

Part of The American Chamber of Commerce Journal

The American Chamber of Commerce Journal Volume 9 (Issue No. 9) September 1929
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
September, 1929 THE AMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JOURNAL 7 © © tíl j 4 1 A r¿ w,:i i. ' I ■ < W í f Hip &} '*' -v. If y,: /J m 40» 'Ji 0 »!TJM£fc 3 ex ^1! (1) Mill of the American Wood Paper Company, Royer’s Ford, Pa., 1863, one of the first wood-pulp mills in America. (2) Papermill trademark of Joseph McDowell, Philadelphia, 1825, making nine tons of paper daily. (3) Curtisville, Mass., woodpulp mill of the Curtis family, historical in the American paper trade. (4-5-6) The way paper-making and lumbering leaves the primeval forest when laws do not restrain man’s cupidity. (7) First bill of wood-pulp made in America, a Curtis triumph. (8) Modern wood-pulp paper­ mill, the Oxford, Rumford Falls, Me. (9) Newest papermill in America, capacity 200 tons daily, Port Townsend, Oregon. (10) Early mill for hand-made linen paper. (11) The Willcox Ivy Mill, Delaware Co., Pa., 1729, one of the first in America. (12) Water mark of Willcox Ivy Mill. (13) Smallest wood-pulp papermill in the world, the whole process from vat to sheets. (14) Rittenhouse’s watermark. (15) Third Rittenhouse mill on the site of the first in America, Germantown, Pa., 1690, established by Wm. Rittenhouse and associates. «'ü * r*- /MS* ■'7/ .t a© .1. 11 fl % I ,r VÍ ¿7 7, X'. i, J I? gf I WÍ?