The Bicol Star


Part of The Bicol Star

The Bicol Star
Issue Date
Year 35, Vol. 33 (No.10) March 9, 1968
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
extracted text
* Southern Arms & Equipment Co. | t Tel'1I-96-R P.O. Rea 136 ♦ * 230 Elias Angeles Street ♦ * Plaza Kiosk, Naga City X « "EUTECTIC” low-h«at welding t y rods ,for cast iron,stainless steel * X copper, aluminum, zinc, etc. J 0 BUKH” and "SOUTHERN 0 | CROSS” diesel engines. Pumps. | 4 Lathes, Shapers, welders, grin- $ 0 ders, drills, etc. ♦ v Service - Sales - repairs ♦ * Fabrications;—Steel windows, $ v - grills, doors, etc, ♦ Year 35 * Vol. 33 * No. 10 * City of Naga, March 9)k 1968 * 12 Pages * 10 Centavos Roxas Seeks To Create Citizen's Counsel League New Train Service ! Between Naga-Manila | Andolong Denies Aquino’s Charges ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ No Fake Sweeps Tickets Being Sold tothe Public Says Manager NEREO ANDOLONG, Chair- the Philippine senate. Andolong Sen. Gerardo M. Roxas spon- Col. Nicanor T. Jimenez, ge- man and general manager of the said that there were attempts sored recently a bill seeking to create an independent and permanent office to be known as the Office of the Citizen’s Counsel. This permanent and indepen­ dent office shall be clothed with the powers to investigate, criticize publicly, and recommend reme­ dies for the faults of the bureau­ cracy. Senator Roxas explained that today only the grossest instances of mismanagement are accorded enough remedy and cognizance. “Sufficient attention and correct­ ion are seldom given to the many serious, if undramatic, instances of injustice to indivi­ duals, injury to public interest, and plain and simple inefficiency imputable to the various admi­ nistrative sectors of the govern­ ment.” Roxas said. Blame for this he stated “lies on the inordinately political” orient­ ation of most of our administraSenator Roxas tive reforms that are generally gear­ ed towards the sensational and the big scandals in the government.” “ The less sensational but very r<?al difficulties that are everyday inflicted on the common tao by the inefficient, arbitrary and the outright unscrupulousness of the (Continued on page 8) nerai manager ot tne rmiippine National Railways, announced recently the introduction of a new motor train service between Manila and Naga City effective March 1, 1968. Using the newly arrived diesel rail cars, the new train will leave Manila everyday at 9:40 a.m. to arrive at Naga City at 8: the evening. On its return trip this will leave Naga City at 4:30 a.m. arriving Manila at 2:38 p.m. Jimenez said that the new train schedule will serve stations unserved by present express trains to the South. This new train is designed primarily for points in the south where there are now other means of trans­ portation. This train will stop in (Continued on page 5) Sa Isay An Responsable Paggadan Ki Gob. Alberto? i 111 nppinc L>nar<iy owecpsiuKCS strongly denied and answered the charges of fraud and mis­ management thrusted against the PCSO by Senator Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. in his privileged speech last Wednesday night in ANDOLONG maae Dy some persons to aetraua the PCSO by presenting some “doctored” tickets for collection of prizes but were frustrated and' nipped in the bud. Tickets issued by the PCSO to authorized agents and being sold to the public are printed with great care and security on imported paper from England and foolproofed with perforations that could not be duplicated. Andolong furnished the Senate Committee on games and amuse­ ments and tourism the documents describing the different steps in the process of production and distribution of tickets of the PCSO, so it would be fully informed of the matter. The manager further explained that all unused spoiled and dam­ aged paper requisitioned for print­ ing of tickets are always condem(Continued on page 8) D.I. Supreme Regent Due Here; Naga Host to D of I District Convention Mrs. Anna C. Walsh, Sup­ reme Regent of the Daughters of Isabela, is due to arrive from - the United States to be the guest of honor of the 1st Dist­ rict Convention of the Daughters of Isabela at the Colegio de Sta. Isabel in the City of Naga on March 9 and 10, 1968. The theme of the convention will be: “Charity-Love of God and Love of Neighbor." Vice Mayor Jenny F. Perez, the Supreme Director of the Daughters of Isabela, called all the Regents of the D of I cir­ cles of the Bicol Region last Saturday to lay down the prepa­ rations for their first District Convention. Those who attended WeDr. Edith D. Dizon, Regent cf the Lady of Nativity Circle No. 1019, Naga City; Atty. Charito Q. Losa, Regent of the Blessed Sacrament Circle No. 1145, Naga City: Mrs. Adela C. Malonda, Regent of the Little Flower Circle No. 1090, Iriga, Camaiines Sur; and Mrs. Francisca K. Moll, Regent of the Holy Trinity Circle No. 1091, Tigaon, Camarines Sur. Unable to attend the executive meeting were Mrs. Aurora C. Vinzons, Regent of the Holy Family Circle No. 932, Daet, Camarines Norte, Mrs. Cielo Yujuico, Regent of the Sta. Rita’s Circle No. 928, Legazpi City, and Mrs. Naty Pigon, Re­ gent of the St. Therese Circle No. 1061, Ligao, Albay. (Continued on page 5) Sagkod gnonian dai pa nangad nahuhusay kun sa isay an mga responsables can paggadan cadtong gobernador Juan Alber­ to can Catanduanes. Si Alberto binadil can Septiembre 18, 1967 sa groundfloor can Government Service Insurance System sa calle Arroceros sa Manila mientras siya naghahalat can elevator na saiyang lulunadan pa itaas sa saiyang oficina. Si Alberto miernbro can Junta de Gobernadores can GSIS. Cal. 45 an badil na iginadan sail a. Segun sa' bareta igua gabos nin sampolo catao an sinasahutan na invuelto can paggadan ki Alber­ to, alagad tolo pa sana an arestado asin nlcuculong can CIS; an pito dai pa pigsasambit an ngaran alagad caiba na sinda sa sampolong acusado por asesinato (murder) sa fiscalia sa Ma­ nila. Dai mahahaloy dadarhon (Dagos sa pagina8) Price Breakthrough RHF AppropraitesP300-Tfor Ragay And Sipocot Emergency Hospitals P200,000 For Cam. Sur Provincial Hospital Congressman Ramon Felipe, Jr. of the First District of Cama­ rines Sur announced that the Municipalities of Sipocot and Ragay, Camarines Sur will soon have their own emergency hos­ pitals. In Republic Act No. 5187, otherwise known as the Public Works Act of 1968, Cong. Felipe included the following appropria­ tions: “Page 31 Item No. 15: CAMA­ RINES SURa) Sipocot Emergency Hospi­ tal P150.000 b) Ragay Emergency Hospital 150,000” (Continued on page 6-A) Rep. FELIPE Schistosomiasis problem inS gen One of the biggest health problems in this province is schistosomiasis or snail fever as it is also known. Some 4,000 persons in the Juban-Irosin val­ ley are said to be afflicted with this debilitating disease. Schistosomiasis is a chronic parasitic disease caused by a blood worm (schistosoma Japonicum) transmitted by certain type of aquatic snails. The di­ sease affects not only human be­ ings but also domestic animals such as pigs, dogs, carabaos and cattle. i In the Philippines the inter­ mediate host of the disease is (Continued on page 6-A) Abaca World Market Increased A floor price for abaca fibers in the world market that would result in the general increase of the per capita income by our local producers was approved in the recently concluded interna­ tional conference on hard fibers in Rome, it was announced by Dr. Estelito M. Madrid, Chair­ man-General Manager of the Abaca Corporation of the Philip­ pines. modity is increased by 2.5 to 3.5 cents per pound of the raw fi­ bers or an average increase of from P28 to P35 'per bale over the current price to be imple­ mented gradually. Dr. Madrid said that the increase of abaca floor price was the vital point of the position paper he submitted to the dele­ gation left for Rome. The mission, Dr. Madrid ad­ ded, was a great success because an increase of at least $5 per bale would mean an increase of $35 million earning in foreign exchange for the country consi­ dering that our annual average abaca export is around 700,000 bales. Madrid, who arrived from Rome recently was one of the Philippine delegates to the cru­ cial meet that presages the up­ ward swing of our heretofore dwindling abaca industry. As approved, the recommend­ ed indicative price of the com­ In his discussion with abaca end-users and industrialists in continental. Europe, America and Japan, Madrid observed that: 1. The inroad of synthetic fi­ bers in the manufacture of cordage poses a great threat to the sur­ vival of the abaca industry. The fall in demand for hard' fibers and corresponding drop in price is traceable to the increasing use of synthetics; 2. Rope manufacturers would prefer synthetics to abaca the moment its production cost is lowered. However, since the cost to produce synthetics for the present is three times as (.Continued on page 6 A) 4-H Club Prov’l. Rallies Scheduled The 16th 4-H Club Provin­ cial Rallies in the six Bicol pro­ vinces will start on Saturday, this was bared by Mr. Abraham H. Acompanado, Regional Rural Youth Club Supervisor of the Agricultural Productivity Com­ mission this region. Highlights of the affair will be the different methods demonstra­ tion on 4-H club subjects such as field crops, poultry and swine raising, vegetable gardening, en­ tomology, foods and nutrition, home industry, home improve­ ment, and clothing including judging contest, interview of project contestants and talent (Continued on page 8) 2 * THE BICOL STAR ★ March 9, 196S * tLlic ^Bicnl JBtar * ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE. CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES ON MAY 20, 1933. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY ★ jQumiitgn ^Escalante GENERAL MANAGER, PUBLISHER & EDITOR IHeumj fUafuagint JlnntM ^suiteintt JBal. (dM. jOitnmguitt ^iltaerio jAlcaht ADVERTISING & PROMOTION ^nnten JL ^stalauie CIRCULATION & SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTION RATES; P4.00 PER YEAR; P2.50 6 MONTHS P. O. BOX 123, CITY OF NAGA. PHILIPPINES partial review by Andres G. Diez For Public Information We are here bringing to the attention of all the citizens important matters affecting their lives which are given primordial concern by the present provincial administration. Immediately after Gover­ nor Cledera assumed office, one of his original plans was to organize the Provincial Economic Council for the purpose of assisting him in the implementation of his program of government. This thinking of Gov. Cledera preceded a considerable amount of time the recent Executive Order of Pres. Marcos enjoining all provincial executives to organize es early as pos­ sible their Provincial Economic Councils. One of the imperative necessities for the people of this province is to know our total present population. According to statistics it has reached the staggering total of 1,015,000 which is about the equivalent of the popu­ lations of the provinces of Albayand Camarines Nor­ te. Of this total population of our province 63% depends on farming and the remaining 30% directly or indirectly depends on fishing industry. Immediately upon assuming office, Gov. Cledera has launched an intensified agricultural campaign with the fullest cooperation of our Agricultural Pro­ ductivity Commission. In appreciation to the farm­ ers’ enthusiastic response, the Provincial Board in the Month of January approved a resolution setting aside the amount of P3.600.00 for purchase of short­ crop seedlings for distribution to the small farmers. Through his own efforts our province has also received sometime in the month of February this year, a considerable amount of varied seedlings from the American government which were immediately dis­ tributed to our farmers by the Agricultural Product­ ivity Commission. The second phase of the provincial administra­ tion that the Governor is now attending to is the promotion and improvement of our fishing industry in conformity to its importance to the 37% of our population who depend on this undertaking for live­ lihood. The Philippine National Bank, for the pur­ pose of he'ping our provincial administration has recently approved the amount of P25.000.00 as aid to our small fishermen in the form of small loans. In view of the insufficiency of this financial aid, the Provincial Governor hopes that the Provincial Econo­ mic Council upon being organized will successfully find a way by which funds for aids for our small fishermen can be augmented. Part of the Governor’s time during these two months that he is in office was spent in mutual con­ sultations with the Officers Incharge of the Bureaus of Land and Forestry. The purpose was for him to obtain full knowledge of how these two bureaus are administering these public properties of the govern­ ment. The Governor is also very much interested in the reforestation of our denudedforestal areas. It is our belief therefore that with all his dedication to public service the people can hope to see a new province emerging from what Camarines Sur was known in former days. Aggiornaineiito I I Alfredo G. Parpan, S.J. As Advent looked towards Christmas, so does Lent, to Easter. During both seasons of wait ng the liturgical color is nurple. It is the color­ symbol for penance. Because it is often raised, it is good to air the question: Do pe­ nance, self denial and morti­ fication hane any meaning still today? The things of this world and the human body have also their values. Why this laborious exercise of virtue in order to attain ( hristian per­ fection when we o u g h t to acknowledge the goodness of human nature? To many of us Christians these dags, es­ pecially among our literati and urban folks, penance and asceticism hove indeed lost their meaning the March Apostleship of Prayer leaflet reminds us, because the pur­ suit of pleasure and comfort holds a stronger attraction. But we are still called to penance. The March intention re minds us that the purpose of penance and asceticism is to free the soul of inordinate elements, lest we become en­ tangled in the enjoyment of earthly things. A person in­ deed cannot be master of his passions, nor be temperate in the use of earthly goods with­ out some restrictions. We ought, in a responsible way to practice the penance which before God we know we need; what and how the law of pe­ nance obliges us. We should patiently accept the sufferings, difficulties and pains which God in His Divine Providence allows us and do some volun­ tary acts of penance besides. Devotion to the Sacred Heart, we are reminded one more, will help much- especially with its practice of reparation to help us understand these virtues By penance and asce­ ticism we begin to think, feel and acl like Christ. Without these virtues, w1. eannot even think of ourselves as genuine Christians. If you will, remember fast and abstinence is kept on Ash Wed­ nesday and Good Friday. Strict abstinence must be ob­ served on all Fridays of Lent. On all Fridays of the year outside Lent, all the faithful who have completed 14 years oj age have the choice of either to observe abstinence, or to perform a work tf mercy, an act of piety or any work of the lay apostolate. The stress, do not forget, is on the spirilnot the letter of the law. The stereotyped image of the convento-priest, thank God, is fast becoming passe. We see the "new breed" a pace­ setter in many things seeming­ ly far removed from the ambit of the sanctuary and sacristy. Among last year’s TOYM awardees was a young secular priest of the Manila Arch­ diocese who was cited for his “humanitarian” services. For one called to the professed vo­ cation of an "alter Christus” nothing less could be expected of course. The award embodies however the public expectalionand approbation of the new breed’s realization that there’s mare to the priesthood besides Mass and the Sacraments and that "souls” entrusted to their care are not disembodied creatures and that impoverish­ ed and hungry parishioners scrounging about for their next meal won't have much time for God. Padre Kikoy Molina may not get the limelight of a TOYM award. But he too is Army type Pre-Fab Schoolhouses may be manufactured in C. Sur by joaquin t. Rep. Felix A. Fuenbella re"ommended to Col. Elezar Pinto, chief engineer of the Presidenliil School Building Commit ee, Camp General Emilio Aguinaldo, the es­ tablishment of a School Building Plant for the ma­ nufacture of army-typed pre­ fabricated sch mlhouses in the municipality of Garhitorena here. The second district solon’s move was in response to the representations made by Garchitorena Mayor Tomas B. Riva. Fuentebella batted strongly for this project in as much as Garchitorena has vast areas of forest from where lumber materials required maybe taken. He said there are plenty of sand and gravel resources in the nearby places arou d the locality which can be made into hollow blocks at a very 'ow cost. Fuentebe'la saiJ the loca­ tion of the school building plant in Gar-hitorena is both stra egic and convenient for purposes of distribution. The municipality of Garchilorena is located along the Northeastern Coast of this province and it is ac­ cessible to ocean-going ves­ sels which anchor at the Sisiran Bay just in front of the townsite, he said. Fuentebella said, school building materials can be cheaply transported to reachable places in this province, ot er municipalities STTA advocates 'Wildlife Week' The Sorsogon Tourist and Tra­ vel Association has sought a pre­ sidential proclamation declaring a National “Wildlife Prevention Week.” In seeking the proclamation, STTA said “the problem of pre­ serving wildlife in the country has become critical in the wake of the destruction of their habittats through logging operations and kaingins.” It urged civic organizations and school authorities to drum up action for a coordinated drive towards the conservation of the country’s wildlife now facing ex­ tinction due to indiscriminate hunting and destruction of ha­ bitats. STTA stated that observance of a week in a year wherein eve­ ryone from all walks of life is made aware of the value and ne­ cessity of the conservation of wildlife was necessary to protect it from becoming extinct. * * * of the new breed. He cannot help but be concerned with the sad state of the read and the wooden bridges that link his five-year old mountain parish of Sari Raman to the outside world. He is one with the bar­ rio captains of his parish in all that concern community development. In fact, his is the moving spirit. The enthusiastic response generated by the Priests’ Se minor sponsored by the Union of Caceres Clergy in Naga City last month will probably ensure the holding of such sessions as annual affairs. Priestsnot only from Caceres but from Legazpi (e.g. Msgr. Jose San­ chez whose appointment as bishop was announced after one noon session) and Sorso­ taduran, jr. of Camarines Norte, Catanduanes, Aloay, Sorsogon, Masbate and even the East­ ern Visayan provinces. The establishment of . this plant will also create J o b opportunities for residents of the coastal towns o f this province like Caramoan, Garchitorena, Siruma and Parubcan, he said. The second district solan added the establishment of a School Buildi g Pi a nt in Garchitorena is now under the project study of the Pres­ idential School Building Committee authorities. Longer pasture leases up for study The plan for longer leases of pasture lands in order to stimulate animal raising is under study by the Bureau of Plant In­ dustry on orders of Pres­ ident Marco?. The President directed newly-designated Forest­ ry Director Teofilo San­ tos to prepare the plan in two weeks. The Chief Executive observed that the ten-year period pro­ vided by existing regula­ tions is tuo short for long range planning. The Constitution, how­ ever. authorizes the grant of 25 year leases, renew­ able for another 25 years. Juan R. Ravelo, assist­ ant chief of the Land Uses Division of the Bu­ reau of Forestry has in­ formed Malacanang that only a few lease contracts had been approved. He said that thegranting of leases of pasture lands was even suspended in 1965, when then Just­ ice Secretary Salvador Marino ruled that past­ ure grants should be issued only through pub­ lic bidding. The Marino desision nullified all lease grants issued earlier. But this was modified by Pres­ ident Marcos sueh that pasture grants issued prior to the Marino ruling should be subsisting. gon (e.g. Fr. Gregorio Triunfante, Spiritual Director of the first Cursillo in Caceres) at­ tended the three-day lecture forum and exchange of ideas. On the panel of lecturers with t w o Dominican theologians (Frs. Loenardo Legazpi and Pedro Salgado), a Carmelite Bishop {Msgr. Julio X. Labayen, National Director of So­ cial Action) and Naga Major Seminary’s Fr. Alberto Roman, C.M. was a layman, Atty. Jeremias Montemayor, Pres­ ident of the Federation of Free Farmers, who talked on “Rural Development.” H i s message? The root cause of the problems of poverty and hunger in the world is social injustice and no Christian can fail to ignore it and do something about ill March 9, J9o8 -fc THE JICOL STAR Ar 3 • LEGAL NOTICES* LEGAL NOTICE Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Gty of Naga SPS. TOMAS YAP & MARIA UY Mortgagee, -versusSPS. ANDRES REYES & CONSORCIA P. REYES, Mortgagors FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 Notice of Extra-Judicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended Whereas, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of real estate mortgage executed by the Spouses ANDRES REYi?S & CONSORCIA P. REYES of Minahbac, Cttnarines Sur, in iavoi of the Spouses TOMAS YAP & MARIA UY of Legazpi City, under date of March 25, 1965, and for the satisfaction of the debt of TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND AND ONE HUNDRED PESOS, (P23.1OO), Philippine currency, as of March 25, 1957, plus interest at the rate of twelve (12) per cent per annum from March 26, 1965 up to the date of payment and plus attorney’s fees and the sheriff's fees and other lawful expenses incident to this auction sale, the undersigned Provincial Sheriff ex-officio of Camarines Sur, announces that on March 18, 1968, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock i n the morning and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon, will sell at public auction at the Sheriff’s office located on the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur, in Naga City, to the highest bidder for cash in Philippine currency, the following des­ cribed properties together with all the improvements thereon, to wit: LIST OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 6233 — CAM. SUR "A parcel of land, Lot No. 3, Psu-169944, Beginning at a point marked “1” of Lot 3 on plan Psu-169944, being N. 88-54'W., 1113.38 m. from B.L.L.M. 3, Mp. of Milaor, Prov. of Camarines Sur. xxx containing an area of TWO HUNDRED TWENTYllVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED AND ONE (225,301) square meters. Bounded on the East, along lines 1-2-3-4, by Lot 1, l’su-167197 (Basilio Monte); on the Southwest, along lines 4-5-67-8-9-10-11-22-23-14 15, by Quinale Creek; on the West, along lines 15-16-17, by Lot 1, Psu-169944; on the Northwest, and North, along lines 17-18-19-20 and 20-1, by Fundado Cieek. Declared under Tax No. 4700, valued at P7.610.” TRANSFER CERTIFICATE OF TITLENO. 6232 — CAM SUR “Beginning at a point marked "1” of Lot 2 on plan Psu-169944, being N. 77-00’W„ 1126.32m. from B.L.L.M. 3, Mp. of Milaor, Province of Camarines Sur. xxx containing an area of THIRTYNINE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-NINE (39,969) Square Meters. Bounded on the East, along line 1-2, by Psu-143895 (Jesus Hidalgo); on the South, along lines 2-3 4-5, by Fundado Creek; on the West, along line 5-6, by Nicomedes Pado; on the North, along lines 6-7 8■'V, by Marciano Quijano; and along line 9-1, by Rosa Verano. Declared under Tax No. 4758 A, valued at Pl,080.” In accordance with law, this notice of extra-judicial sale of mortgaged properties under Act 3135 as amended will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol provinces including the province of Camarines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date set for the auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted on three different public and conspicuous places in the Municipality of Milaor, Camarines Sur where the foregoing described real properties are located, and another three copies of same notice will be posted in the City of Naga (one at the Bulletin Board in the Provincial Capitol Building) where the auction sale will be conducted, for the information of all concerned. Prospective bidders or buyers of the above-described real pro­ perties together with all the improvements thereon, are hereby en­ joined to investigate for themselves the titles of the properties and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any, for their own interest. Done in Naga City, Philippines, this 20th day of February, 1968. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex Officio Provincial Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. Feb. 24, March 2, and 9, 1968. LEGAL Pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given, that an Extrajudi­ cial Settlement of Estate With Sale, has been executed by the Heirs of the late Francisco Asia and the only son Felix Asia, al­ so deceased. The only living heirs are Emilia Briones, the sur­ viving wife of Felix Asia and her son Nemesio Asia. The set­ tlement affects the property co­ vered by Original Certificate of Title No. 7577 situated in ToraNOTICE que, Sagnay, Camarines Sur with an area of 16,056 sq. m. and is being sold to Zoilo Canicola, for Pl,000.00. The instrument was executed February 19, 1968 before Notary Public Hilario Espano of Canaman, Camarines Sur and record­ ed in his notarial register as Doc. No. 1008; Page No. 72; Book No. XXI; Series of 1968, THE BICOL STAR: Pub. February 24, March 2 & 9, 1968. and 7825 Cayetano Garcia; on the West, by property of 7827 Gregorio Escura. Containing an area of 2.0954 Hectares, with an Assessed Value of P790.00; Pro­ minent Landmarks; Coconut trees as boundaries. TAX DECLARATION No. 14311 -GUBAT, SORSOGON A parcel of land (Cadastral Lot No. 7883), situated in the barrio of Jupi, Mun. of Gubat, Prov. of Sorsogon. Bounded on the North, by property of Apo­ lonio Erpe; on the East, by Brook; on the South, by River; and on the West, by property of 7885 Evaristo Estremera. Containing an area of 1.1868 hectares, with an assessed value of Pl50.00. Prominent Landmarks: Two big pili trees. All the above untitled properties are in the possession of the own­ er and his predecessors in inte­ rest for more than ten (10) years. The above described untitled properties are not registered under Act 496 nor under the Spanish Mortgage Law and the same will be registered under the provisions of Act 3344, as amended. ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. P—5019 SORSOGON A parcel of land (Lot No. 883A, Cad. 2972), situated in the Sitio of Tabog, Poblacion, Mun. of Gubat,Prov. of Sorsogon.Bounded on the S., W„ and NW., along lines 1-2-3-4 by Lot 883B, Cad-6972; on the E., along lines 4-5-1 by Bonifacio Drive. Containing an area of THREE HUNDRED (300) SQUARE METERS, more or less. Covered bv TD No. 13522, assessed at P27O.OO; NOTE: This lot is iden­ tical to Lot 9512, a portion of Lot 883, Cad - 308 - D, and is covered by FPA No. 11-5284. WHEREAS, in accordance with law, this notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged properties will be published once a week for three consecutive weeks in the BICOL STAR a weekly regional newspaper and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol Region including the province cf Sorso­ gon, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies will be posted in three conspicuous public places in the Municipality of Gubat, -Sorsogon, where the properties are located and same copies will be posted at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, where the properties will be sold for public auction sale will take place. WHEREFORE, prospect i v e buyers or bidders are hereby en­ joined to investigate for themselves the title of the properties and the encumbrances thereto if there be any for their own protection. Done at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, this 9th day of February, 1968. ARTURO R. ARGUELLES Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon Pub. Feb. 24, Mar. 2, & 9, ’68 NOTICE Notice hereby given that the estate left by the Late Hospicio M. Morales, who died intes­ tate on May 29, 1959, consisting of two (2) lots denominated as Lot I-D & Lot 2-B-4, both of Plan Psd-29121, situated in the Bo. of Cagmanaba, Ocampo, Cam. Sur, and embraced by TCT. No. 826, has been settled extra-judicially by his heirs, namely: the surviving widow, Maxima Miranda and children; Maria Jose, Julia, Pedro, Dolores, Catalina, Braulio, Domingo, Rosario, Lydia & Josefina, all surnamed Morales, with subse­ quent sale of said lots unto Temporo Dy y Morales for 18,000.00, said deed acknow­ ledged before Not. Pub. Maria V. Legazpi of Manila per Doc. No. 39; Page 9: Book I; S. 1967 on Oct. 6, 1957. Pub. Feb. 24, March 2, 9, 1968. NOTICE Pursuant to Section I, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that an Extraju­ dicial Settlement of Estate Withi Sale was executed by legal heirs of the late EUFRECINA DELI­ NA who died intestate on |August 2, 1961 in barrio Bulalacao, Municipality of Parubcan, Cama­ rines Sur, namely: Domingo Pa lero, spouse of the decedent: Blas, Veronica, Rafael, Manuel, Amparo, Loreta Elias and Pilar, all surnamed Palero, children of the decedent, of legal age; Fili­ pinos, residents of Bulalacao, Pa­ rubcan, C. Sur, adjudicating unto themselves pro-indiviso the parcel of agricultural land, loca ted in Bulalacao, Parubcan, Cam. Sur, with an area of 7.2678 hectares, more or less, co­ vered by OCT No. 16269 (Free Patent) — Cam. Sur, under Tax Dec. No. 2544 valued at P520 and simultaneously sold it unto their co-heir Veronica Pa­ lero for a consideration of P3.500. The instrument was acknow­ ledged before Notary Public Pe­ dro D. Servano, at Naga City on Feb. 9, 1968, per Doc. No. 56; Page 12; Book 8; S. 1968. Pub. Feb. 24, Mar. 2 & 9, 1968 Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Sorsogon, Sorsogon DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Formerly RFC., Mortgagee, - versus - DOMINGO ESCANDOR and ESTER ESPALDON, Mortgagors. FORECLOSU R E X............................................... x Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mort$a$ed Properly Under Act 3135 as Amended WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the Real Instate Mortgage executed by the Spouses, DOMINGO ES­ CANDOR AND ESTER ES­ PALDON, of Gubat, Sorsogon, in favor of the DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, formerly Rehabilitation Finance Corporation, under date of May 29, 1964, and for the satisfaction of the debt of TWO THOU­ SAND TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO AND 73/100 (P2,272.73), Philippine Currency, as of May 19, 1967, including interest thereon, plus daily inte­ rest and expenses thereafter, plus 10% of the total amount of in­ debtedness as attorney’s fees also secured by said mortgage, the undersigned ex-officio Provincial Sheriff, ANNOUNCES that on March 22, 1968, at 9:00 o’clock in the morning at the Sheriff’s Office below the Court house at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, he will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION, for cash and in Philippine Currency to the highest bidder, the follow­ ing real properties, together with all the improvements thereon existing, to wit: TAX DECLARATION No. 13194 —GUBAT, SORSOGON A parcel of land (Cadastral Lot No. 9058), situated in the Barrio of Cabigaan, Municipality of Gubat, Province of Sorsogon, Bounded on the North, by pro­ perties of Estaquio Esquillo and 9037 Alfonso Escalona, 9030 Fran­ cisco Escorido; on the East, by properties of 9038 Antipas Espadero and 9040 Antonio Acu­ na; on the South, by properties of 9044 Victor Estrellado, 9047 Valeriano Faviola and 9057-9052 Casiano Escobedo; and on the West, by property of Eutiquio Esquillo. Containing an area of 1.2720 hectares. Prominent Land marks: Coconut trees; Assessed at P410.00. TAX DECLARATION No. 14309 -GUBAT. SORSOGON A parcel of land (Cadastral Lot No. 20 and 914), situated in the Barrio of Pitnontignan, Mun. of Gubat, Prov. of Sorsogon. Bounded on the North, by pro­ perties of 19 Pascual Espino and Gaudencio Fernando; on the East, by Seashore; on the South, by properties of 21 Pascual Espano and 315 Hrs. of C. Eguesa; and on the West, by Rizal Street. Containing an arei of ONE THOUSAND SEVEN HUN­ DRED SIXTY THREE (1,763) SQUARE METERS more or less. Prominent Landmark: Planted with 4 coconut trees. Assessed at Pl,210.00. TAX DECLARATION No. 14310 —GUBAT, SORSOGON A parcel of land (Cadastral Lot No. 7824), situated in the barrio of Escabella, Tin's, Mun. of Gubat, Prov. of Sorsogon. Bounded on the North, by pro­ perties of 7822 Ernesto Estur and 7846 Fortunato Estur; on the East, by properties of 7896 Luis Escasinas and 7897 Gregorio Garcia; on the South, by pro­ perties of 7896 Luis Escasinas LEGAL NOTICE Pursuant to Sec. 1, Rule 74 of the New Rules of Court, Notice is hereby given that the estate left by the late spouses, Perfecto Popa and Rufina Villete, consist­ ing of a parcel of land identified as Lot No. 293, Pls-687-D, with an area of 16,829 sq. m. and covered by OCT. No 17413, has been the subject of an Affidavit of Adjudication by their sole heir, Jose Popa, executed before Not. Pub. Hilario Espano per Doc. No. 1021; Page 75; Bk. XXXI; S. 1968 on February 14, 1968. Pub. Feb. 24, Mar. 2, 9, 1968. Be Wise, Advertise in .. . <3Ilje ®irnl JBfar The oldest newspaper in Bicolandia— Now on its 35 years of public service. City of Naga 1 * THE BICOL STAR ★ March 9, J9b8 -----------—---------------------------------- —' LEGAL NOTICE legal notic e & Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Sorsogon, Sorsogon DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Formerly RFC., Mortgages, -versusPEDRO DIONELA 1st. and DATIVA DONlNA, Mortgagors. FORECLOSURE X............................................ X Notice of Extrajudicial Safe of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended By virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of real estate mortgage executed by the Spouses PEDRO DIONELA 1st. and DATIVA DONiNA, both of legal age, Filipinos, Mortgagors, with residence and postal address at Bulawau, Piieto Diaz, Sorsogon, in favor of the DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, formerly R.F.C., Mortgagee, under date of January 6, 1965, and for the satisfaction of the debt in the amount of EIGHT HUNDRED NINETEEN and 39/100 PESOS (P819.39) Philippine Currency, including interest thereon, plus daily interest and expenses thereafter, plus 10% of the total amount of indebtedness as attorney’s fees also secured by said mortgage, the undersigned Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, ANNOUNCES that on March 22, 1968, at 10:00 o'clock in the morning at the Sheriff’s Office below the Court­ house at Sorsogon, Sorsogon he will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine Currency, together with all the improvements thereon existing, to wit; Tax Declaration No. 4677 - Prieto Diaz, Sorsogon A parcel of land situated in barrio of Bulawan, Municipality of Prieto Diaz, Province of Sorsogon, Bounded on the North, by Biena Dichoso; on the East, by Creek and beyond Perfecto Dionela; on the South, by Creek and beyond Francisco Dionela and Ramon Dualin; and on the West, by Lucas and Jaime Dionela. Containing an area' of 3.4925 hectares and Assessed at P840.00. Landmark: Brook, takilala and dapdap trees. In posses­ sion of the present owner and his predecessors in interest for more than ten years. The above described property is not registered under Act 496 nor under the Spanish Mortgage Law, hence the same will be registered under Act 3344, as amended. In accordance with law, this notice of extrajudicial sale of mortgaged property will be published once a week for three consecu­ tive weeks in the BICOL STAR a weekly newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol Region including the province cf Sorsogon, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time, three copies will be posted in the Municipality of Prieto Diaz, Sorsogon, where the property is located and same copies will be posted at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, where the auction sale will be conducted. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investi­ gate for themselves the title of the property and the encumbrances thereto if there be any for their protection. Sorsogon, Sorsogon, February 10, 1968. ARTURO R. ARGUELLES Ex-Officio Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, Sorsogon Pub. Feb. 24, Mar. 2, 9, ’68. ATTENTION STAMP ANO COVER COLLECTORS! The LONDON COVER CIRCUIT, Great Britain, an inter­ national stamp and cover club, with members in all parts of the world, invites Filipino collectors to join as life members. As a member of this club you will have the chance of building your stamp collection. You will receive beautiful and unique covers from your fellow-members throughout the world via the LCC circuits. This is also a marvelous opportunity for each one to be a goodwill ambassador. Official application form will be sent to you if you will fill out the coupon and mail it to the Club officer whose address appears below. COUPON V. Pagdatoon Box 89, Naga City Please send me the official application form for life mem­ bership in ’the LONDON COVER CIRCUIT. I enclose two ten-centavo stamps. (Applicant under 16 years of age not ac­ cepted). (Please print clearful AGE ADDRESS \Be Wise, Advertise in . . . QTfje iBicol £btar The Oldest Regional Newspaper in the Bicol Region. 604-D P. Zamora St., City oj Naga Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Sorsogon, Sorsogon DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, - versus - PASCUAL CORREA and FRECENA GAUDO, Mortgagors. FORECLOSU R E X............................................... X Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mort^ed Properties Under Act 3135 as Attended WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of Attorney inserted in the deed of mortgage executed by the spouses, PASCUAL COR­ REA and EUFRECENA GAU­ DO, both of legal age, Filipinos, with residence and postal address at San Antonio, Sta. Magdalena, Sorsogon, in favor of the DEVE­ LOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, formerly Reha­ bilitation Finance Corporation under date of December 1, 1959, and for the satisfaction of the debt of SEVEN HUNDRED SEVENTY FOUR PESOS and 30/100 (P774.30), Philippine Curs rency, plus six (6%) percent annual interest on the * amount of P774.30 from September 21, 1967, plus attorney’s fees in the amount of SEVENTY SEVEN PESOS and 43/100 (P77.43), and the fees and expenses in con­ nection with this sale secured by said mortgage, the Provincial Sheriff of Sorsogon, thru the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff, ANNOUNCES that on March 22, 1968, at 9:00 o’clock in the morning, he will sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following real property, together with all the improvements thereon. EUTAX DECLARATION NO. 4331,-STA. MAGDA­ LENA, SORSOGON A parcel of land situated in the sitio of Bolo, barrio of Esperanza, municipality of Sta. Magdalena, province of Sorso­ gon, Philippines. Bounded on the North, by property’ of Ireneo Dayto and Patricio Brences; on the East, by pro­ perty of Region Fulgar, Celes­ tino Genavia and Canoto Gacosta; on the South, by properties of Domingo Frilles and Antonio Memoracion; and on the West, by properties of Jose Pulo de Correa and Ber­ nardo Castano. Containing an area of 6.0007 hectares. In the possession of the owners for 24 years. Assessed Value: P310. Prominent Landmarks. Monu­ ments and Boulders. The above-described property is not registered under Act 496 nor under the Spanish Morgaged law hence the same will be registered under the provisions of Act 3344, as amended. WHEREAS, by virtue of the aforecited foreclosure and pur­ suant to Section 16, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, this notice will be published in. the Bicol Star, a regional weekly news­ paper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol Region, including the pro.ince of Sorsogon, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of auction sale. Three copies of this notice will be posted on three different public and conspicuous places in the municipality of Sta. Magdalena, Sorsogon, where the above-des­ cribed property is located and likewise copies will be posted on Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES S J.< 10th Judicial .Djptrict OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, Mortgagee, -versusISABEL RENOVILLA, Mortgrgor FORCLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGED Under Act 3135 x - - - - - x Notice Of Extra-Judicial Sak Mortgage Property Whereas, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the deed of real estate mortgage executed by Msr. ISABEL RENOVILLA, widow, of Magarao, Camarines Sur under date of August 16, 1961, in favor of the PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, at Naga City, and for the satisfaction of the debt of FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED 20/100 PESOS (P5.900.20) Philippine currency as of January 16, 1968, plus interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum or a daily interest of PI.2976 on the amount of P4,735.45 from January 17, 1968 to the date of sale, plus attorney’s fees of 10% of the total amount due and together with the sheriff’s fees and lawful expenses incident to this foreclosure-sale, the undersigned Provincial Sheriff ex-officio of Camarines Sur announces that on March 18, 1968 between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon, at the Sheriff’s office located on the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur in Naga City, he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency the following described mort­ gaged properties together with all the improvements existing thereon,, to wit: List of Properties Mortgaged TRANSFERCERtlFICA TE ( F TITLE NO. 80 CAM. SUR Three (3) parcels of agricultural land, together with all the improvements thereon, situated in the barrio of Casuray, Municipality of Magarao, Camarines Sur xxx Lot 4- Tax Declaration No, 5957- As essed at F190. Bounded on the NE., and SE. by property of Roman Zabaldica; on the SW., by property of Bartolome Pabello and Gelacio Sanabo; on the NW., by property of Vicente Bernal, con­ taining an area af NINE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND SIXTY THREE (9,263) square meters, more or less. Lot 5 Tax Declaration Nc, 5955 Assessed at P330. Bounded on the N., and W., by property of Ponciano Garcera; on the SE., and E., by property of Bartolome Pabello; and on the S., by property of Hipolito Bello containing an area of SIX­ TEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINE (16,529) Square Meters, more or less. xxx. Lot 7- Tax Declaration No. 8582 - Asseael al T8,930. Bounded on the NE., by properties of Vicente Borja and the Heirs of Ciriaco Sambo; on the E., by Casuray Creek; on the SE., by properties of the Heirs of Ramon Aspe and Agapito Bernas; on the SW., by properties of th; Heirs of Ramon Aspe and Julian Padeles; and on the NW , by property of Ramon Aspe, containing an area of TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUN­ DRED AND TWENTY-SEVEN (222, 827) Sq. M., more or less, xxx of which premises the mortgagor is the registered owner in accordance with the Land Registration Law, her title thereto being evidenced by Transfer Certificate of Title No. 80. In accordance with law, this notice of extra-judicial sale of mortgaged properties will' be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga having a wide general circulation in the Bicol provinces including the province of Camarines Sur, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date set for the auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time three copies of this notice will be posted ' on three different public and conspicuous places in the Municipality of Magarao, Camarines Sur where the foregoing ^described real proper­ ties are located, another three copies of same notice will be posted in the City of Naga (one at the Bulletin Board in the Provincial Capitol Building) where the auction sale will take place, for the information of all concerned. Prospective bidders or buyers are hereby enjoined to investi­ gate for themselves the title of the properties advertised hereof and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any, for the protection of their own interest. Done in’Naga City, Philippines, this 23th day of February, 1968. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex Officio Provincial ..Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. Feb. 24, March 2, and 9, 1968. public and conspicuous places in Sorsogon, Sorsogon, where the auction sale will be conducted. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investi­ gate for themselves the title and encumbrances of the property if there be any. Done at Sorsogon, Sorsogon, this 9th day of February, 1968. For the PROVINCIAL SHERIFF: By: APOLONIO L. ESCOBAL Deputy Provincial Sheriff Pub. Feb.’ 24, March 2, 9, ’68, March 9, 19G8 * TIIE BICOL STAR * 5 ® LEGAL NOTICE • Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Province of Camarines Sur Naga City RURAL BANK OF NABUA, Inc. Mortgagee, -versusREGINA MANJARES Mortgagor. EXTRA-JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under Act No. 3135 NX............................................XX Notice of Extrajudicial Sale Whereas, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the Deed of Mortgage executed by Regina Manjares of Sta. Rita, Del Gallego, CS, Philippines, in favor of the RURALBANKOF NABUA, INC.,Nabua, Camarines Sur, Philippines, under date of Aug. 1,1963 and for payment and satisfaction of the loan of. TWO THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED FIFTY FIVE A’35/100 Pesos (F2,855.35), Philippine Currency, p'us in­ terest thereon of twelve (12%) per cent per annum from February 15, 1968 plus ten (10%) per cent of the total amount due as attorney’s fees in accordance with the Promissory Note, aside from sheriffs fees and ex­ penses in connection with the foreclosure sale, all se­ cured by said mortgage, the Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur announces that on May 9, 196 3, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon at his Of­ fice on the second floor of the Provincial Capitol Build­ ing, Naga City, he will sell at public auction to the high st bidder for cash and in Philippine Currency, the fdlowing real estate property, more particularly des­ cribed as follows: Tax No. 2398 Ass. F620.00 T.C.T. No. 4310 A parcel of agricul­ tural land situated in Sta. Rita, Del Gallego, Camarines Sur, declared under Tax No. 2:98 in the name of Regina Manjares, Jorge, Joven, Niceta, Marilyn, & Marites, all surnamed Canon. Containing an area of ONE HUNDRED THREE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIFTY EIGHT (1 3,158) SQUARE ME­ TERS.All points are marked on the g ound as follows: Points 5 & 6 by Slakes, and the rest by B.L. Gyl. Cone. Mons. Bounded on the W., along lines 1-2-3-4 by Lot 40, Pls-651; on the N., along lines 4-5-6, by Lot 42, Pls651; along line 6-7 by Lot 49, Pls 651; on the NE., along fine 7-8 by Lot 50, Pls-651; on the E., alonglines 8-9-10 by L o t 39, Pls-651; and on the SE, and SW., along lines 10-11-1 by Lot 55, Pls 651,. the property bears T.C.T. No. 4310. Incl. Authority to Regioa Manjares to mortgage minors share in Spc. Proc. No. 1738, Order of Oct. 17, 1962. Judge Surtida. Wherefore, pursuant to Section 3 and 4 of Act 3135 as amended, this NOTICE of extra-judicial sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a regional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, once a week, for three(3)conseoutive weeks, the first publication to take place at least sixty (60)days before the date of auction sale. Likewise, copies of this notice will be posted in the Muni­ cipality of Del Gallego, CS, where the property is locat­ ed and on the B u I 1 e t i n Board of the Provincial Ca­ pitol Building, Naga City, where the auction sale shall take place. Prospective buyers or bid­ ders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title to the said property and the encumbrances exist­ ing thereon if any there be. Naga City, this 4th day of March, 1968. