotoo can mga dinamita na carga sa bus. An bus nagcararaot sabi sa report ean t*. C. na dai pang gayo verificade, xxx Sa Indonesia sagkod gnonian mayo nin catoninognan huli sa riboc can duang grupo nin anti asin pro-Sukarno. Sabi mismo ni Presideate Sukarno siya pigbibimatan na gadannn ean ihaDg contra can saiyang autoridad* An mga estudiantes duman daoul may mga densostraciones contra ki Sukarno asin favor ki Gen. Suharto. May peligro na magdacula pa an guerra civil duman. xxx Ipigboot ni Acting Secretario Juan Ponse Enrile can Hacienda sd pagprohibir sa mga empleaio na sakop caa departamento na iai an pagdalao sa mga night-clubs asin sugalan patin earreras. An mga efieina can aduana, rentas internes, teeererias, etc. sakop can departamento na ini. Haloyon nang igua ean probibicion na ini, ala­ god dai pig-ootob sabi ni Enrile. Si Enrile bagong nombrahan ni Pres. Marcos sa puesto na ini; xxx Ipigpaisi ni Col. Osmundo Mondonedo no general ma­ nager can RCA na gnonian Lagumbay and Associates LAW — ACCOUNTING — BUSINESS Metropolitan Theatre Building, Plaza Lawton Manila Tel. No. 4-93-41 — P.O. Box 3310 c/o SENATOR W. R, LAGUMBAY PEDRO M. TEMPLO Naga City Office: Attomey-at-Lau) CONCEPCION PEQUENA MONTEREY STREET 12 * THE BICOL STAR ★ Sept. 10, 1966 Huelga Sa Na; An Sa Si huelga can mga empleados sa banco nacional husay na; an diyan sa DPB dai pa. Sa Lunes dadagnogon ni Jvez Areenio I. Martinez caa Court of Industrial Re­ lations an petition can mga taga DBP. An sabi ni Chairman Gre­ gorio Lioares can DBP kun dai magralaog an mga nag* Special Train . . . tra train TN-I leaves Tagkawayan at Jj:10 a. m. te arrive Bato at 10:44 a. m.; extra train COT I leaves Sipoeot at 6:30 a. m. to ar­ rive Ligao at 10:34; extra train GOT-3 leaves Sipocot at 12;40 p. na. to arrive Ligao at 4:31; extra train COT-5 leaves Sipocot at 4.45 p. m. to arrive 'Naga at 6:06 p. m. Northbound trains - Bxtra train LIG-2 loaves Ligao at 6:30 a. m. to arrive Sipocot at 10:20 a. m-; extra train BTO-2 leaves Bato at 2;30 p. m. to arrive Tagkawayan at 8.09 p. m.; extra train L1G 4 leaves Ligao at 12:30 p. m. to arrive Sipocot at 4.16 p.m.; extra train NG 2 leaves Naga at 6:25 p m. to arrive Sipocot at 7:36 p.m. Jimenez directed station personnel and security men to coordinate in the proper handling of passengers and provide them maximum safety and security. He also ordered the suspension of all privilege passes of PNR employees and their depen­ dents in order to give more accomodations to paying passengers. The PNR. head likewise suspended all leaves of ab­ sences ol train personnel during tbe Penafrancia fes­ tivities to ensure availability of manpower in the lines. Sorsogon Fire . . . Catholic Relief Services do­ nated 10.000 lbs. of relief clothing, Seventh Day Ad­ ventists and tbe Armed For­ ces of tbe Philippines gave clothing, food and medicines and several others. Urgent appeals have been made to the b»se eommander of tbe U.S. Navy in Subic Bay and in Sangley Point, to the Sorsogon Association, Bicol Development Planning Board, Jaycees, Philippine Chamber of Commerce. On tbe government side, the Social Welfare Adminis­ tration has given P8.000, the provincial Beard appro­ priated P10.000 to buy a lot. The municipal council hae promised another P10, 000 counterpart while Con­ gressmen Vicente L. Peral. ta has reportedly sought P200.000 from President Marcos for the fire victims: Plans for tbe victims is to purchase a 3-hectare area in Balogo te be subdivided at ISO to 180-square-meter lots payable at Pl per year for ten to 20 years They wlli be assisted with