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex-Officio Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. March 9, 16 & 23, 1968 Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial Disfrict Branch IV IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION TO CORRECT ENTRY OF NAME IN THE CIVIL REGISTER OF TIGAON, CAMARINES SUR JOSE T. LEELIN, in behalf of his minor son, JOSEPH G. LEELIN, Petitioner, THE CIVIL REGISTRAR OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF TI­ GAON, CAMARINES SUR, Respondent. SPEC. PROCS. NO. T-71 X - - - —-------X ORDER Jose T. Leelin, in representa­ tion of his minor son Joseph G. Leelin thru their counsel, has filed a petition praying that after due notice, publication and hear­ ing, the entry of name ih the Civil Register of Tigaon, Cama­ rines Sur, for June 13, 1949, under registry No. 508, wherein the name of a child appearing therein as LEE LIM be correct­ ed to appear as Joseph G. Lee­ lin. . It is alleged by the petitioner that the entry in the record of birth for June 13, 1949, a child nimed LEE LIM was boin to the spouses Maria Paz Go and Jose T. Leelin, as evidenced by a certification by the Local Ci­ vil Registrar attached to the pe­ tition as annex “A”. That the child since boyhood up to the present in good faith had been using the name Joseph G. Lee­ lin and the reasons for the change of his family name are: “3. That the entry of the name referred to in the im­ mediate preceding paragraph is purely a clerical error, and the mistake in the entry might have been committed by the one relaying the name of the child to the clerk in charge in the office of the local Civil Registrar, or by the latter in writing the name in the civil 4. That the said spouses Leelin never intended that the child concerned be so named LEE LIM, but the true and real name is JOSEPH G. LEELIN; and as a matter of fact this name Joseph G. Lee­ lin has been commonly, of­ ficially and continuously used since his birth up to the pres­ ent, in schools he attended, in correspondence and in the re­ cords of private and other public institutions and agen0.1. Supreme . < ♦ (Continued from page 1) The Supreme Regent of the D of I international organization will be meet by the Daughters of Isa­ bella at 2:00 p.m. on March 9 al the Pili Air­ port. From there, a motor, cade will usher here into the city. Mrs. Anna C. Walsh will be presented with the key to the city by City Mayor Vicente Sibulo at the boundary where he and other city Officials will await her. The motorcade will pro­ ceed to the Penafrancia Shrine for Thanksgiving Mass and Te Deum at 4:00 p.m. From there, the Guest and the delegates will call on His Grace, Msgr. Teopisto Alberto, Archbishop on Caceres. March 10 will be the crux of the convention. Aller the opening of the morning session, the Fili­ pino and American Flags will be presented side by side, and the “Pambansang A wit” and (he ‘‘Star Spangled Banner” will be sung. Mrs. Anna C. Walsh will give her keynote cies; moreover, LEE LIM and LEELIN are edam-sonam, or having nearly the same sound, hence the possible mistake in the entry. 5. Consequently, petitioner desires that his son continues using the name by which he has always been known and referred to is Joseph G. Lee­ lin because so many public re­ cords in different government offices will have to be straight­ ened and rectified to avoid con­ fusion unless peti ioner request for correction be granted.” It is hereby ordered that the petition be set for hearing on August 7, 1968 at 8:30 o’clock in the morning, before this Court sitting at Tigaon, Cama­ rines Sur, and notice is hereby given that anyone who has ob­ jections to the petition should file, on or before the date of hearing, his opposition thereto with a statement of the grounds therefor. Let a copy of this order be published at the expense of the petitioner once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks, with the last publication being made not later than April 5, 1968 or four (4) months at least before the date of hearing, in the newspa­ per of general circulation in the province of Camarines Sur, to which the same shall be distri­ buted by the Clerk of Court pursu­ ant to the provisions of Republic Act 4569. The petitioner is hereby or­ dered to serve a copy of his petition upon the Office of the Solicitor General within ten (10) days from receipt hereof. SO ORDERED. Given at Tigaon, Camarines Sur, this 15th day of February, 1968. [SGD.] RAFAEL S. SISON Judge Certified true and correct: (Sgd.) TEOTIMO SERGIO Deputy Clerk of Court 3/7/68 Pub. March 9, 16, 23, 1968 Jehovah’s Witnesses to Hold 4-Day District in Naga City More t]ian 40 depart­ ment overseers and their assistants met recently at Naga City to discuss plans in connection with a Watch Tower Societysponsored 4-day annual district convention of Je­ hovah’s Witnesses to be held at the Camarines Sur High School grandstand on March 21-24, 1968. speech during the morning session of the convention. A set of instructions ex­ plaining the different duties and works pertain­ ing to the officers of the circle and also their res­ ponsibilities in accepting their charges will be discussed. His Excellency, Arch­ bishop Teopisto Alberto will address the Daugh­ ters in a Luncheon Speech. After this, Mrs. Anna C. Walsh, a Bachelor of Mu­ sic degree holder, will respond with a song. The afternoon session will consist of workshops which will include a for­ mal business meeting and a long initiation of all the recently recruited mem­ bers of all the circles of the Bicol Region, officiat­ ed by the Supreme Regent. The 1st District Conven­ tion of the Daughters of Isabella will close with a formal dinner and ball at the Ateneo Gymn in a ‘‘Sarong Bangui” starting at 8:30 p.m. of the same day. This will coincide with the Anniversary celebrations of the Lady of Nativity Circleof Naga City and the Holy Trinity Circle of Tigaon, Cama­ rines Sur. On March 11, Mrs. Walsh will be escorted to Legazpi City for sight­ seeing. From there, she will fly to the Visayas and Mindanao where she will also visit other D of I circles there. Train . ♦ ♦ (Continued from page I) all flagstops where there are passengers. The PNR head stated that the railroad is steadily increasing its economy service to serve the rural folk in the south who are at present forced to walk long distances to centers of population or avail of the highly dangerous rail skates improvised by enter­ prising residents in these areas. Meanwhile, Jimenez ordered the organizafion of a group of operating personnel to study and revise train schedules to make them responsive to the needs of its passengers and shippers. Presently, he said, train sche­ dules are "operations oriented” rather than "service oriented”. Annual Confab March 21-24 Presided over by Perfecto Bafiez, convention manager, t h e meeting dealt with the coordina­ tion of more than 20 de­ partments to meet the needs of around 1,200 expected delegates to come from CamarinesNorte, Camarines Sur, Albay, Sorsogon, Cataduanes and Masbate to attend the conference. Appropriately named ‘‘Disciple-Making As­ sembly” it is designed to stress, the importance of being a disciple of Jesus Christ in order to combat the over-increasing prob­ lems of mankind. It was disclosed that such an assembly is one of the 10 series of dis­ trict conventions schedul­ ed in the Philippines this year. Their locations and dates are as follows: Febraury 1-4, - Laoag City; February 8-11, - Tagbilaran City; February 15-18 - Lingayen, Pangasinan; March 7-10, - Cavite Ci. ty; May 2-5, - Digos, Da­ vao; May 9- 12, - Iligan City; May 9-12, - Tuguegarao, Cagayan; May 912, - Bacolod City. All sessions are open to the public free of charge. Isipa Baya Tanosa an pako, Pacolon sa payo, Pulpoga an batbat, Yayang mapula pa. Kun may gigibohon, Itodok sa boot. An gabos na sakat, Na-agui sa poon. Nacatindog ca man, Tingara sa aldad, Anong aabton mo, Kun dai ca lumakao? Napadapaca man, Dai ca mamongnan, Tindog asin lakad, Tuyo mo macamtan. -Juan N. Avila Ragay, Cam. Sur (Retired Pub. School Teacher). »«««♦« Read and Advertise in iOicul JStar * HIE bicol SrAR ★ March 9, 1968 • LEGAL NOTICES® Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Province of Camarines Sur City of Naga RURAL BANK OF PILI, INC., Mortgagee, - versus - GUILLERMO REGULTO Mortgagor. EXTRA-JUDICIAL FORE­ CLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under Act No. 3135 X................................- - - X NOTICE OF EXTRA­ JUDICIAL SALE WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the Deed of Mortgage executed by GUILLERMO' REGULTO of 676 Penafrancia Ave., Naga City, Philippines, in favor of the RURAL BANK OF PILI, INC., Pili, Camarines Sur, under date of July 21, 1964, and for the payment and satisfaction of the loan of THREE THOUSAND PESOS (P3,000.00), Philippine Currency, plus interest thereon of twelve (12%) per centum per annum from August 1, 1966, plus ten (10%) per cent of the total amount due as attorney’s fees in accordance with the Promissory Note, aside from sheriffs fees and expenses in connection w;th the foreclosure sale, all secured by said mortgage, the Provincial ' Sheriff of Camarines Sur (thru the undersigned Deputy Provin­ cial Sheriff,) ANNOUNCES that on May 7, 1968, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morn­ ing and 4:00 o’clock in the after­ noon at his office in the second floor of the Provincial Capitol Building, Naga City, he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, the following real estate property, more particularly des­ cribed as follows: “A parcel of coconut land with-a 11 the improvements there­ on, situated at Bo. Tabgon, Municipality of Goa, Province of Camarines Sur. Bounded on the N. by Cabobot Creek and Tomis Penaflorida; on the E. by Lot 12, own by Enrique Reguito; on the S. by Dionisio Cabral; and on the W. by Cabobot Creek. xxx Contain­ ing an area of EIGHTEEN HECTARES AND EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY ARES (18.0870 SQUARE METERS). Declared under Tax Declaration No. 8015. Assessed at P2.600, in the name of Guillermo Re­ guito. All corners are properly marked by concrete monuments.’ Entry No. 53300, Vol. 16, Inscription No. 44314, Page No. 245, Vol. 152, File 43793, Naga City August 13, 1964. WHEREFORE, pursuant to Section 3 and 4 Act 3135 as amended, this NOTICE of extra­ judicial sale will be published in the Bicol Star a weekly news­ paper, published and edited in Naga City, having a wide circu­ lation in Camarines Sur, once a week, for three (3) consecutive weeks; the first publication to take place at least sixty (60) days befo.e the date of auction sale. Likewise, copies of this NOTICE will be posted in the Municipality of Goa, Camarines Sur where the property is located and on the Bulletin Board of the Pro­ vincial Capitol Building, Naga City where the auction sale shall take place. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title to the said property and the encum­ brances existing thereon, if any there be. Naga City, this 28th day of February, 1968. ANGELES BOAQUINA Deputy Provincial Sheriff Pub. Mar. 2, 9, 16, 1968. Bicol Star. NOTICE __ In pursuant of Section 1, Rule 71 ol I he Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the parcel of land designated as Lot No. •1502 in the Sorsogon-Cad., located in the municipality of Sorsogon, Sorsogon. with an area of 16,885 Sq. M. covered b y OCT No. 2263, under Tax Dec. No. 3540 assessed at P21O in the name of Moises Labrador has been left intestate by the deceased common-owners, namely: BRUNO, AMBR0C10, LUCIANO a I I surnamed Labrador and who died at Sorsogon, Sorsogon long years ago was the subject of an Extrajudicial Partition by the heirs of the said common-owners, namely: Joaquin, Consuelo, Dominador, Socorro, Magdalena, Benjamin and David, all surnamed Labrador, being the only forced heirs of late Sps, Bruno Labra­ dor and Cristina Roco, one third of the aforecited undivided pro­ perty has been adjudicated; and to the children ol the late Sps. Ambrocio Labrador and Perpetua Ladi, namely: Juana, Nelia, has been adjudicated the other onethird of the property: and to the heirs of the late Sps, Lucia­ no Labrador and Elena Trijo, namely.- Arsenio. Lourdes, Necitas and Victoiia has been adjudicated the last one-third of the area of said undivided property and simultaneously the whole lot or parcel had been sold by the heirs for a consideration of P600 paid to them by Mariano Llagas Filipino, married to Ana Carillo of Sorsogon, Sorsogon, The document w a s executed and acknowledged before Notary Public Dominador S. Reyes on December 24, 1964 at Sor­ sogon, Sorsogon per Doc, No. 268; Page 55; Bk. IV; S. 1964 of his notarial records. Pub. iMarch 2, 9, 16, *68. B.Star. NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the parcel of land, located in Barrio Sto. Nino, Bula, Camarines Sur, having an area of 5 hectares, 58 ares and 95 centares covered by OCT No. 2904 - Cam. Sur, which is a paraphernal property of late Modesta Relos who was married to late Teodoro Consorte had been the subject of an Extra­ judicial Partition between their only issues, namely, Josefina Consorte, married to Dcmiciano Desalisa and Isaac Consorte, married to Ester Villanueva, all of legal age and residents of Sto. Nino, Bula, Cam. Sur, ad­ judicating unto themselves said property by dividing it into two equal lots and each lot shall belong to each, respectively, as described in the ' document. The instrument was acknow­ ledged before Notary Public Luis Contreras at the municipal­ ity of Bula, Cam. Sur on Jan­ uary 27, 1968, per Not. Reg. No. 3; Page 44; Book V, S. 1968. Pub. March 2, 9, 16, 1968, B. Star. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the estate of the Late Francisco Panoso, who died intestate at Pasacao, Cam. Sur on Oct. 27, 1957, consisting of a parcel of land situated in the Bo. of Co­ co, Pasacao, Cam. Sur, embra­ ced by O.C.T. No. 734, has been the subject of an ExtraJudicial settlement by his Heirs, namely: Juana Isidro, the survi­ ving widow; and Claro, Aquilina, Toribio, Filoteo and Otilio, all surnamed Panoso, executed before Not. Pub. Hilario Espano per Doc. No. 1068; Page 85; Book XXI; S. of 1958 at Canaman, Cams. Sur, THE BICOL STAR: Pub. March 2, 9, 16, 1968. Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District Branch IV IN THE MATTERS OF THE CHANGE OF THE NAME OF CARLOS AGCAWILI. CARLOS AGCAWILI, Petitioner SPEC. PROCS. NO. T-79 x........................................................x ORDER Carlos Agcawili, thru his coun sei, has filed a petition praying that after due notice, publication, and hearing and order be issued changing the name of the petition­ er to “MARCELO CAWILI". It is alleged by the petitioner: “That since your petitioner reached the age of discernment, the members of his family, as well as his playmates, at Cabugao, Ilocos Sur, used to call him "Marcelo” and he grew up in said name; That your petitioner did not have any chance to go to school and he can not read and write, although now he can sign his name as Marcelo Cawili; That in 1929, your petitioner found work as "Caminero, at Tigaon, Camrines Sur. That be­ cause of this, he practiced to write his name “Marcelo” and because “Agcawili” is quite dif­ ficult to write, he jemoved the letters “AG” and practiced to write “Cawili”, which name, "Marcelo Cawili”, is now what he is carrying from that time on up to the present time and he is carrying from that time and he uses the same in signining his payrolls; That he discovered, for the first time that his registered name in the Registry of Birth at Cabugab, Ilocos Sur, was not “Marcelo Cawili” but “CARLOS AGCAWILI”, in 1966 when his Insurance Policy with the GSIS matured. One of the requisites for payment, is to present a certified copy of the Registry of Birth and your petitioner went to Ilocos Sur to take the same and when he presented said do­ cument his name was discovered to be • different from what he is carrying, hence this petition.” It is hereby orderd that peti­ tion b: set for hearing on Aug­ ust 12, 1968, at 8:30 o’clock in the morning, before this Court NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the intestate estate of the late Placido Mapusao who died in the year 1929, and Zacarias Mapusao who died in the year, - -------, as co-own­ ers, left a parcel of land with an area of 162,941 Sq. M. loca­ ted in barrio Tuba, Donsol Sor­ sogon,' covered by OCT No. 350 under Tax Dec. No. 6614 and assessed at Pl,060 has been the subject of an Extrajudicial Set­ tlement of Estate among their heirs, namely, to Casiano Mapu­ sao one-third of the area; to Felicitas Mapusao one-third of the same area and the last onethird of the area to be divided into three equal shares among the heirs of the late Zacarias Mapusao, namely: Epitacio, Maximina and Gloria, all surnamed Mapusao. The instrument was executed and acknowledged before Notary Public M. R. Ables on January 11, 1968 in Sorsogon, Sorsogon, per Doc. No. 189; Page 90; Book XIX; S. 1968 of his nota­ rial records. THE BICOL STAR: Pub. March 2, 9, 16, 1698. Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Province of Camarines Sur Naga City RURAL BANK OF NABUA, Inc. Mortgagee, - versus - SPOUSES JOSE VERDEJO & PETRONA CORONA Mortgagors. EXTRA - JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 As Amended Nolice of Extrajudicial Sale WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the Deed of Mortgage executed by Sps. Jose Verdejo and Petrona Corona of Calalhan, San Jose. CS Philippines, in favor of the RU­ RAL BANK OF NABUA, INC., Nabua, Camarines Sur, Philip­ pines, under date of January 27, 1964 and for payment and satis­ faction of the loan of TWO THOUSAND FORTY TWO AND 40/100 (P2,042.40), Philip­ pine Currency plus interest there­ on of twelve (12%) per cent per annum from February 15, 1968 plus ten (10%) per cent of the total amount due as attorney’s fees in accordance with the Pro­ missory Note aside from sheriff’s fees and expenses in connection with the foreclosure sale, all secured by said mort­ gage, the Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur announces that on May 9, 1968, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon at his Office on the second floor of the Provincial Capitol Build' ing, Naga City, he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philip­ pine Currency, the following real estate properties, more particularly described as follows: FOUR PYRCELS TD Nos. 3738-3739-3740 & 3741 1. Res. land in San Antonio, S. Jose, CS with an area of 943 sq/m. bounded on the N. by Ditch & Hrs; D. Momsterio; E. by San Antonio St., S. by Jose Verdejo; W. by Tomas Pamor, delimited by visible marks, dec­ lared under Tax No. 3738, Ass. P190.00. 2. Rice and cocoland in Calal­ han. S. Jose, CS with an area of 1.7241. Has., bounded on the N. sitting at Tigaon, Camarines Sur, and notice is hereby given that anyone who has objections to the petition should file on or before the date of hearing, his opposition thereto with a state­ ment of the grounds therefor. Let a copy of this order be published at the expense of the petitioner Once a week for three consecutive weeks, with the last publication being made not latea than April 5, 1968 or four (4) months at least before the date of hearing, in the newspaper of general circulation in the province of Camarines Sur, to which the same shall be distributed by the Clerk of Court pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act 4569. The petitioner is hereby ordered to serve a copy of his petition upon the Office of the Solicitor General within ten (10) days from receipt hereof. SO ORDERED. Tigaon, Camarines Sur, Feb­ ruary 29, 1968. (Sgd.) RAFAEL S. SISON Judge Pub. March 9, 16, 23, 1968. LEGAL NOTICE EXTRA -JUDICIAL SETTLEMENT of EST A TE of DECEASED PERSON with WAIVER of RIGHTS and SALE Notice is hereby given that the estate of the late Nicolas Sismundo, who died intestate consisting of one parcel of agri­ cultural land situated at barrio Burabod, Caramoan, Camarines Sur, containing an area of 20.2334 hectares, more or less, under . Tax Dec. No. 2514, in the name of Nicolas Sismundo, is the sub­ ject of Extra-judicial settlement of Estate with Waiver of Rights and Sale, executed by the Heirs Dolores C. Sismundo, (widow of Nicolas Sismundo), and Rufo, Felipe, Maria and Florencia, all surnamed Sismundo, executed befote Notary Public Gimeno P. Millon of Garchitorena, Cama­ rines Sur, bearing Doc. No.. 18; Page No. 93; Vol. No. V; Series of 1968. Pub. March 2. 9, 16, ’68. by V. Ramos; E. by V. Ramos; S. by J. Verdejo and W. by Mariano Dizon, Vitaliano Purcia and R. Ramos, delimeted by visi­ ble marks around, declared under Tax No. 3739, Ass. P320.00. 3. Coco land at Calawit, S. Jose, CS with an area of .500 Has., bounded on the N. by V. Purcia; E. by Job Obias; S. by Job Obias: W. by Perfecto Credo, delimited by visible marks around, declared under Tax No. 3740, Ass. P240.00. 4. Riceland in Mampirao, S. Jose, CS with an area of .8593 Ha. bounded on the N. by R. Ramos & B. Formalejo; E. by J. Verddejo; S. by Macario Odiamar; W. by Macario Odiamar, de­ limited bv visible marks around declared under Tax No. 3741, Ass. P210.00. REG. Under Ac- 3344 Entry 2042, June 1, 1946; Entry 2043, June 21, 1946; Entry 2475, July 26, 1947; Entry 9148, July 3, 1950 of the Reg. of Deeds of Camarines Sur. WHEREFORE, pursuant to Section 3 and 4 of Act 3135 as amended, this NOTICE of extrajudicial-sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a regional newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, once a week, for three (3) consecutive weeks, the fiirst publication to take place at least sixty (60) days before the date of auction sale. Like­ wise, copies of this notice will be posted in the Municipality of San Jose, Camarines Sur, where the properties are located and on the Bulletin Board of the Provin­ cial Capitol Building, Naga City, where the auction sale shall take place. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title to the said properties and the encum­ brances existing thereon if any there be. . Naga City, this 4th day of March, 1968. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex Officio Prov. Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. March 9, 16, 23, 1968. Read and Advertise in Steal JBtar* March 9, 1968 ¥ THE BICOL STAR ¥ 6-A U S. Peace Corps Volunteer Helps in Building School Project in Sipocot Sipocot, Cam. Sur-The first school to school PT A Aid project which was a joint project of the United States of America school to school PTA aid project and the Sipocot South Central School PTA, was recently inaugurated and dedicated al the Sipocot South Central School grounds with provincial, municipal, school officials, prominent citizens and the people of S i p o c o t attending. The impressive and du­ rable school building which has three class­ rooms was started through a substantital donation of all pupils of the St. Giles Grammar School at 1033 N. Columbian Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois, 60302, USA, a sister schaol of the Oak Park Internation­ al Organization. The Pres­ ident of the Oak Park International Organiza­ tion is Mrs. Earl Jacob­ sen while Sis. James Mary, O. P., is the Principal of St. Giles Grammar School. The project was initiat­ ed a n d realized largely through the efforts of Mr. Marty Salmon, Peace Corps Volunteer, who was once assigned in the Sipo­ cot Di strict, and the PTA of Sipocot South Abaca W®rld Market. . . much as the natural fibers, our abaca can still compete with synthetics. If we fail to lower production cost and increase our percentage of recovery, it is very probable that in the very near future synthetics may totally replace abaca in the manufacture of cordage considering that millions of dollars are being spent annually on research to lower the cost of the man made fibers. 3. Release of the American abaca stockpile would not as much affect the world market price of abaca as it would the price in continental America. This is so because while five million pounds released in previous years may not adversely affect the status of the industry in the American market, fourteen million pounds which was releas­ ed last year at a price even lower than current prices depres­ sed the American market and reduced the needs for fresh abaca purchase from our country. The salvation of the abaca iudustiy is in total industrializa­ tion, particularly the manufacture of paper where synthetics has no place at all. The best paper m the world is made of abaca pulp and more and more uses of abaca pulp are being discovered. Ameri­ ca alone is consuming forty to sixty per cent of her import for the manufacture of paper from abaca pulp. Japan and the other countries are in the same trend, Madrid added. Allaying fears expressed by some sectors of the total replace­ ment of abaca cordage by syn­ thetics, Madrid said that Man­ tune conferences would withstand such a move because besides the inierent properties of abaca corRHF Appropraites. . . (Conlinu d from page 1) Central School under the indefatigable efforts and leadership of Mr. Berna­ be Avengoza, President, and Dr. Carlomagno Ma­ nuel, Business Manager. During t h e program, the dedication of the building was made by Mr. Marty Salmon in behalf of the Peace Corps Vo­ lunteer National Direct­ or, and i h e acceptance was made by Sipocot Dis­ trict Supervisor Fernando Alsislo. After these, Board Member Hilario Abonal and Provincial Board Sec­ retary Silverio Veluz de­ livered addresses as guest speakers. Mrs. Myrna R. Alanis, Principal of t h e Sipocot South Central School, g a v e a word of thanks and the closing remarks. The others who were present during the affair were Academic Supervisor Jose Realubit, Principal Feiimon Regalado, Mrs. Remedios Alsisto, ex-Mayor Pablo Salazar, Coun­ cilors Rosita Sancho, Ma­ ria Lasat, Alfredo L i m, Valerio Pena an Silveslre Rances, Mr. Leopoldo Jarme, Rev. Father Aquilino Ochoa, Mrs Rosita Manuel, Dr. Felix Macalino, Jr., and Attys. Quirino Biasco and Severo Dacanay, Jr. - sdjr. The above-mentioned towns urgently need an emergency hospital each on coconut of the lack of transportation facilities. They are the Phil. National Railways for transportation. When the railway line is disrupted by rains, landslides, floods or mechanicals breakdowns, inhabi­ tants of these towns are unable to transport their sick and wounded to Naga City or to Lopez, Quezon for treatment and haspitalization. Congressman Felipe has also included in said Public Works Act of 1968 an appropriation of P100,000 for the construction of a Veterans’ Annex Building to the Camarines Sur Provincial Hospital, for the exclusive use of sick war veterans and their families. Another sum ofP100,000 is appropriated in the same Act for the expansion of the Cama­ rines Sur Provincial Hospital, which at present can hardly cope with the many patients being brought in from all over the province. Schistosomiasis . ♦ . (Continued from page 1) the oncomelania quadrasi snail while in the Americas it is the A ustraorbis glabratus and in Egypt, the carriers are two varie­ ties of snails, Bulinus Iruncatus and Planorbis boissyi. Sorsogon is one of the sixteen provinces in the country where snail fever is endemic. The late Dr. Trinidad Pesigan estimated that no less than 500,000 people in the whole country are victims of this tropical malady. The first case of schistosomia­ sis in this province was discover­ ed by Dr. Pesigan who conduct­ ed a survey of Irosin in 1947. He found 22 indigenous cases re­ lated to some snail foci in the municipality. In 1950, a field unit headed by Dr. Edito G. Garcia disco­ vered the prevalence of the wa­ terborne disease in Juban. The team found 16 of the 294 per­ sons examined in that municipal­ ity to be positive for snail fever. At that time, only Juban and Irosin were declared to be ende­ mic areas. In 1962, another team was sent here in connection with the national program to in­ tegrate the control of schistoso­ miasis with the activities of ru­ ral health units. Snail surveys showed the pre­ sence of infected snail hosts in barrio Mabini in Casiguran and barrio Dancalan in Bulusan, bringing of four the endemic mu­ nicipalities in the province. According to the regional schistosomiasis advisory team (RSAT) assigned in Irosin, the finding in Bulusan was consider­ ed significant “in view of the fact that it is totally removed from the Irosin-Juban valley, be­ ing separated from it by at least 16 kilometers of rough terrain including the Bulusan volcano which rises up to 5,000 fe$t.” The finding also discounted the previous belief that the di­ sease is confined within the in­ terior valley of Irosin and Juban. A World Health Organization schistosomiasis advisory team led by Dr. Louise J. Oliver visited the snail fever control project here in 1962. The other mem­ bers of the team were Dr. Nick­ er Pinto of Brazil and Zihni J. Buzo of Australia. Schistosomiasis, according to Dr. Oliver, has been character­ ized as a deceitful disease, bring­ ing decay and debilitation, ins­ tead of attacking openly like plague or cholera. Medical authorities are of the belief that extent of the disease (Continued from page 1) dage for maritime uses the freight charges of our average annual abaca export of 700,000 bales give than no less than 57 million annually. To solve the present problems of the abaca industry and in pur­ suance of the great interest of President Marcos to help slbaca producing people, Madrid enu­ merated the steps taken by the ABACORP, thus: 1. Well financed trading ope­ rations for domestic price stabili­ zation; 2. Organization of a well gui ded abaca farmers and producers federated association in order to regulate the volume of national production and quality control; 3. Extension of small commo­ dity and facility loans to mem­ bers of federations payable upon delivery of fibers to liberate farmers from the clutches of unscrupulous middlemen; 4. Intensive industrialization with priority to abaca pulp, sacks and cottage industries using abaca to reduce the dependence of abaca fibers to foreign consu­ mers with adequate financial back­ ing by government and other financial institutions; 5. Lower the cost of produc­ tion by increasing yield per hec­ tare through scientific agricultural methods, farm management and extensive mechanization to im­ prove quality and greater per­ centage of fiber extraction; and 6. Establishment of an abaca research center to discover addi­ tional uses for abaca fibers and its by-products. (jfflebrano fonts Ipmn* for ffinllcge Miss Cora Medrano of Naga City who is the top singer of the Bicol Drama­ tic Circle whose director is Juaning Rosales Nicolas has won honor for Naga College of this city by winning first place in vo­ cal solo during the Literaiy-Musical Contest in the Provincial PRISAA Meet last February 1-3. The literary - musical contest was held at the UNC Sports Palace, here. The other winners are Miss Delia Brinas of Mabini Memorial Colleges, 2nd; and Jose Silerio of UNC, 3rd place. Miss Medrano In guitar solo: Romy Sy, 1st; Naga College; Avelino Sabularse, 2nd, MMC and Romulo Pra­ do, 3rd, V. A. In vocal duet: Delia 'Hfonten of Siu Jifon Jkgustin form “(Operation JBfoterlpifo” Fifteen active ladies of barrio San Agustin, Ganaman. Camarines Sur, has organized the SAN AGUSTIN OPERATION SISTERHOOD (S.O.S.) composed mostly of Pub­ lic School Teachers and active residents of the barrio. In their second organ­ izational meeting last Sunday, March 3, 1968, the following have been elected officers: President, Mrs. Virginia Banas; vice-president, could be reduced at least by one half through the improvement of the physical invironment in which man lives. Clearing of the irrigation ditches where the snail population thrives was found ef­ fective at the pilot project in Palo, Leyte. Construction of sani­ tary privies is another method found effective in reducing in­ fection rate. Control of this disease could up agricultural productivity as it would open lands heretofore con­ sidered unproductive due to the prevalence of schistosomiasis. Afflicted persons if treated early would also . mean additional manpower necessary in increasing food production. Such methods were imple­ mented in Japan and according to WHO, the control program in that country seems to have ad­ vanced to a stage where the di­ sease is no longer regarded as a significant public health program. Ibarreta & Ricardo Surtida, 1st, MMC; Teresita Julia & Raymund Valen­ zuela, 2nd, UNC; Trini­ dad Talagtag & Romandita Osea, 3rd, H.T.A. Mrs. Benedicta R. Rudica, secretary; Mrs. Nieves I. Guliman; treasurer, Mrs. Ester N. Dunca; press relations officer, Mrs. Azucena C. Mampo; business managers, Mrs. Rosario Sto. Tomas and Mrs. Elisa Clasio; auditor, Mrs. Francisca B. Cabral; sergeant - at - arms, MrsAnatalia Romano and Mrs. Mina Orolfo. The other ladies present and who actively took part in all deliberations were: Mrs. Concepcion R. Irigo, Mrs. Amparo G. Abesina, Mrs. Rosalina Sibucao, Mrs. Oliva E. Manuel and Mrs. Nativi­ dad Orolfo. At present the organiz­ ation is campaigning for the removal or transfer from San Agustin, the En Cielo Night Club which they consider nuisance to the residents specially at night as the said night club operates until the early hours of the follow­ ing morning. The S.O.S. is also work­ ing for the installation of the Nawasa Faucet so that the barrio residents can avail of clean drink­ ing water. The cementing of the barrio road leading to the interior is also be­ ing looked into by this or­ ganization .—acmampo (?B. * the bicol • LEGAL STAR ★ March 9, 1968 • LEGAL NOTICE • Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga AT HOY, Plaintiff, - versus - CARLOS PAULITE, Defendant CIVIL CASE NO. 174 MUN. COURT OF TIGAON, CAM. SUR X................................................ X Notice Of Public Auction Sale Whereas, by virtue of the writ of execution issued by the Muni­ cipal Court of Tigaon, Camarines Sur, in the above-entitled case, dated July 7, 1967, wherein the Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur or any of his lawful deputies was commanded to make effect­ ive the amount of FOUR HUN­ DRED THIRTY-FOUR 75/100 PESOS (P434.75) with interest from July 6, 1966 until the date of payment at the rate of Six (6) per cent per annum, plus ONE HUNDRED PESOS (P100) for attorney’s fees and FORTYTWO PESOS (P42) costs of the suit and plus the sheriff’s fees for the senice of the execution and sale, all in Philippine cur­ rency; Whereas, upon indication of the Counsel of the Plaintiff, the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur levied upon and attached all the rights, title, interest, dominion and par­ ticipation which the aforecited defendant has or might have in and over the herein below des­ cribed properties together with all the improvements thereon, to wit: 1. "A parcel of land with an area of 24 hectares, situated in Consocep, Tigaon, Cama­ rines Sur, bounded on the North, by Public Land; on the East, by Public Land; on the South, by Public Land; and on the West, by Panagan Creek. Declared in the name of Carlos Paulite under Tax No. 100 and assessed at Pl,200.” 2. “A parcel of land with an area of 2.3360 hectares, situated at Libod, Tigaon, Camarines Sur, bounded on the North, by Gabriela Iballar; on the East, by Ciriaco Sanay; on the South, by Gabriela Iballar; and on the West, by Eligio Dacoco. Declared in the name of Carlos Paulite under Tax Dec. No. 934 and assessed at P660." Wherefore, by virtue of the above-cited writ of execution and in pursuant of Section 16, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, the undersigned announces that he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine currency, the foregoing described real properties together with all the improvements exist­ ing thereon, in order to satisfy therefrom the amount of the execution, sheriff’s fees and other lawful expenses incident thereto, on April 1, 1968 at 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at the sheriff’s office, 2nd Floor of Prov. Capitol Bldg, in Naga City. In accordance with law, this notice of public auction sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a newspaper published and edited in the City of Naga, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol provinces including the province of Camarines Sur and in Naga City, once a week for three consecutive weeks, the O T 1 C E S • first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of the auction sale. Like­ wise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted on three different public and conspicuous places in Tigaon, Camarines Sur where the foregoing described properties are located and another three copies to be posted in the City of Naga, one to be posted on the Bulletin Board in the Pro­ vincial Capitol Building where the auction sale will be conduct­ ed. for the information of all concerned. Prospective bidders or buyers of the advertised properties are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title of the pro­ perties and the encumbrances thereon, in case there be any for their own interest. Done in Naga City, Philip­ pines, March 6, 1968. For the PROVINCIAL SHERIFF: By LEONIDES DE LA CRUZ Deputy Prov. Sheriff Pub. March 9, 16, 23, 1968. LEGAL NOTICE Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF Naga City RURAL BANK OF CALABANGA, INC., Mortgagee, - versus - SPS. FELIX FORTALEZA & LYDIA PONTEJAS, Moitgagors. EXTRA - JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 As Amended x........................................................ X Notice of Extrajudicial Sale of Mortgaged Property Under Act 3135 as Amended WHEREAS, by virtue of the power of attorney inserted in the Deed of Real Estate Mort­ gage executed by the Spouses FELIX FORTALEZA and LY­ DIA PONTEJAS of Bagumbayan, Libmanan, Camarines Sur, Phil­ ippines, in favor of the RURAL BANK OF CALABANGA, INC., dated November 24, 1966, and Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District OFFICE OF THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF City of Naga DEVELOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, Mortgagee, - versus - SPS. APRONIANO JAMERO & CONSOLACION SOLIMAN, Mortgagor. FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE Under Act 3135 as Amended X............................................... X Notice of Extra-judicial Sale of Mort$ased Properties Under Act 313S as Amended By virtue of the power of at­ torney inserted in the deed of mortgage/s executed by the spouses APRONIANO JAMERO a n d CONSOLACION SOLIMAN, of Bo. San Isidro, Tinambac, Cama­ rines Sur, in favor of the DEVE­ LOPMENT BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, formerly Reha­ bilitation Finance Corporation, under date of January 23, 1958, and for the satisfaction of tbe debt of P2,534.39 plus 6% an­ nual interest on the amount of P2,534.49 from August 1, 1966 plus attorney’s fees in the amount of P253 44 and the fees and expenses in connection w<th this sale, also secured by the said mortgage, the undersigned Provin­ cial Sheriff, ANNOUNCES that on April 1, 1968, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morn­ ing and 4:00 o’clock in the after­ noon on the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol of Cama­ rines Sur, in the City of Naga, he will sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, the following real properties, to­ gether with all the improvements thereon, to wit: ORIGINAL CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO. 7954 - CAM. SUR A parcel of land situated in the Bo. of San Isidro, Mun. of Tinambac. Prov. of Camarines Sur, more particularly described and bounded as follows: Lot 568, Pls-37 (Philcusa-Foa) Bounded on the N., along lines 1-3 by barrio camp 4 Homelots; along lines 3-6 by barrio Camp 4 Home lots; along lines 6-10 by railway; along lines 10-11 by Lot 567, Pls-37; along lines 11-19 by Pinagtacaran Creek; along lines 19 20 by Lot 594, Pls-37; and along lines 20-1 by Lot 569, Pls37. x xx containing an area of FIFTY THREE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGH­ TY ONE (53,481) square meters, more or less; Lot 570, Pls-37 (Philcusa-Foa) Bounded on the SW., along lines 1-2 by Lot 572, Pls-37; along lines 2-24 by Pinagtacaran Creek; along lines 24-1 by Lot 573, Pls37. x x x containing on area of THIRTY THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY FOUR (30,244) square meters, more or less; Lot 571, Pls-37 (Philcusa-Foa) Bounded on the SW., along line 1-2 by Pinagtacaran Creek; along lines 2-7 by Pinagtacaran Creek; and along lines 7-1 by Lot 587, Pls-37. xxx containing an area of THREE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SEVEN (3,877) square meters, more or less. NOTE: This lot is covered by PPA-10-4145. In accordance with the law this notice of extra judicial sale will be published in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional news­ paper published and edited in the City of Naga, with a general ciruclation in the province of Camarines Sur and Naga City, once a week for three consecutive weeks; the first publication to take place at least twenty (20) days before the date of auction sale. Likewise, for the same period of time three (3) copies of this notice will be posted on three conspicuous and public places in the Municipality of Tinambac, Camarines Sur where the above­ described properties are located and another th'ee copies of the same to be posted on the Bulletin Board of the Provincial Capitol of Camarines Sur where the auction sale shall take place. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title/s to the said properties and the encum­ brances existing thereon, if any there be. Naga City, Philippines, March 4, 1968. MAURO B. FAJARDO Ex Officio Prov’l. Sheriff of Camarines Sur Pub. Mar. 9, 16, 23, 1968. for payment and satisfaction of the loan of TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED 02/100 PESOS (P2.100.02), Philippine currency as principal, plus interest at the rate of twelve per cent (12%) per annum from August 29, 1967, including ten per cent (10%) of the total amount mentioned above for attorney’s fees plus the she­ riff’s fees and other lawful ex­ penses incident to this execution and sale, all secured by said mortgage, the Provincial Sheriff of Camarines Sur through the undersigned Deputy Provincial Sheriff, announces that on May 9, 1968, between the hours of 9:00 o’clock in the morning and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon, at the sheriff’s office located on the Second Floor of the Provincial Capitol Building, in Naga City, he will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash and in Philippine Currency, the follow­ ing described real properties toge­ ther with all the improvements thereon, to wit: LIST OF MORTGAGED PROPERTIES 1. TAX NO. 13822-ASSESSED VALUE P610-ASLONG, LIBMANAN, CAM. SUR "A parcel of coconut land, situated in Aslong, Libmanan, Camarines Sur, with an area of 2.4206 hectares more or less. Bounded on the North, by Ga briel Villaluz; on the East, by Gabriel Villaluz; on the South, by Narciso Guiruela; and on the West, by Aslong Creek. This parcel of land is declared in the name of Felix Fotaleza under Tax No. 13822 and valued at P610.00.” 2. TAX NO. 13821-ASSESSED VALUE P80, ASLONG, LIBMANAN, CAM. SUR “A parcel of coconut land, situated in Aslong, Libmanan, Camarines Sur, with an area of 0.3462 Ha. or 3,462 Sq. M. more or less. Bounded on the North, by Venancio Guiruela; on the East, by Glicerio Brioso; on the South, hy Simeon Guiruela; and on the West, by Aslong Creek. Declared in the name of Felix Fortaleza under Tax No 13821 and valued at P80. Registered in the Register of Deeds of Cam. Sur as per Entry No. 60866; Page 22; Vol. 19; Ins. No. 48916, Page 7; Vol. 168; File No. 48988, dated Oct. 7, 1966.” 3. TAX NO. 13823-ASSESSED VALUE P80, ASLONG, LIBMANAN, CAM. SUR "A parcel of coconut land, with an area of .3256 Ha. or 3,256 Sq. M. more or less, situa­ ted in Aslong, Libmanan, Cama­ rines Sur. Bounded on the North, by Paciencia Guiruela; on the East, by Glicerio Brioso. on the South, by Jovito Palo; and on West, by Aslong Creek. Declared in the name of Felix Fortaleza under Tax Dec. No. 13823 and assessed at P80. Entry No 60867; Page 22; Vol. 19; Ins. No. 48917; Page 8; Vol. 168; File No. 48989, dated Oct. 7, 1966.” In accordance with law, this notice of extra-judicial sale of mortgaged properties will be pub­ lished in the BICOL STAR, a weekly regional newspape? pub­ lished and edited in Naga City, having a wide general circulation in the Bicol provinces including the province of Camarines Sur and Naga City, once a week, for three (3) consecutive weeks, the fiirst publication to take place at least sixty (60) days before the date of auction sale. Like­ wise, for the same period of time, three copies of this notice will be posted in three public and conspicuous places in Libmanan, Cam. Sur, where the foregoing described properties are located, NOTICE In pursuant of Section 1, Rule 74 of trio Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that tbe Heiisof the late SEVERO ECHALOSE who died intestate on April 21, 1951, in the municipality ef Castilla, Sorsogon, namely: CELESflNA ERKNA, widow of the deceased; OLIM­ PIA, ZO1LO. MODESTA and RI­ CARDO, children of the deceased, all of legal age, entered into agree­ ment and executed an Extrajudicial Partition with Waiver over the par­ cel of land located in Manaba, Cas­ tilla. Sorsogon, with an area of 213,797 Sq. M. under Tax Dec. No. 836 valued at P3.740, adjudicating unto themselves same property in equal shares pro-indiviso and simul­ taneously one the of the five heirs CELESTIN A ERERa, the widow, waived her right and share in favor al her four co-heirs (children), thus the whole property was divided into four equal lots as indicated and des­ cribed in the instrument* of parti­ tion, each lot with an area of 53.449 Sq. M. shall belong to each of the four heirs, respectively. The instrument was subscribed1 ar.d sworn to before Notary Public Maximino R. Ablez on January 18. 1968 at Sorsogon, Sorsogon per Doc. No 221; Page 96; Book XIX; S. 1968 of his notarial records. THE BICOL STAR: Pub. March 9, 16, 23, 1968. NOTICE In pursuant of Section 1, Rule 74 ot the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the Heirs of the late BERNARDINO BONAFE of Camaligan. Camarines Sur who died intestate sometime in 1962. namely; CESAREA ESPEDIDO, widow of the dscedent; and FEDE­ RICO. ALBERTO, MA <IA, and JUAN all surnamed BONAFE. children of tbe decedent and the said widow hereot, all of legal age. entered into agreement and execu­ ted an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate and Cession of Hereditary Rights of Four Heirs in Favor of One Heir over a certain parcel of land, located in San Roque. Camaligan, Ca marines Sur with an area of 1,871 Sq.M under Tax Dec No. 1717 valued at T 1,600 in the name of the dece­ dent, adjudicating said property unto themselves pro-indiviso and simultaneously, the four heirs, namely, Cesarea Espedido, Al­ berto, Maria and Juan, all surna­ med BONAFE, waived absolutely and forever their heriditary rights and interests over said property in favor of FEDERICO BONAFE, their co-heir. The instrument wasakcnowledged before Notary Public Roger P. Carino at Camaligan, Cam. Sur on March 8. 1968, per Doc, No. 294: Page 60; Book IU;S. 1968 of his notarial records. Pub. March 9. 16, 23. 