the framework and tbe roof bat they will complete the build­ ing themselves Construction ot roads, sewerage, social ball, school, market will be un­ dertaken by eivic groups; Food for-Peace and tha government. By and large, rehabilitation for tbe fire victims will lie mere closely on tbe self-help basis. PNB Ta pus DBP Dai Pa huelga sa DBP sa lunes puede sindang suspenderon aeia ribayan. Binabasar ni Licaros an saiyang pagboot sa opinion ni Sub Secretario Claudio Taehankee can Jueticia na an mga taga DBP dai nin catanosan na maghuelga ia an banco na ini an trabajo para sa gobierno, baeong arog oan iba na de negocio. An sabi man can mga empleados sa DBP si enot na opinion caidto ni Sec. Ma­ rino baeeng ‘'governmental function" an naturaleza can trabajo can DBP caya igua nin razon na maghuelga An sabi man kan mga taga BBP oa huelgieta an opinion ean secretario de jueticia dai msnigo na marevocar Can opinion nin sarong sub-secretario sane arog ni Teehankee. Si huelga sa PNB na nagpoon ean viernes na aga nahusay toloe. An huelga sa DBP nagpoon can jueves. Gov. Maleniza . . . front of the building last Monday at 10 a. m. (shown by the picture herewith). He made an explanation that the province ia financially io the red; He said that tbe Tabasoo Subsidy Act which requires the province to con­ tribute haif a million pesos or 1.8 % is one of the causes why the board deem­ ed it wise to raise tbe tui­ tion fee in the high school ...However, he said, aa tbe students and their parents want to restore the old tui­ tion fee, the ho and tbe board members would accede to their demands, but tbe case of tbe salaries of tbe te^ohers it would be still tbe subject of further studies by the board so that proper adjustment could be made and then their salaries may be raised. Gov Maleniza was loudly applauded when he made tbis pledge and he together with the board members wore Joint Legislative... system of looal revenue ad­ ministration, and to get the ideas ef local official on possible reforms; and 5) to determine tbe actual extent of tbe implementation of tax­ ing power granted under the Local Autonomy Law and the Revised Barrio Charter; Tba information will be sought by the survey team from the governors, provin­ cial treasurers, assessors, pro­ vincial health officers, agri­ culturists, school superintend­ ents, city end municipal mayors, city and municipal treasurers, municipal health officers, municipal agricul­ turists, distriot school sup­ ervisors and barrio officials, particularly barrio captains and treasurers;. Ths survey will cover tbe two cities of Naga and Le­ gazpi: the province of Albay and the municipalities of Darsga, Manito. Oas; Ligae, Tiwi, Malinao, Polangui, Jovellar, Camalig, Guinobatan; congratulated and lavishly thanked hy Mrs. Conetancia D. Hidalgo, tbe PTA pres­ ident. Rinibong Tao . . . sa tradiciou asin ginigibo taon-taen. Sa sunod na domingo, Ssptiembre 18. iyo an ultimo dia can novenario na duman na gigibohon sa eimbahan nin Penafranoia. Magpoen soodma asin sagkod sa maabot na sabado dai na nin ontoc an abot nin peligresee hale sa laenlaen na lugar ean Bicol asin ibang rona can Pilipinas. An tren igua nin extrang viajes be­ long Manila asin digdi sa Bicol magpoon sa viernes, Septiembre 16 sagkod sa Do­ mingo, 18. An mga autos, buses, lancbas, igua man Din mga viajes espeoiales pasiring sa Naga asin pabalie. Tabace, Malilipot, Bacacay, Sto. DomiDgo, Libon and Pio Duran. Two local finance seminars mill be conducted by the survey team, ooe at Legazpi City on September 13 ana the other at Naga City on September 19, 1966.