1968. B. Star. and another three copies will be posted in Naga City (one on the Bulletin Board at the Provincial Capitol Building), where the auc­ tion sale shall take place. Prospective buyers or bidders are hereby enjoined to investigate for themselves the title to the said properties and the encum­ brances existing thereon if any there be. Done in Naga City, Philippines’ this March 6, 1968. FOR THE PROVINCIAL SHERIFF: By: LEONIDES DE LA CRUZ Deputy Sheriff of Cam. Sur Pub. March 9, 16, 23, 1968. -r VTV Read and Advertise in jStcoI ^tarr Republic of the Philippines COURT Ob' FIRS T INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District Branch V, Naga City March 9, 19G8 TIIE BI CO I. STAB 6 C NOTICE OF HEARING OF THE PETITION FOR PHILIPPINE CITIZENSHIP To: The Honorable Solicitor General, Manila and the petitioner Lee Pi, Roxas St., Libmanan, Camarines Sur and TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, a petition for Philippine citizenship pursuant to Commonwealth Act No. 473, as amended, has been filed with this Court by Lee Pi on December 29, 1967 a copy of which is hereto attached, alleging that his name is Lee Pi; that his place of residence is Roxas St., municipality of Libmanan, province of Camarines Sur, that his trade or profession is businessman in which he has been engaged since 1952 up to the present, and from which he derives an average annual income of about P36,000.00; that he was born on the Sth day of April, 1932 in Yu Chu. Chingkang, China, and he is at present a citizen or subject of the Nationalist Chinese Republic under whose laws Filipinos may become naturalized citizens or subjects thereof; that he is married and his wife’s name is Sabina- Dizon and she was born in Lagonov, Camarines Sur, and now resides at Roxas Street, Lib­ manan, Camarines Sur; that he has three children, and the names, date and place of birth, and place of residence of each child are as follows: NAME DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH RESIDENCE 1. William Dizon Lee Nov. 23,1962, Libmanan, C.S. 2. Wilson Dizon Lee May 5, 1064, Libmanan, C.S. 3. Wilfred Dizon Lee Feb. 5,1966, Libmanan, C.S. that he immigrated to the Philippines from China on or about the 23rd day of November, 1935 and arrived at the port of Manila, Phil­ ippines on the 25th day of November, 1935 on board a steamship; that he has .resided continuously in the Philippines for a term of 32 vears at least, immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit: since November 25, 1935 and in the municipality of Libmanan, Ca­ marines Sur for a period of 32 years at least, immediately preceding the date of this petition, to wit: since the year 1935; that he is able to speak and write English and the Bicol dialect, as well as Tagalog; that he has not yet enrolled his children in any private or public schools in Libmanan, Camarines Sur because they are still under­ age, but as soon as they reached school age, he binds himself to enroll them at the Libmanan Central School where Philippine His­ tory, Government and Civics are taught or prescribed as part of the curriculum; that he has received his primary and elementary education at the Anglo-Chmese School in Libmanan, Camarines Sur before and during World War II, said school being recognized by the Government of the Philippines and not limited to any race or nationality; that he has all the qualifications under Section 2, and none of the disqualifications under Section 4, of the Common­ wealth Act No. 473; and that his witnesses are Municipal Mayor Amadeo Castaneda, Ex-Mayor Teofilo Dilanco and Chief of Police Simeon Ayala, all of legal age, Filipino citizens and residents of Libmanan, Camarines Sur. WHEREFORE, you are hereby given notice that the said petition will be heard by this Court on November 5, 1968 at 8:00 A. M. at which time and place any interested person may appear to contest said petition. Let this Notice and the attached petition, together with its Annexes, be published at petitioner’s expense once week, for three (3) consecutive weeks in the Official Gazette and once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in “The Bicol Star” a news­ paper edited in the City of Naga and of general circulation in the province of Camarines Sur where the petitioner resides. Likewise, let copy of this Notice and Petition be posted in a public and conspicuous place in the Office of the Clerk of Court. WITNESS the Hon. AUGUSTO L. VALENCIA, Judge of this Court, at Naga City this 30th day of January, 1968. (Sgd. CARMELO MOLLEDA Deputy Clerk of Court Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District IN THE MASTER OF THE PETITION OF LEE PI TO BE ADMITTED A CITIZEN OF *THE PHILIPPINES. I ibmanan, C.S. Libmanan, C.S. Libmanan, C.S. NATURALIZATION CASE NO. L-I XX-------- XX PETITION FOR NATURALIZATION I apply for naturalization as citizen of the Philippines and to this Honorable Court respectful­ ly shows: My full name is LEE PI. II My present place of residence is Roxas Street, Municipality of Libmanan, Province of Camari­ nes Sur. III My trade or profession is businessman in which I have been engaged since 1952 up to the present, and from which I derive an average annual income of about P36,000.00. IV I was born on the 8th day of April, 1932, in Yu Chu, Ching­ kang, China, and I am at pre­ sent a citizen or subject of the Nationalist Chinese Republic un­ der whose laws Filipinos may become naturalized citizens or subjects thereof. V I am married. My wife’s name is SABINA DIZON. She was born in Lagonoy, Camarines Sur, and now resides at Roxas St., Libmanan, Camarines • Sur. I have three children, and the name, date and place of birth, and place of residence of each of said children are as follows: 1. Name: William Dizon Lee; Date and Place of Birth: Novem­ ber 23, 1962, Libmanan, Cama­ rines Sur; Residence: Libmanan, Camarines Sur; 2. Name: Wilson Dizon Lee; Date and Place of Birth: May 5, 1964, Libmanan, Camarines Sur; Residence: Libmanan, Cam­ arines Sur; 3. Name: Wilfred Dizon Lee; Date and Place of Birth: Feb­ ruary 5, 1966, Libmanan, Cam­ arines Sur; Residence: Libmanan, Camarines Sur. VI I immigrated to the PhiFppines from China on or about the 23rd day of November, 1935 and arrived at the port of Ma­ nila, Philippines, on the 25th day of November, 1935 on board a steamship. VII I have resided continuously in the Philippines for a term of 32 years at least, immediately preceding the date of this peti­ tion, to wit, since November 25, 1935 and in the municipali­ ty of Libmanan, province of Camarines Sur for a period of 32 years at least, immediately preceding the date of this pe­ tition, to wit, since the year 1935. VIII I am able to speak and write English and the Bicol dialect as well as Tagalog, the last two being principal languages in the Philippines. IX I have received my primary and elementary education at the Anglo-Chinese School in Libma­ nan, Camarines Sur, before and during World War II, said school being recognized by the Government of the Philippines and not limited to any race or nationality. X I have not yet enrolled my children in any private or pub­ lic schools in Libmanan, Cam­ arines Sur because they are still underage, but as soon as they reach school age, I will enroll them at the Libmanan Central •School where the Philippine History, Government and Civics are taught or prescribed as part of the school curriculum. XI I believe in the principles un­ derlying the Philippine Consti­ tution. I have conducted myself in a proper and irreproachable manner during the period of my residence in the Philippines in my relations with the constituted government as well as with the community in which I am liv­ ing. I have mingled socially with the Filipinos, and have evinced a sincere desire to learn and embrace the customs, tradi­ tions and ideals of the Filipinos. I have all the qualifications re­ quired under Section 2, and none of the disqualifications un-. der Section 4, of the Common­ wealth Act No. 473. I am not opposed to organized government or affiliated with any association or group of persons who uphold and teach doctrines opposing all organized govern­ ment. I am not defending or teaching the necessity or proprie­ ty or violence, personal assault or assasination for the success and predominance of men’s ideas. I am not a polygamist nor a believer in the practice of po­ lygamy. I have not been convict­ ed of any crime involving moral turpitude. I am not suffering from any incurable contagious disease. The nation of which I am citizen or subject is not at war with the Philippines. XII It is my intention in good faith to become a citizen of the Philippines and to renounce ab­ solutely and forever all alle­ giance and fidelity to any fo­ reign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, and particularly to the Nationalist Chinese Republic of which at this time I am a ci • tizen or subject. I will reside continuously in tbe Philippines from the date of filing of my petition up to the time of my admission to Philippine citizen­ ship. XIII I am exempt from filing a (Continued on page 6 D) THE BICOL STAR • March 9. 1-968 NOTICE NOTICE Declaration of Intention to be­ come a Filipino citizen by virtue of my actual and continuous residence in the Philippines for a period of 32 years since 1935 up to present. XIV I have not heretofore made petition, for citizenship to any couit except the herein petition for citizenship. XV Municipal Mayor Amadeo Cas­ taneda, Ex-Mayor Teofilo Dilanco and Chief of Police Simeon Ayala, all of legal age, Filipino citizens and residents of Libma­ nan, Camarines Sur, will appear and testify as my witnesses at the hearing of my herein petition. Attached hereto and made a part of .this petition are my pho­ tostatic copies of my Alien Cer­ tificate of Registration, Immigrant Certificate of Residence and Certi­ ficate of Arrival issued by the Commissioner of Immigration. WHEREFORE, your petitioner prays that he be admitted a ci­ tizen of the Philippines. Naga City, Philippines, Dec­ ember 22, 1967. (Sgd.) LEE PI . Petitioner (Sgd.) AUGUSTO O. CLEDERA Counsel for the Petitioner Naga City VERIFICATION I, LEE PI, whose age and personal circumstances appear above, under oath declare: That I am the petitioner in the above­ entitled case; that I have caused the preparation of the foregoing Petition for Naturalization; that I have read and unders’ood all the allegations of facts con'ained therein; that the same are true to the best of my personal know­ ledge and belief. (Sgd.) LEE PI Affiant SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 22nd day of Decemher, 1967, at Naga City, Philippines. Affiant having exhited to me his Res. Cert. No. A-2607929 issued at Libmanan, Camarines Sur on January 6, 1967. (Sgd.) MAURO B. FAJARDO Clerk of Court Republic of the Philippines COURT OF FIRST INSTANCE OF CAMARINES SUR 10th Judicial District IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF LEE PI TO BE ADMITTED A CITIZEN OF THE PHILIPPINES. CASE NO. L-I X.......................................... - X JOINT AFFIDAVIT OF WITNESSES Republic of the Philippines CITY OF NAGA We, AMADEO CASTANEDA, of legal age, Filipino, married, Municipal Mayor of Libmanan, Camarines Sur; TEOFILO DI­ LANCO, of legal age, Filipino, married, Ex-Mayor of Libma­ nan, Camarines Sur and a business­ man; and SIMEON AYALA, of legal age, Filipino, married, Chief of Police of Libmanan, Camarines Sur, all being residents of said Municipality, and each severally, duly and respectively sworn, deposes and says that he is a citizen of the Philippines; that he has personally known and has been acquainted in the Phil­ ippines with LEE PI, the petition­ er above-mentioned since 1935; that to his personal knowledge, the petitioner has resided in the Philippines continuously preceding the date of filing his petition of which this affidavit is a part, to wit, since the date last men­ tioned, and at Libmanan, Cama­ rines Sur, in which the above­ entitled petition is made, ~contiuouslv since 1935; that he has personal knowledge that the petitioner is and during all such periods has been a person of good repute and morally irre­ proachable, attached to the prin­ ciples underlying the Ihilippine Constitution, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the Philippines; and that in his opinion, the petitioner has all the qualifications necessary to become a citizen of the Phil­ ippines and is not in any way disqualified under the provisions of Commonwealth Act 472. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto signed this affida­ vit on this 21st day of Decem­ ber, 1967, at Naga City, Philip(Sgd.) AMADEO CASTANEDA Affiant (Sgd.) TEOFILO DILANCO Affiant (Sgd.) SIMEON AYALA Affiant In pursuant of Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that Hcrminia 1. Ursua, married to Raul Ursua, Natividad I. Crisanto, married to Jose C. Crisanto, Jr., Teresita I. Perez, married to Ernesto Perez and Jose Imperial, single, all of legal age, Filipinos, residents of Naga City, except Natividad 1. Crisanto, Jr. who is resident of Iriga, Cam. Sur, the legitimate children of the deceased SALVA­ TION AREJOLA 'Yda. de Jose Imperial) who died intestate in Naga City on November 28, 1956, executed an Extra-Judicial Settle­ ment with Absolute Sale on Jan­ uary 18, 1968 at Naga City, adjudicating unto themselves in equal shares pro-indiviso the two parcels of land, located in Rinanuaanan, Pili, Cam. Sur, embraced in TCT No. 393 of the Reg. of Deeds of Cam. Sur, as follows; (1) Lot “A” of sub-divi­ sion plan Psd-21926 under Tax Dec. No. 4310, valued at P7.214.90 with an area of 206,140 SQ.M.; (2) Lot “J’’ of the sub-division plan Psd-21926 with an area of 353,649 SQ.M valued at P17.980 under Tax Dec, No. 873, and simultaneously, the shares of the three heirs, namely, Herminia I. Ursua. Natividad 1. Crisanto. Jr. and Teresita A. Perez or threefourths of the whole area were sold absolutely to their co-heir J.ose Imperial for a consideration of Pl 5,000. The instrument was acknow­ ledged before Notary Public Felisa Alvarez in Naga City on Jan. 18, 1968, per Doc. No. 355; Page 72; Book IV; S. 1968 of her notarial records. Pub. in B. Star, March 9, 16, 23, 1968. NOTICE In pursuant of Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given of the ExtraJudicial Settlement of the Es­ tate of the Late Luciano Pantalla executed by his heirs over a 5-hectare land at Tara, Sipocot, Cam. Sur as per Doc. No. 25, Page No. 6, Book No. I, Series of 1968 of Notary Public Mauro E. de Asa. Published: Bicol Star - March 9, 16, & 23, 1968 SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 21st day of December, 1967, at Naga City, Philippines. (Sgd.) MARCELINO B. JORNALES Notary Public Until December 31, 1968. Doc. No. 212 Book No. I Page No. 41 Series of 1967. Republic of the Philippines Department of Justice BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION Manila To whom it may concern: This is to certify that, ac­ cording to the records obtaining in this Office, LEE PI, Chinese, male, born in Yu Chu, Chingkang, China on April 8, 1932, and holder of Alien Certificate of Registration No. Al 19659 issued at Libmanan, Camarines Sur, first arrived in the PhilipPursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the par­ cel of land (a conjugal property), situated in Bo. Borabod, Garchi­ torena, Cam. Sur, with an area of 18.7405 Has., more or less, covered by OCT No. 767, C. S, in the name of Pedro Leonen under Tax No. 1557 valued at P3.240 was the subject of a Deed of Extrajudicial Settlement with Subsequent Sale, among the Heirs of late Lucia Turcelino who died intestate on January 20, 1962 in Naga City, namely; Pedro Leonen, Sr, widower of the decedent, and Jose, Domingo, Loreto, Ramon, Pedro, Jr., Leonila, Arsenio, Nora, Rosalia, Salvador, Jesusa and Purita, all surnamed Leonen, children of the decedent, all of legal age, Filipinos, entered into agreement by adjudicating said intestate estate unto themselves, share and share alike pro-indiviso and simultaneously with Purjta as vendee for a consideration ot P8,400 paid to the other heirs named above as vendors, abso­ lutely ceded, transferred and conveyed unto tbe vendee, her*heirs and assigns their shares and interests in the whole estate cited The instrument was acknow­ ledged before Notary Public Pedro D. Servano at Naga City on December 20, 1967, ,PCJ Re8 No. 1337; Page 69; Book VII; b. 1967 of his notorial records. Pub. in Bicol Star, Mareh'9, 16, 23, 1968, NOTICE Pursuant to Section 1, Rule 74 of the Rules of Court, notice is hereby given that the Heirs of the late Pedro Ortil who died intestate in Bahi, Garchitorena, Cam. Sur on May 17, 1959, namely, Gorgonia Ulpma, widow of the deceased and Isidora, Severo, Lourdes, Concepcion, all surnamed Ortil, legitimate children of the deceased, of le­ gal age, executed an Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate with simul­ taneous Sale over a parcel of land, situated in Bahi, Garchi­ torena, Cam. Sur with an area of 3.7019 Has., Dec. under Tax No. 2425 valued at P270 and covered by OCT No. 1570 (FP), adjudicating it unto themselves pre-indiviso in equal shares and simultaneously sold it for a consideration of P300 to Cenon Briones of Bahi, Garchitorena, C. S., of legal age, Filipino. The instrument was acknow­ ledge before Notary Public Pedro D. Servano at Garchitorena, C.S. on Oct. 23, 1961 per Doc. No. 122; Page 89; Bk. Ill, S. 1961 of his notarial records. Pub. Mar. 9, 16, 23, ‘68. B. Star. pines on November 25, 1935. Issued this 20th day of December, 1967, upon the re­ quest of Atty. Augusto O. Cledera, Naga City, for natural­ ization purposes. For the Commissioner: (SGD.) PIO S. NOCHE Executive Officer FEE PAID P5.00 OR No. G8477364 Mia. 12/20/67 A TRUE COPY: THE BICOL STAR Pub. March 9, 16, 23, 1968. National Volunteer Office Ready to Serve Tl c Philippine National Vdunleer service Com­ mittee (PNVSC), whose headquaiters ate locattd at PACD Central Office in corner PrudencioEspana sis., Manila is ready to serve private and governmental groups doing or bout Io engage in volunteer work in this country. This was recently an­ nounced by Sec. Ernesto M. Maceda, concurrently PNVSC Chairman. “The Committee will I’fftr technical assistance to volunteer organizations especially in the aspects of planning, program­ ming, training and, if possible, in actual field­ ing of lheir volunteers,” says Secretary Maceda. “This will also serve as clearing house and coordinalive body for all vo­ lunteer efforts in the country (o avoid duplica­ tions and prolifaration of volunteer services in pro­ secuting such noble en­ deavors as assisting the underdeveloped commu­ nities in the rural as well as urban regions.” A technical group was newly organized to act as planning and working staff. They are composed <f representatives from the Departments of Na­ tional Defense, Education, Labor, and PACD, SWA and School Volunteer Program, according to Elizabeth Barbero, exe­ cutive secretary. The PNVSC also s e t up the Asian Secretariat for volunteer service, a tie-up program with the International Secretariat for Volunteer Service (ISVS) with headquarters in Washington, D.G. It coincided with the recen visi-t in Manila of Dr. Michael von Schenck, Secretaiy General of ISVS. The PNVSC was creat­ ed in 1961 by virtue of of Exec. Order No. 134 of the then I resident Maca­ pagal. This was later re­ vitalized and strengthen­ ed by Exec. Order No. 105 of President Marcos, dated Dec. 11, 1967. This specifically transferred its chairmanship from the Department of Foreign Affairs lo the Secretary of PACD, and included in the committee private volunteer groups. Presently, the PNVSC is composed of represent­ atives from the Depart­ ments of Labor, Foreign Affairs, Health, Educa­ tion, Agriculture andNaProposed Land Reform Amendment The National Land Reform Council recomended to Malacanang proposed amendments to the agricultural lani reform code for incorporation into the bills to be introduced during this regular Cong ressional session. The proposed amendments are: changes designed to accelerate shift to leasehold under terms more favorable to both tenants and landowners, deferment of dispossession on the ground of personal cultivation, Land Bank guarantee on individual farm purchase, alteration of interest rates charged by the Agricultural Credit Administration, increase of loan assistance, and the charge of procedutes pertaining to court of agrarian relations. NLRC Chairman Conrado S. Estrella said, these amendments would certainly overcome these deficiencies, allay apprehensions of some quarters and give vigor to the policy of President Marcos to spread the benefits of land reform throughout the country. The NLRC proposed amend­ ments were prepared by a legal staff named bj' Estrella from all the Member Agencies of the Council. Agrarian Council Fer­ nando A. Santiago, Solicitor Raul I. Goco and Judge Gaudencio Besa of the Land Authority made major contributions in the drafting of the amendatory bills. tural Resources, Public Works and Communica­ tions, National Defense, PACD, SWA, and the National Economic Council. Also includes the PRRM, Operation Brotherhood International, MARIA, Work-A-year program, School Volunteer prog­ ram, and any other organizations that may be invited by the commit­ tee into its fold in the future. There’s a lot to look forward to for this little boy at the National Orhtopedic Hospital. Hope is born and nurtured on the human ser­ vices dispensed by entitles such as this hospital which receives aid from the Philippine Charity Sweeptakes Office. Just as valuable are the assistance extended by other sweeptakes beneficiaries like the Girl Scouts of the Philippines, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, Red Cross Blood Bank, etc., numbering over 4,000 in all. Efforts to improve the health and welfare of the nation are being exerted day in and day out, year after year, through the various ser­ vices made available through the PCSO. March 17,1968 SWEEPSTAKES (FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PHILIPPINE AMATEUR ATHLETIC FEDERATION) FIRST PRIZE - F200,000 SECOND PRIZE - P80.000 THIRD PRIZE - P40.000 and Thousands of other Cash Prizes, all Tax-Free March 9, 1968 ¥ THE BICOL STAR ¥ 7 Fund Lack Snags Milk Project Lack of funds has snagged a plan to tap carabaos for milk at the Sorsogon Dairy Farm. The plan was mapped out a couple of years ago as a means of tapping a potential source of milk. This would have been in addition to the bureau of animal industry’s program of buying cow’s milk which started here in 1965 when the pilot dairy farm was opened. Lack of funds has prevented the implementation of collecting carabao milk from farmer-coop­ erators in the province. Under the aborted program, carabao’s milk was to be pasteurized sepa­ rately from cow’s milk. It was learned that no fund has been released during the past two years for the dairy develop­ ment program of the local pilot project. During that period, the then Gov. Juan G. Frivaldo had repeatedly sought the help of Malacanang and the BAI for the release of funds under the Dairy Development Law so the opera­ tion of the project here could be expanded. Republic of the Philippines Department of Public Works and Communications BUREAU OF PUBLIC HIGHWAYS Baras, Canaman, Camarines Sur OFFICE OF THE HIGHWAY DISTRICT ENGINEER February 26, 1968 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Any qualified contractor with this Office may be allowed to deliver coarse and fine aggregates (Item 405-2.2 and Item 405-2.3, respectively, Standard Specification for Highways and Bridges) at the Concrete Batching Plant Site, Bo. Banasi, Bula, this province at the following unit prices: Coarse Aggregates..........................................P9.94 per cu.m. Fine Aggregates..................................................4.73 per cu.m. Interested contractors are requested to see the undersigned during office hours for the issuance of the corresponding pur­ chase order of not more than 100 cubic meters each (Coarse and Fine Aggregates) which may be renewable after completion of each delivery. s/ Jaime S. Sarte I/ JAIME S. SARTE Highway District Engineer PHILIPPINE CHARITY SWEEPSTAKES OFFICE 970 SAN MARCELINO ST., MANILA TEL. NOS. 3-02-70- 3-93-60- 4 22-76 ' — BRANCHES — Northern Luzon — Pangasinan Medical Society Bldg. Dagupan City Bicol Region — Rizal St. Legaspi City Eastern Visayas — Patria de Cebu Bldg. Cor. Lapu-Lapu and Legaspi Streets Cebu City Tels. 5711 or 5302 Western Visayas — GSIS Bldg. Plaza Llbertad Hollo City Northern Mindanao — J. R. Borja St. Cagayan de Oro City Southern Mindanao — Basa Bldg. Cor. Monteverde Ave. Guerrero St. Davao City 8 STAR * Maroh 9> 1968 l * "The Star Witness” $ By ELIX ABE TERO ® Dai Paglingawan An Hagyan Mong Sinakatan Dakol na an nakakareparo sa mga bagong gavegau e kan satuyang tnga bagong lideres kan gobierno local. Igwa akong naheheling diyan na garo nang nabuburat kan kadikit na poder na itinao saiya kan banuaan. Kadakol na an mga bitis na saiyang natungtuhgan sa hbi-labing paghidale na rnakaabot gayod sa boot niyang padomanan. Garong dai siya minatobod sa soanoy na kasabilian, na "an dai magsalihgoy sa pinaghalian dai makaka abot sa sai­ yang padodomanan”. ★ ★ Nagkakapera na an sakuyang naheling na nadesgracia, nin hule sa pagsikad ’o pagkalingaw kan hagyan na sinakatan sagkod na rnakaabot sinda sa kaitaasan. Lalong makolog an pagkahulog kun lalong halangkaw an >ugar na nahulogan. ★ ★ An sarong bagay na inoamaw ki Gobernador Cleiera kan mga tao na tiagkaigwa nin tuyo saiya, iyo an pagkasincsro daa kan Gobernador. Moray na tnanangad an sabihan ka tolos nin claro kun puede ’o dai, an bagay na hina-hagad mo nin favor — kan palaoman ka sa.aa nin doing kamugtakan. Sa gawing ini ni Manding lalong padadaHgaton siya kan banua­ an — orog na kan saiyang tnga katood na binubucasan niya kan saiyang daghan. ★ ★ Alagad dakol an naghaha’dit na tibaad daa mangyari man ki Gob. Manding Cledera an saro pang soanoy na kasabihan: "na an rninaraot sa bakal (lansang) iyo man sana an sadiring kalawang •takla)”. Aivot pa man lugod na dai man mangyari ini; maski ngani igiva pa nin sarong soanoy na pilosopiya na - "an maabot daa siempre maabot'’, Q le seta-sera". ★ ★ An pagkontra 'o pagoyon sa paggibo nin ciudad kan banuaau na Iriga koipuhan na liwanagon na maray kan mga oficiales na nanonongdan. Ta kun dai, minalowas na garo bagang karahayan-persdnal sana an razon kaidtong mga minaoyon. Sering man - garo bagang karahayan-politicalmente sana man an razon kan mga mina-kontra. Lalong maray kuta kun an mga tao asin namamanwaan mismo an magtao nin decision sa bagay naini - total sinda man sana an kahuri-hurihi na makarga kan gabos na gabat asin c>nsecuencias; maski ngani dai ninda masosolo an pagani kan mga kasuronod asin katampad na karahayan sa paggibong iyan nin ciudad kan saindang banuaan. ★ ★ Oyon ako sa sinabi na Senador Aquino, na dapat hifigohaon kan administrador kan Philippine ' Charity Sweep­ stakes na ma prcteger an pagtobod asin paggalang kan mga tao sa dignidad asin cantidad kan tiket sa sweepstakes- siring kan pagtobod asin paggalang niato sa cantidad asin dig­ nidad kan satuyan-! “Peso”. Horophoropa baya kun ano an mangyayari sa PCS kun ornabot an panahon na dai na magtobod an tao sa mga ginigibo kan agenciang iyan; lalo na kun dai na maaraman kan tao kun arin an “tunay”, asin ar in an falsificado sa mga agente kan PCS. tiket na pigpapabakal kan mga ¥ * No Fake . . . ned and burned four days before each respective draw. Unsold tickets are also burned two days befote the respective draw, he explained. Andolong, likewise, justified the publicity expenses of the PCSO and the use by the management of the uncollected and forefeited prizes. * Sa isay an . < sa juzgado nin primera inslanciasa Manila an casong ini. Dai na man mahahaloy ilalagda na sa oahayagan an saindang mga gnaran gabos, lalo na pagvista caini. An totong acusado na nacocolong iyo sa Grego­ rio Binamira, 40 afios an edad, taga banuaan nin Sto. Domingo, Aloay na sinasahotan na iy»ng nagbadil; Pedro Zuniga, 39, taga Bato, Catanduanes, sinasahotan na iyong nagbabantay can pagbadii; icatolo iyo si Gaudcncio Martinez, 39, dai nasabi kun taga sain ini. An pito na saboot calabot asin mga cabesa pensantes, binuglacan sana ngona nin gnaran na John Does. Dai pa sinda inaarestar alagad aram na can mga nagiiinvesligar can casona ini an saindang mga ngaran. Roxas Seeks . . . (Continued from page 1) bureaucracy remain unattended and unremedied,” Senator Roxas declared. In explaining the measure, Senator Roxas declared that since in a democracy the bureaucracy exists for the citizens, his rights and interests are both ensuied and enhanced when bureacratic weaknesses are brought to offi­ cial and public notice through the instrumentality of a truly independent and competent investigator with sufficient access to relevant and vital information. The Office of the Citizen’s Counsel, which is patterned after the Office of Ombudsman in Scandinavian states, shall have jurisdiction to investigate on a complaint by any person or on his own motion, any adminis­ trative act of a government agency when he has reasons to believe that such act (a) unjust, unreasonable, oppressive or improperly descriminatory even through in accordance with law; (b) under a mistake of law or fact, partly or wholly; (c) with­ out adequate statement of reasons; (d) based on grounds that are improper or irrelevant; (e) done inefficiently; (f) in conflict with law; or (g) otherwise erroneous. “Similarities can be seen bet­ ween the office herein proposed and the offices created in the past under the Office of the President through executive orders but unlike the latter pre­ vious offices, the Office of the Citizen’s Counsel shall be a permanent and indepen­ dent office that will not be under the Office of the President nor of any other office,” Senator Roxas emphasized. He added that the experiences of the Integ­ rity Board of President Quirino, the PCAC of President Magsaysay, the PCAPE of President Gar­ cia, and the PAGCOM of President Maoapagal, of­ fices which were created by their respective admi­ nistrations and later abolished, shows that insulation from politics is basic to the efficient and effective performance of these various government agencies. In sponsoring the mea­ sure, Senator Roxas sta­ ted: “Two considerations, at least, stress the great need for the Office which this bill seeks to create. The more evident of these is, of course, the very prevalent problem of graft in the government. The stench of immorality blights many parts of the governmental structure. Covetous b u r e a ucrats continue to deprive the citizen of the kind of government service he needs and deserves. “The other consideration goes even deeper than the problem of graft. It arises from the greatly involvement of the affairs of the citizens. “Today, administrative agencies, because of the vastly expanded demand for government services, have grown in number, powers and functions. Set against this growth of the bureaucracy, the exisGene E. Balfertnoso FROM THE HILLTOP Libre’ng Filipino (5) "So live that you can look a man straight in the eye.”— Pres. Elpidio Quirino. Editor's Note: — The Librc’ng Pilipino is a picture of the contemporary local scenery and life, transcending social change and idealism of the past Io the present. From time to time under the series will be presented tidbit biographies of gov­ ernment and private, executives, professionals os well as lay­ men who one way or another contribute to the uplift of the Pilipino environment. The Irony of Our Heritage — Three hundred years of dominant Spanish rule and half century of American tute­ lage in the field of education and the art of self-government did accomplish the desired two objectives, namely, from the Spaniards — the rich religious endowment and its fatal fana­ ticism ingrained in the Pilipino soul and from the Americans — our flare of the English language and our taste for foreign standards. The jeans, the minis and what will it be next? You may have it coming, the topless? Of course those night clubs have all these darn bellicose unusual circumstances going all along. And the movies — the uncensored striptease and burlesque is a usual fantastic delight. And then the hippies — a year ago I was getting the run of stories about college students whose thirst for the 'unkown’ - the mitigating facts to discover Dar­ win’s "Theory of Evolution." I was jolted into believing that the w'.stern “transplants” have made unlimited joy rides’ into the vast scheme of things. We are approaching the saturation point wherein desultory antics and crime upsurge -have join hands to forsake our in­ dependence to inter dependence. Year, year and vear-oul - our hard-boiled politicians have turned to Uncle Sam - the perennial Santa Claus all the year thru to dole out to friends and satellites from me­ chanized civil action paraphernalia and all about other prob­ lems in commerce, trade, the military from internal to regional security and the chaf of worldly economics. For the daring to outdo the classical performance of great­ ness - we are confronted with the most serious imbalance in our political career. There is really the alternative to slave off disenchantment an the part of the populace to reconcile the 'performance issue’ with the desired practical results. This is now our greatest worry. A few more years and three is a long time, our Asian big neighbor - Communist China will have developed its nuclear capability and for sure a nuclear blackmail will follow. There are signs that our "brand of nationalism" will really come to clash with ‘‘American isolationism.” In an American pull out to a safe perimeter, will leave the Pilipino the master of his own idiosyncracy and of his land of a thou­ sand islands. 4-H Club Provincial .; show which will be participated by selected 4-H Club members repre­ senting the 200 clubs throughout the six prov­ inces with a total mem­ bership of 6,451 in and out-of school youth with age ranging from 12 to 21 ting checks available to the citizen against burea­ cratic abuse and error show certain inadequacies. “Only a handful of cases of maladminis t r a t i o n could well be investigated by Congress; indeed. Congress could not attend to more of such investi­ gatory work without im­ pairing its essential func­ tion of legislation. Re­ dress through the press is itself reserved usually for the more serious bureaucratic misbeha­ vior.” (Continued from page 7) years old. In Camarines Sur, the provincial rally will be held at the Camarines Sur High School Assembly Hall with Governor Ar­ mando B. Cledera as Guest Speaker, and City Mayor Vicente Sibulo as Keynote Speaker during the Opening Program. Board Member Nicanor Orino will induct the new­ ly elected officers of the Adult Leaders Association of Camarines Sur. The provincial rally is a culminating activities of all 4-H clubs as part of the evaluation of diffe­ rent projects undertaken by the members for the whole year. Winners in the various contest will represent their respective provinces to the National Rally to be held at the Araneta University this coming May.-ftv